Sore right papilla in women. Why do breast nipples hurt?

The owners of the patent RU 2338503:

The method relates to the field of medicine and can be used in the rehabilitation of patients with post-traumatic contractures of the knee joint. The method of rehabilitation of patients with contractures of the knee joint includes physiotherapy exercises, exercises with objects, mechanotherapy, treatment by position under the control of angle measurements. Before sessions of physiotherapy exercises, a blockade of the femoral nerve is performed on the side of the injured limb, introducing 20 ml of 1% lidocaine solution and 0.3 ml of 0.1% adrenaline solution. The blockade is carried out 2-3 times in 10 days for a course of physiotherapy exercises for 30 days, and classes begin 1 hour after the blockade. Mechanotherapy is carried out by performing exercises on the apparatus of passive development "ARTROMOT". On the days of the blockade, post-isometric relaxation is additionally carried out. The entire rehabilitation process takes place under the control of rheovasography and dopplerography. The method allows by removing muscle spasm achieve a painless increase in range of motion in knee joint, improve blood circulation in the affected area, and this, in turn, leads to a decrease in the incidence of complications and reduces the time rehabilitation treatment more than 2 times. 1 tab.

The invention relates to medicine and can be used in the rehabilitation of patients with post-traumatic contractures of the knee joint.

Complexity anatomical structure knee joint, its multicomponent nature, significant physical exercise determine the variety of pathological conditions of this joint (injuries and diseases). Damage to the knee joint as a cause of disability is becoming a socio-economic problem.

If we take into account that the data of special literature indicate that in 24% of cases, severe and persistent stiffness develops in victims with injuries in the knee joint, this gives the problem an important medical, social and economic significance.

Contractures of the knee joint are one of the most frequent complications injuries musculoskeletal system leading to dysfunction of the limb and disability of the victims. The pathomorphological basis for the formation of such contractures is cicatricial degeneration and fusion between soft tissue formations and bone, which leads to the loss of sliding properties of the quadriceps femoris muscle.

Allocate myogenic contractures resulting from prolonged immobilization with conservative and surgical treatment fractures femur, and arthrogenic - after intra-articular fractures, surgical interventions on the knees and inflammatory diseases the latter. Degenerative-dystrophic processes, starting from the knee joint, gradually spread to the paraarticular tissues and thigh muscles.

One of the problems that you have to face in the recovery process motor function, is the elimination of contracture of the knee joint with the help of means physical training accompanied by pain. Pain prevents the achievement of the full range of motion, allowing you to perform active exercises of a general strengthening nature, special ones - up to pain threshold, the patient is guided by subjective sensations.

In this regard, it became necessary to develop a methodology for conducting physiotherapy exercises in more comfortable conditions.

There are a number of methods of physiotherapy exercises in the treatment of contractures of the knee joint.

A known method of rehabilitation according to the method of A.V. Chantsev, E.A. Raspopova (Altai State medical University, 1999, " Differentiated Approach to treatment persistent contractures knee joint"). The technique includes exercise therapy, massage, mechanotherapy and intra-articular administration of medicinal mixtures by simultaneous redress.

But redressing is a rather traumatic manipulation, it is carried out blindly and is accompanied by a rough effect on the paraarticular tissues, pain syndrome, reactive edema, and soft tissue damage occurs. Intra-articular administration of medicinal mixtures is also accompanied by a certain risk for the joint.

In the complex treatment of patients with contractures, the method of redressing, weight-bearing exercises, exercises on mechanotherapy devices, position treatment using traction through block devices are also used, and all this against the background of joint edema and pain, which is a deterrent (T.N. Kukushkina, M .Dokish, N.A.Chistyakova Guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients who have partially lost their ability to work.M.: Medgiz, 1984, p.68-74).

This complex methodology treatment of contracture can lead to microtraumatization of muscles and an increase in their tone.

The objective of the invention is an effective and painless functional restoration of the knee joint in a short time.

The solution of the problem is achieved by the method of rehabilitation of patients with contractures of the knee joint, including physiotherapy exercises, exercises with objects, mechanotherapy, treatment by position under the control of angle measurements. Use exercises therapeutic gymnastics by performing movements due to the inertially moving lower leg and exercises for the knee joint in combination with movements in other joints. As objects, a medical ball is used to roll it with the foot of a sore leg and a roller cart to perform flexion and extension in the knee joint. The position treatment is carried out lying on the stomach by fixing the hip with a cuff attached to the foot and by means of a fishing line connected through a block to the load support with gradual bending in the knee joint by increasing the load. Before sessions of physiotherapy exercises, a blockade of the femoral nerve is performed on the side of the injured limb, introducing 20 ml of 1% lidocaine solution and 0.3 ml of 0.1% adrenaline solution. The blockade is performed 2-3 times in 10 days for a course of physiotherapy exercises for 30 days, and physiotherapy exercises begin 1 hour after the blockade. Mechanotherapy is carried out by performing exercises on the apparatus of passive development "ARTROMOT". On days when there is no blockade, post-isometric relaxation is additionally carried out, taking into account the applied resistance against the course of contraction of the shortened muscles. The entire rehabilitation process is performed under the control of rheovasography and dopplerography.

