Is it possible to drink lingonberry leaf with clover. Medicinal properties of lingonberry leaves

Lingonberries, in addition to fragrant taste, have a number of healing properties. It is customary to use only berries, but its leaves have been proven to have even more nutrients than fruits. It is important to know in what areas this plant is used and on its basis.

Composition of the product

Lingonberry leaves in their composition contain minerals and vitamins that are necessary to maintain human body. The leaves contain tannins, which give them a little viscosity. Tannins have an anti-inflammatory effect and are used as a remedy and poisoning.

With long laboratory research additional, very useful components, thanks to which the product has become more in demand in cosmetology and medicine. The composition includes:

Before using, make sure that you do not have allergic reaction on any component.

Beneficial features

The plant has many useful characteristics, the main ones are:

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A decoction or infusion of lingonberry leaves is widely used in folk medicine. It is important for pregnant women and children to consult a doctor before use.


Due to its antiseptic properties, the plant is used in the treatment of bacterial infections. Leaf based medicines are effective in removing staph infection.

A decoction of lingonberry leaves helps to cure diseases oral cavity and larynx. Widely used in the following fields:

The plant is used as additional treatment taken in combination with medications.

Treatment of cystitis - prescription

With inflammation urinary system effectively use diuretics to quickly eliminate the infection. Lingonberry leaves are a diuretic, they can be used during pregnancy, and even in childhood.


Cowberry leaves should be finely chopped. For the medicine, you will need four small spoons of raw materials. The product is filled with water (500 milliliters). The broth is boiled over low heat for 20 minutes. After boiling, the product is left for half an hour to infuse, then filtered.

Cowberry leaf for inflammation of the kidneys - recipe

With pyelonephritis and others as medical therapy a decoction based on lingonberry leaf is used. Do not forget that the plant is choleretic, which only improves its effectiveness.

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Cooking method:

A handful of leaves is poured into a saucepan and filled with water (it is enough to use 600 milliliters).

Leave the container on the fire to boil for no more than ten minutes.

It is necessary to take the drug for 3 doses, regardless of food. Otar must be cooked every day, the course of treatment lasts until the kidneys are fully restored.

Contraindications and harvesting rules

There are few contraindications, but still there is a list of diseases in which lingonberry leaf cannot be used:

  • Ulcer of the duodenum and stomach
  • Acidity and gastritis
  • Individual intolerance
  • If there is an allergy to one of the constituents
  • At low pressure, the plant can be taken, but with proper pressure control
  • Acute kidney failure
  • Not to be used by children under the age of twelve

The remedy is carefully taken during the gestation of the fetus. Negative reactions the child and mother were not identified, but still this method of treatment must be approved by the gynecologist.

Procurement rules.

Lingonberry leaves should be collected immediately after fruiting is completed or after the snow has left. During these two periods, the shrub is maximally saturated with nutritious and useful elements.

If you collect foliage in the hot season, then the leaves turn brown over time. This shade indicates a poor-quality product, so the use of leaflets will bring a minimum of benefit.

When collecting foliage, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Leaf size. Their width should be no more than fifteen millimeters, and the length should not be less than thirty millimeters. These sizes will be in the plant no earlier than one year of age. Young shrubs do not meet the requirements of interstate standards. When buying, you need to pay attention to the size of the sheets. If their sizes are less than acceptable, then the product is of poor quality.
  • Color spectrum. The shade of the upper leaf is dark green. The base is glossy and smooth. Inside the leaf is less saturated, but also matte and green. When dried, the foliage does not lose its original color, only slightly brightens.
  • Product assembled correctly, odorless. Raw materials are sold in specially pressed briquettes. The necessary piece is broken off and brewed according to the recipe. The taste is bitter and slightly sticky in the mouth.

This berry has long been valued and loved by the people. It is harvested for the future, compotes, jams are cooked from it, fruit drinks are made. Traditionally lingonberries are used in medicinal purposes. The leaves and berries of the plant are medicinal.

