Modern principles of treatment of post-infectious asthenic conditions in children. Causes of asthenia after influenza

(asthenic syndrome) is a gradually developing psychopathological disorder that accompanies many diseases of the body. Asthenia is manifested by fatigue, decreased mental and physical performance, sleep disturbances, increased irritability or, conversely, lethargy, emotional instability, and autonomic disorders. Asthenia can be identified through a thorough survey of the patient and a study of his psycho-emotional and mnestic sphere. You also need complete diagnostic examination to identify the underlying disease that caused asthenia. Asthenia is treated by selecting an optimal work regime and a rational diet, using adaptogens, neuroprotectors and psychotropic drugs(neuroleptics, antidepressants).

General information

Asthenia is undoubtedly the most common syndrome in medicine. It accompanies many infections (ARVI, influenza, food poisoning, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc.), somatic diseases (acute and chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer 12p. intestines, enterocolitis, pneumonia, arrhythmia, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, neurocirculatory dystonia, etc.), psychopathological conditions, postpartum, post-traumatic and postoperative periods. For this reason, specialists in almost any field encounter asthenia: gastroenterology, cardiology, neurology. Asthenia may be the first sign of an incipient disease, accompany its peak, or be observed during the period of convalescence.

Asthenia should be distinguished from ordinary fatigue, which occurs after excessive physical or mental stress, changes in time zones or climate, non-compliance with work and rest schedules. Unlike physiological fatigue, asthenia develops gradually and persists long time(months and years), does not go away after good rest and needs medical intervention.

Causes of asthenia

According to many authors, asthenia is based on overexertion and exhaustion of the higher nervous activity. Immediate cause the occurrence of asthenia may result from insufficient intake nutrients, excessive energy expenditure or frustration metabolic processes. Any factors that lead to exhaustion of the body can potentiate the development of asthenia: acute and chronic diseases, intoxication, poor nutrition, mental disorders, mental and physical excessive load, chronic stress, etc.

Classification of asthenia

Due to its occurrence in clinical practice, organic and functional asthenia are distinguished. Organic asthenia occurs in 45% of cases and is associated with the patient’s existing chronic somatic diseases or progressive organic pathology. In neurology, organic asthenia accompanies infectious organic brain lesions (encephalitis, abscess, tumor), severe traumatic brain injury, demyelinating diseases (multiple encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis), vascular disorders(chronic cerebral ischemia, hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke), degenerative processes (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, senile chorea). Functional asthenia accounts for 55% of cases and is a temporary reversible condition. Functional asthenia is also called reactive asthenia, since it essentially represents the body’s reaction to stressful situation, physical fatigue or acute illness.

By etiological factor somatogenic, post-traumatic, postpartum, post-infectious asthenia are also distinguished.

According to the characteristics of clinical manifestations, asthenia is divided into hyper- and hyposthenic forms. Hypersthenic asthenia is accompanied by increased sensory excitability, as a result of which the patient is irritable and does not tolerate loud sounds, noise, or bright light. Hyposthenic asthenia, on the contrary, is characterized by a decrease in susceptibility to external stimuli, which leads to lethargy and drowsiness of the patient. Hypersthenic asthenia is more mild form and with the increase of asthenic syndrome it can turn into hyposthenic asthenia.

Depending on the duration of existence of asthenic syndrome, asthenia is classified into acute and chronic. Acute asthenia is usually functional in nature. It develops after severe stress, an acute illness (bronchitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, gastritis) or infection (measles, influenza, rubella, infectious mononucleosis, dysentery). Chronic asthenia is different long course and is often organic. Chronic functional asthenia includes chronic fatigue syndrome.

A separate category is asthenia associated with depletion of higher nervous activity - neurasthenia.

