Nutrition after mastectomy and chemotherapy. Proper nutrition during chemotherapy for breast cancer

It is not news that breast cancer is affecting more and more women. From this terrible diagnosis Many people are shocked, but we have to fight. And it’s not just surgeons who remove cancerous tumors who are joining the fight. Not only chemotherapists who kill with the help of oncological drugs cancer cells. But also the patients of oncology clinics themselves. It is difficult to give up many eating habits, but if you want to get better, every person can do it. Patients must change not only their worldview, but also the principles of their usual diet.

Basic principles of nutrition

For breast cancer patients, there should be several “golden rules” in nutrition.

Nutrition during the postoperative period

After undergoing surgery to remove an oncological tumor, it is necessary to restore strength and immunity as quickly as possible so that the body can continue to fight the disease. For this purpose, food in postoperative period rich in carbohydrates, fats, vitamins.

Diet before and during chemotherapy

Before starting chemotherapy, a woman should follow the diet recommended for breast cancer patients. Eat fully and balanced. Fasting is excluded. Nutrition should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a large amount of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins.

But after a chemotherapy session, minor adjustments are made to the diet. Due to changes in the blood formula, after the administration of oncological drugs, it is necessary to maintain and stabilize the functions of the body.

Many drugs used to kill cancer cells also kill other normal cells.

The level of leukocytes and red blood cells decreases, hemoglobin drops. These indicators need to be returned to normal and it is better to do this not through other medications, but through nutrition. Caviar is good for raising leukocyte levels sea ​​fish, oatmeal, nuts, prunes, dried apricots, flax-seed. Hemoglobin stabilizes pomegranate juice, boiled beets, apples, beef liver.

In addition, after a chemotherapy session, many people experience whole line side effects: nausea, vomiting, stomatitis, loss of appetite, dry mouth. Taste buds may change, sour things seem salty or bitter. There may even be a complete loss of taste. Therefore, food during this period should be soft, so that without special problems the patient was able to swallow it. The taste of spices should not be pronounced; the food should be neutral.

There is no need to limit the intake of fluid into the body. Water will quickly bring a woman out of this difficult condition.

During chemotherapy, it is strictly forbidden to consume grapefruit. It enhances the effect of drugs. And since drugs for the treatment of cancer are poisons, under the influence of this fruit they are enhanced, which can cause irreparable harm to the patient’s health.

Diet during radiation therapy

Meals during radiation therapy similar to what is recommended during chemotherapy. Rich in vitamins, fiber, with sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Radiation therapy directed at the larynx area may burn the area. Then nutrition becomes a problem, which is solved through soft food, soups, pureed purees. The feeling of dry mouth can be relieved by drinking plenty of liquid.

Sample menu for breast cancer

A sick woman can independently create a sample menu, taking into account her preferences and everything that was said above. But as an example of food, the following menu for one day might look like:

Early breakfast: oatmeal, a cup of green tea, dry biscuits.

Late breakfast: fruits and berries mashed with cottage cheese.

Lunch: buckwheat soup with chicken breast, rice with steamed vegetables, dried fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: rice casserole, rosehip infusion.

Dinner: steamed fish, boiled potatoes, vegetable salad dressed with olive oil, herbal tea.

Before bed: baked apple.

Chemotherapy not only saves the lives of women with cancer. But it also deals a heavy blow to the entire body as a whole. In order to have enough strength to endure such a difficult test, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet and devote great attention your menu. Then the disease will be successfully defeated.

Today, cancer is common. The most common is breast cancer. To combat it, doctors use chemotherapy drugs. They provide destructive effect to malignant cells. Doctors also insist that nutrition during chemotherapy for breast cancer is correct. It is important to follow recommendations and advice regarding the consumption of products.

Eating right during chemotherapy is important to keep your body in good condition. The drugs negatively affect healthy tissues and cells. Side effects appear. Doctors prescribe additional medications, to negative reaction minimize. It is also recommended to follow proper nutrition during breast cancer in order to maintain the body’s condition during the fight.

