How to keep your skin and kidneys healthy. non-precious stones

healthy kidneys is a consequence of daily care for yourself and your body as a whole. How to please this super important body? Use our tips, and you will certainly keep your kidneys healthy for long years!

What to do to keep the kidneys in order?

  1. Eat properly

The main task of the kidneys is to remove everything harmful, superfluous from the body, this is the biological filter of our body. Your kidneys will thank you for proper nutrition!

Therefore, it is advisable to exclude smoked, salty, fried foods from the diet and more often use such healthy foods as carrots, apples, Bell pepper, pumpkin, spinach and greens.

  1. Drink clean water

Try to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily. So the kidneys can be cleansed of toxins and other metabolic products. But you need to do this correctly - do not drink in one gulp and do not drink a lot at night, so as not to overload the kidneys.

At the same time, medical mineral water drink only as prescribed by the doctor.

Also try not to drink harmful drinksthat can cause kidney stones: alcohol, coffee in large quantities and carbonated drinks.

  1. Eating celery and drying watermelons

Thanks to its diuretic action, celery helps cleanse the kidneys. And celery juice is recommended to drink with kidney diseases.

With edema and kidney stones, this recipe helps: watermelon rinds dry in the oven, then grind them into powder and boil for 5 minutes. Drink a chilled drink half a glass 2-4 times a day.

  1. Engage in prevention

If you have had kidney problems before, then you should take care of disease prevention.

For example, natural preparations Based on the Sudanese rose, they have proven themselves in the fight against cystitis. This plant has an antibacterial effect and, in case of reduced immunity or hypothermia, prevents pathogenic bacteria from appearing and multiplying.

  1. To choose the right clothes and shoes

If you wear high-heeled shoes for too long, the pelvic bones can shift, and this is bad for kidney health. Therefore, lovers high heels it is recommended to occasionally take a break and wear shoes at low speed.

Also try not to wear too often tight clothes(for example, very tight jeans) so as not to disturb the blood flow and oxygen supply to the kidneys.

  1. Do not get cold

In the cold season, it is important to make sure that your feet are warm all the time. Warm clothes no less important. And, of course, you should not wear low-waisted trousers and mini-skirts - this way you run the risk of overcooling the kidneys even more!

  1. Move more and… dance!

Physical activity is the key to kidney health! For prevention various diseases it is recommended to walk a lot, swim (just do not overcool), exercise on a fitball, do the “bike” exercise with a roller under the lower back.

To strengthen the kidneys, dancing is useful in which you need to actively rotate your hips.

And to strengthen the kidneys, dancing is useful, in which you need to actively rotate your hips.

  1. Do not self-medicate

Even the most harmless at first glance, the components of drugs can be deposited in the kidneys. Therefore, if you have kidney problems, it is better to consult a doctor about the selected drug.

Better yet, go through a full examination, after which you will be able to prescribe a competent and effective treatment!

In addition to taking care of your health every day, you should know what are the signs that “something is not right” with the kidneys.

Symptoms of Kidney Disease

The most frequently encountered are kidney disease like nephroptosis, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis disease and kidney failure.

Most of these and other kidney diseases are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Malaise, general weakness, fast fatiguability
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite, dry mouth and thirst
  • Morning swelling (especially in the eye area), swelling of the legs
  • Increased arterial pressure
  • Pale skin tone
  • Lower back pain
  • Blood in the urine, cloudy urine
  • Fever, fever and chills

If you have some of these symptoms, be sure to consult a urologist! He will direct you for diagnostics, after which he will select effective scheme kidney treatment.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

This can be done with the help of certain foods, the use of which will positively affect the condition and functioning of the kidneys. In order not to create unnecessary stress on the kidneys, let's figure out what the kidneys "like" and what they "do not like"? Let's start with what they love.

What is good for the kidneys:

1. Pure water and plentiful drink. Therefore, in order to maintain a normal water-salt balance, it is necessary to drink approximately 2 liters of purified water per day.

2. Foods rich in vitamin A. This vitamin is found in large quantities in bell pepper, carrots, asparagus, sea buckthorn, spinach, parsley and cilantro.

