Chicken pox when you can wash. Water procedures for chickenpox

Chickenpox is a disease that has been known for a long time. Despite this, many parents do not have the slightest idea how to care for a child who has caught chickenpox.

One of the most popular questions regarding chickenpox is whether it is possible to bathe a child with this disease? It would seem that the answer is obvious. The rules of personal hygiene have not been canceled and illness is not a reason to make exceptions. But many parents are really worried about this, because the main symptom of chickenpox is a rash that covers the baby’s skin. And hence the heap additional questions: Is it possible to wet it, how to wash it, wipe it or blot it? So we'll figure it out.

Is it possible to bathe a child with chickenpox?

Until relatively recently, doctors categorically prohibited any water procedures for chickenpox. It was allowed to bathe the child only after new rashes stopped or the rash completely disappeared. It did not matter in what form the disease took place - mild or severe.

Modern science has radically changed opinions about hygiene procedures during chickenpox. Now most pediatricians, including the famous TV doctor Dr. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, are confident that washing a child is not only possible, but also necessary. mandatory. The fact is that along with dirt and sweat, an infection can get into the area of ​​the rash. Moreover, water treatments have a soothing effect on the skin, significantly reducing painful itching.

Rules for bathing with chicken pox

So, you can bathe a child, but how to do it correctly. There are a lot of recommendations from doctors here. For example, Dr. Komarovsky suggests doing the following:

The water should not be hot. This can negatively affect the child's well-being. Water treatments should be carried out exclusively with warm water.
It is prohibited to use any detergents– soap, shampoos, shower gels, bath foams. The substances contained in them may cause additional irritation of the skin.
Water procedures should be short in time. It is enough to wash away dirt and sweat. If necessary, it is better to bathe the child 2-3 times a day. Staying in water for a long time can lead to softening of the skin (maceration), which is unacceptable for chickenpox.
Do not rub the skin with a washcloth or rub it in any other way.
Should I take a bath or a shower? Unprincipled. It all depends on the age and preferences of the child himself.
For chickenpox, you can add decoctions to the bath medicinal herbs– chamomile or string. It is recommended to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate and add it to the water until it turns pale pink.
After bathing, do not rub your child with a towel. The body must be carefully blotted, after which the towel should be immediately thrown into the wash. By the way, if you have chickenpox, you need to wash your baby’s clothes, bed linen and towels at maximum temperature.
After bathing, the bubbles must be re-lubricated with brilliant green or medicine recommended by your attending physician.

When is it prohibited to swim if you have chickenpox?

In some cases, taking water procedures for chickenpox is prohibited. All doctors talk about this, including Dr. Komarovsky.

1. If the temperature has risen.
2. If there are signs of a bacterial infection, that is, the liquid inside the bubbles has transformed into purulent discharge or contains blood. By the way, these symptoms need to be urgently brought to the attention of a doctor.

Chickenpox is a disease that affects both children and adults. The basic principles of treating chickenpox are known to many, but the question of taking a bath or shower during illness remains controversial and many are interested in whether it is possible to bathe with chickenpox.

How to wash with chickenpox?

Many young parents with a sick child or adults with chickenpox do not know whether it is possible to swim with chickenpox or not? The fact is that during chickenpox the skin is completely covered with itchy blisters and, as it seems to many, contact with water can worsen an already serious condition.

Most doctors categorically do not allow water procedures until the last wave of rashes has subsided. Of course, if a child or adult has a high body temperature, there are purulent ulcers, or any complications, then you cannot swim until the acute process subsides.

American and Western European doctors claim that bathing with chickenpox is acceptable and even necessary, since it washes away sweat and dirt, which in turn provoke additional suppuration, and water procedures relax and help relieve itching. The only condition is to avoid swimming in hot water and do not use a washcloth. If you have chickenpox, washing is not only possible, but absolutely necessary. Only in this case some rules must be observed:

Bath with a weak solution of potassium permanganate

  • Under no circumstances should detergents be used when bathing, neither soap, nor shower gel, nor shampoo, nor foam should come into contact with inflamed skin, especially if you are bathing a child.
  • If you take a shower, then you should do it briefly, but often, up to 4-5 times a day.
  • If you are taking a bath, you should also not long time be in the water. The most the best option taking a bath is considered with the addition of a weak solution of potassium permanganate, it has antiseptic property and promotes rapid drying of the rash.
  • Naturally, you should not use washcloths and other usual cleansers, as this will increase the itching and damage the inflamed skin.
  • Under no circumstances should you dry yourself thoroughly with a towel; it is best to blot your body with the softest towel, which should be clean and new every time after a bath or shower. After the skin is completely dry, all existing spots of the rash should be treated with “green paint” or other means.

When can you wash after chickenpox? This question disappears automatically, since taking a bath and shower with chickenpox contributes to speedy recovery and of course, after chickenpox you can also swim as usual.

  • To prevent infection from entering the rash wounds, nails should be carefully trimmed, especially for children. When scratching the blisters, an additional inflammatory process may occur when microbes are introduced into them.
  • The temperature in the apartment should not be too high, as increased sweating contributes to increased itching and discomfort.
  • Underwear and bed linen should be changed every day, and it should be exclusively cotton.
  • To quickly remove toxins from the body, you should drink as much fluid as possible.
  • If chickenpox rashes are present in the mouth, then you can rinse your mouth with a solution of furatsilin.
  • If the itching becomes unbearable, you can take antihistamines as prescribed by the attending physician.
  • To dry and disinfect the rash, regularly lubricate newly formed blisters with brilliant green, fucorcin, and rivanol.

So, to the question: Is it possible to swim with chickenpox? The answer is clear - yes, it is possible and even necessary!

Chicken pox is extremely common infectious disease, most often affecting young children. Despite the “familiarity” of the disease, doctors still continue to study the mechanisms of its occurrence and the characteristics of its course. This helps to improve the principles of disease therapy.

Thanks to new discoveries by scientists, the approach to the question of whether it is possible to bathe a child with chickenpox has changed. After all, if before doctors categorically said “no,” now they are more likely to answer in the affirmative, albeit with minor reservations. We will talk about this in more detail.

A few words about chickenpox

Chickenpox is not without reason called a childhood disease - almost 95% of the entire population of the Earth suffers from the infection in early and early childhood. preschool age. Why is this disease so common?

The causative agent of chickenpox is the extremely virulent (capable of infecting) Varicella zoster virus. It is transmitted through sneezing, which also significantly increases the risk of infection, especially in children's team. After the “infection” was transferred to human body immunity is developed, but in rare cases the virus can recur in the form of shingles.

The latent period of chickenpox lasts about three weeks. It turns out that after approximately 21 days, parents do not even assume that the child is already infected, noting only slight weakness and low activity crumbs. Obvious ones appear much later than the moment of infection.

The main and leading sign of the disease is the appearance of small blisters that are filled purulent fluid containing great amount viral particles. And if at first several such pimples are found on a child’s skin, then after a few days the child is almost completely covered with them.

Additional signs of chickenpox in babies are:

A sharp jump in temperature (sometimes up to 39-40 °C);

Weakness and rapid fatigue;

Restlessness and irritability;

Severe skin itching;

Low appetite or complete absence of it.

The appearance and bursting of blisters is accompanied by itching. As a result, the child begins to comb his skin with real ecstasy, which should not be done. Opening the blisters leads to the spread of infection to surrounding areas of the skin, in addition, scars are formed that often remain for life.

Important! In especially severe cases, chickenpox affects the mucous membranes various organs (oral cavity, inner parts of the eyelid, genitals). That is why hygiene includes water procedures, which is extremely important for this infectious disease.

Swimming with chickenpox - medical opinions

A couple of decades ago, doctors categorically forbade washing a child in acute period diseases, allowing only regular wiping with wet wipes. The explanation for the restrictions is that the rashes on the skin should dry out, and water treatments soften the blisters.

Modern doctors are skeptical about this opinion. New research has shown that the liquid contents in the blisters often lead to additional infection of neighboring tissues, which significantly increases the duration of the disease. Get rid of similar problem possible by resorting to washing. Besides, warm water significantly relieves itching.

So parents are sympathetic to bath procedures for the treatment of chickenpox. A short bath with a solution of manganese or medicinal herbs reduce severity discomfort, so the child calms down, sleeps better and does not scratch the inflamed areas of the skin. Water also has a positive effect on blisters, which dry out after a shower, which speeds up recovery.

Important! The opinion that after washing the number of pustules increases is erroneous. The number of pimples does not depend on contact with water, since the rash recurs within the first week after the onset active phase diseases. The blisters will go away on their own on the eighth day after the first rash.


How to properly bathe a child with chickenpox?

So, to the question of whether it is possible to wash with chickenpox, modern pediatrics answers positively. However, in order for bathing to benefit the child, it is important to study the rules of bathing procedures. The recommendations are as follows.

1.​ Do not bathe in hot water, as overheating leads to blood flow to the affected areas of the body, which increases discomfort and pain.

2.​ It is best to use water slightly above room temperature. The baby can be bathed in a bathtub or in a distracted shower.

