The drug methyluracil and its use. Analogs and reviews

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Methyluracil is an intense stimulator of growth and recovery normal structure body tissues. That is why it is used very widely - in any industry where it is necessary to accelerate tissue repair or enhance cell growth - from the healing of postoperative sutures to recruitment muscle mass. For ease of use, Methyluracil is available in several forms that act systemically, locally and externally.

Release forms and composition

Today, the drug Methyluracil is available in three main forms:
1. Candles (suppositories) – 500 mg.
2. Tablets – 500 mg.
3. Ointment – ​​10%.

In addition to the above three forms, Methyluracil ointment with Miramistin is produced in Ukraine, which contains an antiseptic, so the drug is similar in action to Levomekol.

Methyluracil ointment is available in 25 g aluminum tubes. The tablets are packaged in convolutes and sold in 50 or 100 pieces. Methyluracil suppositories are available in packs of 10 pieces. And the Ukrainian ointment Methyluracil with miramistin is sold in aluminum tubes of 15 and 30 grams.

Ointment, tablets and suppositories contain as active component substance methyluracil, which gave commercial name drug. The ointment contains methyluracil in an amount of 100 mg per 1 g (10%), one tablet and a suppository - 500 mg of active ingredient each. Ukrainian Methyluracil with Miramistin contains methyluracil 500 mg per 1 g, and the antiseptic Miramistin - 50 mg per 1 g of ointment. As auxiliary components, ointments and suppositories contain alcohols, paraffins and macrogol, and tablets - potato starch. These components need to be known so that people suffering from allergies can adequately assess whether they can take the drug without concern.

Therapeutic action and effects

Methyluracil has a stimulating effect on cellular and tissue immunity, triggers the work of many various structures, producing active components. These active components stimulate the process of wound healing and restoration of normal tissue structure. Methyluracil stimulates the activity of restoration processes in all organs and tissues, including the bone marrow. That is why it improves the process of maturation of erythrocytes and leukocytes, as well as the release of the latter into the bloodstream. Due to this specificity, methyluracil is simultaneously classified as a group of immunomodulators and leukopoiesis stimulators.

Stimulation with intense methyluracil recovery process at the cellular level leads to the production large quantity protein in the body, which athletes use to gain muscle mass. In sports circles, methyluracil is considered an anabolic substance that accelerates muscle growth and weight gain.

In addition, methyluracil has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and has a photoprotective effect when applied to the skin.

Indications for use

Methyluracil tablets act systemically, therefore they are used for serious illnesses when it is necessary to enhance the processes of restoration of cellular and tissue structures various organs. The ointment is also used externally to accelerate the healing of various injuries and defects localized on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. Suppositories (candles) are used for local treatment and stimulation of tissue regeneration of the rectum, vagina and pelvic organs in men and women. Conditions for which the use of dosage forms of Methyluracil is indicated are shown in the table:
Indications for use of tablets Indications for use of ointment Indications for the use of candles (suppositories)
Reduced number of leukocytes in the blood (for example, after chemotherapy for tumors, etc.)Poor and long-healing woundsProctitis
Agranulocytic tonsillitis (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils are not found in the blood)BurnsSigmoiditis
Alimentary-toxic aleukiaFracturesUlcerative colitis
Reduced number of platelets in the bloodTrophic ulcersCervical erosion
Benzene poisoningBedsoresColpitis
Radiation sicknessDeep cuts and woundsVulvitis
The rehabilitation period after infectious diseasesSutures after surgeryFor rehabilitation after diathermocoagulation (cauterization) of cervical erosion
Gastric ulcer and duodenum After surgery to remove the uterus
Poorly healing wounds After minor operations in gynecology (removal of polyps, abortion, etc.)
Fractures Treatment of sutures on the perineum after childbirth
Hepatitis Microtears of the vaginal mucosa after childbirth

Methyluracil - instructions for use

Each dosage form of the drug is used in compliance with dosages, duration of treatment, etc. Let's consider the rules for using Methyluracil tablets, ointments and suppositories.

Methyluracil tablets

The tablets are taken after or during meals. Dosage depends on age:
  • Adults and adolescents from the age of 14 take Methyluracil 1 tablet (500 mg), 4 to 6 times a day.
  • Children from 3 to 8 years old take half a tablet (250 mg), 3 times a day.
  • Children from 8 to 14 years old take half or half whole tablet(250 mg or 500 mg), 3 times a day.
In this case, adults can take a maximum of 3 g per day (6 pieces) of Methyluracil tablets, children 3 - 8 years old - 750 mg (1.5 pieces), and children 8 - 14 years old - 1.5 g (3 pieces).

Duration of therapy for organ damage digestive system(peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hepatitis, pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis, enteritis, etc.) is 30 – 40 days. Disease therapy gastrointestinal tract is the longest. Therefore, in the treatment of other pathologies, Methyluracil tablets are used in shorter courses, the duration of which is determined by the speed of recovery and normalization of a person’s well-being.

