Colitis is acute. Treatment of acute colitis of the intestine

Few of us know about all kinds of bowel diseases. But, perhaps, it is worth talking about such a disease as acute colitis. This is one of the most annoying diseases. We suggest right now to talk about how to treat it and discuss the causes of the onset of the disease and the symptoms of colitis.

Symptoms of the development of acute colitis

Colitis is a disease of the colon. There are chronic and acute forms of the disease. Signs of acute colitis depend on the location of the lesion, since the main function of the intestine is digestion and absorption. If you feel unwell, your appetite has disappeared, you have diarrhea, your stomach hurts, then you may have an acute form of the disease.

Clinical signs of acute colitis

The symptoms of the disease are:

Pain in the abdomen in the lower and lateral parts of the abdomen, violation of the stool.

Gain pain after eating, which pass after the release of gases from the intestines and emptying. Constipation appears with the release of "sheep" feces or ribbon-like with mucus. Severe cases of acute colitis may be accompanied by stools in the form of mucus with blood.

Constant urge to empty the bowels, possibly painful with the release of a mucous mass.

Often there is constipation and diarrhea at the same time. It happens that after a big series liquid secretions, stool retention can occur for several days.

Symptoms of acute colitis include not only abdominal pain, but also fever.

Acute colitis usually begins suddenly. The first symptom of the disease is diarrhea. Then it hurts in the stomach, like contractions, nausea, vomiting appear. Symptoms of an acute form of colitis - diarrhea and vomiting are a protective reaction of the body, which in this way tries to get rid of the bacteria that have got inside. Colitis can last from a few days to weeks. There is a possibility of transition of the acute form of the disease to chronic colitis.

Symptoms of acute colitis of dysentery origin

In acute colitis of dysentery origin, the left part of the colon is predominantly painful, the area sigmoid colon.

Stool frequency up to 15-25 times a day.

Often, patients have a fever.

The abdomen is swollen, pain is felt on palpation along the large intestine.

The disease must be distinguished from botulism and food poisoning, salmonellosis.

Symptoms of an acute form of colitis with gastritis

In principle, with gastritis, the disease can begin in different ways. Typical symptoms of acute colitis in this case: abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever- can appear only after a few hours. And before that, patients experience unusual weakness, loss of appetite, headache.

However, the signs of the disease can develop in a different way. At first, there may be a weak mushy stool, which by the end of the day turns into liquid (with an admixture of mucus and even blood), in severe cases, the stool is quite frequent (5-6 times a day). Then - dull or spasmodic pain, heaviness and excruciating pain in the abdomen. And only then weakness and other symptoms appear.

Traditionally, blood and stool tests are taken to diagnose the disease. According to them, the doctor determines the cause of acute colitis, such as dysentery. Sometimes, if the case is not entirely clear, an X-ray examination is suggested.

Features of the treatment of acute colitis

To relieve abdominal pain, you must:

Fluid intake in large quantities. It is allowed to drink mineral water and weakly brewed tea. But it is best to take a medicinal solution of water, salt and sugar. For patients with severe form colitis fluid is administered intravenously.

Fasting in the treatment of acute colitis. To prevent abdominal pain, refuse to eat food during the day, and preferably two. Then you need to go to strict diet.

The use of activated charcoal. It reduces the effect of toxins.

The use of enzyme preparations in the treatment of acute colitis (for example, Pancreatin, Festal), enveloping and adsorbing substances (for example, Phosphalugel, Almagel).

At mild form Acute colitis will be limited to a diet, to restore the volume of lost fluid.

Undergo a course of treatment for colitis in the physiotherapy department.

Dehydration in the treatment of acute colitis

It should be remembered that the disease is most often accompanied by fluid loss. Diarrhea indicates a violation of the exchange of water and electrolytes in the intestine. If the fluid is lost, then this leads to disorders in the activity of all organs. Therefore, if diarrhea occurs in an adult or a child, it is necessary to make up for the loss of the body in fluid and salt. Usually prescribed glucose-salt solutions that mimic the composition of blood plasma (Regidron, Citroglucosolan, Glucosolan). In more severe cases shown intravenous administration liquids.

If fluid loss is very severe and diarrhea persists, then Imodium is used, which normalizes the absorption of water and electrolytes.

Medical treatment of acute colitis

Enterol - medicinal yeast is also used to treat acute colitis. They multiply very quickly when they hit human body and at the same time are well excreted in the feces after stopping treatment after a few days. Enterol is available in capsules (for adults) and sachets (for children).

In addition, in acute colitis, the patient can be offered the well-known Smekta. This drug forms a physical barrier to pathogenic intestinal microorganisms and their toxins. He renders protective action on the intestinal mucosa. However, you should know that "Smekta" should not be taken for a long time(no more than five days), a break should be taken after the course.

Other well-known remedy- Baktisubtil. This drug displaces foreign bacteria from the intestines. But again, we must remember that with prolonged use, it begins to “push out” all bacteria, including useful ones, from the body, and then it becomes dangerous. That is, short courses of administration are necessary for treatment.

Enzyme preparations are prescribed to normalize the processes of digestion with symptoms of acute colitis. These are Mezim-forte, Creon, Pantsitrat, sometimes Festal. The dosage of these drugs and the duration of their administration is always individual.

How to treat acute colitis with dietary supplements?

Dietary supplements are also used in the treatment of the disease. They cleanse the intestinal mucosa of toxins and incompletely oxidized metabolic products, stimulate the growth of full-fledged microflora, and improve the metabolism in the body. The doctor may recommend Hemoenterosorbent zosterin-ultra and Fervital.