Cowberry grows in dry pine forests, on dry peat bogs in the European part of Russia, in Siberia, on Far East, as well as in the mountains of the Caucasus. The name of the berry in translation means "vine from the Phrygian mountain Ida." According to legend, this mountain was the seat of Cybele, the goddess of fertility, who rode around it in a chariot with a wreath on her head, woven from various berry plants. There were also sprigs of cranberries in her wreath.

Cowberry blossoms in May-June. The berries ripen in September and are harvested until November. Cowberry berries are sweet and sour, slightly bitter in taste. The healing properties of berries and leaves of lingonberries are due to their chemical composition. Blueberry berries are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C.

The best way to replenish vitamin C is to eat fresh berries collected directly from the bush, as in dried fruits part of the nutrients is destroyed. But these berries are very useful for the body. They are recommended to be brewed together with wild rose and mountain ash and used as vitamin tea.

In addition to vitamin C, lingonberries contain a lot of carotene (provitamin A) and vitamin B2. Berries also contain sugars, catechins, mineral salts, pectin and tannins, organic acids (malic, citric, acetic, formic and oxalic).

Cowberry leaves and berries have a diuretic and disinfectant effect and are traditionally used for kidney stones, gout, e, e, e. Fresh, soaked and boiled berries are used for these purposes.

To increase appetite, and also after serious illnesses and injuries, it is recommended to drink lingonberry juice, as it combines anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects, inhibits the development of microbes and removes toxins from the body. sour drink quenches thirst, and the vitamins contained in it strengthen forces. Cowberry juice is also useful for oncological diseases and any kind of intoxication.

Lingonberry promotes the absorption of food, enhances the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, therefore, with its help, they are successfully treated with low acidity, inflammation of the pancreas. It is used and how aid in the treatment of hypertension.

For eczema, lichen and scabies, the affected areas are smeared with lingonberry juice.

At cholelithiasis prepare a decoction of lingonberry leaves: pour a handful of leaves with 3 cups of water, boil for 10 minutes and take 1 cup 3 times a day.

When e and diseases of the upper respiratory tract lingonberries are used in the form of fruit drinks and compotes.

For treatment diseases Bladder a cold infusion of leaves is recommended: 5 g of lingonberry leaves are poured into a glass cold water, insist 10 hours, filter and take 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

With e and a cold 1 st. a spoonful of crushed leaves and lingonberry sprigs is poured with a glass of boiling water,

insist 30 minutes, filter and take 2 tbsp. spoons 4-5 times a day.

With gallstone disease 1 st. a spoonful of lingonberry leaves is brewed with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes, filtered and taken 2 tbsp. spoons 4-5 times a day.

When e, stones and sand in the kidneys and bladder, lingonberry leaf tincture is very effective. To prepare it, take 100 g of lingonberry leaf, pour 2.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, filter and add 250 ml of vodka to the broth. Then put the broth on the fire and simmer for 15 minutes, not bringing to a boil. Take 100 g 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 6 months. When e, this tincture is drunk until a precipitate appears in the urine, and the movements become freer and more relaxed.

In 0.5 cups of lingonberry juice add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and drink 3 times a day as a tonic and tonic.

The berries are usually picked

Cowberry leaves have several medicinal properties that are widely used in both folk and traditional medicine:

  1. Diuretic, due to the high content of arbutin in the lingonberry leaf;
  2. Antiseptic, and manifested both by the fact that some leaf-based preparations directly inhibit the development and destroy bacteria, and by the fact that due to diuretic action they prevent bacteria from attaching to the walls of the urinary tract. Due to this, such funds are widely used in the treatment of cystitis;
  3. Antioxidant properties, manifested due to the content of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, zinc and other components in the vegetative part of the plant;
  4. The ability to supply the body with vitamins, treat and prevent hypo- and beriberi;
  5. Skin brightening action.

Dried lingonberry leaves, ready for medicinal preparation.

