Cutting pain all around. Belly button hurts - what could it be? Aching pain in the navel

Any sensation of pain in the body indicates the presence of some disorder or pathology. Abdominal pain in the navel area is a fairly common symptom of many diseases, some of which pose a danger to human health and life.

It is almost impossible to independently identify the cause of pain and find a solution to the problem, since this requires additional research in addition to a medical examination.

But it is worth knowing about the possible causes of the symptom for a general idea of ​​the severity of the disease.

Nature of pain and causes

In the navel area there are several organs and systems, problems with which can cause pain. It can be true, associated with elements adjacent to a given area, as well as irradiating, associated with a source localized elsewhere. Any of the diseases forms a special symptomatic picture, and is manifested by characteristic pain:

Aching. Characteristic of intestinal obstruction, flatulence, development of tumors, nodes, chronic enteritis. May occur during pregnancy, stretching of the peritoneal walls and diseases of the genitourinary area.

Spicy. May indicate an intestinal ulcer or gallbladder problem, as well as a strangulated umbilical hernia. Acute sharp pain in the navel area, radiating to the lumbar region with the need to urinate, may indicate the advancement of kidney stones.

Pulling. Occurs during pregnancy, genitourinary diseases, stretching of the peritoneal walls, and intestinal obstruction.

Piercing (cutting). Occurs with cholecystitis, acute appendicitis, pancreatitis, and in women with pathologies of the genitourinary system. Cutting pain also occur with any disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

When you press:

Most often occurs with an umbilical hernia and is combined with expressed feeling nausea, bloating and diarrhea. At visual inspection there is a noticeable protrusion of the navel, firm to the touch, and when pressed on it the pain intensifies; It may indicate appendicitis, which causes pain in the navel area and nausea. Increased pain when pressed occurs in the lower right side.

Strong. Occurs with intestinal volvulus, umbilical hernia, oncology, appendicitis. May occur with hereditary abdominal migraine, which occurs in children. In this case, the pain will be constant or paroxysmal, and will be accompanied by nausea, flatulence and constipation. Gradually intensifying, the sensations shift above the navel to the stomach area.

After eating, it occurs with gastritis and is accompanied by decreased appetite, belching and a feeling of heaviness. The same symptoms against the background of indigestion are characteristic of acute infectious process, irritable bowel syndrome or circulatory disorders of the mesenteric vessels.

After lifting weights, it manifests itself with an umbilical hernia or increased intra-abdominal pressure, as well as in women who have given birth when the abdominal wall is stretched.

Most common reasons The following pathologies may cause pain in the navel area:

Acute obstruction in the jejunum, occurring due to tumors, volvulus or adhesions, or the presence of gallstones. Spicy and chronic disorders blood circulation of mesenteric vessels due to blockage by blood clots or compression by tumors. Long-term inflammation of the jejunum (chronic jejunitis), which occurs due to poor nutrition, chronic hepatitis, metabolic disorders, immunodeficiency. Enzyme deficiency leading to insufficient parietal digestion in the intestine, for example, celiac enteropathy. Oncology, which is more common in men over 30 years of age. Irritable bowel syndrome.

Depending on the location relative to the navel, pain can be caused by the following diseases:

Around the navel:

Acute appendicitis, in which at the beginning of the attack pain is felt in the central part of the abdomen; Umbilical hernia.

Below the navel:

Non-specific ulcerative colitis; Crohn's disease; Mesadenitis; Enteritis; Diverticulitis of the small intestine; Diseases of the large intestine; Endometriosis; Pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Above the navel:

Gastric and duodenal ulcers; Gastropathy in the same organs.

To the right of the navel:

Appendicitis; Volvulus small intestine;

On the left side of the navel:

Diseases of the spleen, pancreas; Accumulation of gases in the colon.

Pain in the navel area can be visceral, which is caused by stretching or spasms of internal organs, as well as somatic - due to irritation of the peritoneum, when spinal nerves passing through the abdominal cavity.

Features in men, women and children

Pain in the navel area most often manifests itself in women, since painful sensations associated with disorders in the reproductive organs or urinary system caused by the following pathologies:

Endometriosis. Cystitis. Various inflammations in the pelvic area. Fibroids or uterine cancer.

In children, pain near the navel occurs when the gastrointestinal tract develops inadequately or too rapidly.

A distinctive feature for pain in the childhood– pale and cool limbs. This symptom too dangerous rapid development volvulus, which is untimely application seeing a doctor can lead to fatal outcome. In newborns, colic in the navel area occurs due to digestive disorders, which resolve on their own when they reach six months of age.

In men, pain most often occurs with the development of megacolon disease, which is characterized by dilation of the large intestine, constipation, and stagnation. feces, which leads to intoxication, respiratory and cardiac problems. Painful sensations are possible when chronic prostatitis, problems with urination and diverticulosis.

In women during pregnancy, pain in the navel area can be caused by weakness of the abdominal muscles, displacement of internal organs, decreased intestinal motility and slower passage of food, and also individual physiological characteristics pregnant.

We recommend watching a video about pain in the navel area in children.

How is diagnosis carried out?

Any of the pathologies leading to pain in the navel area is characterized by additional symptoms, which help the doctor establish a preliminary diagnosis. Before arriving in an ambulance or visiting a doctor, you should remember all the changes in the body and sensations. Answering the following questions will help you find out why your stomach hurts in the navel area:

How long has your stomach been hurting in the navel area? Is there any irradiation of the sensation of pain (does it radiate to any place). What is the nature of the onset of pain (gradual or sudden development, what event influenced this). Has the location of the sensation changed over time? Has the nature of the pain changed since it began?

The doctor first examines the patient and collects anamnesis based on detailed description the patient's location and nature of pain.

Blood and stool analysis. Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract. Colonoscopy. Irrigoscopy (fluoroscopic examination using a special enema).

What doctors do they contact?

Pain in the navel area is a reason to seek treatment medical assistance. It is not recommended to take painkillers right away, as they relieve characteristic symptoms, making diagnosis and subsequent treatment difficult. An “acute abdomen” requires an immediate call for an ambulance. In other cases, they turn to a therapist, gastroenterologist or surgeon.

What medications can be prescribed?

To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of pain in the navel area, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

Intended for the treatment and prevention of spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs (biliary and intestinal colic, biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis), spastic constipation, exacerbations peptic ulcer, tenesmus.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, high blood pressure, cardiogenic shock, severe renal and liver failure.

Price – from 50 to 230 rubles.

It is used for the symptomatic treatment of mild or moderate pain syndrome due to stomach or intestinal colic, as well as other diseases associated with spasms of smooth muscles.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, obstruction in the gastrointestinal tract, collapsed conditions, diseases circulatory system, tachyarrhythmia, decompensated heart failure, functional disorders of the kidneys or liver, angle-closure glaucoma.

Price – from 120 to 355 rubles.

An antispasmodic drug intended to reduce smooth muscle tone. It is used to relieve spasms of any smooth muscle organ in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as during attacks of cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, renal colic, and increased uterine tone during pregnancy.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, children under 6 months of age. and the elderly, with glaucoma and acute renal failure, for problems with atrioventricular conduction, for comatose patients.

Price – from 9 to 91 rubles.

An antacid drug with a pronounced acid-neutralizing, enveloping and adsorbing effect. Intended for the treatment of gastritis, enterocolitis, peptic ulcer, acute duodenitis, mucosal erosions in the gastrointestinal tract, diverticulitis, pancreatitis, colopathy, proctitis, sigmoiditis, poisoning, heartburn, and damage to the digestive system after taking medications and aggressive compounds.

Contraindicated in hypersensitivity, hypophosphatemia, chronic renal failure and Alzheimer's disease.

Price – from 170 to 380 rubles.

An effective adsorbent used to treat gastrointestinal disorders and eliminate associated pain, namely infectious, chronic and acute diarrhea, dyspepsia, heartburn and bloating.

Contraindicated in cases of intestinal obstruction, isomaltase-sucrase deficiency, glucose intolerance or impaired absorption of glucose-galactose, as well as intolerance to the drug.

Price – from 160 to 350 rubles.

A remedy for reducing flatulence. Used for flatulence, dyspepsia, Roemheld syndrome, as well as for certain types of organ diagnostics abdominal cavity.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the drug.

