Cervical osteochondrosis nutrition diet. What not to eat

Diet for spinal osteochondrosis - part complex therapy, without which it is impossible to achieve recovery. Nutrition for osteochondrosis of the spine does not require strict restrictions, if there is no excess weight. The health of any patient directly depends on what is eaten. Therefore, it is necessary to eat only healthy foods.

Organize rationally fractional meals, consisting of 5-6 meals of low-calorie food. Enter sufficient quantity vegetable fiber, proteins, complex carbohydrates and “right” fats.

The energy value of the diet varies depending on individual characteristics the patient’s body, height, gender, age and occupation. On average, 2300-2500 calories for women and 3000-3200 calories for men. In the presence of overweight body caloric intake is reduced.

Healthy foods

Proper nutrition for osteochondrosis helps normalize the digestion process and provide soft fabrics vertebrae necessary substances. For patients with osteochondrosis, it is necessary to organize dietary ration, enriched:

  • Calcium, which is abundant in dairy products, eggs, nuts and seeds, black bread, and beets. The mineral is also found in dates, sesame seeds, broccoli and herbs (parsley, dill basil);
  • Magnesium. Its norm can be reached with bananas, avocados, seaweed, cucumbers, oatmeal, millet, dried apricots and legumes. Nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews) are rich in magnesium;
  • Phosphorus. It is available in sufficient quantity white cabbage and broccoli, cottage cheese and hard cheeses, fish and seafood, figs, dates and celery;
  • Vitamin A – carrots, peaches, apricots, potatoes, green pea and tomatoes;
  • Vitamin B – milk, seafood, red meat, broccoli;
  • Vitamin C – rose hips, citrus fruits, black currants, sauerkraut, parsley, bell pepper, sea buckthorn and viburnum;
  • Vitamin D – butter 82%, eggs, hard cheeses, beans, beef liver and sea fish.

Prohibited Products

One of the causes of the disease and an obstacle to a speedy recovery is excess body weight. Every extra kilos has a negative effect on the spine and intervertebral discs, deforming and destroying cartilage tissue. Especially often this problem occurs in women. Therefore, the diet for osteochondrosis must be adjusted so that it does not contain high-calorie, beneficial products for the body.

Also, if the disease develops, you should absolutely not eat:

  • Fast foods and semi-finished products;
  • Excessively salty and spicy foods;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol;

You also need to know that you should not abuse products that seem completely harmless at first glance:

  • Pastries and sweets;
  • Sausages and smoked meats;
  • Beef and pork fat, lard;
  • Concentrated broths.

Add to list unwanted products Also includes strong tea and coffee. The caffeine contained in drinks interferes with the absorption of substances necessary for osteochondrosis. nutrients, flushes calcium and zinc from the body. Therefore, it is better to replace coffee with chicory, and drink weak tea.

Removing salts from the body

With the development of cervical osteochondrosis, doctors strongly recommend that patients exclude salt from the menu. Many people associate this with deposited spines on the spine, supposedly due to overuse sodium chloride. In reality, osteochondrosis can increase blood pressure and lead to disorders cerebral circulation with unlimited use of salt.

Meals at cervical osteochondrosis must provide the patient with all essential vitamins and minerals. The basis of the diet should be complex carbohydrates and complete proteins. It is worth leaving room for 10% fats, mainly of vegetable origin.

Diet for osteochondrosis cervical region great attention devotes drinking regime. You need to drink at least 2.5-3 liters of pure still water per day. In this case, liquid in dishes (soups, borscht, compotes) does not count.

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Nutrition for osteochondrosis thoracic spine and lumbar region does not differ from diet therapy for thoracic osteochondrosis.

How to eat healthy

If osteochondrosis is diagnosed, nutrition does not have strict restrictions. Most likely, it can not be called healing food, but a menu of the basics of proper nutrition, which you can stick to indefinitely. However, desired effect will be obtained from him subject to the strict exclusion of prohibited products. An approximate daily diet for 3 days is as follows.

