The structure of the human intestine. Photos and diagrams

The intestine is a vital organ, has a large size. It is from his work that the general condition of a person depends. Many believe that it is formed only from the small and large intestine, although it has many more departments that perform separate functions and have Luberkün crypts in the mucous membrane. The human intestine has a unique microflora, due to the activity of which the digestive organs work safely. Microorganisms that get inside are filtered through it. At the slightest infection, the microflora begins to die, which provokes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is important to know the main points from the anatomy of the intestinal environment, as well as intestinal motility.

Knowledge of the anatomy of the intestine gives an advantage in case of unforeseen situations or at the first pain symptoms.

Intestine - what is it?

The intestine is designed in such a way that it is one of the largest organs in the human body, the largest section in the gastrointestinal tract, through which food passes and is digested all the time. It is located in the abdominal cavity and is of great importance.

It is in the intestines that food is digested and absorbed thanks to the villi, certain types of hormones are produced. Special villi are located on the inner layers of the intestines, where, as a result, a lot of various vitamins are broken down, carbohydrates and fats are processed. In addition, each of the villi has up to 7 crypts. Also important is the normal mobility of the muscles of the organ, which contributes to the promotion of food in the intestinal tract.

In addition, the body plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system. Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria settle here, which fight infections. The size of the organ can reach from 4 to 8 meters, but, despite its size, this section of the gastrointestinal tract must be protected, health must be carefully monitored, because everything in the body is interconnected, and most of the products pass through the intestines.

In addition, there are fungal spores in the intestines. In the normal state of the digestive tract, there are very few of them. But if the patient leads the wrong way of life, the number of disputes increases. Malfunctions in the digestive tract can also affect other organs, while the person will be very sick, he will have a subfebrile temperature. In addition, aging will occur faster.

The intestines are enriched with arteries. An important point in the anatomy of the intestine is the blood supply to the organ, which goes a long way. Three main branches of the blood aorta in the location of the abdominal part are involved in this process: the superior, inferior mesenteric artery and the celiac trunk. Because of them, a full-fledged blood supply to the entire organ is realized. The jejunum and ileum are responsible for the jejunal and ileal arteries, which are branches from the superior mesenteric artery and do not have septa.


There is no single function in the work of the intestine. First, the gut is part of the immune environment, as it helps fight harmful microorganisms that can cause disease. This is because once ingested, the harmful putrefactive bacteria must multiply in order to infect the body. As you know, in the intestinal environment there is a visible protection against certain microflora. It literally comes into play like a shield, moves and protects a person from the action of an infection that gets in, and as a result completely destroys the root of the disease, and as a result there will be no subfebrile temperature.

Secondly, an important function is digestion, in which residual fats and carbohydrates are broken down in the intestinal environment all the time, vitamins and peptide hormones are synthesized. As a result, it is possible to develop the necessary antibodies, and visible residues go into the formation of feces.

It is important to monitor health, and especially the gastrointestinal tract. The intestinal microflora is a very strong shield against ailments, however, if the patient leads an unhealthy lifestyle, then during this period the “native” microorganisms weaken and die, become unable to produce antibodies, and passages are opened into the human body for putrefactive bacteria that quickly get there. At the same time, in a kind of microflora, which initially laid its roots, all toxins that cause various poisonings and subfebrile temperature are destroyed.

In addition, beneficial bacteria protect a person from a ripening allergic reaction, as a result of which the immune and circulatory systems work more actively. By themselves, putrefactive bacteria are very strong microorganisms. Therefore, to maintain health, it is necessary to undergo checks with doctors in order to avoid undesirable consequences. When examined by a doctor, there is a special scheme that allows you to make a diagnosis and determine the problems and the root of their occurrence.

It is necessary to limit the patient's contact with junk food and addictions. It will only benefit a person, because this way you can get rid of diseases.

How does it work?

Digestion always begins in the small intestine, while in the pancreas, the ducts of which enter the gastrointestinal tract, the antibodies necessary for this process begin to be produced. Further, vitamins are absorbed, and fats and carbohydrates are broken down into simpler compounds, such as monosaccharides and fatty acids. Due to intestinal contractions, digested particles move to the large intestine, from where they exit naturally. The anatomy of the intestine at first glance seems simple, because it is divided into two main sections - the large intestine and the small intestine, while there is no septum. But in the structure there are several other sections of the intestine. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Features of the structure of the small intestine

The small intestine is the longest in the intestine

The small intestine is the longest, starting from the stomach and ending directly in the large intestine. All sorts of processes take place in this intestine, in particular digestion. The mesentery, which is included in the structure, consists of two parts of the peritoneum and combines the posterior sections of the abdominal cavity and intestines. The walls of the organ are formed from 4 main layers: outer, muscular, submucosal and mucous. The last layer in its composition has a smooth muscle and connective tissue plate, epithelium. In addition, the upper layer of the villi is made up of epithelial cells, due to which the absorption of microelements begins.

The small intestine has 3 sections that do not have a septum. This includes zones:

  • The duodenum, from which the organ originates. This area reaches up to 30 centimeters, bypasses the pancreas, and the foundations of the common bile and pancreatic duct pass into it. Due to the incoming juice from the pancreas and bile, the food is quickly digested, it passes through, the complete assimilation and release of the necessary trace elements from it. This department has such a name because of its length, because even the ancient healers measured it precisely by the fingers, which were called fingers. This section of the small intestine performs a number of functions, including secretory, evacuation and motor. The walls of the duodenum have a dense network of blood supply.
  • Lean intestine, which occupies the entire upper section. The name is given due to the fact that at autopsy this section is always empty. The shells of the department are covered with smooth muscle tissue, which consists of an outer longitudinal and an inner circular layer. This department can affect diseases such as enteritis, ascariasis, and the root of cancers can also be laid.
  • The iliac region, which, due to its location, occupies the entire lower half of the small intestine. This area is completely covered by the peritoneum and is much larger than the jejunum. At the same time, the warm membrane of the ileum is much stronger, and its blood supply is much stronger. The walls of the section are formed from two layers, just like the previous section, they do not have a partition. In an adult, the iliac warm section can reach 2.6 meters, while in women it is shorter than in men. Usually, after aging and death, this area stretches to almost 4 meters. Also, this department is characterized by various types of contractions, including peristalsis and rhythmic segmentation. One of the features include the possibility of producing neurotensin - a neuropeptide, which is a kind of regulator of food and drink reflexes.
Water absorption takes place in the large intestine

The large intestine is considered the end of the gastrointestinal tract. The diameter can reach from 4 to 10 centimeters, and the length - up to 2 meters. The composition of the membranes includes the same layers as in the small intestine. It is in these layers that during the period when food is digested, water is absorbed and masses of feces are formed. In addition, the department has a complex structure, which includes:

  • Blind section with a worm-like outgrowth, which is also called the appendix. There can be no normal peristalsis without this vital department, because it reduces the level of activity of harmful microorganisms. The worm-like outgrowth has a great influence, because it is the source of the development of beneficial bacteria. Thus, the work of the blind section is associated with the work of the immune system, which protects the body from diseases. On the mucous layer is the Luberkun gland - a crypt, which is an important structural unit. With the defeat of this department, typhlitis and appendicitis develop, and in especially neglected cases, tumor roots form, which are accompanied by temperature, acceleration of the aging process.
  • The colon, which is the main site, but does not have a septum. This rather voluminous formation is not involved in the digestion of food, its passage and assimilation, but it has a great influence. It is here that the bulk of the water and the required amount of electrolytes are absorbed. Liquid food that is not completely digested moves here and becomes solid stool. The length of this section of the large intestine is approximately 1.5 meters, and the diameter can reach 8 centimeters. In addition, the colon consists of three sections:
  1. ascending, the length of which reaches 20 centimeters;
  2. transverse colon, which is the longest and reaches 56 centimeters;
  3. descending with a length of up to 22 centimeters.

This area can be affected by diseases such as constipation, diarrhea, colitis, intussusception, etc. This is due to the fact that people are increasingly leading a sedentary lifestyle, eating unhealthy habits.

The final absorption of nutrients takes place in the large intestine.
  • The composition also includes a warm sigmoid colon, on the work of which the state of the entire large intestine depends. If the ailments that affect this department are not cured in time, the entire gastrointestinal tract may be completely affected, which as a result will lead to health problems in general. To know which part of the intestine suffers, you need to know what the location of the departments looks like. The sigmoid colon is located in the area between the direct descending colon, and sometimes it is able to reach the region of the right hypochondrium. This section of the large intestine can reach almost 70 centimeters in length, and the diameter varies up to 4 centimeters. This department is actively involved in the digestive processes. The gut, like a sponge, absorbs incoming water resources, and then spreads them throughout all systems of an adult. With any unpleasant symptoms of the patient, the doctor can easily palpate the area located on the left side.
  • The last, final section is the rectum, which is also called the rectum. Located in the pelvic area, it ends with the anus. Compared with other departments, it is small: the length can be from 14 to 16 centimeters, and the diameter is 4 centimeters in the anus, and above it reaches 7.5 centimeters. The anal canal reaches from 3 to 5 centimeters. It interacts with other, nearby organs. The main function is that feces accumulate here, and then they are excreted from the body. Thus, the rectum acts as a kind of reservoir for processed food. Important are the diaphragm muscles of the intestine, which help to retain fecal masses, preventing them from escaping. With the wrong lifestyle, a person can develop such diseases of the rectum as ulcerative colitis, attacks of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, the roots of the development of rectal gonorrhea and adenoma of the rectum are laid. To avoid this, you must definitely monitor your health.