Price – from 280 to 450 rubles.

Traditional methods

Along with medications, traditional medicine has been successfully used to treat gastrointestinal diseases associated with pain in the navel.

In order not to harm the body, their use should be very careful and only after consultation with a doctor.

The following recipes will help you cope with the problem:

Rowan fruits. They help get rid of abdominal pain, prepared as follows: 0.5 kg of fruits are covered with 300 g of granulated sugar, left for 5 hours, boiled for 30 minutes over low heat. Take 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. l.

Collection of herbs horsetail, chamomile, calendula flowers, cudweed, rose petals (1 tbsp each), burdock and wormwood (2 tbsp each), garden dill and rose hips (3 tbsp each), leaves St. John's wort and plantain (4 tbsp each), yarrow (7 tbsp). All dry crushed raw materials are mixed, and 1 tbsp. l. the mixture is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, cooked for 15 minutes in a water bath, then filtered. The decoction is divided into 3 parts and taken 20 minutes before meals.

Decoction of dried or fresh fruits gooseberries. Relieves spasms and severe pain in the navel area. Prepared from 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour 25 ml of boiling water, then brew for 10 minutes over low heat. Take 1 glass 3 times a day.

Infusion of flax seeds, chamomile and yarrow. Relieves pain, inflammation, and restores appetite. Mix one part of seeds and 2 parts of dry herbs, after 6 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with 300 ml of boiling water and infused. Take 100 ml every 2 hours.

Dried or ripe fresh blueberries are an excellent antispasmodic for stomach pain. Prepare by brewing 3 tbsp. l. raw materials in 1 liter of boiling water for an hour. After cooking, you can add to taste natural honey. Take 4 times a day, 250 g.

If pain appears near the navel, be sure to review your diet. Avoid eating smoked meats, canned foods and marinades. If spasms and discomfort persist, be sure to consult a doctor.

General preventive actions

Preventive measures to prevent pain in the navel area include the following:

Preventive examinations of the gastrointestinal tract at least once a year. Timely detection and treatment of diseases of the abdominal organs. Application rational nutrition. Rejection of bad habits. Balance psycho-emotional sphere. Maintaining active image life.

Painful sensations near the navel can be caused by various pathologies, some of which are life-threatening.

Determining the source of pain is often a difficult task due to vague symptoms, when even the patient himself is not able to accurately describe the nature of the pain.

The appearance of any pain in the navel area is a reason to seek medical help, so as to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment maybe only experienced specialist in a clinical setting.

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Have you already thought about surgery? This is understandable, because the stomach is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and wellness. Frequent pain in the stomach, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, bowel dysfunction... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

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Pain in the navel area is a common symptom and indicates certain health problems. The intensity and irradiation of such pain in the navel area can be different, but even with minor pain discomfort, you should not treat the symptom as some kind of trifle. After all, every signal that the body gives us indicates a health problem of one kind or another. Projected in the navel area:

transverse colon loops of the small intestine, ascending part and lower horizontal duodenum, greater omentum upper sections ureters and kidneys greater curvature of the stomach (with prolapse of the stomach)

The causes of pain in the abdomen near the navel most often lie in diseases of the small intestine. Poor functioning of the jejunum leads to disruption of nutrient absorption processes, which inevitably affects the human condition. Therefore, long-term bothersome pain near the navel is a signal for an urgent visit to the doctor, especially if there are additional symptoms, which we will discuss below.

The most likely causes of pain in the peri-umbilical area are the following diseases:

Obstruction of the lumen of the jejunum of an acute nature; Circulatory disorders of the mesenteric vessels supplying the jejunum, acute and chronic; Jejunitis - inflammation of the jejunum; An umbilical hernia (congenital, postoperative, acquired) may hurt when exerted or when it is pinched; Enzyme deficiency leading to disruption of parietal digestion in the jejunum; Oncological formations of the jejunum; Infectious enterocolitis, spastic and non-spastic enterocolitis; Irritable bowel syndrome, leading to pathological changes in the motility of the jejunum of functional origin.

Each of these diseases, in addition to pain near the navel, forms a certain picture of symptoms. Therefore, you should focus on changes of any kind in the functioning of the body and be sure to tell the doctor all the existing symptoms.

Pain around the navel associated with jejunal obstruction

Obstruction of the jejunum is a serious condition that leads to the death of the patient in case of unjustified delay in treatment. Blockage of the intestinal lumen can be of a mechanical nature ( gallstone, tumor, roundworm) or due to compression from the outside (adhesions, volvulus). In pediatric patients and young adults, obstruction may be caused by intussusception—the insertion of a loop of intestine into the adjacent intestine.

Clinically, cramping pain is observed in the peri-umbilical region with increasing intensity and a decrease in the interval between contractions. Repeated vomiting, which only slightly alleviates the patient’s condition, accompanies pain syndrome– characterized by a change in the nature of vomit to intestinal contents. In this case, there is no stool, no gases pass.

After some time, the pain symptoms go away, and the patient’s condition rapidly worsens, with a drop in blood pressure, weakness, and tachycardia. The above symptoms of incipient shock carry an unfavorable prognosis for the patient’s life; any delay in providing emergency surgical intervention can be fatal.

Pain in the peri-umbilical region in acute disorders of mesenteric circulation

A common cause of this pathology is blockage of the mesenteric vessels with pieces of blood clots from the bloodstream, which is likely if there is cardiovascular diseases. Also, the causes of insufficient blood supply can be: blockage of the mesenteric arteries with blood clots, compression of the arteries from the outside by tumor-like formations.

The condition is accompanied by excruciating and cramping pain in the umbilical region, which decreases somewhat when the patient assumes a forced knee-elbow position. The pain is difficult to relieve even with the help of morphine and is accompanied by the appearance of sticky and cold sweat, tachycardia and increased blood pressure, and a feeling of horror. As a reaction of the intestine to developing ischemia, vomiting appears and loose stool. 6-12 hours after the first manifestations, the pain near the navel subsides as the nerve receptors of the intestine die.

Blood appears in the vomit and feces or discharge from the anus like raspberry jelly. Subsequently, diffuse peritonitis develops with characteristic manifestations– acute pain in the entire abdomen, retention of gases, stool, deterioration in general condition. This pathology also requires assistance emergency assistance on the operating table.

Pain in the peri-umbilical region with chronic mesenteric circulation disorders

Severe diseases such as nonspecific aortoarteritis and atherosclerosis (treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis) lead to conditions of chronic intestinal ischemia. Painful attacks that accompany this condition have their own characteristics - pain from the periumbilical region spreads to the epigastric, as well as to the iliac fossa on the right; the pain attack is of a pronounced type like contractions and begins 20-40 minutes after eating. The pain is relieved by taking nitroglycerin. As the disease progresses, patients lose weight and note constantly present problems with the intestines - rumbling and bloating, constipation, which are replaced by diarrhea. Since the disease is characterized by a gradual worsening of the condition, it is important to undergo examination as early as possible and receive adequate therapy.

Pain around the navel accompanying chronic jeunitis

The most pronounced spasmodic pain is in the peri-umbilical region due to spasm of the intestinal wall. Pain due to flatulence, caused by stretching of the intestinal mucosa by accumulating gases, is also characteristic. Inflammation of the mesenteric lymph nodes develops - mesadenitis, which manifests itself as pain below and to the right of the navel, in the navel area and left hypochondrium. The progression of the disease leads to the development of gangliolitis and the transformation of the nature of pain from spastic to burning.

The condition is accompanied by painful diarrhea, up to 20 times a day. Diarrhea often occurs immediately after eating and leads to general weakness, hand tremors and a drop in blood pressure. Against the background of dysbacteriosis, the nature of feces changes - if initially they are a mushy mass with pieces of undigested food, then later the feces become foamy and foul-smelling. With pronounced pathological changes in the jejunum, the feces become greasy and have the consistency of ointment. The general condition also suffers due to the development of enteric syndrome and vitamin deficiency. The disease progresses slowly, so early start treatment allows you to avoid irreversible changes in the jejunum.

Abdominal pain around the navel due to enzyme deficiency (enzyme deficiency enteropathies)

Enzyme-deficiency enteropathies are pathologies that develop due to insufficient production of a number of enzymes, both congenital and acquired, or due to their biochemical inferiority. This condition leads to defective parietal intestinal digestion.

Clinically, enzyme-deficiency enteropathies are expressed in intolerance certain products. The disease in childhood leads to mental and physical retardation, and in adulthood it leads to the development of general enteric syndrome. The most common form of enteropathy is celiac enteropathy or gluten intolerance; disaccharidase-deficiency enteropathy is less common.

The condition manifests itself as a series of symptoms that occur after consuming a product to which there is an intolerance. There is pain near the navel, flatulence and watery, light yellow foamy diarrhea with fractions of undigested food. Treatment for this pathology is a strict exclusion from the diet of foods to which there is an intolerance, as well as enzyme therapy.

Pain due to cancer of the jejunum

It's quite rare oncological pathology, most typical for men over 30 years of age. The first sign of an oncological process in the jejunum is severe pain in the navel like contractions, combined with nausea and belching, heartburn, rumbling, and diarrhea. Characteristic signs cancer - tarry stool and progressive anemia. Treatment of jejunal cancer requires immediate initiation and is surgical.

Pain around the belly button, characteristic of irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is classified into the group functional diseases intestines. Motor skills are impaired, flatulence and cramping pain around the navel occur. The disease is very common and is a consequence of the modern pace of life, and women are 2 times more likely to suffer from this syndrome.

Peri-umbilical pain is combined with both diarrhea and constipation. Stool is slimy. The disease is characterized by a daily cycle - the maximum manifestations occur in the first half of the day. Paroxysmal, cutting pain in the navel with diarrhea can occur immediately after breakfast, while defecation brings relief. During the day there is heartburn, flatulence and belching of air, pain around the navel, which decreases after passing gas or visiting the toilet. The pain can spread to the hypochondrium (left and right), and the right iliac region. In the evening and at night, nothing bothers the patient. Since the disease brings enormous psychological discomfort, it is necessary to prescribe targeted treatment and strictly adhere to all doctor’s recommendations.

Pain near or below the navel, with other intestinal diseases

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC)

UC is a polyetiological disease of the intestine, in which foci of necrosis and ulcers form on the intestinal mucosa. In this case, the patient experiences diarrhea mixed with blood and abdominal pain of varying severity. With complications of the underlying pathology (intestinal obstruction, intestinal perforation), the pain becomes very severe, the temperature rises, and symptoms of peritoneal irritation appear. In uncomplicated UC, the temperature usually does not exceed 38 degrees, and the patient is also bothered by false painful urges to defecate and bloating. The differential diagnosis of UC is based on endoscopic and X-ray methods intestinal studies.

Crohn's disease

Or granulomatous enteritis can affect any part of the intestine, most often manifesting itself as a lesion ileum(ileitis). This inflammatory disease, developing in genetically predisposed individuals with impaired autoimmune response during concomitant intestinal infections. The clinical picture includes intoxication (lethargy, fatigue), fever, diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal pain, often simulating attacks of appendicitis, bloating, vomiting, loss of appetite. The disease can be complicated by perforation of the intestine, intestinal obstruction, toxic megalkolone, fistulas in the bladder. Endoscopy and intestinal biopsy help establish the diagnosis.


This is an inflammation of the mesenteric lymph nodes under the influence of a bacterial or viral process in the body. Most often, the culprits are staphylococci, salmonella, shigella, klebsiella, enteroviruses, adenoviruses, Epstein-Barr virus, and mycobacterium tuberculosis. The pathology is accompanied by abdominal pain and intoxication. For severe paroxysmal or constant pain general health the patient suffers little. Abdominal ultrasound and tomography help in diagnosis. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to diagnostic laparoscopy.

Causes of pain above the navel

Above the navel is the pyloric part of the stomach and part of the duodenum. Painful symptoms above the umbilical region are caused by gastropathy and ulcerative processes in these organs. Initially, the pain manifests itself as a slight burning sensation and is accompanied by discomfort, then, as the ulcerative process progresses, the pain becomes brighter, becomes permanent, and when the ulcer perforates, it becomes sharp and unbearable. When the ulcer perforates and peritonitis develops, the general symptoms up to loss of consciousness. Cancer of the stomach and duodenum is also accompanied by pain above the navel of a constant nature (see the first signs of stomach cancer).

Causes of abdominal pain below the navel

Pain below the navel can signal pathologies of the colon and problems of the female genital organs. Endometriosis is the most common pathology of the female genital area, one of the manifestations of which is pain below the navel. An ischemic condition of the intestine may manifest itself as pain below the navel. Chronic course The process is manifested by constant pain, acute - by a sharp pain syndrome and paralysis of intestinal peristalsis. Atherosclerosis of the vessels supplying the intestines is manifested by aching, spastic pain and atonic constipation. In addition to the above conditions, pain below the navel may indicate the following diseases: cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, ovarian or uterine cancer, aneurysm abdominal aorta, uterine fibroids.

Causes of pain to the left of the navel

To the left of the navel at the top of the abdomen there are loops of intestine, omentum, renal hilum and ureter. Accumulations of gases in the lumen of the colon can provoke pain near the navel on the left side, in the lower abdomen. However, if there is pathological process large intestine pain will be accompanied by stool abnormalities, blood and mucus in the stool, and temperature. Scarlet blood in the stool indicates hemorrhoids, tarry stools indicate bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Viral lung diseases can also manifest as pain in the umbilical area due to irritation of the diaphragm.

Causes of pain to the right of the navel

On the right above the navel are the following bodies - ascending department colon, gate of the right kidney. Kidney pathologies cause pain in the front right and back. Appendicitis begins with painful discomfort in the navel itself, and subsequently the pain shifts to the right (see symptoms of appendicitis in adults, signs of appendicitis in children).

Based on the above, it becomes clear that pain around the navel or to the sides of it can indicate a variety of diseases, some of which are life-threatening. Whatever the cause of pain in the umbilical area, it must be diagnosed. After all timely detection even the most dangerous disease gives a high chance of recovery and the opportunity to lead a full, healthy life.

Symptoms of pain in the navel of a sudden and sharp type are characteristic of appendicitis. The pain syndrome, as a rule, shifts to the right and occurs with nausea, single vomiting, fever and increased heart rate.

Sharp pain combined with bloating and constipation may be a symptom of a strangulated umbilical hernia. The disease is no less dangerous than an attack of appendicitis and requires surgical intervention.

Only incipient diseases may not reveal themselves in any way, so powerful painful attacks are signals of chronic, neglected processes.

Pain in the navel area

Pain in the navel area is disturbing various reasons, which include:

diseases of the small intestine of various etiologies; chronic enteritis in the acute stage - pathological changes in the mucous membrane due to previously suffered intestinal infections or giardiasis; appendix – acute illness abdominal cavity, requiring surgical intervention; hernia in the navel area; cancer processes near the umbilical zone; diverticulitis - protrusion of the mucous membrane of the small intestine through a layer of muscle; volvulus of the small intestine (obstruction); circulatory problems associated with an aortic aneurysm in the peritoneum; abdominal migraine, more often characteristic of children.

Diseases of any organ of the peritoneum can result in unpleasant sensations in the navel. Therefore, if the pain in the navel is unbearable, cutting, call an ambulance.

Pain around the navel

If you notice pain around your navel, the reasons may be the following:

intestinal colic – muscle spasms as a result of problems with stool or digestion, the presence of dysbacteriosis; umbilical/intervertebral hernia; advancement of kidney/gallbladder stones is a very severe pain syndrome that often causes loss of consciousness.

A peptic ulcer of the small or large intestine can also cause acute, unbearable sensations. Initially, the pain is localized around the navel; as the disease progresses, the painful area spreads to the entire abdomen.

Pain below the navel

Pain below the navel occurs in the following diseases:

strangulated hernia – accompanied by acute pain, skin over the hernia of blue color; peritonitis (inflammatory process in the peritoneum) – manifested by “dagger” pain; diverticulosis of the colon - characterized by pouch-like branches of the intestinal wall. The pain varies in manifestation and intensity; acute pyelonephritis– symptoms depend on the degree of urinary dysfunction; presence of stones in the bladder; state of urinary retention.

Localization of pain below the umbilical zone may be a sign of appendicitis, diseases of the colon or pelvic organs (depending on the gender of the patient).

Pain below the navel in men

Rectal diseases cause pain below the navel in men.

Pain below the navel on the left

Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as spastic colon or nervous stomach, is characterized by pain below the navel on the left.

This pathology is characteristic of more than the female half of the population in the age group from 20 to 40 years. The disease is based on two mechanisms: psychosocial effects and sensorimotor dysfunction (changes in visceral sensitivity with intestinal motor activity). Based on the predominance of the leading symptom, three types of the disease are distinguished:

severe pain and flatulence; diarrhea; constipation

During the diagnostic process, systematic influences such as diets or medications should be excluded. Irritant products include coffee, gas-inducing drinks and food, and changes in diet during travel.

The pain usually occurs during daylight hours and subsides at night. The sensations vary in nature from a pressing, bursting, dull feeling to severe cramping. The pain syndrome decreases after defecation and release of gas.

Pain below the navel on the right

On the right lower quadrant The abdomen contains the appendix, intestines and ureters. In women, this area contains the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

If the pain below the navel on the right when pressed with a finger does not go away within 12 hours, it is probably appendicitis. Irritation or disease of the intestines, shingles, as well as compression of the nerve endings coming from spinal column, cause similar pain.

Pain below the umbilical area on the right can be caused by an ectopic pregnancy.

The cause of pain can be infectious diseases - gonorrhea, chlamydia.

The formation of cysts and tumors in the pelvic organs is accompanied by chronic pain.

Pain under the belly button

In women, pain under the navel is more common gynecological nature. Such discomforts may be associated with diseases Bladder, colitis, dysbacteriosis.

Pain near the navel

Pain near the navel indicates an enzyme deficiency. Undigested food causes fermentation and irritation of the small intestinal mucosa. Unpleasant sensations appear after eating legumes and large amounts of sweets. Flatulence is noted.

Sudden, sharp and severe pain in the immediate vicinity of the navel are symptoms of intestinal colic. The reason may be eating foods rich in fiber, drinking strong coffee, and chocolate. The process is often accompanied by chills and a weak state.

Pain near the navel is caused by worms. A doctor will be able to accurately establish a diagnosis based on examination and research results.

Pain near the navel on the left

Pain near the navel on the left is the result of abuse of teas for weight loss or infection helminthic infestations. In parallel, changes in stool are observed.

The manifestation of symptoms with fever, weakness and nausea can be caused by indigestion or poisoning. To relieve intoxication, it is recommended to take Activated carbon, smecta. You should drink plenty of fluids. Preferably herbal decoctions with an antiseptic astringent effect.

The area from the navel on the left responds with pain due to kidney problems and diseases of the pancreas.

Pain above the navel

A mandatory consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary if persistent pain above the navel is noted. The following reasons can cause it:

gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa; peptic ulcer of the stomach or 12p intestines; stomach cancer.

The course of gastritis and peptic ulcer is characterized by dull or sharp pain, bursting or aching type. The moment of increased pain is often accompanied by vomiting, which brings temporary relief. Symptoms become brighter after taking acute, sour dishes, coffee containing drinks. The disease worsens as a result of stress. If vomiting with blood occurs, call a doctor immediately.

Pain just above the navel

Stomach problems – gastritis, ulcers, increased acidity lead to pain just above the navel. Prolonged pain in this area indicates diseases of the 12th intestine, pancreas or gall bladder.

Pain near the navel

Pain near the navel is the most unpleasant, foreshadowing a serious illness.

Abdominal migraine, which occurs more often in school and adolescence, can occur in adults. Pain diffused or localized in the navel area is characterized by intensity. The disease occurs with severe symptoms:

nausea; vomit; diarrhea; pale and cold extremities.

Based on their duration, attacks are divided into short (several hours) and long (several days). The painful condition can occur against the background of a migraine or after an attack of headache.

Volvulus of the small intestine causes pain near the umbilical area. The disease begins acutely and is accompanied by unbearable sensations, nausea, vomiting, retention of stool and gas. Vomiting is constant and does not improve the patient's condition.

Pain near the navel on the left

Pain near the navel on the left can be caused by:

irritation of the gastric mucosa - aching, sharp pain with nausea, vomiting. Unpleasant symptoms appear after drinking alcohol, certain types of food, systematic use aspirin; hernia – pain may radiate to the chest; lesions of the pancreas - localization of pain can also be on the right and in the middle; gallbladder; lung diseases - when inhaling, pain is felt in the abdomen if the irritation has touched the diaphragm.

Those at risk for diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas include heavy smokers, alcohol drinkers, diabetics and those who abuse steroid hormones and diuretics.

Pain to the right of the navel

Pain to the right of the navel can be caused by:

Appendicitis, dysfunction of the genitourinary system, disorders of the intestines, problems with right kidney- all these are reasons, causing pain to the right of the navel.

Pain to the left of the navel

Pain to the left of the navel is a manifestation of diseases of the spleen, stomach, intestinal loop, and pancreas.

Located close to the surface of the body, the spleen during the pathological process reacts painfully to even slight pressure. An increase in size of the organ can cause it to rupture from slight pressure. Therefore, the doctor must be extremely careful when palpating, and the patient with infectious mononucleosis refrain from active species sports A ruptured spleen is accompanied by a bluish discoloration of the skin around the navel.

Pain on the left side is caused by accumulation of gases in the intestines, gastritis, and diaphragmatic hernia.

Intoxication or pancreatic cancer are also fraught with unpleasant symptoms to the left of the navel.

Pain to the left of the navel

Strong, spreading to the left side chest, kidneys, cardiac zone, lower back, pain to the left of the navel is characteristic of acute pancreatitis.

Pain at the navel level

The abdominal cavity contains lymph nodes that perform protective function, veins, arteries and vital important organs. Irritation of nerve endings occurs during an inflammatory process, swelling or other disorder of the internal organ of the peritoneum.

Any of the following conditions can cause pain at the navel level:

Pain in the navel when pressed

Pain in the navel when pressed can be caused by the following factors:

omphalitis; umbilical fistula.

Omphalitis, or inflammation of the tissue in the umbilical area, is more common in newborns. In adults, the disease is caused by non-compliance with personal hygiene rules and unqualified piercing. Trauma to the navel allows pathogens to penetrate through damaged skin.

The disease occurs with redness, swelling of the navel area with ulcers and purulent-bloody discharge. There are simple, phlegmonous and necrotic form diseases. In the last two stages of development, the infection spreads to the vessels and adjacent tissues.

More often congenital pathology– navel fistula – occurs due to abnormal development of the vitelline and urinary processes. The acquired form of the disease is possible as a result of prolonged inflammation of the peritoneal wall.

Pain in the navel when pressed may occur with the development of a hernia or expansion of the umbilical ring.

Pain radiates to the navel

The vermiform appendix of the cecum or appendix can cause trouble at any age due to inflammation. The first manifestations of the disease can easily be confused with gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, it is important to be able to independently identify a problem as it develops.

An attack of appendicitis may resemble ordinary poisoning or acute enterocolitis. However, there are symptoms that distinguish inflammation of the appendix from other problems:

sharp, aching, often vague pain localized in the navel area indicates acute course diseases; mild pain that gets worse when coughing and sneezing; muscle tension in the abdominal area is pronounced; associated symptoms – nausea, vomiting; an increase in temperature is characteristic of a purulent process.

Self-diagnosis using the Shchetkin-Blumberg method: lying on your back (legs straightened), press below the navel, then sharply tear off your arm. If the pain radiates to the navel, groin area or side, then do not waste time and go to the hospital.

Pain inside the navel

Localization of pain in one place may indicate various diseases. Pain inside the navel is a sign of:

acute appendicitis - the attack begins suddenly with a sharp pain that covers the entire abdomen, then concentrates in the navel and is localized on the right; enteritis in the chronic stage - aching pain aggravates food intake; diverticulitis (bulging of the intestinal wall) - the appearance of the disease is associated with prolonged constipation. Pain and inflammation occur only during an exacerbation; umbilical hernia – a characteristic protrusion forms in the navel area; volvulus in the small intestine - most often observed in newborn girls; abdominal migraine - an attack of pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, photophobia and pallor.

Types of navel pain

Navel pain varies in nature, intensity and duration. The course of the same disease in patients can occur differently. The picture of the pain syndrome ranges from barely noticeable discomfort to an unbearable condition that makes a person scream. Unpleasant sensations can be vague, blurred, when the patient himself is not able to accurately describe what is happening.

Doctors distinguish psychogenic types of pain, when a person subconsciously provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms or the pain is associated with mental stress, stressful effects. For example, a child who does not want to go to school can cause intestinal colic, nausea and even vomiting.

There are the following types of pain in the navel:

visceral – associated with spasms/stretches in the internal organs, which irritates the nerve endings; somatic (peritoneal) - the result of irritation of the peritoneum, when, due to pathologies, the spinal nerves passing in the abdominal region are irritated.

Visceral manifestations are characterized by colic in the liver, kidneys, intestines, etc. In intensity, such pain is diffuse, dull in nature and localized in a specific organ, most often in the midline of the abdomen. Transfer of pain is possible to any part of the body.

Somatic pain – constant with tension in the muscles of the peritoneum, acute/cutting in nature, forcing the patient to assume an immobile state.

Sharp pain in the navel

Sudden sharp pain in the navel with increasing intensity may indicate appendicitis. The disease is characterized by a shift of pain to the right, nausea, and vomiting. The pain may ease, but does not go away completely. Symptoms intensify when pressing with a sharp removal of the hand from the stomach, as well as while walking.

A sharp pain syndrome characterizes strangulation of the umbilical hernia. The process is often combined with nausea, bloating, vomiting, and constipation. An oval or round neoplasm is felt in the navel area, which is painful and cannot be reduced. Strangulated hernia, like appendicitis, require surgical intervention. A reducible hernia is no less painful.

Sharp pain in the navel, radiating to the lower back, with a frequent need to urinate, is a sign of advancing kidney stones. Intestinal colic is characterized by sharpness and suddenness of appearance, especially after overeating, abundance fatty foods.

Cutting pain in the navel

A sensation of pain in the navel area may indicate a number of serious illnesses. Cutting pain in the navel is a symptom of acute appendicitis or pancreatitis. In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, the pain radiates to the back and can become shingles. Inflammatory processes in the pancreas are often accompanied by bloating and tension in the peritoneal wall. Appendicitis and pancreatitis often occur with nausea and vomiting.

With gastritis, a cutting sensation is noted after eating with a feeling of heaviness, belching and decreased appetite. Symptoms accompanied by diarrhea are characteristic of an acute infectious process.

Cramps often bother patients with cholecystitis. In women, such unpleasant symptoms are found in pathologies of the genital area. Any disturbances in the digestive tract can also cause severe, cutting discomfort.

Acute pain in the navel

Acute pain in the navel indicates a gallbladder problem or intestinal ulcer.

Pain, as if struck by a dagger, describes exacerbations of a stomach/intestinal ulcer, leading to perforation of the ulcer. A life-threatening condition is characterized by the effusion of stomach/intestinal contents into the peritoneal cavity. The patient has to constrain his movements, fixing the position of the body with less pain, limiting respiratory activity. The stomach does not take part in the breathing process; its muscles are tense. The pulse often slows down, the skin becomes pale, and cold sweat appears.

Acute pain in the navel is characteristic of chronic processes– enteritis, colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, intestinal obstruction.

Drawing pain in the navel

The period of pregnancy with intensive growth of the abdomen can occur with unpleasant sensations. Nagging pain in the navel, this is not necessarily an alarm signal, but a normal process of stretching the abdominal wall.

Painful sensations of a pulling nature in the navel and lower abdomen indicate diseases of the urinary or female genital area.

Pulling-type discomforts indicate problems of the gastrointestinal tract, which include intestinal obstruction and motor dysfunction. Pain in the intestinal area depends on the degree of spasm and pressure from accumulated gases.

Aching pain in the navel

Stretching of the intestinal walls by accumulated gases due to obstruction or flatulence leads to aching pain. Obstruction is caused by tumor diseases, intestinal volvulus, and the appearance of nodes. These ailments are accompanied by a long-lasting pain syndrome.

With chronic enteritis (dystrophy and inflammatory disease of the small intestinal mucosa), aching pain in the navel of a not sharp nature occurs, accompanied by rumbling and bloating. The disease occurs with dry skin, brittle nails and bleeding gums.

Aching pain is often constant, aggravated by coughing.

Stitching pain in the navel

Stitching pain in the navel occurs in case of exacerbation of chronic duodenitis, intestinal ulcers and 12p intestines.

Duodenitis (inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the 12th intestine) is one of the most common diseases to which men are more susceptible. Chronic duodenitis There are ulcerative and cholecyst-like forms. In the first case, belching and heartburn are added to the symptoms. There are changes in appetite: either absence or terrible hunger. Sometimes chest pain, difficulty swallowing, and headache occur. The disease can occur with chronic gastritis, enteritis, ulcers and pancreatitis.

Severe pain in the navel area

The development of an umbilical hernia is determined by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stool and gas retention, rapid pulse. The condition is characterized by severe pain in the navel area.

The clinical picture of small intestinal volvulus occurs against the background of sharp and severe pain. Patients note retention of stool and gases. The first hours may be characterized by cramping pain.

Severe pain syndrome in the navel area is also characteristic of obstruction and inflammation sigmoid colon, cancer diseases, attack of appendicitis.

Cramping pain in the navel area

Limited narrowing of the intestine as a result of a series of pathological changes(ulcerative colitis with cicatricial strictures, Crohn's disease, adhesions/tumor processes) are characterized by cramping pain in the navel area. Similar painful manifestations also accompany intestinal dyskinesia when the spastic component predominates.

Cramping pain with moments of subsidence is a common occurrence for colic, which develops due to non-compliance with the diet or shaking while driving. The cause of biliary colic may be dyskinesia of the bile ducts, cholelithiasis. Worms, liver abscesses, and cyst rupture can also serve as provocateurs. Intestinal colic is the result of inflammatory processes in the intestines, obstruction, irritable bowel problems and other pathologies.

Throbbing pain in the navel area

Patients with pancreatitis report throbbing pain in the navel, often of the shingles type. The process is accompanied by nausea, vomiting with bile, diarrhea and bloating.

Pulsating, rhythmic pain occurs when the pressure of the hollow organs increases. For example, irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by slow and rapid alternating contraction of the intestinal wall. Similar condition may cause throbbing pain.

The pulsation also corresponds to purulent, tumor formations of the umbilical zone.

Pain in the navel or side can be the cause of serious diseases that develop in the body. This causes discomfort; at this time it is difficult not only to work, but even just to move around.

Many people, especially men, do not consider it necessary to consult a doctor again because of minor pain, but such symptoms should not be ignored, because serious illnesses are often hidden behind them. There are many reasons, from intestinal disease to appendicitis; women may feel unwell during the period of ovulation.

Causes of illness

Pain near the navel can be sudden and severe, or it can be chronic and aching in nature. Intense colic often occurs with nausea and vomiting, and fever. Such pain in the side can be deceptive, and is not always reflected in the place where the affected organs are located. What can they indicate? discomfort?

The most common diseases that accompany pain in the right side:

  1. Oncological diseases.
  2. Inflammation of the small intestine.
  3. Small intestinal obstruction.
  4. Inflammation of the left kidney.
  5. Acute appendicitis.

Pain on the left side can be the cause of the following diseases:

  1. Diseases of the genital organs.
  2. Inflammation of the kidney located on the left.
  3. Intestinal disorder in the colon area.

In addition, not only the location (right or left) of pain plays a role, but also its nature:

  1. Aching pain, reminiscent of dull pressure - this is how a disease of the small intestine (enteritis) of a bacterial or viral nature usually manifests itself.
  2. A sharp acute pain that becomes unbearable when pressed - probably everyone knows (and those who don’t know should find out, if they are not their own enemy) that the cause is most likely inflammation of the cecum, the already mentioned appendicitis.
  3. A nagging pain reminiscent of contractions (for men, of course, it is difficult to understand how contractions feel, for women it is easier) - most likely this is a volvulus.
  4. Severe pain, while a hard formation is palpated (palpable) in the navel area - consult a doctor about an umbilical hernia.
  5. Extensive pain throughout the abdomen, especially to the left of the navel, possible fever - intestinal diverticulitis.
  6. Chronic pain, sometimes subsiding, sometimes becoming unbearable, accompanied by signs of general malaise: nausea, vomiting, fever - the worst option, diseases from the field of oncology manifest themselves in a similar way.

We have looked at symptoms common to men and women, and now let's talk about specific points.

Pain during pregnancy

This section will be of interest, first of all, to women, but it will also be useful for men to read. Pain in the navel area during pregnancy is a well-known phenomenon and is mainly associated with the development of the fetus and, accordingly, the growth of the abdomen. This is often the reason that a woman led a sedentary lifestyle and did not play sports before conception. This pain is temporary and does not require treatment; it will go away immediately after the birth of the child. If the pregnancy process is going well, then you should take more walks and do gymnastics for pregnant women.

However, sometimes pain appearing in the navel area can be caused by some disease. So, for example, cramping pain in the abdomen in the navel area, accompanied by nausea and diarrhea, can be caused by an infection during pregnancy. A large number of toxins from pathogenic bacteria can negatively affect the development of the fetus, which can lead to spontaneous abortion. After the disease is eliminated, it will be necessary to evaluate the child’s condition.

Sharp pain in the abdomen or side can also be a sign of appendicitis, although this rarely happens during pregnancy, since the enlarged uterus displaces it. The woman begins to experience pain in her right side, in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. Symptoms may include nausea and high temperature. The pain in the side can be very strong, does not allow you to sleep, and with the slightest movement it becomes even stronger. Acute appendicitis can cause some complications. A pregnant woman may experience placental abruption and fetal hypoxia, which can lead to miscarriage.

At the first signs of appendicitis during pregnancy, the woman is urgently hospitalized for surgical treatment.

Pain in the navel area may be associated with an abnormality of the stomach, pancreas or liver. In this case, there is pain above the navel. In addition, the woman experiences severe heartburn and stomach colic after eating. In this case, the only way to relieve pain above the navel is special drugs, which are prescribed by the attending physician.

The female part of our story is over, the next part will certainly be educational for both men and women.

Child's pain

So, all of the following is highly recommended to be read by men and women, that is, parents, since we will talk about pain in children. Very often, parents are faced with the problem that the child has pain in the tummy or side. You need to understand that symptoms that are inconspicuous at first glance can lead to undesirable consequences. Pain in the navel area varies in nature and duration, and can be acute, aching or dull. Finding out the causes of the disease is sometimes very difficult.

A common disease in a child is an umbilical hernia, which is characterized by pain around the navel, increased heart rate, irregular bowel movements, and vomiting. A round or oblong formation near the navel is palpated. At the slightest sign illness, you should consult a doctor.

Pain around the navel is caused by acute appendicitis. The child experiences aching pain that increases with movement. Through certain time discomfort in the navel area shifts to the right side and becomes acute. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. Such patients require mandatory surgical intervention.

Often there is a disease such as volvulus of the small intestine, which leads to intestinal obstruction. The child develops a sharp pain above the navel, which intensifies over time. Vomiting and diarrhea may begin. To avoid pain, the child presses his legs to his stomach and may cry and scream in pain. In this case, you need to hospitalize the baby quickly.

Pain around the navel, at the level or slightly above or below, is often caused by disease of the stomach and duodenum. This malaise lasts for a long time, it either worsens or subsides. Pain, varying in severity, often begins after eating. Belching may begin, and heaviness appears in the upper abdomen on the right.

With ulcers and gastritis, pain, on the contrary, appears on an empty stomach, and after the child has eaten, it subsides. He may feel nauseous, most often in the morning. There are problems with the toilet, the breath feels disgusting, sour smell. If there is no severe pain, no nausea and vomiting, you can do without a doctor. You should follow a diet and eat small portions.

Children have psychogenic pain near the navel. This is caused by a reluctance to attend school in order to attract the attention of parents. This mainly applies to especially emotional children. Attacks of colic may begin, nausea begins, and pallor appears. Strange behavior, fever, or, conversely, complete prostration may appear. It has been noticed that between abdominal pains, the child feels absolutely healthy. If this behavior worries you, you should consult a child psychologist.

If you feel severely unwell, you should immediately consult a doctor; you should not self-medicate, this can be fatal, so it is better to immediately take the necessary measures.

Painful sensations in the navel area are an alarming sign indicating the presence of inflammatory processes in the navel. What to do if unpleasant pain appears, how to recognize it dangerous diseases in the early stages and which specialists to contact?

Pain in the navel area occurs due to intestinal pathologies.

If aching, pulling or cutting appears, then the cause may be hidden in intestinal pathologies.

Medicine identifies more than 10 reasons that cause characteristic pain.

  • Umbilical hernia, acquired or congenital.
  • Surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity (postoperative period, C-section, removal of the spleen)
  • Intestinal obstruction (acute form)
  • Enterocolitis (infectious, spastic, non-spastic)
  • , or dysfunction of the small intestine.
  • Oncological diseases
  • Helminths and tapeworms (worms, tapeworm, echinoccus)
  • Varicose veins of the intestines, esophagus and pelvic organs.
  • Enzyme deficiency (impaired digestion and breakdown).
  • Jejunitis, or inflammation of the small intestine.
  • Inflammatory process of the intestinal mucosa.
  • The appearance and deformation of the intestinal walls.
  • Formation of adhesions in the postoperative period.

It is important to determine the nature of the pain (aching, pulling, cutting) and local area(in the center of the navel, bottom or top). It is also worth paying attention to the intensity of the pain, and under what circumstances relief or worsening occurs.

This will help to correctly explain to a specialist about the sensations, conduct a competent diagnosis and recognize dangerous diseases in a timely manner. So what symptoms should you pay attention to in order to prevent the development of pathologies and exacerbations in time?

  1. The pain is long-lasting and nagging. Does not go away both during movement and at rest.
  2. Pain appears regardless of.
  3. Lost appetite. On palpation, one feels that the abdomen is swollen, protruding and rumbling.
  4. Weakness, fatigue, apathy and depression appear.
  5. The skin becomes painfully pale.
  6. Nausea, dizziness, etc. may be present.
  7. Painful sensations radiate to the pit of the stomach, to the right and left side, to the lumbar region.

Small intestinal obstruction and mesenteric blood flow disorders

Abdominal pain may be due to intestinal obstruction.

Obstruction is a disruption in the process of moving intestinal contents through the digestive tract.

Obstruction appears due to pathology motor function, which is why it accumulates a large number of gases and feces in the intestines.

This disorder leads to volvulus and is accompanied by painful sensations in the navel area. Symptoms of intestinal obstruction:

  1. Cramping painful sensations. May appear suddenly and last for 15 minutes. In advanced cases, the acute pain subsides and a dull bursting sensation appears.
  2. Retention of gases and stool for more than 3 days.
  3. On examination, it is asymmetrical.
  4. On palpation, rigidity and elasticity of the abdomen is noted.
  5. Attacks of nausea and vomiting as a symptom of intoxication.

Disturbance of mesenteric blood flow, or obstruction of mesenteric vessels, is an acute disease of the abdominal cavity in which blockage of blood vessels occurs blood clots and blood clots. Appears against the background of cardiovascular diseases. Symptoms of obstruction of the arteries and vessels of the mesentery:

  • The area around the navel may take on a bluish tint. This is due to the fact that the capillaries burst, and blood accumulates in the intestinal walls, forming a bluish hematoma.
  • On palpation, acute pain is felt.
  • Symptoms of peritonitis appear (muscle tension, pain, and vomiting).
  • The pain is cramping, excruciating and prolonged.
  • Ischemia of the intestinal walls develops, the heart rate increases, and tachycardia appears.
  • Sticky and cold sweat appears, arterial pressure rises.

Peritonitis and jeunitis

Peritonitis is an inflammatory process in the abdominal organs.

Peritonitis, or “acute abdomen” is an inflammatory process of the visceral and parietal layers of the peritoneum.

The disease often has an unfavorable course, with patients in serious condition. Peritonitis appears against the background of infectious and viral diseases, and also due to chemical irritants.

