Very low pain threshold. Pain threshold and features of its definition

By "low pain threshold" one should understand the high sensitivity of a person to any type of pain. It is customary to consider this parameter not only as an individual physiological feature of a particular person, but also as a characteristic that can be applied to a whole people.

Basic Medical Experiments

Interestingly, in the course of many experiments, researchers were able to establish the sensational fact that the pain threshold for people of different nationalities is different. To do this, people from different countries were offered to feel pain of varying intensity. So, it turned out that the British are representatives of a low pain threshold, since at the testing stage they could not withstand the applied loads, at that time the Libyans continued to endure. The residents of the Far North also have a low pain threshold.

Scientists are inclined to the theory that these indicators are evidence that representatives of a certain people at the genetic level have this feature of the body: good or low resistance to pain.

In addition, during the analysis of various sports competitions, in particular representatives of martial arts (boxers, kickboxers, etc.), it was found that the "southern" peoples are more resistant to pain. We are talking about Kurds, Africans, Arabs. Also, Caucasians can be attributed to the owners of "special" endurance. At the same time, the northern European peoples demonstrated the opposite. So, the Norwegians, the Irish and the British have a low pain threshold.

Asians (Japanese, Chinese) can also be attributed to representatives who are not able to endure pain. Compared to the Europeans, they showed a rather weak result during the tests. At the same time, they were affected by various devices, injections (causing migraine) and in other ways. In medicine, various types of pain are known: thermal, cold, ischemic and others. For the purity of the experiment in the medical center, representatives of different races were influenced by many varieties of pain sensations. Thus, the conducted study can be called very objective and sufficiently reasoned for this theory to become a confirmation of the fact: ethnic differences in overcoming pain do exist.

Naturally, other experiments that were conducted within a certain race also showed fluctuations and proved that factors such as profession, age, gender, material well-being, social status, etc., can affect the level of the pain threshold. But these results are already completely related to the topic. another theory - less ambitious than the research conducted between different peoples.

The level of perception of pain in people depends on many external factors and individual characteristics. Pain is perceived differently by men and women, this is due to physiological and psychological differences.

The pain threshold is the limit at which an individual begins to feel pain. The degree of sensitivity to it can be high and low. At a high threshold, a strong impact is required in order to feel pain, but if it is low, a small stimulus is enough.

It differs in people and the level of tolerance - this is the bar at which a person is able to endure it.

Each person has their own pain threshold, which is influenced by factors such as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • gender;
  • group B;
  • the degree of general fatigue, stress;
  • diseases, inflammatory processes in the body;
  • individual physiological, psychosomatic features.

The pain threshold is not constant. Under the influence of overwork, beriberi, it can significantly decrease. This indicator is affected by various diseases - when the body is weakened, it is more sensitive to irritants than when it is healthy and full of strength.

It can be developed and trained. For example, adherents of power sports experience loads, falls that are inaccessible to an ordinary person. By exercising, they are easier to relate to external stimuli, their susceptibility to pain is reduced.

Athletes are able to withstand much more impact than the average person and endure it for a long time.

Pain threshold is influenced by internal and external factors. Differing in different people, it can vary depending on the state, the psychological mood of the person and the level of his fitness.

Find out about the factors that affect the pain threshold from the proposed video.

Pain threshold: how to determine?

The level of perception of pain is not constant, however, it is measurable. For this, a special device is used - an algesimeter.

The pain threshold is characterized by the level of irritation caused to the nervous system at which a person experiences pain. This level is different for everyone. The same effect of any irritant in one person can cause severe pain, and in another - insignificant. This means that in the first case there is a low pain threshold, and in the second - a high one. But it is worth noting that the level of pain tolerance is not constant, it can decrease as a result of a lack of vitamins, overwork and other factors. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Sensitivity to pain

So, the threshold of pain is determined by the maximum strength of pain that a person is able to endure at a certain moment and under specific conditions. Why do some people have a high pain threshold and others have a low one? The differences are caused by the peculiarities of pathological processes that are relevant to humans. According to the level of sensitivity to pain, it is possible to determine the personality traits of the individual, the effectiveness of his social and biological adaptation, and the general state of health. For example, when examining persons who attempted suicide, it was found that they are characterized by increased pain tolerance. From the foregoing, we can conclude that the pain threshold largely depends on the psychological characteristics of each individual person. Sthenic emotions, that is, those that encourage vigorous activity (joy, excitement, aggression, etc.), increase the pain threshold, and asthenic, that is, depressing states (fear, sadness, depression, etc.), on the contrary, lower it . Based on the characteristics of pain perception, all people are divided into four types. You can find out which of these types you specifically belong to by going through a study on an algesimeter - a special pain meter. We will talk about how this procedure is performed a little later.

