Causes of seizures in a child with and without temperature, how to treat, what to do with febrile seizures? What are febrile seizures? Epileptic seizures in children.

Seizures in children should always be taken very seriously and the cause investigated as soon as possible. The probability of diagnosis depends on the age at which the first seizures appeared.

Seizures in newborns

In newborns, most often immature, short twitches of the limbs, rigidity, conjugation are often observed. eyeballs due to anoxia in childbirth, leading to cerebral edema and microhemorrhages. In full-term babies, especially those with a large body weight, this condition may be a sign of massive hemorrhage as a result of hypoxic brain damage. Symptoms of massive hemorrhage: unilateral convulsions, drowsiness, hemorrhages in the fundus, centrally caused respiratory disorders in normal lungs and a healthy heart, blood-stained cerebrospinal fluid.

hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemic seizures are most common in children with intrauterine dystrophy, in children from mothers suffering from overt diabetes or prodiabetes, and can also be with Wiedemann-Beckwith syndrome ( umbilical hernia- microglossia - gigantism).

Leucine-sensitive hypoglycemia(Cochran's syndrome). When diagnosing the cause of seizures in newborns, it is very important to take into account the association between food intake and severe hypoglycemic, therapy-resistant, generalized tonic-clonic seizures or attacks of atony. In early infancy, symptoms can be varied. Protracted attacks of screaming, lack of appetite, vomiting cause various assumptions, if you do not determine the content of sugar in the blood during an attack. Fasting hypoglycemia is also frequently observed. If the disease is not diagnosed in time, the prognosis is poor, because without a diet poor in leucine, permanent damage to the central nervous system is inevitable.

Galactosemia. The cause of hypoglycemic seizures due to milk feeding in combination with prolonged jaundice and hepatomegaly is easier to diagnose if the possibility of erased forms (galactokinase deficiency) is not taken into account.

Fructose intolerance. Develops hypoglycemic state of shock up to seizures immediately after taking fructose-containing foods (vegetables, cane sugar, milk with cane sugar, fruit juices, carrot). The content of sugar in the blood is sharply reduced.

hypocalcemia. It develops in newborns and children of the first months of life who are fed cow's milk, rich in phosphates, since insufficient excretion of phosphates by the kidneys leads to reactive hypocalcemia. The diagnosis of hypocalcemic seizures during treatment of rickets, usually in the spring after vitamin D intake, is not difficult, since there are symptoms of rickets, increased serum alkaline phosphatase activity, and latent spasmophilia is determined.

Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism. Tonic, as well as tonic-clonic seizures in a child, are usually not the only symptom. Di George's syndrome is characterized by hypoplasia of tooth enamel, brittle nails, cataracts as early as the 1st year of life, severe lymphopenia and impaired immunity due to thymus aplasia, persistent thrush, recurrent diarrhea and infections, hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia due to insufficiency of the parathyroid glands.

There are other forms of idiopathic hypoparathyroidism, in which, along with hypocalcemia and tetany, growth retardation, mental retardation, shortening of the metacarpal bones of the III-V fingers of the hand (the index finger is the longest) can occur. This is typical for the so-called pseudohypoparathyroidism, a genetically determined disease in which parathyroid glands are anatomically normal, but the target tissues do not respond to the hormone, since there is only one unsaturated bond in the cyclic AMP molecule in these patients. Pseudohypoparathyroidism is differentiated from hypoparathyroidism based on the Ellsworth-Howard test: in patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism, exogenous administration of parathyroid hormone is not accompanied by an increase in phosphate excretion.

Other causes of seizures
Hypomagnesemia. If infant with convulsions and hypocalcemia resistant to treatment with calcium, vitamin D and parathyroid hormone, it is necessary to determine the level of magnesium, which in children can be reduced with poor or poor nutrition, malabsorption, after surgery, during the period of convalescence after diabetic coma, with cirrhosis of the liver and damage to the renal tubules. In some cases, hypomagnesemia is a congenital property, the genesis of which is unknown.

Pyridoxine-dependent seizures. They appear already in the first hours or days of life and are difficult to treat. After excluding the above diseases, 5-10 mg of vitamin B6 should be administered parenterally; at positive effect convulsions stop after 5-15 minutes. There is a predisposition to convulsions in children whose mothers during pregnancy were subjected to intensive treatment with vitamin B6. A high need for a vitamin may be a hereditary metabolic anomaly. The EEG shows nonspecific changes, as in many convulsive conditions in infants, but between attacks, children are restless, they have myoclonic reactions in response to acoustic or mechanical stimuli, blinking, and uncoordinated eye movements. Pyridoxine dependence must be distinguished from pyridoxine deficiency syndrome, which develops in infants on an extremely vitamin B6-poor diet and also manifests itself. increased irritability, fearfulness and convulsions. In this case, convulsions are accompanied gastrointestinal disorders. On the EEG, there is convulsive activity, and the tryptophan load increases the excretion of xanthurenic acid in the urine (in contrast to the pyridoxine dependence syndrome described above, in which the level of xanthurenic acid excretion does not change).

Tetanus. Nowadays, in civilized countries, the possibility of tetanus in newborns and children of the first months of life is no longer remembered, even if, along with the usual tetanic and clonic convulsive seizures, a typical opisthotonus or trismus appears. Tonic spasm of facial muscles, muscles of the occiput, back and areas innervated by cranial nerves, unusually high muscle tone (up to mild meningism) should alert and make you look for the entrance gate of infection, which is most often the umbilical wound.

Violation of water and electrolyte balance. In newborns and infants, seizures are most often due to pronounced fluctuations in osmolarity associated with exsicosis and rehydration. This applies to both hypertensive exicosis with hypernatremia and hypotonic dehydration, especially hyponatremia. With inaccurately balanced infusion therapy, severe convulsions leading to persistent neurological disorders, even if corrective actions are carried out very quickly.

Seizures in children older than 6 months

Febrile convulsions. Mostly in children aged 2-4 years viral infection shortly before the rise in temperature, when it rises or at a height temperature reaction there are short-term convulsions. EEG during and after seizures is not changed. Febrile seizures do not occur in children under the age of 6 months and older than 4 years. Recurrence of an attack more than 3 times on the same day or on subsequent days or with other infections, focal or predominantly unilateral seizures, postconvulsive paresis, and abnormal EEG are indicative of febrile seizures. If the seizures appear on the background of cerebral disorders or the family history is aggravated by epilepsy, then the diagnosis of febrile seizures should be treated with caution. An indication of febrile seizures in a family member of the child confirms the diagnosis. If not complete confidence(and in the 1st year of life it cannot be), a lumbar puncture should be done to rule out the diagnosis of meningitis or encephalitis.

