Male insomnia: characteristics of the pathology, methods of elimination. How to treat insomnia in men

Insomnia (insomnia) - a pathological condition in which various disturbances of human sleep are observed. This painful phenomenon is expressed by a lack of duration of night rest or its poor quality.

The long course of the disorder negatively affects the condition of people, their thought processes deteriorate, attention and memory suffer greatly, there is a decline in the overall tone of the body, physical activity and performance, and all chronic diseases become worse.


Sleep disorders can be caused by external factors, that is, environmental influences:

  • a continuous flow of information from the media, social networks, etc.;
  • violation of sleep hygiene (nocturnal lifestyle);
  • systematic change of climatic zones with different time zones;
  • overeating at night;
  • abuse of tonics (coffee, tea, energy drinks) or stimulants;
  • tense rhythm of life, overload at work, stress.

There are more serious causes of insomnia caused by diseases of the body:

  • neuroses and psychoses;
  • severe somatic diseases;
  • chronic endocrine diseases;
  • pathologies of the brain (functional and organic).


In men

The danger of insomnia for the stronger sex lies in endocrine imbalance; against the background of insomnia, men experience a decrease in the production of sex hormones. As a result, libido and potency decrease, and the process of ejaculation during intimacy accelerates.

During the daytime, they feel overwhelmed, experience discomfort when driving vehicles (they cannot concentrate, are poorly oriented in space, lose the sharpness of their reactions), men often lash out at others, experiencing increased nervousness and irritability.

Insomnia is extremely dangerous for men suffering from cardiovascular diseases; the inability to replenish vital resources during sleep provokes an exacerbation of coronary disease and the occurrence of heart attacks.

Male insomnia is often caused by:

  • hard work at night;
  • abuse of alcohol and tobacco.

Among women

Sleep disorders in the weak half of humanity are found more often than men .

This is due to the mobility of their nervous system and greater emotionality.

In addition, the causes of insomnia in women are determined by frequent changes in their hormonal levels during the monthly menstrual cycle, pregnancy, lactation and night feeding of newborns, menopause.

The female nervous system is less resistant to stress, so they are more likely to experience mental disorders (compulsive disorder, hysteria, neurasthenia, and apathy), which are accompanied by short-term or long-term insomnia.

During pregnancy

A special period in a woman’s life is pregnancy.

In the early stages Sleep disorders can arise under the influence of powerful restructuring of the female body, hormonal storms that prepare the conditions for the normal development of the fetus.

During pregnancy in the third trimester insomnia worries women because of their large belly, they often cannot find a comfortable position for sleeping, they are irritated by extraneous sounds and noises (loud conversations of others, car traffic on the roadway, squeaking insects, etc.).

During this period, it is necessary to find ways to physically and psychologically relax a woman, something that helps her sleep. This could be relaxation music, foot massage or special pillows for pregnant women.


Insomnia has its own classification. It happens acute (lasts for several days) or chronic (lasts more than a month).

In cases where acclimatization is necessary, insomnia is adaptive in nature. Long-term insomnia worries people with brain disorders and various chronic diseases. In these cases, the question of how to get rid of it is dealt with by somnologists or neurologists.

Emotional and impressionable people may also experience pseudo-insomnia , in this state, a person is mistaken in believing that he did not sleep at night. In fact, he rested safely for at least 6-9 hours. Here you need to contact and undergo a course of treatment from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

The most severe manifestation of this disorder is fatal familial insomnia. This is a very rare genetic pathology with a fatal outcome, which is inherited. The mutation disrupts the sleep-wake cycle, causing people to stop sleeping altogether and die as a result.


Therapy for insomnia is complex:

1. Patients with insomnia need to give up coffee, tea, tonics, energy drinks, establish a sleep and rest schedule, dose the amount of daily information (limit the use of the Internet, television), take a walk before bed, and eliminate stressful situations.
2. You need to visit a psychologist, neurologist, somnologist and other specialists in the treatment of somatic diseases, and follow all their recommendations.
3. When prescribing medications, and these can be non-addictive insomnia pills or strong psychotropic drugs, it is important to complete the full course of treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

In cases where insomnia is short-lived and mild, auto-training or folk remedies can help, but in severe cases, hospital treatment is necessary.


Pharmacological agents are used depending on the severity of insomnia.