Why do humans have such a long intestine?

Herbivorous animals have fairly long intestines. At the same time, the blind and thick sections are well developed in them. The length of the large intestine in rodents can reach 53% of the total length of the entire intestine. In predators, it is much shorter. For example, a sheep has an intestine, the length of which exceeds the length of the body by 29-35 times, a wild boar - by 14, a horse - by 12, and a wolf - by 6. The thick section is inhabited by a symbiotic microflora, which is most well developed in herbivores. Intestine at...

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Biologically, a person was formed as a vegan a very long time ago, and, as you know, hereditary traits in highly organized creatures are very stable.

Although, since the Ice Age, man has been eating meat, his anatomy and physiology have remained the same, adapted to eating plant foods, and not meat. Its teeth cannot tear raw meat, it does not have the fangs of a predator, but the front teeth - the incisors - are adapted for biting off fruits or vegetables, and the side teeth are designed for chewing fiber, coarse plant foods.

The human intestine is long, like that of other herbivorous animals - fiber takes a significant amount of time to digest.

The body temperature of a person is lower than that of a predator (for example, a dog), and this also prevents a person from digesting meat food.

Comparative analysis of the human digestive system with carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Man is most often referred to as "omnivore"....

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The intestine is a section of the digestive system in most vertebrates. It follows directly behind the stomach. In the intestine, the final digestion of the food taken, the absorption of nutrients, as well as the removal (evacuation) of undigested substances is carried out. In some animals, the digestive tract consists of only this section. In this case, the length of the intestine depends on the type of animal, the characteristics of the food it eats and age.

Herbivorous animals have fairly long intestines. At the same time, the blind and thick sections are well developed in them. The length of the large intestine in rodents can reach 53% of the total length of the entire intestine. In predators, it is much shorter. For example, a sheep has an intestine, the length of which exceeds the length of the body by 29-35 times, a wild boar - by 14, a horse - by 12, and a wolf - by 6. The thick section is inhabited by a symbiotic microflora, which is most well developed in herbivores. The human intestine is the largest organ of the digestive system....

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In carnivores, the length of the gastrointestinal tract is only 3 times the length of the animal's body, which allows you to quickly remove rotting meat from the body.

In herbivores, the length of the gastrointestinal tract is 6-10 times the length of the body; plant foods decompose much more slowly than meat, so they can stay in the intestines longer.

In humans, as an omnivore (but more herbivorous), the length of the intestine is 6-8 times the length of the body.

Man in his internal structure is more like herbivores than predators. It has ten times less acidic gastric juice than carnivores, lacks the sharp incisors needed to tear meat, and has flat molars designed for longer digestion of food.
Man has no fangs, and there are only rudiments of fangs. The length of the gastrointestinal tract in humans is like that of a cow: eight times longer than the length of the body, so the toxins released during the decomposition of the eaten meat stay in the body for a very long time ...

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The intestine is a long organ that is a conduit for nutrients that enter the bloodstream. It starts from the pylorus of the stomach. Food travels a long way, starting from the esophagus and down the entire length of the intestine. An adult and children may have problems, but not everyone knows about them. Many do not know how long the intestines are in an adult. This article can deal with it.

Bowel functions

So, in more detail. The intestines are engaged in the breakdown of nutrients, which then enter the bloodstream. They come from the stomach already digested. Everything that turned out to be superfluous leaves him through the anus, in the form of gases and feces. The intestine performs a peculiar role of a juicer. That is, it selects everything useful from the body, and the rest, which does not bring any benefit, brings it out. Also along the entire length of the intestine in an adult and a child there are beneficial bacteria. They are able to attack pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. In case of violation...

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The length of the intestine in animals and humans

Vegetarianism or meat-eating - what is a person intended for?

Quite often I hear statements that a person is a predator by design or, on the contrary, a herbivore. Sometimes this develops into disputes about the benefits / harms of vegetarianism / meat eating and about what kind of food the human body is intended for.

I wanted to delve deeper into this issue, to find arguments in favor of one or another point of view.

I must immediately make a reservation that I consider vegetarianism to be more preferable for a person.

All factors in favor of a particular food belong to one of two types: physiological (the structure of external, internal organs) and expediency factors #8212; that is, what a person wants to get from food and how food affects a person.

Let's look at physiological factors first.

The group of carnivores, like the group of herbivores, within the group are distinguished by a similar structure of external and ...