Tetany. At any age, seizures can be a symptom of poisoning. Violation of the water-electrolyte balance can also cause seizures in children older than 6 months. Hereditary metabolic pathology can also manifest itself at this age as a convulsive syndrome.

Acute childhood hemiplegia. Hemorrhages in the brain and blockage of cerebral vessels are observed already in the 1st year of life. They are manifested by sudden unilateral, and then generalized convulsions, which may be accompanied by fever and impaired consciousness and leave persistent unilateral paralysis. Right-sided paralysis can be combined with aphasia (in right-handers). Causes: birth defects vessels, hemangioma, arteriovenous aneurysms, congenital miliary aneurysms, blockage of the middle cerebral arteries or their branches due to embolism in case of heart defects with a right-to-left shunt, in endocarditis or stenosis of the aortic isthmus, vein thrombosis in exsicosis and severe infections, abscesses, complications of thrombocytopenic purpura, sickle cell anemia, lupus erythematosus, periarteritis nodosa, or homocystinuria. Fleeting recurrent hemiparesis, sometimes combined with focal seizures, occur with fibromuscular hyperplasia of the cerebral arteries, which is confirmed only by repeated angiography.

Uremic and pseudo-uremic eclampsia. Since eclamptic, pseudo-uremic seizures in children are sometimes initial symptom acute nephritis, do not forget to measure blood pressure. Convulsions in the development of massive edema at the height of the nephrotic syndrome do not present diagnostic difficulties.

Syncope. Observed in children from 4 years of age, but most often in puberty. As a rule, these are mentally conditioned vagovasal reflex reactions with vasomotor collapse, which is accompanied by short-term loss consciousness, sometimes short generalized tonic-clonic convulsions (possibly involuntary urination). Concomitant or previous vegetative manifestations are diagnostically important: perspiration, cold extremities, blanching, hyperventilation, the corresponding situation (waiting for an injection, etc.). In each case, it is necessary to measure blood pressure, examine the function of the heart (Standing Schellong test, ECG), since arrhythmias, especially paroxysmal tachycardia, can cause seizures. Syncopal seizures caused by a violation of cardiac activity are characterized by the absence of warning autonomic symptoms.

Tumors of the brain. Sudden seizures in children may be the first symptom of a volumetric process and are not only focal in nature. Tumors must be ruled out first. hemispheres, which make up about 30% of brain tumors in children. The closer to the cerebral cortex and the region of the anterior central gyrus, they are located, the more often they provoke mild convulsions. With these slow-growing tumors, seizures are the only symptom, so if each new attack is not carried out with echoencephalography, angiography, scintigraphy, computed tomography, the tumor will not be detected for a long time. Half of brain tumors in children are located in the back cranial fossa(40% - tumors of the cerebellum, 15% - tumors of the brain stem). At the beginning of the development of tumors, there are never seizures. Only a progressive increase in intracranial pressure during blockage of the water supply causes convulsions. Typical tonic extensor convulsions (cerebellar seizures) also appear in late stages when the diagnosis has already been made.

brain abscess. An abscess located in the brain area causes seizures, remaining undiagnosed, since inflammatory changes are often moderate (there are only slight changes in the blood picture, ESR decreases, intracranial pressure does not increase).

Children with a right-left shunt as a result of congenital heart defects, patients with bronchiectasis and those who have had staphylococcal meningitis are predisposed to a brain abscess.

brain pseudotumor
. The diagnosis is very difficult to make. Focal convulsions, worsening headache, vomiting, signs of increased intracranial pressure are not specific symptoms malignant process, as well as congestive nipple and radiographically confirmed suture divergence. The clinical picture of a brain pseudotumor is the same. Differential diagnosis always requires intensive diagnostic measures(electroencephalo- and echoencephalography, x-ray examination, scintigraphy, angiography, computed tomography). If all findings are normal, a brain pseudotumor may be suspected due to limited obstruction of blood flow due to obstruction of venous outflow, as seen in otitis media with sinus thrombosis, localized encephalitis, or adhesive arachnoiditis. Only with long-term observation can the correct diagnosis be confirmed.

psychogenic seizures
Respiratory convulsions associated with affect. Convulsions occur in children, starting from the end of the 1st and no later than the 4th year of life. Necessarily affectively colored onset of an attack associated with mild trauma or inflammatory events. The child cries out, then there is a short cessation of breathing, reaching deep cyanosis with tonic-clonic twitches, which slowly fade away with the resumption of breathing. Respiratory arrest may be accompanied by syncopal collapse with marked pallor. Other forms of affective convulsions also begin with a vivid mental affect. After initial hyperventilation, the child cries continuously without inhaling until deep cyanosis develops, sometimes with an increase in muscle tone up to opisthotonus. Then join the tonic-clonic convulsions. Affect-related respiratory convulsions are due to hypoxia, but EOG is normal between attacks.

hysterical fit. Seizures of this kind occur in children from school age. They are easy to recognize, as they include demonstrative actions, and the attack itself is in the nature of imitation. As a rule, the frequency of twitches does not reach the frequency true clonic seizures, and when imitating tonic seizures, worm-like movements are made with a distinct increase in their intensity at the time of observation. At the same time, there are also no autonomic symptoms true convulsive seizure (sweaty, pale face, drooling, tongue biting, involuntary urination, and usually injury from a fall). If injury does occur, this is not necessarily indicative of a psychogenic attack, nor is transient disorientation in space and time or subsequent sleep. Hysteria is characterized by especially prolonged "convulsive states" remaining hysterical "paralysis" or "contractures", without corresponding anomalies of reflexes. The picture of brain biocurrents is normal even during seizures.

Hyperventilation tetany. Most common in children during puberty. As a rule, it is caused by an effort of will or fear; accompanied by palpitations, paresthesias and respiratory alkalosis. The rapid success of plastic bag breathing therapy without fresh air support confirms the diagnosis. Hyperventilatory alkalosis with tetanic seizures can also be observed in encephalitis, especially if the process is localized in the brain stem.

Epilepsy. If psychogenic "epilepsy" is ruled out, only chronic recurrent cerebral epilepsy remains. Classification should be attempted clinically and electroencephalographically, taking into account the age of the patient, the type of seizures, their frequency and course, EEG data, treatment efficacy and possible etiology. It could be the following reasons:

1) idiopathic cryptogenic epilepsy;

2) residual epilepsy as a result of brain damage in early childhood, nuclear jaundice, trauma, inflammation, hemorrhage, encephalomalacia, anomalies in the development of the central nervous system.

Neurometabolic diseases. The diagnosis of epilepsy is based on the child's age at the first seizure, the nature of the seizures, and EEG changes. In most cases, setting final diagnosis possible only with dynamic observation. If convulsions appeared already in infancy, these are, as a rule, propulsive small seizures; if they are observed for the first time in young children, it is necessary to look for signs of a myoclonic small seizure; If a school-age child falls ill, then we are talking usually about pycnolepsy (retropulsive small seizure), and during puberty - about an impulsive small seizure and a large seizure of awakening. Age-based diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the first seizures (grand epileptic seizures, grand mal seizures in sleep, focal, psychomotor seizures) can be the onset of an age-independent epileptic disease.

Finally, the combination of different types of seizures (eg, grand mal seizure and psychomotor or focal) makes it difficult to classify convulsive conditions on a sharp picture and flow.

The easiest way to recognize focal seizures (Jacksonian epilepsy), which is confirmed by the detection on the EEG, sleeping in the interictal period, focal (sometimes multifocal) convulsive activity. In most cases, these are residual effects after injuries, inflammations or hemorrhages.

Most neurometabolic diseases at one stage or another are manifested by epileptic seizures. At known diagnosis of the underlying disease, the classification diagnosis of seizures is not difficult. With etiologically unclear convulsions and the appearance of signs of developmental delay, the possibility of metabolic disorders, primarily amino acid metabolism, should be excluded. A clear classification and etiological diagnosis of chronic recurrent seizures is the basis for successful antiepileptic therapy.

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Seizures in children are not uncommon. This is due to hereditary nerve cells, immaturity of the brain and central nervous system. Not the last role was played by the increased number of successfully nursed children who in the past centuries simply did not live up to seizures, children from emergency CS due to placental abruption, premature babies weighing less than 1.5 kg. Thus, today, approximately every 50th child suffers from the syndrome, and more than half of all cases occur in the first three years of life.

Seizures: symptom description and types

Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions. Of course, experts know what to do in this case. But when this happens to a child, parents and adults who are nearby can be confused. This spectacle is not for the faint of heart, so you need to know how you can help the baby. First aid will be discussed later. Now consider the types of seizures in children.

Tonic is a prolonged muscle tension or spasm. The child can throw back his head, strain and stretch lower limbs, turn your palms outward, spread your arms. In some cases, difficulty in breathing with cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, reddening of the face is characteristic. Clonic - fast, usually there are 1-3 twitches per second.

By localization and prevalence, clonic seizures can be focal, myoclonic, tonic-clonic, or fragmentary. Focal are characterized by twitching of the arms and legs, parts of the face. Myoclonic are contractions of a specific muscle or group of muscles.

Fragmentary convulsions are characterized by head nodding, limb flexion, eye symptoms, there may be loss of consciousness or stop (significant difficulty) of breathing. Tonic-clonic are characterized by alternating contractions and increased tone muscles.

epileptic convulsions

Doctors divide all convulsions in children into epileptic and non-epileptic ones, and the latter can “grow” into the former over time. Only a specialist can make a diagnosis of epilepsy by carefully examining the child's medical record. At the same time, attention is paid not only to the possible causes of the convulsive syndrome and risk factors, but also to whether there are hereditary predisposition to seizures. If there is no unfavorable heredity, the child's central nervous system is normal, there is no characteristic changes, then doctors refrain from an accurate diagnosis of epilepsy, considering seizures to be non-epileptic.

Non-epileptic seizures

Such convulsions in children occur relatively often. Seizures can be caused by many factors. As a rule, convulsive syndrome is observed in infants, but older babies can also suffer from it, for example, with high temperature And infectious diseases. Consider first the causes of seizures in a child in the first month of life:

  • birth trauma (brain hemorrhage, tissue damage);
  • low level sugar (hypoglycemic cramps);
  • oxygen starvation, which leads to cerebral edema;
  • low maintenance zinc in the blood of a newborn (convulsions of the fifth day);
  • toxic effects of bilirubin on the central nervous system (hemolytic disease);
  • violation of calcium metabolism (spasmophilia, or tetanic convulsions);
  • violation of the metabolism of vitamin B6, or pyridoxine;
  • congenital heart defects and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • (occur rarely, about 10% of all cases);
  • maternal use of alcohol, drugs, certain medicines(withdrawal cramps).

The risk group includes premature babies born as a result of an emergency caesarean section.

First of all, convulsions may occur, the cause of which was a birth injury or asphyxia. The syndrome develops in the first eight hours of a baby's life. When blood sugar levels are low (hypoglycemic seizures), the symptom is accompanied by sweating, restless behavior, hyperactivity, and breathing problems. Such convulsions appear in the first two days.

Convulsions of the fifth day occur between the third and seventh days of an infant's life. What do seizures look like in a child? These are short-term twitches, shudders, head nods, twisting and bringing fingers together, a "spasm" of looking up, which can be repeated up to forty times a day. If the symptom is accompanied by jaundice, then we can talk about convulsions against the background of hemolytic disease.

Convulsions with asphyxia of newborns

The most common cause of convulsive seizures in infants is suffocation, or asphyxiation. The symptom is manifested as a result of circulatory disorders, due to a lack of oxygen in tissues and organs, an excess carbon dioxide. In most cases, this phenomenon leads to petechial hemorrhages in the brain and edema. The newborn needs immediate medical care, since a long stay in this state can cause brain atrophy and irreversible pathological changes.

Convulsions in children with oxygen starvation occur if childbirth proceeds with complications, for example, if placental abruption occurs, the umbilical cord wraps around the neck, the water leaves too early, birth process stretches excessively. Alarming symptoms in this case will stop almost immediately, as soon as the child is taken out of the state of oxygen starvation. The swelling of the brain in this case disappears, and the condition of the newborn gradually normalizes.

Convulsions due to birth trauma

Why does the child have seizures? With a birth injury, this happens due to hemorrhages in the brain. Usually they are local in nature, accompanied by spasms of the muscles of the face. Often in this case, there are cramps in the legs of the child. It may also be observed general weakness in the muscles, shaking of the whole body is possible. Usually, this causes cyanosis of the skin (especially the face), breathing becomes difficult, and vomiting may occur.

If the internal bleeding that has opened is not stopped in time, then convulsions may not be noticed immediately, but only on the fourth or fifth day after birth. This will be the result of an expanding hematoma. As a rule, such convulsions in a child pass without fever. They may appear later, for example, after two to three months. This happens due to adhesive process, cyst formation, scarring. Seizure-provoking factor can be a preventive vaccination, injury or disease.

During infectious diseases

Quite often, convulsions are observed in a child at a temperature. Moreover, not only children with birth trauma or respiratory failure suffer, but also completely healthy and full-term babies. This is due to the toxicity of the virus and the general weakening of the body against the backdrop of fever, the condition negatively affects the central nervous system.

Often, convulsions in a child at a high temperature appear against the background of the acute phase of SARS or influenza, with active rashes of measles, chicken pox and rubella. The tension of the whole body, which is accompanied by swelling of the brain, an increase in intracranial pressure, can occur against the background of encephalitis and other neuroinfections. As a rule, convulsions in a child with a high temperature disappear with the normalization of the state of health.

Other causes of seizures

Often, seizures in young children may appear in response to a preventive vaccination. This is especially a problem for infants who have suffered asphyxia, emergency C-section, birth trauma, diathesis (exudative). For children who have a high degree of convulsive readiness, preventive vaccinations are contraindicated.

An equally urgent problem that can cause a child or during wakefulness are various metabolic disorders. At the same time, there is a lack of calcium, magnesium, potassium in the body, and convulsions are manifested by a distortion of facial expression.

Thus, the most common causes of convulsions in children in infancy are birth trauma, asphyxia during childbirth, too long a birth process, early discharge of water, and so on. If the convulsive syndrome appeared on the background of viral or other diseases, but after the cure, the basis of the disease did not disappear, then it is imperative to show the child to the pediatrician in order to exclude the development of epilepsy.

Signs of seizures at a temperature

During convulsions, the child does not respond to the words of the parents, actions, loses contact with the outside world, stops screaming and crying. There may be blue skin, difficulty or holding your breath.

An infant can throw back its head, then the constant tension of the whole body is gradually replaced by short-term twitches, they gradually fade. Limbs may twitch, eyes roll, convulsions with sudden relaxation of muscles are possible, involuntary bowel movements and urination.

Such convulsions rarely last more than fifteen minutes. In some cases, the symptom may occur in series of one to two minutes, but goes away on its own. If a child has convulsions at a temperature, what should I do? The actions of parents should be consistent and calm. What exactly to do? Read below.

First aid for a child with convulsions

What help should parents provide to a child with convulsions? First of all, you need to call an ambulance. The child is laid on a flat surface on its side so that the head and chest are in line. Cannot be displaced cervical region spine. It is important to lay the baby so that he does not fall. There should be no objects around that can hurt you. It is necessary to free the chest and neck of the baby from tight clothing, to ensure free breathing.

The room should be ventilated optimum temperature- about 20 degrees Celsius. It is not necessary to forcibly restrain the child from involuntary movements, it is impossible to open his jaws, insert a finger, spoon or any other object into his mouth.

If convulsions in a child began for the first time, you should not refuse hospitalization. At a minimum, it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor as soon as possible after an attack, it is worth contacting not only a pediatrician, but also a neurologist. The specialist will offer a number of studies, including biochemical and clinical researches blood, EEG, to determine the causes of convulsive syndrome.

Treatment of seizures at a temperature

If convulsions at a temperature in a child rarely occur, last no more than 15 minutes, then no special treatment do not need to be carried out. It is enough to cool the baby's body with any accessible ways(selection with a weak vinegar solution, a cold towel on the forehead and under the armpits, inguinal folds, bends under the elbows and knees).

After the attack stops, you need to give an antipyretic. With frequent and prolonged convulsions, intravenous anticonvulsant drugs will be required, but the need for this will be determined by the doctor. Phenobarbital, Diazepam, or Lorazepam may also be prescribed.

A child with seizures should not be left alone. During an attack, you can not give any medicines, water, food to avoid suffocation.

Relief of a seizure

What to do with seizures in a child? Ambulance doctors can administer intravenously a glucose solution (25%) at a dosage of 4 ml per kilogram of weight, vitamin B 6, or pyridoxine (50 g), Phenobarbital intravenously (from 10 to 30 mg per kilogram of weight), magnesium solution (50%), 0.2 ml per kilogram, calcium gluconate solution (2 ml per kilogram of weight).

Epileptic seizures in children

IN childhood Epilepsy is quite common, but its diagnosis is difficult. Children's body characterized by an increased threshold for seizure activity, but most often seizures develop that are not actually associated with epilepsy. In connection with these difficulties, doctors are in no hurry to diagnose babies with epilepsy.

The most common causes of this disease in children preschool age are:

  1. Heredity. Scientists are increasingly expressing the opinion that it is not the disease itself that can be obtained from parents, but only a predisposition to it. Each person has a certain convulsive status inherent exclusively to him. The implementation of predisposition depends on many factors.
  2. Developmental disorders of the brain. Violations of the development of the central nervous system can be caused by infections, genetics, exposure of the expectant mother to harmful substances during pregnancy (alcohol, drugs, certain medications), her diseases.
  3. Various infectious diseases. The earlier the child had an infection with convulsions, the more likely development of epilepsy in the future. As a rule, encephalitis and meningitis become the causes. But with a predisposition to epilepsy, any disease can “start” the disease.
  4. Head injury. Characteristically, convulsive seizures in epilepsy do not appear immediately after the injury, but only after some time. This is a distant consequence of the action of a traumatic factor on the brain.

The onset of the disease can be missed. Seizures at first can be rare and short-lived, the condition is accompanied by sleepwalking, the emergence of unreasonable fears, depressed mood, bouts of pain in different bodies, behavioral disorders. If these symptoms appear again and again, then you need to see a doctor.

The treatment of epileptic seizures is always selected taking into account individual characteristics child. General schemes there is no cure. For each child, not only optimal mode intake and dosage, but also best combinations medicines. fast cure does not occur with epilepsy. Therapy is always very long, drugs should be canceled slowly, the transfer to another drug should be carried out gradually.

Possible consequences of seizures

In most cases, there is no trace of seizures that occur in infancy when the baby grows up. In children under one year old, the brain recovers quite quickly, and its development has not yet been completed. But the more serious the convulsions (more often and longer the seizures), the stronger the oxygen starvation, that is, you can expect enough serious consequences. In this case, be sure to show the baby to the doctor.

When it comes to epilepsy, then complex treatment, a serious approach to the disease, constant monitoring by an epileptologist. Without containment of the disease as it progresses, each new seizure can reduce intellectual ability child, which can lead to serious consequences. Treatment, as already mentioned above, should be comprehensive and individually selected.

Convulsive seizures are relatively common lesions of the nervous system in children. Childhood seizures can occur in the baby in different periods his life, and they are connected with different reasons.

Seizures may be associated with harmful factors, which can occur both during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, and during. Such factors can affect the baby after birth, in the first months of his life. Seizures are much more common in children than seizures in adults.

Causes of seizures in children

Due to the fact that the brain in children at an early age is not yet mature enough, they have low threshold excitability of the central nervous system and, accordingly, a tendency to convulsive reactions. In young children, there is a high permeability of the walls of blood vessels, so cerebral edema under the influence of harmful factors ( toxic effect, infections, etc.) develop very quickly. They are accompanied by a convulsive reaction.

Seizures in children are usually classified into non-epileptic And epileptic . It happens that the first eventually develop into the second. But one can talk about epilepsy in a child only if the doctor confirms the diagnosis after a detailed examination and study of the medical history.

Non-epileptic seizures the child may appear relatively often. Convulsions in newborns can occur due to asphyxia, injuries received during childbirth, with the manifestation of defects in the central nervous system, diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.

In addition, seizures in children can be a consequence vaccination , intoxication of the body, infectious diseases, as well as metabolic disorders. Therefore, when convulsions appear, it is necessary to immediately conduct a comprehensive examination of the child and find out what reasons led to this phenomenon.

The most common causes of seizures in children are the following situations. Convulsions in children immediately after birth may develop due to asphyxia. Due to suffocation, blood circulation is disturbed, develops cerebral edema, and hemorrhages appear in it. In such a situation, the baby needs to be provided with timely professional assistance, because with prolonged asphyxia, the tissues are scarred, and brain atrophy.

Often, convulsions due to this cause develop during complicated childbirth, when there is an entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck, premature discharge amniotic fluid, placental abruption. As soon as the child is taken out of this state, the convulsions stop, and the baby's condition returns to normal.

Seizures are also accompanied intracranial injury received during childbirth. Most often, such seizures in children occur local , that is, there are facial cramps, or cramps in the legs in children. Sometimes these children have muscle weakness, and in severe cases, general convulsions of the whole body. If an infant who has just been born has intracranial bleeding, and assistance is not provided to him in time, then convulsions appear about 4 days after birth. Sometimes seizures occur later, a few months after the birth of the child. The reasons for this phenomenon are damage to brain tissue due to scarring. In this case, convulsions in infants may occur due to vaccination, infection, trauma.

The impetus for a seizure in this case can be an injury, a preventive vaccination or an infection. Convulsions can be observed if the child has a congenital defect in the development of the central nervous system.

With the development of infectious diseases, convulsions can occur both in children who have suffered injuries during childbirth, and in completely healthy babies. A toxic virus that attacks the child's body negatively affects his nervous system. As a result, the symptoms of the disease are manifested, among other things, by convulsions.

Very often, convulsions occur in children under one year old with acute phase or . If the child has chicken pox , then convulsions may appear at the peak of the rash. With neuroinfections, convulsions in children occur due to an increase. At the same time, the whole body is tensed. After adequate treatment of diseases is carried out, and the temperature returns to normal, convulsions stop.

Sometimes the occurrence of seizures in children can be associated with a response to management. The risk of seizures is especially high in children who have a high degree of convulsive readiness. Therefore, the parents of such children must know how first aid is provided for convulsions. To do this, you can not only familiarize yourself with the relevant rules, but also watch the video. But if the child has previously suffered asphyxia, birth trauma, or exudative diathesis , then he most likely will not be given preventive vaccinations.

Seizures in children can also occur due to disturbances in metabolic processes. As a result, the body is deficient in certain minerals ( magnesium , potassium , calcium ).

But if daytime and nighttime cramps in children develop for no apparent reason, then parents should definitely consult a doctor to rule out development.

Types of seizures

Given the nature of muscle contractions, are determined tonic And clonic convulsions . tonic convulsions in children, these are relatively long muscle contractions, as a result of which the limbs are frozen in the position of flexion or extension. In this case, the child's body is stretched, and the head leans towards the chest or throws back. For clonic seizures are characterized by dynamic contractions of the flexor and extensor muscles. As a result, there are fast involuntary movements torso, arms, legs. Often also occur tonic-clonic convulsions, when there are two phases in an attack. If you determine the completeness of the involvement of skeletal muscles, then local (partial ) And are common (generalized ) convulsions.

Febrile convulsions in children develop in children under the age of six. They occur at high temperatures. We can talk about febrile convulsions if we are talking about the occurrence of convulsive seizures in children who have not had seizures before. Such convulsions are associated with the immaturity of the nervous system and occur against a background of high temperature. One of the important factors in this case is the genetic predisposition to seizures. With febrile convulsions, the child is completely removed from the outside world, he can turn blue, hold his breath. Sometimes such convulsions occur in series, but they rarely last more than 15 minutes. Treatment of this condition is carried out only with the participation of a doctor. When they appear, it is important to provide the correct first aid.

Respiratory-affective convulsions develop in a child as a result of very strong emotions. This is a kind of hysterical reaction to an emotional shock. Such convulsive seizures are observed in children during the period of life from 6 months to 3 years.


For seizures in a child throws back the head, limbs stretch forward. Most often the baby loses consciousness He clenched his teeth and rolled his eyes. In some cases, foam appears on the lips. The body is tense, but the limbs may twitch, or they completely open and freeze. The baby may have blue lips, involuntary urination or loss of feces also occurs.

After an attack, the child becomes lethargic, drowsy, he often does not remember what happened to him, he may not be able to navigate in space.


Thus, when evaluating convulsive seizures, the doctor necessarily takes into account information about heredity, the health of the parents, about the diseases suffered during pregnancy by the mother of the baby, about pathologies during childbirth. The collection of anamnesis involves determining the nature and characteristics of convulsive seizures. In particular, it is important to determine when the seizures occurred, how the seizure started, how often the seizures recur, and other important points.

In the process of diagnosis, the doctor receives important data during electroencephalography. Also practiced is the study of the fundus, which allows you to detect some pathologies in children. If necessary, also assigned CT scan , pneumoencephalography , angiography , spinal tap and etc.

First aid for seizures

If parents notice that the child is starting to have seizures, then the first thing to do in this case is to call ambulance. During the waiting period for doctors, it is necessary to act actively. First of all, the baby must be rid of tight clothes and put it on its side. The child should lie on a flat and hard surface. If the baby is lying on his back, then turn his head to the side. During convulsions, it is necessary to ensure patency respiratory tract. First you need to clear the mouth of mucus. To prevent biting his tongue and allow air to enter, he needs to put something between his teeth. It can be a handkerchief or a folded piece of cloth. If a child puts something hard in his mouth, he can break his teeth. In order for the room to have fresh air, you should immediately open the window.

With convulsions that occur during crying, it is important to create the most calm environment around crying baby. If a convulsive seizure is noted with a strong crying of the child, then he needs reflexively restore breathing . You can sprinkle the baby with water, press on the root of the tongue with a spoon, let him breathe with ammonia. You can also pat your child on the cheeks. After that, it is recommended to give a sedative. You can use the usual tincture of valerian at the rate of 1 drop per 1 year of the baby's life. Sometimes when strong tension and the lack of breathing in the baby has to do it artificial respiration . But it should be done only after the end of the attack, since this method is not practiced during the attack.

If a child has febrile convulsions, then measures must be taken to lower the body temperature. The baby needs to be given an antipyretic (,), undress him, make a wrap with vinegar, or try to bring down the body temperature by other methods. Until the convulsions are over, the baby must be constantly monitored. You can give him water only after the convulsions have ended.

If, at high temperature and convulsions, pale skin, blue lips and nails, chills, cold feet and palms are observed, then we are talking about pale fever . In this case, it is impossible to cool the child's body. It needs to be warmed up and given an injection or at a dose of 1 mg per 1 kg of weight in order to expand the vessels.

Children who are prone to febrile seizures , no need to take to the bath, let out on the street during the hot period of the day. A child who is prone to convulsions with an increase in body temperature should not be left alone if her growth is noted.

After the baby was given first aid, he was hospitalized in the neurological department of the hospital.

Treatment of seizures is carried out only after the diagnosis is established and, above all, consists in the treatment of the underlying disease. In the process of treatment, anticonvulsants are used, thermal procedures, massage are prescribed. It is also practiced to use antipyretic drugs , dehydrating agents , as well as drugs that improve metabolic processes in the body.

If a child begins to have seizures, it means that the nervous system has been damaged. Seizures are usually observed in children with epilepsy. This phenomenon in children may appear in different period life and depends on various reasons. Toddlers are more likely to have seizures than older children. age category.

The progression of the disease can be provoked by causes, pathologies of the fetus in the womb, and a few months after the birth of the baby. Premature babies are more likely to have seizures. Visit immediately at the first symptoms medical institution to prescribe the correct treatment.

In children, especially in premature babies, the excitability threshold of the central nervous system is low, the brain is not mature enough, and there is a strong tendency to convulsive muscle contractions. Non-epileptic convulsive reactions are common. The formation of convulsive reactions in infants can be the result of trauma during childbirth, a manifestation of abnormalities in the central nervous system, and prematurity of the fetus. Moreover, convulsions may be the result of unsuccessful vaccination.

Causes of seizures in a child:

  • chronic or acute form of brain diseases;
  • convulsions in babies up to a year old, even in a dream, can result from toxic damage brain;
  • manifestation as a side effect of endocrine disorders;
  • cramps during sleep occur as a result of increased high temperature body;
  • convulsions as a reaction to vaccination;
  • convulsive syndrome occurs as a result of a strong fright, the baby may turn blue or lose consciousness;
  • disturbed mineral and carbohydrate metabolism, there is a decrease in the blood of sodium, magnesium, glucose, calcium, the work of the parathyroid glands is disturbed;
  • medication can be traced in children whose mothers are sick.



Tonic convulsive manifestations (tonic seizures) - a long contraction of the muscles of the arms, legs, in which there is a freezing of the arms and legs in a bent or unbent position. The body of the baby during a tonic seizure is stretched, the head is thrown back, there is a loss of consciousness. Muscle contractions are formed slowly, but last a long time. The appearance of a tonic form signals an overexcitation of brain structures.


Clonic convulsive manifestations - there is a dynamic muscle contraction, uncontrolled chaotic movement of the arms, legs and torso. Tonic-clonic clonic seizures are often observed during sleep in the prone position. There is a combination of symptoms of tonic and clonic seizures.


Febrile seizures in children - a form of the disease progresses in children under the age of 6 years. The reason is an increase in body temperature. There are seizures that have not previously manifested. An important factor is the genetic predisposition of the baby to convulsive phenomena. As a result of the febrile form of seizures, an external detachment from the world occurs, loss of consciousness, the baby turns blue and holds its breath. Febrile convulsions in children are accompanied by disorientation, the patient does not understand anything and slowly comes to his senses.


Respiratory-affective convulsions - sudden manifestations occur as a result of a transferred baby a large number emotions. This form occurs in the age category from 6 months to 3 years, especially in preterm infants, convulsions can occur during sleep in the prone position.


The causes of the formation of epileptic seizures are the formation of strong neural discharges in the cerebral cortex. have the following symptoms: the work of the arms and legs is disturbed, the muscles are reduced, sensitivity is lost, the mental and mental function is upset, loss of consciousness. epileptic seizures- the most terrible, especially at night. The consequences are varied: injuries, a bitten off tongue.


If the child has seizures, symptoms are easy to recognize: the head is thrown back, arms and legs are stretched forward. The baby loses consciousness, clenching his teeth and rolling his eyes - everything happens involuntarily, often while sleeping on his stomach. Sometimes there is the appearance of foam on the lips. The whole body is tense, twitches are observed in the arms and legs. The child develops cyanosis of the lips, it can happen involuntary emptying. After convulsive phenomena, the baby looks sleepy, tired, cannot explain what happened.

  • Interesting to read:

Symptoms of a typical generalized seizure occur abruptly, suddenly, are possible during sleep on the stomach. Signs: there is a floating movement of the eyeballs, loss of contact with the outside world.

Seizure time up to 20 seconds. There is a slowdown in the pulse, the baby can bite his tongue, breathing stops, there is a loss of consciousness. Tonic attacks last no more than one minute and are replaced by the restoration of consciousness. The consequences can be dire Small child may injure himself.

Clonic seizures begin with the fact that reduces the muscles of the face, then reduces the muscles of the arms and legs. Clonic seizures are characterized by noisy rapid breathing, loss of consciousness.

Clonic seizures are different duration, with repetitions. After the restoration of consciousness has occurred, the spasm of the arms, legs, face has passed, the baby falls asleep. Desirable urgent Care specialist and the appointment of treatment, because clonic seizures are very dangerous. Untimely assistance can lead to death.

tetanic attack characterized by the fact that it reduces the muscles of the arms, legs, the attack occurs with painful sensations. The probability of occurrence at night while sleeping on the stomach is high.