Features of the pain threshold in women and men

Sensitivity to pain is dependent not only on the state of the nervous system, but also on the hormonal background. In women, pain regulators are estrogens, which in critical situations can increase the pain threshold. So, during childbirth, the level of estrogen simply rolls over, resulting in natural pain relief. In men, testosterone is also produced, which also acts as an analgesic in conditions of pain. But emotions also play an important role. Since ancient times, it has been arranged in such a way that a man is a breadwinner, belongs to the stronger sex, therefore, even having received some kind of injury, he must find the strength to cope with pain. A woman, on the other hand, represents the weak sex, more sensitive not so much physically as emotionally. Therefore, even with minor pain, ladies often panic and throw a tantrum.

Measuring the level of sensitivity to pain

As already mentioned, you can find out your pain threshold with the help of a miracle device - an algesimeter. Most often, the study is carried out in the area between the fingers or toes, since these places have the most delicate skin. Affect the area with electric current or high temperature. The device records the minimum level of irritation, that is, the one at which you begin to experience pain, and the maximum, that is, the one within which you can tolerate it. Based on the results of the study, the specialist will conclude which of the four types of pain perception you belong to. Unfortunately, you will not find algesimeters in ordinary clinics. Therefore, you will have to work hard to find an institution where such a study can be carried out.

The pain threshold is characterized by the level of irritation caused to the nervous system at which a person experiences pain. This level is different for everyone. The same effect of any irritant in one person can cause severe pain, and in another - insignificant. This means that in the first case there is a low pain threshold, and in the second - a high one. But it is worth noting that the level of pain tolerance is not constant, it can decrease as a result of a lack of vitamins, overwork and other factors. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Sensitivity to pain

So, the threshold of pain is determined by the maximum strength of pain that a person is able to endure at a certain moment and under specific conditions. Why do some people have a high pain threshold and others have a low one? The differences are caused by the peculiarities of pathological processes that are relevant to humans. According to the level of sensitivity to pain, one can determine the personality traits of an individual, the effectiveness of his social and biological adaptation, and his general state of health. For example, when examining persons who attempted suicide, it was found that they are characterized by increased pain tolerance. From the foregoing, we can conclude that the pain threshold largely depends on the psychological characteristics of each individual person. Sthenic emotions, that is, those that encourage vigorous activity (joy, excitement, aggression, etc.), increase the pain threshold, and asthenic, that is, depressing states (fear, sadness, depression, etc.), on the contrary, lower it . Based on the characteristics of pain perception, all people are divided into four types. You can find out which of these types you specifically belong to by going through a study on an algesimeter - a special pain meter. We will talk about how this procedure is performed a little later.

Features of the pain threshold in women and men

Sensitivity to pain is dependent not only on the state of the nervous system, but also on the hormonal background. In women, pain regulators are estrogens, which in critical situations can increase the pain threshold. So, during childbirth, the level of estrogen simply rolls over, resulting in natural pain relief. In men, testosterone is also produced, which also acts as an analgesic in conditions of pain. But emotions also play an important role. Since ancient times, it has been arranged in such a way that a man is a breadwinner, belongs to the stronger sex, therefore, even having received some kind of injury, he must find the strength to cope with pain. A woman, on the other hand, represents the weak sex, more sensitive not so much physically as emotionally. Therefore, even with minor pain, ladies often panic and throw a tantrum.

Measuring the level of sensitivity to pain

As already mentioned, you can find out your pain threshold with the help of a miracle device - an algesimeter. Most often, the study is carried out in the area between the fingers or toes, since these places have the most delicate skin. Affect the area with electric current or high temperature. The device records the minimum level of irritation, that is, the one at which you begin to experience pain, and the maximum, that is, the one within which you can tolerate it. Based on the results of the study, the specialist will conclude which of the four types of pain perception you belong to. Unfortunately, you will not find algesimeters in ordinary clinics. Therefore, you will have to work hard to find an institution where such a study can be carried out.