Novelty of the invention:

Exercises of therapeutic gymnastics are used by performing movements due to the inertially moving lower leg and exercises for the knee joint in combination with movements in other joints. These exercises increase functionality mechanism of the knee joint.

As objects, a medical ball is used to roll it with the foot of a sore leg and a roller cart to perform flexion and extension in the knee joint.

The position treatment is carried out lying on the stomach by fixing the hip with a cuff attached to the foot and by means of a fishing line connected through a block to the load support with gradual bending in the knee joint by increasing the load.

Before sessions of physiotherapy exercises, a blockade of the femoral nerve is performed on the side of the injured limb, introducing 20 ml of 1% lidocaine solution and 0.3 ml of 0.1% adrenaline solution. The blockade is performed 2-3 times in 10 days for a course of physiotherapy exercises for 30 days, and physiotherapy exercises begin 1 hour after the blockade. Anesthesia allows you to remove muscle hypertension, pain syndrome; improve blood supply to the affected area. Anesthesia according to the proposed method using lidocaine showed that it is considered ideal local anesthetic for a number of reasons: a short hidden period in the offensive conduction anesthesia, which indicates its high permeability in tissues, a significant duration and controllability of the depth of the pharmacological effect on nerve trunks. In 99% of patients, a sensory block of the anesthetized limb developed. Classes begin 1 hour after the blockade, this is the time for the onset of anesthesia, which makes the exercise therapy procedure as safe and painless as possible.

Mechanotherapy is carried out by performing exercises on the apparatus of passive development "ARTROMOT". A modern device that allows you to develop the range of motion in the joint with the greatest amplitude.

On days when there is no blockade, post-isometric relaxation is additionally carried out, taking into account the applied resistance against the course of contraction of the shortened muscles. This allows you to reduce the pain of movement in the knee joint and increase the length of previously spasmodically shortened muscles.

The entire rehabilitation process is performed under the control of rheovasography and dopplerography. As objective criteria in evaluating the effectiveness of the ongoing rehabilitation treatment before the start of the course of treatment and at the end, angle measurements, electrophysiological methods - rheovasography and dopplerography were used. Measurements of the amplitude of movements were carried out every 10 days additionally. With a method such as rheovasography, rheovasograms were recorded lower extremities. Of the many quantitative indicators used amplitude:

a. Rheovasographic index (I)

b. Relative volume pulse (Pr)

When performing dopplerography, the hemodynamics of the vessels of the injured limb were studied - femoral artery. took into account systolic rate and the pulsation index characterizing the circulatory resistance.

The combination of all these features of the method allows, by relieving muscle spasm, to achieve a painless increase in the range of motion in the knee joint, improve blood circulation in the affected area, and this, in turn, leads to a decrease in complications and reduces the recovery treatment time by more than 2 times.

In complex rehabilitation measures aimed at restoring the functions of the knee joint, physical exercises of therapeutic gymnastics play a certain role. However, the methodology complex application means of physiotherapy exercises in combination with blockades of the femoral nerve in the literature is not covered. The issues of rehabilitation of this category of patients remain unresolved in full.

The proposed method of restorative treatment of patients with post-traumatic contractures of the knee joint has significant differences from analogs and prototypes, because it provides for the implementation of the exercise therapy technique against the background of femoral nerve blockade.

One of the important causes of limitation of movements is myogenic limitations. In addition, there may be damage articular surfaces, in pathological process tissues of the joint capsule, its ligamentous apparatus, tendons, muscles and nerve endings are involved. Particularly indicative in this regard are the processes of scarring, leading to adhesion of tissues with muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Not less than important reason is a severe pain syndrome.

And therefore, one of the conditions for increasing the range of motion in the knee joint is the elimination of muscle hypertension and pain syndrome. This is possible only with anesthesia before exercise therapy.

We believe that pharmacological effects on the femoral nerve before sessions of therapeutic exercises will not only eliminate pain. Denervation of tissues of the injured limb under the action of anesthesia affects the drainage system of blood vessels in the area of ​​anesthesia.

Treatment of contractures of the knee joint is a complex and lengthy process. AT postoperative period, as well as at the final stage conservative treatment injuries of the knee joint, in most cases it is necessary to ascertain the presence of flexion-extension contractures in it.

The method is carried out in the following way.