The main cause of inflammation is perforation of the genital organ, which occurs due to damage to the intestinal walls, in acute appendicitis, perforation of an ulcer, intestinal necrosis due to a hernia, intestinal obstruction and malignant tumors. Peritonitis occurs only in cases where bile, blood and urine are released into the abdominal cavity. Symptoms of the disease:

  • Long lasting pain. Intensifies with movement and changes in body position. It is especially noticeable upon palpation.
  • The abdominal muscles are tense.
  • There is a slight bloating sensation.
  • The patient suffers from constipation and foul-smelling vomiting.
  • Tachycardia appears, blood pressure drops, body temperature rises.
  • Confusion and sudden outbursts of aggression/euphoria.

Jejunitis is an inflammatory process of the small intestine, where the villous apparatus is affected. With jejunitis, digestive function is impaired. As a rule, the pathology occurs with inflammatory processes of ileitis and duodenitis.

Appears in the background food poisoning, for gastritis and diarrhea. Also, jeunitis occurs due to bacteria and pathogens (salmonella, paratyphoid microorganisms, vibrio cholerae). Signs of jeunit:

  1. Primary symptoms: nausea, vomiting (up to 15 times a day). The feces are foamy and have a greenish tint.
  2. Secondary symptoms: seizures. Patients often complain that their stomach hurts near the navel. Appetite decreases, skin dryness increases, consciousness is impaired.
  3. Irritable bowel syndrome and.

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a disease of the intestinal tract in which an inflammatory process occurs and wall degeneration occurs. This syndrome affects every third person in the world.

What are the causes of pain and rumbling in the stomach, you will learn from the video:

The main cause of the disease is alcohol abuse, poor nutrition(fatty, spicy and salty foods), excess caffeine and consumption of carbonated drinks. The disease can also occur due to emotional stress and stress. Symptoms of the disease:

  1. Painful sensations in the navel area. There is discomfort and heaviness.
  2. The abdomen is slightly swollen; upon palpation, elasticity and muscle tension are felt.
  3. Irregular bowel movements (diarrhea/) for 1-4 weeks.
  4. The consistency of your stool is constantly changing.
  5. After bowel movement there is a feeling of heaviness.

Crohn's disease is a chronic gastrointestinal disease. Typically, Crohn's disease affects the entire area, from the esophagus to the anus.

Relapses occur in people with weak immune systems, bacterial and viral infections. The exact cause of Crohn's disease has not been established, but the pathology affects more than 20% of the entire world population. Signs of Crohn's disease:

  1. Pain in the abdominal cavity, most often around the navel. The process of defecation is accompanied by painful sensations.
  2. There is frequent diarrhea (up to 10 times a day), against this background, dehydration and weight loss occur.
  3. Diarrhea is accompanied by fever and fever.
  4. The muscles are tense, the stomach is swollen and asymmetrical.
  5. Perianal skin appears and is also affected.
  6. A rectal abscess develops.
  7. Reminder for pain in the navel area

Crohn's disease is a chronic gastrointestinal disease.

If your stomach hurts in the navel area, you should immediately consult a doctor. Any abdominal disease progresses quickly, so every second plays an important role.

Don't panic. As soon as unpleasant sensations appear, you need to carefully determine their nature. Note for yourself at what time the pain began, whether it stops or continues long-term character. Determine the affected area: upon palpation, the pain radiates to the lower back or kidneys.

Call an ambulance or visit your local doctor. If infectious diseases are suspected, specialists may suggest hospitalization. To avoid the development of acute and chronic diseases, you should agree to treatment in medical centers.

The main advantage is that you will be under constant monitoring doctors.

If it hurts to the left of the navel, then the painful sensations may have been caused by an accumulation of gases. This area contains the ureter, intestinal loops, omentum, renal hilum, and diaphragm. If the pain is on the right side, then it may be inflammation of the appendix, colon and right kidney.

Experts recommend seeking help if there is blood during bowel movements and the stool is abnormal. Pain in the navel area is examined by gastroenterologists and surgeons. Which doctor to go to is determined by the general practitioner after the initial examination.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Do not take painkillers, hemostatic medications, or anti-diarrhea medications. Some medications can cause bleeding and make the situation worse.

The abdominal cavity is an important part of the entire human body. Metabolic reactions take place here, the production of necessary enzymes takes place, and beneficial bacteria which are responsible for the immune system. To maintain your health, it is important to contact a specialist at the first sign.

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In this article about why the navel hurts, some possible causes of pain of this nature will be presented.

Pain in the navel cannot be ignored, as it can signal the presence of some serious disease. Pain inside the navel is considered the most unpleasant, because when it occurs, it is impossible to sit, stand and walk normally. There may be several reasons for the appearance of pain, and it is not possible to determine them independently. That is why, if your navel hurts, a visit to a specialist should not be postponed under any circumstances. The doctor will not only conduct preliminary diagnostics, but will also direct the patient to a more detailed study of the causes of pain. As mentioned above, pain in the navel can occur due to various diseases.

Pain inside the navel. The nature of this pain can indicate completely different diseases:

Acute appendicitis

If your navel hurts, this may indicate the development of acute appendicitis. Pain may appear in the epigastric region or spread throughout the entire abdominal area, gradually shifting to the right side; sometimes the navel hurts. On palpation, sharp pain is felt. The temperature may rise, the pulse rate may increase, nausea and vomiting may occur. This pathology requires surgical intervention.


The first reason that causes this kind of pain may be problems in the intestines of various etiologies. The most common of these is inflammation of the small intestine, or, in other words, enteritis. Often may be accompanied by stomach diseases or inflammatory process colon. Local signs- nausea, vomiting, loose stools, powerful rumbling in the stomach, spasmodic pain. Later, weakness, general deterioration in health, chills, and fever may appear. When palpating the abdomen, pain occurs in the epigastrium. If there are no complications, this disorder can be cured fairly quickly.

Intestinal diverticulitis

The formation of protrusions in the walls of the colon can provoke a condition where the navel hurts. Clinical manifestations This disease includes, in addition to pain in the navel, pain when palpating the lower abdomen on the left side, increased body temperature, bloating, rumbling, constipation.

Umbilical hernia

A protrusion is visible in the navel area. If the hernia is large, it can make it difficult for food debris to move through the intestines, and as a result, severe pain.

Abdominal migraine

If your belly button hurts, possible reason may become an abdominal migraine (often occurs in children and persons adolescence). The pain is quite sharp, vague in nature, can be concentrated in the navel area, the limbs acquire a pale tint and become cold, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting are observed.


The disease begins acutely. Signs: constant or cramping pain in the abdomen, more on the right side, vomiting, gas, constipation, the navel often hurts. For this pathology, surgical intervention is indicated.

Pain below the navel: pain in this area of ​​the navel usually indicates problems with the rectum, and in women, with the genitourinary system.

These may be the following diseases:

Cystitis(i.e. bladder inflammation in women): This is usually caused by an infection and is treated with antibiotics.

Endometriosis(i.e., the growth of endometrial cells beyond the layer) is a disease in which the cells of the inner layer of the uterus begin to grow in places that are not intended for it. Usually treatment is carried out according to symptoms.

Inflammation in the pelvic cavity— the cause of this disease is determined during the examination. Treatment is usually with antibiotics.

Uterine fibroid- This is a tumor of the uterus, but benign. Treatment is surgery to remove the uterus.

Cancer of the uterus or ovaries- This disease requires antitumor treatment. Produce complete removal uterus with appendages, and then chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Irritable bowel: During the examination, the cause of the disease is determined. Treatment improves blood supply to the intestines.

Aneurysm (i.e. protrusion) of the abdominal aorta: If the aorta ruptures, then there is only one outcome - death. Therefore, if an aneurysm is detected, surgery is performed.

Pain in the navel is usually the result of serious illnesses that cannot be treated independently. You should consult a doctor even if you experience the slightest pain in the navel area. The specialist will conduct a detailed examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Abdominal pain in the navel area occurs for a number of reasons - from simple ones that do not require treatment (for example, when wearing too tight, constricting clothing) to serious ones. health threatening and requiring immediate surgical intervention (for example, appendicitis). The source of pain in the peri-umbilical localization can be the parts of the small intestine located in this area (ileum, cecum, ascending), or the right half of the large intestine. In women, colic in the navel area often occurs during ovulation.