What does low pain threshold mean?


your pain type
1 PRINCESS ON THE PEA - low threshold and pain tolerance interval. Suffering is contraindicated for you! You are a thin-skinned person, prone to melancholy and loneliness. Entering the treatment room for you is like stepping over the threshold of a torture chamber. Take it for granted: you need to protect yourself from injury and, if possible, avoid painful medical procedures. To put a seal on a tooth is allowed only under local anesthesia, and to remove it - under anesthesia. The same rule applies to childbirth and minor surgical interventions.
2 THE MERMAID - low threshold and high range of pain tolerance. You are also extremely sensitive to pain, but you are able to endure suffering courageously. As a reward for the torment, fate endowed you with the ability to experience deep feelings, the gift of devotion and the talent of empathy. Keep in mind: pain is easier to endure, mentally preparing for it. Think of the pain as a balloon that is slowly being expelled. When the limp shell of past suffering remains in your hands, mentally set it on fire or throw it into the trash can.
3 SLEEPING BEAUTY - high threshold and low pain tolerance interval. You may even seem insensitive: you don’t notice a slight pain, but as soon as it becomes a little sharper, a violent reaction follows. You have practically no reserves of patience! Under the guise of external calm, you hide a tense inner life: its echoes break through with flashes of strong emotions - joy, anger, sadness. Don't let suffering throw you off balance. During procedures that require patience, listen carefully to yourself. Did you feel a sudden pain while sitting in the dentist's chair? Ask your doctor to stop and give you a local anesthetic. Otherwise, a visit to the dentist may end in a faint, or even a painful shock!
4 IRON LADY - high threshold and pain tolerance interval. You do not experience the slightest fear of pain and even flaunt indifference to physical suffering. Remove the tooth? Please! Donate blood from a vein? With pleasure! Have an operation? No drugs needed! You are self-confident, energetic, ambitious and cannot stand being alone. People of your pain type make good business women, teachers, stewardesses, athletes and ... bad doctors who consider the complaints of patients to be unworthy of whining. To respond to someone else's suffering, you need to experience something similar yourself! Although it is not in your nature to suffer because of a trifling cut or a harsh word, it is pointless to demand the same from those around you: they are made of a different test.

Low pain defect is when you are NOT in pain, or vice versa?

When it does NOT hurt is called analgesia, see at the end.

The pain threshold is the level of irritation caused to the nervous system at which a person feels pain. The pain threshold is individual for everyone, the same level of irritation can be expressed in both minor and severe pain for different people. In the first case, we are talking about a high pain threshold, in the second - about a low one. The pain threshold of a person can decrease with general fatigue and a lack of B vitamins.

In psychophysics, the threshold of pain is taken to be the minimum power of the stimulus, which causes pain in 50% of presentations.

However, it should be borne in mind that repeated stimulation leads to a change in the pain threshold, in addition, physical units characterizing irritation, strictly speaking, are not adequate for measuring subjective pain sensations.

To the concept of the level (threshold) of pain tolerance, which is defined as the greatest pain force that the subject is ready to endure in these specific conditions.

Neither the threshold of pain nor the level of its tolerance can be determined by the parameters of external influences that cause pain. However, in practice it is precisely in these parameters that they are determined.

In addition, differences in pain thresholds are due to the peculiarities of the actual pathological process. Pain sensitivity is the most important parameter that determines the basic personality traits and psychosomatic relationships of a person, serves as an informative indicator of the adequacy and effectiveness of his biological and social adaptation, health and illness. For example, a survey of people who have made suicidal attempts has shown that they have an increased level of pain tolerance.

Pain sensitivity is closely related to the individual psychological characteristics of each person as a single person.

Sthenic emotions associated with aggressive motivation are accompanied by an increase in the pain threshold. Asthenic emotions (fear, defenselessness) that accompany the strategy of passive adaptation and the cessation of current activities develop against the background of a decrease in the pain threshold.

Depending on the characteristics of the perception of pain, nature has divided people into 4 so-called nociceptive, or pain types. To find out which of them a particular person belongs to, doctors are helped by a special pain meter - an algesimeter.

