Cutting pain during urination in women. Causes of pain when urinating in women

Pain at the end of urination may indicate some diseases of the body. At the same time, neither males nor females are immune from this phenomenon. Differences by gender consist only in the reasons that caused discomfort when visiting the toilet.

Why does going to the toilet become a difficult ordeal?

There are reasons why it becomes painful to pee at the end of urination for both men and women. Among them are the following:

  • sexually transmitted diseases:
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • microplasma infection;
  • chlamydial infection;
  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • urethritis - inflammation of the urethra, which is characterized by a strong burning sensation that covers the bladder;
  • renal colic. Severe pain can occur at any time, but most often they are observed during urination due to the passage of sand and other irritants through the canal, injuring its surface. In this case, unpleasant sensations are transmitted to the perineal area, as well as to the genitals.

In addition to the main provoking factors, one can also mention blockage of the ureters, an allergic reaction to synthetic tight underwear, as well as injuries to the genitourinary organs.

Exclusively female causes of pain

Women and girls suffer from unpleasant sensations when visiting the toilet more often than men. This is because their urethra is much shorter than that of the stronger half of humanity. Pain at the end of urination in women can be caused by certain diseases:

  • vaginal candidiasis. In this case, the series of unpleasant sensations while visiting the toilet does not end; sexual intercourse also becomes painful. The woman begins to suffer from itching in the genital area, which swells as thrush develops. The clinical picture of the disease is accompanied by a cheesy white vaginal discharge, which is characterized by a specific odor;
  • cystitis - inflammation of the bladder. Anyone who has ever encountered this disease remembers it as a bad dream. In addition to pain when urinating, it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urges and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

In addition, sharp pain when visiting the toilet very often occurs in pregnant women. The feeling of discomfort in this case occurs due to constant pressure on the bladder by the growing uterus. However, the development of infection in the genitourinary organs should not be ruled out either.

If your history includes a recent cesarean section or other operation affecting the reproductive system, and you experience pain at the final stage of urination, immediately consult a specialist; the problem may lie in damage to the urethra.

Painful urination in men

Pain at the end of urination in men can occur against the background of prostatitis - inflammation of the genitourinary system. In this case, the feeling of discomfort is localized over a fairly large area. Not only the prostate gland hurts, but also the genitals, as well as the anus. Nagging pain, although it worsens the quality of life, men are not eager to seek help from a specialist in a timely manner. However, ignoring the problem can lead to serious consequences, including impaired kidney function.


The first thing to start with when examining a problem is a general urine test. When receiving the results, experts evaluate the following indicators:

  • presence of protein - ideally this substance should not be in the urine. But, according to the norm, minor traces of the element in urine are allowed. Otherwise, you will need additional examination to find out the reason for the penetration of protein into the urine;
  • density - this indicator evaluates the filtration capacity of the kidneys. Its low value indicates renal failure. However, often the inaccuracy of the study occurs against the background of drinking a large amount of liquid on the eve of the test;
  • erythrocytes - blood cells enter the urine due to neoplasms in the bladder, the presence of kidney stones. When there is a large amount of them in urine, it becomes brown in color;
  • leukocytes - a significant amount of these elements is an indicator of the development of an inflammatory process in the kidneys or bladder. If there is a deviation from the norm, the external characteristics of urine also change. Urine becomes greenish and has an unpleasant odor;
  • the presence of mucus and bacteria - indicate the development of an infection of the same name, which causes inflammation;
  • salt is the main indicator of urolithiasis.

The results of general urine and blood tests allow a preliminary diagnosis to be made

The first morning urine sample is subject to examination. Before collecting urine, you need to carry out hygiene procedures and urinate into a sterile container. To obtain the most accurate results, on the eve of the test, you should exclude large amounts of liquid, foods that stain urine (for example, beets) and proteins from your diet.

An important role in the examination of painful urination is played by a general blood test. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the following indicators:

  • cholesterol - an increase in this indicator indicates a violation of the kidneys, which leads to a failure of lipid metabolism;
  • ESR and fibrinogen are the main indicators of the development of the inflammatory process;
  • creatinine and uric acid - markers of renal filtration. An increase in indicators indicates a violation of this process.

To get the most accurate results, it is recommended not to eat for 8 hours before donating blood. You should not drink even a little water in the morning. Blood is donated on an empty stomach.

A thorough examination involves taking smears from a venereologist, as well as undergoing ultrasound diagnostics.

An ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder is performed after drinking about one and a half liters of still water. There is no need to empty your bladder before testing. The results of tests and the processes of gas formation in the intestines are significantly distorted. Therefore, the day before the ultrasound, you should minimize your carbohydrate intake and take activated charcoal as a preventative measure, based on the dosage: 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

Treatment of painful urination

It is necessary to begin treating the consequence only after the cause of the sharp pain has been established. Depending on the concomitant disease, the following therapy is prescribed:

  • Taking antibiotics that eliminate infectious processes - Furadonin, Cephalosporins, Norfloxacin - for cystitis and urethritis.
  • Mechanical or ultrasonic crushing of stones or surgical intervention for urolithiasis.
  • Drug treatment with drugs that help reduce the area of ​​the prostate gland or surgical intervention for prostate adenoma.
  • Antibacterial therapy for men with drugs related to macrolides - Josamycin, Erythromycin - for prostatitis.
  • Surgical intervention - if tumors are detected in the bladder.

In addition to the main treatment methods aimed at eliminating the cause, experts also prescribe antispasmodics - “No-shpu”, “Drotaverine”, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs that alleviate the condition of frequent and painful urination.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. All prescriptions must be carried out by a qualified specialist after a thorough examination. An incorrectly selected drug can only aggravate the situation.

Prevention of pain when urinating

A preventative measure for almost all inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system is to constantly keep the body warm. Hypothermia is the main enemy of the kidneys and bladder.

In addition, if you have a history of chronic diseases of the vagina, urinary system, kidneys, urethra, you should follow all the recommendations of specialists regarding the prevention of relapse of pathologies.

It would also be useful to take care of the following:

  • maintaining personal hygiene;
  • wearing underwear and natural cotton fabrics;
  • using hygiene products that do not cause an allergic reaction or the development of thrush;
  • intimate intimacy with a permanent, trusted partner.

You can maintain the health of the genitourinary system if you carry out timely preventive examinations, stop diseases in their early stages of development, avoid stressful situations and lead a healthy lifestyle.

As a rule, the consequences of sexual and infectious diseases of the urinary tract. Painful urination can occur in both women and men. The reasons may be different, mainly inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, urethritis, acute or chronic prostatitis, prostate stones, cystitis, venereal diseases.

Unpleasant sensations and pain occur due to urination disorders.

Changes in the frequency of urination can occur in different forms, both increasing (pollakiuria) and decreasing (oliguria). This can be revealed through some research. The study includes recording the rhythm of spontaneous urination during the day and recording the volume of urine. Thus, filling out a urination diary for 3-4 days allows the doctor to assess the frequency of urination and determine a further examination plan.

The volume of urination should be appropriate for age:

In a newborn, the frequency of urination reaches 20 times a day.

  • 2-3 years – (50-90 ml);
  • 4-5 years – (100-150 ml);
  • 6-9 years – (150-200 ml);
  • 10-12 years – (200-250);
  • 13-15 years old – (250-350);
  • In a healthy adult, the volume of urine excreted is 1500-2000 ml per day.

    Urinary retention.

    A condition in which accumulated urine in the bladder cannot be released on its own, which leads to pain syndromes. With chronic urinary retention, the patient can urinate on his own, but after each urination, urine (residual) remains in the bladder, which subsequently leads to the loss of the ability to hold urine, and it begins to leave the bladder drop by drop. In acute urinary retention, the patient cannot empty the bladder on his own; the main cause is various neurological diseases.


    Pollakiuria – frequent urination. Accompanied by an imperative urge to urinate, it can occur at night and during the day. Pollakiuria occurs in the presence of stones in the bladder and prostate adenoma.

    Urinary incontinence.

    There are nighttime and daytime urinary incontinence. Involuntary release of urine can occur with a persistent urge to urinate, with an imperative urge, or vice versa with a weakened or complete absence of urge.

    Difficulty urinating.

    A child's restlessness during urination, in the absence of pain, is a sign of difficulty urinating. Most often caused by a narrowing of the lumen of the urinary tract, narrowing of the urethra, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).


    Strangury is difficult, painful urination due to spasm of the urethra or bladder. The disease is usually based on an inflammatory process that affects the bladder, urethra, vulva, and prostate gland. This condition is very typical for cystitis, prostatitis, and colliculitis.


    Oliguria - a decrease in the amount of urine excreted, the causes of the disorder are different, kidney disease, infections, vascular diseases, large blood loss, increased production of certain types of hormones in the body.

    Imperative urges.

    Urgency is accompanied by a feeling that urination will happen immediately, and sometimes there may be urinary incontinence. The main causes may be urological, gynecological diseases, or surgical interventions. Modern medicine shows that in most cases the disease is overactive bladder syndrome (OAB). Conditions that provoke the appearance of this syndrome (OAB): neurological disorders, injuries, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, prostate disease, menopause in women.

    Painful urination.

    Pain in the lower abdomen, or in the perineal area, may occur as the bladder fills, or at the end of urination. The most common causes of pain are: acute and chronic diseases of the bladder, bladder neck, urethra, and prostate gland.

    When the mucous membrane of the bladder is inflamed, or there are ulcers on it, pain is observed before urination begins.

    With prostate disease, canal injury, neoplasms, pain is especially felt at the beginning of urination, when the first two drops pass through the urinary canal.

    When there is a disease in the back of the urethra (urethra), urination is accompanied by acute pain and a burning sensation in the head of the penis, especially at the end of the process.

    Pain when urinating caused by urolithiasis.

    The disease occurs in people of different ages, including children. Stones form in the genitourinary system, which causes severe pain, because... During urination, stones are pressed into the neck of the bladder. Sometimes the composition of urine changes, sand, salts, etc. come out.

    Main manifestations:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the genitals;
  • Pain when walking or exercising;
  • Frequent urination;
  • In severe cases, if the stones are very large, the patient can urinate only in a supine position.

    Pain during urination, with infectious and sexually transmitted diseases.

    Pain when urinating due to chlamydia.

    Chlamydia refers to sexually transmitted diseases. damage the genitals and urinary tract in humans. The danger of chlamydia is that if it exists for a long time, it leads to various complications. One of the symptoms that makes you see a doctor is painful urination.

    Pain when urinating due to gonorrhea.

    Gonorrhea– an infectious disease sexually transmitted. genitourinary organs, urethra, cervix, lower rectum. As a rule, gonorrhea is accompanied by mucopurulent discharge in both men and women. The latter experience inflammation of the gonads, which are accompanied by swelling and severe soreness of the labia.

    Pain when urinating due to trichomoniasis.

    Trichomoniasis– a sexually transmitted disease caused by Trichomonas. The main habitat in the male body is the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, in the female body it is the vagina. In women, inflammation of the vagina (colpitis), cervix (cervicitis). In men, the urethra (urethritis) and prostate gland (prostatitis) most often become inflamed, thereby causing pain when urinating.

    Pain when urinating ureaplasmosis.

    The disease is provoked by entering the human body through sexual contact with a sick person or a carrier of the infection. In women, the main signs are scanty transparent discharge, general malaise, pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urge to urinate, burning sensation when urinating. Men have scanty transparent discharge, frequent painful urination, disturbances in sexual activity, and nervous disorder.

    Pain when urinating due to candidiasis.

    It mainly occurs in women; men are more often carriers of the disease, and their thrush is asymptomatic. In other cases, itching in the genital area, redness, and white discharge occurs. Women experience itching, irritation, painful swelling of the walls of the vagina and labia, copious discharge similar to curdled milk. In advanced cases, pain is felt when urinating, as well as during sexual intercourse.

    Pain when urinating due to cystitis.

    Cystitis– is one of the most common inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs. mostly women. The bladder becomes inflamed, thereby causing painful symptoms: frequent painful urination, pain in the lower abdomen, the presence of pus in the urine (according to laboratory tests). The intensity of pain during urination increases, and the pain becomes constant; patients (especially children) are sometimes unable to hold in their urine.

    Pain when urinating due to urethritis.

    Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra. It occurs in both men and women. moves upward, while other organs become inflamed. The main manifestations are discharge and pain when urinating. In acute urethritis, the pain is sharp and excruciating; when the disease becomes chronic, the pain is perceived as a burning sensation.

    Pain when urinating with prostatitis.

    Prostatitis– inflammation of the prostate gland, the most common. Develops as a result of previously suffered or existing infections (chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, trichomonas, gonococcus, candida fungus).

    From the prostate there are nerve pathways to all the pelvic organs, so pain is felt in the perineum, scrotum, and radiates to the lower back. The pain can be aching or pronounced, intensifying with urination, sexual abstinence, or, conversely, excessive sexual activity.

    Secondary causes of pain during urination can be injuries during sexual intercourse, and even certain foods.

    Treatment and diagnosis

    If you experience pain, burning or itching during urination, you should consult a doctor. Only a doctor who knows the nuances of the course of the disease can find out what disease a patient has and prescribe proper treatment. Urologists and andrologists, venereologists, and gynecologists diagnose many urological diseases with great success. A woman should first consult a gynecologist, a man a urologist.

    Since any pain during urination is a symptom of various diseases, treatment should be aimed at the disease that causes these symptoms.

    Examination of a patient with urinary dysfunction includes a number of necessary procedures:

  • Thorough external examination;
  • Study of anamnesis;
  • Taking a smear to check for infections (PCR);
  • General delivery;
  • Taking a urine test according to Nichiporenko (if the results are questionable);
  • Urine culture for sterility;
  • Cytoscopy;
  • X-ray of the lumbosacral spine;
  • Pain during urination not only affects the quality of life, but also has a negative effect on the general condition of the patient. It is important not to delay going to the doctor, as the disease may become more severe or become chronic. Then it will be more complicated and may drag on for a longer period.

    In every girl's life there are incidents that you want to quickly forget. This concerns “women’s” diseases and problems. Burning sensation when urinating is one of the many reasons that can ruin the evening and so on. Every woman has experienced these unpleasant sensations at least once in her life.

    Statistics say that every fifth representative of the fair sex consults a doctor with the problem of “burning sensation in women”. And about 15% experience such sensations more than three times a year.

    Cystitis is the first “suspect” in the list of diseases that cause burning when urinating in women. But the causes of discomfort when trying to empty the bladder of its contents are not limited to this disease. Dysuria is a signal that not everything is in order in the body and it needs help. Why might cramps appear and how dangerous is it? Let's try to figure it out.

    When should you make an appointment with a doctor?

    You should definitely make an appointment with a specialist if the unpleasant sensations do not go away within one day, and they have been added to:

    • burning when urinating and pain in the lower back or throughout the body;
    • discharge (including blood streaks);
    • chills and fever;
    • body aches;
    • temperature;
    • headache;

    If you experience a burning sensation (dysuria) when urinating, you need to listen to your body, because burning is the first symptom of diseases of the genitourinary system.

    Causes of burning when urinating in women

    A burning sensation when urinating in women occurs when the genital canal is injured, bacterial inflammation, or in the case of a sexually transmitted infection. The most common causes of pain and discomfort are:

    1. The most common reason is . Most often, the first signs of cystitis are acute, with frequent painful urination, severe burning and itching in the urethra. But some types of infection cause inflammatory processes that are subacute or severe from the very beginning. In this case, the woman may be bothered by a periodically occurring slight burning sensation in the urethra. When the process worsens, the burning sensation is accompanied by frequent urination, as well as discharge from the genitals. Relapses can go into remission on their own, without treatment.
    2. accompanied by discharge and pain. If it is prolonged, other genitourinary organs suffer. Inflammation of the urethra occurs during sexual or household contact. The phenomenon is caused by pathogens of chlamydia, mycoplasma, and ureaplasma. A burning sensation occurs at the beginning of urination and occurs periodically throughout the day.
    3. . This is inflammation of the kidneys, in which acute pain is felt before urinating, as well as pain in the lower back, radiating to the legs, and nagging pain in the perineum. Relapses of pyelonephritis usually occur from severe hypothermia, excessive physical activity; with pyelonephritis, pain occurs most often in the evenings.
    4. Urolithiasis (urolithiasis). Symptoms: increased frequency of urination, pain in the area of ​​stone formation, pain when urinating, lack of feeling of complete emptying of the bladder after urination.
    5. STIs or sexually transmitted diseases. They are also the main cause of frequent urges, pain, burning at the beginning or after each bowel movement. Among the sexually transmitted infections, we can highlight the most common ones in our time -,.
    6. Bladder stones. They are formed as a result of crystallization of minerals in the urine. These stones can cause painful and frequent urination.
    7. – an infection of fungal origin, manifested by itching and burning in the genitals. Constant itching and burning are very painful for the patient. The walls of the vagina are swollen, the disease is accompanied by copious white discharge, reminiscent of curdled milk. In advanced forms of thrush, women may experience a burning sensation when urinating.
    8. This can also be caused by using incompatible hygiene products. Some types of soap or shampoo can cause this discomfort; even toilet paper can cause a burning sensation when urinating. In case of frequent urge to empty the bladder, the microflora of the vagina can be disrupted and cause dysbacteriosis of the labia, which also leads to burning and itching.

    It is important to understand that painful urination is a symptom, and suppressing it will not get rid of the disease. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, not its consequences.

    Pain with blood

    In addition to cystitis, the causes of blood in the urine may be:

    • polycystic kidney disease;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • kidney tuberculosis;
    • bladder cancer;
    • kidney stones (their movement can provoke pain when urinating with blood in women);
    • poor circulation in the genitourinary system (can cause pain when urinating and blood in women);
    • damage to the urinary organs (can cause pain and blood when urinating in women);

    In medical terminology, the appearance of blood in the urine is called hematuria.

    Burning sensation after urination in women: causes

    Normally, the process of urination should not be accompanied by any unpleasant sensations, so cutting, burning or pain usually indicate the presence of some kind of infectious disease of the genitourinary system.

    Among the possible reasons for this phenomenon are:

    • cystitis or, in other words, inflammation of the bladder;
    • urethritis - a disease associated with inflammation of the urethra;
    • cystalgia is a functional disorder of the bladder;
    • urolithiasis – the presence of stones in the bladder;
    • sexually transmitted infections (urogenital chlamydia, gonorrhea, thrush, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, candidiasis);
    • vestibulitis or inflammation of the cervix.

    In any case, if the above symptoms occur, a woman should consult a doctor. Treatment of burning after urination is carried out depending on what disease it was caused by.


    To figure out how to treat burning sensation when urinating in women, the urologist must not only diagnose the symptom, but also determine the cause of its development.

    After inspection the doctor prescribes an examination:

    1. Cystoscopy;
    2. Ultrasound of the pelvis;
    3. General analysis of blood, urine;
    4. Urine culture for sterility;
    5. Thorough external examination;
    6. Doctors studying the patient’s medical history;
    7. ELISA and PCR tests for all STIs;
    8. If indicated, urine analysis according to Nichiporenko;
    9. X-ray or MRI of the lumbosacral spine;
    10. A smear from the cervical canal for flora; for men, a scraping from the urethra for bacterial culture.

    And based on the laboratory data and the results of other examinations, based on the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

    Treatment of burning sensation when urinating

    Depending on what caused the burning sensation when urinating in women, treatment will differ.

    1. In case of urolithiasis, if oxalates predominate, abundant alkaline drinks are recommended, and if the urate content increases, sour drinks are recommended.
    2. If the neurological nature of the disease is confirmed, it is recommended to take herbal sedatives - phytosed, sedavit.
    3. If the disease is inflammatory in nature, the basis of therapy is the use of antibiotics; in such cases, norfloxacin, cephalosporins, etc. are prescribed.
    4. In all cases when a burning sensation is noticed when urinating, you should take appropriate herbal remedies with diuretic properties, for example, Urolesan drops.

    If you are not bothered by additional symptoms in the form of pain, purulent discharge, blood in the urine and no fever, you can help yourself:

    1. Drink more fluids throughout the day. These can be compotes, unsweetened teas, unsalted and still mineral water, a weak rosehip decoction, cranberry juice, a decoction of cherry twigs, a decoction of bearberry herb.
    2. Take a tablet of “No-shpa”, “Riabala” or “Spazmalgona”. This will ease discomfort during urination;
    3. Eliminate everything spicy, salty, smoked, sweet and alcohol from your diet.

    If the symptoms do not go away after a day, you need to visit a doctor and have your urine tested. The doctor will find out why there is a burning sensation when urinating, and only then will he prescribe the necessary medications. Infectious and inflammatory diseases that cause it are treated only with antibacterial drugs.

    Pain when urinating is more common in women than in men. When many of them make all kinds of attempts to get rid of them at home. Which, unfortunately, prevents them from achieving full recovery based on the severity of those diseases that cause pain during urination.

    Why is painful urination mostly a female characteristic? Perhaps the reasons for this are not only in the anatomy of the female urethra, which is located a short distance from the entrance to the rectum. Feminine hygiene also plays an important role here, when poor washing for a woman can result in the spread of infection, and then manifest itself in the form of pain after urination.

    Medical examination

    Every girl or woman should be aware of the course of symptoms during infections of the urinary organs, which can occur differently for each person. When it is not advisable to make a diagnosis yourself based only on information from friends or found on the Internet.

    Therefore, if you feel discomfort when going to the toilet, it is advisable to pay attention to the pain at the end of urination. Characterized by a course, that is, a sharpness and a period of discomfort that occurs only at the beginning, end, or throughout the entire process of urine output.

    This is what you need to know before going to the doctor. When, in addition to this, a woman may experience additional symptoms. That in the future, when diagnosing and examining the patient, the doctor will be able to quickly select the appropriate medications so that the woman can treat herself.

    What questions may the doctor ask during consultation:

    • How long does the urethra hurt? Only at the end, beginning or always present.
    • What could affect the occurrence of pain when urinating in women. Often, when answering such a question, not many girls realize that it all could have started after a walk in cold weather in light clothes.
    • What other extraneous symptoms accompany painful urination in women? For example, is there a temperature in the body or itching on the outside of the genitals.
    • Have you had similar symptoms before? If yes, then when specifically and for what diagnoses.

    Methods of infection

    Pain after urination in women, what are its causes? This can be answered in different ways. Since such a symptom, unfortunately, can be caused by several diseases at once. Among which, infectious diseases of the female genital organs are common.

    When infection can occur in 4 ways:

    • Ascending. The infection occurs on the skin of the genital organs due to poor hygiene. That is, the movement of bacteria begins from the bottom up.
    • Through the circulatory system, when due to blood poisoning, viruses cause inflammation in the urethra.
    • Descending. Infection occurs as a result of disease of the organs of the renal pelvis system.
    • Through lymph. The infection located in the genitals spreads to the lymphatic vessels.

    When the main problem why it hurts to go to the toilet turns out to be unclean washing, wearing synthetics or light clothing in cold weather.

    What causes pain

    The causes of painful urination in women are pathological processes of an infectious nature. What should not be forgotten, but remembered, and always pay attention to it.


    When suffering from cystitis, a woman's urination becomes frequent. After sexual intercourse, itching occurs. The pain radiates to the lower abdomen during the process of emptying the bladder. This is what can warn a woman about cystitis.

    Where it is also worth distinguishing between acute and chronic forms of cystitis. In the first case, the symptoms of cystitis can suddenly remind you of themselves. The second option implies that the infection can manifest itself under any unfavorable external circumstances.


    This is a disease that causes symptoms of a painful condition in the lumbar region and sides. Maintains even during movements. When the feeling of heat and pain when urinating in women with pyelonephritis does not apply to a number of exceptions.

    Possible reasons for this are in the stones, which, when released, injure the delicate mucous membrane of the ureters. Thus, coloring the urine red and causing a cutting sign at the end of urination in women.


    With urethritis, both the urethra and the urethra itself become inflamed. The consequence of this is any sexually transmitted infection. For example, bacteria of the genus Mycoplasmosis or Trichomonas may be to blame.

    That during periods of pain when urinating in women, it is necessary to receive treatment as soon as possible. Indeed, in the worst case, the signs of ailments may include, in addition to painful urination, fever, burning and itching, and discharge from the urethra.

    When there is also a risk of infection entering all vital systems of the body. That is, the infection can be found in the lymph, blood, or affect the tissues of internal organs.


    It is most often transmitted after unprotected sex. Less commonly from mother to child during birth. Can cause symptoms of pain during urine output or after sexual intercourse. When cramps in the lower abdomen become frequent, especially if the disease has not been treated for a long time.

    What happens as a result of long-term remission of ureaplasmosis, characterized by the absence of pronounced dynamics and spontaneity with low immunity during pregnancy.


    Sometimes, in order to cause allergy symptoms, burning sensations in the genital area and pain when urinating in women It is enough to put on synthetic underwear and wash yourself with hygiene lotion. Why is this happening. Firstly, for the reason that the skin does not receive sufficient nutrition. Secondly, the intimate hygiene product contains allergens.

    When to eliminate the symptoms, you can stop wearing tight underwear and start washing with regular laundry soap. Where, for the purpose of prevention, so as not to worry about your health, make an appointment with a gynecologist and undergo treatment, if necessary.

    What do we have to do

    Because of their busyness, many women forget about one thing: drink at least 8 servings of liquid. This can also happen in pregnant women who deprive themselves of water in order to prevent swelling in the body. When, for this very reason, the concentration of urine becomes thicker, an accumulation of viruses and bacteria occurs in it. Causing pain when urinating in women at the end or beginning of the urination process.

    What needs to be done to eliminate such pain:

    • If you want to go to the toilet, don’t wait, but go straight away. Then you should wash yourself thoroughly from the front to the back.
    • You should not wear synthetic or very tight underwear. It is better to switch to clothing items made from natural fibers such as linen or cotton.
    • If sexual intercourse occurs, go and have a bowel movement and wash your genitals.

    • After each wash, wipe thoroughly with a simple towel or napkin until dry.
    • In case of infection, bath procedures should be changed to showers.
    • Suitable liquids to drink include unsweetened compotes, teas, and still water.
    • If the pain when urinating is sharp, then at home you can use a watering can with warm water while visiting the toilet.

    When you don’t need to endure pain when urinating, but take timely measures to eliminate it.

    Prescription of medications

    As a rule, in order to solve problems with poor urination, a doctor is needed. First, you need to make an appointment with your therapist and explain to him the purpose of your visit. Then, go to a urologist, if necessary.

    Where during treatment a woman will need to donate urine, blood and a smear from the urethra for a bacteriological environment. What is needed to identify the type of bacteria that causes pain in the urethra.

    And only after this, when all the necessary studies have been carried out, the doctor will be able to decide on the course of treatment. Which may include:

    • Nitroxoline
    • Liprokhin.
    • Proxacin.

    But that’s not all, there are other equally well-known drugs used in the treatment of any inflammatory processes that disrupt the processing and output of urine.

    When recovery is achieved not by increasing the dose of medication, but by following the prescribed treatment measures. According to the patient’s age, time of infection and severity of the infectious process.

    There are a lot of diseases that affect a woman’s genitourinary system. In this case, during, at the end or after urination, an unpleasant cutting pain is felt. It all depends on the reason that contributed to the pain. In order to eliminate this symptom, you need to consult a urologist. Treatment can also be carried out at home, but only after the recommendations of an experienced specialist.

    Causes of pain

    Diseases that are accompanied by pain when urinating in women have one thing in common - an inflammatory process. Inflammation can be caused by both serious bacteria and fungi. For example, chlamydia, gonococci, candida. The manifestation of pain is the main symptom, which signals that the woman should undergo an examination and identify the cause of the inflammatory process.

    In addition to the fact that inflammation can occur against the background of infections, there are also non-infectious causes. These include pregnancy, allergies, poor hygiene and sand in the kidneys. In such cases, treatment will be selected by the doctor individually, the goal of which will be to relieve inflammation of the internal organ.

    If a woman feels a cutting pain during or at the end of urination, first of all, the cause needs to be identified.

    Pain during urination can begin for the following reasons:

    • urethral diseases;
    • bladder diseases;
    • kidney diseases.

    Infectious causes

    Pathogenic microorganisms: viruses, bacteria or fungi affect the genitourinary system, mainly in cases of weakened immunity or frequent stress and cause cutting pain when emptying the bladder. Why does it hurt to write? This is the first question a woman asks, not suspecting that her body is already affected by an infection.


    Thrush can also cause pain after urination in women. In this case, the vaginal mucosa is affected, and the woman notices a cheesy discharge on her underwear. During urination, pain may appear, intensifying towards the end of emptying the bladder.

    Main reasons for development:

    • weakened immune system;
    • frequent stress;
    • frequent change of sexual partners;
    • hormonal disbalance;
    • incorrect use of antibiotics.

    Treatment in this situation is simple and will quickly lead to the desired results.


    The disease is transmitted sexually. Causes inflammation in the genitourinary system, which ultimately leads to cutting pain when urinating in women. It is caused by bacteria called ureaplasma (which is where the name of the disease comes from).

    As the disease develops, a woman notices the following signs:

    • cutting pain in the lower abdomen;
    • vaginal discharge (odorless);
    • painful sexual intercourse.

    If the inflammatory process worsens, then the discharge becomes yellowish and has a rather unpleasant odor.


    The most common cause of bladder infection is E. coli, a bacterium that lives in the gastrointestinal tract and is therefore easily transferred to the urethra and bladder.

    A common symptom is pain during urination and inflammation of the bladder. There may also be frequent urination and pain in the lower abdomen. In approximately 40% of cases, urinary incontinence and hematuria occur.

    Painful urination in women during cystitis is accompanied by:

    • dull pain in the lower abdomen;
    • constant desire to pee;
    • pain when urinating.

    This disease can be treated with folk remedies only at the initial stage. If cystitis has entered the chronic stage, then treatment will not bring results, but will only weaken the symptoms.


    This disease is caused by microorganisms such as chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas, mycoplasma, and ureaplasma. It is transmitted sexually and can affect not only men, but also women. Due to the structural features of the genitourinary system in women, urethritis causes inflammatory processes in the bladder. In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

    • pain at the end of urination (but especially severe pain at the very beginning);
    • pain in the lower abdomen;
    • discharge with an unpleasant odor.

    Until immunity decreases, the disease may not make itself felt for a long time. To cure this disease, not only the woman needs treatment, but also her sexual partner. The disease can also be transmitted to the newborn during childbirth.


    Pain when urinating in women at the end of emptying the bladder is often caused by trichomoniasis. The disease affects the bladder, and symptoms such as itching, burning and pain appear.

    The first symptom may be discharge that has an unpleasant odor. Afterwards, the labia majora turn red, and the frequency of discharge increases. Trichomoniasis is sexually transmitted, so both women and men need treatment.

    Non-infectious causes

    There are several other reasons why it hurts to pee at the end of urination or at the very beginning of the process.


    Women may experience pain when urinating while pregnant. The fact is that the greatly enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder. This pressure prevents the organ from stretching naturally.

    In addition, during pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body weakens, which makes it possible for pathogenic microorganisms to develop that can cause inflammatory processes.


    Some representatives of the fair sex do not maintain personal hygiene correctly. To protect yourself from diseases of the genitourinary system, you need to wash your genitals daily with warm water and soap.

    It is especially important to take care of yourself during the menstrual cycle and wash yourself not only as needed, but also every time after changing the pad.


    Irritation and inflammation in the vagina are often caused by chemical irritants. The delicate skin of the genitals may react to:

    • powder (if you don’t rinse your underwear well),
    • gaskets,
    • tampons,
    • toilet paper.

    In turn, inflammation can cause pain during or after urination.


    Renal colic is not an independent disease, but one of the signs of sand in the kidneys. In addition, tumors in the kidneys, pyelonephritis or kidney injury can also trigger this disease. The attack usually begins abruptly. In this case, the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen and pain at the end of urination. Renal colic often occurs while running or while walking quickly. The pain can become simply unbearable and radiate to the hips or groin.

    Important! If the attack occurs again, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Herbal bath treatment

    If women have pain when urinating, the first thing you should do is consult a therapist, and if necessary, the doctor will refer you to a nephrologist, urologist or gynecologist. Sexual infections often occur together with urinary tract problems. This is the female anatomy: a short urethra (as well as hormonal changes) contributes to the spread of urinary tract infections.

    There are many treatment methods that traditional medicine offers, but you should not refuse home treatment, because traditional medicine methods are often very effective.


    Before going to the doctor or after that, you can take a herbal bath. One herb that can ease pain is, of course, chamomile. An emollient, soothing, anti-inflammatory herb combined with hot water brings immediate relief. The most convenient way is to brew highly concentrated tea from several chamomile bags and add to the bath. The procedure should last no more than 15 minutes.


    Before taking a bath, boil 500 g of pine needles in a saucepan. The water should barely cover the needles. As soon as the broth boils, simmer for about 10 minutes over low heat. Pour into the bath. Don't worry about the needles, they become soft after boiling and will not damage the skin. An infusion of pine needles works as an antiseptic, and also strengthens and stimulates the immune system. The vitamin C they contain boosts immunity and helps fight colds; tannins reduce inflammation.

    St. John's wort and yarrow

    A healing infusion that can be added to a bath against inflammation of the bladder consists of St. John's wort and yarrow. St. John's wort is famous for its anti-inflammatory activity, and yarrow regenerates skin damage. From a scientific point of view, it has been proven that a bath with such an infusion will have a bactericidal and antimicrobial effect. Before drawing water into the bath, you need to pour 2 liters of boiling water over the vegetable mixture, which consists of 5 tbsp. chopped St. John's wort leaves and 7 tbsp. dried yarrow leaves. Let sit for 20 minutes and pour into a hot bath.

    Remember the main rule! The duration of such procedures should not exceed 15 minutes.

    You should not take medicinal baths every day, as this will not speed up your recovery. In order for pain during urination in women to disappear at the end or at the very beginning, two procedures per week will be enough. After taking a bath, you can apply a heating pad to the lower abdomen and lie down in a warm bed.

    Herbs for drinking

    When bacteria affects the bladder, you can try another method of “cleaning from the inside.”


    If women have painful urination, dried chamomile tea will quickly and effectively help eliminate this symptom. Chamomile is a medicinal plant that has a lot of unique properties, one of which is relieving inflammation.

    What do you need:

    • boiling water – 200 ml;
    • packaged chamomile – 2 sachets;
    • honey (optional) – 1 tsp.

    To prepare tea, pour boiling water over 2 chamomile bags and let steep for 5 minutes, covering with a saucer so that the tea does not cool during this time. Drink it hot. If desired, you can add honey.


    Lingonberry is a wonderful remedy, both berries and leaves are beneficial. Tea made from lingonberry leaves will help strengthen the immune system and eliminate infection. Lingonberry has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Helps well with cystitis and urolithiasis.

    What do you need:

    • bush leaves (dried) – 5-6 pcs. or 1 tsp if the leaves are chopped;
    • mineral water – 200 ml;
    • lemon and honey - optional and to taste.

    To prepare healing lingonberry tea, you need to heat mineral water to 80 degrees and throw in the leaves, washed under running water. Let it brew for 5-7 minutes with the lid closed. Add a slice of lemon and honey. You can drink this tea every day, but no more than 2 cups a day. For pregnant women, no more than 200 ml per day.


    The combination of parsley and celery is an indispensable traditional medicine for cystitis and urolithiasis. Both of these plants have anti-inflammatory effects. Also, if taken correctly, it can strengthen the immune system.

    What do you need:

    • parsley – 10 sprigs;
    • celery – 2-3 sprigs;
    • boiling water – 200-250 ml.

    Chop the celery and parsley, add boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Let it brew for another 10 minutes, strain and drink. And so on for 3-5 days, until the woman stops having pain at the end of urination.


    In order to reduce pain when emptying the bladder, you can treat with a decoction of sage.

    What do you need:

    • sage leaves – 0.5 tbsp;
    • sage flowers - 0.5 tbsp;
    • boiling water – 150 ml.

    Pour the leaves and flowers of the plant (dried) into a glass and pour boiling water (no more than 85 degrees). Cover the top with a saucer and let it brew for 25-30 minutes. Drink before meals 2 times a day.


    To fight bacteria in the body, you need to brew a herbal infusion of blueberries. It will be ideal if the brew contains fruit.

    What do you need:

    • dried blueberry leaves - 1 tbsp;
    • dried apples – 1 tbsp.
    • boiling water – 200 ml;
    • honey and lemon - to taste and desire.

    Pour boiling water over the blueberries and dried apples and wrap the container in a warm towel. Let stand for 20 minutes, add honey or lemon if desired and drink hot. You can drink this medicinal drink every day, 1-2 glasses before meals.

    Duretic decoction

    This decoction is an excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic. It facilitates the functioning of the kidneys and removes excess fluid from the body.

    What do you need:

    • chamomile flowers – 1 tbsp;
    • sage leaves – 1 tsp;
    • marjoram – 1 tsp;
    • lemon peel – 1 tbsp;
    • blueberry leaves – 1 tbsp;
    • boiling water – 2 l.

    Pour boiling water over the herb mixture and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. This drink is drunk like tea, and can be sweetened with honey. You can drink 1-2 glasses a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment will last about a week. During this period, you can notice a significant improvement in your condition.

    In order for painful urination to stop, a woman needs to reconsider her lifestyle. There are several recommendations that are worth listening to, and perhaps you will understand on your own why this symptom appears.

    • When it becomes painful to pee, start changing your underwear, towels and bedding more often.
    • You need to wash yourself at least 2 times a day. During menstruation 5-7 times a day.
    • Rinse your underwear well after washing (it is better to wash with soap, not powder).
    • Bedding, underwear and towels should be washed at temperatures above 60 degrees, because this is the only way to kill bacteria.
    • Keep your sexual partner's underwear clean too.
    • During the cold season, wear warm underwear and long sweaters that cover your kidneys.
    • Don't be promiscuous. After sex, you also need to wash yourself, especially if lubricants were used.
    • Never hold back your urine. After emptying your bladder, you need to wash yourself with warm water.
    • After taking a bath, pat your genitals dry with a clean towel.
    • Drink more clean water. This will improve your kidney function.

    If you feel pain during or after urination, do not tolerate it, start taking measures immediately. The first step, of course, is to see a doctor and take a urine test to identify the cause. Don’t put it off “for later” to avoid complications.



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