Vitamins for the nervous system for children. How to strengthen a child’s nervous system: vitamins and vitamin complexes

In modern conditions, more and more people are exposed to stress. Chronic lack of sleep, wrong mode nutrition, accelerated pace of life, problems at work and in personal relationships inevitably leave a negative imprint on a person’s mental health. But few people know that stress is one of the risk factors for the development of almost any disease. The central nervous system is responsible for coordinated work different organs and body systems. In this regard, it is very important to take care of it and, if necessary, drink vitamins to strengthen it. nervous system.

  1. B1 (thiamine). Promotes regeneration of tissues of the nervous system, transmission of nerve impulses, and has antioxidant properties.
  2. B2 (riboflavin). Improves sleep quality, increases vitality, takes part in energy processes.
  3. B3 (nicotinic acid). Playing important role V biochemical reactions synthesis of hormones, proteins, fats. Increases blood supply to the brain, flow to it nutrients and oxygen, activates mental activity.
  4. B6 (pyridoxine). Improves metabolism in brain tissue, is a catalyst for amino acid metabolism and the synthesis of many neurotransmitters. Promotes the absorption of glucose in the cell, protects against sharp fluctuations in its level in the blood. Regulates trophic innervation.
  5. AT 9 ( folic acid). Controls the degree of excitability of the nervous system and the speed of transmission of nerve impulses. Necessary for the restoration of long-term and short-term memory.
  6. B12 (cyanocobalamin). Helps cope with depression, promotes the removal of toxic products from the body. Accelerates the formation and restoration of the sheath covering nerve fibers.

B vitamins are found in large quantities in eggs, milk, meat (beef, chicken, pork), fish and seafood. Present in potatoes, legumes and grains (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat), crops, nuts and seeds.

In addition to group B, antioxidant vitamins A, C, E and vitamin D are also needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system. They provide the cells of the nervous system with protection from the harmful effects of free radicals, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation in the brain, normalize its functioning, slow down the aging process, and strengthen the immune system. They help the body recover more quickly from severe physical and mental fatigue, stimulate the production of hormones that prevent the development of stressful conditions. Vitamin D is important for the proper absorption of calcium, which is necessary to maintain the nervous system, helps cope with memory impairment, and protects brain cells from hypoxia.

Important: Thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin are neurotropic compounds. They are often prescribed in the complex treatment of various neurological disorders. Their deficiency can lead to damage to the nerves of the peripheral nervous system.

From minerals for normal operation The nervous system needs microelements iron, iodine, zinc, copper, selenium and macroelements calcium, potassium phosphorus, magnesium.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

The condition of hypovitaminosis develops as a result of poor nutrition, metabolic disorders, chronic gastrointestinal pathologies, severe acute respiratory infections and other factors. If important vitamins for the nervous system are not present in full, the following manifestations will be observed:

  • chronic fatigue, apathy;
  • decreased ability to concentrate;
  • difficulty remembering;
  • decreased performance;
  • disturbance of sleep and wakefulness, problems with proper rest;
  • mood swings, unstable emotional state;
  • feeling of anxiety, unreasonable fear, irritability;
  • absent-mindedness, forgetfulness.

Vitamin deficiency provokes the development of anemia, insufficient blood supply to the brain, and a decrease in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to its tissues.

Advice: If any two or more of the above symptoms occur, you should consult your physician. Perhaps changing your diet or taking a vitamin-mineral complex will fundamentally correct the situation and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Drugs for adults

There are two ways to compensate for vitamin deficiency in the body. The first is to enrich the diet with foods containing the necessary components. And the second is to take special vitamin and mineral complexes with a balanced composition. Filling the deficit with food in this case has certain difficulties. For example, B vitamins are water-soluble, that is, they do not accumulate and are easily excreted from the body. In addition, some of them are destroyed during heat treatment of food.

For disorders of the nervous system, the best vitamin complexes are considered to be:

  1. Milgamma tablets. Contains 100 mg of benfotiamine and pyridoxine. Prescribed for therapeutic purposes when neurological pathologies caused by a proven deficiency of vitamins B1 and B6.
  2. Neurovitan tablets. Available in tablet form, they contain octothiamine (vitamin B1 complex with α-lipoic acid), riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin. Indicated in the treatment of pathologies of the nervous system: neuritis, polyneuritis, neuralgia, paresthesia, lumbago, arthralgia, myalgia.
  3. Vitamin and mineral complex Vitrum Superstress. Contains vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, B7, B9, B5 and iron. It is used to eliminate and prevent hypovitaminosis. Allows you to normalize sleep, accelerate cell regeneration, strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and blood composition.
  4. Neuromultivit and Neurobion tablets. They have the same vitamin composition. Contains vitamins B1, B6 and B12. They are prescribed for medicinal purposes in the complex treatment of diseases of the nervous system (neuropathy, neuralgia, neuritis) caused by a deficiency of B vitamins.
  5. Complex Neurorubin-Forte. Contains thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin. Indicated for acute and chronic neuralgia, neuritis and polyneuritis, toxic damage tissues of the nervous system as a result of alcoholism, diabetic polyneuropathy, drug intoxication.
  6. Dietary supplement Neurostabil. It is a complex preparation containing vitamins B, C, magnesium, potassium, glutamic acid and plant extracts of hop cones, oregano, motherwort, and fireweed. Increases the body's resistance to stress and has a mild sedative effect.
  7. Complex Teravit Antistress. It is characterized by a rich vitamin composition, containing vitamins A, C, D, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, B7, B9. Also includes the minerals iron, phosphorus, copper, iodine, zinc, selenium, chromium, molybdenum, manganese, etc. Used to increase the body's resistance, with long-term effects harmful factors, physical overload, exhaustion of the nervous system.