The course of treatment of acute colitis with these drugs can improve the condition of patients with acute colitis. The first of them has the properties not only to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, but also the blood. The second is a soft absorbent, it does not disturb the condition of the mucosa gastrointestinal tract, unlike some other, more rough, damaging intestinal cells.

Fervital does not remove mucus, but removes only those substances that are directly on the mucosa. And beneficial microflora, which is attached more strongly, is not infringed.

Diet therapy for acute colitis

Find out what should be the diet for this form of the disease.

  • 1st breakfast: pureed oatmeal porridge on the water, meat steam cutlet, tea with white breadcrumbs.
  • 2nd breakfast: a glass of blueberry jelly, white cracker.
  • Lunch: meat broth with egg flakes from 1 egg, meat soufflé from boiled meat, mashed rice porridge on the water, blackcurrant jelly, crackers.
  • Snack: a glass of rosehip broth with breadcrumbs.
  • Dinner: steam cod cutlets, mashed rice porridge on the water.
  • At night: a glass of milk.

Useful products in the treatment of acute colitis

Low-fat varieties of meat, poultry, fish (without skin, chopped) should be steamed.

For soups, low-fat meat or fish broths with the addition of mucous decoctions are suitable. Also relevant are steamed or boiled in water meat and fish dumplings, meatballs, boiled meat (preferably mashed).

Kashi is cooked from rice, oatmeal, semolina and buckwheat on water. Eggs in the diet should be limited.

From bakery products- thinly sliced ​​toasted crackers from the highest grades wheat bread.

Kissels and jelly made from blueberries, bird cherry, ripe pears are good as drinks. Tea, black coffee, cocoa on the water, rosehip broth can also be used. Sugar - no more than 40 g per day.

At the beginning of the acute stage of the disease, an adult patient is usually recommended to starve, while children do not have to refuse food. Both of them on the first day of illness can afford fresh, weak and not hot tea with white breadcrumbs. Then you should switch to light, low-fat, vegetable dishes. During this period it is necessary plentiful drink. Compound daily ration diets for acute colitis: proteins - 100 g, fats - 70 g, carbohydrates - 250 g, salt 8–10 y.

Prohibited foods in the treatment of exacerbations of colitis

In the diet for acute colitis, mechanical, chemical irritants of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, causative agents of the secretion of the digestive glands, as well as substances that enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine and irritate the liver are limited.

Food should be steamed or boiled in water, it is served at the table in a pureed form. Diet - 4-5 times a day in small portions. As a rule, a "colitis diet" is prescribed for a limited period.


Causes and prevention of exacerbations of colitis

For a better understanding of the mechanism of development of acute colitis or chronic form disease is worth knowing, digestion of consumed food products takes place in the small intestine (decomposition), and feces are formed in the large intestine and an inflammatory disease leads to disruption of these processes. You should not be calm about the fact that the stomach hurts, colitis is such a disease that leads to disruption of the intestines and pulls a number of pleasant sensations and pain in the abdomen.

So what are the causes of acute colitis? Among the main reasons are such as:

First of all, this is a violation of the rhythm of nutrition, which can be caused by poor-quality food and alcohol abuse has a detrimental effect on our body.

A disease such as gastritis occurs due to insufficient production of an enzyme that is produced by the pancreas. In the end, food masses that are not completely processed by the enzyme enter the intestines and symptoms of acute colitis occur. The cause of colitis can be pathological processes in other organs of the gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, gastroenteritis, helminthic diseases.

Taking medications that change the normal environment of the intestines.

Insufficient bowel function as a cause of acute colitis.

Most often, this disease occurs as a result of inflammatory bowel disease. But colitis can also be caused by infections caused by viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. It is not excluded the occurrence of colitis due to malnutrition, the use of certain medications (mainly antibiotics).

Prevention of colitis

Since acute colitis can occur due to infection in the body (for example, with dysentery), the already mentioned rules of personal hygiene are relevant in terms of preventing acute colitis. Cleanliness of hands, the use of fresh, well-washed vegetables and fruits - this is what everyone should remember, especially in summer period when many are tempted to eat a cucumber or strawberries straight from the garden or buy a cake with cream, it is not known how long it has been in the store at an air temperature of 30 ° C.

In addition, acute colitis may appear as a result of another disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Hence, timely treatment primary disease and attentive attitude to your body is a guarantee that you will not have colitis.

The thoughtless use of drugs, especially antibiotics, also provokes acute colitis. Those who like to "treat" must strictly follow the doctor's instructions and the instructions that come with the drugs.

Prevention of acute colitis lies in the observance of the regimen and culture of nutrition, restrictions on the intake alcoholic beverages And modern treatment acute illness intestines.

Acute colitis is an inflammatory disease of the intestinal mucosa. In addition to an acute attack, the disease can also occur in a chronic form. The symptomatology of the pathology completely depends on the location of the lesion, since the main function of the intestine is the digestion and absorption of products. Worsened appetite, general malaise, diarrhea, and abdominal pain can indicate the presence of an ailment.

Sometimes the disease is recognized by doctors as irritable bowel syndrome, but these diseases are not interconnected in any way. But the doctor during the diagnosis must definitely conduct a differential examination.

The disease is characterized by the fact that inflammation is formed in the mucosa and the functionality of the membrane is impaired. Quite often, pathology is diagnosed in people aged 15–40 years. The second peak of the disease is observed at 60-80 years. The disease can affect both women and men in an absolutely equal part.


The period of exacerbation of the disease is characterized by the presence of infectious agents, the use of drugs or ischemia of the colon, as a result of mesenteric atherosclerosis. Quite often, the disease begins to progress from the ingestion of viruses, bacteria, fungi. Also, the disease can also manifest itself with the development of infectious diseases - dysentery, salmonellosis, food poisoning. Progressive factors also include nonspecific pathogens such as streptococci or staphylococci.

Infections enter the human body in a different way. Often, intestinal damage occurs due to dirty water, unwashed foods. Getting on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, a strong inflammatory process begins there, which provokes the development of colitis. Pathological pathogens produce toxins that enter the circulatory system, and for this reason intoxication develops.

The disease can occur not only against the background of various infections, but also under the influence of such factors:

  • taking antibacterial, laxative drugs;
  • atherosclerosis of mesenteric vessels;
  • radiation exposure;
  • chemical damage.


Clinicians determine that the disease can manifest itself in different forms. The classifications used by physicians are based on the etiology of the disease and the localization of the lesion. Thus, based on the causes of the development of the disease, the following types of disease are distinguished:

According to the location of the inflammatory process, clinicians identified 4 main forms of pathology:

  • sigmoiditis;
  • left-sided;
  • right hand;
  • total.


Acute colitis of the intestine is characterized as a very painful disease with unpleasant symptoms. If you do not start therapy on time, then the disease can go into chronic stage, while the symptoms become more pronounced and inconsistent.

The clinical picture of the pathology is very specific and manifests itself in severe discomfort which cannot be ignored. At the beginning of an exacerbation, the patient feels severe spasms that arise from edema and thickening of the walls of the intestinal lining.

Along with severe attacks of pain, the patient feels the following symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • apathy;
  • fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • bloating.

An exacerbation of the disease can develop over two weeks, and all this time a person feels excruciating discomfort that interferes with normal work and life. If therapy is not started, then the symptoms may subside, and the disease itself may become chronic. At this stage, the patient may experience temporary symptoms that periodically subside.

Especially help will be needed for those patients who begin to secrete mucus along with feces. Such characteristic signs indicate that serious pathological processes have begun in the human intestine, which must be urgently eliminated.

Depending on the form of the disease, the clinical picture may differ slightly. For example, sharp ulcerative colitis characterized by diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, especially in the left side. On severe course pathologies can indicate such symptoms - joint pain and rectal bleeding.

The following morphological changes will inform about the presence of pathology:

  • mucus or pus in the distal intestine;
  • redness of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • erosion and ulcers on the walls;
  • hemorrhages.


In order to determine the disease, the doctor needs to conduct a full examination of the patient's state of health. Initially, the doctor clarifies the patient's complaints, anamnesis of the disease and life, after which he conducts a physical examination.

Then the patient is assigned to conduct a laboratory and instrumental examination. To diagnose the disease, a blood, urine and feces test is prescribed. From the instrumental examination, the patient is recommended to do ultrasound, radiography, endoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and biopsy.


Acute colitis has characteristic symptoms that make it easy to identify the disease. After the doctor has made a diagnosis and identified the causes of intestinal damage, therapy can be prescribed. All drugs and treatments are used to eliminate the etiology, and not just to reduce the signs of pathology and improve the general condition of the patient.

If the cause of the development of the disease lies in the infection, then antibiotic therapy is prescribed. When an illness is detected from drugs, the patient must urgently stop using them. Chronic colitis in the acute stage is treated in the same way as acute attack diseases.

With spastic colitis, the doctor prescribes drugs to the patient to reduce peristaltic activity.

To reduce pain, mild antispasmodics are used.

With inpatient therapy, the patient may be prescribed adrenergic blockers and anticholinergic drugs. They are needed in order to reduce the secretion of mucus in the digestive tract. In parallel, the patient is recommended to take astringents and enveloping preparations that protect the walls from negative impact mucus.

During treatment, the patient is prescribed multivitamins, laxatives, cleansing drugs, and medicinal enemas are also made.

Together with the use various drugs, the patient is prescribed diet therapy. In the diet of a person with colitis, there must be foods that will enrich the body with useful substances.

In the first days after the discovery of the disease, the patient should not eat any food, and then you can gradually start eating light soups, cereals, croutons from white bread. In diet therapy, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • with frequent constipation, you need to eat vegetarian first courses, lean meat and fish. It is advisable to boil or stew all foods. Vegetables are recommended to be consumed either raw or boiled. The diet should have a lot of dishes from zucchini, carrots, beets, cauliflower. You can also change the menu fermented milk products, cheese, sweet berries, bread from flour of the first grade;
  • with a prolonged acute form of the disease, the diet should consist of low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk. You can cook wheat and barley porridge, rice. Sugar in cooking is undesirable;
  • if the patient has started ulcerative form colitis, then the patient is assigned a strict dietary restriction. You can eat boiled vegetables, meat and dry bread products. It is necessary to exclude dairy products, soda, tomatoes, nuts, alcohol from the menu;
  • It is recommended to eat in small portions, but often.

The diet for acute colitis is selected by the physician absolutely individually. The patient's menu should contain many vitamins and components that will help normalize bowel function. Be sure to clean the intestines, frequent constipation can damage the walls of the mucosa, which will provoke an excessive amount of mucus.

Sometimes patients are allowed to treat the disease not in the hospital, but at home. Such a light version of therapy is possible only if the patient has a mild course of colitis, and it does not pose a serious threat to human life.

In order to additional therapy doctors allow the use of alternative medicine. Alternative treatment of acute colitis consists in the use of tinctures from watermelon peels, decoctions of chamomile, yarrow and sage, and enemas can also be made from chamomile. But patients should remember that ethnoscience is not the only method of eliminating colitis, it is only an addition. The use of such funds must be agreed with the attending physician.


So that the patient does not know problems with the intestines, doctors recommend following simple preventive measures:

  • eat healthy food;
  • chew or grind food thoroughly;
  • wash vegetables and fruits before eating;
  • observe the rules of hygiene;
  • regularly undergo a medical examination;
  • treat diseases in time.

Colitis is an inflammation or dystrophic-inflammatory lesion of the colon, leading to atrophy of the mucous membrane and dysfunction of organs. Pathological processes covering inner surface intestines, localized in all departments (pancolitis) or in some areas (segmental colitis).

In colitis (inflammation of the intestines), symptoms are characterized by blood, mucus in the stool, abdominal pain, nausea, and false urge to defecate. In most cases, its chronic form develops, as well as ulcerative colitis of the intestine of unclear etiology, while the intestinal mucosa becomes prone to ulceration.


Why does intestinal colitis develop, and what is it? Acute colitis in adults often occurs simultaneously with inflammation. small intestines and stomach. The most common causative agents of acute colitis are pathogens.

Chronic colitis can develop in the presence of foci of infection in gallbladder, pancreas and other organs anatomically associated with the intestines, as well as with prolonged monotonous diet, systematic eating in large quantities of indigestible food, abuse spicy food, alcohol.

Risk factorsthat lead to the development of intestinal colitis in adults:

  1. Infection (dysentery, salmonellosis, chronic infections, amoebiasis, ).
  2. Medicines ( long-term use antibiotics, laxatives, drugs in the form of suppositories, frequent enemas).
  3. Food or chemical poisoning. Penetration into the blood of components that kill beneficial intestinal microflora.
  4. Stress, disruption of the daily routine.
  5. The action of toxic substances (salt heavy metals, mercury, lead, arsenic, etc.).
  6. Circulatory disorders. It is also a solid reason for the development of manifestations of colitis, because as a result of a lack of blood, the body is often unable to overcome the irritant on its own and get rid of harmful components.
  7. Alimentary factor (eating rough, insufficiently thermally processed food, irregular and malnutrition, dry food, insufficient intake dietary fiber, frequent use spicy, salty, smoked, fatty foods, alcohol).

The most common aggravation of colitis is: eating foods that irritate the colon or cause allergic reactions(marinades, canned food, citrus fruits, cabbage, cucumbers, etc.), overwork, emotional overload, overheating, taking large doses antibacterial drugs.


According to the etiology, colitis is distinguished:

  1. Ulcerative - a disease with unclear etiology, in the development mechanism of which heredity, autoimmune mechanisms and infection play a role.
  2. Infectious - caused by pathogenic microflora, which can be specific (for example, dysentery colitis), banal (streptococci, staphylococci) and opportunistic (for example, E. coli);
  3. Ischemic - with occlusive lesions of the branches abdominal aorta(for example, with atherosclerosis), blood supply to the large intestine;
  4. Toxic or medicinal in case of poisoning with certain poisons or drugs (for example,);
  5. Radiation in chronic radiation sickness.

Spastic colitis of the intestine

Often spastic colitis bowel provoked in an unhealthy way life, as well as mistakes made in nutrition. Doctors such an ailment in many cases is called irritable bowel syndrome, during which there is inflammation chronic type in the colon mucosa.

The disease can develop after drinking coffee, soda, alcohol, poor-quality food for a long time, as well as after gastroenteritis.

ulcerative colitis of the intestine

Ulcerative colitis of the intestine is characterized by hemorrhagic-purulent inflammatory process colon with the development of systemic, local complications. The exact causes and origin of the disease are still unknown.

There are suggestions that the disease may be caused unbalanced diet, unidentified infection, medicines, genetic mutations, shifts in the intestinal flora and stress.

Symptoms of colitis in adults

In case of bowel colitis, the symptoms will depend on the type of disease that is present, but in general, colitis in adults is most often associated with abdominal pain and diarrhea. Other signs of colitis that may or may not be present.

Symptoms of colitis may include:

  1. Permanent or periodic pain in the stomach and
  2. Chills.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Fever.
  5. Constant urge to defecate.
  6. . Diarrhea can sometimes cause diarrhea, which can bleed. However, blood during bowel movements is not normal.
  7. Dehydration. Symptoms of dehydration include dizziness, weakness, decreased urination, dry mouth, eyes and skin.

In some patients, local manifestations are accompanied by weakness, nausea and vomiting; increased fatigue, weight loss. Symptoms persist for several weeks, disappear with treatment. The transition of the disease to chronic is accompanied by the involvement of ligaments and muscles in the process. In this case, the capillaries expand, ulcers and abscesses form. Patients are concerned about:

  • pain;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • tenesmus; flatulence;
  • pungent odor of feces.

Patients feel satisfactorily, they are worried about malaise, decreased efficiency, lack of appetite, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, belching and nausea.


The diagnosis of colitis begins with a careful history taking. Since the symptoms are usually abdominal pain and diarrhea, it is important to learn about the onset and duration of these pains and any other complaints or symptoms the patient may have. Since most causes of diarrhea are relatively benign and self-limiting, questions may be asked to look for the causes listed above.

Instrumental diagnostic manipulations include:

  1. Colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. With the help of such studies, it is possible to detect catarrhal or atrophic changes on the intestinal mucosa.
  2. Coprology. This stool test can be used to assess the condition metabolic processes And digestive system. In the chronic form of colitis, there is a lot of mucus in the feces. results microscopic examination show the presence of leukocytes and erythrocytes.
  3. Radiography or irrigography. These studies allow assessing the state of the intestinal mucosa, the localization of the inflammatory process. They also allow you to define .

Colitis by symptoms and clinical picture very similar to malignant neoplasms large intestine, so a biopsy of suspicious areas of the intestine should be performed in order to determine or exclude the oncological nature of the changes.

How to treat colitis in adults

In case of exacerbation of chronic or acute colitis, treatment should be carried out in a hospital in the proctology department, if the infectious nature of colitis is found out, then in specialized departments of infectious diseases hospitals.

When symptoms of intestinal colitis appear, treatment in adults is carried out in a complex manner, prescribing remedies that eliminate the cause of the disease and eliminate its consequences. For all types of colitis, regardless of its cause, diet 4 (a, b, c) according to Pevzner, intestinal adsorbents, drugs that regulate stools (laxatives (Guttalax) or antidiarrheals (Loperamide)), stimulate regeneration (Methyluracil, etc.), restore microflora (prebiotics and), desensitizing and detoxifying treatment, vitamins and immunomodulators, mineral water and LFC.

Folk remedies

Colitis treatment folk remedies also occurs depending on the type of disease. The most common herbal treatment, which is based on the intake of infusions of chamomile, centaury and sage. One teaspoon of each herb should be brewed in 200 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to take a tablespoon with an interval of two hours.

About a month after the start of taking the infusion, you can either reduce the dose or increase the interval between doses. What are herbs good for colitis? This infusion can be taken long time if you are concerned about colitis of the intestine, the treatment of which, as a rule, is quite long.

Chronic intestinal colitis: symptoms and treatment

The chronic form of colitis is characterized by a sluggish course, with occasional exacerbations. Pathological changes mucosa, occurring in the large intestine with this form of the disease, are the result of a long-term inflammatory process. Inflammation affects not only the mucous membrane, but also the ligamentous-muscular apparatus, there is a shortening and narrowing of the intestine at the site of the lesion.

Common symptoms of chronic colitis can divided into types depending on morphological changes:

  1. catarrhal;
  2. ulcerative;
  3. erosive;
  4. atrophic;
  5. Mixed.

All of these species have general clinical signs:

  1. false urges;
  2. Rumbling in the stomach;
  3. constipation, diarrhea;
  4. Pain in the abdomen after eating;
  5. flatulence (bloating);
  6. Psycho-emotional discomfort;
  7. Bitterness in the mouth;
  8. Vomiting, nausea.

These symptoms are formed in all nosological forms of the disease, but their severity and combination is individual.

Chronic colitis is one of the few diseases whose treatment is based not on medicines, but on nutrition and diets. Antibacterial drugs and symptomatic remedies for the treatment of chronic colitis is used only during the period of exacerbation, under the strict supervision of a physician. And everything else is in your hands.

  • During the period of exacerbation for 2-5 days, diet No. 4a is prescribed for the treatment of chronic colitis.
  • Then they switch to the main diet for chronic colitis No. 4b.
  • Outside of exacerbation, that is, during remission, a diet N 4c is recommended.

Approximate one day menu diet for chronic colitis No. 4b, recommended by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

All day:

  • White bread - 400 g.
  • Sugar - 50 g (part of it can be replaced with jam, sweets).

Breakfast (7 hours 30 minutes):

  • Rice porridge on water (300 g) with the addition of 1/3 milk with butter (5 g).
  • A glass of tea.

Lunch (12 - 13 hours):

  • bowl of soup meat broth with vermicelli.
  • Steam meat cutlets (150 g) with carrot puree (150 g).
  • A glass of apple jelly.

Dinner (17 - 18 hours):

  • Boiled fish (85 g).
  • Mashed potatoes (150 g).
  • Nasty bun, Russian cheese (25 g).
  • A glass of tea.

For the night (20 hours):

  • A glass of non-acidic kefir with white bread or a glass of tea with dry cookies (“School”, biscuits, dried biscuit).

In order to overcome harmful bacteria antibiotics should be prescribed, and in the presence of dysbacteriosis, preparations that contain bacteria necessary for the microflora. It should be noted that chronic colitis is often accompanied by spasms. That is why, during the period of treatment, antispasmodics are prescribed by a specialist. But in case of violation of the stool, the use of adsorbing drugs is necessary.

Enough frequent method treatment this disease can be considered the use of physiotherapy procedures. If, for example, an intestinal disorder arose as a result of a nervous breakdown or severe overstrain, then an additional psychotherapeutic treatment may be prescribed by a specialist.

Treatment of ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is more difficult to treat. Need more intensive therapy, and therefore longer and more expensive. Drugs for the treatment of this type of pathology are not only expensive, but also have a mass side effects Therefore, they are used strictly according to the prescription of a specialist.

They are issued in the form rectal suppositories, enemas, in tablet form (Salofalk, Pentasa, Mezavant, Mesakol). In some cases, drugs are used biological therapy such as Humir (Adalimumab), Remicade (Infliximab).
In the most severe cases, the use of corticosteroid drugs (Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone, Hydrocortisone) is acceptable. The drugs are available in the form of rectal droppers, suppositories, tablets.

A disease such as colitis inflammatory character, while it occurs in the area of ​​​​the mucosa of the large intestine. It is noteworthy that among gastrointestinal diseases the most common is colitis, the symptoms, the treatment of which is determined on the basis of the ingestion of the infection provoking it (mainly bacterial dysentery).

Streptococci, bacteria representing the Proteus group, coli bacteria of a pathogenic nature, staphylococci, etc., can also provoke colitis. The acute form of the disease accompanies rapid and fairly rapid treatment, while the chronic form proceeds for a long time and with sluggish efficiency.

Colitis: general description and causes of the disease

The predominant majority of colitis occurs against the background of an acute acute, after which changes in the morphological and functional nature are relevant. As for the secondary form of colitis, there is already a connection with the presence of pathologies formed in other organs of the digestive system (, etc.).

Additional factors contributing to the occurrence of colitis are malnutrition And various types failures in the blood supply system in the intestines, worms, heredity and antibiotics for a long time. Often, overexertion can also provoke colitis, both physical and mental. Wrong mode also refers to the causes that provoke the occurrence of colitis. The nature of the course of the disease is, as we have already indicated, an acute form of development and a chronic form, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms.

Acute colitis: symptoms

At acute course colitis is formed by the strongest type of edema with simultaneous thickening of the intestinal mucosa. Diagnostic examination, in which the diagnosis of intestinal colitis and its symptoms becomes relevant, determines the presence of changes of the following type in its distal section: the formation of a significant amount of mucus (pus with more severe forms), reddening of its walls, ulcerations and erosions, minor hemorrhages become noticeable to some extent. Laboratory research determine the increase, as well as leukocytosis.

Now let's take a closer look at acute colitis, the symptoms of which are most characteristic among patients. In particular, these include:

  • bloating, severe pain;
  • The presence of bloody discharge and mucus in the stool in the form of feces;
  • Tenesmus (urges of a painful nature that occur when you need to defecate);
  • Diarrhea.

It should be noted that some of the patients experience not only local symptoms, but also face general ailments in the form of nausea and vomiting, weight loss and weakness, fatigue, etc. These signs, as a rule, persist for several weeks, which causes a lot of suffering to the patient. With adequate therapy, or in view of reaching a certain stage, these signs subside, which translates them into a chronic form.

Chronic colitis: symptoms

With the transition of colitis into a chronic form, not only inflammation of the rectal mucosa becomes relevant, but also inflammation in the ligamentous-muscular apparatus. The manifestation of this type is the narrowing and shortening of the intestine that occurs in the area of ​​​​its lesion. At the same time, there is an expansion of capillaries in it, the formation of ulcers, erosions and abscesses. Chronic intestinal colitis, the symptoms of which we have listed, also does not exclude the possibility of developing inflammatory (or pseudo-polyps). Laboratory studies carried out with stool in this case, it is possible to determine significant amount they contain leukocytes and mucus. In a coprological study, pathogenic microflora, erythrocytes and intracellular starch are often detected.

Let us consider in more detail chronic colitis, the symptoms of which are defined as follows:

  • Stool disorders (diarrhea or);
  • Severe pain localized various departments abdomen
  • Tenesmus in frequent form when secreting mucus with blood impurities;
  • The stench of feces.

In most cases, chronic colitis and its symptoms allow patients to be in a satisfactory condition, in which they may periodically be disturbed by nausea and belching, bitterness in the mouth and general weakness, loss of appetite and irritability, decreased performance against the background of general malaise.

Ulcerative colitis: symptoms

One of the chronic forms of colon disease is ulcerative colitis, the symptoms of which are reduced to the formation of hemorrhagic inflammation in the area of ​​the large intestine with appropriate manifestations. It should be noted that this diagnosis becomes the most frequent for the category of people aged 20-40 years, and women fall ill with this form of colitis much more often. In addition, non-specific ulcerative colitis and its symptoms are more relevant for urban residents than for rural residents.

As for the reasons why nonspecific colitis occurs and the symptoms characteristic of it, they have not yet been thoroughly determined. It is noted that persons suffering from this disease mainly experience disturbances in the work of functions. immune system. In this situation, even irritants with a mild nature of the impact provoke a serious inflammatory response that accompanies tissue damage in the body.

At the same time, a genetic predisposition is not overlooked, which allows the formation of an overly strong response. Thus, the disorders described above provoke increased sensitivity to the effects of various types of stimuli by the body. Ulcerative colitis of the intestine and its symptoms are reduced to the formation of foci of inflammation within the walls of the large intestine, then gradual complications of a general and local nature develop.

Ulcerative colitis, the symptoms of which the patient experiences, directly depends on general stage development of this disease. Among the first symptoms may be severe pain in the abdomen (especially on the left side), as well as constipation. There is an increase in temperature (slight), there may be complaints of pain in the joints. Mostly, the patients do not attach importance to these symptoms, which cannot be called the right decision. The next stage in the development of the disease can determine the appearance of rectal bleeding (that is, arising directly from the rectum) or the discharge of a bloody-purulent nature.

Periods of exacerbation that characterize ulcerative colitis and its symptoms can alternate with remission (that is, with the subsidence of the disease for a certain period of time). Exacerbation, again, is characterized by abdominal pain, diarrhea, the development of anemia, and weight loss. long current disease can contribute to the development of a number of complications. So, complications of a local type can act as an expansion of the intestine (dilation), as well as internal bleeding, perforation of the walls and the development of peritonitis. In addition, a complication may become relevant, which consists in the development intestinal obstruction. After about 10 years of the course of the disease in to a large extent increases the risk of subsequent development of cancer in the colon.