To eliminate pain and fear of performance exercise the anesthesiologist performs preliminary anesthesia: blockade of the femoral nerve with 20 ml of 1% lidocaine solution and 0.3 ml of 0.1% adrenaline solution 1 hour before the procedure.

The blockade is carried out as follows.

The position of the neurovascular bundle is determined by palpation by the pulsation of the femoral artery, laterally from which a thin short needle is inserted subfascially 1-1.5 cm through a pre-infiltrated skin nodule to a depth of 3-4 cm. injected through the lumen of the injection needle 20 ml of 1% lidocaine solution and 0.3 ml of 0.1% adrenaline solution. The latent time of onset of vegetative denervation is 1 hour. The blockade is performed 2-3 times in 10 days for a course of physiotherapy exercises for 30 days.

Restoring the amplitude of movements and strengthening the muscles of the injured limb is the main task of physiotherapy exercises. Except various kinds gymnastic exercises of a general strengthening nature and various generally accepted movements of the knee and lower leg use exercises of therapeutic gymnastics that increase the functionality of the mechanism of the knee joint (bones, cartilage, ligaments, blood vessels, etc.) by performing movements due to the inertial energy of the moving lower leg. This is done as follows: before starting the exercises - massage the knees for 3-5 minutes, then perform the following exercises.

Exercise 1: I.p. - sitting on a chair (couch, sofa, etc.), legs are relaxed, extended with heels on the floor. Take hold of the kneecaps with your fingers and move them to the limit: up and down and back; from left to right and back - 10 times in each direction.

Exercise 2: I.p. - too. Knock gently bent phalanxes of fists on kneecaps: left, right, bottom - 10 strokes on each side.

Exercise 3: I.p. - too. Legs are relaxed, straightened, heels on the floor. Without lifting your heels off the floor, alternately raise your knees and sharply straighten your legs to a moderate stop in the knee joint. Repeat with each leg 6 times.

Then you need to perform the complex special exercises for the knee joint in combination with movements in other joints and against the background of general strengthening exercises.

I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body.

1 - dorsal and plantar flexion of the feet 6-8 times.

1. I.p. - hands in front of the chest.

1 - spread your arms to the sides - inhale.

2 - i.p. - exhale.

2. Circular movements of the feet 8-10 times.

3. Alternate flexion and extension of the legs in the knee joint, sliding the foot along the surface of the couch 6-8 times.

4. I.p. - hands to shoulders, elbows forward.

1 - spread your elbows to the sides - inhale.

2 - i.p. - exhale.

5. Alternate abduction and adduction of the leg - 6-8 times.

6. I.p. - hands to shoulders.

1-4 - circular movements of the arms forward 4-6 times.

1-4 - circular movements of the arms back.

7. Imitation of walking on the couch 6-8 times.

8. 1 - hands up - inhale.

2. - I.p. - exhale.

10. Alternate straight leg raises 4 times with each leg.

11. I.p. - hands to the side.

Surrounding hand movements.

12. Tension of the quadriceps femoris muscle on the diseased and healthy limbs (alternately and simultaneously).

13. I.p. - hands to the side.

Alternate rotation of the body to the right and left (when turning, the hands are connected 2-3 times in each direction).

I.p. - lying on the side healthy leg).

14. Bending the legs at the knee joint 4-6 times.

15. Abduction of a sore leg to the side 6-8 times.

16. 1 - abduction of the sore leg to the side,

2 - forward,

17. 1 - abduction of the sore leg to the side,

2 - attach a healthy one to it,

3 - keep,

I.p. - lying on the stomach.

18. Alternate flexion and extension of the legs in the knee joint.

19. Leaning on the hands, flexion and extension of the body and return to the sp.

20. Alternate lifting of straight legs 4-6 times.

21. Alternate abduction and adduction of straight legs 6-8 times.

22. Leg movements, as in breaststroke swimming 6-8 times.

23. Simultaneous bending of the legs at the knee joint 6-8 times.

24. Flexion and extension of the diseased leg in the knee joint with the help of a healthy leg 6-8 times.

I.p. - sitting on a couch or chair.

25. Rolling the foot of a sick leg of a medical ball.

26. Flexion and extension at the knee joint with a healthy leg using a roller cart.

27. Exercises on a stationary bike.

In recent decades, the practice of restorative treatment of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system is increasingly being introduced complex treatment techniques of manual influence - post-isometric relaxation (PIR). It restores the length and elasticity of not only shortened muscles, but also the wrinkled ligamentous apparatus, mucous bags and is effective method relaxation of adhesions. Postisometric muscle relaxation is an active muscle relaxation following its isometric contraction, followed by passive stretching of soft tissues (muscles, tendons, fascia, bursal-ligamentous apparatus, connective tissue adhesions) to prestress (spring resistance). It is performed on days when the blockade is not performed. When conducting PIR, the main rule must be observed: resistance must be applied against the course of contraction of the shortened muscles.

The effect of PIR is manifested by a direct increase in volume and a decrease in the pain of passive and active movements in the knee joint, as well as in reducing the tension of pain and increasing the length of previously spasmodically shortened muscles. PIR is carried out on days when there is no blockade.

The procedure is carried out by a doctor or an exercise therapy methodologist in combination with other effects on the knee joint.

Taking into account that the presence of pain still inhibits the performance of movements in the knee joint, the KUZNIITR and OKOHBVL have developed and implemented a method of physical therapy in combination with preliminary anesthesia in order to improve the results of functional and restorative treatment of patients with post-traumatic contractures.

When anesthesia is achieved, it is possible to use manual manipulations:

1. Post-isometric relaxation.

2. Treatment by position. From the initial position lying on the stomach, by fixing the thigh, with the help of a cuff attached to the foot, and by means of a fishing line connected through a block to the load stand, a gradual flexion in the knee joint is carried out by increasing the load.

At the end of the procedure, the result is fixed by correcting the position (laying in flexion or extension, depending on the type of contracture).

These days, prior to block therapy, it is also recommended to apply paraffin on the knee joint for 30 minutes, temperature 50°.

In addition to all of the above manipulations, flexion and extension of the knee joint is performed on the apparatus of passive development "Artromot-K2". The patient is in the initial position lying on his back on the couch, the limb is placed on the cuffs of the apparatus, fixed with straps. The control panel apparatus is set in motion and performs alternate flexion and extension in the knee joint (figure 1-2).

All means of physical therapy are used in combination with physiotherapy.

Patient S., case history No. 308123, was in the orthopedics department with a diagnosis of flexion contracture of the left knee joint after a fracture of the lateral condyle of the left femur, osteosynthesis of the condyle of the left femur. Objectively: complaints of pain and limitation of movement in the left knee joint.

On March 12, 2006, an angle survey was carried out. Range of motion in the knee joint: flexion 140°, extension - 180°.

On March 14, 2006, a femoral nerve block was performed. 1 hour after the blockade, physiotherapy exercises and mechanotherapy were performed on the apparatus of passive development "ARTROMOT".

In the period from March 15 to March 21, physiotherapy exercises, exercises with objects, mechanotherapy, treatment with a position on a block installation, post-isometric relaxation.

On March 22, 2006, the second blockade and gonometry were performed. Range of motion in the knee joint - flexion angle - 120°, extension - 180°. 1 hour after the blockade, physiotherapy exercises and mechanotherapy were performed on the apparatus of passive development "ARTROMOT".

In the period from 23.03 to 29.03, physiotherapy exercises, exercises with objects, mechanotherapy, treatment with the position on the block installation, and post-isometric relaxation were carried out.

On March 30, 2006, an angle measurement was performed - flexion angle - 100°, extension angle - 180°.

In the period from 01.04 to 10.04, physiotherapy exercises, exercises with objects, mechanotherapy, treatment with the position on the block installation, and post-isometric relaxation were carried out.

On April 11, 2006, angle measurements were taken. The range of motion in the knee joint - the angle of flexion - 75°, extension - 180°. Conducted rheovasography and ultrasound.

Patient F., case history No. 322431, was in the traumatology department with a diagnosis of flexion-extension contracture of the right knee joint after a fracture of the patella. Objectively: complaints about sharp pains, restriction of movements in the knee joint.

08.02.2006, held angle measurement - range of motion in the right knee joint at the beginning of treatment: the angle of flexion - 125°, extension - 150°.

Conducted rheovasography and ultrasound.

On February 9, 2006, a blockade of the femoral nerve was performed. 1 hour after the blockade, physiotherapy exercises, mechanotherapy on the apparatus "ARTROMOT" were performed.

In the period from 10.02 to 17.02, physiotherapy exercises, exercises with objects, mechanotherapy, treatment with the position on the block installation, and post-isometric relaxation were carried out.

On February 18, 2006, an angle survey was carried out. Range of motion in the knee joint - flexion angle - 115°, extension - 160°. Re-blockade of the femoral nerve was performed. 1 hour after the blockade, physiotherapy exercises, mechanotherapy on the apparatus "ARTROMOT" were performed.

In the period from 19.02 to 28.02, physiotherapy exercises, exercises with objects, mechanotherapy, treatment with the position on the block installation, and post-isometric relaxation were carried out.

On February 29, 2006, an angle survey was carried out. Range of motion in the right knee joint - flexion angle - 95°, extension - 170°. In the period from 30.02 to 05.03, physiotherapy exercises, exercises with objects, mechanotherapy, treatment with the position on the block installation, and post-isometric relaxation were carried out.

On March 6, 2006, an angle survey was carried out. Range of motion in the right knee joint: flexion angle - 80°, extension - 170°.

Conducted rheovasography and ultrasound.

The table shows the results of electrophysiological studies.

An increase in the rheographic index at the end of the course of treatment indicates an increase in peripheral blood flow, proving the effectiveness of sympathetic blockade. The low value of the relative volume pulse Pr at the beginning of the course of treatment is explained by increased vascular tone as a result of excessive sympathetic impulses, a decrease in drainage function lymphatic vessels and limb edema. At the end of the course of treatment, there is an increase in Pr. This fact can be regarded as the effect of autonomic denervation, with a decrease in vascular tone and improvement peripheral circulation anesthetized limb against the background of the blockade.

Indicators of PI - resistance index - at the end of treatment significantly decreased compared to the index at the beginning of treatment, indicating a decrease in circulatory resistance of the vessels of the anesthetized limb due to effective blockade of sympathetic innervation.

An algorithm for calculating the medical and socio-economic efficiency of a new method for the rehabilitation of patients with contractures of the knee joint is presented.

Efficiency was considered as the sum of the following components:

Prevention of patients becoming disabled and savings on disability pensions;

Prevention of loss of working days on VUT (temporary disability);

Prevention of drug costs.

Five victims, who were treated with a new method, were threatened with disability. It was prevented by treatment.

In 15 people, the terms of treatment with the new method were reduced by 2 times compared with traditional method treatment.

10 people stopped needing medicines.

1. Annual cost savings on disability pensions (X 1):

X 1 -12k 1i (1),

where k 1 is the number of patients with prevented disability (there are 5 patients),

i - the size of the average disability pension (it is equal to 1.5 thousand rubles).

12 is the number of months in a year,

X 1 \u003d 1.5 × 12 × 5 \u003d 90,000 rubles.

2. The effect of preventing the loss of working days in the year for VUT (X 2);

X 2 \u003d νsνk2 (2),

where ν is the average number of working days for VUT per year per patient in the treatment of the traditional method;

number of days = 60.

sv- average value payment of one day for the VUT of one patient.

It is equal to 170 rubles.

k2 - the number of working patients who no longer need sick leave.

According to statistics discomfort in the nipple area, 60% of women who have reached reproductive age. Pain can be both an alarming symptom and normal. physiological phenomenon. In order to understand when it is worth sounding the alarm if the nipples on the chest hurt, you need to familiarize yourself with the most common causes that cause these discomforts.

Changes in the hormonal background

Pain in the nipple area may be due to changes hormonal background women that occur for several reasons:

If the pain appeared for one of the above reasons, the discomfort extends only to the nipples, without touching the mammary glands.

Pain in the nipples in breastfeeding women

Breastfeeding - difficult process. Violation of the technique of performing the procedure often leads to microtrauma of the nipples. Pain may also result from improper care behind the breast during lactation.

The following preventive measures will help insure yourself against the appearance of sore nipples:

  • master the technique of breastfeeding, if necessary, consult a doctor about this;
  • Use breast sanitary pads to keep your nipples out for a long time wet;
  • when wounds appear on the chest, treat them with an antiseptic;
  • moisturize your nipples and mammary glands natural oils or special creams;
  • choose good underwear.

Proper care of the nipples and mammary glands during lactation will save you from the appearance of discomfort and development serious illnesses.

Pain as a symptom of breast disease

The appearance of pain in the nipples can be a sign of a serious breast disease:

What other reasons can nipples hurt?

A woman's nipples can hurt due to trauma to the mammary glands. The reason may be the use of products that dry the skin. For example, soap or shower gel with an aggressive composition. Pain in the nipples may appear due to an allergic reaction to the fabric underwear or clothes.

Poor choice of underwear

Pain can result from wearing the wrong bra. Underwear should be made from natural materials, fit in size and have no seams on the inside cups.

Wearing a bra that hurts skin covering mammary glands, can lead to the development of a serious disease as a result of tissue infection.

What to do if nipples hurt?

If a woman is concerned about pain in the nipple area, first of all she should contact a mammologist. He will conduct a survey, during which he will find out whether discomfort is accompanied by other symptoms. Then he will examine the mammary glands, after which he will prescribe the examinations necessary for the diagnosis.

When a specialist makes a diagnosis, he will select the appropriate treatment, if necessary, and tell you how to properly care for your breasts.

If pain bothers you long time Don't expect them to go away on their own. Unpleasant sensations in the nipple area can be an alarming symptom. To insure yourself against the development of a serious illness, do not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Often a woman has a chest pain on the eve of menstruation or lactation, and this is quite normal, because in the body there is hormonal changes. If one nipple hurts, the situation changes dramatically, because this is an uncharacteristic sign for many diseases, indicating more serious diseases.

Causes of pain in the right nipple

If the right nipple hurts, and the discomfort continues for several days, many women begin to seriously worry about their well-being and invent illnesses for themselves. Often such a symptom has a completely rational explanation - wrong organized process breastfeeding.

If the mother feeds the baby mainly with the right breast, and at the same time the child takes the wrong, uncomfortable position, there is a lot of pressure on the nipple. As a result, after a couple of days of such improper feeding, a woman will face a sharp pain in the right nipple.

Also, discomfort can occur if a woman has recently started breastfeeding her baby. Usually the process of feeding in the first weeks is very difficult, and the woman feels regular discomfort. If her nipples are too sensitive, then sharp, uncontrollable pain may occur in them. And pain appear only at the time when the baby is feeding. In these cases, doctors recommend using special ointments, and temporarily feeding the baby either with another breast or with milk mixtures that are suitable for him by age.

Another reason for such unpleasant sensations is developing mastopathy. This disease can have a focus in both breasts or only in one. Often, such pains begin before menstruation, and a woman perceives them as normal phenomenon. However, pain in mastopathy is more serious, because they can begin a couple of weeks before the menstruation itself. If the focus of the development of the disease is located in one breast, then characteristic pains will be felt only in one area.

Mastopathy - pretty frequent illness, and according to statistics, it occurs in every third woman. Despite the fact that the disease is not fatal, it is not worth running it. If mastopathy develops for a long time, a person can develop malignant and benign breast tumors.

Cysts and other growths in the breast are another problem that can cause pain in one breast. If the right nipple hurts, and the discomfort does not stop within a few days, you should consult a specialist. benign tumors do not cause such damage to the body as malignant formations but they are still dangerous. By the way, during the development similar disease, the girl can feel seals in the sore chest. If you press these seals, but there will be a dull, characteristic pain.

Candidiasis is a fairly common disease that can manifest itself as pain in both breasts or only one of them. If only the right nipple hurts, this disease should not be excluded from the list of possible ones, because such a disease is insidious and sometimes manifests itself with unusual symptoms. Since candidiasis is considered a very common disease, modern scientists have developed a lot of means to combat an unpleasant disease. But before starting treatment, it is better to consult a doctor.

Of course, the most terrible diagnosis that any woman is afraid to hear is breast cancer. If a malignant tumor arose precisely in the right breast, then the nipple will hurt constantly, and the woman herself will be able to easily feel the seal. It is impossible to delay in such a situation, because with the development of a tumor, metastases will begin to spread throughout the body. While the tumor is operable, doctors will try to eliminate it without harm to human health. If from the nipples there is pus or mucus, then the disease has begun to progress, and the person needs urgent help to eliminate the tumor.

Treatment algorithm

How to treat when the nipple hurts is a difficult question, because this sign may occur due to the development of a good dozen diseases. It can be very difficult to make a diagnosis on your own, in addition, there is a risk of making a mistake. That is why you should immediately consult a doctor. He should explain that only one nipple hurts, explaining under what circumstances the discomfort occurs. For example, if pain occurs only when breastfeeding, the doctor will prescribe one treatment algorithm, and if pain occurs when pressing and stroking, then the treatment procedure will be completely different. Potentially difficult cases are when right breast it hurts just like that, for no particular reason, and the discomfort does not stop for several days.

If discomfort occurs during feeding, the specialist may advise using Beponten ointment after each feeding. This ointment will help reduce pain, making the feeding process itself not so painful. Also, the specialist may recommend switching to dry mixes for a while, giving the breasts a little rest. If, after using Beponten, discomfort persists, and the mother refuses to feed mixtures, you can express your own milk and give it to your baby in a bottle. Usually this technique helps to reduce the amount of pain to a minimum.

If the doctor diagnoses mastopathy, he usually prescribes whole line medicines. For example, effective tool in the fight against such a disease is the Progestogel gel. It should be applied to the chest until completely dry for 2-3 weeks. The gel itself is a little cold, has an unpleasant aroma, but it helps to effectively cope with the problem. If a woman is breastfeeding, then before bringing the baby to the nipple, it is necessary to wipe it thoroughly so that the gel does not get into the crumbs mouth.

For any suspicion of a tumor, benign or malignant, the doctor does an ultrasound of the breast. Only this technique helps to determine whether a person really has any neoplasms. If the diagnosis is made, you should not despair, because any tumor and cyst can be carefully cut out. Now medicine is very well developed, so doctors are fighting tumors even at the most difficult stages. And yet, than used to be a woman see a doctor, the better for her and for her future health.

