Who tried it? It turns out to be quite useful.
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Hydrogen sulfide water is used in resorts in the form of baths. The effect of a hydrogen sulfide bath on the body is complex and varied.
Hydrogen sulfide gas irritates numerous nerve endings in the skin. These irritations are transmitted to the central nervous system, where the response comes from various organs, which has positive influence on the course of the disease.
When immersed in a bath, the patient experiences reddening of the skin in places of contact with water - the so-called redness reaction. It disappears quickly after the procedure is completed. The degree of redness depends on the amount of hydrogen sulfide and on the individual characteristics of the organism.
A hydrogen sulfide bath actively affects human blood circulation. Skin capillaries, as well as small arteries and veins, expand, the number of functioning capillaries increases, they are significantly filled with blood and the speed of capillary circulation increases. A redistribution of blood occurs: as a result of its influx to peripheral organs, the speed of blood flow increases and improves venous drainage. In addition, functional contractility small arteries and capillaries, arterial blood pressure decreases, the pulse slows down. All this helps improve cardiovascular activity.
The skin produces special histamine-like substances that are absorbed into tissue fluids and blood and render positive action on the body. Experiments have long proven that hydrogen sulfide from water penetrates into the blood through intact skin. This has recently been confirmed by sensitive and precise studies using radioactively labeled atoms. It also enters the body through the lungs when inhaling air in the cabin. Circulating in the blood, although in very small quantities and for a short time, hydrogen sulfide affects various tissues and organs, including the nervous system. Its oxidation products have a positive effect on the sulfur balance, which can be disturbed in some diseases. Under the influence of hydrogen sulfide baths, metabolism improves and the release of unnecessary products of nitrogen metabolism from the body increases. All mentioned complex changes, occurring in the human body during bath treatment, have a beneficial effect on the course of many diseases.
At resorts, hydrogen sulfide baths are used with a temperature of 35-37°, most often 36°, in some cases 34°. Baths with a temperature above 37° are prescribed only as local ones, since they are poorly tolerated by patients. During treatment, the temperature may vary depending on the type of disease and the condition of the patient.

Hydrogen sulfide baths are most often prescribed for a duration of 8-10-15 minutes. Longer treatments may cause blood vessels to spasm, which may adversely affect the body. Therefore, it is impossible to justify the desire of some patients, under all sorts of pretexts, to lie extra minutes in the bath.
Before going to the bath, you should rest.
You need to immerse yourself in the bath so that the water is slightly below the nipple line, even if there is pain in the shoulder joints and neck. Deep diving is not allowed. Water column pressure at chest negatively affects cardiovascular system and breathing.
You need to lie still in the bath, since the movement of water accelerates the release of hydrogen sulfide from the water into the air, and muscle contractions and conversation complicate physiological reactions on the part of the nervous and cardiovascular system.
The opinion that you don’t need to dry your body after a bath is not justified. There is no need to rub yourself vigorously with a towel, but it is necessary to dry the skin. After finishing the bath, you should rest for 15-20 minutes in the bathroom building, and then more long time lie in the room without clothes that are restrictive to the body.
In addition to general baths, sessile half-baths, two- and four-chamber baths for extremities are used. Galvanic current can be passed through the water of chamber baths - this procedure has a good effect therapeutic effect.
When skin lesions are localized on the head and face, head irrigation is used.
Many patients wash themselves with hydrogen sulfide water. This procedure may be useful when oily skin, but it is not recommended to use it without a doctor’s prescription for dry skin or skin lesions. You can wash only in the bathroom building, and not at the springs.
If necessary, hydrogen sulfide water is used for lotions and compresses, rinsing the mouth and throat.
Especially widespread received the use of hydrogen sulfide water in the form of gynecological irrigations. They promote the release of pathological discharge, cause dilation of blood vessels and accelerate the resorption of inflammatory processes. If indicated, microenemas with a small amount of hydrogen sulfide water are used.
At the suggestion of doctor A.I. Rozhdestvensky, it is enough wide use received sulfur pine baths: added to hydrogen sulfide water pine extract. At the same time, a pleasant, refreshing smell of pine forest appears in the cabin. Many patients with hypersensitivity These baths tolerate hydrogen sulfide much better.
Pure pine baths are also used for fresh water, which are known to have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Pearl baths have the same effect.