Light soup after appendicitis recipe. Pros and cons, contraindications

After surgery, the patient needs a balanced diet in order to recover and avoid complications - peritonitis, abscess and purulent infiltrate.

Typically, a diet after appendicitis is prescribed by a doctor for 2–4 weeks. By following a gentle diet, the operated intestine heals and the patient returns to his previous lifestyle.


Each day of the diet after appendicitis (peritonitis) is different from the previous one. But the principles of nutrition remain the same throughout the diet:

  1. The patient eats small meals 6–7 times a day.
  2. The dietary table is based on three dishes: broth, cream soup and liquid porridge.
  3. Dishes are steamed, stewed and boiled.
  4. The products are chopped and finely grated to a puree.
  5. Dishes are served warm, but not hot.
  6. The menu is updated every day. Fruits, vegetables and dairy products are added.

The purpose of the diet is to restore water balance in the body and prevent disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. Diet dishes are easily digestible and do not burden the body with food processing. As you recover, caloric intake and energy intensity increase because the body returns to its previous metabolism.

Fruits and vegetables are a source of vitamins

List of products after appendicitis

  • Dried white bread without spices.
  • Lean meat (rabbit, chicken and turkey fillet).
  • White fish.
  • Dry and low-fat cookies (biscuits).
  • Cereals: rice, buckwheat and semolina (for making soups and porridges).
  • Vegetable puree from pumpkin, zucchini or potatoes.
  • Cottage cheese and low fat yogurt.
  • Milk – add to tea or porridge. Do not use separately.
  • Eggs (steamed omelet).
  • Low-fat and mild cheese.
  • Butter - add to porridge.
  • Sugar and honey (40 g per day).
  • Black tea with milk or cream.
  • Weak green tea.
  • Chamomile tea. It is very useful because chamomile prevents inflammation of the operated intestines.
  • Rosehip decoction.
  • Still water.
  • Diluted juice, strained compote and berry jelly. Definitely no sugar.

After appendicitis, you can eat fruits, non-acidic and processed. For example, ripe soft apples, grated or baked in the oven. You should not eat grapes or drink grape juice because the berry causes flatulence.

Diet after appendectomy by day

The diet after appendicitis surgery in the first days is low-calorie and semi-liquid. By the end of the week, the calorie content and choice of dishes increases. By this time, the patient’s gastrointestinal tract, traumatized by the operation, is prepared for proper nutrition.

First hours

In the first hours after surgery, the patient is not recommended to eat solid food to avoid strain on the intestines and the formation of hard feces (straining during bowel movements is dangerous for the sutures).

Doctors advise not to drink a lot of water in the first days after surgery. Typically, a patient after gastrointestinal surgery suffers from nausea. To suppress attacks and prevent vomiting, drink low-fat yogurt.

First day

What can you eat after appendicitis on day 2

What can you eat after appendicitis on day 3

What can you eat on the 4th day after appendectomy?

What can you eat after appendicitis on day 5

Menu for day 6

What can you eat after appendicitis removal on day 7

How long does it last

The duration of the diet after appendectomy is determined by the attending physician depending on the severity of the patient's condition. In most cases, the diet after acute appendicitis lasts 1 month. 2 weeks after surgery, the patient leaves the hospital and assumes responsibility for following the rehabilitation regimen.

Less stress during recovery

Do not forget about the principles of dietary nutrition after discharge from the hospital:

  • Eat in small portions of 150–200 g each.
  • Avoid seasonings and use salt in moderation.
  • Add no more than 1 or 2 new dishes to the menu per day.
  • Controversial foods should only be eaten after consulting a doctor.

What not to do

You should not eat foods that burden the gastrointestinal tract and increase stomach acidity. Flatulence, bloating and intoxication of the body are the consequences of a broken diet.

You should exclude from the menu products that:

  • difficult to digest;
  • weaken the body;
  • promote fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines.

Fast food is prohibited. Consumption of burgers is fraught with increased blood pressure, a feeling of thirst due to the large amount of salt, and slower digestion. On average, one burger takes three days to digest, which exceeds the norm by 1–2 days.