Clinical manifestations of asthenia

The symptom complex characteristic of asthenia includes 3 components: own clinical manifestations asthenia; disorders associated with the underlying pathological condition; disorders caused by the patient's psychological reaction to the disease. Manifestations of asthenic syndrome itself are often absent or mildly expressed in the morning, appearing and increasing during the day. IN evening time asthenia reaches its maximum manifestation, which forces patients to mandatory take a rest before continuing work or moving on to household chores.

Fatigue. The main complaint with asthenia is fatigue. Patients note that they get tired faster than before, and the feeling of fatigue does not disappear even after a long rest. If we're talking about O physical labor, then it is observed general weakness and reluctance to do their regular job. In the case of intellectual work, the situation is much more complicated. Patients complain of difficulty concentrating, memory deterioration, decreased attentiveness and intelligence. They note difficulties in formulating their own thoughts and expressing them verbally. Patients with asthenia often cannot concentrate on thinking about one specific problem, have difficulty finding words to express any idea, and are absent-minded and somewhat retarded when making decisions. In order to do previously feasible work, they are forced to take breaks; in order to solve the task at hand, they try to think about it not as a whole, but by breaking it down into parts. However, this does not bring the desired results, increases the feeling of fatigue, increases anxiety and causes confidence in one’s own intellectual inadequacy.

Psycho-emotional disorders. Decrease in productivity in professional activity causes the emergence of negative psycho-emotional states associated with the patient’s attitude towards the problem that has arisen. At the same time, patients with asthenia become hot-tempered, tense, picky and irritable, and quickly lose self-control. They experience sudden mood swings, states of depression or anxiety, extremes in their assessment of what is happening (unreasonable pessimism or optimism). The aggravation of psycho-emotional disorders characteristic of asthenia can lead to the development of neurasthenia, depressive or hypochondriacal neurosis.

Autonomic disorders . Almost always, asthenia is accompanied by disorders of the autonomic system. nervous system. These include tachycardia, pulse lability, changes blood pressure, chilliness or feeling of heat in the body, generalized or local (palms, armpits or feet) hyperhidrosis, loss of appetite, constipation, painful sensations along the intestine. With asthenia, headaches and a “heavy” head are possible. Men often experience a decrease in potency.

Sleep disorders. Depending on the form, asthenia may be accompanied by sleep disturbances of various natures. Hypersthenic asthenia is characterized by difficulty falling asleep, restless and intense dreams, night awakenings, early awakening and a feeling of weakness after sleep. Some patients have the feeling that they hardly sleep at night, although in reality this is not the case. Hyposthenic asthenia is characterized by the occurrence daytime sleepiness. At the same time, problems with falling asleep and poor quality night sleep.

Diagnosis of asthenia

Asthenia itself usually does not cause diagnostic difficulties for a doctor of any profile. In cases where asthenia is a consequence of stress, injury, illness, or acts as a harbinger of symptoms starting in the body pathological changes, its symptoms are pronounced. If asthenia occurs against the background existing disease, then its manifestations may fade into the background and not be so noticeable behind the symptoms of the underlying disease. In such cases, signs of asthenia can be identified by interviewing the patient and detailing his complaints. Special attention You should pay attention to questions about the patient's mood, his sleep state, his attitude towards work and other responsibilities, as well as his own condition. Not every patient with asthenia will be able to tell the doctor about his problems in the area of intellectual activity. Some patients tend to exaggerate existing disorders. To get an objective picture, the neurologist, along with neurological examination it is necessary to conduct a study of the patient’s mnestic sphere, assess his emotional state and response to various external signals. In some cases, it is necessary to differentiate asthenia from hypochondriacal neurosis, hypersomnia, and depressive neurosis.

Diagnosis of asthenic syndrome requires mandatory examination of the patient for the underlying disease that caused the development of asthenia. For this purpose, additional consultations with a gastroenterologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, pulmonologist, nephrologist, oncologist, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, etc. can be carried out.

Treatment of asthenia

General recommendations for asthenia boil down to selecting the optimal work and rest regime; refusal to contact with various harmful effects, including from drinking alcohol; introduction of health-improving activities into the daily routine physical activity; following a diet that is fortified and corresponds to the underlying disease. The best option is a long rest and a change of scenery: vacation, Spa treatment, tourist trip and so on.

Patients with asthenia benefit from foods rich in tryptophan (bananas, turkey meat, cheese, bread coarse), vitamin B (liver, eggs) and other vitamins (rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn, kiwi, strawberries, citrus fruits, apples, salads from raw vegetables and fresh fruit juices). Important for patients with asthenia there is a calm work environment and psychological comfort at home.

Drug treatment of asthenia in general medical practice comes down to the prescription of adaptogens: ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Chinese schisandra, Eleutherococcus, pantocrine. In the USA, the practice of treating asthenia is accepted large doses B vitamins. However, this method of therapy is limited in its use by a high percentage of adverse allergic reactions. A number of authors believe that complex vitamin therapy is optimal, including not only B vitamins, but also C, PP, as well as microelements involved in their metabolism (zinc, magnesium, calcium). Often, nootropics and neuroprotectors are used in the treatment of asthenia (ginkgo biloba, piracetam, gamma-aminobutyric acid, cinnarizine + piracetam, picamelon, hopantenic acid). However, their effectiveness in asthenia has not been definitively proven due to the lack of large studies in this area.

In many cases, asthenia requires symptomatic psychotropic treatment, which can only be selected by a specialist: a neurologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist. So, on an individual basis, for asthenia, antidepressants are prescribed - serotonin and dopamine reuptake inhibitors, neuroleptics (antipsychotics), procholinergic drugs (salbutiamine).

The success of treating asthenia resulting from any disease largely depends on the effectiveness of treatment of the latter. If the underlying disease can be cured, the symptoms of asthenia usually go away or are significantly reduced. During long-term remission chronic disease, the manifestations of the accompanying asthenia are also reduced to a minimum.

The immune system loses a lot of strength and vitamins when fighting viral diseases, which leads to exhaustion of the body. Similar phenomenon explains dizziness and weakness after the flu. Experts say that when proper recovery immunity after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection, the body can recover within 2 weeks. If the condition does not improve, then you should consult a doctor. This situation can lead to serious complications and a new viral attack.

Causes of dizziness and weakness after the flu

Weakness and loss of appetite almost often occur after suffering from acute respiratory viral infections. Even if the temperature has returned to normal, and there is no cough with a runny nose, the person still feels depressed vital energy. The reason for this condition is the body’s loss of many strengths and vitamins to fight the viral disease.

Correctly selected treatment for ARVI usually eliminates all existing symptoms. However, it is not uncommon for patients to feel dizzy and weak after the flu.

During the disease, the emergence of pathogenic microflora is observed, followed by the development of certain pathological processes:

  1. Intoxicating. The vital activity of microorganisms releases toxins that penetrate the human blood, causing dizziness and nausea. In this case, dizziness is considered side effect this type of pathology. After the flu, this situation intensifies, over time causing more complex complications that lead to intoxication of the body. The intoxication process causes disruption of the functioning of body systems.
  2. Catarrhal. This process is characterized by inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and respiratory system. The symptoms disappear after 7 days, but complications may occur during this time. You can often find hypotension, which increases the severity of dizziness.

Quite often after the flu, a person experiences dizziness and weakness, also accompanied by apathy, nausea, lethargy and nervousness. As a rule, the patient assumes that they arose due to bad weather or fatigue. However, external signs do not affect this, since the factor in the occurrence of such effects is a history of acute respiratory viral infection.

IN human body Some changes occur after the flu:

  • dysfunction of the nervous and immune systems;
  • poor work respiratory tract who have not yet recovered from the disease;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction due to the use of antiviral drugs;
  • depletion of the body due to lack of vitamins.

It is worth considering the occurrence of asthenia after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection, which is characterized by all of the above pathological processes.

Symptoms of weakness after the flu

In children and adults after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection, the following symptoms occur:

  • drowsiness;
  • severe fatigue;
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • increased sweating;

After the flu, asthenic syndrome, characterized by profuse sweating, weakness, low temperature body up to 35.7-36.2 degrees.

To prevent complications from leading to cardiovascular diseases or chronic fatigue syndrome, you need to eliminate all the consequences after ARVI, going through a long treatment process to restore immunity and vitamin reserves.

Some symptoms that should also alert a person are:

How to recover from the flu?

Recovering from the flu requires quite a bit of hard work. Of course, the most important of them are balancing the vitamin complex and getting proper rest.

When fighting ARVI the immune system spends a lot of energy and reserves of vitamins, so you need to know how to quickly recover from the flu. It is important to rehabilitate the body, focusing on three areas:

  • lifestyle changes;
  • vitamins and nutrition;
  • medications and vitamins.

Lifestyle change

After an acute respiratory viral infection, many immediately plunge into hard work everyday life. However, the body is depleted of vitamins, and weakness can accompany a person constantly. And in order to restore the immune system, you just need to follow a few simple points:

Nutrition and vitamins

To recover and eliminate weakness after the flu, a proper diet plays a significant role. To restore the balance of vitamins and strengthen the body’s condition, it is necessary to include in the menu a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs and foods with a high protein index:

  • lean fish;
  • vegetable oil;
  • mushrooms;
  • caviar;
  • seeds or nuts.

The following products are also useful for balancing vitamin deficiencies and eliminating weakness:

It is worth reducing products based on flour, replacing them with baked goods made from whole grain flour and bran bread.

To restore a child’s body after suffering from an illness, eating persimmon and kiwi, which contain a large amount of vitamins, will be useful. It is necessary to exclude rich soups from the child’s menu, replacing them with chicken broths. Children will also benefit from making vitamin-based teas, which will help eliminate weakness and replenish vitamins. For example, a decoction of dried leaves strawberries with honey and lemon is effective method recovery after ARVI.

An important criterion in rehabilitation is the consumption of sufficient amounts of fluid.

How to recover from the flu if not by removing toxins from the body. Doctors recommend drinking a glass still water 30 minutes before meals. Such actions are very important for children because they become dehydrated more quickly due to high temperatures.

In the absence of allergic reactions to plants, you can recover and various infusions and decoctions that contain large amounts of vitamin C. Raspberries, rose hips, lemon, and ginseng are very good for this. By consuming a mixture of honey, lemon and ginger, which can also be added to greens, the vitamin balance will return to normal faster.


To recover from acute respiratory viral infections, replenish vitamins and strengthen the nervous and immune systems, the basis of the treatment process is prescribed:

  1. Nootropics - Cerebrolysin, Piracetam.
  2. Antioxidants - Mexidol.
  3. Antidepressants - Sertraline.
  4. Adaptogens - Chinese lemongrass, ginseng.
  5. Amino acids - stimol.
  6. Vitamins A, E, B.
  7. Magnesium and calcium.

If the flu was characterized by an increase in temperature and severe intoxication, children and adults need medications to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Typically, enterosorbents are used for this; the following are usually considered effective:

  1. Enterosgel.
  2. Polysorb.
  3. Polyphepan.

Such medications should be taken after the last meal, that is, before bedtime. Experts recommend not taking these drugs for more than 1-2 days, as they can reduce the degree of absorption useful components and vitamins. Most of all, such measures are typical for the child’s body.

Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) is the most common disease on the planet. It is characterized by general malaise, headache, elevated body temperature and catarrhal symptoms (sore throat, cough, runny nose). The patient may feel weakness after ARVI for another 2-3 weeks after the main symptoms of the disease disappear. This is explained by the fact that the body has spent a huge amount of its resources fighting the virus and needs some time to recover. However, increasing weakness after ARVI in combination with other symptoms is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of ARVI and weakness

A respiratory viral infection initially causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, to varying degrees, the patient has various symptoms intoxication (headache, photophobia, chills, general weakness, sweating, elevated temperature body). This disease is caused by pneumotropic viruses that enter the human body through the nasopharynx, that is, by airborne droplets. Children, especially preschoolers, get ARVI much more often than adults, due to the fact that the immune system completely completes its formation after adolescence and has its own critical age intervals. For example, at 3 years old a child begins to attend kindergarten, contact with a huge amount viruses and bacteria, respectively, outbreaks of viral infection in such a child can be observed up to 10-12 times a year.

The feeling of weakness during ARVI occurs due to toxic influence virus on the human body. Weakness is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue and weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Apathy.
  • Poor concentration.
  • Irritability.
  • Sweating.

There are several types of major viruses, based on their symptoms, which should be used as a guide in prescribing treatment and recognizing the most probable complications, (described in the table).

Types of virus

Distinctive symptoms

Most frequent complications that may occur with this disease

Abrupt start. Body temperature rises to 39-40° C and can last up to 7 days. Headache, aches. Heavy sweating after taking antipyretics. Catarrhal phenomena occur on the second or third day of the disease

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • meningitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis;
  • pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • angina


Adenovirus infection

There is a severe runny nose, sore throat, soreness and redness of the eyes, enlarged lymph nodes. Sometimes noted skin rashes

  • conjunctivitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • angina

Respiratory syncytial (RS) virus

Body temperature can rise to 39° C. First of all, a strong dry cough occurs. Children are most susceptible to MS disease

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • false croup in children younger age

Causes of weakness after ARVI

When the first symptoms of the disease occur, in the acute period, it is very important for the patient to observe bed rest. In addition, it is imperative to apply for medical care. All doctor's prescriptions will help avoid consequences and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Doctors generally recommend drinking plenty of fluids, so that everyone comes out with sweat and urine harmful substances, produced by the virus, vitamins and antipyretics. And medical supplies action, which is aimed at combating catarrhal phenomena. If you neglect medical prescriptions with any course of ARVI, accession is possible bacterial infection and the development of severe increasing weakness in the body and all of the above complications. Also, there is a high probability of exhaustion of the nervous system, which can cause prolonged weakness, irritability, various violations sleep, apathy, depression.


Separately, rotavirus infection should be noted. This virus can enter the body through dirty hands, contaminated food and water. Also, the airborne route of its spread cannot be ruled out. This disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Weakness.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Abdominal pain, bloating.
  • Diarrhea is characterized by copious and watery discharge without blood impurities.
  • Runny nose.
  • A sore throat.
  • Cough.

U infants In addition to all the above symptoms, dehydration can develop very quickly. This condition is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • Decreased sweating.
  • Dry tongue.
  • Crying without the presence of tears.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Cramps.
  • Reduced skin turgor (its tone).

Important! Children under 3 years of age are most susceptible to rotavirus infection. She is the one who is most common cause diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, dangerous condition for the life of a child. At the first signs of the disease, especially in babies under one year of age, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor. It mainly consists of taking sorbents ( Activated carbon), rehydration agents (Regidron) for recovery electrolyte balance, strict adherence to drinking regime and diet.

Weakness after rotavirus in children and adults may persist for another 2-3 weeks. Prebiotics (Hilak forte, Lactrofiltrum), probiotics (Linex, Lactobacterin) and enzymes (Creon, Pancreatin) will be very effective during this period. All medications can be taken only after consultation with the treating doctor.

How to overcome weakness after ARVI

During illness, in order to maximally avoid the development of weakness after ARVI, it is very important to follow some nutritional recommendations. For example, such as:

  • To eat fresh fruits and vegetables. They contain a large amount essential vitamins. Onions and garlic are natural antimicrobial agents that effectively fight viruses, especially initial stage diseases.
  • Take main meals in small portions, about 5-6 times a day.
  • Include in your diet lean chicken, veal, turkey, non-rich broths, vegetable stew, porridge cooked in water.
  • Eliminate sweets, dairy products, and smoked foods. Also, salty, fatty, fried foods.
  • Drink warm tea, which can be prepared in the following way: take 300 milliliters of cooled boiled water- 40° C, add a slice of lemon, a teaspoon of chopped ginger, a tablespoon of grated currants and a teaspoon of honey.
  • The volume of fluid in an adult, depending on his weight, should be approximately 2 liters per day.
  • You should not drink only acidified fortified teas. They should be alternated with warm mineral hydrocarbonate water without gas (Borjomi, Luzhanskaya, Polyana Kvasova). Your doctor will tell you how to drink water.

Also, in order to quickly overcome weakness after viral diseases, you need to go for walks more often. fresh air, follow a daily routine and cancel heavy physical training, if they were present before the onset of the disease before full recovery body.

IN modern conditions The child experiences a lot of stress. Tense training program at school, high workload, conflicts in the family and in the team lead to persistent nervous overstrain, the consequence of which is the development of an asthenic state.

This condition is increasingly being diagnosed not only in the adult population, as it was before, but also in children.

The reasons for the development of asthenic syndrome in children include not only increased fatigue, chronic fatigue, but also frequent infectious diseases accompanied by a persistent decrease in immunity, deterioration general well-being child.

And this is not surprising, because in such a situation the baby experiences great nervous tension and increased anxiety. Therefore, parents need to take care not only of the emotional, but also of physical health crumbs.

Features of the disease

Literally this name can be translated as weakness and powerlessness. And this very accurately reflects the essence of the disease.

In an asthenic state, the child feels depressed, overwhelmed, and the baby develops apathy towards the world around him.

In addition, the baby’s sleep and wakefulness patterns are disrupted, which further complicates the situation. Lack of healthy long sleep negatively affects his condition during the daytime.

The disease most often develops in young children school age. This is due to a sharp change in daily routine and activities. At school, especially in elementary school, increased demands are placed on the child regarding academic performance and behavior, which was not the case before.

During the lesson, the child must not only limit himself in movement, but also intensify his mental activity in order to remember educational material. For a short break the baby does not have time to fully rest, and when he comes home, he is forced to do his homework.

This daily routine contributes to the development of stress and chronic fatigue. In addition, parents try to use free time the child as productively as possible, sending him to various sections and clubs.

Of course this helps intellectual development but in the end may provoke the development of an asthenic condition. And this is expressed not only in emotional, but also physical exhaustion.

The pathogenesis of the disease involves a violation of nervous activity in brain cells, a disruption of nerve connections.

This contributes to the development of anxiety, depression and apathy. Over time, unpleasant processes such as disruption of cellular nutrition, decreased muscle tone, weakness and gradual atrophy.

Types of asthenia

Temporary manifestations of asthenia are also common in children. For example, symptoms of the disease may occur in the morning or in the spring.

Reasons for development

Provoking factors include:

Clinical manifestations depending on age

Today, symptoms of the disease can be observed in children of various age groups. Are no exception even the youngest children. The clinical manifestations of the disease depend on the age of the child.

Infants up to one year old

Infants suffering from asthenia often cry, fall asleep worse, and experience constant fatigue while communicating with parents, playing, being held. Signs of asthenia in young children are:

  1. The child is often capricious and cries for a long time, even if he is well-fed and healthy.
  2. The baby does not fall asleep well when rocked to sleep, but becomes calmer when he is alone in the room.
  3. Frightened by sounds, even fairly quiet ones.
  4. Gets tired of talking to people quickly.

Children under 7 years old

As you get older, symptoms of asthenia appear more and more clearly in the child. He is irritable, often tired, afraid of society strangers. In addition, more specific signs may appear:

  1. Fear of bright light.
  2. Intolerance to certain odors, with prolonged contact with which the child may experience nagging pain in the muscles.
  3. Headache that occurs during noise or loud sound.


The main sign of the development of an asthenic state in adolescence is considered to be increased irritability and fatigue. There is a deterioration in behavior, the teenager argues with parents and friends for any reason, becomes more aggressive and conflict-ridden.

Even simple everyday situations cause acute attacks of anger, inadequate reaction. There is also a decrease in school performance and impaired attention.

Which doctor should I contact?

First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause that caused disorders of this kind. To do this, you need to show the child to a doctor - therapist. So, if the cause of asthenia is an infection, it must be eliminated.

In some cases, to normalize the condition, you simply need to adjust your daily routine, give your child more time to rest and doing things you love.

If after 2-3 months the situation does not improve, you will have to show the child to a psychologist, and then, possibly, to a neurologist, if it is determined that there are neurological disorders.


How to treat childhood asthenia? The asthenic state cannot be ignored: ordinary, at first glance, fatigue, can cause serious consequences for the child’s body, up to dangerous neurological and physical disorders.

Treatment is carried out with the help of special medications, however, an important factor remains the normalization of the child’s lifestyle and daily routine.

Drug therapy

The child is prescribed pharmacological preparations the following groups:

  • adaptogens– drugs that increase activity and energy (ginseng extract, lemongrass);
  • nootropics, improving brain activity(Nootropil, Aminalon);
  • sedatives, relieving anxiety, irritability (Novo-passit);
  • antidepressants, tranquilizers that help eliminate severe nervous tension. Prescribed in especially severe cases;
  • neuroleptics– drugs for treatment acute manifestations psychosis;
  • vitamin complexes , helping to strengthen the body as a whole.

Lifestyle correction

To eliminate and prevent symptoms of an asthenic condition, it is necessary to establish correct routine day, normalize your diet. Recommended:

Non-drug approach

These treatment methods include:

  1. Use soothing herbal infusions(you can use valerian root, motherwort, chamomile).
  2. Psychotherapy various directions (necessary both to improve the general emotional state child, and to eliminate individual mental disorders, reasons for the development of asthenia).
  3. Physiotherapy, including classes physical therapy, relaxing or, conversely, toning massage, water therapy (for example, Charcot's shower), acupuncture, aromatherapy.

Parents should closely monitor the child’s condition, paying attention even to such seemingly insignificant signs as fatigue and irritability.

Otherwise, serious problems may develop nervous disorders. It is important to consider that early stages development of asthenia, the disease is treated quite simply, you just need to not miss the moment and show the child to a specialist on time.

A clinical psychologist will talk about asthenic syndrome in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

Outbreaks of influenza and acute respiratory disease viral infection(ARVI) in winter period far from uncommon. According to the observation of doctors, people who have had the disease experience post-infectious asthenia, manifested in weakness, lethargy, sleep disturbances, and a slight increase in temperature. Asthenia after flu may last long enough a long period(1-2 months), significantly reducing a person’s ability to work, interfering with his active life, what distinguishes it from physical fatigue. According to doctors' observations, cases asthenia after flu or colds have become significantly more frequent, and this is explained by the fact that many patients already had some abnormalities before the disease, and the symptoms asthenia after flu simply take on a more pronounced form, with a tendency to further development. Having had the flu, many try not to slow down their usual work pace and do not devote enough time to rest, which in the future can not only increase the feeling physical fatigue, but also lead to loss of strength and development apathy, headaches, insomnia. Therefore, after curing the main symptoms of influenza, you need to think about how.

Physical fatigue or asthenia?

Asthenia may develop at the very beginning of the disease, but most often this trouble occurs when the disease caused viral infection, is in the final stage, when the body is especially weakened.

Many people, upon starting work, experience high physical fatigue during the day and fatigue. They lead to irritability and sleep disturbance, which is often attributed to a bad day or emotional stress . However, all these manifestations are closely related to previous viral infection who become symptomatic post-infectious asthenia. Asthenia after flu has a significant difference from physical fatigue. Post-infectious asthenia is protracted and does not go away even after a full night’s sleep and rest, therefore it requires treatment, since the main causes of development asthenia after flu associated with metabolic acidosis and tissue hypoxia. Another factor viral infection and development post-infectious asthenia is a violation of protein metabolism, leading to an increase in the level of ammonia in the blood, which contributes to the dysfunction of the central nervous system, complicates the transmission nerve impulses and regulation of energy metabolism.

Manifestation of post-infectious asthenia

For post-infectious asthenia The most typical complaints from patients are high mental and physical fatigue, and with increased workload, the occurrence of an unmotivated feeling of fatigue and even loss of strength, the occurrence of causeless anxiety and nervous tension , difficulty concentrating. Along with physiological manifestations asthenia after flu expressed by emotional instability, a tendency to increased tearfulness, touchiness, excessive capriciousness and increased impressionability, there may be a feeling inner nervousness. Characteristic feature asthenia after flu is a sleep disorder. As a rule, patients experience difficulty falling asleep, difficulty relaxing and waking up in the morning, which results in a feeling of morning fatigue, decreased appetite and potency. At post-infectious asthenia Symptoms such as excessive sweating, disturbances heart rate, feeling of lack of air , lowering the threshold of tolerance from various external stimuli(light, sound, weather changes, etc.), which is typical for asthenic syndrome. All these factors, of course, significantly affect everyday life and can provoke behavior changes.

The nature of asthenia after influenza

Asthenia after flu may be of a hyperasthenic nature, occurring at the onset of the disease, and expressed in increased irritability, lack of composure, a feeling of “internal” discomfort, as well as a hyposthenic character that occurs after severe forms of viral infection, and manifested by drowsiness, decreased activity, muscle weakness, and rare bouts of irritability.

In addition, the main features post-infectious asthenia may be accompanied by emotional instability, vegetative(excessive sweating, dizziness, increased heart rate) or functional disorders activities of bodies, complete absence feelings of cheerfulness that do not go away during the day.

Asthenia after flu recovery

To regain strength after the flu need to pick up adequate therapy, combined with a properly organized work and rest regime. Good prevention asthenia after flu is active recreation, hiking outdoors, sports, water procedures ( cold and hot shower, swimming pool, baths with sea ​​salt, coniferous or with decoctions of herbs that have a sedative effect). Have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system various techniques relaxation(relaxation). It is also important to monitor your diet, which should be balanced and contain sufficient quantity vitamins and microelements.

Eliminate from your diet alcoholic drinks, strong black tea and coffee, raspberry, blackcurrant or cranberry juice(from fresh frozen berries), decoction hawthorn or rosehip, having a general strengthening effect, containing significant amount vitamin C, involved in energy metabolism.

Restoring energy metabolism after viral infections

To restore energy metabolism in the body after viral infections, it needs macroelements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus. which will provide proper nutrition and vitamin complexes. Vitamins Apitonus P– your assistant to combat asthenia after flu, contain natural beekeeping products (royal jelly and pollen), the effect of which is enhanced by an antioxidant complex ( dihydroquercetin , vitamin C and vitamin E), which normalize redox reactions in the body.

To regain strength after the flu, it is necessary to restore sleep, the disturbances of which are caused by post-infectious asthenia. They will come to your aid here sedatives medicinal herbs: valerian officinalis , motherwort, St. John's wort, blooming Sally(fireweed), sage, pharmaceutical camomile , oregano

Based on sedatives medicinal herbs drugs produced Valeriana P, Motherwort P, St. John's wort P And Ivan-chai P, allowing you to restore healthy sleep and exclude development astheno-depressive syndrome which can lead to asthenia after flu. These herbal preparations included vitamin C, which enhances the effect of medicinal raw materials and promotes the removal of toxins from the body.

Sedative herbs for post-infectious asthenia

To eliminate post-infectious asthenia collections of sedative herbs are more effective, providing faster and longer lasting sedative effect. Biologically active complex Nervo-Vit, awarded the title of one of 100 best products 2012, produced on the basis cyanosis blue which allows for faster treatment post-infectious asthenia, eliminate



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