Analgesia congenital
A very rare hereditary defect that is detected already in early childhood. As a rule, other modalities of sensitivity are normal, sometimes there is no perception of pain by visceral organs. In most cases, deep and skin reflexes are preserved, there are no intellectual disorders, the speed of nerve conduction and evoked potentials are not changed.
With insensitivity to pain, numerous fractures with the development of false joints, decreased vision due to leukoma caused by corneal damage, painful panaritiums and mutilations of the phalanges of the fingers are possible. However, the physical condition may not suffer. Neither morphological nor pathophysiological mechanisms are yet clear. The possibility of a violation of the exchange of endorphins is allowed. In general, insensitivity to pain as one of the symptoms is noted in oligophrenia, schizophrenia, hysteria, damage to the parietal-frontal lobes, family dysautonomy (see), Lesh-Nychen syndrome (see), amyloid neuropathy (see), sensory polyneuropathy (see .).

What does a high pain threshold mean?


Nothing, this is an innate property, you just need to remember that if such a person feels pain, then it already hurts very seriously, you need to listen to your body and not compare your feelings, not feel superior to others

Ilyas abdulvagabov

It has been noticed: people who panic in the dentist's office, even novocaine does not save from pain. Such poor fellows usually treat their teeth under anesthesia. Those who know how to control themselves, and local anesthesia is not needed. The ability to stand up to endure suffering is determined not only by the emotional mood. Scientists have found out: the reserves of patience allotted to everyone are programmed in the genes. It is vital for a person who monitors health to know his pain type. This information is no less important than information about weight, height, blood type and other characteristics of the body.
Depending on the characteristics of the perception of pain, nature has divided people into 4 so-called nociceptive, or pain types (from the Latin "posege" - "damage that causes suffering"). To find out which of them a particular person belongs to, doctors are helped by a special pain meter - an algesimeter. Gradually increasing the strength of the electric current, the intensity of pressure or heating a certain area of ​​the skin, the device notes the strength of the stimulus that causes the first, still very weak feeling of pain. This is the so-called pain threshold. After it, the discomfort will increase as long as there is enough patience. Your personal record is pain tolerance. With this term, experts have designated the strongest impact that you are able to withstand. The gap between these two values ​​also has a special name - the pain tolerance interval. The readiness of a person for the test of suffering depends on its magnitude.
After analyzing the results obtained on a large material of many years of research, scientists discovered a curious fact: the perception of pain changes over the years. The most tender age is from 10 to 30 years. During this period, people are most sensitive to painful sensations, although they endure them relatively easily. For those who are younger or older, pain sensitivity is reduced, but it is much more difficult for them to endure suffering.
Examination on an algesimeter - algometry - requires courage and endurance from the test subject, and district clinics are not yet equipped with such devices. It's not worth worrying about this. Anyone who has visited a dentist at least once, stuffed a bump or smeared a scratch with iodine, can judge with a high probability that they belong to one or another pain type. This information is extremely important! When prescribing treatment, the doctor must imagine how the patient reacts to painful manipulations. This will help determine the method of administration of drugs (in tablets or by injection), choose the appropriate analgesic in an individual dose and the method of pain relief during surgery. And in everyday life, this knowledge will come in handy. They will save you from many psychological problems: after all, the pain type is closely related to the internal warehouse of the personality.
1. The Princess and the Pea - low threshold and pain tolerance interval. A representative of this type of suffering is categorically contraindicated! He acutely perceives pain (not only physical, but also mental) and, by his nature, is not able to endure it. These are commonly referred to as "skin resistant people". These are vulnerable and impressionable natures, prone to melancholy and loneliness. Entering the treatment room for them is like stepping over the threshold of a torture chamber. In such a situation, calls to pull yourself together do not bring results: you can’t argue with physiology! Take it for granted: you need to protect yourself from injury and, if possible, avoid painful medical procedures. If these are coming, ask the doctor to take enhanced measures against suffering. It is allowed to put a seal on a tooth only under local anesthesia, and to remove it - under anesthesia. The same rule applies to the so-called minor surgical interventions: for example, about an ingrown nail or appendicitis. They are usually

Visiting fairy tales since 2007

there was a normal threshold, but now it has become .... the body and especially the head - a sharp loss of sensitivity, sometimes I feel a burn, but when they "burn with fire" - to the point of nausea, are they sadists?
And everyone is interested and fun.

Medical spells that pain is a watchdog of health, and therefore important and necessary, weakly console a person who is panicky afraid of it. He trembles at the mere thought that he needs to donate blood, go to the dentist. The prospect of having an EGD or a colonoscopy puts many of us in a pre-syncope state. And although doctors have long used anesthesia for all kinds of unpleasant procedures, the excuse of a shy patient remains traditional: “But I have a low pain threshold!” But what exactly is this?
Assistant of the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Medical Faculty of the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov, Candidate of Medical Sciences Alexei Alekseev believes that the pain threshold is not a very specific concept: “What patients and doctors understand by this term is somewhat different. In essence, we are talking about a conditional degree of irritation of the nervous system, above which we feel an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, in other words, pain. Moreover, in everyday life, often under the threshold of pain they mean rather the threshold of its tolerance. According to the head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of BelMAPO, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ponomarev, such a threshold is individual for each of us and depends on many factors:

For example, hereditary sensitivity of pain receptors plays a role - in choleric people it is lower, so they perceive pain more strongly. And melancholics are higher, and they react less sharply. In addition, the perception of pain depends on external factors. Let's say, from the time of day: at night, a migraine or back pain is more difficult to bear than during the day. Or from the time of the year - the pain is more pronounced in spring and autumn. But as for stressful situations, they, on the contrary, drown out pain, because they are almost always associated with increased production of adrenaline, which reduces sensitivity to it. Gender, age, how severe pain was handled earlier, even nationality - all this is also of great importance.

To this list, scientists add more sleep disturbances, fatigue, hormonal levels, as well as the very degree of motivation of a person at a particular moment in order to resist unpleasant sensations. Suppose that a religious patient, who was taught from childhood that this is how sins are expiated, and a patient with a serious spinal cord injury, will perceive pain in their own way, if he is convinced that this is a mandatory indicator of the restoration of nervous structures. Worse tolerated is the so-called unknown pain, which has not previously encountered, better - the usual or expected. Agree, few people complain about the discomfort from physical activity in the gym, because this is a kind of symbol of a successful workout. On the other hand, there is such a thing as “painful families”, where all households are extremely sensitive to unpleasant sensations - both genetics and copying the behavior of elders, who fall into despair from any minor ailment, are affected here.

In general, psychologists distinguish 4 main types of people in relation to pain.

1. Low pain threshold and low pain tolerance interval. Such people are very difficult to perceive everything, including physical activity. The most insignificant pain in the form of an injection, vaccinations for them is a real torment. They generally do not like to be in society, they are closer to loneliness. Before any medical manipulation, they have to be persuaded and use anesthesia to the maximum in order to avoid pain shock.

2. Low pain threshold and long tolerance interval. The main thing for such a person is to set himself up psychologically, then even with all the pain of sensations, he is able to endure a lot.

3. High pain threshold and small tolerance interval. When such a patient is about to undergo painful manipulations, it seems that he is completely insensitive. That is, his nerve endings in no way react to injections, blows, cuts and other damage to the skin. But here you still need at least psychological support.

4. High pain threshold and large pain tolerance interval. These are persistent tin soldiers who are not afraid of any sensations. As a rule, we are talking about leaders and very confident, successful people.

Today, pain can be objectively measured using various instruments, all kinds of scales. But for the doctor, the main thing is always to assess the suffering of the patient. In any case, this is a subjective feeling. The problem is that very often pain is the equivalent of depression. They both depend on the same neurotransmitter, a chemical produced in the brain. It is the depressive state that explains 8 out of 10 of those complaints, the cause of which cannot be established. Such people are shown antidepressants, and they are usually treated with analgesics. This is not something that does not bring relief - it can lead to the so-called rebound pain, when the abolition of a useless drug in this case causes a new round of suffering.

point-blank question

Is it possible to raise the pain threshold?

If special zones of nerve endings, nociceptors, are constantly acted upon with the same or increasing force, this will significantly increase susceptibility to pain. Have you seen how daredevils walk barefoot on glass or lie down on a carpet with needles? The point here is not the height of the pain threshold, but the training of nociceptors.

Councils "SB"

Of course, any pain is a reason to see a doctor. But you can first alleviate your condition.

Psychotherapists recommend "pain-relieving" exercises for personal use. Suppose, imagine, describe your pain - what it looks like, how it looks - and try to do something with it. Is your pain like a rubber ball? Then mentally squeeze it in your hand and feel how, in response, it again restores its shape. Another option: switch attention. For example, imagine a panel with buttons, sensors, and levers, try to determine which one is responsible for your pain, and try to “knock it out”.

The more pleasure, the less room for pain. Good nutrition, pleasant impressions, good communication are also analgesics. And don't forget rhythmic physical activity. If only because it leads to the release of endogenous opioids - painkillers that are produced in the depths of the body itself.



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