Trimedat course of treatment for how many days. Trimedat - cheaper analogues (list), which drug is better

Urticaria is a fairly common disease. Basically it is a type of allergic reaction. For many who have encountered this problem, the question arises, is it possible to swim with urticaria. Experts give a positive answer, while paying attention to a number of conditions and nuances associated with the characteristics and origin of the disease.

The most important thing is to establish the cause of the hives, so as not to cause a deterioration in the condition, and here you can not do without consulting a doctor. When accurate diagnosis it is possible, and even necessary, to start water procedures. Bathing with urticaria should be daily 1-2 times.

Basic Rules

Bathing with hives requires attention to the preparation and the process itself.

1. Prepare a bath. Thoroughly rinse off the remnants of detergents used for cleaning.

2. Watch the temperature. It should be comfortable, about 37 degrees. too high or low temperature water can aggravate skin manifestations.

3. Choose carefully detergents. The already affected skin does not need extra irritants, so fragrant multi-colored gels should be abandoned. Should wash by special means Not causing allergies or baby soap. Make sure the pH is neutral to the skin.

4. Eliminate mechanical impact. Do not use scrubbing products and coarse washcloths.

5. Limit your time. Try to keep within 15 minutes.

6. Prioritize soul. Thanks to this, your body will not be constantly exposed to water.

7. Rubbing is contraindicated. After completing the water procedures, gently pat the skin dry with a soft towel, or let it dry.

8. After swimming. When the skin is dry, treat it with topical antihistamines.

Medicinal herbs and folk methods

If you still decide to take a bath, then use special decoctions. It dries the skin well and relieves itching. For urticaria, decoctions of celandine, St. John's wort, chamomile, bay leaf, tricolor violets. Decoctions of these herbs are recommended to rinse the skin after taking a shower.

Strange as it may seem, nettle decoction and baths with nettle brooms are considered effective in the fight against urticaria. Also, to relieve itching and redness, starch and soda can be added to the water.

water urticaria

With this type of disease, bathing becomes very problematic. In people who are allergic to water, at the slightest contact with the allergen, a rash appears, the mucous membranes turn red and swell. To the question whether it is possible to wash with hives caused by water, the answer will also be positive. When swimming, even more stringent restrictions come into force:

  • bathing is reduced to 1-2 minutes;
  • water must be boiled before bathing;
  • use filtered water or from a pure natural source.

Immediately before carrying out hygiene procedures, it is necessary to take antihistamines. Lubricate already existing affected areas with a greasy ointment to avoid contact with water. You can use decoctions of herbs.

Precautionary measures

Make sure you are not allergic to temperature changes. If your skin reacts to hot or cold, choose a comfortable temperature individually.

If allergy plant origin, you should be careful about the use of medicinal herbs.

As soon as you notice a worsening of the situation, immediately stop bathing for hives.

Swimming is prohibited

You should not start water procedures if pustular formations have appeared on the body. To prevent the spread of infection, you must first get rid of them.

Do not swim until complete confidence in the diagnosis. Streptoderma has symptoms similar to urticaria, but the cause of its occurrence is infection skin streptococcus. With this disease, bathing is strictly prohibited.

During periods of exacerbation, avoid swimming in open water.

Children and hives

In the first years of life, young children are often prone to allergies, which manifests itself in the form of urticaria. Parents begin to think about bathing or not bathing a child. The answer here is the same as for adults and the rules too.

Bathing the baby begins with the hands. In the absence of any backlash in the form of redness wash the whole body. The already listed decoctions, or a solution of potassium permanganate, are also added to the water. After bathing, redness can be smeared with a hypoallergenic cream containing zinc.

Despite the fact that urticaria is an unpleasant phenomenon, you should not deny yourself such pleasures as a refreshing shower and a fragrant bath. Just follow these rules that will help make your life easier.


Urticaria - systemic disease, one of the many manifestations skin allergies. It is found in blisters, which are accompanied by severe itching and burning.

This worsens the quality of life: the mode of activity, sleep, emotional condition. Illness causes social isolation. The prevalence of pathology is quite high - 15-25%.

Hives. Features of the disease

What causes hives

The disease has several names - urticaria, urticaria, nettle fever, nettle rash. The debut of the disease is possible at any age, but it occurs between the ages of 20 and 40 years.

According to the duration of the course, the pathology can be acute and chronic. In the acute form, urticarial rashes and edema disappear within 6 weeks. In chronic nettle fever, blisters appear daily, each of which lasts no more than a day. The process takes over 6 weeks.

IN currently The following classification of urticaria applies:

  1. Spontaneous:
  • acute - spontaneous rashes less than 6 weeks;
  • chronic - spontaneous rashes / swelling for more than 6 weeks.
  1. Physical:
  • cold - provoking factors: cold objects, air, wind and others;
  • slowed down from pressure - pressure, rashes appear after 3-12 hours;
  • thermal - heat;
  • solar - ultraviolet radiation;
  • dermographic - mechanical irritation of the skin, rash after 2-5 minutes;
  • vibration - mechanical vibrations.
  1. Other:
  • aquatic - water;
  • cholinergic - an increase in body temperature due to exercise or spicy food;
  • contact - due to contact with various substances;
  • anaphylaxis induced exercise- physical activity.

Most patients are diagnosed with chronic idiopathic urticaria. It develops without exposure to external allergens and other causes.

Water procedures for nettle rash

You need to wash with hives, following certain rules

With such clinical symptoms the question is natural: is it possible to wash with urticaria. This is especially worrisome for parents when a nettle rash occurs in a child.

For a patient with a burdened history of urticaria, it is important to exclude body contact with factors provoking the appearance pathological signs. If the cause of urticaria is not water (aquagenic type), you can swim. However, you need to wash with hives, following certain rules. They are common for adults and children.

Bathing rules:

  1. For bathing, benign pH-neutral soap products are used: hypoallergenic, intended for skin care of dermatological patients, for problematic and sensitive skin.
    For this purpose, the line of dermatological cosmetics Emolium is suitable. The emulsion softens water hardness, does not irritate inflamed areas, does not dry out the skin. Special Components emulsions relieve itching and have anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. You don't need to use a washcloth. It will further irritate the skin. At easy course disease, you can try a soft sponge.
  3. Comfortable water temperature should be equal to body temperature - 36-37˚С. Patients with heat allergies take cool showers.
  4. The optimal bathing time is 15-20 minutes. This time is enough to saturate the epidermis with moisture.
  5. To alleviate the condition, doctors advise bathing children with herbal infusions. At skin dermatitis helps chamomile, succession, oak bark. If after using herbal infusions the intensity of itching decreases, the number and size of blisters are reduced, which means that therapeutic baths should be used.
  6. In order not to injure the foci of inflammation, you do not need to intensively rub with a towel. After bathing, turn around and gently wet the body.
  7. After water procedures, apply moisturizing and nourishing creams recommended by the doctor.
  8. Adults during an exacerbation of the disease should not visit the bathhouse, swimming pool.
  9. The likelihood of developing urticaria increases during a hot period. Intense sweating increases the burning sensation. Therefore, in the summer you can wash or shower more often.

With aquagenic urticaria, you can not wet yourself with water. Hygiene procedures in this case, you need to discuss with your doctor. If water from a certain source is harmful, one must be careful with it.

At allergic diseases everything is individual. Listen to your body: did you feel better after taking therapeutic bath or feel worse. Watch your baby. If, after taking water procedures, he stopped being capricious and fell asleep, then bathing relieved itching and burning and eased the condition. Accordingly, it is beneficial.

Many people, seeing red rashes on a person, begin to shun him. This reaction is very understandable, because not everyone knows whether urticaria is contagious and what exactly is the cause of its occurrence.

Urticaria is a skin disease, dermatitis is often allergic origin. This disease is characterized by itchy rashes of red or Pink colour that protrude slightly above the level of the skin. The rash can spread throughout the body, in the form of small or extensive rashes.

A person with hives does not pose a danger to others. This disease is more allergic reaction on the body, certain pathogens.

Nettle rash can occur with the following factors:

All of the above suggests that urticaria is not a transitional disease. It is not possible to get infected by touch or airborne droplets.

When urticaria is transmitted

It should be noted that it can be transmitted infectious diseases. Urticaria can be caused by the following viral diseases:

  • typhoid fever;
  • rubella;
  • diphtheria;
  • measles;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • herpesvirus.

However, not for all viral diseases, urticaria occurs.

As an independent disease, it is not transmitted.

Stay outside

Since the disease is not contagious, walking on the street is very possible and even desirable. The exception is two types of urticaria:

  • with angioedema.

From what urticaria appears, this video will tell:

In the first case, you can go for a walk in morning time or after sunset. Other actions can provoke exacerbation of rashes.

In the second case, with angioedema, antihistamines are prescribed and, as a rule, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor. If rashes and puffiness are on the decline, then walk on fresh air allowed.

Is it possible to wash or not

If we talk about taking a shower, then bathing in it should be daily, but you should take a bath once a week. Is it possible to take a bath with hives? The answer to this question is more positive, than negative.

It is important to follow a few rules while swimming, such as:

  1. bathing should be done in warm water;
  2. bath time should be reduced to 15 minutes;
  3. selection of hypoallergenic hygiene products (soaps, shampoos) with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties;
  4. you can not use a hard washcloth and scrub the body, they can aggravate the problem.

After bathing in a shower or bath, it is necessary to dry the skin with a soft towel, performing blotting movements. You can not rub the affected skin areas - this will only irritate and damage the rash.

You can use body lotions. They will moisturize the skin, preventing it from being injured and dry out.

Traditional medicine for urticaria

In cases where it is not accompanied by edema and sharp forms deal with it, help ethnoscience. The funds are aimed at eliminating itching, burning and inflammation of the skin.

Medicinal plants are used such as:

  • dill juice;
  • meadow clover;
  • nettle;
  • yarrow;
  • celery root;
  • marjoram.

Dill juice. In the resulting freshly squeezed juice, lower a soft cloth and apply to the affected areas for 35 minutes. By the same principle, meadow clover is used.

If you are not allergic to nettle, you can use it as a medicinal tincture.

60 grams of nettle flowers pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist, filter and take 1 tablespoon three times a day for 2 weeks.

Yarrow grass is also effective in the fight against 1 tbsp. l pour a glass of boiling water, insist 40 - 50 minutes. Take 1/3 cup three times a day.

Excellent fight against urticaria juice obtained from celery root. To do this, you need to rub it and squeeze it. Take 50 minutes before a meal, 1 tbsp. l three times a day.

To prepare a bath with marjoram, you need to: pour 400 grams of grass with 4 liters of boiling water, insist and add to the bath.


It is important, when urticaria appears, to identify its cause. Then eliminate the allergen from the diet or stop the use of medications if the urticaria is caused by drugs. Also, do not self-medicate, in order to avoid complications, and go for an examination to a dermatologist.

Urticaria - a disease in which rashes form on the skin various shapes, and felt severe itching. The disease has wide use, about 10-30% of the population felt it negative symptoms. Many patients are interested in: with urticaria you can go to the bath to walk or not?

Bathing with hives

Doctors believe that it is possible to bathe with hives, but it should be observed special recommendations. Initially, you need to establish the cause of the urticaria. It is allowed to take a shower no more than 1-2 times a day, because if you do not follow the rules of hygiene, a secondary infection may also join.
With urticaria wash like this:

With hives, it is better to take a shower rather than a bath. It will not cause the rash to soak and will not cause harm.

Bathhouse visit

The opinions of doctors about visiting the bath are ambiguous. Sometimes the heat can positive influence if the cause of urticaria is hypothermia. When visiting baths patients are not recommended to use a broom.
When urticaria appears, water procedures should be carried out in a gentle mode without using various methods irritation, in order to avoid serious consequences.

Urticaria is a term that combines several diseases at once with a different nature of appearance, but the symptoms are the same for everyone - similar to nettle burns blisters. This disease is very common, 10-35% of Russian citizens have had it at least once. As a rule, it manifests itself due to an allergic reaction.

Bathing with hives - yes or no

Almost everyone who has experienced this disease is interested in whether it is possible to swim with hives. The answer is unequivocal: doctors say that it is possible and necessary to wash, but only following special recommendations.

First of all, it is worth finding out the root causes due to which hives appeared, and only then take a shower. Water procedures should be done once or twice a day. If you do not follow the hygiene standards, you can achieve the attachment of a secondary infection, which will definitely negatively affect the patient's condition. However, before bathing, it is worth knowing the recommendations that will help you turn a visit to the bathroom to your advantage.

How to wash with hives

  • Do not wash with water that is above 37˚, because it is too hot water increases the permeability of blood vessels, which will lead to an increase in the number of blisters.
  • Do not rub with a hard washcloth and do not use scrubs! Mechanical irritation of the skin is of no use to you now.
  • Do not take a shower or bath for longer than 20 minutes.
  • §Be sure to use hypoallergenic gels For shower.
  • After washing, lightly blot the skin with a towel, do not rub it.
  • Apply the cream or ointment recommended by your doctor 5-10 minutes after bathing.
  • With hives, it is better to take a shower than a bath. This will keep the rash from getting wet and causing no harm.

Sea, bath, pool - is it possible with urticaria?

The disease can catch at the wrong time, and then it becomes especially topical issue Is it possible to swim in the sea with hives. It is very disappointing if the disease overtook during the holidays, and because of it, all plans are frustrated. But do not despair! Sea water it can even help you heal - if you have a normal temperature, of course. Often, swelling and itching disappear in patients - this is due to beneficial influence salt found in water.

But there is a caveat - if you suffer from heat, cold or solar urticaria, then you should postpone bathing. cold sickness may be aggravated by cool water, and heat and sun from hot rays.

Going to the pool with hives is not recommended, the same can be said about the sauna, but the opinion of experts about the bath is ambiguous. Sometimes heat can be helpful, especially in cold sickness. If you are going to go to the bath with urticaria, remember that any mechanical effect is contraindicated for you - do not rub strongly with washcloths and do not bathe with a broom.



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