3 trimester may appear seal under the arm. Enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits of pregnancy

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tightness under the armpit during pregnancy. What is this?

Well .. I often have such subcutaneous pimples, just under my arm, but they are usually sore. Maybe a lymph node? is he mobile? If a lymph node, then they often seem to become inflamed with B, this is due to a decrease in immunity. According to the doctor I will not prompt, for a start it is possible to seem to the therapist.

it looks like a lymph node, but a doctor. maybe a therapist

could it be hydrodenitis? only he should be sick

Mom, what is hydrodenitis?

I think for a start to tell the gynecologist about this, he can also see, maybe he will say something or refer you to the right specialist.

And I had some kind of accessory mammary gland, also under my arm, went around all the surgeon, therapist and mammologist, the mammologist says the accessory mammary gland is okay

Go see a surgeon just in case.

It's an inflamed lymph node.

I recently got so inflamed that I even had to cut 🙁

it could be a blockage sweat glands or swollen lymph node. A differential diagnosis can be carried out by a surgeon, and stomp to him :)

I’m 25 weeks old and have had a lump in my armpit for a long time, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t bother me .. I went to different doctors, they didn’t say anything sensible, if it’s a lymph node, then treat it or cut it only after giving birth. If an additional mammary gland - after lactation will pass! So there is only one advice - do not worry, do not touch! Doctors only bred their hands and said - we are waiting for childbirth and lactation. And I was at the gynecologist, therapist, surgeon, rheumatologist and hematologist!

alcohol bandages will help, it happened to me, the doctors prescribed

in no case alcohol bandages. It could be a swollen lymph node. Go see a therapist


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iepurashu, I soaked Evie with a sensitivity of 20. I clearly saw the strip. But very pale. Preg.

iepurashu, I have always had thick blood, elevated platelets, and even when they always take tests.

And angiovit than lags behind femibion?

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During pregnancy, the body is engaged in natural work - it is rebuilt, adapting to the emerging new life. And it is no secret that some functions are violated in such a way that a pregnant woman feels tangible changes on herself and in herself. It concerns how physical condition and psycho-emotional.

First of all, during pregnancy, the female reproductive system- it prepares for future delivery and further feeding of the born child. Therefore, it is not surprising that pregnant women sometimes find themselves with a thickening of the armpit, which, moreover, can also be painful. This is due precisely to the changes that occur during pregnancy: during this period, the mammary glands swell strongly, preparing for future lactation, which is why a seal can form. This problem is temporary and disappears almost immediately after the birth of the child on its own, without requiring any treatment.

However, not always a thickening of the armpit during pregnancy indicates swelling of the mammary gland. A pregnant woman should know that compaction, all the more painful, can also occur for other reasons.

Hypothermia is one of the reasons

Often, a thickening of the armpit appears due to hypothermia or infection, due to which one of lymph nodes, located just under the armpit, becomes inflamed and enlarged, which gives rise to the occurrence of a painful compaction. After all, it is the lymphatic system that first of all reacts to any inflammatory processes.

Sometimes a thickening of the armpit indicates inflammation of the appendages in a woman. Here it is tedious to pay attention to whether there is pain in the lower abdomen. If there is, then you need to go ultrasonography and provide appropriate treatment.

Armpit tightness occurs very often with improper use of deodorants (antiperspirants). Few people remember that after applying to the skin, they must be washed off at bedtime: the antiperspirant acts in such a way that it clogs the sweat glands, which is why the effect of the absence of sweat odor occurs. The clogged glands become inflamed and eventually give the desired thickening under the armpit. In these cases, it is enough to simply abandon the deodorant and treat the inflamed area with a mesh. iodine solution repeatedly.

But if the seal in the armpit arose a long time ago and is not associated with either pregnancy or any other of the above reasons, then you need to think about it - most likely, this is a serious problem. Tuberculosis, HIV infection, hepatitis in an advanced stage can cause compaction in the armpits. Of course, such a problem cannot be left unattended - you need to seek help from specialists, take tests and undergo full treatment.

A tumor under the armpit during pregnancy or a lump.

Hello girls! I had a lump under my arm (not even a bump, but some kind of tumor) during my second pregnancy, it appeared for about 4 months already. I didn't pay at first special attention, I thought it would pass, BUT ... today I saw that in this “bump” or tumor, a hole appeared, when pressed, water appears and something like colostrum, in general, just like from the breast (colostrum with water). The fact is that it happened to me, after the first birth, on the 5th day she jumped out and from there, it was colostrum, they told me that it was a lymph node, then she went away by herself, or rather, I drank pills then so that the milk burned out and injections, droppers were given, which is why. Now I’m already worried ((((Who could have done this? Or someone who knows something about this, tell me? Which doctor should I go to? And what is it all about? Somehow I’m already sooooo scared.

I think first to my G, and then she will give direction to the cons-u special =)

it looks like a lymph node, I had one under my left armpit, at first it didn’t hurt, and then pus accumulated there. And this is dangerous. So run to the doctor

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enlargement of the lymph node in the armpit, pregnancy 14 weeks

I recently had this, I couldn’t even put my hand on my body, how it hurt,

I read that this happens because of dezika (I just bought a new one),

It looks like there is a clogged pore or something..

I didn't use it for a couple of days, it's gone.

I didn’t do anything, I just washed off the dezik and the next day it felt better.

I don't know if something like this happens.

or it is a piece of the mammary gland - they don’t do anything with it, it is in its structure like a mammary gland. I was told to do an ultrasound of the soft tissues - it showed that this is a part of the mammary gland that swelled during pregnancy. it hurts a little, but not much. They also advised me to go to the homology center and find out exactly what it is.

I have one: blush: only appears during pregnancy and lactation. A painful lump swells in the armpit. In the first B, I also thought that the lymph node was inflamed, the doctor sent me to the mammologist for an ultrasound - it turned out - an additional lobule of the mammary gland. most worried and rude in the first days of lactation - then I overtighten it and it "burns out" and milk does not flow from it.

But my husband says that he has a unique me: all women have 2 breasts, and I have 3 😀 :gy:

what just doesn't happen

what just doesn't happen

well, yes 🙂 it only looks like it is small in size Walnut. in a normal non-pregnant state, it is not visible. So the author may just have such a case. I didn't even know it existed before I got pregnant.

my husband says that I am unique to him: all women have 2 breasts, and I have 3

I have this only happens during pregnancy and lactation.

And I have. :dontknow: there is such a miracle! :dance2:

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Ball, lump or bump under the armpit

The formation of a ball under the arm is usually associated with an increase in at least one of the lymph nodes, but sometimes it can be a subcutaneous cyst. Both men and women can be affected by this problem, and the resulting tubercles in the armpits are small, large, soft, hard, painful and painless.

Causes of swollen lymph nodes

Enlarged lymph nodes are the most common cause of underarm balls. This happens as the lymph nodes try to fight off any infections such as bacterial, fungal or viral, i.e. "they are part of the body's immune system, so they can grow in size to fight infection (like a cut on the arm) or be a symptom of an infection (cat scratch fever)"

Bacterial infections

After shaving your armpits, bacteria can easily enter the area through the pores. Due to a bacterial infection, a lump can form, which is usually painful "if pus collects in the armpit." .

Leukemia (blood cancer)

Acute leukemia leads to extreme fatigue, weight loss, nausea, and loss of muscle control. Another common symptom is swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck or armpit.

Viral infections / HIV-AIDS

Studies have shown that when chickenpox and HIV are detected, there is high probability development of a painless ball in the armpit. " Chicken poxviral infection, which spreads by airborne droplets and by contact with blisters"

Allergic reaction to vaccination

There is no need to worry about swelling under the armpit if a vaccination has been given. In rare cases, there are even allergic reactions for penicillin and iodine.

Mammary cancer

Breast cancer in women can lead to lumps in the armpits as the infection tends to spread to the lymph nodes.


Patients diagnosed with cancer of the lymphatic system or lymphoma may experience bumps and swelling in the armpits. There are also symptoms such as chills and temperature changes, persistent cough, enlarged tonsils, headache, heat at night, constant itching without a reason, general weakness, unexplained weight loss, shortness of breath and decreased appetite.

In more late stage symptoms may appear such as "swollen lymph nodes, swelling of the arm or leg, pain, numbness or tingling in the arm or leg", pain in the lymph nodes, especially after drinking alcohol, etc.

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

From this autoimmune disease Women are more commonly affected, but it also occurs in men. At the same time, human organs and joints suffer from their own immune system, while the disease may be responsible for the enlargement of the lymph nodes under the arm.

Other causes not usually associated with lymph nodes

Abscess or cyst

Large painful balls can be caused by shaving or using antiperspirants (not deodorants). This problem is very common among teenagers who resort to underarm hair removal.

fungal infection

An example of a fungal infection that can cause lumps to form is sporotrichosis found in vegetation and can enter through a break in the skin such as a cut or bruise.

Lipoma is not a malignant fatty formation

Allergies to certain fats cause harmless fibrous tissue develops into a condition known as (fibroadenoma). Most often, these formations appear in the chest in women, but can also occur under the armpits, which will resemble a ball under the skin.

Suppurative hydradenitis

A possible cause of a painful armpit lump (mainly in men, but women can also be affected) is hidradenitis suppurativa, which is “an inflammatory skin disorder that affects the apocrine glands in the armpits, groin, or under the breasts. It is characterized by recurrent nodules and abscesses with purulent discharge, difficult-to-heal wounds, and scarring.” The disease is caused by a bacterial infection.

It can be treated with various antibiotics as recommended by a doctor. Other treatments include antiadrogens, immunomodulatory treatments, and surgery.

ingrown hair

Ingrown armpit hair is a fairly common occurrence. A single infected hair follicle can cause painful red bumps.

Painful bump on hand while pregnant or breastfeeding

Breast tissue in some women may extend into the armpits. As a result, a lump may occur during pregnancy, which will grow and become large. "Characteristically, it will be less noticeable when the breast is not filled with milk at the end of a breastfeeding session." After the complete cessation of breastfeeding, these lumps under the armpits usually disappear and will only appear in the case of the next pregnancy.

But it is important to undergo an examination (ultrasound and mammogram) to make sure that there are no more serious reasons.

painful ball

If a painful lump forms under the arm, a bacterial or fungal infection, ingrown hair, abscess, suppurative hidradenitis, or lymphoma may be the likely cause.

Bump in men

Most of the above causes of swelling can affect men, except for those associated with the chest, such as hyperadenia. Bacterial infection, abscesses or cysts, ingrown hairs, lymphoma, etc. may be responsible for changes in the armpit.

One common cause of this problem is hidradenitis suppurativa, which can affect women but is more common in men.

small tubercle

Most of the above causes result in a small, pea-sized ball. Most often, these are infections, inflamed lymph nodes, ingrown hairs, and others.

Although abscesses and cysts can also be small, in most cases they are larger, especially if they are deep under the skin.

Treatment Methods

Antibiotics for bacterial infection

The use of antibiotics in case of a bacterial infection reduces the activity and accumulation of microbes. Medications such as clindamycin 1% (twice a day) and oral antibiotics such as doxycycline, erythromycin, tetracycline treat and relieve pain.

Antifungal drugs

They are used in balls caused by a fungal infection. Available as creams and ointments, which can be sold without a prescription, as well as oral antifungal drugs to be prescribed by a doctor. Antifungal ointments, creams, gels or serums are used externally according to the instructions.

Cancer (lymphoma, breast and blood)


Surgical treatment for cancer includes removal of lymph nodes or mastectomy and/or lumpectomy for breast cancer. In lymphoma, as a rule, several lymph nodes are removed through an incision.


The different ways of administering chemotherapy are as follows:

Oral – drugs are taken in the form of tablets/capsules or liquids.

By intravenous drip: the procedure takes several hours.

Continuous infusions: electronic device used to administer drugs for a specific short period of time.

Other cancer treatments, such as radiation therapy and hormone therapy, may also be recommended by the doctor.


Surgical removal is necessary in case of lump formation due to lipoma or appointment radiotherapy to destroy cancer cells.

home remedies

raw honey

You need to apply honey to the affected area of ​​​​the armpit, then gently rinse with warm water and dry with a clean cloth or towel. (Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day).

Lemon juice

Alternatively, honey can be replaced with lemon juice. It is necessary to moisten a small piece of cotton wool or a cotton swab in freshly squeezed juice. Apply to underarm area and leave for a minute. (Repeat 3-4 times within 1 week).

Apple vinegar

Mix 2 cups unfiltered apple cider vinegar and water (in equal amounts). Soak a clean cloth in the liquid and apply to the affected area. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water and dry with a towel. Repeat the process several times a day until the bump disappears.

To speed up healing, you can add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey to a glass of water and drink as a drink. (At least twice a day for weeks).

Ice Cubes + Brewed Green Tea

To get rid of painful lumps, you can try twice a day prepared ice cubes soaked in brewed green tea and apply to the armpit. Carry out the procedure until the cube melts.

Avoid allergens, drugs

During treatment, avoid allergens and stop using drugs.

Balanced diet and supplements

You can also take nutritional supplements. After consulting a doctor, follow a diet, rich in products with vitamin E. Some fruits, vegetables, sunflower seeds, spinach, avocado, olive oil improve the body's immune system.


With the formation of balls in the armpits, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to determine the cause in a timely manner and begin treatment. Don't wait until complex, hardened lymph nodes form, which can grow and cause many more problems.

Sealing under the arm.


Sometimes the lymph nodes become inflamed, they also bulge and painfully respond to touch, at least I got inflamed once, from the fact that I passed the bones from the bust, then I suffered for a week for sure, but everything went away.

I often have this, I have inflammation of the stomach, I went to the doctor, she said that this lymph node is inflamed. I asked why it was under the armpit, she says, to which the inflamed organ is closer, that lymph node reacts. Personally, I have.

and magnesia to help you!

I recently had mastitis. The pace was above 38. I found a small seal under the arm. It hurts a little when pressed. Nowhere else did she find enlarged lymph nodes. The seal is quite flexible. They are suffering terribly. Two years ago I was put on an ultrasound.

Girls, tell me please, we are 5 days old today! We are breastfeeding, but today I noticed a lump under my armpit, closer to my chest, I pressed a little and a white liquid similar to milk ran! Is it normal? And what to do with.

There were seals under the arm and above the breast of one, the diameter of a couple cm, probably (((Where to go to the mammologist, gynecologist, surgeon? I will do an ultrasound, but, as far as I understand, ultrasound of the mammary glands is not done in the middle of the cycle?

I need your help. A compaction was found under the armpit in the area of ​​​​the additional lobe, it feels like bursting, if you lower your hand. It is painful on palpation, well, there is no such severe pain. No temperature. I have been breastfeeding since 3 months (second.

Yesterday, the baby on the ass (near the anus) had an incomprehensible seal on one side of a red color, approx. 3 mm in diameter. I tried soft butt on one side, and on the other, like a bump. No pressure at all.

Help, I can't help myself. I don't know what it is. To the doctor tomorrow evening. History: on Saturday evening, on a walk, I felt that my chest was tingling and it was windy and cool on the street, at night the temperature dropped to 38.5, chills (.

Hello! A week ago I started weaning my baby (year and eight). That is, she stopped giving breasts completely, and before that he sucked on the day and on night dreams, plus all night. Accepted from day one.

There was a seal in the upper part of the chest, not even a seal, but the floor of the gland became directly hard. Similar was with stagnation of milk when fed. I have not been feeding for about a year, but when I press on the nipples, drops of milk appear.

My daughter “bit off” my nipple and it became painful to feed, and I fed her with one breast from the sick one, she expressed milk, but apparently not enough, because a seal formed in the chest. I went to the gynecologist, she began to break me.

The day before yesterday at 10 am I pumped my breasts. After that, no more milk came. The chest is soft. I didn't try to squeeze out the milk. And this morning I noticed seals under the nipple. They are almost around the entire nipple with small gaps. When.

Some bump popped up :-(

List of posts in the topic “Some bump popped up :-(” of the Pregnancy forum > Pregnancy

But ask your doctor anyway!

Strange. I really also smeared the joints, and then I read it. Now I don't smear.

Y menya tozhe bilo similar. Poyavilos' pod pravoi podmishkoi i snachalo nemnogo pobalivalo, kogda slegka nazhimala. Potom nemnogo eshe yvelichilas’ shishka i stala bolet sil’nee, a potom tak razbolelas’, chto kazalos’, chto vsya pravaya gryd’ bolit.

Ya, estestvenno, pobezhala k vrachy i on mne skazal, chto eto nazivaetsya chto-to tipa ‘Bich’e vimya’ (ne pomnyu tochno, no, kazhetsya tak). Eto y menya ot togo, chto breyu pod mishkami i popala infektziya. What nichego scary net. Everything has passed.

