Menstruation is only 3 days instead of 5 reasons. How to distinguish normal menstruation from spotting during pregnancy? What are the dangers of menstruation during pregnancy

Hypomenorrhea is the medical name that doctors use when referring to scanty periods. This problem occurs due to malfunctions in the body, in particular, the malfunction of the ovaries.

Short periods can come unexpectedly, accompanied by additional symptoms that will indicate a specific disease. However, there are cases when this is the only symptom of pathology.

When short discharge is not a pathology

The normal period of one menstruation varies between 3 and 6 days. The interval is 20-35 days. The pain should be moderate. If previously the amount of menstrual flow was significantly large, and the period of duration exceeded the current one, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the nature of the cycle.

There are also many cases where short menstruation was not the result of diseases in the body. Among them:

  • Pregnancy. The first 1-2 days of the regulation can be normal, then they end. During pregnancy, such cases are quite frequent.
  • Hormonal reorganization. These include conditions after taking hormonal drugs, recovery after childbirth.
  • Menopause.

Another possible reason is weak immunity (especially the body is stressed in the spring), when a woman experiences general malaise, poor health, accompanied by other health problems.

Signs of pathology

The main signs of pathology are a short duration, which is allotted for the course of menstruation, as well as a concomitant decrease in the volume of secretions.

Other signs:

  • general weakness;
  • frequent nausea;
  • chest pain;
  • occasional nosebleeds;
  • stool problems;
  • decreased libido.

Weight may also decrease, pain in the lower abdomen may occur.


One of the reasons is the structure of internal organs. This may not appear immediately, but over time, when the girl is already accustomed to a normal cycle. Changes occur during adolescence, as a person grows.

The reason for short periods can be one of:

  • diet (strong and prolonged restriction of nutrition leads to malfunctions in the body);
  • infections (not necessarily urinary organs);
  • transferred operations;
  • stress;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • poisoning, intoxication;
  • the result of a course of taking hormonal drugs;
  • endocrine diseases.

The smooth operation of the ovaries depends on the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. As a rule, all of these violations, when the number of days of menstruation may decrease as a result, occur against the background of a violation of the production of sex hormones.

In some cases, the concentration of male sex hormones leads to a similar result. Women who take hormonal medications are at risk. The level of testosterone rises, there is a suppression of the functioning of the ovaries. Usually the problem occurs in people who play sports and do not understand the serious harm caused by powerful preparations containing testosterone.

Endometrium is the inner layer of the uterus, which is its shell. It is on the surface of the endometrium that blood secretions accumulate. Every month, as part of a woman's normal cycle, it contributes to the exfoliation of an unfertilized egg. Therefore, with a low volume of secretions, it can be assumed that the problem is in the work of the endometrium, which has become thin. This occurs most often due to the low fat content consumed in the diet.


To prescribe a number of suitable diagnostic measures, you need to contact a gynecologist. As a rule, the standard list of studies is as follows:

  • Blood analysis.
  • A smear for the study of microflora. taken during inspection.
  • Analysis of urine. It is necessary to determine standard indicators and hormonal levels.
  • Cytological analysis. taken during inspection.
  • PCR. Polymerase chain reaction is a modern high-precision research method based on the use of enzymes in the analysis of biomaterial.
  • Determination of basal temperature.
  • Biopsy of the endometrium. A tissue fragment is being examined.
  • ultrasound. Ultrasound diagnostics allows you to obtain extended data on the state of the organs of the genitourinary system.

Depending on the test results, the doctor prescribes treatment. It is important to determine exactly what provokes a shortening of the menstrual cycle. However, in practice, in the process of research, several problems can be detected, each of which must be solved by selecting an appropriate methodology.


The goal of treatment is not to prolong periods or eliminate their reduction, but to solve the problems that led to this situation.

It is not uncommon for a patient to report to a doctor that her menstrual cycle has been greatly reduced. The specialist prescribes several types of studies, then determines the treatment. As a result, menstruation is restored, but only for a few months, and then the cycle is broken again. This is due to the wrong tactics, which did not involve the elimination of the root cause, but only one of the existing pathologies.

During treatment, a woman should eat well. The body needs nutrients. Mono-diets are especially prohibited. The doctor prescribes a vitamin complex and, if the body weight is below normal, recommends gaining weight. It is in the fatty layer that contains estrogens, which are responsible for the normal course of menstruation and the maintenance of the reproductive system.

Physical activity is minimized. If a girl visits the gym, she needs to choose a special training program for the period of therapy.

Homeopathic remedies are often prescribed to restore hormonal levels. However, it is impossible to remotely tell which drug will help solve the problem. It is important to understand what became the basis for violations. If the endometrium has become too thin, it will be relevant to take drugs that restore it. Estradiol injections are made, Duphaston or Utrozhestan is taken.

If the decrease in the volume of menstruation is insignificant, and the diagnosis does not indicate pathology, it is recommended to restore the normal rhythm, get more sleep, be less stressed, and not get tired. All this together will gradually lead to the normalization of the situation.

Menstruation begins in adolescence and ends with menopause. Most of the fair sex have a regular cycle without delay. It is necessary to carefully monitor the cycle, as failures of menstruation may indicate problems in the body and the onset of the disease. Some women begin to worry when the duration of the discharge is reduced to two days. In some cases, this indicates a pathology, but sometimes it is a variant of the norm. Why do cycle failures occur?

What should be the menstruation?

Allocations begin in girls at the age of 12-14 years, some a little earlier or later. Each organism is individual, so it is difficult to talk about the exact beginning of the onset of menstruation. The appearance of menstruation indicates the possibility of pregnancy. During the period of the monthly cycle, the development of the egg occurs, which at the peak of maturation enters the fallopian tubes. If at this time the meeting of the egg with the male sperm does not take place, the endometrium, i.e., the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the uterus, will be rejected. At this time, women appear spotting.

The normal duration of the menstrual cycle is 21-35 days. Menstruation lasts 5-7 days. During this period, about 50 to 80 ml of blood is released.

The flow of menstruation occurs due to the functioning of the neurohormonal system, consisting of the brain, reproductive organs and intermediate links. The pathological work of one of the components of the system causes disturbances in the menstrual cycle. Failures of menstruation in some cases have physiological causes and do not affect the general condition of the body. Sometimes a short period indicates the presence of a disease.

Primary and secondary oligomenorrhea

Menstruation lasting 2 days in most cases is not the norm. This is due to the fact that the endometrium is secreted gradually layer by layer. Separation of the entire surface of the mucous membrane in such a short period of time is almost impossible. In addition, the entire volume of liquid (approximately 60 ml) cannot be released so quickly.

Oligomenorrhea - short, scanty periods that last about 2 days. Menstruation that lasts 1-2 days is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • hair growth on the chest and other parts of the body;
  • big weight;
  • the presence of acne;
  • male body type;
  • low attraction;
  • impossibility of pregnancy.

There are primary and secondary oligomenorrhea. Primary is observed in girls after the onset of the first menstruation. The formation of a constant cycle occurs within 2-3 years after the appearance of the first secretions. This is absolutely normal. Causes:

  • immaturity of the endocrine system;
  • emotional stress;
  • unfavorable ecology;
  • underweight or overweight;
  • trauma;
  • pathological intrauterine development;
  • diseases of the internal organs.

Menstruation often goes 2-3 days before the onset of menopause. This is normal and does not require correction.

They talk about secondary oligomenorrhea when women who have a stable cycle of about five days for a large amount of time, with a sharp decrease in the duration of menstruation to 2-3 days. This condition is more dangerous and requires clarification of the cause.

The causes of secondary oligomenorrhea are as follows:

  • strong emotional stress;
  • fatigue;
  • a sharp change in climatic conditions;
  • weight loss.

Physiological causes of oligomenorrhea

Oligomenorrhea may occur against the background of physiological changes. In this case, the normalization of the monthly cycle occurs independently. The use of drugs and treatment is not required.

The main physiological causes of the development of oligomenorrhea:

  • Childbirth. After natural labor, the female genital organs need time to recover. As a rule, menstruation stops completely after childbirth, but sometimes, especially when breastfeeding is refused, women may begin menstruation.
  • abortion. After surgery, during which the upper layer of the mucous surface of the uterus is artificially removed, scanty and short periods are observed very often.

Pathological causes of short periods

If a girl has not established a normal cycle for several years from the day of the first menstruation, menstruation is irregular, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. This condition indicates the pathological work of the hormonal system or abnormal intrauterine development of the genital organs. In this case, medical correction is required.

If a woman who has a regular cycle without delay, the duration of menstruation is suddenly reduced (for example, from five to three days), you should be examined. These changes can signal the onset of the disease.

The pathological causes of oligomenorrhea are as follows:

  • the formation of adhesions;
  • pathological functioning of the endocrine system;
  • neurological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • oncology;
  • improper use of the intrauterine device;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives.

Most often, menstruation lasts 2 days with improper use of contraceptives. Allocations lasting two to three days are observed in women with insufficient body weight. This is due to the fact that adipose tissue is involved in the production of hormones. With its deficiency, low production of progesterone occurs. It is also necessary to monitor the quality of food.

Scanty periods during pregnancy

If the fertilization of the egg occurred shortly before the start of a new cycle, menstruation may come despite pregnancy. This is due to the fact that a fertilized egg within a week gets from the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity, and then attaches to its surface. The body has not yet tuned in to work in a new mode, so meager discharge is still possible.

If a woman is confident in pregnancy, but heavy discharge appears, which continues on the second and third day, it is urgent to contact a gynecologist. These symptoms indicate spontaneous abortion, there is a risk of losing a child.

Scanty discharge can also be with a frozen pregnancy. The fetus detaches from the wall of the uterus and is brought out. In this case, it is necessary to examine the woman on the gynecological chair, followed by cleaning the uterus.

Bleeding may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. This condition requires immediate medical attention, as there is a risk of rupture of the fallopian tube.

Is oligomenorrhea dangerous?

Monthly 3 days, which did not arise for physiological reasons, affect the condition of the woman and her ability to become pregnant. As a rule, women with a short menstrual cycle have problems conceiving. This is due to the thin layer of the endometrium, which is able to stand out in a short period of time. For various reasons, the amount of endometrium may decrease (malnutrition, stress, weight loss). The egg after fertilization needs to be fixed on the inner surface of the uterus. With a thin layer of the endometrium, this process is impossible.

Concomitant diseases that provoke a shortening of the cycle also affect the possibility of bearing a child. In addition, they can lead to the development of more serious pathologies.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnostic measures are aimed at finding out the reasons that caused the shortening of the cycle, and the refutation of pregnancy. Basic diagnostic methods:

  • analysis for the amount of sex hormones;
  • daily measurement of basal temperature;
  • transvaginal ultrasound;
  • bacterial culture;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs.

Treatment of oligomenorrhea

Treatment of oligomenorrhea is carried out individually, depending on the cause of its occurrence. Physiological oligomenorrhea does not require special therapy, the cycle normalizes on its own after a short amount of time.

To increase the duration of menstruation in 2 days, a general strengthening technique is used. Women need to reconsider their daily routine and nutrition. The diet should contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to fully relax, sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, walk a lot and exercise. Physiotherapy has a beneficial effect.

In some cases, with a short menstruation, treatment with hormonal drugs is used. A woman is prescribed drugs with progesterone, which helps to normalize the menstrual cycle and thicken the endometrial layer. In addition, the drugs have a contraceptive effect.

Surgery is required in exceptional cases. The operation is performed in the presence of serious problems, such as cysts and other neoplasms.

Prevention measures

To avoid the appearance of oligomenorrhea, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • eat a nutritious and balanced diet;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • walk daily;
  • eliminate strong emotional stress;
  • choose the right contraceptives;
  • treat gynecological diseases in a timely manner.

In women, and the establishment of its duration is individual. Any deviations from the norm, which include short menstruation, can be the result of a wide range of influences:

  • external factors (mechanical damage, operations, infectious diseases);
  • internal changes (physiological, hormonal, emotional).

Short periods are usually characterized by low blood loss, not exceeding 50 ml per day, and last up to 2 days. Doctors call this process the concept of oligomenorrhea and refer it to the pathology of the menstrual function. If menstruation goes for 3 days, this is normal, a shorter duration at reproductive age is considered a deviation from the norm.

Not to cause concern, a decrease in the duration of critical days can only be in the first year of the onset of menstruation and a few years before the onset of menopause. A rare thing can happen to every woman, as the hormonal and emotional background is constantly changing. Do not forget about pregnancy and the recovery period of the body. In other cases, doctors divided scanty and short menstruation into types:

  • primary hypomenorrhea (monthly never exceeded 1-2 days);
  • secondary hypomenorrhea (menstruation proceeded within the normal range and sharply decreased without recovery).

Read in this article


The ovaries and pituitary gland are responsible for the formation of the menstrual cycle. When the menstruation ended prematurely for no apparent reason, functional disorders can be suspected. If repeatedly carried out, curettage or a woman has been ill with tuberculosis, then physiological abnormalities may begin, such as inferiority of the endometrium of the uterus. They can provoke a decrease in the period of critical days. Poor circulation in the uterus and reduced production also affect the formation of the menstrual cycle. All these deviations indirectly form the number of cycle days.

Directly oligomenorrhea can start:

  • sudden loss of body weight (starvation, anorexia);
  • metabolic disorders, and vitamin deficiency;
  • nervous strain, mental illness;
  • surgical intervention in the genitourinary system, injuries of the pelvic organs;
  • pathology of the genital organs;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • intoxication.


Sometimes a woman does not notice any symptoms that can cause concern if.

Most often, there are light marks on the linen, which can be mistaken for daily vaginal discharge. If this happened once and was not accompanied by any symptoms, then you should not worry.

In case of violations of the cycle and its duration, the following may appear:

  • migraine and headache;
  • and weakness;
  • aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen;
  • violations of the stool and the process of digestion;
  • discomfort in the chest;
  • regular bleeding from the nose;
  • decreased sex drive.

The most common symptom of oligomenorrhea can be considered the option when menstruation went one day later. Small in volume can be caused by a different spectrum of diseases and developmental abnormalities. Therefore, in order to treat menstrual irregularities, it will be necessary to establish the cause of this symptom.

Options for the flow of shortened periods without pathology

first menstruation

During this time, in addition to meager discharge, there may be too long menstrual cycles or short periods ...
  • Without a trace for the female body, this does not go away, very often there are failures, including short periods. At the time of the formation of menstruation.

  • Menstruation 3 days instead of 5

    Asked by: Lera

    Female gender

    Age: 17

    Chronic diseases: not specified

    Hello, I have such a problem. Menstruation first went 5 days as expected, only brown. This lasted from December to January. In February, menstruation began on time, but it didn’t go plentifully and with some kind of brown tint began on Friday night and ended on Monday afternoon. Usually my period lasts 5 days. Why instead of 5 days began to go 3 days? I went to the gynecologist, he said that the smear was not very good and prescribed clortimazole suppositories and a couple more suppositories for me. I went to him in January. Could it have failed due to the fact that in December I took contraceptive pills zhenale (2 times a week)? Or what else it could be related to. Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Scanty periods, almost complete disappearance of them after radio wave erosion treatment Dear Doctor. I appeal to you with a request to clarify the situation. It is as follows. In August 2015, there was the first cycle, when menstruation became very scarce, while their first day is about half a pipette, if not less, then a little more on the second day, the third - one drop and no more. Subsequent cycles - September, October, November, December, January, February 2015 - the picture is approximately unchanged, the amount of blood increased slightly, but did not return to its previous level (at the same time, I want to note that the beginning of menstruation is strictly according to the established cycle, without failure of the start date) In January, I was at the doctor's appointment. Erosion of the cervix was found, radio wave treatment was carried out on February 3, then control after two weeks - everything was within the normal range. The next period was on February 25 - the volume of blood, as always, was less than normal. Yesterday the March cycle began - menstruation became even more meager - the first day - not even a drop, but a little anointed. The second day - about a third of a pipette and no more for the whole day, and that was it. In January, she did an ultrasound of the pelvic organs - no changes and deviations from the norm were found. She also did an ultrasound of the thyroid gland - everything was within the normal range. On the recommendation of a gynecologist, I have been taking mastodion - 30 drops twice a day - for 2 months now, also due to mastopathy I have been using a gel - Progestogel - also for 2 months. While the doctor did not prescribe a hormonal examination, he recommends after a total of 5 months. After treatment of erosion, try to get pregnant, if it doesn’t work out, then do a hormonal examination. I am very worried, because I have not encountered such a deviation before. Until the age of 30, there were no cycle failures and other deviations. My height is 162 cm, weight 48 kg - (the beginning of the impoverishment of menstruation was accompanied by a weight loss of 3-4 kg due to a strict diet prescribed by a gastrointerologist against the background of inflammation of the pancreas, which was preceded by food poisoning). Weight 48 kg. Has not changed for half a year, I try to keep a balanced diet - with the complete exclusion of fried, salty, sweet, pastries with a great emphasis on fruits, vegetables, boiled meat, broths, cereals - I follow the rules of a healthy diet as best I can. Can you please tell me what could be the reason for my rejection? Could this be due to radio wave treatment (menstruation is already the second after it) - perhaps it was not yet menstruation, but the healing process is underway and this is somehow connected with it - and menstruation will still be later? And what measures should be taken? I would be very grateful for your help and advice!

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    Hello! Yes, Genale could cause a glitch. Plus, it's not entirely clear what a "not very smear" is. This could also be the reason

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    A stable menstrual cycle is the main indicator of a woman's physical and mental health. Even deviations not related to reproductive function can affect the course of the cycle. The situation when there is a sudden reduction in menstruation, before they went for six days, and then they began to go for three, causes fear and anxiety.

    The regularity of the cycle depends on the health of the woman

    What is a normal menstrual cycle

    The establishment of the regularity of menstruation occurs almost within a year after the first bleeding. The concept of "normal cycle" has a wide scope and its own characteristics for each woman. The full cycle of development, maturation and release of the egg lasts 21–35 days, after which, in the absence of fertilization, the process of rejection of the endometrial mucosa begins and spotting appears. This period also has a considerable variation, 3–7 days. The regularity of menstruation is established at puberty and changes only during pregnancy or pathological abnormalities. At different stages of the cycle, different hormones prevail, their balance in the body is maintained by the female endocrine system. Thus, a failure in the monthly cycle can be both the result of minor deviations in lifestyle and evidence of serious violations.

    Normal cycle length is very individual.

    Causes of changes not caused by pathological processes

    The shortening of menstruation is always accompanied by a decrease in blood loss, and this is far from a favorable fact. Often a woman feels pulling girdle pain, nausea, fatigue, nosebleeds are not uncommon. The situation when menstruation went from the very beginning for three to six days, then there is a sharp reduction in them, can be caused by many reasons that are not related to the pathology of the female genital area:

    • The postpartum period, bringing the hormonal system to its previous state, takes some time and usually lasts for several months.
    • Artificial termination of pregnancy is a huge shock to the female reproductive system. Any intrusion into the sexual sphere (abortion, surgery) disrupts the hormonal balance. When answering the question why menstruation goes much less, three days instead of the previous six, it is important to pay attention to the nature of the discharge and general well-being. Dark-colored clots with an unpleasant odor, fever and weakness indicate a poor-quality operation that caused an inflammatory process.
    • Taking hormonal contraceptives that do not correspond to the natural cycle of a woman. In general, long-term use of contraceptives can disrupt the rhythm of menstruation.
    • Oddly enough, but nutrition and excess weight can also affect the duration of the “critical days”, which, with obesity, can go like 1-2 days in the form of spotting, or may be marked by hypermenorrhea. Rigid diets and sudden weight loss have a negative impact on the course of the cycle, menstruation, which went on for the prescribed amount of time, is gradually reduced and may stop altogether.
    • A sedentary lifestyle, lack of blood circulation in the genitals, respectively, a lack of oxygen and nutrients, lead to a reduction in menstruation.
    • Stress or prolonged nervous strain negatively affects the regulation of menstrual function.
    • Another factor that affects cycle length is thyroid dysfunction. There seems to be no connection, but in women suffering from reduced production of thyroid hormones, there is a shortening of the cycle and duration of menstruation.

    The described situations, with timely seeking medical help, do not have irreversible consequences. Correction and medical supervision are needed in order for menstruation to return to normal, and the balance of hormones to find balance.

    Hormonal contraceptives have the ability to change the monthly cycle

    When to Worry

    Causes due to pathological changes and processes in the female genital area:

    • A sudden reduction in periods that have been going on for at least three days is a cause for concern. In this way, inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area can manifest themselves. With an infectious nature, other signs may appear: pulling pain in the lower abdomen; burning, severe itching of the genitals; discharge unusual for the norm; temperature rise is possible. Chronic sluggish inflammation of the adnexal organs leads to the occurrence of adhesions, both in the abdominal cavity and in the lumen of the tubes. This can lead to the fact that the menstrual cycle is reduced, and the menstruation itself lasts less than three days.
    • Benign neoplasms. More often, a shortening of the cycle and a shortening of the number of days of menstruation is caused by the occurrence of an ovarian cyst. Follicular cysts are formations found in women of reproductive age, they rarely have severe symptoms and never regenerate. Equally often detected endometriosis and fibromyoma lead to the fact that menstruation is frequent and plentiful, accompanied by the release of dark-colored clots. Along the way, there is a decrease in blood pressure and anemia of the first degree.
    • Hormonal imbalance and the reduction of "critical days" is not a deviation from the norm during the period of menstruation and when menopause approaches. In adolescence, individual inconsistencies in the regimen are possible, menstruation, which lasted three days in the previous month, may take only two in the present, and five in the next. Such “swings” are quite a natural phenomenon for the pubertal period.

    The climacteric period is characterized by a gradual extinction of the reproductive function, a decrease in the production of hormones. Menstruation is less frequent, often limited to just smears. Such physiological changes occur after about 45–50 years and should not be frightening, since they are a pattern.

    Follicular cysts have the ability to change the monthly cycle. On the left in the figure is a normal ovary, on the right - with a follicular cyst

    How to proceed

    If earlier menstruation was normal and lasted 5-6 days, and then suddenly decreased to 2-3 days, it is necessary to seek medical advice. It is important to establish the cause of deviations in time and prescribe the correct treatment. To do this, a patient is interviewed, a comprehensive gynecological examination is carried out, methods of instrumental research are carried out.

    Treatment is prescribed depending on the cause found:

    • With hormonal imbalance, the selection of appropriate hormone therapy, vitamin therapy is carried out.
    • If benign formations are detected, conservative treatment is carried out, and if there is no effect, surgical treatment is performed. According to the indications, laparoscopy or abdominal surgery is used.
    • Infectious diseases are treated under the supervision of a gynecologist using drugs of general and local action.
    • In case of endocrine abnormalities, treatment is carried out by an endocrinologist, replacement therapy and control over the functioning of the thyroid gland are prescribed. An important role is played by the normalization of nutrition, the intake of a balanced amount of vitamins and trace elements.
    • Auxiliary methods are physiotherapy, acupuncture, water aerobics, massage, gymnastics.

    An episodic reduction in the number of menstrual days to three, in the absence of other unpleasant symptoms, is not a pathology and may be the result of an unhealthy lifestyle.

    If the shortening of menstruation occurs gradually up to 1-2 days, this is an occasion to seek medical advice. A sharp decrease in menstrual days to two should cause anxiety and an immediate trip to the hospital.



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