What can a man have pain in the lower abdomen. What does pain in the lower abdomen mean in men

More than fifty different diseases are known and pathological conditions in men, which can manifest as acute pain in the lower abdomen. Some of them are caused by purely urological and andrological problems, however, in most cases, doctors have to deal with diseases that occur regardless of the patient's gender. Sharp pain in the lower abdomen in men is one of the frequent occasions to call an ambulance and hospitalization in a surgical hospital.

On the other hand, it is not uncommon for doctors to discharge a patient complaining of severe pain in the lower abdomen almost the next day after his arrival at the hospital. A logical question arises: how competent is the action of physicians? To give a definite answer, you need to know why men may experience sharp pain lower abdomen.

Acute appendicitis What to do with appendicitis? Strangulated inguinal hernia First aid for strangulated inguinal hernia in a man Acute intestinal obstruction Treatment intestinal obstruction in men Poisoning and intestinal infections Measures for poisoning and intestinal infections Irritable bowel syndrome Urological problems Injuries of the rectum during intimacy

Acute appendicitis

According to statistics, the most common cause of sharp and cutting pain in the lower abdomen in men is such a seemingly simple disease as acute appendicitis. It is known that pain in this pathology is localized mainly in the right iliac region, that is, in the part of the abdomen located just below and to the right of the navel.

Variants of the location of the appendix

However, the anatomy of the appendix, the inflammation of which is called appendicitis, can vary significantly from patient to patient, regardless of gender. About a dozen different locations of the appendix are known, including subhepatic, "splenic" and left-sided. With the pelvic location of the appendix, the pain will be localized precisely in the lower abdomen of the man.

Pain in appendicitis can be of a different nature - from dull and aching to sharp and cutting. By pressing the front abdominal wall the pain intensifies, but it is especially pronounced when the hand is suddenly released after a deep probing of the abdomen. In men, acute pain in the lower abdomen often radiates (spreads, radiates) to the perineum and scrotum.

What to do with appendicitis?

If appendicitis is suspected, an ambulance should be called immediately.. It is very important not to take any painkillers and antipyretics until the doctors arrive - this will make it difficult to make a diagnosis, as a result of which the patient will lose precious hours.

If untreated, rapidly develop serious complications, such as:

Perforation of the appendix, or the appearance of a hole in its wall through which the intestinal contents enter the abdominal cavity and cause next complication. Peritonitis, or inflammation of the peritoneum. Extremely severe complication threatening the man's life. Sepsis. Pylephlebitis, or inflammation and thrombosis portal vein- main blood vessel, which collects blood from the abdominal organs.

In order to prevent the development of these complications, with the appearance of a sharp pain in the lower abdomen in a man, accompanied by a rise in body temperature, in no case can not be applied down the abdomen warm heating pad . If appendicitis really takes place, then heat will only exacerbate the inflammatory process.

Strangulated inguinal hernia

Acute pain in the lower abdomen in men may accompany this dangerous state, How strangulated inguinal hernia. The essence of this pathology is that the loop small intestine or the wall of the bladder extends beyond the boundaries of the abdominal cavity through the so-called inguinal canal - an extremely important structure in male body, in which, among other things, the spermatic cord passes. Interestingly, inguinal hernia in the vast majority of cases occurs in the stronger sex, which is due to big size inner hole inguinal canal.

Outwardly, a strangulated inguinal hernia looks like a protrusion in the penis and scrotum, extremely painful when touched. Often the skin over this protrusion is tense and reddened, which reflects the inflammatory process occurring in the hernial mouse. Naturally, an increase in body temperature and the appearance of nausea, which is noted in more than half of patients with this disease.

First aid for strangulated inguinal hernia in a man

It is strictly forbidden to set a strangulated inguinal hernia! Already an hour after the infringement, irreversible changes occur in the structures that are located in the hernial sac, and they begin to disintegrate. If this actually dead material is forced back into the abdominal cavity, then it will lead to nothing but peritonitis.

The only way to cure a strangulated inguinal hernia is to perform emergency surgery. to remove the hernial protrusion and plastic surgery of the internal opening of the inguinal canal. Such surgical interventions have long become a daily routine, and they are very successfully handled not only experienced doctors but even beginners. It should be borne in mind that the recovery period after such an operation will take a little longer than after plastic surgery of an unstrapped hernia, but in more than 93% of men everything ends with a complete recovery.

Acute intestinal obstruction

In some cases, especially in middle-aged and older men, the cause of sudden sharp pain in the lower abdomen becomes intestinal obstruction. This disease, like the aforementioned appendicitis and strangulated hernia, belongs to the category of acute surgical pathology and therefore requires emergency hospitalization.

Under physiological conditions, movement food bolus and fecal masses through the intestines do not interfere. This movement is carried out due to normal peristaltic movements - alternating contractions of the muscular membrane of the intestine, which push the contents of the lumen towards the anus.

In the case of intestinal obstruction in the intestinal cavity there is an obstacle to normal movement food bolus. As a result, the content accumulates above the place of this obstacle, which naturally significantly disrupts the work gastrointestinal tract. In advanced cases, intestinal obstruction manifests itself:

Intolerable sharp pain in the lower abdomen. Absence of intestinal peristalsis. The absence of a chair. vomit stool. The rapid deterioration of well-being due to the development of dehydration and fecal intoxication.

Treatment of intestinal obstruction in men

The primary task that the doctor must solve when organizing the treatment of a man with acute intestinal obstruction is to determine its cause. It can be caused by a sudden disruption of the innervation of the intestine, a mechanical obstruction in the lumen (for example, a tumor or foreign body), torsion and volvulus of the intestines with adhesive disease and many other reasons. This problem cannot be solved at home - this requires at least an abdominal ultrasound and x-ray.

Cases of dynamic intestinal obstruction arising from impaired intestinal motility usually require conservative treatment. Subsequently, the patient will have to undergo a thorough examination to understand what caused this condition. With obturation (caused by an obstruction in the intestinal lumen) and strangulation (due to circulatory disorders in the intestine) obstruction, urgent surgical intervention is indicated.