Medicines for children

Children, like adults, can experience vitamin deficiencies, and they are no less susceptible to nervous stress. A child often has problems and experiences during the period of adaptation to kindergarten or school, in the yard, and conflicts with peers. Children exhibit greater physical activity, their bodies grow rapidly, and they are exposed to prolonged mental stress at school, on courses, they attend sports clubs, which requires considerable energy expenditure.

For children, general strengthening vitamin and mineral complexes may be recommended to maintain the nervous system. These drugs have different dosages active ingredients, corresponding to a certain age:

  • Alphabet (Our Baby Alphabet, Kindergarten Alphabet, Schoolchild Alphabet, Teenager Alphabet);
  • Vitrum (Vitrum Baby, Vitrum Kids, Vitrum Junior);
  • Multi tabs (Multi tabs Baby, Multi tabs Kid, Multi tabs Schoolboy, Multi tabs Junior).

The children's nervous system especially needs B vitamins, as they are needed for the formation of nerve cells, improve the ability to concentrate and remember, which is important for the successful assimilation of new information and knowledge, and are involved in psychomotor development.


The choice of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, including those for the nervous system, on pharmacy shelves is now huge, and they are easy to buy without a prescription. But this does not mean that you can self-medicate and choose a drug based on advertising on TV or on the advice of friends with the same health complaints.

If you suspect problems with the nervous system caused by hypovitaminosis, you should first normalize your lifestyle and diet, ensure good rest(minimum 7 hours of sleep). Go to bed on time, take relaxing herbal baths and drinks before bed herbal teas with mint or chamomile. Avoid stress, get rid of bad habits.

If there is no improvement in the state of the nervous system, then you need to consult a doctor. Maybe he will prescribe vitamins, or maybe more serious pharmaceuticals with a pronounced sedative effect (Barboval, Adaptol, Valocordin, Persen). Only a professional approach helps to normalize the state of the nervous system and restore its functions without negative consequences.

It must be remembered that vitamins can bring not only benefits, but also harm. The state of hypervitaminosis is in some cases more dangerous than hypovitaminosis.

Video: About the properties and sources of B vitamins

An original development by Merck, used in 75 countries around the world

B vitamins in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system

B-group Vitamins In The Treatment Of Nervous System Diseases
Ya.A. Starchina I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy

    The paper considers the role of B-group vitamins in nervous system performance and the possibilities of their use in the treatment of nervoussystem diseases as solo drugs in mono- and polyneuropathies of varying genesis and in pain syndromes. The prospects for using the vitamin complex Neurobin are discussed.
    Key words: thiamine, pyridoxine, cyancobalamine, polyneuropathy, pain syndrome, Neurobin. Yulia Alexandrovna Starchina:
    [email protected]

B vitamins, primarily B1 (thiamine), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B12 (cyanocobalamin), are neurotropic and have been used for many years in the treatment of diseases of the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system. All three vitamins of this group play a special role in intermediate metabolism occurring in the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

The daily requirement for vitamin B1 is 1.3-2.6 mg. It increases in older people and in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as with hyperthyroidism, heavy metal poisoning, smoking, stress and alcohol abuse. Thiamine, localized in the membranes of nerve cells, is involved in the processes of regeneration of damaged nerve fibers, energy processes in nerve cells, formation of the structure of neuronal membranes and the normal function of axonal transport.

Vitamin B6 is no less important, especially for bottle-fed children, pregnant women and people taking antibiotics for a long time. The daily requirement of vitamin B6 for an adult is 1.5-3 mg, for children under 1 year of age - 0.3-0.6 mg, for lactating and pregnant women - 2-2.2 mg. Vitamin B6 is actively involved in amino acid metabolism, protein and fat metabolism, immune reactions.

Vitamin B12 plays an important role in cell division, fat regulation and amino acid metabolism, hematopoiesis. Daily norm vitamin B12 for adults - from 2 to 3 mcg/day, for children - from 0.3 to 1 mcg/day, pregnant and lactating women - from 2.6 to 4 mcg/day. It is involved in the most important biochemical processes of myelination of nerve fibers.

B vitamins are prescribed for nutritional deficiency, alcohol abuse, and malabsorption syndrome. B vitamin complexes are often used to stimulate natural mechanisms for restoring the function of nerve tissue in polyneuropathies. of various origins, for the treatment of pain syndromes.

Deficiency of any of the B vitamins leads to the formation of polyneuropathy. With chronic thiamine deficiency, the development of distal sensory-motor polyneuropathy, reminiscent of alcoholic and diabetic ones, is possible. With a lack of pyridoxine, distal symmetrical, predominantly sensory, polyneuropathy occurs, manifested by a feeling of numbness and paresthesia. Lack of cobalamin is associated primarily with pernicious anemia, subacute degeneration of the spinal cord with damage to the posterior cords, while in some cases distal sensory peripheral polyneuropathy is formed, characterized by numbness and loss of tendon reflexes.

Thiamine deficiency and the toxic effect of ethanol play a large role in the development of alcoholic polyneuropathy, which in Russia is one of the most common forms of generalized damage peripheral nerves and occurs in 10% of people 40-70 years old suffering from alcoholism. In alcoholism, there is a deficiency of thiamine. It can also be caused by an unbalanced, mainly carbohydrate, diet. In addition, large amounts of vitamin B1 are required to utilize alcohol. The absorption of thiamine and other B vitamins is impaired due to the development of malabsorption syndrome. These disorders lead to metabolic changes with myelin destruction and axonal degeneration. In most cases, alcoholic polyneuropathy develops slowly, initially the distal parts of the lower extremities are involved in the process, then their proximal parts and distal parts upper limbs, axonal damage to peripheral nerves is revealed. In a large study

T.J. Peters et al. 325 patients with a sensory form of alcoholic polyneuropathy received an oral B vitamin complex for 12 weeks. Patients of the 1st group were prescribed only a complex of vitamins of group B, the 2nd group - additional folic acid (1 mg), the 3rd group - a placebo. In patients of the first two groups, compared with placebo, there was a significant decrease in the intensity of pain, improvement in vibration sensitivity and performance of coordination tests. It is important to note that the addition of folic acid did not affect the dynamics of symptoms. The results obtained confirm the advisability of prescribing a complex of B vitamins to patients with alcoholic polyneuropathy regardless of its origin (ethanol or thiamine). Considering that deficiency of B vitamins plays a leading role in the development of other forms of damage to the nervous system in alcoholism (Haye-Wernicke-Korsakoff encephalopathy, alcoholic dementia), it is advisable to prescribe them in these cases.