1 day

  • Breakfast: steam omelette, a cup of weak tea;
  • Lunch: baked apple with cottage cheese and honey;
  • Lunch: noodle soup, steamed turkey with vegetable salad;
  • Afternoon snack: seasonal berries or fruits;
  • Dinner: baked fish with vegetables, a glass of kefir.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with nuts and unsweetened yogurt;
  • Lunch: jellied meat or lentil puree;
  • Dinner: Lenten borscht, steamed cutlets with buckwheat;
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable stew, rosehip jelly;
  • Dinner: seafood and herbs salad, a glass of fermented baked milk;

Day 3

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, raisins and dried fruits;
  • Lunch: fruit jelly or bird's milk dessert;
  • Lunch: soup with meatballs, chicken chop with wheat porridge;
  • Afternoon snack: grated carrot or green apple;
  • Dinner: liver pie with fresh parsley, a glass of curdled milk.

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The diet for lumbar osteochondrosis is identical, except that it may have a slightly lower daily caloric intake. Region sacral region spine to relieve the load requires weight loss.

IN daily diet there should always be a portion fresh vegetables and fruits. The list includes apples, pears, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, parsley roots, celery and other seasonal products. Fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C should be eaten every day, as it is not stored by the body.

Popular nutrition techniques

Nutrition for osteochondrosis should not be short-term. Qualitative balanced diet is part of a complex therapy aimed at eliminating the disease and minimizes the risk of osteochondrosis in the future. In addition to proper nutrition, there are special diets, popular for osteochondrosis.

Salt-free diet

All types of sodium chloride contribute to fluid loss. Dystrophy and deformation of intercartilaginous tissues resulting from dehydration leads to the development of osteochondrosis. Therefore, it is advisable if the diet for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and other areas of the back contains minimal amount salt. There is no need to completely abandon this product. Salt is involved in some vital processes for the body.

In parallel with salt restriction, it is necessary to exclude overconsumption Sahara. An excellent substitute would be honey and dried fruits.

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Rice diet

Another way to reduce the manifestations of osteochondrosis is rice breakfasts. Every morning for 6 weeks, start with slimy rice porridge without adding oil or any spices. After breakfast, do not eat or drink anything for 4-5 hours, then continue as planned with your normal diet from the list of allowed foods.

The rice diet regimen displays excess water from the body, which accumulates in the vertebrae, reduce the salt content in cartilage tissue and reduce the amount of toxins that cause pathological processes.

Healthy lifestyle with osteochondrosis - Right way, aimed at speedy recovery. Limitations of mobility characteristic of the period of illness must be eliminated. The patient must learn to lie, sit, stand and bear the load correctly. Proper nutrition, as well as walking fresh air or gymnastics for scoliosis – part healthy image life. If you follow it impeccably, the disease will definitely “back up.”

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Just like with many other diseases, with osteochondrosis it is important to adhere to a certain plan. Nutrition should be organized in such a way that the body receives necessary substances to recreate cartilage tissue and at the same time was provided with energy.

By the way, when using medicines precisely thanks to proper diet they can be made to act more effectively.

Basic principles of the diet


The drinking regime assumes that you get enough fluid, at least 2 liters per day, so that water accumulates and retains in the tissues of the intervertebral discs. This is important because with osteochondrosis it is observed.


Meals should be five times a day, in small portions. This is not just a healthy principle - it allows you to cope with excess weight (if any), while reducing tension in the spine, which is always subject to significant stress.

Calorie content.

You need to “get” calories from complete protein foods (fish, legumes) and “slow” carbohydrates (cereals), and not from high-calorie foods, but not at all healthy sweets and semi-finished products.

Useful material.

The diet should contain at least 1/3 of protein, obtained from fish, meat, nuts, eggplants, and legumes. To strengthen bone structures, your menu should include vitamins A, C, D and B vitamins, as well as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese (we’ll talk more about this later).