Poisoning and intestinal infections

If a man notes sudden appearance sharp and sharp pains in the lower abdomen after obviously poor-quality food or consumption raw water, then you should think about acute intestinal infection or about food poisoning. These conditions, in addition to pain syndrome, are manifested by such typical symptoms, How:

Nausea and vomiting. Frequent watery stool. Fever. Loss of appetite.

In normal cases, food poisoning goes away on its own 2-3 days after the onset of the first symptoms. First of all, the stool normalizes and vomiting disappears, then appetite is restored, the temperature decreases, and the sharp pain in the lower abdomen subsides last.

However, with the development intestinal infection everything is much more serious, because in this case, pathogens settle in the intestines. They will not leave the body on their own - this requires complex drug treatment.

In relation to an intestinal infection, a man should also be alerted by the following unusual symptoms:

Persistent headache. Insomnia, nightmares. Rash on the skin. Impurities of blood and pus in the stool. Enlarged lymph nodes. A sore throat.

Measures for poisoning and intestinal infections

The most important direction of treatment food poisoning- replenishment of fluid deficiency in the body. With loose stools and vomiting, the patient not only loses precious water, but also mineral salts especially potassium. If you do not make up for their deficiency, then dehydration and hypovolemic shock will quickly develop, which will require urgent hospitalization in the intensive care unit of the infectious diseases hospital.

To replenish the balance of fluid in the body, you should:

Increase the amount of fluid you drink by 15-20% compared to your norm. Drink Regidron solution according to the instructions for use. Drink strong brewed tea at least once a day.

If severe vomiting interferes with drinking, then you should seek medical attention. medical care, since in this case the fluid deficiency will need to be compensated with the help of droppers containing crystalloid solutions.

Another direction of treatment is a strict diet. On the first day of an acute intestinal infection, it is better not to eat anything at all, but only to drink. From the second day you can add to your diet chicken bouillon, cookie, oatmeal on milk. Dairy products, bread and pastries, greens, legumes, as well as spicy, fatty and other irritating foods are strictly prohibited. To make work easier digestive tract, at each meal during treatment, you can drink enzyme preparations (for example, Mezim).

With sharp pains in the abdomen, you can take antispasmodics (for example, No-Shpu) according to the instructions.

If, on the background of treatment, the state of health does not improve, then an ambulance should be called and the issue of hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital should be resolved.

irritable bowel syndrome

According to statistics, about 20-25% of the world's population suffers from periodic sharp pains in the lower abdomen, which have no apparent cause. State given called irritable bowel syndrome, and although it occurs predominantly in young girls, men are also susceptible to it.

The disease is characterized by the following features:

Periodically arising spasmodic and cutting pains in the lower part of the abdomen and in other departments. Relationship of pain syndrome with nervous strain and stress. Stool disorders in the form of both constipation and diarrhea. Absence structural changes intestines on colonoscopy. Impressionability, emotional lability, psychological problems in the patient.

The appearance of sharp pains is due to a sudden spasm of the intestine against the background of excessive activation of the autonomic nervous system. IBS is characterized by a sudden onset of pain and an equally rapid disappearance.

Irritable bowel syndrome is treated by a gastroenterologist. In men, the disease manifests itself in the same way as in women, but slightly different situations become provocateurs of an attack (for example, professional difficulties and learning problems). Therapy includes antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs, psychotherapy, and symptomatic treatment antispasmodics in case of the next appearance of sharp and cutting pains.

Urological problems

Among the purely male diseases, which are accompanied by sharp pains in the lower abdomen, first of all, it should be mentioned acute prostatitis. It's inflammation prostate, which usually develops as a complication:

Urethritis caused by sexually transmitted infections. Urolithiasis. Downward infections of the kidneys and bladder. prostate adenomas. Prolonged hypothermia of the perineum. Trauma to the external genitalia and rectum.

Acute prostatitis is manifested by severe pain in the lower abdomen and perineum, frequent trips to the toilet, especially at night, painful urination, fever, chills and sweating. Urine in men with prostatitis is cloudy due to a significant admixture of pus.

In turn, a complication of prostatitis is acute vesiculitis, or inflammation of the seminal vesicles. It manifests itself in much the same way as prostatitis, but it is characterized by frequent uncontrolled erections, involuntary ejaculation and blood in the semen (hemospermia).

Both diseases require intensive antibiotic treatment. It is impossible to select these drugs on your own, since the causative agents of sexual infections have long developed resistance to the most popular antibacterial drugs. The treatment plan should be developed by an experienced urologist or andrologist.

Injuries to the rectum during intimacy

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen can be the result of damage to the rectum as a result of aggressive anal sex. This is true both for men who have sex with other men and for those who use anal stimulators and prostate massagers.

The reason for the occurrence of sharp pain in the lower abdomen during and after sexual intercourse may be:

Disproportionately large size of the partner's penis or partner's strap-on. Large dimensions and non-standard forms of penile prosthesis and prostate simulator. Insufficient amount of lubricant. Fast movement speed.

Usually, discomfort leaving immediately after sexual activity. But if the pain in the lower abdomen becomes stronger, from anus blood is shed and rapidly deteriorates general well-being, then you should call an ambulance as soon as possible, because these may be the first signs of a rupture of the rectum.

Whatever the causes of severe abdominal pain in men, modern medicine can completely solve this problem. Take care of yourself and your health.

Publication date: 08/26/16

Date of last revision: 08/26/16

Andrology is a branch of medicine that studies typical male diseases. The complexity of diagnosis lies in the fact that the pathologies of the abdominal organs and the genitourinary system of men have similar signs. It is important to recognize the symptoms of male diseases in time and accurately and begin adequate treatment. In this article, we will consider the possible causes of diseases and say what to do if the lower abdomen hurts in men.

Men hardly admit the idea that they may someday get sick and have to seek help from doctors. Stronger sex abhors the very fact that disease state deprives a person of his former activity and makes him helpless. Especially when we are talking about diseases of the intimate sphere. After all, doctors will have to describe in detail the occurrence of symptoms such as diarrhea, urinary incontinence, premature ejaculation, lack of erection. Pain in the lower abdomen in the stronger sex occurs for various reasons.

What can cause pain syndrome?

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused different pathologies internal organs. Violations in the liver, kidneys, intestines are accompanied not only by severe pain, but also by digestive disorders (diarrhea, constipation), impaired urination, fever, chills, fever. It can be an intestinal ulcer, appendicitis, kidney failure, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.

Typically, male diseases develop in the area of ​​​​the internal and external genital organs. Their symptoms may resemble signs of diseases of the abdominal organs. But inflammatory processes occur in the "male" zone (internal and external genital organs). Internals include: prostate, bladder, seminal vesicles, cavernous bodies. External - testicles, penis, urethral outlet.

Rapidly progressing male pathologies may lead to various complications, and then you have to treat both the underlying disease and the accompanying one. Such "secondary" diseases include urethritis, cystitis, impotence, infertility.

Prostate adenoma

Prostate adenoma is a male disease in which a benign enlargement of the prostate gland occurs, causing a narrowing of the urethra and associated urinary disorders. These processes cause congestion in the kidneys and bladder. Symptoms increase gradually. Pain in the lower abdomen and in the groin area in a man - typical feature, signaling an inflammatory process, which in some cases leads to acute urinary retention.

The disease can provoke:

Infectious diseases affecting the genital area. sedentary image life. Work associated with a long static position of the body (drivers, office workers). Age changes organism. Hypothermia. Availability bad habits Intestinal disorders(diarrhea, constipation).

The people leading healthy lifestyle life, are much more likely to avoid the development of this pathology.

With the development of the disease, pain of varying intensity in the lower abdomen in a man is felt along with other signs characterizing a certain stage of the disease:

1 stage. The bladder is still emptying completely, but at night the urge to go to the toilet occurs much more often. In order to feel relief, the patient has to reduce abdominal muscles. The stream of urine is weak, urination takes a long time. There is a feeling that the bladder is not completely empty. 2 stage. The mucous membrane of the bladder swells, urination occurs only due to the efforts of the abdominal muscles. Urine may be excreted in small portions intermittently. The upper urinary tract can be compressed, which interferes with the flow of urine and can cause acute, stabbing pains in the pubic area with muscle tension. The bladder is not completely emptied - after each urination, up to 100 ml of urine can remain in it. The work of the kidneys is disrupted, which provokes a feeling constant thirst. There is a taste of bitterness in the mouth. 3 stage. The bladder cannot be emptied even with repeated muscular effort. Urine is excreted spontaneously in small volumes (20-30 ml). The urge to go to the toilet is constant. Since urine is not excreted, the process of intoxication of the body begins, which is expressed through severe nausea, headache. The swollen bladder is easily palpable through the walls of the abdomen.

Prostate adenoma is dangerous because it can lead to acute urinary retention, in which in some cases the only way to save the patient is an urgent surgical operation.

Pain in the lower abdomen (above the pubis and below) in a man requires immediate and thorough examination body, including:

Cystoscopy. Rectal digital examination. Radiography (urography). Ultrasound (ultrasound), etc.

If the illness is in mild form, pain different nature(aching, sharp) in the lower abdomen in a man is treated conservatively, aimed at restoring the patency of the urinary outlet. In each case, the drugs are prescribed individually by the attending physician. These can be medicines that facilitate the process of urination: Alfuzosin, Finasteride, Kamiren, etc. good effect provide means, the main components of which are medicinal herbs: African Plum Bark Extract (Trianol), Creeping Palm Fruit Extract (Prostoplant)

In the absence of positive results of treatment, doctors resort to radical methods: bladder catheterization (to drain urine into urethra a catheter is inserted), epicystomy (the imposition of a vesical fistula on suprapubic region), resection of the prostate.


Orchiepididymitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the testicles and its appendages. Pain of an acute nature in the lower abdomen in a man requires immediate examination and treatment, otherwise the inflammation can develop into an abscess of the scrotum, dropsy of the testicle.

The following causes lead to the disease:

Infections transmitted through sexual contact (gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.). Inflammation of the urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis). Testicular trauma. Postoperative complications.

Unpleasant symptoms in the lower abdomen in men increase rapidly if no treatment measures are taken in time.

The disease in the acute stage "reports" about itself:

Unpleasant sensations on one side of the scrotum. Unilateral increase in the size of the testis. Swelling of the scrotum. Redness of the outer skin. elevated temperature body up to 40 ° C.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be sharp, pulsating, stabbing in nature, which subside a little when the scrotum is elevated. The patient has difficulty moving. During an acute attack, the patient is shown complete rest.

In the chronic form of the disease:

The pain subsides for a while, but periodically returns and becomes stronger. The pain may radiate to the groin, to the lower abdomen. Discomfort increases with movement, during and after ejaculation, pulsating sharp pain may appear in the genitals (if the vas deferens are compressed), erectile dysfunction appears. From time to time, body temperature rises for no apparent reason.

If the disease is not treated, it can become purulent form, in which an abscess of the diseased testicle occurs, then scarring begins in the affected tissues, which can cause impaired patency of the vas deferens and subsequent infertility.

To obtain accurate data, diagnostic methods are used:

Bacteriological and microscopic examination of smears that the doctor takes from the urethra. Biochemical and clinical tests blood (pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by hepatitis, syphilis, AIDS). Examination of the secretion of the prostate gland under a microscope. Checking the body's sensitivity to antibiotics by testing if the causative agent of the disease is identified.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor decides on further hospitalization of the patient and treatment using conservative or surgical methods.

In order to stop the inflammatory process, and also if the disease is bacteriological in nature, antibiotics from the group of sulfonamides, penicillins, cephalosporins are prescribed. Pain medications are used to reduce pain.

Pain in the lower abdomen is reduced through the use of a suspensorium (a special supporting bandage that lifts the scrotum). In the morning, the suspensoria is put on, and at night it must be removed. After the patient's condition stabilizes and the temperature returns to normal, the use of tight swimming trunks and underpants made of natural fabrics is allowed.

Further efforts of the medical staff are aimed at restoring testicular function. A good effect is exerted by various physiotherapy, such as exposure to electrical and magnetic impulses, laser and ultrasound therapy, etc.

Pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by suppuration, requires surgical intervention. The abscess opens up. With dropsy, a puncture and subsequent aspiration of the fluid are performed.

During treatment, sexual activity is prohibited. Spicy, fatty, salty dishes and others are excluded from the menu. harmful products, provoking appetite and digestive disorders (diarrhea, constipation).


Another condition in men that can cause lower body pain is varicocele. The veins surrounding the spermatic cord of the testis begin to gradually expand due to the fact that outflow is disturbed venous blood. The diseased testicle increases in size. The pain starts to give in groin, increases with movement and can radiate to the pubic area. Left-sided varicocele is more often observed, although cases of bilateral testicular lesions are also diagnosed.

The disease is caused by the following reasons:

Congenital anatomical features (weak vascular walls). Violations in the work of the venous valves that regulate the flow and outflow of blood. Severe physical exertion, which may disrupt the operation of the valves. congestion in tissues caused by overheating of the testicles (the use of synthetic tight underwear that disrupts heat transfer). Tumor formations that disrupt blood flow, etc.

There are many reasons for the appearance of varicocele, but common to all cases are a violation of oxygen metabolism in cells, a slowdown in the outflow of venous blood, and swelling of the affected tissues.

The symptoms of the disease depend on its stage:

At stage 1, the disease manifests itself through:

Discomfort in one side of the scrotum. In a standing position, enlarged veins are palpated on palpation.

At 2 stages:

In the area of ​​the scrotum appear burning, sharp pains. One of the testicles increases in volume (with a unilateral varicocele).

At 3 stages:

The veins in the testicles increase so much that they are palpable in a standing and lying position. The asymmetry of the testicles is noticeable even to the naked eye. Pain can radiate to the perineum, groin, lower abdomen.

At stage 4, the network of venous vessels takes the form of a bunch of grapes, is easily palpable, and there is a strong asymmetry of the testicles.

As a rule, on early stages the disease does not manifest itself and is detected only after a routine examination, so it is so important not to ignore such events.

Diagnostic measures are carried out both in a standing position and lying down.

Careful external examination and palpation of the pampiniform plexus. Valsava test (straining of the testicle, which accelerates the filling of tissues with blood). Spermogram. Dopplerography. ultrasound.

Only a comprehensive examination will help to establish the true cause of the disease, and, therefore, prescribe the right treatment.

In uncomplicated forms, drugs are prescribed that restore blood circulation in the tissues of the testicle. If the disease progresses, then surgical methods of treatment can be prescribed, such as:

Laparoscopic surgery. Operation Ivanissevich (vein ligation). Operation Marmara (transplantation of the egg vein into the supra-abdominal), etc.

In some cases, the disease may not manifest itself in any way, and the man does not even realize that he develops a varicocele. But the danger is that the increasing symptoms of the disease can lead to infertility. Therefore, if you experience pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the prostate gland, occurring in an acute form or having a sluggish, chronic. There are non-infectious prostatitis (caused by congestion in the tissues) and infectious (it is provoked by infectious pathogens).

Why does the lower abdomen hurt with an infectious infection? Pathogenic microorganisms enter the body when:

ignoring the rules of personal hygiene. infection through sexual contact, if the partner suffers from diseases of the genital organs.

The causative agent rises higher through the urinary tract, affecting the prostate gland.

Cutting pain can also occur with non-infectious infection, when inflammation is the result of toxic poisoning(excessive alcohol consumption) or is the result of an allergic reaction.

The disease is accompanied by congestion in the pelvis. The stomach hurts both because of prolonged sexual abstinence, and when excited. Moreover, discomfort can occur in the abdomen both on the lower left and on the right.

Some men note that after urination, not only the stomach hurts, but also the groin area. Pain syndrome can develop in the testicles and scrotum. In some cases, it irradiates to the rectum, sacrum, lower back. If the lower abdomen hurts, then at any time the disease can take on an acute character, which can cause serious complications later.

During an exacerbation:

The pains are sharp and cutting. The semen may contain blood. When urinating, there is severe pain and burning. Abundant discharge appears from the urethra. An infectious disease may be accompanied by symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation and other intestinal disorders.

If a sick man does not go to a hospital, then the pathology from an acute form gradually turns into a chronic one. The pain subsides for a while. Allocations are insignificant and are found mainly in the morning. Potency may be impaired. Pain syndrome occurs during defecation, during muscle tension sometimes after ejaculation. From time to time, sluggish symptoms will again develop into acute attacks.

Diagnosis is a thorough examination pelvic floor, including both the left and right sections, using:

Finger rectal examination. Cystoscopy. ultrasound.

Also for diagnosis are used:

Bacteriological and microscopic studies prostate secretions. Urinalysis, etc.

Based on these data, the doctor determines what causes problems in the abdomen from below, and prescribes a set of therapeutic measures.

The patient is undergoing a course of treatment, including:

Taking antibiotics. Taking drugs that restore the patency of the urethra. Taking painkillers. Physiotherapy. Urethral massage (eliminates congestion, restores a low level of male potency).

Of no small importance are the rejection of bad habits and malnutrition. Products that cause diarrhea or constipation in excess, as well as a sedentary lifestyle, have a very negative impact on the health and potency of a man.


Inflammation of the seminal vesicles, which is chronic or acute, and in most cases is an “echo” of infectious diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, etc.), is called vesiculitis. The inflammatory process can be unilateral or bilateral. In 80% of cases, bilateral vesiculitis is diagnosed.

Causes of disease:

Prolonged and constant hypothermia of the body (work at low temperatures). Diseases of the genital tract caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Stagnation in the tissues of the genital organs. Sedentary lifestyle.

People at risk include those who do not follow the rules of personal hygiene, lead a disorderly sexual life or deliberately refrains from intimate contact.

Acute conditions are characterized by:

Unpleasant sensations in the vulva, aggravated by defecation, urination, ejaculation. "Threads" of blood can be found in semen. Possible increase in body temperature. When probing the diseased area, a sharp pain occurs.

The sluggish form of the disease is expressed through:

A state of general fatigue and weakness. Unpleasant sensations occur when the bladder is full. The temperature is within normal limits, but can rise from time to time. Strong, throbbing pains change to aching, pulling.

During chronic course diseases occur acute attacks, and the time intervals between relapses are reduced over time.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor uses following methods diagnostics:

Rectal examination. Sperm analysis. Ultrasound (ultrasound examination). A smear of secretory fluid is taken. If you suspect infection organisms are given blood tests.

In severe lesions, the secret is found a large number of erythrocytes and leukocytes.

If the cause of the disease is a pathogenic microflora, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. Painful sensations during urination and defecation, difficult separation of urine are treated with anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. Also, in order to reduce pain during bowel movements, mild laxatives are prescribed. It is possible to use rectal suppositories. When the patient's condition stabilizes, hot baths and lotions, a diet, general strengthening exercises are prescribed. A good effect at the recovery stage is massage of the affected area.

IN acute period physiotherapy and physical education are prohibited. During exacerbation, the patient must comply with strict bed rest.

If the patient's condition worsens, surgery is required. The seminal vesicles are opened, their contents are removed, then they are washed with antiseptic solutions. If necessary, seminal vesicles are removed completely.

Conditions Requiring Emergency Medical Care

Men do not like to talk about their problems, especially if they wear intimate nature. Therefore, many of them prefer to endure the pain in the lower abdomen, stoically withstanding the increasing symptoms. Unfortunately, such independent decisions can lead to dangerous conditions.

Consider in which cases you should immediately call an ambulance:

A sharp (in a few hours) increase in body temperature to extreme values ​​​​(40 ° C). Severe soreness of the tissues on palpation, their increasing swelling. Chills, feverish state. Pain shock, in which the patient may experience temporary clouding of consciousness. Inability to move (any attempt to change the position of the body causes "hellish" pain). Pain in the lower abdomen aching, pulling quickly change their character and become sharp, stabbing, pulsating, and then continue to grow. Acute urinary retention (there is an urge to urinate, but it is impossible to go to the toilet due to an attack of pain). Blood threads in urine or secretory fluid.

If a man has even a few of the above symptoms, you need to urgently call a doctor at home. Before his arrival, the patient must be laid on a horizontal surface, the lower part of the body should be freed from clothing (if a man is shivering, then he can be covered with a light blanket or blanket from above). It is possible to reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome with the help of an anesthetic drug that is in home first aid kit. If the patient is very thirsty, this desire should not be hindered.

Prohibited before the arrival of the doctor:

Give strong drugs prescribed by a doctor's prescription. Make warming lotions, applications, compresses. Massage the affected area.

In severe illness, much depends on right action the victim and his loved ones. Another important point: the sooner the patient sees a doctor, the less likely it is that the situation will turn irreversible consequences. And the last thing: you can’t self-medicate, because the result of such an intervention may be an increase in symptoms, and precious time will be lost.

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It is customary for us to believe that a man should be able to endure pain, not pay attention to it, because this, allegedly, is the manifestation of masculinity. But, from the point of view of physicians, any pain is a signal of a pathology that has appeared in the body, so ignoring it is at least stupid, but basically it is simply dangerous.

The causes of pain in the lower abdomen in men and women, as you understand, are slightly different. And today we will try to figure out what causes these alarming symptoms in the stronger sex, and what kind of diseases can be behind this.

As in men with cystitis and prostatitis

Most often in men, pain in the lower abdomen is caused by diseases of the urinary system, such as cystitis. It can be described as aching, pulling, aggravated by urination. At the same time, the frequency of trips to the toilet also increases markedly. Rarely, cystitis may be accompanied by slight increase temperature.

Not less than common cause pain is prostatitis. Pain in this disease is characterized as cutting and pulling, radiating to the groin and testicles. When urinating, the cramps become especially pronounced. This disease is also accompanied by a weakening of the erection.

With prostate adenoma, dull pressing pain is caused by urinary retention due to a strong narrowing of the urinary canal. This disease is accompanied by a noticeable increase in urges "in a small way", intensifying at night. In the severe stage, urinary retention and erectile dysfunction appear - this requires immediate hospitalization of the patient in the urological department.

Pain in the lower abdomen in a man caused by varicocele and kidney disease

With varicocele, dilatation of the veins of the testicle and spermatic cord, the pain manifests itself most often on the left, radiating to the scrotum. In advanced cases, it has a bursting character, the scrotum increases significantly and sags, and the left testicle noticeably decreases. The tortuous veins are clearly contoured.

Kidney stones or inflammation in them (pyelonephritis) are also accompanied by pain radiating to the groin, chills, fever, and often nausea also join it. Such pain appears suddenly, lasts from a couple of minutes to several days and requires mandatory inspection at a specialist.

Pain in the lower abdomen in a man with intestinal diseases and appendicitis

Various pathologies in the intestinal area can also cause pain in the lower abdomen. This may be, for example, if it was formed in the thick or small intestine, then the pain is localized mainly in the lower abdomen, characterized as dull spastic. It is accompanied by a delay in defecation, while the urge to it remains preserved. Untreated obstruction causes general weakness, dizziness, nausea, fever and vomiting of feces.

Appendicitis is another cause that causes pain in men. The lower abdomen, for your information, in this case does not start to hurt immediately. The first symptoms are painful sensations in the navel area, which, intensifying, fall lower and are accompanied by fever and a single vomiting. Suspicions of appendicitis require urgent medical attention!

Do not ignore the pain, do not tolerate it, and best of all, consult a specialist to avoid serious health problems!

Men are gentle creatures who are somewhat embarrassed to talk about their illnesses and various symptoms. It is believed that a man should be patient and not pay attention to pain. Therefore, when a man has a stomach ache, he tries to keep silent about it. And he does it in vain. In this material, I will try to explain why, when a man has a stomach ache, measures should be taken immediately to eliminate the cause of the pain.

Why does a man have a stomach ache?

Do you want to know why a man has a stomach ache? It is very important to understand that nothing can hurt just like that. You need to know that most often, when a man has a stomach ache, it is a symptom of a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract.

men in their own way hormonal background are at risk for developing peptic ulcer stomach and thrombosis of the veins of the mesenteric arteries. Therefore, if a man has a stomach ache, this may mean the onset of a serious illness.

The result of constant nervous strain, malnutrition, high level physical activity, men are more prone to developing tumors of the abdominal organs than women.

In some cases, when a man has a stomach ache, prostatitis or kidney stones may be suspected. Moreover, pain most often occurs at the moment when the stone begins its movement along the ureter.

It is not uncommon for a man to have a stomach ache due to hemorrhoids. upper divisions rectum. This may be accompanied by slight bleeding in the stool and frequent constipation. In any case, if a man has a stomach ache, maximum attention should be paid to this.

A man has a stomach ache - why is it dangerous?

If a man has a stomach ache and these symptoms recur with a certain frequency, then the consequences in the very near future can be unpredictable. If a man has a stomach ache due to the formation of a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, then not paying attention to this means signing a sentence for himself to soon lie under the surgeon's knife and lose most of his stomach. Otherwise, death from perforation of the stomach and total gastric bleeding.

In the event that a man has a stomach ache due to hemorrhoids, this can also lead to massive blood loss and death. If a man has a stomach ache for no apparent reason, then it is urgent to undergo a detailed examination by a doctor. If cancer is detected in a timely manner, then the prognosis for a person's life is more than favorable.

The most annoying thing is that many women do not pay timely attention to the fact that a man has a stomach ache. When the pain becomes unbearable, it is already too late to treat the disease.

All of the above does not apply to those cases when a man has a stomachache due to indigestion and is accompanied by loose stools. But, firstly, this is episodic pain, and secondly, it should not be repeated daily and even weekly.

If indigestion, loose stools and nausea accompany a man for more than three days in a row or repeat every month, then this is serious signal to be examined by a gastroenterologist.

In men, pain below the abdomen occurs less frequently than in women. Among women similar symptoms may be periodic. Men often try to ignore discomfort in this area, although the causes of discomfort can be quite serious. What to do if the lower abdomen hurts, only a doctor can decide, so a visit to a specialist is required.

The symptoms that appear may indicate the development of diseases of a urological nature, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the musculoskeletal system. There may be other reasons for the problems that arise. Often pain in the lower abdomen in men is associated with pathologies in the prostate gland.

The nature and localization of the pain

To determine why a man has a stomach ache, a specialist must know characteristics pain syndrome. Important information about the prerequisites, localization and accompanying pain sensations.

In order for the doctor to be able to recognize which system of the body failed and why the lower abdomen hurts, the patient needs to describe the features of pain. Pain can be characterized as dull, sharp, cutting, stabbing. It can arise abruptly, proceed cramping or at a pulsating pace. Pain can radiate (given) to the perineum, penis, rectum.

Sudden sharp pain may indicate an acute pathology. The reasons why men have pain in the lower abdomen can be different - from problems with digestion and the genitourinary system, to organ rupture.

Gradually increasing dull pain indicates the development of inflammation. The process may be slow. Throbbing pain symptoms may indicate an increase in pressure in the genitals, for example, with an obstruction of the intestines or urinary canals. Attacks of pain are typical for pathological processes in the peritoneum.

Pain can be given to the lower abdomen in a man in various places at physical stress, bending over, coughing or sneezing. Accompanied by nausea, chills, or fever. All characteristic manifestations that accompany pain must be described in detail to the doctor. The therapist will determine why the man has pain in the lower abdomen and which doctor should be contacted - a urologist, proctologist or traumatologist.

Diseases that cause pain in men in the lower abdomen

Discomfort may appear after eating poor-quality, too plentiful food or drinking a drink of dubious composition. Poisoning of the body can occur from exposure to harmful chemicals, alcohol overdose, etc. In this case, it is not difficult to establish a diagnosis: pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, nausea and diarrhea occur at the same time.

Poisoning is treated comprehensively. Gastric lavage is carried out, absorbents are taken ( Activated carbon). In severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed. After recovery, drugs are prescribed to restore the intestinal microflora.

Diseases accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, both on the right and on the left side, can be chronic and do not manifest themselves at the stage of development. More often they are caused by disorders in the genitourinary system of the body.

At chronic cystitis on initial stage difficulty urinating. The disease then progresses to acute stage The bladder overflows and becomes inflamed. Blunt pain occurs in the lower abdomen and worsens over time.

One of the causes of pain in the groin is inflammation of the appendix. Aching pain in the lower abdomen is localized in right side. But due to the physiological characteristics of some people, their appendix may be shifted to the middle. Accordingly, acute cutting pain appears to the left. Fever and nausea may occur.

In such a situation, it is imperative to call an ambulance. You should not take painkillers during attacks of appendicitis, and even more so, apply a hot heating pad to the lower abdomen of a man. Similar sensations can also occur with intestinal obstruction, but it’s not worth the risk and the doctor’s call should not be postponed. Pain in the lower abdomen in a man can be caused by varicocele disease - an enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord. They occur after physical exertion, more often on the left side.

Another reason why a man has pain in the lower abdomen is an inguinal hernia. Damage can be determined by outward signs. There is swelling of the groin area. With an increase in the hernial sac, asymmetry of the sides of the inguinal region is observed. The protrusion may disappear in the supine position. The pain symptom is aching in nature.

The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen in a man with cancer is rare. An exception is a tumor in the intestine, at a stage when an enlarged neoplasm begins to put pressure on neighboring organs.

Pain with prostatitis

Pronounced pain in the lower abdomen in men may be the result of prostatitis. At the beginning of its development, inflammation in the prostate gland may not manifest itself in any way. Pain occurs when clinical signs and cause a pulling sensation.

Prostatitis is characterized by pain in the perineum and scrotum, radiating to the groin. With the development of inflammation, they are felt in the lower abdomen and in the lower back. The pain may be vague, which is why it does not have a specific localization.

If you do not treat prostatitis in the initial stage, the pain in the lower abdomen of a man intensifies and passes into the groin and testicles, accompanying urination. At the same time, sexual functions are reduced even in a young guy.

A neglected disease leads to the development of another disease - prostate adenoma. An enlarged prostate gland compresses the urethra, there are constant aching pains. getting worse general state sick, he is taken away frequent urges to urination.

In chronic prostatitis, pain is not so pronounced and occurs periodically. They can be aggravated by hypothermia, overwork, alcohol abuse. During remission, the only symptoms of the chronic course of the disease may be It's a dull pain in the lower abdomen, in the perineum and above the pubis.

Go to chronic form acute prostatitis occurs due to the same reasons as its development:

  • metabolic and hormonal imbalance;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • weak physical activity;
  • infection penetration.

Chronic and acute sharp pains are periodically accompanied by a decrease in pressure and nausea. Seeing a doctor with these symptoms is inevitable.

Immediate measures for severe pain in the lower abdomen

Regardless of the gender of the patient, with certain symptoms, his condition is considered urgent for adoption. special measures. This applies to the following situations:

  1. If a man's acute pain does not subside within an hour, the stomach is tense.
  2. The pain symptom is aggravated by movement, coughing and any movement of the body.
  3. Difficulty with bowel movements and bloating (intestinal obstruction) were observed before the onset of symptoms.
  4. The patient's stool is black in color, blood clots are visible in it.
  5. Pain is accompanied by palpitations, decreased pressure, nausea, sweating.
  6. There is a pre-fainting state.

It is not possible to determine why the lower abdomen hurts and assess the severity of the situation with such symptoms on your own.

Therefore, in case of any of the listed phenomena, an ambulance should be called.

Prior to the arrival of the doctor, it is necessary to take measures to alleviate the patient's condition:

  1. Put the patient to bed, provide access fresh air and peace.
  2. Put a heating pad with ice, a plastic bottle with cold water. But a cooling compress is done no longer than half an hour.
  3. Of the drugs, the patient can take no more than 2 tablets of no-shpy.
  4. If there is a health worker among relatives, intravenous instillation with a solution of sodium chloride can be done.
  5. Unacceptable independent application laxatives, enemas, pain medications. The action of the latter will subsequently prevent the accurate diagnosis of the disease.
  6. The patient should not eat or drink. At intense thirst you can wet your lips and tongue.

Any pain that occurs in the groin or perineum, with the accompanying symptoms described, can lead to serious problems with health. Especially promptly it is necessary to respond to the manifestation of such pain in children.

Most often, the lower abdomen hurts in the groin - this is a symptom that is inherent in the fair sex due to individuality female body. While pain in this part of the body in men can signal serious disorders and pathological processes that require the intervention of a doctor. But as practice shows, most men prefer to endure and ignore discomfort.

If the lower abdomen constantly hurts and causes discomfort, it makes sense to be examined for the presence of urological diseases. To do this, you need to consult a doctor, as well as complete diagnostics. Sometimes such symptoms are manifested due to disorders of the digestive tract, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In any case, self-treatment and neglect of such body signals is fraught with serious consequences.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt in men?

To determine the presence of a particular disease and find out the causes of pain, a specialist must understand the types of pain according to the location and nature of the manifestation. Also, the prerequisites for this, that is, factors of negative influence - physical overloads, hypothermia, previous illnesses, etc., play an important role. For this, a complete history is taken with the patient, that is, a detailed survey and study of the medical history.

Pain in lower abdomen on the left

If the left lower abdomen suffers under the influence of pain, and the pain can be dull or sharp, aching or pulling, the reasons for this may be serious illness. For example:

  1. Urological ailments- prostatitis, cystitis, urolithiasis disease, infections of the genitourinary system, adenoma and oncology of the prostate, urethritis, and vesiculitis. Most often, the pain is accompanied by other symptoms: after urination, the lower abdomen hurts, bloody discharge during urination and in the seed, discharge with a specific odor, soreness during arousal and during intercourse, a rash in the vulva.
  2. infections- candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, HIV, chlamydia, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases.
  3. Diseases of the digestive tract, which are accompanied by spasms in the kidneys and intestines, constipation and loose stools, belching and other dyspeptic symptoms (the lower abdomen hurts and feels sick). We can talk about gastritis, peptic ulcers, hemorrhoids, intestinal oncology, ulcerative colitis, etc.
  4. Musculoskeletal ailments- arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, rickets, gout, scoliosis, tailbone pain, congenital anomalies, Bechterew's disease and various tumor formations. All these diseases affect numerous organs and systems.

Only a qualified specialist will be able to determine with 100% accuracy the prerequisites for the localization of pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in a patient. It must be remembered that if the left side shows a long and incessant pain, the trip to the doctor should in no case be postponed until later.

Pain in lower right abdomen

The abdomen is one of the most vulnerable parts of a man's body, and if the right lower abdomen hurts in the peritoneum, this should be taken as a signal from the body about a serious violation and illness. There are a number of diseases that can be accompanied by such a symptom:

  • exacerbation of appendicitis;
  • any disorders and disorders in the area lower section ileum;
  • any pathological processes and diseases of the kidneys;
  • diseases of the reproductive system.

There are a number of diseases, from the point of view of medicine causing pain in the lower abdomen on the right, namely:

  • appendicitis;
  • hernia;
  • volvulus;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system and urinary ducts, stones in the ureters;
  • activity-related illnesses pathogenic bacteria and microbes;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • infectious diseases of the genital organs and the development of subsequent urinary retention;
  • prostatitis.

In a situation where tubular organs suffer from a lesion, it constantly hurts right part lower abdomen, the pain has the character of spasms and colic. If we are talking about inflammatory processes, the lower abdomen and lower back usually hurt with increasing constant pain.

Pain in the lower abdomen and diarrhea

It is not uncommon for pain in the lower abdomen to worsen after eating, and is also constantly accompanied by diarrhea. In this case, it is not necessary to guess at the reasons for this phenomenon, of course, we are talking about a violation of the work of the digestive tract. If the pain is accompanied by fever, the pain is spasmodic in nature, the man urgently needs to consult a doctor.

Provided that the lower abdomen hurts in the middle, and diarrhea also occurs, we are talking about the following reasons:

  • bowel disorder;
  • appendicitis;
  • peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.

If there is an opportunity to see a doctor, it is necessary not to postpone it until later. Otherwise, you can muffle the pain with an antispasmodic drug, for example, no-shpa.

After diagnosis, most likely, one of the diseases will be detected:

  • dysentery;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • enteritis;
  • appendicitis;
  • ulcer disease.

For reference! Constant and sharp pains in the lower abdomen are not considered natural processes taking place inside human body. Self-medication and neglect of alarming symptoms can lead to irreparable consequences.

Pain comes after sex

In some cases, male diseases may be a consequence of the fact that a man has pain in the lower abdomen and eggs after intercourse. medical theory does not imply exact nosological definition such a symptom, the pain may be called dyspareunia, genitalgia, or dysgamia. But most often, pain during arousal and after intercourse is attributed to the section of genitalgia.

According to medical practice pain in the lower abdomen in men after sex is a consequence:

  • Genitalgia intercopulativa;
  • minor or severe tearing of the frenulum of the penis;
  • inflammation and infection in the prostate gland;
  • funiculitis infectious;
  • vesiculitis;
  • diseases that can be contracted during sexual intercourse;
  • varicocele;
  • hydrocele;
  • urethritis;
  • epididymitis;
  • spermatocele;
  • osteochondrosis in the lumbosacral region;
  • Coitus interruptus.

In addition, scars and adhesive processes in the intestines, injuries and diseases of the sacrococcygeal spine in the spine, any disorders and diseases of the prostate gland, problems with venous outflow and stagnation in abstinence for a long time.

Pain after urination

If a man feels that the lower abdomen hurts after urination, he needs to consult a urologist. But already in absentia, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis - an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. In general, there are three types of diseases that lead to pain after emptying the bladder:

  • Cystitis- in addition to pain, there is a burning sensation with inadequate urination, in advanced cases, the temperature rises, and signs of intoxication are also observed. Hypothermia (cold feet) is the most common prerequisite for the development and exacerbation of cystitis.
  • Prostatitis- urination occurs more often than usual with pain and burning, the man suffers from severe pain in the perineum, the area above the pubis and in the region of the rectum.
  • BPH- the symptoms of such a disease are manifested in frequent nocturnal urge to urinate, intermittent supply of the jet, stagnation of urine.

All three diseases require timely medical supervision and treatment, since infections and neoplasms can cause severe complications.

Pain in the morning

In the case when localized pain manifests itself in the morning and when coughing, the doctor puts forward an assumption about diseases of the bladder and prostate. At risk are mainly men aged 50 years and older, since about 50% of men aged 70 years suffer from prostate adenoma.

For reference! Every third man in Europe who lived to the age of 80 graduates lethal outcome due to prostate cancer.

In general, such painful sensations in the morning are of two types:

  • Somatic- gastritis, as well as ulcers of the digestive tract, while the lower abdomen hurts and feels sick.
  • Visceral- reactions nerve endings internal organs to irritants, while pain is given to different parts of the body.

Besides causes of discomfort in the morning can be the so-called "hungry pains", which manifest themselves in people with ulcerated digestive organs with long breaks between meals. Also, morning pain can signal pathological processes in the peritoneum, problems with the functioning of the kidneys and liver, diseases biliary tract and spleen, other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, about severe intoxication and impaired blood circulation in the small pelvis.

What to do?

In most cases, frequent and persistent pain in the peritoneum is the result of serious disorders, and can pose a threat to health. The following indicators can be considered reasons for concern:

  • pain lasts longer than 1 hour;
  • the stomach is in a tense state;
  • pain aggravated by coughing, walking;
  • pressure drops, heart rate accelerates;
  • there is blood in the stools;
  • short-term fainting occurs.

In this case, the man needs urgent hospitalization. A consultation can be carried out by a gastroenterologist or venereologist, or better all three doctors. In the case of infections and inflammation, the specialist usually prescribes antibiotics, as well as uroseptics. Sometimes along with antibacterial agents attributed to anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as immunomodulators.

For reference! It is forbidden to take painkillers in such a situation, since the doctor will be able to suggest a diagnosis based on the nature and location of the pain, on which the subsequent diagnosis will be based. The course and regimen of treatment, as well as the choice of drugs and dosage, is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.

The nature of the pain

In addition to the location of pain, one can also predict the prerequisites for this by the nature of its manifestation. In general, the manifestation of pain can be sharp, sharp and sudden, constant, aching and pulling. In addition, pain can be given to other parts of the body, in men it can be the genitals, the lower back, the anus.

  • Sharp and sharp pain, most likely, is a consequence of an exacerbation of the pathology, ranging from diseases of the genitourinary system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract, ending with ruptures of tissues and organs.
  • Dull but growing pain usually a signal of the development of the inflammatory process. The rate of increase in pain can be judged on the rate of increase in inflammation.
  • Throbbing pain is a consequence of increased pressure in the genital area, such as intestinal obstruction, urinary tract obstruction, etc.
  • paroxysmal pain- this is most often a signal of pathological processes in the organs of the peritoneum.

If pain is given to other parts of the body when coughing, active movement, sneezing and torso bending, the man should call emergency care, as it may be a hernia or exacerbation of appendicitis, requiring immediate therapy. You can contact a therapist who, based on the anamnesis, can redirect the patient to the right specialist.



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