TO mild sedative drugs include:

This group of medicines is made from phytocomponents and is therefore well tolerated by patients.

A new drug, similar in action, is sanilux, a remedy for insomnia of natural origin based on herbs (borax stream, lofant and 32 other ingredients). The medicine has a relaxing and calming effect and at the same time improves memory and attention.

To medications chemical origin include:

Only a specialist knows how to overcome the manifestations of insomnia with the help of medications. In addition, many synthetic drugs cannot be purchased without a prescription. Therefore, regular use of any pharmacological medications should be started only after a doctor’s prescription.

Folk remedies

There are various ways to combat insomnia at home:

1. Reception honey . This product has long been famous for its beneficial effects on the human nervous system and the normalization of sleep.

2. Teas, infusions and decoctions medicinal herbs (valerian, motherwort, lemon balm, mint, oregano, thyme, etc.).
3. Relaxing warm oil baths coniferous plants (fir, cedar, pine) and fragrant flowers (roses, carnations, jasmine);
4. Night sleep on open air (balcony, veranda).

The use of traditional methods of treating sleep disorders in pregnant women must be agreed with a gynecologist, as some of them can negatively affect the condition of the uterus and the development of the fetus.

Insomnia in men is a common phenomenon in the world. The stronger half of humanity tends not to attach much importance to sleep disturbances. Therefore, often the causes of insomnia in men lie in neglect of this important need of the body.

Women tolerate lack of sleep more easily due to the maternal instinct to care for the baby 24 hours a day. For men, chronic lack of sleep has serious consequences. To restore healthy sleep, it is recommended to consult a therapist. Indiscriminate use of medications sometimes leads not to eliminating the cause, but to negative results.

Psychological causes of insomnia

Systematic stressful situations that cause emotional and mental stress are the scourge of our era. However, if these events are temporary, the negative impact on sleep quality can be addressed with preventative measures. In case of serious shocks, psychologists recommend activating mental reserves. In this case, the symptoms will go away quickly.

It’s another matter if every day a person is under the influence of difficult life circumstances and ignores them. Here it is necessary to identify the factors that provoked the discomfort.

Common causes of poor sleep quality

Wrong mode

When working overtime or night shifts, men have to sleep during the day. But rest at this time of day is not equivalent to night rest. Because the sleep hormone, melatonin, is produced in large quantities only in the dark. It is noteworthy that in the absence of any light sources.

The importance of this substance for the human body is difficult to overestimate. The hormone of youth and circadian rhythms affects the functioning of the immune, cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, and digestive systems. It destroys free radicals and fights depression.

Sleep only in complete darkness or use an eye mask for normal production of the sleep hormone.

Melatonin cannot accumulate in the body. That is, you can’t sleep enough to stock up on it. But you can develop a simple but useful habit of going to bed only at night. A positive effect is observed after 14 days.

Improper preparation for a night's rest

  • Excessive feeling of fatigue is a secondary reason for interfering with restful sleep.
  • For insomnia, moderate physical activity a few hours before bedtime is recommended.
  • A hearty dinner after work is a tradition for many. You won't be able to fall asleep immediately after this. Therefore, you should avoid late meals.

You can’t overeat, you can only have a light snack before a night’s rest.

  • Insomnia can be caused by addiction to smoking and alcohol. These substances reduce melatonin production. Before falling asleep, you should not abuse them.
    In addition, smoking increases the level of adrenaline in the blood, which prevents the nervous system from relaxing. And alcohol makes sleep shallow and restless, which is why drunk people often toss and turn and mumble when they sleep.

Giving up bad habits is a sure way to cure insomnia.

  • Drinking caffeine or other stimulants at night can cause difficulty falling asleep.
  • Excessive use of the Internet, gadgets and watching TV before bed can have the same effect on the psyche, preventing the nervous system from relaxing.

Symptoms may appear due to uncomfortable sleeping conditions, such as: noise, room temperature that is too high or low, air humidity, an uncomfortable mattress, a change in the usual environment, etc.

Physiological reasons

It happens that insomnia has physiological causes, and its treatment is impossible without the involvement of specialists. Mental disorders such as depression, psychosis, neuroses, manic syndrome can be treated by psychotherapists and psychiatrists.

Insomnia can be caused by diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine system - diabetes, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland - apnea syndrome. Somatic diseases of internal organs are often accompanied by pain that makes it difficult to sleep. Then, first of all, painkillers are prescribed.