Table of prohibited foods

DrinkHot chocolate
Mineral water with gas
Sweet carbonated drinks
All alcoholic drinks
Energetic drinks
SoupSoups with meat (except chicken) and fish broth
Soups with mushrooms
Soups with greens: sorrel or spinach
Cereals and porridgesCorn, millet, barley
Pasta (paste)Pasta (pasta) with spices and rich sauce (for example, cream)
Fish, meat, meat productsSausages
Milk sausages
Canned food
Salted and smoked meat (fish)
Fatty salted fish (salmon)
Red and black caviar
Bakery productsFlour
Fresh bread
Butter dough dishes
Vegetables and snacksMushrooms, onions, garlic, legumes, white cabbage, eggplant
Pickles and canned foods
Tomato paste
Sushi and pickled ginger
Parsley and dill in limited quantities
FruitsAll raw
Berries and nutsGrapes, watermelon, raspberries
Sunflower seeds
All nuts
Oil and fatVegetable unrefined
Animal fat: pork, beef and lamb
Sauces and seasoningsKetchup
Salt pepper
DessertIce cream
Cream cake
Chewing gum
Chocolate candies
Muesli bars
Sherbet, halva, chak-chak
Condensed milk

The child is not allowed

There are no differences between the diet of an adult and a child. Except that the child’s body is not so strong and needs strict adherence to the rehabilitation regime.

Often, after surgery, children ask to treat them to something sweet - candy or soda. Under no circumstances should you do this, because it will provoke flatulence and bloating. As a result, the child’s condition will worsen and there will be a risk of complications.

If a child asks for sweets, then give him diluted juice (50 ml of juice and 100 ml of water at a time) or weak sweet tea.

Dishes after appendicitis removal - recipes

Sample menu for the day consisting of several dishes:

Dietary beetroot

Low-fat sour cream is suitable for beetroot

Steamed omelette (without steamer)

Steam omelette - a classic diet dish

Diet cabbage rolls

Regular cabbage will not work, use Chinese cabbage

Cottage cheese casserole with apples

Quick and delicious dessert

Be healthy and bon appetit!

During an appendectomy, the intestinal wall is damaged and sutures are placed on it. If you go back to your daily diet immediately after appendectomy, the stitches may come apart. This is fraught with the release of intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity and the occurrence of peritonitis. Therefore, you need to know what the diet is after appendicitis in children and adults and what food it is important to avoid after appendicitis surgery.

Essential microelements

After appendicitis removal, the body needs micronutrients to restore strength and tighten the surgical scar. Excised appendicitis after surgery leaves the possibility of infection developing in the abdominal area. The diet after removal of the appendix must be balanced and include healthy foods containing minerals and vitamins, as well as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Protein from lean meats is needed by the body to form collagen, which forms connective tissue and fills the incision site after appendicitis surgery, which contributes to successful wound healing. Carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables and cereals provide energy for normal recovery. Fats from plant sources are essential for the formation of cell membranes.

The diet after appendicitis surgery must include vitamins and minerals; they will be needed to strengthen the immune system. Proper functioning of the immune system means a more effective recovery without post-operative infection.

  • Zinc promotes wound healing and is essential for the production of white blood cells. Large amounts of zinc are found in seafood and cereals.
  • Vitamin A prevents infections and maintains tissue integrity. The body obtains this vitamin from the pumpkin and carrots it eats.
  • Vitamin C helps produce antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses. A significant content of this vitamin is observed in citrus fruits.
  • Vitamin E is the strongest antioxidant. It prevents damage to cellular structures caused by harmful free radicals. Dried apricots and spinach are rich in vitamin E.

The primary goal of dieting after appendectomy surgery is to aid recovery and ease the postoperative recovery process. In the first 3 days, you must strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions for eating after appendicitis on a daily basis. Usually the patient does not require food on the first day; it is permissible to moisten the lips with water.

After any type of surgery, it is necessary to start eating with easily digestible liquid foods. After two to three days, gradually add solid foods to your diet. Food should be taken in small portions every 2-3 hours. It is advisable to chew it thoroughly until it has a puree-like consistency.

What can you eat a week after appendicitis? Expand your diet with lean chicken, vegetables and fruits, and water-based cereals. When eating solid dietary foods, grind them with a blender or puree boiled vegetables. Healthy foods during this period reduce the load on the digestive tract, reduce the likelihood of nausea, vomiting and flatulence.

  • Strained broth is nutritious food for an organism weakened by surgery. Take it in small sips and increase the amount gradually to avoid nausea.
  • Pumpkin is a source of beta-carotene, from which the body produces vitamin A. It helps in recovery and speeds up wound healing. Pumpkin can be boiled or baked in the oven, and then pureed. You can take carrots in the same way.
  • Low-fat yogurt without additives and sugar is well absorbed by the body. Start your diet after appendicitis surgery with a few spoons of yogurt, then the amount can be increased.

It is important to remember to drink enough fluids, as a deficiency will cause abdominal discomfort. If there are no contraindications, drink 8–10 glasses of liquid per day, at least two-thirds of this volume should be clean water. It should be drunk 30 minutes before meals or an hour and a half after.

What foods to avoid?

The diet after removal of appendicitis excludes everything that negatively affects the digestive process. In the first month after removal of appendicitis, it is not recommended to consume:

  • fried foods, chocolate and sausages - they contain a lot of fat and are difficult for the intestines to digest;
  • Baked goods and sweets are unhealthy foods during post-operative recovery and can cause bloating and diarrhea.
  • milk - the lactose contained in it is difficult to digest;
  • red meat stays in the intestines for a long time and requires several hours to digest;
  • canned foods provoke fermentation in the intestines;
  • coffee and tea cause irritation to the digestive system;
  • legumes - too much leads to bloating;
  • alcohol can interact with anesthetic medications and medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • spices, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard irritate the intestines.

It is important to follow a healthy diet rich in nutrients. An ideal diet after appendicitis does not cause inflammation of the abdominal cavity, does not provoke the appearance of gases and discomfort in the abdomen.

Sample menu until complete recovery

One of the consequences of the operation is that it can negatively affect intestinal motility. Some people experience diarrhea after appendectomy, although most patients suffer from constipation. A diet that alleviates appendicitis will ensure normal bowel passage using a specially selected menu.

The approximate diet that children can eat after surgery to remove appendicitis is not qualitatively different from what adults can eat after surgery. The child should limit the size of portions, but he should eat nutritiously. Important macronutrients should not be cut out from the diet; the postoperative diet should be balanced.

  • Start your day with a glass of pineapple or orange juice. Make a sandwich for breakfast with marmalade or boiled chicken and top it with low-fat yogurt.
  • For lunch, prepare vegetable broth and pasta. Instead of broth, you can cook vegetable soup with carrots, pumpkin or potatoes. For a more substantial lunch, cook chicken breast with white rice, or baked chicken and mashed potatoes is also suitable.
  • Dinner should be light. Eat a boiled egg or steamed vegetables. You can have yogurt with a baked apple or chicken broth for dinner.
  • For snacks between meals, use an apple, pear or glass of juice.

It is recommended to follow the diet after appendectomy for three weeks. Then, after your doctor's approval, proceed to regular food. If you notice that certain foods with appendicitis cause abdominal pain or bloating, avoid eating such foods until you are completely healed. Complete healing of the intestinal wall occurs in 3–4 months. During this time, it is also recommended to minimize the intake of unwanted foods to avoid abdominal discomfort.

After the appendectomy, further recovery follows. In order for the patient to recover faster, he is prescribed special nutrition. Diet after removal of appendicitis is a must. It is necessary to maintain such a diet in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. The diet after appendicitis in children is no different from the diet for older patients. To make it easier, first they write it down day by day, noting what and when they ate.

Basic rules of diet after appendicitis

Since the removal of the appendix damages the integrity of the intestine, nutrition after surgery should be such as not to burden the stomach. The menu becomes dietary for a while. But if appendicitis is complicated by peritonitis, then stricter rules are put forward for dishes. You can add a decoction of chamomile or other medicinal herbs to a strict diet (as recommended by your doctor).

In adults

If no emergency situations arise during the operation, you will be allowed to eat no earlier than the second day. The week that the patient will spend in the medical facility will be under the supervision of a surgeon. He will tell you in detail what you can and cannot eat. What is permitted, relatives can bring to the patient from home. What enters the stomach must be chewed thoroughly. You need to understand that at first the food will not correspond to the tastes familiar to a person: the dishes will be unsalted, not peppered, in a word, nothing at all. The first week is very difficult, but then the list of dishes will expand significantly. Shared meals are allowed only a month after the operation, and then only partially.

Children's nutrition

Parents monitor the quality and diet of children after surgery.

Nutrition after appendicitis in children is no different from nutrition in adults, except that it is much stricter. Children are also advised to eat little and often. At first you can’t eat at all. From the second day, permitted products are introduced. All dishes are eaten in puree form. The diet after surgery in children is followed from a month to six months. At first the diet is very strict, and then gentle. The child must follow a diet. Parents monitor this.

All dishes are accepted only warm. Hot and cold food is harmful.

First days

On the first day after appendectomy, doctors do not allow you to eat or drink. First, the patient receives the necessary nutrition intravenously and recovers from anesthesia. There is practically no appetite. For half a day you can’t eat any food at all. You are not even allowed to drink water, just wet your lips with a cotton swab. Later you can try giving the patient a little water, and after a while - a little more. If the operation was successful, at the end of the first day you can take 50 g of rice water (rice broth), chicken broth in the second or third water, or fruit jelly.

Second and third days

On the second and third days, small, frequent meals are recommended (about 6 times). After surgery to remove appendicitis, a person’s usual portions of food should be reduced. You can eat food in liquid or puree form. You can give the same as the day before, and also expand the menu a little. They already consume liquid mashed potatoes (but without butter and milk), boiled rice (but not thick), boiled meat (ground), zucchini or pumpkin puree, natural yogurt (low-fat, unsweetened). Eat heat-treated fruits (baked apples, boiled carrots). It is advisable to consume raw fruits no earlier than every other week.

It is imperative to exclude those foods and dishes that cause bloating and stomach upset: dairy dishes, including ice cream, beans, raw vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, radishes). Smoked foods, fried foods, sour, salty and spicy foods are prohibited. Chocolate should also be excluded from the diet for a while. You can drink still water and dried fruit uzvar.

What can you eat in the first week?

In the diet after surgery, for normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to include low-fat fermented milk products.

After the patient leaves the hospital, he will have to eat on his own and follow the rules. The diet is present for at least a month. But to avoid complications after removal of the appendix, including peritonitis, you need to eat properly for about six months. You can already eat cereal porridges cooked in water, pureed soups, baked apples, dried fruits, and slightly dried bread. This food will normalize stool. Gradually they are allowed to eat lean meats (chicken, turkey, rabbit). You can also fish (hake, pollock). Fermented milk products such as cheese, cottage cheese and kefir, it is advisable to consume low-fat varieties. It is advised to drink a lot of liquid: up to 10 glasses of still water, weak tea. It is better to avoid coffee for a while.

Nutrition for the next month

Appendectomy involves a long recovery, and diet is one of the steps to recovery.

A month after the appendix has been removed, food intake should remain five or six times a day. You can gradually introduce familiar dishes into your diet. However, watch your health. Try new foods with caution. Don't overeat! Start with one spoon. If everything is normal and there is no bloating or burden in the stomach, then you can eat it. Often, after having the appendix removed, people are left with unpleasant pain. Therefore, there is no need to overload the intestines.

Sample menu for the day

Meals after surgery will be light so as not to burden the stomach. Here is a sample menu:

First mealVegetable soup with water (with potatoes, zucchini, leeks, beets)
Second coursesBaked vegetables, pasta, scrambled eggs (but not fried), soft-boiled eggs, some mashed or stewed potatoes; lean meat and fish, steamed fish cutlets, steamed white meat cutlets; barley porridge, rice porridge (not thick), oatmeal, buckwheat.
Dairy productsYou can have cottage cheese casseroles (with low fat content). Milk porridges are made with milk diluted with water.
SweetsBaking is not advisable, but biscuits, crackers and dried fruit are ok.
FruitsCitrus fruits, raspberries, and strawberries are allowed, but bananas, pears, and watermelon should be limited; baked apples
BeveragesTea (weakly brewed), decoctions of medicinal herbs and uzvars, compotes, jelly.

After surgery to remove appendicitis, it is categorically not recommended by doctors to eat as before. During the operation, the intestines are injured and stitches are placed on it, so a diet is extremely necessary. Changing your diet in the postoperative period will help you quickly return to your normal lifestyle and normalize the activity of the digestive tract.

Nutrition after surgery

The main thing you need to learn is that the diet should be balanced and easily digestible. For self-discipline, it is better to record everything on paper so as not to deviate from the system and not harm your health. Recommended products include:

  1. Low-fat broths and vegetable soups are the basis of nutrition.
  2. Porridge: buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. Can be combined with vegetables and mushrooms.
  3. Cream soup is the perfect dinner. You can grind the ingredients in a blender or grind through a sieve.
  4. Fish, poultry or lean meat as a second course.
  5. Garnish: cereals, vegetables, pasta or potatoes.
  6. Fruits and berries. For those who have undergone surgery, citrus fruits, peaches, pomegranates, raspberries and strawberries are recommended.
  7. Milk products. It is important that the products are low in fat.

Don't neglect the liquid. It will be useful to drink plenty of clean water, rosehip decoction, jelly and green tea.

Food should be boiled, steamed or oven-baked.

Note! You need to eat in small portions, but often - 5 times a day

Diet for the first 3 days

Before the operation and on the first day after it, eating is generally prohibited. In reality, it is not so difficult, since there is simply no appetite. The body needs recuperation at this time so that everything can return to normal in the future.

  • rosehip decoction;
  • rice water;
  • sweet tea;
  • low-fat broths;
  • jelly and fruit juices.

Milk is contraindicated in the first 3 days, as is any solid food. Around the fourth day, you can add soft fruits and vegetables to the above list. All other products will lead to irritation of the sutures in the intestines.

What can you eat in the first week after appendectomy?

Nutrition during the first week should be based on foods rich in fiber. These are baked or boiled vegetables, cereal porridges in water, baked fruits, pureed soups, dried fruits. Such food is necessary to normalize stool and prevent constipation.

During this period, it is important to start introducing lean fish, meat, and fermented milk products into the diet. Nutritionists also recommend adding a little butter to your diet.

A recovering person simply needs to drink plenty of fluids, unless there are contraindications from a doctor, of course. Usually up to 10 glasses of liquid per day are prescribed, mostly clean water, which should be drunk half an hour before meals or 1.5 hours after.

The general meal plan must be strictly followed, and in the first week it is very important that food is taken every 2-3 hours in small portions.

Diet of the first postoperative month

Based on the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • food should be in liquid or pureed form;
  • foods need to be boiled, baked or steamed;
  • eat up to 6 times a day;
  • drink plenty of fluids.

All salted, smoked, fried, spicy foods, mayonnaise and sauces should be excluded. Also prohibited are fatty fish, meat and dairy products, products that cause gas, baked goods and confectionery.

The diet can include:

  • light vegetable broths and soups;
  • porridge with water;
  • vegetable side dishes and pasta;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • healthy sweets: honey, dried fruits, marshmallows;
  • berries and fruits;
  • green tea, rosehip, jelly, jelly.

After a month of following such a diet, you can safely move on to a normal diet. However, in any case, this must be done gradually. It is recommended to add one new product per day to your diet.

Nutrition for children after surgery

A child who has undergone surgery to remove appendicitis requires special attention and diet. Provide him with a gentle diet, while all food should be chopped as much as possible and distributed over several meals (5-6 times).

In case of uncomplicated appendicitis, mineral water can be given on the first day, and a small amount of mashed potatoes at the end of the day. Usually after a week you can eat your usual food, but make sure you don’t overeat.

In case of complicated pathology, when there is purulent inflammation in the abdominal cavity, it will be possible to be discharged from the hospital only after 2-3 weeks.

It is recommended to include mashed potatoes, mashed apples, boiled vegetables, liquid porridge and steamed cutlets in the child's menu. Under no circumstances should a child be allowed to eat pieces of meat or whole fruit. In practice, it is they and other nuts that turn out to be the most dangerous, since the child, without chewing thoroughly, swallows larger portions. But bananas are harmless to a child’s body; they can be given almost immediately after surgery.

How long a child needs to follow a diet is decided only by the attending physician.

Strictly prohibited products

The attending physician must definitely explain to the patient how to eat after surgery in order to prevent complications. Below are the products, a list of which it is advisable to place in a prominent place and under no circumstances consume them. These include:

  • all seasonings, spices, salt, mayonnaise and other sauces;
  • rich chicken, fish and meat broths;
  • salty, smoked dishes;
  • pickled foods and any canned food;
  • flour products and confectionery (especially with cream);
  • legumes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fruits high in sugar (grapes, pears, nectarines);
  • borscht and fish soup;
  • whole milk.

You should be patient and courageously endure the rehabilitation period. The more carefully the patient follows the recommendations, the faster he will be able to recover.

According to doctors, strict adherence to medical recommendations has an extremely positive effect. Patients will soon feel the results themselves:

  • wounds will heal well;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will be restored.

You can get back on your feet after undergoing surgery for uncomplicated appendicitis within 6 hours. In this case, early activity is even welcome. In difficult cases, it is recommended to abstain from walking for at least 1 day. Then you can get up, but gradually, first you should sit on the bed for 5 minutes.

You should avoid strenuous physical activity for approximately 3 months after surgery. Normal loads are allowed, but you cannot stand on your feet for long periods of time.

If a person ate irregularly, unbalanced or excessively before surgery, the diet needs to be completely reconsidered. You should reduce the amount of junk food: salty, smoked, spicy, canned.

Alcohol abuse is strictly contraindicated. Light alcoholic drinks are allowed only after 3 weeks in moderate volumes.

What does not following a diet lead to?

If the patient ignores the recommendations, does not follow a gentle diet and reduce exercise, this can lead to a number of negative consequences. This is fraught with improper healing of the sutures after removal of the appendix, the development of adhesions and even an inguinal hernia.

Sample menu for the week

So, after the first day the patient can eat food, but not all of it. Therefore, it is important to create a sample menu.

First 3 days

In the morning, drink sweetened tea or jelly (100 ml).

Then, at intervals of 2 hours, consume 100 ml:

  • sweetened tea;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • low-fat meat broth;
  • Tea with lemon;
  • cereal broth, jelly;
  • strained compote.

Fourth day

  • oatmeal porridge without milk, salt and butter;
  • freshly squeezed juice with dry cookies;
  • vegetable soup, steamed cutlets, a piece of rye bread, compote;
  • jelly;
  • stewed cabbage, low-fat kefir.

Fifth day

  • millet porridge (without milk) with the addition of a small amount of butter, tea with dry biscuits;
  • juice with cookies;
  • chicken broth with vegetables and rice, pumpkin porridge, steamed cutlets;
  • yogurt;
  • buckwheat, steamed fish cutlets, tea with dry biscuits.

Sixth day

  • buckwheat with butter, tea with loaf and cheese;
  • still water;
  • vegetable puree soup, stewed cabbage with chicken, bread, tea;
  • jelly;
  • soufflé or cottage cheese casserole, tea with cookies.

For successful rehabilitation, it is important to undergo a daily examination by a specialist and strictly follow the diet and nutrition rules. Thus, after just 2 weeks the body will recover safely and you can return to your normal lifestyle.

In contact with

The appendectomy operation is considered easy and harmless for the patient and the surgeon. Maybe! But how many cases of peritonitis or late complications occur after a successful intervention?
And most often this happens through the fault of the patient. Appendectomy is a wide-ranging intervention on. And behavior after surgery also affects the healing process, as does the skill of the surgeon.

Surgery to remove the appendix is ​​considered a non-hazardous procedure.

The rehabilitation period after appendectomy is 2 months. Young patients who led a healthy and active lifestyle before the intervention recover faster. It is more difficult for children and overweight people to recover.

On the first day after the intervention, only drinking regimen is indicated. No solid foods. Non-carbonated mineral water or low-fat kefir are allowed.

On the second day you should start eating. This will allow you to quickly restore intestinal motility. Meals are fractional, in small portions - from 5 to 6 times a day. What to bring to the patient for lunch:

  1. liquid porridge;
  2. vegetable purees from non-fermentable vegetables;
  3. fruit purees;
  4. fermented milk products except sour cream;
  5. pureed meat;
  6. compotes.

On the fourth day, the diet expands. You can add dried bread, gradually introduce solid foods, herbs, baked apples, meat and fish. Fermented milk products in any form and quantity are indicated to normalize the microflora.

Subsequently, the patient returns to his usual routine. But any changes in diet should be agreed with your doctor.

Drinks allowed include rosehip decoction without restrictions, juices, weak tea, still mineral water and herbal infusions.

It is important to adhere to the standard drinking regimen.

What should you exclude from your diet?

After appendix removal, alcohol is strictly prohibited.

This diet is aimed at reducing the risk of rupture of internal sutures and postoperative bleeding during the rehabilitation period. The following foods and drinks are prohibited:

  • alcohol in any form. The use of alcohol-containing medications should be discussed with your doctor;
  • reduce the amount of salt consumed, do not use seasonings and spices;
  • , peas, other legumes;
  • exclude certain types of vegetables - tomatoes, raw green and onions, cabbage in any form, hot peppers;
  • smoked meats and semi-finished products;
  • conservation;
  • strong coffee;
  • carbonated sweet and mineral waters;
  • grape juice and wine.

This video will tell you how to eat properly after appendicitis removal:

Water procedures

Surgery, blood, a surge of adrenaline, vomiting and the patient realizes that after the operation he smells unpleasant. But you will have to wait a bit with water procedures.

Until the stitches are removed, bathing and showering are prohibited. It is allowed to wipe the body with water, wash your face, and wash your feet.

After the stitches and bandage are removed, the restrictions are removed, but you should not rush to the bath or sauna. Doctors recommend short-term bathing in the shower.

The suture area should not be rubbed or massaged. It is not advisable to use while swimming, as they dry out the skin.

After bathing, the suture area is treated with antiseptics prescribed by the attending physician.

Seam and care



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