When can a bitch get pregnant? False and frozen pregnancy

We are all busy people, and if you don’t take into account the professionals who earn money this way, the rest of us have to wade through painful thoughts about the pros and cons of having puppies for our beloved dog. To knit or not to knit?

The instinct of motherhood in dogs is one of the strongest. If you have seen a dog at the peak of her heat, when she is striving to be fertilized in every way available to her at the moment, then it is not for me to tell you about it. Satisfying this instinct will bring undoubted benefits to your dog. Having given birth at least once, a bitch lives longer, and her old age is more prosperous. The dog's emotional sphere will undoubtedly receive positive impulses. Dogs are always proud of their offspring, and I have never seen a more captivating love for their children. After giving birth, the dog blossoms with renewed vigor. She is full of beauty and energy, proud of her position as a mother. Her status in the pack of her own kind increases. This is not the puppy that everyone was scared of. Now she is a confident, proud bitch who can stand up for herself. The owners of such a bitch themselves also receive a big plus. Everyone who bought or adopted puppies from breeders will from then on always need their advice and participation. This is how new friends appear, what can I say, almost relatives. Since dog owners treat the born offspring with great trepidation and continue to care for their puppies even after they are given away. And how nice it is to see the offspring of your dog as adults and proudly say that these are the puppies of your bitch.

They also exist, and seem to be insurmountable obstacles to some dog owners. Firstly, there is fear for the health of your beloved dog, and what if there is an unsuccessful birth. And your beloved dog will die, get sick, and so on. Secondly, it’s a lot of trouble, sleepless nights and restless days. Yes, this is the biggest disadvantage if you are going to breed a dog for the first time. But read the pros again and perhaps this will not be considered a minus. There is one more problem. It's called that - you just don't have time, you don't want to mess around, and there will be dirt. Yes, these arguments can be understood. But now all you have to do is take the scales and weigh the pros and cons. I think that you will come to the only right decision for you.

The decision has been made: your dog will have puppies.

After weighing all the pros and cons, you decided that you would breed your dog. Consider the following options:
breed your dog through the club so that the puppies have documents of origin. To do this, your dog must have a pedigree, an exhibition rating of at least “very good” and, for service breeds, a passed obedience test or a diploma of completion of a training course.
start breeding dogs and knitting constantly. Or maybe open your own nursery. This business is very interesting, but it takes a lot of time and effort. Go to the website of any nursery and ask what and how.
For health reasons, breed your dog only once in your life. Males are found by chance, puppies are distributed among their own and ours.

If you decide to breed your dog when she is already 2 years old, then the recommendations are as follows. Remember how your dog went into heat. If they didn't cause you concern, then everything is fine. A veterinarian examination of the bitch is required. By the time of mating, the bitch must undergo deworming, vaccination and fortification. If you decide to breed a dog through a club (as planned mating is called), then before the onset of heat, come to the club and get advice about the male. Perhaps you caught your eye on a good manufacturer at the exhibition. Ask a male dog owner for advice. He will tell you how best to knit. Do not delay with the first knitting. The optimal time for the first mating of a bitch is at the age of two to four years. If a dog is diagnosed for the first time at five years old, complications are possible. Consult your veterinarian.

If you took a puppy in order to start breeding, then you need to raise a future champion. And it doesn’t matter at all whether this dog will be a champion or not. What a champion needs:
balanced nervous system;
good care;
full walks;
communication with others like you.
So how is it? Does your beloved dog deserve to grow up like a champion? I can guess what you will answer. So let's roll up our sleeves and start raising your puppy into a future champion.

What surprises await you during your dog's first heat?

Let's decide. Estrus is the stage of initiation of the sexual cycle (proestrus and oestrus). Proestrus gives us signs of estrus and sexual arousal. Estrus is the period of sexual hunting. The onset of the first heat is possible by six months. Consequently, a dog can become pregnant from six months. Therefore, we carefully monitor our beloved dog at this time.

The first sign of approaching heat is the close attention of familiar males to your dog, who know her well. For example, a male living with a female in the same family. In some bitches, the second sign is frequent urination.

Many consider swelling of the genital loop to be the beginning of estrus. Then, blood discharge appears from the external genitalia of the bitch. You find them on the dog bed, on the floor. Write down the date when you saw the first drops of blood. Why do you ask? In order to calculate when they arrive:
days your dog can breed and giving birth at eight months is dangerous.
the most favorable days for subsequent planned matings.
Bloody discharge lasts an average of nine days. Plus or minus two days. These days the dog does not allow male dogs to approach him and angrily drives them away. But already at this time, stray dogs will sit under your windows, smelling the smell that attracts them.

The next period during the emptying is sexual arousal. The dog accepts the advances of males, can pester males itself, and mounts females it knows. But he does not allow mating with males.

From the tenth to the sixteenth day of emptying, the dog is ready for fertilization - this is the period of sexual heat. By the peak of the hunt, a light translucent discharge with mucus appears. The main signs of hunting: at the sight of a male or a familiar female, the dog takes a position for sexual intercourse, moves its tail to the side and tightens the noose. She allows male dogs to mount her.

During this period of the dog’s sexual cycle, I adhere to the following rules:
do not leave the current bitch alone with the male, even for a second
walks during heat must be on a leash
While walking, stopping to talk to a neighbor, don’t take your eyes off the bitch in heat
Be careful these days: the dog may simply run away from you. And you will find your favorite in the castle with some runaway male.

Then, around days 17–20, the calm phase (metestrus) begins. The dog does not allow male dogs to approach him and all the dangers associated with the sexual cycle are already behind him.
I think this knowledge is enough for those who are waiting for their dog's first puppy.
The terminology of the reproductive cycle is taken from the book by V.A. Karpov. "Obstetrics and gynecology of small animals."


Before moving on to the story of the knitting itself, let me remind you of the following. There are contraindications for pregnancy, here are some of them:

Epilepsy (convulsive seizures with loss of consciousness)
endocrine disorders (for example, diabetes mellitus)
the dog is exhausted
suffered a serious illness, etc.

Mating (sexual intercourse, coitus) is the coordinated actions of a bitch and a dog, as a result of which the male’s sperm is introduced into the female’s genital tract. This process is only possible when the bitch is ready for coitus. I would like to draw your attention to the following points.
The bitch is ready for breeding if
more than eight to ten days have passed since the emptying began
discharge is light with a slight admixture of blood
stroking the back towards the genitals causes her tail to move to the side
when you touch the perineum, the loop jerks up
the bitch allows herself to be mounted by a familiar bitch, and is also not against any approaching male being mounted on herself. By the way, a very good readiness test. But in this case, it is better not to mess with male dogs: mating may occur.

Many breeders who have planned an exit mating do not trust these signs. Then a cytological examination of the vaginal smear is performed. And based on its results, successful days are calculated.
I am sure that breeders and veterinarians will have many examples of the unusual course of pustule. I will list some of them:
The bitch's bleeding continues almost until the 20th day from the start of the breeding, and at the same time the bitch mates perfectly and has puppies.
In some dogs, ovulation occurs within 5 days after the onset of proestrus, while in others it occurs after 30 days.

If mating occurs under natural conditions, then the reproductive instinct inherent in the genes manifests itself in both the male and the female. At first, the male grooms the female. At the same time, he licks her muzzle, ears, and external genitalia. The bitch gets into the mating position. The croup is raised high. The tail is laid aside. She stands completely still and waits. If the dog is not in a hurry to mount the bitch, she herself turns her back part of her body towards him. An untied male makes experimental approaches to the bitch from different sides, and then jumps onto the bitch. An untied male mounts the bitch immediately from behind and, after making several pushing movements, freezes on the bitch’s back. At this time, the so-called “lock” occurs. Let me explain the “lock” mechanism. “In a male dog, the corpora cavernosa of the glans penis, inserted into the vagina, greatly enlarge and are infringed by the swollen corpora cavernosa of the vestibule of the vagina. With the end of ejaculation (eruption of sperm), removal of the penis from the vagina becomes possible only after the complete outflow of blood from all cavernous bodies.” (Karpov V.A). Therefore, sexual intercourse, including the “lock”, lasts 10-45 minutes in dogs. Now you know the reason why animals should not be separated before the end of sexual intercourse. Then the male descends from the bitch and turns his tail towards her. They stand like this until the end of the castle.

Today, it is widely believed that human assistance is required during the mating process. The bitch is given a collar and, if necessary, a muzzle. Place the back of the dog towards the dog, holding the dog's head between the knees. When a male dog mounts, they help him insert the penis into the female's vagina. After the ejaculation of sperm, the male is turned around and helped to throw his leg over the bitch’s back. Then both dogs are kept as long as they remain in the castle. After such help, the bitch usually waits for the next mating for everything to be done for her, and at the same time kicks. I don’t argue that in some moments help is definitely needed, for example:
very aggressive bitch
big difference in weight (heavy male, small female)
if the mating is away in a foreign city and the bitch is stressed, etc.
My personal opinion is that the first mating of a bitch should be carried out as close to natural conditions as possible. This will preserve her health and the nervous system of her owners.

All the troubles are over, and let's hope that in two months your pet will give birth to healthy and beautiful puppies.
1. Allen V.E. A complete course in canine obstetrics and gynecology. - M.: “AQUARIUM LTD”, 20002.-448 p.
2. Karpov V.A. Obstetrics and gynecology of small animals. - M.: Rosagropromizdat, 1990.-288 p.

How to tell if your dog is pregnant.

Unfortunately, there are no pregnancy tests for dogs. Tests sold in pharmacies are not suitable for dogs. There is a significant difference between the presence of hormones in women and bitches. So don't waste your money. So what should we do? - you ask.

We are about to begin a month of anticipation. Only within 30 days can one reliably say whether the bitch is pregnant. I hear objections from veterinarians. Yes, there are reliable methods for determining whether a dog is pregnant before. If you live in a big city with a well-developed network of veterinary clinics, then, of course, you have the opportunity to early diagnose your girl’s pregnancy. And I think: a week earlier, a week later, what difference does it make?

So watch your pet carefully and wait. Most often, if the estrus has not changed, there is no pathology on the part of the genital organs, and the mating was normal, then in 80% of cases, the dog becomes pregnant.

At one month of pregnancy you will know for sure that she is pregnant. If the dog is pregnant, the belly will certainly increase, and it will be possible to palpate the enlarged uterus. If there is only one fetus and the dog is large, I recommend doing an ultrasound. In the future, as the gestation period increases, you will see the following manifestations of your dog’s pregnancy:
enlargement, as if expansion, of the chest
enlarged belly, not to be confused with a fat dog
the dog becomes calmer and more careful
The mammary glands will enlarge at the time of childbirth
Halos of hairless skin form around the nipples

Feeding and maintenance of a pregnant bitch in the first half of pregnancy.

Many of my patients believe that a pregnant bitch, even in the early stages of pregnancy, needs to be fed a lot and often. But this poor thing needs to move little and rarely! I strongly disagree. And I give them lectures on this topic. :)) With your permission, I will share with you my thoughts on this matter.

A dog's diet may not change significantly during the first half of pregnancy. If you are 100% sure that the dog is a puppy, then the diet can be changed.

I don't want to argue with breeders over feeding choices. If you have a nursery and you are seriously involved in breeding, then, firstly, you already know everything, it’s not for me to teach you. And secondly, feeding homemade food will take you a lot of time to prepare it. And, as you know, veterinary nutritionists do not recommend mixing the two types of feeding. Either commercial feed or from the table.
1. if the dog consumes commercial food, then it is necessary to select food for a pregnant bitch or for active dogs with great physical exertion. I think pregnancy is a lot of physical activity. Even if in the future it turns out that the bitch is “empty,” you can always get her into good physical shape.
2. if you feed your dog homemade food, then it is necessary to increase the percentage of meat products in the diet and reduce the amount of fiber and carbohydrate foods. The amount of feed itself should not be increased.

Initial signs of labor. What should the owner do in this case?

Well, this is where our worries begin. Our dog is about to give birth (puppies). Time flies quickly. The 56th day of pregnancy has arrived. During this period, a viscous whitish discharge may appear from the bitch’s vagina. Don't worry. Each dog loses the mucous plug that was in the cervix at different times. This means that preparations for childbirth have begun. Regardless of whether this discharge appears or not, we make sure to measure the dog’s temperature in the rectum and carefully record it. It is better to purchase an electronic thermometer for children at a pharmacy with a flexible tip. You may need to take your dog's temperature for 10 days. Why injure her with a mercury thermometer?
The dog itself is preparing for childbirth. The skin around the nipples is cleared of hair. The belly, by the way, becomes practically bare, especially in smooth-haired dogs. The mammary glands begin to enlarge. The temperature drops by one degree. If it was always 38.5°C, now it is 37.5°. If you draw a curve these days, it jumps up and down. The day before birth, the temperature usually drops to 37.0°C and does not rise. My dog’s temperature dropped a day before giving birth to 36.2°C. As soon as contractions begin, there is no need to measure the temperature.
Naturally, you have agreed with an experienced person who will help you give birth for the first time. No matter how determined a person is, most often he is lost when his beloved girl begins to give birth. And if an experienced dog handler or veterinarian is present, you can relax without fear that you will do something wrong. How do you know when contractions have started? The dog will begin to breathe rapidly and through its mouth. These periods of contractions will be rare at first. And then quite often. This can last for about a day. Record the time of contractions as soon as the contraction is over. Take your dog outside. She needs to cleanse her bowels and bladder. When moving, the uterus contracts better. And you won’t worry so much about business. You can take your dog outside until contractions become very frequent. Then the dog itself will not go with you. I warned you that at this time she will rush around the apartment and dig “holes” and prepare a den. Remove all the objects that are dear to you and give her plenty of rags, let her vomit. My dog ​​simply tore them into small shreds during contractions. Do not force your dog to lie in the den during contractions. Let him move. Only under your watchful eye. Fence and cover any areas from which it would be difficult to remove the dog.
Case from practice.
I was called at night to give birth to a diver. I've arrived. They took me to the log house. I was very surprised. The dog was left unattended on the property, and the dog dug a hole and climbed under the frame. When a dog has very strong contractions, he doesn’t know what he’s doing. We couldn't get the dog. It was necessary to dismantle or saw logs. The owners said that what would happen to her would come out later. The dog later died. It turned out that she had a pathological birth, and she could not get out of her lair on her own. This is such a sad case.
But don't worry. For one such sad fact, I have 100 successful births. Everything will be fine with your dog, because you are vigilantly watching over him. You even took three days off from work. Just to be with your beloved pet during contractions. And rightly so. But you won’t miss this miracle, which is called childbirth, but in fact is the basis of the universe.
The dog may refuse to eat a day before giving birth. Don't captivate her. The only ones who never refuse food, even just before giving birth, are Labradors. They love to eat.

The beginning of labor.

So we waited for the start of labor. The contractions are continuous and strong. This can be judged by the dog's behavior. The dog doesn't go outside. He breathes heavily and often through his mouth, almost without stopping. He rushes about, rakes all the rags into a pile and can tear them. From now on, do not leave your dog for a minute. But don’t stop the dog from running around the room and tearing rags. Don't force her to go into the pen if she doesn't want to. It is unlikely that a primiparous bitch understands what is happening to her. She is driven by instinct, and don’t interfere with that. Most often, young dogs give birth to their first puppy while standing. My dog ​​was pushing while standing and did not want to go into the pen. I allowed her to do this. Having prepared the towel, I kept my eyes on the dog. The attempts were rare at first, then more and more often. How do we know that the bitch has started pushing? Roughly speaking, this is the dog’s attempt to go big. She takes the same pose. And he constantly looks back to see what’s going on there. Pet the dog and calm him down with a kind word. Tell her everything will be fine.
The first puppy travels through the birth canal the longest of all other puppies. He is paving the way for his brothers and sisters. Usually it is a male and quite large in size. Therefore, the dog experiences difficulties. Don't rush to pull the puppy out ahead of time. He will come out on his own. Several times he may show himself to you and hide. If it comes out, it means the birth canal is widening and it is unlikely to get stuck. Moreover, more puppies are following him, and with their strength they will push him out. During normal childbirth, I try not to interfere with the process. Only nature knows how and when the first puppy should be born. I want to tell you the following: if the bitch herself gave birth to the first puppy, then all other puppies will be born normally. As the first puppy passes through the birth canal, fluid may spill out. This is amniotic fluid. It's good that they are pouring out. This makes it easier for the baby. If the puppy has emerged from the loop more than half of the time. The bitch will try to sit on him, don't be alarmed. Take the puppy by the back with a towel and gently pull it down and between the bitch’s legs. He will definitely slip out. Keep a close eye on your next puppy. Because he can come out immediately after the first one.
Now your task is to let the bitch know what to do. Free the puppy's face from the amniotic sac with a soft cloth and immediately place the puppy in the pen, wet the cloth lying there with the amniotic fluid. The bitch will immediately rush into the pen to see who is squeaking there, and will definitely start licking the puppy. But this is exactly what we need. She can do this while standing. She will spin and spin around the puppy and lie down, and very carefully, as if all her life she had been doing nothing but giving birth and feeding puppies. Well, the maternal instinct kicked in nicely. You can rest assured about the future of your children. Your pet has become a real mother.
Now I will tell you a little about the first puppy. This puppy, paving the way for the rest of the puppies, gets tired the most. And when he is born, he may be lethargic and exhausted. If you see that he does not squeak after birth and does not move well. Dry it properly. Massage your tummy and back. Get it to beep. And then give it to your mother. By that time, I think your dog will already have a second baby, and she will calmly lie in the pen and lick the babies. The puppies will crawl towards the nipples on their own. Don't touch them unnecessarily. Your job is to be present and provide moral support.
Know how the first birth will go for the dog, and how the birth will continue for it. If she can take care of puppies for the first time, then in the next birth this will be an iron rule.

I’ll say right away that childbirth in dogs most often occurs at night. Contractions may begin in the morning of the previous day.
Well, let's continue to deliver births to our mommy dog. Most often, the second, third and fourth puppies are born within 15 to 30 minutes, one after the other. Every puppy must have a placenta. This is a piece of meat, black and green in color. In the wild, afterbirths are food for the bitch, who does not leave her burrow for about three days. Having eaten the placenta and drunk the amniotic fluid, the dog is able to withstand three days without food. Also, placenta and amniotic fluid are full of vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for a giving birth dog. They also contain hormones that ensure normal labor. What am I leading to? Yes. Yes. You understood absolutely correctly, you need to let the dog eat the afterbirth, especially the first and second. Personally, I don’t take away afterbirth from my dog ​​at all. Everything will be eaten and good. This will start the mechanism of labor. I just don’t give the bitch any meat for the next three days and that’s it.
Sometimes after the next puppy we won’t see the placenta, that’s okay. This only confirms our assumption that the dog has more puppies in the uterus. The afterbirth must be counted and everything recorded on paper. I do this, write “first puppy 01-35, male, afterbirth.” And so with all puppies. You can note what is special about the puppy. All of mine were black, so the only difference was their weight, the males were larger, the females were smaller. But this is not the rule. A male dog may also be born tiny.
Having been born, a healthy puppy moves in its amniotic sac, trying to break free. The dog helps him with this. She first eats the afterbirth, then licks the membranes from the puppy, gnaws the umbilical cord and carefully licks the puppy, turning it from one side to the other. There is no need to interfere. Let her massage it. You and I, no matter how much we want, will not do this. We don't have the same language as dogs. Mom licks the puppy almost dry. While the caring parent tumbles her child, it zealously tries to break free and break through to the nipples. The puppy will reach the nipples on its own, grab it with its mouth and begin to suck. If the puppy is active, but does not crawl towards the nipples, it means that he was born without an afterbirth or amniotic membranes and has swallowed amniotic fluid. Don't rush him. He gets hungry and crawls to the nipples himself.
By the way, I want to note a very important detail: while the birth is going on, contractions and pushing continue, the puppies constantly squeak and move, and do not sleep. Don't be alarmed. They can’t sleep, mom’s adrenaline is going through the roof in her milk. These movements and squeaks are necessary for the further healthy growth of babies. Do not place puppies in a separate box. Mom will be very nervous. I have had cases where a dog refused to feed the puppies and even stopped giving birth. Until the puppies were given away, she went on strike. Don't punish our beloved mother. These are her children, not yours. Let her take care of them herself.
And then we talk about a good normal birth, where everything goes as usual without pathologies.

And so we will continue. The dog gave birth to 4 puppies. If this is half the puppies, then labor will stop for a while. It’s as if nature gives the dog time to process and feed the first puppies. And she gives the next puppies time to move towards the exit from the uterus. The interval can be from an hour to two. Rest yourself. Relax, drink strong tea. After all, you still have a lot of trouble ahead of you.

Our newborn puppies.

The birth of the first puppy is the most joyful moment. Why? - you ask. Because you will have to wait all night for the next puppies, and your feelings are dulled from fatigue. And the first one is like a miracle of nature, here he is, a warm little fluffy ball. It lies in your palms and wriggles. Let me go, he says, to my mother.
Emotions are emotions. And we need to solve a lot of issues and do a lot of things.
Decide where the puppies will be kept after birth.
2 options: under the dog or separately in a box or crate.
I will share all the pros and cons of both contents.
Separate from the bitch maintenance.


  • The dog will not crush the puppies
  • Puppies are always warm
  • They can't crawl away
  • The owner sees whether the kids are eating
  • A dog will never become a real mother
  • She's nervous that the babies are far away and her milk might run out.
  • Puppies can't eat as much as they need
  • They do not feel the warmth of their mother and therefore suffer
  • The owner has to wake up every three hours at night and feed the puppies
  • The owner also has to clean up after them, not the mother.

I don't want to insist on the way the puppies are raised. Decide for yourself what is acceptable to you. Fear for what all of a sudden a dog accidentally crushes one of the puppies, or the peace and happiness of your pet and her babies.
I will write about both methods of content.
But I’ll start, of course, with my favorite keeping mother and puppies together.
How to organize it correctly.

Shared housing begins with the birth of the first puppy. The dog can be helped to free the baby from the membranes and even the placenta, but the puppy should not be removed during the entire birth. The dog may jump up when pushing. But we are not afraid that she will crush the baby. He moves and squeaks. When can mom snuggle the puppy? Then and only when you have organized the birth place incorrectly. So let's talk about this now.

I will refer to the area where the dog and puppies are kept during birth and rearing as the den. I really like this word.
While your dog is giving birth, a lot of fluid leaks out of her. During delivery, you can use a large insulated piece of linoleum. There are no rags or paper on it. This is not yet a fenced area. This is more convenient for you and the dog. The dog gives birth to a puppy on bare linoleum and begins to lick and tug at it. You wipe everything that comes out of the dog to keep it dry. The puppy itself, after being licked by its mother, will go to the nipples. Even on linoleum he can reach them perfectly. The next puppy is born when the mother is already lying down and feeding the first puppy. She is already able to do everything herself: eat the shell and afterbirth, and lick the puppy. And the puppy is able to crawl to the nipples on his own. Your task is to wipe the linoleum so that it is dry. And watch the process, supporting our mother morally. It is useless to add any rags or paper. The dog will still grab everything. Oh, by the way, I hope there are no drafts in the room where the dog is lying.
This will continue until all the puppies are born. Now, having washed the dog, you lay down a bedding, maybe made of foam rubber, put medical oilcloth and clean large sheets on it, and the whole family sits on them. If you have a fence, you can put it up. I simply tucked rags under the foam rubber so that there was a small depression in the center of the den. Then the puppies won’t be able to crawl away. If the temperature in the room where the dog is giving birth is more than 18 degrees above zero, then no heating pads are required. The puppies will dry out and will warm each other with their little bodies. And what’s most amazing is that the weakest puppies will be at the bottom and in the center, and the strongest ones will be at the top and at the edges. Mother Nature has provided for everything.
For the first five days, the dog tirelessly feeds and cares for the babies. And they constantly eat and sleep. If there are too many puppies, and this is more than eight in a litter, then weak ones will appear. They will weigh less and will always be last in line for the nipples. You can simply place them four times a day on the milkiest last nipples of the bitch and make sure that their relatives do not push them away. When our skinny girls gain weight, they will be able to fend for themselves. The puppies are distributed over the nipples themselves. Since every baby has his own favorite nipple. A large number of puppies eat in two turns. If you don’t touch the babies at all from the very beginning of labor, then the order is clearly visible. Those who were born first eat, and then those who appeared later. And this queue, in principle, persists for the entire suckling life. During the first 24 hours of life, babies must poop. This is very important for their well-being. And in order for them to empty both their intestines and bladder, the bitch will constantly lick them.
How do you know if babies are cold or hot? If the puppies gather in a tight group, they are cold. If they crawl all over the den, then they are hot. If they sleep next to each other, it means they are comfortable.

Development of puppies from the first day to one month.

Today we will outline the main points, and later we will look in detail.
The puppy is born able to move towards its mother's nipples, suckle milk and find its brothers and sisters.
1 week after birth. Puppies eat a lot, almost every 20-60 minutes. And they fall asleep peacefully. Since the mother practically does not leave the puppies for the first 3-5 days, they are constantly in contact with their mother. If the bitch does not lick the puppies very energetically, problems with stool and urination may begin. Therefore, do not scold the bitch if she constantly picks and licks the puppies. She knows what she's doing.
I'll make a reservation: there are bitches who try to eat puppies. Keep in mind that these are emaciated dogs and are not able to feed babies. The instinct of self-preservation kicks in. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the bitch’s nutrition and separate the puppies from the mother, placing the babies next to her every 3 hours. In some cases, the bitch feeds the puppies while wearing a muzzle.
In the first week, puppies most often gather together and sleep like that. On the fifth day, the dog begins to move away from the puppies. Leave them alone for a while.
2 weeks of life. Puppies gain weight all the time. I cannot say how many grams per day, since there are a huge number of breeds and all sizes are different. But we can observe that the puppies are growing, becoming round and beautiful.
By day 12, the puppies open their eyes and are already energetically moving around their den. They begin to sleep in different corners of their pen and develop preferences. Who is friends with whom? Character traits appear. You will see timid kids and bullies who trouble all the kids.
3 week of life. The babies begin to stand on their feet, bark and play with their brothers. They can now eat natural foods or soaked dry food on their own.
4 week. The dogs stand confidently on their paws and move very confidently. The bitch reluctantly goes into the den, because the babies have teeth and bite their mother’s nipples. Constant games and fights. If a breeder works with puppies, then they already know their nicknames and the “Come to me” command.

Postpartum complications


Eclampsia is one of the most common postpartum complications. It occurs due to a decrease in calcium levels in the blood. The reasons for this are unknown. Perhaps this is the result of a disturbance in the calcium control mechanism, which is extremely complex and involves all the endocrine glands. Interestingly, this never happens with the dog's wild relatives, while dogs that live in good conditions and seem to eat well but don't get much exercise often suffer from calcium-to-phosphorus imbalances.

Eclampsia is sometimes called "milk fever". It can appear a few hours before whelping or within three days after whelping. It happens that signs of eclampsia appear in the third or fourth week after whelping. In this case, it usually goes away more weakly.

To prevent the occurrence of eclampsia in a puppy, it is necessary to give her some form of calcium and vitamin D during pregnancy and while nursing puppies.

Symptoms of eclampsia. Most often it is anxiety and nervousness, a feeling of fear and discomfort. The bitch's temperature is slightly lower than normal, and she may be vomiting. As soon as these signs appear, you need to send for a veterinarian, who will immediately inject a large dose of calcium gluconate solution. If this is not done, the bitch will become even worse, foaming at the mouth may appear, and eventually convulsions will begin. Another early symptom of eclampsia is tense stiffness of the muscles of the hind legs, which then turns into spasms, and finally the bitch cramps all over and loses her mobility. In very severe cases, there is complete loss of consciousness, but if a large dose of calcium is injected, the bitch usually recovers.

Bitches can suffer eclampsia at the end of lactation if they have nursed a very large litter. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the bitches not only in the week before whelping and, especially, after whelping, but also to continue monitoring until they finish feeding the puppies.

If alarming signs are noticed in time and the calcium deficiency is corrected immediately, immediately after the first symptoms of eclampsia appear and before the onset of convulsions, then the owner will have the right to say that he saved the life of his bitch. My dogs have never had eclampsia. Maybe because most of them had small litters, and with a litter of up to four or five puppies, the bitch will not become overly emaciated. Another explanation may be that throughout pregnancy they were sure to receive calcium supplements, vitamin D and other vitamins and minerals recommended by the veterinarian.

Metritis - inflammation of the uterus

This serious disease can occur when the placenta or membrane is retained, usually from the last puppy, after a prolonged difficult whelping, when the exhausted uterus contracts poorly. It can also be caused by hypothermia of the whelping bitch and infection entering the uterus during unqualified birth care. Inflammation of the uterus manifests itself within a week after whelping with the following symptoms:

The loop is swollen and painful;
- unpleasant gray-white and purulent discharge;
- high temperature, increased heart rate;
- the bitch feels severe pain - the typical pose is sitting, crouched, leaning on her elbows and hocks.
- decreased milk secretion, puppies scream.

If treatment is not started immediately, the bitch may go into a coma, then convulse, and die. Urgent administration of large doses of antibiotics in combination with hormonal drugs to contract the uterus is necessary. The bitch needs good care and special nutrition. Needless to say, if a bitch is in such a serious condition, the puppies need to be taken away immediately and, if possible, find a foster mother for them or feed them artificially.


Inflammation of the mammary gland most often occurs in very “milky” bitches in the first week after whelping. Excess milk can accumulate in the gland because there are not enough puppies, or they are not suckling on all nipples, or there is simply more milk than the puppies need. Mastitis can also be caused by a bacterial infection. Treatment should be carried out by a veterinarian, who will usually give antibiotics and some kind of pain relief medication.

Mastitis can be prevented by inspecting the bitch daily and placing the greediest puppies on nipples that look congested so that they suck the milk before it stagnates. If the puppies cannot cope, you can massage the congested gland by lubricating the skin with olive oil, and then carefully milk a little. Some bitches' nipples are too flat, small, or too large for their puppies. Puppies do not take such nipples, and the milk in these glands stagnates. To prevent this from happening, even before the bitch is whelped, you need to massage the nipples, straightening and retracting them.

Uterine prolapse

This terrible complication of childbirth can happen due to improper care during the first few hours after whelping, before the cervix contracts. At the same time, a dark red mass hangs from the loop, from which blood oozes. The mass soon dries out, becomes dark gray, and necrosis of the prolapsed part of the uterus or vagina begins. The general condition of the dog may be quite satisfactory. However, in the absence of treatment and special care, anemia and sepsis develop after 2-3 days, which poses a mortal threat to the bitch.

Fortunately, uterine or vaginal prolapse is very rare in female dogs, but if it happens, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. The sooner he arrives, the greater the chance of saving not only the uterus, but also the life of the bitch.

If there is a suspicion that everything is not all right with the bitch, no matter how trivial it may seem to the owner, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. The cost of a home visit from a veterinarian is negligible compared to the well-being and maybe even saving the life of the bitch or her babies! It’s very sad, but prudence often comes after a tragic event!

What is the probability that the bitch became pregnant during her first mating? Before this, the dog remained a girl! Thank you.


As a rule, the mating process in animals takes place without intervention from the owners. In order for the meeting of dogs to take place with a guaranteed result, it is necessary to create suitable conditions. If you become the owner of a pedigree breed selected for breeding, you will have to take into account a number of factors before mating a female with a male that is suitable by all standards. For example, the cycle, the size of the dogs, weight and even age are taken into account.

As a rule, a female dog reaches sexual maturity when she reaches twenty months of age. Estrus occurs earlier, at six to nine months, but it is not recommended to breed a dog in the early period. This will harm the dog and create a risk of giving birth to puppies with poor health. The best period for mating is from 11 to 15 days from the beginning of estrus.

Estrus phases and suitable time for mating

There are four stages of the female reproductive cycle:

  1. Proestrus (first phase). The animal's external genitalia swells and bleeding appears. The process occurs due to increased blood supply to the uterus. This is not a suitable time for mating; the dog does not allow males to approach, only looking closely at the males. The period lasts 7-10 days.
  2. Estrus (second phase). It is considered the right time for mating. The bitch's discharge becomes transparent, the vulva swells greatly, the dog freezes and takes a special position indicating its readiness to mate. The estrus period lasts 4-12 days. At the specified time, eggs from the ovaries pass into the uterus, capable of fertilization within two full days after the start of the second phase of estrus. The period is considered favorable; eggs remain capable of ovulation for a number of days after leaving the ovaries.
  3. Mentestrus (third phase). In the final period, the animal’s “love fervour” decreases, no discharge is observed, and the size of the loop decreases. Males will no longer be able to approach a resisting bitch. If the animal does not become pregnant, the dog’s body “calms down.”
  4. Anaestrus (fourth phase). It is considered a time of sexual rest and lasts until the new initial phase of estrus.

To accurately determine the phase of estrus, it is possible to use laboratory methods, for example, testing. A preliminary examination will allow you to know exactly when to take the bitch to a potential partner chosen in advance.

Sometimes there come times when the owners of their four-legged friends are perplexed as to why the dog did not become pregnant even after mating. The pet's illness is often blamed. The misconception is false. As a rule, failure occurs due to an erroneous choice of mating time or ignorance of how to correctly and accurately determine the appropriate phase.

How to prepare for mating

Before knitting dogs, you need to make sure that the dogs are hungry. Animals are walked on neutral territory. When the female and the male run around and get to know each other, it is possible to take the female to the male’s territory, where the male remains the master, and the female friend remains obedient and calm in a foreign area. If the animals decide to mate right during the meeting, you should not interfere with the process.

Once in the male's territory, the bitch must allow the suitor to approach. If the mating day is chosen correctly, the act of love is successful, the dog will begin a period of whelping, lasting approximately two months. When half the term arrives, the dog becomes leisurely and calm. After 1 - 1.5 weeks, an increased abdominal volume is noticeable. Now you need to provide a calm environment and feed the dog well with healthy food.

It is recommended to carefully monitor the animal's condition. When there is little time left before giving birth, signs will appear: swollen mammary glands and the appearance of milk, increased body temperature, decreased appetite or complete refusal to eat. At this time, it is worth paying more attention to the bitch, expecting the soonest birth of cubs.

Some novice dog breeders are wondering what day to take their dog when they are in heat. Of course, mating pets is a natural process, but it requires control on both sides. Dog owners should study information about when to mate a female during heat, and only then give their pets freedom of action.

Preparation for mating

If you read specialized literature, you can find out that the ideal time for mating is 11-15 days from the start of estrus. But there are some nuances here. The time of year, the size of the dogs, the ambient temperature - all this affects what day a bitch can be bred. For example, in winter, a dog may be ready to mate on the 9th day. When in the warm season the bitch is ready for mating on the 15th day. Dog breeders also need to take into account that small dog breeds are capable of licking themselves like cats. Therefore, it is not always possible to monitor the onset of estrus and, accordingly, calculate the required period

Therefore, it is best to focus on the pet’s behavior and the condition of the reproductive loop. If the area near the vagina (genital loop) is swollen, this means that it is time to bring the dog to her “fiancé”. If during this period you scratch the area of ​​the back near the tail and the bitch begins to bend, it means she will not drive the male away from her. Therefore, based on these signs, you will know when to take your dog during heat.

So, before bringing dogs together, you need to introduce them on neutral territory. Actually, the mating process itself should take place only in the territory of the dog. But before this event, the dog must be walked, not fed. It is advisable to give the “groom” and “bride” time to run around and play together. If the pets are of a small breed, then it is advisable to keep them in an apartment. Experienced dog breeders recommend covering the floor with unnecessary sheets that can absorb waste. Owners should be prepared for the fact that dogs are able to make their own “order” in the room during games.

In order not to miss the 1st day of estrus, an attentive owner should wipe the genitals of his pet every day. In this case, he will know exactly what day to schedule a “date” and when to hook up with a potential “groom”.

In order for the young to be born healthy and strong, the whelping bitch is exempted from various types of competitions, normal guard duties and physical activity. The potential “mother” should be well-fed, peaceful, and content.

How should the mating proceed?

What day should I take my dog? This question plagues many novice dog breeders. Experts recommend not breeding male dogs before 2 years of age, as this will not affect the health of the “dad” and his offspring for the better. A bitch can be brought into her 3rd heat when she is 1 year 8 months old. This is the optimal age for a female to begin sexual activity.

The first estrus in females occurs at 6-9 months. But neither the first nor the second heat should breed a female. If the owner decides to start breeding offspring, then it is recommended that he breed the dog for the first time at the age of 20-22 months. Experts advise choosing a more experienced male as a “groom”. For the result to be 100%, you can pair the dog with the same partner after 1-2 days.

On what day should a trained dog be bred? The optimal day is the 15th day, when the female’s arousal reaches its maximum threshold. Therefore, it is recommended to breed her with male dogs on this day, but not during her first heat.

The main signs of this event, or estrus as it is also called, are frequent urge to urinate, the pet’s interest in male representatives, and spotting. In the first days of estrus, females do not allow males to approach them. After 6-7 days, the bitches’ discharge ceases to be bloody. Their color changes to yellowish, and their consistency becomes slimy. This is what indicates on what day of estrus you need to make a “date” with the opposite sex and breed the dog.

When a pet’s “critical days” begin, her character changes completely: she becomes playful, active, active and disobedient. Experienced breeders note that potential “brides” are difficult to train during this period, so the training process is shifted to a later date. An attentive owner must understand that first you need to breed the bitch, and then move on to training when her behavior is calmer and she becomes more obedient. Then the learning process will go much faster.

The closer this day gets, the more excitable the bitch becomes. She provokes the male to mate by standing in front of him and moving her tail to the side. The first day of a dog hunt is characterized by the tail moving to the side and a rhythmic skin reflex. The reflex is manifested by slightly pulling the skin back and returning it to its natural position.

Dog breeders who allow their pet to “go for a walk” on this day are making a big mistake. Yes, the female is ready to mate. But in her oviducts there are no eggs capable of fertilization. It is the 4th day of dog hunting that is optimal for conceiving offspring. If there is any doubt that the pet has become pregnant, experienced breeders repeat the covering act after 48 hours.

First heat in dogs

A pet's first heat is an important event in her life, so a caring owner should know everything about this process. At what age this event begins depends on the breed of dog. Representatives of small breeds can “delight” the owner at 7 months, and larger dogs at 1-1.5 years. Active molting of an animal can tell an attentive owner that the female will soon become sexually mature and capable of reproducing. If you ask yourself how long the heat will last, then no one, even an experienced dog breeder, will be able to indicate the exact timing.

As experienced dog breeders say, some young bitches may experience a false pregnancy, during which ovulation does not occur, which means the dog will not be able to conceive. But after a while she will be in full combat readiness, so the owners must be vigilant: the pet can run away and go into all sorts of troubles. Experienced owners claim that if you breed a pet during the first estrus, the mating can be successful, but the health of the young will be in question.

Some tricks

If it so happens that one of the partners is smaller than the other, then you can place a pillow under the pet’s hind legs. If the bitch is smaller, she should be laid with her stomach on her knee. These recommendations are relevant for small breed animals. It is strictly not recommended to bend the “bride’s” paws so that the “groom” can reach her.

After ejaculation, a new stage begins - mating. The male at this stage can be on the bitch or turn his back to her. It is not recommended to disturb the newlyweds. However, if you breed a dog according to all the rules, and suddenly it wants to break free during the mating period, you cannot let it do this. When calming one of the partners, you must try not to scare the pets.

It happens that the time has come to breed a bitch during heat, but after mating there is no mating, because the male has lost interest in his “lady.” In this case, control mating should occur after 1-2 days.

Yes, pet owners are often interested in what day their dog should be born. But, as a rule, dogs do not cause trouble to their owners in this matter. If doubts or difficulties arise, then the specialist will tell you which day of estrus you need to prepare for and then breed the puppy dog ​​with a male dog.

Estrus in dogs is a natural process that indicates the female’s puberty. The first estrus appears at 6-12 months, less often - up to 2 years.

If the dog has not passed its first heat at 2 years of age, a veterinarian’s consultation is necessary. Frequency – 1-2 times a year. If estrus occurs more frequently, the risk of hormonal imbalances remains.

Dogs in heat

Estrus lasts for dogs for 3 weeks, in some cases up to a month.

The occurrence of estrus in dogs depends on the breed of the animal. Take a closer look at the pet to understand the characteristics and ease the dog's estrus period.

How does the estrus process work in dogs?

Determining the onset of estrus in a dog is not difficult. Symptoms of the onset of estrus in dogs - the animal begins to urinate more often, spotting appears, behavior changes, and interest in the female increases. Before estrus, shedding begins.

The first heat in dogs is an important stage. It goes away after changing teeth, but the exact time is impossible to predict. Estrus in small breed dogs usually begins at 6-10 months, the signs are clearly visible. The timing shows a greater range - from 6 to 13 months. The first heat is inactive: the discharge of blood is small, the males practically do not pay attention. But there is no need to let your guard down.

If the owner intends to breed a dog in the future, it is important to accurately track the time of the start of the first and subsequent heats: mating usually begins on the third cycle!

The dog's reproductive cycle consists of 4 cycles:

  • First cycle. Proestrus, or pre-gesture, lasts approximately 7-10 days.

The first signs of the dog's heat appear - blood flow to the genitals increases, the vulva swells, and the first bloody discharge appears (in a small volume). It is advisable to purchase special underpants for your pet.

Ovulation does not occur: the dog is not ready for mating. The dog's behavior changes noticeably during heat - sometimes excitable, sometimes playful, sometimes disobedient. During walks, he actively explores the territory, constantly making marks with urine. Flirts with male dogs.

  • Second cycle. Estrus, or rut, is direct sexual hunting.

Ovulation occurs (in the first two days from the beginning of the cycle), but the female is capable of allowing males to mate for a number of days. Occurs 10 days after the first bleeding appears. The pet agrees to let the opposite sex approach. To obtain a breed litter, after mating with a male, the bitch is protected from the encroachments of males.

Discharge at the specified time varies among different breeds of dogs. Normally, sexual heat and readiness for mating occurs when the discharge becomes light pink or completely stops, and the vulva swells greatly. During the period of estrus, the bitch begins to let the males in: she raises her pelvis, tightens the loop, moves her tail for convenience and freezes.

There is a period when dogs come to the end of their heat. The reddish discharge goes away, the loop decreases in size, the female stops allowing male dogs, who continue to experience increased interest in the dog. The duration of the period is 10 days.

If there is no pregnancy, the body gradually returns to a state of rest. At the same time, during the metaestrus cycle in dogs, there is an increased level of the “pregnancy hormone” progesterone, regardless of whether fertilization has occurred. False pregnancies occur in dogs.

  • Fourth cycle. Anestrus, or sexual rest, duration is 100-150 days.

Estrus in dogs varies in frequency: in domestic animals - often twice a year, in autumn and late winter, less often - only once. In yard bitches and northern dogs, mainly once a year, in early spring: puppies are born in the warm season.

How many days does the empty space last?

Occurs twice a year, duration is 20 - 28 days, approximately 3-4 weeks. Owners should consider the number and frequency of empty spaces. If your pet goes into heat 3-4 times a year, you should take your pet to the veterinarian. Frequent processes indicate hormonal disorders in the animal’s body.

However, differences are determined by the body weight and size of the dog. In representatives of the Laika breed, pustovka occurs once a year. In older dogs, periods of rest begin to increase, and the number of empty nests per year decreases. Signs of estrus become mild and unnoticeable. An old dog is quite capable of still being able to attract a male dog, mate and become pregnant.

If a dog's estrus lasts a month, and the periods of rest are approximately six months, then the schedule must be followed for a long time. If the owners notice that the discharge has become more frequent, the discharge has become pronounced and profuse, immediately take the animal to the veterinarian.

The main responsibility of the dog owner is strict control over upcoming estrus. Moreover, control is carried out regardless of the matings carried out or not. Knowledge will help you react in time if the emptying is delayed. If the moment has arrived, make sure the period does not go unnoticed.

When there is no heat at all, you should immediately take your dog to see a veterinarian.

Signs and symptoms of estrus

If the owners know the subtleties of the dog’s habitual behavior, it will be easy to determine the period of the onset of empty nesting. The pet's behavior will change dramatically. When the period passes, the dog will return to the same behavior after the heat.

The pet becomes disobedient, active and playful. Hormones “boil” and, subject to ancient instinct, the female becomes cheeky in behavior.

The main signs of the onset of estrus:

  1. Frequent urge to urinate.
  2. Increased interest in members of the opposite sex.
  3. Bloody discharge in the dog's resting area.

At first, the dogs do not allow the males to approach. The period of fertilization has not yet arrived. After a week, the discharge changes color, becomes the color of straw, and acquires a mucous consistency. Later the female becomes excitable. Now dogs are able to provoke males to mate. It is expressed in a similar way: the female stands in a pose and moves her tail to the side when she sees a male. The behavior persists for a week, perhaps less. The owner is required to monitor and mark the days of readiness on the calendar, if desired, to breed.

When dogs come into heat, they leave a characteristic bloody discharge everywhere. You should buy special underpants for dogs. Dog handlers recommend forcing your pet to lick the discharge. And this should be done from the time of the first emptying. If you do not want to dress your pet in underpants, it is advisable to roll up the carpets.

First heat

Estrus is a natural process that indicates the dog’s sexual maturity. Most inexperienced owners are baffled by the process: people have little idea when the first heat occurs in dogs - what to do and how to properly care for it.

The names are different: estrus, empty. The first heat occurs when the animal reaches sexual maturity. In small representatives, the first emptying can begin at 7 months. In large breeds, the period of estrus can occur at 1.5 years. Puberty is combined with the process of active molting of the animal; experienced owners already know in advance that the pet will soon begin a period of estrus.

If we talk about the duration of estrus in dogs, the exact dates are not given. As a rule, the first empty space is the shortest in terms of time interval. There may be a weak manifestation, expressed in a small amount of blood, which weakly attracts males. In young females, the first heat may not be real. It can end suddenly, ovulation does not occur. Don't relax: the dog may experience empty-headedness again. The pet will go into hunting with ovulation.

Estrus in representatives of various breeds

The first heat in dogs belonging to small breeds occurs at six months. There are no strict indicators: the animal’s body is individual. Be careful not to let a huge male get close to your pet. This will seriously affect the pet's health.

In large representatives of the species, the time of estrus in dogs occurs after a year. There are no specific deadlines. And at 18 months the onset is considered normal.

The favorable time for mating and conception occurs 15 days after the start of estrus. The dog's excitement reaches its limit; it is recommended to do this with a male dog these days.

What to do during heat: rules for the owner

If the owner’s plans do not include breeding the bitch during heat, it is important to be careful during this period.

Keep your dog on a leash and don't let it off. Calm and well-mannered pets become uncontrollable: they are eager to instantly run away from the owner and not respond to the usual commands.

Keep an eye on the dog and protect it from males. Remember: if a dog has mounted a bitch, it will be impossible to pull it away. The above applies to purebred and small dogs: a large male who decides to copulate with a small female can cause harm.

During the period of heat, try not to go to exhibitions and festivals: there is a high risk of accidental mating, sudden changes in the pet’s character will cause trouble.

Do not bathe your dog in questionable waters: the possibility of infection of the genital tract during estrus is extremely high.

An open question for owners is whether to sterilize a dog during heat. There is no clear opinion among doctors. There is no difference in the technique of performing the operation during the period of heat and rest; the difficulty arises during anesthesia - easily excitable animals during the rut can painfully endure anesthesia. The owner must decide when to sterilize.

If the birth of your dog's puppies is a long-awaited and happy moment, you should not relax: estrus after birth has its own peculiarities. Dogs come into estrus 4 months after giving birth; if the litter is large and the female feeds the puppies for a long time, the period extends to six months. Dogs that have recently given birth begin to go into heat: frequent urination, bleeding, licking the loop. Estrus lasts 3-4 weeks. It is important to monitor your dog during walks and keep it on a leash at all times.

Problematic estrus in dogs

Sometimes pet owners are perplexed as to why their dog is not in heat.

Bloodless estrus in dogs does not depend on the breed. The options are different: signs appear: a change in command, a swollen loop, but there is no discharge. Rarely there are no signs of estrus, but the process passes.

If you are planning puppies, laboratory tests will help: a blood test and a vaginal smear will determine whether the pet is in heat.

Bloodless estrus is not a natural process. To avoid problems in the future, get examined by a veterinarian. This will help determine whether the hormonal levels are normal and what the dog’s health status is.

An alarming situation is when a dog does not stop estrus. A visit to the doctor and tests are simply necessary.

The reasons are different - from hormonal imbalance to vulvovaginitis and tumors. Prolonged estrus indicates serious health problems in adult dogs. In rare cases, young bitches experience “prolonged juvenile proestrus”, the first or second estrus. The dog is cheerful, and tests show no abnormalities.

How to properly control the behavior of a bitch and a dog

What to do and how to properly walk a current dog? First of all, carefully ensure that your pet is always nearby. Try not to let your dog off the leash without a reason and call him constantly. Keep in mind that the dog’s behavior has changed; the dog is weakly able to listen to commands.

A well-mannered pet rarely ignores the owner's commands. If we talk about a male dog, the dog must obey its owners unquestioningly. But on a walk you meet a lot of mongrels.

If you're worried about the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy, just remain extremely careful. Knowing the duration of the process, owners can control the process and protect the pet from attacks from strangers.

Features of estrus in a dog

Real story

The dog owner contacted the site:

“A question arose about mating and estrus. They took the dog to a neighboring town for mating. A test was taken in advance to determine readiness for mating (for progesterone). On the 13th day of estrus, mating was successful. That day, the discharge from the loop was light, transparent with a pinkish tint. The dog was sent for mating with a courier; during the trip, the dog apparently caught a cold. The dog pees often. I had to drip Canephron N (40 drops, 3 times a day) for 3 days - 5-7 days after mating. It seems that the situation has improved, my health is good, as is my appetite and stool. But now (20th day of estrus) dark discharge like a “smudge” is released from the loop. Is this normal?


After a dog is in heat, a specific discharge appears from the loop. Normally, they are light and transparent. Normal physiological leucorrhoea has no odor. If the dog is hypothermic or ill, the discharge may take on a bloody tint, be mixed with pus, and have a strong, unpleasant odor. Changes in the physiological process indicate the presence of serious disorders in canine “gynecology”, requiring urgent intervention by a veterinarian.

– a very serious stage, which largely determines whether future puppies will grow up strong and healthy. During a dog's pregnancy, owners must pay special attention to it, properly care for it and feed it.

Timely recognition of your pet’s “interesting position” will help you make earlier changes to its diet and walks.

Dogs, like humans, have a cyclical cycle to produce viable offspring. For example, a woman’s full cycle occurs within a month, i.e. Over the course of a year, a woman can successfully conceive a child 12 times. In dogs, the cycle takes place within 6 months, which means that the animal can become pregnant only twice a year.

Dogs develop the ability to reproduce at the age of 8 to 18 months, which is determined by the breed and individual characteristics of each bitch.

Conception is possible only on a certain day of estrus. On other days, the bitch will not let the male in. The loop on days 11-3 looks very swollen.

During one complete sexual cycle, the following phases occur:

  1. Proestrus - this stage lasts up to 10 days, during which the body prepares for ovulation.
    Dogs develop bloody discharge from the vagina, which attracts males, but most often the bitch does not allow them near her during estrus. Pregnancy is not possible, even if mating occurs. However, it is worth considering that sperm can remain in the uterine system for about 11 days. The egg may be released in the last days of this period, but more often this happens during the second stage.
  2. Estrus - this phase lasts from 4 days to 2 weeks.
    At the beginning of the period, ovulation occurs, the bitch allows the male to mate.
  3. Diestrus - this stage occurs regardless of whether the egg has been fertilized or not.
    During this phase, the ovaries form the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. This hormone prepares the lining of the uterus for bearing puppies. If pregnancy has occurred, the maximum amount of progesterone in the blood will be on the 30th day after fertilization, then it will gradually decrease and completely disappear by childbirth. If fertilization does not occur, progesterone can function for up to 100 days and cause a false pregnancy.
  4. Anestrus or resting phase - the duration of this phase is 4-5 months.
    During this period, the body recovers and accumulates strength for the next sexual cycle.

Thus, a dog is only able to conceive during certain times: the last few days of proestrus and throughout estrus. Also, the onset of pregnancy largely depends on the breed of the dog, in what conditions it is kept, on its nutrition and state of health.

How long does a dog bear offspring?

A dog's pregnancy lasts from 55 to 70 days. It happens that offspring are born both on the 60th day of gestation and on the 75th.

Very often, the cause of premature birth is a previous injury. Childbirth can also begin due to a hidden illness, exhaustion of the body, or the age of the animal.

Calculate when to expect offspring.

So, the first signs of pregnancy in a dog include:

  • decreased appetite for up to two weeks;
  • the coat becomes silky and softer, and also shimmers more;
  • two weeks after conception, swelling of the nipples and mammary gland tissue occurs;
  • after three weeks the dog becomes lethargic, tired and moody, especially in the morning;
  • behavior changes - the bitch often gets scared, behaves quietly and cautiously, and is more affectionate towards her owners;
  • toxicosis may occur in dogs;
  • from the second half of gestation, appetite increases and the shape of the abdomen changes, especially noticeable in small dogs;
  • clear vaginal discharge appears;
  • urination occurs more frequently.

Important! If vomiting and malaise are present in the second month of pregnancy, this is no longer toxicosis, but intoxication, which can threaten the life of the bitch and her future puppies.

All these changes in behavior and physiology are especially important if about 6 months have passed since the last birth, and there was mating during estrus.

Early diagnosis methods

During the first 10-15 days after mating, it is almost impossible to accurately determine whether your pet is pregnant or not. Signs of pregnancy in dogs, which are visible to the naked eye, appear only in the second period of gestation.

Just like in humans, dogs are best tested by ultrasound.

Currently, it is not at all necessary to wait a month to make sure your pet is pregnant, since there is an early diagnosis of pregnancy in dogs, which can be done at a veterinary hospital. Already in the first month, conception can be diagnosed using an ultrasound examination or by taking tests to a laboratory.

Thanks to a dog ultrasound, conception can be confirmed as early as the end of the third week. Also during this test, you can hear the heartbeat and see the outline of the puppies, as well as find out how many will be born. And by taking a pregnancy test for dogs, you can confirm conception on the third day after conception.

The procedure is a laboratory blood test to determine the amount of relaxin, which increases with successful conception. Pregnancy can be 100% confirmed using a blood test by the end of the first month. However, this is a relatively expensive method of determining the gestational age and, as a rule, it is carried out by breeders of valuable breeds.

False pregnancy

Sometimes, if fertilization of the egg has not occurred, it occurs. This occurs under the influence of the hormone progesterone, which remains in the body for a long time, even if conception has not occurred.

Under its influence, the animal’s body produces other hormones that are responsible for pregnancy and childbirth in dogs.

The symptoms of a false pregnancy are very similar to those of a normal pregnancy. The bitch's behavior changes, her nipples swell, her tummy becomes rounder, and colostrum is produced over time.

The only symptom to determine a false pregnancy is the absence of fetal movements in the dog’s womb.

If you suspect a false pregnancy in your pet, you should contact a veterinary clinic. You can also try to eliminate such a pregnancy yourself, because it can also develop as a result of mental disorders.

For this purpose, it is worth distracting your pet more often and playing with it, giving sedatives, and also eliminating dairy products from the diet, and cutting the norm itself by half for 3-5 days.

Caring for the expectant mother

To ensure that the offspring is born healthy and strong, that labor does not last long and is easy, and that the expectant mother quickly regains her strength after childbirth, it is necessary to ensure proper care during pregnancy.

The expectant mother needs to be fed only good and. If you prefer dry food, choose one that is designed specifically for feeding pregnant and puppy dogs. Almost all dog food manufacturers produce this variety. It takes into account all the animal’s needs for useful elements and vitamins while bearing puppies.

If you only give your girl , increase the amount of protein foods in her diet. Consult with a specialist and select a vitamin supplement, because in this situation the dog needs an increased amount of vitamins.

Important! Don't feed your pet. Excess weight will complicate pregnancy and childbirth for the animal.

As your dog gains weight, it needs to be fed more often, but in smaller portions. Divide the entire amount of food intended for the whole day into more meals. Thanks to this, the food will be well absorbed and vomiting will not occur. When a dog is pregnant, its need for water increases, so make sure that clean drinking water is always available to it.

Walk with your girl the same way as before. Just avoid heavy loads and jumping over obstacles, and in the last few weeks, reduce the duration of walks by increasing their frequency.

It is very important not to worry, not to scold, and under no circumstances to hit the puppy. Moving and changing owners can also have a negative impact. Re-equip your pet's place - make it more spacious, because pregnant dogs are more finicky and it is more difficult for them to choose a comfortable position for rest.

Bearing puppies

Pregnancy in dogs can be divided into several stages. Until the two-week period, fertilized embryos move and become fixed in the uterus. From the 15th day of gestation, the organs of future puppies are formed, and by the 25th day the embryos reach a size of 1 cm.

If you are delivering the baby yourself, then help the bitch and puppies during the birth.

This is the optimal time to perform an ultrasound. Also, at an appointment with a veterinarian, an experienced specialist can palpate the embryos. By day 29, the appearance of the future puppies is finally formed, only the fur is missing.

Starting from day 32, the second part of gestation begins - embryos can already be called fruits. From this time on, the animal’s tummy becomes rounded. By the 35th day of gestation, babies complete the formation of all major body systems.

By the 50th day of pregnancy, you can see the movements of the babies, and by the 58th day, the dog produces colostrum, she often licks herself - you can prepare for the upcoming birth. However, the appearance of colostrum does not indicate the birth of puppies any day, but it is still necessary to equip a special place.

On the last day before the puppies are born, the dog experiences a sharp drop in body temperature. In order to help the animal in a timely manner, the owner must be close to the pet.


If an unplanned mating of a dog occurs, you can terminate the pregnancy using special medications. The animal is given an intramuscular injection on the 2nd and 4th days after mating.

Abortion drugs have a number of contraindications.



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