Principles of a balanced diet:

  1. The amount of protein consumed per day should not exceed 20%. It increases the load on the liver and kidneys.
  2. Fat intake should also be limited to 20%. It is recommended to give preference to unsaturated vegetable fats.
  3. The daily intake of complex carbohydrates should not exceed 80%.
  4. Every day a cancer patient should eat fruits and vegetables fresh 5 rubles each per day.
  5. The diet should include special products which help fight cancer cells.
  6. Grains and legumes should be added to the menu daily.
  7. Eliminate foods containing sugar and fat, as well as animal products, from your diet.

It is necessary to give up refined and canned food. Drink vitamin complexes and don’t forget about enough liquid.

Diet rules

During chemotherapy for breast cancer, doctors give some advice regarding dietary nutrition. It is important not to forget these recommendations:

  1. Dishes and products should always be fresh.
  2. It is necessary to follow the regime.
  3. It is important to store food correctly.

The liver and kidneys are affected by chemotherapy drugs. It is necessary to reduce the load on these organs with dietary nutrition.

Nutrition after surgery in the fight against a tumor with chemotherapy drugs involves not only rules. Experts identify certain groups of products that are necessary for the body of a person suffering from cancer.


The group is represented by nuts, beans, peas, and soy products. Also poultry, pork, veal or beef. Don't forget about fish. All these products contain sufficient quantity proteins, iron and vitamin B. Patients with breast cancer should consume them 2 times. per day.

Fruit and vegetable

It's about about raw and boiled any vegetables, juices and dried fruits. Patients should take 5 rubles every day. consume fruit and vegetable products.


Especially useful are products that contain bifidobacteria. Patients with oncology should consume any dairy products. Ryazhenka, kefir, condensed milk, yogurt, yogurt, cheese, and butter contain large amounts of calcium, protein and vitamins. Patients need 2 rubles every day. eat fermented milk products.

Bread and cereal

The menu should include buckwheat, oatmeal and oatmeal. Patients with breast cancer should eat bread, cereals and grains, as well as all types of cereals and cookies. All listed products are a source of vitamin B1 and carbohydrates. It is recommended to consume them no less than 4 r. per day.

What can't you eat?

When undergoing treatment with chemotherapy drugs, doctors strictly prohibit their patients from consuming ice cream or flour products. Patients with breast cancer should avoid:

  • spicy and smoked dishes;
  • fatty foods;
  • margarine.

In case of stage 2 breast cancer, the patient is prohibited from drinking store-bought juices or eating dishes that contain vinegar. The same goes for canned foods. Experts do not even recommend eating mushrooms.

During the treatment period, it is important to reduce not only the load on the liver and kidneys, but also to reduce the sugar content. Patients need to remove any sweets from their diet, especially chocolate and honey. Must be excluded bad habits, forget about alcoholic drinks and smoking, even coffee is prohibited during treatment with chemotherapy drugs.

Many women after struggling with cancerous tumors gain weight in the area of ​​the mammary glands. There are certain reasons that provoke violations:

  • sedentary lifestyle and poor physical activity;
  • alarming and depressive state in patients;
  • against the background of application steroid drugs patients' appetite increases;
  • menopause occurs prematurely;
  • sick people eat to recover peace of mind, get rid of stress.

WITH extra pounds It's difficult to cope after cancer therapy. Doctors give useful tips people prone to obesity:

  1. Stick to a balanced diet.
  2. Study physical exercise and gymnastics.
  3. Control the amount of food consumed.
  4. Avoid eating in front of the TV or while talking on the phone.
  5. Drink more clean liquids.
  6. Instead of fruit juice eat whole fruits. At great desire, patients can take no more than 1 tbsp per day. fresh drink.

Before consuming low-fat products, you need to check the calorie content on the product packaging. You cannot choose those with high parameters.

Amount of fluid consumed

A course of chemotherapy involves taking drugs that provide Negative influence for kidney function. The functioning of the organ is disrupted; not all drugs are washed out of the patient’s body with breast cancer. Doctors recommend that their patients drink more fluids during treatment.

If the kidneys are doing their job and the excretory system is normal, the amount of fluid consumed per day is no less than 1.5 liters. Patients can drink:

  • juice from raspberries, lingonberries, tomatoes, carrots or beets;
  • mineral water;
  • green tea;
  • dairy products.

Women who have edema should reduce their fluid intake to within 300 ml. Many patients complain that the taste of water changes after taking chemotherapy drugs. In such a situation, experts recommend replenishing fluid reserves with soups.

In most cases, chicken broth, which contains a large amount of electrolytes, is allowed. We are talking about calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride and potassium. The side effect of chemotherapy occurs due to a lack of these elements.

Foods that help fight cancer

The menu of a woman who has been diagnosed with stage 3 or 2 breast cancer should be balanced. Provide products with beneficial substances. They allow not only to maintain the patient’s body in good condition, but also help fight pathological processes.

Foods with anti-cancer effects include nuts, vegetables, pumpkin seeds, seafood, grains, fruits and green tea. Soy is recommended to be consumed during chemotherapy. The product contains substances that are structurally similar to the components used in medicines. We are talking about Tamoxifen. A chemotherapy drug used by specialists in the fight against cancer.

There are products that can prevent the occurrence of metastases. These include any type of cabbage, bright green or yellow color. The same goes for garlic and fatty fish.

After a mastectomy, the diet should contain foods such as carrots and beets. It is recommended to consume them raw or make juice. These vegetables purify the blood.

You can lower your cholesterol levels by adding fish to your menu. walnuts, oatmeal, avocado, garlic. The same goes for olive oil, apples, onions, buckwheat, various greens and beans.

Vitamin C is found in currants, lemon and rose hips. It helps maintain protective forces body. Wheat grains will help replenish the supply of minerals and vitamins. They are also able to remove toxins from the body, carcinogens And heavy metals.

Patients should adjust their diet already at stage 1 of cancer development. Use exclusively vegetable oils for cooking.

Chemotherapy drugs do more than just help treat cancer. They deal a serious blow to his body. Patients should carefully monitor their diet during therapy and after the course. This is the only way to restore the body’s strength and healthy cells to continue the fight against cancer.

During chemotherapy to get rid of breast cancer, a woman’s body weakens quite quickly. Nutrition provided after chemotherapy procedures must be adjusted. To replenish the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, doctors recommend eating healthy foods.

Nutrition before chemotherapy

What symptoms should you pay attention to in order not to miss the development of breast cancer, see the picture:

At the beginning of preparation for chemotherapy, the patient should change her diet:

  • Eliminate large amounts of fat;
  • Protein foods should make up 10% of food per day;
  • Give preference to those products that do not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Watch a video about what risk factors exist for the development of breast cancer, symptoms of the disease and diagnostic methods:

Challenges in organizing nutrition after chemotherapy

The most main feature the process of eating food - eat often, but in small portions. And in order to cleanse the body of what it receives in large doses chemistry, you need to drink liquid, at least 2 liters per day.

Key goals of the post-exposure diet chemicals for breast tumors are:

  • Saturation of the body with the required amount of nutrients to eliminate negative consequences from the therapy performed;
  • Increase protective barriers the body to independently fight cancer cells;
  • Reducing the degree of intoxication;
  • Increasing the rate of tissue renewal.

The main requirement for creating the necessary diet after chemotherapy for breast cancer for a woman is to take into account all associated factors(age, stage of disease, whether there is hormonal disbalance does the patient have additional diseases And so on).

It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to organize a woman’s nutrition at the time of chemotherapy based on the rules healthy image life, with a certain adjustment for the presence of cancer:

  • It is necessary to reduce the level of fats to 30% of the daily calorie intake, eliminate foods that contain refractory fats;
  • Limit consumption of red meat in any form;
  • The diet during chemotherapy for breast cancer should consist of cereals, seasonal fruits and vegetables;
  • It is necessary to eliminate the amount of sugar;
  • Additionally, use vitamin complexes containing vitamin D, A, E (only after consultation with your doctor).

Do a breast self-diagnosis! Save the hint with tips so as not to lose:

What food should you eat?

In order to reduce development malignant tumor It is necessary, in addition to the prescribed course of treatment, to adjust your diet. There is a group of foods, the consumption of which has a beneficial effect on the course of therapy and is included in the diet during chemotherapy for breast cancer:

  1. Have anti-cancer effects different kinds nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, cashews), fresh vegetables (tomato, eggplant, pumpkin), seasonal fruits (citrus fruits, kiwi), seafood, soy, olive oil.
  2. Allows you to reduce the growth of metastases cabbage, products containing fatty acid(fatty fish, e.g. mackerel, cod), garlic.
  3. Beetroot and carrots are involved in the process of cleansing the blood from chemicals.
  4. Apples, avocados, beans, greens and others reduce cholesterol levels.

Rules for organizing proper nutrition after chemotherapy

These rules should be followed by all women who have undergone chemotherapy as a procedure to combat breast cancer. These include:

  • A complete ban on eating any fast food;
  • Food that has been fried should be excluded from the diet;
  • It is necessary to add cereals to the diet;
  • Meals should be fractional. Overeating negatively affects healing.

The products that are prohibited are:

  • Liver;
  • Vegetables with high content nitrates;
  • Spicy dishes;
  • Canned food, as well as all products that contain vinegar;
  • Coffee, black strong tea;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Flour products, sweet carbonated drinks.

For many women who have had chemotherapy for breast cancer, the drugs used in treatment can cause anorexia, a change in taste preferences, nausea and vomiting. After the procedures, the level of leukocytes decreases, the immune system weakens. Therefore, nutrition should be aimed at improving the patient’s condition and weakening side effects after chemo.

The diet during rehabilitation after therapy should replenish the protein component. It is necessary to increase the number of calories consumed per day.

What foods protect us from cancer? Look at the picture:

Sample menu after chemotherapy treatment

The recommendations given by specialists must be systematized into a specific diet that will be used by the patient. Sample menu for a day, taking into account all the requirements of oncologists, may look like this:

  1. Breakfast – porridge on water with added milk (proportion 60/40). Drink: green tea.
  2. First snack - toast from rye bread with cottage cheese. Compote.
  3. Lunch is light soup on water or chicken broth. For the second - vegetable stew and turkey meat.
  4. Afternoon snack – a handful of almonds.
  5. Dinner – potato casserole, a slice of bread from whole grain flour, compote
  6. Immediately before going to bed, you should drink kefir with low content fat or natural yogurt without additives.

Nutrition during the postoperative period

After operations to eliminate cancerous tumor It is necessary to adhere to certain rules for organizing meals. Due to the fact that mastectomy is invasive procedure, which passes under general anesthesia, the patient should be in a state of complete calm after it. Such patients are prescribed table No. 0. He says that there is a complete restriction from any solid food, as well as from salt. You can eat broths and low-fat dairy products.

After a couple of days after surgery, it is necessary to supplement the diet with approved foods.

Catering during radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is one way to target cancer cells in the breast. At the same time, the diet after it is no different from that recommended for other methods of treatment, but contains a number of features.

To begin with, oncologists strongly recommend preparing for radiation therapy a week before the first session. It is necessary to exclude beans from the diet, dairy products, cabbage. This category of products causes excessive gas formation in the stomach.

When directly conducting radiation therapy, you need to include in the diet:

  • Various varieties of greens;
  • Walnuts;
  • Lean meat and fish;
  • Berries and seasonal fruits;
  • Liquid porridges;

This regimen must be followed during the entire course of therapy and an additional couple of weeks after its completion. Subsequently, fermented milk products, meat, vegetable fats. It is necessary to take into account the body's reaction to innovations.

Proper nutrition after chemotherapy for breast cancer will help remove toxins, restore normal well-being and cope with fatigue. Oncological diseases are the scourge of our time. Fortunately, on early stages they respond well to treatment. But the patient has to go through many painful and unpleasant procedures necessary for recovery. One of them is chemotherapy. Pharmaceuticals allow you to stop tumor growth, destroy local metastases and significantly speed up recovery. After chemotherapy, it is important to support the body with all available means.

Treatment with pharmaceuticals antitumor drugs leads to development various kinds side effects, which can be overcome, including through a balanced diet. During therapy, the body needs vitamins, minerals, micro and macroelements more than ever.

A balanced diet is the basis wellness. There are certain principles on which it rests healthy eating during chemotherapy:

  • Protein should be no less than 10% and no more than 20% in terms of the number of calories received. The fact is that protein has high load on the liver and kidneys, and during and after treatment this load must be minimized.
  • Fats should make up the same percentage of total number calories received. It is best to consume unsaturated vegetable fats (they are found in all vegetable oils) and avoid excess animal fat.
  • The rest of the calories come from complex carbohydrates. It’s better to avoid simple ones altogether.
  • Minimize the number of animals fatty foods, as well as sugars.
  • Completely exclude refined foods and preserves from their diet.
  • Consume at least 1500 grams of fruits and vegetables daily, in several doses. Fruits and vegetables should be seasonal, but with maximum variety.
  • Fill your diet with anti-cancer foods.
  • IN daily diet there must be legumes and grains.
  • It is necessary to take vitamin and mineral supplements selected taking into account the characteristics of the body.
  • Observe drinking regime– at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

There is such a thing as food groups. Nutrition during chemotherapy for breast cancer and after a course of procedures must necessarily include foods belonging to 4 food groups:

  1. Protein group
  2. Fruit and vegetable
  3. Dairy
  4. Bread and cereals

Protein group

Proteins are an essential, albeit small percentage, part of the diet. Quality protein can be obtained from legumes, nuts or lean meats, fish and seafood. All of the listed products will help not only get the required amount of protein, but also saturate the body with B vitamins.

Eat food rich in protein, preferably in two doses, in portions of 100 grams. So nutrients will be better absorbed. Protein food can be combined with complex carbohydrates. It is important to ensure that the protein comes from plant food or lean meat, fatty and fried meats are prohibited.

This group includes: raw vegetables and fruits, both thermally processed. They should make up the vast majority of the daily menu. It is important to eat fruit every day to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to consume 4-5 servings per day. The fruit and vegetable group also includes freshly squeezed juices (but in no case packaged), fruit and vegetable salads.

There are fruits and vegetables that are considered the most healthy:

  • Citrus fruits (only if there is no increased acidity stomach and gastritis).
  • Cabbage - any, from white cabbage and cauliflower to broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
  • Beets, carrots.
  • Greens, the leader in the content of useful substances is spinach, followed by dill, parsley, celery and green onions.
  • Bell pepper.

As for fruits, it is better to choose seasonal ones - in the northern regions there will be little benefit from mangoes bought in December.


This group includes all products made from milk - from condensed milk to fermented baked milk and butter. The basic principle is this: fermented milk products are especially useful low-fat foods. It is important to ensure that the product is low-fat, since animal fats must be excluded from the diet.

It is recommended to consume two servings of fermented milk products daily - they are a source of calcium, protein and B vitamins. One serving is considered a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir, a piece of cheese. You need to be careful with cheeses - salty and spicy varieties are prohibited.

Cereals and bread

The bread and cereal group includes cereals, grain products (including processed grains, such as flakes), and bread. The healthiest porridges are buckwheat and oatmeal.

The bread and cereal group allows you to compensate for vitamin deficiencies. Porridges are also good because they are completely digestible even in a weakened body and allow you to avoid weight loss. You need to consume foods from this group 4 servings per day. Take 200 ml or 200 g of the finished product per serving.

Do not neglect bread - it allows you to maintain body weight. Bread and cookies can be consumed in 4 servings per day; one cookie or 1 piece of bread is taken per serving.

If the patient begins to lose weight, first of all they try to increase the calorie content of the diet precisely due to the bread and cereal group.

Drinking regime

Chemotherapy causes dehydration of the body. Due to lack of water, metabolic processes are disrupted. One of the tasks proper diet– replenish fluids to prevent kidney damage. Platinum-based chemotherapy drugs have a particularly serious effect on the kidneys.

If you have problems with urine excretory system, then the drinking regime must be drawn up together with the attending physician. If there are no problems, then the main recommendation is at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

Often during a course of chemotherapy there is specific problem associated with changes in taste: patients cannot drink water because they think it has a strange taste. Liquids should still be consumed in the recommended amount. A good solution is broths. They will help restore electrolyte balance and it’s easier to drink the right amount.

Vitamins and microelements

Vitamins and microelements are also important for healthy person. For a patient undergoing chemotherapy, the intake of these substances is crucial for well-being. Vitamins must be taken both during and after the course.

Many may find it strange large dosages, but in fact, less than 10% of the vitamins taken in supplement form are actually absorbed into the body.

You must take:

  • Vitamin C. This is one of the strongest antioxidants. It prevents the appearance free radicals. This is the name for molecules that can attach to cell membranes and damage them, causing cell death. Free radicals are released in large quantities in cancer. Vitamin C should be taken in a dosage of 10-12 g per day. It is best absorbed in solid crystalline form.
  • Vitamin E. It is especially important for breast cancer, it reduces the risk of recurrence and has a proven antitumor effect. Take in a dosage of 100 IU, if necessary it can be increased 8 times. The dose can only be increased under the supervision of a specialist, since an overdose of vitamin E can negatively affect the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as the functioning of blood vessels. When taking, it is recommended to take vitamin supplements with bread or cookies.
  • Selenium. It is one of the strongest antioxidants. Possesses antitumor effect. If selenium is taken together with vitamins E and C, then the dosage of the latter can be reduced. Selenium is taken in a dosage of 100-150 mcg every day.
  • Vitamin D. The recommended daily dose is 500 IU. Vitamin D is taken together with calcium. When taking the vitamin, it is recommended to go for walks. fresh air. This vitamin can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Vitamins are taken every day, in the recommended dosage, from the first day of chemotherapy and several months after the course. Doesn't have special significance, which vitamin and mineral complex to choose. However, most experts agree that different groups Vitamins must be taken separately - this rule is followed by many manufacturers of dietary supplements.

Prohibited Products

Eat certain products, which must be strictly excluded from the diet for the entire period of treatment:

  • Coffee, strong tea, chocolate.
  • Cocoa and products with a high content of cocoa beans.
  • Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other caffeinated drinks.
  • Dishes from the liver of animals and fish.
  • Pickled and canned vegetables and fruits.
  • Spicy, smoked and fatty dishes.
  • Alcohol.

Following a diet will help maintain strength in the fight against the disease. The right productsgreat source vitamins and microelements that the body needs during and after a course of chemotherapy.

It's no secret that today many people suffer from oncological diseases. One of the most common of these is breast cancer. The method of treating this disease with drugs that have a detrimental effect on malignant cells is called chemotherapy. According to doctors, during chemotherapy for breast cancer, the patient needs special proper nutrition.

Why eat right during chemotherapy?

Treatment of breast cancer with anticancer drugs leads to various side effects.

To prevent their development or for treatment, a number of medications should be taken, and a certain diet should be followed, which in itself is also a help in the fight against cancer, since good condition patient is the key to successful chemotherapy.

Diet principles

As already stated, balanced diet– part of cancer treatment mammary gland, therefore, making up daily menu, the following principles should be adhered to:

  • The amount of protein should be 10-20% of the total calories received. A large number of Protein increases the load on the kidneys and liver.
  • Fats should also make up 10-20%, and it is best to consume unsaturated vegetable fats (they are found in vegetable oils).
  • Complex carbohydrates should be 60-80%.
  • Must be present in the daily diet fresh fruits and vegetables, they should be eaten at least five times a day, 600-1000 g (8-9 different types).
  • Introduce foods into your diet that help fight cancer.
  • Grains and legumes should be eaten every day.
  • Reduce the amount of food of animal origin, as well as sugar and fat.
  • Take vitamins.
  • Eliminate refined foods and canned food.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.

Groups of required products

Nutrition after and during chemotherapy should include foods from 4 groups:

  • protein;
  • fruit and vegetable;
  • dairy;
  • bread and cereal.

Protein group

This group includes nuts, beans, peas, soy products, as well as meat (poultry, pork, veal, beef), fish. These foods are rich in protein, iron and B vitamins.

A diet for breast cancer patients involves eating foods from this group twice a day. For example, a piece of meat or fish (60-90 grams), or 2 eggs, or a cup of boiled beans.

Fruit and vegetable group

This group includes raw and boiled vegetables of all types, juices and dried fruits. They are especially important during chemotherapy. They should be eaten 4-5 times every day. For example, fresh fruit or a glass of vegetable/fruit juice, fruit or vegetable salad, and so on. The following products are especially useful:

  1. citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, tangerines);
  2. vegetables:
    • cabbage of all types (white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc.);
    • beet;
    • carrot;
    • bell pepper;
  3. greenery:
    • salad;
    • parsley;
    • dill;
    • celery;
    • green onions and so on.

Dairy group

The dairy group includes all types of dairy products: fermented baked milk, condensed milk, yogurt, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, butter and so on. It is generally accepted that fermented milk products are the most beneficial, especially if they are enriched with bifidobacteria.

This food group contains calcium, protein, and vitamins. The patient should receive dairy products twice a day. For example, a glass of yogurt or fermented baked milk and a piece of cheese (30 grams) or a glass of milk and a third of a glass of condensed milk.

Bread and cereal group

This group includes bread, cereals and grain products (flakes of all types), various cereals, cookies and the like. The most healthy cereals are buckwheat, bearberry, oatmeal.

This nutritional group provides patients undergoing chemotherapy with vitamin B1 and carbohydrates. These foods should be eaten 4 times a day. For example, a piece of bread or a couple of cookies, half a cup of porridge or noodles.

How to increase your caloric intake

If a patient loses weight during or after a course of chemotherapy, it is necessary to increase the calorie content of the foods included in his diet. In this case, his daily diet may include sour cream or mayonnaise, vegetable oil or butter.

Fluid intake

A course of chemotherapy causes dehydration of the body. A number of drugs provoke kidney damage if the drugs are not washed out of the human body (this is especially true when treatment is carried out using platinum drugs), so when treating breast cancer, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid you drink. If there are no problems with the kidneys or excretory system, you should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. These can be the following drinks:

  • juices (raspberry, lingonberry, tomato, carrot, beet);
  • mineral water;
  • green tea;
  • milk drinks.

If women have edema, the amount of fluid must be reduced: it should not be more than 300 ml of the amount of urine excreted.

Some people experience a strange taste in their water during and after chemotherapy. In this situation, a variety of soups can replenish the body's need for fluid. One of the healthiest is chicken soup, since its consumption helps increase electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride and potassium), the deficiency of which is by-product chemotherapy.