Spastic colitis: symptoms

Spastic colitis, whose symptoms are predominantly bloating and cramping along with general bowel dysfunction, manifests itself in different ways in people. So, for some, it can act as manifestations in the form of a rare and difficult intestinal emptying, while for others it has the form of diarrhea, while some even have to experience these symptoms at the same time. Note that spastic colitis, the symptoms of which, although they cause some discomfort, serious illness in essence it is not. Moreover, the symptoms of rectal colitis in this case, even when it is examined by a doctor, are determined only as a functional disorder that has arisen against the background of stress, nervous strain and fatigue.

Accordingly, colitis, the symptoms of which require treatment taking into account these factors, are defined as follows:

  • Bloating
  • Characteristic changes in the work of the intestines in the form of diarrhea or constipation;
  • Stomach ache;
  • The appearance of gases.

Pseudomembranous colitis: symptoms

The reason, which is the direct causative agent of such a disease as pseudomembranous colitis, is characterized by the reproduction of an opportunistic microbe in this area. Pseudomembranous colitis, the symptoms of which are expressed depending on its form, has three of their varieties, while, respectively, each of them is characterized by its own characteristics of the course.

  • Light form. As a rule, it is not diagnosed, because the development of colitis in this case can be determined among patients with diarrhea when they take antibiotics, especially tetracycline and lincomycin. A few days after the end of taking antibiotics, diarrhea stops.
  • Moderate and severe form. In this case, intestinal colitis and symptoms continue to be relevant even after antibiotics are discontinued. The chair is frequent (with impurities of blood and mucus, watery), diarrhea does not disappear. The temperature rises, there are signs of general intoxication (weakness, weakness, vomiting and nausea). Patients complain of the occurrence of pain in the abdomen, especially aggravated by defecation. Tensems and false urges. The course of the disease is considered severe, in which not only acute intestinal disorders, but also disruptions in work of cardio-vascular system( , ). Often there are violations in protein metabolism. General state may worsen due to the development of characteristic complications.

Enterocolitis: symptoms, treatment

Enterocolitis, the symptoms and treatment of which are mainly combined with the acute form of gastritis, have certain differences in origin. This, in turn, will determine two types of disease: infectious enterocolitis and non-infectious enterocolitis. The development of acute enterocolitis can be provoked by such causes as intestinal inflammation with its allergic etiology, as well as poisoning with medications and poisons.

Acute enterocolitis is limited, in contrast to its chronic form, by an inflammatory process in the mucosal area, without touching, thereby, the word deeper. In most cases, the chronic form of enterocolitis is formed against the background of an untreated acute form of inflammation. The disease in this case is characterized by its general duration, characterized, like other types of intestinal diseases, by exacerbations and remission. Over time, there are developments of a destructive nature in the mucosal area, after which the capture of the submucosal layers of the intestinal walls occurs. With a prolonged chronic form of enterocolitis, persistent functional disorders in the characteristics of the intestine that lead to digestive disorders.

Begins acute enterocolitis suddenly, characterized by pronounced symptoms in the form of pain and rumbling in the abdomen, as well as in the form of nausea and bloating, the manifestation of the disease with vomiting is possible. A plaque forms on the tongue, palpation determines painful areas in the abdomen. Diarrhea is predominantly an obligatory companion of the disease. If enterocolitis has infectious nature occurrence, then mucus is determined in the feces, sometimes with blood. Additionally, in this case, there is an increase in temperature and symptoms characteristic of acute intoxication (headaches, weakness, aches, etc.).

Enterocolitis is determined by the corresponding symptoms, its treatment mainly consists in prescribing a water-tea diet. If necessary, gastric lavage may be prescribed. severe diarrhea and vomiting require control over the volume of fluid entering the body. Pain symptoms are eliminated with the help of antispasmodics, sometimes detoxification therapy may be prescribed. Infectious enterocolitis requires the use of antibiotics and sulfanilamine drugs.

Ischemic colitis: symptoms

Intestinal colitis is characterized by symptoms of a general type, but with their different form and intensity. One of these forms is ischemic colitis, the symptoms of which are provoked by a lesion in the area of ​​​​the large intestine, which has arisen due to a violation of the blood supply in it. The most common is the defeat of the splenic curvature, in more rare cases transverse colon, sigmoid and descending colon.

The necrotic form of the lesion is formed with an absolute blockage formed in the region of the lower mesenteric artery. A characteristic symptom in this case is an attack of severe pain that occurs on the left side of the abdomen, as well as signs that signal intestinal obstruction with subsequent rectal bleeding and.

The episodic form is of a passing nature, while it is expressed in a slight blockage of the artery. Its manifestation is in the form of pain on the left side of the abdomen or the nature of epigastric pain, which occurs almost immediately after eating, accompanied by diarrhea and significant bloating, in some cases vomiting. Over time, the disease as a symptom manifests itself in weight loss. Palpation of the abdomen identifies painful areas.

Colitis treatment

When diagnosing, the main method of treatment is diet, regardless of the form and type of the disease. In this case, the features of its course are taken into account, as well as the reasons that provoked its occurrence. If the causative agent of colitis is an infection, antibiotics are prescribed. If colitis and symptoms were provoked by treatment using medications to eliminate a different type of disease, then it is planned to cancel their intake. The chronic form of colitis involves the use complex methods as thermal treatment and sessions with a psychotherapist. Welcome treatment in a sanatorium.

Acute colitis - dangerous state, which can lead to serious consequences if it is not eliminated in time.

From the article you will learn what symptoms an attack of acute intestinal colitis has, as well as what treatment is needed if it occurs.

About the disease

Acute colitis is an inflammation of the intestine that can be caused by toxic, ischemic, or infectious lesion fabrics.

This disease is often confused with intestinal colic, since they have similar symptoms, in particular, they cause sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

However, colic, unlike colitis, is not the cause of pain, but a consequence of some bowel disease.

Colitis, unlike colic independent disease having different forms course (acute and chronic), as well as symptoms by which one can assume this disease.

This disease is an inflammation of the organ due to an increase in the number pathogenic microorganisms that are found in the large intestine.

Normally, they are always present in the body, but for some reason, for example, after eating stale food, their number may become too large, which will lead to inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

Colitis develops when dangerous microflora that causes inflammation penetrates from the large intestine into the small intestine. It can be caused not only by spoiled food, but also by many other factors.

Often the disease occurs due to problems with blood supply in the intestines, infection of the body with worms, prolonged use antibiotics or the presence of pathological processes in other organs of the digestive system.

Some people have hereditary predisposition to this disease, and sometimes it can be provoked by a banal overstrain - both physical and mental.

There are different forms of this disease, but each of them requires adequate treatment, because without it, the disease becomes chronic, which then progresses and can lead to severe intestinal pathologies, such as cancer.

In addition, the symptoms of colitis themselves can be very unpleasant and painful, so it is often impossible to ignore them.

Acute colitis manifests itself most strongly, but without treatment it passes into the chronic stage, the symptoms of which become less pronounced: they often appear and then disappear again.

The treatment of the chronic form of colitis will be noticeably more difficult and lengthy, so it is better to eliminate it as soon as possible by contacting a doctor immediately after you notice the first symptoms of the disease.

How does colitis manifest itself?

The symptoms of acute colitis are almost impossible to ignore, as they bring a lot of discomfort to a person.

First of all, an attack of acute colitis causes severe spasm due to swelling and thickening of the intestinal mucosa.

As a rule, when diagnosing a person with a suspected acute form of colitis, the following can be found:

  • a large amount of mucus or pus has formed in the distal intestine (in case of a complication of the disease);
  • redness of the intestinal walls;
  • the appearance of erosions and ulcers on the walls of the organ;
  • the presence of hemorrhages;
  • increased ESR;
  • leukocytosis.

All these changes in the body and cause violent attack pain, after which a person has to see a doctor.

Exacerbate pain and other symptoms: vomiting and nausea, diarrhea, apathy, fatigue, fatigue, pain during bowel movements, frequent bloating belly.

As a rule, the acute form of colitis can last quite a long time - up to two weeks, and all this time the symptoms of the disease are very pronounced and bring great inconvenience to a person.

However, even if treatment is not carried out, then they can subside by themselves and make themselves felt only from time to time - this means that the disease has become chronic.

Other symptoms that do not give unpleasant physical sensations will help to assume that you have colitis and consult a doctor.

For example, very often in a patient with acute colitis, impurities of mucus or bloody issues caused by pathological processes in the intestine.

Depending on the type of colitis, the symptoms may vary slightly. For example, acute ulcerative colitis causes constipation rather than diarrhea, and abdominal pain is predominantly on the left side of the abdomen.

In some cases, a person may also be disturbed by joint pain and rectal bleeding - this already indicates a severe stage of the disease.

How to cure colitis?

Acute colitis is treated in several stages, depending on the severity of the problem. Since the characteristic symptoms of colitis are problems with bowel function, in particular diarrhea, it is very important that treatment for the disease includes taking a large number liquids.

This is necessary because during diarrhea a lot of fluid leaves the body, which disrupts the work of all internal organs and not just the intestines.

To replenish water balance best to take medicinal solutions based on water, sugar and salt.

Mineral input and lightly brewed tea are also suitable, if moisture loss is not too critical. Depending on the severity of colitis, the solution can be administered as naturally as well as intravenously.

Another important aspect, without which the treatment of the disease will be ineffective - diet. It will help not only unload the intestines, but also relieve spasm, significantly alleviating the patient's condition.

In the acute form of the disease, not only diet will be useful, but also complete failure from food - it is better to do this at the beginning of an attack, refusing to eat for 1-2 days.

The diet for acute colitis should be strict - you need to give up all foods, annoying walls stomach and intestines, which are hard to digest and enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the body.

Prohibited foods for colitis include any fried, sour, spicy dishes, smoked products, marinades, raw fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products.

Since the cause of colitis is the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to intoxication of the body, in order to eliminate symptoms and relieve intestinal inflammation, it is necessary to take absorbent agents.

With minor damage, you can take Activated carbon. In addition, there is a widespread treatment enveloping means protecting the body, such as Phosphalugel and Almagel.

Often treated with enzyme preparations that help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, such as Festal and Pancreatin.

In mild cases, an attack of acute colitis stops in one or two days - this is facilitated by a diet and taking the necessary drugs. In more severe cases, treatment may take several weeks.

Treatment of colitis is carried out both in stationary and at home, depending on what symptoms are observed in the patient and how serious the intestinal pathology is.

If you notice symptoms of this disease in yourself, you should definitely consult a doctor, because without treatment it can give serious complications such as polyarthritis, hepatitis, etc., even lead to the death of a person.

With a timely appeal for help, an attack of colitis can be stopped quite quickly and without additional harm to the body.



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