3.​ It is prohibited to use any detergents: soap, gel or cream products shower, shampoos and conditioners. The chemical ingredients contained in these products only irritate the blisters and increase the itching.

4. Limit the time your baby spends in the water. For chickenpox, 5 minutes in the bath is enough. But you can bathe your child up to 4 times a day to reduce the severity of unpleasant sensations and wash away pathogenic microorganisms, released along with the liquid from the bubbles.

5.​ Do not use a washcloth for better cleansing skin because inflammatory processes aggravated by rubbing. Restrictions also apply to towels. To dry the skin, it is better to take either a very soft or disposable paper towel, which you should gently touch the child’s body.

6. After each bath procedure, the rash is treated with special disinfectants and antiseptic solutions, which destroy viral particles and additionally dry out blisters.

INimportant! In some babies with weakened immune systems, the body cannot quickly cope with viral infection, which is expressed feeling unwell, high temperature and ulcerative wounds on the skin. In this case, water can only do harm. It is important to wait until your health improves, and only then start washing.

However hygiene procedures cannot be cancelled. In such situations, doctors recommend wiping the child with antiseptic wipes and rinsing the mucous membranes with strong infusions of medicinal plants.

The use of medicinal decoctions

For extensive rashes and rashes on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, doctors advise using herbal solutions instead of water. They better fight itching and are able to prevent the occurrence of associated complications. You can use decoctions:


Oak bark;



An infusion with sage and eucalyptus leaves is good for healing pustules. To prepare it, you need to pour boiling water over the plant material and leave for 60 minutes. Then with this medicinal solution you can either lubricate skin, or add to the bath when bathing.

Improve skin condition by washing with oak bark tincture. To make it, 100 grams of bark is poured into a liter boiled water and placed in a steam bath for about a quarter of an hour. Once ready, the broth is filtered and added to the bath.

Bathing babies at chicken pox and a decoction of calendula flowers. A tablespoon of dry raw material is poured into a liter of boiling water, filtered and used for its intended purpose. Another option is a bath with celandine infusion, which is prepared at the rate of 60 grams of herb per liter of boiling water.

The herbs listed can be used both during the course of the disease and after recovery, when the dry crusts disappear on their own. All these plants have a good effect on the skin, accelerating regeneration processes.

Swimming after chicken pox

When can you bathe your child after chickenpox? IN acute phase taking a bath is considered a disease medical procedure designed to improve the baby’s condition. After recovery, the baby is allowed to bathe as usual, but only after 4-5 days. This precaution is due to the fact that the infection can “hide” and suddenly manifest itself as new blisters.

As soon as all the crusts come off, the child will be able to spend more time in the bath. In addition, the use of detergents and washcloths is finally allowed. And to get rid of green stains, children’s skin needs to be thoroughly steamed and traces of antiseptic must be wiped off with ordinary laundry soap.

Thus, the question of whether it is possible to bathe a child with chickenpox should be resolved with a pediatrician who will examine little patient, will determine the presence or absence of contraindications. Water procedures during chickenpox help to extinguish faster negative symptoms and warn undesirable consequences, so don’t neglect this important and useful event!

It will also help children cope with the virus, which was included in the National Vaccination Calendar in 2008. Even if your child gets sick even after vaccination, the effect of the virus itself on his body will be much slower.

Is it possible to wash yourself if you have chickenpox? Just recently, pediatricians unanimously stated - under no circumstances! But over time, information about the disease became more and more, and doctors’ judgments became less and less categorical, and today there is no longer a clear answer to this question.

Chickenpox stages

Incubation period The illness can last from 10 to 21 days. The child is already sick, but neither he nor the parents yet suspect it. Naturally, the question: is it possible to wash with chickenpox is not worth it at this stage.

Prodromal period lasts from 1 to 2 days and is characterized by a depressed state, a decrease in or You might think that the child has a cold or is simply overtired, because so far they are absent.

Period of rash from 3 to 5 days. At this time, the patient’s health deteriorates, the temperature rises from 37.5 to 38.5 degrees, and characteristic rashes appear. They can appear on absolutely any part of the body and head, including scalp and mucous membranes.

When should you swim?

Bathing will relieve unbearable itching, calm the child, and prevent scratching. Many people have a question about whether it is possible to wash with chickenpox using decoctions of medicinal herbs. The answer is yes. Chamomile, calendula, celandine, oak bark, succession, the main thing is that there is no allergy to the chosen remedy.

