What are the properties of fish oil. Fish oil: for proper development, treatment and weight loss

The thirty-sixth week (the end of the 8th and the beginning of the 9th month) is a crucial period that ends the pregnancy, when the baby's development process ends, and the mother's body is preparing for an early birth. From 36 to 37 weeks, the pregnancy is considered full-term and the baby is ready to be born.

However, this is quite difficult period for the expectant mother. It is physically difficult for a woman to carry a baby that has already formed and gained weight, recent months. At the same time, right now, the normal completion of pregnancy can be threatened various diseases and pathological situations - colds, test contractions, diarrhea and fever.

If the lower abdomen is pulled and the temperature rises at the 36th week of pregnancy, what could this mean? Let's talk about it:

What happens in the last trimester?

As we have already said, the state of the expectant mother in the last trimester cannot be called comfortable. This period is characterized by the appearance of new sensations - signs of an approaching birth. At this time, the process of fetal development is completed and its intensive growth is noted. The baby becomes cramped in the uterus and the mother feels it well.

The main reasons for the negative feelings of a pregnant woman are usually the preparation of the body for an early birth.

The uterus is greatly stretched, which increases the pressure on nearby organs. In this case, due to the omission of the fetus, the center of gravity shifts. The body is preparing for the birth process. At this time there are hormonal changes causing softening of the joints and pubic articulation. Very often it is for this reason that It's a dull pain and pulls the lower abdomen at 36 weeks of gestation.

At this time, the so-called training, trial contractions appear. Their appearance can be noted as early as 20 weeks. However, in the last trimester, their number increases significantly. At the same time, women complain that the stomach seems to be turning to stone. Do not worry, not a single pregnancy can do without training contractions, which are not very painful and pass quickly.

In addition to the negative sensations of the abdomen, often there is nausea, malaise, weakness, daytime sleepiness, dizziness. The stomach itself has dropped, it is heavy and puts pressure on the lower back, which can also hurt. During this period, there may be an upset stomach (diarrhea).

sexual relations delivered during this period great pleasure. However, you need to be careful, as sexual intercourse can provoke real, prenatal contractions.

If the stomach pulls very strongly, intense pain in this area, you need to inform the gynecologist observing the pregnancy. In some cases, these symptoms may indicate a pathological process.

In addition, sometimes, during this period, the temperature may rise slightly. This can also be interpreted as a sign of imminent childbirth. But, if the temperature rises significantly (38C and above), this may indicate the development inflammatory process and needs urgent medical intervention.

Therefore, if all of the listed signs exceed the norm (high temperature, severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, prolonged, frequent training contractions and diarrhea), you should call an ambulance or go to the hospital on your own.

Possible pathologies

If the stomach constantly pulls, severe pain appears, this may indicate placental abruption (partial or premature). This situation requires hospitalization and stimulation of the birth process.

In addition, during this period this symptom may indicate the presence of oligohydramnios (a pathologically small amount amniotic fluid in pregnant women). This state can seriously complicate pregnancy and cause fetal hypoxia. Therefore, hospitalization and constant monitoring of the condition of the mother and baby are required.

A high temperature at this time also usually indicates the presence of a pathology that can seriously complicate the normal course of pregnancy.
Let's take a closer look at these two pathological conditions:


This pathology may be serious threat normal development fetus and even threaten his life. Low water (like polyhydramnios) is pathological change normal volume amniotic fluid.

With oligohydramnios, its insufficiency is observed, which is caused by various pathological processes. It is diagnosed in the presence of less than 1500 ml of amniotic fluid. At this phenomenon a woman experiences severe pain during the movement of the baby and at the time of the onset of contractions.

oligohydramnios can be provoked colds With high temperature, unprotected sex, hypertension, underdevelopment of the epithelium, as well as some anomalies in the development of the fetus.

Temperature rise

A high temperature at 36 weeks of gestation often indicates the development of an inflammatory or infectious process. Therefore, an increase in indicators above 37C cannot be ignored - this can threaten the health of a woman and her baby.

In particular, ARVI, ARI or influenza should be treated when the very first signs appear. This should be done under the supervision of a doctor, using medications that are safe for pregnant women.

If you observe that your stomach has already dropped, then you will soon have to go to the hospital. Usually, no more than two weeks pass from this moment until the birth process.
Therefore, once again double-check the bag that you have prepared with you, the presence required documents- an insurance policy and an exchange card.

Well, if childbirth begins at 36 weeks, it's okay. Usually, at this time, childbirth goes well, and newborn babies are already fully viable and quite ready to be born. Be healthy!

The child is almost ready for birth, as well as the mother, there are literally a couple of weeks left, and the delivery can be considered urgent. If the child appears right now, he will be quite viable, but born before the term. At the same time, it practically does not require special care, his lungs are ripe, and he will be able to breathe on his own, the heart, digestive and excretory system, sexual organs were formed. However, the baby continues to actively develop and prepare for his new, already extrauterine life. Now there is an active accumulation of vitamins and iron, calcium is actively deposited in bone tissue. The nervous, immune and endocrine system, the baby swallows amniotic fluid and sucks fingers, preparing to suckle the breast.

Changes in the body at 36 weeks

Your body is large and clumsy due to big belly and gained weight, many women gain up to 15 kg or even more by this time, so it is important to control body weight. Appetite at this time is good, especially if the stomach began to sink and the uterus no longer presses so hard on the stomach. The descent occurs about a couple of weeks before childbirth, this is especially noticeable in primiparas. In this case, the head of the crumbs is lowered into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe small pelvis of the mother due to the gradual preparation and smoothing of the neck.

Training contractions often occur, but if you don’t feel them, it’s not dangerous, each woman prepares for birth in different ways. During training contractions there is no regularity and pain, there is a contraction of the walls of the uterus without opening its cervix, and without pathological discharge. If, during training fights, the stomach and lower back are pulled, this indicates the onset of labor, you must immediately go to the hospital. When training bouts intensify, which usually happens in the evening, you just need to lie down on your left side and relax. They pass quickly.

There are difficulties with sleep - because of the stomach choose comfortable position difficult and can be tormented by insomnia, this is a kind of preparation for postpartum period when caring for a baby takes a lot of time. But you still need to sleep and fully relax, find for yourself comfortable posture, drink less water at night, take a warm bath, give yourself a massage, take a walk before bed and air more often.

It is important to move carefully and slowly, as the center of gravity is shifted and there is a risk of falls and injuries. To unload your back and lower back, wear a special bandage, rest more often and take a knee-elbow position. Working harder due to pressure bladder, and you will often want to go to the toilet, but there are difficulties with the intestines - frequent constipation. The legs are very swollen, which requires raising their elevated position and resting. By lowering the abdomen, it will become easier to breathe and shortness of breath and malaise will disappear.

Fetal development at 36 weeks: weight, size and sex

The child has grown to about 47-48 cm, while the weight can range from 2.6 to 2.8 kg, depending on individual features and pace of development. The baby has rounded plump cheeks, enough subcutaneous tissue has accumulated and the body is rounded. This will give the baby the opportunity to maintain body temperature after birth. It is becoming more and more difficult for him to move due to his size, he stretches and pushes more and more, moves his head, and all his movements are clearly felt by his mother. He actively sucks his fingers, plays with the umbilical cord, yawns, hiccups and opens his eyes. It is important to follow the movements. The norm of movements is at least ten in 12 hours. If the movements are sluggish or too active, it is worth going for a walk, perhaps the child has little oxygen.

The skull is not yet completely ossified, there are sutures that allow the head to be configured during childbirth and easier to pass birth canal. This is necessary to protect the delicate and sensitive fetal brain from injury. Now all the organs and systems of the fetus are almost ready for the birth, and it is actively accumulating strength and nutrients to meet the new world. His lungs are fully mature, he can breathe on his own, hormones are actively released, which allows him to regulate his metabolism. Nervous system improved, new and new nerve connections and reflexes. Now the child has taken his final position. If he is in a breech presentation, then the question of the method of delivery will be decided

Childbirth at 36 weeks

If your belly has already dropped, labor will begin soon. On average, a couple of weeks pass from the moment the baby is born. But you need to prepare, and always have identification documents, a medical insurance policy and an exchange card with you. If childbirth begins at the 36th week of pregnancy, everything will go well - the children of this period are fully viable and ready for extrauterine life. But still, it is worth waiting for the period so that the baby has time to accumulate weight and strength for an independent life. Therefore, give up provoking factors - carrying weights and moving furniture, physical activity, active sexual contacts. If your pregnancy is multiple, this period is quite favorable for the birth of babies.

If you feel regular contractions, your water has broken, or bloody issues need to go to the hospital immediately. Most likely, labor activity has already begun.

Feelings of the expectant mother

Frequent hiccups in babies

The main sensations from this period of pregnancy are growing fatigue and a desire to give birth as soon as possible. The weight of the body and abdomen is tiring, restricts movement and gives back pain, it is uncomfortable to sleep, heartburn and shortness of breath torment. you suffer from sudden changes mood, elated and cheerful mood is abruptly replaced by anxiety and tears, depression and fear of motherhood. It will be especially difficult if the pregnancy is the first and occurs after long period expectations. Such women are very worried about the baby and his health, about how will go through the process his appearance. You need to rest more, seek support from loved ones, do pleasant chores in preparing a dowry.

This week, nausea and heartburn may occur, due to tightness of the stomach, as well as diarrhea and vomiting, this is a kind of “cleansing” of the body. Due to squeezing the intestines, constipation develops, and then you should seek help from a doctor. Strongly swell in the area of ​​​​the arms and legs, but the swelling will gradually go away, leading to weight loss.

Now your body is experiencing double stress, the heart is pumping 50% more blood than before pregnancy, and your body is working at the maximum possible rate. There may be weakness and fatigue, fatigue and a desire to sleep during the day. Although nesting syndrome may also occur - burning desire wash everything and tidy up the house to prepare it for the reception of the baby. All these discomfort just a few more weeks to be patient. Walk and rest more often, be active, you are not sick, you are just expecting a baby.

The state of the uterus at 36 obstetric weeks

The circumference of the abdomen reached its maximum - about 100 cm in girth. The walls of the uterus literally rested against the ribs, which makes it difficult to tilt and put on shoes, gives shortness of breath and discomfort. The height of the bottom from the womb has reached a maximum of 36 cm, now it will only decrease slightly. The tummy requires support in the form of a bandage to prevent discomfort and pain in the back and lower back.

Training contractions often occur, which intensify in the evening, while they are irregular and not painful, they do not lead to the opening of the neck. The abdomen can be visually different sizes- for someone it is small and sharp, for someone it is round and voluminous. It depends on the capacity of the pelvis and physique. You need to carefully monitor the condition of the uterus - short neck points to early delivery, while opening it internal os and descent of the fetal head.

If there is a compaction of the uterus with pulling pains in the lower back, this is an increased tone. It is worth lying down to rest and taking papaverine or no-shpu to reduce the tone and reduce the likelihood of premature labor. With the appearance of regular contractions, spotting or discharge of water, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Ultrasound examination (Uzi)

All planned ultrasounds have already been completed, and in this period the study is prescribed to further clarify the presentation and study some indicators. With the help of a sensor and doplerometry, the doctor will evaluate the ultrasound indicators - the position of the fetus and the condition of the umbilical cords and placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid and their condition, the blood flow of the fetus and the degree of maturity of the placenta. This will help the doctor decide on the management of childbirth - will they be natural or by caesarean section.

On ultrasound, the estimated date of birth, estimated weight, fetal growth, placental maturity, and the absence of pathological inclusions in it are determined. Also, the doctor will once again examine in detail the condition of the internal organs of the fetus. If necessary, parents also conduct 3D ultrasound, in which they examine the child's face and all its organs and systems, take photographs.

Symptoms and signs of oligohydramnios

According to ultrasound, you can determine the amount of amniotic fluid and identify symptoms of oligohydramnios. With severe oligohydramnios, parts of the fetus are clearly felt, it moves with difficulty and all its movements are strongly pronounced, the heartbeat is heard clearly, while the volume of the abdomen and the height of the bottom may decrease. Oligohydramnios indicates the pathology of the course of pregnancy, as well as some malformations of the fetus.

Symptoms and signs of polyhydramnios

Reverse symptoms occur with polyhydramnios, which can occur with fetal kidney defects, with diabetes mother, pathologies of the heart and liver, intrauterine infection.At the same time, severe polyhydramnios leads to strong increase the size of the abdomen, parts of the body of the fetus are palpable with difficulty, fluid is felt under the arms, the heartbeat is muffled, the child is actively moving. With polyhydramnios, due to a pronounced stretching of the walls of the uterus, there is a risk of developing premature birth.


Do not worry about the increase in the amount of discharge - in this period, the mucous plug that protected the child during pregnancy may slowly leave. Normal discharge can be thick, milky or translucent, without pathological impurities. The mucus plug may come off in patches or lumps of mucus with pink or brown streaks.

However, if spotting or dark, scarlet blood appears, you should immediately call an ambulance - these may be signs of placental abruption or the onset of labor. With placental abruption, abdominal pain, nausea, pallor and dizziness may also occur due to internal bleeding. This condition is deadly, immediate assistance is needed. With placental abruption and increased uterine tone, bleeding may occur, which can threaten the death of the fetus.

No less serious should be taken to the appearance of sharp-smelling and green, gray, yellow, frothy, curdled secretions. They indicate the development of genital infections or thrush, which must be treated as soon as possible so that the infection does not pass to the fetal membranes and is not transmitted to the child. Similar infections also give itching and burning in the vagina and perineum, sleep disturbances and general well-being.

How to recognize amniotic fluid leakage

Leaking amniotic fluid will also be dangerous - they indicate a violation of the integrity amniotic sac and high risk infection of the fetus. In this condition, childbirth should take place in the next few days. Recognizing amniotic fluid is not always easy - if they depart in a large volume, there is no doubt, and when leaking, there may be abundant liquid transparent selection With sweet smell. A doctor can determine them with the help of a special test, and at home, using a special test pad from a pharmacy will help. If amniotic fluid is detected, you should immediately contact the maternity hospital.


In this period, various pains are quite common, they can occur in the back and lower back due to big size abdomen and changes in the center of gravity. Wearing a bandage that supports the stomach and unloads the back will help in their relief. Pain in the area pubic bone occur due to the relaxation of the pubic symphysis, and some of its divergence, to facilitate the passage of the head. There are pains in the pelvis and joints due to the action of the hormone relaxin, it softens the ligaments and relaxes the joints. This will facilitate the passage of the child through the birth canal, but leads to discomfort for the woman. Sometimes there are special pains between the legs, arising from the pressure of the fetal head on the pelvic region and the bladder. There may also be itching and pain in the anus with the development of hemorrhoids - you should immediately inform your doctor about this.

It is especially dangerous if the lower abdomen is strongly pulled, the lower back hurts or the stomach becomes stony. It's a sign increased tone leading to the development of premature labor. At strong tone there is a violation of blood circulation in the placenta, its detachment may even occur. In this case, there may be contractions, bleeding from the vagina - you should immediately consult a doctor.

No less dangerous is the development of edema with sharp headaches, flies before the eyes and malaise. At the same time, in the urine there is a large number of squirrel. This may be the development of late toxicosis of pregnancy, which threatens with complications with the development of preeclampsia and eclampsia. In this condition, the issue of delivery is urgently resolved.

Colds and treatments

Especially dangerous in this period is the mother's cold - viruses can lead to damage to the placenta and its calcifications, its premature aging and fetal hypoxia. Therefore, it is important to protect yourself from colds, especially in the off-season. If you feel unwell, your temperature rises, you have a runny nose and cough, you should immediately go to bed and call a doctor. It is important to check with your doctor how to treat a cold, as some medications can adversely affect the pregnancy of this period. If you have a fever, take nurofen or paracetamol, runny nose is treated with nasal lavages saline solutions and instillation vasoconstrictor drops no more than three or four days. When coughing, the tone of the uterus may increase, it is necessary to check with the doctor - what drugs can be taken.

Mother's diet and weight

Your weight may increase to 12-15 kg, but there may be an increase and more. This usually happens in thin women or those who eat very hard and high-calorie. Getting rid of extra pounds will not be easy, and it is important now to pay close attention to your diet. It is worth abandoning the practice of “eating for two”, you need to eat less fatty and carbohydrate foods, giving preference to protein and vegetable foods, it is important to consume more fiber to prevent constipation. Now the appetite may increase due to the lowering of the abdomen, but it is worth limiting the amount of food eaten. Sometimes your doctor may recommend fasting days for you to reduce swelling and reduce weight gain.

Monitor the quality of products for prevention food poisoning and intestinal infections. It is important that the food is freshly cooked and well thermally processed - diarrhea and vomiting with a temperature are completely useless to you now.


In this period, sex may be in question - with an increased tone, it can provoke premature birth. If your body is already preparing for the appearance of a baby, then you need to abandon intimacy. If the doctor does not mind, you should choose positions with shallow penetration, as well as reduce the intensity intimate life. Orgasm in this period can increase tone and lead to increased blood supply to the placenta and fetus.

Your baby is almost ready for birth: the lungs have matured, the heart and kidneys are working, all organs and systems are functioning, the genitals have reached maturity. But the process of preparation for extrauterine life does not stop. The liver still accumulates iron, which is necessary for hematopoiesis in the first year of a child's life, the immune, endocrine, nervous and thermoregulation systems continue to improve. The baby does not stop preparing for breathing and breast sucking: he swallows and spits out amniotic fluid, actively sucks his toes, including those on his feet.

Fetus at 36 weeks gestation: movements, development, weight and size

It seems that all the space in the tummy is already taken, and there is nowhere else to grow, but the height and weight of the fetus continue to increase. At 36 weeks, the baby stretched to 47 cm and possibly even more, body weight can exceed 2,600 g. His cheeks and shoulders are rounded, formed subcutaneous tissue, there was fat.

Of course, such a hero has nowhere to accelerate, but he continues to flounder and does not stop moving. Listen to them - they can tell you a lot. So, excessive activity, which is even sometimes painful for the mother, will tell about the inconvenience experienced by the baby due to insufficient oxygen supply or the position of the mother that is uncomfortable for him. The absence of baby movements for even several hours is also alarm signal, in the presence of which you should immediately go to the doctor.

On average, at the 36th week of pregnancy, the mask makes itself felt about 1 time in 10-15 minutes. In 12 hours, the baby responds at least 10 times. The pushes and movements of the baby are felt very well, but, by the end of pregnancy, when the baby grows even more and takes a position before the “start” from the belly, the number of tangible and imperceptible movements will be halved.

The baby is already the way you see him for the first time, but the bones of the skull remain quite soft, flexible and pliable - this is necessary to overcome obstacles on the way to this world and facilitate passage through the narrow birth canal. During childbirth, the baby's head can even deform to protect the brain from injury. Nature is unsurpassed in its wisdom!

Future mom

Even about expectant mother she bakes. And your sleepless nights now they are preparing the body for a night regimen after childbirth: the baby will require a lot of attention. However, this does not mean that you do not need to sleep. Find your formula for pre-night calm. Drink less liquid at night, listen to music, ask your husband to do it, do not lie on the couch all day, so that you do not find a place in bed later.

Be careful and prudent throughout the day. Do not make sudden movements, do not walk or stand a lot, control your posture: bending back, you increase the load on the spine, forward - you create a risk of falling due to a displaced center of gravity.

All unpleasant symptoms may intensify further in this period. Under the pressure of the uterus, the bladder and intestines work more actively, driving you to the toilet more often than you like it. Your legs may swell more and more - be sure to raise them to a hill several times a day. Sometimes you may even feel like you are suffocating - get on all fours, take a deep breath and exhale. However, from the 36th week of pregnancy, the tummy can gradually go down, opening up air to the lungs. Although some mothers experience shortness of breath before last day pregnancy. If the baby took correct position head down - wear . After giving birth, he will also help you a lot, so immediately take him with you to the hospital.

Pain at 36 weeks pregnant

The bandage is also needed in order to calm down at least a little, and in best case- and completely reduce to a minimum - back and lower back pain, so common in recent weeks pregnancy. Avoid standing for a long time, relieve your back more often, do not bend over or turn your body to minimize pain.

Be prepared for the fact that now the pains in pelvic region, in the hips, in the pubis. The body is completing the last preparations for the start of delivery: at this stage, it produces the hormone relaxin in larger quantities than usual. Under the influence of relaxin, the joints are softened and weakened, pelvic bones slowly diverge, which will make it easier for the baby to travel through the birth canal. Well, now such an action of relaxin causes certain inconveniences to you.

If you develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy, you are guaranteed pain in the area. anus. You should not be ashamed of this sensitive problem: tell the doctor about the disease, consult on the account further action and try to cure hemorrhoids.

Analyze the nature of the pain that occurs in the lower back. So, the lower back now really can hurt quite the usual reason: due to the greater load on it. But at the same time, the pain lumbar may also indicate uterine hypertonicity and associated risk of delivery ahead of schedule. With hypertonicity of the uterus, pain in the lower back is pulling, passing into the abdomen. Feeling drawing pains in parallel in the lower back and abdomen, periodically experiencing a feeling as if the stomach were turning to stone, be sure to report these symptoms to the doctor.

Even if up to this point you were not particularly worried about swelling, by the 36th week of pregnancy you will surely feel the swelling to the fullest. But even here, do not lose vigilance: severe swelling may indicate the development severe complication the second half of pregnancy - preeclampsia. Apart from severe edema, signs of preeclampsia are high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine.

Belly at 36 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts, dropped

We have already mentioned above that pulling belly in conjunction with pulling lower back- a sign of increased uterine tone. Before you go to the doctor for an appointment, noticing such signs, take No-shpa and lie down in bed. No-shpa should relieve spasms and relax the uterus, helping to reduce the risk of preterm labor.

Abdominal pain can also be caused by dysfunction digestive system. long pregnancy, changes in the mother's body, associated with a constant increase in the uterus, probably more than once presented the woman with surprises in the form of disorders of the stomach and intestines: constipation, flatulence became a common thing for mommy.

With the stomach at 36 weeks of gestation, another change may very well occur: often by this time it seems to be sinking. So, at some point, the pregnant woman feels as if her stomach really sank, it became easier and freer for her to breathe. This is a consequence of the descent of the crumbs in the uterus: it is pressed against pelvic floor in preparation for passage through the birth canal. With the prolapse of the abdomen is also associated with a decrease in the pressure of the uterus on internal organs: mommy breathes easier, her excruciating heartburn disappears. But, having descended, the uterus now puts pressure on the bladder, which is accompanied by increased urination.

Delivery at 36 weeks pregnant

Even if the lowering of the abdomen has occurred, this does not mean that you will give birth in the first few hours: after the abdomen has lowered, mommy may well pass another 1-2 weeks before the onset of labor. Moreover, starting from the 36th week, you should be prepared for the fact that the baby will be asked to come out at any moment. And you should not be afraid if this does happen: childbirth at 36 weeks is in most cases safe, and children born at this time are viable, their bodies are ready for independent functioning.

And yet, do not stop taking care of yourself: be that as it may, it is better if the pregnancy is still full-term. Now you go to the gynecologist every week - the time of delivery is getting closer. However, childbirth is still early and undesirable, so do not induce labor by your actions. This also applies to. But you need to be ready for them now, because in reality you can start giving birth on any of the days, especially if you have. And you should prepare not only physically, carrying it everywhere with you, collecting all the necessary things, buying for the baby and so on, but also psychologically. Some women develop a fear of childbirth - this is in vain. Childbirth - very natural natural process. Everyone emphasizes that this is work. You will have to complete it anyway. But if you prepare and do everything with the right attitude and actions, then work will pass easy, successful and will not drag on. Remember that the baby during childbirth tries no less than yours. In such a company, you will definitely give birth safely!

Discharge at 36 weeks pregnant

Do not be alarmed by the increase in the amount of discharge: a slightly thicker, astringent discharge at 36 weeks of gestation is evidence of the gradual separation of the mucous plug that has been covering the cervix up to this point. The cork may come off in parts, in which case you will notice slight mucous clots in the discharge. However, the cork can also come off at once - you will find out about this by finding a mucous clot, possibly with streaks of blood.

But do not ignore the “full-fledged” spotting: blood, even in small quantities, with a high degree of risk indicates placental abruption. Usually placental abruption is marked not only by the appearance of spotting, but also by pain in the abdomen. With such symptoms, immediately call the doctors for help: placental abruption in itself is dangerous for the health and life of the child and mother.

Detachment of the placenta against the background of increased uterine tone is the risk of heavy and heavy bleeding.

Call an ambulance immediately and if you notice liquid watery discharge. yellowish, transparent or greenish discharge, similar to water, in fact, are the waters - amniotic. Pouring out at once, the amniotic fluid marks the beginning birth process. Please note that amniotic fluid does not necessarily flow out, amniotic fluid can also be separated in small quantities. This happens if there is wear or damage to the membranes. And in this case, a doctor's consultation is simply necessary: ​​a violation of the integrity of the membranes leaves the baby defenseless against pathogens that can penetrate to him in the first 24 hours.

Of course, “colored” and sharp-smelling discharges should not be ignored. Yellow, green, frothy, curdled, discharge mixed with flakes or pus is a sign of the activation of any sexual infection. The characteristic discomfort in the genital tract will also tell about its presence: burning, itching, swelling of the external genital organs. It is necessary to establish the causative agent of the disease and treat the disease, because, passing through the birth canal, “catch” it with highly likely maybe a newborn.


At normal flow pregnancy ultrasound at 36 weeks is not required - the last, third planned ultrasound has already been completed. However, in some cases, an ultrasound examination may be required additionally. With its help, the doctor will once again clarify the position of the child in the uterus, exclude entanglement of the umbilical cord and placenta previa, assess the degree of maturity of the placenta, its condition. The data obtained will help the doctor, including with the determination of the method of delivery,

On an ultrasound at 36 weeks of gestation, you can see that the baby’s head is now round or oval shape. But be prepared that in the first few hours after birth, the newborn's head will be slightly deformed - more often it has a pointed shape. This is a consequence of the passage of the crumbs through the birth canal: the bones of the baby's skull are soft and mobile, while passing through the birth canal, the bones of the skull are compressed. Accordingly, the head of the newborn retains this shape for some time after childbirth, however, then everything returns to normal.

Specially for- Elena Kichak


Now you are 36 weeks pregnant, which means that the pregnancy is coming to an end, there is very little time left to wait. After 36 weeks, most likely the child will rest his head against the pelvis, you will feel this pressure. The uterus puts less pressure on the stomach and diaphragm, so discomforts such as heartburn, shortness of breath, and indigestion are less common. The bottom of the uterus is under the sternum, which in turn leads to some discomfort. Your urge to urinate will probably increase and your feeling of clumsiness will increase, but remember, you are not alone.

For most mothers this week, when they begin to look to the future and think about the appearance of a child in the house, the "nesting instinct" wakes up. Many women find a boost of energy that gives them the opportunity to organize preparations for the big day.

From the 36th week of pregnancy, visits to the doctor will be weekly. The optimal weight gain is about 13 kg.

36 weeks pregnant is a time when you should be very well prepared for childbirth. You should already have chosen a maternity hospital and a doctor. It's time to pack a bag for the maternity hospital with the necessary things, consult with experienced mothers what you will need first of all. First of all, buy clothes for your baby, she will need them immediately after birth, a nursing bra, a dressing gown and various little things that are needed. Surely you also know how childbirth will take place, by caesarean section or naturally. What will allow you to better prepare for this significant day!


From the 36th week of pregnancy, the baby will gain about 14-28 grams in weight every day. On the this moment he weighs about 2.6 kg, and his height is about 47 cm. At this stage, the baby has accumulated enough fat, so that his face becomes smooth and chubby cheeks. The development of the crumbs this week is almost completed, and he can rightfully be called a full-fledged child.

By the 36th week of pregnancy, your child becomes crowded in the uterus, his movements become not so active, but you should feel them every day. His position will now be upside down, it is the most common and is present in 95% of children. The fetal brain develops rapidly. The skull at 36 weeks is still soft, the bones are not fused, which will help him pass the birth canal. The kid trains the sucking reflex, he constantly sucks his fingers on the handles and even the legs. The gums have become strong and hard. The baby swallows a certain amount of amniotic fluid every day and passes it out as urine. Your miracle's liver is already producing iron. If you are expecting a boy, his testicles have already been clearly identified, but if a girl, the large labia covered the small ones.

Now the child began to actively prepare for the birth.

Videos 36 weeks pregnant

Well, the time has come when we are actively starting to prepare for future births, you have already packed your bag for the maternity hospital, you can get acquainted with the literature on how and where it is better to give birth, you know by sight all the future mothers of your area, as well as you , most likely, has already chosen a maternity hospital for herself. So the moment has come when you need to devote more time to yourself and preparing for future childbirth.

How is the 36th week of pregnancy.

You will receive information:

  • What feelings as a mother should you have
  • Discharge from the genital tract
  • The importance of eating right

What developmental stage is your baby at?

Of course, your baby is growing and developing, and you are constantly interested in the question - how does he develop, are there any deviations, why is there less movement and many other questions.

fetus at 36 weeks pregnant reaches "height" (length) up to 47 cm, and the weight approaches 2.8 kg, the diameter of the tummy is still slightly larger than the diameter of the head, but soon they will equalize. Of course, if everyone in your family is large, and the child may be of completely different sizes, and if, in addition, both parents are miniature, it is difficult to expect the child to meet the average parameters.

By this time, your baby already has a small amount of fat to cope with the stress of birth, and if you look closely, you can see the wrinkles on the legs and on the tummy, he is quite plump.

The skin of your son or daughter becomes pink, tender and velvety to the touch. The original lubrication on the skin is almost gone, vellus hair are also not observed, but the hairs on the head and nails on the hands become noticeably longer. The cartilages in the ear and its curls also become visible.

The internal organs of your baby. By the end of week 36, you feel very well the rhythm of a small heart inside you, heart beats are 140 beats per minute, and the number of movements is about 1 time in 10 minutes. If the fetus used to be able to do somersaults in your uterus, turning where you wanted several times a day, then this week you should feel the correct presentation of the fetus, it drops head down and gradually begins to move towards the area pelvic organs. Your baby's lungs are already sufficiently formed, they contain surfactant, which means that pulmonary gas exchange will occur normally, and even with early birth your baby will be able to survive.

By this time, the placenta is becoming more and more fading, although it still retains its full delivery functions. nutrients into the baby's body. The thickness of the placenta reaches about 36 mm. If the placenta begins to fade before the due date, then the baby experiences oxygen starvation, which undoubtedly leads to a lag in the development, growth and normal functionality of all internal organs.

What feelings as a mother should you have

Yes, at week 36 you are already fully aware that pregnancy is not the most pleasant thing to do, but work and painstaking work in anticipation of a baby, it depends only on you now how healthy and active he will be born into this world.

36 weeks pregnant what's going on in your body

Now you are starting to notice that everything annoys you, starting from the fact that it is difficult for you to move as quickly as in the initial periods, you cannot complete all necessary work around the house, not to mention the accumulated irritation and bouts of tearfulness.

Your own helplessness becomes one of the most annoying factors, at this time, many women complain, and want to give birth faster, because by the end 36 weeks pregnant pulls the lower abdomen.

Do I have enough strength, will I be able to take care of my baby after childbirth, is everything okay with the baby’s health - these and other questions spin endlessly in my head, sometimes interfering with the normal and calm course of life. This question is not worth strong feelings, because billions of women gave birth before you, remember that childbirth is a process of natural birth, and the body of a woman and a child is designed in such a way as to prevent any inaccuracies in this process. And since mothers also decide on a second child, and in many countries a third and fourth, it means that you have nothing to be afraid of, everything is not very catastrophic. Nature will never give you an obstacle that you cannot pass through.

Right now, your main task is be balanced and calmly expect the onset of childbirth. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, motherwort or valerian can help, while a gentle, soothing bedtime massage from a loved one will help you find a sense of harmony in yourself.

During this period, swelling becomes noticeable, on the hands and more often on the legs, they occur because the outflow of blood is disturbed, since the enlarged uterus compresses the veins located in the pelvic region. How to understand, preeclampsia (the formation of microholes in the renal vessels, from which the protein leaves with liquid into the urine, is characterized by high blood pressure) whether it is or not?

The nature of the edema can give the correct answer. If edema appears only in the evening, as a result of long-term standing in one place, or sitting, this is unlikely to be a pathology. But the edema caused by toxicosis is unlikely to disappear, but untimely treatment can lead to the fact that the fetus will experience a lack of oxygen in the lungs.

36 weeks pregnant pulls the stomach

The closer you get to the due date, the stronger the unpleasant sensations become, such as, pulling the stomach at 36 weeks pregnant. You may feel pain in your lower back, pubis, hips, and knee joints, some women feel signs of hemorrhoids, which cause not only itching, but also minor bleeding from anus. With any unpleasant manifestations, when it has passed 36 weeks pregnant and it hurts in the lower abdomen, you should inform your doctor immediately.

Discharge from the genital tract

Which selections will you pay special attention to:

  • If bloody discharge begins to go, as during menstruation, in addition to the fact that the stomach hurts - all this may be a symptom that the placenta begins to exfoliate and exit through the genital tract, urgently call " ambulance" in this case.
  • Liquid yellowish-white discharge, especially if there is a lot of it, may be amniotic light color waters. Urgently go to the clinic, as it is possible that the child can survive without amniotic fluid and nutrients for about 12 hours, during this time you should try to give birth if the water has already broken.
  • Pus, mucus, curdled discharge, all an indicator that an infection has settled in the vagina, and are also a reason to go to the clinic.

The importance of eating right

Your nutrition should obey the principle: fewer calories, and more physical activity. And, meanwhile, nutrition must be kept complete and containing the main trace elements and natural vitamins. Try to limit your fat intake as much as possible during this period, as reduced exercise stress will lead to excess accumulation of cellulite, which will not only make it heavier tribal activity, but it will not go away as easily as it would not be desirable.

As for drinking, try to drink purified water, once a week take a rest in the form of unloading day, try not to eat at night, exclude from the diet fatty and high-calorie foods that have carbohydrate calories, such as cakes or buns.

Preparing for the upcoming birth

Do you feel your contractions getting stronger? Don't worry, these may be false or training contractions, they cannot be considered generic because you do not feel pain and the contractions end quickly. But during the period when the contractions intensify and become more painful, it's time to start deciding how to prepare well for childbirth. So start preparing the perineum this week, you need to make the birth canal soft, the walls elastic, then the birth will be much less painful. Massage the perineum and vaginal walls every day with baby oil, and preferably olive oil, there is a lot of vitamin E.

Every day you live helps you get closer and closer to the long-awaited meeting with your baby. Be confident and calm, and your confidence will give strength to both you and him in future births.

I was with you practical psychologist, Olga Demchenko.

Pregnancy ... We are sure: you have already found out everything about the maternity hospital in which you will give birth. And the whole family is already making grandiose plans in relation to the future heir (heiress).

What interesting has prepared for you pregnancy Calendar on time 36 week?
The bottom of the uterus rises already 15 centimeters above the navel, 36 weeks pregnant has not yet eased your condition: pulls the stomach it's still hard to breathe, it's still uncomfortable to move around. You are tired, but the long-awaited meeting will take place so soon!

36 weeks pregnant
- the time when the bags to the hospital are almost packed. Have you forgotten about baby clothes? If a 36 weeks pregnant will take you to forum, there everyone will say with one voice: you should not pay attention to the prejudices that prohibit buying a dowry for a child before childbirth. Firstly, the baby’s clothes will come in handy immediately after the birth, and secondly, for your own peace of mind, it’s better to take care of everything yourself and in advance, rather than then my husband or parents will run around the shops in a hurry, buying everything indiscriminately.

36 weeks pregnant
was marked by an increase in your weight by about 13 kilograms.
When gestational age 36 weeks, doctors do not advise traveling so as not to risk the life and health of your baby. And your doctor will be far away if you suddenly decide to give birth prematurely.
Fly by plane, by the way, on time 36 weeks pregnant you will not be allowed without the written consent of the doctor. And it will be hard to get it. After all, premature birth is likely. Just imagine: height, absence qualified assistance near - scary! However, short trips by car are allowed. If you have to spend more time on the road, you need to make frequent stops and warm up.
And do not try to get behind the wheel in order to get to the hospital on your own when you go into labor!

Baby at 36 weeks pregnant weighs
approximately 2.6 kilograms. 36 weeks pregnant could demonstrate a photo a real angel: a smooth face, chubby cheeks. Your baby is constantly training: now he often sucks his fingers on the handles or even legs. So he prepares for a real "meal" - sucking on mommy's breasts. The cranial bones of the baby have not yet grown together, they are quite soft. Thanks to this, he will be able to successfully pass the birth canal. The baby's liver has already begun to produce iron, it will help hematopoiesis after he is born. 36 weeks pregnant and all the rest before the birth - the time that the baby uses to get better. He eats well in order to gain strength before being born.

36 weeks pregnant
already accurately determines the position of the baby in your tummy. Ideally, it should be upside down. If the position is pelvic, you can still try to change it if you perform special exercises during the last two months of pregnancy. A midwife or doctor can find out in what position your baby is preparing to go out into the world. By probing your tummy, they determine where this or that part of the baby's body is located.

36 weeks pregnant
: the placenta works less, the baby begins to lack nutrients, he releases the so-called stress hormone, and future mother fairly regular uterine contractions appear.
That's why at the time 36 weeks pregnant often I have a stomachache. Already become stronger than the pain in the pelvis, where the bones are stretched. The shift in the center of gravity from the weight of the uterus can also give rise to back pain.

36 weeks pregnant
can cause mucous allocation- the so-called mucous plug, which was previously in the cervical canal, will begin to move away. This happens, most often, two weeks before the birth. So, your body is ready for childbirth! If the cork has moved away, this does not mean that you immediately need to run to the doctor. AT pregnancy 36 weeks the rising temperature.

How will they pass childbirth one of the main questions at 36 weeks pregnant. Most women intend to give birth naturally, but there is always the possibility that doctors will be forced to apply C-section. There can be many reasons for having it, for example, if you have already had a caesarean section, your child is too big, it breech presentation, fetal hypoxia, strangulated umbilical cord. By the way, if you are preparing to become a mother of two or three babies, then you can meet them this week.

36 weeks pregnant
just gotta stay a photo. After all, the moment of birth is already so close. A few more weeks and you will change. And the memory of these last weeks before meeting with the baby will always be with you!



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