Methyluracil ointment

The ointment is used to accelerate the healing of wounds and violations of the integrity of the skin. of various origins(injuries, burns, stitches, etc.). The daily dosage of Methyluracil ointment is 5–10 grams, depending on the area of ​​treatment and the frequency of changing dressings.

Methyluracil can be applied to any wound surface to accelerate the restoration of normal tissue structures. To do this, first the suture, wound or burn is treated antiseptic solutions– washed with 3% hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin, potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine, 70% alcohol, etc. During treatment, all purulent and necrotic masses are thoroughly washed out of the wound. Intact skin around the wound or suture is also treated. After this, ointment is applied directly to the wound surface, to the seam, to the cut, to the burn, which is covered with sterile gauze on top. If the wound is actively cleaned and a lot of pus, exudate or necrotic tissue collects in it, then such treatment with the application of a new dressing is carried out every 4 hours. If the wound is clean, then it is optimal to treat and apply a new bandage twice a day - morning and evening. The duration of use of the ointment depends on the speed of restoration of normal tissue structure. Usually postoperative suture under the influence of Methyluracil, it heals within 4–5 days.

Women use Methyluracil to accelerate the healing of the vaginal mucosa and sutures in the perineum after childbirth. Seams must be processed correctly, following the following sequence of actions:
1. Wash with soap.
2. Wash the seams with an antiseptic solution (potassium permanganate, furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide, etc.).
3. Gently dry the skin with a soft, clean cloth.
4. Lie on the bed without wearing underwear and dry the skin of the perineum in the air for 15 minutes.
5. Squeeze Methyluracil ointment onto sterile gauze and apply it to the sutures.
6. Wear pure natural underwear with gasket.
7. Depending on the number of lochia, change the gauze and ointment after 2 to 6 hours.

Methyluracil ointment is also used to heal microcracks and tears in the vaginal mucosa after childbirth. Women insert ointment into the vagina in two main ways. Before administering the medication vaginally, you should wash yourself and douche. weak solution potassium permanganate. After this, dry the perineum with a soft and clean cloth. Then insert the ointment into the vagina using a finger or tampon. If a woman can squeeze a little ointment onto her finger, insert it into the vagina and lubricate the mucous membrane with circular movements, then this option can be used. Otherwise, apply about 5 cm of ointment to a cotton swab and insert it into the vagina. It is necessary to use Methyluracil in this way 2 - 3 times a day, until the mucous membrane heals and the woman’s well-being normalizes (usually this period is 4 - 7 days).

Many women cannot insert a tampon with ointment into the vagina - it becomes smeared, runs off, etc. To facilitate insertion, you need to lie on your back, spread your legs, bend your knees, and raise your pelvis, remaining in this position for 2 to 3 minutes. After some time the muscles pelvic floor will relax, and the tampon can be easily inserted, remaining in the described position.

Methyluracil suppositories

Candles (suppositories), according to the instructions, are intended for insertion into the rectum. However, doctors often prescribe Methyluracil in the form of suppositories in the vagina. But the manufacturers' instructions contain official information, taking into account the fact that the suppositories were not developed for use in gynecology. Do not be alarmed, since Methyluracil in the form of suppositories inserted into the vagina does not cause any harm. Let's consider correct technique insertion of suppositories into the vagina and rectum.

Methyluracil rectally used in dosage:

  • 500 – 1000 mg (1 – 2 suppositories), 3 – 4 times a day for adults;
  • 250 mg (half a candle) per day for children from 3 to 8 years;
  • 500 mg (1 suppository) per day for children from 8 to 14 years old.
The duration of use of suppositories depends on the speed of recovery, and ranges from 1 week to 4 months.

Before inserting the suppository into the rectum, a bowel movement should be performed. To reduce possible painful sensations during defecation, it is recommended to induce it using an oil enema. For this purpose 15 – 20 ml vegetable oil(sunflower, olive, etc.) are collected in a small rubber bulb. The tip of the pear is also lubricated with oil and inserted into the anus. By pressing the main part of the pear, the oil is injected into the rectum. After some time, the urge to defecate will appear, which cannot be ignored. The process of defecation during an oil enema will be relatively easy, since feces lubricated with oil will quickly slip through the rectal sphincter, causing virtually no pain.

After this, the anus should be washed with water and dried with a soft, clean cloth. Take a comfortable position, wet the finger with which you are going to insert the candle into the anus. Take one suppository and insert it deep into the rectum with a finger moistened with water. After the procedure, wash your hands. Then you need to put on clean underwear, which you don’t mind getting dirty, since a small amount of the suppository composition, having melted inside the rectum, can leak out. After inserting the suppository, you need to lie quietly for half an hour.

Methyluracil vaginally. Gynecologists have long used Methyluracil suppositories to accelerate the repair processes of the vagina and cervix in women. To heal cervical erosion, Methyluracil suppositories are administered vaginally twice a day (morning and evening), for 10 to 14 days. For the purpose of treating colpitis or vulvitis, suppositories, depending on the severity of the condition, are administered 1–2 times a day for 10 days. Well vaginal use Methyluracil suppositories can last from 8 to 30 days, depending on initial state and speed of recovery.

Before inserting a suppository into the vagina, it is necessary to douche with solutions baking soda, chlorhexidine, nitrofural, or infusions of string and chamomile. After douching, insert the suppository deep into the vagina and put on clean underwear that you don’t mind getting dirty. This is due to the fact that the suppository in the vagina melts and flows out a little. After inserting the suppository into the vagina, you need to lie in bed for about half an hour.

Methyluracil with miramistin - instructions for use

Methyluracil ointment with miramistin contains an antiseptic, so it can be considered an analogue of Levomekol, which is widely used in the treatment of wounds, sutures and other damage to the skin. Before applying the ointment, it is necessary to treat the wound surface with antiseptics. The ointment is applied to sterile gauze, which is applied to the wound and secured with a bandage. If the wound big size with purulent discharge, then cotton swabs are soaked in Methyluracil ointment with Miramistin, and the entire cavity is filled with them. If there are fistulas, turundas made of gauze are soaked in ointment and carefully inserted into the fistula tract.

Treatment with ointment is carried out once a day. As the wound heals, the number of treatments is reduced to 1 time every 2 days. The duration of use is determined by the dynamics of recovery and the extent of the lesion. The use of Methyluracil ointment with Miramistin is stopped when the wound is cleaned and the first signs of healing appear.

Use during pregnancy

Pregnant women can use Methyluracil as usual, since the drug does not harm the baby. The tablets should not be taken independently - it is better to do this under the supervision of a doctor. But Methyluracil ointment and suppositories can be used calmly. For example, pregnant women often experience vaginal dysbiosis, colpitis and vulvitis, which respond well to treatment with Methyluracil.

If there is cervical erosion, you can reduce its area using Methyluracil suppositories, regularly undergoing a course of therapy during pregnancy. This approach is practiced in many European countries so that the cervix is ​​as close to normal as possible before childbirth.

Pregnant women can also apply ointment to any wounds on the surface of the skin so that they heal faster, without leaving marks and without running the risk of infection.

Treatment with Methyluracil

Today, the scope of application of Methyluracil has become much wider than that expected during its development. this drug. This is due to the fact that the medicine has high efficiency, which was used for practical application. Consider the use of Methyluracil for hemorrhoids and various diseases female genital area.


Methyluracil has a beneficial effect on hemorrhoids positive action, quickly reducing knots and reducing pain. Suppositories can be used as a means of maximizing tissue healing after operations to remove hemorrhoids. Methyluracil can also be used for the non-surgical treatment of small nodes that often appear in women after childbirth.

For hemorrhoids, Methyluracil can be used in the form of ointment or suppositories. Suppositories are inserted deep into the rectum, and the ointment is applied to the finger, which is used to lubricate the mucous membrane and hemorrhoids. Suppositories are convenient to use when hemorrhoids are localized in the rectum. And ointment is preferable for hemorrhoids that protrude outward. Methyluracil is used for the treatment of hemorrhoids for an average of 7–14 days, depending on the severity of the disease and the speed of recovery.

Before introducing suppositories or applying ointment, it is necessary to empty the intestines. After defecation, wash the perineum and area anus water and dry with a soft, clean cloth. Insert the suppository deep into the rectum, then lie quietly in bed for 30 minutes. The suppository will melt in the rectum, so a small amount of the contents may leak out. When using the ointment, you need to squeeze a small amount of the composition from the tube onto your finger and lubricate the hemorrhoids from the outside. Then squeeze out a little more ointment and shallowly insert your finger into the anus, lubricating the intestinal walls in a circular motion.

Gynecological diseases

Methyluracil is used quite widely in gynecology. Gynecologists generally believe that Methyluracil is indicated for use for:
1. Treatments mechanical damage vagina and cervix (lacerations, sutures, etc.).
2. Rehabilitation and acceleration of restoration of normal tissue structure after gynecological operations(on the uterus, ovaries, tubes, etc.).
3. In the complex therapy of cervical erosion.

Although Methyluracil suppositories are rectal, they can be safely inserted into the vagina. In practice, doctors have long and successfully used Methyluracil much more widely than stated in the manufacturer’s instructions. This is due to the fact that suppositories were developed for the treatment of certain pathologies (sigmoiditis, proctitis, etc.). However therapeutic properties The drug turned out to be effective not only for the treatment of diseases of the rectum, which determined its use in gynecology. But the instructions issued are old, they do not make changes to it, which have undergone over time the scope of use of Methyluracil.

During treatment gynecological diseases Methyluracil suppositories require sexual rest. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina twice a day (morning and evening) to treat cervical erosion, or after cauterization, to speed up the restoration of normal tissue structure. The duration of use is on average 10 – 14 days. For colpitis, vulvitis, as well as after removal of the uterus or surgery on the female genital organs, suppositories are administered 1-2 times a day. In this case, the treatment of colpitis and vulvitis is limited to the use of the drug for 10 days. And to speed up tissue recovery after surgery, Methyluracil suppositories are used for a longer period of time - from 14 to 30 days, depending on the volume of intervention.

Before inserting suppositories into the vagina, it is necessary to remove mucus by douching, which is carried out with solutions of baking soda, chlorhexidine, nitrofural, or decoctions of chamomile and string.

After operations, women can apply Methyluracil ointment to the stitches to speed up their healing and reduce scarring. Thus, the use of ointment for a suture after a cesarean section leads to a significant reduction in its thickness and severity. Women successfully use the ointment to speed up the healing of sutures in the perineum after childbirth or gynecological operations. Methyluracil also perfectly restores the structure of the vaginal mucosa after radiation therapy.

The method of using Methyluracil to prevent ruptures of the vaginal mucosa and perineal skin during childbirth deserves attention. To do this, the ointment is applied to the skin of the perineum and vaginal mucosa (on a tampon) twice a day for 10 days before the expected date of birth - morning and evening. Such preventive preparation reduces the risk of ruptures during childbirth by 50–70%. This technique has been adopted in many maternity institutions in Eastern Europe.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects that occur when using Methyluracil in tablets, ointments or suppositories, as well as contraindications for use are reflected in the table:
Dosage form
Side effects Contraindications
Ointment 10%Allergic reactions
  • Allergy or hypersensitivity to Methyluracil
    • Actinolysate solution, administered intramuscularly;
    • Anaferon tablets;
    • Arpetolide tablets;
    • Vitanam tablets;
    • Wobenzym tablets;
    • Wobe-mugos tablets;
    • Herbion Echinacea tablets;
    • Immunorm tablets;
    • Imudon tablets;
    • Neuroferon tablets;
    • Phloganzyme tablets;
    • Estifan tablets;
    • Engystol tablets;
    • Florexil drops;
    • Bioaron syrup;
    • Immunex syrup;
    • Isofon capsules;
    • Turbosan capsule;
    • Uro-Vaxom capsule;
    • Tablets, suppositories and powder Galavit;
    • Glutoxim solution, administered by injection;
    • Deoxynate solution, administered by injection;
    • Molixan solution, administered intravenously and intramuscularly;
    • Erbisol solution;
    • Gepon solution and lyophilisate;
    • Zadaxin lyophilisate, administered subcutaneously;
    • Elixir Echinokor;
    • Solution, liniment, tablets, lyophilisate
A drug that activates tissue metabolism and improves trophism


Active substance: dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine
ATX code: L03AX
KFG: A drug that activates tissue metabolism, improves trophism and stimulates the regeneration process
ICD-10 codes (indications): D70, I83.2, K25, K26, K51, K62.8, K73, K85, K86.1, L56.2, L89, T14.0, T14.1, T30, T79.3, Z54
Reg. number: LS-002574
Registration date: 02.25.11
Owner reg. cred.: UPDATE (Russia)


Pills white, round, flat-cylindrical in shape, with a chamfer and a notch.

Excipients: potato starch 130 mg, calcium stearate 7 mg, povidone K30 49 mg, talc 14 mg.

10 pieces. - contour cell packaging (5) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cell packaging (10) - cardboard packs.

The description of the drug was approved by the manufacturer in 2011.


Possesses anabolic activity. It has hematopoietic, leukopoietic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effects. By normalizing nucleic acid metabolism, it accelerates regeneration processes in wounds, accelerating the growth and granulation maturation of tissue and epithelization (including in rapidly proliferating cells of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract), stimulates erythro- and leukopoiesis, cellular and humoral factors immunity.


Leukopenia (mild forms, including those resulting from chemotherapy of malignant neoplasms, with X-ray and radiation therapy), agranulocytic tonsillitis, alimentary-toxic aleukia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, benzene intoxication, radiation sickness, convalescence (after severe infections), peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (as part of combination therapy), slow-healing wounds, burns, bone fractures, hepatitis, pancreatitis.


Inside, during or after meals.

For adults- 500 mg 4 times a day. (if necessary - up to 6 times a day, maximum daily dose- 3 g);

Children from 3 to 8 years old- 250 mg 3 times a day. (maximum daily dose - 750 mg);

Children from 8 to 14 years old- 250-500 mg 3 times a day. (maximum daily dose – 1.5 g).

The course for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is 30-40 days; in other cases it may be shorter.


Allergic reactions, headache, dizziness, heartburn.


Hypersensitivity, leukemia (leukemic forms, especially myeloid), lymphogranulomatosis, hemoblastosis, malignant neoplasms bone marrow, childhood- up to 3 years.


During pregnancy and lactation, the expected benefit for the mother should be weighed against the potential risk for the fetus and child.


At clinical application no cases of overdose have been recorded so far.


Strengthens the anti-radiation effect of cystamine.


The drug is available with a prescription.


Store the drug in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life - 5 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Various types of injuries to soft tissues and mucous membranes must be treated and restored.

For accelerated process Methyluracil is used for tissue regeneration. This drug promotes the formation of leukocytes, tissue and epithelial growth, and stimulates cellular and humoral restoration.

Methyluracil has an anti-inflammatory and photoprojector effect on the affected areas. Used for diseases internal organs, helping to stimulate nucleic acid metabolism in soft mucous membranes.

Methyluracil is capable of synthesizing new muscle and tissue cells that are formed under the influence of hormones. Since the drug is available in different forms, this conditions it wide range applications.

Instructions for use

Indications for use

The medicine in tablet form is used in the following cases:

  • mild stage of leukopenia;
  • nutritional-toxic aleukia;
  • low platelet count;
  • the presence of agranulocytic tonsillitis;
  • anemia;
  • benzene poisoning;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • radiation sickness;
  • bone fractures;
  • the presence of difficult-to-heal wounds;
  • presence of burns;
  • chemotherapy;
  • pneumonia.

In the form of an ointment, Methyluracil is used against:

  • burns;
  • diaper rash;
  • dermatitis;
  • photodermatoses;
  • overgrowth of boils;
  • skin erosions, ulcers;
  • microcracks of the mammary glands.

Suppositories are used in the presence of diseases:

  • erosive and ulcerative colitis;
  • colon fissures;
  • proctosigmoiditis;
  • colpitis.

Methyluracil is often taken by bodybuilders to increase muscle volume. It is believed that the process of muscle development and growth is significantly accelerated. This fact has not been proven by research, so it is not affirmative.

Mode of application


The drug Methyluracil should be taken 4 to 6 times a day in a 500 mg dose. Daily norm should not be more than 3 mg.

Children aged 3 to 8 years should take the drug three times a day at a dose of 250 mg, those over 8 years old - three times a day at a dose of 250-500 mg.


The ointment must be applied to previously treated areas antiseptics: furatsilin, potassium permanganate solution, chlorhexidine. Methyluracil ointment is applied to the damaged part of the skin (5-10 g daily), and then covered with a gauze bandage.

Every 4 hours the bandage must be checked and, if necessary, changed, as pus accumulates in it. As healing progresses, the bandage is changed twice a day.

Depending on the lesion, the course of treatment can reach up to 30 days. Use a breathable tampon lubricated with ointment to treat the vagina in case of radiation damage or postpartum trauma.


Before using Methyluracil suppositories, it is necessary to cleanse the colon by enema or in a natural way. The suppositories are removed from the packaging and inserted into the anus.

The norm for an adult is up to four candles per day. Sometimes it is necessary to use two candles at the same time. Children under eight years of age are usually not prescribed suppositories. From 8 to 15 years it is recommended to use one candle per day. The full course of treatment with suppositories is ambiguous: in each case it depends on the degree of damage and the type of disease. Treatment can last up to 4 months.

The drug in the form of suppositories is used in gynecology. For cervical erosion, postpartum fissures, and after operations, suppositories are actively used. They should be used twice a day for the period (10 to 30 days) necessary for tissue regeneration. At the same time, refrain from sexual activity.

Composition and release form

The drug Methyluracil is available in the form of tablets, ointments, and suppositories. Methylurayl contains The active substance is dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine.

Pills. Convex white round tablets. One tablet contains 0.5 g of methyluracil, additional components: potato starch (130 mg), potassium stearate (7 mg), povidone K30 (49 mg), talc (14 mg). Packed in a cell plate of 10 pcs. There are 50 pcs in a cardboard box. (5 plates).

Ointment. The ointment contains 10 g of methyluracil per 100 g, additional substances: aqueous lanolin, petroleum jelly. Bottled in tubes (25 - 30g each). There is one tube in a cardboard box.

Suppositories. The suppository (weighing 2.19 g - 2.41) contains 0.5 g of methyluracil, additional substances: suppository base. Packed in a cell plate of 5 pcs. There are 10 pcs in a cardboard box. (2 plates).

Video: "Overview of the substance methyluracil"

Interaction with other drugs

  • When used with Lanatoside C, the inotropic effect is enhanced.
  • When used with cystamine, its radiation effect is enhanced.
  • The ointment can be used in parallel with antiseptics and antibiotics, with applications of sulfonamides (for external use).

Side effects

Side effects occur when there is intolerance to any of the components of the drug or an overdose.

The most obvious of them:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • bloating;
  • skin redness, itching;
  • heartburn.

Ointment and suppositories may cause a slight burning sensation.

If the drug provokes any of the above symptoms, it is better to abandon it and consult a doctor.


Methyluracil is contraindicated in patients with the following: indications:

  • bone marrow cancer;
  • leukemia;
  • hemoblastosis;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • cancer of the digestive system;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • age of children under 3 years;
  • high degree of tissue granulation.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the drug in tablet form should be used in exceptional cases: when the risk to the fetus is much lower than the benefit to the mother.

Ointment and suppositories have no contraindications for use during pregnancy. During the feeding period, it is better if it is impossible to eliminate the tablets, it is better to replace them breast milk mixtures.

Storage conditions and periods

Miteluracil ointment should be stored at a temperature of no more than +15°C in a dry place, out of reach of children. The shelf life of the ointment is 3.5 years.

Store Miteluracil suppositories at a temperature of no more than +20°C in a dry place, out of reach of children. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years.

Important! Any medications should not be used if they were stored under conditions that do not meet the recommended requirements in the instructions and if the shelf life has expired.


Release form Amount of drug Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
pills 50 pcs. from 182 rubles to 250 rubles from 14 hryvnia to 25 hryvnia
ointment 25 g from 31 rubles to 67 rubles from 12 hryvnia to 24 hryvnia
suppositories 10 pieces. from 46 rubles to 70 rubles from 12 hryvnia to 24 hryvnia

The price of a medicine depends on which manufacturer represents the drug, what expiration date the medicine has, and where the medicine is sold. The indicated average price range by country.


Methyluracil drug analogues contain other components, but may well replace Methyluracil:

Galavit (candles). The active ingredient is sodium aminodihydrophthalazindione, the excipient is solid fat. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Phlogenzyme (tablets). Active ingredients: bromelain, rutin, trypsin, Excipients– magnesium stearate, lactose hydrate. Has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effect.

Molixan (solution). Active ingredient - inosine glycyl-cysteinyl-glutamate disodium, excipients - acetic acid, sodium acetate trihydrate. It has antiviral, hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory effects.

"Methyluracil" is a drug belonging to the group of regeneration stimulants, used to reduce the time of rehabilitation after illnesses, and also in the composition combination treatment other diseases.

What is the composition and release form of the drug Methyluracil?

The active substance of the drug Methyluracil is represented by the so-called dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, the content of which depends on the dosage form and is 500 milligrams in tablets and suppositories, as well as 10 percent per unit volume of ointment.

Excipients of the tablets: povidone K, potato starch, added calcium stearate, talc. In addition to the active component, candles contain the following: chemical compounds: alcohol, paraffin and macrogol, and in the ointment - petroleum jelly, lanolin, purified water.

The drug Methyluracil is produced in tablets flat shape and white, supplied in packs of 10 pieces. Candles are sold in packs of 5 pieces. Ointment - in tubes of 25 grams. The medicine is available by prescription.

What is the effect of Methyluracil tablets/suppositories/ointment?

The drug has anabolic activity. In addition, it should be noted the presence of anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and hematopoietic (hematopoietic stimulator) effects.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the normalization of many metabolic processes, in particular stimulation of protein biosynthesis, activation of the formation of nucleic acids, as well as regulation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Stimulation of nucleic acid metabolism leads to the launch of tissue regenerative processes, which promotes rapid healing of wound surfaces and rapid epithelization of damaged skin.

The drug is capable of increasing protective properties immune system, activating both cellular and humoral immunity, which prevents the occurrence of infectious and other pathologies.

The drug Methyluracil, as mentioned earlier, is capable of stimulating hematopoietic reactions, while eliminating anemic conditions and promoting better oxygen saturation of the blood.

What are the indications for use of the drug Methyluracil?

The instructions for use permit the use of the drug Methyluracil (tablets, suppositories, ointments) in the following cases:

The recovery period after injuries or serious illnesses;

Gastric ulcer;

Duodenal ulcer;

Leukopenia as a result of chemotherapy;

Burn lesions;

Pancreatitis or hepatitis;

Slow healing wounds;

Agranulocytic tonsillitis;

Anemic conditions;

Intoxication of various etiologies;

Trophic ulcers and bedsores (ointment);

Ulcerative colitis (suppositories).

Before use, you should visit a specialist and make sure there are no contraindications. In addition, you need to choose the right effective dosage so that the treatment is safe.

What are the contraindications for use of Methyluracil?

The instructions for use do not permit the use of any dosage forms of the drug Methyluracil in the following cases:


Malignant pathology of the hematopoietic organs;

Oncological diseases of the nervous system;

Age less than 3 years (tablets);

Excessive granulation wound surface(ointment);

Individual intolerance.

During lactation or pregnancy, the use of the drug is possible, but only after prior consultation with a specialist.

What are the uses and dosage of the drug Methyluracil?

The dosage of the drug Methyluracil depends on the dosage form and diagnosis. Tablet forms should be taken regardless of food, in amounts of up to half a gram, 4 to 6 times a day. Duration therapeutic activities depends on the dynamics of the patient’s health condition and can vary from 30 to 40 days.

The use of ointment involves applying it to the affected areas of the skin. The amount of the drug used in this case should be minimal, but sufficient for 100% coverage of the pathological focus. The duration of treatment must be agreed with a specialist.

Suppositories should be used rectally, 1 piece up to 4 times a day. Treatment can wear long-term character and sometimes reaches 3 or more months.

Overdose from Methyluracil

There is no data on drug overdose. However, it should be borne in mind that increasing the amount of medication used does not lead to an increase in the effectiveness of the drug, but may be a factor stimulating the appearance of side effects.

What are the side effects of Methyluracil?

The drug Methyluracil, which we continue to talk about on this page, in the vast majority of cases, is very well tolerated by patients of all age groups. Negative manifestations in most cases, directly related to increased dosage.

Taking tablet forms of the drug may cause the following: negative consequences: heartburn, vomiting, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, dizziness, allergic skin reactions.

The use of ointment may cause the appearance skin itching, peeling, swelling, redness, rashes and so on.

How to replace Methyluracil, what analogues should I use?

Meturacol, Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, as well as Kolartek, Stizamet, Methyluracil-AKOS.


Effective stimulation of recovery processes cannot be imagined without a comprehensive approach consisting of the following measures: the use of medicines, complete and balanced diet, therapeutic and protective regimen, vitamin therapy, periodic monitoring by an appropriate specialist.

Modern medications allow you to quickly achieve noticeable improvement and eliminate the main symptoms of many diseases. And among the means whose action is aimed at activating metabolism and improving general condition a patient with such lesions of the body as leukopenia, ulcerative lesion stomach, long-term non-healing ulcers and skin wounds, the drug Methyluracil should be selected, which allows for rapid healing and restoration of tissue integrity.

This article will address such issues as instructions for use of Methyluracil tablets and ointment, price, analogues and reviews of the drug.

Features of the drug

Methyluracil, being a drug with a wide spectrum of effects, makes it possible to use it when prescribed by a doctor for various diseases. It actively affects the immune system, stimulating the metabolic process, the drug also has a regenerative effect on damage to the skin and mucous membranes, and several of its dosage forms allow it to be used in the way that is most convenient for the patient.

Ease of administration combined with balanced medicinal formula provides good result already after 1-2 first uses, the guaranteed quality of the drug by the manufacturer gives confidence in the high quality of all components used.

The drug Methyluracil should be classified as a new generation of drugs that exhibit their effect already within the first few applications with minimum quantity side effects. Even with hypersensitivity the patient's body to many medicinal substances, the drug Methyluracil is well used and gives good results in treatment. And when integrated approach to ongoing drug treatment using this tool and other medications with similar action, effectiveness increases due to the total effectiveness of each individual drug.

A special feature of the drug Methyluracil is a significant increase in the functioning of all systems and organs while improving metabolism, which is especially important for diseases in older people with reduced immunity and in children.

Composition of Methyluracil

Since the composition of the drug is as balanced as possible, its degree of effectiveness is considered to be maximum. Metabolism stimulation, fast healing tissue damage, elimination of such manifestations as lack of appetite - all this allows us to recognize the drug Methyluracil as one of the most effective for many symptoms of various pathological conditions.

The active substance in Methyluracil is methyluracil; the combination of auxiliary components may vary depending on the type of dosage form of the drug:

  1. Methyluracil in tablet form has the following composition - active substance methyluracil, auxiliary components: talc, povidone, magnesium stearate, corn starch. The tablets have White color, round shape with a biconvex surface.
  2. Methyluracil in ointment form, used externally for local use, also has methyluracil as an active substance, and auxiliary components include aqueous lanolin and medical petroleum jelly, which are an ointment base.
  3. Methyluracil as rectal suppositories have the following composition: active substance methyluracil, auxiliary components - base for suppositories (medicinal petroleum jelly, purified white wax, aqueous lanolin).

Listed dosage forms preparations provide maximum convenience when using them, and when used in combination, they provide increased degree efficiency.

Dosage forms

The drug is commercially available in the form of tablets, ointments for external use and rectal suppositories.

  • The tablets are presented in the form of blister packs of 10 pieces each; the cardboard packaging contains 5 blister packs.
  • The ointment is sold in aluminum tubes of various sizes: 10, 15 and 25 g. The taboo is located in a cardboard package with instructions for use.
  • Suppositories are also presented in contour cellular blisters of 5 pieces; in a cardboard box there can be 1-2 blisters.

The cost depends on the form of the drug, as well as the seller’s markup. Tablets are sold at a price of 50 to 65 rubles per package, ointment - 45-85 rubles per tube, and rectal suppositories at a price of 65-89 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

The drug Methyluracil differs from analogues presented by third-party manufacturers in its guaranteed high degree of effectiveness. As noted by reviews from customers and doctors, when using any form of the drug, the result becomes noticeable after just 1-2 first uses.

At the same time, applying the ointment for external use to the surface of the skin does not require rubbing it in, since the ointment is quickly absorbed without leaving greasy marks on the skin and clothes. The tablets also provide a pronounced result 2-3 days after starting to take them.


When using Methyluracil ointment to treat skin with various types of damage to the skin and mucous membrane, the active substance is rapidly absorbed top layer epidermis, which explains the achievement of a pronounced result in short time. At the same time, skin that is not affected by damage does not feel any negative effects when this ointment comes into contact with it.

In case of significant skin lesions, you should alternate the form of taking the drug to reduce the amount of active substance absorbed by the body through the skin. The drug has proven itself especially well when used in sunny and thermal burns, eliminating severe soreness and providing skin necessary substances for its quick recovery.

When using tablets and rectal suppositories, the active substance is also absorbed as quickly as possible. This way you can influence the affected areas of the mucous membrane, eliminate its ruptures, and with increased sensitivity.


Removal of the remaining components of the drug is carried out using the kidneys. The liver also cleanses the blood, so care should be taken when using the drug in the form of an ointment for external consumption with a large area of ​​skin damage.


The use of the drug is determined by its properties. And the drug Methyluracil, having a wide range of effects, is usually prescribed for various lesions skin, . The product can also be used in complex treatment the following pathological conditions:

  • when - , sunny;
  • at ,
  • at ;
  • during the treatment of radiation sickness;
  • after carried out;
  • at peptic ulcer stomach;
  • for bone fractures;
  • at various injuries skin and violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • in the treatment of hepatitis, pancreatitis, in the complex treatment of anemia and sore throat;
  • after ;
  • to improve the immunological properties of the body during;
  • for eczema various types, incl. .

Instructions for use of Methyluracil for children and adults are given below.

This video will tell you how Methyluracil is used for hemorrhoids:

Instructions for use

Possessing excellent healing properties, Methyluracil is easy to use in any dosage form.

  • So, ointment for external use, it should be applied to the affected areas, in places where there are wounds and tears in the skin, in a thin layer. No rubbing of ointment required: required amount The substance will be absorbed within 5-10 minutes after application. This should be repeated 1-2 times a day, no bandage is needed. Duration of treatment with external ointment determined by the attending dermatologist, usually it is 5-7 days. After this time, you need to take a break (1 week), after which the use of the ointment can be repeated.
  • Pills for significant skin damage, gastric ulcers, anemia, pancreatitis, they are usually prescribed as part of complex therapy. Tablets for the listed diseases are prescribed twice a day, 1 tablet. Wash down big amount water without biting or chewing them.
  • Suppositories used in evening time. One suppository is inserted warm hands to avoid discomfort when treated in this way.


The use of the drug gives excellent results in the treatment of many diseases associated with violation of the integrity of the skin and deterioration of the mucous membranes. By activating metabolism, active substance the drug perfectly stimulates protective forces body, however, there are a number of conditions in which the use of Methyluracil is not indicated.

Such contraindications include:

  • acute phases inflammatory processes in organism;
  • hypersensitivity to any components of the drug;
  • age up to three years.

The pregnancy period is also a point that should be taken into account when prescribing Methyluracil: the doctor takes into account the complex benefits of its use and probable complications, since the active substance of the drug can penetrate into the blood and affect the developing fetus.

Side effects

There are a number of side effects that may occur when using the drug.

  • These include skin rashes due to hypersensitivity to the components of the product, and it is likely to occur.
  • There is also sometimes a deterioration in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, especially if they have existing organic lesions.

special instructions

  • TO special instructions This may include childhood (up to three years of age, the use of Methyluracil is not recommended) and pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding.
  • During lactation, the drug is prescribed with caution with the possibility of constant monitoring of the baby's condition.


Use of the drug Methyluracil with medicines, which have a similar effect, allows you to increase the degree of effectiveness of the treatment. However, when sharing diuretics may slightly reduce the effectiveness of the treatment, and when using Methyluracil with painkillers and sedatives medicines probably a manifestation increased sleepiness and apathy. This should be taken into account by those involved in management complex mechanisms and cars.



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