Pain in the umbilical region can be sudden, acute and stabbing, or chronic, self-limiting and reminiscent of colic. Before you run to the doctor and start worrying, you should think about when you feel discomfort - perhaps the reason is simple: too tight clothes, causing pressure on the anterior wall of the abdomen, provokes pain. It also happens, not only among people suffering from allergies, that a belt with a metal buckle causes painful swelling, itching and rashes of the delicate skin of the umbilical area.

Surgical reasons

  • Early phase of appendicitis - pain around the navel is one of the most common symptoms, although sometimes it is difficult to accurately determine the location and it is diffuse. Sometimes it is localized in the supra-umbilical region, sometimes the discomfort is in another part of the abdomen, for example on the right. As inflammation progresses, pain is localized mainly over the right iliac fossa. Appendicitis also accompanies other symptoms: severe fatigue, vomiting, nausea.
  • Gastroenteritis - usually caused by infection and called in simple language stomach flu. Other signs include diarrhea and sometimes vomiting.
  • Obstruction - characterized by pain in the umbilical area, typical symptoms include nausea and vomiting, constipation and cessation of gas. Intestinal obstruction It can be paralytic (for example, it is caused by peritonitis, diseases of the respiratory system, gall bladder and pancreas, metabolic disorders) or mechanical (for example, with colon cancer).
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases - Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Chronic abdominal pain in the navel area is usually accompanied by diarrhea and other symptoms.
  • Intestinal ischemia - in this case, acute tenderness around the umbilical opening is one of the most common symptoms in addition to increased intestinal motility, vomiting, and diarrhea. Chronic intestinal ischemia is associated with upper abdominal tenderness (after eating, especially fatty foods), weight loss, and persistent diarrhea.
  • Pancreatitis - Acute pancreatitis can present with, among other things, very severe pain in the abdomen (upper) or upper left side. In the case of the chronic form, spasms in the epigastrium often occur after eating or consuming alcohol.
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm does not always cause symptoms, and the type depends on the severity of the disease. Abdominal pain in the umbilical region and back are possible symptoms.
  • Hernia - one of the signs of an umbilical hernia is discomfort and pain. There is also a characteristic spherical bulge.

Pain around the navel accompanied by swelling

If pain around the navel is accompanied by swelling, the most common cause is:

  • umbilical hernia - confirmation is obtained after palpation and ultrasound
  • omphalitis - antibiotics must be used topically as well as orally
  • abscess - usually requires an incision and drainage to drain the pus and antibiotics

Navel pain during pregnancy

Pregnant women often experience abdominal pain around the navel, often radiating to the sides and, according to many women, feeling like a pin prick. The reasons that cause these symptoms are primarily the expansion of the uterus, which compresses the intestines and bladder.

Pain in the navel area during pregnancy is a fairly common ailment and concern for expectant mothers, and although in most cases it is not a cause for concern, it sometimes requires medical attention.

  • During pregnancy, the belly expands and the muscles stretch, while the skin around the belly button is quite thin. This is especially noticeable during the first pregnancy. Daily stretching exercises for pregnant women and the waist can not only reduce discomfort, but also prevent stretch marks.
  • Another possible cause of umbilical discomfort during pregnancy is pressure caused by the growing uterus. This also causes the navel to become bulging and even the touch of a T-shirt causes discomfort. This problem occurs most often in the second half of pregnancy.
  • An umbilical hernia is common problem during pregnancy, for which you need to consult a doctor. During pregnancy, the abdominal wall becomes overstrained, which leads to the formation of a hernia. The most common umbilical hernia does not require treatment and disappears at the end of pregnancy. If you have an umbilical hernia, you should avoid heavy lifting and avoid eating foods that cause constipation. Don't overexert yourself. However, if you experience severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or an increase in heart rate, you should call an ambulance as immediate surgery may be required. It is important to note that this situation is extremely rare during pregnancy.
  • Viral gastroenteritis. Painful colic in the umbilical region, which is accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, and fever, are signs of a viral intestinal infection. Strong contractions can cause danger premature birth. In severe dehydration, it can threaten a woman's health.
  • Acute appendicitis is extremely rare during pregnancy. Manifests severe pain in the navel area and extending into right half abdomen. Often accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting. You need to see a doctor.

Why does it hurt in the navel area in women?

Women may experience soreness around their belly button mainly for two reasons:

  • follicle rupture - ovulation pain that occurs suddenly between the tenth and sixteenth day menstrual cycle and is localized on the right or left side of the abdomen near the navel. It can be quite sharp, lasting from a few seconds to several minutes.
  • inflammation of the appendages - manifested by sudden spasms on both sides of the navel, in aggravating circumstances during sexual intercourse. Pain may also radiate to the groin and thighs; accompanied by weakness, fever, sometimes nausea, vomiting (due to irritation of the peritoneum) and diarrhea

Pain and throbbing sensation around the navel

Many people with asthenic physique complain of such symptoms, but in their case this is the norm. Thin people have thin abdominal wall and this explains their feelings. However, it is always worth visiting a doctor, since such signs may be accompanied by an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Sudden stabbing pain near the navel for no reason

If tests and examinations do not reveal any diseases, such painful symptoms should be regarded as a manifestation of neuralgia - this is a characteristic ailment of people who are hyperactive and emotionally unstable.

Tests for abdominal pain

Laboratory tests are extremely helpful in the clinical condition of a patient with abdominal pain in the umbilical region. However, due to lack of sufficient specificity, they are rarely necessary for a correct diagnosis.

During hospitalization, the following tests should be performed:

  • peripheral blood morphology
  • serum electrolytes (Na, K, Mg, Ca, Cl, P),
  • glucose concentration (blood glucose level)
  • urea and creatinine analysis,
  • pancreatic enzymes (amylase and lipase)
  • liver enzymes (AST, ALT, GGT, alkaline phosphatase)
  • bilirubin
  • stool occult blood testing
  • electrocardiogram (ECG) and cardiac troponin or CK-MB concentration (to exclude masks of abdominal myocardial infarction).
  • coagulopathy (INR, APTT)

Extremely important for elective surgery:

First of all this ultrasonography(ultrasound) of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space and x-ray of the abdominal cavity. If there is any doubt about the diagnosis, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging is performed. resonance tomography(MRI) of the abdominal cavity.

Causes of pain above the navel

Above the navel is the pyloric section of the stomach and duodenum. Painful symptoms indicate gastropathy and the presence of ulcerative processes in these organs. Initially, slight heartburn occurs and is accompanied by discomfort; as the ulcerative process develops, pain in the abdomen above the navel becomes brighter and becomes permanent. With peptic ulcer and peritonitis, general symptoms quickly increase, leading to loss of consciousness. Cancer of the stomach and duodenum is also accompanied by constant pain above the navel.

Causes of abdominal pain below the navel

Pain below the navel may indicate pathology of the colon and problems of the female genital organs.
Endometriosis is the most common pathology of the female genital organs, one of the manifestations of which is pain below the navel.
An ischemic condition of the intestine can also manifest itself as pain below the navel. The chronic course of the process is characterized by constant, acute - acute pain and paralysis of peristalsis.
Intestinal atherosclerosis is characterized by spastic colic and atonic constipation.
In addition to the conditions mentioned above, pain may be associated with the following diseases:

  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • ovarian cancer or uterine cancer,
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm,
  • uterine fibroids.

Causes of pain to the left of the navel

To the left of the navel are located - in the upper part - the stomach, duodenum, spleen and part of the pancreas. Diseases of these organs are characterized by pain in the left side of the abdomen in the umbilical region.
If you have a stomach disease, the accompanying symptoms will be indigestion and nausea. Problems with the pancreas - acute pain in the umbilical region with fever and vomiting appears.
The accumulation of gas in the lumen of the colon can cause pain in the immediate vicinity of the navel on the left side of the lower abdomen. In the presence of a pathological process, disorders of the colon are observed - stool mixed with blood and mucus in the stool, fever. Red blood in the stool suggests hemorrhoids, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
Viral lung diseases can cause pain in the umbilical region due to irritation of the diaphragm.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs