If lymphocytes in the blood are elevated, this may indicate the development of serious pathologies in the body, although only a specialist can give a more accurate assessment of this condition. In any case, an excess of lymphocytes is a signal from the body that should not be ignored.

Basic functions of lymphocytes

Norm of lymphocytes and interpretation of tests

Lymphocytes – essential elements immunity, which remember pathogens of dangerous infections and transmit information about them to other generations, forming stable protection against diseases.

The number of lymphocytes in the blood is determined by a general blood test, the standards for which are determined separately for each age group.

In young children, the number of lymphocytes is normally higher than in adults.

Important! An increased level of lymphocytes in the blood is not a reason to panic. This is just a signal from the body to changes occurring in it, with which you can identify and prevent many diseases.

An increase in lymphocytes in the blood does not always indicate disease

When deciphering the results of a blood test, the absolute and relative deviations in the level of lymphocytes must be clarified:

If found high performance lymphocytes in the blood, a more detailed diagnosis of the leukocyte formula is carried out, which takes into account the combination of an increase in lymphocytes with a decrease or increase in other blood cells.

Increased lymphocytes: dangerous and harmless causes

The reasons why lymphocytes in the blood are elevated may be inflammatory processes, viral infections, allergic reactions, and cancer. More exact reason An increase in lymphocytes in the blood can only be determined by a specialist.

Non-dangerous causes of increased lymphocytes

A slight increase in the level of lymphocytes or an increase in relative indicators with a general decrease in the level of neutrophils can occur in heavy smokers, with hormonal imbalances, and with severe physical and psycho-emotional stress (in men).

Increased lymphocytes in the blood of women are often observed during menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy.

Poisoning with certain drugs can also cause an increase in lymphocytes. This condition is possible when taking drugs chloramphenicol, phenytoin, analgesics, levodopa, valproic acid, etc.

Levomycetin can provoke an increase in lymphocytes in the blood

If increased amount lymphocytes in the blood is observed in the listed conditions, then after some time the lymphocytes increase and return to normal.

Increased lymphocytes and disease

A sharp increase in lymphocyte counts may indicate more dangerous conditions organism, which we will consider below.

Important! A sharp and significant increase in lymphocytes in the blood and a change in the leukocyte formula may indicate the presence of oncology in the body. Tumors that are difficult to diagnose at an early stage can often be identified by an increase in lymphocytes in the blood.

An analysis of the level of lymphocytes in the blood can also indicate malignant formations

Reduced lymphocytes in the blood may also indicate the development of pathology in the body. This decrease can be caused by:

If a general blood test shows abnormalities in the level of lymphocytes in the blood, you should immediately consult a physician for a more accurate diagnosis.

Accurate diagnosis

The main task of diagnosis is to determine the type of lymphocytosis, i.e. reasons that caused an increase in blood lymphocytes. The doctor will determine whether this is due to malignant changes, or whether the release of lymphocytes is a result of exposure external factors. In the first case, leukemia can be diagnosed, and in the second, a common acute respiratory infection.

But in the early stages of diseases, it is difficult to immediately identify the cause of lymphocytosis. A combination of changes in other blood test parameters will help to create a more accurate picture:

In any case, blood tests alone will not be enough to establish an accurate diagnosis. For more precise definition Additional tests, ultrasound, radiography and other research methods may be needed, as a result of which the doctor will make a diagnosis, determine a treatment regimen, or refer you to a more specialized specialist.

Smoking can cause an increase in lymphocytes and red blood cells

How to reduce lymphocyte levels

Therapeutic treatment is selected depending on the cause of the change in lymphocyte levels.

For infectious and viral diseases, anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs, antibiotics, and immunity boosters are prescribed.

At tumor diseases a course of chemotherapy is usually prescribed, while the patient is under constant monitoring doctors.

Once the underlying cause is treated, blood counts return to normal over time.

It should be understood that an increase in the content of lymphocytes is not a disease. This condition should be considered as a symptom that allows timely detection of the development of pathology in the body.

What does it mean if lymphocytes and platelets are elevated in an adult?

Quite often situations arise when a blood test shows that platelets are increased and lymphocytes are increased. In order to understand what this means, it is worth knowing what these blood cells are, their purpose and the reasons for the increase. Blood testing is the first stage of diagnostic procedures, which is carried out when medical examination patient. Evaluating the finished results, medical workers it is necessary to decipher the indicators reflecting the increase in the number of lymphocytes and platelets. An increased level of lymphocytes is called lymphocytosis, and platelets are called thrombocytosis, and only a doctor should determine what further diagnostic methods should be applied to the patient. So, why does it happen that lymphocytes and platelets are elevated in an adult?

What are lymphocytes and their norm

Lymphocytes are the main cells of the immune system, which are a type of white blood cell of the agranulocyte group and are responsible for the production of antibodies by the body. We can say that lymphocytes are the most important component of cellular immunity.

A blood test allows you to determine the number of lymphocytes in the human body without detailed characteristics T- and B-cell units.

The following indicators are the norm for lymphocytes:

The decoding and evaluation of the finished results can be carried out using both values ​​- this makes it possible to carry out a more accurate diagnosis.

In the presence of pathological inflammation, as a result of which the patient will require a more thorough diagnosis, a full study of the composition of lymphocytes at the cellular level is carried out, which can give the following options for an increased level of these cells that make up the human immune system:

  1. Absolute lymphocytosis is one of the laboratory situations during which increased performance leukocyte levels, caused by an increase in the number of lymphocytes in the body.
  2. Relative lymphocytosis – the patient has high level lymphocytes, while leukocytes are normal. In this case, the level of lymphocytes turns out to be increased due to a decrease in neutrophil leukocytes, which are part of the leukocyte formula known to everyone.

You must always remember that lymphocytes and leukocytes are two components of the immune system, which is responsible for protecting the body from the effects of harmful bacteria.

What causes an increase in lymphocytes

There are the most different reasons increase in lymphocytes in the body.

These may be blood diseases. As one of the elements of the blood flow, lymphocytes reflect the state and functionality of hematopoiesis, which constantly occurs in the body.

For example, increased levels of leukocytes and lymphocytes occur with the development of diseases associated with disorders lymphatic system, as well as with worsening bone marrow function.

Changes in the leukocyte formula also appear in the following cases:

In this case, the diagnosis of diseases makes it clear about the presence of a particular disease.

Viral infections. As mentioned above, lymphocytes are immune cells that are responsible for protecting the body from various viruses. If an analysis reveals an increase in peripheral blood, this often becomes evidence of infection of the body. various viruses, which occurs either during their active reproduction or during the formation of the immune system. And if in the first case the development of lymphocytosis is mainly explained by an increase in the level of T cells, then in the second case it is an increase in B cells.

These changes can be caused by:

Viral infections are treated according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Autoimmune diseases. Almost all diseases that are characterized by the destruction of tissue in the body by cells of the immune system are certainly accompanied by increased activity of lymphocytes. In the blood test, which is important diagnostic method, this looks like an increase in the absolute or relative size of lymphocytes in comparison with their norm in the body.

The main diseases that are accompanied by lymphocytosis are:

What are platelets and the reasons for their increase

Platelets or platelets are colorless blood cells that have spherical shape. The size of platelets is 3 times smaller than that of red blood cells - on average it varies from 2 to 4 microns. These blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.

Platelets remain in the bloodstream for about 10 days, after which they are actively absorbed by the spleen and liver - while the bone marrow produces new cells without stopping.

Primary thrombocytosis is capable of attacking the human body when it develops diseases such as chronic myeloid leukemia and erythremia. It is worth knowing that with the development of these pathologies in the blood, both the level of platelets and leukocytes increases.

The development of secondary thrombocytosis can be explained by the following factors.

Inflammatory processes explain the production of interleukins that make up the human immune system. All this stimulates the development and utilization of platelets.

The main inflammatory processes that cause thrombocytosis are:

Immediately after their detection and diagnosis, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment that quickly restores a person’s health.

Deterioration of blood microcirculation occurs with the development of infection, which most often occurs under the influence of pathogenic bacteria, sometimes viruses or fungi.

In this case, the person’s treatment will be aimed at restoring microcirculation and normalizing the functionality of the body.

Iron deficiency. The full mechanism of iron deficiency on the increase in platelet levels has not yet been studied. To check the connection between iron deficiency and an increase in the amount of these elements, a test is performed to determine a positive protein in the body, which is responsible for storing iron in it, as well as its release through cells.

Decreased platelets and increased lymphocytes in a 6-year-old child

“The girl is 6 years old, a month ago, against the background of complete well-being, the temperature once increased to 38.7, but it dropped within 4 hours, a week later a runny nose and cough appeared, which lasted three weeks, there was no temperature.”

Most likely, your daughter suffered from ARVI.

“we passed the test (12.01.), this is what we got: Er - 4 Hem-nESR - 6 color p-l - 0.98 THROMBUS - 140 (!) leukocytes - 9 Coagulation, 40 eosis - 2 pals - 1 segm - 30(!) lymph - 61(!) mon - 6 ENT recommends consultation with a hematologist!”

I don’t quite understand what a hematologist should do with this picture. Minimum reduction platelet count is within the error limits of the measurement technique. Such platelets do not cause bleeding. And the shift in the leukoformula is relative and characteristic of ARVI. The absolute numbers of lymphocytes and segments are normal. Don't believe me? Can you provide a link to the textbook?

“And in general, is there any reason to worry?”

There is no reason to worry!

“I read a lot on the Internet - my head is swelling, the valerian is running out. »

Do not read Soviet newspapers before lunch.©

“We also had a consultation with a neurologist, because the child periodically complains of headaches.”

Last year I talked with a colleague who worked for 5 years in Israel as a pediatric neurologist, now working in the same specialty in Kharkov. So, in Israel, for five years, she has never seen a child with hydrocephalus, there are no nootropics and vascular drugs, there is no diagnosis of VSD, REG and ECHO are not used. A pediatric neurologist in Israel deals mainly with epilepsy and most children in Israel are healthy. Most of our healthy children are declared sick by our unhealthy medicine. We discussed this topic. I see the problem as habit, error, tradition, over-insurance and ignorance. The colleague is inclined to see a commercial basis for the problem.

“After REG: difficulty in venous outflow, arterial hypertonicity. vessels. ECHO - 5.5 mm EEG - the threshold for convulsive readiness is reduced. »

I'm afraid that a normal parent might go crazy after reading these conclusions. And no valerian will help! Therefore, I will comment. ALL!

REG is an absolutely uninformative, useless examination that is not used anywhere in the civilized world. The place of this method in the museum is on the stand: “history of Soviet medicine.” Conclusion REG is a meaningless set of words.

ECHO-ES is a non-informative examination method, which was a breakthrough in medicine 60 years ago.

General rule: EEG is needed to diagnose and monitor epilepsy. Exceptions to this rule are very rare. An example of an exception is suspicion of brain death or coma of unknown origin. Obviously, none of this has anything to do with your child. Headaches are not an indication for an EEG. An EEG performed without indications is always meaningless and with any conclusion. And “the threshold for convulsive readiness has been reduced” is usually written as normal, so that life doesn’t seem like honey!

The nature of the headaches is probably functional and correctable by routine measures.

“Re-analysis on January 20: Er - 4.18 Hem-nESR - 4 color p-l - 0.95 THROMBUS - 183(!) leukocytes - 5.4 Coagulation - 2.3 - 4 eoz - 3 pal - 1 segm - 40( !) lymph - 51(!) mon - 5"

What bothers you??

Is the sheet readable? Am I writing too harshly?

“Today we took the test: Er - 4.1 Hem-nESR - 3 tsv.p-l - 0.95 PLATELETS - 6.7 Coagulation, 3 eoz - 6(!), pal - 1, segm - 41(!), lymph - 47(!), mon - 5. As far as I understand, everything is more or less normal.”

Blood levels are normal, only eosinophils are borderline raised. A stool test for worm eggs will not be superfluous.

“Regarding the child: she still coughs a little, doesn’t have much appetite, has bruises under her eyes, sometimes her tummy hurts near the navel, she’s tired. »

A child needs a varied diet and reasonable physical activity, and I recommend that you read the books of our fellow countryman E.O. Komarovsky.

“The pediatrician, taking into account the child’s poor appetite, probably suffered from acute respiratory viral infection and the approaching flu, recommends drinking Bioaron. I read the instructions for the drug, it says that it stimulates an increase in the number of B lymphocytes in the peripheral blood. and our lymphocytes are already elevated. »

Bioaron is aloe and chokeberry with ascorbic acid. Aloe looks good on the windowsill, chokeberry beautifully decorates the landscape, and ascorbic acid is very effective against scurvy.

But I have no way of classifying “BIOARON” as a product with a proven effect. I'm not saying it's EMPTY, there's just no evidence of effectiveness. “Stimulates an increase in the number of B lymphocytes” - this is unproven in qualitative research and most importantly, the benefit has not been proven. After all, the drug can skyrocket the beneficial fraction of lymphocytes, but at the same time it may not help, but harm, not reduce the risk of complications, but increase it, not accelerate recovery, but prolong it. Actually, that’s why the civilized world has come to evidence-based medicine, we are also moving, but at a snail’s pace.

You should have gotten used to the fact that our medicine is no longer based on sound principles evidence, but on traditions, opinions and advertising.

My children, by the way, do not “take” anything for immunity, despite the next wave of intimidation with a new and terrible flu.

“I read the instructions for the drug, it says that it stimulates an increase in the number of B lymphocytes in the peripheral blood”

It's a fun thing to read the instructions. BIOARON – « complex therapy and prevention of recurrence of viral and bacterial upper respiratory tract infections.” This is the Nobel Prize! Look, BIOARON acts on hundreds of respiratory viruses and bacteria, with almost no side effects. There are several antiviral drugs in the world, each of which acts on one or two viruses with myriad side effects. Doesn't remind you of anything? Maybe this:

I am not criticizing anyone or canceling appointments, I am simply answering your question. I also understand that working purely on principles evidence-based medicine our pediatrician or therapist will not be able to do this - patients and their parents will not allow them to do this. In fact, it is better to splurge on “modulating” the immune system with BIOARON or echinacea than with potentially dangerous “modulators” such as isoprinosine and amixin.

The sheet came out again. Have you mastered it? Not many letters?

Low platelet count, elevated lymphocyte count

Also, don’t forget to thank your doctors.

hematologist3 16:03

I’m afraid I won’t live up to your expectations, but I think that you don’t have any evidence of leukemia or lymphoproliferative disease. Just in case, I would continue to monitor you, looking at blood tests once every 3 months.

But in order to be removed from observation altogether, you need to get tested in a good laboratory with manual counting of the formula and platelets. The fact is that the hematology analyzer when determining platelets gives a method error of up to 50%. In decent clinics, after receiving low numbers, platelets are counted manually and the issue is often removed.

You do not have any frightening lymphocytosis, you do not need any sternal puncture. The only thing is, if you apply, do not cut off the ESR.

Composition of blood and the role of its cells in the human body

All day long, from birth to death, blood flows through our vessels, delivering oxygen and oxygen to the cells of all organs. nutrients, taking in and “exporting” CO-2 and other metabolic products. Blood consists of plasma (this is the liquid part) and cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets).

There is a whole family of different leukocytes in plasma, but our interest will be in lymphocytes that maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body, causing healthy heredity. It is lymphocytes that stand guard, recognizing and preventing foreign agents from entering the body.

Tasks that lymphocytes solve:

  1. They form antibodies (special plasma proteins that prevent the proliferation of viruses and bacteria that enter the body, or neutralize the toxins that they release)
  2. Lyse (dissolve) foreign cells
  3. Destroy their degenerated cells
  4. They have the ability to instantly respond to the repeated entry into the body of a foreign object
  5. They sensitize the body, providing an increased response to the same antigen when it is re-exposed
  6. Transplant rejection, alas, is also the result of the action of lymphocytes

Normal blood count values:

Elevated lymphocyte counts

Lymphocytes increase in the blood quite often. And this will not necessarily indicate pathology. Some metabolic processes, the body's reaction to the influence of internal and external stimuli are also accompanied by an increase in these cells.

So in women, an increase is observed during menstruation. Prolonged fasting does the same. And even neurasthenia can be a cause. Occurs in children under four years of age who are not ill.

But more often, lymphocytosis (an increase in lymphocytes) is observed when exposed to a pathological agent: viral or bacterial infection, allergy, lymphoid sarcoma, diseases of the endocrine organs, etc.


The level of lymphocytes in relation to the entire group of numerous leukocytes with in good condition patient is 20 – 40%. The norm in children early age slightly higher than in adults.

Lymphocytosis can be absolute, relative and combined:

  1. Absolute - the number of all leukocytes increases only due to an increase in lymphocytes.
  2. Relative - the total number of leukocytes is normal, and lymphocytes are increased only due to a decrease in other forms of leukocytes (see table above).
  3. Combined - here there is a combination of an increase or decrease in the number of red blood cells and platelets with any of the options for increasing lymphocytes.

Increased lymphocytes and platelets in an adult

There are conditions when both lymphocytes and platelets are elevated. Lymphocytes have already been mentioned; we should remember a little about platelets.

The main role of these platelets is to prevent blood loss by promoting blood clotting. At the same time, they transport everything necessary to restore the damaged vascular wall.

In fact, whenever the value of one indicator changes, changes immediately occur with deviations from the norm in other blood cells. If in a blood test we have elevated lymphocytes and elevated platelets- a fairly common occurrence - one has the right to think about an acute inflammatory process.

In addition, this state of affairs gives reason to think about oncology and blood loss. Occurs in diseases of the bone marrow and removal of the spleen.

Increased platelets and lymphocytes in a child

And in a child, elevated lymphocytes and platelets, first of all, indicate an infection accompanied by an inflammatory reaction. And the child may have oncology, including blood cancer.

Why do both of these indicators increase? Any disease or injury leads to damage to the intima of the vessel. And when restoring it, both types of blood cells are involved.

For example, if an infectious agent enters the body, a reaction immediately begins that prevents the expected blood loss - the growth of platelets.

And such a seemingly physiologically justified reaction associated with high content platelets, now poses the risk of blood clots. The pest needs to be neutralized - the number of lymphocytes increases. Everything, of course, is much more complicated, but the gist of it is what was said.


As for therapy, you first need to find out why platelets and lymphocytes are elevated in the blood. More often, the matter is limited to simply an infection, and then antibiotics and antiviral drugs are used.

For allergies - antihistamines, hormones. IN special cases Chemotherapy and even a bone marrow transplant will be needed. And here physiological increase these blood cells will not require any intervention - it will go away on its own.

But even in such cases, you should still take care and resort to a certain diet. Include fruits in your diet: cherries, black currant, rose hip. Vegetables: garlic, onion, celery. Vegetable oils will also help. Lemons, chocolate, cranberries and cocoa will always be beneficial.

Aspirin can thin the blood; this will prevent platelets from sticking together into clots. Warfarin, thrombotic ACC, and trental act in the same way. But it is better not to self-medicate, as these medications can lead to complications.

Traditional healers offer ginger root and honey, for which the root is brought to a paste using a meat grinder and combined with honey in equal parts. After stirring, place in the refrigerator for three days. For ten days, take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach with a small amount of water.

Drink brewed Ginkgo Biloba leaves following the instructions provided.


Balanced diet. Drink plenty of fluids clean (still) water. People of normal weight should drink at least two liters. Large individuals should drink up to three liters per day. Regular medical examinations.

Quitting bad habits, especially smoking and alcohol. And move more, movements will make the blood circulate faster, preventing it from stagnating and clotting.

Increased platelets and lymphocytes

Increased platelets and lymphocytes

My platelets are elevated. the blood is thick.

Increased platelets and lymphocytes

You need to look at the complete blood formula

platelets and lymphocytes!

Tell me what you end up with platelets and lymphocytes. We have 66% lymphocytes and 760 platelets ((((

The child’s platelets are elevated! (Please don’t pass by!

Increased platelets in a child (3 months)

my child is elevated. We gave it up several times. in different laboratories - increased

We visited a hematologist. diagnosed with secondary thrombocytosis, i.e. as she explained. Children under one year of age do not have blood diseases that would cause increased platelets, i.e. they are increased either due to individual physiology, which often happens in children under one year of age and an imperfect hematopoietic system, or as a response to some kind of inflammation in the body. infections, which is also not very scary. At the beginning of September we donated blood again, they slightly decreased. Doctors say that this happens in children under one year old, by the age of one year everything will be back to normal.

pick up your nephew's card. it turns out he has. at 3 months the platelets were also more than 500, so their pediatrician then completely waved her hand and said “this is common in children under one year old.” There is no medical diversion from vaccinations. Nothing

We visited 780 at 2 months. We immediately went to a hematologist and went to two other labs, the same thing. The hematologist sent me to test for infections, cytomegalovirus and hepatitis. The tests are negative. The doctor said that this happens, maybe, of course, hidden infections, but it’s unlikely. Torch and hum are all clean for me and my husband. The doctor said to come back at 6 months for new tests. They arrived, platelets have decreased. Rotom at 9 months a year. This year it was already the norm. The doctor said that by the age of one year they usually fall. They fall smoothly. We had a Rhesus conflict, perhaps this was a reaction to my antibodies. Because my antibodies are like foreign things to my daughter.

Increased platelets and lymphocytes

Blood analysis! Please help me decipher


Good afternoon. Do you remember what your red blood cell and hematocrit levels were at that time? Thank you.

If the child feels well and has no active complaints, then this platelet count may be a peculiarity of your child. No additional measures should be taken, just take a general test and monitor the platelet count. It is best with the help of a doctor.

Please take a look at my thread, maybe you can give me some advice.

Yes, I looked, but this also happens. Children have such a tendency - to some leukocytosis, some thrombocytosis. In my practice, I have met children who had 700 platelets, and despite the background of complete health. If you are worried, consult a doctor.

How many platelets do you have? Our analysis shows 413, I think the norm is up to 400? The pediatrician looked and said the tests were good, and I went into the chart and started deciphering it, I have a DPT, now I’m worried

Hello! We received blood tests (CBC) and our daughter’s platelets are slightly elevated, 359, while the rest are normal (other indicators are normal), and my son’s indicator is slightly decreased. The distribution of red blood cells by volume is 10.3, while the norm is 12-14.5, what does this mean.

We are 1g10m. We did a blood test before DTP - increased lymphocytes and decreased neutrophils. Sends me to a hematologist. Before this, all vaccinations were tolerated perfectly, they got sick very rarely and without any symptoms, except for fever for 1-3 days. To the last one.

Good afternoon Vasily Mikhailovich, please look at the test results. My son is 4.5 months old. We took tests twice - at 3 and 4 months. I had not seen the results before - the pediatrician said that everything was fine, just...

We went today to get a paid vaccination. I picked up the tests at the clinic. The pediatrician said they were overpriced. I asked 2 times if we could get vaccinated. To which she replied that yes. We went to the vaccination center and were rejected.

We are now 3 months old. We took a blood test and found that lymphocytes were elevated! What does this mean?

took a blood test. Does anyone know why lymphocytes (75 when the norm is up to 70) in the blood can be increased against the background of a decrease in neutrophils (15 when the norm is 16)?

Girls, who had this happen in the third trimester? I took the test on November 21 (32 weeks), in general this test is kind of strange, but I looked at the coagulogram, it’s normal, and the platelets are 686. I never have.

The child is 3 months old. We took a general blood test before the DPT vaccination. The results came back, the result is good, with the exception of platelets - instead of the required ones, the child has 428! I read a lot on the Internet - it’s terrible! who had this happen? what did the doctors say? on the.

My daughter is 5 years old. Bad mantu (7mm), so they prescribed blood and urine tests and referred me to a phthisiatrician. Today I received tests, platelets are elevated, the norm is 351. I read on the Internet, they write that one of them.

Anyone who has encountered this, help me figure it out. Below the cut is the result of a blood test, lymphocytes are increased and neutrophils are decreased. This is the second time we’ve been renting (we were planning to get vaccinated), but the dynamics are only getting worse. What could this mean? The child seems to be fine. This is today's: And this.

Automatic decoding of general blood test, norms, deviations from the norm. Reasons for the increase and decrease in indicators by age: neutrophils, leukocytes, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, erythrocytes, platelets, color index, ESR in the table

  1. Hemoglobin (HGB), g/l
  1. Mean erythrocyte volume (MCV), fl
  1. Average hemoglobin concentration in erythrocytes (MCHC), g/dl
  1. Reticulocytes (RTC), %
Possible reasons
Possible reasons
Possible reasons

Read more about the disease in the article: Malaria.

Possible reasons

The maximum of reiculocytes in the blood is observed 7-10 days from the start of treatment.

Iron deficiency anemia is a pathological condition in which a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood is associated with a deficiency of iron absorbed by the body.

Possible reasons
Possible reasons
Possible reasons
Possible reasons
Possible reasons

Read more about B12 deficiency anemia in the article: B12 deficiency anemia.

Possible reasons
Possible reasons

Read more about this disease in the article: Thalassemia.

Possible reasons

Read more about changes in blood during radiation sickness read the article: Radiation sickness.

Possible reasons
Possible reasons
  1. Platelets (PLT), 10*9 cells/l
  1. White blood cells (WBC), 10*9 cells/l
  1. Segmented neutrophils (NE%), %
Possible reasons
Possible reasons
Possible reasons
Possible reasons
  1. Band neutrophils, %
Possible reasons
Possible reasons
  1. Myelocytes (Mie), %
  1. Metamyelocytes (young), %
  1. Lymphocytes (LYM%), %
Possible reasons
Possible reasons
  1. Monocytes (MON%), %
  1. Eosinophils (EO%), %
Possible reasons
Possible reasons

Possible types of allergic reactions:

Read more about diseases of the thyroid gland in the section by following the link: Thyroid gland.

Suggested diagnoses

Table of normal indicators of general blood test


Hemoglobin norm by age

Why is hemoglobin increased?

Why low hemoglobin?

Norm of red blood cells by age

Why are red blood cells low?

Why are red blood cells elevated?

Total white blood cell count

Norm of leukocytes by age

Why are leukocytes elevated?

Against the background of an inflammatory reaction

Abnormalities of leukocytes and platelets, basic cell functions

Deviations from the norm in blood parameters indicate the presence of pathology in the body. After all, blood cells react acutely to negative effects on human health. If platelets and lymphocytes in the blood are elevated, what does this mean? Can they be downgraded?

The role of cells in the human body

Platelet formation occurs when sections of the cytoplasm break off from megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. The cells live for 11 days, after which they are destroyed in the liver or spleen.

Platelets - useful components blood. Their task is to stop bleeding and restore the structure of blood vessels when damaged. The activity of cells is noticeable to a person when he receives an injury or wound. If there were no cells, then the blood would lose the ability to clot, therefore, any damage would be fatal to a person.

White blood cells are considered very valuable blood cells. These include lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes. They play the role of protecting the body from pathogenic influences, support the activity of the immune system, and prevent the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body. These cells are capable of absorbing and digesting foreign agents.

With the development of the inflammatory process in the body, active production of leukocytes occurs, which are sent to eliminate the pathology. Many die in the struggle, which is why purulent process. Pus is dead leukocytes.

Increase in platelets

When platelets are elevated in a person's blood, doctors talk about thrombocytosis. This condition can be pathological and physiological. Reasons for an increase in cell concentration that are not associated with diseases are:

Among the pathologies that can cause thrombocytosis are:

Drinking alcohol on the eve of donating blood for analysis can cause platelet abnormalities. There may simply be an incorrect result due to incorrect testing technique in the laboratory.

Elevated levels occur due to many reasons. Some do not depend on a person’s will, while others can be eliminated by each patient independently, for example: stop drinking alcohol.

With thrombocytosis, people experience symptoms characteristic of the disease that caused it. The main clinical manifestations are:

Causes of increased leukocytes

If lymphocytes are elevated, it means lymphocytosis is present. It develops due to infectious pathologies, acute allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock, the occurrence of malignant and benign neoplasms, autoimmune disorders.

In addition to these diseases, an increase in the level of lymphocytes can be provoked by:

  1. Surgical intervention. When a person undergoes surgery, the number of leukocytes in the blood always increases. This condition is not dangerous to health; the indicator returns to normal after the body has fully recovered.
  2. Poor nutrition. This factor can lead to a weakening of the immune system. Usually, in order to restore the level of lymphocytes, it is enough to adjust the diet. If your body is severely weakened, you will need medical help.
  3. Taking certain medications. An increase in the number of cells due to this factor does not pose a threat to health; the indicator returns to normal as soon as the intake is stopped.

Simultaneous thrombocytosis and lymphocytosis

Often, a deviation in one indicator leads to a change in another. Therefore, you can find such a combination as simultaneous lymphocytosis and thrombocytosis. This is possible when pathologies occur in the body.

Causes of elevated levels of platelets and lymphocytes include:

  1. Inflammatory processes.
  2. Pathologies of infectious, bacterial, viral or fungal nature.
  3. Oncological pathologies.
  4. Heavy bleeding.
  5. The rehabilitation period after surgery.
  6. Labor and recovery after it.
  7. Spleen removal surgery.
  8. Diseases of the blood and bone marrow.

Causes an increase in blood cells physiological factors. In this case, there is no danger to the body, the concentration does not need to be reduced, it normalizes on its own.

Decreased blood cells

The number of platelets and leukocytes decreases due to many factors. Most often they become:

Low or high levels of platelets and leukocytes in the blood indicate the development of pathology in the body. The best preventive measure is to regularly take a blood test, at least twice a year. This is the only way to keep all indicators under control and eliminate health problems.

Lymphocytes in the blood: increased, decreased, normal

Often, after receiving the results of a blood test, we can read a doctor’s conclusion that there are elevated lymphocytes in the blood. What does this mean, is this disease dangerous, and can it be cured?

What are lymphocytes?

All white blood cells that perform immune function, are called leukocytes. They are divided into several categories:

Each of these groups performs strictly defined tasks. If we compare the immune forces of the body with an army, then eosinophils, basophils and monocytes are special branches of the military and heavy artillery, neutrophils are soldiers, and lymphocytes are officers and guards. In relation to the total number of leukocytes, the number of cells of this type in adults averages 30%. Unlike most other white blood cells, which usually die when confronted with an infectious agent, lymphocytes can act repeatedly. Thus, they provide long-term immunity, while the remaining leukocytes provide short-term immunity.

Lymphocytes, together with monocytes, belong to the category of agranulocytes - cells that do not have granular inclusions in the internal structure. They can survive longer than other blood cells - sometimes up to several years. Their destruction, as a rule, occurs in the spleen.

What are lymphocytes responsible for? They perform a wide variety of functions, depending on their specialization. They are responsible for both humoral immunity, associated with the production of antibodies, and cellular immunity, associated with interaction with target cells. Lymphocytes are divided into three main categories - T, B and NK.

T cells

They make up approximately 75% of all cells of this type. Their embryos are formed in the bone marrow and then migrate to the thymus gland (thymus), where they turn into lymphocytes. Actually, their name speaks about this (T stands for thymus). Their greatest number is observed in children.

In the thymus, T cells “undergo training” and acquire various “specialties”, turning into the following types of lymphocytes:

B cells

Among other lymphocytes, their share is approximately 15%. They are formed in the spleen and bone marrow, then migrate to the lymph nodes and concentrate there. Their main function is to provide humoral immunity. IN lymph nodes Type B cells become familiar with antigens presented to them by other cells of the immune system. After this, they begin the process of forming antibodies that react aggressively to the invasion of foreign substances or microorganisms. Some B cells have a “memory” for foreign objects and can retain it for many years. Thus, they ensure that the body is ready to meet the “enemy” fully armed if it reappears.

NK cells

The proportion of NK cells among other lymphocytes is approximately 10%. This variety performs functions much like those of killer T cells. However, their capabilities are much wider than those of the latter. The band's name comes from the phrase Natural Killers ( Natural killers). This is the real “anti-terrorist special forces” of the immune system. The purpose of the cells is to destroy degenerated cells of the body, primarily tumor cells, as well as those affected by viruses. At the same time, they are able to destroy cells that are inaccessible to killer T cells. Each NK cell is “armed” with special toxins that are lethal to target cells.

Why is a change in lymphocytes in the blood bad?

From the above, it may seem that the more of these cells in the blood, the higher a person’s immunity should be, and the healthier he should be. And often a condition where lymphocytes are elevated is a truly positive symptom. But in practice, everything is not so simple.

First of all, a change in the number of lymphocytes always indicates that not everything is in order in the body. As a rule, they are produced by the body for a reason, but to combat some problem. And the doctor’s task is to find out what elevated blood cells indicate.

In addition, a change in the number of white blood cells may mean that the mechanism by which they appear in the blood has been disrupted. And from this it follows that the hematopoietic system is also susceptible to some kind of disease. An increased level of lymphocytes in the blood is called lymphocytosis. Lymphocytosis can be both relative and absolute. With relative lymphocytosis, the total number of leukocytes does not change, but the number of lymphocytes increases relative to other types of leukocytes. With absolute lymphocytosis, both leukocytes and lymphocytes increase, while the ratio of lymphocytes to other leukocytes may not change.

A condition in which there are low lymphocytes in the blood is called lymphopenia.

Norms of lymphocytes in the blood

This norm varies depending on age. In young children, as a rule, the relative number of these cells is higher than in adults. Over time, this parameter decreases. Also different people it may deviate greatly from the average.

Lymphocyte norms for different ages.

As a rule, lymphocytosis in adults is spoken of if the absolute number of lymphocytes exceeds 5x109/l, and of the total number of leukocytes, the number of these cells is 41%. The minimum acceptable value is 19% and 1x109/l.

How to determine the level of lymphocytes

To determine this parameter, it is enough to take a general clinical blood test. The test is taken on an empty stomach; before the test, you should not engage in physical activity during the day, do not eat fatty foods, and do not smoke for 2-3 hours. Blood for general analysis is usually taken from a finger, less often from a vein.

A complete blood count allows you to find out how different types of white blood cells relate to each other. This ratio is called leukocyte formula. Sometimes the number of lymphocytes is directly indicated in the analysis transcript, but often the transcript contains only English abbreviations. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult for an ignorant person to find the necessary data in a blood test. Typically, the required parameter is indicated as LYMPH in the blood test (sometimes also LYM or LY). On the contrary, the content of blood cells per unit volume of blood is usually indicated, as well as normal values. This parameter may also be referred to as “abs lymphocytes.” The percentage of lymphocytes from the total number of leukocytes may also be indicated. It should also be taken into account that different laboratories may use different methods analysis, so the results of a general blood test may vary somewhat in different medical institutions.

Causes of lymphocytosis

Why does the white blood cell count increase? This symptom can have several causes. First of all, these are infectious diseases. Many infections, especially viral ones, cause the immune system to produce increased numbers of killer T cells and NK cells. This type of lymphocytosis is called reactive.

Viral infections that can cause an increase in lymphocytes in the blood include:

Also, increased lymphocytes in the blood can be observed during bacterial and protozoal infections:

However, not every bacterial infection is accompanied by lymphocytosis, since many bacteria are destroyed by other types of leukocytes.

An increase in the number of white blood cells can be observed not only during illness, but also some time after recovery. This phenomenon is called post-infectious lymphocytosis.

Another cause of lymphocytosis is diseases of the hematopoietic system (leukemia) and lymphatic tissue (lymphoma). Many of them are malignant. With these diseases, lymphocytosis is observed in the blood, but the immune cells are not complete and cannot perform their functions.

The main diseases of the lymphatic and circulatory systems that can cause lymphocytosis:

Other reasons that can cause an increase in the number of immune cells:

Many autoimmune diseases, that is, diseases in which the immune system attacks healthy cells of the body, can also be accompanied by lymphocytosis:

Lymphocytosis can also be temporary or permanent. The temporary type of disease is usually caused by infectious diseases, injuries, poisoning, and medications.

Spleen and lymphocytosis

Since the spleen is an organ where immune cells break down, it surgical removal for some reason it can cause temporary lymphocytosis. However, subsequently the hematopoietic system returns to normal and the number of these cells in the blood stabilizes.

Oncological diseases

However, the most dangerous causes of lymphocytosis are cancers that affect the hematopoietic system. This reason also cannot be discounted. And therefore, if it is impossible to associate a symptom with some external cause, then it is recommended to undergo a thorough examination.

The most common hemato-oncological diseases in which lymphocytosis is observed are acute and chronic lymphoblastic leukemia.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a serious disease of the hematopoietic system, in which immature immune cells are formed in the bone marrow that cannot perform their functions. The disease most often affects children. Along with the increase in lymphocytes, there is also a decrease in the number of red blood cells and platelets.

Diagnosis of this type of leukemia is made using a bone marrow puncture, after which the number of immature cells (lymphoblasts) is determined.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

This type of disease is more common in older people. With it, there is a significant increase in non-functional B-type cells. In most cases, the disease develops slowly, but is almost untreatable.

When diagnosing a disease, first of all, the total number of type B cells is taken into account. When examining a blood smear, tumor cells can be easily identified by characteristic features. To clarify the diagnosis, immunophenotyping of cells is also performed.

Lymphocytes in HIV

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that directly attacks the cells of the immune system and causes a serious disease - AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Therefore, the presence of this virus cannot but affect the number of lymphocytes in the blood. Lymphocytosis is usually observed in the early stages. However, as the disease progresses, the immune system becomes weaker and lymphocytosis gives way to lymphopenia. Also with AIDS, there is a decrease in the number of other blood cells - platelets and neutrophils.

Lymphocytes in urine

Sometimes the presence of lymphocytes can be observed in the urine, which should not normally be the case. This sign indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system - for example, o urolithiasis, bacterial infections in the genitourinary tract. In kidney transplant patients, the presence of lymphocytes may indicate the process of organ rejection. These cells can also appear in the urine during acute viral diseases.

Decreased lymphocytes - causes

Sometimes a situation opposite to lymphocytosis can be observed - lymphopenia, when lymphocytes are low. For lymphocytes, a decrease is typical in the following cases:

A situation where the number of immune cells is lower than normal may be a temporary phenomenon. So, if during an infectious disease a lack of lymphocytes is replaced by an excess, this may indicate that the body is close to recovery.

Changes in lymphocytes in the blood of women

For such a parameter as the content of lymphocytes, there are no gender differences. This means that both men and women should have approximately the same number these cells.

During pregnancy, moderate lymphopenia is usually observed. This is due to the fact that increased lymphocytes in the blood of women during pregnancy can harm the fetus, which has a different genotype compared to the mother’s body. However, in general, the number of these cells does not decrease below normal limits. However, if this happens, the immune system may be weakened, and the woman’s body may be susceptible to various diseases. And if the number of lymphocytes is higher than normal, then this situation threatens early termination of pregnancy. Thus, it is very important for pregnant women to control the level of lymphocytes in the blood. To do this, it is necessary to undergo regular tests, both in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy.

In women, certain phases may also cause an increase in the number of immune cells menstrual cycle. In particular, during premenstrual syndrome there may be slight increase lymphocytes.

Lymphocytosis in children

When a baby is born, its lymphocyte level is relatively low. However, then the body begins to intensively produce white blood cells, and, starting from the first weeks of life, there are a lot of lymphocytes in the blood, much more than in adults. This is explained natural causes– after all, a child has a much weaker body than an adult. As the child grows older, the number of these cells in the blood decreases, and at a certain age there are fewer of them than neutrophils. Subsequently, the number of lymphocytes approaches adult levels.

However, if there are more lymphocytes than normal for a certain age, then this is a cause for concern. It is necessary to understand what causes lymphocytosis. Usually, the child’s body reacts very violently to every infection, such as ARVI, measles, rubella, releasing a huge amount of white blood cells. But when the infection subsides, their number returns to normal.

However, it should be remembered that lymphocytosis in children can also be caused by such serious illness, like acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Therefore, it is important to regularly check your baby's white blood cell count through blood tests.

Symptoms of lymphocytosis

Does lymphocytosis manifest itself in any other way besides changes in blood composition? If it is caused by an infectious disease, the patient will experience symptoms characteristic of this disease, for example, fever, chills, headaches, cough, rash, etc. But these symptoms are not symptoms of lymphocytosis itself. However, in some cases, with an increase in lymphocytes caused by non-infectious causes, an enlargement of the lymph nodes and spleen, the organs where most lymphocytes are located, may be observed.

Diagnosis of the causes of lymphocytosis

When the number of lymphocytes increases, the reasons for the increase are not always easy to detect. First of all, it is recommended to consult a general practitioner. Most likely, he will give directions for several additional tests - blood for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis. In addition, additional studies may be prescribed - ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic tomography, radiography.

An additional blood test may be required to rule out the error. To clarify the diagnosis, an operation such as a lymph node or bone marrow puncture may be necessary.

Typical and atypical immune cells

When determining the cause of an increase in lymphocytes, an important role is played by determining the number of typical and atypical types of cells.

Atypical lymphocytes are blood cells that have different properties and sizes compared to normal ones.

Most often, atypical cells are observed in the blood in the following diseases:

On the other hand, in many diseases a large number of atypical cells are not observed:

Use of other blood parameters in diagnosis

A factor such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) should also be taken into account. In many diseases this parameter increases. The dynamics of other blood components are also taken into account:

An increase in the total number of leukocytes with a simultaneous increase in lymphocytes may indicate lymphoproliferative diseases:

This condition may also be characteristic of:

Relative lymphocytosis (in which the total number of white blood cells remains approximately constant) is usually characteristic of severe bacterial infections such as typhoid fever.

In addition, it occurs in the case of:

A decrease in the total number of leukocytes against the background of an increase in the number of lymphocytes is possible after severe viral infections or against their background. This phenomenon is explained by the depletion of the reserve of rapid immunity cells, primarily neutrophils, and the increase in long-term immunity cells - lymphocytes. If this is the case, then, as a rule, this situation is temporary, and the number of white blood cells should soon return to normal. Also, a similar state of affairs is typical for taking certain medications and poisoning.

A decrease in the number of red blood cells due to lymphocytosis is usually characteristic of leukemia and bone marrow diseases. In addition, cancer of the bone marrow is usually accompanied by a very large increase in lymphocytes - approximately 5-6 times higher than normal.

A simultaneous increase in the number of red blood cells and lymphocytes can be observed in heavy smokers. Ratio various types lymphocytes may also have diagnostic value. For example, with myeloma, first of all, the number of type B cells increases, with infectious mononucleosis - types T and B.

Treatment and prevention

Should lymphocytosis be treated? In the event that lymphocytes are increased due to some disease, for example, infectious, then treatment of the symptom itself is not required. You should pay attention to the treatment of the disease that caused it and lymphocytosis will go away on its own.

Infectious diseases are treated with antibiotics or antivirals, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. In many cases, it is enough just to provide the lymphocytes with comfortable conditions to fight the infection - give the body rest, eat right and drink plenty of fluids to remove toxins from the body. And then the lymphocytes, like soldiers of a victorious army, will “go home” and their level in the blood will decrease. Although this may not happen the next day after the end of the illness. Sometimes a trace from past infection in the form of lymphocytosis can be observed for several months.

A completely different matter is leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma. They will not go away “on their own,” and in order for the disease to recede, a lot of effort must be made. The treatment strategy is determined by the doctor - it can be chemotherapy or radiation radiotherapy. In the most severe cases, a bone marrow transplant is used.

Severe infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, mononucleosis, AIDS, also require careful treatment with antibiotics and antiviral agents.

Everything that has been said about the treatment of lymphocytosis is also true regarding the prevention of this condition. Specific prevention it does not require, it is important to strengthen the body in general and the immune system in particular, eat right, avoid bad habits, and treat chronic infectious diseases in a timely manner.

Has your child had an acute respiratory infection or the flu and has elevated lymphocytes? What does this mean and how to protect your child from possible consequences? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

Meet the lymphocytes

Lymphocytes are classified as shaped elements blood, which are also part of the immune system. An increased content of lymphocytes in a child is called lymphocytosis, which indicates infectious process, for example, mononucleosis, etc.

At the same time, lymphocytosis may indicate non-infectious causes.

If a doctor reveals lymphocytosis during a blood test, then a study to find the cause of its appearance gives the following results:

If its cause is a viral disease, That we're talking about about viral lymphocytosis. In this case, the body responds to the disease, and when the underlying disease is eliminated, lymphocytosis also disappears.

Tumor lymphocytosis acts as an independent disease and leads to more serious consequences.

What number of lymphocytes is considered normal?

This figure varies depending on age. You will see the percentage concentrations of lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils from the total number of leukocytes in the table.

Because lymphocytes belong to white blood cells, their number is assessed both in absolute quantity and in relation to total number leukocytes.

In children, the number of lymphocytes is not constant, and as can be seen from the table, as you grow older it will change downwards and only after 6 years it will return to a stable norm - 22-50%.

For these reasons, if there is an abnormality, it does not necessarily indicate pathology.

Elevated lymphocytes in a child usually greatly worry parents. And when visiting a doctor, he will first of all find out whether these changes are reactive or malignant.

Why are the percentages of other leukocytes in the table?

In the blood test you will find the absolute value and percentage of each group of leukocytes. To diagnose a disease, you need to focus on all indicators.

If, according to test results, your baby has an increase in lymphocytes in the blood, contact a specialist - a hematologist or oncologist to identify the exact cause.

Cause of increased red blood cells - erythrocytes the child suffers from oxygen starvation (since the main function of red blood cells is to enrich the blood with oxygen), which is caused by various factors.

As a rule, erythrocytosis occurs more often in athletic children, because their body needs more oxygen.

This disease is not independent, it only indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Dangerous consequence– liver or kidney cancer.

They take a blood test in the morning on an empty stomach, because... after physical activity and after eating food, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases.

By the evening, any person’s concentration is an order of magnitude higher than in the morning.

If, after passing the analysis, your child has been diagnosed with an elevated white blood cell count, then this makes itself felt as an inflammatory disease, rare reason leukocytosis – internal bleeding, liver problems, malignant tumors.

Increased level of platelets in the blood of a child leads to active blockage of blood vessels.

Blood diseases, viral infections, and malignant tumors may occur. All these are consequences of thrombocytosis.

How to determine elevated lymphocytes in a child?

A prerequisite for lymphocytosis is a blood test.

Signs of lymphocytosis in children are weakness, lethargy, fever, difficulty breathing, and with the underlying skin disease, a rash appears on the body.

Pay special attention to small children.

In infants, elevated lymphocytes do not make themselves felt.

In fact, if your baby has had a cold and tests show elevated white blood cell levels, don't worry. In a maximum of a month, the indicators will return to normal.

Below are possible interpretations of the analysis results.


Platelets are low and lymphocytes are high. Decreased lymphocytes - causes

Update: October 2018

Lymphocytes are small blood cells from the group of leukocytes that perform a very important function. They are responsible for human resistance to infectious diseases and are the first obstacle to cancer cells. Therefore, any significant change in the number of lymphocytes is a signal from the body that needs to be heeded.

How are lymphocytes formed?

The main organs that form lymphocytes are the thymus (before puberty) and the bone marrow. In them, cells divide and remain until they encounter a foreign agent (virus, bacteria, etc.). There are also secondary lymphoid organs: lymph nodes, spleen and formations in the digestive tract. This is where most lymphocytes migrate. The spleen is also the depot and place of their death.

There are several types of lymphocytes: T, B and NK cells. But they are all formed from a single precursor: a stem cell. It undergoes changes, eventually differentiating into the desired type of lymphocyte.

Why are lymphocytes necessary?

How to determine the number of lymphocytes?

The number of lymphocytes is reflected in the general blood test. Previously, all cell counts were carried out manually using a microscope. Nowadays, automatic analyzers are more often used to determine the number of all blood cells, their shape, degree of maturity and other parameters. The standards for these indicators for manual and automatic determination differ. Therefore, confusion still often arises if the analyzer results are close to manual standards.

In addition, the forms sometimes do not indicate the rate of lymphocytes in the child’s blood. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the standards for each age group.

Norms of lymphocytes in the blood

What do elevated lymphocytes in the blood mean?

Lymphocytosis is an increase in the number of lymphocytes. It can be relative and absolute

  • Absolute lymphocytosis– a condition in which the number of lymphocytes exceeds age standards. That is, in adults - more than 4 * 10 9 cells per liter.
  • Relative lymphocytosis– change in the percentage composition of white cells in favor of lymphocytes. This happens when the total number of leukocytes decreases due to the neutrophil group. As a result, the percentage of lymphocytes becomes larger, although they absolute value remains normal. A similar blood picture is considered not as lymphocytosis, but as leukopenia with neutropenia.

It is important to remember that if neutrophils are low and lymphocytes are only elevated as a percentage, this may not reflect true picture. Therefore, most often in blood tests they focus specifically on the absolute number of lymphocytes (in cells per liter).

Causes of elevated lymphocytes in the blood

  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  • Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  • Autoimmune processes (thyrotoxicosis)
  • Lead, arsenic, carbon disulfide poisoning
  • Taking certain medications (levodopa, phenytoin, valproic acid, narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics)
  • Splenectomy

Stress and hormonal fluctuations

Changes in the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio may occur in stressful situations. Including when entering the doctor's office. Excessive physical activity has the same effect. In such cases, lymphocytosis is insignificant (no more than 5 * 10 9 cells per liter) and is temporary. Increased lymphocytes in the blood of women also occur during menstruation.


The general blood test of an experienced smoker may differ significantly from the results of a person without bad habits. In addition to general blood thickening and an increase in the number of red blood cells, there is always an increase in the level of lymphocytes.

Infectious diseases

The entry of an infectious agent into the body leads to the activation of all protective forces. During bacterial infections, a large number of neutrophils are produced that destroy microbes. And when viruses penetrate, lymphocytes come into play. They mark cells affected by viral particles, produce antibodies against them and then destroy them.

Therefore, with almost any viral infection, relative lymphocytosis occurs, and often absolute lymphocytosis. This indicates the beginning of the formation of immunity to the disease. The elevated level of lymphocytes remains throughout the entire recovery period and sometimes a little longer. Blood tests change especially dramatically when infectious mononucleosis. Some chronic bacterial infections also cause an increase in lymphocytes (tuberculosis and syphilis, for example).


This is an infection caused Epstein-Barr virus. This virus affects almost all people sooner or later. But only in some people does it lead to symptoms collectively called infectious mononucleosis. The virus is transmitted through saliva during close household contacts, as well as through kissing. The latent period of the disease can last more than a month. The main target of viral particles is lymphocytes. Symptoms of the disease:

  • temperature increase
  • a sore throat
  • enlarged lymph nodes
  • weakness
  • night sweats

The disease is more easily tolerated by children younger age. Teenagers and adults may feel the signs of infection much more strongly. To diagnose mononucleosis, complaints, examination and test analysis are usually sufficient: lymphocytes in the child’s blood are elevated, abnormal mononuclear cells are present. Sometimes an immunoglobulin test is used. Treatment for a viral infection is usually symptomatic. Requires rest, use sufficient quantity liquids, for fever - antipyretic drugs (paracetamol,). In addition, it is better to avoid playing sports during illness. Mononucleosis causes an enlargement of the spleen, which utilizes blood cells. This increase, combined with trauma, can lead to organ rupture, bleeding, and even death.

Whooping cough

This is a serious infectious disease respiratory tract. It most often affects children, although high vaccination coverage in recent years has sharply reduced the incidence of infection.

Whooping cough begins as a typical cold, but after 1-2 weeks a paroxysmal cough occurs. Each attack can end in severe vomiting. After 3-4 weeks, the cough becomes calmer, but persists for a long time. Previously, whooping cough was a common cause of death and disability in children. But even now children are at risk of cerebral hemorrhage and convulsive syndrome during an attack.

The diagnosis is made based on symptoms, PCR and enzyme immunoassay results. In this case, in a general blood test, significant leukocytosis almost always occurs (15-50 * 10 9), mainly due to an increase in the number of lymphocytes.

Antibiotics are used to treat whooping cough. However, they rarely shorten the duration of the disease, but can reduce the incidence of complications. The main defense against this serious illness is DTP vaccination, Pentaxim or Infanrix.

Blood tumors

Unfortunately, lymphocytosis is not always reactive in response to infection. Sometimes it is caused by a malignant process that causes cells to divide uncontrollably.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

A tumor disease of the blood in which immature lymphoblasts are formed in the bone marrow that have lost the ability to turn into lymphocytes is called ALL. Such mutated cells cannot protect the body from infections. They divide uncontrollably and inhibit the growth of all other blood cells.

ALL is the most common type of blood tumors in children (85% of all childhood hemoblastoses). It is less common in adults. Risk factors for the disease are genetic abnormalities (Down syndrome, for example), radiation therapy and intense ionizing radiation. There is information about the effect of pesticides in the first three years of a child’s life on the risk of developing ALL.

Signs of ALL:

  • Symptoms of anemia: pallor, weakness, shortness of breath
  • Symptoms of thrombocytopenia: unreasonable bruises and nosebleeds
  • Symptoms of neutropenia: fever, frequent severe infectious diseases, sepsis
  • Enlarged lymph nodes and spleen
  • Bone pain
  • Neoplasms in the testicles, ovaries, mediastinal area (thymus)

To diagnose acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a complete blood count is required. It most often has a reduced number of platelets and red blood cells. The white blood cell count may be normal, low, or high. At the same time, the level of neutrophils is reduced, and the level of lymphocytes is relatively increased, often there are lymphoblasts. If there is any suspicion of a tumor, a bone marrow puncture is performed, with the help of which a final diagnosis is made. The tumor criterion will be a large number of blasts in the bone marrow (more than 20%). Additionally, cytochemical and immunological studies are carried out.

Treatment of ALL

The main principles of treatment of blood tumors are the introduction of remission, its consolidation and maintenance therapy. This is achieved with the help of cytostatic drugs. Chemotherapy is difficult for many, but it is the only treatment that gives a chance for recovery. If the disease does return (relapse), then more aggressive cytostatic therapy regimens are used or a bone marrow transplant is performed. Bone marrow transplantation is performed from a relative (if suitable) or from another suitable donor.

Prognosis for ALL

Advances in oncohematology make it possible to cure a large number of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Factors for a positive prognosis include young age, a leukocyte count of less than 30,000, the absence of genetic damage, and the introduction of remission within 4 weeks of treatment. In this situation, more than 75% of patients survive. Each relapse of the disease reduces the chances of a full recovery. If there have been no relapses for 5 years or more, the disease is considered defeated.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)

A blood tumor in which the level of mature lymphocytes in the bone marrow increases is called CLL. Although tumor cells differentiate into their final forms, they are unable to perform the functions of lymphocytes. While ALL most often affects children and young adults, CLL usually occurs after age 60 and is a not-so-rare cause of elevated lymphocytes in the blood of an adult. This type of leukemia is the only one for which risk factors have not been established.

Symptoms of CLL:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes (painless, mobile, dense)
  • Weakness, pallor
  • Frequent infections
  • Increased bleeding
  • If the condition worsens: fever, night sweats, weight loss, enlarged liver and spleen

Quite often, CLL is an incidental finding during a routine blood test, since for a long time this disease is asymptomatic. Results are considered suspicious if the number of leukocytes exceeds 20*10 9 /l in adults, and the number of platelets and red blood cells is sharply reduced.

A feature of the treatment of CLL is its resistance to chemotherapy. Therefore, therapy is often postponed until the appearance of obvious symptoms. In this condition, a person can live without treatment for several years. If the condition worsens (or leukocytes double in six months), cytostatics can slightly increase life expectancy, but more often they do not affect it.


One of important functions lymphocytes – the formation of delayed-type allergic reactions. That is why an increase in such cells may indicate an autoimmune process. A striking example is diffuse toxic goiter (Graves-Bazedow disease). For unknown reasons, the body begins to attack its own receptor cells, resulting in thyroid is in constant activity. Such patients are fussy, restless, and find it difficult to concentrate. There are often complaints of interruptions in heart function, shortness of breath, fever, and hand tremors. The eyes of patients with toxic goiter are wide open and sometimes seem to be coming out of their sockets.

Main laboratory sign DTG – high values ​​of the hormones T3 and T4 with low TSH. There is often relative and sometimes absolute lymphocytosis in the blood. The reason for the increase in lymphocytes is the excessive activity of the immune system.

Treatment of thyrotoxicosis is carried out with thyreostatics, followed by surgery or radioactive iodine therapy.

Other autoimmune diseases ( rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, etc.) are also combined with lymphocytosis.

Metal poisoning and medication use

Some heavy metals(lead) and medications(chloramphenicol, analgesics, levodopa, phenytoin, valproic acid) can cause leukopenia due to a decrease in neutrophils. As a result, relative lymphocytosis is formed, which does not have clinical significance. It is more important to monitor the absolute number of neutrophils in order to prevent a severe condition (agranulocytosis) of complete defenselessness against bacteria.


Splenectomy (removal of the spleen) is performed for certain indications. Since this organ is the site of lymphocyte breakdown, its absence will cause temporary lymphocytosis. Eventually, the hematopoietic system itself will adapt to the new circumstances, and the cell level will return to normal.

What do low lymphocytes in the blood indicate?

Lymphopenia is a decrease in the number of lymphocytes less than 1.5 * 10 9 cells per liter. Causes of lymphopenia:

  • Severe viral infection (hepatitis, influenza)
  • Bone marrow depletion
  • Drug influence (corticosteroids, cytostatics)
  • End stage heart and kidney failure
  • Tumors lymphoid tissue(lymphogranulomatosis)
  • Immunodeficiencies, including AIDS

Severe infection

A long-term, “exhausting” infectious disease depletes not only a person’s strength, but also reserves of immune cells. Therefore, after temporary lymphocytosis, a deficiency of lymphocytes occurs. As the infection is defeated, cell reserves are restored and tests return to normal.

Diseases of bone marrow with its depletion

Some diseases cause pancytopenia - the depletion of all blood cells in the bone marrow. In such cases, not only the number of lymphocytes is reduced, but also other types of leukocytes, red blood cells and platelets.

Fanconi anemia

Congenital Fanconi anemia is named after its most striking syndrome: anemic. But the basis of the disease is depletion of the bone marrow and inhibition of all hematopoiesis. In the analysis of patients, a decrease in the number of red blood cells, platelets and all types of white cells (including lymphocytes) is observed. Congenital pancytopenia is often accompanied by developmental anomalies (absence of thumbs, short stature, hearing loss). The main danger and the main cause of death is a decrease in the number of neutrophils and platelets, resulting in severe infections and massive bleeding. In addition, such patients have an increased risk of cancer.

Treatment of congenital pancytopenia is carried out hormonal agents. They can delay complications for some time. The only chance for a complete cure is a bone marrow transplant. But due to frequent cancer diseases average duration The lifespan of such people is 30 years.

Exposure to radiation

Exposure to various types of radiation (accidental or for treatment purposes) can lead to bone marrow dysfunction. As a result, it is replaced by connective tissue, and the supply of cells in it becomes poor. In blood tests in such cases, all indicators decrease: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Lymphocytes are also usually low.

Drug influence

Some drugs (cytostatics, antipsychotics) used for health reasons may have side effects. One of these effects is inhibition of hematopoiesis. The result is pancytopenia (a decrease in the number of all blood cells). Taking corticosteroids causes absolute neutrophilia and relative lymphopenia. Most often, the bone marrow will recover after stopping these medications.

Hodgkin's lymphoma (lymphogranulomatosis)

The main difference between lymphoma and lymphocytic leukemia is the initial site of its occurrence. Tumor cells in lymphomas are located locally, most often in the lymph nodes. In leukemia, the same malignant cells are formed in the bone marrow and are immediately carried into the general bloodstream.

Symptoms of Hodgkin's lymphoma:

  • Enlargement of one or more lymph nodes
  • Anemia, increased bleeding and susceptibility to infections (if the process is advanced)
  • Intoxication (fever, night sweats, weight loss)
  • Symptoms of compression of organs by a tumor: suffocation, vomiting, irregular heartbeat, pain

The main diagnostic method is a biopsy of the affected lymph node or organ. In this case, a piece of fabric is sent to histological examination, based on the results of which a diagnosis is made. To determine the stage of the disease, a bone marrow puncture is taken and a computed tomography scan of the main groups of lymph nodes is performed. Blood tests may be normal in the early stages of lymphoma. Deviations, including lymphopenia, occur as the disease progresses.

Treatment of the disease is carried out with cytostatic drugs followed by irradiation of the lymph nodes. For relapses, more aggressive chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation are used.

The prognosis for such a tumor is usually favorable, with a 5-year survival rate of 85% or higher. There are several factors that worsen the prognosis: age over 45 years, stage 4, lymphopenia less than 0.6 * 10 9 .


Immune deficiency is divided into congenital and acquired. In both cases, the level of lymphocytes in the general blood test may change due to a deficiency of T cells. If the B-link is affected, then a routine blood test often does not reveal abnormalities, so additional research methods are required.

DiGeorge syndrome

This variant of immunodeficiency is also called hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of the thymus. The chromosome defect in this syndrome also causes heart defects, facial abnormalities, cleft palate, and low blood calcium levels.

If a child has an incomplete syndrome, when part of the thymus is still preserved, then he may not suffer too much from this disease. The main symptom is a slightly higher frequency of infectious lesions and a slight decrease in lymphocytes in the blood.

The full syndrome is much more dangerous, manifests itself with severe viral and fungal infections in very early childhood, and therefore requires a thymus or bone marrow transplant for treatment.

Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)

Mutations of certain genes can lead to severe damage to cellular and humoral immunity - SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency). The disease manifests itself already in the first months after birth. Diarrhea, pneumonia, skin and ear infections, sepsis are the main manifestations of the disease. The causative agents of fatal diseases are microorganisms that are harmless to most people (adenovirus, CMV, Epstein-Barr, herpes zoster).

A general blood test reveals an extremely low content of lymphocytes (less than 2*10 9 cells per liter), the thymus and lymph nodes are extremely small.

The only possible treatment for SCID is a donor bone marrow transplant. If it is carried out in the first three months of the baby’s life, then there is a chance of a complete cure. Without therapy, children with combined immunodeficiency do not survive beyond 2 years of age. Therefore, if a child has low lymphocytes in his blood, he constantly suffers from severe infectious diseases, then it is urgently necessary to carry out additional examination and start treatment.


Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is associated with the damaging effects of HIV on T lymphocytes. Penetration of this virus is possible through biological fluids: mainly blood and sperm, as well as from mother to child. A significant decrease in lymphocytes does not occur immediately. Sometimes several years pass between infection and the onset of AIDS. As the disease progresses and lymphopenia increases, a person loses the ability to resist infections, which can lead to sepsis and death. The risk of tumors increases for the same reason: the disappearance of T cells. Treatment of HIV infection with special antiretroviral drugs helps control the disease, maintains the necessary level of immunity and prolongs life.

Features of lymphocytosis in children

  • Immediately after birth, neutrophils predominate among all leukocytes in children. But by the 10th day of life, the number of lymphocytes increases, occupying 60% of all white cells. This picture persists up to 5-7 years, after which the ratio of lymphocytes and neutrophils reaches adult norms. Therefore, lymphocytosis in young children is a normal physiological phenomenon if it is not accompanied additional symptoms and changes in analyses.
  • The body of young children often responds to infections very violently, producing a leukemoid reaction. It got its name because of its resemblance to blood tumors - leukemia. With such a reaction, the number of leukocytes significantly exceeds the norm and even the level of normal inflammation. Sometimes immature forms (blasts) appear in the blood in an amount of 1-2%. Other hematopoietic germs (platelets, erythrocytes) remain within normal limits. Therefore, extremely high values ​​of white blood (including lymphocytes) do not always mean cancer. Often the cause is common mononucleosis, chickenpox, measles or rubella.

The conclusion from the above is this: lymphocytes are extremely important cells in the human body. Their meaning can be a marker of very dangerous conditions, or it can indicate a common runny nose. The level of these cells should be assessed only in conjunction with other blood elements, taking into account complaints and symptoms. Therefore, it is better to entrust the assessment of the test results to your attending physician.

This article was written using specialized medical literature. All material used has been analyzed and presented in easy-to-understand language with minimal use of medical terms. The purpose of this article was to provide an accessible explanation of the meanings general analysis blood, interpretation of its results.

If you have identified a deviation from the norm in a general blood test and want to find out more about possible reasons, then click on the selected blood indicator in the table - this will allow you to go to the selected section.

The article provides detailed information about the standards cellular elements for every age. Deciphering a blood test in children requires special attention. Normal blood levels in children depend on age, so accurate information about the child's age is necessary to interpret the results of a blood test. You can find out about age standards from the tables below - separate for each blood test indicator.

We all have had a general blood test at least once in our lives. And every person was faced with a misunderstanding about what was written on the form, what did all these numbers mean? How to understand why this or that indicator is increased or decreased? What could be the risk of an increase or decrease, for example, in lymphocytes? Let's look at everything in order.

General blood test norms

Table normal indicators general blood test
Analysis indicator Norm
Hemoglobin Men: 130-170 g/l
Women: 120-150 g/l
Red blood cell count Men: 4.0-5.0 10 12 /l
Women: 3.5-4.7 10 12 /l
White blood cell count Within 4.0-9.0x10 9 /l
Hematocrit (the ratio of the volume of plasma and cellular elements of blood) Men: 42-50%
Women: 38-47%
Average red blood cell volume Within 86-98 microns 3
Leukocyte formula Neutrophils:
  • Segmented forms 47-72%
  • Band forms 1-6%
Lymphocytes: 19-37%
Monocytes: 3-11%
Eosinophils: 0.5-5%
Basophils: 0-1%
Platelet count Within 180-320 10 9 /l
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) Men: 3 - 10 mm/h
Women: 5 - 15 mm/h


Hemoglobin (Hb) is a protein containing an iron atom that is capable of attaching and transporting oxygen. Hemoglobin is found in red blood cells. The amount of hemoglobin is measured in grams/liter (g/l). Determining the amount of hemoglobin is very important, since when its level decreases, the tissues and organs of the entire body experience a lack of oxygen.
Hemoglobin norm in children and adults
age floor Units of measurement - g/l
Up to 2 weeks 134 - 198
from 2 to 4.3 weeks 107 - 171
from 4.3 to 8.6 weeks 94 - 130
from 8.6 weeks to 4 months 103 - 141
at 4 to 6 months 111 - 141
from 6 to 9 months 114 - 140
from 9 to 1 year 113 - 141
from 1 year to 5 years 100 - 140
from 5 years to 10 years 115 - 145
from 10 to 12 years 120 - 150
from 12 to 15 years women 115 - 150
men 120 - 160
from 15 to 18 years old women 117 - 153
men 117 - 166
from 18 to 45 years old women 117 - 155
men 132 - 173
from 45 to 65 years women 117 - 160
men 131 - 172
after 65 years women 120 - 161
men 126 – 174

Reasons for increased hemoglobin

  • Dehydration (decreased fluid intake, profuse sweating, impaired kidney function, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, excessive vomiting or diarrhea, use of diuretics)
  • Congenital defects heart or lung
  • Pulmonary failure or heart failure
  • Kidney disease (renal artery stenosis, benign tumors kidneys)
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic organs (erythremia)

Low hemoglobin - reasons

  • Congenital diseases blood (sickle cell anemia, thalassemia)
  • Iron deficiency
  • Lack of vitamins
  • Exhaustion of the body

Red blood cell count

Red blood cells- These are small red blood cells. These are the most numerous blood cells. Their main function is the transfer of oxygen and its delivery to organs and tissues. Red blood cells are presented in the form of biconcave discs. Inside the red blood cell there is a large amount of hemoglobin - the main volume of the red disk is occupied by it.
Normal red blood cell count in children and adults
Age indicator x 10 12 / l
newborn 3,9-5,5
from 1 to 3 days 4,0-6,6
in 1 week 3,9-6,3
in week 2 3,6-6,2
at 1 month 3,0-5,4
at 2 months 2,7-4,9
from 3 to 6 months 3,1-4,5
from 6 months to 2 years 3,7-5,3
from 2 to 6 years 3,9-5,3
from 6 to 12 years 4,0-5,2
boys aged 12-18 4,5-5,3
girls aged 12-18 4,1-5,1
Adult men 4,0-5,0
Adult women 3,5-4,7

Causes of decreased red blood cell levels

A decrease in the number of red blood cells is called anemia. There are many reasons for the development of this condition, and they are not always associated with the hematopoietic system.
  • Errors in nutrition (food poor in vitamins and protein)
  • Leukemia (diseases of the hematopoietic system)
  • Hereditary enzymopathies (defects of enzymes that are involved in hematopoiesis)
  • Hemolysis (death of blood cells as a result of exposure to toxic substances and autoimmune lesions)

Reasons for the increase in the number of red blood cells

  • Dehydration (vomiting, diarrhea, profuse sweating, decreased fluid intake)
  • Erythremia (diseases hematopoietic system)
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular or pulmonary system that lead to respiratory and heart failure
  • Renal artery stenosis
What to do if red blood cells are elevated?

Total white blood cell count

Leukocytes- these are living cells of our body circulating with the bloodstream. These cells carry out immune control. In the event of an infection or damage to the body by toxic or other foreign bodies or substances, these cells fight the damaging factors. The formation of leukocytes occurs in the red bone marrow and lymph nodes. Leukocytes are divided into several types: neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes, lymphocytes. Different types of leukocytes differ from each other appearance and functions performed during the immune response.

Causes of increased leukocytes

Physiological increase in leukocyte levels
  • After meals
  • After active physical activity
  • In the second half of pregnancy
  • After vaccination
  • During menstruation
Against the background of an inflammatory reaction
  • Purulent-inflammatory processes (abscess, phlegmon, bronchitis, sinusitis, appendicitis, etc.)
  • Burns and injuries with extensive soft tissue damage
  • After operation
  • During the period of exacerbation of rheumatism
  • During the oncological process
  • For leukemia or malignant tumors various localizations the immune system is stimulated.

Causes of decreased leukocytes

  • Viral and infectious diseases(influenza, typhoid fever, viral hepatitis, sepsis, measles, malaria, rubella, mumps, AIDS)
  • Rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus)
  • Some types of leukemia
  • Hypovitaminosis
  • Use of antitumor drugs (cytostatics, steroid drugs)


Hematocrit- this is the percentage ratio of the volume of the blood being tested to the volume occupied by red blood cells in it. This indicator is calculated as a percentage.
Hematocrit norms in children and adults
Age floor Indicator in %
up to 2 weeks 41 - 65
from 2 to 4.3 weeks 33 - 55
4.3 - 8.6 weeks 28 - 42
From 8.6 weeks to 4 months 32 - 44
From 4 to 6 months 31 - 41
From 6 to 9 months 32 - 40
From 9 to 12 months 33 - 41
from 1 year to 3 years 32 - 40
From 3 to 6 years 32 - 42
From 6 to 9 years 33 - 41
From 9 to 12 years 34 - 43
From 12 to 15 years women 34 - 44
men 35 - 45
From 15 to 18 years old women 34 - 44
men 37 - 48
From 18 to 45 years old women 38 - 47
men 42 - 50
From 45 to 65 years women 35 - 47
men 39 - 50
after 65 years women 35 - 47
men 37 - 51

Reasons for increased hematocrit

  • Cardiac or respiratory failure
  • Dehydration due to excessive vomiting, diarrhea, extensive burns, and diabetes

Reasons for decreased hematocrit

  • Kidney failure
  • Second half of pregnancy

MCH, MCHC, MCV, color index (CPU)- norm

Color Index (CPU)- This classic method to determine the concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes. Currently, it is gradually being replaced by the MCH index in blood tests. These indices reflect the same thing, only expressed in different units.

Leukocyte formula

Leukocyte formula is an indicator percentage various types leukocytes in the blood and their total number of leukocytes in the blood (this indicator is discussed in the previous section of the article). The percentage of different types of leukocytes in infectious, blood diseases, and oncological processes will change. Thereby laboratory symptom the doctor may suspect the cause of health problems.

Types of leukocytes, normal

Neutrophils Segmented forms 47-72%
Band forms 1-6%
Eosinophils 0,5-5%
Basophils 0-1%
Monocytes 3-11%
Lymphocytes 19-37%

In order to find out the age norm, click on the name of the leukocyte from the table.


Neutrophils There can be two types - mature forms, which are also called segmented, and immature - rod-shaped. Normally, the number of band neutrophils is minimal (1-3% of the total number). With the “mobilization” of the immune system, there is a sharp increase (by several times) in the number of immature forms of neutrophils (band neutrophils).
Norm of neutrophils in children and adults
Age Segmented neutrophils, percentage Band neutrophils, %
Newborns 47 - 70 3 - 12
up to 2 weeks 30 - 50 1 - 5
From 2 weeks to 1 year 16 - 45 1 - 5
From 1 to 2 years 28 - 48 1 - 5
From 2 to 5 years 32 - 55 1 - 5
From 6 to 7 years 38 - 58 1 - 5
From 8 to 9 years old 41 - 60 1 - 5
From 9 to 11 years old 43 - 60 1 - 5
From 12 to 15 years 45 - 60 1 - 5
From 16 years old and adults 50 - 70 1 - 3
An increase in the level of neutrophils in the blood is a condition called neutrophilia.

Reasons for increased neutrophil levels

  • Infectious diseases (sore throat, sinusitis, intestinal infection, bronchitis, pneumonia)
  • Infectious processes - abscess, phlegmon, gangrene, traumatic injuries of soft tissues, osteomyelitis
  • Inflammatory diseases of internal organs: pancreatitis, peritonitis, thyroiditis, arthritis)
  • Heart attack (heart attack, kidney, spleen)
  • Chronic metabolic disorders: diabetes mellitus, uremia, eclampsia
  • The use of immunostimulating drugs, vaccinations
Decreased neutrophil levels - a condition called neutropenia

Reasons for decreased neutrophil levels

  • Infectious diseases: typhoid fever, brucellosis, influenza, measles, chicken pox(chickenpox), viral hepatitis, rubella)
  • Blood diseases (aplastic anemia, acute leukemia)
  • Hereditary neutropenia
  • High hormone levels thyroid gland Thyrotoxicosis
  • Consequences of chemotherapy
  • Consequences of radiotherapy
  • The use of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral drugs

What is a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left and to the right?

Shift of the leukocyte formula to the left means that young, “immature” neutrophils appear in the blood, which are normally present only in the bone marrow, but not in the blood. Similar phenomenon observed in mild and severe course infectious and inflammatory processes(for example, with sore throat, malaria, appendicitis), as well as with acute blood loss, diphtheria, pneumonia, scarlet fever, typhus, sepsis, intoxication.

Shift of the leukocyte formula to the right means that the number of “old” neutrophils (segmented) in the blood increases, and the number of nuclear segments becomes more than five. This picture occurs in healthy people living in areas contaminated with radiation waste. It is also possible in the presence of B 12 deficiency anemia, with a lack of folic acid, in people with chronic lung disease, or with obstructive bronchitis.


Eosinophils– this is one of the types of leukocytes that are involved in cleansing the body of toxic substances, parasites, and participates in the fight against cancer cells. This type of leukocyte is involved in the formation of humoral immunity (immunity associated with antibodies)

Reasons for increased blood eosinophils

  • Allergies (bronchial asthma, food allergies, allergies to pollen and other airborne allergens, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, drug allergies)
  • Parasitic diseases– intestinal parasites (giardiasis, ascariasis, enterobiasis, opisthorchiasis, echinococcosis)
  • Infectious diseases (scarlet fever, tuberculosis, mononucleosis, venereal diseases)
  • Cancerous tumors
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system (leukemia, lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis)
  • Rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, periarteritis nodosa,scleroderma)

Reasons for the decrease in eosinophils

  • Heavy metal intoxication
  • Purulent processes, sepsis
  • Beginning of the inflammatory process


Monocytes- few, but the largest immune cells in the body. These white blood cells are involved in recognizing foreign substances and teaching other white blood cells to recognize them. They can migrate from the blood into body tissues. Outside the bloodstream, monocytes change their shape and transform into macrophages. Macrophages can actively migrate to the site of inflammation in order to take part in cleansing the inflamed tissue from dead cells, leukocytes, bacteria. Thanks to this work of macrophages, all conditions are created for the restoration of damaged tissues.

Causes of increased monocytes (monocytosis)

  • Infections caused by viruses, fungi (candidiasis), parasites and protozoa
  • Recovery period after an acute inflammatory process.
  • Specific diseases: tuberculosis, syphilis, brucellosis, sarcoidosis, ulcerative colitis
  • Rheumatic diseases - systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, periarteritis nodosa
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system acute leukemia, multiple myeloma, lymphogranulomatosis
  • poisoning with phosphorus, tetrachloroethane.

Causes of decreased monocytes (monocytopenia)

  • hairy cell leukemia
  • purulent lesions (abscesses, phlegmon, osteomyelitis)
  • after surgery
  • taking steroid medications (dexamethasone, prednisolone)


Causes of increased blood basophils

  • decreased thyroid hormone levels hypothyroidism
  • chicken pox
  • food and drug allergies
  • condition after removal of the spleen
  • treatment with hormonal drugs (estrogens, drugs that reduce the activity of the thyroid gland)
Lymphocytes– the second largest fraction of leukocytes. Lymphocytes play a key role in humoral (through antibodies) and cellular (implemented through direct contact of the destroyed cell and lymphocyte) immunity. Different types of lymphocytes circulate in the blood - helpers, suppressors and killers. Each type of leukocyte is involved in the formation of the immune response at a certain stage.

Causes of increased lymphocytes (lymphocytosis)

  • Viral infections: infectious mononucleosis, viral hepatitis, cytomegalovirus infection, herpes infection, rubella
  • Diseases of the blood system: acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, lymphosarcoma, heavy chain disease - Franklin disease;
  • Poisoning by tetrachloroethane, lead, arsenic, carbon disulfide
  • Use of drugs: levodopa, phenytoin, valproic acid, narcotic painkillers

Causes of low lymphocytes (lymphopenia)

  • Kidney failure
  • Terminal stage of cancer;
  • Radiotherapy;
  • Chemotherapy
  • Use of glucocorticoids


Causes of increased platelets

(thrombocytosis, platelet count more than 320x10 9 cells/l)
  • splenectomy
  • inflammatory processes (exacerbation of rheumatism,


Band neutrophils, %

Lymphocytes, %

Monocytes, %

Segmented neutrophils, %

Up to 2 weeks
Up to 1 year
Up to 8 years old
Up to 16 years old
Over 16 years old

Main reasons for increased indicators

All causes can be divided into several groups: infectious, non-infectious, pre-tumor and tumor.

Infections in a child may include:

In addition to viruses, an increase in lymphocytes in a child’s blood may indicate:

As practice shows, most often this is a viral infection, bacteriological is characterized by an increase in leukocytes.

To the number not infectious causes may include hypersensitivity reactions ( serum sickness, injuries).

Lymphocytosis can be triggered by stress, autoimmune processes and endocrine diseases(hyperthyroidism), even taking certain medications.

To the number precancerous conditions include lymphoproliferative diseases, malignant thymoma. Directly tumor include chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, etc.

Depending on the percentage and absolute concentration of white cells in the blood, lymphocytosis can be relative and absolute.


In this case, the percentage of lymphocytes deviates from the norm, but their absolute value remains the same. Relative lymphocytosis occurs in all diseases that reduce immunity.


The absolute value of lymphocytes increases. Absolute lymphocytosis is accompanied by diseases such as rubella, whooping cough, chicken pox, acute viral hepatitis, measles, scarlet fever, and tuberculosis.

In chronic diseases, one of the indicated types of lymphocytosis is observed.

In the early stages of the disease, it is difficult to distinguish between reactive and tumor lymphocytosis. Therefore, additional tests are prescribed

In the early stages of the disease, even experienced specialists it is difficult to differentiate between reactive and tumor lymphocytosis.

Therefore, additional tests are required - determination of the lymphocyte subpopulation, chromosomal abnormalities in cell nuclei, molecular genetic testing, bone marrow examination (cytological and histological).

Except laboratory research, diagnostics is based on specific situation and symptoms. An X-ray of the chest and an ultrasound of internal organs may be necessary, especially if the liver or spleen is enlarged.


Lymphocytosis – defensive reaction organism, it is necessary to treat not it, but the cause of its appearance. Because most often this is a viral infection, it would be advisable to prescribe. It should be clarified that antibiotics are not indicated, because They have no effect on viruses or tumors.

The only exception would be simultaneous increase the number of leukocytes and lymphocytes, which indicates the attachment bacterial infection to viral.

Timely diagnosis will allow you to monitor the baby’s condition and prevent the development of diseases in the early stages. Do a blood test at least once every six months.


First of all, vaccinate your child healthy image life: exercise, proper nutrition, avoid bad habits.

Secondly, dress your baby according to the weather to avoid colds.

Thirdly, during the autumn and spring periods, monitor your health more carefully and get your blood tested at this time.

An effective way against the appearance of lymphocytosis is a strong immune system. Therefore, vitamins and decoctions that strengthen the body as a whole will not be superfluous.

Deviations from the norm in blood parameters indicate the presence of pathology in the body. After all, blood cells react acutely to negative effects on human health. If platelets and lymphocytes in the blood are elevated, what does this mean? Can they be downgraded?

Platelet formation occurs when sections of the cytoplasm break off from megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. The cells live for 11 days, after which they are destroyed in the liver or spleen.

Platelets are useful components of blood. Their task is to stop bleeding and restore the structure of blood vessels when damaged. The activity of cells is noticeable to a person when he receives an injury or wound. If there were no cells, then the blood would lose the ability to clot, therefore, any damage would be fatal to a person.

White blood cells are considered very valuable blood cells. These include lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes. They play the role of protecting the body from pathogenic influences, support the activity of the immune system, and prevent the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body. These cells are capable of absorbing and digesting foreign agents.

With the development of the inflammatory process in the body, active production of leukocytes occurs, which are sent to eliminate the pathology. Many die in the struggle, which causes a purulent process. Pus is dead leukocytes.


Increase in platelets

When in a person’s blood, doctors talk about thrombocytosis. This condition can be pathological and physiological. Reasons for an increase in cell concentration that are not associated with diseases are:

Among the pathologies that can cause thrombocytosis are:

Drinking alcohol on the eve of donating blood for analysis can cause platelet abnormalities. There may simply be an incorrect result due to incorrect testing technique in the laboratory.

Elevated levels occur due to many reasons. Some do not depend on a person’s will, while others can be eliminated by each patient independently, for example: stop drinking alcohol.

Read also: – norms and deviations, features of the diagnostic method

With thrombocytosis, people experience symptoms characteristic of the disease that caused it. The main clinical manifestations are:

Important!!! If platelets increase rapidly, there is a risk of blood clots. This pathological condition leads to heart attack, stroke and death.

Cancer cells lead to an increase in platelets

Causes of increased leukocytes

If lymphocytes are elevated, it means lymphocytosis is present. It develops as a result of infectious pathologies, acute allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock, the occurrence of malignant and benign neoplasms, and autoimmune disorders.

In addition to these diseases, an increase in the level of lymphocytes can be provoked by:

  1. Surgical intervention. When a person undergoes surgery, the number of leukocytes in the blood always increases. This condition is not dangerous to health; the indicator returns to normal after the body has fully recovered.
  2. Poor nutrition. This factor can lead to a weakening of the immune system. Usually, in order to restore the level of lymphocytes, it is enough to adjust the diet. If your body is severely weakened, you will need medical help.
  3. Taking certain medications. An increase in the number of cells due to this factor does not pose a threat to health; the indicator returns to normal as soon as the intake is stopped.

Simultaneous thrombocytosis and lymphocytosis

Often, a deviation in one indicator leads to a change in another. Therefore, you can find such a combination as simultaneous lymphocytosis and thrombocytosis. This is possible when pathologies occur in the body.

Causes of elevated levels of platelets and lymphocytes include:

  1. Inflammatory processes.
  2. Pathologies of infectious, bacterial, viral or fungal nature.
  3. Oncological pathologies.
  4. Heavy bleeding.
  5. The rehabilitation period after surgery.
  6. Labor and recovery after it.
  7. Spleen removal surgery.
  8. Diseases of the blood and bone marrow.

Physiological factors provoke an increase in blood cells. In this case, there is no danger to the body, the concentration does not need to be reduced, it normalizes on its own.

Postoperative period promotes changes in the number of blood cells

Decreased blood cells

The number of platelets and leukocytes decreases due to many factors. Most often they become:

A drunk person's blood causes cells to drop

Low or high levels of platelets and leukocytes in the blood indicate the development of pathology in the body. The best preventive measure is regular blood testing, at least twice a year. This is the only way to keep all indicators under control and eliminate health problems.



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