Pain in the right hypochondrium: causes of heaviness, stabbing, aching, acute pain in the right side. Pain in the right hypochondrium on the side After eating, slight pain in the right hypochondrium

As gastroenterologists note, the main causes of pain after eating in the right hypochondrium are diseases such as cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, dyskinesia of the gallbladder or biliary tract. Often, the pain associated with these diseases is accompanied by other symptoms, primarily nausea and vomiting.

In addition, pain after eating in the right hypochondrium may be due to peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, inflammation of the hepatic parenchyma (hepatitis), as well as fatty degeneration of the liver. And each of these pathological conditions has its own characteristics.

Pain after eating in the right hypochondrium with cholecystitis

Most often, pain in the right hypochondrium after eating is a sign of cholecystitis, an acute or chronic inflammatory disease that affects the walls of the gallbladder.

A typical clinical picture of acute cholecystitis (calculous or non-calculous, that is, with or without gallstones) is cramping acute pain in the right hypochondrium after eating. In this case, the pain radiates to the region of the right shoulder blade, shoulder and lower back. In addition to pain, a person is tormented by nausea and vomiting, and a violation of the heart rhythm can be observed. The attack of pain can be so severe that it can lead to loss of consciousness.

Experts explain these symptoms of pain after eating in the right hypochondrium with spasms of the gallbladder. Spasms occur for several reasons: due to blockage (obstruction) of the bile duct by a stone, the actual inflammation of the bladder wall or the presence of scars in its cavity, and also due to functional disorders of motility (dyskinesia) of the gallbladder neck, which flows into the cystic bile duct.

If acute cholecystitis is catarrhal (inflammation has affected only the upper layer of the mucous membrane of the gallbladder) and is not associated with stones in the gallbladder, then if you follow the diet and follow all the doctor's prescriptions, everything will return to normal in a couple of weeks.

But if acute cholecystitis is calculous, then a stone stuck in the bile duct can lead to infection of the gallbladder wall with the formation of pus. This is phlegmous acute cholecystitis, in which patients complain of dull pain in the right hypochondrium after eating, chills and fever, sometimes yellowing and severe itching of the skin appear. In the absence of treatment, there is a high probability of transformation of phlegmous acute cholecystitis into purulent (with a temperature of up to +39 ° C, weakness and signs of intoxication) and even gangrenous cholecystitis. With this form of the disease, necrosis (necrosis) of the tissues of the gallbladder wall occurs, and pain may no longer be felt. After a few days, the gallbladder may simply burst, leading to peritonitis.

In chronic cholecystitis, patients experience a pulling pain in the right hypochondrium after eating, which is not as intense as in the acute form of the disease. In addition, nausea and vomiting are rare. The main cause of chronic inflammation of the gallbladder is all the same stones, but the immoderate and frequent use of fatty, spicy and fried foods and alcohol provoke an attack. Doctors recommend following a diet and taking drugs to relieve spasms during an attack of pain. And forever get rid of chronic calculous cholecystitis is possible only with the help of surgical intervention - removal of the gallbladder.

Among the causes of chronic non-calculous cholecystitis, in which a person is concerned about aching pain after eating in the right hypochondrium, as well as attacks of nausea, belching bitterness or a taste of bitterness in the mouth, include factors such as opportunistic bacteria and microbes (E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci) , pathogenic bacteria, various viruses, intestinal invasions (roundworm, giardia).

Pain after eating in the right hypochondrium with cholelithiasis and gallbladder dyskinesia

The formation of stones in the gallbladder is the result of an increase in the flow of cholesterol into bile, changes in its composition and stagnation in the gallbladder and its ducts.

The classic signs of gallstone disease (choletiasis) include the appearance of a bitter taste in the mouth, and paroxysmal acute pain in the right hypochondrium after eating occurs a little later and mainly after eating fats or alcohol. An attack of pain - with chills, vomiting and general weakness - can last for several minutes or several hours.

Aching pain after eating in the right hypochondrium can be observed with a functional disorder of the biliary system - a weakening of the contractility (dyskinesia) of the gallbladder and biliary tract. The presence of this pathology, in addition to pain, is indicated by bitterness in the mouth, decreased appetite, a constant feeling of fatigue and a bad mood.

Pain after eating in the right hypochondrium with ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

The duodenum (duodenum) wraps around the head of the pancreas and is the initial section of the small intestine. Symptoms of pain after eating in the right hypochondrium, as well as night pains and pains on an empty stomach are typical for a duodenal ulcer, more precisely, its upper expanded part - the bulb (bulbus duodeni).

Most often, a duodenal ulcer is preceded by its inflammation - duodenitis. With the erosive form of duodenitis, the mucous membrane is first destroyed, and then an ulcer is formed. In addition to aching or cutting pains in this disease, dyspeptic phenomena are noted in the form of belching, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of fullness in the epigastric region, flatulence, as well as vegetative symptoms such as weakness and excessive sweating. If you complain of severe (dagger) pain and dizziness, urgent medical attention is needed, as these are signs of a perforated duodenal ulcer.

Depending on the location of the lesion in gastric ulcer (which, like gastritis, is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori), pain appears shortly after eating or one and a half to two hours after eating, and with a deep ulcer in the antropyloroduodenal zone of the stomach - even at night. However, as gastroenterologists-clinicians emphasize, pain in this disease is not a specific symptom, and its main characteristics (strength, frequency, localization) depend on many factors. In particular, patients feel pain after eating in the right hypochondrium, mainly when the ulcer is localized in the pyloric part (output section) of the stomach.

Pain after eating in the right hypochondrium with inflammation of the pancreas

The pancreas is the second largest digestive gland, and pancreatic (pancreatic) juice is an active participant in the digestion of food. The causes of inflammation of this gland (pancreatitis) are stones, acute cholecystitis, gallbladder disease, inflammation of the papilla between the pancreas and duodenum, alcohol, fatty and spicy foods, and long-term use of certain drugs.

Pain in pancreatitis is sudden and very severe - with nausea, vomiting (with bile), fever, heart palpitations and low blood pressure. Features and localization of pain: sensation of a focus of pain high in the pit of the stomach; arching pain in the right hypochondrium with the seizure of the left; girdle throbbing pains, forcing the patient to bend over into the "fetal position".

A qualified medical examination in this situation is mandatory, since the symptoms of pain after eating in the right hypochondrium in this disease can be confused with signs of acute food poisoning, perforated ulcers, as well as with an attack of cholecystitis or appendicitis. The main distinguishing feature of pancreatitis is an increased content of the digestive enzyme amylase, which is detected in the serum during a biochemical blood test.

Pain after eating in the right hypochondrium with hepatitis

Hepatitis - inflammation of the liver with necrosis of areas of its tissue - is caused by a number of reasons. These are hepatitis viruses, and alcohol abuse, and prolonged drug effects on the liver, as well as a violation of the outflow of bile from the liver (cholestatic hepatitis).

In addition to pulling pain after eating in the right hypochondrium, the list of signs of this disease includes yellowness of the skin and sclera, skin itching, nausea, bitter belching, light feces and dark urine, general intoxication, fever and a decrease in the overall tone of the body.

A characteristic feature of chronic hepatitis is the long absence of obvious symptoms. But in the course of the disease, they are manifested by pulling pains in the right hypochondrium, an increase in the size of the liver, and complete intolerance to fatty foods. In the chronic form of hepatitis, there is a gradual and irreversible replacement of the parenchymal tissue of the liver, consisting of hepatocytes, with fibrous connective tissue. This eventually leads to cirrhosis of the liver.

Pain after eating in the right hypochondrium with fatty liver

Fatty hepatosis or toxic degeneration of the liver is a chronic disease. In most cases, chronic fatty hepatosis is an inevitable consequence of alcoholism or poisoning with certain toxic substances. This disease can also develop with an endocrine-induced lack of protein and vitamins in the body or with an unbalanced diet. At the same time, a violation of the formation of fats in liver cells is often accompanied by such pathologies of the endocrine system as diabetes mellitus and thyrotoxicosis.

With fatty hepatosis, there is a pathological loss of fat by liver cells (hepatocytes), that is, dystrophy, which leads to necrosis of hepatocytes. Symptoms of this disease are disorders of the entire digestive system, general weakness and headache, increased fatigue (even with slight physical exertion), dull pain after eating in the right hypochondrium, enlargement and tenderness of the liver on palpation.

If the action of damaging factors is not excluded and treatment is not started in a timely manner, liver dystrophy can lead to chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

The human body is a unique system that has the ability to self-heal. However, if you “wear out” the body with junk food (roasting, smoked meats, pickles, etc.), bad addictions (alcohol, tobacco, drugs), then it will begin to malfunction, which are manifested primarily by painful sensations in the right hypochondrium after eating.
If this symptom is ignored by a person, the occasionally occurring pain will become permanent, which will serve as an indication of the development of serious pathologies, the treatment of which can be very, very difficult.

As a rule, it hurts under the ribs on the right with pathologies in the liver, gallbladder. Sometimes a symptom indicates problems with the head of the pancreas, the digestive tract.


Hepatitis is the general name for pathologies characterized by inflammation of the liver tissue.

According to the causes of the development of the disease, hepatitis is classified into:

  • viral (A, B, C, D, E, F, G);
  • toxic (causes of development: exposure to alcohol, drugs, toxic substances);
  • autoimmune;
  • radiation (causes of development - exposure to radiation).

According to the nature of the course of the disease, acute and chronic hepatitis are distinguished.

According to clinical manifestations, the pathology is divided into icteric, anicteric and subclinical forms.

A characteristic feature of this hepatic pathology is the long absence of a clinic. Only with the development of the disease do the first signs appear, such as a pulling dull pain in the right hypochondrium that occurs after eating, intolerance to fatty foods and an increase in liver volume.

In addition to the pain felt in the right side under the ribs, patients often note:

  • the acquisition of a bright yellow tint by the skin and sclera of the eyes (with icteric and subclinical forms);
  • severe skin itching;
  • a feeling of nausea that accompanies belching with a bitter aftertaste;
  • dark urine;
  • clarification of feces;
  • increase in subfebrile temperature;
  • weakness and fatigue.

With a more severe pathology, the symptoms become brighter, pain in the right side in the hypochondrium occurs not only after eating, but also during physical activity.

If there is a pulling pain in the side, in particular in the right hypochondrium, especially when other symptoms of hepatitis appear, a person needs to seek advice from a therapist who, based on the result of a personal examination and clinical tests, will determine further patient management tactics. Most often, the patient is referred for further treatment to an infectious disease specialist, a gastroenterologist and a hepatologist.

It is possible to confirm the presence of hepatitis with the help of:

  • clinical blood tests;
  • blood tests for markers of hepatitis;
  • Ultrasound of the liver;
  • liver biopsy.

Treatment of acute hepatitis should be carried out only in stationary conditions! Also, the intake of alcohol and drugs that have a toxic effect on the liver should be excluded.

Hepatoprotective drugs are also prescribed, such as:

  • Legalon;
  • Karsil;
  • ceanidalone;
  • Essentiale, etc.

Therapy of autoimmune hepatitis is also carried out with the help of corticosteroids and immunosuppressants.

Gilbert's syndrome

Another name for this pathology is constitutional hepatic dysfunction or familial non-hemolytic jaundice. This disease is hereditary and congenital. It is characterized by a high content of bilirubin in the blood.

Most often, the course of the disease is asymptomatic or it manifests itself as minor signs, such as weak staining of the skin, mucous membranes and sclera in yellow. Often, when the disease manifests itself, the patient complains that it hurts in front under the right ribs, especially after eating fatty or spicy foods.

Other manifestations of the syndrome include:

  • asthenia, dizziness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • belching that occurs after eating and has a bitter aftertaste;
  • burning sensation in the retrosternal space;
  • feeling of nausea, sometimes ending in vomiting;
  • intestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea);
  • flatulence;
  • liver enlargement.


  • inspection;
  • palpation;
  • blood test (clinical, biochemical);
  • coagulogram;
  • DNA analysis of the gene that is responsible for the appearance of pathology;
  • analysis for markers of hepatitis;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • liver biopsy;
  • elastography.

Treatment of pathology includes a complete cessation of smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages, adherence to a special diet that excludes fatty, fried, smoked and spicy foods.

  • barbiturates;
  • choleretic;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • enterosorbents.

Often prescribe drugs that normalize the function of the gallbladder.

To destroy bilirubin, phototherapy is used, which is most often carried out with the help of blue lamps.


The disease is characterized by inflammation of the gallbladder with the subsequent formation of stones in it. The main signs are pain in the abdomen, in the side, mainly in the right hypochondrium. It hurts in the side, most often after eating fatty and fried foods, as well as smoked meats. In addition, there is an increase in subfebrile temperature and weakness.

Additional signs of developing cholecystitis include:

  • skin itching;
  • functional bowel disorders;
  • headache;
  • taste of bitterness and metal in the mouth;
  • belching;
  • increased gas and bloating.

Diagnosis of cholecystitis includes:

  • clinical blood tests;
  • microscopic examination of bile;
  • cholecystography;
  • Ultrasound of the gallbladder;
  • endovideoscopy.

Cholecystitis should only be treated by a specialist gastroenterologist. Therapy consists in maintaining a special diet for patients, excluding fatty and spicy foods from the diet, and observing bed rest. Also, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs, antispasmodic and choleretic drugs, drugs that help normalize the motor functions of the gallbladder.

During the period of remission in the chronic course of pathology, it is often advised to conduct thermal physiotherapy procedures on the hypochondrium area.

In case of ineffectiveness of treatment, an emergency resection of the gallbladder is performed.


It is a pathology, which is characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder and / or bile ducts.

The disease is classified into the following forms:

  • latent, asymptomatic;
  • chronic pain;
  • chronic recurrent, in which there is a periodic occurrence of sharp pain in the right side (in the hypochondrium), nausea, bitter belching;
  • dyspeptic;
  • angina pectoris, in which the pain syndrome is localized in the sternum in the region of the heart.

According to the severity of the course of the disease, there are:

  • a mild form, in which colic attacks occur no more than 5 times a year, while the rest of the time the patient's well-being is assessed as satisfactory;
  • moderate form, in which the number of colic attacks is 6-12 times a year;
  • severe form, characterized by the occurrence of attacks of biliary colic every 4-7 days.

Often the only sign of the disease is yellowing of the sclera of the eyes, mucous membranes and skin.

Typical for the disease is colic, the symptoms of which are:

  • sudden pain in the epigastric region and in the right hypochondrium;
  • aching pain in the side, the increase of which occurs after eating, mainly when eating spicy, fatty foods and smoked meats. This symptom is characteristic of a chronic form of pathology;
  • hypertonicity of the abdominal muscles, pain when touching the abdomen;
  • flatulence, nausea, frequent belching;
  • profuse, frequent and indomitable vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • an increase in subfebrile temperature up to 38 ° C;
  • skin itching;
  • stool disorder in the form of frequent diarrhea (up to 10-12 times a day).

Diagnosis of the disease consists in the study of personal and family history, examination of the patient. A number of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods are also carried out:

  • blood chemistry;
  • analysis for markers of hepatitis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • coprogram;
  • EGDS;
  • radiography;
  • cholangiopancreatography retrograde;
  • cholecystoangiography;
  • CT and MRI.

The pathology is treated by a gastroenterologist, who, based on the results of the diagnosis, determines the tactics of therapy. As a rule, the following methods are used for treatment:

  • appointment of dietary nutrition;
  • administration of bile acid preparations;
  • the use of drugs that help in the nutrition and protection of liver tissues;
  • therapy with antibacterial drugs;
  • surgical intervention.


Inflammation of the pancreas.

The first symptom of the development of pancreatitis in the head of the pancreas is pain in the right side. The nature of the pain syndrome is completely different: from pulling, dull to acute, constant. Most often, patients note that pain occurs 1.5-3 hours after eating, but it happens that the disease manifests itself immediately after eating.

Other manifestations of pancreatitis include:

  • a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • gas formation and bloating;
  • profuse and frequent diarrhea or persistent constipation;
  • malodorous feces;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • feeling of thirst;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa.

In order to determine the presence of pancreatitis, first of all, differential diagnosis is carried out with oncological diseases, cholelithiasis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, enteritis and other pathologies of the digestive tract.

Diagnosis of pathology also includes:

  • clinical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • echotomography;
  • gastroscopy;
  • duodenoroentgenography;
  • radioisotope scanning.

Treatment of pathology is carried out by the following methods:

  • adherence to dietary nutrition;
  • taking analgesics and antispasmodics;
  • therapy with enzyme preparations, vitamin complexes.

Rarely resort to surgical intervention.

stomach ulcer

A chronic disease characterized by the formation of ulcerative defects on the mucosa. With the formation of an ulcer on the right side of the stomach, the pathology manifests itself as pain in the right side of the abdomen, mainly under the ribs in front. The pain is aching, dull in nature. Causes of increased pain - physical activity, eating spicy foods or alcohol.

In addition to pain, patients note the following symptoms:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • flatulence;
  • belching with a bitter or sour taste;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • plaque on the tongue;
  • intense sweating, especially in the palms.

Diagnosis of an ulcer is made using:

  • general analysis of blood, urine, feces;
  • analysis of feces for occult blood;
  • FEGDS;
  • ultrasound examination of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas;
  • radiography;
  • monitoring the pH of gastric juice during the day and pH-metry.

A gastroenterologist deals with the treatment of stomach ulcers. Most often, therapy is carried out with the help of:

  • antibiotics;
  • drugs that increase the protection of the gastric mucosa;
  • antisecretory drugs;
  • antispasmodics;
  • probiotics.

With complications and ineffectiveness of drug therapy, surgical intervention is performed.


A disease characterized by inflammation of the duodenal mucosa, namely its bulb.

Bulbit is divided into types:

  • catarrhal;
  • hyperplastic;
  • atrophic;
  • erosive;
  • surface;
  • focal;
  • diffuse;
  • ulcerative;
  • hemorrhagic.

The main sign of the inflammatory process is dull or acute pain, localized in the epigastric region and radiating to the hypochondrium, side or navel. As a rule, this area hurts 1.5-2 hours after eating, as well as at night.

Other manifestations of pathology include:

  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • belching after eating;
  • nausea;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorder;
  • increased sweating;
  • nervous disorders.

To determine the presence of pathology is possible only with the help of fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

Treatment of bulbitis is determined by a gastroenterologist and includes:

  • diet food;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • normalization of lifestyle;
  • taking medications that contribute to the normalization of the functions of the stomach and duodenum 12.

irritable bowel syndrome

Disorder of bowel functions, in which discomfort and pain are associated with bowel movements, stool changes.

Pathology is classified into:

  • IBS with diarrhea, in which loose stools predominate;
  • IBS with constipation, in which very hard stools make up more than a quarter of all bowel movements;
  • mixed look.

The disease is characterized by the occurrence of pain in the abdomen, including in the right hypochondrium. As a rule, soreness goes away after a bowel movement, but not for long. Often the pain syndrome is accompanied by flatulence, persistent constipation or diarrhea.

Other manifestations of the disease include:

  • sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • epigastric pain;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • frequent urination;
  • weight loss;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • weakness, fatigue.

Sometimes patients complain that they have a headache, as well as muscles and joints.

Pathology is diagnosed using:

  • laboratory tests of blood and feces;
  • EGDS;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity;
  • colonoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • electrogastroenterography;
  • manometry.

Treatment for IBS includes medication, diet, lifestyle changes, and sometimes psychotherapy.

The causes of pain in the right hypochondrium described above (moreover, the list of diseases is far from complete) suggests that this symptom indicates the need for prompt medical attention. Only a timely appeal to a specialist, accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment will help to avoid the development of complications that can cause tremendous harm to the body.

The presence of symptoms such as:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium after eating
  • smell from the mouth
  • heartburn
  • constipation
  • belching
  • diarrhea
  • increased gas production (flatulence)

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or ulcer.

These diseases are dangerous for the development of serious complications (penetration, gastric bleeding, etc.), many of which can lead to

exodus. Treatment needs to start now.

Read the article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their root cause in a natural way. Read the material ...

1 Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Pain after eating in the right hypochondrium is a fairly common occurrence. They signal problems in a particular section of the digestive tract. This is because during the meal all the organs work offline and let you know about the slightest malfunction in their functioning. During the meal and its digestion, gastric juice and bile are actively secreted. Pain after eating in the right side can be caused by a spasm of the biliary organs in the presence of an inflection in a particular segment. In this case, bile often stagnates.

Pain in the right hypochondrium in front may indicate various diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines.

  1. Pathology of the liver. With various diseases of this organ, dull pain often occurs in the right hypochondrium. It can be strong or tolerant. Often the organ itself is enlarged and painful on palpation. Without the necessary diagnostic manipulations, it is not possible to determine the exact cause. If the liver is significantly enlarged, then this may indicate cirrhosis or other destructive processes in this organ. If a bitter taste in the mouth joins, then you should immediately consult a doctor.
  2. Cholecystitis. If the right side hurts after eating, then this is a signal that not everything is in order with the gallbladder. This may indicate both stone and non-stone cholecystitis. If after eating the right side hurts and there is an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth and bitterness, then you need to check your gallbladder for pathologies. This may be an inflection of some of its departments or a banal stagnation of bile, after the elimination of which all symptoms subside.
  3. Gastritis and diseases of the pancreas. If nausea also occurs with discomfort, then this may indicate inflammatory processes in the digestive organs. Pain in the right side, accompanied by heaviness in the stomach, indicates gastritis and pancreatitis. Nausea mainly occurs after eating, and discomfort can be felt at different intervals. As a rule, after eating, there is a feeling that the food eaten does not move further along the digestive tract. This may indicate the presence of atrophic gastritis.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the intestines. Sigmoiditis, ulcerative colitis can give pain in the right side. In this case, there is a disorder of the stool, nausea and frequent urge to defecate.
  5. SRK. Irritable bowel syndrome quite often makes itself felt not only by false or frequent urge to defecate, but also by the presence of pain in different parts of the abdominal cavity. The right side is also affected under certain conditions. Unfortunately, the etiology of IBS has not yet been clearly elucidated, but the psychogenic nature of the disease has been confirmed by research.

Many pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract give symptoms such as pain in the right side. And not necessarily the place of localization in the area where the discomfort is felt. Often the pains are girdle in nature, and the focus is difficult to determine without additional diagnostic methods.

2Psychic and nervous etiology

Disorders of the psyche and nervous system are often manifested by bodily symptoms. Very often, such factors are overlooked when the right side hurts under the ribs. And very in vain. Often it is intercostal neuralgia that gives similar symptoms. However, when this occurs, discomfort occurs when inhaling.

After a prolonged cough, a similar phenomenon may appear, but after a while it disappears without a trace. At the same time, discomfort is felt mainly with a deep breath and disappears immediately after it.

Psychosomatics is often accompanied by pain on the right under the ribs. When a person has psychogenic disorders, such discomfort is often associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but this is not so. This group of patients is concerned about pain after eating in the right hypochondrium. These symptoms are accompanied by fear of some incurable disease or death. This can also be joined by constant nausea and aversion to food. You may even lose your appetite.

The pain is sometimes vague and often spreads to different areas of the abdominal cavity. A person with mental disorders does not actually have somatic diseases. Pain is the response of the subconscious mind to prolonged stress and unresolved psychological problems. Food becomes a real problem. Since such people have a stomachache after a meal and the urge to defecate begins.

The only treatment in this case is psychotherapy and behavior modification. Diagnostic studies, as a rule, do not reveal any pathological processes in organs and systems.

3Possible diseases

If discomfort occurs after eating in the right hypochondrium, then this indicates pathological processes occurring in the liver and biliary system.

It can also be an oncological process in the organ. If, after eating in the right hypochondrium, discomfort is a constant companion, then this indicates that there may be stones in the gallbladder or its inflection. Hepatitis also often gives similar symptoms.

However, there are other causes that are not related to the digestive system:

  1. Pain after eating in the right area of ​​the hypochondrium may indicate an unhealthy condition of the kidneys. Discomfort is not always associated with food intake. In the case of kidney disease, the pain is often shingles.
  2. If it hurts on the right in the ribs when coughing, then this may indicate pneumonia. Especially when the process is accompanied by discomfort when inhaling. An x-ray can be used to exclude or confirm the presence of an inflammatory process in the lungs.
  3. Osteochondrosis can provoke pain on the right under the ribs. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the pathological process is not associated with the spinal column. If some of its department also hurts, then you can be sure that there are problems with the spine.

It is not possible to independently identify the cause of such symptoms. Therefore, in order to avoid serious health problems, you should contact a specialist for the necessary diagnosis. These can be both safe phenomena, such as hepatic colic, and very serious diseases for the body. It is very dangerous to ignore the pain in the right side, especially if it manifests itself constantly and is accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms.

Pain in the right hypochondrium after eating is an unpleasant manifestation of varying degrees of intensity, which occurs regardless of the age category and gender.

The main reasons for the development of such a symptom are diseases of the digestive system, a little less often its appearance is caused by other ailments. In addition, there is a small group of physiological predisposing factors.

Since, in the vast majority of cases, a pain syndrome of similar localization and time of manifestation indicates diseases, it is natural that other symptoms will develop against its background. To establish what served as the source of such a sign, the patient is shown a complex laboratory-instrumental diagnostic examination. Treatment tactics will fully comply with etiological factors.


Before talking about the causes of pain, patients need to know which internal organs are located in this area. These include:

  • liver;
  • right kidney and adrenal gland;
  • gallbladder;
  • pancreas, namely its head;
  • part of the diaphragm
  • appendage of the caecum;
  • bile ducts.

These are the main organs, the defeat of which certainly causes pain after a meal. However, pain can occur with pathologies of the stomach and duodenum or the cardiovascular system, as well as the inferior vena cava.

Among the diseases of the digestive system, which can cause pain, there are:

  • hepatitis is a pathological process characterized by inflammation in the tissues of this organ. In such cases, the pain will be aching in nature;
  • Gilbert's disease is a hereditary disease that can be asymptomatic, but in most cases it is expressed by yellowness of the skin and pain under the ribs on the right after eating;
  • cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder, which is often accompanied by the formation of stones in this organ or its ducts;
  • GSD is a pathology, which is the appearance of stones in the gallbladder or bile ducts. Basically, the disease proceeds in a chronic form, and the manifestation of symptoms, in particular pain under the right ribs, occurs during periods of exacerbation;
  • pancreatitis is a lesion by the inflammatory process of the pancreas, however, it is worth considering that only inflammation of the head of this organ contributes to the occurrence of pain in the right hypochondrium after eating. The pain syndrome in this case varies from dull to acute;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach;
  • bulbitis - characterized by inflammation of the duodenal membrane. Damage to the bulb of the duodenum leads to the appearance of a similar symptom. Soreness can be expressed not only a few hours after eating, but also at night;
  • gastritis;
  • acute inflammation of appendicitis.

In addition, there are less common causes of pain that are not related to the organs of the digestive system. For example:

  • kidney disease - soreness will be surrounding;
  • inflammation of the lungs - pain under the right ribs occurs a few hours after a meal, and is also significantly aggravated by coughing;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • chronic form of heart failure;
  • myocardial infarction - with this disease, patients note severe and dagger pain;
  • gynecological problems, such as ectopic pregnancy;
  • mental disorders - while ailments of the digestive tract in humans are not observed.

The physiological reasons for the appearance of pain of such localization after eating are:

  • an attack of severe coughing - in such cases, the pain goes away on its own, after a certain time;
  • pregnancy period - the development of pain occurs against the background of an increase in the size of the uterus and the active growth of the fetus, the use of dishes is only an irritating factor;
  • the end of the menstrual cycle - at this time there is a decrease in progesterone levels and an increase in estrogen. This is what leads to spasm of the bile ducts, which cause pain under the ribs on the right and in front after eating;
  • reception by female representatives of hormonal contraceptives;
  • intense physical activity immediately after a meal;
  • eating large amounts of fatty and spicy foods;
  • the habit of washing down food with carbonated and alcoholic drinks, as well as strong coffee.

Such predisposing factors can cause pain under the right ribs after eating in perfectly healthy people.


Against the background of the fact that in almost all cases a similar symptom indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the clinical picture can be made up of various signs characteristic of a particular ailment.

If hepatitis was the cause of the main symptom, then pain in the right hypochondrium after eating will be accompanied by:

  • yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • constant feeling of nausea;
  • belching with an unpleasant odor;
  • change in the color of urine and feces;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • severe itching of the skin;
  • increased weakness and fatigue.

In situations where Gilbert's disease served as the source, the clinical picture will consist of:

  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • bitter belching;
  • dizziness;
  • increased gas formation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • burning in the retrosternal region;
  • stool disorders.

When the cause is cholecystitis or cholelithiasis, then against the background of the main symptom appear:

  • skin itching;
  • bouts of severe headache;
  • bitter and metallic taste in the mouth;
  • an increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • a significant increase in body temperature.

With pancreatitis, clinical manifestations, in addition to pain, will be:

  • lack of appetite;
  • flatulence and bloating;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • weight loss;
  • pain sensations;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • intense thirst.

In cases of the formation of pain under the right ribs with peptic ulcer, symptoms can also be:

  • severe heartburn;
  • nausea and flatulence;
  • belching with a bitter and sour smell;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased sweating;
  • the appearance of plaque on the tongue.

It should be noted that the symptomatic manifestation of a disease will be individual for each person.


If you experience pain in the right hypochondrium after eating, you should seek help from a gastroenterologist. In order for the clinician to establish the cause of the appearance of such a symptom, the patient is prescribed a number of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic measures. However, before their implementation, the doctor must independently perform several manipulations. Thus, the primary diagnosis will consist of:

  • conducting a detailed survey for the presence of additional symptoms;
  • familiarization with the patient's medical history and anamnesis;
  • physical examination, with obligatory palpation of the abdomen.

Only after this is shown the performance of laboratory tests of blood, urine and feces.

However, the basis for the diagnosis of any disease are instrumental methods of examination, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • radiography;
  • FEGDS;
  • CT and MRI;
  • cholecystoangiography and retrograde cholangiopancreatography;
  • biopsy;
  • sphincter of Oddi manometry.

If necessary, an additional consultation of narrow specialists can be appointed.

Such events will help the doctor not only to find out the causes of the main symptom, but also to prescribe the most effective therapy tactics for each patient.


Elimination of pain in the right hypochondrium after eating directly depends on what caused them. In most cases, it will be enough to perform conservative methods of therapy, namely:

  • taking medications - to neutralize symptoms, the inflammatory process and pathogenic bacteria, as well as to normalize the functioning of the affected organ;
  • adherence to a dietary diet - if the cause is gastrointestinal diseases;
  • using alternative therapy prescriptions should by no means be the only treatment option.

Surgical intervention is addressed in case of ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, in cases of a serious condition of the patient, as well as in cholelithiasis, oncology and peptic ulcer.

Pain in the right hypochondrium on the side indicates a malfunction of the internal organs located on this side. It can be a symptom of pathology of infectious and other etiologies. Only a doctor can accurately diagnose the cause, based on the results of clinical studies.

Pain syndrome rarely develops suddenly, even if there are health disorders that give similar symptoms.

This statement does not apply to exacerbation of organ diseases:

  • digestive system;
  • breathing;
  • internal secretion;
  • urogenital area;
  • central nervous system.

Often it all starts with discomfort after eating, exercise, sexual intercourse.

Almost always give pain:

  • injuries of the abdomen and chest area;
  • profuse internal hemorrhage.

Chronic pathologies sharply remind of themselves in the phase of exacerbations, which often occur in spring and autumn, but can also appear after stress (both physical and emotional), as well as due to changes in hormonal levels. Often the cause of exacerbation and pain is a banal neglect of the advice and recommendations of the attending physician.

Features of localization of pain

Discomfort on the side, in the region of the lower border of the chest, it happens:

  • closer to the abdominal surface;
  • giving in the back.

In the first case, this indicates pathology:

  • liver and gallbladder;
  • stomach;
  • upper intestines.

In the second, we can talk about such conditions as:

  • dysfunction of the kidneys and adrenal glands (or only the right organs);
  • osteochondrosis;
  • problems with the inferior vena cava;
  • cracks and fractures of the lower ribs on the right.

Table 1. The relationship between the localization of pain in the right hypochondrium from the side and possible pathology

Where does it hurtWhat could mean
At the top and under the ribsHepatitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas
In the lower partEctopic pregnancy, adnexitis and other ovarian pathologies
Front and gives to the side on the rightDiseases of the stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas and gallbladder, inflammation of the diaphragm and lower lobe of the lung
Behind and gives to the side on the rightPyelonephritis, osteochondrosis, urolithiasis, pancreatitis, pathology of the vena cava, damage to the ribs
Gives to the inguinal zoneAcute appendicitis, adnexitis and intestinal pathology, inflammatory
Gives to the navel areaWorm infestations, giardiasis, duodenal ulcer

The nature of the pain

Pain discomfort can be of a different nature and intensity:

  • aching symptoms are typical for sluggish, chronic processes;
  • stupid, impulsive occur with problems with the stomach and kidneys, inflammation of the gallbladder, osteochondrosis, traumatic bone injuries, neoplasms;
  • acute, which cannot be tolerated, can indicate the development of extremely dangerous pathological conditions of various organs.

Occasionally, severe pain against the background of vomiting is a sign of pseudo-abdominal syndrome with:

  • gastritis and myocardial infarction;
  • pyelonephritis and pneumonia.

It does not carry risks to life and is eliminated conservatively.

Severe discomfort and a feeling of heaviness under the ribs on the right side is a characteristic symptom:

  • swelling of the liver, for example, with hepatitis;
  • developing cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • pathologies of the gallbladder.

Associated symptoms

Soreness in the right hypochondrium is rarely the only symptom of a health disorder. As a rule, there are others that, together, form the clinical picture of the pathology. These include:

  • digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting and loose stools);
  • signs of intoxication (hyperthermia, hyperhidrosis, decreased overall tone and other manifestations);
  • drowsiness and dizziness;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • clouding of consciousness and fainting;
  • pain and discomfort in the heart area, as well as a change in pulse;
  • swelling and bleeding of mucous membranes;
  • yellowing of the skin and sclera;
  • painful urination;
  • hyperemia of the body and the presence of rashes;
  • copious discharge from the external genital organs;
  • respiratory failure, cough and other symptoms.

What does pain in the right hypochondrium on the side mean

Most often, it signals the development of an acute form of pathology, which often turns into emergency conditions.

Problems of the gastrointestinal tract

Dysfunctions of the digestive organs are very often manifested by a pain symptom in the region of the right side and the lower border of the ribs.


This is an inflammation of the gallbladder due to:

  • infectious lesion;
  • the presence of stones (sand and stones) in the body.

Pathology can occur in acute or Discomfort and pain under the ribs on the right are strong and cramping, but more often - aching. The pain radiates to the iliac region. It can give to the lower back, right shoulder, and intensify after eating. Additionally, symptoms such as:

  • bloating and constipation;
  • bitterness and taste of metal in the mouth;
  • belching.

Soon, signs of intoxication (fever, general weakness, and others) make themselves felt.

  • taking antibacterial agents;
  • physiotherapy;
  • sanatorium treatment on mineral waters.

In some cases, according to indications, surgery may be recommended to remove stones or the entire gallbladder.


Pathology in which stones form in the gallbladder and ducts. It can be a complication of conditions such as:

  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • violations of the nervous regulation of liver functions.

Gallstone disease is treated conservatively when the size of the stones does not exceed 1.5 cm in diameter. Often the only possible way to save a person from suffering is a surgical operation. This is due to the fact that large stones, dissolved to the state of sand, can form again.

Ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum

Pain in the hypochondrium on the right is typical for these pathologies. Increasing discomfort may not be due to food intake, but may occur:

  • at night and on an empty stomach;
  • after emotional and physical overload.

The clinical picture is complemented by:

  • heartburn and belching;
  • nausea and vomiting of sour masses;
  • hyperthermia and increased heart rate;
  • stool disorders.

The disease may be asymptomatic for some time, which makes diagnosis difficult. In advanced and complicated forms, it is dangerous for internal bleeding and peritonitis.


A feeling of fullness and pulling pain in the hypochondrium on the right side is a typical sign of inflammation of the pancreas. Other symptoms of the disease, in its chronic stage, are:

  • a significant decrease in body weight;
  • periodic bloating;
  • digestive disorders;
  • high fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • discoloration of the skin: they may acquire a bluish or yellow tint.

Often, pancreatitis develops against the background of diabetes mellitus and liver pathologies. To prevent the acute form from turning into a chronic one, special therapy is required to relieve painful symptoms. It involves reviewing the diet and taking medications. In order for the remission period to last as long as possible, it is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations and, if possible, undergo a course of sanatorium treatment.

What diet should be followed for pancreatitis, read in our


Often, pain under the ribs on the right is caused by liver pathologies. The most common of these are different types of hepatitis. They may develop as a result of:

  • frequent and heavy alcoholic libations;
  • taking certain medications;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • infectious lesions (viral, bacterial, fungal);
  • other reasons.

In addition to pain in the hypochondrium, hepatitis is characterized by such phenomena as:

  • itching of the skin;
  • a feeling of fullness in the liver;
  • trouble digesting fatty foods
  • increase in body temperature;
  • deterioration in general condition;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • spasmodic pain in the epigastric region;
  • yellowing of the skin and sclera.

One of the signs of hepatitis is yellowing of the skin and sclera.

Therapy depends on the etiology and aims to relieve inflammation. It includes:

  • streamlining the mode of life and nutrition;
  • regular medication;
  • giving up bad habits.

Lack of medical care or improperly selected medications (as in self-medication) often cause complications such as cirrhosis and the growth of malignant neoplasms.

Acute appendicitis

This diagnosis is associated with pain in the right iliac region. However, in 70% of cases, acute appendicitis begins to disturb higher, in the hypochondrium zone. In the first few hours, sensations move to the right side of the lower abdomen, and the picture becomes clearer.

Signs of inflammation of appendicitis

Acute appendicitis is extremely dangerous. It is almost not caused by provoking factors, and can develop against the background of normal well-being. When a person gets to the operating table very late, there is a risk of rupture of the appendix and the development of peritonitis.


This is a group of pathologies caused by the presence of worms in the body. Pain and discomfort in the right hypochondrium can occur in the second (chronic) stage of the disease. Associated symptoms will be:

  • loss of appetite;
  • bloating and indigestion;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • asthenic syndrome.

The female reproductive organs are located in the lower abdomen. However, the pain that accompanies the course of some pathologies can be given to its upper sections.

Ectopic pregnancy

When a fertilized egg is not attached to the wall of the uterus, but is fixed elsewhere, they speak of the development of an ectopic pregnancy. As the embryo grows and the fallopian tube stretches, it can manifest itself as pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which sometimes radiate to the hypochondrium.

Localization of ectopic pregnancy

The condition is dangerous because it progresses rapidly and carries the risk of pipe rupture. Therefore, in the presence of such symptoms occurring against the background of a delay in menstruation, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. The problem of ectopic pregnancy is solved surgically.


This is inflammation of the female appendages, infectious etiology, which can be manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes extending to the right or left hypochondrium. They are often confused with signs of appendicitis.

Other symptoms of adnexitis are:

  • an increase in body temperature up to 40 ° C;
  • purulent discharge from the genitals;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • painful menstruation.

Therapy is based on taking antibiotics (penicillins or cephalosporins), in addition to which it includes:

  • anti-inflammatory and painkillers;
  • physiotherapy, which are carried out after the removal of symptoms of inflammation.

Adnexitis, when it is not cured on time and completely, goes into the chronic stage. This significantly increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy and infertility in the future.

Video - Andexit: diagnosis and treatment

Other causes of pain in the right hypochondrium on the side

Acute pneumonia

This is an inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, infectious etiology. The picture of pain sensations largely depends on the localization of the process. When it is concentrated in the lower part of the right lung, the pains can be given under the corresponding part of the chest. It is important to understand that the lungs themselves are devoid of nerve endings, and therefore cannot give pain symptoms. Their source is the pleura, large bronchi and trachea.

On the other hand, a cough due to the need to expel sputum, strong and frequent, leads to soreness in the muscles of the body. This is due to the accumulation of lactic acid in them.

Treatment is carried out conservatively, with the use of:

  • antibacterial and mucolytic drugs;
  • immunostimulants and antihistamines;
  • other drugs that are prescribed according to indications.

Acute right-sided pyelonephritis

This is the name of nonspecific inflammation of the right kidney, due to the influence of pathogenic bacteria. One of the characteristic symptoms of pathology is pain, which is usually dull, aching in nature and disturbs in the lumbar region, but can also be given to the right hypochondrium. With calculous pyelonephritis, the sensations are paroxysmal.

Other signs of pathology are such phenomena as:

  • hyperthermia;
  • headache and weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • pallor and puffiness, especially in the morning.

Like any inflammatory, caused by exposure to pathogenic flora, pyelonephritis is treated:

  • antibiotics and antihistamines;
  • means to strengthen the immune system;
  • other drugs.

Can pain in the hypochondrium on the right be a variant of the norm

Let's just say that it does not always mean the development of acute conditions:

  • when there are pathologies of a chronic nature in the body, during periods of remission pain may disturb, but this can be called the norm very conditionally;
  • sometimes discomfort under the ribs on the right side worries healthy people. This occurs when exposed to factors that disrupt the normal course of physiological processes.

When playing sports

Pain and heaviness in the hypochondrium can occur, for example, during sports, especially running. Beginners suffer the most from this. Physical activity provokes the release of a large amount of adrenaline, which relaxes the walls of the bile ducts. This causes the liver to fill with blood and enlarge, putting pressure on its capsule, which has many nerve endings. This leads to stabbing pains.

After overeating

Discomfort in the right upper abdomen in a person who does not suffer from gastrointestinal pathologies may be due to too much food. The abundance of food, especially fatty, is a serious burden for the body. In addition to discomfort:

  • drowsiness comes;
  • heart rate increases;
  • may be bothered by nausea.

Women's reasons

In women, periodic, mild pain in the liver area may be due to:

  • physiology of menstruation;
  • pregnancy
  • taking oral contraceptives.

In these conditions, discomfort in the hypochondrium and side does not require special treatment, and eventually disappears on its own.

Which doctor to go to

With frequent or sharp pains in the right side of the abdomen, you should consult a therapist. The diagnostic results will point to the source of the problem, and the doctor will redirect to a specialist. When it comes to children, you should start with a visit to the pediatrician.

How to relieve pain

It is important to understand that pain is a signal of trouble in the body. Her character can tell the doctor a lot about the causes of the condition. When the discomfort is tolerable, it is better to rush to the clinic, and if it worsens, call an ambulance. It is undesirable to take medication before examination by doctors.

In the event that pain causes severe suffering, and there is no way to seek medical help, there are pharmacy remedies that relieve spasms and relieve pain: No-shpa, Spazgan and others.

What not to do with pain

Firstly, there is an unequivocal ban on warming up in the acute period, since this can lead to irreversible consequences, especially when the diagnosis has not yet been established.

And secondly, you should not abuse painkillers so as not to provoke additional health problems.

When to call an ambulance

Signals for urgent medical attention are symptoms such as:

  • severe pain that does not stop within a few minutes;
  • profuse and frequent vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • increasing swelling and problems with urination;
  • bleeding (uterine, gastric, intestinal);
  • persistent hyperthermia (38.5 ° C and above);
  • diarrhea or constipation for several days.

Before the advent of doctors:

  • you can not eat, actively move and warm up the body;
  • it is undesirable to drink water and take medicines.

The patient should be laid down and wait for the arrival of doctors.


As measures to prevent the development of pathologies and symptoms mentioned above, the following are recommended:

  • timely access to a doctor and full treatment of all pathologies;
  • regular and rational nutrition;
  • caring for strengthening immunity;
  • giving up bad habits.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to preserve your health as much as possible, protect yourself from dangerous pathologies, and hence from their symptoms, complications and consequences.

On the right side of a person is one of the most important organs - the liver. Therefore, if the right side hurts under the rib after eating, then initially the doctor may suspect the presence of hepatological diseases. However, this manifestation has no less serious reasons.

In addition, discomfort can occur during the course of diseases of the internal organs. The psychological factor plays an important role in the occurrence of pain. To determine the underlying cause of this manifestation, patients need to undergo a comprehensive examination. You can get rid of pain with the help of conservative methods. However, it is not always possible to eliminate the provoking factor in this way.


If after eating it hurts, then this can be triggered by a variety of factors. In order to determine the provoking factor, in addition to the main symptoms, one must also take into account the classification of such a violation. Depending on the duration of the course of pain, it is divided into permanent and periodic. By the nature of the course of the pain syndrome can be:

  • pulling;
  • sharp;
  • stupid;
  • aching;
  • pressing;
  • sharp;
  • sharp;
  • pulsating.

In addition, painful manifestations also differ from the area of ​​​​discomfort localization. If the pain is at the top, then this may indicate damage to the diaphragm. Discomfort in the lower part indicates acute appendicitis.

In case of back pain, there is a risk of pathology in the kidney or pancreas. If such manifestations of pathology are noted in front, then this may indicate the course of diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, lungs, gallbladder.

Causes of discomfort

In some cases, after a fatty meal, the right side hurts, especially when overeating, as well as in the presence of problems with the liver and stomach. In addition, discomfort is felt after eating very cold or hot food.

If the right side hurts under the rib after eating, this may be a sign of inflammation in the region of the caecum. Also, this kind of pain can indicate inflammation in the gallbladder, as a result of which fatty foods are poorly tolerated, and hepatitis, in which there is intolerance to protein products.

If immediately after eating, the right side begins to hurt, then this may be a sign of irritable bowel. In addition, there are such signs as:

  • rumbling;
  • bloating;
  • problems with defecation.

In this case, the right side hurts after eating, and discomfort disappears after the discharge of gases or the act of defecation. The pain does not bother a person until the next meal, is not accompanied by anemia, fever, sudden weight loss. If you experience discomfort after eating spicy or salty foods, you can talk about the presence of pathologies of the right kidney.

If there are problems with the intestines, then the pain will appear 1-1.5 hours after eating. Inflammation of the small intestine and enteritis, in addition to painful manifestations, is accompanied by a violation of the stool, and intestinal diseases occur with constant constipation and bloating. Often the right side under the ribs hurts after eating due to inflammation of the stomach.

Discomfort in the epigastric region may be caused by pyloric spasm. A similar pathology is observed in neurotics and is characterized by severe weight loss, since a person vomits after eating food, and the food simply does not have time to be absorbed.

Diseases of the stomach, pancreas

If after eating the right side of the lower abdomen hurts, then this may be a sign of inflammation of the duodenum or the formation of an ulcer. There are also signs such as nausea, belching, a feeling of fullness, flatulence, increased sweating, weakness. If you complain of severe cutting pain and dizziness, urgent medical attention is required.

A stomach ulcer is characterized by the fact that after eating the right side hurts in the middle, and nausea and weakness are additionally observed. In this disease, it is also necessary to take into account the frequency, strength and localization of painful manifestations.

The cause of inflammation of the pancreas can be acute cholecystitis, stones, gallbladder disease, consumption of fatty foods, alcohol, and taking certain medications. With pancreatitis, discomfort can be very severe with nausea, fever, low blood pressure, and heart palpitations. The most important thing is to undergo a comprehensive examination, because if the right side hurts after eating, the reason for this can be hidden even in food poisoning.

Liver pathologies

Many people are concerned about the question of why the right side hurts under the ribs and what diseases such a violation can be associated with. Pain can occur with hepatitis. This disease is an inflammation of the liver with the formation of tissue necrosis. It can be provoked by a number of different reasons, in particular, such as alcohol abuse, viruses, prolonged use of medications, as well as a violation of the outflow of bile.

In addition to the fact that with hepatitis it hurts in the right side after eating, there are also a number of other signs of the presence of the disease, in particular, such as skin itching, icteric skin tone, nausea, dark urine and light feces. A person's temperature rises, and there are signs of intoxication of the body.

The chronic form of hepatitis is characterized by the absence of symptoms for a long time. However, with exacerbation, pulling pains are observed. In this case, there is a complete replacement of liver tissue with connective tissue. This eventually leads to cirrhosis.

Pain in the right side can also occur with hepatosis. This is a chronic liver disease that develops with the abuse of alcohol or poisoning with toxic substances. At the same time, diseases such as thyrotoxicosis and diabetes often contribute to the violation of fat metabolism in liver cells.

Among the main symptoms, it is also necessary to highlight the digestive system disorder, headache, weakness, fatigue, soreness and enlargement of the liver, pain in the right side after eating.

Another disease of the liver that provokes the occurrence of pain in the side is liver dysfunction. This disease is congenital and hereditary. It is characterized by an increased content of bilirubin in the blood. Often it is asymptomatic or there are minor signs, in particular, such as yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes. Often a person complains that after eating, the right side hurts below, especially when consuming spicy or fatty foods. Treatment must be comprehensive so that the existing problem can be eliminated.

Gallbladder disease

If the right side hurts under the rib after eating, this may be a sign of cholecystitis. This is an acute or chronic disease that affects the gallbladder. It is characterized by the presence of acute cramping pain after eating. In this case, painful manifestations are given to the area of ​​​​the shoulder, shoulder blades. In addition to such unpleasant sensations, a person is worried about nausea, and there may also be a violation of the heart rate. A painful attack can even provoke a loss of consciousness.

In chronic cholecystitis, the right side hurts after eating. However, the sensations are not as intense as during the course of the acute form of the disease. Doctors recommend dieting and taking medications to relieve spasms.

With excessive intake of cholesterol into bile, due to a change in its qualitative composition or stagnation of bile, stones can form. The main symptom is a bitter taste in the mouth. Pain in the right side after eating occurs a little later and mainly occurs with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The attack lasts several minutes or hours.

If immediately after eating the right side hurts, then this may indicate a functional disorder of the biliary system. This pathology is also characterized by the presence of bitterness in the mouth, loss of appetite, bad mood, constant fatigue.

Psychosomatics of pain

Mental disorders can manifest themselves in the form of various disorders and painful sensations. Very often, with a mental disorder and stress, the right side in the lower abdomen hurts after eating. However, it is worth noting that discomfort in this case can occur even when inhaling.

These symptoms are also accompanied by a fear of terminal illness or death. In addition, aversion to food and constant nausea may join them. You may lose your appetite completely. In some cases, the pain is unclear and is localized in different areas of the abdominal region.

A person with various mental disorders may not have any somatic diseases. Pain is a response to prolonged subconscious stress. In this case, food consumption becomes a real problem. In such people, immediately after eating, it begins to hurt in the abdomen and there is an urge to defecate. The only method of therapy in this case is psychotherapy, as well as correction of the patient's behavior. When conducting a diagnostic study, in general, the patient does not notice any pathologies in organs and systems.

Other violations

There may also be other reasons that provoke the occurrence of pain after eating. Inflammation of the muscles of the peritoneum and chest may be accompanied by shooting and cramping pains. Unpleasant manifestations can be aggravated by sudden movements and tilts of the torso. When probing, a seal is determined in the affected area. Also, pain can be provoked by various kinds of neoplasms. The onset of discomfort may be related to breathing or eating.

Inflammation of the intercostal nerves can provoke an acute burning pain in the hypochondrium on the side of the lesion. The disease is characterized by an increase in painful manifestations when eating and bending over, redness of the skin. In the case of herpes zoster, a small rash is also observed in the area of ​​pain localization.

In some cases, pain after eating can provoke diseases of the cardiovascular system, because due to circulatory disorders, the liver begins to increase in size. This causes swelling in the peritoneal area and accumulation of fluid in this area.

However, it happens that after eating the right side stops hurting. This is due to the fact that the feeling of hunger also provokes discomfort. That is why you need to try to eat on time, and if you experience discomfort, immediately contact the doctor.

Main symptoms

Since pain in the right hypochondrium after eating often occurs in the presence of various diseases, this sign will not be the only one in the clinical picture. If the cause of discomfort is physiological, then there will be no additional signs. In some cases, there is a strong increase in this unpleasant sensation. For example, aching pain in the side can become acute with:

If pain after eating occurs due to the presence of diseases of the stomach or intestines, then among the main signs it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • excessive gas formation;
  • bloating;
  • nausea;
  • violation of the act of defecation;
  • heartburn and burning in the retrosternal region;
  • weakness and malaise;
  • belching with air;
  • heavy sweating;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • slight rise in temperature.

If there is pain in the right side under the ribs when coughing, then this indicates the presence of problems with the heart or lungs. If liver disorders occur, severe pain in this area after eating is also additionally accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • darkening of the color of urine;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • depression.

It is worth noting that these are only external manifestations of the pathology, therefore it is not always possible to determine the presence of the disease only by the available signs. It should be borne in mind that in children the disease progresses much faster than in an adult. Therefore, if there is even a slight pain in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Which doctor to contact

Why the right side hurts after eating, only a qualified doctor can determine, since this is just one of the signs of the presence of disorders in the body. Very important organs are localized in this area, and pathological changes in this area can lead to the death of a person. Doctors say that you should not engage in self-diagnosis, since improper treatment can only significantly aggravate the course of the problem. Severe pain in this area may result from:

  • rupture of the gallbladder and ducts;
  • renal paraphimosis;
  • organ injuries;
  • omission or rupture of the kidney.

All these pathologies require very urgent surgical intervention. Initially, you need to visit a therapist or pediatrician who will conduct an examination and diagnosis. In addition, consultation and examination of an endocrinologist, surgeon, neuropathologist, cardiologist is required.

In the event of pain in the right hypochondrium, even if they are of a periodic nature, it is imperative to contact a pediatrician or therapist, who will then refer you to narrow specialists. Diagnosis must be comprehensive so that it can be correctly determined which disease provoked the violation. Diagnostics includes:

Questioning the patient is required for the doctor to obtain the required information regarding the existing symptoms, which may indicate the cause of the pain. After the initial diagnosis, aimed at determining the condition that provoked the onset of the pain syndrome, studies such as:

  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • study of feces;
  • liver tests;
  • serological tests and PCR;
  • ultrasonography of the peritoneum;
  • radiography;
  • endoscopic examination;
  • tomography.

Only after a thorough study of the results of diagnostic measures, the doctor selects the method of treatment.

Features of treatment

To get rid of pain under the ribs on the right side, you need to treat the underlying disease. The tactics of therapy is selected purely individually for each patient. Despite this, almost all patients are prescribed:

  • physiotherapy;
  • oral or intravenous administration of drugs;
  • diet therapy;
  • taking a course of therapeutic massage;
  • doing exercises;
  • the use of folk remedies and techniques.

It should be noted that all methods of therapy are selected only by the doctor on an individual basis. Drug therapy is aimed at treating the disease and relieving symptoms. It also requires vitamin therapy, diet correction.

Surgical intervention is resorted to only in the most extreme cases. An operation is required when the patient is in a serious condition or when therapeutic measures are ineffective. In any case, the therapy should be strictly controlled by the attending physician.

Preventive measures and prognosis

To avoid pain in the right side under the ribs, there are no specific preventive measures. However, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of developing complex pathological conditions by observing a number of simple measures. The main preventive measures are:

  • complete rejection of bad habits;
  • healthy and balanced diet;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • taking only those drugs prescribed by the doctor;
  • avoidance of any bruises, wounds, injuries;
  • compliance with the regime of work and rest;
  • early detection and rapid elimination of provoking pathological factors.

In addition, periodically you need to undergo a full-fledged laboratory and instrumental examination in the hospital, which is accompanied by a mandatory visit to all specialists.

The prognosis for the course of the pain syndrome is quite favorable, therefore, it usually lends itself to therapeutic methods without problems. However, it is worth remembering that treatment will not be complete without the elimination of provoking factors, both diseases and physiological causes.

But at the same time, it must be remembered that the lack of comprehensive treatment of the underlying disease can lead to the emergence of various kinds of complications, which do not even exclude the possibility of death.

Pain that torments a person can be of a diverse nature. Particular importance is given to girdle pain - this is a condition that occurs with varying degrees of intensity: short-term, prolonged or paroxysmal.

If there is pain in the hypochondrium, this may be a signal for the occurrence of diseases of the internal organs, for example, duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, stomach diseases.

What hurts?

Girdle pain in the hypochondrium - a symptom of various diseases

Girdle pain in the hypochondrium can be a sign of acute or chronic diseases of the internal organs of various etiologies. In order to be sure which doctor can treat this condition, you should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. Such pain can be a symptom of the following ailments:

  • gastritis
  • Oncological neoplasms in the stomach, pancreas and intestines
  • Acute or chronic pancreatitis
  • cholecystitis
  • Biliary dyskinesia
  • hepatic colic
  • Hepatitis A
  • cirrhosis
  • Abscess and injury
  • Heart disease, including heart attack

In order to recognize the disease, you need to try to more accurately determine the localization of pain: under the ribs on the right or left; where it gives: to the left or right shoulder blade, collarbone. You should pay attention to the nature of pain:

  1. Aching
  2. shooter
  3. Shingles
  4. Cutting
  5. Stupid
  6. Unbearable
  7. Aggravated by a sharp turn, coughing

In addition to these factors, the fact that pain occurs can help determine the disease: whether it is associated with food intake, and at what time of day it occurs. Help in diagnosing the disease can be provided by the symptoms that accompany underwear sensations:

  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Heartburn
  • Bitterness in the mouth
  • Increase in body temperature

When urgent hospitalization is needed

Girdle pain in the hypochondrium can be of varying intensity

Acute girdle pain under the ribs in the middle can be a symptom of a stomach or duodenal ulcer. Many patients compare this condition with a dagger strike, so the pain is called dagger pain. The patient cannot find a place for himself and, to alleviate this condition, is forced to take a lying position with legs bent to the stomach.

First, the pain is felt “in the pit of the stomach”, then it shifts to the right - this is due to the fact that the contents of the stomach flow in this direction, which can even enter the abdominal cavity. With an attack of an ulcer, one should not hesitate and urgently call an ambulance, since inaction in this situation can lead to peritonitis.

As a rule, such an attack is preceded by a long history: a chronic ulcerative lesion. An acute perforated ulcer may develop only after surgery, trauma, or sepsis. The patient must be urgently hospitalized in the surgical department of gastroenterology.

How does acute pancreatitis present?

The disease occurs suddenly, the pain radiates to the shoulder blades and captures the entire upper region of the abdominal cavity. Pancreatitis is characterized by pain under the ribs on the right.

  • The pain does not change during coughing, sneezing and moving from a lying position.
  • The following accompanying symptoms will help diagnose this disease:
  • morning sickness
  • Continuous vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Stool disorders
  • Dizziness

The pain cannot be relieved even with strong painkillers. Very often, the patient is disturbed by loose stools with pieces of undigested food and an unpleasant odor. The color of the stool changes - it becomes gray. The patient develops belching with an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste in the mouth.

With pancreatitis, under the influence of a number of factors, the pancreas malfunctions and becomes inflamed. For example, if a stone has entered the bile duct and interferes with the free outflow of bile: the pressure inside the duct increases and digestive enzymes are activated. These enzymes, without contact with food, begin to work with the mucous membrane of the gland, thus destroying it and causing inflammation. This condition is characterized by symptoms:

  1. Blue discoloration of the skin
  2. Hemorrhages in the navel area in the form of red dots
  3. In severe cases, the patient's blood pressure drops sharply, which can even lead to death.

Very often, this condition occurs after excessive alcohol intake or overeating, as well as after eating fatty foods. In the medical environment, such an attack is characterized as festive.

Pain in the hypochondrium in acute cholecystitis

Girdle pain in the hypochondrium - a reason to see a doctor!

Pain in the hypochondrium on the right may indicate an attack of cholecystitis. Sensations of a similar nature can be given to the collarbone, under the right shoulder blade and in the neck. The attack of pain is very intense and the patient can suffer a lot and rush about in search of a position in which the pain subsides. Vomiting, yellowness of the skin and whites of the eyes are added to the symptoms of this disease.

Pain in the right side under the ribs can also be attributed to the symptoms of hepatic colic. It manifests itself at the moment when stones from the gallbladder begin to move along its ducts. In this disease, only severe pain is characteristic, and vomiting and stool disorders are not observed in most cases.

Similar paroxysmal pains last several hours and stop on their own. Painkillers do not help with cholecystitis, and with hepatic colic, pain can be relieved with special drugs.

Acute cholecystitis requires immediate hospitalization.

Diaphragmatic abscess

If a sharp pain in the diaphragm occurs during a breath, this may be a sign of a diaphragmatic abscess. With this disease, the pain is very severe and increases during coughing, sneezing, sighing, and a sharp turn. Pain is often given under the collarbone.

The patient tends to take a half-sitting position or lies on his side. The pain is accompanied by high fever and a condition that occurs with poisoning. A diaphragmatic abscess occurs as a result of surgery, injuries of the abdominal cavity and internal organs, peritonitis during appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, perforated ulcer.

Gastrological form of a heart attack

The pain may subside when lying down

Pain in the hypochondrium occurs when the lower part of the left ventricle of the heart is affected. At the same time, the patient feels heaviness in the region of the heart, sweating increases and panic fear arises. Often the symptoms are complicated by:

  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • hiccup
  • Frequent loose stools

Similar symptoms are characteristic of other diseases, including pancreatitis and gastritis. As a result, misdiagnosis is often made. Characteristic for this disease:

  • Swollen, yellowish face
  • Dyspnea
  • Blue lips
  • With a heart attack, pain gives to the left shoulder blade, neck, left arm.
  • The patient needs to be hospitalized immediately.

Renal colic

Pain under the ribs at the back is a characteristic manifestation of renal colic. The pain syndrome is pronounced, the patient cannot find a position in which this condition could be alleviated. Gives this unpleasant sensation to the thigh and groin area.

Very often, to relieve pain, it is enough to apply heat to the sore spot and take antispasmodics. However, doctors do not advise taking any action on their own. The patient should be sent to the hospital to avoid infection of the urinary system. An accurate diagnosis will be made in the hospital by an experienced doctor.

If the pain cannot be stopped for a long time, this may be a sign of a complication of the disease. For example, it can lead to kidney hydronephrosis, a very serious disease that can be accompanied by complete organ dysfunction and, as a result, death of the patient.

Right sided pneumonia

Pain in the hypochondrium may increase after physical exertion

Pain under the ribs that occurs when inhaling can be a sign of right-sided pneumonia if it is accompanied by fever. Sensations are given down, while the abdominal muscle is in tension.

This condition is also characteristic of acute appendicitis, and the patient is often misdiagnosed. With right-sided pneumonia, the exact localization of pain is difficult to determine. Therefore, when making a diagnosis, the following symptoms are taken into account:

  1. Several days of fever
  2. Constipation
  3. Skin rashes

With pneumonia, the patient can easily move around, while with diseases of the abdominal cavity, many take a prone position. A distinctive feature of pneumonia is constant shortness of breath, which increases during movement.

The nasolabial folds of a patient with pneumonia acquire a bluish tint. The patient should be carefully examined in the hospital and prescribed antibiotic therapy.

Ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum

With gastric and intestinal ulcers, subcostal pains are cyclic in nature: they intensify at night. Pain is given to the left side of the chest, lower back and back. Exacerbation of ulcers most often occurs in the offseason. During the pains characteristic of an ulcer, patients squat down, clasping their stomachs with their hands, or lie down on a sore spot in the hope of getting rid of this condition. In patients with gastritis and ulcers, pain is aggravated during meals or when hungry.

The pain is aggravated by physical and nervous overexertion and is relieved by antacids, baking soda, or exposure to heat. Associated symptoms:

  • Heartburn
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Heaviness under the ribs
  • Flatulence
  • With a chronic ulcer, patients lose weight, anemia develops.

Oncological diseases of the stomach

Ultrasound as a diagnostic method

With oncological diseases of the stomach in the later stages, pain may occur in the middle of the sternum under the ribs. Sensations appear after the tumor spreads and begins to compress the surrounding tissues. In the initial stages, the disease is asymptomatic. Signs will help diagnose the disease:

  • weight loss
  • Rejection of many foods, especially meat
  • Anemia
  • Body intoxication
  • Yellowish and pale skin color
  • Yellowing of the sclera
  • Increasing weakness
  • Low performance
  • Poor mental state (severe depression)
  • Loss of interest in other people and their activities
  • Apathy

Girdle pain in the hypochondrium can be a symptom of many diseases, most often it is a sign of pancreatitis. However, it is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis only on one symptom. Therefore, a complete examination of the patient will be required before the doctor prescribes treatment for him.

Worried about pain in the right hypochondrium? This may be a trifle, or it may indicate the presence of a serious illness:

Pain occurs in many people, sometimes even healthy people after physical exertion. But often pain is a signal from the body that it needs help. Without an examination, no doctor will be able to answer the question: why does it hurt in the right hypochondrium, since these sensations can be a sign of many diseases.

What is the reason

With liver damage, you can experience pain in the right hypochondrium.

In the region of the right hypochondrium are located:

  • Pancreas
  • gallbladder
  • Liver
  • Right kidney

Dysfunction of these organs due to the occurrence of inflammatory processes in them can provoke pain. In addition to lesions located near organs, other diseases can also cause pain in the right hypochondrium.


This disease is associated with a delay in the outflow of bile from the gallbladder through the biliary tract. Sharp pain from the side of the right hypochondrium may indicate an attack of cholecystitis. More often this happens at night.

The muscle tone of the bladder increases, provoking its numerous contractions. The patient feels sharp and severe pain. The pain is usually short-lived, but the person experiences stress, turning into neuroses.

The disease develops as a result of cholelithiasis, slowly moving from an acute form to a chronic stage. The walls of the bladder are damaged due to the pressure of stones on it, thicken and become covered with ulcers, which later scar. There is stagnation of bile, accompanied by:

  1. Mild pain
  2. Nausea
  3. Bloating
  4. vomit

Pain may increase with fatty or fried foods.

Stones in the gallbladder

An acute attack of cholecystitis can cause the stones in the gallbladder to move along the excretory duct. During this process, stagnation of bile occurs and, as a result, inflammation of the gallbladder.


A stomach ulcer can cause pain in the right hypochondrium.

Duodenal ulcer worries about regular stabbing pains in the right hypochondrium. This pain is so acute that it is called a dagger. It occurs mainly at night and continues until food enters the intestines. In addition to pain, the patient may experience:

  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • severity
  • Deterioration in general well-being

Renal colic

Renal colic occurs when the stones in the kidneys begin to move and touch the internal organs with their sharp edges. The pain becomes very severe when the person moves. The stones block the urinary tract, in connection with this, the pain is shifted to the groin.


With pancreatitis, the patient experiences throbbing, girdle pain in the right hypochondrium. Such sensations indicate that an acute disease is turning into a chronic stage and requires immediate conservative treatment.

Chronic pancreatitis develops against the background of an untreated acute disease or after urolithiasis. The cells of the pancreas die, and connective tissue is formed instead, the functions of the organ are lost: an insufficient amount of digestive enzymes and the hormone insulin is produced. The patient's blood sugar rises. After eating, the patient often feels a dull pain in the right hypochondrium.

hepatic colic

A symptom of hepatic colic may be aching pain in the left side.

Aching pain on the right is characteristic of liver diseases. This condition is preceded by minor pain, which most patients do not attach importance to. All liver diseases in the initial stages are asymptomatic. For example, hepatitis does not manifest itself in any way, pain appears only in cases of virus activity. The patient appears:

  • Prostration
  • Loss of efficiency
  • The skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow

In the future, if this disease is not treated, aching pain is added to these symptoms.

chronic hepatitis

If hepatitis is not diagnosed and treated in time, it becomes chronic. This disease is different for every organism. Pain may or may not be present. Aching pain in the right hypochondrium in people with chronic hepatitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Nausea
  2. Periodic vomiting
  3. Bloating
  4. Sharp bouts of pain after drinking alcohol or fatty foods

During the examination, a significant increase in the liver is found, and on palpation of this organ, the patient may experience pain.


Similar symptoms are observed with cirrhosis of the liver. Pain begins in the last stages of the disease. First, an inflammatory process occurs in the liver cells, which subsequently leads to their death. In place of dead cells, connective tissue is formed, and the liver cannot cope with its work, reminding of itself with aching pain in the right foreshadowing.


Aching pains can occur in the last stages of cancer of the organs located in the right hypochondrium. Pain occurs in parallel with:

  • weight loss
  • subfebrile temperature
  • General weakness

In addition, there is an increase in the diseased organ.

Chronic pyelonephritis

In chronic pyelonephritis, patients experience pain in the right side.

This is a disease in which the pyelocaliceal system of the kidney becomes inflamed. The patient may experience aching pains on the opposite side of the diseased organ, while the sensations are given to the lower back. The disease is accompanied by:

  • Rise in temperature
  • chills
  • Frequent urination
  • Weakness
  • Headaches
  • Edema
  • Gynecological diseases

Pain in the right hypochondrium may indicate gynecological diseases, namely:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy
  2. Torsion of an ovarian cyst
  3. Adnexitis
  4. Pain in an ectopic pregnancy

If for some reason the fetal egg is fixed not in the uterine cavity, but elsewhere, an ectopic pregnancy begins to develop. With this pathology, the fetal egg continues to grow. A woman has the same symptoms as during a normal pregnancy, they are accompanied by pulling pains in the place where the fetal egg is fixed. There are also profuse bleeding. The patient needs urgent surgical care.

Pain with torsion of the cyst

When twisting the leg of a cyst located in the ovary, the patient may experience sharp pains that radiate to the hypochondrium. Added to this symptom are:

  • Heat
  • Bleeding
  • Weakness

Acute appendicitis

With inflammation of the appendix, the patient feels pain in the right side.

With inflammation of the appendix, the patient may also feel pain in the right hypochondrium. Despite the location of this organ in the region of the right ilium, pain can occur anywhere in the abdominal cavity. A patient during an attack of appendicitis may feel:

  1. Pain in the navel or stomach
  2. Prolonged pain in the right side of the abdomen
  3. Reduced pain when turning the patient to the right side
  4. Pain worsens when turning to the left side or walking

In addition, you may experience:

  1. Vomit
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Temperature rise
  4. Thoracic osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis is often accompanied by aching pains, radiating both to the right and to the left hypochondrium. Degenerative changes that occur in the spine affect neighboring organs. Pain may increase with inspiration or exhalation.

Heart diseases

With the abdominal form of myocardial infarction, the patient may experience aching pain in the right hypochondrium. This is due to the fact that tissue necrosis has developed in a certain area of ​​​​the heart muscle, due to the cessation of its blood supply. There may also be acute pain in the epigastric region. The pain is sharp and burning, not passing when taking painkillers. With these signs, the patient must be urgently hospitalized.

It is impossible to make a diagnosis with a single symptom. You can not endure the pain and wait for it to pass by itself, many diseases require immediate treatment, otherwise serious complications and even death will occur. You should not try to explain to yourself the cause of the pain on your own, only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

Video footage will tell about pain in the right hypochondrium:

What are the causes of pain in the right hypochondrium, you need to know everyone who is concerned about this ailment. There can be many factors for such a phenomenon. They are absolutely harmless to humans, and some of them are a threat to health. In each individual case, a thorough diagnosis should be carried out, since pain in the right side may indicate serious problems.

This phenomenon is typical for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, there is discomfort after eating in the right hypochondrium. However, these are not all the reasons that take place.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Pain after eating in the right hypochondrium is a fairly common occurrence. They signal problems in a particular section of the digestive tract. This is because during the meal all the organs work offline and let you know about the slightest malfunction in their functioning. During the meal and its digestion, gastric juice and bile are actively secreted. Pain after eating in the right side can be caused by a spasm of the biliary organs in the presence of an inflection in a particular segment. In this case, bile often stagnates.

Pain in the right hypochondrium in front may indicate various diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines.

  1. Pathology of the liver. With various diseases of this organ, dull pain often occurs in the right hypochondrium. It can be strong or tolerant. Often the organ itself is enlarged and painful on palpation. Without the necessary diagnostic manipulations, it is not possible to determine the exact cause. If the liver is significantly enlarged, then this may indicate cirrhosis or other destructive processes in this organ. If a bitter taste in the mouth joins, then you should immediately consult a doctor.
  2. Cholecystitis. If the right side hurts after eating, then this is a signal that not everything is in order with the gallbladder. This may indicate both stone and non-stone cholecystitis. If after eating the right side hurts and there is an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth and bitterness, then you need to check your gallbladder for pathologies. This may be an inflection of some of its departments or a banal stagnation of bile, after the elimination of which all symptoms subside.
  3. Gastritis and diseases of the pancreas. If nausea also occurs with discomfort, then this may indicate inflammatory processes in the digestive organs. Pain in the right side, accompanied by heaviness in the stomach, indicates gastritis and pancreatitis. Nausea mainly occurs after eating, and discomfort can be felt at different intervals. As a rule, after eating, there is a feeling that the food eaten does not move further along the digestive tract. This may indicate the presence of atrophic gastritis.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the intestines. Sigmoiditis, ulcerative colitis can give pain in the right side. In this case, there is a disorder of the stool, nausea and frequent urge to defecate.
  5. SRK. Irritable bowel syndrome quite often makes itself felt not only by false or frequent urge to defecate, but also by the presence of pain in different parts of the abdominal cavity. The right side is also affected under certain conditions. Unfortunately, the etiology of IBS has not yet been clearly elucidated, but the psychogenic nature of the disease has been confirmed by research.

Many pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract give symptoms such as pain in the right side. And not necessarily the place of localization in the area where the discomfort is felt. Often the pains are girdle in nature, and the focus is difficult to determine without additional diagnostic methods.

Mental and nervous etiology

Disorders of the psyche and nervous system are often manifested by bodily symptoms. Very often, such factors are overlooked when the right side hurts under the ribs. And very in vain. Often it is intercostal neuralgia that gives similar symptoms. However, when this occurs, discomfort occurs when inhaling.

After a prolonged cough, a similar phenomenon may appear, but after a while it disappears without a trace. At the same time, discomfort is felt mainly with a deep breath and disappears immediately after it.

Psychosomatics is often accompanied by pain on the right under the ribs. When a person has psychogenic disorders, such discomfort is often associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but this is not so. This group of patients is concerned about pain after eating in the right hypochondrium. These symptoms are accompanied by fear of some incurable disease or death. This can also be joined by constant nausea and aversion to food. You may even lose your appetite.

The pain is sometimes vague and often spreads to different areas of the abdominal cavity. A person with mental disorders does not actually have somatic diseases. Pain is the response of the subconscious mind to prolonged stress and unresolved psychological problems. Food becomes a real problem. Since such people have a stomachache after a meal and the urge to defecate begins.

The only treatment in this case is psychotherapy and behavior modification. Diagnostic studies, as a rule, do not reveal any pathological processes in organs and systems.

Possible diseases

If discomfort occurs after eating in the right hypochondrium, then this indicates pathological processes occurring in the liver and biliary system.

It can also be an oncological process in the organ. If, after eating in the right hypochondrium, discomfort is a constant companion, then this indicates that there may be stones in the gallbladder or its inflection. Hepatitis also often gives similar symptoms.

However, there are other causes that are not related to the digestive system:

  1. Pain after eating in the right area of ​​the hypochondrium may indicate an unhealthy condition of the kidneys. Discomfort is not always associated with food intake. In the case of kidney disease, the pain is often shingles.
  2. If it hurts on the right in the ribs when coughing, then this may indicate pneumonia. Especially when the process is accompanied by discomfort when inhaling. An x-ray can be used to exclude or confirm the presence of an inflammatory process in the lungs.
  3. Osteochondrosis can provoke pain on the right under the ribs. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the pathological process is not associated with the spinal column. If some of its department also hurts, then you can be sure that there are problems with the spine.

It is not possible to independently identify the cause of such symptoms. Therefore, in order to avoid serious health problems, you should contact a specialist for the necessary diagnosis. These can be both safe phenomena, such as hepatic colic, and very serious diseases for the body. It is very dangerous to ignore the pain in the right side, especially if it manifests itself constantly and is accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms.

Pain in the stomach is a very unpleasant symptom, which in medical terminology is commonly called gastralgia. Stomach pain can be paroxysmal, constant, acute, aching. Localization of true gastric pain is usually located in the hypochondrium and iliac region.

But often pain sensations spread to the 4th intercostal space on the left side or are given to the lower abdomen. Therefore, if any pain signals occur in the stomach, it is important to determine their localization in time and identify accompanying symptoms.

How and where does it hurt? What the symptoms say

Stomach pain can be very severe.

It hurts "under the spoon", the left hypochondrium and upper abdomen. Such pain can radiate to the back, encircle, be retrosternal.

In this case, there are clear signs of a stomach or duodenal ulcer. Often appears 1-2 hours after eating.

It hurts in the middle at the top of the abdomen and the navel area. These symptoms indicate inflammation of the gastric mucosa or duodenum. Appears both immediately after taking some food, and after 1-1.5 hours.

It hurts high "under the spoon", in the right or left hypochondrium. The nature of the pain is constant. It may be dull or cutting and is a sign of pancreatitis. With the development of the disease, the pain intensifies more and more.

It hurts in the iliac region and gives to the right hypochondrium. Most often, such pain occurs with inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts. Possible with gallstone disease.

Unpleasant sensations usually appear half an hour after eating.

What you should pay attention to

As a rule, pain in the stomach is always accompanied by additional very unpleasant symptoms. The presence of which also helps to diagnose the disease.

  1. Constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of strength, fever - these symptoms indicate the presence of poisoning or a bacterial infection.
  2. Bloating, heaviness in the stomach, nausea - poor production of gastric juice, unbalanced nutrition.
  3. Sour belching, nausea, heartburn, bloating, constipation, diarrhea - indicates developing gastritis or its exacerbation.
  4. Belching, sour or with an unpleasant pungent odor - the presence of gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis.

When does it hurt?

Helikobacter pylori affects the stomach.

An important diagnostic aspect is the time of day when pain appears.

Stomach pain at night usually indicates damage to the gastric mucosa, as well as a violation of the process of secretion of gastric juice on an empty stomach, which contains hydrochloric acid. Such violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, may be for the following reasons:

  • Violation of time and diet. Eating at night or just before bedtime can provoke a change in the food reflex in the wrong direction.
  • Helikobacter pylori is a bacterial pathogen that causes stomach ulcers.
  • Tumors - acute pain in the stomach, can be triggered by various tumors, the growth of which is most intense at night.
  • Gastrinoma - may appear in the pylorus of the gastric region. It is a neoplasm that in itself secretes gastric juice with hydrochloric acid, thereby irritating the walls of the mucosa and provoking aching pain in the stomach.
  • Morning pain in the stomach, mainly occurs in lovers of smoking on an empty stomach. Such rituals provoke irritation of the gastric mucosa, which is accordingly manifested by discomfort.
  • Pain that occurs immediately after eating usually indicates gastritis. With peptic ulcer, discomfort makes itself felt no earlier than 30 minutes after eating. And with a duodenal ulcer, the pain always begins on an empty stomach. At the same time, it is easily removed with just a few sips of milk. In such patients, the appearance of pain is usually associated with nervous or physical overexertion.

Thematic video will talk about pain in the stomach:

What is the nature of the pain?

The nature of gastric pain can tell not only about the disease, but also indicate the presence of complications.

  1. Burning, sharp pain - acidity is increased. It is known that hydrochloric acid causes a burning sensation when it enters the esophagus.
  2. The reason for this may be a violation of the input sphincter. Decreased production of the mucous component in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Cramping pain - if there are stabbing sensations and cutting in the epigastrium, most likely there is a peptic ulcer.
  4. The pain is dull, aching, heaviness and fullness of the stomach - indicate a violation of the secretion of gastric juice and digestive enzymes.

Analysis of subjective perception of pain

In case of severe pain in the abdomen, you should consult a doctor.

Not unimportant for medical diagnosis and subjective assessment of pain experienced by the patient.

Of course, in this case, the nervous excitability of a person will also be taken into account, which, due to prolonged pain, is increased and, of course, a state of panic.

Although usually patients can adequately assess and describe the pain they experience.

Acute pathological processes are usually characterized by severe pain syndromes, while chronic diseases will make themselves felt with less force. But despite this, the presence of a number of other unpleasant symptoms will also painfully exhaust a person with chronic pathology with their manifestations.

This is the danger of missing an oncological neoplasm in the gastrointestinal tract. It is in the early stages that such diseases practically do not make themselves felt in any way, except for pains of low intensity. Over the course of several months, such tumors grow and develop.

Only in the last stages, making itself felt by already unbearable pain syndromes. In acute processes, the pain is severe. It is usually easier for the patient to characterize it. Typically, such pain is experienced when:

  • Peptic ulcer in the acute stage;
  • Acute duodenitis;
  • Acute gastritis;
  • Burns of the esophagus and gastric mucosa;
  • Injuries of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pain during perforation of the ulcer can lead to pain shock and loss of consciousness, causing such consequences as collapse and cardiac arrest. Therefore, if severe pain occurs in the epigastric region, it is urgent to call an ambulance and in no case take painkillers until the doctor arrives. It is forbidden to spread warm objects on the stomach, so as not to provoke bleeding.

On the contrary, it is better to apply ice. This will help to muffle the pain a little before the doctor arrives. If the patient has previously undergone gastric resection, in this case the strength of pain can be reduced, and in some cases it is not noticeable at all. Therefore, in order to avoid fatal medical errors, it is imperative to compare the previous history, the history of the entire disease and a number of factors that led to new symptoms.

Let's summarize. The main causes of pain in the stomach.

Diet for stomach pain

In acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diet and proper nutrition significantly speeds up the healing process. Diet food in such cases is usually prescribed for at least two weeks, after which the diet gradually begins to expand. Optimal for the diet menu are:

  • Boiled and steam meat, lean (chicken, rabbit);
  • Steamed fish;
  • Lean vegetable soups;
  • Bread with bran or wheat, crackers.


Medications, like any other treatment, should be prescribed only by a doctor. Among the list of the most effective remedies for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The first place is occupied by painkillers No-shpa, Ketanov, Analgin. In case of poisoning, any sorbents are used, including Smecta. To reduce hydrochloric acid, the use of Phosphalugel or Rennie is effective.

In some cases, the use of herbs also helps.

Natural treatment for stomach pain

Traditional medicine offers different recipes:

Dandelion syrup helps the body recover faster.

  1. Chamomile has become the most effective remedy for stomach pain and inflammation. Chamomile tea must be infused for 10 minutes, drink warm.
  2. Calendula tincture has also proven itself to be an effective pain reliever. 50 drops of tincture, you need to dilute in a glass of water at room temperature and drink three times a day.
  3. Dandelion syrup is great for treating stomach pain. To prepare it, you need to grind fresh dandelions in a meat grinder, and cover with sugar. Dilute the finished syrup in proportions of 1 teaspoon per 100 grams of warm water.
  4. Gooseberry decoction. Pour a tablespoon of gooseberries into glasses of water and boil for 10 minutes. You can add sugar. Cool and drink 50 grams of decoction, four times a day.

Important to remember! Any remedy, medication or folk before use, must be agreed with the attending physician and in no case self-medicate. Pain in the stomach is a very serious symptom that requires the diagnosis of a specialist gastroenterologist. Watch your health. Do not be ill!



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