Spasm time 10 - 15 seconds. Symptoms are pronounced, the cause is overexcitation during the day or a high temperature during the disease. Tetanic seizures are observed in children under the age of 2 years, especially in preterm infants.

In progress active growth the newborn may have leg cramps. As soon as the first symptoms appear, and you do not know what to do, you need to seek help from a doctor. Urgent care is required and treatment is prescribed exclusively by qualified specialists.


Different types of epileptic seizures have the following symptoms:

  • Generalized tonic-clonic. Symptoms of the clonic stage are a sharp loss of consciousness, the patient falls, arms and legs twitch. Then there is a tonic stage - the body tenses up, a cry. The tonic stage lasts no more than 20 seconds. Generalized types of seizures occur as a result of lack of sleep. Generalized seizures are characterized by a drop in muscle tone. In time, it lasts from 10 seconds. Often occur during sleep on the stomach.
  • Absences. The causes of this type of epileptic seizure are the formation of epidischarges localized in the occipital zone. There is a violation of consciousness, a slight twitching of the arms and legs.
  • Myoclonus. Felt in the legs swipe, reduces the body. Sometimes there is muscle twitching. The time of this type of attack is from 1 to 15 seconds.
  • Final attacks. In children, they are extremely rare, but very dangerous. Possible high temperature.
  • focal. The reason why a focal attack occurs is the formation of epidischarges in the occipital zone. The patient sees hallucinations, "butterflies" are felt in the stomach, heard, voices and music are varied. There is tingling in the legs, hands go numb.


When diagnosing an attack, qualified specialists are primarily interested in the hereditary factor, find out why an attack occurred, what ailments were previously transferred during the gestation period, whether there were any pathologies during the period labor activity or childbirth. It is determined in what period and what provoked convulsive seizures, the amount of time between seizures.

To determine the cause of spasms, the child needs to undergo a detailed neurological and somatic examination. The delivery of a general analysis of blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid is prescribed.

Electroencephalography is also scheduled. An examination of the fundus is practiced, which allows you to find certain pathologies in children. If necessary, then small patients are prescribed the passage of computed tomography and spinal puncture.


First aid

As soon as the parents notice the onset of an attack, emergency care is needed in the form of an ambulance call. Waiting for the medics, start active actions, no panic. Timely help can save a child's life.

  1. The child is relieved of tight clothing.
  2. Lay on a flat, not soft surface on its side. If it does not work out on its side, the head turns to the side.
  3. Provides airway patency.
  4. Clean the mouth so that the baby does not bite the tongue, put something hard between the teeth.
  5. Provides access to fresh air.

When a spasm arose during the period of nervous excitement of the crumbs, a calm atmosphere is created. There is a reflex recovery of breathing. It is necessary to sprinkle water on the child, gently press on the root of the tongue with a spoon, bring cotton wool with ammonia. Gently pat on the cheeks, after bringing to life a sedative medicine is given. Valerian will be enough, dosage based on the age of the child: 1 drop for one year.

With febrile convulsions in children, urgent measures are taken to help lower the body temperature. The baby is given an antipyretic, you can do a rubdown with vinegar.

Do not take your eyes off the little patient until the convulsions have passed. If the attack does not go away, moreover, there is pallor of the skin, blue lips - it is forbidden to use vinegar. Most dangerous attacks- at night, while sleeping on your stomach, as there may not be anyone nearby.

After providing first aid to a small patient, hospitalization takes place in the neurological department of the hospital. Treatment is prescribed as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. Doctors prescribe treatment for the baby in the form of anticonvulsant medications, massages and thermal procedures are prescribed.


Medicines are prescribed to improve the functioning of the body's metabolic processes. If seizures occur intermittently, treatment is urgently needed. In the worst case, swelling of the brain will occur, breathing will be disturbed. If the weather is hot, keep an eye on water balance baby, don't get dehydrated. To improve blood circulation, treatment is necessary in the form of alternating a hot compress with a cold one on the affected areas. Do not ignore the rise in temperature, you need to do something. If the temperature is high, give antipyretic syrups.

If the disease is diagnosed in this moment impossible, treatment is carried out in the form symptomatic therapy with the help of medications that help block convulsive paroxysm.

Treatment is aimed at restoring normal breathing, reducing the excitability of the central uneven system. What to do? It is impossible to stop the attack that has begun, to reduce the time of the attack, to alleviate the symptoms - all that can help the child.

Seizures sometimes occur in children different ages. Parents are always scared similar phenomena. Why do involuntary muscle contractions of the arms or legs occur, including during sleep? What are the types of seizures? How is the problem diagnosed? How to provide first aid during an attack? How is the treatment going? Let's figure it out together.

Seizures in a child are dangerous pathological condition in which parents are required to know the rules of first aid

Causes of seizures in children of different ages

Depending on the type of seizures, the causes that cause them to appear will differ. When establishing provoking factors, you will need to pay attention to the age of the child. Specialists identify a number of conditions that can trigger seizures in children. The most common reasons include:

  • internal bleeding;
  • hysteria;
  • asphyxia;
  • birth trauma;
  • meningitis;
  • allergy (with allergies, convulsions disappear after contact with the irritant is eliminated);
  • metabolic disorders, diabetes;
  • intoxication of various etiologies;
  • heredity, genetic diseases;
  • cysts, tumor formations;
  • disorders of an emotional and mental nature;
  • epilepsy (we recommend reading:);
  • violations in the development of the central nervous system and / or its dysfunction;
  • neuroinfections and craniocerebral injuries;
  • brain immaturity.

Birth trauma, metabolic disorders, asphyxia, a hereditary factor can lead to seizures in a child from the first days of life. breastfeeding baby up to 1 year sometimes encounters convulsive conditions during bad cold or after routine immunization, with the penetration of neuroinfections or with a mismatch with the age of development of the central nervous system and organs.

Regardless of whether the spasm was a single one, or the attacks are repeated periodically, the symptom cannot be ignored. It is better to be safe and make sure that everything is in order with the baby. If muscle spasms of the arms and legs are caused by pathology, without proper and timely treatment high risk of developing serious consequences, including cerebral palsy.

If the root cause of development is identified in time seizures in a child, there are high chances of him being completely cured and avoiding the recurrence of this dangerous symptom. Parents and doctors require close attention to the condition of the baby, careful diagnosis and high-quality therapy.

Varieties of seizures

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Children have several types of muscle contractions. In accordance with the generally accepted classification, if a spasm involves almost all the muscles of the body and completely paralyzes the patient for a while, we are talking about generalized convulsions, but if it occurs in a certain area (for example, in the leg), where it is concentrated, then this is a focal convulsion.

There are also clonic and tonic types of contractions. In the first case, the muscles twitch, there is a pulsating contraction, alternating with relaxation. Tonic spasm is characterized by strong muscle tension, which persists for a long time. There are also tonic-clonic seizures.

In addition, experts distinguish between non-febrile and febrile seizures:

  1. Non-febrile convulsions occur when the correct functioning of the brain is disrupted for a while. In babies under 3 years of age, seizures of this type can occur at night during sleep. If accompanying symptoms no, and the case is isolated, then this suggests that the child had a vivid and realistic dream. When night cramp accompanied during sleep involuntary urination or occurs in a dream in children older than 3 years of age - this is a reason to see a doctor. This category of convulsions is often accompanied by a loss of consciousness - complete or partial. Non-febrile seizures include epileptic seizures.
  2. Febrile convulsions are muscle contractions at a very high body temperature (more in the article:). Usually occurs with a severe cold or flu. This is a phenomenon that accompanies fever, and after the infectious or viral disease is cured, convulsions will also pass with it.

Associated symptoms

Parents can recognize seizures, including tonic-clonic seizures, by the characteristic clinical picture that accompanies their onset. These are involuntary muscle movements that are difficult to miss or not notice.

In case it is about strong attack, seizures can manifest themselves as follows:

  • involuntary urination;
  • cyanosis of the skin and lips;
  • tension, stretching or compression of the limbs;
  • teeth grinding, strong clenching of the jaw;
  • eye rolling;
  • signs allergic reaction(if the attack is caused by an allergy);
  • the appearance of foam from the mouth, in severe cases, the child can vomit;
  • distortion of facial features, twitching of limbs, their involuntary movements, tick, pulsation (we recommend reading:).

Parents are not always able to determine and understand why a child is pulling a leg or a handle - he is cramping a limb, or the baby's movements are controlled by his brain. You can see how clonic, tonic and clonic-tonic seizures look like in the video for the article.

Diagnostic methods

Seizures are unpredictable and therefore dangerous state. It is important to find out why the child had a seizure and to eliminate the cause as soon as possible to avoid a second seizure. First of all, you need to visit a pediatrician, he will give a referral to a neurologist, neurologist or endocrinologist.


If convulsions of non-febrile origin have occurred, then you will need to undergo complex diagnostics to assess the health status of the child and identify pathological processes leading to muscle spasms. The survey uses wide range modern diagnostic methods, which include:

  • laboratory blood test - indicates a deficiency or excess of any elements in the body;
  • electroencephalography - a study to assess the state of the brain;
  • if necessary, the doctor may prescribe computed or magnetic resonance imaging.

First aid for a child

Seizures in a child can begin suddenly. In this case, it is important to provide him with first aid in time and correctly. What to do in this or that case will depend on the location and intensity of the attack. When a limb is struck by a focal cramp, massage will help, the impact on the muscle - it can be pricked or pinched.

A generalized attack is much more dangerous and requires compliance with several rules. In such cases, you need to urgently call an ambulance team, and before the arrival of doctors, try to help the child. It is impossible to give any liquids and medicines until the end of the attack, as well as try to unclench clenched teeth.

What to do with seizures

Help tactics look like this:

  • lay the little patient on his back with a clean towel under his head;
  • heavy, piercing, cutting objects and any other objects that the baby can get hurt on must be removed away;
  • clamp the towel between the jaws of the child (if possible);
  • turn your head to one side - if foam appears or vomiting begins, the patient should not choke;
  • neck and area chest preferably free from clothing.

Features of the treatment of seizures

Treatment of seizures in patients of any age begins with the identification of the cause that provokes the onset of symptoms. Depending on what diagnosis was made to the child, the doctor selects the most effective and safe therapeutic course, aimed not only at eliminating the pathology, but also at stopping repeated attacks.

Glucose is used in hypoglycemia

Basic course of treatment

As a general rule, the treatment of seizures in a child is built as follows:

  • if we are talking about a febrile convulsive state, it is necessary to stop the fever;
  • hypoglycemia - tracking vomiting and temperature in dynamics, the introduction of a dextrose solution, then - glucose (intravenous and bolus);
  • hypomagnesemia - the introduction of a solution of magnesia sulfate intravenously;
  • hypocalcemia - slow intravenous administration of calcium gluconate solution.

With stable recurring convulsive conditions in infants under one year of age, the use of barbituric acid derivatives or barbiturates is recommended.

With the development of involuntary muscle spasms a drug that has a sedative effect is required - this is how barbiturates work.

Depending on the diagnosis and severity of the condition of a small patient, long, short or medium courses are used. medicines barbiturate groups. The first treatment regimen is indicated in the most severe cases, in particular, in the treatment of babies of any age suffering from epileptic seizures.


Artificial ventilation of the lungs and maintaining the required level of blood pressure - such methods can also be used in the treatment of convulsive conditions in children of different ages, but only if there are appropriate indications. The list of conditions that accompany convulsions and require the use of these measures includes:

  • periodic intense vomiting;
  • a significant increase in body temperature;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • respiratory disorders.

Complications and prognosis

Among newborns suffering from convulsive seizures, there is a high mortality - up to 30%. This is due to the difficulty of discovering the true causes that provoke attacks, and the weakness of the body of the newborn, which may develop complications such as ischemic stroke and ischemic encephalopathy.

If a child has had an attack of convulsions, it is imperative to carry out its thorough medical examination

If seizures are caused meningococcal infection, the survival prognosis is unfavorable, but if metabolic disorders are the cause, babies in the vast majority of cases can be successfully cured. In any case, even with single convulsions, the child must be under the supervision of a qualified specialist for 12 months and undergo a complete examination.

Prevention of convulsive conditions

Attention should be paid to the prevention of convulsive conditions in a child already at the prenatal stage of its development. The way of life, nutrition and health of the expectant mother largely depends on how correctly and harmoniously all the organs and systems of the baby will form. After the birth of a child, it is necessary to take care that the child develops both physically and emotionally and psychologically.

Regular moderate physical activity is required from an early age (even regular exercise will be useful). morning work-out). Walks in the fresh air (the more the better), contact with mom and dad, a varied and balanced diet containing everything essential vitamins and trace elements - all of these preventive measures will help reduce the risk of seizures.



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