Alcohol should be completely avoided. Eat less sugar (cane sugar and honey are more beneficial), salt, coffee, spicy seasonings, canned food, marinades, smoked meats, baked goods. This is important for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, since it is necessary, in addition to restoration bone structures spine, establish normality.

The development of the disease occurs differently depending on gender. the spine is more fragile than in men, and their osteochondrosis occurs in more acute form. Women become hot-tempered and irritable (as the blood supply to the brain deteriorates, the parts responsible for emotions suffer), they begin to experience ocular migraines, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

That's why it's especially important for them to pay attention to their diet. However, they should receive slightly fewer calories than men - calories increase according to activity level and decrease according to age. For men, the daily norm is 2000 – 3000 kcal, for women – 1600 – 2400 kcal.

What useful elements can be obtained from products?

Among useful substances– and microelements, they are contained in various products, which are recommended to be included in your diet for cervical osteochondrosis and its other types.


Vitamin A

(absorbed in combination with E and D) Liver, fish and fish fat, pumpkin, melon, carrot, apricot, spinach leaves

Vitamin B

Beef and pork, seafood, milk, cereals, mushrooms

Vitamin C

(better preserved without heat treatment products) Fresh fruits (citrus fruits), black currants, sea buckthorn, rose hips, red pepper, herbs

Vitamin D

(preserved in the presence of E) Milk and dairy products, eggs, sea fish, fish oil
Vitamin E Liver, vegetable oils, eggs, legumes, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, sea buckthorn, rowan, cherries, peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds



(absorbed in combination with vitamin D and stored in combination with magnesium) Dairy products (including cheeses), almonds, lettuce, legumes


Avocado, nuts, sunflower seeds, cucumbers


Fish, cottage cheese, soybeans, peas, bran, white cabbage


Cottage cheese, legumes, chicken meat, egg yolk, potato peels, onions, bananas, nuts

Doctors and nutritionists, speaking about the principles of nutrition in the treatment of osteochondrosis, recommend the following.

  • For the synthesis of cartilage tissue. There are natural (substances containing, preserving connective tissues), which can be obtained from aspic, jellied fish and jelly. Animal cartilage is especially useful in combination with sprouted grains. Such elements of the diet protect primarily as the most loaded, but are also useful for the spine as a whole.
  • Cooking methods. It is better to steam or bake fish and meat. It is not recommended to overcook grains and vegetables. It is advisable to eat vegetarian soups.

As you can see, there are no special restrictions in the diet - it can rather be called a healthy diet. At the same time, it is enriched with elements that are useful specifically for maintaining the health of the spine. In combination with adequate therapy and suitable, prescribed by a doctor, diet is an important component successful therapy osteochondrosis.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or medicinal purposes. This article is not a replacement for medical consultation see a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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A proper diet for osteochondrosis not only helps to slow down the progression dangerous illness, but also significantly improve the quality of human life. It is no secret that the pathological processes occurring during illness: damage to the intervertebral discs, vertebral bodies, their articular surfaces and fixing apparatus (ligaments) - are dystrophic-degenerative changes in the main column of the musculoskeletal system, which negatively affect the functioning of all internal organs. This leads to pain of various nature: head and heart, dorsal, lumbar, cervical.

Suffering intensifies when physical activity, sneezing or coughing, lifting heavy objects or making sudden movements. Destructive changes provoke muscle atrophy, aching or numbness in the limbs, impaired sensation in the back. Unfortunately, completely healed this disease modern medicine cannot, but a well-designed diet for osteochondrosis, along with the whole therapeutic complex, where doctors include exercise therapy procedures, massage, and medication, can significantly improve the condition of a sick person, alleviate suffering and maintain his activity.

Benefits for osteochondrosis

At an appointment with the attending neurologist, patients usually receive a memo that outlines the basic principles of organizing the diet and the rules for its correction. Subject to availability concomitant diseases the doctor can give additional recommendations on nutrition. How does diet affect the body during osteochondrosis? It helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, prevent the deposition of salts in the spine, restore damaged cartilage tissue, strengthen the ligaments of the intervertebral discs, reduce excess weight, which increases the load on the spine. musculoskeletal system and provoking further development diseases. Very often, in patients suffering from osteochondrosis, doctors diagnose obesity, which worsens the person’s condition and stimulates the degenerative process in the spine. A low-calorie diet, which is recommended as part of the main diet for this disease, allows you to reduce the patient’s weight and ease the load on thinned cartilage tissue destroyed by the disease.

General principles of nutrition for osteochondrosis

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (No. 330), in case of spinal pathologies, neurologists recommend patients the main dietary option, and in case of concomitant obesity, they supplement it with a low-calorie diet.

Basic Spine is a physiologically complete diet, which includes an optimal amount of proteins and fats, but a significantly reduced amount of carbohydrates (due to quickly digestible ones) and table salt. From the daily human need for nutrients, the following are distinguished: proteins, the mass of which should be about 90 g (of which 50 g of protein is of animal origin); fats - 80 g (including vegetable fats - 30 g); carbohydrates - 330 g, of which simple ones should have a volume of no more than 40 g. Average daily calorie content The diet of a patient suffering from osteochondrosis does not exceed 2150-2400 kcal.


Most nutritionists are confident that split meals for an overweight patient, when he takes food at least five or six times a day, is the most favorable schedule. In patients with normal weight body, the number of meals can reach four or five times a day.

A proper diet for osteochondrosis with frequent meals allows you to eliminate excess stress on the gastrointestinal tract and, accordingly, improve the process of absorption of nutrients. In addition, such a routine for obesity will be a good prevention of overeating and fat deposition in the body. The final evening meal should be light and taken no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Methods of cooking and drinking regime

Almost all types of culinary processing can be used when feeding people suffering from osteochondrosis, with the exception of frying: boiling and baking (without crust), steaming and poaching in its own juice or not large quantities water. Among the recommended methods: meat and fish are first boiled or simmered a little, and only then fried a little.

When baking fruit, the fruit is wrapped in foil and then placed in the oven or steamed. Last method It is especially welcomed by doctors, as it allows for minimal processing of products, preserving most of the nutrients in them. Treatment of osteochondrosis, a diet in which is replete with micro- and macroelements involved in the metabolism of osteocytes (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese), is much easier, exacerbations in this case occur much less frequently, prolonging periods of remission. To prevent dehydration of the body, it is also necessary to include the consumption of one and a half to two liters clean water per day, except for first courses and drinks. This prevents the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs from drying out and its further destruction.

Authorized Products

A complete diet for osteochondrosis should contain all the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. Diets excluding meat dishes are strictly prohibited for such patients. But this product - the most important supplier of proteins - must be natural and low-fat. The diet for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and other vertebral areas should include: beef and veal, turkey, rabbit and chicken. Eggs and fish should also be included weekly diet so that the body can receive natural calcium to strengthen the skeleton.

Fish and other seafood are cooked in their own juice or with a small addition of vegetable oil. Eggs are consumed only boiled or steamed diet omelette. If the gastrointestinal tract tolerates dairy products well, then they must be included in the diet. Fermented milk drinks and cottage cheese can replace natural milk in case of intolerance or become another healthy component diets. Cheeses - great source calcium for patients with osteochondrosis, but for overweight people it is necessary to choose lower-calorie varieties of this product.

Also, if there is a disease of the spine, it is necessary to regulate daily norm salt - no more than 3-4 g, sugar (which is better replaced with honey) - no more than 35 g. Do not forget about the “hidden” reserve of these flavoring substances in products. Also welcome in the diet for osteochondrosis are: cereal porridges and Rye bread, maximum gifts of nature (vegetables and fruits), buckwheat, vegetable oil, poultry liver and greens (the only exception is sorrel).

Undesirable and prohibited products

Coffee is considered one of the most insidious drinks for people suffering from spinal disease. It flushes out the calcium and other trace elements it needs from the body. In this case, juices or weak tea can serve as a substitute. If it’s difficult to give up your favorite energy drink, then eliminate caffeine and use chicory instead.

It is advisable to avoid baking and sweets - they are high in calories and difficult for the stomach to digest. These products do not supply the body with useful energy, but provoke the formation of a fat layer.

Sweet grape varieties, sorrel (due to acidity), strong drinks (tea and coffee), as well as sweet soda, spices (pepper, horseradish, mustard and others), spicy dishes, products with food E-supplements, adversely affecting the digestive and musculoskeletal system, are undesirable components of the daily diet.

In addition to cakes, pastries, ice cream and marmalade, the diet for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and its other parts should not contain: rich broths and soups made from them; margarine, as well as fats (cooking, lamb and beef); dried fish and marinades; canned meat and fish; sausages; homemade and store-bought pickles, smoked meats and lard.

Features of the diet for people suffering from cervical or lumbar osteochondrosis

What should a person diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis eat? The diet of such patients should be based on vegetarian soups no fat, eggs, fish, seafood, meat low-fat varieties, vegetables, fruits, unsweetened juices. “Treats” for intervertebral discs and vertebrae are: pears and apples, strawberries, raspberries, earthen pear(Jerusalem artichoke), lentils, pumpkin, lettuce, hazelnuts and soy yoghurts.

The diet of patients with osteochondrosis complicated by arthrosis requires an increased amount of protein in food, but prohibits whole milk, which can be replaced with fermented milk products. There are also specific dietary requirements for patients diagnosed with lumbar osteochondrosis" The diet for people with affected vertebrae in this area may include any low-calorie foods for weight loss to ease the load on the diseased organ.

During exacerbation

During deterioration of health due to osteochondrosis, it is necessary to limit the consumption of broths, eggs and meat, exclude any fatty foods, and not eat alcoholic drinks, coffee or tea. To everyone who hasn't gotten rid of nicotine addiction, you need to do this for effective treatment illness.

During this period, patients are additionally prescribed multivitamins and magnesium and B vitamins are recommended: fish and seafood, cabbage, legumes, nuts, bread coarse, cottage cheese, yogurt, new milk(not boiled).

About pseudo-diets...

In case of osteochondrosis, it is unacceptable to use various mono-diets that exclude the full provision of the body with nutrients, microelements and vitamins. Rice, kefir, apple and other nutritional systems with a depleted diet slow down the process of rehabilitation of destroyed cartilage tissue and enhance negative side effects from drug therapy, reduce the metabolic rate, causing further weight gain.

Experts are skeptical about rice diet with the use raw product within one and a half months. The purpose of such a diet is to remove toxins, as its authors claim. However, within 45 days, any exacerbation goes away on its own, without any treatment. And the myth about the removal of toxins has long been debunked by professionals, since the constant renewal of the epithelium in the intestines does not allow “toxins” to attach to its walls. In addition, for people with gastrointestinal problems, eating raw rice can cause an exacerbation of digestive-related diseases.

A salt-free diet may be useful for an overweight patient suffering from osteochondrosis. It is known that 1 g of salt can retain about 100 ml of moisture in the body, so avoiding flavoring agent may help reduce weight and stress on the spine. In addition, a salt-free diet for cervical osteochondrosis helps reduce the number of attacks of hypertension and reduce headache. But people who claim that giving up salt has a positive effect on the development of osteochondrosis of the sacrolumbar spine are mistaken, preventing the deposition of salts in the damaged area. This erroneous opinion does not stand up to the criticism of professionals. All dystrophic changes and degenerative processes are associated exclusively with constant tension and overload in the joint area, and destruction impairs blood supply, which leads to nutrient deficiency in cartilage tissue and vertebrae. Thus, table salt has no effect on the condition of the joints and spine themselves. However, even a temporary refusal of salt helps restore taste buds, which can cause addiction to under-salted food. And this leads to favorable changes in the body as a whole.

Increased calcium intake also does not relieve osteochondrosis, because it does not affect the dangerous changes in the intervertebral discs that occur as a result of severe overloads. The diet of people with spinal pathology should be complete and balanced.

