What is the name of the disease when a person thinks. What to do if you discover signs of mental illness? Pathological lying is a congenital disease

Just a few billion years ago our beautiful and unique world did not exist. With the advent of planet Earth, bizarre life forms began to develop on it, which were destined not only to survive in harsh conditions, but also to evolve into such unique creatures as you and me. Billions of years of evolution have given us not only intelligence and the ability to change environment for yourself, but also many other unique microorganisms.

Some of them are objects of study and improvement of human health. For example, such as bifidobacteria, lactobacilli or bacteriodides. All of them make up the intestinal microflora of every living person. But next to them, deadly microorganisms appeared and evolved, the influence of which on people can lead to fatal outcome.

The variety of different diseases to which the human body can be susceptible is simply amazing. Starting from ordinary staphylococci and ending with plague bacilli. Despite the fact that we don’t see them and don’t know most of the names of various pathogenic bacteria, we can confidently say that a number of them are fatal to highly developed creatures like us.

For this reason, we have compiled a list of the most terrible diseases of humanity, which can lead not just to death, but to long suffering with no end in sight. We sincerely hope that your acquaintance with the terrible ones will be limited to reading this article.

Black pox

  • People affected: -
  • Pathogen: Variola major, Variola minor
  • Possible treatment: etiotropic or pathogenetic treatment

Mortality rate 20-90%. Survivors this disease very often the “reward” is blindness and always terrible scars all over the body. Smallpox is a very tenacious virus. It can be stored frozen for years and survive in temperatures up to one hundred degrees Celsius. By its nature, smallpox affects the body in such a way that the infected person begins to rot alive. People still suffer from smallpox today. If you do not get a special vaccination in a timely manner, then the likelihood of contracting this serious illness is very high.

Bubonic plague

  • People affected: -
  • Main locations of the disease: All over the world
  • Pathogen: Yersinia pestis1
  • Cause of occurrence: natural focal virus
  • Possible treatment: sulfonamide, antibiotics

This infection at one time “mowed down” half medieval Europe. According to various sources, the reapers of death visited 20-60 million people in order to take souls from cooling bodies. The mortality rate from the plague was previously up to 99%! No one can name the exact number of people who died from this infection, since no calculations were made at that time, due to the fact that people were busy surviving.

Spanish Flu or Spanish Flu

  • People affected: 550 million people
  • Main locations of the disease: All over the world
  • The causative agent of the disease: most likely the H1N1 virus
  • Cause: -
  • Possible treatment: pharmaceuticals alcohol based

The name of the disease comes from the place of occurrence; mass infection of the population of Spain. The disease has affected more than 40% of people in the country. One of the most famous victims terrible illness there was the great German sociologist Max Weber, who entered the history of mankind thanks to his works. Of the more than half a billion people infected, approximately 70 million people have died.

Hutchinson–Gilford syndrome or progeria

  • People affected: 80 people
  • Main locations of the disease: All over the world
  • Causal agent: Genetic defect
  • Cause: -
  • Possible treatment: incurable

A rare disease premature aging, which has affected no more than 80 people worldwide, is one of the most devastating diseases in the world. Patients with progeria are doomed to a short and painful life. A remarkable fact is that this syndrome was found in only one black person. One of the most famous people susceptible this disease is a South African guy, Leon Botha, who was able to live for 26 years. He was a video blogger and DJ. A child with progeria disease may look 90 at age 12.

Necrotizing fasciitis

  • People affected: -
  • Main locations of the disease: All over the world
  • Pathogen: Streptococcus pyogenes
  • Cause of occurrence: Penetration of flesh-eating bacteria into the wound after surgery
  • Possible treatment: Surgical intervention, limb amputation

Necrotizing fasciitis is a terrible disease that is extremely rare. In general, everything that begins with the prefix necro is terrible, but according to various sources, from 30% to 75% of those infected die from this disease. In this case, treatment will be limited to timely amputation of the affected limb. Diagnosis of the disease is extremely difficult. After all, at the first stage, an infected person can only have a fever. Despite the fact that it is extremely difficult to contract this disease, unless, of course, there is contact with a carrier of the disease, necrotizing fasciitis is one of the most terrible diseases of humanity.

Lymphedema or Elephantiasis

Like many other diseases, lymphedema occurs in several stages. It all starts with inconspicuous and seemingly harmless soft swellings, which over time turn the affected area of ​​the body into a shapeless, deformed mass of once-human flesh.

Tuberculosis (formerly called Consumption)

  • People affected: According to some reports, a third of the planet's inhabitants are infected
  • Main locations of the disease: All over the world
  • The causative agent of the disease: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT)
  • Cause: Entry of tuberculous mycobacteria into the lungs through digestive tract, less often by contact (through the skin)
  • Possible treatment: The basis of tuberculosis treatment is multicomponent anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy

Tuberculosis is extremely dangerous infection, which in the past was considered incurable and claimed lives large number of people. It is believed that this disease is socially dependent, i.e. people with low social status, are always at risk. Most often, the disease affects the lungs of a person. Today, tuberculosis can be treated well in hospitals. Unfortunately, the course of treatment takes a significant period of time - from several months to several years. Advanced disease can lead to complete disability and death, which makes tuberculosis one of the most terrible diseases of mankind


  • People affected: about 285 million people worldwide
  • Main locations of the disease: All over the world
  • The causative agent of the disease: -
  • Cause: -
  • Possible treatment: Application medicines lowering blood sugar levels, insulin treatment, strict dietary restrictions.

Diabetes mellitus is caused by an imbalance in the amount or activity of insulin, the hormone that transports glucose from the blood to the body's cells. There are two types - insulin-dependent (type 1) and non-insulin-dependent (type 2). Diabetes is the cause of myocardial infarction, stroke (cerebral vessels), diabetic retinopathy (fundus vessels), diabetic nephropathy(renal vessels), diabetic ischemic and neuropathic foot (vessels and nerves of the lower extremities).


  • People affected: 33-45 million people
  • Main locations of the disease: All over the world
  • The causative agent of the disease: –
  • Cause: –
  • Possible treatment: There is no cure

AIDS is the scourge of the current millennium. The worst thing about this disease is that there are no drugs or treatment options yet. People infected with this terrible disease can die from a common cold. After all, they have practically no immunity.

Cancer (oncology)

  • People affected: 14 million people diagnosed each year
  • Main locations of the disease: All over the world
  • The causative agent of the disease: -
  • Cause: Genetic disorders, poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol; exposure to radiation, asbestos or chromium...
  • Possible treatment: Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy

Cancer is the rapid and uncontrolled division of cells, leading to the appearance of a tumor in human tissues or organs. This disease is one that may not appear for a long time. Affects human organs and tissues. As a result, organs stop functioning.

Finally, it should be said that it is better to carry out prevention now than treatment later. Take care of yourself and don't get sick!

1. “Aboulomania” is a disorder in which from time to time a panicky feeling of crushing indecision occurs. People susceptible to this disease are often faced with choices that are insoluble for them (simple solutions).

2. A genetic mutation occurs in the Dominican Republic and Papua New Guinea causing deficiency 5-alpha reductase, which leads to developmental disorders in newborn girls (during puberty, the ovaries appear and the penis grows).

3. Italian actor, Leopold Fregoli, was a master of disguise and was named after him. rare disease Fregoli syndrome, in which a person is firmly convinced that everyone around him is actually one person.

4. Neurological disorder"Apotemnophilia" causes healthy person desire to amputate your legs.

5. There are only three people in the world who are susceptible to a rare disease in which they do not gain weight and have no subcutaneous fat.

6. A rare disease, Levine Kline syndrome, causes excessive sleepiness. There is a known case where a girl, diagnosed with the disease, slept for 64 days in a row.

7. “Depersonalization” – mental disorder, in which people believe that they are just watching an online series of life, and are not actually living.

8. Mental disorder "Letology" inhibits a person's ability to formulate his thoughts, temporarily forgetting keywords, phrases or names in conversation.

9. A rare disorder called “Sexsomnia” causes people to have sex in their sleep.

10. The Fgats family from Kentucky, USA, have completely blue skin, the color change of which is caused by hereditary disease blood – “Methemoglobinemia”.

11. Famous artist Vincent Van Gogh suffered for a long time from a disorder known as hypergraphia, which caused him to paint at a manic speed.

12. With the rare disease “Cherubism,” growth of the lower part of the face occurs (not proportionately large).

13. A person diagnosed with Ondine's Curse syndrome loses the ability to breathe independently and may die during sleep.

14. People with Adermatoglyphia syndrome are born without fingerprints. This is an extremely rare disease.

15. A person with Witzelsucht syndrome jokes constantly and cannot stop.

16. There is a term for searching for symptoms on the Internet for a false disease - “Cyberchondria”.

17. “Peter Pan” syndrome – reluctance to grow up.

18. Sneezing caused by various stimuli, including looking at a bright light, is called “Apchi.”

19. There is a syndrome of “Micropsia”, in which a person “incorrectly” sees the size of surrounding objects.

20. The awful, off-putting feeling of getting a noisy kiss on the ear is called Kiss-in-the-Ear syndrome, and can potentially lead to hearing loss.

21. There is a rare disorder mental state called "Bang Syndrome" - hypnagogic auditory hallucinations, manifested loud sound(bomb explosion) which a person supposedly hears.

22. A mental disorder in which a person believes that he is a zombie and has died is called Cotard syndrome (nihilistic delusion, Zombie syndrome).

23. There is at least one person in the world with syndrome “X”, which prevents a person from aging. Brooke Greenberg was 20 years old when she died, and she looked like one year old child height 76 cm.

24. There is a disorder that consists of constant sexual arousal in women, the so-called “PSAS” syndrome. A woman susceptible to this “disease” can experience orgasm up to 200 times a day.

25. Some people with rare syndrome The "sensitive large channel" claim that they can hear the movement of their own.

26. There is a rare disease called “Stone Man” syndrome, when the regeneration mechanisms of the body’s soft tissues are disrupted, and instead of healing, soft fabrics harden and turn into bone.

27. Due to a long stay in space, astronauts may develop the “Solipsism” syndrome, when a person considers the world “not real” in relation to himself.

28. “Capras” syndrome leads to the fact that a person believes that close people around him (friend, spouse, parents) have been replaced by outwardly similar people.

29. Broken heart- a concept that applies not only to a person’s psychological state, but can also really kill a person. This syndrome is called “Takotsubo cardiomyopathy,” in which a temporary decrease in myocardial contractility occurs.

30. Grammar Pedantry Syndrome “OCD” causes in humans desire correct all grammatical errors.

31. “Fish odor” syndrome (trimethylaminuria) is a disease in which the patient’s body emits bad smell, reminiscent of the smell of fish.

32. Tourists visiting Florence should be prepared for possible occurrence"Stendhal" syndrome, they experience dizziness and hallucinations due to the excessive presence of art or "extraordinary beauty in the ordinary world."

33. People taking LSD are susceptible to hallucogenic syndrome. Long after taking the drug LSD, a person experiences “LSD effects,” which consist of a disturbance in perception.

34. Exists genetic disease, a mutation of the FOXC2 gene, which causes a person to have a double set of eyelashes and also causes heart failure. This diagnosis was made to actress Elizabeth Taylor.

35. “Anton Babinski” symptom, a rare disease in which a blind person believes that he is able to see.

36. Neurological disorder, “Mobius” syndrome – complete paralysis of a person’s face, inability to convey emotions (facial expressions).

37. “Pseudocyesis” syndrome false pregnancy, in which a woman experiences all the syndromes of pregnancy in the absence of a fetus.

38. The opposite of Anorexia is Bigorexia, a disorder in which a person is obsessed with the idea that he is not muscular enough.

39. Leucinosis (branched-chain ketonuria, urine disease with the smell of maple syrup) is a congenital metabolic disease. The disease is severe and often fatal.

40. The mental disorder “Coro complex” is common in South-East Asia among Chinese, Malays, and Indonesians, more often than men. People exposed to it experience panic fear and there is a retraction of the genitals or mammary glands into the body, which is considered fatal. In view of this, attacks of fear are accompanied by attempts to counteract such retraction using improvised objects or through masturbation.

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Pathological deceit is what psychologists call the condition of a person who often lies. A pathological liar differs from an ordinary liar in that he is confident in the veracity of what he says, and at the same time gets used to the role.

What is pathological deceit?

In medical and psychological literature the term “ pathological deceit"was described at the beginning of the twentieth century. Ingoda similar mental disorder called “mythomania” (the term was coined by the French psychologist Ernest Dupre) or “Munchausen syndrome”.

For ordinary person A lie is a deliberately stated statement that is not true. But, no matter how strange it may sound, a pathological liar lies for no reason, just like that. A lie is usually easy to expose, but this does not bother the liar, because he is firmly confident in the veracity of the information said.

Pathological deceit should be considered as part of the basic psychological disorder personality rather than a separate disease. It should be noted that this disorder is one of the most controversial subjects in modern world psychology.

Reasons for deviation.

Most scientists agree that this type of personality arises as a result psychiatric illness or extremely low self-esteem. Often a pathological liar tries to make some kind of impression on others, but gets too used to the role.

Often, such a syndrome occurs in people who received psychological trauma in childhood. Here are just a few possible reasons the formation of mythomania during growing up: problems communicating with the opposite sex, lack of attention from parents, constant criticism from other people, unrequited love, etc.

Quite often, such a disorder occurs already at a conscious age as a result of traumatic brain injury.

Is pathological lying a congenital disease?

Another very controversial one, but no less interesting hypothesis put forward by American scientists - pathological liars are not made, they are born. As a result of research, it has been proven that the brain of a person with Munchausen syndrome is very different from the brain of an ordinary person.

The volume of the cerebral cortex of pathological liars is 14% reduced gray matter(neurons) and on average 22% increased volume white matter (nerve fibers). These results also provide evidence that the state of the frontal brain plays a role in this and many others. psychological characteristics personality.

Imagine: you are abandoned alone in a small Chinese town where you do not understand either the language or the inscriptions; many customs seem strange to you, and actions that others do easily (for example, eating with chopsticks) seem difficult. In addition to your misadventures, the people around you, who are all the same to you, treat you as if you have known them well for a long time.

This is approximately how a person who suffers feels: serious disorder memory...

Alas, neither what exactly causes Alzheimer’s disease (namely, it is what neurologists first mention when they talk about dementia (from the Latin Dementia - “”)), nor how to prevent it, not a single scientific or medical luminary has yet said able, although there are scientific foundations for the study of this terrible disease. So far, representatives of the world's leading Alzheimer's organization, the British Alzheimer's Research Foundation, are at the stage when, after studying one or another suspected cause, doctors come to the conclusion that it is in no way directly related to the onset of the disease. But with each new probability cut off, the approach to the secrets of the mechanism of this disease that destroys the brain (albeit from the contrary) becomes closer.

The more active and versatile the mental activity of a preschooler, the more more likely that he will live his whole life with a clear mind and strong memory

Fortunately, this is an extreme stage, quite rare even in critical age group over 65 years old. Alzheimer's disease affects no more than 10% of older people.

At the same time, complaints about the inability to concentrate, about the fact that the most familiar words fly out of the head and very important meetings are forgotten, have become much “younger”. Even 25-30-year-old active, successful, goal-oriented people complain of an inability to concentrate, forgetfulness, and absent-mindedness. What is the problem? And is there a solution for it?

Girl's memory

The ability to forget is a condition equally necessary for normal functioning brain, as well as memory skills. By forgetting, the brain “cleanses itself” of information that has become unnecessary, freeing up space for more relevant data. But when the necessary information regularly disappears from our heads and “to nowhere,” we understand that a failure has occurred. For what reason?

Memory is such a subtle and complex matter that the most various factors. Some of them are of purely physiological, organic origin, others are of a psychological and even social nature.

In the first case, it may not only be about damage to certain areas of the brain or blood vessels; sometimes memory loss is a consequence of diabetes, vitamin deficiency and even untreated sexually transmitted diseases. The cause can only be determined thorough examination. The solution in this case is the selection of therapy, including medication.

“A 48-year-old university teacher noticed that it became harder to remember the right phone number, the names of people whom he rarely met. His extensive professional experience allowed him to continue to cope brilliantly with his duties, but he still went to see a neurologist. A thorough neuropsychological examination revealed signs of incipient brain disease associated with high blood pressure. Correct selection drugs solved the problem,” says neurologist, Dr. medical sciences Pavel Rudolfovich Kamchatnov.

The fear that forgetfulness is a harbinger of a terrible illness, old age, the collapse of plans and hopes, can cause psychological trauma much more serious than actual violations

But also psychological factor should not be discounted: an ever-increasing volume of information, an increasing number of demands, and an increase in responsibilities can force the brain to “go on fuse.”

“This is a fairly typical case for modern practice: 35-year-old woman, manager, mother of a schoolboy son. Serious workload, the need to finish work at night and on weekends. After some time, she discovered that she began to remember worse new information. I tried to help myself by writing reminder notes, but I couldn’t always remember where I put them. The fear of an impending serious illness brought her to the doctor. After questioning and examination, signs of brain disease were excluded and the cause of the problems was identified - excessive workload. An orderly, dosed regimen allowed us to restore “impaired” memory and improve mood.”

To save clear head general is of great importance emotional background. “The fear that forgetfulness, perhaps imaginary and not really existing, is a harbinger of a terrible illness, old age, the collapse of plans and hopes, can cause psychological trauma much more serious than the existing violations,” says Dr. Kamchatnov. “It happens that even a thorough psychological examination of many patients with depressive and neurotic disorders does not reveal objective memory impairments, although the patients themselves actively complain about its decline, often considering it the main source of their problems.” Accordingly, the more positive emotions We experience that the calmer we behave, the better it is for the body as a whole and for memory in particular.

Double standard

How does memory work? In fact, we have not one, but two memories: short-term and deep.

“Short-term memory is the ability to retain sensitive or sensory information: auditory, visual, olfactory, etc. The duration of this type of memory is several tens of seconds, maximum minutes. The mechanisms of the active memorization process are not included, the incoming information is not “encoded” into words, is not subjected to logical processing, and, as a result, when attention is distracted, it is quickly forgotten,” explains Pavel Rudolfovich Kamchatnov. At the chemical level, short-term memory corresponds to the production of certain proteins that act on neurons: the protein breaks down and the memory associated with it is erased.

The British Alzheimer's Research Foundation believes that B vitamins can prevent the disease, but this requires very large doses.

Long-term or deep memory is capable of storing information indefinitely and has an almost unlimited capacity. A completely different process is involved here. Stable connections are formed between neurons of brain cells - synapses. Each such “thread” literally imprints an event, experience or action in the brain and is preserved until these cells die and the connection between them is broken. It is the weaving of indestructible neural networks that explains why many skills never disappear without a trace. It is impossible to forget how to swim or ride a bike; impossible to completely forget foreign language, which I knew well in childhood - when you get into the appropriate environment (aquatic or linguistic - it doesn’t matter), the skill is gradually restored as necessary for normal existence and even survival.

The same mechanism explains the fact that even information carefully erased from active memory (information about suffering, humiliation, losses) is part of defense mechanism organism) “float up”, remind of themselves. We are not able to remember its details, but it does not forget us, sending its complex signals to the brain, causing the formation of neurosis. The work of a psychotherapist can help here.

Surprisingly, there is no special localized center in the brain responsible for memorization. This function is distributed among several zones at once, primarily the hippocampus (deep sections temporal lobe). “It is precisely because of the “dispersion” of memory centers throughout the brain that there are often cases when damage to a fairly significant area of ​​the cerebral cortex has practically no effect on memory, and vice versa - a tiny defect causes enormous damage to memory,” explains Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor-neurologist Igor Vladimirovich Damulin.

Express check

How to find out what is causing the frequent (and unsuccessful) searches for keys, forgotten promises, and missed meetings? Is there a need to contact a specialist or can a two-week vacation and competent time management improve the situation?

When oppressed, depressed state, which often causes memory impairment, this process develops quickly and intensively (over several months). In case of primary dementia, it manifests itself a year after the onset of the disease and at first does not cause serious concern either for the patient or for those around him. The patient is also characterized by a gradual and uniform decline in performing tasks of the same complexity, while with depression, tasks of the same order can be performed brilliantly or poorly, depending on general condition. There are other criteria.

On the site www. memorylab. ru, developed by the Memory Laboratory at the Clinic of Nervous Diseases named after. AND I. Kozhevnikov (MMA named after I.M. Sechenov), the following symptoms are given:

  • You never remember what you put where and because of this you keep losing things you need.
  • You can't remember the names and faces of people you meet
  • You quickly forget what you just read or watched on TV.
  • You are no longer interested in what you were interested in just recently, you have stopped reading, watching movies (except for TV series), meeting people
  • You forget the names of objects; in a conversation it is often difficult to find the right word, you often misspoke
  • You often find it difficult to concentrate
  • You have difficulty counting money in a store
  • It is difficult for you to find your way in an unfamiliar part of the city on your own
  • Your colleagues and family are noticing your memory problems

If at least three of the items on this list are causing you and your loved ones noticeable discomfort over the course of several weeks, it may be worth seeing a doctor.

In contact with


Not a single person with mental disorders admits this. However, it’s worth watching your friends and even yourself, because there are a lot of unusual mental disorders.

Foreign Accent Syndrome

Head injuries and further damage to the speech center of the brain can lead to this disorder. As a result, a person suffering from such a disease intones words like a foreigner and pronounces sounds that are not characteristic of his native language.

However, it’s no secret that a slight foreign pronunciation will only add points in communication with the opposite sex - girls, for example, adore it.

Alien hand syndrome

The disorder consists in the fact that both hands or one of the patient’s hands behave completely independently of his desires and movements. Imagine that your hand, for example, accidentally slaps someone on the butt or slaps them in the face. What if this someone is your boss or the parent of your other half whom you came to meet? Really not funny.

Alien hand syndrome often occurs in patients with epilepsy. This is a severe psychoneurological disorder that is difficult to control and treat.

Stendhal syndrome

Stendhal syndrome is a feeling of existential horror initially described by Stendhal that grips some Europeans when visiting Florence and contemplating, for example, Raphael's Madonna. This is a disorder that is generated by the contemplation of beauty, especially when it is in too much large quantities. Wonderful views ancient city, natural beauty green fields, objects of art - all this can cause a person’s pulse to increase rapidly, dizziness and hallucinations. By and large, the syndrome can strike anywhere, but there is one interesting observation about Florence. Stendhal syndrome never affects local residents and never Japanese tourists. Japanese tourists have their own scourge - Paris syndrome, a disease with approximately the same symptoms, so often affects the Japanese in Paris that their French embassy even operates a 24-hour hotline for victims.

Zombie Syndrome

It is also called Cotard's syndrome. When it is present, it seems to a person that he has died, but still continues to exist - he walks, eats, drinks, but it seems to him that vitality he was abandoned. Zombie syndrome was first described by Jules Cotard in 1880, but it received scientific confirmation only in April 2007.

Zombie syndrome is a serious mental disorder that can often result from brain damage. There is a known case where a patient acquired this syndrome after falling from a motorcycle. His mother took him to South Africa for rehabilitation, but he had a strong feeling that he had died and was in hell.

Synesthesia syndrome

Synesthesia syndrome occurs when one stimulus automatically stimulates multiple senses. For example, synesthetic patients say that the letters of the alphabet each have their own color, and each year has its own smell.

Synesthesia reports high level creativity or inclinations towards them, which is why people suffering from this syndrome are all incredibly creative. Patients can, looking at a certain color, feel a certain smell, sounds for them take on visual forms.

Genital retraction syndrome

He's Koro. A strange mental disorder in which the patient believes that his penis (or breasts, if a woman is ill) is retracting, shrinking, being retracted into the body, and when it is completely retracted, the person will die. The patient begins to take measures for self-rescue - does not sleep, watches, hangs weights, and so on. More strange fact- the disease occurs only in Asia, and even more precisely - in Southeast Asia (South China, Singapore, Thailand, etc.). Often the disease takes on the character of a local epidemic - that is, entire villages of people sit and are afraid that their penises will disappear. Over time, all symptoms disappear without a trace.

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Or micropsia. A condition in which patients have distorted perceptions of time, space and their own body. People may seem like midgets to them, and their own arms, legs or head can arbitrarily change shape and size - subjectively, of course. Intangible objects or even their parts separately can also decrease.

Capgras delusion

Delirium of a negative double. A person suffering from this syndrome develops a delusional belief that one of his loved ones has been replaced by an ideally similar double. Sometimes the double replaces the patient himself, then the patient begins to blame his bad deeds on the double. There is also the opposite disease, Fregoli syndrome. With it, a person is convinced that he is not surrounded by different people, but one and the same person, successfully masquerading as them. It is often combined with persecution mania, which is not surprising.

Fregoli delusion

This delusion is the complete opposite of the Capgras delusion - a person begins to believe that different people are actually the same person who simply changes his appearance. The disease is named after the Italian actor Leopoldo Fregoli, who was famous for his gift of impersonating various characters on stage, quickly changing clothes between pauses.

Brad Cotard

Delusion of denial is a rare mental disorder, “delusions of grandeur in reverse.” The patient has delusional ideas that he is dead or does not exist. That he is decomposing, that he has no heart, blood or anything internal organs, sometimes - that he is immortal. Other variations - I am the most terrible criminal in the world, I have caused the greatest evil to humanity, I have infected the whole world with AIDS, the Earth is dead, the world is empty and lifeless. All this against the backdrop of depression and anxiety states psyche.

Amputephilia - Violation of the integrity of body perception

People with NCVT tend to amputate a healthy part of their body. They experience painful sensations that there is something wrong with their body and that their legs or arms are simply superfluous. Partially they try to solve the problem, for example, by paralyzing the limbs or. Many go so far as to mutilate themselves, especially since there are still very few cases where doctors have decided to perform such an operation (and their legality is questionable). After the operation, the patients (we will still call them that) testified to the relief and long-awaited harmony with own body. Adjacent to this disease Acrotomophilia - sexual attraction to people who have no arms or legs.

Jerusalem Syndrome

Jerusalem Syndrome involves the onset of religious obsessions, delusions, or other psychoses as a result of visiting the city of Jerusalem. This syndrome does not apply only to one religion or belief, and also affects Jews and Christians of various origins. The syndrome appears while a person is in Jerusalem and usually disappears after a few weeks. It is interesting that all people who suffered from this spontaneous psychosis had a history of mental illness or they were already feeling unwell before arriving in town.

Repetitive Paramnesia

Repetitive Paramnesia occurs when a person begins to believe that a certain place or locality is duplicated, that is, it exists in two or more places at the same time or has been transferred to another site. For example, a person may believe that he is actually not in the hospital where he was assigned, but in an identical one located in another part of the country, despite all the evidence that this cannot be. Paramnesia was first used in 1930 by Czechoslovakian neurologist Arnold Pick to describe the condition of a patient suspected of having Alseimer's disease. The patient constantly insisted that she be moved from the Peak clinic to the same one, but which she believed was located in her area. To support her words, she claimed that Pick and his colleagues worked in both clinics and thus tried to mislead her.

Madness for two

Folie a deux (French for “madness divided into two”) very rare mental syndrome in which symptoms of psychosis are transmitted from one person to another. The same syndrome observed in more than two people can also be called folie à trios (madness of three), folie à quatre (madness of four), folie en famille (family madness) or even folie à plusieurs (madness of many). Here is one case of insanity for two: Margaret and her husband Michael, both 34 years old, noticed this disease in themselves after discovering that they suffered from the same strange beliefs. They both began to believe that certain people were entering their house, spreading dust around and wearing their shoes. Both also had symptoms consistent with the diagnosis paranoid psychosis, which might not be related to the disease. Madness for two usually happens to people living close to each other, such as a husband and wife.


Prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness, is a disease in which a person has impaired perception of faces, that is, he can recognize any objects other than human faces. The disease is usually the result of brain injury, but can also be inherited.


Trichotmalmania or “trich” is a fairly common disease and manifests itself when a person constantly pulls his hair on the head and face, in the nose, on the eyebrows or eyelashes, on other parts of the body including the genitals, which leads to visible baldness of these parts of the body. Long-term depression or stress can trigger trich, especially during pubertal maturation. Some people with this disease prefer to fight it themselves by wearing hats, gloves, sunglasses and other devices that distract attention and protect hair.


Coprolalia is the unintentional utterance of offensive or socially inappropriate words in the presence of people who may be offended by such words. For example, a person may suddenly begin making offensive racial comments to people who are a racial minority. Such words do not necessarily correspond to a person's thoughts or beliefs. Surprisingly this disease often treated with special injections into the vocal cords, which, however, only muffle the sound of spoken “bad” words, but do not reduce the frequency of their occurrence. Associated diseases with coprolalia are copropraxia, the occurrence of inappropriate or prohibited gestures, and coprographia, the unintentional drawing or writing of obscene things.

Jumping Frenchman on the Main

A person with this disease has genetic mutation, which does not give nervous system it is normal to regulate excitation signals. Instead of the usual reaction of surprise to a shocking event, the person begins to jump, wave his arms and legs, scream, twitch, and sometimes even convulse. Since the jumper’s attacks occur every time after a shocking situation, such people also suffer from the fact that they become the object of ridicule and bullying from others, who continue to repeat the situation that led to the attack for the sake of laughter. Another interesting note of this disease is that the typical “fit” reflexively obeys any unexpected orders. Even if an order can cause harm to a loved one (for example, being pricked with a needle), the person will still carry it out, he simply cannot resist it.

Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm syndrome manifests itself when a person who has been taken hostage suddenly begins to feel sympathy, tenderness and even voluntary consent with the person who is his captor, regardless of the risk and conditions in which the hostage is located. The syndrome also manifests itself in cases of violence or simply mistreatment.

This syndrome was named after a robbery that happened in Stockholm, Sweden, in August 1973. The robbers took bank employees hostage and held them for 5 days. During these 5 days, the victims became so emotionally attached to their guards that they defended them during the bank siege and refused to testify against them. Later, after the gang was put behind bars, one of the criminals married a woman who was his hostage.

However, the most famous example of Stockholm syndrome is the story of Petty Hickst, the daughter of a millionaire, who was kidnapped in 1974. She became so attached to her captors that she later even took part in robberies with them.

Lima syndrome

Lima syndrome is the exact opposite of Stockholm syndrome - in this case, a person who takes other people hostage begins to develop attachments to his victims. The syndrome is named after the Japanese embassy crisis in Lima, Peru, where 14 people (diplomats, government and military representatives) were taken hostage ). After 3 days of detention, they were released, although there was no reason for this.

Androphobia - Fear of men

Androphobia is characterized constant fear men (not to be confused with hatred of men!). The fear of men for those suffering from androphobia manifests itself even when there is absolutely no reason for it. Androphobia is one of the phobias that is associated with psychological trauma received in childhood.



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