Sleep and potency

The close connection between the production of male sex hormone and melatonin has long been established by scientists. The maximum daily concentration of testosterone occurs in the morning hours. Therefore, the better a man sleeps, the higher his potency.

There is also feedback. The cause of insomnia also concerns age-related hormonal changes in men. That is, over the years, decreased testosterone production causes difficulty sleeping. A risk factor such as advanced age cannot be eliminated. In this case, they resort to the achievements of modern medicine and folk remedies for insomnia in men.

Testosterone production usually begins to decline after the age of 30.

The dangers of insomnia

Insomnia in men leads to a number of unpleasant consequences. During the day, one or a combination of signs of insomnia can be observed:

  • headache;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate;
  • prostration;
  • lethargy, fatigue and drowsiness;
  • memory impairment;
  • nervousness and bad mood.

These symptoms create serious difficulties for men at work, especially if it is associated with increased mental stress.

Treatment involves mandatory adherence to sleep hygiene rules and the cessation of bad habits. A balanced diet is an equally important factor in healthy sleep. To improve melatonin production, food should contain foods rich in vitamin B6, calcium, and tryptophan, an amino acid that synthesizes melatonin. These are cheese, fish, nuts, dates, oats, legumes and others.

There are many non-drug methods to eliminate the causes of disturbances and restore healthy sleep - acupuncture, massage, meditation, auto-training, gymnastics, yoga. You can treat insomnia through aromatherapy using essential oils of lemon balm, lavender, geranium and other herbs.

It is better to purchase medications, even if they are sold without a prescription, only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Folk remedies

The most harmless and delicious recipe for insomnia is warm milk with honey before bed. The main condition is regular intake.

Soothing mixtures of medicinal herbs can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared yourself. The most popular plants that help with insomnia are valerian, motherwort, chamomile, mint, lemon balm, thyme, and peony. It is necessary to use infusions from them strictly according to the instructions.

Herbs for insomnia can not only be taken orally in the form of drinks, but also compact aromatic pillows can be made from them. They will lie at the head of the bed, soothing with fragrance.

Another folk recipe for eliminating the causes of insomnia: add 60 g of dill to heated red wine and leave for 1 hour. Strained drink drink 50 g before bedtime. Remember, sound sleep is the key to health.

For men, a good night's rest is especially necessary due to their social role associated with an increased level of responsibility. Therefore, do not neglect the opportunity to have quality rest, sacrificing it to work or other matters. Remember that health is the key to efficiency.

Sleep is something that you should not give up even for the sake of very important things.

How can you hide from everyday worries and problems? Where is that paradise with a calm and measured life? These questions have a very simple answer. In this state we spend a third of the life allotted to us, we enjoy it and worry when we have to stay in it for a short time. Sleep is a respite that is necessary for every person leading a normal life.

While we sleep, we do not feel pain, hunger, resentment, we are not tormented by disappointment in people, terrible misfortunes and hurtful words. These are several moments of happiness, joy, tranquility. Therefore, a person gets up peaceful and rested, ready to take on old things with new strength and bring them to a victorious end. It also happens that it is difficult for a person to immerse himself in these very moments of bliss, because he is tormented by insomnia, which appears every night and takes possession of him.

You toss and turn from one side to the other, count lambs, think about the meaning of life and dream of a two-story villa on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, making a plan to take over the world. But this will not help you write a term paper in the morning or make a report on the work done, be attentive while driving or not mix up your child’s kindergarten. After all, you will feel depressed, unable to do any activity, and tired.

We can firmly say that insomnia is a disease that leads to serious consequences, which needs to be treated and not neglected.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully understand the reasons for its occurrence and eliminate them.

Important Factors

There are a large number of reasons for the appearance of insomnia, but it is necessary to find and recognize them in order to be armed for all occasions. Firstly, the lifestyle you lead has a significant influence. Nowadays, many male professions are related to the office and computer. Working as an accountant, lawyer, or banker involves working with documents, sitting at a desk in the same position for several hours, rare body movements and a huge load on the brain.

After a long day of work, you return home tired, eat and dream of going to bed as soon as possible. But when you get to bed, you realize that you can’t sleep. And it’s no coincidence. Your body has not received enough load, has not used up all its energy reserves and requires a continuation of the banquet. This happens due to the fact that physical activity, compared to mental activity, is small. You get tired, your brain gets tired, and the rest of your body is ready to work. And this insoluble dispute leads to male insomnia.

Secondly, a busy work schedule forces men to quickly grab something to eat at the nearest canteen and run to solve their important matters. But after work, when a hungry and exhausted man returns to his home, he instantly eats the entire carefully prepared dinner. He drinks beer, eats several servings of fried potatoes and chicken cutlets and has every right to do so, because he brings money to the family and is really very tired. But eating a fatty meal before bed can cause male insomnia.

Thirdly, drinking strong tea and invigorating coffee, which help you stay awake when writing a report late in the evening, can also negatively affect healthy sleep. Fourthly, before going to bed, you don’t need to think about events that are deeply disturbing to you, try to explain the strange behavior of your loved one, reproach yourself for the offense, imagine your victories and successes, because excessive excitement will interfere with sleep and will not bring any significant benefit.

Fifthly, sometimes a lit night light in the room can cause insomnia, because people have different perceptions of light, and this may be a subtle but reason. Sixth, almost every man, after a hard day at work, happily spends several hours near the TV watching his favorite football or hockey, volleyball or tennis, reading serious e-books about career advancement or fascinating action-packed detective stories with an unexpected ending, and also playing computer games. But it is precisely these innocent entertainments that can cause male insomnia. After all, a constantly flashing screen is unlikely to have a positive effect on your brain.

Seventhly, the pain that you feel during daytime wakefulness will not let you sleep. Arthritis or gastritis can also be an important cause of male insomnia. And the last reason may be a stuffy room reserved for the bedroom.

Negative influence

Male insomnia is dangerous because it is not typical for the stronger sex. The female body is more accustomed to lack of sleep, because almost every woman is a mother and has not slept much at night for several years. Therefore, men develop dangerous diseases due to insomnia.

Firstly, the production of testosterone, which affects male sexual activity, decreases. A deficiency of this hormone can even lead to impotence, as well as increased blood sugar, which causes diabetes.

Secondly, red, irritated eyes do not suit anyone. But external manifestations are not as terrible as the consequences of lack of sleep. After all, a person driven by the desire to get enough sleep loses attention; it becomes more difficult for a man to solve familiar problems, because his mental abilities are also not at their peak. All this can lead to accidents on the road, errors in business documents, or accidents to the sleep-deprived person himself.

Thirdly, it will seem to you that the whole world is against you. Everyone makes a lot of noise and talks loudly. Due to excessive irritability and nervousness, you can mess things up and accidentally offend someone close to you.

Ways to solve the problem

But such a problem is easier to fix than it seems. Every man can learn how to treat insomnia. Firstly, it is advisable not to sit in front of a computer monitor before going to bed, but to go for a walk with friends or the dog. This will help you warm up after a hard day and use up accumulated energy. Secondly, there is no need to pounce on fatty foods in order to satisfy your hunger; limit yourself to a light salad, soup or boiled chicken. And if you still want fried meat, then eat it 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Third, turn off the lights in the room and try to overcome your fear of the dark. Fourth, go to the doctor and check the health of your organs, because insomnia may be the first sign of a dangerous illness. Fifth, always ventilate the room before going to bed.

Sachets with dried mint or lavender hung at the head of the bed, a warm glass of milk with honey before going to bed, and warm baths with aromatic herbs and oils are also good for treating insomnia. Therefore, the causes of insomnia can be easily eliminated and the joy of healthy sleep can be restored.

When solving the problem of unstable sleep observed in the stronger sex, you should first determine the causes of insomnia in men, and then begin direct treatment. It is important to know that the “organizer” of male insomnia can be both lifestyle and certain diseases. Early diagnosis of the initiator of insomnia allows you to get rid of it most effectively and quickly.

A prolonged lack of sleep and the inability to immerse yourself in it can be the consequences of various kinds of situations or conditions in which the human body finds itself. There are two main categories of causes of male insomnia: psychological and physiological.

Let's take a closer look at the most common of them:

Insomnia can be caused by a variety of situations.

It is especially important to catch the symptoms of the problem in time and find the cause. You should then contact a qualified professional if your insomnia is the result of a health problem.

This type of sleep disturbance becomes torture not only for the sufferer himself, but also for his family and friends.

The negative impact of this sleep disorder has been proven by experts.

They also highlight the following negative characteristics of insomnia:

This is not an exhaustive list of sleep problems. A person suffering from insomnia experiences not only physical disadvantages, but also social ones.

Prolonged insomnia never goes unnoticed. One of the most important points is the timely start of the fight against it.

What manipulations will help make sleep timely and pleasant?

Detection of the cause and treatment for this disease can sometimes reach a time mark of several years. A person may be completely confident in the correctness of his decision, believing that his insomnia is associated only with some external factors, but often this is not the case at all. Then the question arises of what ways to improve sleep exist.

Let's look at the most important of them:

Compliance with all the rules will help you return to normal sleep as soon as possible.

It is important to remember that you cannot prescribe sleeping pills for yourself. Consulting a doctor will help not only choose a drug, but also determine the real cause of insomnia.

This problem is not so terrible if you approach the fight against it fully armed.

The causes of insomnia in men over 30 are no different from the causes of poor sleep in older age. Mostly, problems with falling asleep can appear after a busy day at work. But it happens that insomnia occurs due to certain health problems. Moreover, a man may not even suspect about them.

Main causes of insomnia

The main causes of insomnia are related to physical and mental health men. Therefore, before treating insomnia, you need to find out what causes it. Let's list what it could be:

  • Mental stress. An eventful day can be the main cause of insomnia in men. Moreover, difficulties falling asleep can arise both under stress and after joyful ups and downs;
  • Excessive physical activity. Too much gym and other physical activity can contribute to insomnia;
  • Smoking and alcohol. Despite the fact that in most cases alcohol helps you fall asleep, the opposite also happens - alcohol, on the contrary, worsens sleep. However, alcohol destroys the brain. Therefore, excessive alcohol consumption can ultimately lead to chronic sleep problems. In addition, cigarettes also keep you awake, because they contain nicotine, stimulates the nervous system, which again is bad for falling asleep;
  • External factors. Noise and light sleep can be the main causes of insomnia. In addition, the quality of night's rest is also affected by the air temperature and stuffiness in the room in which the man sleeps;
  • Pain. Painful sensations in the body can disrupt sleep. And it is especially difficult to sleep with a severe headache or toothache;
  • Diseases. Acute and chronic diseases accompanied by increased body temperature often lead to poor sleep.

Testosterone and insomnia. How does one affect the other?

Testosterone and insomnia are directly related, since sleep disorders in men often the level of sex hormones drops. According to somnologists, the causes of insomnia in men after 30 years of age are closely intertwined with the age-related decrease in testosterone. Typically, this decline occurs by 1% annually, starting at age 25.

Note that the main male hormone is mainly be developed at night. Therefore, the more soundly and fully a man sleeps, the more energetic and brutal he will feel. By the way, it is precisely because of the decrease in testosterone levels that older men sleep only 4-5 hours.

Insomnia from alcohol and smoking

Oddly enough, insomnia from alcohol is a fairly common occurrence. Despite the supposedly hypnotic effect of strong drinks, drinking alcohol actually disrupts sleep for some men.

Heavy smoking is also detrimental to healthy sleep. The nicotine contained in a cigarette is stimulates the nervous system and keeps you awake at night looking at it.

However, both alcohol and cigarettes negatively affect the production melatonin- the so-called sleep hormone. Melatonin is produced by our brain in response to darkness. And as a rule, how soundly a person sleeps depends on its concentration in the brain. Therefore, if you want to sleep well, it is better to quit smoking and not abuse alcohol. After all, both bad habits seriously harm your health.

Fighting insomnia is a healthy lifestyle

The causes of insomnia in men after 30 years of age are in most cases associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. As a rule, it is referred to poor diet, low physical activity and non-compliance. However, the fight against insomnia itself is a healthy lifestyle that must be maintained for good health.

Late bedtime disrupts the biological clock which impairs brain function. In addition, poor sleep patterns often impair performance Gastrointestinal tract and is of little benefit to the cardiovascular system.

In addition to late sleep, lack of night rest also negatively affects your health. Usually, Sleeping less than 5-6 hours has a negative impact on the entire body. Moreover, often not only the brain suffers from lack of sleep, but also potency men.

Constant lethargy caused by a lack of night rest prevents representatives of the stronger sex from working productively. As a result, a man exhausted from insomnia stops enjoying life and often falls into depression.

Poor nutrition only worsens the situation with insomnia in men. Night and evening “eating” activates all systems of the body. Therefore, after a heavy dinner, sleep may not appear for several hours. However, there are men with the opposite problem. Many people simply cannot sleep unless they eat properly. Nevertheless, no matter what type of person you are, remember that you shouldn’t eat at night.

In addition to this cause of insomnia in men over 30, excessive physical activity at night also leads to poor sleep. Probably, many people believe that playing sports before going to bed helps you get tired and quickly “pass out” in a soft bed. However, often physical activity 1-2 hours before bedtime, on the contrary, stimulates the body. It is noteworthy that during exercise our body produces adrenaline and norepinephrine– stress hormones that increase the functioning of the body and contribute to the appearance of insomnia.

Insomnia and health

Insomnia and health are completely interconnected. After all, without good sleep you can hardly boast of gigantic health and heroic strength.

The causes of insomnia in men after 30 years of age can be due to various chronic diseases. Moreover, a representative of the stronger sex may not even be aware of some of them. After all, not all diseases that interfere with sleep are visible to the naked eye.

However, there are diseases that are manifested by pain in the evening and / or at night. Painful sensations in the body may indicate the presence serious illnesses. Therefore, if the pain does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

You can't ignore the nagging toothache, which often occurs spontaneously and prevents you from falling asleep. Taking analgesics only temporarily numbs the pain. However, in order to prevent insomnia due to a toothache, you should definitely visit a dentist.

In addition to common health problems that lead to insomnia, there are also more serious illnesses that disrupt sleep. Among them we can highlight hypertension, various infectious diseases and even tumors. Therefore, if you suspect any of these ailments, a thorough examination should be carried out.

Treatment of insomnia in men

Treatment of insomnia in men comes down to eliminating the cause that caused sleep disturbances. Often the patient tries to improve sleep on his own using so-called traditional methods. Moreover, they also use sleeping herbs, and valerian, and even strong drinks. However, such methods of combating insomnia are not always effective in the long term.

Treatment of insomnia in men also includes organization of sleeping place. First of all, you need to make sure that you sleep all night in complete darkness. Thus, the brain produces a maximum of melatonin to quickly fall asleep. In addition, your sleep should not be distracted by any extraneous sounds. Therefore, make sure that your family does not interfere with your sleep. Or if you can’t come to an agreement with them, buy earplugs. They will help you not to be distracted by noise.

In addition to light and noise, you should worry about choosing the right beds for sleeping. First of all, choose a mattress that is comfortable for you. It is desirable that he be orthopedic and with anti-allergenic coating. Don't take your choice of mattress lightly, because you spend a third of your life on it. Moreover, the health of your back also depends on the quality of the mattress.

How to treat more serious causes of insomnia in men after 30 years of age?

Often, insomnia in men after 30 years of age is caused by a decrease in testosterone levels. To find out if this is the case, you need to consult with urologist or andrologist and pass the appropriate tests. If the test results reveal a deficiency of male hormones, the specialist will prescribe treatment aimed at increasing testosterone levels.

One way or another, a decrease in testosterone in the blood in men over 30 is not the norm. And, as a rule, androgen deficiency is caused by dysfunction of the reproductive glands, and even the entire endocrine system as a whole. Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex should definitely eliminate this cause of insomnia.

Serious sleep problems can be caused by excessive smoking, as well as alcohol abuse. Both bad habits greatly harm the body, adversely affecting all physiological systems. Moreover, those who suffer most from an unhealthy lifestyle are lungs, liver, heart and blood vessels of the penis, which can cause problems with potency. In this case, insomnia does not seem to be such a serious problem.

Sleep disturbances can also be caused by cardiovascular diseases. Their presence complicates blood circulation throughout the body and increases vascular tone. And this often increases blood pressure and interferes with healthy sleep.

We also note that in case of serious pathologies, it is better to seek help from a doctor. A qualified specialist will help you find the reason that is worsening your sleep.

Finally, we will give simple recommendations on how to eliminate the causes of insomnia in men after 30 years. Firstly, do not overeat at night and do not go to bed hungry. Secondly, try to go to bed before 23:00. Third, do not drink coffee or other invigorating drinks before bed. And fourthly, avoid physical activity 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Follow our tips and your sleep will definitely improve.

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