These are the properties that are confirmed special studies. In folk medicine, lingonberry leaves also indicate antiherpetic, antiviral and antifungal activities, the ability to suppress inflammation and reduce the patient's temperature. However, these properties are assumed and unambiguously rely on them, planning to replace effective lingonberries pharmaceuticals, dangerous.

However, the confirmed and officially used beneficial properties are expressed so strongly that in some cases specialized products are replaced by means based on it. pharmaceuticals. First of all, this refers to the diuretic effect.

Diuretic properties

The diuretic effect of the leaves is manifested due to the action of arbutin on the kidney parenchyma. Causing irritation here, it stimulates the active excretion of fluid by the kidneys to remove it as an irritant. As a result, after taking lingonberry preparations, the patient feels a strong urge to go to the toilet, which can occur frequently - up to 3-4 times per hour - until the arbutin itself or its derivatives are completely removed from the body.

This is interesting

The leaves of plants closely related to lingonberries - blueberries, cranberries - contain significantly less arbutin, and therefore neither as a diuretic nor for disinfection urinary tract do not apply. Even lingonberries themselves use leaves and, to a lesser extent, shoots for treatment. Its flowers and berries are rarely used in medicine, unlike the same cranberry, which has the main medicinal raw materials berries count. At the same time, bearberry leaves are considered a more valuable medicinal raw material than lingonberry leaves.

This property is applied when various diseases organs of the urinary system, which require the removal of bacteria, their waste products, toxins or cell decay products from the kidneys or bladder. In particular, lingonberry remedies are most often prescribed for women for cystitis, for men - for prostatitis. Also, the diuretic properties of lingonberry leaves are widely used for:

  • edema;
  • Various poisonings, in which the rate of recovery of the patient depends on the rate of excretion of toxins from the body with urine;
  • Gout and other diseases caused by the accumulation of various unwanted substances in the body;
  • Diseases accompanied by febrile syndrome. Increased urination with them allows you to enhance the effect of antipyretics.

Practice shows that 2-3 glasses of lingonberry broth or tea (it's not the same thing!) A day is enough to have the most pronounced, but safe diuretic effect.

Strong lingonberry broth has the color of rich tea.

It is important to remember that the diuretic properties of lingonberry leaves are often harmful. In particular, in the presence of large kidney stones, a strong diuretic effect can lead to the movement of stones, blockage of the urinary tract, inflammation and associated severe consequences.

Lingonberry leaf preparations as antiseptics

The use of lingonberry leaves preparations as a means to combat bacterial infections of the urinary tract has been shown and tested. To the greatest extent, the antiseptic effect is manifested due to the disinfecting action of arbutin (it is known as an effective urinary tract antiseptic) and benzoic acid, to a lesser extent - other components of the leaves.

Experiments have shown the antiseptic activity of lingonberry leaves against some strains of staphylococci, coli, salmonella, cariogenic bacteria and other microorganisms. The strength of such bactericidal action in humans has not been studied, but it is believed that it manifests itself strongly enough that the agents can be used in addition to the main treatment of cystitis and urethritis with antibiotics.

It is also suggested that the use of lingonberry leaves, as an antiseptic, is due to its diuretic activity: with increased excretion of urine pathogenic bacteria do not have time to attach to the walls of the urinary tract and are simply washed out with urine.

Some of the antiseptic properties of lingonberry leaves are used for local therapy various wounds and inflammation. For example, a decoction of the remedy is used to rinse the throat with tonsillitis or pharyngitis, the mouth - with stomatitis and gingivitis. A decoction, tincture of alcohol or infusion of water is also used to treat wounds and scratches on the skin. However, the effectiveness of such funds is very low and does not allow to radically affect the course of the disease.

On a note

Both diuretic and antiseptic property it is equally manifested in the leaves, which can be bought by weight, and in them, but packaged in bags. Therefore, for medicinal use it is quite possible to use raw materials bought in a pharmacy in a box, although the price of the drug is somewhat higher here.

Typical packing of a sheet for sale in the markets.

