Chronic prostatitis what herbs help. Benefits of using herbal medicine in the treatment of prostatitis

The disease develops under the influence various infections And associated factors, and quickly out acute phase becomes chronic.

In the first stages, it is always necessary to find out the main cause of prostatitis and eliminate it with the help of medications.

In the future, it is possible to use herbs for prostatitis; herbal medicine has many advantages and has positive influence on state and function prostate gland.

Benefits of using herbal medicine in the treatment of prostatitis

The use of herbs and their preparations is the most ancient method treatment various diseases.

Thousands of years ago, people could restore their health only with the help of what nature itself gave them.

During this time, man learned to choose herbs depending on their effect on the body.

Modern medicine offers hundreds medicines for the treatment of any of the identified pathologies, but since tablets and solutions are always prepared using chemical components, toxic harm from them will certainly be present during therapy.

Herbs are completely natural and if you know how to use them correctly, you can get excellent therapeutic results.

There are several time-proven benefits of herbal medicine, and even skeptics quite agree with them.

  • Herbal infusions are perfectly combined with synthetic drugs and therefore they can be introduced into treatment during the main therapy.
  • Herbs are almost never addictive and therefore can be used for months, taking short breaks.
  • Herbal medicine often turns out to be much cheaper than using modern pharmacological agents. However, most herbs can be prepared independently.
  • Herbs and plants act on our body in several directions at once, so using them against one disease, we simultaneously eliminate other pathologies.
  • Some herbs have excellent immunostimulating properties, due to this, the restoration of the entire body occurs faster.
  • It has been proven that herbal medicine is indispensable for chronic course diseases. For example, treating prostatitis with herbs allows you to avoid another exacerbation of the disease and helps restore the functioning of the prostate gland. It is quite possible to stop mild and incipient forms of some diseases with herbs, without resorting to the use of synthetic drugs.

Herbs collected in an environmentally friendly place are not capable of harming the human body, but only under one condition.

When drawing up fees, you should always take into account the recommended dosage and you should always complete the entire course of herbal medicine to the end.

The mechanism of action of herbs for prostatitis

Prostatitis is a disease that develops in the presence of infection and stagnation in the tissues of the organ.

Naturally, to eliminate these pathological phenomena it is necessary to choose those herbs and herbs that will eliminate the negative changes that are occurring.

You need to choose plants with the following effects.


That is, herbs for prostatitis should fight infection localized in the urinary organs.

Active components Such plants accumulate in the urinary organs and help fight infection.

Uroseptics include bear's ears, lingonberry leaves, goldenrod, tansy, and horsetail.

Most of these plants also have a diuretic effect, which is also necessary for the treatment of prostatitis.

Reducing pain.

A plant with an anti-inflammatory effect is necessary to reduce inflammatory reaction. Under their influence, pain also decreases.

Traditionally, meadowsweet, chamomile, licorice, aspen bark, and fireweed are used to treat prostatitis.

Hormonal sphere.

Prostatitis also causes sexual dysfunction, so it is important to use herbs that have a positive effect on hormonal sphere.

Such plants include euphorbia palasa, eleutherococcus, polygonum, and aralia.

Restore blood circulation.

During treatment, sweet clover and chestnut will help restore impaired blood circulation.

Herbs for prostatitis can be used either separately or in collections. The herbal collection is especially necessary when you need to simultaneously eliminate pain, improve urination and get rid of infection.

Herbal remedies for prostatitis

You will need dry hazel leaves and its bark. Pour a spoonful of dry mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for about 40 minutes. After straining, drink the infusion two tablespoons at least three times a day.

Herbal mixture.

You will need 10 grams of gorse herb, kupena leaves, eryngium herb, hazel root, horsetail herb, and winter-loving umbrella grass.

To these herbs add 20 grams. omentum root, 12 grams of hemp seeds. A spoonful of the dry mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water, infused and drunk throughout the day, dividing the infusion into equal portions.

You will need 25 grams of chestnut peel, chop it up and pour 250 ml pure alcohol.

The tincture should stand in a dark place for 10 days, and it should be shaken every day.

After preparation, the mixture is filtered; to treat prostatitis, you need to drink 30 drops of the tincture three times throughout the day.

Oats and Birch buds.

It is necessary to prepare an equal amount of infusion of oats, rose hips and birch buds. After preparation, all infusions are mixed with each other and drunk healing liquid half a glass 3 times a day.

This recipe cleanses the kidneys and liver well, improves immunity, and removes infection.

The prepared infusion can be washed down with pollen, which has the most positive impact on prostate tissue.

Herbal collection of herbs and leaves.

You will need 100 grams of chamomile flowers and knotweed herb, 50 grams each. dried leaves of strawberries, raspberries, black currants, cherries, lingonberries and corn silk herbs.

All herbs are mixed together, after which one spoon of the dry mixture is steamed with a glass of boiling water.

The infusion is drunk warm, this recipe It has a positive effect not only on all urinary organs, but also perfectly strengthens the immune system and nourishes the body with vitamins.

Birch leaves and onion feathers.

Dry leaves from May birch need to be mixed with dried feathers from onions. To prepare the infusion, you will need a spoonful of the mixture, place it in a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water.

The mixture should infuse for about 4 hours, after which it is drunk per day, dividing the volume by 4 times.


Fresh parsley juice must be diluted with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take the prepared mixture two spoons three times a day.

Fresh parsley is very beneficial for men's health, so during the season you need to eat as much of it as possible, adding without heat treatment in salads and other dishes.

Herbs and honey.

You will need 10 grams of silver birch leaves and yarrow grass, 20 grams of bearberry leaves.

The entire mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water, left for two hours, after which one or two tablespoons of honey are added to it. The prepared infusion is stored in the refrigerator and drunk two spoons up to three times a day.


It is necessary to mix motherwort herb, plantain, St. John's wort and celandine herb, wintergreen leaves, and bearberry herb in equal amounts.

Then two spoons of this mixture are poured with half a liter of boiling water. The liquid is infused for two hours, filtered and drunk in equal portions throughout the day. The course of treatment can last up to one month.

Young nettle leaves in the amount of one spoon should be poured with a glass of boiling water and after infusion, drink the decoction throughout the day.

Nettle improves well protective forces and enhances the functioning of the hematopoietic organs.

Monastic collection for prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis with herbs is also based on the use of a special monastic collection.

The easiest way to purchase a natural collection is through the Internet. With proper course use of monastery tea, you can achieve the following effects:

  • Quickly remove aching pain in the perineum and testicles, which often accompanies prostatitis.
  • Normalize the process of urination.
  • Cope with impotence.
  • Improve blood circulation and remove congestion in the pelvic organs.

The monastic collection has an excellent antimicrobial effect and copes with any long-standing infection. The benefits of using this tea have already been appreciated by many men.

Features of the use of herbal infusions for chronic prostatitis

For chronic prostatitis, herbal treatment can continue throughout life.

Experts advise repeating the course of treatment up to several times a year, taking breaks of one to two months between them. It is advisable to use new mixtures each time or alternate them; the effect of such treatment will be much more noticeable.

Herbs for chronic prostatitis allow you not to experience discomfort and pain, restore prostate tissue and increase immunity, which has a positive effect on overall well-being and sexual function.

Treatment of prostatitis with herbs and others should be carried out if you feel that positive result available.

Otherwise, it is necessary to change the collection or look for the main reason for the deterioration in performance genitourinary organs having passed necessary examination.

A man is destined by nature itself to be strong, courageous, capable of lending his reliable shoulder in difficult situations. life situations to your tender partner. But often a person, through his lifestyle, contributes to the occurrence of diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in male power and make representatives of the stronger half of humanity feel insignificant and unnecessary. These tests await patients suffering from prostatitis. And then nature itself provides its services - treatment of prostatitis with herbs.

Let's get to know the disease

Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease in the male half of humanity. The inflammatory process is localized in the cells of the male reproductive gland (prostate).

It is impossible to clearly answer the question about the main functions of the prostate. It helps sperm mature properly and supports required level sex hormones, providing a man with a decent level of sexual desire.

Causes of the disease

Prostatitis occurs as a result of infection in the gland tissue from genitourinary tract, intestines, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels from remote chronic sources (tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis). Provoking factors are sedentary lifestyle life modern man, physical overload and frequent hypothermia of the body.

How does it manifest itself and why is it dangerous?

The disease manifests itself frequently painful urination, fever, lower back pain. Violated and sexual function. With painful sexual intercourse, early or delayed erections and decreased libido occur. its complications: impotence and infertility. Being unable to provide sexual pleasure to himself and his partner, a man leads himself to depression. It’s not for nothing that the prostate is called “a man’s second heart.”

Treatment of acute prostatitis with herbs was widely used traditional healers and healers in old times. These methods have been tested by more than one generation of men suffering from prostatitis.

Prostate treatment modern methods associated with the use of chemicals medications, which have a quick, but not always high-quality and long-term effect. TO negative properties standard drug therapy their detrimental effect on other healthy systems body. Accepting strangers, not natural medicines we increase the risk of allergic reactions.

Positive aspects of herbal medicine

In contrast to the negative properties of drug therapy, using herbs to treat prostatitis, we enrich the body not only healing products, but also minerals, essential amino acids, vitamins. Biologically active substances of herbs potentiate many anti-inflammatory reactions in prostatitis.

How do herbs work?

Herbs for prostatitis can break the chain of disease formation at any link.

  1. Herbs with a pronounced uroseptic effect will help get rid of the infection. Active substances These plants can both stop the reproduction of microorganisms and have a detrimental effect on them. Additionally, having a pronounced diuretic effect, they rid the body of toxic waste products of microorganisms at the source of infection. This improves general health patient. Horsetail, tansy, bearberry, birch buds, cinquefoil, lingonberry have a positive antimicrobial effect.
  2. Herbs such as chamomile, meadowsweet, St. John's wort, Ural licorice, and hemp will help activate enzymes and blood circulation at the site of infection. Aspen bark and black poplar buds have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect for prostatitis.
  3. Increase potency and sexual attraction, fireweed, celery, parsnips, and parsley will help.
  4. Reduce stagnation venous blood will help in the pelvic organs horse chestnut, sweet clover flowers.
  5. Having an antioxidant, tonic effect, ginger, ginseng, valerian and peppermint will help cope with prostatitis.

Herbal recipes

You can use herbs for prostatitis both without heat treatment (parsley, parsnips, celery, spinach), and in decoctions, infusions and tinctures. You just need to cook them with freshly dried herbs. It is recommended to prepare decoctions and infusions in enamel containers, strictly adhering to the hourly and temperature conditions. It is necessary to pay attention to the conditions and duration of storage of the prepared medicine.

More than one herbal mixture has proven itself to be excellent.

  1. Collection 1. You need to take equal quantities of crushed St. John's wort herb, tansy flower, Leuzea root, birch buds, elecampane root, wormwood grass, string grass, yarrow herb, celandine herb, hop cones. Place 10 tablespoons of the resulting mixture in a thermos, pour 2.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 8 hours. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 6-8 weeks.
  2. Collection 2. Take 1 tablespoon each of crushed hop cones, birch buds, calendula flowers, peony root, pine buds, Leuzea root, currant leaf, celandine herb, skullcap root, grass shepherd's purse. Pour the mixture into a thermos, add 2.5 liters of boiling water to it, leave for 8-9 hours. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months.
  3. Collection 3. You need to take 1 tablespoon each of crushed birch buds, lingonberry leaves, horsetail grass, string grass, marshmallow root, chamomile flowers, raspberry leaves, nettle grass, calamus root. Pour 10 tablespoons of the resulting mixture into a thermos with 2.5 liters of boiling water. We insist 8 hours. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day.

Using proven medicinal herbs for prostatitis, we treat the whole body. Providing yourself with a strong healing effect, albeit not lightning fast.

The main thing is not to waste time! Seek advice at the first symptoms of the disease. Start treatment immediately, without delaying until tomorrow.


M It is very difficult to convince men to go to the doctor and monitor their health. Moreover, diseases associated with disorders of the genitourinary system, and even more so erectile dysfunction, are difficult for many men to endure morally. This topic is close to many representatives of the stronger sex. Unfortunately, statistics show that chronic prostatitis detected in 40% of men. Of these, 25% are between 40 and 50 years old. Male infertility associated with chronic prostatitis is observed in 7.5% of marriages, which is slightly less than infertility in women associated with ovarian cysts.

P The causes of chronic prostatitis are different. The most common cause of prostatitis is infectious diseases. Not everyone knows that prostate It is multifunctional, and it is impossible to overestimate its role in the male body. That’s why this organ is called “the second heart of a man.”

Treatment methods for chronic prostatitis

A antibiotic therapy. The course of antibiotic treatment is at least 2 weeks. Next, the attending physician decides to continue therapy or change the type of treatment. It should be noted that antibiotics have many side effects and are contraindicated for many patients in principle. We have already considered this aspect in the treatment of ovarian cysts.

M prostate massage. Improves microcirculation of the diseased organ. Can be used in combination with antibiotic therapy. Also indicated for erectile dysfunction. It has a number of contraindications, such as: rectal fissure, hemorrhoids or acute prostatitis.

P drugs from the group of a-blockers. Eliminate spasms and stagnation of urine. Immunocorrection (immune stimulation, viferon, polyoxidonium) and vitamin therapy (primarily replenishing zinc reserves in the body).

F isotherapy is considered as an addition to antibiotic therapy. Most often, mud and baths with mineral water. Good results in the treatment of chronic prostatitis are given by microenemas with mineral and hydrogen sulfide water what is done as part of spa treatment

X surgical treatment. Prescribed extremely rarely in case of narrowing urethra with prostatitis or in the presence of chronic prostatitis and growing prostate adenoma. Unfortunately, in this case we are not talking about laparoscopic surgery, as in the case of an ovarian cyst, since advanced prostatitis is a more complex phenomenon.

TO as many experts note, drug treatment chronic prostatitis remains at a very low level. For treatment male diseases There are practically no drugs produced in Russia. There are only a few testosterone derivatives, and those are indicated for use in prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction, and not at inflammatory diseases genitourinary system. It is surprising that huge natural reserves - medicinal plants - that can be successfully used for chronic prostatitis are not used to their full potential. Unlike antibiotics and hormones synthetic origin, herbs rarely have contraindications, and their long-term use is not addictive and they continue to work against viruses and strains that are no longer resistant to conventional medications.

AND although official medicine considers herbal medicine additional means in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, Phytocenter The Scarlet Flower uses complex treatment of prostatitis with herbs very successfully, as the main one.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis with herbs

IN complex treatment For chronic prostatitis, we use herbal mixtures, herbal extracts and the herbs themselves. I would like to dwell in more detail on the most effective herbal remedies.

Herbal collection Die Hard

Ingredients: walnut, oregano, celandine, peony, yarrow, licorice, centaury, horsetail, elecampane, birch leaf, hazel leaf, parsnip

Indications for use: For prostate adenoma and prostatitis, erectile dysfunction. Has an antispasmodic, antimicrobial, analgesic effect, has an antitumor effect and serves as a preventive measure oncological diseases. Makes urination easier.

Cooking method: Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water. Leave in a warm place for 25 minutes, strain, bring the volume to a glass boiled water. Take 1/3 cup of infusion 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Collection for men from Praskovya

Ingredients: wheatgrass root, leuzea root, bedstraw, thyme, yarrow, chickweed, knotweed, celandine, lingonberry, currant, birch leaves.

The collection has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antiviral effect. Used for acute and chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction, kidney inflammation, nephrantosis (prolapse of the kidney), some forms viral hepatitis; also for diseases of the spleen.

Fee applies at hormonal imbalance, improves adrenal function, restores mineral metabolism, cleans colon. For prostatitis and prostate adenoma, take a decoction of aspen bark at the same time.

Mode of application: Pour 1 tablespoon with 1 glass of boiling water. Leave overnight in a thermos or wrapped. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals. The course of treatment is 1 month for acute processes. At chronic diseases 2-3 courses with a break between them of 1 week. In spring and autumn, carry out a preventive course (1 month).

Herbal extracts

Wintergreen herb extract

Together with herbal collections for the treatment of prostatitis, traditional medicine actively uses medicinal extracts. Thus, wintergreen herb extract is considered one of the most affordable and effective remedies.

Application: sharp and chronic cystitis, kidney inflammation, hypertension, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, diseases nervous system, tuberculosis, pneumonia, bedwetting (enuresis), gout, influenza, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, wounds, inflammation, streptoderma.

Natural antibiotic! Used for chronic and acute prostatitis, cystitis, adnexitis. Shoots great pain syndrome and eliminates urinary problems.

Lesser periwinkle extract

People say about the small periwinkle and the extract from it: “Let's say NO to prostatitis and male infertility!” And for good reason. In the 21st century, the ability of periwinkle to fight prostatitis, adenoma and even Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been scientifically proven.

Mode of application: 30 drops with water 3 times a day before meals for 30 meals. Used for headaches of various origins, cerebral vascular spasms, hypertension, circulatory disorders in the retina and optic nerve, at depressive states, organic diseases brain, as a hemostatic agent for prostatitis.

Mode of application: 20-25 drops per 1 tablespoon of water 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Tincture bee death

IN folk methods treatment of chronic prostatitis also involves immunocorrection. This is a tincture of dead bees.

Dead bee tincture has pronounced antibacterial and antiviral activity and kills pathogenic microflora. Used for diseases urinary tract(pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis), glomerulonephritis, prostatitis, colpitis. infections respiratory tract(rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis), etc. It has an antitumor effect and is used for prostate adenoma. Cleanses the body, reduces elevated arterial pressure. Directions for use: take 10-15 drops 3 times a day with water.

Folk remedies for chronic prostatitis

In addition to herbs, herbs and extracts, the Scarlet Flower phytocenter recommends other methods of treating chronic prostatitis, which can also be used as an addition to the herbal complex.


Pear is very effective, in any form ( fresh fruits, dried fruit compote) for the treatment of prostatitis and for the prevention of this disease.

Extract from wax moth

Another excellent natural immunostimulant is an extract from wax moth larvae. This is unique folk remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, cardio- and atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, post-infarction and post-stroke conditions, hypertension, anemia, female and male infertility, impotence, prostate adenoma, prostatitis, thrombophlebitis and many other diseases.

Mode of application: the extract is taken orally 30 minutes before meals with 50-80 g. liquid 2-3 times a day at the rate of 3 drops per 10 kg of body weight.

Hazel (hazel) pollen

It is used for prostatitis, prostate adenoma, impotence, and increases lactation. It has a rejuvenating effect on cells, increases hemoglobin, and helps cleanse the lymphatic system. Also used for inflammation pharyngeal tonsils, halitosis, with purulent processes, at internal bleeding(gastric and duodenal ulcers). In smokers, it reduces dependence on nicotine. Pollen contains a large number of microelements.

Methods of application: 1) Dissolve 1/3 teaspoon of pollen in 1/3 cup of water. Leave for 2-3 hours. Take this dose 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks, after which take a break. 2) Mix pollen and honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1 dessert spoon first, and after 1-2 weeks - 1 tablespoon (dilute with warm boiled water and drink before meals) 3 times a day.

Birch pollen

Pollen is an excellent adaptogen, tonic. Has proven itself well against prostate adenoma, prostatitis, male infertility, erectile dysfunction.

Mode of application. 1 teaspoon per day, can be mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio.

We hope that after reading this article, men will take good care of their “second heart.” After all, now they know that nature itself is on their side!

Olesya Kasimova, phytocenter Scarlet Flower
in contact: , office. website

In many cases, herbal medicine plays a role important role in the treatment of diseases. So, herbs in the treatment of prostatitis help to get rid of it faster. unpleasant symptoms, enhance the effect of medications, provide the body with necessary elements.

However, herbal medicine must be used carefully, following the dosage and recommendations. We will talk further about what herbs and how to treat inflammation in the prostate gland and adenoma.

What herbs are best for prostatitis?

Herbalists claim that almost all herbs, even poisonous ones, can be used to treat various diseases. This is only partly true: without having special knowledge It is better to avoid dangerous plants and be treated with what the doctor approves. It is good if the plant materials are purchased at the pharmacy. If this is not possible, you can go to training camps in the forest, fields or meadows. The main thing is not to collect plants closer than 300 m from roads and 1-2 km from enterprises and populated areas.

The following herbs can be used to combat acute symptoms:

  1. Stinging nettle. It helps fight inflammatory processes in the body, but changes the composition of the blood, so it should be used with caution.
  2. Fireweed angustifolia (fireweed). The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect and regulates the nervous system.
  3. St. John's wort. Strong natural antibiotic. It has a slight analgesic effect and helps improve blood microcirculation.
  4. Root. Strengthens the nervous system, has a positive effect on blood vessels, helps fight inflammation.
  5. . Helps to recover faster damaged tissue, but is poisonous plant Therefore, you need to be careful when treating prostatitis and other diseases.
  6. (agave). Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens immune system, activates blood circulation.
  7. Periwinkle. Regulates the functioning of the prostate gland.

People with prostatitis recommend drinking a decoction of lingonberry fruits and leaves. However, you need to be careful with this plant. Along with the anti-inflammatory effect, lingonberries enhance the outflow of urine. If a man is at risk of narrowing the lumen of the urethra, such treatment of prostatitis will be dangerous. The same applies to cases where it has grown and compressed the urinary canal.

The root of calamus has a similar effect to lingonberries.

It is unfair to ignore chamomile. Infusions of this herb are used to irrigate the penis when the urethra is infected, and microenemas are also used. In case of extensive inflammatory processes and severe pain You can drink tea with chamomile. However, you should not get carried away with it - the phytoestrogens contained in the composition can negatively affect the reproductive system.

Useful for prostatitis alcohol tincture peony It increases sexual desire and strengthens the nervous system. The plant also has an analgesic effect and relieves spasms. muscle tissue in the organs of the genitourinary system. Men who drink 40 drops of tincture per day note an improvement in their well-being even with chronic prostatitis.

Herbal medicine recipes for prostatitis

Herbs may have undesirable effects side effect and therefore it is good if a man consults a therapist and urologist before treatment. It is also important to be careful, not to change the proportions of the components and dosage, and to monitor your well-being. If carried out conservative treatment prostatitis - drink herbs with caution, keeping in mind the potential risk of changing the effect of the drugs.

Anti-inflammatory infusion of St. John's wort

If you insist 30 g of St. John's wort per liter hot water, and then drink the resulting drink instead of tea - you will be able to reduce the area of ​​the inflammatory process, which means there will be less pain. You can enhance the effect with the following recipe:

  • take 2 tablespoons of inflorescences and St. John's wort herb;
  • add a tablespoon linden color;
  • pour everything with half a liter of water and simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes.

Remove from heat and leave for 2 hours and then strain. Drink 200 ml after dinner. The duration of treatment is no more than three weeks. If instead of linden blossom you add birch buds and wild strawberry leaves, you can improve the condition of the nervous system and get rid of the constant “companion” of prostatitis - irritability.

You need to be treated with this method carefully: the prescription increases blood pressure.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! If you need powerful protection against prostatitis, experts recommend a natural remedy...

Infusion with chamomile for microenemas

Chamomile has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, and also speeds up metabolic processes in tissues. Many men with prostatitis prepare an infusion for internal use, infusing 20 g of raw material in a glass of hot water. But it’s better to prepare a decoction for douching using.


  1. Take a tablespoon of plantain leaf, calendula and chamomile inflorescences, mountain arnica.
  2. Pour two glasses of boiling water and leave for 2 hours.
  3. Fill the volume with boiled water to a liter.

The resulting infusion can be taken into a small syringe and injected into the rectum, preferably before bed. This treatment of prostatitis can be carried out for no more than two weeks, then a break is needed for the same period.

Decoctions for microenemas should not be hot or cold; temperatures within 36-37 degrees are better tolerated.

Tea mixture against inflammation in the prostate

Healthy infusion of berries and herbs

You can prepare a therapeutic and prophylactic product that has an excellent taste and is accessible to almost every man. It is not suitable only for those who are allergic to red foods.

The basis of the drink is berries (50 g each):

  • black currant;
  • strawberries;
  • lingonberries;
  • raspberries;
  • cherries.

Also add 50 g of corn silk and 100 g of knotweed with chamomile. Mix everything, then take a tablespoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Drink a glass a day, maybe after lunch, but better before bed. Duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Dosage forms intended for oral administration have many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, it is a good idea if a man can find a qualified herbalist and consult with him. It is possible that some herbs will need to be excluded from the collection or such treatment will need to be abandoned altogether.

Herbal baths for prostatitis

Healing baths are part of physiotherapy, therefore they are widely used for various male and female urological diseases. If you add infusions to the water different herbs, then you can get rid of symptoms such as pain and heaviness in the perineum.

  1. The optimal water temperature is slightly above body temperature. You need to put your hand in the water, there should not be a feeling that the water is hot.
  2. The decoction can be added to a large bath or to a relatively small basin (sitz bath).
  3. You need to stay in the water for no more than 15-20 minutes.
  4. After healing bath The perineum should be carefully blotted with a clean towel, then wrap the lumbar region with a warm blanket and go to bed.
  5. The maximum duration of the course is 10 sessions.

Some medicinal herbs can cause allergic reactions in a man (rash, burning sensation, redness of the skin). To ensure that plants are well tolerated, you need to conduct a mini-test. A few drops of the resulting infusion or decoction should be applied to the wrist or inner side elbow bend. If after 5-10 minutes no redness or burning begins, there is no allergy to the product.

Options for bath infusions

For cooking healing infusions You can use any soothing and anti-inflammatory herbs. Chamomile, celandine, string, St. John's wort, plantain, lavender and a number of essential oils. The main thing is to observe the proportions of preparation of dosage forms.

To treat prostatitis, you can infuse the plants in water for 2-3 hours. The proportions are as follows:

  • 50-60 g of chamomile inflorescences per liter of water;
  • 60 g of St. John's wort per 5 liters of water;
  • 70 g of lavender per 5 liters of water.

You can also add 0.5 kg of a mixture of meadow grasses (natural meadow hay is suitable) and add 5 liters of water. Leave for an hour, then strain and add to the bath. Immerse yourself in your perineum for 10 minutes, then go to bed.

You need to make sure that the hay is not rotten and does not contain poisonous herbs.

If you can get 1-2 kg of pine needles, you can prepare an infusion that is beneficial for the prostate gland. To do this, the needles are filled with water in a ratio of 1:2 and simmered over low heat after boiling for 25 minutes. The broth is then filtered and added to a regular bath for bathing. This product is good to use during the cold season.

Herbal lotion

If it is not possible to accept healing bath or make a medicinal bath - you can make a healthy lotion from herbs. To do this, you need to mix the following plants in equal proportions:

  • chamomile and calendula inflorescences;
  • black currant and birch leaves;
  • pine buds;
  • calamus root;
  • sweet clover, string and wintergreen.

The mixture is poured into an enamel pan and poured hot water so that it covers your fingers by 1-2 fingers. Cover with a lid and wrap thick fabric for two hours. Then the water is drained (it can be used for microenemas), and the steamed herbs are placed in a gauze bag, then the excess moisture is squeezed out. Slightly warm bags are applied to the perineal area, and thick panties are put on top (for fixation).

It is better to do this lotion before bed for 45 minutes. The duration of treatment for prostatitis is 10 sessions.


Herbs for prostatitis can be useful if used as aid, not the main one. It is important to strictly adhere to the recipe and consult a doctor before each new prescription. With this approach, it will be possible to reduce the risk of side effects and recovery will occur faster.

There are many medicinal plants which help with prostatitis.

But if you know which herbs are the most effective for prostatitis and use them, you can recover much faster.

Why is herbal treatment effective?

Traditional medicine offers many remedies for men. Decoctions, infusions, juice therapy, suppositories - you can choose any form of remedy.

Herbal medicine gives very good results, especially if the disease is not too advanced. However, before using the recipes traditional medicine It would be a good idea to consult a urologist. What are the benefits of herbal medicine for prostatitis:

  • natural remedies are much easier to tolerate than medications;
  • herbal remedies do not cause adverse reactions;
  • you can take infusions and decoctions for a long time;
  • complete protection against dysbacteriosis, which often results from long-term use of pills;
  • herbal medicines are compatible with each other, so several diseases can be treated simultaneously;
  • the drugs help with both acute and chronic prostatitis.

You can combine herbal and physiotherapy using decoctions for magnetophoresis, electrophoresis or phonophoresis.

Effective herbs for treating prostatitis

  1. Peony. Indications: prostatitis, decreased libido. The plant relieves pain, calms, increases libido. You can purchase a ready-made infusion at the pharmacy or prepare a decoction from the rhizome and roots of the plant, according to the instructions on the package. You need to take an infusion of 40 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  2. Stinging nettle. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, helps restore damaged prostate tissue, helps increase vitality And sexual activity men, sperm production. The herb for prostatitis is taken every day at night, 50 g.
  3. Burdock. Young burdock root is especially effective. Indications: scarring and sclerotic formations in the prostate and seminal vesicles, as well as inflammation, as a result of which prostatitis is formed. Take burdock decoction ½ tbsp. 4 times a day. Need to cook fresh decoction and drink it warm.
  4. Plantain leaves and seeds. Bactericidal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent. Promotes restoration of the prostate gland. Take 1 tbsp decoction. l. 4 times a day.
  5. Fireweed angustifolia. Indication: chronic prostatitis. You need to make tea from this plant. Ingredients: herb (1 tsp), boiling water (1 tbsp). Pour water over the herb and leave. Drink 1 tbsp. 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  6. Pumpkin seeds. This is very old and proven. The seeds contain a large amount of zinc, which is essential for men's health. You need to consume 30 pumpkin seeds before meals every day.

Traditional medicine offers other remedies for prostatitis.

Medicinal plants hazel and aspen

Thus, the bark and leaves of hazel and aspen have healing properties. How to prepare a remedy for prostatitis:

  1. A decoction of hazel bark and leaves. Indications: prostate adenoma, kidney inflammation. Ingredients: bark and leaves (2 tbsp), boiling water (2 tbsp). Grind the raw materials, add water and leave for 2 hours, then strain. Take ½ tbsp. 4 times a day before meals.
  2. Decoction of hazel bark. Ingredients: bark (1 tbsp.), boiling water (2 tbsp.). Pour water over the bark and keep in a water bath for 10 minutes. then strain, squeeze and top up warm water so that the original volume is obtained. Take ½ tbsp. 4 times a day before meals.
  3. Aspen (bark). It is necessary to collect the bark no later than the end of April. Dry the raw materials. Grind 100 g of bark and place in a glass container, then pour in 200 g of vodka. There is no need to fill the raw material completely. Seal the container and infuse the infusion for 14 days. Then strain it. Take 20 drops of infusion 3 times a day before meals. In this case, the infusion must be diluted with ¼ tbsp. water. Take every day. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

Aspen and hazel - powerful tools from prostate adenoma.

Inflammation of the prostate: herbal treatment

There are many more herbs that are very effective in treating the disease.

The herbs Yarutka arvensis and boron uterus are especially good for treating prostatitis.

Field grass is a multifunctional remedy that is used in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. The composition of the herb is rich in saponins, glycosides, alkaloids, flavonoids, and trace elements. It makes her real natural healer. Thus, it has an astringent, hemostatic, diuretic, wound-healing, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Very important point: this herb helps to significantly reduce blood pressure, so hypotensive patients need to be extremely careful.

Yarutka can be used in different ways. Firstly, since it has a pungent taste, it is added to salads, soups, cabbage soup and other dishes. Secondly, you can prepare decoctions and infusions from jurutka:

  1. Ingredients: jarutka (leaves and fruits). Grind the raw material into powder and take 0.3 g 2 to 4 times a day. Course - 2 weeks.
  2. Ingredients: grass, flowers, pods (1.5 tbsp), boiling water (250 ml). Pour water over the raw material and leave for 4 hours. Strain. Take 1 tsp. from 4 to 5 times a day. The remedy is especially helpful for impotence.
  3. Ingredients: jarutka (1 part of raw materials - leaves, seeds, pods, flowers), medical alcohol(10 parts). Pour alcohol into the raw material through a sieve to strain immediately. Leave for 6 months. Take 1 tsp. in 30 min. before eating in the morning. The course of treatment is 4 months.

The product helps not only with prostatitis, but also with impotence, increases sperm activity, and improves overall well-being.

Ortilia is very useful for, inflammatory processes V bladder, it effectively cures cystitis and pyelonephritis, increases libido and sperm quality.

It has an antibacterial, antitumor, absorbable and analgesic effect on the body, helps strengthen the immune system, and increase vitality. Here are recipes based on boron uterus:

  1. Decoction. Ingredients: herb (1 tbsp), boiling water (1 tbsp). Pour water over the herb and leave over low heat for 10 minutes. stirring occasionally. Then remove from heat and leave for 3 hours, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. from 3 to 5 times a day.
  2. Tincture. Ingredients: herb (5 tbsp), vodka (1/2 l). Pour vodka over the herb, leave for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally, then strain. Take 15 drops three times a day before meals. You can dilute the tincture in juice or water.

But you need to take into account the fact that the body may develop intolerance to the boron uterus. In this case, treatment with this herb will have to be abandoned.

Medications for prostatitis

There are other recipes that can be used to treat the prostate with herbs. This healing fees. Here are some of the recipes:

  1. Tinctures. Ingredients: tinctures of bloodroot (10 g), soapwort (10 g), mistletoe (20 g), quinine (10 g). Tinctures are sold in pharmacies. Mix them and take from 30 to 50 drops three times a day.
  2. Decoction. Ingredients: white mistletoe (15 g), burdock root (15 g), Icelandic moss (15 g), corn silk(15 g), peppermint (15 g), boiling water (1 tbsp.). You need to mix the herbs, take 1 tbsp. l. mixture and add water. Insist. Take 2-3 tbsp. daily.
  3. Decoction. Ingredients: burdock roots (15 g), cinquefoil (15 g), sandy sedge (15 g), willow (15 g), mistletoe (100 g), boiling water (1 tbsp.). Mix the herbs, take 1 tbsp. l. dry mixture and add water, leave. Take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

In addition to herbs, honey, nuts, wine and other products are very useful in treating prostatitis.

Treatment of male ailment with honey and nuts

Here are some remedies with honey that can help fight the disease:

  1. Infusion. Ingredients: gruel onions(300 g), natural honey(100 g), dry white wine (0.6 l). Combine onion pulp and honey, and then add wine. Mix very well and leave in a cool place for 1 week, shaking the container regularly. Afterwards filter everything. Take from 2 to 4 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.
  2. Tincture of honey and aloe. Ingredients: aloe leaves (1/2 kg), honey (1/2 kg), red fortified wine(0.5 l). It is important that the plant is perennial and the honey is fresh. You need to grind aloe leaves to a pulp, then mix with honey. After this, pour wine into the mixture and pour into a glass container and close tightly. Leave in the refrigerator for 1 week. The infusion is then filtered. Take 1 tsp. 1 hour before meals. So take the infusion for 7 days. Then you need to gradually increase the dosage to 1 tbsp. l. and take for another 3 weeks.

It is worth remembering that when allergic reaction These products are not suitable for beekeeping products.

Another effective remedy made from honey and horseradish.

Ingredients: horseradish (8 tbsp), leaves walnuts(2 tbsp.), flowering basil tops (2 tbsp.), red wine (1 l.). Grind the horseradish into a paste, and also chop the nut leaves. Stir and pour in wine. Pour everything into a glass container and leave for 24 hours, shaking occasionally. Then bring the infusion to a boil and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. then let it cool. Then the infusion is filtered.

The dosage regimen depends on the form of prostatitis. Yes, when acute form take an infusion of 50 g every hour, and when chronic form take 100 g.

At advanced disease it is necessary to be constantly monitored by a urologist, since traditional medicine alone may be ineffective.



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