How many quail eggs should you eat per day. What is more useful protein or yolk

We come across different products every day. Some correspond to our idea of ​​\u200b\u200busefulness and quality, others do not. With the abundance of food, it is not surprising that some consumers feel like guinea pigs, because new technologies for making food involve a lot of hitherto unknown components. Willy-nilly, you have to analyze the composition of the product and carefully check its quality.

Recently, more and more attention is paid to natural products grown on farms in households. In this case, a person who buys vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products is confident in their quality. In addition, in such chemically unprocessed products, their beneficial qualities are not lost. An example is quail they are emphasized by many experts. They are considered dietary and necessary for people of all age categories. But first things first!

What quail?

As with many exotic products, the Slavs were initially treated with extreme caution. Because of their appearance, they were originally considered exotic on the table. But the Japanese, who were the first to study and use such eggs for food, proved that there is nothing supernatural in them. On the contrary, their composition makes it possible to attribute them to dietary nutrition. Is a quail egg healthy and what is special about them, besides good taste?

Since ancient times in China, they have been used as a universal folk remedy for many diseases. It was this fact about them that interested the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun. When these small eggs first got there from a neighboring state, the Japanese found out that this product improves mental abilities and restores the functioning of the human nervous system. Also of particular relevance to them was the discovery that this food removes radionuclides. Schoolchildren of this country eat quail eggs every day, the beneficial properties of which are obvious: they have a great effect on their well-being, especially during intense stress.

In terms of their chemical composition, quail eggs differ from chicken eggs in a wider range of minerals and vitamins, as well as in the content of a group of important amino acids and elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. They contain: unsaturated fatty acids (of which there are more than protein), vitamins A and B, minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, manganese, cobalt, copper, chromium, molybdenum . There are also many more here than in chicken ones.

What effect do they have on a man's health?

Is a quail egg useful for representatives of the strong half of humanity? Definitely yes! Their beneficial effect on men's health is as follows:

  1. The use of the product in its raw form improves digestion, since in this case all the necessary trace elements are preserved.
  2. They do not contain cholesterol, so they can be eaten more often than chicken.
  3. Many men use quail eggs for potency. The reason is that this product contains a large amount of protein. It is protein that is important for the reproductive function of a man. Due to the content of special amino acids that are difficult to produce by the male body, quail eggs are an indispensable product on the menu for potency.
  4. The abundance of various minerals in these eggs improves memory and resistance to radiation exposure.

Many note that this product in its effectiveness exceeds the impact of Viagra on male potency. Traditional healers offer a special elixir to increase sexual desire and improve the quality of intimate life. It contains: 120 g cola, 2 quail eggs (fresh), 1 tsp. sugar, a small slice of lemon and 20 g of quality cognac. Men claim that the effect is amazing!

Quail eggs: useful properties for women

Not only men can feel full of strength and energy when eating quail eggs. Almost the same way they act on the fair sex. This product has a beneficial effect on women. They are strongly recommended for use by women in early pregnancy. Due to the content of folic acid, healthy fats and protein, quail eggs are very important for women: they maintain normal hormonal levels and help maintain pregnancy. Experts advise women in an interesting position to take them in the amount of 2-3 pieces daily.

Can children eat quail eggs?

As already noted by the Japanese, quail eggs contribute to the effective flow of mental processes, especially memory. There, each student must eat 2 eggs every day. This wise people will never do anything for nothing. They know how to raise the potential of their younger generation. Therefore, they take care of the harmonious development of the child and provide him with all the necessary nutrients.

An improved memorization process is achieved precisely due to the protein-mineral-vitamin complex of quail eggs. But, besides this, adults need to know whether it is possible to give children quail eggs in large quantities or not. It should be noted that they should not be given to children under 1 year old. At preschool age, when there is no intense mental stress and the child is active and healthy, he can be given 1-2 things a day. At school age, a child can eat up to 3 pieces per day. But you don’t need to get too carried away with them, because there are other sources of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

The use of quail eggs in cosmetology

Small and colorful eggs are known not only for their appearance, composition and medicinal properties for the reproductive system of men and women. At the same time, quail eggs are actively used in cosmetology for the face, as well as for the skin of the whole body.

