Prostate cancer symptoms and treatment. Prostate cancer (prostate): all symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, survival

The prostate itself is one of the most important organs in a strong half of our population. It surrounds the urethra and is located under the bladder. But what is it for? The gland itself secretes a certain fluid in which spermatozoa outside the testicles can live and function for some time. Consider the nasty disease of prostate cancer.

Statistics on patients

Prostate cancer in men is a malignant neoplasm of the prostate gland, which develops and grows rapidly, and then metastasizes to other organs. Despite the fact that the processes in the tissues of the prostate develop for a long time (when compared with other oncological tumors), cancer still has a strong danger to the life of the patient.

In Russia, this disease is not as common as in Europe. In general, according to statistics, the majority of patients with this disease are blacks. This is rather strange, since they do not get cancer as often as whites.

As a rule, prostate adenoma cancer has a characteristic severity in older patients. And usually after 50 years, the risk of getting sick in men with this disease is higher than in young people. Of course, genetics also affects - so if the father had such a disease, then the son has a chance of getting sick 2-3 times higher than the other. There is also a minus that, like with any cancer, the first signs of prostate cancer do not appear in any way.


There are several approximate factors that influence the occurrence of "male cancer". Like any other cancer, unfortunately, scientists and doctors do not have exact data on what exactly causes a mutation in the prostate gland. Consider all the causes of prostate cancer:

  • The age of the man. Both women and men experience hormonal changes in their bodies as they age. Because of what the male hormone becomes less, the organs work a little differently than in young people. As a result, the gland itself can mutate and produce tumor cells. Statistics show that cancer is extremely rare in young people. Usually the chance of getting sick increases after 40-50 years.
  • Heredity and genes. If a man had a family with this disease, then he also has an increased risk of getting sick. It is clear that the further a sick relative is by generation, the lower the risk, but it still remains. In this case, as practice shows, by inheritance, cancer appears more often. There are two genes, BRCA 1 and BRCA2, which influence the heredity of predisposition to prostate cancer.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol, tobacco and smoking, as well as drugs have a large number of chemicals and mutagens that affect the occurrence of all cancers, including prostate cancer (PCa). To this can be added reduced activity, sedentary work, etc. Men who play sports are less likely to suffer from this disease.
  • Nutrition. Doctors advise patients at risk for this disease not to eat red meat and animal fats.
  • Ecology. This risk factor affects many diseases. And with a bad environmental situation in your city, as well as with chemical pollution, the chance of getting sick increases greatly.
  • Hormonal disbalance. In this case, there may be a sharp increase in the level of male hormones testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and androstenedione. After that, the gland itself greatly increases and cells appear inside it, which begin to grow very quickly, and they can later develop and mutate into cancer.
  • Prostate adenoma - is it cancer or not? No, this is a benign neoplasm of fast-growing cells that can also turn into cancer. The mutation originates from the glandular epithelium.
  • Prostatitis. The usual inflammation, as a result of which there is a violation of blood circulation inside the gland and a lack of oxygen to some tissues and cells.
  • Sexual infections. Usually, diseases are very unpleasant and affect the entire male genital organ. As a result of the vital activity of the infection, poor-quality cells may occur.

Zero stage or precancerous condition

Like any other tumor, prostate cancer has several precancerous conditions that may not develop into cancer, but the chance of getting sick is greatly increased.

  1. Hyperplasia with malignancy (prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia). The appearance of an obligate precancerous condition is facilitated by some cells, which, due to a mutation, begin to change their structure and multiply quite quickly.
  2. Atypical adenosis (atypical prostatic hyperplasia). In the very center, denser formations appear near the gland, or as they are also called "nodules", in which cells begin to grow and multiply more rapidly due to external factors or illness. This facultative precancerous condition does not indicate 100% development of cancer, but the neoplasms and cells themselves have a slightly different structure and enlarged nuclei inside the cells.

NOTE! These two factors do not always lead to the onset of cancer itself. Usually this is influenced by a huge number of factors: from smoking and alcohol, to nutrition and ecology.


Like other cancers, this type of tumor behaves covertly and quietly in the early stages. At the same time, a specific prostatic antigen, or PSA for short, begins to be released into the blood. But it is necessary to reveal it. Most often, a man understands that he is sick only when the tumor itself begins to spread to nearby organs: the intestines, the bladder. Consider all the symptoms of prostate cancer:

  1. Usually, after a precancerous condition, malignant cells pass into the stage of cancer and begin to multiply rapidly. At the same time, the gland itself greatly increases in size and begins to put pressure on the bladder. At the same time, symptoms of cystitis immediately appear when you constantly want to go to the toilet. Sensation as if the bladder were full, even after urinating profusely.
  2. There may be burning and pain when urinating, as well as periodic pain in the perineum. Frequent urination. Sexual desire is reduced.
  3. Since the gland itself increases in size, it begins to put pressure on the urethra and reduces its diameter. Subsequently, it is difficult for a man to go to the toilet, he has to strain a lot to go “in a small way”.
  4. If the tumor is too large, then going to the toilet becomes even more difficult, because of which the urine begins to rise up into the kidneys due to excess and stones appear. The ureters and renal pelvis dilate. In later stages, the urethra is completely blocked and doctors place a catheter.
  5. When urinating, there may be blood in the urine. Then the tumor damaged some vessel in the urethra, urinary duct or bladder.
  6. The first signs of metastases are swollen scrotum, swollen penis and legs.
  7. We are completely permeated by nerves, which are also fed by blood vessels. The tumor can cause severe swelling in the nerve that is responsible for potency.
  8. If the cancer itself has reached the rectum, then in this case there may be severe pain during the act of defecation.
  9. There are metastases to the lungs when a dry cough appears or to the liver - then jaundice may develop.

All of the above signs of prostate cancer may suggest other diseases. So if at least some symptoms appear, you will need to see a doctor to take general blood tests, biochemical analysis and blood for tumor markers.


First you need to identify the disease itself, which is quite difficult to do at the initial stages of tumor development. Later, you need to find out the degree of damage, the stage and size of the tumor itself. Well, and most importantly, to determine whether malignant cells metastasize or not yet, and how much time is available for treatment. How to identify prostate cancer?

Examination methods

  • . Usually the doctor begins to suspect something is wrong, after the usual clinical and biochemical analysis. After that, he directs the patient to take blood tests for PSA. Analyzes for antigens do not give accurate results and there are increases in performance. These proteins can also indicate other diseases.

  • Finger study. Not a very pleasant procedure, but it makes it clear at what stage the cancer is. The doctor, using palpation, checks the gland for enlargement and compaction inside.
  • ultrasound. A sensor is inserted into the anus, which looks at the size of the tumor, its nature, as well as some seals.

  • Biopsy of the prostate. If the prostate antigen is elevated and it is already clear that there is a neoplasm. It is necessary to find out a malignant tumor or benign. A special needle is inserted and a small piece of tissue is taken. Usually they take from several sites at once. Next, the cells themselves are studied under a microscope and look at the nature of the development of the disease itself.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Computed tomography (CT). After the previous study, when confirming the malignancy of cancer tissues, it is necessary to determine the size of the tumor and how much it has affected nearby tissues, possibly organs.

Stages of cancer

After all the research that the doctor conducts, he makes the diagnosis himself, as well as the stage of the cancer itself, on which the nature of further treatment will depend. Consider the stages according to the Jewet-Whitemore system.

0 stage

We can say that this is a precancerous condition, which we talked about a little earlier. Some doctors take it into account and some don't.

1 stage

A stage in which there are no certain external signs and even an increase in the gland itself. Even on ultrasound it is impossible to see the source of ignition. The only thing that can help is an analysis of PSA tumor markers.

2 stage

The tumor grows, but does not go beyond the gland itself. It can already be detected by ultrasound and palpation. At the same time, some men have difficulty urinating due to squeezing the walls of the urethra.

3 stage

Malignant cells penetrate into nearby organs: seminal vesicles, bladder and rectum. Also, due to the rapid growth, the tumor can damage the blood vessels and appear blood in the urine. Plus, pain when urinating, burning in the groin.

4 stage

Metastases move to other distant organs. Due to a strong tumor, the urinary canal may completely overlap. There is a strong intoxication of the whole organism, headaches, a person quickly gets tired and tired. A more extensive development of this disease can lead to adenocarcinoma in the bladder or liver cancer. If malignant cells get on the testicles, then you will have to do an operation to remove the testicles.

THM classification

T1 undetectable tumorT1(a)– carcinoma no more than 5% of the total volume
T1(b)— more than 5%
T1(c)- only detectable on biopsy
T2 can be determined by ultrasoundT2(a)— 50% of the volume
T2(b)— more than 50%
T2(c)- bipartite vein formation
T3- cancer is larger than the boundaries of the glandT3(a)- outside, but does not yet affect the testes.
T3(b)- affects the seminal vesicles
T4 - affects neighboring tissuesIt affects the sphincter, the back wall of the pelvic region.
N Nx - does not apply to lymph nodes.

N0 - metastases in the pelvic nodes are absent.

N1 - metastasis to regional lymph nodes.

M- there are metastasesMx - Metastases to other organs are not defined. Possibly to nearby organs.
M0 - no metastases detected
M1 - Lymph nodes outside the zone are affected.

M1(a) Non-regional metastases

M1(c) - spread to other: lung, kidney and brain tissues.

Treatment and therapy

Prostate cancer treatment comes directly from a complete analysis and diagnosis of the disease. As soon as the doctor fully understands the essence of the problem, the size of the tumor, the stage, and also takes into account the age and characteristics of the man, he selects a specific treatment.

NOTE! If the cancer has already affected an elderly person who may have additional problems with pressure, blood vessels, and the heart, then the doctor may postpone the treatment of prostate carcinoma if the cancer is in the first stage. In this case, the patient will be asked to take tests for the PSA antigen in the blood at regular intervals.

Surgical intervention

Radical prostatectomy or removal of the prostate. Usually occurs at stages when there is no metastasis yet. A small incision is made in the lower abdomen and the tumor itself is removed, as well as nearby lymph nodes, which could also be affected by cancer.

Is surgery performed for cancer metastases? Yes, in this case, the operation is still performed, but the chance of recovery in the patient is slightly lower. Plus, chemotherapy and radiation are connected to the treatment.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Chemotherapy has long been used in prostate cancer. Immediately, these toxins are primarily directed at cancer cells, which are rapidly dividing. Unfortunately, this procedure does not give a 100% result.

Radiation treatment occurs in several courses or paclitaxils. The disadvantage of this method is that the toxins themselves strongly affect healthy cells, as a result, there is a risk of complications.

With radio emission, the tumor itself is exposed to neural gamma, beta and delta radiation. The radiation itself is directed directly at the DNA of the cancer cell. After that, they cannot reproduce and die.

Usually, in order not to affect other organs and reduce the effect of radiation on nearby tissues, the procedure is performed on a linear accelerator. The second method is the introduction of radioactive substances or iodine into the tumor itself. This is a good option, since the tissues that are nearby are not irradiated so much.

HIFU or ultrasound therapy

This type of therapy is very often used abroad. The meaning of the procedure itself is to try to destroy the tumor cells themselves with a thin beam of ultrasonic waves of a very high frequency.

Medicines and medicines

In this case, the doctor prescribes two drugs. One reduces the amount of male sex hormones in the blood, which is why the tumor does not grow as fast. The second drug - makes the prostate gland insensitive to any of the male androgynous hormones.

Hormonal treatment

Usually used when there is nothing left, or for stage 4 patients and older men.

Antiandrogens. Usually used with pituitary hormones for androgynous blockade when cancer cells cannot interact with male hormones.


  • Flucin
  • Casodex
  • Anandron

Pituitary hormone analogues. Medical castration - as a result, the level of male hormones in the blood drops dramatically.


  • Lucrin
  • Diferelin
  • Decapeptyl

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists. As a result of therapy, tumor cells become more differentiated or similar to normal healthy prostate cells.


  • Firmagon
  • Fosfestrol
  • Diethylstilbestrol

NOTE! Hormones are used along with radiation therapy. For older men, treat with low temperatures, freezing the prostate gland. Under the influence of low temperature, the fluid expands and destroys the tumor cells.


Doctors use almost the same antibodies that humans have. These monoclonal antibodies begin to violently fight cancer cells and destroy them. Unfortunately, this therapy is not often used in our country. Although in progression, cancer is treated well.


Virotherapy is used to fight cancerous tumors with special viruses. The drugs themselves reduce the tumor and subsequently destroy it.

Preparation: ECHO 7 Rigvir


If a malignant neoplasm is detected at an early stage, then the patient has more chances to be cured. At the moment, there is a so-called five-year survival index. That is, at what stage of prostate cancer the patient can live 5 years or more.

  1. Stage - more than 90%
  2. Stage - 80%
  3. Stage 3 - 40%
  4. Stage 4 - 15%.

NOTE! With certain treatment, even the elderly and stage 4 patients have a chance of prolonging life with prostate cancer. Some medical treatments can reduce the size of the tumor itself and increase life expectancy.

How to avoid prostate cancer?

Of course, no one will give you a 100 percent guarantee that you will never get sick with this disease. But you can reduce the risk of the disease very easily, the main thing is to follow these rules:

  • Proper nutrition and diet.
  • Try not to smoke or drink alcohol.
  • Active lifestyle and exercise in the morning. If you have a sedentary job, then get up every half hour and do a little exercise for 2-3 minutes.
  • Healthy sleep, which allows a greater release of melatonin into the blood.
  • Try to get tested at least once every 2-3 years. For older men over 50, once a year.
  • Refrain from sexual intercourse with unfamiliar partners - reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

The prostate is a small gland about the size of a walnut. She "sits" under the bladder and in front of the rectum.

The prostate is not necessary for life, but supplies the body with substances that contribute to fertilization and the preservation of the quality of sperm.

Prostate cancer is a disease in which some prostate cells lose their normal control of growth and division.

Prostate cancer cells have the following features:

  • uncontrolled growth;
  • abnormal structure;
  • the ability to move to other parts of the body (invasiveness).

Prostate cancer grows slowly and some men with the disease can live for many years without being aware of their diagnosis.

Therefore, it is important to regularly be examined by a urologist. Prostate cancer, if left untreated, can have serious consequences.

Prostate cancer: the most common and rare causes

Although any man is at risk of getting prostate cancer, the causes of it can depend on several factors. Among them:

  • Age. Men younger than 50 have a very low risk of prostate cancer. But very often this disease is detected in men older than 65 years.
  • Family history. The risk of developing the disease is higher if a close relative (father, grandfather or brother) is sick.
  • Overweight.
  • unhealthy diet low in fiber and high in fat and calcium. Saturated fats can increase testosterone production and promote the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Causes of prostate cancer due to a defective gene

  • Only a small number of prostate tumors (5-10% or less than 1 in 10 cases) are due to an inherited defective gene present in family members.
  • The specific genes associated with prostate cancer have not yet been identified. However, studies have shown that defective genes that are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer (called BRCA 1 and BRCA 2) can also affect the development of prostate cancer. So if there are (or were) women in the family with breast cancer, chances are that the male part of the family may also have the defective gene.

A defective gene is not the only rare variant of prostate cancer. The reason for its appearance can serve as frequent contact with cadmium (for example, during printing and welding work), have been identified in a small number of patients. Also, one study showed an increased risk of prostate cancer in men who took multivitamins more than seven times a week.

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Prostate cancer disease: stages of development and classification

There are several stages in the development of cancer:

  • The cancer is very small and limited to the prostate area. It cannot be felt during a rectal examination.
  • The disease of prostate cancer is already felt physically (a hard lump during a rectal examination), but it is still limited to the “framework” of the prostate gland.
  • Prostate cancer spreads to nearby tissues.
  • The cancer has left the prostate gland and "spread" to nearby structures, such as the bladder or anus (rectum), bones, or liver.

Prostate cancer: classification

To determine the extent of the cancer, the doctor will take a biopsy of cancer cells. Prostate cancer is classified according to the appearance of cancer cells.

There are several classification systems, but the most commonly used is the Gleason scale.

  • After a prostate biopsy, the two most characteristic areas of biological material are evaluated on a 5-point scale. One point is the highest degree of differentiation, and 5 is the lowest. These scores are added together and the result is a "Gleason sum", which ranges from 2 (1+1) to 10 (5+5) points.
  • The higher the values ​​on the Gleason scale, the more aggressive the cancer (the prognosis of its course is unfavorable).

Prostate cancer: degree of malignancy

If the cells are less malignant, then cancer is called highly differentiated.

If the cells are more malignant, then the tumor is called poorly differentiated.

About 9 out of 10 cases of prostate cancer (90%) are adenocarcinoma - small acinar cancer. It starts with glandular cells in the prostate. The remaining cases of prostate cancer are of the following types:

  • Ductal adenocarcinoma. This type of prostate cancer starts in the cells that line the ducts of the prostate. It tends to grow and spread faster than acinous adenocarcinoma, is an aggressive form of cancer, and requires surgery to remove the prostate. This type of cancer is less sensitive to hormone therapy, so patients may need to undergo chemotherapy after surgery.
  • Urothelial cancer. It most often begins in the bladder and spreads to the prostate.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma. Starts as squamous cells covering the glands and spreads faster than prostate adenocarcinoma.
  • Carcinoid. It begins in the cells of the neuroendocrine system, which consists of specialized nerves and glandular cells. These tumors are very rare and grow slowly. They do not cause any symptoms for a long time.
  • small cancer. Consists of small round cells. At the initial stage of development, it may not even be detected by the PSA test. It belongs to hormone-resistant cancers, that is, the disease progresses with adequate androgen blockade with castration testosterone levels. A hormone-dependent tumor is considered, more than 10% of the cells of which contain receptors for progesterone and estrogen. Their presence allows for hormonal therapy. Most types of prostate cancer are hormone-dependent.
  • Sarcoma and sarcomatoid cancer. It starts in muscle cells and grows rapidly. Most often, adult men with sarcoma (from 35 to 60 years old) are diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma.

Stages of cancer

Questions and answers on the disease "prostate cancer"

Characteristic symptoms of prostate cancer and main treatments

With prostate cancer, symptoms and treatment are determined and carried out only in the doctor's office. Many of the symptoms that are characteristic of prostate cancer also occur due to other diseases. It could be:

  • Frequent urination at night.
  • Intense and constant need to urinate.
  • Difficulty starting to urinate or stopping the flow of urine.
  • Intermittent or thin flow of urine.
  • Feeling that there is still urine in the bladder after going to the toilet.
  • Cutting or burning when urinating.
  • Blood in urine or ejaculate.
  • Unpleasant sensations during orgasm (ejaculation).

Types of treatment for prostate cancer

Usually, surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy are used to get rid of the tumor. A new and not too common way to destroy tumor cells using freezing is cryotherapy. It is used at the initial stage of tumor development.

Three common types of surgery:

  • radical prostatectomy- completely removes prostate cancer along with the prostate itself;
  • pelvic lymph node dissection- removal of lymph nodes in the pelvic area;
  • transurethral resection- relieves symptoms caused by the pressure of the enlarged prostate on the urethra. Used for men with prostate cancer or not healthy enough for radical prostatectomy. This operation does not cure cancer.


Radiation therapy is often used "in conjunction" with hormonal therapy in men with prostate cancer. Symptoms and treatment in these patients usually show aggressive prostate cancer.

Chemotherapy can be used in the treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer, in which the tumor remains sensitive to androgens even when they reach the castration level in the blood.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account a number of different things, the most important of which are two:

  • How fast the cancer will grow.
  • How far has it spread.

For slow growing cancer, an active surveillance method is used. These are regular check-ups (every 3-6 months).

  • The price of radiation therapy (gamma knife) starts from 350 thousand rubles.
  • The price of a course of hormone therapy is about 95 thousand rubles.
  • The course of chemotherapy will cost about 195 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of radical prostatectomy is from 35 thousand rubles.
  • For the cryotherapy procedure, you will have to pay from 325 thousand rubles.

Patient reviews about treatment in Russian and foreign clinics (Israel and Germany) are mostly favorable. Many patients note a feeling of fear and insecurity before surgery, so it is very important that there is a loved one next to the patient.

Prostate Cancer Prevention Tips: Drug-Free Prevention and Folk Recipes

Prevention of prostate cancer should be consistent, daily. Only then will it help reduce the risk of a tumor. Men should:

  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Monitor your calcium intake. Do not take doses above the recommended daily allowance (more than 1500 mg of calcium per day).
  • Eat more fish - Evidence from several studies suggests that fish may help protect against prostate cancer because it contains "good fats" omega.
  • Avoid trans fatty acids (found in margarine).
  • Include tomatoes cooked with olive oil and cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli and cauliflower) in your diet.
  • Green tea is a useful helper for the prevention of BPH, prostatitis and prostate cancer.
  • Avoid smoking and drink alcohol in moderation (1-2 glasses per day).
  • Prevention of prostate cancer in men includes limiting multivitamins. Too many vitamins, especially folic acid, can "feed the cancer" and while multivitamin supplements probably won't hurt. not required for men.
  • People over the age of 40 and those with a family history of prostate cancer should have an annual rectal examination and a test to detect asymptomatic cancer.

Basic concepts

Healthy Drinks for Prostate Cancer Prevention

Here are some folk ways to prevent prostate cancer.

  • Take a few pale green spruce or pine needles. They are rich in vitamin C, and also contain vitamins B, E, K. Roll out with a rolling pin and add to a jug of water, let stand in the refrigerator for at least an hour and drink.
  • Add chopped cucumber and lemon to a jug of water and refrigerate.
  • Put apple slices, cinnamon sticks and allspice in a pot of boiling water, cook until the apple is soft, and then cool the drink in the refrigerator.

Prostate cancer: general prognosis and life expectancy with metastases

Some of the factors that influence life expectancy in prostate cancer include:

  • The type of cancer and where it is located.
  • The stage of the cancer, which refers to the size and spread to other parts of the body.
  • Evaluation of cancer (what its cells look like under a microscope). Gives the doctor a hint about how quickly the cancer will "move" through the body.
  • Some features of cancer cells.
  • The age of the patient and his state of health before the illness.
  • How the patient responds to treatment.

Prostate cancer: prognosis for a localized form

Overall, about 90 out of every 100 men with localized prostate cancer will live for at least 5 years after diagnosis.

Between 65% and 90% of every 100 men will live at least 10 years.

This is a relative statistic that does not include people with prostate cancer who died from other causes.

Prostate cancer can develop slowly. Therefore, the cause of death for many older people with early stage prostate cancer is not the tumor, but other factors, such as heart disease.

Prostate cancer: prognosis of life with locally advanced type

The term "locally advanced" means that the cancer has spread beyond the prostate and has spread to nearby tissues.

Survival statistics are usually based on the results of clinical trials. After radiation and hormone therapy, 7 to 8 out of every 10 men will live at least 5 years after diagnosis.

Prostate cancer (bone metastases): survival prognosis

In some men, the cancer spreads to other parts of the body and metastasizes to the bones and internal organs.

Between 1 and 3 men with prostate cancer (30%) who are found to have metastases will live at least 5 years after diagnosis. Life expectancy in other patients is about 3 years.

Is sexual activity and physical activity possible with prostate cancer?

Sex with prostate cancer is possible. However, the treatment does not exclude various side effects, including sexual impotence.

It is important to know

Loss of interest in sex may be a side effect of surgery to remove the testicles (orchidectomy), or hormonal treatment.

Some men fear that if they are sexually active with prostate cancer, they may pass the disease on to their partner through semen.

It is not true. Cancer is not contagious and cannot be passed on to another person.

As for physical activity for prostate cancer, it is an important step to restore health. But before physical activity, you should agree on a training plan with your doctor.

Exercises for prostate cancer, first of all, should be aimed at strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis. The load should be small, but constant.

The safest and most beneficial types of physical activity for prostate cancer:

  • swimming;
  • fast walk;
  • exercise bike;
  • light aerobics in the group of physical therapy;
  • Kegel exercises for rehabilitation after surgery and better urinary retention.

If you are incontinent from an exercise bike or water sports, it is best to abstain.

Statistics on prostate cancer in Russia

According to statistics on prostate cancer in Russia, every year the number of cases increases by 8% - 9% (which is 34,000 new cases).

  • In 2000, 37,442 patients with prostate cancer were registered in Russian hospitals, and in 2010 the figure increased by 155%, to 107,942 patients.
  • Of the total number of deaths from malignant neoplasms in men (data from 2012), prostate tumors accounted for 7.1%. In total, more than 5,250 people died from various types of malignant diseases this year.
  • At present, Russian indicators of the increase in the incidence of prostate cancer are 4 times higher than in the United States and 2.5 times higher than in the population of Europe.

The prostate gland is a small organ located under the bladder that surrounds the urethra. The function of the prostate is difficult to overestimate, because it is the juice of the prostate gland that supports the vital activity of spermatozoa outside the testicles. In this article, we will look at such an oncological disease as prostate cancer, the symptoms, treatment and causes of this disease.

Disease statistics

Prostate cancer is a tumor localized in the prostate gland, which is malignant in nature and poses a serious threat not only to sexual function, but also to the life of a man. Another name for cancer is carcinoma.

In Europe, this is one of the most serious diseases of the male part of the population, which occurs in 214 people out of 1000 studied. It should be noted that the incidence of prostate cancer in different regions varies. For example, in Sweden, the disease in question accounts for 37 percent of all cases of cancerous tumors.

Prostate cancer is a disease that has a close relationship with genetics and human age. More often among patients there are men whose age exceeds 40 years.

Some patterns, causes of prostate cancer

The cause of prostate cancer is currently an open question. Scientists have established an unambiguous relationship between the occurrence of prostate cancer and two factors:

  • Age

Over the years, hormonal changes occur in the body of a man. Next, there are changes in the prostate gland that can lead to cancer. It was found that prostate cancer directly depends on the level of testosterone in the blood. Therefore, men of middle and advanced age are susceptible to the disease. In young people, cancer is extremely rare and only in the case of a hereditary predisposition or under the influence of serious mutagenic factors.

  • Heredity

The risk of the disease doubles if a man has prostate cancer patients among his close relatives. If relatives of the first or more degrees of kinship were sick, the risk is reduced, but there is a place to be. Hereditary prostate cancer differs from other etiological types of the disease only by an earlier date of occurrence (with a difference of 6-7 years).

Other factors by which a person can be classified as a risk group are currently established, but not proven, but they exist:

  • Lifestyle

Lifestyle significantly affects the possibility of developing a cancerous process in the prostate gland. The presence of bad habits significantly increases (in unproven proportions) the risk of a tumor: a tendency to drink alcohol, smoke, drugs. The above substances have a powerful mutagenic effect and are able to activate the process of malignant degeneration of an existing prostate tumor.

  • Nutrition

Red meat and animal fats can provoke oncology. There is no clear link between diet and cancer. But doctors recommend avoiding eating these foods if there are prerequisites for oncology.


There are 2 classifications of prostate cancer. The first refers to the standard nomenclature of all cancerous tumors, and the second, more acceptable in the case of prostate cancer, is based on the aggressiveness of the tumor. Aggressiveness is determined by the Gleason index after examining a biopsy of a cancerous tumor. The score (index) is set from 1 to 10, which means, respectively, less and more aggressive tumor.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

There are too many manifestations of prostate cancer to accurately establish the diagnosis only by the patient's history and palpation.

In general, the symptoms of prostate cancer can be grouped into three broad groups:

  • Functional disorders of urine outflow;
  • Signs associated with tumor metastases that extend beyond the prostate;
  • Symptoms with extensive metastasis of cancer cells far beyond the prostate.

The first group of signs is associated with the fact that the cancerous tumor begins to mechanically compress the urethra, which passes through the prostate. As a result, urination becomes painful, problematic, and irregular. This leads to stagnation of urine in the bladder, nervousness, swelling, stress.

When the tumor penetrates beyond the prostate gland, it causes additional pain to the man. In addition, erectile dysfunction, hematuria and hematospermia can be observed.

With deep and extensive metastases, cancer spreads through the pelvic region, affecting the bones, spinal cord, and nearby organs. In this case, the main symptoms of prostate cancer will be as follows:

  • Pain in the pelvis and lower back of bone origin
  • Anemia (see)
  • Swelling of the body and limbs
  • Paralysis

Stages of prostate cancer

The staging of the disease is classified according to the forms of cancer. There are 2 main categories:

TNM- Within the framework of this classification, the degree of growth of a cancerous tumor is considered:

  • T - the tumor is in the prostate gland or slightly extends beyond the boundaries of its capsule.
  • N - cancer cells grow into regional lymph nodes located below the bifurcation of the iliac artery.
  • M - in this paragraph we are talking about distant metastases, in which non-regional lymph nodes, bones and other organs are affected.

Juit-Whitemore system- This classification divides the pathological process into stages A, B, C, D. The first 2 stages are curable, the last 2 carry more sad prospects.

A is the earliest stage., in which the patient may not experience any discomfort, and cancer cells can be single or massively localized in the prostate parenchyma.

Stage B characterizes the growth of the tumor inside the prostate to a palpable size. At the moment, cancer can be detected by a moderate increase in the concentration of the PSA protein.

Next step C, denotes the exit of cancer cells outside the capsule of the prostate gland. The tumor reaches the seminal vesicles, other organs, can block the lumen of the urethra and bladder. At this stage, cancer becomes an incurable disease.

Stage D is the final stage of cancer development. It is characterized by an increase in the number of metastases and tumor growth towards the regional lymph nodes and beyond. Also referred to as stage D and recurrent metastases after surgical treatment of prostate cancer.

It must be remembered that the stages of prostate cancer, the symptoms of which can vary greatly, are allocated conditionally. There are no clear criteria by which a tumor can be attributed to one stage or another.


The following methods apply:

  1. Finger diagnostics or digital rectal examination. The doctor by touch diagnoses the presence / absence of a tumor.
  2. PSA (prostate specific antigen). The higher the serum PSA concentration, the more likely it is to have prostate cancer.
  3. Transrectal ultrasound. More often it is referred to as TRUS (abbreviation). This is an examination of the prostate using ultrasound by inserting a diagnostic device into the rectum.
  4. Biopsy of the prostate.
  5. Pathomorphological study of puncture biopsies of the prostate, etc.

The first 3 methods are used as monitoring for prostate cancer. PSA is a great and easy way to monitor your prostate on a regular basis.

Before the appearance of PSA, advanced prostate cancer was detected in 30% of cases, now with regular monitoring of this blood test and examination by a urologist, advanced prostate cancer is detected only in 6% of cases, which improves the prognosis and allows timely radical treatment.

  • Rarely, cases are recorded when prostate cancer analysis of the PSA remains within the normal range.
  • In the treatment of the prostate, drugs can be used that lead to a decrease in the PSA level (false negative result) against the background of prostate cancer.
  • BPH and prostatitis can affect the PSA value, increasing its value in the absence of signs and symptoms of prostate cancer.

Treatment of prostate cancer

The issue of treatment of prostate cancer is very important and relevant today. The decision on treatment is made based on the age of the patient.

If a man is 65 years or older and the cancer does not extend beyond the prostate gland, then there is no point in taking action. To date, mortality at this age is quite high and by no means from prostate cancer.

If the process has gone beyond the prostate gland, then the patient has no more than three years to live without treatment. All currently known methods of treatment can be represented as follows:

  • Targeted therapy and chemotherapy
  • hormone therapy
  • Brachytherapy, radiation techniques
  • Surgical interventions

Now the treatment of prostate cancer is as painless as possible.

Targeted treatment and chemotherapy

The action of drugs is aimed at inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. But this action is not specific enough, therefore, it affects healthy cells and harms the body.

As an alternative to chemotherapy, scientists have developed targeted tumor treatments. In this case, cancer cells are attacked by highly specific monoclonal antibodies. This practice minimizes the side effect and greatly facilitates the treatment of prostate cancer.


The use of a certain set of hormones can stop or seriously slow down the division of cancer cells. This type of treatment is often used as an accompaniment to surgery or radiation therapy, but can also be used independently.

Beam methods

Exposure to X-ray and other radioactive radiation has always caused fear among patients and many side effects. This is due to the fact that with extensive metastases, it is necessary to irradiate not only the tumor, but also nearby tissues and organs. In the case of a tumor localized in the prostate, this technique is less dangerous, but not advisable.

In modern medicine, less risky treatments have been developed:

  • Brachytherapy

It involves inserting a special needle through the rectum, through which an isotope of iodine will be injected into the prostate. The localization of the injection is calculated exactly. The effect of the radioactive substance extends only to cancer cells, without causing systemic harm, as in the case of irradiation by old methods.

  • ultrasound therapy

This is a point effect of ultrasound on tumor cells. It has been proven that cancer cells are completely destroyed by high frequencies.

Modern methods of treatment significantly reduce the risk of side effects, and their effectiveness, on the contrary, is becoming ever higher.

Surgical manipulations

Surgery is the simplest and most effective way to destroy the tumor in the first stages (A and B according to the Jewitt-Whitemore classification). As long as the tumor has not begun to grow beyond the prostate, it is really better to remove it. There are two types of operations:

  • Prostaectomy

In a prostateectomy, the entire prostate gland is removed through an incision. This is the most traumatic type of surgical treatment for prostate cancer.

  • Transurethral resection

Transurethral resection involves partial removal of the prostate through the urethra. Indications for this kind of procedure are the impossibility of complete removal of the prostate or intolerance to operations. It is performed by endoscopic method.

A special robot "Da Vinci" is widely used abroad. Surgical intervention is reduced to small punctures, all manipulations are performed by a robot controlled by a doctor. On the one hand, this is a non-contact method of treatment for the doctor, on the other hand, it is minimally invasive for the patient.

The most common questions from patients

The doctor does not prescribe treatment, but dynamic observation is shown to me. Does this mean that I have an incurable form of cancer, the treatment will be ineffective and therefore it is not prescribed?

No, this kind of observation means that the tumor is slow growing and may not even manifest itself. With dynamic observation, an examination is shown 2 times a year - digital rectal examination and PSA. Such regular monitoring without treatment allows timely detection of tumor progression and transition from observation to intensive therapy.

Studies in the United States found that men without prostate cancer and patients with a slowly growing tumor (with dynamic observation for 15 years) had the same mortality. To determine who is shown dynamic observation, the age of the patient and concomitant diseases are taken into account.

Dynamic observation is carried out in elderly people with an estimated life expectancy of not more than 10 years, in the absence of signs of tumor progression. This is considered more appropriate, since tumor growth is slow, and oncology treatment can worsen the patient's somatic status, having a number of side effects.

However, the choice always remains with the patient, not everyone can take expectant tactics, since this is a serious psychological test that leads to depression and a deterioration in the quality of life. There is also a risk that the tumor will progress faster than expected and then more aggressive treatment will be needed, and the effectiveness of therapy in the later stages is lower.

In what cases can treatment be ineffective?

The reasons why there may be no effect of treatment today are not well understood, but certain facts may contribute to the development of relapse:

  • before preparing for treatment or surgery, the stage of the oncological process was not correctly determined due to the imperfection of the examination methods;
  • during dynamic observation, the growth of the tumor was more rapid, as a result, the neoplasm went beyond the prostate capsule;
  • before treatment, cancer cells had already penetrated into nearby tissues; today there are no methods that determine the spread of single pathological cells throughout the body;
  • when tumor cells are insensitive to standard doses of radiation, in a situation where parts of the prostate gland cannot get into the irradiation zone or when the tumor has penetrated beyond the irradiation limits.
How long after treatment can a relapse occur?

It depends on how aggressive the primary tumor was, highly differentiated tumors relapse more slowly, low-differentiated tumors faster, usually recurrence occurs in the first 5 years, but there are cases of relapse after treatment after 15 years.

What are the symptoms of recurrent prostate cancer?

At first (in the early years), a relapse may be asymptomatic, it was previously believed that difficulties with urination, bone pain, swollen lymph nodes indicate a relapse, but this already indicates multiple metastases. Today, the onset of a relapse can be recognized by the rise in PSA. If there are no other manifestations of cancer, and PSA increases, then they speak of a biochemical relapse, and only after a few years, such a patient begins to show signs of tumor growth. Therefore, an important condition after the course of therapy is PSA control, biopsy, digital rectal examination, MRI, CT, bone scintigraphy.

Where can the tumor metastasize?

With prostate cancer, metastases can be local (regional lymph nodes) and distant - these are any organs, most often these are the femurs and humerus, spine, lungs, liver, and brain.

Does a biopsy promote tumor progression and metastases?

There are no grounds for such fears, a biopsy does not affect tumor growth, moreover, it is the most important component of diagnosis, an easy and safe procedure, a reliable method that rejects or confirms the presence of prostate cancer.

Many men are diagnosed with prostate cancer sooner or later, perhaps it would be advisable to remove the gland before cancer cells appear?

The operation cannot be a method of prevention, since this is a serious intervention with a possible complex of complications, such as impotence and urinary incontinence. In addition, prostate cancer progresses rather slowly and in many patients it does not cause death or a sharp deterioration in health, since other diseases can cause death during this time.

Is it possible to cure cancer with folk remedies or alternative medicine methods?

To date, there is not a single folk way or method of alternative medicine that can cure this disease. Moreover, it is dangerous to use only any other methods of treatment and delay effective therapy offered by specialists. Delaying treatment may increase the risk of tumor progression and metastases.

To what extent does lifestyle and nutrition affect the risk of developing cancer?

In countries where there is a traditionally high level of consumption of refined foods and excess animal fats, such as European countries, Canada, the United States, the risk of oncology is much higher than in countries whose population eats soy, rice and seafood. Also, a link was found between an increased risk of prostate cancer in men with obesity, while the risk of not only oncology, but also hypertension, increases.

It should be remembered that timely diagnosis of prostate cancer is the key to a successful recovery! Therefore, with any discomfort, do not delay the trip to a urologist.

A dangerous oncological disease that affects males is considered. The article will give brief information about what kind of disease it is and what signs it has. Also from it, everyone can learn how to get rid of this unpleasant disease.

What is prostate cancer

It is characterized by the formation of a malignant tumor in the prostate gland. This disease affects males over 65 years of age. However, cases have been identified when prostate cancer occurred in young males. The danger of this disease is that the first signs of prostate cancer do not appear.

It is noteworthy that the disease affects only the prostate and does not affect neighboring organs. As a result, almost all men are carriers of this disease. Also, all males should be aware of the symptoms of prostate cancer.

Causes of Prostate Cancer

These include the following manifestations:

  • the presence of hormonal disorders in a man;
  • heredity;
  • eating a small amount of foods rich in fiber, pectins;
  • a man has chronic prostatitis;
  • overweight and the development of a disease such as diabetes;
  • the presence of bad habits and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • poor ecology in the place of residence;
  • work in difficult working conditions, especially with chemical elements;
  • male sterilization by vasectomy;
  • eating fatty foods;
  • advanced age of the patient;
  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent stress;
  • the appearance of inflammation in the prostate.

If a man is thinking about how to determine prostate cancer, you should be well aware of the signs of this disease. This will help to come to the doctor's appointment earlier and prescribe timely treatment.

In addition, there are conditions that indicate prostate cancer in men.

These should include:

  • Atypical prostatic hyperplasia. It is characterized by the appearance of nodules. The cells have a modified structure and are actively spreading, an oncological neoplasm occurs at the site of the appearance of the nodule.
  • Hyperplasia with malignancy. With it, some cells begin to actively multiply and with an increase in their number, they degenerate into oncology.

It is noteworthy that the development of these diseases indicates the development of prostate cancer at an early stage.

Signs of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer can be detected before the onset of symptoms. For this, a man needs to undergo a comprehensive examination and engage in prevention.

Doctors note that the main symptoms of the development of prostate cancer in the body are:

  • The occurrence of disorders during urination. A man begins to visit the toilet room very often, especially in the evening and at night. During urination, urine is very difficult to excrete. After going to the toilet, he is not let go by the feeling of overflow in the bladder. Most often this leads to the appearance of impotence.
  • The presence of pain and cramps when going to the toilet room.
  • The appearance of hematurgy. It is characterized by urinary retention and its discharge with blood clots.
  • Having pain in the bladder. Usually, this sign appears when the size of the tumor increases. In addition, a person is concerned about pain in the lower back, perineum, anus and sacrum.
  • Kidney failure and aching pain in the back.
  • The appearance of bone metastases.

With prostate cancer, a man may be disturbed by the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • dryness in the mouth;
  • constant feeling of thirst and loss of appetite;
  • the appearance of causeless vomiting and nausea;
  • confusion;
  • the presence of edema and trembling in the legs;
  • shortness of breath and chest pain;
  • difficulties during physical activity, frequent headaches;
  • violation of brain activity and the presence of urinary incontinence;
  • the appearance of back pain;
  • the presence of blood during bowel movements.

It is noteworthy that the development of all these signs leads to disorders in the urinary system and negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys: this happens when cancer cells are located in the seminal vesicles and have an excessive effect on the ureter. Symptoms of prostate cancer often indicate the development of other diseases.

Many of the signs of prostate in men do not appear at an early stage in the development of the disease. Even the presence of bone metastases manifests itself in the form of aching pain in the pelvis and lower back.

Urinary tract infection, prostate adenoma and prostatitis have slightly different signs than oncology.

Many experts note that a man should not confuse two different concepts: "prostate cancer in men" and "prostate adenoma". The latter concept characterizes the appearance of a benign tumor. In addition, a man should not forget that adenoma can develop both inside and outside. Prostate cancer only develops outward.

If prostate cancer occurs in men with one of the above signs, he should immediately contact a specialist for diagnosis and timely treatment. It is important to remember that the sooner the symptoms are identified and the treatment is carried out, the more effectively and without any consequences you can get rid of the disease.


Initially, the patient should go to the doctor's office. He will collect the necessary information and test results. Only after that the specialist prescribes competent treatment.

In addition, as additional methods of examining a patient with prostate cancer, the following are used:

  • A patient undergoing a digital rectal examination. It is aimed at examining the prostate by internal palpation of the navel and prostate gland;
  • The use of transrectal ultrasound. With it, a study of the prostate is carried out by introducing a medical probe into the rectal area of ​​the patient. This method helps to study the size, shape and contours of the prostate gland.

In addition, with prostate cancer, the doctor may refer the patient to take blood and urine tests, as well as undergo a biopsy. In the event that the patient is diagnosed with prostate cancer, then he will also need to undergo the following tests: CT of the lungs, bone scintigraphy and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.


The method of treatment is chosen by a specialist depending on the stage of the disease. For stages 1 and 2 of oncology, the following types of treatment procedures are used:

  • Carrying out a radical prostaectomy. It is based on surgical intervention and removal of the prostate and nearby organs. This method has side effects in the form of urinary incontinence and impotence. Currently, the removal of the prostate is performed using da Vinci prostatectomy, which completely eliminates the occurrence of side effects.
  • The use of radiation therapy. It is usually used in the absence of metastases to other organs. It is produced by external irradiation of the problem area or the introduction of radioactive substances into the problem area. The drugs have a negative effect on the DNA of cancer cells and contribute to their death.
  • The use of cryoablation of the prostate. It is considered the most modern method of getting rid of prostatitis. It is aimed at the destruction of the problem area.
  • The use of monotherapy with the use of antiandrogenic drugs. Usually carried out with medical and surgical castration. This method is used extremely rarely, since there is a high probability of side effects: impotence, osteoporosis, gynecomastia.

Severe prostate cancer with the presence of metastases can be treated in slightly different ways. They are aimed at alleviating the patient's condition and reducing the negative impact of the symptoms of the disease. They are also aimed at prolonging the life of the patient, since there is no complete elimination of severe stage prostate cancer.

These methods should include:

  • Use of hormone therapy. Usually carried out in conjunction with radiation therapy. It is aimed at reducing the production of male hormones. This helps to reduce the size of the neoplasm and normalize the patient's condition.
  • The use of chemotherapy. It is aimed at the patient's use of medications that reduce the activity of cancer cells. The disadvantage of this method is that the drugs also affect healthy human tissues. As a result of this, a person has unpleasant symptoms such as baldness, digestive disorders, and a decrease in immunity.

For older men, the watchful waiting method is usually used. It is based on stopping treatment and monitoring the development of a cancerous tumor. Monitoring is carried out using ultrasound diagnostics. This method is used only in the absence of an excessive increase in the neoplasm.

Currently, there are no standard methods for getting rid of a patient. All methods of treatment are selected for the patient according to an individual scheme.

Prevention of the appearance of prostate cancer

To avoid the occurrence of this unpleasant disease, the patient should adhere to the following simple rules:

  1. Carefully monitor your diet.
  2. Reduce the consumption of large amounts of fatty foods.
  3. Eat more foods containing phytoestrogens and antioxidants.
  4. Stick to a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Give up bad habits and excessive alcohol consumption.
  6. Do more sports.
  7. If necessary, use medications prescribed by a specialist.
  8. Undergo a comprehensive examination of the whole body and take tests to determine the level of PSA in the blood, TRUS of the prostate, digital rectal examination of the prostate.

Prostate cancer is considered a very dangerous disease, but following all the necessary recommendations and undergoing a comprehensive examination of the body will help reduce the risk of its occurrence by several times.

It is the most common oncological disease in the representatives of the stronger sex. The average age of men susceptible to this disease is 55-60 years, less often, but there are cases of the disease up to 40 years. At the moment, the mortality rate from this disease is quite high. The problem is that the disease is almost asymptomatic, and screening testing does not always reveal the problem.

It is very important to recognize the causes and symptoms of prostate cancer at an early stage, but how to do it? We will talk about this in the article, as well as how this disease proceeds.

Causes of the disease in men

Quite often, prostate cancer is detected already at a late stage, as a result, the prognosis for a person is unfavorable. Although if you pass the diagnosis in a timely manner, then the man will not only have a chance to save his own life, but also the opportunity to return to his former favorite activities. That is why it is so important to know the reasons and because this information can save a life.

At the moment, in modern medicine, 6 main causes of the appearance of this disease have been established, namely:

  • Genetic predisposition. If a man had relatives suffering from this disease, then the risk of manifestation of this pathology and he is quite high. Therefore, an examination by a urologist is a necessary procedure.
  • Alcohol, smoking and drugs. These bad habits are the main provocateurs of this disease. They stand in the first place as its cause.
  • Abuse of animal food. Based on studies conducted by a number of scientists, men are more likely to suffer from prostate cancer, whose menu consists mainly of animal food.
  • Launched inflammatory processes. Half of the representatives of the stronger sex on the planet at least once, but faced with signs of prostatitis in their lives. At the same time, the number of men who turned to specialists for help is negligible. But the insidiousness of prostatitis is that it is enough not to devote time to its treatment, as it can turn into cancer.
  • BPH. Adenoma is a benign tumor that quite often develops into a malignant neoplasm. As a rule, prostate cancer occurs in older men.

An important role in the risk factor is played by the ethnicity of the man. You can also add to this list the intimate life of a person and professional activities. All this can give such a result as prostate cancer. The symptoms and treatment of this disease are listed below.

Stages and symptoms signaling the development of the disease

There are four stages. The symptoms of each of them are different. Of course, any oncology is much easier to stop at the initial stages of development. But in the case of the prostate, the problem is that at first the cancer proceeds without any signs. It can be discovered by chance, for example, during a routine inspection. And if this happened, then for a man with this problem there will be the most favorable prognosis.

First stage. The tumor occupies no more than 5% of the volume of the prostate gland. The complete absence of symptoms, in other words, it does not manifest itself in any way. Prostate cancer of the 1st degree can be cured quite easily, you just need to contact a specialist in a timely manner. The insidiousness of the disease is that it is asymptomatic.

Second stage. A man has difficulty urinating, the frequency of nighttime urges increases. A small amount of blood appears in the semen. Pain in the groin area appears, potency decreases. There are no metastases at this stage.

It is worth noting that such symptoms are also characteristic of other diseases - prostate adenoma and chronic prostatitis among them. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose at this stage. This is necessary for the timely recognition of the disease.

Third stage. There is an increase in existing pain symptoms. Urination is very difficult, and the pain in the groin becomes unbearable. These signs are hard to ignore. By this time, the cancerous tumor continues to occupy more and more healthy tissues in the prostate area - this is the pelvic area, testicles and lymph nodes, which are gradually affected by metastases.

If you rely on statistical data, then most often a person receives a diagnosis at this stage, i.e. prostate cancer of the 3rd degree. Life expectancy is different, depending on the number of already spread metastases, the type of tumor. Some men live their whole lives with this disease, only regularly doing certain medical procedures and visiting a doctor.

Fourth stage. At this stage, the tumor grows faster and faster, and its metastases affect almost all organs, bones, and even the vertebrae.

In the fourth stage, a person noticeably decreases body weight, general weakness and severe fatigue appear. In addition, a person stops eating due to lack of appetite, vomiting appears, legs swell and there is constant pain in the genital area and vertebrae.

The causes and symptoms of prostate cancer can vary. What does it depend on? In some cases, cancer can develop very slowly, with no symptoms for years. Men for several years do not even suspect that they are carriers of a malignant tumor. But there is also a completely different situation in which prostate cancer develops “at the speed of light”, in which case the patient literally burns out in a few months.

Diagnosis of prostate cancer

To date, the simplest and most affordable method of examination is a rectal examination with the help of fingers. An experienced doctor can detect the appearance and development of a malignant tumor at an early stage, even with its small size. It is strongly recommended to be examined in this way for all men suffering from painful urination.

The second method of examination establishes a diagnosis with great accuracy. To determine the presence of malignant diseases, modifying indices are used, which determine how much the PSA antigen is exceeded.

The third method is the ultrasound and transrectal method of the gland. Often it is used to determine the tumor and take a biopsy of the gland.

The main method for diagnosing cancer is a biopsy. The essence of this manipulation is to take a column of tissue material for examination under a microscope using a thin needle.

In rare cases, they can supplement the examination with the use of magnetic resonance imaging to examine the pelvis and internal organs in detail.

Treatment of prostate cancer

Currently, there are the following treatments for prostate cancer. Each method is used depending on the stage of the person's lesion. There are several ways in total, namely:

  • surgical;
  • radiation therapy;
  • hormone therapy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • bilateral orchiectomy.

Now let's take a closer look at each method of treatment.

Surgical method

It involves the removal of the gland by surgery. This happens if cancer (prostate) is diagnosed. The operation is performed mainly on young patients, provided that the tumor is small and associated defects are responsible.

A side effect is possible impotence. But to date, quite sparing methods of operations have been developed, they help maintain erectile function in men.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy for prostate cancer is used in stages 1-3. The advantage of this method is that there is a high percentage of a complete cure for a person. And most importantly, there is no need for surgical intervention and outpatient therapy. However, this method also has disadvantages, namely:

  • Urinary incontinence may develop.
  • In 40% impotence develops.
  • The appearance of diarrhea and the opening of bleeding.

Modern medicine does not stand still, thanks to which, relatively recently, another effective method has appeared - brachytherapy. The essence of this method lies in the fact that radioactive sources are introduced into the prostate tissue. Such manipulation gives an excellent result with minimal risk to the patient.

hormone therapy

This method includes a whole range of drugs of hormonal and chemotherapeutic origin. These drugs have a detrimental effect on tumor cells. Hormones act suppressively on the production of testosterone, since it is he who contributes to the growth of the neoplasm.

But this method of treatment also has side effects, so the consequences of prostate cancer can be as follows:

  • development of bone fragility (osteoporosis);
  • severe weight loss;
  • intensive growth of mammary glands;
  • development of impotence.

It is worth noting that, even taking into account all the unpleasant consequences, this method gives an effective result when used. And most importantly - it is an opportunity to extend a person's life.


An effective method, provided that the neoplasm is small. Use this manipulation in rare cases. The method of treatment is that the tumor is destroyed due to low temperature. At the same time, in addition to this method, the use of hormonal drugs is prescribed.

Bilateral orchiectomy

This method of treatment includes the obligatory removal of the testicles in a man. It is used only when it is not possible to remove the neoplasm due to metastasis. At the same time, this method helps to reduce the level of sex hormones by almost 90%. If, in the presence of such a pathology, distant metastases appear, then hormonal agents are also used. Thanks to this, a person's life can be extended.

In rare cases, oncologists use the so-called waiting tactics. In other words, a man who has a non-aggressive form of a malignant neoplasm, while it does not create any discomfort, is not prescribed treatment. There are several reasons for such actions, some contraindications are possible, or surgery is a great threat to the patient's life. The same applies to radiation therapy.

Treatment in a medical institution is a mandatory action if a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer. Metastases can slow recovery, but it's still very real.

To date, there are a large number of folk methods for the treatment of prostate cancer. But all of them are rather doubtful, and with such a dangerous disease, it is extremely dangerous to engage in "shamanism".

Disease prevention

The causes and symptoms of prostate cancer can be completely bypassed if elementary preventive actions are taken, namely:

  • Every year to be examined by a specialist, it is especially important to follow this advice for men over the age of 50.
  • Bad habits are one of the main factors in the appearance of cancer, so giving them up will increase the chance of avoiding this disease.
  • When a disease occurs, prostatitis is treated in a timely manner.
  • Regular sex life has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland, so it is very important to have a permanent partner.
  • Sports and moderate exercise have a good effect on blood circulation in the prostate area. Such a simple way will help a man avoid this disease.

Prostate cancer can be avoided if a person treats their own health more carefully. Some doctors recommend to be examined by a urologist, starting at the age of forty. This will help to avoid pathology in the form of a malignant neoplasm. And even if this problem is detected, it can be successfully treated at an early stage.

Survival prognosis

Prostate cancer is not a sentence, the main thing is that the disease is detected in a timely manner. In this case, the man will have a chance for a full life. If this disease was detected at the first or second stage, then this can be a guarantee of getting rid of a malignant neoplasm by 100%.

The situation is different if stage 3 prostate cancer is diagnosed. Life expectancy in this case may be lower, but there are fairly high chances of life extension. The age of the patient matters in the prognosis. The younger the man, the greater the chance of success in treatment. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex under 65 successfully undergo treatment.

When the last stage is detected, the chances of life are quite low, unfortunately, the prognosis is disappointing. But even in this case there may be exceptions.

There are certain statistics: when treated with surgery, the survival rate after this procedure is at least 70%. If the tumor is affected by radiation therapy, then the milestone of 5 years is experienced by 80% of patients.

From all of the above, we can conclude that prostate cancer is an extremely dangerous disease, but amenable to successful treatment. It is also important that modern medicine does not stand still, thanks to which new methods are constantly emerging that help to successfully cope with oncology not only in men, but also in children and women.

The most important thing is prevention! After all, it depends on this measure at what stage a pathology called prostate cancer is detected. Symptoms and treatment have been discussed in great detail in the article, but the main idea is that you should not ignore the annual examination by a urologist. Always remember that spending a few minutes can save your life.



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