When pregnancy occurs after taking birth control pills. How quickly does pregnancy occur after taking birth control pills for a long time?

Many avoid oral contraceptives, although they are actually quite common and, if used correctly, help to avoid unintended pregnancy. Over time, all the girls come to one thing - it's time to become a mother. And then the question arises We offer not only to deal with it, but also to read a number of recommendations.

If everything is in order with your health and the tests confirm this, besides, your age favors the birth of a child (ideally, if you are not more than thirty years old, after that the activity of the reproductive organs begins to fade), then you can become pregnant after the end of the intake tablets pretty fast. The functionality of the reproductive system will be restored within two to three months and the body will again be ready for fertilization, as a result, also for bearing, as well as the birth of a healthy baby.

No less interesting for girls are questions such as:

  • Does oral protection against unwanted pregnancy affect the health of the mother and unborn baby?
  • does it affect the reproductive system?
  • Is it possible to independently prepare your body for a planned pregnancy?

Let's figure this out together.

Hormonal drugs and their influence

In fact, contraceptives aimed at suppressing the main functions of the ovaries, due to which ovulation stops. From the first day after the abolition of taking the pills, the ovaries begin to function more correctly and in the future, the intensity of their work increases day by day.

It may seem strange to you, but often gynecologists use a course of contraceptives to "cheer up" the reproductive organs of those women who cannot become pregnant for a long time. As a rule, the course lasts three to four months, after which the pills are stopped and the functionality of the genital organs is restored.

If you can not get pregnant, you should not rush from one extreme to another and start taking hormonal drugs. There is only one chance of hurting yourself. First of all, you should undergo a full examination and consult a gynecologist about this.

Fertilization after stopping oral contraceptives

It is important for a woman not only to get pregnant quickly, but also to bear a healthy baby, without spoiling her health. In no case do not forget to consult a specialist about your state of health, only after that you can start taking the pills.

A similar consultation should also be taken after the end of the course of taking them, so that a knowledgeable person will advise you on what needs to be done in order to safely become pregnant in the shortest possible time.

Along the way, we suggest you look at a number of useful tips that any gynecologist will give you:

  • After consulting with a specialist, you will receive a number of recommendations that you will need to follow from the very first to the last pill. Otherwise, you risk your health - bleeding may begin; get off the menstrual cycle; disturb the hormonal balance.
  • Once you stop taking pills, will need to be examined again. It happens that even the most imperceptible changes in the hormonal balance activate a number of hidden diseases, they are also called "sleeping". Thus, there may be a problem for normal conception. We also recommend that you pay attention to your immunity, the absence of tumors or any non-standard formations. Ideally, you should also visit a mammologist.
  • It's foolish to try get pregnant as soon as you give up the pills - nothing will come of it. The most favorable time is three to four months after stopping birth control. During this time, the body will recover, return to its normal rhythm, and the reproductive organs will work to their full potential.
  • If you managed to conceive a baby earlier than in three or four months, you should not worry - it means that the body has already recovered. For the fetus, contraceptives do not pose any threat, it will develop normally.
  • Start taking vitamins, exclude from your diet all foods that can be harmful: fast food and the list goes on; give up smoking, alcohol and other nasty things.


But still, How long does it take to get pregnant after taking birth control pills? As we noted above, the ideal option is three to four months after giving them up. It is extremely unlikely that it will happen sooner, but it still happens all the time.

Complex oral contraceptives (they are also OK or COCs) are a real salvation for a modern girl. They are comfortable, reliable, and in some cases solve medical and cosmetic problems. For example, they help smooth out PMS, get rid of excess body hair and pimples on the face. However, there comes a time when a woman thinks about children.

Whether pregnancy occurs quickly after taking birth control pills depends on several factors. Namely: from the duration of taking OK, from the age of the expectant mother, from her hormonal levels, the state of health of both parents, from a specific drug. Read more about this (as well as how the pregnancy proceeds after the abolition of ok, whether the hormones will affect the child) read in the article.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes OK to stimulate the ovaries with hormonal imbalances after the patient has passed. The fact is that when hormonal-type contraceptives are canceled, the chances of successfully becoming pregnant increase significantly. And doctors use the property of these drugs. Assign them for a short period (for 2-4 months) and cancel the reception. This helps some patients quickly become pregnant and successfully endure the baby. Doctors call this phenomenon the “rebound effect.”

After stopping the use of contraceptives, ovulation can immediately come, and with it, conception.

An important nuance: after the cancellation of OK, the likelihood of multiple pregnancy increases. After all, artificial hormones from birth control pills suppress reproductive function. After the abolition of the contraceptive, the ovaries work in an enhanced mode, and not one, but several eggs can mature at once.

Isn't it harmful? How will the pills affect the health of the baby? This question worries many responsible expectant mothers. Doctors say: neither short nor long-term use of oral contraceptives will in any way affect pregnancy and the development of the child. Statistics show that for mothers who took OK before pregnancy, the risk of having a sick child is no higher than for everyone else.

Those mothers who “managed” to get pregnant during a course of contraceptives are even more worried. This can happen if a woman misses a pill or if a pill is not absorbed, for example, due to an intestinal infection. Doctors say: if the pregnancy has already "taken place", then the woman has every chance to endure and give birth to a healthy child. But of course, taking the pills should be stopped as soon as you find out about the pregnancy.

Conception after long-term use of OK

Let's say right away that you don't need to worry: you can get pregnant after birth control pills. But there are important nuances. Doctors used to allow couples to get pregnant right away. Now some doctors recommend that after a course of OK, wait one cycle, using condoms, and only then get pregnant. This is done in order to restore the endometrium, which atrophies after taking the pills.

The instructions for some drugs indicate that the period of pregnancy after the abolition of OK can be literally a month. In practice, not everything is so cloudless, so some features and recommendations must be taken into account.

  • accept different;
  • take a course;
  • eat only healthy and better home-made products;
  • streamline the mode and rhythm of life.

When a woman realizes that she wants to become a mother, it is necessary to drink up to the end of the monthly course of contraception (otherwise hormonal failure is possible).

When can I get pregnant after taking birth control pills? If you drank contraceptives in a short course as prescribed by a doctor in order to conceive a baby, then you can get pregnant after a month. If the intake was prolonged, the body may need more time to restore hormonal levels. Experts say that some women need 2-4 months for this (at that time it is desirable to protect themselves with condoms), and in individual cases a year or even more.

During this time, the reproductive system returns to normal, the endometrium, the functioning of the ovaries and the full menstrual cycle are restored. The longer the course of tablets was, the more time it takes to recover.

The age of the patient is also important. The older the woman, the longer it will take to restore the hormonal background. At 20 years old, you can get pregnant immediately after the abolition of ok, after 30 years, it may take more than a year.

If 3-6 or more months have passed after the abolition of the pills, the menstrual cycle has recovered, and there is still no pregnancy, there is nothing to worry about yet. The norm is conception within one year. If 12 months was not enough for conception, both spouses need to visit a doctor and be examined.

And, of course, you should definitely go to the doctor if the menstrual cycle has not recovered in 3-4 months after the drug is discontinued: menstruation is irregular or not at all, they are too plentiful or scarce.

Commentary from an obstetrician-gynecologist

Today, combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are considered the gold standard of contraception. That is, it is the most convenient method of contraception, with a minimal risk of side effects. In recent years, the list of COCs has expanded significantly, and the doses of hormones in modern contraceptive pills are minimal. In the 60s of the last century, taking contraceptives led to severe side effects and even provoked the development of infertility.

This cannot be said about the current COCs. You can take them for a contraceptive purpose for as long as you like, including young nulliparous women (months, years). The only requirement before deciding on long-term use of COCs is the appointment and selection of them by a doctor. And if not so long ago it was believed that the constant use of COCs requires a break for 1 to 3 months, today it has been proven that the use should be continuous, without any rest, allegedly necessary so that the ovaries "do not forget how to work." Rather, interruptions in the constant intake of COCs are harmful to the body, it must constantly be reorganized either to receive sex hormones from the outside, or to independently produce them.

Restoration of fertility in a woman occurs 1 to 3 months after discontinuation of the drug in 90% of cases. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, she should stop using COCs 3 months before the desired pregnancy. After discontinuation of the drug, the ovaries do not need some time to recover, and, accordingly, any treatment.

All the follicles that they have, when taking COCs, were simply in a "sleeping state", but after the abolition of the pills, they immediately or after a while "wake up" and begin to mature, which leads to ovulation. One of the "minuses" of long-term use of pills and their cancellation is the occurrence of multiple pregnancies.

If, within 12 months after the abolition of birth control pills, the desired pregnancy did not occur, you should look for the cause in the woman, that is, she has some hidden gynecological diseases that were not diagnosed before the appointment of COCs. This may be a lack of body weight, late onset of menarche and late puberty, a history of menstrual irregularities, and so on.

Features of hormonal drugs

Pregnancy after birth control pills comes in a different period, which directly depends on the specific drug.


Pregnancy after Logest can occur as early as three months after the abolition of contraceptives. During this period, the hormonal background is restored, the childbearing function of a woman is being established. You can get pregnant even between taking hormonal oral contraceptives when a scheduled break is taken. Similarly, conception occurs after the application of the Median.

Diana 35

Pregnancy after these COCs occurs quickly (sometimes in a month or two), if the drug Diane 35 was selected by a gynecologist or endocrinologist. This drug greatly affects the hormonal background, so it should be prescribed by a doctor, focusing on the characteristics of the body. Often it is prescribed as a remedy, for example, for polycystic ovaries.

After one year of taking Diane 35, your doctor may recommend taking a break of approximately three months. The functions of the ovaries must have time to recover, so as not to have a negative impact on the ability to conceive a child in the future. If side effects occur, these oral contraceptives should be discontinued and a replacement should be found.


How to get pregnant after birth control, ? After taking ok, it is worth planning a pregnancy only after 3 months. In this case, getting pregnant is quite easy. Usually, conception occurs within a period of 3 months to one and a half years, which is considered the norm.

It is necessary under the supervision of the attending physician to quit the use of OK. During the first months, the reproductive system, the functioning of the ovaries, the menstrual cycle will be restored. Regulon has no effect on the fetus, so you should not worry if pregnancy after a long-term use of birth control pills came very quickly.

Other drugs

Desired pregnancy after Jenale possible if you do not abuse this drug. These pills are disposable emergency contraceptives. This type of birth control pill should only be taken as a last resort. The medication is easy to take, but it negatively affects the hormonal background.

Some girls who have used Genale are worried about how reliable it is. Doctors say that it all depends on when you took it. On the first day after intercourse, the drug will work in 95% of cases. If more than three days have passed, then it is useless to take it.

Pregnancy after a common Claires occurs similarly with other contraceptive pills.

After Mirena? The tool is a hormonal spiral. After Mirena, the woman's body recovers very quickly, the opportunity to become pregnant returns. Sometimes it may take several months to recover after using Mirena. To get pregnant quickly, it is better to consult a doctor on how to properly and effectively bring the female body back to normal.

In individual cases, pregnancy after cancellation of ok occurs at different times, so it is impossible to accurately answer the question of how soon conception will occur. The drug itself, the duration of the course, also affects.

How long it takes to get pregnant after stopping birth control pills, how long the pregnancy planning process will take, depends on the specific situation and on the reproductive health of the couple.

Taking hormonal contraceptives is convenient and simple. Therefore, many girls decide on this method of contraception on their own. And yet you need to contact a good doctor so that he picks up a contraceptive. Then you will get pregnant without any problems when the time comes.


Obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Artemyeva answers the questions of patients.

I have been taking Lindinet for five years now. We are planning a child. How long do you need to "rest" after the abolition of contraceptives before conception?

- With this question it is better to consult a doctor for an internal consultation. A break between conception and withdrawal of COCs is not necessary in most cases. Another thing is that the reproductive function is not restored immediately for everyone. Therefore, it is not a fact that pregnancy will occur in the first cycle and even in the first six months. Before planning a pregnancy (even before the pills are cancelled), you need to undergo an examination: take a smear, check for TORCH infections, take thyroid hormones. And also make OAM, UAC.

I am 24 years old and have a baby. Can I protect myself with COCs? In the future I want more children, I'm afraid to harm my health ...

- To choose a COC, you need to go to a gynecologist. For the correct choice of the drug, it is necessary to pass tests, do an ultrasound scan, and so on. When taking contraceptives, you should regularly visit a gynecologist. Then the pills won't hurt you and you can have as many babies as you want.

How to get pregnant quickly after birth control pills? I have been drinking Diana for two years now, I am 28 years old.

- First you need to go to the gynecologist and be examined. If there are no problems with reproductive health, you can plan a pregnancy already in the first cycle after cancellation.

After refusing to take contraceptives. For several months, all the functions of the reproductive system are restored and the body is ready to conceive, bear and give birth to a healthy baby. It is at this time that women have questions:

Did taking contraceptives affect the reproductive system?

How harmful to the health of the unborn child?

How to properly prepare the body for pregnancy after stopping the pill?

The answers to these questions will help every woman plan her pregnancy without fear and, as a result, experience the joy of motherhood.

The effect of hormonal drugs on women's health

The principle of the effect of birth control pills on a woman's body is aimed at inhibiting ovarian function, as a result of which the ovulation process is temporarily stopped. After the abolition of hormonal drugs, the reproductive organs begin to work more intensively. That is why gynecologists often prescribe birth control for women who cannot become pregnant for a long time. After a 3-4-month "rest", the previously disturbed functions of the internal genital organs are fully restored.

You can take hormonal drugs only after examination by a gynecologist. Taking pills without medical supervision can lead to serious consequences.

Conception after stopping birth control pills

In parallel with the question of how to get pregnant quickly, there must be a question of how to stay healthy and bear a healthy child. While taking contraceptives, do not forget about the general condition of the body. In order to safely become pregnant after stopping the use of hormonal drugs, you need to follow certain recommendations both while taking contraceptives and after.

Useful tips for women who want to get pregnant quickly after taking hormonal pills

1. Be sure to follow the rules for taking hormonal drugs from the first to the last pill. Any unauthorized violations in the intake schedule can provoke severe pain, heavy bleeding, menstrual cycle failure, and hormonal imbalance in the body.

2. After stopping the medication, undergo a complete examination of the body. Sometimes changes in hormonal balance activate hidden diseases that can become an obstacle to conception. Particular attention should be paid to the level of immunity, make sure that there are no various kinds of neoplasms, tumors in the internal genital organs, undergo a mammogram.

3. Do not try to get pregnant immediately after stopping birth control. It is best to plan a pregnancy in 3-. It is necessary to give the body time to restore the general hormonal background, the normal rhythm of the menstrual cycle and all the functions of the reproductive organs. If conception happened earlier, there is nothing to worry about. Modern contraceptive hormonal drugs do not pose any danger to the normal development of the fetus.

4. Take vitamins, exclude harmful foods from the diet and, of course, give up all bad habits.

When is the easiest time to get pregnant?

How quickly pregnancy can occur depends on factors such as the woman's biological age, health status, and how long the birth control pill has been taken.

The easiest way to get pregnant is a young woman aged 18-25 years who has taken drugs for no more than a year. In this case, after stopping the intake, the reproductive system is restored in the first month. In a woman aged 26-34 years, the restoration of the menstrual cycle can last from six months to a year. After 35 years, it may take even longer to restore the functionality of the reproductive organs.

If more than six months have passed after taking birth control pills, and the cycle has not recovered, you need to seek advice from a gynecologist. In rare cases, taking hormonal contraceptives can cause infertility, which can be treated at the initial stage.


Oral contraceptives significantly change the production of hormones in a woman's body, which leads to a restructuring of the functioning of the whole organism. Therefore, pregnancy after birth control pills is not without its own characteristics. This article is for those who have been protected by hormones for a long time and have now decided to conceive a child. All about the features of planning and the course of such a pregnancy later in the article.

Is it possible to get pregnant after birth control pills

To understand what is the likelihood of pregnancy after the abolition of birth control pills, you should understand the mechanism of their action. These drugs consist of synthetic derivatives of the female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Due to this, the production of its own hormones is inhibited, which prevents the maturation of the follicle in the ovary and the release of the egg.

After the abolition of these drugs, the hormonal background quickly returns to normal, and reproductive function is restored. However, this does not always happen. Often fertility returns over time, as the body needs to adapt to the cessation of the hormone from outside and start producing its own.

Occasionally it happens that pregnancy after hormonal contraception does not occur at all. Several factors affect the possibility of resuming pregnancy, as well as the recovery time:

  • girl's age;
  • How long have you been on birth control?
  • individual features of hormonal regulation.

How long can you get pregnant after birth control pills

As noted above, the period after which a child can be conceived depends on a number of reasons. If we talk about age, then the younger the girl, the sooner the development of pregnancy after taking birth control is possible. The fertility of a 25-year-old girl resumes, as a rule, in the second or third month after their cancellation. A woman of 30 years old will have to wait about a year, 35 years old - 2 - 3 years.

An important role is played by the individual characteristics of the production of sex hormones in the body. Even if two women of the same age have taken the same drug for a certain period of time, the first can become pregnant in a couple of months, the second in a few years.

Important! If, after the abolition of contraceptives, pregnancy does not occur for a long time, you should consult a gynecologist - this may be a symptom of a concomitant pathology.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after stopping birth control

The instructions for contraceptives indicate that it is possible to conceive a child in the next ovulatory cycle after stopping the drug. That is, in about two weeks. Indeed, if a girl does not have diseases of the reproductive system or concomitant pathologies of other organs, she took modern contraceptives, strictly following the instructions, pregnancy comes quickly.

Pregnancy after prolonged use of birth control pills

The duration of contraceptive use is a significant factor influencing the timing of fertility recovery. With short-term use, in most cases, pregnancy occurs almost on the next cycle. But conception after prolonged use of birth control pills is possible in about a year and a half. Although do not forget about the individual characteristics of the body.

Planning for pregnancy after taking birth control pills

In order for the gestation to pass without complications, and a healthy baby was born, you should follow several rules for its planning:

  1. Start trying at least one month after stopping contraception.
  2. Completely finish the course of tablets according to the instructions, since if the cancellation is incorrect, the state of the mother's body suffers significantly.
  3. Start trying only after the menstrual cycle has fully recovered.
  4. At the beginning of pregnancy planning, take vitamins (groups B, C, E), minerals and folic acid, since hormonal contraceptives cause a lack of these substances in the body.

Attention! Folic acid is necessary for the formation of the neural tube of the fetus, so its deficiency leads to severe malformations.

When you start trying to conceive a child, you should undergo a medical examination, which includes the following methods:

  • ultrasound examination of the uterus and its appendages;
  • a smear from the cervix to exclude the inflammatory process;
  • gynecological examination;
  • research on TORCH infections - a group of infectious diseases that have a negative effect on the development of the fetus.

Careful adherence to all of the above rules significantly increases the chance of a successful pregnancy.

The impact of oral contraceptives on fertilization and the fetus

The impact of oral contraception on the health of the unborn child has long been the subject of debate among scientists. So, in Norway, a study was conducted, the purpose of which was to find out how progesterone pills affect the respiratory system and immunity of the baby. Scientists have come to the conclusion that taking progestins by the mother increases the risk of bronchial asthma in the unborn child. But over time, these data were refuted, citing an insufficient evidence base.

At the present stage, scientists deny the negative impact of oral contraceptives on the growth and development of the unborn child. However, research continues to this day.

When can I get pregnant after birth control pills

Doctors recommend starting trying to get pregnant at least a month after the girl has completely stopped taking birth control. This is due to the fact that it takes time to restore normal ovulation. Also, the mucous membrane of the inner layer of the uterus needs some time to prepare for implantation (attachment) of the ovum.

After prolonged use of contraceptives (more than six months), it is better to wait another three months. Indeed, as noted above, prolonged use of contraceptives leads to a deficiency of folic acid and vitamins. Therefore, this deficit should be eliminated within three months.

How to get pregnant after birth control pills

To quickly restore fertility, one correct pregnancy planning is sometimes not enough. You should also pay attention to how to drink contraceptives correctly in order to get pregnant. There are factors that interfere with the fertilization of the egg, even if the girl did everything right. More on this later in the article.

How much to take birth control to get pregnant on withdrawal

Pregnancy on contraceptive withdrawal is indeed possible. Doctors even single out a separate term called "rebound effect". Its essence lies in a sharp increase in ovarian function after the abolition of contraceptives. They, thus, compensate for their "inactivity" during the intake of hormones from the outside. This effect greatly increases the chance of rapid fertilization, and even increases the likelihood of having twins.

But the "rebound effect" is possible only with short-term use of contraceptives (maximum 3 months), as well as under the condition of the woman's complete health.

Why pregnancy may not occur

There are a lot of reasons why pregnancy does not occur after the abolition of contraceptives. But these problems are rarely directly related to taking the pills. Pathologies of both the female and male body can lead to infertility. The main ones are listed below:

  • violation of the quality or quantity of sperm is the main cause of male infertility;
  • changes in the level of hormones, not only sexual, but also thyroid hormones, adrenal glands;
  • infectious inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • the presence of antibodies to the spermatozoa of the sexual partner in a woman - an immunological conflict;
  • genetic reasons.

Taking hormones does not directly cause the development of the pathologies listed above, but it can enhance their manifestation.

Important! Determination of the cause and treatment of infertility should be carried out in a complex manner by several specialists: an obstetrician-gynecologist, an immunologist, an endocrinologist.

How is pregnancy after birth control

If a woman has been taking birth control pills for several months to get pregnant, the childbearing is uneventful. And even after long-term use of contraceptives, if you wait a few months, there should be no negative consequences.

One of the features of the course of pregnancy is the presence of the “rebound effect”, which was mentioned earlier. Otherwise, provided that the woman adhered to the rules for taking pills and canceling them, and also passed all the necessary examinations when planning a pregnancy, carrying a child is no different from the pregnancy of girls who did not use oral contraception.

Before conception, you should consult a doctor, go through all the prescribed examination methods, and, if necessary, take medications. The girl should carefully monitor her health, because it is necessary for the good development of the baby.


In most cases, pregnancy after birth control pills occurs quickly and proceeds successfully. If, after cancellation, there are difficulties with conception, consultation of a qualified specialist is required. Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause and prescribe effective therapy.

It is believed that after consumption oral contraceptives increase the chances of conception. Some women are prescribed OK just for this purpose. However, both the administration of the drug and its consequences have certain features.

    Oral contraceptives

    The action of hormonal drugs with a contraceptive effect is based on the principle of suppressing the work of the ovaries. The processes of the reproductive system are inhibited, which makes conception impossible. does not occur during the use of tablets. Instead of menstruation, a woman regularly has menstrual-like discharge.

    The main function of oral contraceptives is protection against unwanted pregnancy. But in some situations, doctors prescribe OK for the treatment of ovarian dysfunction. Contraceptives contain two types of hormones - gestagens and estrogens. In a certain dosage, this tandem suppresses, prevents the corpus luteum from forming and prevents the entry into the uterine cavity.

    ON A NOTE! Contrary to popular belief, oral contraceptives do not contribute to weight gain.

    Can you get pregnant after taking birth control?

    While taking contraceptives, a woman cannot become pregnant. Percent protection against unwanted pregnancy 99.9%, but after stopping the use of birth control pills, the ovaries begin to function in an intensive mode. Therefore, the chance of getting pregnant is very high.

    The method of using contraceptives is called rebound effect. It is used in the presence of various diseases that prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. Indications for taking contraceptives include the following:

    • Surgical interventions in case of unsuccessful pregnancy.
    • Ovarian dysfunction.
    • Mastopathy.
    • Endometriosis.
    • Skin diseases.
    • Ovarian cysts.

    REFERENCE! Birth control pills are prescribed depending on the woman's hormone levels. Before you start using it is very important to pass the necessary tests.

    How quickly after canceling OK can I plan to conceive?

    The effect of the drug
    present only in the cycle in which it is received. The constituent components of the tablets do not affect further pregnancy.

    Conception is possible as early as the next month after the cancellation of OK, but experts recommend a small examination that will indicate the level of hormones, state and follicular growth.

    After the abolition of hormone-containing drugs for some time, the cycle may return to normal. This is manifested in its unstable duration. The restoration of the body is carried out in within three months. But most often, women become pregnant already in the first cycle after stopping the intake.

    What problems can you face?

    Almost any medical device has contraindications and side effects. Oral contraceptives have a pronounced effect. That is why they must be taken with extreme caution. After the abolition of contraceptives, some complications may occur. These include:

    • Violation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
    • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    • Infertility (subject to prolonged use of OK).
    • Violation of the cycle of menstruation.

    For the purpose of pregnancy, most often, the method of taking contraceptives for three months is used. Sometimes the duration of use of the drug can reach six months. Longer use has a marked effect on processes of the reproductive system. Therefore, there is a possibility of infertility.

    During application, a woman may experience the appearance side effects. If they are pronounced, then OK is chosen incorrectly. The presence of symptoms should be reported to the attending physician. The main side effects include:

    • Dizziness and nausea.
    • Decreased libido.
    • The appearance of irritability.
    • Increase in vegetation.
    • Smearing secretions.
    • Sensitivity of the mammary glands.

    IMPORTANT! In the process of selecting contraceptives, many nuances are taken into account: the age of the patient, the experience of pregnancy and childbirth, weight, etc.

    How to increase the chances of successful conception?

    Some actions of a woman can bring desired pregnancy and help avoid possible complications. The main rule when taking OK is compliance with the dosage. Oral contraceptives are taken at the same time every day. When skipping a tablet, you must follow the recommendations specified in the instructions. This will help to avoid hormonal failure. The last pack of tablets must be drunk to the end.

    REFERENCE! Statistical data indicate the likelihood of developing multiple pregnancies after the abolition of OK.

    At the stage of recovery of the body after treatment with contraceptives, it is recommended to take complexes containing the necessary vitamins. Their compliance with the norms will favorably affect development of pregnancy.

    It is forbidden to use and. during this period should be as balanced as possible. Vitamins and minerals should be supplied to the body not only as part of supplements, but also with food. In this case, they are absorbed much better.

    Sometimes, to increase the likelihood of conception, doctors prescribe certain medications. medical supplies. These include Cyclodinone, Time Factor and Duphaston. The listed drugs regulate the menstrual cycle and restore.



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