Since ancient times, women have been interested in how to make an elixir of youth and beauty from improvised means and products. Fans of folk remedies to restore healthy skin, hair and nails know many masks containing bread, honey, milk, and so on. Particular attention among such a variety deserves a mask of quail eggs. Due to the high content of B vitamins (B1, B2, B12) and A, this product is indispensable in the means to improve the health of the skin and hair. When used in facial skin care, you get elastic skin, smoothed as much as possible and without swelling. These eggs are universal, because when they are applied to oily skin, it dries slightly, they are also great for dry skin: the yolk nourishes and moisturizes it. A quail egg mask does not necessarily contain the entire egg, in some cases only the yolk or protein is used. The following recipes will be useful:

  1. Grind 3 yolks with vegetable oil, apply in a circular motion to the skin. Moisten your fingers with hot water before applying. The tangible result will be after 20 procedures.
  2. Take 3 yolks and mix them with 1 tsp. honey and oatmeal. Apply the mixture on the skin of the face for 20 minutes, then make a cold compress.
  3. Protein mask: Mix 3 egg whites with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, apply in layers on the skin. This mask will whiten your face a bit.
  4. In order to get rid of acne and prevent their appearance, you need to take 3 proteins, grind them with finely chopped cucumber. Keep this mask on your face for 20 minutes.
  5. An effective way to treat acne is also to apply whipped protein on the skin. Wash it off after 10 minutes.

Features of cooking quail eggs

If we talk about quail eggs as a medicine and a way to improve your health, then you need to cook them strictly according to the recipe. In it, eggs can be used raw (most often), boiled, baked, but not used fried.

Quail eggs, whose beneficial properties will be better manifested when eaten raw, can be eaten daily in different dishes. They are used to make omelettes, they are fried, often used to make sandwiches and salads. They also make a great addition to your holiday table. You need to cook eggs with the expectation that 5 quail eggs are equal to 1 chicken. This product is boiled for 1-1.5 minutes soft-boiled, and 3-5 minutes are needed to cook it hard-boiled. An interesting fact is that at any boiling temperature, the shell of these eggs does not burst, which cannot be said about chicken ones.

What is the rate of consumption of quail eggs per day?

There are many opinions about how best to eat quail eggs, how much to eat per day, and what dishes are better to cook from them. There are a large number of recipes for dishes, everyone chooses the most suitable for the ingredients and taste.

For babies, as well as children with reduced immunity, quail eggs should be introduced, starting with 1/2 yolk per day. Then you can increase this portion, but gradually, slowly. Starting from a year and up to 3 years, you can give children 1 or 2 eggs per day. Parents need to know exactly how much quail eggs can be eaten by young children, as allergic reactions may occur in the form of skin rashes, coughing or itching of certain areas of the skin. But this is extremely rare, since these eggs are considered a dietary product. Children from 3 to 10 years old can eat 3 eggs daily. Starting from 10 years old and up to 18, the allowable quantity increases to 4 pieces. Adults can eat up to 6 eggs per day.

Most often, such norms are important for pregnant women, children or the elderly. For these segments of the population, they will have a therapeutic effect and reduce joint pain, maintain vision and hearing, help with strong mental stress, and reduce nausea in case of toxicosis.

Can eggs be harmful?

Together with such a miraculous effect on our body, quail eggs can harm some people. Undoubtedly, the healing properties of quail eggs are highly appreciated by both specialists and ordinary people. But there is a certain group of people to whom they are contraindicated. Who can't eat quail eggs?

  1. People with poor digestibility of protein. In this case, the protein of these eggs will only harm the body of such a person. Such intolerance to this element can be triggered by certain types of kidney or liver diseases.
  2. Carried away by taking care of your body, it is important to remember that a large number of quail eggs, which are advised to eat for the desired result (up to 320 pieces), should be used for food for a long time. Sometimes it can be up to 4 months. No need to abuse this product, in fact, like all others.
  3. Always keep an eye on the expiration date of eggs. If you choose fresh eggs, you can store them for up to 45 days. Otherwise, you can get indigestion.

Myths about the use of quail eggs

Many are accustomed to consider quail eggs a remedy for all diseases. Indeed, quail eggs do a lot of good for the normal functioning of our body. For the face, nails and hair, they are also indispensable, but you should not attribute magical properties to them. Experts refute the widely known fact that these eggs are quickly digested in the body. Studies have shown that when eggs are boiled for a long time, they are digested more slowly. Therefore, the best option is to eat soft-boiled eggs.