The ability of leaves to prevent and treat hypovitaminosis

Lingonberry leaves as a source of vitamins are used much less frequently than berries and various drinks from them. This is due to the fact that the berries themselves contain much more vitamins, and for eating they are much more convenient and pleasant than a decoction. However, during times when berries are either unavailable or too expensive, lingonberry leaf tea can be considered a valuable source of vitamins.

So, dried lingonberry leaves contain:

  1. Vitamin A;
  2. Vitamin C;
  3. B vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B9;
  4. Vitamin E;
  5. Vitamin R.

When cooking medicines on the basis of lingonberry leaves, most of these vitamins are preserved and penetrate into the liquid of the preparation itself, and then enter the body of the person who consumes it.

Often the leaf is crushed - this increases its cost, but then tea is brewed from it faster.

However, lingonberry leaves have a serious drawback as a source of vitamins: by increasing urination, they stimulate the excretion of some vitamins from the body with urine. Therefore, it is unambiguous to state how great their usefulness as vitamin products, it is forbidden.

Antioxidant activity

Antioxidant activity and the ability of lingonberry preparations to weaken the effect free radicals theoretically explained by the presence in its leaves of several substances in which such antiradical activity is well known. These include:

  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin P (natural bioflavonoids);
  • Zinc.

It is believed that due to them, preparations based on lingonberry leaf reduce the activity of free radicals, at least in the organs of the digestive and urinary tracts. However, it is unambiguous to assess how pronounced this effect is and what healing actions in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases are caused by them, it is impossible.

Brightening effect on the skin

An important component of lingonberry leaves - arbutin - is known in cosmetology as a substance that inhibits the production of melanin pigment. Due to this, preparations based on lingonberry raw materials containing a large number of arbutin, it is recommended to use it as part of masks, lotions or on its own to combat age spots, freckles and other skin imperfections. In folk medicine, baths and inhalations are carried out for this.

The image below shows how a lingonberry scrub is used to cleanse the skin:

Properties known only in folk medicine

Finally, in alternative medicine several more medicinal properties of lingonberry leaves are declared, which are not confirmed and therefore not used in evidence-based medicine. Among them:

  • Antiherpetic activity - it is believed that decoctions can accelerate the healing of sores at the site of herpetic eruptions;
  • Ability to suppress fungal infections- partly due to proven efficacy "in vitro" against the causative agent of thrush Candida albicans. However, in fact, there are no reliable cases of curing candidiasis with the help of products based on lingonberry leaves;
  • Antiviral, practically unfounded. Due to the fact that the leaf is often used for SARS, there are suggestions that it helps fight viral infection. In reality, there are not even theoretical justifications for its effectiveness in such an incarnation, as there are no experimental confirmations of the ability of lingonberries to act on a viral infection;
  • Antipyretic action. Most likely, it is also a speculation that arose due to frequent use drugs for fever. In fact, due to the diuretic effect, the lingonberry leaf can enhance the effect of the use of antipyretics - if the patient drinks a lot and often goes to the toilet, then after taking the antipyretic, his temperature drops by more long time. By itself, lingonberries do not reduce the temperature;
  • Means for weight loss - it is believed that due to the increased removal of fluid from the body, weight is reduced and fats are actively broken down. This opinion is not confirmed by anything, just as there are no known cases of successful weight loss with the help of lingonberries alone, without normalizing the lifestyle.

Finally, lingonberry leaves are known for many harmful properties, which can often be more pronounced than useful ones, and their use will bring more harm for health than good. For example, preparations of lingonberry leaves often lead to impaired kidney function, can be dangerous during pregnancy and cause poisoning with hydroquinone (arbutin metabolite). In addition, judging by the reviews, tea and decoction of these leaves are very bad taste and often cause nausea. Partly for these reasons, lingonberry leaves are forbidden for children under 12 years of age, pregnant women and women of age, while breastfeeding.

At long-term use lingonberry preparations possible intoxication with hydroquinone

All this means that you can count on the medicinal properties of these drugs, but they should be used only as directed by a doctor after a full diagnosis of the disease.

Since ancient times, lingonberries have been used as a remedy for many diseases. Its benefits lie in vitamins and trace elements found in fruits and leaves. Lingonberries with cystitis can relieve diseases and extend the duration of remission with chronic inflammation.

Cowberry properties

This plant has beneficial substances, and both fruits and leaves are used for. Leaves can retain their beneficial properties for three years after collection of course under proper storage conditions.

Cowberry berries are rich in many vitamins such as A, C, E and B. The plant includes tannins, flavonoids and three types of acid: malic, salicylic and citric.

Cowberry leaves (lingonberry), as well as its fruits, are also rich in useful substances. They contain:

  • lycopene;
  • mineral salts, copper and chromium;
  • glycoside;
  • tannins;
  • antioxidants;
  • arbutin, which is a natural antiseptic;
  • vaccinin.

Tannins perform the function natural antiseptic and help the body fight inflammation. Experts came to the conclusion that flavonoids, which are also contained in the berry, are deservedly considered antioxidants taken from nature.

The leaves of this plant are usually used to relieve the inflammatory process, including in the bladder. Since the green part of this plant has diuretic properties, it is used against puffiness.

Lingonberries are used in the treatmentbecause it has beneficial effect on general state organism and fights inflammation. The berry has the following properties:

  1. It has a choleretic and diuretic effect.
  2. Has a detrimental effect on bacteria that cause inflammatory process.
  3. Relieves fever and fights the symptoms of cystitis.
  4. When taken with antibiotics, it significantly enhances their effect on fighting infection.
  5. Slows down skin aging.
  6. Eliminates frequent headaches.
  7. Helps fight low immunity and strengthens it.

The chemical composition and benefits of this plant is determined by the conditions of the place where it grows.

The most favorable and fortified berries are those that grew in podzolic soil or in abandoned clearings.

Cowberry berries are recommended to be consumedbecause they have properties to render defensive reaction organism against bacteria and enhance the work immune system. However, before giving this berry to children, need to consult a doctor.


In general, lingonberries have a beneficial effect on the body, but it also has a number of contraindications, in which it take forbidden. These contraindications are:

  • the presence of hypotension, that is, low blood pressure;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenum.

Before purchasing berries, you need to make sure where they were brought from and where they were collected for sale.

This is important to know, because this berry is capable of absorb radioactive materials.

When collecting on your own, you must also remember that the fruits and leaves located near the roadway or plants cannot be useful, since they are concentrated harmful substances accumulated in places with unfavorable ecology.

In the post-surgery period and internal bleeding the use of this product must be excluded from the diet. Need to avoid taking cranberries on an empty stomach, because in this case it can be harmful to health.

Preparation of a plant for cystitis


Since lingonberry leaves have diuretic effect, they are often used to combat the manifestations of cystitis. The leaves are used as a tea.

You can independently collect the green part of the plant or purchase ready-made bags at the pharmacy, and at home carry out the procedure for preparing such tea. The recipe for this tea is simple and is as follows:

  1. One teaspoon of leaves is poured into hot water.
  2. The resulting liquid must be infused for half an hour.
  3. The resulting tea is consumed in 0.5 cups with a daily frequency of three times.

It is allowed to supplement the decoction with a small amount of sugar.


The leaves of the plant can also be used as an infusion. Preparing this remedy for inflammation is simple: a tablespoon of leaves is poured with one glass of boiling water and infused for one hour. After which the infusion is taken half a glass before eating.

There is another effective infusion cooking in a water bath. For him, you need lingonberry leaves in the amount of four teaspoons. They are filled with 500 milliliters of boiling water and heated in a water bath for about twenty minutes. After that, the mixture is cooled, it will take about 50 minutes, and consumed 50 milliliters every day.

Lingonberry collection

For effective fight with inflammation lingonberry leaves combined with rowan berries. Mountain ash not only relieves the inflammatory process, but also disinfects, which is so important in the fight against cystitis bacteria.