Complex preparations of B vitamins are widely used in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy. Known positive influence thiamine on biochemical processes glucose metabolism due to activation of the enzyme transketolase. The administration of thiamine reduces lipid peroxidation, the severity of oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, and the content of non-enzymatic glycation products in diabetic polyneuropathy. The experiment demonstrated its ability to reduce hypoperfusion and improve tissue oxygenation, restore endothelium-dependent vasodilation and inhibit apoptosis. It is believed that vitamins B6 and B12 also play a positive role. Thus, the use of vitamin B12 in diabetic polyneuropathy reduces pain, paresthesia and the severity of damage to the autonomic nervous system, as evidenced by the analysis of 7 clinical controlled studies conducted in 1954-2004. .

Combination drugs B vitamins are also used for complex therapy of acute pain syndromes. In the middle of the last century, the analgesic effect of such therapy was established. As shown clinical experience, intramuscular injection combinations of thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin help relieve pain, normalize reflex reactions, and reduce sensitivity disorders. Therefore, for various pain syndromes, they often resort to using vitamins of this group in combination with other drugs. Numerous studies have proven that under the influence of B vitamins in patients with acute pain clinical improvement occurs in the back; suggest that vitamin B12 has the most pronounced analgesic properties. Experimental and clinical research on B vitamins continues. Thus, during the experiments it was revealed that under the influence of a combination of B vitamins, nociceptive responses caused by formaldehyde are inhibited, which is not observed after the administration of naloxone. It is believed that the antinociceptive effect of the combined vitamin complex may be due to inhibition of synthesis and/or blocking the action of inflammatory mediators. It has also been established that the B complex of vitamins enhances the effect of the main antinociceptive neurotransmitters - norepinephrine and serotonin. In addition, an experiment on rats revealed suppression of nociceptive responses not only in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, but also in the thalamus optica. Clinically and in experimental models, it has been shown that co-administration with B vitamins enhances the analgesic effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the anti-allodynic effect of gabapentin, dexamethasone and valproate in neuropathies. As a result, treatment time and the risk of side effects are reduced.

The antinociceptive effect of B vitamins is of particular interest in the treatment of tunnel syndromes, in particular the much-common carpal tunnel syndrome. In a study of 994 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, it was shown that with combination therapy, including vitamin B6, improvement occurred in 68% of patients, and with similar treatment, but without pyridoxine, only in 14.3%. According to a review of 14 studies on the effectiveness of pyridoxine in this syndrome, 8 studies confirmed a decrease in clinical manifestations and the severity of electrophysiological disturbances in carpal syndrome in patients receiving vitamin B6, which may be associated with its antinociceptive effect or with replenishment of the deficiency of this vitamin, with which may cause paresthesia and numbness of the hands.

The use of complex therapy in combination therapy for a number of diseases of the nervous system seems very promising. multivitamin preparation Neurobion, containing a combination of B vitamins: thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6) and cyanocobalamin (B12). One Neurobion tablet contains thiamine disulfide - 100 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride - 200 mg and cyanocobalamin - 240 mcg. It should be noted that one ampoule of Neurobion also contains three vitamins: thiamine - 100 mg, pyridoxine (100 mg) and cyanocobalamin (1 mg), which provides maximum neuroprotective effect). An important advantage of Neurobion is the availability of oral (tablets) and parenteral (injection solution) dosage forms, which allows for maximum individualization of treatment, effectively combining relatively short-term parenteral courses of treatment and long-term oral maintenance administration of the drug, and also significantly increases adherence to therapy. Another advantage of the drug is the optimally balanced ratio of doses of its constituent vitamins.

IN multicenter study conducted by German scientists in 418 patients with the acute phase of pain radicular syndrome, compared the effectiveness of diclofenac 25 mg and a combination of diclofenac 25 mg with vitamins B1 50 mg, B6 50 mg and B12 0.25 mg for 2 weeks of treatment. When a clinical effect was achieved, treatment was stopped after 1 week. In patients receiving combination therapy, a statistically significant faster development of the therapeutic effect and greater effectiveness of treatment, assessed by the characteristics of the pain syndrome, were noted, with the best effect obtained in patients with a greater severity of the radicular syndrome.

Another study, also conducted by German scientists, assessed the effect of long-term therapy with Neurobion on the incidence of relapse-free acute radicular syndrome in the cervical or lumbosacral region. 30 patients with the acute phase of radicular syndrome received combination therapy with Neurofenac (a combination of diclofenac with B vitamins) for 3 weeks, and with Neurobion for the next 6 months. Another 29 patients with the acute phase of radicular syndrome were prescribed diclofenac only, followed by placebo for 6 months. A statistically significant decrease in the number of relapses of radicular syndrome was found in the group receiving Neurobion therapy (32% versus 60% in the placebo group); in the event of a relapse, its severity was the same in both groups. The number of patients without pain within 6 months in the group receiving Neurobion was significantly higher (43% versus 16%). When pain syndrome occurred, 29% of patients treated with Neurobion complained of “severe” pain in intensity, compared to 56% of patients in the placebo group.