It is well known to everyone that quail eggs do not contain cholesterol in the yolks, unlike chicken ones. But here, too, people are mistaken. To date, there is a lot of information that the yolks of these eggs contain even more cholesterol than the yolks of chicken eggs. Due to the content of lecithin in small eggs, cholesterol is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

Also, quail eggs are famous for the absence of various pathogens, in particular salmonella. Indeed, intestinal infection caused by this bacterium is extremely rare in this case. But there are others, however, they are less dangerous to humans. In any case, it should be washed thoroughly before use.

How can the shell be used?

Another plus of this product is its shell. Quail eggs, the beneficial properties of which have already been widely studied, have recently attracted the interest of many researchers because of their outer shell. By the way, she has attracted attention before due to her unusual colors.

The shell of quail eggs is mostly composed of calcium carbonate. In addition, it contains a lot of copper, sulfur, fluorine, zinc and silicon. All these trace elements are found in our bones and teeth. Therefore, doctors recommend giving crushed shells to a growing child. Adults can eat the shells for heartburn, brittle nails and poor hair condition, bleeding gums, sleep disturbances and nervous breakdowns, as well as fractures.

To prepare the powder from the shell, you need to: clean, pour cold water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and wait 5 minutes. Drain hot water, pour cold water and do the same. Then drain the water, wait until the shell cools down, and pour apple cider vinegar for a day. After that, drain the vinegar, rinse the shell, dry it in a dark place and grind to a fine powder. Give children half a teaspoon (with the addition of lemon juice), adults - 1 tsp.

Chicken eggs are a unique product that has many useful properties and contains a huge amount of substances useful for the human body.

But, at the same time, almost everyone knows the fact that eating eggs in large quantities can harm the body.

So what is the daily and weekly consumption of chicken eggs, and do quail eggs have similar properties?

How many eggs can you eat per day without risk to health

Eggs are included in the diet of almost every modern person. People have been eating poultry eggs for many centuries, and not only chickens - eggs of quails, geese, ducks and some other bird species are also suitable for consumption. However, they do not have to be boiled or fried, they are quite suitable for eating raw. Domestic chicken eggs are considered the most popular, as they have excellent taste and quickly satisfy your appetite.

Useful properties of chicken eggs

A chicken egg is made up of yolk, white and shell. Each of these elements has its own unique properties and benefits. Even the shells, which are usually thrown away, contain such useful trace elements as calcium, iron and phosphorus, so some nutritionists recommend eating them in crushed form.

100 grams of this product contains about 150 kcal, 12-15 g of protein, 10-12 g of carbohydrates, and also water. Chicken eggs contain such substances useful for the human body as lecithins, iron, amino acids, choline, vitamins of groups B, E, D and K. During heat treatment, the ratio of these substances changes, but boiled eggs are better absorbed by the body than raw ones.

Harmful properties of chicken eggs

The main danger that a chicken egg hides in itself is cholesterol. One egg contains an average of 180-200 mg of cholesterol, which is a little more than half the daily requirement for an adult. An increase in the level of this substance in the blood can lead to serious diseases such as diabetes mellitus and stroke, kidney and pancreatic diseases, and also contributes to the formation of excess weight.

The main danger of cholesterol is that the consequences of increasing its level do not appear immediately. Therefore, eating even a dozen eggs a day, a person will not feel any signs of illness. With the constant excessive consumption of eggs in food, cholesterol will gradually accumulate in the form of plaques, and only after a while you can notice the harmful effects on the body. It should also be borne in mind that egg white contains much less cholesterol than protein. Therefore, when eating only egg white, the harm to the body is much less.

And yet, how many eggs can you eat a day without fear for your health? According to medical studies, eating 2-3 medium eggs per day in 70% of cases does not lead to an increase in cholesterol levels. In the remaining 30% of cases, only a slight increase is observed, which does not cause significant changes in the body.

Not all eggs are the same

In addition to cholesterol, chicken eggs have another unpleasant property - they can accumulate harmful substances received by the chicken from the outside. These can range from dangerous intestinal bacteria such as salmonella to harmful substances that can be found in special bird food. Therefore, eggs of domestic chickens are considered more useful, since a bird grown at home spends more time outdoors and eats natural feed.

How many eggs can you eat per week

It should be understood that the rate of consumption of eggs depends not only on the properties of the eggs themselves, but also on the age, health status of a person and his physical activity. For example, for people with a sedentary lifestyle who are overweight and diabetic, the consumption of chicken eggs should be kept to a minimum.

How many eggs can an adult eat per week?

For an adult healthy person receiving moderate physical activity, the consumption rate of eggs is 3-5 pieces per week. At the same time, if you eat only proteins that contain less cholesterol than yolks, one egg can be replaced with 3-4 proteins without risk to health.

How many eggs can a child eat per week?

Eggs are among those products that can cause allergies in a child. Therefore, they should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting from one year and only in the form of proteins. If the boiled protein does not cause an allergy, you can start giving the yolk. For a small child, the norm is 1-2 chicken eggs per week.

How many eggs can an athlete eat per week?

The athlete's body experiences more physical exertion, so it needs more protein. Therefore, for people involved in strength sports, the consumption of eggs is increased and can be up to 10-15 pieces per week.

How many quail eggs can you eat per day

Quail eggs are similar in composition to chicken eggs, although there are some differences. First of all, they differ in size and weight, which is only 10-15 grams. In addition to containing a large number of useful substances, including iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, amino acids and vitamins of groups A, B and PP, quail eggs differ from chicken eggs in excellent taste and healing qualities. Because of this, they are recommended to use it in its raw form. Quail eggs are recognized as a good tool in the fight against diseases of the digestive system, anemia and anemia, and are also great for preventive purposes.

Like chicken eggs, quail eggs contain cholesterol. In addition, their shells are thinner, so the risk of dangerous bacteria entering the egg is quite high.

How many quail eggs can you eat per day?

Children from 1 to 3 years old: 2 quail eggs.

Children from 3 to 10 years old: 3 eggs.

Teenagers: 4 eggs.

Adults: no more than 6 eggs.

Elderly people: no more than 4 eggs.

The fact that quail eggs are very useful has been known since ancient times. Despite the fact that quail eggs are very small, they are both nutritious and very tasty. But the most valuable thing about them is that they do not cause any side effects even for those to whom chicken eggs are contraindicated.
Quail eggs can be eaten by children and the elderly. They differ from chicken eggs in that they do not contain cholesterol. There are no known contraindications for their use.

A quail egg weighs about 10 g, but it contains many biologically active substances. The human nervous system begins to work better. This is due to the high content of B vitamins.
Memory is improved by the iron, potassium and phosphorus found in eggs. In addition, quail eggs allow children to develop mental abilities. If you compare quail and chicken eggs, you can find out that a gram of a quail egg contains more than 2 times vitamin B2, almost 3 times vitamin B1 and 2.5 times more vitamin A. Quail eggs, in addition, have significantly higher iron levels. , potassium and phosphorus. The benefits of quail eggs are obvious!

Experts believe that quail eggs should be included in the diet of weakened and sick children. In Japan, quail eggs are widely used in baby food. They have a good effect on children who are stunted. The special value of these eggs is that they have a good effect on the reproductive functions of the human body.

And one more advantage of quail eggs. They can be stored for a very long time. They can be stored at room temperature for about a month, in the refrigerator - up to two months.
Quail eggs can be eaten raw or baked, boiled, pickled or fried. But raw eggs are the best. It is best to eat them about half an hour before meals with juice or water.
You can use quail eggs to make salads, omelettes, scrambled eggs, and more. For example, mayonnaise at home is better from quail eggs. If you don't like it, add eggs to soup, mashed potatoes or porridge.

How many eggs can you eat at one time?

Of course, quail eggs are very useful. But they do not need to be abused, like any other products. Remember to use eggs wisely. The number of eggs you can eat at a time depends on your body weight, age, and more.
Nutritionists believe that a child from one to 3 years old can be given no more than 2 testicles per day. At the age of 3 to 10 years, you can eat 3 testicles, from 10 to 18 years - 4. At the age of 50, you can eat 5 - 6 testicles per day. After 50 years, it is better to eat no more than 4 pieces a day.

Quail eggs are a natural vitamin complex with unique properties. They are rich in vitamins, essential trace elements and amino acids, and therefore require close consideration by every health-conscious person. In this article, the editors of Know Everything.rf will tell you in detail about the benefits of quail eggs: how they differ from chicken eggs, what nutrients they contain, how to cook quail eggs and how to use them correctly.

The benefits of quail eggs

A chicken egg, for example, contains 2.5 times less vitamins than a quail egg. There is more phosphorus, potassium and iron by 4.5 times. And lecithin, which is found in raw quail eggs, helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, the properties of quail eggs are truly unique.

Quail has a high body temperature - 42 degrees - they are resistant to infections. A raw egg must be washed before use, but for children under 3 years old it is better to boil it. Quail eggs cook much faster than chicken eggs: 1.5-2 minutes is enough to have a soft-boiled egg, hard-boiled - it will take 5 minutes.

Quail eggs can be used to treat various diseases: anemia, high or low blood pressure and severe headaches. With it, you can increase immunity, treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, gastritis and pancreatitis.

With disorders of the nervous system or anemia and diabetes, quail eggs are also indispensable. Diabetics, for example, are advised to eat 6 quail eggs a week. The amount of sugar in this case may decrease by 2 units. With a concomitant diet, stunning results can be achieved. This is even confirmed by medical observations.

Quail eggs - the elixir of youth

The use of quail eggs, coupled with dietary nutrition, helps to strengthen the immune system, restore and improve metabolism. And due to the high content of phosphorus, the quail egg is a good stimulant of potency.

Quail eggs for children should be given 2-6 pieces a day. The amount depends on age, and adults should eat 4-6 pieces a day. At the same time, they should be eaten daily in the morning and on an empty stomach. Quail eggs are best eaten raw. And take systematically without interruption for at least 3 months. The beneficial effect on the body is manifested after two weeks.

Quail eggs are easily digestible and do not cause any negative effects. This is evidenced by medical observations. Absolutely all parents who, due to the constant illnesses of their children, introduced quail eggs into their diet, talk about improving health in a few months.

For example, a disease such as asthma can be completely cured with therapeutic nutrition. Even after a severe form of the disease, the child can afford to run for hours on the street without shortness of breath.

Quail eggs also help to grow. Children who are behind their peers in growth grow after a quail diet by 8-15 centimeters per year. Vitamin D, which is contained in the product, prevents the development of rickets.

This egg also helps with stuttering. Moreover, regardless of the nature of the origin of the disease. After 3-4 months, the child or adult begins to talk normally.

But phosphorus, which is contained in a quail egg, stimulates mental development, improves memory and contributes to the accelerated development of intelligence in babies and adolescents. It is easier for children who eat quail eggs to comprehend science, they perceive the material better, and remember it easier.

Quail egg shell

Studies have shown that the shell of quail eggs, which is 90% calcium carbonate, is easily digestible. In addition, the shell contains all the necessary trace elements: fluorine, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, molybdenum, zinc - a total of 27 elements. From this list, silicon and molybdenum are very important - our daily diet is extremely poor with them, and the body is in dire need of them.

If you introduce quail shell (shredded) into food, then this will show high therapeutic activity and will not bring any side effects. Excess calcium, when using this shell, will not be deposited on the bones and will not cause urolithiasis.

Starting from the age of one, quail shells can be given to children. Good healing of orthopedic conditions such as osteoporosis and congenital dislocation of the hip (dysplasia) has been observed.

Shell therapy helps with brittle nails and hair, constipation, bleeding gums, irritability, hay fever, insomnia, asthma and hives. How to take the powder from the shell - it does not matter. Can be added to food. And the effect will be greater if you add 3-5 drops of lemon juice or fish oil to the shell.

Even better, trace elements, in particular calcium, dissolve in water. Calcium solution can be prepared as follows: pour the powder on the bottom of the jar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water. And insist for five hours. From such water you can make tea, infusions, coffee, soups or just drink it raw.

Quail eggs: benefits and harms

The quail egg is also used in medicine. They make cosmetics. You can make such cosmetics at home.

How long to cook quail eggs?

Due to their size, quail eggs cook quite quickly. It takes 1-2 minutes to get soft-boiled eggs, and 5 minutes for hard-boiled eggs. Eggs, like chicken eggs, must be placed in cold water and heated to a boil, and then timed. It is better to salt the water.

How to cook quail eggs?

Recipes with quail eggs

However, quail eggs can be eaten in any form. Raw food never contains salmonella. And boiled can be added to salads, omelettes, snacks, scrambled eggs and pastries.

Quail eggs can be stored for up to a month at room temperature, in the refrigerator for up to three. In this case, the shell of the eggs must not be damaged.

One of the original recipes is a raw egg drink. It adds strength, energy, accelerates metabolism and growth. For him, you need to take 4-5 quail eggs, beat, add fruit juice, coffee or red wine to them, as well as sugar or honey to taste. Such a nutritious drink can be consumed daily.

Another interesting recipe that kids will love is fried eggs. Eggs should be hard-boiled, peeled and peeled. Whip 2-3 more eggs until fluffy. Moisten boiled eggs in this foam, roll in breadcrumbs, fry in hot oil.

For an omelette with quail eggs, you need to take milk (3/4 cup), beat it with 12-15 quail eggs, salt, add finely chopped onion. Melt the butter in a frying pan, pour the prepared mixture into it, wait until it is fried. Serve on the table.

For a salad with quail eggs, you need to make poached eggs. This is a pretty original recipe. It will require a liter of boiling water, a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of vinegar. Crack the quail eggs and drop them one by one into the boiling water. At this time, it is necessary to twist the water so that the eggs turn out to be solid lumps. Within two minutes they will curl up.

For salad, cut boiled chicken or quail fillet into thin slices, cut pickles, peeled apple, boiled potatoes. Mix all the ingredients and season with sour cream. However, instead of sour cream, you can take mayonnaise. Put the boiled eggs on top of the salad. Salt the dish, add lemon juice to taste, and sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar.

Quail eggs undoubtedly have unique properties and many useful components. According to the editors of the site, it is worth introducing them into your diet, but not becoming a fanatic. Watch the expiration date, and enjoy your meal.
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Eggs, usually chicken, appear early in the diet of children and have been an important part of the diet since their introduction. This is a complete and necessary product, but often parents wonder about finding an alternative to add variety to their daily diet. In this case, quail eggs are an excellent option for a child. They have a small size, balanced composition and unusual appearance, attract the attention of the baby and arouse interest.


Useful properties of quail eggs

Bird eggs are a valuable source of amino acids, lecithin, choline, vitamins and mineral salts (especially potassium, calcium, cobalt, phosphorus and iron). The quail product is distinguished by its concentrated composition and low weight (only 10-14 g), which allows it to be successfully used in the diet of children without dividing into parts. It rarely causes allergies, although if the baby has it, the use of this type of egg in his diet should be agreed with the pediatrician.

It is important that even the industrial keeping of quails does not provide for the constant use of drugs and preventive measures using antibiotics. The bird is resilient, extremely hardy and not susceptible to most of the diseases characteristic of a chicken, so its eggs and meat are environmentally friendly and safe food for children.

Quail egg shells can be used in home recipes to treat diathesis and as a source of organic calcium needed for a growing skeleton. It can be consumed in small doses according to recipes for children after a short boil, drying and grinding.

The regular inclusion of quail eggs in the menu of children contributes to the prevention of pathological conditions and the preservation of health:

  1. They are useful for vision, cognitive development, the formation of the nervous system and bone growth, increase hemoglobin levels and improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  2. A large amount of calcium in quail eggs contributes to the prevention of rickets.
  3. The beneficial effect of quail eggs on the child's immunity reduces the incidence and helps to quickly and easily recover from colds.
  4. The product promotes the removal of radionuclides and other toxins from the body, reducing the harm from the influence of negative environmental factors in the living environment.

Quail eggs make it easier for children to comprehend new knowledge and study at school, relieving fatigue, migraine attacks and dizziness.

Rules for the use of quail eggs in the diet of children

Acquaintance with a bird's egg can be done already at the age of 7 months, introducing its yolk into the child's diet in the usual way, starting with a few crumbs (no more than a quarter) and increasing the portion every 2-3 days. The crushed product is useful to add to cereals, vegetable purees or dilute with breast milk.

Quail eggs for children over one year old can be used together with protein, cook omelettes, casseroles and cheesecakes, conducting their thorough heat treatment. To cook a hard-boiled product, it is enough to hold it for 3 minutes in boiling water, then immediately remove and cool it - so more useful substances in the active form will remain.

Age norms for the use of quail eggs:

  • at the age of up to a year, it is appropriate to use one yolk per day;
  • from a year to three years, 1-2 whole eggs are enough;
  • from 3 to 8 years, you can increase the daily rate to 2-3 pieces;
  • from 8 to 12 years old, it is permissible to eat 3-4 eggs;
  • from 12 to 18 years old - 4 pieces per day.

Raw eggs of any birds in the child's diet are unacceptable. Contrary to popular belief, quail eggs can serve as a source of salmonellosis, although the peculiarities of their structure and the vital activity of birds do not contribute to the development of the disease and the likelihood of infection is low. The product can also become a source of other infections, such as pullorosis.

The absorption of crude protein in the immature digestive system of children is difficult and can result in increased gas production and indigestion. In addition, there is a risk that the child will not like this way of serving eggs, he will refuse them for a long time in any form.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky's opinion on the benefits and methods of eating quail eggs for children

Recipes for cooking children's dishes from quail eggs

In the diet of young children, it is necessary to use simple recipes with a small amount of salt without the addition of spices and products prohibited by age. Cooking, heat treatment of food for a couple or in a slow cooker is allowed. Vegetables (grated carrots, zucchini, steamed cauliflower, broccoli or sweet peppers) can be added to quail egg omelettes.

The shell shell of a quail egg is characterized by increased strength, so it is inconvenient to break it in the usual way. To open the shell of this product, you can use a kitchen knife, or better, special scissors. Older children can easily use this device on their own, helping their parents in the kitchen.

Recipe for cottage cheese casserole with quail eggs in a double boiler

Quail egg - 6 pcs.
Curd - 200 g
Sugar - 30 g
Milk - 30 ml
Semolina - 40 g
Butter - 30 g

Pour enough water into the bowl of the steamer. Beat the products with a blender for 2 minutes and put in a silicone mold, and then place it on the grill of the appliance. Lower the lid and steam the dish for a quarter of an hour. When serving, the casserole can be decorated with herbs or fresh berries.

Recipe for making cottage cheese casserole in the oven

Cottage cheese 9% fat - 200 g
Quail egg - 4-5 pcs.
Sugar - to taste
Raisins, chopped fruit - to taste
Vanillin - on the tip of a knife

Mash cottage cheese with a fork, mix with eggs, sugar and vanilla. Cut the fruit and add to the mixture along with the raisins, put the finished mass into a silicone mold. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, put the dish there for half an hour, then cool and serve with children's tea or compote.

Recipe for making an omelette from quail eggs in a slow cooker

Quail egg - 8 pieces
Milk - 100 ml
Butter - 1 tbsp. l.
Cheese - 100 g

Using a blender, beat the eggs with milk and salt, heat the multicooker bowl, grease it with oil and pour the resulting mixture into it. Grate the cheese and sprinkle the dish on top. Depending on the model of the unit, an omelette can be cooked in the baking or stewing mode for 10 minutes. The portion for the child must be normalized by age.

Warning: Meat and legumes should not be combined in the same dish with quail eggs for both a child and an adult, since protein products of different origin are best consumed separately to avoid overloading the pancreas.

Determination of the freshness of quail eggs

Only fresh and safe foods should be used to feed the child. From this point of view, the use of quail eggs in the diet of children is preferable compared to chicken eggs, since they contain a lot of lysozyme and have a long shelf life even at room temperature. It is best to consume them within a week after demolition.

Stale quail eggs dry out faster than they deteriorate, so they can be distinguished by weight: they are light, as if empty, and when immersed in water, they remain floating on its surface. After breaking the shell, assess the condition of the protein and yolk. In a fresh egg, they keep their shape well, have a high viscosity and do not spread far apart.

The shelf life of raw quail eggs in the cold is 60 days, and boiled with a whole shell - 5-7. They can be stored at room temperature for up to a month. The shell should not be washed before placing the eggs in the trays, as the protective cuticle will be lost and the product will deteriorate more quickly.

Video: How to check the freshness of eggs

Contraindications and precautions

Contraindications to the use of quail eggs for children include allergies, individual intolerance, kidney and liver diseases, and protein metabolism disorders. Overeating is extremely dangerous, so do not put more food on the table in front of the child than he is allowed to eat by age.

Warning: Excess eggs in the diet of children can result in vomiting, diarrhea, the development of hypersensitivity and abdominal pain. As a result of regular overeating, joints, kidneys and other organs suffer.



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