When candidiasis occurs, a woman may feel pain in either one or both nipples. As the disease progresses, the chest may ooze white liquid and even pus.

Of course, such symptoms can scare a lot, but you should not worry. With help special tablets, ointments and vaginal suppositories, a woman will be able to restore the delicate balance of health in her body. Candidiasis always develops first in the vaginal area, and only then the signs begin to spread to the chest. If a lady feels severe burning and regular itching in the genital area, you need to see a doctor, because the sooner you can cope with the disease, the better.

Similar pains in the nipple can occur not only in women, but also in men. At the same time, pain in the nipples in a strong half of humanity often indicates more serious diseases, for example, the development of diabetes or gynecomastia. In order to get rid of unpleasant symptom, the patient will need to see a doctor to find out the reasons for what is happening. Of course, in men, pain in the nipples occurs less frequently than in women, but this does not mean that the sign should be ignored.

Self-treatment without proper consultation with a doctor can only lead to worsening general condition. An incorrect diagnosis often causes the progress of serious diseases and a general deterioration in a person's well-being.

Pain in one nipple more often worries women than men, and there can be a lot of reasons for such unpleasant sensations. If a person notices unusual manifestation symptom, he needs to urgently consult a doctor, because only a doctor will correctly determine the disease by prescribing the most appropriate algorithm for treating the problem.

Women who are sensitive to the changes taking place in the body notice that on certain days the breasts swell, the nipples become sensitive. Why do nipples hurt, are only women familiar with this feeling?

Why do women have sore nipples?

Girls and women know that a few days before the start menstrual bleeding hormonal changes occur in the body, triggering the beginning of a new cycle. Among the symptoms premenstrual syndrome along with irritability, tearfulness, fatigue, there are also physiological manifestations. One of the most bright symptoms- swollen breasts, sensitive nipples.


On the eve of menstruation, the concentration of female sex hormones - prolactin and progesterone - increases significantly in the blood. "Cocktail" of hormones and biologically active substances leads to water retention in the body. The mammary glands are no exception, it is the excess fluid that causes slight swelling of the breast.

Expansion of the ducts of the mammary glands causes squeezing nerve endings, hence discomfort, hypersensitivity, pain. Before menstruation, touching the chest causes irritation, the usual underwear becomes uncomfortable. Pain before menstruation is considered the norm, after menstruation everything goes away before the start of the next cycle.


Unpleasant pain in the chest may appear in the middle of the cycle. They are not as pronounced as before menstruation, so not all women pay attention to them. The peak occurs in the middle of the cycle - ovulation, the moment of maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary.

The nipples are the most sensitive area of ​​the breast; under the influence of female sex hormones in the middle of the cycle, they become especially susceptible to external stimuli.

Women from stable cycle can track ovulation and correct possible pregnancy.

During pregnancy

One of the most early signs when pregnancy occurs, swelling of the nipples and an increase in their sensitivity are considered.
Hormonal changes in the body are aimed at preparing the mammary glands for lactation.

As a rule, nipples are very sore and swell in the first trimester. At the end of this period, the body copes with hormonal changes and the manifestations are not so distinct.


The reasons why nipples hurt during breastfeeding are different:

  • When feeding, there is a significant increase in the mammary glands in size due to milk production. The rush of milk can cause pain in the chest, nipples;
  • The baby does not grasp the nipple correctly. As a result, the skin of the nipples and areolas around them crack, roughen and hurt. In advanced cases, there may be serious problems with the health of the mother;
  • Nipples can be injured and hurt in cases where they have too thin (dry) skin, as well as if the nipple has an anatomically irregular shape (flat, sunken, long);
  • Pain can become harbingers of incipient inflammation, mastitis

Pathological changes causing pain in the nipples

Along with physiological changes, normal for female body in certain phases of the cycle, pain in the nipple area can signal the onset of a serious illness.

1. Benign or malignant neoplasms. Additional symptoms worth paying attention to are:

  • Highlights on click
  • Changing the color of the nipple, areola, their shape
  • Pain in one of the mammary glands, which is given in armpit
  • When examining the mammary gland with the hands, dense formations, nodules are clearly felt in it.

These symptoms serve as a reason to visit a mammologist and a comprehensive examination. Neoplasms on initial stages amenable to treatment, even with preservation of the gland or its partial resection.
2. Endocrine disorders caused by a malfunction thyroid gland, pituitary, liver, adrenal glands.
3. In a similar way, intercostal neuralgia can manifest itself, both in men and in women.
4. Psychological problems, stress, severe mental overload also lead to hormonal disruptions and may provoke hypersensitivity nipples.

Hormonal oral contraceptives

Some women, choosing to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy by using oral contraceptives, notice that the nipples swell, itch, hurt, regardless of the phase of the cycle.

