Colds and dental treatment. Is it possible to treat teeth if you have a severe cold?

Sore throat, fever, runny nose...

Classic cold symptoms that everyone is familiar with.

What if, on top of this, you also have a toothache?

What to do in this case and is it worth making an appointment with a dentist?

Colds and acute respiratory viral infections: is it possible to treat teeth during illness?

A cold is usually called any illness that has characteristic symptoms (runny nose, cough, fever).

Although it is necessary to distinguish between a disease caused by hypothermia and a disease that is provoked by viruses.

In the first case, we are dealing with a decrease in local immunity and, as a consequence, the proliferation of opportunistic bacteria.

In the second, with the body’s reaction to a virus that has penetrated from the outside (by airborne droplets, with food, through contact with a patient).

Viral diseases such as influenza can cause inflammation of the second or third branches of the trigeminal nerve. In this case, a sharp pain occurs in the upper or lower jaw, radiating to the temple and chin. Many people believe that this is a dental problem, whereas in this case one should contact a neurologist.

A cold or viral disease is not an absolute contraindication to dental procedures. If the patient feels relatively well, and it is undesirable to postpone the appointment, then the visit does not need to be postponed.

However, it should be taken into account that the following factors may affect the success of treatment:

  • microorganisms (staphylococci, streptococci and others) can penetrate an open wound and cause complications;
  • healing will be slower due to weakened immunity;
  • at elevated temperatures, anesthetics may act worse;
  • If drug treatment is required, it will be more difficult to select drugs, since it is necessary to take into account their compatibility with antipyretics and painkillers.

Of course, the important factor is that, being a spreader of the virus in the acute stage of ARVI, the patient always runs the risk of infecting his attending physician. Medical masks used by dentists do not guarantee 100% protection against the virus.

Taking into account all these factors, you need to make an informed decision: is it worth putting medical workers at risk and increasing the load on your own immunity, or can you reschedule the visit until you have fully recovered.

How do cold symptoms affect treatment?

So, the decision was made to see a doctor. A visit to the dentist in itself is not a very pleasant procedure, and manifestations of the disease can add even more discomfort. How to prepare for the visit and minimize all possible troubles?

Runny nose

Is it possible to treat teeth with a runny nose? Breathing through your mouth during dental procedures is very difficult.

In addition, this can lead to excessive drying of the mucous membrane, which will only worsen the sore throat and provoke the growth of conditionally pathogenic microflora in the nasopharynx.

Therefore, measures need to be taken to temporarily eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa.

This is best done with the help of vasoconstrictor drugs.

To restore nasal breathing, you must first rinse your nose with saline solution (or just salt water), and then instill drops. This way they will act faster and more efficiently. Vasoconstrictor drugs differ in composition, duration of action, and form of release.

It is optimal to use medications with oxymetazoline; they retain the effect for up to 12 hours.

Examples of such drugs:

  • Nazivin;
  • Nazol;
  • Knoxprey;
  • Rinazoline;
  • Nasal rint.

If possible, it is better to choose preparations containing additional moisturizing components (vegetable oils).

For example, Rint nasal moisturizing spray contains chamomile oil and glycerin, and Noxprey Active contains eucalyptol and camphor.

This way you can protect the mucous membrane from drying out and minimize the risk of complications.

Vasoconstrictor drugs should not be used for longer than 3 days, as addiction may develop.

Even if the course of treatment at the dentist involves several visits, it is better not to violate this requirement and after three days of use, replace the drugs with others (for example, saline or oil solutions).

If a runny nose appears simultaneously with toothache in the upper teeth, it is necessary to exclude odontogenic sinusitis. With this disease, the roots of the upper molars and premolars become inflamed, and then the infection spreads to the maxillary maxillary sinuses. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to take an x-ray.


Bronchospasm (which is what a cough is) is a reaction to accumulated phlegm, which irritates the nerve endings and thereby causes a spasm. If you “remove” this spasm, the accumulation and thickening of sputum can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia. However, there are drugs that can block signals from the bronchial mucosa and relieve coughing attacks.

Whether to take them or not for the sake of a visit to the dentist is a question best discussed with your doctor.

Examples of such antitussive medications:

  • Bronholitin;
  • Libexin;
  • Stoptussin;
  • Paxeladine.

If the cough does not cause much inconvenience, it is better to warn the doctor about it and together develop treatment tactics. Abuse of antitussive drugs unnecessarily can be harmful to health.


Increased body temperature can also occur with dental problems. It can be caused by suppuration. In these cases, of course, first of all you need to eliminate the cause and get treatment from a dentist as quickly as possible.

If a high temperature is a consequence of a cold, then it is better to reschedule the visit if possible. In cases where this is not possible, the use of antipyretics is permissible, but only after consultation with a dentist.

Tooth extraction for ARVI

The main danger when removing a diseased tooth from a patient with a cold is possible infection of the open wound.

Normally, local immunity and the balance of healthy and pathogenic microflora prevent this.

During an illness, an additional burden on the immune system is undesirable, so the doctor’s task is not only to be as careful as possible, but also to carry out the following measures:

  • carry out disinfection of the oral cavity (in this case, not only mucous membranes are treated with antiseptics, but also herpes wounds, cracks on the lips and other possible sources of infection);
  • treat the wound after removal with bactericidal agents;
  • prescribe antibacterial drugs;
  • select and prescribe medications that help strengthen the immune system, activate and regenerate tissue.

After tooth extraction, you need to carefully monitor your general condition, since temperature can be both symptoms of the disease and signs of developing inflammation. Normally, on the third day after the intervention, swelling and pain should decrease. If it does not get better, but on the contrary, it becomes more inflamed, an unpleasant taste appears in the mouth, you need to urgently consult a dentist.

A blood clot should form in the wound after tooth extraction, which plays an important role in healing. It cannot be moved, so it is forbidden to rinse your mouth and throat, suck lozenges or tablets, or drink hot tea.

Modern methods of tooth extraction are low-traumatic, and the use of the latest antiseptics allows you to reduce the risk of infection to a minimum. If the doctor considers it advisable to remove a tooth due to a cold, you can be sure that the risk of complications is minimal.

When is dental treatment for a cold acceptable?

Colds are a general name for a very broad category of diseases.

These include the flu and mild illness associated with hypothermia.

And if in the case of a viral infection it makes sense to delay dental treatment, then, for example, minor rhinitis is not a reason to cancel the appointment.

In addition, not all dental procedures put a strain on the immune system.

Symptoms of this disease: mouth ulcers, fever, swollen lymph nodes.

It is also necessary to take into account the compatibility of cold medications and anesthetics. In some cases, allergic or toxic reactions are possible. It is imperative to list to the doctor all the medications that were used the day before the visit (indicating the dosage and frequency of administration).

To reduce the risk of complications, you must first consult a doctor, describe in detail all the existing symptoms, and after treatment carefully follow all instructions. In this case, the treatment will be successful, and recovery will not be long in coming.

Sometimes you have to make an appointment with a good, trusted dentist two or three weeks in advance, but what if you have ARVI symptoms just a couple of days before your appointment? Is it possible to treat teeth if you have a cold, or is it wiser to cancel your planned visit to the clinic?

Although a cold in itself is not a direct contraindication to dental treatment, there are a number of reasons why you should postpone visiting the dentist until you recover.

Decreased immune defense

During illness, the body experiences stress, the immune system is in a weakened state, and dental treatment will become an additional burden for it. Even minor wounds formed in the oral cavity during doctor’s manipulations open the way for the spread of infection. In addition, local anesthetic drugs used by dentists can also have a negative impact.

Severe symptoms of ARVI

A cold in the vast majority of cases is accompanied by a runny nose and cough, during which it is difficult to sit motionless in the dentist’s chair for a long time, throwing your head back and not closing your mouth. At elevated temperatures, when the body devotes all its strength and resources to fighting the virus, no specialist will recommend filling or other types of dental treatment. This is both a danger of possible complications and longer healing of any damage in the oral cavity, which can also lead to secondary infection.

In addition, a sick patient coming to the clinic puts medical staff and other visitors at risk, since a cold is easily transmitted through airborne droplets through coughing, sneezing, and even normal conversation. Therefore, most doctors, when asked whether it is possible to treat teeth during a cold, will answer in the negative.

Did you know that what many believe to be a harmless cold on the lip is a strict contraindication for dental treatment? Bubbles that form on the lips due to hypothermia, illness, stress, or poor personal hygiene are manifestations of the herpes virus.

With any dental interventions, this virus can spread further and cause herpes stomatitis, and then painful ulcers will appear on the oral mucosa.

In what cases should dental treatment not be postponed?

However, there are exceptions to the rule when the dentist will undertake treatment despite the patient’s illness. Situations requiring emergency intervention include:

  1. Progression of purulent inflammation.
  2. Danger of flux development.
  3. An inflammatory process in the oral cavity, when high temperature is precisely its consequence.

It happens that dental problems have gone too far and treatment will no longer bring results. Is it possible to have a tooth removed if you have a cold? Doctors resort to removal only as a last resort, since in case of illness this is a very undesirable operation. The open wound left behind can become a source of proliferation of pathogenic microflora, significantly aggravating the patient’s condition. If there is no other choice, you should choose a reliable clinic where qualified specialists work and high-quality antiseptics are guaranteed to be used. However, if possible, it is better to postpone tooth extraction until your general condition improves.

Symptoms of a cold during teething in a baby

Fever and runny nose often occur during teething in babies. This is explained by the fact that when baby teeth are cut, immunity decreases to a certain extent and symptoms of ARVI are possible, which usually disappear in a few days.

If, against the backdrop of signs of a cold, the child’s gums are red and swollen, there is constant drooling, seemingly causeless whims, he continually puts various things and his own fingers into his mouth, this may indicate the imminent appearance of the first teeth.

When a cold is caused by growing teeth, treatment is usually symptomatic - rinsing the nose with sea water, and, if necessary, antipyretic drugs. To relieve pain during teething, topical preparations are used - “Kalgel”, “Dentinox” and others.

How to relieve toothache

If you had to cancel your appointment with the doctor because of a cold, and you can no longer endure the toothache, you can use various pain relievers. To choose the best method, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

  • The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which will help not only relieve pain and reduce inflammation, but also reduce temperature.
  • Rinse. A solution of soda in the proportion of one teaspoon per glass of water. To achieve the effect, you need to rinse your mouth regularly throughout the day. You can also use an infusion of ginger root, a decoction of sage, a decoction of thyme leaves, a decoction of chamomile, and a decoction of St. John's wort.
  • Applications, compresses - for example, with special dental drops or propolis.
  • Tablets containing menthol, which give a slight anesthetic effect when dissolved.

It is necessary to intensively treat the cold itself. Sometimes tooth pain is caused by a viral disease. During the inflammatory process, phlegm is formed in the sinuses of the nose, which blocks the passages and creates excess pressure. This can cause toothache.

In general, unless treatment is particularly urgent, it is preferable to postpone a visit to the dentist for a cold. However, if an acute inflammatory process develops, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will determine how serious the situation is and whether emergency treatment is needed.

When a ticket for tooth extraction is obtained with great difficulty and you still have to wait several days until your turn comes, it reaches terrible proportions. And suddenly, oh, sadness... A cold comes along. The patient doubts whether it is possible to remove a tooth if he has a cold, and begins to worry even more, exacerbating his general condition. A confident doctor will say: “You must remove it, drink a capsule of antibiotics, and the cold will get better, and the wound after tooth extraction will heal quickly and without problems.” There are different situations with tooth extraction during a cold, and the dentist considers the specific situation each time.

First of all, the question is whether it is possible to postpone tooth extraction until the tooth is cured. The general condition of the patient is considered, whether the cold is so severe as to postpone depulpation of a complex, long-painful tooth. It is clear that a tooth intended for removal by a doctor is a breeding ground for infection and microbes in the oral cavity. No amount of brushing and rinsing will help overcome hordes of germs. Here the doctor considers the question of whether these same microbes are causing the inflammatory process throughout the body, and whether it is because of them that the ear is shooting unbearably and unbearably on the very side where the harmful tooth is lodged and waiting its turn.

An integrated approach to the problem - delete or wait

Here the issue is resolved together with the therapist: it is necessary to remove the tooth and include antiviral drug therapy, an appointment to relieve the general symptoms of a cold, and to prevent infection from getting into the wound after tooth extraction. At the same time, the intake of immunostimulants and vitamin complexes is added to help the immune system overcome the painful condition and accelerate the improvement of the general condition.

Problems that the therapist and dentist solve together:

  • strengthening the patient's immunity
  • antiviral therapy
  • antibacterial treatment of the wound after tooth extraction
  • disinfection of possible wounds and cracks in the oral mucosa
  • protecting the dentist himself from infection with a virus or

The dentist may refuse to remove a tooth if there are herpes sores on the lips, around the line of the mouth, and along the lower edge of the nose. The infection that causes herpes is stronger than cold viruses, and dentists are rightfully wary of it.

During a cold, the body fights germs and infections, which significantly weakens the strength of its immunity. Therefore, infections of open wounds appearing after dental surgery. Here the doctor makes a fundamental decision about what is more important for health – tooth extraction or eliminating problems with colds.

An important argument for postponing tooth extraction due to a cold is the use of anesthetics and painkillers during pulp removal, which can have a bad effect on a person weakened by a cold.

Dental treatment is an unpleasant process, but there is probably no person who could avoid it. However, sometimes circumstances arise when a trip to the dental clinic coincides with a cold or fever. In this case, the question arises: is it possible to treat teeth during a cold?

Is it possible to visit the dentist during a cold or acute respiratory viral infection?

A cold or acute respiratory viral infection is not a direct contraindication for visiting the dental office, however, in this case it is recommended to postpone a planned trip to the doctor. Any intervention, even shallow tooth filling, is a burden on the body. More complex manipulations, such as removing a nerve, tooth or cleaning canals, are considered full-fledged operations, after which the human defense system directs all its forces to restore the injured area.

At the same time, during the period of illness, the immune system is already busy fighting the virus, and additional stress can lead to complications. In addition, with ARVI and colds, viruses from the oral cavity and respiratory tract have a high chance of getting into open wounds formed during the treatment of caries.

During the procedure, dentists often use a variety of painkillers or local anesthesia. A weakened body may react poorly to the medications received. The dosage has to be increased, which in turn has an extremely negative effect on human immunity.

Another factor that you should pay attention to before visiting the dentist is acute rhinitis (runny nose). During a long stay in the dental chair, the patient is forced to breathe mainly through the nose, which causes discomfort to the patient and greatly complicates the doctor’s work.

In what cases is dental treatment allowed?

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However, there are situations when it is impossible to do without treatment. If a person with a cold is bothered by an acute toothache that cannot be relieved with painkillers, a trip to the doctor is justified. Pain means that inflammation has begun in the oral cavity, and there is a risk of flux formation. Such a condition cannot be ignored, otherwise the situation may become critical and life-threatening for the patient. If such a situation arises, the doctor will completely treat the mouth with antiseptic agents in order to avoid infection from entering the formed wounds.

It is extremely undesirable to pull out molars during a cold. If surgery is necessary, a course of antibiotics will be prescribed afterward to prevent a bacterial infection.

Can teeth be treated at elevated temperatures?

At a temperature of 37-38 degrees and above, teeth cannot be treated or removed - any dentist will tell you this. Fever means that the body is working at its limit. At this point, it is necessary to injure the skin as little as possible and observe bed rest.

However, there is a possibility that the elevated temperature resulted from inflammation in the oral cavity.

This could be an abscessing cyst, gum inflammation, or gumboil. In this case, the doctor is obliged to urgently carry out all the necessary manipulations and eliminate the cause of the inflammatory process.

How to eliminate toothache during a cold?

So, if you decide to delay visiting the dentist until you recover, you can use one of the following methods to eliminate toothache:

  • Take painkillers. Modern remedies, along with pain relief, help reduce inflammation and lower body temperature.
  • You can put a menthol tablet under your tongue. Menthol has an analgesic effect and helps relieve pain.
  • Rinse your mouth with baking soda solution. The procedure must be repeated at least three times
  • Application of compresses - a lotion of herbal decoctions that relieve inflammation is applied to the diseased tooth.
  • Work hard to treat colds or ARVI, because often they are the cause of aching toothache, which is why after recovery the painful symptoms disappear.

Regardless of whether the toothache has gone away after complete recovery or not, it is imperative to schedule a visit to the dentist. Any pain symptoms are a sign of inflammation in the oral cavity, which require surgical intervention by a specialist.

Is it possible to go to the dentist with a cold on the lips?

Cold sores on the lips, or herpes, are not always accompanied by a general painful condition of the body, so when planning a visit to the dentist, some people do not pay attention to the appearance of a small pimple on the lip. However, one should not be so negligent about this disease.

Pimples on the mucous membrane indicate the presence of a virus in the body, for which the ideal place is a warm, moist environment - the oral cavity. Mechanical intervention entails the formation of open wounds. During or after the doctor’s work, the infection will most likely get to the damaged area. This threatens with such negative consequences as stomatitis, purulent inflammation of the gums and other troubles.

Herpes also indicates that a person’s immunity is reduced, which means that any painkillers will have a weak effect. To carry out manipulations, you will have to increase the dosage, which has negative consequences for the entire body.

It is important to remember that even after cleaning dental instruments, there is still a risk of infecting the next patient with herpes. You should not endanger your body and the health of other people. However, not a single qualified dentist will undertake dental treatment for a person with herpes.

Is it possible to treat teeth for a cold when you are sick? Based on all of the above, you should remember the need to monitor the condition of your oral cavity and visit the dentist on time so that unpleasant situations do not arise during colds and viral diseases. When the situation develops in such a way that the pain does not allow you to endure it, you need to warn your doctor about your condition and strictly follow his recommendations.

Surely, many patients of dental clinics in St. Petersburg and other regions wondered if it was possible to treat teeth for a cold. Any disease is, first of all, stress for the body. A visit to a dental clinic to treat caries, remove a tooth, or eliminate other types of problems is also a big stress for a person, which can aggravate a cold, or may not have any effect on the body.

Therefore, there is no completely unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is possible to treat teeth for a cold. There are only recommendations from dentists and therapists who advise waiting until complete recovery and only then starting or continuing dental treatment.
Why is it undesirable to treat your teeth during a cold?

During ARVI, microbes and infection live in the body, which significantly weakens it. It is for this reason that the risk of infection of open areas and wounds that appear as a result of dental and surgical interventions is very high. Therefore, if you have a scheduled appointment at the clinic to treat tooth decay or eliminate other dental problems, the best decision is to refrain from it.

Another important argument in favor of the fact that dental treatment during colds is contraindicated is that anesthetics and various painkillers can have a bad effect on an organism weakened by the disease. In addition, it is quite uncomfortable to sit for a long time with your mouth open, especially if you have a runny nose. We must not forget that there is a high probability of infecting the attending physician.

In what cases, despite a cold, can treatment be carried out?

Although it is not recommended to visit the dentist during a cold, ARVI is not an absolute contraindication to dental treatment. It should be noted here that you can treat teeth for a cold only with emergency appointments. Such cases include situations where the risk of developing flux is too high or purulent inflammation progresses. Removing teeth during ARVI is an extremely undesirable procedure, since during this period an open wound becomes a tempting place for pathogenic bacteria and microbes.
The professionals of the Persona dental clinic are always at your service!

The specialists of the Persona Center for Aesthetic Dentistry are always ready to help their patients in such situations. During dental treatment, modern high-quality antiseptics are used to disinfect the oral cavity, which contributes to the complete destruction of germs and bacteria. In addition, the use of modern techniques in the treatment of patients with colds completely eliminates infection of dental tissues during the treatment process.

Professional doctors work conscientiously, so you can rest assured that the treatment will be carried out efficiently, promptly and with minimal inconvenience for you. Along with the high quality of services provided, we provide adequate prices, an individual approach and a flexible system of discounts for patients.



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