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The intestine is the part of the digestive system that starts at the duodenum and ends at the anus. The intestine is a structure in which a variety of processes occur that carry out the digestion and absorption of nutrients. The mucous membrane at the same time produces a number of biologically active compounds necessary for the physiological breakdown of products. This article will tell you everything about the structure, physiology, function, pathology and diagnosis of the human intestine.

3D model of the intestine


How many meters is the intestine of an adult? Structurally and anatomically, the intestines can be divided into thin and thick sections. The total length of the intestine in an adult is from 3.2 to 4.7 m. The length of the thin section can vary from 1.7 to 4.2 m. In women, the length of the small intestine is shorter than in men. In the initial part, the length of the small intestine is 50 mm, in the transitional area, the diameter reaches 30...

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There is a medical term - dolichosigma, meaning the lengthening of the large intestine. What it is and how it is treated - you can learn about this and much more by reading this material.

What is dolichosigma?

Our intestines consist, as you know, of departments.

The lower part is the large intestine.

Its longest part is the colon, which, like a rim, surrounds the small intestine. Thus, the small intestine is located in the center of the abdominal cavity, while the colon, as it were, wraps around it at the edges.

In turn, the colon also has several sections, one of which is the descending colon, which passes into the sigmoid colon - the final section of the large intestine (ending in the rectum). Dolichosigmoid is a lengthening of the sigmoid colon.

In many cases, bowel lengthening does not cause any symptoms for life. In this case, we are talking about one of the variants of the norm, an individual feature ...

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Dolichosigma is a congenital pathological condition of the intestine, when the sigmoid colon (the area that passes into the rectum) is longer than the physiological norm. Due to its size, the sigmoid colon can be twisted, lie in layers or have too large a diameter, so intestinal dolichosigma is sometimes manifested by violations of the absorption and excretion processes in the body. Specialist doctors diagnose it as a disease only if such a deformation of the intestine causes discomfort, leads to pathologies and needs to be urgently treated.

What causes the disease? Forms of dolichosigma Main signs Possible complications Diagnostic methods Features of treatment


Dolichosigma is considered not only a pathology, but also a variation in the structure of the intestine, depending on the specific clinical case. The reasons for this change may be:

1. Congenital, when the sigmoid ...

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The intestine is the part of the gastrointestinal tract that runs from the stomach to the anus. Despite the insignificant volume that the intestine has in its natural position, it has a very long length. This organ is involved in digestion and elimination of toxins, and is also an integral part of the immune system. In addition, hormones are synthesized here.

Intestine length

The intestine is divided into 2 parts: thin and thick.

The intestine is divided into 2 parts:

Thin (with varying diameter from 2.5 cm to 6 cm); thick (with a diameter of 6 - 10 cm).

The length of these parts also varies: in the large intestine it is about 2 m.

The length of the thin one is about 4 m, but these indicators are typical for living people. After death, the length of the small intestine increases significantly - up to 8 m.

This is possible due to the complete relaxation of his muscles. It is noted that the length of the small intestine in women and men differs: in the representatives of the stronger sex it is longer. The intestine increases in length along with growth ...

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When the sigmoid colon with its mesentery is lengthened, intestinal dolichosigma is diagnosed. What is it? At the same time, people complain of impaired intestinal motility with difficulty defecation. Such anomalies are often accompanied by the manifestation of attacks of flatulence, frequent pain with prolonged constipation. Often, people experience bloating. Dolichosigma can be diagnosed by X-ray or endoscopic examination. Treatment of this disease is based on the use of physiotherapy, special massages and maintaining a special diet.

Description of pathology

Intestinal dolichosigma is associated with abnormal lengthening of the rectum. At the same time, its mesenteric part is also lengthened. Dolichosigma in both adults and children is congenital, so it is extremely difficult to cure it.

Abnormal elongation of the sigmoid colon has a certain course: Sometimes it manifests itself from birth. Often does not manifest itself for a long part of life ....

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The intestine is one of the vital human organs, since it supplies the body with the necessary valuable substances, eliminates harmful substances and compounds, and supports immune defenses.

Length, structure and function of the intestine

The intestine is the largest organ in the abdominal cavity. It enters the excretory and digestive systems of the body.

It has departments:

Duodenum; ileum and jejunum; cecum; transverse ascending and descending colon; rectum and sigmoid colon; anus.

The organ begins after the stomach and connects to it. Relating to the digestive system, the intestine interacts with its organs. It constantly receives bile from the gallbladder. The intestine itself provides hydrochloric acid to the stomach for the primary process of decomposition of incoming food.

It grows simultaneously with a person: its thickness, length, diameter, shape changes ....

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Intestinal dolichosigmoid is often called a congenital anomalous lengthening of the sigmoid colon (department of the large intestine). As a result of the enlarged size, it is twisted one or more times, it may have a larger diameter (megadolichosigma). This leads to the appearance of the main symptom of this condition - a violation of defecation, which is replaced by persistent constipation.

The normal length of one sigmoid loop in an adult is from 24 to 46 cm. If this value is less than 24 cm, a developmental anomaly called "brachysigma" is noted. In the case of a bowel length of more than 46 cm, dolichosigmoid is noted, respectively. However, the opinion of scientists, whether to classify this condition as a pathology or not, diverged. Some consider it a pathology requiring urgent treatment. According to others, this is only a difference in the structure of the intestine, and therefore treatment may be needed only after the appearance of tangible symptoms that prevent the patient from living normally.

It should be noted that it is possible...

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- an abnormal increase in the length of the sigmoid colon and its mesentery, leading to impaired motility and emptying of the large intestine. Dolichosigma is manifested by chronic constipation, flatulence, recurrent abdominal pain. In the diagnosis of dolichosigma, the main role is played by irrigography and radiography of the passage of barium through the large intestine; auxiliary - rectosigmoscopy, colonoscopy, etc. With dolichosigmoid, a diet, massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy are prescribed; with prolonged constipation - laxatives and enemas. In case of chronic intestinal obstruction, dolichosigmoid resection is performed.

Due to a prolonged lack of bowel movement in a child with dolichosigmoid, fecal stones may form, fecal autointoxication, anemia, and irritable bowel syndrome may develop. One of the formidable complications of dolichosigmoid is intestinal obstruction due to nodulation, volvulus, kinks, invagination of the sigmoid colon. In these cases, a picture of an acute abdomen develops.

Diagnosis of dolichosigma

Examination of a child suffering from dolichosigma reveals a lack of body weight, a lag in physical development, and pallor of the skin. On palpation of the abdominal cavity, intestinal loops overflowing with fecal masses are determined. A digital rectal examination reveals an empty rectum, even if the child has not had a stool for a long time.

The decisive instrumental method in the diagnosis of dolichosigma is irrigography, during which the elongation of the sigmoid colon, the presence of additional loops in the form of a "eight", "shotgun", "knot", "cochlea", etc. are detected. , shape, contours, length, lumen width, haustration, the presence of additional loops.

To assess the motor-evacuation function of the colon in a patient with dolichosigmoid, barium passage radiography, electromyography, and sphincterometry are performed. Endoscopy in children (rectosigmoscopy, colonoscopy), ultrasonography of the large intestine, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, plain radiography of the abdominal cavity in the diagnosis of dolichosigmoid are of auxiliary importance. Of the laboratory methods, a coprogram is used; analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis, for occult blood, for helminth eggs; clinical and biochemical blood tests.

Dolichosigma in children should be differentiated from ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, enterobiasis, chronic appendicitis, Hirschsprung's disease. To this end, the child should be consulted by a pediatric gastroenterologist, pediatric coloproctologist, pediatric surgeon.

Treatment of dolichosigma

At any stage of dolichosigma, treatment begins with complex conservative therapy. The leading role in therapeutic measures is given to the normalization of the digestive tract with the help of a diet - fractional nutrition, the use of foods rich in fiber (vegetables, whole grain bread, bran, fruits, berries, herbs), fermented milk products, vegetable oils, etc. In some cases, laxatives are prescribed and microclysters, however, with dolichosigmoid it is extremely important to form a reflex to spontaneous defecation.

With spastic pains, antispasmodics are prescribed (drotaverine, platifillin); with intestinal hypotension - prozerin, massage of the anterior abdominal wall, exercise therapy, electrical stimulation of the colon, hydrocolonotherapy, acupuncture. Patients with dolichosigma benefit from courses of vitamin therapy (B6, B12, C, E), bacterial preparations (probiotics and prebiotics), treatment in the sanatoriums of Zheleznovodsk, Truskavets.

Indications for surgical treatment of dolichosigma in children are extremely rare. Surgical treatment is indicated for intestinal obstruction, the failure of conservative therapy, persistent constipation, progressive fecal intoxication, the presence of unresolved loops and bowel kinks. With dolichosigma, resection of the sigmoid colon is performed. In the case of a predominant lesion of the distal sigmoid colon, the operation of choice is proctosigmoidectomy.


Usually, with the implementation of all medical recommendations, it is possible to achieve regular independent stools and an acceptable quality of life. As the child grows, many violations can be compensated; in some cases, the problem of dolichosigma worries patients in adulthood. In the latter case, life-long observance of the regimen and quality of nutrition, the exclusion of the development of alimentary, psychogenic and other types of constipation are necessary. Children with dolichosigma need to be observed by a pediatrician, a pediatric gastroenterologist, undergo periodic courses of conservative therapy, and examine the condition of the large intestine.

Dolichosigma is an abnormally long sigmoid colon and its mesentery. Its lumen diameter and wall thickness remain unchanged. An increase in the length of the intestine leads to greater mobility, and, consequently, to a violation of the passage of chyme and the formation of feces.
The frequency of pathology in the population reaches 25%, but the erased clinic suggests that this percentage is much higher. For example, among children suffering from chronic constipation, the percentage of dolichosigma reaches 40.
A normal sigmoid colon should be in the range of 24 to 46 cm, if its length exceeds 46 cm, they speak of dolichosigmoid.

Causes of the disease

Dolichosigma can be either congenital or acquired; in any case, sigma has 2 to 3 additional loops.
What causes the lengthening of the sigma is not clear, but there is an assumption that a hereditary violation of normal growth, abnormal fixation of this part of the intestine, are associated with a genetic predisposition. At the same time, a large role in its development in a child is given to chemical, physical factors affecting the fetus during fetal development, the influence of the environment, the level of mother's health, and the intake of certain medications during pregnancy.

Another reason is acquired dolichosigma. Basically, the factors of its development are impaired digestion, which is accompanied by fermentation processes, prolonged decay. The risk group is made up of people over 45-50 years old, who consume a lot of carbohydrate and meat foods, lead a hypodynamic lifestyle, and have bad habits. However, almost all experts argue that dolichosigma is always a congenital anomaly, and the listed reasons only cause a manifesto of clinical manifestations.

There is still debate among scientists whether this intestinal condition is a norm or an anomaly, because among healthy children, dolichosigma occurs in 15%, without any clinical manifestations.
In contrast to this, it can be said that the lengthening of the intestine leads to functional and organic disorders of the distal parts of the intestine, which speaks in favor of the anomaly.

The study of the elongated sigma at the histological level makes it possible to see characteristic changes: the mesentery has sclerotic changes, the muscle fibers of the sigma wall are thickened (hypertrophied), the intramural nerve ganglia are affected, myofibrosis is observed, the mucous membrane shows signs of dystrophic processes. All these symptoms indicate a chronically occurring inflammatory process and stasis of the intestinal contents.

Classification of stages of the disease

The clinic of the disease is quite variable, the course of the disease consists of successive forms.

  1. Dolichosigma at the stage of a compensated state. A person has periodic stool retention (constipation), lasting up to 3 days, abdominal pain is disturbing. Emptying is achieved by following a diet or taking medication laxatives. Health and general condition remains normal.
  2. Subcompensated state. Constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain become permanent symptoms. Laxatives help little or are completely ineffective, so the patient supplements symptomatic treatment with a cleansing enema.
  3. Decompensation. Constipation for more than 7 days. The most severe course of the disease, with constant abdominal pain. The accumulated feces and gases stretch the sigmoid colon, causing a significant intoxication of the body (no appetite, pustules on the skin, nausea). Often, a clinic of intestinal obstruction develops, only siphon enemas help the patient.


The clinic of dolichosigma is completely determined by the degree of fecal intoxication and morphological, functional changes in the large intestine. When the disease manifests itself, it entirely depends on the length of the sigma, the compensatory capabilities of the body, the degree of violation of the tone of its walls and motility.

The main symptom of this pathology is persistent constipation. If the disease is congenital, then this symptom manifests itself already from 6-12 months, which can be associated with the introduction of complementary foods, a change in the nature of food, an increase in the mass of feces, its consistency.
The second critical age for the onset of the disease is 3-6 years, when children (approximately 40%) show the first signs.
According to the stages of the disease, at first constipation is episodic, there is no stool for 2-3 days, then the duration and frequency of constipation increase.
Prolonged constipation contributes to the accumulation of fecal masses in the intestinal lumen, which stretch the walls, morphological changes are aggravated, the bowel reflex is reduced. Encopresis occurs in a small percentage of people with constipation.

Persons suffering from dolichosigmoid have large-diameter, fetid feces, sometimes shaped like a spruce cone. Hard feces often damage the intestinal mucosa during passage, so there may be blood in the feces.

Other signs of dolichosigma: frequent or persistent pain in the left iliac region, around the navel, flatulence. Symptoms are aggravated after exercise, after eating, weaken after bowel movements.
The pain syndrome in this pathology is associated with several factors: reflex spasm of the muscular wall of the intestine, changes in the cicatricial nature of the sigmoid mesentery, chronic inflammatory processes in its walls.
As a rule, dolichosigma is accompanied by pathology of other organs of the digestive system: gastroduodenitis, reactive pancreatitis, colitis, biliary dyskinesia, diverticulitis, dysbacteriosis; in adults, hemorrhoids and varicose veins are most common.

Intestinal emptying in patients diagnosed with dolichosigma is rare, which can lead to the formation of fecal stones, the development of severe fecal intoxication of the body, vitamin deficiency, anemia, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Diagnosis of the disease

The main step in high-quality diagnostics is a detailed survey, collection of complaints, anamnesis of life and disease. The final diagnosis is made after X-ray confirmation.
Different variants of the location of the loops of the elongated intestine sometimes cause the predominance of specific complaints. So, in children with a sigmoid colon in the form of a figure eight, the leading symptom is abdominal pain.
Radiological manifestations also depend on the stage of the process. Therefore, dynamic observation with X-ray control is important in order to assess the degree of dilatation of the intestine.

The duration of constipation determines the degree of increase in the diameter of the sigmoid lumen.
In making the correct diagnosis, the appearance and examination of the patient plays a decisive role:

  1. weight deficit;
  2. lag in physical development;
  3. pale skin, thin hair, as symptoms of anemia.

Palpation examination will reveal dense intestinal loops overflowing with feces. A digital rectal examination will show an empty rectum, even if the patient has not had a stool for a long time.

The point in the diagnosis is put by the X-ray method of research - irrigography. It will show the course of the intestinal loops, the presence of abnormal additional loops in the form of a knot, cochlea, figure eight, and so on. More accurate information about the position, shape, width of the lumen, contour, haustration, length of the intestine gives magnetic resonance imaging.

There are several ways to evaluate the motor-evacuation function of sigma:

  1. passage of barium during radiography;
  2. sphincterometry;
  3. radiography.

Some types of research may be of auxiliary importance:

  1. Endoscopic (sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy method).
  2. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.
  3. Ultrasonography of the entire large intestine.
  4. Plain radiography of the abdominal organs.

Laboratory methods are also justified: analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis, Gregersen's test (for occult blood), for eggs of worms, coprogram, general clinical blood and urine tests.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with the following diseases: Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, Hirschsprung's disease, chronic appendicitis, enterobiasis. Therefore, it is important to show the patient for consultation to a surgeon, proctologist, gastroenterologist.

Therapy for the patient

As you know, the leading role in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is given to dietary nutrition. Dolichosigma is no exception, however, it is impossible to cure the disease only with the help of a diet.
It is desirable that the diet be enriched with fresh fruits and vegetables, salads, dried fruits, juices, compotes, cereals (buckwheat, coarse oatmeal), lentils are welcome. Sour-milk products (kefir, low-fat sour cream, starter cultures), honey are welcome, and it is preferable to give meat and fish boiled.

Of particular importance are the following ingredients of the patient's dietary table: freshly squeezed white cabbage juice, which should be drunk daily for 2 weeks, drinking plenty of clean water, extra virgin olive oil to replace any animal fats.

It is undesirable to use flour dishes, all pastries, including bread, potatoes, cereals, except for those listed above, pickles and marinades, smoked meats and fried foods, industrial juices, carbonated waters, fruits that increase gas formation.

Surgical method of treatment

It is necessary to treat with the help of an operation in exceptional cases, if the patient develops constipation, the sigma in its distal parts is sharply expanded, and the reaction to mechanical irritation is reduced. The indications for the radical treatment of dolichosigma with the help of surgery are formed unretractable loops and bends, which creates a picture of intestinal obstruction.

The operation is performed to eliminate excess loops with an inferior mechanism of innervation by means of a lower median laparotomy. Laparoscopic interventions are also carried out, however, they did not justify themselves due to their high cost, very large time costs for the removal of the intestine. This is especially observed in complicated forms of the disease, the presence of adhesive disease of the small pelvis.
The method of anesthesia is determined by the anesthesiologist. This can be both endotracheal anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, and intravenous anesthesia.
On average, the operation lasts no more than 1.5 hours, during which the modified and elongated part of the sigma is removed.
The prognosis for the patient is favorable, provided that the operation and the postoperative period are carried out correctly. The patient leaves the hospital after the restoration of independent stool.

How is the postoperative period

Before the normalization of well-being and general condition, the patient is in the intensive care unit, which usually takes several hours or a day.
Bed rest is observed for the first day, for 3-4 it is already allowed to get up. After removal of the drains (day 4-5), the patient can take a few steps and begin to walk a little.
After surgical treatment, the patient needs medical correction of the condition with the help of hemostatics, antiulcer drugs, antibacterial drugs and infusion therapy.
Healing of a postoperative wound usually lasts up to 10 days, during which dressings are performed every day. After this time, the doctor removes the stitches.
Ability to work is restored within 4-5-6 weeks, which directly depends on the severity of the operation and the presence or absence of complications.
Strict adherence to the diet and a ban on lifting heavy objects lasts 3-4 months.

If the patient is shown radical surgical treatment of dolichosigma, then he should listen to the opinion of the doctor, otherwise the disease may be complicated: diverticulosis, intestinal perforation, diverticulitis, acute intestinal obstruction, peritonitis. In a large proportion of patients, if the rules for preventing complications are not followed, fecal stones are formed that provoke intestinal obstruction. Also often there are symptoms of fecal intoxication, which leads to anemia and the development of pustular skin diseases.

The intestine is a long organ that is a conduit for nutrients that enter the bloodstream. It starts from The food goes a long way, starting from the esophagus and down the entire length of the intestine. An adult and children may have problems, but not everyone knows about them. Many do not know how long the intestines are in an adult. This article can deal with it.

Bowel functions

So, in more detail. The intestines are engaged in the breakdown of nutrients, which then enter the bloodstream. They come from the stomach already digested. Everything that turned out to be superfluous leaves him through the anus, in the form of gases and feces. The intestine performs a peculiar role of a juicer. That is, it selects everything useful from the body, and the rest, which does not bring any benefit, brings it out. Also along the entire length of the intestine in an adult and a child there are beneficial bacteria. They are able to attack pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. If the intestinal microflora is disturbed, problems with the digestive system can begin and various diseases can begin to bind.


The intestinal section begins with the duodenum. In shape, it resembles an arc. Its length is approximately 20 centimeters. It is she who controls the work of the stomach, that is, it regulates its motor function, and is also responsible for the amount of secreted acid. It also breaks down proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

After the small intestine comes the large intestine. Everything that could not be digested gets into it. Its main function will be the formation of feces and its removal, as well as the absorption of water. The process of digestion continues in the large intestine. In this case, various bacteria help her. The more of them, the easier it is to do it. But when there are few of them, for example, due to the use of antibiotics, then it becomes already difficult for the intestines.

The large intestine ends in the rectum. Here there is an accumulation of feces, which then leaves the body when visiting the toilet.

Throughout the length of the intestine in an adult, there are important bacteria that help a person maintain the immune system. Therefore, it is especially important to follow it.

Colon diseases

Today, there are many diseases that can harm this part of the intestine. Here are the main ones:

  • Colitis is an inflammation of the intestine that can progress in acute, chronic, and ulcerative forms. It can occur after malnutrition, surgery, infection. It is considered a very dangerous disease, since in severe forms it can lead to peritonitis or even death.
  • Suction problem. It is in the large intestine that the absorption of fluids occurs, but sometimes this function is impaired during inflammation. Because of this, the body can suffer from dehydration.
  • Constipation is a disorder caused by the absence of stool for a long time. According to the rules, a person should go to the toilet once a day, if he does not, then constipation has occurred. This problem comes from malnutrition or certain diseases.
  • Diarrhea - frequent urge to go to the toilet, in which the feces come out in a liquid state. This disorder can be caused by infection, disease, malnutrition, or stress. With diarrhea, a person may experience pain in the anus and abdomen.

Diseases of the small intestine

The small intestine is considered very important for a person, but from time to time diseases can occur that can change ordinary life. Some of them:

  • Enteritis. This disease is caused by Escherichia coli or Salmonella. It can also be caused by prolonged use of antibiotics.
  • celiac disease This disease occurs when there is a deficiency of an enzyme that can break down gluten. It leaves residues that have a bad effect on the small intestine. Because of this, the walls of the latter become thinner, and it begins to do its job poorly.
  • Whipple's disease. The reason is inflammation, which is caused by certain bacteria, after which they block the ability to absorb nutrients.
  • Dysbacteriosis. It is formed when there is a significant decrease in beneficial bacteria in the small intestine. This can occur due to long-term use of antibiotics or antimicrobials, as well as infections or food poisoning.

What is the length of the intestine in an adult

The question is ambiguous. The length of the small intestine is about four meters. This figure may be slightly more or less, it depends on the size of the person, as well as his gender. The length of the small intestine of the dead will be much longer, about eight meters. This is due to the fact that he lacks muscle tone.

The length of the large intestine in an adult will be much less than the small intestine. It will be about two meters, but there may be slight changes in performance.

Gas formation, or bloating, comes from the swallowed air, which passes along the entire length of the intestines of an adult and a child. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to chew food thoroughly.

When food enters the body, all digestive organs begin to contract so that food passes more easily.

About 7 liters of fluid enters the large intestine. It is obtained from water, mucus, bile and enzymes. But only 7 tablespoons come out of the human body.



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