Parents of sick children are often also interested in whether it is possible to bathe a child with chickenpox in a bathtub or is it necessary to use a shower? You need to do it in a way that is more convenient for you and as your baby is more comfortable with. There are no contraindications for any of the methods. A bath is even preferable because you can add medicine to the water; you can’t do this with a shower. The main thing is that the bathing container is very, very clean, because damaged skin can easily be subject to secondary infection by any other pathogens.

So, we have answered the question of when you can wash yourself with chickenpox, now you need to find out how best to do it.

What is prohibited when swimming while sick?

Under no circumstances should you use soaps, foams and shower gels, no matter how gentle and hypoallergenic they may be - they are prohibited. Also leave the washcloth until better times - with its help you can easily damage healing ulcers. It is better not to touch the body with your hands at all, but simply rinse it briefly in the bath or shower, and then gently pat it dry with a clean diaper or towel. After each bathing, all elements of the rash should be re-treated with fucorcin or brilliant green. Following these rules, you can wash up to 4-6 times a day and the process will go it only benefits the patient, drying out the crusts and promoting the speedy healing of wounds.

Special attention

There are exceptions to any rule, and in our case, such an exception is people with reduced immunity. The reasons for the low may be different, but the danger of joining bacterial infections increases significantly regardless of what exactly causes the weakness immune reactions. For such patients, it is better to replace bathing with wiping with wet wipes soaked in an antibacterial composition. When wiping, you need to go around the affected areas of the skin without touching them. Weakened patients will have to wait until later with water procedures. complete deliverance from signs of illness, or rather, until the moment when dry crusts fall off.

Chickenpox – viral disease, which affects both children and adults. It is very difficult to avoid infection, especially if for a long time be in a group with a source of infection. As a rule, preschoolers and students become infected with the virus junior classes. Many adults are familiar with the principles of treating the disease, but there are some points that cause controversy even among specialists. For example, parents often ask the pediatrician the question: is it possible to wash if you have chickenpox? The illness lasts for several weeks, and it is difficult to last that long without bathing.

General hygiene rules for chickenpox

How many people get chickenpox? An infected patient is not dangerous to others during the first 7-10 days of illness. He does not yet have the rash characteristic of the disease, but there is weakness, bad dream, decreased appetite. Next begins incubation period chickenpox, lasting about 10-11 days. First, the rash appears on the scalp, then on the neck, chest, and other parts of the body. A sick person is not hospitalized provided that he tolerates the virus well. If a child is infected, parents are perplexed: is it possible to go for a walk with chickenpox, how to help cope with the itching, how to bathe the baby?

It is extremely important to observe hygienic measures in order to alleviate the patient’s condition and prevent secondary complications of chickenpox. Check out some recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to treat the blisters with drying and disinfectants: for children - brilliant green, for adults - 2% tincture of iodine or 2% solution of aniline dye.
  2. Recommended during the acute period of illness bed rest. On these days, the temperature in the room should be comfortable.
  3. Need to drink more water(juices, tea without sugar, non-carbonated mineral water) and do not drink coffee or strong drinks.
  4. It is recommended to eat cereals, fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables and refrain from salty, smoked, fatty foods.
  5. Patients require daily bathing.
  6. It is advisable for the patient to wear cotton underwear.

When can you swim?

When sick, the entire skin is covered with itchy blisters, so bathing may seem dangerous to the body. Some doctors add fuel to the fire by prohibiting washing until the last wave of rashes disappears. So is it possible for a child with chickenpox to wash himself? In fact, water procedures do not affect the number of blisters - they will continue to appear until antibodies are produced in the body. Bathing for chickenpox is necessary: ​​it partially relieves itching, washes away sweat, and helps to relax. You can wash yourself every day from the first day of illness, following some rules.

After chickenpox, unattractive spots from brilliant green remain on the skin and hair. They can be removed in the following ways:

  • regular soap while swimming (it will take several days);
  • nail polish remover (with acetone);
  • bleach;
  • mixture lemon juice and alcohol;
  • scrub;
  • rich baby cream;
  • solution based on vitamin C;
  • a slice of lemon.

How can you wash yourself if you have chickenpox?

When swimming, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not rub the skin with a washcloth, use cleansing cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, or regular detergents - they will damage the skin and increase itching.
  2. Worth adding to the bath weak solution potassium permanganate for disinfection. Decoctions of herbs (chamomile, celandine, calendula) will help relieve inflammation and reduce discomfort.
  3. You should not lie in the bathroom for a long time. The water should be warm (not hot), otherwise the crusts that have formed will steam, and complications after chickenpox are possible.
  4. There is no need to dry yourself - it is advisable to blot your body with a soft towel (diaper).


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