Like side effect is indicated in the annotations to many OK. If sensations deliver severe discomfort, then it is worth discussing with the gynecologist the replacement of one drug with another.

Why do boys' nipples hurt?

Adolescent boys in their transitional age experience pain in the nipple area similar to girls. It happens by different reasons:

  • Hormonal changes in the body associated with puberty;
  • Allergies to hygiene items, linen;
  • Bruises, chest injuries;
  • Endocrine disorders - diseases of the pituitary gland, testicles, adrenal glands. These glands are involved in the production male hormones. Their deficiency leads to a violation of the formation of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • Gynecomastia is breast enlargement in boys. It occurs either as a result overweight body (obesity), or as a result hormonal disorders, lack of male hormones and excess female;
  • Breast cancer is accompanied by discharge from the nipples, a change in the structure of the gland;

What to do if nipples hurt?

First of all, you need to find out what is the cause of the pain. If pain in the nipple area is caused by the onset of a certain phase of the cycle, then at this time, breast stimulation, overexcitation should be avoided, and possible touches should be limited as much as possible.

  1. Pain helps to reduce cool shower.
  2. Underwear should be comfortable, comfortable, appropriate to the size, made from natural materials. It is better to give preference to seamless patterns
  3. Soaps and shower gels dry out the skin and should not be overused. After a shower, you should use special emollient body creams.
  4. A nursing mother should learn how to properly attach a baby to her breast. At irregular shape nipples, you can purchase special pads that make the feeding process comfortable and painless.

When is it time to sound the alarm?

If pregnancy has not occurred, menstruation has ended, and the sensitivity of the nipples has not decreased, touching them causes pain and discomfort, you should pay attention to other symptoms:

  • Change in color, shape of the nipples, areolas; significant deformity of the breast
  • Purulent or bloody issues from the nipples
  • The appearance of cracks, wounds, ulcers, swelling
  • Increased pain

Consultation with a specialist will help you get an answer to the question - why nipples hurt - and find methods to eliminate it.
The causes of pain in the nipple area can be different, you should not immediately sound the alarm, but letting things take their course is also not good. Knowing what to look for, a woman will not miss the onset of a serious illness and will have time to take the necessary measures.

FROM periodic pain in the nipples faced by about 60% of women. In most cases, they are directly related to a sharp change in hormonal levels. In some situations, soreness in the nipples can be a symptom pathological condition mammary glands.

Cyclic mastodynia

There can be a large number of reasons why nipples hurt in women. One way or another, not all of them are associated with the development of diseases. The phenomenon of soreness in the mammary glands is called mastodynia.

This disease is associated with cyclical changes in the body that occur during menstruation. So, many women note moderate pain in the nipples during menstrual cycle, which is usually observed after ovulation or in its middle. This is due to an increase in the blood hormone progesterone, as well as prolactin. They, together with others biological substances in the blood of a woman, contribute to the retention of fluid and electrolytes, both throughout the body and in the mammary gland. As a result, there is pain, swelling, due to which the breast sometimes increases in volume.

Non-cyclic mastalgia

The second reason why nipples can hurt on female breast, is . This kind disease is unrelated to hormonal fluctuations. It is caused by such pathologies as:

Also, often pain in the nipples is the result of various kinds psychological disorders (Bad mood, experience, stress, etc.). In addition, sometimes a girl, tormenting herself with the question: “Why do my nipples hurt?”, Doesn’t even suspect that this is a consequence of taking hormonal drugs such as contraceptives.

Pregnancy and lactation

Often, women complain of pain in the nipples when touched during the current pregnancy, and a little less often during the period of breastfeeding. These pains are caused by the growth and expansion of the milk ducts in the gland. In addition, the presence of pain can sometimes be one of the signs of a pregnancy that has just begun.

Quite often, young mothers incorrectly position their baby when feeding, which is why, as a result, it is noted slight pain in the nipples. Also, at the beginning of feeding, the newborn may not grasp the breast correctly, while pulling the nipple strongly, which also causes pain.

What to do?

If a girl first encounters such a common phenomenon as nipple pain, then, as a rule, she does not know what needs to be done. In such situations, diagnosis plays a major role.

First you need to find out if these pains do not have a cyclical nature. If they appear and disappear, then most likely this is due to hormonal changes in the body. In such cases, no treatment is required, and the woman only has to wait until they pass on their own.

Of particular note are those cases where, along with painful sensations woman notes and presence. They are usually the main symptom a large number diseases, the differentiation of which is carried out exclusively by a doctor.

Thus, pain in the nipples can mean both the development of a pathology in a woman’s body, or be a separate symptom of some complex disease. In any case, when they appear, a woman should be alert and try to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible, who, if necessary, will prescribe complex treatment.



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