Eto bilo y menya gde-to nemnogo men'she goda nazad.

So chto esli neyspev poyavit'sya yzhe pobalivaet, to ne strashno.

No ya bi vse-ravno obratilas' k vrachy.

1) The most likely cause is DEODORANT, or rather antiperspirant. If you use an antiperspirant containing any aluminum compounds every day (read the ingredients on the package), then your sweat glands have become blocked and inflamed. Nothing terrible. Change your deodorant (I just switched to Rexona in aerosols), wash your armpits thoroughly with a washcloth to remove deodorant residue. It will go away on its own.

2) you write that you were sick. Most likely, this is the body's reaction to a cold - it will pass by itself, you don't need to smear anything, and even more so with fastum. It is better to drink ascorbic acid and protect yourself from further colds and complications.

3) you shaved and cut yourself with a razor - you got an infection, again it will pass.

4) you have been attacked by a terrible blood disease. It does not go away on its own, it is detected on the basis of a blood test. You hand over it or him rather regularly - the doctor already would see everything.

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Lump under armpit while breastfeeding

Lump under the armpits after childbirth

After childbirth, a completely new period begins for a woman, sometimes there is a lot of unknown, alarming, frightening and unusual in it, especially if the birth is the first. Many new mothers in the postpartum period have the most questions related to breastfeeding: when will the milk come, whether it is necessary to decante the breast, how often to feed the baby, how to properly attach to the breast ... But there are many questions related to the woman's health. So, for example, many mothers (judging by the number of questions on mother's forums), after giving birth, feel for peculiar bumps in their armpits, which can ache, blush, swell, cause a lot of discomfort and cause considerable panic.

In this article you will find answers to the main questions: what can it be, and what should be done?

What could it be?

In fact, there are a lot of reasons that can provoke the appearance of a bump in the armpit, so any tightness in the chest area that causes discomfort is a serious reason to immediately consult a doctor. But you still should not panic: a woman in labor does not need stress. Before a visit to a specialist, one can still assume what is wrong in the body and why the lump appeared. The most common reasons are:

  • Stagnation of milk (lactostasis). Since most often the bump is found after the milk has arrived well (3-4 days after birth), then the main reason can be called milk stagnation, because it is in the first days of the “milk flows” that the baby does not have time to overpower such an amount of food, that's milk is retained in the ducts-sources. If some segment of the milk duct is clogged with a fat droplet, for example, and the outflow of milk is disturbed, then peculiar seals are formed - bumps. They appear in different parts of the mammary gland, but most often in the armpit due to improper attachment to the breast, or rather because of feeding the baby in one position - sitting, then the axillary lobe of the breast is emptied the worst.
  • Mastitis. In fact, this disease occurs against the background of stagnation of milk, and many women even call a small induration in the area of ​​the mammary gland mastitis. You should not rush to such conclusions, because mastitis is a serious inflammation of the mammary gland against the background of reproduction. harmful microorganisms primarily staphylococci and streptococci. This disease is manifested not only by bumps in the armpit, but also by deterioration general well-being(an increase in body temperature to very high levels, general malaise, weakness, discharge of curdled clots or even pus from the mammary gland, etc.).
  • Inflamed lymph node. As you know, the lymph nodes are the basis of the immune system, and their increase always signals a malfunction in the body. There are many reasons: from a common cold to a cancerous tumor, therefore, especially in the postpartum period, inflamed lymph nodes in the armpit should not be ignored. As a rule, such “bumps” are painful, most often have a reddish tint and some swelling.
  • Additional lobule of the mammary gland. This pathology is quite common, mainly due to genetic disorders at the stage of embryo formation, but a woman may not be aware of her “features” until one day she gives birth to a baby herself. After childbirth, when milk arrives in the breast, the additional growth is also filled with it, which means it becomes more noticeable and tangible. In some cases, there is a kind of pimple near the bump, which was not paid attention to before, but it turns out to be a nipple, and during lactation it can even sprinkle milk. In any case, only a doctor can confirm or refute the presence of this pathology.

A bump in the armpit may also indicate other problems: a boil, inflammation of the sweat gland, a benign or malignant tumor, etc. But do not be afraid, and even more so, self-diagnose. The only thing that is required is to immediately consult a doctor.

How to treat?

We will not get tired of repeating and reminding: if a bump is felt under the armpit, it must be immediately shown to a specialist. The sooner this is done, the better. The doctor should answer the question of how to treat after the causes of its appearance have been established.

What is required of a woman:

  • First, and most importantly, make an appointment with your doctor.
  • Second: express the breast to complete emptying(if this is milk stagnation, then relief should come in a few hours).
  • Third: put the baby to the breast as often as possible, so as not to aggravate lactostasis.
  • Fourth: for each feeding, change the posture and position so that the breast is emptied evenly.
  • Fifth: if the baby does not suck out all the milk, then additionally express both breasts after feeding (if there are bumps under the arms).
  • Sixth: do all the time light massage(But in no case do not rub or knead too much).
  • Seventh: do not wear uncomfortable underwear, which presses, especially in axillary area.
  • Eighth: constantly monitor body temperature.
  • Ninth: observe the bumps, fixing their size, color, soreness and other changes.

All these measures should be enough if the problem does not sit too deep, and milk stagnation became the cause of the cones. Some women recommend simple folk ways to alleviate their condition:

  • After each feeding, apply a fresh cabbage leaf to the bump for several minutes (30-40).
  • Honey compresses and fat-free kefir or cottage cheese relieve pain and swelling.
  • Alcohol rubbing will also relieve pain, but it is important to dilute the alcohol with water to avoid burns.

However, all these folk methods can not only fail to improve, but also exacerbate the problem. Some mammologists are generally categorically against any compresses, and even more so alcohol rubbing, and even during breastfeeding. However, reviews indicate that "postpartum bumps" are usually treated simply: pumping and cabbage. Whatever it was, and we are talking about the health of not only the mother, but also the baby, so a doctor's consultation is still vital. And most importantly: in any situation, you should remain calm.

Good health to you, and let all troubles bypass!

Seal in the mammary glands and armpit during breastfeeding

The period of breastfeeding is a very important stage in the life of every young mother. Throughout lactation, various changes occur in the female body. hormonal changes affecting her general condition. Often, new mothers are faced with such a problem as compaction in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland and in the armpit. This situation can cause anxiety and bewilderment in a young mother.

The described condition occurs under the influence of hormonal and non-hormonal factors. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the true cause of this phenomenon.


When these symptoms appear, the most troubling suspicion is malignant tumor mammary gland. This disease tends to progress rapidly, so it is very important to diagnose and treat the tumor in a timely manner.

  • pain in the armpit and mammary gland;
  • the formation of small depressions (dimples) on the skin of the chest;
  • rash on the surface of the skin in the area around the nipple;
  • nipple retraction;
  • the appearance of purulent or spotting from the nipple;
  • change in the shape and size of the breast.

Seals in the mammary glands in nursing mothers are often associated with congestion (lactostasis). The reason for this is the structural features of the ducts of the mammary glands, as well as a violation of the technique of applying to the breast. To others benign causes the formation of seals in the chest and armpit can be attributed to:

  1. Fibroadenoma. The localization of this tumor is the area near the ducts of the mammary glands. When palpated, fibroadenoma has the shape of a bump or pea. Most often, the disease is unilateral.
  2. Fibroadenosis. This disease is characterized by the formation of single or multiple bumps in the breast tissue. Another characteristic feature of fibroadenosis is intense pain syndrome.
  3. cystic education. This benign neoplasm is a hollow vial filled with liquid. When feeling the mammary gland, a smooth and dense formation is felt. Breast cysts can be single or multiple.
  4. Abscess. This disease is infectious nature and is characterized by the formation of a limited purulent-inflammatory focus in the breast tissue. The penetration of infectious pathogens occurs through abrasions and cracks in the nipples. This complication often occurs in lactating women if the breastfeeding technique is not followed.

With the development inflammatory process in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, a nursing mother may find a small bump in the armpit. It's about inflammation. lymph node. In addition to an increase in size, the lymph node is characterized by a flattened shape and pain when palpated. During lactation, lymphatic drainage from the chest area is often disturbed, which provokes an increase in axillary lymph nodes.

The simultaneous formation of seals in the mammary gland and armpit is characteristic of a disease such as mastitis. This pathology occurs against the background of a traumatic injury to the breast, with prolonged lactostasis, as well as in the case of penetration of a bacterial or fungal infection through the ducts of the mammary gland.

In addition to pathological seals, the following symptoms are characteristic of this disease:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • discomfort and pain when feeding a newborn;
  • redness of certain areas of the skin in the chest area;
  • expansion of the veins in the mammary glands.

Lump under the armpits after childbirth

With the birth of a baby, a new life begins for a young mother. There will be a lot of new and unusual things in it, for example, breastfeeding. It is the mammary glands that for some time become the center of the universe, not only for the baby, but also for his mother.

A woman needs to learn how to properly attach a baby, and also regularly examine her breasts, learn how to massage her and express milk. Often the results of such self-examinations are frightening. Often women find peculiar bumps under the armpits. They may be painless or swollen and reddening, causing noticeable discomfort. What to do when you find such a lump?

What could it be?

There are a lot of reasons that can affect the formation of bumps under the armpit. Some of them are dangerous, so it is advisable to visit a doctor. But you should not worry in advance - this is not necessary for a young mother. severe stress can even provoke a decrease in the amount of milk, so you need to calm down and deal with the situation. The most common reasons causing appearance bumps under the arms:

Laktostasis (stagnation of milk). Usually, such bumps or small seals are found by suspicious young mothers, who often feel their breasts, about 3-4 days after childbirth. It is during this period that milk arrives sharply and the newborn cannot cope with such volumes of food. Therefore, it can linger in the ducts, causing breast engorgement. If some duct is clogged, for example, with a drop of milk fat, the outflow of milk will be disturbed and a tubercle or bump will form. At first, it may not cause pain, only thickening and redness of the skin over the "knot" will tell you that something is wrong. Over time, the bump becomes larger and causes pain. Such a seal can appear on any part of the chest, but more often it is formed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits, since this part of the chest is emptied worse when the baby is feeding in the usual position on the hands.

Mastitis. This is an inflammatory disease of the breast. Often it develops against the background of lactostasis, so often women call any stagnation of milk or a seal on the chest mastitis. In fact, the disease manifests itself quite acutely - an increase in temperature, severe pain in the chest and discharge from the nipple of clots of milk or even pus. At the same time, the woman's well-being is greatly disturbed, she suffers from pain and weakness. Therefore, the likelihood that an accidentally discovered bump under the arm is mastitis is low.

Enlarged lymph node. This is a small formation that acts as a filter for the lymph. An enlarged lymph node can provoke an infectious disease, immune or tumor, so you should not ignore such a symptom. Most often, such bumps are quite painful, and the skin on their surface acquires a reddish tint.

Additional lobe of the mammary gland. This is enough frequent occurrence, which is explained in most cases genetic disorders during the intrauterine development of a woman's body. Usually she does not know about this feature of her body until lactation begins. When milk arrives in the breast, it also appears in the additional lobule, causing it to swell. Sometimes there is a small underdeveloped papilla near the bump. Before the start of lactation, it resembles a pimple or a mole, so the woman does not pay attention. And with the onset of breastfeeding, milk can flow out of it, like from a real nipple.

In addition, bumps under the armpits can be boils or inflamed sweat glands, as well as tumors - benign or not.

There is no need to be afraid in advance, only doctors can make a diagnosis, as well as recommend treatment. Trying to solve the problem on your own is not worth it.

How to treat?

Only a specialist can answer this question. Therefore, it is advisable to get to the doctor as soon as possible. To alleviate the condition on her own, a woman can:

  • Thoroughly decant the breast until it is completely emptied. If the reason for the formation of the bump is lactostasis, then this should bring relief. In addition, if milk stasis is suspected, you can lightly massage the site of the seal, but do not rub or press too hard. This should cause the release of a small amount of a substance similar to fatty cottage cheese. Then the milk will gradually come out of the duct.
  • If the bump does not interfere with feeding, apply the baby to the breast more often. A hungry child copes with lactostasis no worse than an expensive breast pump.
  • feed in different poses trying to empty the chest evenly. You can experiment with the pads and body position of mom and baby. Be sure to monitor how the baby captures the nipple.
  • If you notice that your baby is sucking unevenly at the breast, you can express the rest of the milk and look for a comfortable position.
  • Change your underwear for something more comfortable. Whatever the reason for the bump, good underwear will definitely improve the situation.
  • Control body temperature. Do not forget that nursing mothers are advised to keep the thermometer in the crook of the elbow. Axillary measurement will show incorrect (too high) results due to milk production in the breast.
  • Regularly inspect the bump, fix the size, color and other features.

All these methods will help with the most common cause of the appearance of seals under the arms - lactostasis. In other situations, their effectiveness is not so high or even questionable.

Some women prefer to treat "bumps" with folk methods - lotions or compresses. Remember - mammology categorically prohibits such a "treatment", especially during lactation, especially if alcohol-containing or dangerous substances are used. An exception is a cabbage leaf compress, it definitely won’t hurt.

If you happened to find a bump under your arm after giving birth - do not panic, but you should not take it too lightly. In most cases, this is not dangerous - the bump turns out to be a banal lactostasis and is treated at home with a massage, but a doctor's consultation is still necessary. Be sure to tune in to the best and make an appointment with a doctor.

Why can a lymph node become inflamed in a nursing woman

Inflammation of the lymph node in a nursing woman should not go unnoticed and, moreover, cannot be ignored. A young mother needs to understand that local lymphadenopathy is not only a kind of reaction to breastfeeding, but also a probable initial sign serious illness.

It is advisable not to abuse improvised home remedies, especially if they do not bring visible relief. Unacceptable self-treatment antibiotics because incorrect choice the drug may interfere with breastfeeding or harm the baby. It is important to achieve not only resorption of the enlarged lymph node, but to establish the cause of its growth in order to prevent re-development situations.

The reason for the enlargement of the lymph node is a variety of inflammatory and non-inflammatory processes. The lymph node in the human body performs the function of a kind of barrier, that is, it delays numerous microbial agents, preventing their penetration into systemic circulation. On the other hand, it is in the lymph nodes that the reproduction and accumulation of microbial waste products occurs, which outwardly manifests itself as inflammation of this structure.

Only slightly enlarged (up to 1 cm) lymph nodes in the neck are a variant of the norm, all the rest are a sign of the disease.

A young mother has a lot of new problems and responsibilities, and sometimes taking care of her own health fades into the background. This is unacceptable, since changes in the mother's body necessarily affect the life of the baby, especially if he is breastfed.

In the body of a nursing mother, pronounced changes in the hormonal background continue to occur, the immune system is still not functionally active enough - all this contributes to a more hidden course of acute infectious processes and exacerbation of existing ones. chronic diseases. Therefore, an enlarged lymph node (especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland or uterus, as well as on the neck and under the arm) in women during lactation requires attention and specific therapy.

Enlarged cervical lymph nodes

The most common cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is a reaction to inflammatory processes in the oropharynx and oral cavity. In a young mother, dental diseases (caries, periodontal disease), chronic forms of tonsillitis, and pharyngitis often become aggravated.

The clinical symptoms of these diseases can be expressed very moderately: there is only a slight pain in the neck, the temperature may rise slightly. Many mothers do not pay due attention to their well-being and, even knowing about the inflammation of any organ in this area, postpone a visit to the doctor and treatment indefinitely. An enlarged lymph node on the neck in such a situation is a signal of a rather serious tension on the part of the immune system of a young mother.

No less dangerous for the health of the mother cause - inflammatory processes paranasal sinuses and nose. These air cavities fill with pus when infected. Such a "cache" is very dangerous, since all the sinuses are located inside the skull, that is, in close proximity to the brain and its membranes. If necessary treatment is absent, then the wall of the sinus melts, the pus spreads to the adjacent tissues.

Inflammation of the brain and / or its membranes is a serious danger not only for breastfeeding, but also for the life of a young mother.

Treatment of chronic inflammatory processes of the head and neck involves an integrated approach. These are anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal remedies, antibiotics, which many mothers are so afraid of, are not always needed.

Another reason for the increase (inflammation) of the lymph nodes in the neck is a systemic infectious process called rubella. This viral disease, which is manifested not only by an increase in the lymph nodes in the neck, but also by a characteristic punctate rash. The treatment is symptomatic, swollen nodes on the neck can persist for several weeks, but this does not require special intervention. Breastfeeding may need to be stopped as rubella can be passed from mother to child through direct contact.