This collection will require fifteen grams of crushed mountain ash and five grams of tea. Such a mixture should be placed in a saucepan or thermos, and then filled with boiling water. The collection can be consumed after it is infused, that is three hours after brewing. The recommended amount of this tea is 100 grams three or four times a day.

Morse from fresh berries

To prepare a healthy and vitamin-enriched fruit drink, you will need frozen or fresh berries crushed in a blender.

The resulting puree is transferred to a saucepan and poured with water. You can add sugar to the mixture if you like. Morse is brewed within five minutes and then removed from the fire. It is necessary to wait until the juice has completely cooled down, after which it can be consumed.


To prepare juice, you need to take berries and pre-prepare a juicer, with the help of which a drink from cystitis will be obtained. This juice has a pleasant aroma of berries and sour taste which can be sweetened with sugar.

lingonberry water

Sometimes, lingonberry water is taken for a cure, prepared as follows:

  1. The jar must be completely filled with pre-washed berries.
  2. Next, lingonberries are poured cold water and closes tightly.
  3. The jar is placed in a dark place for two months and insisted.
  4. After a two-month wait, the berries will be separated from the water, and diluted in a ratio of 1/2. If the taste is too sour, honey can be used as an additional additive.

The resulting water is used daily to get rid of cystitis and prevent colds.

Reception options for cystitis

To successfully get rid of cystitis, it is useful to use lingonberries in fresh, as well as processed into fruit drinks and juice.

Tea is brewed from the leaves of the plant and decoctions are made. Often used as a diuretic herbal preparations, where lingonberries are combined with various plants that also have a beneficial effect on the patient's condition. It is often combined with, sage and violet.

Another effective method treatment of inflammation of the bladder is douching with lingonberry infusion. It performs an antiseptic function and relieves inflammation.

The use of lingonberries in combination with drugs can relieve distressing symptoms cystitis and will allow you to forget about this disease for a long time.

Preparations made on the basis of cranberries

Treatment of cystitis is carried out, made on the basis of lingonberries. Such means include Brusniver- This is a popular drug for the symptoms of cystitis and urethritis.

In addition to lingonberries, it contains St. John's wort, succession and rose hips, enriched with vitamin C. In pharmacies, you can find such a drug in the form of filter bags or crushed leaves.

For additional recovery strength and filling the body with vitamins with cystitis, the doctor sometimes prescribes to drink Cystofit with cranberries. It is taken according to a doctor's prescription and according to a specific treatment regimen.

For effective treatment drug is sometimes used Alteren with cranberries. It has an antiseptic effect on the body and is able to remove pain symptoms. This tool is able to normalize the work of the entire genitourinary system and eliminate the inflammatory process.

How to make lingonberry tincture, see the video:

In folk medicine, lingonberry leaves are used much more often than berries. This is due to several reasons: firstly, raw materials are easy to procure, and secondly, they do not require special conditions during transportation, thirdly, dried leaves can be stored for a long time and at the same time retain all the useful properties. So what is their healing power? Let's find out.

The benefits of lingonberry leaf

What are the benefits of lingonberry leaves, and for what diseases are they recommended for use? Leathery leaves are able to provide next exposure on the body:

  • contribute to the softening of stones and the removal of salts, which allows them to be used for cystitis, pyelonephritis and urolithiasis;
  • possessing antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, reduce body temperature during colds, this quality becomes especially relevant in the cold season, when the body is most susceptible to negative influence external factors;
  • use them for uterine bleeding, in these situations, lingonberry leaves exhibit a hemostatic and wound healing effect;
  • the antimicrobial property is manifested in inflammation in the oral cavity, in such cases it is recommended to rinse with a decoction of lingonberry leaves;
  • lingonberry preparations show high efficiency in the fight against various types of worms;
  • after excessive intake medicines they relieve intoxication and eliminate allergic reactions;
  • capable of exhibiting anti-cancer activity;
  • help in the treatment of herpes.

The use of lingonberry leaves can be indicated for diabetes as they help lower blood glucose levels. They do an excellent job with rheumatism, osteochondrosis and arthritis. Contribute to the treatment of diseases of the stomach.

Important! Remember that drinks made from lingonberry leaves flush out calcium from the body, so during treatment it is necessary to take breaks and eat foods rich in this mineral in parallel.

Lingonberry drink is an excellent tonic that helps to fill the body with energy, gives vigor and eliminates the syndrome. chronic fatigue. Infusions and decoctions are often used in the treatment different kind bacterial infections, they are particularly effective at complex therapy staphylococcus.

Lingonberry leaves show their medicinal properties in situations such as:

  • diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • nighttime urinary incontinence in children;
  • rheumatism;
  • polyarthritis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cough;
  • high blood pressure;
  • digestive problems;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • gout;
  • cystitis;
  • flu;
  • leukemia.

Benefits for pregnant women

Recommendation! Pregnant women are best to use pharmacy fee. In the instructions you can find a recipe for making leaves and allowable dosages. But it is recommended to obtain this information from your doctor, so as not to harm either the unborn child or yourself.

As a rule, during pregnancy, women are prescribed 200 ml lingonberry drink per day: 4 times a day, 50 ml or 2 times a day, 100 ml. It is necessary to prepare the product from the ratio: a teaspoon of dry raw materials per 250 ml of water.

But remember that:

  • lingonberry leaves, being in the composition herbal collection, can enhance the diuretic effect, so the use of herbs in the complex should be done with extreme caution;
  • lingonberry leaf is medicinal plant, therefore, you should first consult with your doctor, who will determine the appropriateness of using this remedy specifically in your case;
  • if after talking with a specialist you have some doubts about the use of lingonberry drinks, then it is better to choose another decongestant.

Healing drinks from lingonberry leaf

Before brewing lingonberry leaves, raw materials should be properly prepared. Of course, many people prefer to buy them ready-made, but for those who want to start preparing it on their own, a few recommendations should be given.

You can find a lingonberry bush in a pine forest or mixed forests. The collection of raw materials can be carried out twice a year. The first stage begins in early spring, as soon as the snow melts, and ends before the flowering of the shrub. And only after all the berries are collected, you can start harvesting the sheet again.

The collected leaves are dried in the open air under canopies that will protect them from direct sun rays. For this purpose, you can also use a well-ventilated room, such as an attic. In order for the raw material to dry well, it is laid out on a cotton fabric in one layer, periodically turning over and mixing.


Decoctions prepared from lingonberry leaves bring great benefit body at any time of the year. It is best to cook them in small portions, since it is not recommended to store such products for more than one day.

The following decoction is used to strengthen the immune system, with urolithiasis, colds and for rinsing with sore throat:

  • pour 2 tablespoons of crushed lingonberry leaf into an enamel bowl;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • send container to water bath and keep for half an hour;
  • cool slightly and filter;
  • boiled water to restore the original volume of liquid.

Store in a cool place. Take 60 ml daily in the morning, before lunch and dinner.


This infusion of lingonberry leaves is very effective for cystitis. Thanks to high content vitamin B2, C, potassium, organic acids and manganese oxide, it exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves cystitis for a long time.

You need to do the following:

  • pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water;
  • leave for one hour;
  • filter the infusion;
  • take 100 ml three times a day before meals.
The following infusion of lingonberry leaves helps with rheumatism and gout:
  • pour a teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water;
  • insist for an hour;
  • filter;
  • take 4 times a day for half a glass.


To prepare fortified tea from lingonberry leaves, you must:

  • teaspoon fresh leaves pour 250 ml of boiling water;
  • insist under a closed lid for half an hour;
  • divide the resulting tea into three doses.

This drink normalizes stools, digestion and helps with chronic gastritis.


But lingonberry leaves also have contraindications for use. Their use is strictly prohibited:

  • with hypotension;
  • children under the age of 12 years.

In addition, lingonberry leaf drinks should be consumed with extreme caution in the following cases:

  • heart disease;
  • kidney pathology;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • long-term use medications for the treatment of a serious illness.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!



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