The administration of B vitamins for various diseases of the nervous system allows, on the one hand, to compensate for the existing deficiency (possibly due to the body’s increased need for B vitamins due to the disease), and on the other hand, to stimulate natural mechanisms for restoring the function of nerve tissues. The analgesic effect of the B vitamin complex has also been proven.

In the near future, Neurobion, widely known abroad, will appear on the domestic market. Undoubtedly, the drug will take its rightful place in the complex treatment of mononeuropathies, pain syndromes caused degenerative changes spine, neuropathy of the facial nerve, trigeminal neuralgia, and polyneuropathies of various etiologies.


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The functioning of the human body is controlled by the nervous system: any failure in its functioning immediately affects both the physical and psychological state. Constant fatigue, insomnia, irritability, stomach discomfort, hypotension... All this may not indicate the presence of a somatic disease, but that the body receives few vitamins and microelements that are necessary for normal brain function.

What vitamins and minerals are needed for the nervous system to function properly?

The functioning of the nervous system depends on the intake of certain groups of vitamins and minerals into the body.

B vitamins

Without B vitamins normal functioning nervous system becomes impossible. Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 are neurotropic: they are often used in the treatment of neurological disorders, and their deficiency causes damage to peripheral nerves.

Each of these vitamins acts in a specific way:

  • B1 restores nervous tissue, participates in the transmission of nerve impulses and acts as an antioxidant, inhibiting tissue aging and participating in cellular regeneration;
  • B6 is necessary for the normal functioning of all types of metabolism in the body, and is also involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters;
  • B12 accelerates the formation and regeneration of the myelin sheath, which covers nerve fibers;
  • B9 is necessary for the restoration of all types of memory (long-term and short-term), as well as for ensuring normal pace transmission of nerve impulses.

Usually in multivitamin complexes, intended to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, all the listed vitamins are present: it has been proven that in combination they can achieve an excellent effect.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, or retinol, makes it possible to normalize sleep and wakefulness, and also improves cognitive abilities. Retinol is an antioxidant and protects cells from aging and destruction. Vitamin A also helps improve vision.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E improves blood circulation in the brain, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and allows you to preserve for a long time good memory. Regular consumption of this vitamin is an excellent prevention of age-related neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. The vitamin has a slight sedative effect, relieving increased irritability.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps to cope with the decline of long-term and short-term memory. It also makes it possible to avoid atherosclerosis.

All of the vitamins listed should be part of complexes designed to improve the functioning of the nervous system. To enhance their effect, microelements are added to the preparations: iron, which saturates cells with oxygen, iodine, which improves cognitive abilities, selenium, which stimulates the functioning of the nervous system, etc.

Causes of nervous system dysfunction

Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system can occur for various reasons:

  • hypoxia. Just six seconds after the oxygen supply to the brain is cut off, a person loses consciousness, and after 15, irreversible neurological damage occurs. Chronic hypoxia caused by anemia and lack of iron in the body is also dangerous;
  • increase in body temperature. With prolonged fever, the metabolic rate increases, as a result of which resources are quickly depleted, and nervous processes slow down;
  • entry of toxic substances into the body. There is a group of neurotropic poisons that act selectively, affecting mainly nerve cells;
  • metabolic disorders, for example, diabetes mellitus, which in 80% of cases leads to the development of neurological symptoms;
  • heredity. Some genetic diseases cause metabolic disorders in nerve cells. For example, with phenylketonuria, a large amount of toxic substances that affect cells of the nervous system;
  • brain injuries (bruises, concussions);
  • overwork and frequent stress;
  • vascular diseases leading to impaired blood circulation in the brain;
  • oncological diseases. The tumor can not only affect the head or spinal cord, but also cause intoxication of the body with the products of its decay.

Vitamins are necessary in the treatment of many disorders of the nervous system. For example, when chronic hypoxia Taking medications with vitamins A and iron is indicated. For people with diabetes, special complexes have been developed that accelerate the rate of regeneration of nervous tissue.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

You can learn more about the symptoms of nervous system dysfunction in the following video:

The nervous system reacts to vitamin deficiency as follows:

  • performance decreases: you have to make great efforts to cope with everyday activities;
  • the sleep-wake pattern is disrupted. This can be either drowsiness or insomnia;
  • irritability appears;
  • short-term and long-term memory deteriorate;
  • causeless mood swings occur;
  • the person becomes distracted and finds it difficult to concentrate.

If you have at least two of the listed symptoms, you should consult a therapist: you may be suffering from vitamin deficiency, which affects the functioning of the nervous system.

Why is it important to take care of the state of the nervous system?

Contrary to previously held opinion, scientists have come to the conclusion that nerve cells are capable of recovery. True, in order to regain health, you will have to work hard and even change your lifestyle, as well as your diet and daily routine.

It is very important to do this: since problems in the nervous system affect the functioning of the body as a whole:

  • neurasthenia may eventually cause serious problems with heart;
  • lack of blood circulation in the brain leads to the development of stroke and coronary artery disease;
  • Due to problems in the functioning of the nervous system, the quality of life decreases: the desire to work, spend time with friends, learn new information, etc. disappears.

The nervous system controls the functioning of the body as a whole. This means that by healing it, you improve your health and give yourself longevity and energy.

Vitamin complexes for adults

In pharmacies you can find a number of drugs to stabilize the nervous system:

  • Neurostable. A drug containing B vitamins, vitamin A, C and E, as well as a complex of extracts medicinal plants, increases stress resistance and has a mild calming effect. Neurostabil should be taken three times a day after meals, the dosage is selected by the doctor depending on the severity of the symptoms of vitamin deficiency;
  • Neurostrong. The drug improves blood circulation in the brain, helps to quickly recover from injuries or strokes, as well as surgical interventions. To prevent vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to take two tablets twice a day; if Neurostrong is prescribed for medicinal purposes, the dosage is doubled;
  • Vitrum Superstress. The complex helps normalize sleep, accelerates cell regeneration, and also strengthens the immune system. In addition to vitamins, the product contains folic acid, which improves metabolism, and iron, which improves blood composition;
  • Neurovit-R. This drug is used to treat diseases of the nervous system: neuritis, neuralgia, etc.;
  • Neurorubin-Forte. The product contains group and B vitamins and microelements necessary for normal brain function.

Before purchasing a vitamin complex, you should talk to your doctor: some products have side effects and if taken uncontrolled, can cause harm to health.

Vitamins for children

Special vitamin complexes are produced for children that help improve the functioning of the nervous system:

  • Alphabet. This complex is adapted for child's body: it contains no dyes or flavors, so even small children can take it;
  • Multitabs. The Danish-made drug is available in several forms and is suitable for children from birth to 18 years;
  • Vitrum. The drug is available in the form chewable tablets. The complex is indicated for increasing appetite and for seasonal vitamin deficiency; it is also recommended for preventing overwork during school hours.

It is important to remember that hypervitaminosis is no less dangerous than hypovitaminosis. Therefore, parents should strictly monitor their child’s intake of vitamin complexes.

How to help your nervous system recover?

In order for the functioning of the nervous system to normalize, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • take vitamin complexes prescribed by your therapist. It is very important to get a doctor’s opinion about which vitamins are best and which medications will have the best effect on the body;
  • give up strong tea and coffee: the substances contained in these drinks have a stimulating effect, but if neurological disorders their regular use causes rapid depletion of nervous system resources;
  • avoid stress and give yourself time to rest and relax;
  • eat right: the nervous system may suffer from a lack of amino acids, which are the “building materials” that are necessary for the restoration of nervous tissue;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • adhere to a strict daily routine: try to get up, eat and go to bed at the same time;
  • try to sleep at least seven hours a night;
  • spend time on fresh air or ventilate the room more often: this will help avoid hypoxia.

To stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, breathing exercises are indicated. It's very easy to learn:

  • take a deep breath into your stomach, trying to make it inflate, hold your breath for a couple of seconds and slowly push the air out through your nose. The cycle should be repeated 3-4 times: this will help you calm down and collect your thoughts;
  • come to open window and do deep breath, slowly raising your arms up until they touch above your head. Hold your breath and exhale, lowering your arms. Repeat the exercise three times.

These simple recommendations help put your nervous system in order. However, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist who can determine the cause. unpleasant symptoms and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Vitamin complexes for the nervous system are an excellent way to regain energy, strength and vigor, get rid of insomnia and irritability, and avoid heart attack and stroke.

Ask your doctor to help you choose the most suitable drug, and strictly follow the prescribed dosage: the result will not be long in coming!

In contact with

Vitamins are active substances that take part in metabolic processes. Some of them are synthesized in the human body, and some come from food.

Stress, bad habits, sedentary lifestyle and unbalanced diet leads to a deficiency and imbalance of active substances, which negatively affects human health and ability to work.

A person faces stress every day, which leads to dysfunction of the nervous system. A lack of micronutrients aggravates the situation, causing brain hypoxia and neuronal destruction, which is expressed by:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • emotional instability;
  • memory impairment;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • absent-mindedness.

To reduce stress levels, it Negative consequences, as well as normalize brain function, it is important to take vitamins for the nervous system. It is necessary to use complexes of vitamins, amino acids and minerals that replenish the deficiency of substances and restore their balance.

Doctors isolate micronutrients for the central nervous system.

  • Thiamine. Promotes the development of cognitive function and concentration, reduces stress levels.
  • Riboflavin. Takes part in metabolic processes, normalizes mood and natural biorhythms.
  • Niacin. Promotes memorization, helps to concentrate and absorb information.
  • Pyridoxine. Participates in the synthesis of the hormone serotonin, normalizes sleep.
  • Folic acid. Takes part in the formation of the central nervous system and is also responsible for its excitability.
  • Cyanocobalamin. Regulates biorhythms and keeps neurons healthy.
  • Retinol. Prolongs the youth of nerve cells, normalizes nervous system reactions and sleep.
  • Tocopherol. Antioxidant, reduces destructive processes in the central nervous system, fights depression.
  • Ascorbic acid. Improves blood circulation in brain tissue, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves mood.
  • Colecalciferol. Responsible for transmitting impulses between nerve fibers.

Pharmaceutical factories produce vitamins for the brain and nervous system of adults, which have a positive effect on the central nervous system.


The drug is available in the form of an injection solution or tablets. The injection contains thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin. The tablets contain pyridoxine and benfotiamine (an analogue of thiamine).

The medicine is prescribed by a doctor when degenerative diseases nerves and musculoskeletal system, neuritis. Its use helps normalize metabolic processes in nervous tissue, has an analgesic effect, and eliminates functional disorders.

Milgamma is contraindicated for people with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, for acute diseases of the cardiovascular system, thromboembolism, and duodenum.


A multivitamin that contains tocopherol, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, folic acid, nicotinamide, colecalciferol, thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, magnesium. It is used for jet lag, increased irritability, apathy.

The complex of biologically active substances helps reduce the excitability of neurons, which ensures normalization mental reactions and sleep. Multivit provides beneficial effect on the central nervous system and hematopoiesis when taken at a dose of 1-2 tablets per day. The drug is not used if you are allergic to its components.


Tablet Multivitamin. The tablets contain retinol, tocopherol, colecalciferol, phylloquinone, thiamine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, ascorbic acid, folic acid, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, macro- and microelements.

Vitrum normalizes metabolic processes and body functions, has a strengthening effect, increases productivity and strengthens the immune system. Take 1 capsule per day with meals. Contraindicated in hypervitaminosis, hypercalcemia, erythrocytosis, chronic heart failure, peptic ulcer.

Vitamins for brain function

Intellectual workers, students and schoolchildren should receive biologically active substances that regulate brain activity. The intake of vitamins, microelements and essential amino acids from food does not always meet the body’s needs, therefore, with increased brain load, complex nutritional supplements or pharmaceuticals should be taken.

Brain & focus for teens & adults

Brain & focus multivitamins for teens & adults are not a drug. Contains L-theanine, lecithin, ascorbic acid, colecalciferol, choline, minerals and other components that stimulate brain activity. It is used as food additives to maintain the functioning of the central nervous system, improve memory and concentration. Take 1 capsule per day.

The supplement should not be used by people intolerant to any of its components.


Vitamins for, which activate enzyme reactions and metabolic processes that improve cerebral circulation and the transmission of nerve impulses from cell to cell.

The complex has antioxidant properties, promotes the synthesis and metabolism of fats and proteins. Indicated for the prevention of hypovitaminosis in case of impaired absorption of the gastrointestinal tract, during periods increased need in biologically active substances.

The drug is well tolerated when taken 1 capsule per day, but it should not be used by people with hypersensitivity to its components.

Vitamins to strengthen the immune system

Good health and mood depend on the general condition of the body, and the leading role in resistance to negative factors environment belongs to the immune system. To strengthen it, you should take special vitamin supplements.

Selmevit intensive

The drug contains fifteen minerals and seven vitamins that have a tonic effect on muscle and nervous tissue. The product promotes hematopoiesis, cell renewal, normalizes digestion and metabolism. Thanks to tocopherol and ascorbic acid, after 2-3 weeks of taking the multivitamin, the immune system is strengthened, the likelihood of colds is reduced, and stress resistance is increased. Take 1 tablet per day after meals.


Blagomax is a source of B vitamins, which help the body cope with stress, relieve irritability, and increase general resistance body. 7-14 days after starting to take 1 capsule per day, a person feels a surge of strength and vigor, fatigue decreases, and performance increases.

Vitamins for the nervous system for children

A growing body is vulnerable to increased stress, so as a preventative measure, doctors recommend that minors regularly take vitamins that strengthen the central nervous system.


Multivitamin preparation adapted for children. Due to the absence of synthetic flavors and dyes, it can be given to children from the age of three. All biologically active substances included in the Alphabet are balanced with each other.

The product helps the child grow and develop harmoniously, increases resistance colds and stress. Take 1 tablet per day with meals.

Vitaton kids

The vitamin preparation is available in the form of jelly lozenges. It is prescribed to children from four years of age to prevent hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiencies, strengthen the central nervous system and immune system, and stimulate digestion. To interest children in taking vitamins, a wide variety of flavors and original appearance of lozenges are offered.

Children under 7 years old take one lozenge per day, from 7 to 14 years old take 2 lozenges per day for 30 days.

Vitamins for women's health

To maintain health, women need to replenish their supply of vitamins and minerals, and during pregnancy this becomes especially important.


Supports a woman's health during pregnancy and after childbirth. The retinol, tocopherol, folic acid, biotin and other components included in its formula have a positive effect on the overall well-being of a woman, promote the functioning of internal organs, and are responsible for the harmonious development of the unborn baby.

Prescribed 1 capsule per day.

Duovit for women

Contains vitamins to maintain the nervous system, regulate carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. The drug strengthens the immune system, promotes calcium absorption, has a positive effect on skin and hair health, and protects vision.

The vitamin complex helps to prolong youth, maintain figure and women's health. Take one tablet daily with meals.

Lady's formula

A complex of biologically active substances for women over 30 years of age, the action of which is aimed at maintaining general tone and increasing resistance to stress and strain. The components of the drug speed up metabolism, prevent the accumulation of fat deposits, increase libido and normalize the menstrual cycle.

Regular use of the product, 1 capsule per day, has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems, helps prevent diseases and improves well-being.

What are the dangers of central nervous system dysfunction?

Minor disorders lead to insomnia, decreased performance, lethargy, and bad mood. In this case, it is easy to restore the body; you should follow a daily routine and avoid stressful situations, balance your diet. In more serious cases, observe:

  • Development of depression.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.
  • Possible risk of hypertension, stroke, heart attack.
  • Tremor.
  • Development of neurosis, hysteria.
  • Migraine.
  • Pain in the heart area.
  • The appearance of rash, itching, eczema.

In this case, the patient must contact the attending physician, who will prescribe appropriate tests, refer for consultation to other specialists (cardiologist) and, after receiving all the results, prescribe adequate treatment. In some cases, it is enough to drink a complex of vitamins, in others it is necessary to take sedative medications.

Vitamins and dietary supplements for adults

In pharmacies you can purchase vitamin complexes that will help stabilize the human nervous system.


One of the popular dietary supplements plant origin. The composition contains: fireweed, motherwort and oregano herbs, peony root, folic acid, magnesium, vitamins (A, PP, C, E, D, group B).

The complex has the following effects:

  • Normalizes muscle tone and blood pressure.
  • Has a calming and mild analgesic effect.
  • Increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Improves the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Increases stress resistance.

Neurostabil is usually prescribed for neuroses, hysteria, sleep disorders, migraines, hypertension, high levels of stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and cardiosclerosis. Adults take from one to three tablets twice a day, the course of therapy is one month. Repeated use is agreed with the doctor.

Contraindications: according to the instructions, a contraindication to the use of the drug is intolerance to the constituent components.

Side effects: the drug is usually well tolerated, in rare cases possible allergic reactions.

Vitrum Superstress

Multivitamin complex containing microelements. pharmachologic effect The drug is due to the complex of vitamins included in its composition. It is recommended to take it during periods of increased physical and psycho-emotional stress, rehabilitation after operations, and for the treatment of vitamin deficiency. Contains:

  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Vitamins (group B, H, PP).
  • Iron.
  • Folic acid.

These tablets for restoring the central nervous system are taken one piece per day for thirty days.

Contraindications: allergic reactions to any of the ingredients of the product.

Adverse reactions: possible if intolerant skin rashes, itching, redness of the dermis.


This multivitamin complex, containing pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin. In combination, these components have an enhanced effect. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of neuroses accompanied by pain and other negative symptoms caused by damage to nerve fibers, withdrawal syndrome, chronic fatigue being in a severe stressful situation. Take orally with a drink clean water without gas. The standard course is four weeks.

Contraindications: age under 18 years, allergic diathesis, pregnancy, lactation.

Adverse reactions: nausea, difficulty breathing, weakness, dizziness, itching, acne.

In case of overdose there will be an increase negative effects. For treatment, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, take any sorbent, and stop taking the drug.


Biologically active complex is prescribed in the complex therapy of various pathologies associated with cerebrovascular accidents, atherosclerosis, post-stroke condition, diabetes mellitus, intoxication of the body, chronic migraines.


  • Glutamic acid.
  • Ginger and licorice roots.
  • Blueberry shoots.
  • Lecithin.
  • Vitamins (group B).

Neurostrong is recommended as a biologically active drug that provides additional nutrition for the brain and nervous system. It improves microcirculation and metabolism in the brain, has an antioxidant effect, strengthens capillary walls, and helps to gently lower blood pressure.

Contraindications: allergic reactions to components.

Side effects: usually well tolerated, in rare cases skin rashes and nausea are possible.


In addition to vitamin complexes, tablets can be prescribed that restore the nervous system and have a calming effect. Only a specialist can prescribe the most effective treatment regimen after first studying the causes of the disorders.


Available in the form of cream-colored tablets, each of which contains 10 mg of the active substance fabomotizol. The drug is a selective anxiolytic. The active substance acts on the sigma receptors of nerve cells in the brain, increasing the potential of neutrons and restoring the nerve cells of the body.

As a result, the feeling of anxiety is reduced, the emotional background is leveled, autonomic disorders are reduced, sleep, memory, and concentration improve.

Contraindications: childhood and adolescence, pregnancy, lactation, allergies to components.

Side effects: drowsiness, development of sedative reactions.


The release form is sublingual tablets, white with a marbled tint, each of them contains 100 mg of the active ingredient glycine. This is a metabolic drug that regulates metabolism and normalizes the process of protective inhibition in the nervous system.

The active substance is able to regulate the functioning of glutamate receptors, as a result, these tablets for the nervous system can:

  • Reduce aggression.
  • Increase social adaptation.
  • Cope with insomnia.
  • Increase concentration.
  • Reduce the toxic effects of medications and alcohol.

Contraindications: intolerance to components.

Side effects: allergies.


Available in the form of lozenges, each of which contains 0.003 g of antibodies to the brain-specific protein S 100.
The product has a calming effect.

Improves tolerance to emotional stress and has an antidepressant effect. In cases of intoxication or circulatory disorders of the brain, it narrows the area of ​​damage and increases the ability to learn.

The instructions recommend taking no more than two tablets per day. If necessary, the doctor may increase the dosage. The duration of therapy depends on the patient's condition. Typically the course lasts from one to three months.

Contraindications: childhood and adolescence, intolerance to components.

Side effects: allergies.


Available in the form of rectangular tablets, each of which contains 15 mg of the active substance doxylamine succinate. The drug belongs to histamine receptor blockers (ethanolamine group). Donormil has a sedative and hypnotic effect. The patient's time to fall asleep is reduced and the quality of sleep improves (without changing its phases).

Contraindications: childhood and adolescence (up to 16 years), pathologies, causing disturbance urine outflow, allergic reactions, lactation.

Side effects: increased heart rate, constipation, blurred vision, lethargy, urinary retention.

In order to completely bring your nervous system back to normal, the patient needs to listen to the recommendations:

  • Before taking any vitamin complexes or dietary supplements, seek the opinion of your doctor.
  • Take medications according to the schedule specified by a specialist. It is prohibited to increase the dosage or replace prescribed medications with analogues.
  • Tablets for restoring the nervous system of an adult should not be given to children and adolescents.
  • Maintain a daily routine.
  • Limit consumption of caffeine, alcohol, nicotine.
  • Walk in the fresh air more often and ventilate the rooms.
  • Balance your diet.
  • Engage in calming practices: meditation, breathing exercises.
  • If possible, avoid worries, anxiety, stressful situations, maintain peace of mind.
  • Take up a feasible sport.
  • Don't forget about folk methods. For example, brew herbs that have a calming effect and drink these healing infusions throughout the day (with your doctor’s permission).

All these actions will help you quickly recover from psycho-emotional stress and strengthen your nervous system.

You can find many remedies that will help you cope with stress and relieve nervous tension. However, it should be remembered that independent uncontrolled use can lead to a significant deterioration of the condition, the manifestation of negative side effects, and addiction.

In the life of every person there are situations that cause severe stress and depression. This condition negatively affects human health. To get rid of it, psychologists recommend taking certain vitamins for nerves and stress. Useful vitamins can not only be in tablet form, but are also found in many products. So, what drugs are best to take to restore strength and relieve tension during neuroses?

The right vitamins can help relieve stress

Useful substances in the fight against stress

Frequent experiences can cause a person headache, digestive problems, fatigue, weakness and insomnia. These reasons negatively affect the nervous system. When a person is depressed, their body increases production of a hormone called cortisol. Such hormonal surges greatly weaken the body and immunity.

Help restore your psyche and strengthen your immune system special vitamins for nerves that have already been tested and given a 100% result.

Ascorbic acid

Vitamins C for nerves help relieve nervous tension, stress and depression. The vitamin helps improve the functioning of the adrenal glands, since it is in them that cortisol is formed. If a person can receive required amount acid, then he will feel much better. Women will not only have stronger nerves, but also their nails, hair and skin will look much more beautiful. Ascorbic acid also accelerates wound healing and properly develops skeletal systems.

Active work ascorbic acid against stress and depression begins while working with flavonoids and carotenoids. The human body itself is not capable of producing such substances. To get them, a person can start taking vitamins in the form of ascorbic acid or eat foods that contain this acid. What products contain ascorbic acid:

  • red peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower;
  • greens, onions;
  • tangerines and oranges;
  • watermelon and melon;
  • rose hip;
  • currants and strawberries.

B vitamins

B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system. They strengthen the immune system and cardiovascular system. It is necessary to consume B vitamins comprehensively, since they not only relieve mental stress, but also restore strength during physical activity. A large number of B vitamins contain:

  • bananas;
  • nuts;
  • pepper;
  • potato;
  • fish.

What elements are contained in B vitamins? Each B vitamin is responsible for a specific function in the human body, the list is presented below:

  1. B1 has a good effect on the nervous system. If this component is not enough, a person will often feel nervous and tired during physical activity.
  2. B2 allows nerve cells and muscles to work properly. If there is not enough of it, severe and dangerous depression will begin.
  3. B3 controls blood circulation and metabolism. Its lack will disrupt sleep, cause arrhythmia and heart disease.
  4. B5 promotes rapid wound healing. This vitamin suppresses inflammatory and infectious processes that often appear due to stress.
  5. Lack of B6 causes nervousness.
  6. B12 normalizes the nervous system and helps the body function properly both during sleep and while awake.

Vitamins for depression for girls

Women are more likely to experience severe stress than men. This is due to the fact that a woman’s body reacts strongly to any changes, especially to hormonal imbalances.

It is simply necessary for a woman to take anti-stress vitamins, because they calm the nerves and improve the general condition of the body. They help to quickly relieve depression, which can greatly disrupt the functioning of all body systems.

There are special anti-stress vitamins for women that will definitely help.

  1. A drug whose name is Retinol. These tablets contain vitamin A, and if it is not enough, an adult woman will experience disruptions in the sexual sphere, which will lead to nervousness and irritability. It is especially important to take this complex of vitamins for girls during adolescence, since it normalizes the development and formation of the genital organs. This vitamin is present in foods such as pumpkin, apples, tomatoes, apricots, viburnum and seaweed, as well as in dairy products.
  2. The next drug for women is Tocopherol acetate, or vitamin E. This is a fairly powerful drug, it is also called a beauty product. If vitamin E is present in the body in sufficient quantities, a woman can better withstand depression, fatigue and emotional distress. Vitamin E has a positive effect on the nerves and immunity; it is present in foods such as nuts, butter, herbs, beets, eggs and tomatoes.

What pills are best to take during stress?

It is unlikely that you will be able to get all the necessary elements to calm your nerves from food alone. To make up for the lack of elements, in mandatory need to take special medicines:

  1. Neuromultivit - available in tablet form. These vitamins will help with stress, improve your mood and strengthen the nervous system.
  2. Doppelhertz magnesium active. Works great if stress is prolonged. Improves the functioning of the heart muscles, brain and nerves, relieves fatigue. This remedy can be taken by both women and men.
  3. Vitrum superstress. These pills relieve prolonged depression. The medicine consists of iron and ascorbic acid preparations. The product has a complex effect, as it treats not only nervousness and insomnia, but also infections and inflammation.
  4. The product Bodrovit serves as an anti-stress. Increases human activity and performance.
  5. Another complex drug is Stress Aid. The medicine contains folic acid, choline and herbal components. They cope well with prolonged stress.

What vitamins are missing during depression?

If a person often worries and gets tired, it means that his body needs useful substances. Many vitamins for depression and nerves are especially necessary, since their lack can provoke nervousness and fatigue. If a person is constantly under stress, it is necessary to completely change his diet and start taking complex medications. They must contain tryptophan, dopamine, magnesium and zinc.


Tryptophan is an aromatic alpha amino acid that controls the emotional state of a person. The foods richest in tryptophan are cheese, fish, meat, legumes, cottage cheese, mushrooms, oats, dried dates, sesame seeds, pine nuts, milk, yogurt. It is necessary to consume these foods to strengthen your nervous system. If there is a lack of tryptophan in the body, a person will be in a bad mood. Many anti-fatigue medications contain this element.

Milk and yogurt will help compensate for tryptophan deficiency


The lack of this element in the human body affects bad mood and irritability. To increase the amount of this element, you need to add foods such as:

  • greenery;
  • wheat and beans;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • salmon;
  • dairy products.

Magnesium and zinc

Often, a lack of elements such as magnesium and zinc leads to fatigue and nervousness, especially in women after giving birth. To compensate for the lack of these elements, you need to eat more foods such as:

  • rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • peas;
  • parsley dill;
  • mushrooms;
  • carrots, tomatoes and other vegetables.

The diet should include turkey, dairy products, eggs and seafood. In this way, you can protect your body from possible manifestations of depression.

Mushrooms are a source of magnesium and zinc


Every person often suffers from stress, which leads to irritability, aggression, neuroses and depression. This condition can be caused by fatigue, stress, weakness, insomnia and other problems. Vitamins, which are present not only in foods, but also in tablets, are great for stress. It is better to start taking anti-stress vitamins after consulting a doctor, because taking sedatives on your own can be harmful to the body.

First of all, it is necessary to establish nutrition and only then make up for the lack of multivitamins with medications. In addition, good rest, sleep and walks in the fresh air will also help restore strength. A person should give up bad habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle.



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