Enlarged lymph nodes in the chest area

The most common cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the breast or under the arm is a blockage of the milk duct in lactating women. Since the lymph from the mammary gland flows in the direction of the armpit, it is this group of lymph nodes that reacts to the changes in the first place.

Almost every young mother faces the problem of lactostasis. This is due to the imperfection of their own skills on early stages breastfeeding (improper attachment, feeding according to the schedule), individual characteristics of the structure of the mammary gland.

Congestion of the mammary gland is manifested by painful sensations in the organ itself and an increase in lymph nodes in the chest or under the arm, especially if lactostasis is repeated several times. Elimination Rules congestion inside the mammary gland are well known and available on many information resources. Lymph nodes enlarged as a result of lactostasis will gradually decrease to normal size without any major intervention. Timely elimination of such congestion does not require cessation of breastfeeding.

Rarely, but possible enlargement of the lymph nodes in the thoracic region during exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

More serious attention requires inflammation of the lymph nodes in the area of ​​​​the mammary gland or under the arm, which is not associated with lactostasis. Perhaps this is a sign of a purulent-inflammatory focus or a tumor neoplasm. You will need a consultation with a mammologist, an instrumental examination of the mammary gland, after which it will be possible to make a decision on the need and direction of treatment.

Only after establishing the cause of lymphadenopathy should a decision be made whether it is possible to continue breastfeeding or whether it is advisable to stop it based on the state of health of the young mother.

Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes

Inflammatory changes in the lymph nodes in the groin or perineum are most often associated with various diseases of the uterus and its appendages. The most common are the following:

  • salpingo-oophoritis;
  • cervicitis;
  • metritis;
  • inflammatory complications postoperative period from the uterus (for example, after a caesarean section) or after an episiotomy.

In addition to swollen lymph nodes in inguinal zone, there may be pain in the uterus and appendages. Often there are discharges of a different nature (mucous, purulent, mixed with blood) from the uterine cavity and genital tract. An increase in the lymph nodes in the uterus itself can be detected during an ultrasound examination.

A young mother should not expect a spontaneous cure - this is unlikely to happen. Infectious processes of the uterus can take chronic course and cause secondary infertility. In the worst case, purulent inflammation of the uterus will provoke a general infection of the blood, and it will be necessary to remove the organ. It is clear that about reproductive health such women are not to be spoken of.

Another extremely unpleasant reason enlarged inguinal lymph nodes are sexually transmitted diseases:

  • syphilis;
  • genital herpes and other forms of herpetic infection;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • candidiasis.

The development of clinical manifestations of these diseases in a young mother is possible if specific treatment was absent or not completed. It is clear that we are talking about a certain group of women who are prone to promiscuity both during pregnancy and after it. Among the possible clinical manifestations of STDs, the following are known:

  • pain sensations of varying intensity in lower sections abdomen and uterus;
  • discharge from the genital tract;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • specific changes in the mucosa that are detected during a gynecological examination.

The insidiousness of STDs lies in the fact that these diseases are the most common cause female infertility. Timely and intensive treatment is necessary to avoid such complications. Therapy for this group of infections is a powerful antimicrobials. Retention of breastfeeding in most cases is impossible and impractical.

Armpit tightness during pregnancy

A small, often painless swelling under the armpit is not a cause for concern or goes unnoticed in most people. Such a change in tissues can be caused by various reasons, but sometimes it is the swelling that is the first clear signs of serious health problems.

Swelling under the armpit: causes

Such a phenomenon as swelling under the armpit can be observed in both women and men. Itching, redness of the skin, pain or burning in the axillary area draws more attention to the change that has occurred than a seal, which is noticeable only when palpated.

The most common causes of lumps under the armpits are:

  • The consequences of wearing tight or uncomfortable clothing are accompanied by characteristic seals, often on both sides of the body at once.
  • Inflammation and damage to the skin. accompanied by edema may be a consequence of poor personal hygiene.
  • increased sweating, physical activity, inaccessibility water procedures can lead to a sharp growth of microorganisms, the waste products of which cause irritation, which eventually leads to unpleasant pain.
  • Using personal hygiene products that cause an allergic reaction - the skin in the armpits is different hypersensitivity and it is better to test new care products on other parts of the body.
  • Inflammation of the sweat gland after blockage of its duct or inflammation of the hair follicles is manifested by acute pain, complications are possible in the form of an abscess and fever.
  • Enlargement of the lymph node - without obvious signs of irritation of the skin and acute pain on their surface. Thus, nearby inflammatory processes and malignant formations can manifest themselves.
  • Enlarged axillary lymph nodes may indicate malignant formations in other organs.
  • Incorrect use of antiperspirants is a personal care product, when applied before active physical activity or after hot water procedures, it makes it difficult to sweat, which provokes the formation of edema.
  • General allergic reaction to medications.
  • Benign tumors are mobile formations, have clear boundaries on palpation, become noticeable when they grow and are near the nerve node.

Attentive attitude to your own body will help to identify alarming symptoms in time and seek qualified medical help.

Learn about the video possible reason swelling under the armpit.

Swelling under the armpit in women

The occurrence of tissue compaction under the armpit in women has a different nature and cause of formation, but, definitely, should not be ignored after it has been discovered. The most common cause of swelling is an increase in lymph nodes.

The lymph node is a natural filter that delays the penetration of microorganisms and bacteria through the human body, purifying the lymph from foreign impurities.

IN armpit there are several such nodes, and their growth indicates a high concentration of pathogens that were not destroyed, but continued their development.

Swollen lymph nodes by the nature of their causes:

  • infectious and viral pathogens- their source is the vital activity of viruses and pathogens. The growth of lymph nodes is provoked by such diseases as measles, chicken pox, tuberculosis, syphilis, plague. In these cases, the root cause of the disease must be treated.
  • Entering the lymph node pathogens cancer, as a rule, this is associated with diseases of the mammary glands.
  • One of the manifestations of the presence of HIV infection in the body.
  • Other causes of swelling under the arm, not associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes, are:
  • The development of skin diseases that affect these parts of the body - psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema.
  • Enlarged breast lobules during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Furunculosis is an inflammatory skin disease in which abscesses form.
  • Hidradenitis is an inflammatory disease of the hair follicles, which develops under the influence of staphylococci.
  • Lipoma, or wen, is a benign proliferation of adipose tissue that does not pose a threat to health.

Swelling under the armpit is a symptom of many conditions and diseases of the female body, the reasons for its appearance must be clarified for proper treatment.

Swelling under the armpit in men

The appearance of volumetric neoplasms under the armpit in men has several reasons for their origin:

  • Hidradenitis is undoubtedly the leading diagnosis. Inflammation of the sweat glands caused by a weakened immune system, insufficient self-care, excessive sweating. overweight, the consequences of diabetes. Intensive reproduction of staphylococci or streptococci in the sweat ducts leads to their blockage and the development of the inflammatory process. Quite often, the infection also affects neighboring lymph nodes, developing into a chronic disease.
  • Furuncle - skin inflammation with the formation of pus under the influence of infection, accompanied by sharp pains, redness, fever.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes - as a complication after infectious diseases such as influenza, mumps, measles, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and a manifestation of the presence of organ or blood cancers in the lymphatic system.
  • Skin diseases - dermatitis. eczema contributes to the formation of swelling, to get rid of discomfort, it is necessary to treat diseases that give such symptoms.
  • Cuts, scratches, abrasions - inaccurate hygienic hair removal in the armpit can cause further swelling or inflammation.

The range of causes of swelling under the armpit in men is quite large, the similarity of symptoms can lead to ignoring a serious illness.

Self-medication without an accurate diagnosis, ignoring the problem or incomplete treatment of symptoms can cause serious complications that threaten not only health, but also life.

mild swelling under armpit

If a mild swelling has formed under the armpit, which does not cause much discomfort, then there is no reason to panic. As a rule, such formations are the result of benign formations - atheroma or lipoma.

Atheroma - mobile, painful swelling on palpation, has round shape and smooth surface. Occurs due to high concentration sebum, which clogs the sebaceous gland. Redness of the skin with atheroma appears only as a result of an attached infection.

There are such formations in both men and women of different age categories. It also occurs in the head, neck, face, scrotum. If there are no inflammatory processes, it practically does not bother.

Lipoma, or wen - does not cause pain, is mobile, is formed due to the growth of fatty tissues. They are also formed at the site of the scalp and body, on the neck.

Size and rate of increase depend on individual features organism. Lipomas large sizes can cause discomfort due to compression of soft tissues or nerve connections, as well as damage to the wen during body care. As a result of infection, an inflammatory process may develop, and the temperature may rise.

They occur in both women and men at any age. Wen can be provoked by diseases such as dysfunction of the thyroid gland or pituitary gland, be a consequence of the course of hepatitis or pancreatitis. The skin over the lipoma changes pigmentation.

Both variants of formations do not pose a threat to human life and health, they are quite easily removed. Complications can occur with strong growth and damage to the swelling.

Blood diseases and tumor metastases - one of the symptoms of these diseases are mobile, painless bumps, the skin over which is not changed. Diagnosis and treatment of this nature can be quite successful if you seek competent medical help in a timely manner.

Painful swelling under the armpit

Neoplasms under the arms, which have a pronounced pain syndrome and deliver not only a feeling of discomfort, but are also accompanied by fever, a general weakened state of the body can be the result of several diseases. Some of these inflammations are associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin and the introduction of an infection that causes inflammation and swelling.

Other painful swelling under the armpits can be lymphadenitis and boils.

Lymphadenitis is the general name for inflammatory processes that are the result of complications of infections that cause suppuration in the lymph node. The causative agents are streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli.

Lymphadenitis is divided into specific, which caused the onset of infection in the lymph node due to the following pathogens:

  • Viruses
  • Infectious diseases
  • fungal diseases
  • benign tumors
  • Malignant tumors
  • Tuberculosis

Nonspecific lymphadenitis occurs as a result of the development of any inflammatory diseases.

Symptoms of lymphadenitis are an increase in lymph nodes, the occurrence of pain, neoplasms have good mobility.

A furuncle is a focus of inflammation in which pus accumulates. The surface of the skin in this place is distinguished by redness and a high level of soreness. Often, boils form in the hairy part of the body and have a tendency to relapse.

The reason for their occurrence is:

  • Increased sweating
  • Fungal lesions
  • Minor skin lesions
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene standards
  • low immunity
  • Endocrine disorders

Feelings of discomfort and soreness in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpit are the first symptoms serious illnesses or conditions that can give complications.

Prevention of swelling

To prevent the formation of swelling in the armpits, certain rules and techniques must be observed.

  • Compliance with personal hygiene - will help prevent the development of inflammatory processes.
  • Regulation of sweating - in addition to hereditary predisposition to a high level of sweating, overweight. the use of a large number of spices and spices.
  • Regular medical examinations and timely appeal qualified help- contributes to the early diagnosis of the disease and the most effective treatment.
  • Eliminate self-treatment - self-opening, squeezing or warming up procedures can lead to the complete opposite of the desired effect, cause not only complications, but also turn the disease into a chronic state.
  • Use care products correctly, control their quality - applying antiperspirant to hot skin, using low-quality or expired products can cause an allergic reaction, swelling or irritation.
  • Observe precautions when performing depilation, do not use other people's tools and means, which can also cause infection.
  • Maintain good health, avoid the occurrence of viral and infectious seasonal diseases which can lead to complications.
  • Maintain immunity at the proper level.
  • Follow the daily routine.
  • Limit tobacco and alcohol consumption.
  • Prevention of breast cancer - regular self-examination, systematic visits to a therapist, gynecologist, mammologist.
  • Boil Prevention - Treatment antiseptics places of abrasions, cuts.

Swelling under the arm can be a manifestation of inflammatory processes or a symptom of others, including cancer. Careful and systematic care of your own body, timely detection and diagnosis of the problem will help to avoid diseases or treat them without complications.

A wonderful period has come in your life - pregnancy. Every day you look at your body in the mirror with interest, noting new changes in it that relate to its shape, outlines ... And over time, you notice that they also touched skin color. And this is not surprising, because during pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother works differently: physiological and emotional changes hormonal changes.

Locations of pigmentation during pregnancy

Pigmentation during pregnancy is known by many names, the most famous of which are: chloasma, melasma, hyperpigmentation of the skin, and also the “pregnancy mask”. They all exist for the name brown spots on the face (on the forehead, chin, cheeks, above the upper lip), on the neck, décolleté, abdomen, around the nipples, sometimes they may also appear on the back.

Pigmentation during pregnancy on the face has a specific character and it manifests itself in the form of light coffee-colored spots in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle and mouth. Fortunately, these temporary skin changes disappear within 4-5 months after the birth of a child (as does pigmentation in the armpits and thighs).

Also strong, or rather, the halo of the mammary glands (pinkish rims around the nipples), which, like the nipples themselves, change color from pink to brown. In addition to pigmentation, the nipples also increase in size (they become larger and more prominent).

Causes of pigmentation during pregnancy

Pigmentation during pregnancy explained hard work adrenal glands, as a result of which hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, more hormones are produced that are “responsible” for pigmentation (progesterone, estrogen, melanocyte-stimulating hormone). It usually begins to appear in the second trimester of pregnancy, when a vertical light brown stripe appears on the abdomen (from the navel to the pubis), which is known as the Alba line. But brown spots may appear irregular shape on the body of the expectant mother and at earlier stages of pregnancy.

The color of the “pregnancy mask” also depends on the skin color of the expectant mother. That is, if your skin is light, then they will be dark, if your skin is darker, then the “mask” will be light. Girls who are prone to the appearance of freckles need to be prepared for an increase in their number, as well as for a new, more intense color. Women with dark skin are more prone to pigmentation.

You should be aware of the existence of another cause of pigmentation during pregnancy - a deficiency in the body, to avoid which the future mother's diet must contain oranges and liver dishes.

Prevention methods

The appearance of age spots can be made less intense if the expectant mother will use sunscreen and avoid sunburn. Great importance has a diet of a pregnant woman. We must not forget that heavy fatty foods increase the load on the liver, which provokes the appearance of age spots. Contributes to this and the use of strong tea or coffee.

You can reduce pigmentation during pregnancy with the help of a dairy-vegetarian diet, the presence of vitamins in food (especially vitamin C and folic acid). Do not listen to the misleading opinion that pregnant women can eat everything - this is not so. If you have some disorders in the functioning of the liver, kidneys or spleen, meat consumption should be minimized, but fish should be eaten more often. Your diet should include a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. Very useful porridge. Steam cooking is best. Try to eat less salty and sweet things. To support the skin in a normal state, use vitamins A, E, which will help you greens and green vegetables, as well as the liver.

Don't forget about the "best friends" of a pregnant woman - fresh air, movement and gymnastics, thanks to which toxins are removed from the body and metabolism is normalized. Normal blood flow helps to improve the color and condition of the skin.

You can pamper yourself with natural moisturizing and whitening masks, for the preparation of which vegetables and fruits are easily suitable. To prepare means to combat pigmentation, you can use cucumbers, strawberries, yogurt or kefir (try to apply the latter for 15 minutes on the problem area, then rinse the skin with boiled water). You can make age spots more pale with the help of fresh parsley juice, which should be applied for 10 minutes. These procedures must be carried out throughout the week. Even an ordinary decoction of celandine, elderberry or parsley can bring noticeable relief.

Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunbeams, to protect against them, use hypoallergenic sunscreens with a protection factor of at least 15 (it is better to choose them from children's cosmetics). Wear wide-brimmed hats.

Do not visit a beautician on hot days. Avoid skin contact with harmful chemical substances; use only high-quality cosmetics.

The intensity of pigmentation will definitely decrease after childbirth, but it will completely disappear only after some time has passed.

Dear future mothers, remember that nothing should worry you in such a wonderful period, because everything will pass with time, even pigmentation. Do not be afraid of changes in your body - they are all temporary and not at all harmful to you or your child. Be patient, treat everything with a smile, dream about the future and everything will be just fine for you. Happy pregnancy!

Especially for Anna Zhirko

The formation of a ball under the arm is usually related to an increase in at least one of the lymph nodes, but sometimes it can be subcutaneous. Both men and women can be affected by this problem, and the resulting tubercles in the armpits are small, large, soft, hard, painful and painless.

Roughly speaking, all the reasons for the formation of balls, bumps, lumps in the armpits can be divided into 2 groups: caused by an increase in lymph nodes and others, including primarily the formation of subcutaneous cysts.

Causes of swollen lymph nodes

Enlarged lymph nodes are the most common cause of underarm balls. This happens as the lymph nodes try to fight off any infections such as bacterial, fungal or viral, i.e. "they are part of the body's immune system, so they can grow in size to fight infection (like a cut on the arm) or be a symptom of an infection (cat scratch fever)"

Enlarged lymph nodes are the most common cause of underarm balls.

Bacterial infections

After shaving your armpits, bacteria can easily enter the area through the pores. Due to a bacterial infection, a lump can form, which is usually painful "if pus collects in the armpit." .

Leukemia (blood cancer)

Acute leukemia leads to extreme fatigue, weight loss, nausea, and loss of muscle control. Another common symptom is swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck or armpit.

Viral infections / HIV-AIDS

Studies have shown that when chickenpox and HIV are detected, there is a high probability of developing a painless ball in the armpit. "Chickenpox is a viral infection that spreads by airborne droplets and by contact with blisters"

Allergic reaction to vaccination

There is no need to worry about swelling under the armpit if a vaccination has been given. In rare cases, there are even allergic reactions to penicillin and iodine.

Mammary cancer

Breast cancer in women can lead to lumps in the armpits as the infection tends to spread to the lymph nodes.


Patients diagnosed with cancer of the lymphatic system or lymphoma may experience bumps and swelling in the armpits. Other symptoms include chills and temperature fluctuations, persistent cough, swollen tonsils, headache, high fever at night, constant itching for no reason, general weakness, unexplained weight loss, shortness of breath, and decreased appetite.

In a later stage, symptoms such as "swollen lymph nodes, swelling of the arm or leg, pain, numbness or tingling in the arm or leg", pain in the lymph nodes, especially after drinking alcohol, etc. may appear.

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

Women are more likely to suffer from this autoimmune disease, but it also occurs in men. At the same time, human organs and joints suffer from their own immune system, while the disease may be responsible for the enlargement of the lymph nodes under the arm.

Other causes not usually associated with lymph nodes

Abscess or cyst

Large sore balls can be caused by shaving or using antiperspirants (not deodorants). This problem is very common among teenagers who resort to underarm hair removal.

fungal infection

An example of a fungal infection that can cause lumps to form is sporotrichosis found in vegetation and can enter through a break in the skin such as a cut or bruise.

Lipoma is not a malignant fatty formation

An allergy to certain fats causes harmless fibrous tissue to develop into a condition known as (fibroadenoma). Most often, these formations appear in the chest in women, but can also occur under the armpits, which will resemble a ball under the skin.

Suppurative hydradenitis

Purulent hidradenitis are subcutaneous cysts, not enlarged lymph nodes

A possible cause of a painful armpit lump (mainly in men, but women can also be affected) is hidradenitis suppurativa, which is “an inflammatory skin disorder that affects the apocrine glands in the armpits, groin, or under the breasts. It is characterized by recurrent nodules and abscesses with purulent discharge, difficult-to-heal wounds, and scarring.” The disease is caused by a bacterial infection.

It can be treated with various antibiotics as recommended by a doctor. Other treatments include antiadrogens, immunomodulatory treatments, and surgery.

ingrown hair

Cyst caused by an infected ingrown hair (more common after shaving)

Ingrown armpit hair is a fairly common occurrence. A single infected hair follicle can cause painful red bumps.

Painful bump on hand while pregnant or breastfeeding

A bump under the arm during pregnancy as a result of the growth of breast tissue

Breast tissue in some women may extend into the armpits. As a result, a lump may occur during pregnancy, which will grow and become large. "Characteristically, it will be less noticeable when the breast is not filled with milk at the end of a breastfeeding session." After the complete cessation of breastfeeding, these lumps under the armpits usually disappear and will only appear in the case of the next pregnancy.

But it is important to undergo an examination (ultrasound and mammogram) to make sure that there are no more serious reasons.

painful ball

If a painful lump forms under the arm, a bacterial or fungal infection, ingrown hair, abscess, suppurative hidradenitis, or lymphoma may be the likely cause.

Bump in men

Most of the above causes of swelling can affect men, except for those associated with the chest, such as hyperadenia. Bacterial infection, abscesses or cysts, ingrown hairs, lymphoma, etc. may be responsible for changes in the armpit.

One common cause of this problem is hidradenitis suppurativa, which can affect women but is more common in men.

small tubercle

Most of the above causes result in a small, pea-sized ball. Most often, these are infections, inflamed lymph nodes, ingrown hairs, and others.

Although abscesses and cysts can also be small, in most cases they are larger, especially if they are deep under the skin.

Treatment Methods

Antibiotics for bacterial infection

The use of antibiotics in case of a bacterial infection reduces the activity and accumulation of microbes. Medications such as clindamycin 1% (twice a day) and oral antibiotics such as doxycycline, erythromycin, tetracycline treat and relieve pain.

Antifungal drugs

They are used in balls caused by a fungal infection. Available as creams and ointments, which can be sold without a prescription, as well as oral antifungals, which must be prescribed by a doctor. Antifungal ointments, creams, gels or serums are used externally according to the instructions.

Cancer (lymphoma, breast and blood)


Surgical treatment for cancer includes removal of lymph nodes or mastectomy and/or lumpectomy for breast cancer. In lymphoma, as a rule, several lymph nodes are removed through an incision.


Side effects:

  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Vomit.

The different ways of administering chemotherapy are as follows:

Oral – drugs are taken in the form of tablets/capsules or liquids.

By intravenous drip: the procedure takes several hours.

Continuous infusions: An electronic device is used to administer drugs for a specific short period of time.

Other cancer treatments, such as radiation therapy and hormone therapy, may also be recommended by the doctor.


Surgical removal is necessary in case of bumps due to lipoma or radiation therapy to kill cancer cells.

home remedies

raw honey

You need to apply honey to the affected area of ​​​​the armpit, then gently rinse with warm water and dry with a clean cloth or towel. (Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day).

Lemon juice

Alternatively, honey can be replaced with lemon juice. It is necessary to moisten a small piece of cotton wool or a cotton swab in freshly squeezed juice. Apply to underarm area and leave on for 15-20 minutes. (Repeat 3-4 times within 1 week).

Apple vinegar

Mix 2 cups of unfiltered apple cider vinegar and water (in equal amounts). Soak a clean cloth in the liquid and apply to the affected area. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water and dry with a towel. Repeat the process several times a day until the bump disappears.

To speed up healing, you can add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey to a glass of water and drink as a drink. (At least twice a day for up to 3-4 weeks).

Ice Cubes + Brewed Green Tea

To get rid of painful lumps, you can try twice a day prepared ice cubes soaked in brewed green tea and apply to the armpit. Carry out the procedure until the cube melts.

Avoid allergens, drugs

During treatment, avoid allergens and stop using drugs.

– small signals of great danger

During pregnancy, a woman has a serious responsibility - you need to take care not only of your own health, but also of the health and well-being of your unborn child. Therefore, any change in the body raises many questions for the expectant mother. Sometimes this concern turns out to be in vain, but in some cases, anxiety is quite justified and allows you to notice a serious threat to health in time. Such serious cases include enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

The lymph nodes It is part of the body's lymphatic and immune systems. These small formations daily pass liters of lymph through themselves, filtering out everything superfluous and dangerous - bacteria, viruses, atypical cells and foreign antigen proteins. In the lymph nodes, lymphocytes mature and antibodies are produced. Simply put, these are small barrier filters that prevent the rapid spread of infection in the body. Changes in the lymph nodes - their enlargement or inflammation- may indicate the development of an oncological, immune or allergic disease.

In the normal state, regional lymph nodes are small in size - 3-15 mm in diameter, mobile, elastic to the touch, painless.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. Most often, lymphadenitis develops as a complication of the underlying disease, but it can be both primary and part of a generalized process. The causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes are different. Conventionally, they can be divided into two large groups:

Infectious lymphadenitis can be nonspecific - that is, not have the characteristics of the course of the disease characteristic of a particular pathogen. If the inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs with symptoms characteristic of a particular pathogen or disease, then they talk about specific inflammation - for example, tuberculous lymphadenitis, lymphadenopathy with, lymphadenitis caused by syphilis, etc.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in women

For non-pregnant woman causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes the same as for everyone else:

    infectious diseases;
    immune and systemic diseases;
    oncology or blood diseases;
    allergic reactions.

The most common causes of enlarged lymph nodes in women are colds, mastopathy, inflammation of the appendages. However, do not forget that there are infections such as syphilis (and other sexually transmitted diseases) for which enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes is one of the first symptoms.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in pregnant women

During pregnancy, the immunity of the expectant mother works at half strength - this mechanism protects the child from the aggression of the mother's immune system. But such a trick of nature has reverse side- due to the fact that the immune system is weakened, the attacks of viruses and bacteria on the body of a pregnant woman often become successful, and colds or inflammatory diseases occur. Accordingly, during pregnancy, lymphadenitis is most often a complication of various infectious or colds. (Naturally, this statement is true if the expectant mother has already passed full examination, and her lymph node became inflamed after all serious and dangerous diseases were excluded).

But not all lymphadenopathy during pregnancy is infectious. During the period of expectation of the child, the entire body of the mother is rebuilt - the hormonal background changes, there are minor reactions to the proteins of the placenta and fetus that enter the mother's bloodstream, and the mammary glands develop. Sometimes these reasons can cause slight discomfort in the axillary or inguinal lymph nodes, their increase. Usually, such changes do not turn into inflammation and disappear within a few days.

Also, the reason for a slight increase in lymph nodes during pregnancy may be the sensitivity of the expectant mother to cosmetics (deodorants, depilatory creams, hair dye, etc.) or household chemicals, since in this state the body may inadequately respond even to the usual means.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes

The first signs indicating the development of lymphadenitis are an increase in the lymph node and the appearance of discomfort and soreness in its area. In addition, symptoms of inflammation of the lymph node are:

    swelling and hyperemia (redness) of surrounding tissues;
    itching of the skin in the area of ​​​​edema;
    the appearance of a small rash;
    an increase in body temperature and the phenomena of general intoxication of the body (,).

When diagnosing, the doctor necessarily assesses the condition of the lymph nodes, their size and shape, localization, density, mobility, cohesion with surrounding tissues, determines the degree of pain. When studying the anamnesis, the most likely cause of lymphadenitis is determined, which allows you to correctly prescribe treatment. Therefore it is very important tell your doctor about a previous cold or, the presence of carious teeth, about chronic inflammatory diseases and the results of previous examinations. Do not forget even about small cat scratches - they can be the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes in bartonellosis.

Along the course, inflammation of the lymph nodes is divided into acute and chronic.

Acute lymphadenitis characteristic of complications of the underlying disease. It starts suddenly, regional lymph nodes (several or one) increase sharply, pain and signs of inflammation appear. At the same time, the inflamed lymph nodes do not solder with the surrounding tissues, they are mobile. Acute lymphadenitis can occur in three forms:

  • catarrhal(only the lymph node is inflamed, it is enlarged and hurts, but the skin and surrounding tissues are not involved in the process and are not changed, the general intoxication is insignificant, the inflammation disappears with the cure of the underlying disease);
  • hemorrhagic(similar to catarrhal, but due to damage to the walls blood vessels the lymph node is filled with bloody contents, visually it looks like a limited deep hematoma);
  • purulent(the most severe form, the lymph node is sharply painful, greatly enlarged, the skin and tissues around it are edematous and hyperemic, the general condition is severe - severe intoxication).

IN chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes usually passes in the absence of adequate treatment acute form. Sometimes sluggish chronic lymphadenitis accompanies chronic inflammation - for example, chronic tonsillitis or caries. In this case, it is necessary to treat inflammation of the lymph node only in combination with the underlying disease.

Inflammation of regional lymph nodes - what, where, when

An important diagnostic criterion is the localization of the inflamed lymph node. Typically, regional lymph nodes become inflamed in the presence of chronic or acute infection in the area for which this node is "responsible". It is also important for determining the diagnosis in case of oncological or immune etiology of enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

Cervical lymph nodes become inflamed in case of an inflammatory or infectious process in the head and neck. Most often it is sinusitis, tonsillitis, caries, boils on the neck. With SARS, along with the lymph nodes in the neck, others can become inflamed - submandibular, parotid, axillary. In this case, when recovering from a cold, the lymph nodes quickly return to normal state without special treatment.

Prolonged sluggish inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes without visible foci of infection should be alarming. This may be one of the first symptoms of such dangerous diseases as HIV infection or lymphogranulomatosis.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear

As in the previous case, inflammation of the parotid lymph nodes is most often the result of infectious and inflammatory processes in nearby organs- otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, gum and tooth diseases, allergic rhinitis and hay fever.

Inflammation under the jaw

The submandibular lymph nodes often respond to infectious, inflammatory, or purulent diseases in the oral cavity. Flux, or - and the submandibular lymph nodes immediately react. They increase in size, become painful, swelling and redness appear on the skin. Most often, it is the inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes that proceeds according to the type of purulent. Therefore, if you suspect inflammation under the jaw, you should immediately seek medical help.

When the cervical, submandibular, parotid, axillary lymph nodes become inflamed. Therefore, if lymphadenitis is accompanied by a red rash all over the body, you should immediately consult a doctor. Rubella is dangerous for pregnant women!

Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm

In pregnant women, along with other causes (infectious diseases, cat scratches, wounds on the hands or furunculosis), axillary lymph nodes can become inflamed due to mastitis or mastopathy.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin

In the inguinal lymph nodes, lymph is filtered from the lower body - lower limbs, organs of the small pelvis and lower part of the abdominal cavity.

When infected with syphilis, the lymph node adjacent to the site of the initial infection greatly increases in size (5-10 or more times). However, it remains painless. Sometimes, even after curing syphilis, the lymph node remains significantly enlarged, which serves as a “pointer” to the method of infection - when infected by traditional sexual contact, the inguinal node is enlarged, with domestic infection through a wound on the skin of the hands - axillary. If the route of infection is oral, then one of the submandibular nodes remains enlarged.

That's why inguinal lymphadenitis can develop as a complication of the inflammatory process in these areas. Most common cause inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes are inflammation of the appendages, injuries and wounds on the legs (even an infection from an ingrown toenail can lead to a reaction in the lymph node), boils, rheumatoid arthritis, syphilis and other STDs, appendicitis, chronic colitis.

In pregnant women, inguinal lymph nodes often become inflamed due to chronic colpitis or chronic inflammation of the appendages.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes

During pregnancy, any experiments with one's own health can be fatal, so if you suspect the development of lymphadenitis, you should definitely consult a doctor. With a slight increase in the lymph nodes in the neck and head, which appeared against the background of ARVI or influenza (catarrhal form), such a consultation can be obtained as part of the treatment of the underlying disease.

If the lymph nodes are greatly enlarged, sharply painful, edema appears around them, the body rises above 38.5 ° C, then immediate medical intervention is necessary, possibly even surgical. Only a doctor can accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

It should be remembered that if a purulent process is suspected, in no case you can not warm the diseased lymph node! In this case, compresses, lotions and other “proven and reliable” folk methods are contraindicated. Only the right way treatment of purulent lymphadenitis - surgical opening of the inflamed node, followed by antibiotic therapy.

Antibiotics for swollen lymph nodes

In acute purulent and chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes, treatment is mandatory, since the absence antibacterial treatment fraught with the spread of infection throughout the body and the development of sepsis. For the treatment of pregnant women, permissible ones are prescribed, having previously determined the sensitivity of the microflora. Most often, Ceftriaxone or Emsef (co), Ampicillin, Amoxiclav are prescribed.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes with folk remedies

We have already found out that inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor. But in some cases, alternative methods of treating lymph nodes can be used after consultation with a specialist as adjuvant therapy. Remember - some herbal remedies contraindicated during pregnancy!

Also, with catarrh, dry heat is used, warm compresses with honey (without alcohol!!!), applications camphor oil on the skin over the inflamed node.

At the first suspicion of the accession of a purulent process it is urgent to stop warm compresses and warming and urgently go to the hospital.

Compresses for the treatment of inflamed lymph nodes

from compresses, which are not contraindicated for the treatment of lymphadenitis during pregnancy we can recommend the following:

    Fresh Juice dandelion stems and leaves. Soak a napkin with juice and apply to the diseased node. Use no more than 3 days.
    A compress of gruel from fresh mint leaves. The gruel is applied for 2 hours to the site of inflammation 2 times a day. The procedure helps to relieve pain and has a slight absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect.
    Cake with honey. Honey is a good anti-inflammatory agent (if not on it). It can be used both in pure form and in combination with other substances. The simplest thing is to mix honey and flour in equal proportions and apply such a cake to inflamed node. From above, the compress should be covered with a warm cloth.


2023 "kingad.ru" - ultrasound examination of human organs