Educational portal. Game activity as a type of active socio-psychological learning

Material overview

Play and example are the oldest means of transferring experience from generation to generation. The game began to function in this capacity long before the advent of schools. Human play was formed as a natural means of transferring experience and development. According to D.I. Uznadze, “serious activity is based on the forces developed in the conditions of the game.”

J. A. Komensky included games in the routine of his pansophical school, and in his “Great Didactics” he called for leading schoolchildren to the heights of science without shouting, beating and boredom, but as if playing and joking.

The artificial displacement of play from school can be traced back to the era of Comenius (playful entertaining problem books by Leonardo Fibonacci - 1228, Bache de Mezirac 1312), being a consequence of the academic tendency towards systematic presentation, “concern” for decency, etc. The consequences of this separation of play from school have not yet been completely overcome. In pedagogical practice, attempts were made to change the situation. So dumb. teacher Froebel widely disseminated his idea of ​​a school of play, but the idea was discredited by the fact that the game was combined with the direct authority of the leader (teacher), i.e. turning the game into patterned manipulation.

The modern surge of interest in the game is still associated with the natural possibilities that are contained in the game and which have repeatedly manifested themselves in the results of advanced pedagogical practice (M. Montessori, G. Dupuis, R. Prudhomme, Sh. A. Amonashvili, etc.)

In the process of pedagogical organization of students' gaming activities, many difficulties arise. The teacher needs to determine such parameters of the game as rules, roles, logic of plot development, time frame, material resources - these and other tasks relate to the field of methodological support for the child’s play activity. The methodology for organizing any pedagogical phenomenon is associated with the definition of specific and effective methods of pedagogical interaction... But is it possible to reduce a child’s play to clear and unambiguous parameters?

Game concept

Analysis of the literature indicates the absence of a clear definition of the game as a scientific phenomenon. Game as a multidimensional and complex phenomenon is considered in studies by psychologists, educators, biologists, ethnographers, anthropologists and even economists. In the course of analyzing numerous studies, it is not difficult to identify a certain contradiction, which is due to the very nature of the game phenomenon.

On the one hand, the word game itself is so generally recognized that its use, whether in everyday speech, in literary works or scientific works, is not accompanied by a definition. The concept of play in general is expressed in the polyphony of folk ideas about jokes, laughter, joy, fun, and children's amusements.

On the other hand, human play is multifaceted and multi-valued. Its history is the history of the transformation of a trifle, of fun, into a toolkit, first of all, of culture and, further, into a philosophical category of a high degree of abstraction of ontological and epistemological significance, similar to such categories as truth, beauty, goodness, into the category of worldview and attitude, into the universe of culture.

Thus, the nature of the game is sacred and hides the origins of not only children’s, sports, and commercial games, but also such areas of intuitive artistic activity as painting, music, literature, cinema and theater, and even more so, politics and war. Indeed, human play cannot be understood with the help of simple diagrams, short formulas, and clear expressions.

However, the definition of any concept is the identification of the limits and boundaries of this concept. The search for the limits of play as a concept is very complex and is associated with the logical separation of play as an activity from other types of child activity (work, communication, learning, etc.).

A game is a type of unproductive human activity, where the motive lies not in its result, but in the process itself. However, unproductivity as a sign of play needs some clarification. A game can be considered an unproductive activity only insofar as the product it is aimed at creating does not have any consumer value outside the conditional situation of the game. During the game, a material or ideal product always arises (this can be speech products, texts, objects or combinations thereof). But as soon as an object created during the game begins to be used, acquiring real rather than conditional consumer value, we are faced with the problem of whether this activity is a game in the full sense.

Game is a type of non-utilitarian human activity associated with the process of free manifestation of spiritual and physical forces.

A game is a make-believe activity that not only develops the dexterity necessary for future serious affairs, but also enlivens, makes visible options for a possible future, and helps to form a set of ideas about oneself in the future.

Game is a form of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, recorded in socially fixed ways of carrying out objective actions, in objects of culture and science (Psychological Dictionary \ Edited by A.V. Petrovsky and M.G. Yaroshevsky, 1990 ).

A game, as a human activity in a conditional situation, creates an “as if” effect. However, an element of convention, one way or another, is present in all types of human activity and cultural phenomena (J. Huizinga). Therefore, identifying a conditional situation as such will not yet solve the “game-non-game” problem.

The game is attractive and simultaneously denotes convention, seriousness, joy, and fun. One of the mechanisms of the stimulating and developmental impact of the game is to ensure the connection between the phenomena of reality and the emotional sphere of a person.

That. an activity that combines a conditional situation and an objectively valuable output product can be characterized as a transitional phenomenon: labor with signs of play or play with signs of labor (acting in the theater, business games, etc.).

Play and learning activities have many common features:

In the process of playing and studying, the experience accumulated by previous generations is mastered;

In play and learning, similar mechanisms of this assimilation of experience operate (for example, overcoming artificial obstacles).

As a result of such an analysis of the definitions of a game, we can derive a definition of an educational game if the teacher is faced with the tasks of developing the student as a subject of educational activity, orienting him towards lifelong education, and creating motives for conscious learning in the game. At the same time, from “make-believe learning” for younger schoolchildren, we can have a transition to forms of education for middle and high school students (the “game-study-work” type), where additional motivation for educational tasks is used.

An educational task and a didactic game are a means of organizing educational activities. Their main purpose is to create a difficult (sometimes problematic) situation, to build an “obstacle course.” The student's steps through these obstacles constitute the learning process. It is important that a student completing a learning task or participating in a didactic game always solves a specific problem. A task is a part of a goal given in certain conditions of activity.

Theoretical approaches to explaining the game phenomenon.

At the present stage of research into the phenomenon of play, we can talk about various scientific theories of play: the theory of excess strength, compensatory nature; instinctiveness; rest in the game; pleasure, realization of innate drives; spiritual development in the game; the relationship between play and art and aesthetic culture; connections between play and work; recapitulation and anticipation and so on.

To consider the problems of organizing children's play, one should turn to the appropriate scientific approaches:

Processual - “game as a process”: “the goal of the game lies in itself...” (A. Vallon, P.F. Kapterev, etc.);

Activity - “game as an activity”: “game is a type of unproductive human activity...” (K.D. Ushinsky, A.N. Leontyev, etc.);

Technological - “game as a pedagogical technology”: “game activity is associated with the activation and intensification of students’ activities” (P.I. Pidkasisty, Zh.S. Khaidarov, etc.).

Structure of the game as a process:

1. Roles taken on by the players.

2.Game actions as a way to realize these roles.

3. Game use of objects, replacement of real things with game - conditional ones.

4. Real relationships between the players.

5. Plot, content - the area of ​​reality conditionally reproduced in the game.

Structure of the game as an activity:

1. Motivation, which is ensured by voluntary participation in gaming activities, the opportunity to choose, competition, satisfaction of needs and self-realization.

2. Goal setting.


4. Realization of the goal.

5.Analysis of the results in which the individual is realized as a subject of activity.

Definition of the concept of “gaming technology”.

The concept of a game as a process, activity or technology is very conditional and is caused by the need for scientific clarification of the parameters of the phenomenon under consideration. Within the framework of these approaches, play, along with work and learning, is understood as a type of developmental activity in situations of conditional recreation and assimilation of social experience, in which self-control of human behavior is formed and improved.

“Game technologies” in pedagogy mean a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. Unlike games in general, a “pedagogical game” has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, highlighted in an explicit or indirect form and are characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation (G.K. Selevko).

Any technology has means that activate and intensify human activity. The use of games as a means of teaching and education has been known since ancient times. The game is widely used in folk pedagogy, in preschool and out-of-school institutions. To characterize the game as a developmental pedagogical technology, it is necessary to establish the main distinctive features of the game as a method and technique in the pedagogical process. In modern school, the game method is used in the following cases:

As an independent technology for mastering concepts, topics and even a section of an academic subject;

As part of a larger technology,

Like technologies for extracurricular activities.

The implementation of gaming techniques occurs in the following areas:

The pedagogical goal is set for students in the form of a game task;

As motivation, an element of competition is introduced, which transforms the pedagogical task into a game one;

The educational activities of schoolchildren are subject to the rules of the game;

The educational material is used as a means of play;

Successful achievement of pedagogy. goals are associated with the game result.

However, when talking about the game in the educational activities of junior schoolchildren and adolescents, we must take into account its indirect influence on the development of the psyche (i.e., no longer VTD) and assume the area of ​​​​optimal functioning of the game as a didactic tool. Optimal use of the game m.b. is determined by the following conditions if: cognitive activity is activated, the situation of success in the educational game is a prerequisite for cognitive activity.

Didactic properties of the game:

Duality is a combination of convention and reality in a game situation (imagination and creative consciousness are involved);

The uncertainty of the outcome is the opportunity for the player to influence the situation, i.e. the player’s capabilities are updated – moves from a potential state to an actual one;

Voluntariness – promotes the growth of internal organization;

Multifunctionality is the reproduction of the characteristics of various types of activities and, as a consequence, the expansion of possibilities for varying the conditions for personal development.

Principles for designing educational games:

Determining the pedagogical goals of using the game;

Correlation between the student’s gaming goals and the teacher’s pedagogical goals;

Determining the need to use a game in this particular case, and not another pedagogical means;

Selection of educational objectives, the achievement of which is advisable to organize in a game form;

Planning the organizational structure of the game;

Selection and subsequent adaptation to the existing specific conditions of the rules of the educational game;

Creating a game based on one or another game scheme, formulating the conditions of the game.

Classification of gaming technologies in pedagogy.

A child’s games, at each age stage, are unique. The use of gaming technologies in the pedagogical process can be divided into several stages associated with the age periods of teaching and raising a child:

Gaming technologies in preschool age;

Gaming technologies in primary school age;

Gaming technologies in middle and high school age.

Classification of games in the educational process:

By the nature of cognitive activity:

Games of perception



Search engines,



According to the degree of independence: various types of didactic games.

Methods of methodological support for the play activities of children and adolescents.

In the process of personality formation, the game will be able to stimulate:

awareness of one’s own growth, advancement in knowledge of the world;

the joy of mastering more advanced methods of activity;

pleasure from the process of cognitive activity;


pride in a comrade’s success.

The process of inclusion in the game can unfold according to various patterns, depending on the position that one or another participant occupies in relation to the game as a whole. Developing readiness to play involves:

Development of external interest in the game as a whole (name of the game, its participant, prize);

Development of internal interest (the content side of the game (with whom, how, how much to interact);

Preliminary search for ways to complete a game task and predicting one’s ability to implement them;

Formation and decision making to enter the game. All this must be taken into account by the teacher when organizing games in the educational process.

Teachers begin to turn to gaming pedagogical technologies during the period of education and training of preschoolers. The program of play activities for a preschooler is built from a set of educational games, which, with all their diversity, are based on the general idea of ​​​​connecting construction, labor and technical games with the child’s intelligence and have characteristic features.

Psychophysiological justification: by the third year of life, the child has already mastered role-playing play, becomes familiar with human relationships, begins to distinguish between the internal and external aspects of phenomena, the child actively develops imagination and the symbolic function of consciousness, which allow him to transfer the properties of some things to others, orientation in his own feelings and the skills of their cultural expression are formed - all this allows the child to be involved in collective activities and communication.

Pedagogical principle: we managed to combine one of the basic principles of learning “from simple to complex” with the very important principle of creative activity “independently according to ability.”

Solving pedagogical problems: in educational games the following pedagogical tasks are achieved:

development of the child’s creative abilities from a very early age;

game tasks-steps influence the advanced development of the child’s abilities (according to L.S. Vygotsky, the zone of proximal development is involved);

the child’s activities are accompanied by an atmosphere of free, joyful creativity;

the child’s activities are accompanied by a situation of success.

The teacher’s use of gaming technologies at primary school age helps participants experience certain elements of the educational process in a game-like way. Action according to the game rules transforms the usual positions of the teacher into an assistant, organizer, and accomplice of the game action. is explained by the following reasons.

Psychophysiological justification: The development of a child in primary school age is associated with the enrichment and consolidation of everyday vocabulary, coherent speech, improvement of mental processes, the formation of numerical and abstract concepts, and the like. Children of primary school age are characterized by spontaneity of perception, ease of entering into images, children quickly become involved in activities, especially play.

Pedagogical principle: In primary school pedagogy, game-based developmental technologies are called didactic games. The effectiveness of didactic games depends on their systematic use, on the purposefulness of the game program in combination with regular didactic exercises.

Solving pedagogical problems: The results of the game act in a dual sense - as both a gaming and educational-cognitive result:

identify the main characteristic features of objects, compare, contrast them; generalize objects according to certain characteristics;

distinguish real events from unreal ones;

control yourself, etc.

The most important role in this technology belongs to the final retrospective discussion (reflection), in which students jointly analyze the course and results of the game, the course of educational and game interaction.

Gaming technologies in the teaching and upbringing of children of middle and high school age are distinguished by their qualitative originality.

Psychophysiological justification: In the behavior and activities of adolescent children, there is an intensification of the need to create their own world, the desire for adulthood, the rapid development of imagination, fantasy, and the emergence of spontaneous group games. Features of the play of adolescent children are the child’s focus on self-affirmation in front of society, a humorous coloring of events, a desire for practical jokes, and a focus on speech activity.

Pedagogical principle: As a rule, teachers turn to this type of game as “business games” as educational gaming technologies. Various modifications of business games are used in the educational process: simulation, operational, role-playing business games, business theater, psycho- and sociodrama. To effectively organize pedagogical interaction, the teacher’s tactics can be built in accordance with certain stages of the business game: preparation, introduction to the game, conducting and analyzing the progress of the game.

Solving pedagogical problems: Game technologies are used to achieve complex pedagogical tasks: mastering new and consolidating old material, developing general educational skills, developing creative abilities, etc. Game technologies in the upbringing and teaching of adolescent children, on the one hand, contribute to the development of mature social attitudes of a teenager, on the other hand, they help compensate for information overload and organize psychological and physiological rest.

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Author Kuznetsova V.I. – chemistry teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 33, Tomsk
“Game is an opportunity to find yourself in society,

yourself in humanity, yourself in the Universe"

J. Korczak.

The pedagogical process is a set of lessons, extracurricular and extracurricular educational work, carried out by the teaching and student staff according to one plan. The training mainly uses seminar lessons, practical and laboratory work, in which various methods and means are used.

The increase in mental load in the classroom makes us think about how to maintain students’ interest in the material being studied and their activity throughout the lesson. We have to look for effective teaching methods and methodological techniques that would activate the thoughts of schoolchildren and stimulate them to independently acquire knowledge. We must ensure that the student works actively and enthusiastically during lessons, and use this as a starting point for the emergence and development of curiosity and deep cognitive interest. Quite a lot important role here you can play educational games.
Play is creativity, play is work. During the game, children develop the habit of concentrating, thinking independently, developing attention, and the desire for knowledge. A variety of play activities, with the help of which one or another mental task is solved, maintains and enhances children’s interest in the academic subject.

A broad understanding of the term “entertainment” comes from N.I. Lobachevsky, he believed that entertainment is a necessary means of arousing and maintaining attention; without it, teaching cannot be successful. Modern didactics, turning to game forms of teaching in the classroom, rightly sees in them the possibility of effectively organizing the interaction between teacher and students, a productive form of their communication with inherent elements of competition and genuine interest.

Professor S.A. Shmakov in his work “Student Games - a Cultural Phenomenon” (1994) sets the task for teachers: to create a game-based educational system, game programs for all academic subjects, including chemistry. I'm trying to solve it by creating a game system for learning chemistry in school. Experience shows that no matter how well prepared the teacher is, no matter how well he masters the subject, students still prefer a good game to his explanation, where they will learn about the world themselves and learn from each other. They will gladly accept and assimilate the information of an adult mentor, but the teacher must certainly learn to play as a participant in their game, that is, as an actual carrier of information.
Game activity in the learning process.
Play is the most accessible type of activity, a way of processing impressions received from the surrounding world. The game clearly reveals the characteristics of the student’s thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, which develops the need for communication. An interesting game increases the child’s mental activity, and he can solve a more difficult problem than in a regular lesson. But this does not mean that classes should take place only in the form of games. Game is only one of the methods, and it gives good results only in combination with others: observations, conversations, independent work. While playing, children learn to apply their knowledge and skills in practice and use them in different conditions. A game is an independent activity in which children interact with peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, and common experiences. Play experiences leave a deep imprint on the child’s mind and contribute to the formation of good feelings, noble aspirations, and collective life skills. Play is of great importance; it is closely connected with learning in the classroom and with observations of everyday life.

It teaches you to independently solve game problems, find the best way to implement your plans, use your knowledge, and express it in words. Often a game serves as an occasion for imparting new knowledge and broadening one’s horizons. Thus, gaming activity is an urgent problem in the learning process.

Purpose of the work: to reveal the methodology of gaming activities in the learning process.

Objectives: to determine the purpose of gaming activities in the educational process, the methodology for organizing gaming activities in the classroom. Determine how often games are used in organizing the educational process and how effective it is.

The above tasks determined the range of pedagogical research methods: conversation, questioning, observation.

The game is attributed to a wide variety of functions, both purely educational and educational, so there is a need to more accurately determine the influence of the game on the development of the student and find its place in the education and upbringing system. It is most accurate to determine those aspects of the child’s mental development and personality formation that primarily develop in play or experience only limited influence in other types of activities.

Studying the significance of play for mental development and personality formation is very difficult. A pure experiment is impossible here simply because it is impossible to remove play activities from the lives of children and see how the development process will proceed. The most important thing is the importance of the game for the motivational-need sphere of the child. According to the works of D.B. Elkonin (8; p. 274), the problem of motives and needs comes to the fore. Pointing to motives is not enough; it is necessary to find the mental mechanism through which motives can have an impact.

The game is important for the formation of a friendly team, and for the formation of independence, and for the formation of a positive attitude towards work. All these educational effects are based on the influence that they have on the mental development of the child, on the formation of his personality. The game process allows you to develop the qualities of an active participant in the game process, learning to find and make decisions. Develop abilities that can be discovered in other conditions and situations, learn consciousness, originality of behavior, and the ability to adapt to existing conditions set by the game. Learn the ability to communicate, establish contacts, enjoy communication with partners, learn to create a special emotional environment that is attractive to students. Game forms can be used in both primary and high school, and can also be used when conducting non-traditional lessons. Despite the general recognition of the positive influence of games on the development of cognitive activity and independence of students, they have not yet found a sufficiently deep and thorough solution in the methods of teaching subjects. Most teachers and methodologists call the game that is played during the learning process didactic.

The technology of game forms of education is aimed at teaching students to understand the motives of their learning, their behavior in the game and in life. To formulate goals and programs of one’s own, usually deeply hidden in a normal environment, independent activity and anticipate its immediate results.

We can distinguish four organizational forms of play activity: individual, pair, single, collective, mass.* Individual forms include the play of one person with himself or with various objects and signs.

* Single form is the activity of one player in a system of simulation models with direct and feedback from the results of achieving the desired goal set by them.

* Pairs form is a game of one person with another person, usually in an atmosphere of competition or rivalry.

* Group form is a game of three or more opponents pursuing the same goal in a competitive setting.

* The collective form is a group game in which the competition between individual players is replaced by opposing teams.

* The mass form of the game is a replicated single game with direct and feedback from a common goal that is simultaneously pursued by many people

The technology of educational games is the practical implementation of pedagogical theory and obtaining pre-planned results in the pedagogical process. The technology of the game is based and developed on the basis of the widespread use of pedagogical ideas, principles, concepts, and rules. The specific and immediate goal of gaming technology is the spontaneously directed development of the personality of the playing schoolchild. This is a systematic and consistent implementation in practice of the concepts of innovative processes in education, pre-designed processes in education. Pre-designed on the basis of those ideas that are recognized in the world as highly significant values ​​of the individual and society. It should be noted that an educational game is a creative repetition of a specific human activity on a deeply personal level with elements of original novelty, usefulness and significance in conditions of independence or competition with an opponent. During the game, associative, mechanical, visual and other types of memory are triggered according to the demands of the game situation, and not at the request of the teacher. To win a game-competition, you need to remember and comprehend a lot in a short period of time. In other words, a game in a lesson is a complex carrier of information.

A pedagogical axiom is the position according to which the development of intellectual abilities, independence and initiative, efficiency and responsibility of schoolchildren can only be achieved by introducing them to true freedom in communication. Involving them in activities in which they would not only understand and test what is offered to them as an object of assimilation, but also in fact become convinced that their success in self-development, their fate as a specialist initially depends on their own efforts and decisions.
The place of the igrosystem in the course of chemistry.
The game takes up 1/5 of the time, without displacing practical activities. A student’s learning occurs through influence on his organs of vision: demonstration of experiments, reading material (50% of what is observed remains in memory, 30% of what is read), organ of hearing - a teacher’s monologue, dialogue with the teacher, with classmates (10% of what is heard remains in memory), practical activity the student himself, independent work (90% of what he did himself remains in memory). The student can either be forced to learn the necessary material or be interested. The game requires the participation of all participants to the extent of which they are capable. The educational material in the game is absorbed through all organs of information reception, and this is done naturally, as if by itself, while the student’s activity is of a creative nature. There is a 100% increase in student activity in the lesson. Moreover, intellectually developed children occupy a leading position, teaching those who are lagging behind in team play. It is known that the word of a peer carries more weight for a teenager than the word of a teacher. Competitiveness in work, the opportunity to consult, an acute lack of time - all these game elements intensify the educational activity of students and create interest in the subject.
Psychological and pedagogical tasks of the gaming system.
1. Studying new material, developing skills, generalization and control of knowledge.

2.Unlocking the creative potential of students.

3. Fostering collectivism and mutual assistance in solving difficult problems.

4. Peer education. Many games involve a deliberative process. In a group where strong and weak students are gathered, there is a process of mutual enrichment of information and skills.

5. Fostering a sense of empathy for each other.

6. Formation of practical skills.

Types of games in the system.
According to the form of activity, games can be divided into individual, pair, group, and whole-class.

For educational tasks, games that teach new material, develop skills and abilities, a lot of games of a generalizing nature, repetition and control of knowledge

By type: cognitive, role-playing, business, complex.

According to the form: games - auctions, defenses. Traveling through stations, press conferences, games and research.

Recently, a large role has been given to electronic testing and computer games in education. Testing is becoming a widespread form of knowledge testing, and a game form is used here. From 7th to 11th grade, the complexity of the games increases.

Game criteria.

1. The game should be designed for one lesson.

2. The rules don't have to be difficult to understand.

3.The game should not become obsolete.

4. The game should be massive, covering all students.

5.Grades should be easy to assign, and students should understand how the final grade was obtained.

6. The game must be dynamic to maintain interest in it.

The positive emotions that arise in students during games help prevent their overload and ensure the formation of communication and intellectual skills. The game is a good tool for instilling in students responsibility for the assigned task, the ability to work collectively and independently. It promotes the activation of cognitive activity, the identification of organizational and other abilities.
Requirements for conducting didactic games.

1. Compliance of the theme of the game with the theme and purpose of the lesson

2.Clarity and certainty of the goal and direction of the game.

3. The significance of the game result for the participants and organizers of the game.

4. Correspondence of the content of the game to the nature of the problem being solved.

5. The strength of the game actions used in the game according to their types and nature of complexity. 6.Clearness and accessibility of the game participant’s plan, simplicity of the game plot.

7.Stimulating nature of the game.

8. Accuracy and unambiguity of game rules and restrictions.

9. Objective criteria for assessing the success of schoolchildren’s gaming activities.

11. Favorable psychological climate for relationships

12.Space for personal activity and creativity.

13. An obligatory element of competition between the participants of the game.
Exercise lessons carried out both in class and in extracurricular activities. They usually take 10-15 minutes and are aimed at improving the cognitive abilities of students; they are a good way to develop cognitive interests, comprehend and consolidate educational material, and apply it in new situations. These are a variety of quizzes, crosswords, puzzles, teawords, charades, puzzles, and riddles.

Travel games . They can be carried out both directly in class and during extracurricular activities. They serve mainly the purposes of deepening, comprehending and consolidating educational material. The activation of students in travel games is expressed in oral stories, questions, answers, in their personal experiences and judgments.

Story-based (role-playing) game. It differs from exercise games and travel games in that the conditions of an imaginary situation are staged, and students play certain roles. Although traditional learning and teaching methods—such as lecture, discussion, and writing—can be successful in helping students acquire knowledge of factual material and critical theoretical concepts within which future experience can be framed, these methods are flawed in at least two respects. Role-playing is one of those unique experiential learning techniques that helps the student cope with uncertainty and difficult situations in life. The second area where traditional methods need to be complemented is in the area of ​​transferable interpersonal and communication skills. No matter how much a student reads and observes, these skills can only be fully developed by applying them in real interpersonal situations. The interaction of verbal and nonverbal behavior is too complex to be reduced to a few simple rules. Interpreting and responding to feedback from other people holds the key to effective interpersonal communication.

Benefits of Role Playing (According to Chesler and Fox)

1.Helps the student express hidden feelings.

2. Helps the student to understand the feelings of others and understand their motivation.

3. Provides an opportunity to practice various types of behavior.

4.Highlights general social problems and the dynamics of group interaction, formal and informal.

5.Allows for vivid and direct presentation of academic descriptive material.

6.Is motivating and effective because it involves action.

7. Provides feedback to both the student and the mentor.

8.The group can control the content and pace.

9.Bridging the gap between learning and real life situations.

10.Changes settings.

11.Teaches you to control feelings and emotions.
Game - competition may include all of the above types of didactic games or their individual elements. To conduct this type of game, students are divided into groups, teams, between which there is a competition. An essential feature of the competition game is the presence of competitive struggle and cooperation in it. Elements of competition occupy a leading place in the main game actions, and cooperation is determined by specific circumstances and tasks. The game-competition allows the teacher, depending on the content of the material, to introduce into the game not just entertaining material, but very complex issues of the curriculum. This is its main pedagogical value and advantage over other types of didactic games.

In real teaching practice, all types of games can act both as independent games and as mutually complementary games. The use of each type of games and their various combinations is determined by the characteristics of the educational material, the age of the students and other pedagogical factors.

Play is the most active form of human activity. It is rare to find a child (or even an adult) who is not involved in some kind of game at some point. A flexible system of educational games allows you to learn with interest, and the possibility of choosing games only increases this interest. This training model, compared to the traditional one, is more promising. Conducted according to the student-teacher-student scheme, it allows students to independently choose their own path of development (education), perhaps doing it unconsciously, intuitively, and the teacher plays the role of a catalyst: his skills and knowledge help the student to develop faster. Lessons using game methods significantly increase students' interest in the subject, allow them to better remember formulations and definitions, and liberate the student and his thinking.

Game stages include:

1.Preliminary preparation: the class is divided into teams of approximately equal abilities, homework is given to the teams.


3. Conclusion on the lesson: conclusions about the work of the game participants and grading.
To study gaming activities in the learning process, I used methods of scientific and pedagogical research, and to study the practical side, I turned to methods of studying experience. The following methods were used: conversation, questioning, interviewing.

Research on the use of gaming activities took place at school No. 33. To find out the goals and objectives of the game as a teaching method, in what cases and at what stages it is carried out, a survey was conducted with school teachers. An analysis of the survey of subject teachers showed that only 4 out of 12 constantly use didactic games in the educational process. The following answers were received from subject teachers who had never used didactic games:

* some believe that their subject is one of the most difficult subjects in the school curriculum and therefore it is not advisable to use games to master educational material;

* others believe that they have already worked out their teaching methods and there is no need to change them;

* still others believe that organizing the learning process using didactic games is quite difficult and it is more acceptable to organize the pedagogical process in the form of a lesson and use established teaching methods.

From the experience of organizing play activities of a particular subject teacher. This is a mathematics teacher for grades 5-11, with 26 years of experience in school. She uses didactic games and quite successfully. In her lessons she uses various forms of games: individual, group, collective. The choice of form depends on the goals and objectives of the lesson. The goal is selected depending on the result that needs to be achieved. In her opinion, it is preferable to use the game at the stage of testing and consolidating educational material. Analysis of the results of the games shows that there is a consolidation and improvement of knowledge, the development of psychological qualities, the development of speech in students, the ability to correctly and logically express their thoughts, the development of the ability to find optimal solutions, etc. Based on her teaching experience, the teacher believes that Children love to play in class, but do not always follow the rules. Most often this happens in group play, where children try to help each other. In this case, it does not stop the gameplay, but makes the rules of the game more stringent. In her opinion, the game cannot be used in the following cases: if the game does not correspond to the level of development of the students, that is, even with a clear explanation of the rules, it causes some difficulty in their implementation. In her opinion, this does not correspond to the consolidation of knowledge, but dissipates attention to solving problems abstract from the topic.

If the children don't want to play.

If the game is new, new games should be reviewed. Throughout the entire process of playing in the lesson, it is necessary to carefully monitor so that a conflict situation does not arise between children and relationships in the class do not deteriorate. If she noticed this, she would intervene in the course of the game and divert the children’s attention to solving other problems in the game itself. The teacher believes that the game helps students develop personally, this also includes the ability to cooperate with peers, the ability

listen and accept the opinions of others.

In order to understand how to make the use of games more effective for teaching and educating students, how to use games and at what stages it is preferable, studies were conducted among students. Analysis of the responses gave the following results:

1. Everyone, without exception, likes games in lessons.

2.Most students would like to play in every lesson, but only if this game is interesting to them.

4. The first place in games is taken by the history lesson, where the teacher allows children to stage various historical events, invites them to come up with their own course of events, etc.

5. Students may not like the game if the interests of the students are not taken into account when organizing the game, the content of the game does not correspond to the topic of the lesson or the hobbies of the students.

6. The desire of students to participate in the game very often depends on their relationship with the teacher, as a result of which the teacher needs to think through his actions, monitor the students’ reactions to these actions and draw conclusions.

7.Most children like to win at games. This desire to win ensures the learning and development of students in gaming activities.

Thus, an analysis of the work of the subject teacher and a study of students’ gaming activities in the classroom made it possible to discover the negative aspects of using games in the learning process:

*firstly, explaining the rules and demonstrating the game often takes a lot of time (especially for teachers with little experience in organizing games). This often leads to the fact that children do not have time to study or consolidate the material in the remaining time.

*secondly, the mechanism of the game is often disrupted, i.e. the strict order of performing game actions is violated. Most often this is observed in group and collective forms of games, which leads to confusion, and most importantly, to dubious results;

*thirdly, after games (especially for middle classes), it can be difficult to restore discipline in the classroom, which is what teachers complain about when children come to their next lesson.

* fourthly, when conducting paired, group and collective forms of play, competition between children sometimes develops into unhealthy rivalry, which teachers do not always have time to notice, much less prevent. This leads to damaged relationships between children outside of play.

Analysis of observations of gaming activities and their results revealed that the use of gaming forms of learning is not always an effective method for strengthening or expanding knowledge.

For teachers who use games in educational activities, the following recommendations have been developed:

1. When choosing game forms of training, you should not rush and act alone,

2.. You should never take other people's games on faith without proper verification.

3. You need to convince yourself of the effectiveness and attractiveness of the game by playing with colleagues and well-playing children.

4. Developed games should not be immediately brought to class. It often happens that the game stops at the most interesting point and no restoration can return the previous course of the game. To prevent this from happening, you need to work with your colleagues again, see what difficulties there were, especially in group games, and check again which of the students can be the main assistant in the game.

5. No one, ever, should be forced to play. All people are equal before the arbitrator and everything should be built on voluntary cooperation.

6.You cannot allow yourself to play down on children or follow their lead. At the same time, no matter how funny and fun the game is, it is necessary to observe all the signs of rigor and unfailing exactingness.


1. Manuleiko Z.V. “Changes in a child’s motor skills depending on conditions and motives,” M.-69;

2. Pidkasisty P.I., Khaidarov Zh.S. “Game technology in training and development”, M.96.

3. Huizinga I. “Man Playing”, M.92;

4. Shmakov S.A. “Her Majesty’s Game”, M.92;

5. Elkonin D.V. “Psychology of Game”, M.78.;

6. Pavlova N.S. “Educational games for chemistry lessons. Chemistry at school", 6, 2000, p. 35;


Questionnaire for teachers.

1. Do you use games in the teaching process?

2.What forms of play do you consider the most successful in the educational process?

3.In what cases do you use the game?

4. At what stages of the lesson is it preferable to use the game or its elements?

5.What goal do you most often pursue when using a didactic game?

6.Do you think it is appropriate to use the game in the lesson?

7.What results do you most often want to achieve, and are you able to achieve it?

8.Do children like to play in class?

9. Do children follow all the rules of the game?

10. In what cases should games not be used?

11.What psychological qualities of a child does the game develop?

12.Is it advisable to use the game to develop the student’s personality traits?

Questionnaire for students.

1. Do you like it when the teacher uses a game in class?

2.How often would you like the game to be used in class?

3.Which form of play do you like best: individual, group or pair?

4.What lessons do you like to play in (list)

5.Are there times when you don’t like playing and why?

6.Does your desire depend on the teacher using games?

7.What do you like most about the game?
Lesson – game “Russian Lotto”
Game conditions: Five teams participate in the game. Each team receives a card containing the numbers of ten questions. The teacher or game leader takes a barrel with numbers out of the bag. The team that has this number on its card gets the right to respond. If the answer is correct, then the team receives a keg and places it on the corresponding number on the card. If the team was unable to answer the question correctly, then the keg remains with the leader and the right to answer is given to another team, which receives a token for the correct answer. For this token you can buy back the barrel that was taken out of the bag, but remained with the leader. The first team to place kegs on all card numbers wins. This game can be used during general review lessons or throughout the course.
Lesson - game "Auction".
Assignments on any topic are put up for auction, and the teacher agrees in advance with the children on the topic of the game. The game involves 3 – 5 teams. Using an overhead projector, Lot No. 1 is projected onto the screen - five tasks on a given topic (you can write tasks in advance on the board, on a poster, or use ready-made, printed texts). The first team selects a task and assigns a price to it from 1 to 5 points. If the price of this team is higher than those given by others, it receives the task and completes it. The remaining tasks must be purchased by other teams. If the task is solved correctly, the team is awarded points (or some of them are removed). The advantage of this simple game is that when choosing a problem, students compare all five problems and mentally go through the process of solving them.
Lesson - game "Labyrinth".

(review of knowledge on a topic, section, etc.)

The class is divided into 3 - 5 teams, and each team is created from children of different abilities so that the teams are equal in strength. There are tables arranged in the classroom, the number of which depends on the number of topics chosen. On the tables there are table numbers, tasks for each player on different topics, and the tasks are 3-level according to the students’ abilities, the tasks in the envelope are numbered and each student knows his task number. (You can do assignments to do assignments on 3-level tests, lay out printed tests on the tables and announce to students in advance what level of assignments they are solving).

The guys draw lots to see who starts working on what table, on what topic, and in what order. An expert sits at each table (he can be a strong student of a given class or a high school student who checks the correctness of the solution to the problem.) Each expert should have a control card with the solution of problems at each table. He assigns the number of points for each solved problem on individual cards to each student, putting your signature and points to the team fund, putting them on the team card. The team that scores wins large quantity points and each student is given an average grade in the journal based on their individual cards.

Lesson – game “Own game”
Organization of the lesson: two teams take part in the game. Each team chooses one or more main players (you can play as a whole team), all the rest are fans. The game takes place in three rounds.

1 round – 15 minutes.

The presenter names two categories of questions that will be played. Each category has 5 questions of varying difficulty.

For the correct answer, teams can receive from 10 to 50 points. The main player selects the category and cost of the question, the presenter reads out the question, time for reflection is 1 - 2 minutes. The player who raised his hand first gets the right to answer. If he gave the correct answer and managed to justify it, then the cost of the question is added to the team. If the main player gives the wrong answer, the cost of the question is deducted from the team's account. If no main player gives the correct answer, then the question goes to the fans. They can earn the team half the value of the question if answered correctly.

2 – round – 15 minutes.

Round 3 – 5 minutes. The presenter announces the topic on which the question will be asked. The main players assign a cost to the question (any value, but not more than the number of points the team has). After this, the question is read out and 5 minutes are given to think. At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the winner is awarded.
Lesson - game "Dominoes".
Cards are prepared for the game, each of which is divided into two parts. These parts contain tasks and answers. Cards are distributed to the game participants. Players take turns placing cards so that each next card is logically connected to the previous one. In this case, it is necessary to theoretically substantiate the fact that is written on the player’s card. If the student placed the card incorrectly or failed to explain the reason for placing it, then he misses the turn. The player can use the help of the referee, but in doing so he loses 100 points.

The first one to display all the cards wins.

Guidelines for organizing a lesson:

The game is carried out in class as one of the stages of group work to repeat and consolidate knowledge on the entire topic or on several topics. It is expected that there will be several sets of games to stimulate students' work.

Each group must have an orbiter who will evaluate the correctness of the answer. This could be the highest performing student in the class.

Already in the first years of life, the child develops the prerequisites for mastering the simplest types of activities. The first of these is the game. The great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky wrote: “The child lives in play, and the traces of this life remain deeper in him than the traces of real life, which he could not yet enter due to the complexity of its phenomena and interests. In real life, a child is nothing more than a child, a creature that does not yet have any independence, blindly and carelessly carried away by the flow of life; in the game, the child, already a maturing person, tries his strength and independently manages his own creations.”

Play activity is one of the most amazing and not yet fully understood phenomena in the development of living beings. Play invariably appears at all stages of cultural life among a wide variety of peoples and represents an irreducible and natural feature of human nature.

Play activity is a natural need of a child, which is based on intuitive imitation of adults. Play is necessary to prepare the younger generation for work; it can become one of the active methods of teaching and education.

A game is a special type of human activity. It arises in response to the social need to prepare the younger generation for life.

Each individual type of game has numerous variations. Children are very creative. They complicate and simplify well-known games, come up with new rules and details. They are not passive towards games. For them this is always creative inventive activity.

Moreover, play is not unique to humans - baby animals also play. Consequently, this fact must have some kind of biological meaning: the game is needed for something, has some special biological purpose, otherwise it could not exist and become so widespread. Several theories of the game have been proposed in science.

The most common game theories in the 19th and 20th centuries:

K. Gross believed that play is the unconscious preparation of a young organism for life.

K. Schiller, G. Spencer explained the game as a simple waste of excess energy accumulated by the child. It is not spent on labor and therefore is expressed in play actions.

K. Büller emphasized the usual enthusiasm with which children play and argued that the whole meaning of the game lies in the pleasure that it gives the child.

S. Freud believed that a child is motivated to play by a feeling of his own inferiority.

Although the above explanations of the game seem to be different, all these authors argue that the basis of the game is the instinctive, biological needs of the child: his drives and desires.

Russian and Soviet scientists take a fundamentally different approach to explaining the game:

L.S. Vygotsky believed that play grows out of the contradiction between the social needs and practical capabilities of the child, and saw in it the leading means of developing his consciousness.

A.I. Sikorsky, P.F. Kapterev, P.F. Lesgat, K.D. Ushinsky speak out for the uniqueness of play as a truly human activity.

N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, and then many teachers and psychologists deepened the analysis of the game and strictly scientifically explained this unique children's activity.

A child always plays, he is a playing creature, but his play has great meaning. It exactly matches his age and interests and includes elements that lead to the development of the necessary skills and abilities. The period of games with hiding, running away, etc. is associated with developing the ability to move oneself in the environment and navigate in it. It can be said without exaggeration that almost all of our most basic and fundamental reactions are developed and created in the process of children's play. The element of imitation in children's games has the same significance: the child actively reproduces and assimilates what he has seen in adults, learns the same relationships and develops in himself the initial instincts that he will need in future activities.

Not a single game repeats the other exactly, but each of them instantly presents new and new situations that require new and new solutions each time.

It must be borne in mind that such a game is the greatest school of social experience.

The last feature of the game is that by subordinating all behavior to known conventional rules, it is the first to teach rational and conscious behavior. It is the first school of thought for a child. Any thinking arises as a response to a certain difficulty due to a new or difficult collision of environmental elements.

So, a game is a reasonable and expedient, systematic, socially coordinated system of behavior or expenditure of energy, subject to known rules. It is a natural form of child labor, an inherent form of activity, preparation for the future life. Gaming activity influences the formation of voluntary behavior and all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. Performing a play role, the child subordinates all his momentary impulsive actions to this task. When playing, children concentrate and remember better than when given direct instructions from an adult.

game preschooler psychological

English play) is one of the types of activity of humans and animals. I. is a form of life activity of young animals that arises at a certain stage in the evolution of the animal world (see Play in animals). Children's I. is a historically emerging type of activity that consists in children reproducing the actions of adults and the relationships between them in a special conditional form. I. (as defined by A. N. Leontyev) is the leading activity of a preschool child, i.e., such activity, thanks to which the most important changes occur in the child’s psyche and within which mental processes develop that prepare the child’s transition to a new, higher stage of his development .

I. is studied by various sciences - cultural history, ethnography, pedagogy, psychology, ethology, etc. He was the first to conduct a special study of I. animals and humans. scientist Karl Groos, who noted the exercise function of I. According to his data, I. occurs in those animals in which instinctive forms of behavior are insufficient to adapt to changing conditions of existence. In I. these animals undergo preliminary adaptation (prevention) of instincts to future conditions of the struggle for existence.

A significant addition to this theory was the work of K. Bühler. He believed that the desire for I., repetition of the same actions, is supported by “functional pleasure” received from the activity itself. F. Boytendyk associated the main features of I. with characteristic behavioral features characteristic of a growing organism: 1) non-directional movements; 2) impulsiveness; 3) the presence of affective connections with others; 4) timidity, timidity and shyness. Under certain conditions, these traits of a child’s behavior give rise to I. These theories, despite their differences, identify I. of animals and humans.

I. in animals is a form of manipulative sensory-motor activity in the period immediately preceding puberty, with biologically neutral objects or partners. In animals, sensory-motor components and coordination of basic species-specific acts of behavior are improved. And. in animals, g.o. is common. in higher mammals, especially carnivores and primates. In its highest forms, intelligence is combined with orientation-exploratory behavior.

Much attention is paid to children's I. by supporters of psychoanalysis. In line with this direction, I. is considered as an expression of unconscious tendencies in symbolic form. It is believed that I.’s development in preschool childhood is determined by the change in the main stages of the child’s psychosexual development (oral, anal, phallic). Developmental disorders at each stage necessarily manifest themselves in I. In connection with this, play therapy has been developed and become widespread as a form of correctional work with children (expression of suppressed tendencies and the formation of an adequate system of relationships between the child and adults).

The central question of the theory of children's I. is the question of its historical origin. The need for historical research to build a theory of history was noted by E. A. Arkin. D. B. Elkonin showed that I. and, above all, role I. arises in the course of the historical development of society as a result of a change in the child’s place in the system of social relations. The emergence of education occurs as a result of the emergence of complex forms of division of labor, which made it impossible for children to be included in productive labor. With the emergence of role intelligence, a new, preschool period in the child’s development begins (see Preschool age). In domestic science, the theory of I. in the aspect of elucidating its social nature, internal structure and significance for the development of the child was developed by L. S. Vygotsky, Leontiev, Elkonin, N. Ya. Mikhailenko and others.

I. is the most important source of the development of a child’s consciousness, the arbitrariness of his behavior, a special form of modeling by him of relationships between adults, fixed in the rules of certain roles. Having taken on a particular role, the child is guided by its rules and subordinates his impulsive behavior to the fulfillment of these rules.

I.’s motivation lies in the very process of performing this activity. The basic unit of information is the role. In addition to the role, the structure of play includes play action (action to fulfill a role), playful use of objects (substitution), and relationships between children. In I. the plot and content are also highlighted. The plot is the sphere of activity that the child reproduces in I. The content is the relationship between adults reproduced by the child in I.

I. usually has a group (joint) character. A group of children playing acts in relation to each individual participant as an organizing principle, authorizing and supporting the fulfillment of the role taken by the child. In I., real relationships between children (between participants in I.) and play relationships (relationships in accordance with accepted roles) are distinguished.

I. goes through various stages in its development. According to Elkonin, objective I. first appears when the child reproduces the objective actions of adults. Then plot-role-playing (including role-playing) comes to the fore, aimed at reproducing relationships between adults. At the end of preschool childhood, an I. with rules appears - a transition is made from I. with an open role and a hidden rule to I. with an open rule and a hidden role. Mikhailenko identifies 3 gradually more complex methods of I.: 1) deployment and designation of conditional objective actions in I.; 2) role behavior - designation and implementation of a conditional playing position; 3) plotting - the development of a sequence of integral situations, their designation and planning.

Let us give a more detailed description of the various types of I. in preschool children.

Role-playing I. is the main form of I. of preschool children, arising at the border of early and preschool childhood and reaching its peak in the middle of preschool age. Role-playing is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and, in a play situation, recreate the actions of adults and their relationships. A feature of the gaming situation is the gaming use of objects, in which the meaning of one object is transferred to another object, and it is used in connection with the new meaning given to it. The role of an adult, which a child takes on, contains hidden rules governing the performance of actions with objects and the establishment of relationships with other children in accordance with their roles. Role-playing evokes in a child deep emotional experiences associated with the content of the roles performed, the quality of the role performed by each child, and the real relationships that children enter into in the process of collective role-playing in the implementation of its general plan. In role-playing I. the development of the most important new formations of preschool age occurs: the development of imagination, the formation of elements of voluntary behavior, and the development of symbolic function.

I. with rules is a type of group or pair I. in which the actions of the participants and their relationships are regulated by pre-formulated rules that are mandatory for all participants. The transition to I. with rules is prepared during role-playing I., where they are connected and hidden in the role. The initial forms of I. with rules are of a plot nature, for example, “cat and mouse”. I. with rules occupy a large place among school-age children, developing into all kinds of sports I. - motor and mental (football, hockey, chess, etc.). See also Generalized other.

Director's I. is a type of individual I. when a child acts out a certain plot with the help of toys. In the director's play, the child performs both the function of the director (holding the play's plan) and the function of the actors (performing certain role-playing actions to implement the play plan).

Didactic instruction is a type of instruction organized by adults to solve a learning problem. Didactic I. m. b. both role-playing and I. with rules. Didactic teaching is the main form of teaching preschool children.

From the beginning While studying at school, the role of intelligence in the mental development of the child decreases, but even at this age, a significant place is occupied by various skills with rules - intellectual and active (sports). The role of plot points becomes smaller, but does not disappear completely. (O. M. Dyachenko.)

The concept of “game” and “game activity”. Leading signs of gaming activity.

The game is of great importance in the development of civilization. We can say that civilization “grew” from the game.

The game is a powerful tool in:

1. Socialization of the individual (socialization is the process of a person’s assimilation and entry into society, studying the values ​​of this society).

2. Restoration of vitality (recreation).

3. Training and advanced training (business games) The game is also a means of correcting physical and mental development and a means of adjusting interpersonal relationships. So, the definition of “game” is as follows.

The game is:

1. Performing some conditional tasks in conditional time and space.

2. Acting, performance.

In the usual understanding, a game is a designation of rules, attributes, etc., necessary to perform some actions (this definition is passive). The game requires intellectual and physical effort for its implementation. These efforts to implement play are called play activities.


Gaming activities are efforts aimed at implementing the rules and conditions of the game and game tasks.

There are several main signs of gaming activity:

1. Is voluntary;

2. Unproductive

3. It takes place according to the rules that regulate it;

4. Always associated with tension (intellectual, physical).

The greater the tension, the greater the significance of victory and participation (prizes), the greater the thrill of the game, the stronger the effect of a person’s self-affirmation in the game. The last position is especially relevant. It is self-affirmation that is the main driving incentive in the game (especially in games on television). Speaking about tension, it is important to note that it must be adequate to the audience.

Leading signs of gaming activity.

A game is a collection of concepts, rules and regulations that determine the player’s behavior.

Gaming activity is physical, intellectual and emotional efforts aimed at completing gaming tasks.

This activity has its own characteristics and formal characteristics.

Leading signs of gaming activity

It proceeds according to the rules; in some cases there is a dictatorship of the rules.

Voluntary and free, i.e. a person participates in gaming activities of his own free will. Incentives: desire for self-affirmation, desire for imitation, desire to receive a prize. The game is not productive, it produces nothing. (Or rather, we can say that the product of the game is the enjoyment of its process. The end result is the development of the ability realized in it) Game activity takes place with a certain tension, and this is the basis of pleasure. The higher the tension, the greater the pleasure. Tension tells us about the status of the participant (eg Olympic Games). Winner status. Emotional elation during gaming activity, competitiveness, rivalry, competition.

Game activity takes place in an imaginary situation and is not associated with real actions, but the feelings of the players and participants are real!!! With a methodologically competent approach to organizing the game, gaming activity can have the following impact on the individual: Recreational (removal or reduction of emotional, physical, intellectual stress caused by the load on the nervous system through active mental work, physical labor, strong emotions, etc. Game stimulates the organs previously inactive and thereby restores the balance of his forces.) Physical development of the individual

Mental development (collective emotion, teamwork skills, psychological compatibility, self-control and self-esteem skills, formation of will, determination, a person’s ability to take a punch). Career guidance work. Corrective influence as a means of correcting personality and interpersonal relationships. (The game introduces complex human relationships into the real context. In gaming activities, there are absolutely real social relationships that develop between the players. The game contributes to the development of the team) Game - as a means of socialization of the individual. (The child gets acquainted with the environment, masters the riches of culture, is formed as a person, which allows the child to function as a full member of a child or adult team)

A child plays because he develops and develops because he plays. Play for a child is an active means of education and self-education. During the game, the child explores and becomes aware of the world around him. The game is a wide space for the manifestation of one’s self, personal creativity, self-knowledge and self-expression.

For a child, play is a way of finding oneself in a group of comrades, in society as a whole, in the universe; The game solves problems of interpersonal relationships, compatibility, partnership, friendship, camaraderie. Those. social experience of relationships between people is learned and acquired.

1. Game - like acting (inventing someone or something for the purpose of pleasure)

2. Game - like overcoming obstacles with the goal of winning.

A game is a set of rules, certain relationships between players, their behavior and the use of attributes.

From this position, the concept of “game” is passive (it lies in a box or somewhere else).

Active play - gaming activity is physical, intellectual or emotional data aimed at completing gaming tasks.

Play is different from all other activities.

Types of games and their classification.

According to Shmakov, most games have the following main features:

- free developmental activity, undertaken only at will, for the sake of pleasure from the process of activity itself, and not just from its result (procedural pleasure);

- creative, highly improvisational, very active character this activity (“field of creativity”);

- emotional elation of activity, rivalry, competitiveness, competition (sensual nature of the game, “emotional tension”);

- the presence of direct or indirect rules, reflecting the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

K. Gross subdivides : combat (physical and spiritual), love, imitative, social.

A. Gomm distinguishes between dramatic games and games based on “dexterity and luck”; wedding games, games based on courtship and love; games "fortress"; funeral games; agricultural; trade, religious; taboo; natural; guessing games; witchcraft; sacrifice, imitation of sports; imitation of animals; games with witches and child abductions; fishing; struggle and competition; games with singing and dancing; hiding and searching games; leapfrog; blind man's buff; forfeits; ball games, etc.

Play activity- this is a special sphere of human activity in which a person does not pursue any other goals other than receiving pleasure, pleasure from the manifestation of physical and spiritual powers.

In pedagogy, it is customary to distinguish between subject-based, plot-based, movement and didactic games. In its turn, Story games are divided into role-playing, “directing” and dramatization games: games with fixed, open rules and games with hidden rules. An example of games of the first type is the majority of didactic and outdoor games, as well as educational games: intellectual, musical, fun games, attractions.

The second type includes games role-playing, in which, on the basis of life or artistic impressions, social relations or material objects are freely and independently reproduced. The rules in them exist implicitly. They are in the norms of behavior of reproduced heroes: the doctor does not set his own thermometer, the passenger does not fly in the cockpit.

Let's consider basic components of a role-playing game: theme and content - the area of ​​reality displayed in the game. An imaginary situation is an image of a game, its model, which arises as a result of the transfer of real values ​​and relationships from one object to another located in the field of game action. The plot is a sequence of actions reproduced by children, events that reflect the theme and specify the content of the game. Role-playing games They are divided into role-playing games, dramatization games, and director's games. The plot may include theatrical children's parties, carnivals, construction, design games and games with elements of labor.

Director's games- games in which the child controls the imaginary situation as a whole, acting simultaneously for all participants: for all the animals in the menagerie, for cars, trams, pedestrians on the street, for soldiers, etc. Director's games can also be group games. In such games, the experience of coordinating plans and plot actions is accumulated especially intensively.

Outdoor games- the most important means of physical education of children. They always require active motor actions from the players aimed at achieving a conditional goal. The main features of outdoor games are their competitive, creative, collective nature. They demonstrate the ability to act for the team in constantly changing conditions. Hence the high dynamics of relationships: he constantly strives to create an advantageous position for himself and his teammates in comparison with the “enemy”. They include various team relay races, folk games championships, ball and jump rope championships.

Complex types of competitions have become widespread: “Sportlandia” (the country of the strong, dexterous, resourceful, and skillful) was born in Belarus, “Fun Starts” was born in Volgograd, and “May Relay Race” was born in Arkhangelsk. Competitions held between classes, schools, recreational and summer camps attract many spectators. Game tasks addressed to them make these competitions even more widespread.

Didactic games- a type of games with rules, specially created by pedagogy for the purpose of teaching and raising children.

Based on the nature of the material used, didactic games are divided into three groups:

P rare e - these are mainly educational toys and materials,

- desktop-printed e - games based on the selection of pictures based on the principle of similarity of their addition from parts of the whole (for example, cut pictures). While developing logical thinking, printed board games also carry an important cognitive load: they introduce children to representatives of the animal and plant world, the purpose of household items, technology, seasonal natural phenomena, etc.

- word games include most folk games. This includes many exercise games, imaginary travel games, riddle games, guessing games (in which children operate with ideas, independently draw conclusions and conclusions).

Sometimes didactic play is viewed too narrowly - only as a means of intellectual development of the child. However, the game form of education is actively used to implement the tasks of labor, aesthetic, and emotional-moral education.

Games can be divided into independent typical groups:

1. About the form:

Actually games of all kinds; games-festivities, game holidays; gaming folklore; theatrical play performances; game trainings and exercises; game questionnaires, questionnaires, tests; variety game improvisations;

Competitions, competitions, confrontations, rivalries, contests, relay races, starts;

Wedding rituals, gaming customs;

Hoaxes, practical jokes, surprises; carnivals, masquerades; game auctions, etc.

In the leisure practice of children and adults, the most structurally designed play models have developed and become established, such as; like KVN, “Field of Miracles”, “What? Where? When?”, having a plot space and a clearly defined form.

2. According to the time of the event.

Such games are called seasonal or natural (winter, spring, summer, autumn), they are distinguished by the amount of time (long-term, temporary, short-term, minute games).

Winter games: on a snow playground, skiing, sledding, on ice.

Competitions are held for accuracy, speed, and relay races, for example: “Taking the winter town”

Summer games: on the playground, on the asphalt, on the beach, on the water, in the clearing, in the yard, for example, “Stilts”, “Hopscotch”.

3. By venue. These are tabletop (table), indoor, street, and yard games. Games in the air, games in the area (in the forest, in the field, on the water), games at the festival, games on the stage.

4. According to the content (plot, theme, intrigue, task of the game), games with ready-made rules are distinguished as follows: sports, active, intellectual, construction and technical, musical (rhythmic, round dance, dance), therapeutic, correctional (psychological games-exercises) , comic (fun, entertainment), ritual and ceremonial, etc. In terms of content, they are “free” (free), which reflect: military, wedding, theatrical, artistic; everyday games of profession; ethnographic games. There are positive social and ethical games and asocial ones (games for money and things, selfish, criminal games, life-threatening games, gambling).

Catch-up (catch) games, simple and complicated;

Games with searching for players or objects;

Games with quickly finding your place;

Round dance games;

Games with resistance and struggle;

Games with throwing a ball with a rounder;

Games with rolling and throwing objects (stones, sticks, bones, chocks, towns);

Games - relay races;

Amusement games;

Prank games, etc.

5. By composition and number of participants :

By age, gender, composition, number of participants.

In this regard, games of younger children (infants, preschoolers), games of primary, middle and high school age, as well as games of adults are practiced. Objectively, there are games for boys (teenagers, young men, men) and games for girls, girls, and women. These games have special traditions and special rules. Depending on the number of participants, there are different types of games: single, individual, doubles, group, team, and mass.

6. According to the degree of regulation, management:

Games organized by an adult or an entertainer,

Spontaneous, improvised, impromptu, arising spontaneously at the whim of children (free, free, natural, amateur, independent).

7. P about the presence or absence of accessories necessary for the game(inventory, objects, toys, costumes). There are games without objects and with objects (with a ball, rope, rope, hoop, etc.); computer games; games - slot machines; games - attractions, etc.

When writing and constructing a game program, the theme, purpose and objectives are always taken into account; technology of game programs, the specifics of age characteristics are also taken into account, for example, preschoolers, primary schoolchildren, teenagers, etc. In order for the game to be more interesting and exciting, every screenwriter, teacher or organizer should know and take this into account.



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