Foods that help fight cancer

The diet of women suffering from breast cancer must certainly include foods containing useful material that help the body fight disease:

  1. Having anti-cancer effects:
    • nuts ( Brazilian nut, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds);
    • vegetables (tomatoes, radishes, eggplants, turnips, soybeans, pumpkin, bell peppers, all kinds of greens, ginger);
    • green tea;
    • fruits (kiwi, dates, grapefruits, oranges);
    • oil (linseed, olive);
    • cereals ( brown rice and buckwheat);
    • pumpkin seeds;
    • various seafood.

    The diet for breast cancer also includes the consumption of soy, since it contains a substance that chemical composition which is similar to the anti-cancer drug Tamoxifen (it is used to treat breast cancer).

  2. Blocking the appearance of metastases:
    • any kind of cabbage;
    • vegetables of bright yellow and bright green color;
    • garlic;
    • fatty fish (cod, herring, mackerel).
  3. Helps cleanse the blood. These are carrots and beets in raw and cooked form, as well as juices and mixtures of these vegetables.
  4. Reducing cholesterol. These are fish, walnuts, oatmeal, avocado, seafood, garlic, olive oil, apples, onions, buckwheat, all kinds of greens, beans.
  5. Providing the body with vitamin C. These are currants, lemons, rose hips, and so on.
  6. Replenishing the deficiency of minerals and vitamins. These are sprouted grains of wheat. They contain 39 micro- and macroelements, 32 vitamins, 22 amino acids and 461 enzymes. 335 grams of regular vegetables and 10 grams of wheat germ contain an equal number of macro- and microelements. In addition, they have a detoxifying effect on the body, removing heavy metals and carcinogenic substances from it.

Vitamins and microelements

There are a number of vitamins and microelements that help the patient’s body cope with the disease; they must be taken during and after a course of chemotherapy:

  • Vitamin C. Being an antioxidant, it prevents the formation of free radicals (the so-called aggressive molecules that damage the cell membrane) that appear in more for cancer. It also promotes the regeneration of tissues damaged by chemotherapy. Daily dose– 10-12 grams. The crystalline form is best taken.
  • Vitamin E. It reduces the risk of developing breast tumors, which can later develop into malignant ones. Alpha tocopherol is carcinogenic. The initial dose is 100 IU; if the patient’s condition does not worsen (there is no rise in blood pressure), it is increased to 200 IU, and later to 800 IU. If the blood pressure remains normal, then vitamin E is taken at this dosage for several months.
  • Selenium (sodium selenite). It is also an antioxidant and reduces the possibility of malignant tumors, suppressing tumors that have already arisen. At simultaneous administration with vitamins C and E allows you to reduce the dosage of the latter if a rise in blood pressure is recorded. Daily dose – 100-150 mcg.
  • Vitamin D. By suppressing the proliferation of malignant cells, it helps to increase the life expectancy of patients. You need to get 400-600 IU per day.

From the above, it follows that for breast cancer, before, during and after chemotherapy, you need to take vitamins every day. Recommended by oncologists as domestic drugs(“Complivit”, “Dekamevit”, “Undevit”), as well as various imported complexes containing multivitamins and microelements. Additionally, you should drink ascorbic acid.

Nutrition rules during chemotherapy

Nutrition during and after treatment should be based on compliance with several rules:

  1. Food should always be freshly prepared and produce should be fresh. However, they must be stored correctly. For example, vegetable oil should be poured into dark glass containers, since metal containers, air and light have a negative effect on it.
  2. Compliance with diet. Food must be balanced; sandwiches and dry food are unacceptable.
  3. The foods consumed should minimize the load on the liver and kidneys, since chemotherapy hits these organs first.

Foods to Avoid

When undergoing and after chemotherapy for breast cancer, the following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  1. Promoting the growth of scar tissue:
    • strong tea;
    • cocoa;
    • Coca Cola;
    • coffee.
  2. Negatively affecting the liver:
    • liver dishes (since animals eat food grown with fertilizers);
    • greenhouse vegetables;
    • pickled vegetables (it is better to eat pickled ones);
    • spicy dishes ( smoked fish and meat, herring);
    • alcoholic drinks.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs