Egg white benefits. No less useful is the external use of egg white.

Most nutritionists have long agreed that chicken eggs are one of the most valuable foods. The fact that almost no diet can do without eggs convinces us that eggs are useful and necessary for our body.

However, the supporters proper nutrition questions still remain. Is cholesterol in eggs harmful? What healthier yolk or protein? In what form is it better to use an egg - boiled or semi-cooked?

Nutritional value of egg yolk

Let's start with perhaps the most valuable part - the yolk, which contains 100% of all fat-soluble vitamins contained in the egg - A, D, E and K, as well as carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin.

The yolk contains 90% of the calcium, iron, zinc, thiamine, folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12 found in the egg. And only 10% of these microelements are accounted for by egg white.

Yes, there are more proteins in it than in the yolk (3.5 g versus 2.7 g), but only because the protein itself is larger in volume. More importantly, in the yolk, proteins are combined with healthy fats, and in the protein - by themselves. Eating proteins without their combination with fats, we deplete our own vitamin A, and also contribute to the development of cellulite.

What about cholesterol?

As for the “terribly bad” cholesterol in the yolks, there is no reason to be afraid. Studies have shown that those who consumed up to 4 eggs a day had lower blood cholesterol levels than those who limited themselves to just one egg.

The case of two brothers is widely known. One of them ate over a hundred eggs a month and his blood cholesterol dropped from 150 mg/dL to 130 mg/dL. The diet of the second brother was completely absent of red meat, butter and eggs. His cholesterol remained at an extremely high level - 300, and only statins (drugs for artificially lowering blood cholesterol) managed to reduce it to a safe 200 mg / dl.

More than 80% of all cholesterol is synthesized by the liver, and less than 20% is obtained from food. Moreover, if there is more cholesterol than necessary, then its absorption decreases sharply.

There is only one conclusion from this - you should not worry about the cholesterol that is contained in eggs. And even more so, because of the mythical fear of overdoing it with cholesterol, you should not deprive yourself of such a valuable component as egg yolk.

Yolk lutein and zeaxanthin drastically reduce the risk of eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts, while choline stimulates mental activity and regulates blood insulin levels.

Egg white - benefits and harms

Now let's move on to the egg white. Here, not everything is as rosy as with the yolk. Mother Nature provided protein as a protection and food source for the chick for the first time of its existence. And endowed this "protective casing" with very interesting properties. 13 out of 14 protein proteins have antimicrobial properties. Usually they are enough to keep the egg from bacteria and viruses, but in large quantities they can also affect the bacteria in our body, especially if there are problems with the intestines.

For example, the protein lysozyme, which is not normally dangerous, can drastically impair digestion and absorption. nutrients. What's more, some components of the egg white can penetrate the weakened intestinal wall and provoke autoimmune diseases.

The protein avidin blocks the absorption of biotin, a substance that is responsible for the synthesis of fatty acids and blood sugar levels. Some people do not tolerate egg white at all, although the yolks are eaten without problems.

Nutritionists may object and say that during cooking, most negative properties protein disappears, but practice shows the opposite. Up to 30% of avidin retains its activity even after long cooking. In any case, protein should only be eaten well-cooked or fried. The yolks can be safely consumed raw. It is not only tastier, but also healthier.

As you know, most of the nutrients lose their properties when heated above 100 degrees. Therefore, it is more useful to use the yolk raw (for example, eggnog) or with minimal cooking (poached eggs).

How many eggs can you eat? It is well known that the use of three eggs per day is absolutely safe for health. Although doctors know of cases when people ate more than 25 eggs a day and lived to old age, while maintaining normal level cholesterol in the blood and excellent health.

I see only one weighty reason why it is worth giving up such a valuable product - moral convictions, ideological vegetarianism, which does not allow you to eat "killer" food. For these people, the only alternative to eggs is dairy and/or vegan vitamin B12 and omega-3 supplements.

Egg yolk benefits and harms

Composition of chicken yolk

  • water;
  • ash elements;
  • lipids;
  • lecithin;

The benefits of chicken yolk

So, egg yolk:

Harm of chicken yolk

Egg white benefits and harms

Composition of chicken protein

  • water (almost 90%);
  • glucose (up to 0.7%);
  • vitamin D;
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • choline;
  • niacin;
  • biotin (vitamin H);

The benefits of chicken protein

Application in cooking

Harm of chicken protein

Chicken egg shell

The composition of the shell of chicken eggs

Benefits of eggshell

  • prevention of osteoporosis;
  • help with rickets;
  • removal of radionuclides;

Damage to egg shells

How to choose chicken eggs

Shelf life of chicken eggs

  • diet - only a week.

benefits of egg yolk

cholesterol in egg yolk

Is there a yolk or not?

Egg whites, due to their amino acid composition, are a source of high quality protein, and egg yolks have not earned a very good reputation. First, the USDA recommended limiting the consumption of whole eggs, and then fitness enthusiasts picked up bad fashion. Let's finally figure out what benefits of egg yolk and break down some of the myths associated with it.

Vitamin composition of chicken eggs
A large chicken egg contains 70 calories, 5g protein and 5g fat, 200mg cholesterol and 0 carbs. Egg white chicken egg contains only 20 calories, 5 grams of protein and no grams of carbohydrates and fats. Thus, it becomes clear that egg yolk is avoided due to its fat and cholesterol content. However, they forget that it is the egg yolk that contains vitamins A, D, K, group B, as well as minerals - selenium, iron, zinc and phosphorus.

Draw your own conclusions, which is more useful - egg white, yolk or a whole chicken egg.

Another plate with more at full strength chicken eggs per 100 g:

cholesterol in egg yolk
There is a myth that whole chicken eggs negatively affect blood cholesterol levels. This myth was debunked by University of Connecticut researchers. The experiment involved 25 men and 27 women. All of them were tested for cholesterol in the blood. Half of the subjects ate eggs and received 640 mg of cholesterol daily from meals, while the other half followed a diet without eggs. The results of the study showed that egg yolks do not raise the level of LDL-cholesterol, leading to cardiovascular disease.

Look again at the table, the saturated fat in an egg yolk is less than half of general content fat. And cholesterol, which until recently was considered harmful, can help exercising people become bigger and stronger. This was proven in the 2009 study "Egg Protein as a Source of Power, Strength, and Energy" by Layman, D.K., et al. Some of the participants in the experiment ate three eggs a day for three months and worked out strength training, and some trained and did not eat eggs. As a result, the growth of power indicators by Ekaterina Golovina and muscle mass the first exceeded twice the final data of the second. This is because cholesterol is necessary for testosterone synthesis and maintaining the integrity of cell membranes.

Is there a yolk or not?
Of course have. The yolk is the most delicious and useful part chicken egg. By throwing it away, you get even less than 50% of what you could get, because it contains fat soluble vitamins, zinc, folic acid, calcium, iron and vitamin B 12, which, by the way, is involved in the process of fat breakdown.

So, if you are concerned about your health, then do not deprive yourself of egg yolk. If you're bulking up, then so be it. The exception is the fat burning period, when you need to reduce the fat content in food and fit into the KBZhU. In this case, egg yolks can be donated, but not all at once, because eggs are an integral part of balanced diet. But keep in mind that excessive heat treatment negates all the beneficial properties of egg yolks.

One of the most accessible to man food items are chicken eggs. But the debate about the benefits and harms of this product, accessible to many, has been going on for more than a decade. Reviews of doctors and nutritionists on this issue are sometimes radically different. Therefore, it is simply wrong to consider them only in one, general perspective of nutrition. Based on this, it is necessary to study in detail its main components, such as the yolk, protein and even the shell.

Egg yolk benefits and harms

In ancient times, the yolk of a bird was considered a symbol of the sun and attributed to it a mass healing properties. That is why the pagans often brought eggs and their yolks to the deities.

In liquid form, the egg yolk makes up 33% of the total volume of the product. More precisely, an average chicken egg weighing up to 60 grams has a yolk weighing 17 grams.

Composition of chicken yolk

The chemical composition of the egg yolk is truly unique, because nature had to provide the chicken embryo with everything necessary for full development.

Thus, in the composition chicken yolk there are more than 50 biologically active elements, among which are:

  • hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen;
  • protein fractions in the form of protein;
  • water;
  • ash elements;
  • the minimum amount of carbohydrates (up to 2 g);
  • lipids;
  • lecithin;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acid(linoleic and linolenic);
  • monounsaturated fatty acids (palmitoleic and oleic);
  • saturated fatty acids (palmitic, myristic, stearic);
  • carotenoids in the form of zeaxanthin and lutein;
  • all fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, and these are: choline, niacin, biotin (vitamin H), vitamin D (calciferol), B vitamins (cyanocobalamin, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic and folic acid), vitamin A (retinol), vitamin E (tocopherol), beta carotene, vitamin C(vitamin C);
  • minerals such as cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, potassium, copper, sodium, iron, chlorine, zinc, iodine and sulfur.

The total calorie content of 100 grams of egg yolk is at least 352–358 kilocalories.

Energy percentage proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 18/78/2%.

The benefits of chicken yolk

Despite many years of myths about the exceptional harm of the yolk to the human body, scientific studies have proven more benefit than harm.

So, egg yolk:

  • contributes to the correct intrauterine development fetus;
  • helps in establishing protein-fat metabolism;
  • beneficial effect on functioning nervous system(in particular, relieves bad mood and improves memory);
  • normalizes the work of the liver and biliary tract;
  • helps to cope with chronic fatigue;
  • acts on the formation of the hormone testosterone;
  • due to excellent assimilation, it supplies the body with omega-3 and omega-6 acids, strengthening cardiovascular system;
  • melatonin rejuvenates the skin and strengthens hair and nails.

The use of chicken yolk in cooking

In cooking, egg yolk is in great demand because of the excellent binding properties needed to emulsify the ingredients.

A number of well-known classic sauces are also made on its basis, ranging from mayonnaise to hollandaise sauce.

In addition, this part of the egg is actively used as a thickener.

Without yolk, it is difficult for a cook to give a voluminous texture to a finished dessert, where the ingredient is custard.

Even in the distillery business, egg yolk has taken pride of place in the famous egg liqueur.

Harm of chicken yolk

True, it is worth considering the dosage when forming a diet plan and being careful for those who already suffer from overweight, obesity and “off-scale” cholesterol in the blood.

In addition, it is worth remembering about heat treatment and today refuse to eat raw egg yolks in order to avoid the danger of contracting an infectious disease of salmonella.

Men are advised to eat no more than four yolks a day, and women - only one or two.

Egg white benefits and harms

The function of holding a rounded egg yolk in the middle of a chicken egg is performed by a transparent multilayer protein mass. It has a different density depending on its location, the density of the shell and yolk.

In principle, protein is an exceptionally viscous, colorless, odorless liquid. The adhesive properties are fixed behind this liquid.

According to physiological indicators, liquid protein occupies at least 67% of the total mass of the egg.

Composition of chicken protein

The components of egg white are somewhat different from other parts of the product. In addition, it is generally poor in nutrients. Therefore, among the existing useful substances, it is necessary to highlight:

  • water (almost 90%);
  • various proteins represented by ovomucin, lysozyme and ovoalbumin;
  • glucose (up to 0.7%);
  • enzymes for complete assimilation;
  • vitamin D;
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • vitamins from group B (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin);
  • choline;
  • niacin;
  • biotin (vitamin H);
  • minerals such as manganese, cobalt, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, copper, iodine, chromium, molybdenum.

Total calories per 100 grams fresh product much lower than the yolk and is about 45 calories.

Due to the fact that egg white does not contain fats and carbohydrates, the energy ratio is also 100% protein.

The benefits of chicken protein

Despite the fact that the protein mass of an egg is low-calorie, it brings a lot of benefits to the human body:

  • stimulates brain activity;
  • regulates brain function, improving memory;
  • ensures normal blood clotting;
  • removes toxic substances from the liver;
  • hinders development intrauterine pathologies and vices;
  • has anti-cholesterol quality;
  • favors the strengthening of the heart muscle;
  • helps in the recovery process after colds and viral diseases;
  • prevents the development of cataracts;
  • has immunostimulating properties;
  • neutralizes the general negative impact of the environment;
  • externally used to relieve pain from burns;
  • helps stop nose bleed(also external use);
  • fresh egg white, taken orally, effectively relieves sore throat and perspiration, helps to restore the voice;
  • can be used to relieve mercury vapor poisoning (drink raw);
  • helps bodybuilders in the maximum reduction of body fat (the so-called drying) without losing muscle tissue;
  • in the cosmetic field will help support healthy state hair and skin of the face (for example, smoothes fine wrinkles).

Application in cooking

Like the yolk, culinary experts widely use egg whites in cooking.

The most famous protein-based dish is meringue (or meringue).

It is also customary to cover cakes, pies and casseroles with protein mass to get a delicious outer crust.

Protein creams are filling for baskets, eclairs, tubules and biscuit layers.

Egg white is required when forming minced meat for cutlets and meat rolls.

Boiled proteins become an ingredient in salads, soups and snacks.

Harm of chicken protein

It is worth remembering that excessive uncontrolled consumption of egg whites can really provoke an increase in “bad” cholesterol in the blood, which inevitably leads to the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Also, protein fractions with the fact of individual intolerance often provoke various allergic reactions.

Chicken egg shell

This dense part of the egg, protecting the albumen and yolk, is usually not perceived as a useful ingredient.

Therefore, immediately after breaking it, it is thrown into the trash can. Although in some cases it is the shell that brings many useful qualities.

The composition of the shell of chicken eggs

Like the rest of the chicken egg, the shell boasts individual beneficial components:

  • easily digestible calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate);
  • trace elements in the form of fluorine, copper, molybdenum, manganese, iron, sulfur, zinc, fluorine, phosphorus, silicon.

In general terms, the chemical composition of the eggshell completely coincides with the composition bone marrow, all bones of the body (including tubular), teeth.

Benefits of eggshell

In order to properly eat eggshells, it must first be crushed in a mortar to a powder. In the future, it is consumed as a powdered medicine, washed down with a large volume of liquid.

It must be remembered that studies have shown a lesser degree of effectiveness when using a coffee grinder.

In European countries, egg shell powder can be bought at a pharmacy, where it has been sold since 1970.

The general positive criteria for the use of eggshells are:

  • stimulation of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow;
  • prevention of osteoporosis;
  • restoration of metabolic processes;
  • help with rickets;
  • effective support skeletal system with improper growth of teeth and violation of posture;
  • helping the elderly with the observation of bone fragility;
  • treatment of anemia (there is a violation of calcium metabolism);
  • increasing the body's resistance to allergies and colds;
  • removal of radionuclides;
  • in women, the amount of leucorrhoea decreases;
  • in women in labor, labor pains intensify and the level of atony of the uterine muscles decreases;
  • it is calcium metabolism that is being established (and this is difficult to do even with the help of medications).

Damage to egg shells

The use of the shell in a clean, not crushed form, is strictly prohibited (so as not to damage the internal mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract).

The egg from which the shell will be separated should be washed well under cold and warm running water.

The allowable dosage should be no more than 3 grams per day. And in severe cases - up to 6 grams.

How to choose chicken eggs

Many people think that it is better to take homemade eggs, and try to give preference to the brown variation.

In fact, the color of the egg directly depends solely on the breed of chickens. The only difference is that brown eggs have a thicker and denser shell.

In shops and supermarkets, you have to focus on factory-made chicken eggs. But do not thoughtlessly take the first package that comes across. It is necessary to inspect the goods so that each egg is marked and clean (that is, without traces of dirt).

Roughness and cracks should not be observed. When possible, it is worth bringing the egg to the light (darkening and blood clots should not be noticeable).

In size, it is better to choose smaller ones (up to a reasonable egg size). It is believed that a young hen laid it down.

True, even in this case, it is important to pay attention to the “blotch”-marking:

  • C1 is a table egg of the first category;
  • just C - means a table egg;
  • the letter D indicates that the product belongs to the dietary category.

There is also an additional marking:

  • AT - highest category and eggs should weigh from 75 grams;
  • O - selective category (weight is from 65 to 75 grams);
  • the first category - weight from 55 to 65 grams;
  • the second category - weight from 45 to 55 grams;
  • the third category - weight from 35 to 45 grams.

The optimal purchase variation, balanced in composition and water quantity, should be a medium-sized second-grade egg.

Additionally, the following criteria should be taken into account:

  • absence bad smell both externally and after breaking;
  • when shaking, no sound is made (clapping indicates the staleness of the product, emptiness inside and wateriness);
  • a fresh egg, when placed in ordinary or salted water, must sink;
  • when broken, a dense convex yolk will be observed (spreading of the yolk indicates staleness);
  • the protein should be thick and transparent, without spots, and the yolk should be of a bright saturated color (pallor indicates malnutrition of the chicken).

Shelf life of chicken eggs

Often, the terms and conditions of storage are indicated on a dense cardboard package.

But usually you should pay attention to the egg category:

  • table eggs store approximately 25 days;
  • diet - only a week.

The small size and dark shell also somewhat prolong the shelf life.

Worth watching temperature regime, because temperatures below 1 degree will lead to irreversible damage. And higher temperatures can also create favorable conditions for damage to the goods or a significant reduction in its shelf life.

The best place for storage is the door of the refrigerator.

The eggs themselves should be laid with the sharp end down so that they do not “breathe”. And best of all, periodically turn them over.

To increase the shelf life (up to 90 days), it is recommended to grease each egg with vegetable oil.

It is allowed to wash the product only before direct use in order to preserve the natural protective layer (its premature removal will negatively affect the shelf life).

How many eggs can you eat per day

As already noted at the beginning of the article, disputes about the benefits and harms of chicken eggs have been going on for a long time. The main subject of such disputes is cholesterol. But as they prove latest research, the harm from cholesterol in chicken eggs is much less than from saturated trans fats and does not have any effect on the level of cholesterol in human blood.

The harm of bad cholesterol rather comes from the foods with which eggs are traditionally cooked and consumed: bacon, sausage, ham and the oil in which they are fried.

Most healthy people can eat one egg every day without the risk of raising their cholesterol levels. What's more, some studies have shown that eating chicken eggs can actually prevent certain types of strokes.

But we are all different and here you need to proceed specifically from your state of health. If there is already high level cholesterol, this amount of eggs may have some effect on health and increase the risk cardiovascular diseases. You just need to remember that the main source of cholesterol is the yolk. If you love eggs, eat only egg white. They do not contain cholesterol. Egg substitutes, which are made from proteins, also do not contain cholesterol.

How does chicken egg cholesterol affect blood cholesterol levels, see this video

The egg, as well as its main components, namely the yolk and protein, is a very popular ingredient in many recipes, from scrambled eggs to pastries. But few people know what exactly is the use of the yolk, and how this product is harmful.

Description and composition of the yolk

The yolk is a source of nutrients that accumulate in the body of a living being. They are in the form of plates or grains, and in some cases this component is mixed into one consistency. Scientists call the yolk a deutoplasm and chemical composition they are divided into 3 types:

● protein;

● fatty;

● carbohydrate.

The yolk in the eggs of various animals is located in different quantities and in varying degrees uniformity. According to this variety, isolecithal and telolecital eggs are distinguished.

Energy value of the yolk:

● 16.4 grams of proteins;

● 30.87 grams of fat;

● 1.78 grams of carbohydrates;

● 360 kcal calories per 100 grams of product.

The benefits of the yolk - in detail about vitamins, elements and acids

Useful substances in the egg are in large quantities, especially in the deutoplasm. The benefits of the yolk are mainly based on the vitamins and minerals that abound in it. The composition of this product includes:

● vitamins;

● trace elements;

● unsaturated fatty acids, including Omega-3 and Omega-6;

● melatonin;

● β-carotene and others.

The vitamins it contains:

● vitamin A;

● vitamin B6;

● vitamin B9;

● vitamin B2;

● vitamin B3;

● vitamin B1;

● vitamin B5;

● Vitamin B7

● vitamin E;

● vitamin D;

● vitamin H.

Also in the yolk there are such fatty acids:

linoleic acid;

● palmitic acid;

● palmitoleic acid;

● linolenic acid;

● stearic acid;

● oleic acid;

● myristic acid.

From beneficial trace elements the yolk contains:

● calcium;

● iron;

● phosphorus;

● magnesium.

The presence of these trace elements provides beneficial effect on the various bodies and tissue connections.

The elements contained in the yolks carry great benefit for the human body. For example, choline provides normalization metabolic process fat and protein, and normal work central nervous system. Melatonin is responsible for the formation and renewal of new cells, contributing to the rejuvenation process.

Vitamins that belong to group B normalize various processes associated with exchanges. Vitamin B12 is a preventative against anemia and supports general tone organism. Retinol is responsible for the regeneration of tissue connections, and also strengthens immune system. Calciferol (or vitamin D) ensures the health of the musculoskeletal system, and also removes heavy toxins from the body.

Significant benefits of the yolk are noted in the culinary business. Eggs are the main ingredient in mayonnaise and hollandaise sauces. Thanks to their unique properties, often the yolk acts as a thickener in many recipes. In addition, it contributes to the enrichment of the structure of the dish, various custards, as well as baking dough.

What is the harm from the yolk

The harm of the yolk is mainly based on the presence of cholesterol and fats. The latter stimulate, at the same time, the production of testosterone. And cholesterol not only harms the body, but also benefits. Yolk cholesterol practically does not accumulate in the body healthy person, and completely dissolves, due to which hormones and vitamins are produced.

Problems arise with arrogant eating of eggs. It is then that the level of cholesterol increases, which forms plaques on the blood vessels.

But in fact, the increase in cholesterol levels is individual for each person. Numerous studies have shown that each body reacts differently to the regular consumption of eggs: some did not experience any changes in the body, others significantly increased their cholesterol levels, and some even felt an improvement.

Another danger that yolks hide in themselves is salmonella. These are rod-shaped bacteria that cause salmonellosis. It is infectious disease, which seriously affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and proceeds very hard throughout the entire time.

Such a disease is very difficult to treat, since Salmonella bacteria are very resistant to negative effects for them, adverse conditions, as well as to some antibiotics. They settle in the intestine, attaching to its membrane and making an introduction into tissue junctions. At the same time, they release dangerous toxins that poison the human body, causing disease state, diarrhea and vomiting.

Salmonella bacteria have the ability to infect not only gastrointestinal tract and go beyond it. They can move across blood flow to other human organs and tissues. The liver, heart and some membranes of the brain can also suffer from salmonella. In view of this, the defeat of this type of bacteria can cause complications at any time.

This can be avoided thanks to proper processing product and the right choice in the store. You need to buy fresh eggs that do not have any flaws with the shell. When used, it is desirable to subject them to heat treatment.

Which yolk is better

Egg lovers may have a question about the best way to consume the yolk so that it benefits. Usage options can be:

1. Raw. Eating an egg raw is much easier, simpler and faster, since the egg does not need to be processed in any way. But this version of the egg is not completely absorbed, but only 50%. In addition, there is a huge risk of contracting salmonellosis due to bacteria that may be in the yolk. And the absence heat treatment helps a lot. But the lovers raw quail eggs can be used as food, since there are no such bacteria there.

2. Fried. The simplest and fast way to process this product and cook food is to make scrambled eggs. Although with prolonged frying of the yolk, the possibility of infection dangerous bacteria decreases sharply, but at the same time, it contributes to the destruction of all useful trace elements and vitamins. In addition, this method contributes to the release of trans fats, which are very harmful to the body, especially to the liver. But the body absorbs better fried eggs than raw.

3. Boiled. This is the most useful way processing of such a product. The body almost completely assimilates a boiled egg, absorbing all the nutrients and trace elements that are preserved during cooking. Also, this type of eggs does not have traces of fat, so the yolk in this form is practically not dangerous.

In what quantity can eggs be consumed, in particular yolks? There is no universal answer that suits every person. Each organism is individual and for each there is a limit. It is recommended to consume no more than 1-2 eggs per day.

There are several issues, disputes over which will never come to a logical conclusion. Along with questions such as "Where did we come from?" or “How was our universe created?” there is also the question of the dangers of egg yolks, the only true opinion about which, of course, every person has. Someone equates the harm from egg yolks to the harm from smoking, others consider them almost the most useful product, because of the trace elements it contains. But let's take a proper look at the situation.

The question of the harm of yolks consists of 2 components:

  • cholesterol

First, about cholesterol. The body cannot fully provide itself with cholesterol. Therefore, a small amount of it should be ingested daily, along with food. The daily norm of cholesterol supplied with food is 300 mg. This corresponds to 1-2 yolks, but do not forget that cholesterol is also found in other products. However, a small error of 50-100 mg. will not harm the body. That is, from the point of view of the body's need for cholesterol, it is worth eating no more than 2 yolks per day.

Egg yolks also contain fats. Our body needs them too. The average yolk contains 5 grams of fat, which is approximately 5% of the female daily allowance and 3% of the male daily value. In terms of our need for fats, yolks are not a terrible product. However, do not forget that in our daily diet there is already a lot of fat, so it’s worth at least roughly calculating your daily allowance and don't break it.

I hope now you understand that an omelette in the morning will not lead you to atherosclerosis or other diseases. Enjoy your meal:)


Chicken egg can be called, perhaps, one of the most nutritious foods. However, many people choose to refrain from eating them, citing the fact that they contain too much fat and cholesterol. But in order to draw such conclusions, it is necessary to thoroughly study this food product.

Egg white, which makes up the majority (about 67 percent) total mass eggs, along with egg yolk is an integral part of the chicken egg. In its raw form, it is a transparent viscous liquid, which, after heat treatment, acquires White color. The calorie content of egg white is much lower than the nutritional value of the yolk, but it contains a lot of protein. The beneficial properties of egg white are used in many areas of human life, but special role he plays in cooking.

The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning egg whites is, of course, airy meringue and biscuit dough. By the way, in order to achieve an excellent result when whipping proteins, you need to know a few secrets. They are easily whipped into a strong foam, if the chicken eggs are thoroughly cooled beforehand and a pinch of salt is added in the process.

In Russian folk cuisine, relatively recently, they began to use chicken eggs, in particular egg white, in soups (as in the cuisine of the Transcaucasus). But cooking a variety of main dishes based on this healthy product, combining it with fish and vegetables, has become almost a tradition. Along with French and English chefs, our masters have learned to use egg white in soufflés, jelly and drinks.

egg white calories

The calorie content of egg white is 44.4 kcal.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

  • Proteins: 11.1 g (~44 kcal)
  • Fat: 0 g (~0 kcal)
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 100%|0%|0%

Useful properties of egg white

The benefits of egg white are undeniable, as it is a rich source of niacin, which is essential for full-fledged work brain and stimulation of its activity. Also in this useful product and vitamin H, which provides better blood clotting. And choline improves memory and has the ability to remove poisons and toxic substances from the liver.

There are a lot of B vitamins in egg white, which have a beneficial effect on human health, in particular, prevent the development birth defects in newborns. At the same time, the benefits of egg white are expressed in anti-cholesterol properties, in which this product surpasses even soy cheese. It has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of chicken protein helps to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and thanks to recent studies, it has been found that the protein contained in the protein raises the level good cholesterol.

By the way, with regard to the prevailing opinion about the dangers of eggs due to high content cholesterol and fats: they are completely absent in the egg white, and although they are present in the yolk, they do not carry anything dangerous if used correctly.

Composition of egg white

Probably from the course. school subjects Remember that an egg is 85% water, 12% protein, and 1% carbohydrate and fat. In addition, useful enzymes, B vitamins, and glucose can be found in eggs. But, us people leading active image of life, and those who constantly need “doping” for the body, of course, protein is most of all interested. And, here, if you are interested in such an egg white, you can find out a lot of interesting information. So, for example, it turns out that 54% of egg protein is ovalbumin, which was isolated back in the 19th century and to this day it is actively used both in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Also, this protein contains conalbumin, or as it is also called ovotransferrin, a protein that has special antibacterial natural properties. There is also lysozyme - in an amount of 3.5% - it is used as a bacteriolytic enzyme and onomucin - 3% of the egg white composition, is a multicomponent complex compound.

Harm and contraindications

However, our article would be incomplete if we did not remember the dangers of egg white and its negative impact on the human body. Such egg white contains cholesterol in excess, and when you eat 1 egg a week, there is nothing wrong with that, but if you eat a lot of eggs (for example, some bodybuilders can eat 2 dozen eggs a day), then in this case cholesterol enters into the body in dangerous doses. In order to somehow get rid of it, and at the same time not refuse to eat eggs, you can consume only egg whites, while throwing away the yolks themselves. And, although this option of eating eggs may seem very uneconomical to some, it is better to spend money on buying eggs than to spend money on treatment. Therefore, remember, you can eat up to 20 egg whites per day if you so desire, but the number of eggs that you eat with the yolk should not exceed 3 pieces.

How to use egg white

However, do not rush to just fry and boil eggs, add them to salads and think that by doing so you will increase the amount of egg protein intake and thereby get on the path of harmony, beauty and health. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple. Even if you just drink raw eggs, although in this case the composition of the egg white will be just perfect, this is not the safest option, since the risk of contracting salmonellosis in this case is quite high. Even if the seller of such eggs assures you that his product has been tested and is absolutely safe for your health. Such a reckless step of yours can cost you your health. Therefore, after all, from egg white to pure form it is better to refuse without heat treatment - it is too dangerous. However, if the desire to try raw eggs and natural egg white is your lifelong dream, you can use a special air fryer. If you heat it up to a temperature of 280 degrees above zero Celsius, and put an egg on such a well-heated aerogrill - in the few seconds that you hold the egg on the aerogrill, it will not be able to bake, but at the same time the infection that may be on eggshell, will still be destroyed by high temperature.

How to make your own egg white

If for some reason the air grill option does not suit you, you can boil the eggs - the easiest and best way, which, if you are worried, will not cause the destruction of the egg white you and I need, preserve the nutritional value of the egg and will not contribute to loss of taste. By the way, such a boiled egg is easily and quickly absorbed by the body. And, salmonella, which we are afraid of, will die in boiling water within a few minutes.

As an alternative to boiling the egg white, frying can be suggested. Although, this method is not the best and not the most beneficial for your health. Under influence high temperatures in a frying pan, egg white denatures - in other words, its useful structure for you and me is violated, the benefits and nutritional value are lost. In addition, if you do not fry eggs in a dry frying pan, then in addition to eggs, you also eat fried oil, which is full of carcinogens that are so detrimental to our stomach, liver and whole body.

As for dishes with the addition of eggs - salads, stuffed eggs- even here not everything is as useful as it seems at first glance. final nutritional composition eggs as a result of the fact that you added such an egg to a salad, it changes significantly, and mayonnaise, hot spices do not make it healthier.

Egg white in sports nutrition

It was egg white that attracted the attention of the sports industry, as well as manufacturers of biologically active additives. Therefore, do not be surprised if in nutrition schemes for athletes and in stores sports nutrition you will come across egg white jars. True, do not rush to immediately stock up on an arsenal of such dietary supplements of egg protein. The fact is that the taste of this synthesized product is very, very specific (such a protein is bitter). But, if flavorings are added to it, then, the benefit in such egg white will become less. In addition, such a “store-bought” egg white ... foams a lot, and it’s not very convenient to cook it - you need to have the skill to make such a protein shake fast food didn't run out of your glass. Yes, and the cost of such a dietary supplement is not very affordable, for example, milk protein(milk protein) is cheaper and tastes better, therefore, athletes use it more willingly than egg white.

Today we have learned a lot interesting facts about egg white, and even managed to choose a safe for health and optimal option for preserving the nutritional value of preparing such an egg white. And, even if you are not an athlete and bodybuilder, such a protein can be useful for you, remember this and arrange “egg” for yourself. protein days. Your body will only thank you for this.

Face mask: egg white for skin, benefits and uses

Egg white can help those who constantly struggle with blackheads on the nose, chin and forehead area. All you need is one egg white and a paper towel.

Beat 1 egg white into foam, apply part of the protein on the face and neck. Take a paper towel or napkin and put it on your face, making holes for the eyes and mouth. On a napkin, on top, apply another layer of protein. Let the squirrel dry.

The dried napkin, slowly, remove from the bottom up. All black dots and dead skin layer will remain on it.

The main thing is not to pull the paper hard and sharply, if you feel pain, slightly moisten your fingers in water and rub the paper stuck to the skin with them.

Egg white mask oily skin

Beat well 1 egg white, add 1 tsp lemon juice. Mix. Apply a layer of the mixture on your face, wait 10 minutes and apply another layer. Keep the mask on your face for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles and whitens the skin. Egg white for dark circles under the eyes

Egg white makes the skin softer and more elastic. It also contains a lot of vitamin B 12, riboflavin, which improves blood circulation. All this contributes to the elimination of dark circles under the eyes.

Beat well 1 egg white, apply with a brush to dark circles. Leave on the skin for about 15 minutes to allow the protein to dry and then rinse well with water. You can also add a few drops of witch hazel tincture or oil (Witch hazel hydrolate) to the protein, which also works well for the skin around the eyes.

Egg white for wrinkles

Protein can also help in the fight against wrinkles, due to its composition and ability to make the skin supple. To do this, you need 1 protein, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of yellow clay. Mix all ingredients well and apply on face and neck. After the mask is applied, it is necessary to lie down calmly for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off the mask with slightly warm water, then apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the skin of the face and neck.

Exists a large number of foods that our body needs. They are useful and nutritious, contain a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, normalize the functioning of the body and improve its condition. One of these products are eggs, which have been used as food for centuries and have proven their benefits more than once. Surely, many of us have heard about how harmful the egg yolk is, which is saturated with cholesterol and has Negative influence to the work of the liver. The perfect opposite of it is protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the body and is a source of a whole range of amino acids. Let us consider in more detail what the benefits of egg white are, and what properties it has.

Egg white is an integral part of the egg, which consists of white, yolk and shell. All eggs have the same composition, but differ in properties. Raw egg white is a translucent or completely transparent viscous mass, which becomes white when exposed to temperature. Protein is considered a low-calorie and dietary product and is used in different areas human activity.

Composition of egg white

As mentioned earlier, protein is a source of amino acids, but this is not its only advantage. To understand why protein is so useful for the body, you need to study its composition in more detail. Egg white is 85% water, the rest is organic matter. In the composition of egg white, you can find not only protein, as many used to think, it also contains a small amount of fats and carbohydrates, which, in fact, makes it so nutritious. Along with this, egg white is a low-calorie food, since one protein of an average chicken egg contains only 20 kcal.

Of the vitamins in the protein, you can find an almost complete set of B vitamins, such as B2, B5, B6, B9 and B12, as well as vitamins H, D and PP. From minerals in the composition of the protein, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, copper, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium can be noted. In a small amount it contains iodine, cobalt, molybdenum and chromium. In short, egg white is one of the most affordable to date. natural sources trace elements and nutrients.

Benefits of egg white

In nature, everything is arranged harmoniously, this also applies to eggs. If the yolk contains a large amount of cholesterol, then the protein has the ability to lower its level in the body, which makes the eggs safe and does not pose any threat to health. It has cleansing properties and normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels. Protein is a source of proteins that provide cells with energy and help them recover much faster.

Niacin, which is part of the egg protein, has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, stimulating its activity. Thus, regular consumption of egg white will improve memory and attentiveness, help increase efficiency and productivity. Vitamin H, present in the protein, regulates the degree of blood clotting, bringing it back to normal.

In addition, some substances contained in egg white help to eliminate toxins from the body that enter it from external environment. The eggs are excellent source protein, which is essential for building muscle and maintaining muscular shape. In addition, protein is involved in the process of strengthening bones, so it should be consumed by children and adolescents, as well as the elderly.

The use of egg white

Due to the fact that eggs are one of the most popular products today, they have managed to find application not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and medicine. This is related to availability and unique composition eggs.

In cooking

The most common use of egg white is, of course, cooking. It is an integral part of any baking, is part of the dough and serves as the basis for the preparation of all kinds of creams. Egg white is used to prepare salads and snacks, as it has a pleasant palatability, quickly processed and prepared, easy to use. Some peoples of the world use egg white for cooking first courses. So, for example, in Kazakh cuisine, one of the national dishes is soup with the addition of egg white.

In cosmetology

Egg white is one of the main ingredients in skin and hair care products. Homemade masks, which include egg white, are especially popular. It is great for oily skin, as it is able to remove shine from it, giving the skin a matte finish, and normalize the process of sebum secretion. Simply beat a few egg whites until fluffy, then use a cotton ball to dab the egg white onto your skin. When it dries a little and turns into a crust, apply another layer of protein. Do this a third time, wait for the protein to dry, and then rinse it off with water.

In hair care, egg white also occupies an important place. Anyone who wants to make their hair thick, lush, beautiful and healthy, for sure, has several egg white hair mask recipes in stock. Thanks to such masks, the hair will not only become stronger, but will also grow faster. To give hair strength, beat two egg whites, mix them with glycerin, olive oil and apple cider vinegar and apply the resulting mask on your hair. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes. warm water. Can be used as a mask only protein without any additional components. Just beat it with a whisk and rub it well into the scalp. The duration of the mask is 10-15 minutes, after which you need to wash it off and rinse your hair well.

In medicine

One of the most popular areas of application of egg white is the sore throat. When coughing, loss of voice, hoarseness and sore throat, there is no better means traditional medicine than raw egg white. Just drink it, and after a few minutes, you will feel significant relief.

One useful but few known properties egg white is its ability to act as an antidote for poisoning by some toxic and hazardous substances. The protein is able to bind and delay the absorption of mercury and copper salts in the body. For burns, you can also use an egg white product that will remove pain and speed up the healing process. Egg white should be beaten with hemp oil and a little alum added. The resulting mixture is applied to the burn site and left for 10 minutes, then renewed, preventing complete drying of the protein.

Exists folk remedy for headaches based on egg white. The protein is mixed with rose water and a small amount of saffron, everything is mixed well, a cotton swab or gauze is soaked in the resulting mixture and applied as a compress to the forehead. After the compress dries, it can be replaced with a new one until headache will not disappear completely.


Perhaps the only contraindication to egg white can only be its personal intolerance, which is expressed in the form allergic reaction. Often, it is accompanied by an allergy to meat and other protein-rich foods. In this case, it is better to refuse the use of egg white. As for the rumors about cholesterol, in egg white its content is zero and it is not dangerous at all.

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Egg white - powerful immunostimulator, which has pronounced bactericidal properties. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid with adhesive properties. When whipped, it acquires a dense foamy consistency. Turns white during heat treatment. The product improves the functioning of the brain, participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, and prevents the formation of cataracts.

In terms of nutritional value, one egg replaces 50 g of meat and 200 ml. Protein has greatest degree digestibility among animal products (98%).

Beneficial features

The main advantage of egg white is the absence of fat in its composition. It's absolutely dietary product approved for use during weight loss.

Frequently asked Questions

What is the best way to cook egg white? Cook. This method of heat treatment preserves its nutritional value and useful properties. Just 1-2 minutes of cooking is enough to kill the dangerous Salmonella bacillus. Frying the protein is not welcome, because it violates the structure of the product (the denaturing process starts), as a result, it decreases the energy value product. Besides, this way heat treatment leads to the ingress of oil into the body, which carries carcinogens that are dangerous for the digestive system and liver.

Interestingly, the egg white begins to “seize” at a temperature of +60 degrees, and hardens at +65 degrees. At the same time, the yolk acquires a dense texture at +65 degrees, and at +73 degrees it becomes completely steep.

What is egg white made of? From fats (0.3%), carbohydrates (0.7%), proteins (13%), water (85%), vitamins, enzymes. It contains all the important amino acids for building protein in the human body. In addition, it contains lysozyme, a compound that neutralizes harmful microorganisms, including rotten ones.

How much can be stored boiled egg? No more than one week. However, in order to avoid losing useful properties The product is recommended for use within 3 days after preparation. raw eggs store in the refrigerator at a temperature of +4 degrees for up to 5 weeks.


Egg white is a source of easily digestible protein, from which, according to Darwin's theory, the first cellular structures originated 3.8 billion years ago. Protein play important role in the human body. Thanks to them, metabolism, respiration and digestion processes are carried out. Protein is made up of bones, nails, hair, muscles, tendons, cartilage, and skin. Protein deficiency in the body leads to a weakening of the skeleton, thinning of the mucous membranes, deterioration protective barrier, susceptibility to various infections, rapid aging. Egg protein has bacterial activity, strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases the level of "good" cholesterol. Used externally for treatment skin problems, damaged joints, strengthening nails, hair, giving firmness and elasticity to the dermis.



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