Kegel exercises for uterine contraction after childbirth. Exercises for uterine contraction - how to recover faster after childbirth

2. You should get an X-shaped fold at each end of the rectangle. Now you should form each corner so that you end up with a multi-layered triangle. To do this, you need to fold each of the two inner corners to the center of the letter X, bring the corners together and give them a little.

3. For the second end of the rectangle, repeat the same steps. This should be done from the “wrong side” so that as a result a two-sided arrow is formed, which has sharp ends, but these ends should be located in opposite planes to each other.

4. Bend the corners of the upper part of the “arrow” so that a rhombus is formed on one edge, which consists of two corners.

5. Unbend one of the corners on the opposite side so that it joins the bottom part, and bend its edge up. You will form a valve that should be bent in the opposite direction. Repeat the same action with the other corner. On this side, you will also form a diamond as a result.

6. Place the product towards you with the wide side, lift its side parts and insert one part into the other. An arc is formed with paper flaps fixed on top. The formed arc is your paper tank, at the top of which there is a real “tower”.

7. The tank is almost ready. It remains only to add caterpillars and a muzzle (cannon) to it. The missing parts are quite simple to make: bend the side edges of the tank and form caterpillars from them. For a paper muzzle, roll up the tube and insert it into the hole that is in the "tower" of the tank.

Now the paper tank is done!

Also watch the video on how you can make other tanks out of paper!

If you use the knowledge of creating paper tanks from this article, then you will definitely succeed. Successful creation of paper tanks!

We all know very well that children love military equipment. Today we will talk about the tank. But the conversation will not be about a metal military machine that works on the battlefield, but about paper crafts, a toy. Boys are the future defenders of the Motherland, the country.

Making a paper tank is extremely interesting. So, it is necessary to tell how we will make crafts of military equipment with our own hands. To work, you will need pva glue, colored paper (cardboard) in green and red, and, of course, scissors. As an addition, take a pencil and a ruler.

Paper tank for beginners, master class

Initially, we start creating tracks for a combat vehicle. Two strips three centimeters wide and 22 long are cut out of paper. Next, you need to carefully bend the strips, making a ring. We glue the edges with PVA.

A rectangular shape is cut out of green paper. We take the dimensions 8 by 14 centimeters. Now from two edges you need to step back about half a millimeter and mark with a line. Now from each received line we measure three centimeters to the center of the figure. We draw lines. Be sure to check the evenness of the measured lines several times.

Now, along the marked lines, we make bends so that we get the body of the future tank. The next task is to make a tank turret. Cut out a rectangle from green cardstock. Dimensions - 8 by 10 centimeters. From the edges we measure the distance of 5 millimeters and 2 centimeters. We draw bends along the lines.

From a rectangle measuring 6 by 10 centimeters, cut out a rectangle and fold it in half twice. We carry out a triangular shape of the muzzle. To do this, we make cuts along the edges and glue the part.

Once all the parts of the tank are ready, we proceed to assemble it. Initially, the muzzle is glued to the turret, and then the turret itself is glued to the hull.

DIY paper tank, diagram for beginners

Why did we need red cardboard? And in order to now be able to cut out a star and stick it on the front side of our military equipment from paper.

That's all. Work takes about half an hour even for beginners. Your child will be happy to engage in this kind and teach his friends.

Creating paper tanks may be of interest not only to boys, but also to girls. Firstly, such figures will be great toys for them. Secondly, the very process of creating a figurine arouses unprecedented interest in children, develops motor skills. And thirdly, many parents, during the process of forming such figures, tell their children about the great wars and their features, involving the kids in the history of their state. So, how to make a tank out of paper?

Creating paper tanks may be of interest not only to boys, but also to girls

The T 34 paper tank corresponding to the real machine can be glued together using ready-made reamers. To do this, you first need to print the necessary scan on thick paper. Then you should cut out all the drawn details.

To make T 34 from a sweep, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Fold lines should be found on the cut elements. A ruler is applied to each of them, and then the free edge of the paper is lifted and ironed. This results in an even fold.
  2. After all the folds are marked, you can proceed to gluing the model.
  3. The first step is to glue the main body of the tank. To do this, it is advisable to use transparent acrylic glue or quick-drying PVA.
  4. Then all secondary parts are glued to the body.
  5. Next, you can move on to the gun. First of all, its base is glued together, and only after that the cannon is supplemented with secondary elements. The finished model is glued to the main body of the combat vehicle.
  6. After that, the caterpillars are assembled. First, the inner circles are made, and only after that they are framed by a single caterpillar strip. Finished caterpillars are attached to the sides of the hull.

It is worth considering that there are various scans of the T 34 tank, which may differ from each other in color and conventionality. If you can only print a black and white version of the car, you should paint it using acrylic paints before assembling it. Such processing of cardboard will allow the future toy to acquire the appearance of a tank with a natural coating.

Gallery: paper tank (25 photos)

Tank IS 7 made of paper

To make this tank, you should also use the finished scan.

  1. All elements of the sweep are cut with a clerical knife.
  2. Next, using a ruler, folds are made at all places marked for this purpose.
  3. A support structure for the body is being prepared. It is made of two rectangles installed parallel to each other and fixed with 3 transverse strips located at an equal distance from each other.
  4. A body with a circle cut out in it is glued onto the resulting base.
  5. The body is glued on the sides, niches for the caterpillar are formed. The tank bottom is being formed.
  6. The basis for the cannon installation is being made. It is done in the same way as for the case. A manufactured tower is installed on the hull. A machine gun and additional elements are glued to the tower.
  7. Next, tracks are made: middle ones are smooth, rear tracks are with teeth.
  8. Tracks are glued to the bottom of the main body, fastened with a caterpillar track.

This model is quite difficult to assemble, so when creating it with children, it is necessary to provide them with extensive assistance. When assembling it with children, you can abandon several small parts, thereby simplifying the gluing process.

How to make a T 90 tank out of paper?

T 90 can be made using the origami technique. To do this, you only need paper: an A4 sheet and a small piece of paper for notes.

T 90 can be made using the origami technique

How to do:

  1. First, an A4 sheet is folded. First of all, he bends in half lengthwise.
  2. The perpendicular sides of the sheet are bent, connecting with each other. First, the short side is applied to the bottom long, and then to the top. Similar manipulations should be performed on both sides of the sheet.
  3. The sheet is turned over. The corners of the short side are bent to the ends of the crosses formed from the fold line.
  4. The sheet is turned over and folded along the lines obtained, forming the basic shape of a double triangle.
  5. The long sides are folded towards the middle so that the resulting double triangles are on top of them. The result is a double arrow.
  6. The newly folded edges are folded over to the outer sides of the rectangle.
  7. The side corners of one of the triangles are bent to the top.
  8. The workpiece is turned over and conditionally divided into 3 parts so that, as a result, the top of the folded triangle touches the middle of the base of the opened one.
  9. The free corners of the triangle bend inward.
  10. The "ears" from the previously bent triangle are set into the resulting pockets.
  11. The result is a tower.
  12. A small sheet of paper is folded into a cylindrical barrel using a knitting needle or a culinary skewer.
  13. The barrel is inserted into the hole in the tower and glued.

The figure assembled in this way can be decorated using thick paints, felt-tip pens or pencils.

How to make a tank from origami modules?

To create tanks, you can use the assembly scheme, which offers a modular origami. To begin with, the assembler will need to prepare 1688 triangular modules.

How to assemble:

  1. The first thing is going to the tower. Her first and second row are closed in a circle. Each row consists of 30 modules.
  2. The workpiece is turned inside out, supplemented by a third layer consisting of a similar number of elements. In this way, the tower is built up to 8 layers.
  3. The ninth row is assembled from 30 modules, but they should be installed backwards.
  4. Next, you need to proceed to the tracks. A chain of 4 rows is made, each of which has 50 modules.
  5. On the fifth row, 46 elements are used. The reduction should be carried out in places where the caterpillar is bent.
  6. 7 row consists of 46 elements installed back to front.
  7. The same scheme is used to create the second caterpillar.
  8. For each caterpillar, 3 wheels are made. To do this, a circle is made of 2 rows, each of which involves 10 modules. The figure is turned inside out and completed with 5 rows.
  9. The wheels are placed inside the caterpillar. These elements are connected by a middle bar made of 34 rows: 1 - 5 modules, 2 - 4 elements. Then the rows alternate.
  10. A slightly bent part is inserted between the tracks.
  11. A tower is placed on top.
  12. The cannon is made of 20 rows, the width of which alternates: 1 row - 2 elements, 2 row - 1. The last three rows increase to 4, 3 and 4 elements.
  13. The machine gun is inserted into the tower.

Creating a tank from modules is painstaking work

It is worth considering that such a figure is decorative and not suitable for playing. This is due to the fact that the assembly takes place without the use of glue.

How to make modules?

To make a tank you will need:

  • 106 sheets of xerox green paper;
  • scissors.

To make modules for assembling a tank, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. 16 rectangles are cut from each sheet.
  2. Each rectangle is folded in half lengthwise.
  3. Then the resulting narrow rectangle is bent across in half.
  4. The upper (non-opening) parts of the rectangle are applied to the resulting middle.
  5. The figure is turned over, and its free ends are bent up.
  6. The protruding corner hides inside the figure.
  7. The workpiece is folded in half.

The module is ready, it remains only to assemble a tank figure from them.

DIY paper tank (video)

Assembling a tank out of paper is quite difficult. However, this process can be facilitated by following all the recommendations given in the instructions for it. As a result of this approach, you can get as close as possible to the real tank.

We will show you and describe step by step how to make a paper tank with your own hands. This tank model is the most popular. For their manufacture of a paper tank with their own hands All you need is a sheet of A4 paper and scissors.

Instructions for making a paper tank with your own hands.

First, let's prepare everything you need for origami, namely two sheets of paper first A4 format 30x21 centimeters, the second 5x3 cm and scissors. You can also use colored paper. In this case, your origami will immediately take on a unique look.

1. Place a large sheet of paper in front of you as shown in the photo.

2. Fold in half along the long side.

3. Bend and then straighten one corner first.

4. Then do the same with the second corner.

5. On the second side of our sheet, do the same (points 3-4)

6. Next, we need to carefully fold both sides so that the center point formed from the two diagonal lines is on the fold line. For clarity, you can see the photo.

7. Fold the corners inward along the fold lines. There are 8 corners in total.

8. We place the figure in front of us and bend down the upper corner on each side.

9. We fold the top of the workpiece until it touches the center line.

10. We fold the same strip in half, bending the bottom edge up.

11. After we bend the corners to the other side, so that for now they do not interfere with us. We do the same as described in paragraphs 9, 10.

12. Unfold the corners in different directions, as they were originally made.

13. Place the figure on the table as in the picture. Fold the top corners in half.

14. Flip the tank model over to the other side.

15. We fold the layout with a ring. Our figure should be fixed, and large angles should be on top.

16. We make the tower of our tank. We fill, large upper corners in the folds of the triangles located below.

17. As a result, we will get just such a model of a paper tank, only without a gun.

18. Now it's the turn of a small piece of paper, which we prepared at the very beginning of the master class. We make a tube out of it.

19. We install the gun in the hole in front. We unfold the folds on both sides at the base, thereby obtaining caterpillars.

20. Congratulations, you made a paper tank with your own hands.

How to make a paper tank video.

Do not be discouraged if the craft did not work out for you the first time. In this case, try again to do all the steps of assembling origami. Now you know how to make a paper tank.

Do not forget, we are good at criticism, if you did not like the description of any step to describe origami, leave your feedback in the comments.

Lena Novikova

Master class on the topic: " Tank".

I want to continue what I started topic: February 23 - Defenders of the Fatherland Day! To decorate a corner dedicated to this significant date, you can build another tank. After all, introducing children to different types of troops, it is necessary to mention tankers. Tank We build on the same principle as the ship. So we need the following materials:

1. Black cardboard, corrugated cardboard, colored paper.

2. A milk carton and a small tea box.

3. Old felt-tip pen, the lid from a jar of vitamins and toothpaste is small.

4. PVA glue, glue gun.

5. Scissors, awl, clerical knife.

First, glue both boxes with green paper and glue them together.

Preparing parts for mounting wheels. Cut out 8 large and 4 small wheels from thick and black cardboard. We pierce them with an awl in the middle.

Mounting the wheels tank. We insert a furniture carnation into each wheel. Then with an awl we make punctures in the body tank and insert the wheel on the stud there, after lubricating it with glue.

Cooking 2 corrugated strips cardboard.

Glue the tracks around the wheels tanks on both sides.

We cut a hole for the hatch with a clerical knife. and glue the lid on the hatch.

Glue to tank 2 fuel tanks - you can take 2 old thermal curlers. You can glue shells from plastic dowels, you can make tankers out of traffic jams.

We paint all plastic parts. Available in black, green or metallic. I used bronze acrylic paint.

Last step: making a stand for a tank and arrange the composition.

Congratulations! All is ready!

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