3. Foods rich in vitamin E. This is a pumpkin, both raw and dishes from it: juice, millet porridge with pumpkin, pumpkin baked with dried fruits.

4. Products containing pectin. These are plums and apples, as they contain a lot of pectin, which is able to bind toxins and remove them from the body.

5. Vitamin D and important fatty acid. These elements are abundant in cod and herring.

6. Vitamin C, a large number of, which is abundant in rose hips.

7. B vitamins improve the blood supply to the kidneys. A large amount of vitamins of this group is in bran.

8. Fresh cranberries, juice and fruit drink from it, cranberries grated with sugar. Due to its cleansing properties, this berry can protect the kidneys from stone formation, remove excess liquid from the body and eliminates sand.

9. Fresh watermelon, soaked and watermelon juice have a strong diuretic effect, wash the kidneys and rid them of sand.

What is bad for the kidneys:

1. The kidneys do not like drafts, so fashionistas who love short blouses and low-waisted trousers are at risk of getting pyelonephritis. Also, you can not sit on cold benches and unheated ground.

2. Many infectious diseases contribute to the fact that bacteria can penetrate the kidneys and provoke the onset of the disease, so even a simple acute respiratory disease cannot be carried on the legs, and even more so brought to the chronic stage.

3. Women need regular gynecological examinations. Since they are due to structural features internal organs more susceptible to kidney disease.

4. The use of antibiotics also negatively affects the kidneys. Therefore, in order to reduce the harm, while taking them, you need to drink plenty of pure non-carbonated water.

5. sedentary image life. Since at the same time salts begin to be deposited in the kidneys, which after a certain amount of time turn into sand and stones.

We list the products that the kidneys “do not like”: flour and sweet dishes, lemonades, carbonated drinks, pickles, marinades and smoked meats. Salt abuse (leads to stagnation of water in the kidneys), starvation and protein diets (as they slow down the metabolism and lead to the formation of stones), alcohol, lack or excess of vitamin D, excess of vitamin C also harm the good functioning of the kidneys.


One of the signals that not everything is in order with the kidneys will be signaled by the skin. It becomes stiff, and cracks may appear in some of its areas. You should also pay attention to the change in the smell and color of urine when eating beets and other vegetables rich in carotene.

In order not to overload the kidneys with a large number of products, it is necessary to eat often and in small portions.

Try not to eat foods that contain substances that contribute to the formation of stones.

Limit your salt intake.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Ways of culinary processing of products useful for the kidneys: baking, boiling, light frying in butter.

Cleansing and treatment of the kidneys with traditional medicine

Beneficial effect on the kidneys the following herbs: field horsetail, fireweed, St. John's wort, shepherd's bag and lingonberry leaf. However, in order to select the most suitable composition herbs and how to use them, you should consult with your doctor. Thus, if you follow all the above recommendations, you can save and maintain your health for a long time. After all, from correct operation kidneys affect mood, performance, well-being and intelligence!

When using a water filter, you can notice the presence of a thick layer of rust and salts that settle on it over time.

Unfortunately, in the process of human life, no less harmful substances enter his body.

Purification of blood from toxins, viruses and microbes is carried out using the natural filter of our body - the kidneys, which also perform such very important features like regulation blood pressure and production of red blood cells.

It is hard to imagine that more than two hundred liters of blood passes through the kidneys and is purified in a day. There are several recommendations that you can follow to keep your kidneys healthy.

Which of the foods are considered especially beneficial for the kidneys?

The main function of the kidneys is to cleanse the blood and remove everything superfluous from the body, so it becomes clear that these are products that have a diuretic effect: watermelon, melon, currant, strawberry, cucumber. Vitamin A is very valuable for the kidneys, because of its deficiency, there is a risk of stone formation. Vitamin A is found in abundance in greens, sea ​​fish, red vegetables, seafood.

What food is bad for the kidneys?

For the kidneys are harmful:

  • smoked meats,
  • fat meat,
  • spicy food.

The reason for this dislike is increased load on the kidneys, since excess protein and its decay products do not accumulate in the body, like fats, but are excreted through the kidneys, thereby increasing the load on them. Natural filters cannot cope with excess load, resulting in the presence of inflammatory process leading to stone formation. And the kidneys do not like an excess of sugar, salt and alcohol.

How to clean the "filters"?

The health and performance of the kidneys directly depends on the amount of fluid drunk per day. The optimal amount of which is 1.5 liters. The more drunk, the better the flow of plasma passes through the kidney filters. Thanks to this, toxins, salts and bacteria are removed from the body in time. Very useful for the body is only high-quality drinking water, compotes, green tea, herbal infusions, morses. It is not recommended to abuse mineral water, for the reason that the excess salts contained in it can form stones in the body.

How not to harm?

Emptying Bladder 4-6 times a day is considered normal. If this happens less often, then you need to drink more fluid. You should not endure "to the last", it can provoke stagnation of urine. The consequence of this process is the "emission" of urine back into the kidneys, which provokes an inflammatory process.

Elimination of foci of infection.

Pathogenic bacteria actively multiply in the human body and primarily attack the kidneys, as this is one of the most vulnerable organs. The focus of infection can be anything, this is caries of tooth enamel, respiratory diseases, genital infections and even inflammation skin. In many cases, the cause of kidney disease is diabetes, inflammation of the pelvic organs, atherosclerosis. These diseases contribute to the violation of blood flow in the kidneys, causing them serious harm. Particular care should be taken by pregnant women. The growing fetus puts pressure on the ureters, thereby disrupting the process of urine outflow. The consequence of such violations may be an inflammatory disease of the kidneys - pyelonephritis.


Initially, the protection of the kidneys from hypothermia and injury is carried out by the fat capsule, protective functions which are very limited. For this reason, it is necessary to protect the body from hypothermia, that is, dress according to the season and not sit on cold surfaces. It is also worth remembering that stressful condition significantly reduces immunity, and therefore endangers infection, which can easily be delivered to the kidneys with the help of blood.

1. Drink more. Fluid helps the kidneys remove toxins and salts.
2. Lack of rigid diets. With a sharp weight loss, the fatty capsule that protects the kidneys from cold and injury decreases.
3. Strengthening immunity. Sports will help get rid of blood stasis in the body and strengthen the immune system, and for the prevention of kidney diseases, you can do dancing involving the rotation of the hips.
4. Rejection bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco smoke contain toxins that are harmful not only to the kidneys, but to the entire body.
5. Going to the bath. Dry and warm air is very beneficial for the kidneys. With sweat, those substances that, when normal conditions would have to be excreted by the kidneys. The load is reduced, and blood flow is improved due to the expansion, under the action of heat, of blood vessels.

Without the kidneys, our body would not be able to live, but people often expose them to excessive load. Published on the web portal

The kidneys are paired organ urinary system. Their main function is to remove from the body toxic substances created by the body in the process of life or entering it from outside.

Healthy foods for kidneys
In order for the kidneys to be healthy, you should eat foods rich in vitamin A.
This vitamin is often synthesized in our body from carotene found in carrots, bell peppers, sea buckthorn, asparagus, parsley, spinach and cilantro.

Apples and plums. These fruits contain a large amount of pectin, a substance that can bind toxins and remove them from the body.

Cranberry. Due to its cleansing properties, this berry may protect the kidneys from stone formation.

Rose hip. Contains vitamin C.

Bran. They contain B vitamins, which improve the blood supply to the kidneys.

General recommendations
In order for the kidneys to stay healthy longer, the following rules must be observed.
Eat fractionally so as not to overload the kidneys with a massive intake of waste products.
Try not to eat foods that cause irritation of the renal tubules, as well as their destruction.
Avoid foods that contain substances that promote the formation of stones.
Limit the intake of salt, food, rich in purines and oxalic acid.

Include in the diet enough vegetables and fruits
Signs of kidney problems
Since the kidneys are responsible for the proper functioning of all body systems, they are used to diagnose problems. the following signs.
Rough skin and cracked heels.
Change in color and smell of urine when eating beets and other vegetables rich in carotene.
Bad smell body.

Treatment and cleansing of the kidneys
Herbs that have a beneficial effect on the kidneys: fireweed, St. John's wort, horsetail, shepherd's purse, lingonberry leaf.
It is advisable to consult with your doctor for the selection of the most suitable herbs and how they are received.

Watermelon cleaning.
Due to its diuretic action, watermelon is able to qualitatively “wash” the kidneys, rid them of sand and small pebbles.
For cleansing, watermelon should be consumed between 2 and 3 a.m. while in a bath with warm water. (The time of brushing corresponds to the time of activity of the kidney meridian). During the season it is necessary to carry out several cleaning procedures.

Foods that are bad for the kidneys
It causes water retention in the body and, as a result, edema occurs and blood pressure rises.
Important salt should be limited, and not abandoned altogether, because otherwise, kidney failure may develop. Fatty meats, smoked meats and marinades, as they contain substances that cause spasm of the kidney vessels.

Prohibited foods rich in purines: fish and canned meat, offal, meat broths.

To everyone who wants to maintain kidney health, we have proposed a number of recommendations. Don't forget about physical activity: toxins are released from the body with sweat, and thus, exercise facilitates the task of the kidneys to cleanse the body. Eat foods that are good for your body and be healthy!

Spring is the time to talk about the kidneys. Since 2006, every year on the second Thursday of March is celebrated World Kidney Day.
It is the hinge that accounts for the lion's share of exacerbations of renal diseases. Why? After all, the sun is already warming, it’s not so cold outside. What does our kidneys dislike so much? The whole point is that it is now that the problems accumulated over the winter are making themselves known. When it's cold outside, the body mobilizes and uses the maximum of its reserves. As soon as harsh conditions change into more favorable ones, we relax and immediately reap the rewards of a careless attitude to our health. These are out-of-season clothes, an unbalanced diet, an insufficient amount or the quality of the fluid you drink. How to keep your kidneys healthy and avoid seasonal troubles?

Feminine features

A person has two kidneys, each ending in a ureter, through which urine passes through the bladder, then through the urethra ( urethra) is excreted from the body. The kidneys filter the blood and help remove metabolic end products, excess salts and water from it, and are also involved in the regulation of blood pressure and the production of red blood cells. A person can live with one kidney, but if both fail, the work of all vital important systems organism. Most often, women suffer from various kidney ailments, which is due to physiology. Bacterial inflammation kidney has two ways of development: ascending and descending. In the first case, the infection enters the kidneys through urinary tract(urethra, bladder, ureters). In women, the urethra is much shorter than in men, so the infection rises faster. We get kidney inflammation five times more often than men.
90% of all infections of the urogenital tract are caused by coli, which from the intestine through the genitals enters the urethra and then makes its way to the kidneys. In healthy people, the infection is washed out by urine flow, but in those suffering from pyelonephritis, this outflow is disturbed. Pyelonephritis develops especially easily against the backdrop of inflammation of the bladder, which is why it is so important to treat cystitis to the end. Inflammation can also cause yeast mushrooms(for example, Candida). Untreated thrush in time can result in kidney problems.

Take care of immunity

The second way of spreading kidney infections is from top to bottom: at any bacterial infection Against the background of reduced immunity, bacteria enter the kidneys with blood, causing their inflammation. The kidneys are a very vulnerable organ, the so-called target organ, which is one of the first to be attacked by pathogenic bacteria that actively multiply in the body. Therefore, women of fashion, walking around in the cold season in short jackets and trousers with a low fit, are at first risk of getting inflammation of the kidneys. Infrequent emptying of the bladder can also contribute to the development of kidney disease. Stagnation of urine weakens the sphincters of the ureters, resulting in vesicoureteral reflux: urine is thrown back into the kidneys, which provokes inflammation. The focus of infection can be carious teeth, respiratory infections, skin inflammations, genital infections, etc. The development of renal ailments is often promoted by diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, bowel disease. Pregnant women especially need to be careful: the enlarged uterus presses on the ureters, which prevents the normal outflow of urine and is fraught with the development of pyenlonephritis.

precious liquid

The kidneys, like no other organ, need water, because they are a filter that cleanses the body of harmful metabolic products, toxins, drug residues. For normal operation kidneys need to drink 1-1.5 liters of fluid per day. The water should be clean, odorless, pleasant in taste, without any sediment. Very often you can hear advice to drink melt water. However, it should be borne in mind that such water should not be consumed daily. It is good to use it when carrying out body cleansing, since tired (distilled) water does not have its own structure. And in order to include this water in the metabolism, the body must structure it, what are they spent on? extra effort. When cleansing the body, melt water easily "picks up" any (including negative) structure and removes it.
It matters how we drink water. In no case should you drink a large amount of water in one gulp - this is a huge load on the kidneys. It is better to drink often, but in small portions. And, of course, you should not replace water with liters of coffee and all kinds of sodas - such drinks irritate the kidneys and can even provoke the formation of stones. Dislike kidneys and alcohol: it shows destructive action body cells, in large quantities leads to kidney failure.

Features of the diet

Since the task of the kidneys is to remove all the garbage from the body, they love all diuretic and slightly laxative foods: pumpkin, watermelon, melon, apples, cabbage, radish. Vitamin A is also extremely important for the kidneys; if it is deficient, the risk of stone formation increases. Vitamin A lot of greens, red vegetables and fruits, sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, sea fish, seafood. Poorly affects the health of the kidneys vegetables grown in hydroponics, using pesticides and chemicals (and this is almost all greenhouse vegetables from the supermarket). Spinach and ischavel are kidney provocateurs, so they are not recommended for people suffering from kidney disease. Frozen, these vegetables are simply poison for the kidneys and can even cause a healthy person to cause the disease oxalate cystitis. The kidneys also dislike products with an excess of iron-containing compounds: old pork and beef, game, liver.
In the use of salt, you need to adhere to the golden mean. If you completely refuse salt, then kidney failure can occur. Excess will also lead to the same result plus the formation of stones. Recommended daily dose salt - 5g per day. At the same time, it is important to take into account the salt in the prepared foods that we eat during the day.

Be vigilant
What signs can you tell if your kidneys are having problems?

Bags under the eyes, swollen ankles or hands are all indicators of kidney problems. Edema occurs as a result of incomplete excretion from the body excess water. Attention should be paid to painful sensations in the lumbar region, as well as problems with urination (pain, too frequent urges cloudy or clear urine).
As a rule, with inflammation of the kidneys, the temperature rises above 38 ° C, chills, nausea (sometimes headache. There are pains in the lower back that radiate to the upper abdomen or groin. In the vertical position of the body, the pain is stronger than the standing side, where the inflamed kidney is located. In the horizontal, it hurts more when you lie on the opposite side.
In the morning of the sick, symptoms of cystitis are present: frequent and painful urination, pain in the lower abdomen. With spasms of the ureters caused by infection, short-term acute pain may be felt - the so-called renal colic. For example, pyelonephritis is insidious in that acute period can be smeared, it is easy to overlook. This is fraught with an imperceptible transition of the disease into a chronic form. In this case, there may be general weakness, fatigue, headaches, dull pain in the lumbar region. Therefore, it is so important to undergo an examination by a nephrologist or on medical ultrasound equipment at the first symptoms. Must pass general analysis urine, and it is also necessary to carry out a urine culture, with the help of which the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to antibiotics are detected.

Take Action
To keep your kidneys healthy, you need to constantly keep them in good condition. If during the holidays you were fond of fatty, heavy foods, alcohol, immediately spend easy cleaning kidneys. Here's what the doctor advises medical sciences Alla Vladimirovna Dmitrieva: "The simplest and best remedy is barley water. It is very easy to prepare. Pour 1 tbsp of unpeeled barley grains with 700 ml of boiling water. Infuse overnight under the lid. Use barley water as a normal drink for two to three weeks.
Beautiful soft remedy for kidneys - tincture of blackcurrant buds. It should be prepared at the end of February-March, when the buds begin to swell on the bites. Collect slightly opened currant buds, pour vodka (in a ratio of 1:5 or 1:7), let it brew for 2 weeks, drain. Take 30-40 drops per 50 ml of water. This safe diuretic can also be used to relieve puffiness during PMS (when the eyelids, fingers swell). A good female diuretic is alfalfa (you can buy it in a pharmacy). It contains phytosterols ( plant analogues female hormones) and not only perfectly cleanses, but also supports the kidneys.



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