Osteochondrosis is a disease caused by a violation metabolic processes, which leads to insufficient supply of amino acids, vitamins and minerals into articular cartilage. This disease is treated with medications and special physical exercises, but it is no less important to get rid of dystrophic disorders in the intervertebral discs to adhere to proper nutrition - you won’t take pills your whole life, but you need to maintain your health!

Basics of proper nutrition

To outline the requirements for dietary nutrition with osteochondrosis, you need to know what the purpose of this “event” is. So, the main goals of such nutrition will be:

  1. Replenishing calcium in the body is the most important element for strong bones.
  2. Balancing the proteins, fats and carbohydrates entering the body.
  3. Adjusting the amount of fluid consumed per day.
  4. Correction of body weight.
  5. Reducing salt content in the body.

A diet for osteochondrosis also implies knowledge of the main principles of its implementation:

  • Introducing a large amount of plant foods into the diet.
  • Balanced nutrition - mono-diets (for example: rice, apple, watermelon) are strictly prohibited.
  • The calorie content of foods consumed should be low.

If you adhere to the basic rules of a diet, this will not only reduce the negative impact of medications taken on the body, but will also provide a course of rehabilitation for already damaged articular cartilage more effective.

Exist certain products, which can and should be consumed as part of the diet. Every patient should know their list, because this will help to choose a truly diverse and useful menu on every day.

The first thing worth mentioning is natural chondroprotectors. These are products that contain collagen, which helps strengthen cartilage tissue and also activates its restoration functions. The following products contain chondroprotectors:

  • sea ​​fish
  • jellied meat (jelly)
  • various jellies

With osteochondrosis of the spine, the body needs food rich in proteins, but at the same time you need to strictly monitor the calorie content of foods - it should be low. It is perfectly acceptable to include the following foods in your diet:

  • chicken, beef and rabbit meat
  • peas and beans
  • wheat and corn
  • mushrooms
  • buckwheat
  • various nuts
  • dairy

It is very important to eat during the treatment of osteochondrosis. required quantity fats - you cannot completely give them up (for example, for weight loss purposes). Preference should be given vegetable fats(sunflower, corn or olive oil), you need to use and unsaturated fats, which are found in white fish and duck meat.

But it’s better to give up carbohydrates, although you can’t completely exclude them from your diet - carbohydrates are important element in the metabolic processes of the body. The only thing you need to do is limit the consumption of pastries, cakes, white bread and any sweet baked goods. If you really can’t do without sweets, then you can safely introduce dried fruits and honey into your diet.

It is very important to maintain the balance of calcium in the body - this can be achieved by taking special medications, but the doctor prescribes this only in severe cases. Typically, the amount of calcium in the body is replenished with the following products:

  • liver, kidneys and heart of animals
  • bulb onions
  • nuts
  • bananas
  • beet
  • cottage cheese and various types of cheese
  • white and cauliflower cabbage
  • finely crushed chicken egg shells

Vitamins. Regarding this, doctors are unanimous in their opinion - for osteochondrosis of the spine they are necessary, and they can be obtained from products or specially formulated vitamin complexes. If we talk about products, remember which ones contain which vitamin:

  1. Vitamin D: sea and river fish, seafood, nettle, oatmeal, parsley, dairy products.
  2. Vitamin A: spinach, carrots, parsley, pumpkin, animal liver, butter.
  3. Vitamin B: animal meat, all cereals, milk, eggs.
  4. Vitamin C: cabbage of all varieties, cranberries, citrus fruits without exception, rose hips, kiwi.

It is useful to take ascorbic acid from time to time - it contains vitamin C, which is very quickly “washed out” from the body, and in time to replenish its amount fresh fruit or vegetables, sometimes it’s not possible.

Liquid. It is necessary to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid every day. A decrease in this amount leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes, an increase in blood viscosity, a slowdown in blood circulation and a deterioration in the nutrition of body tissues. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with drinking liquids; it can wash away potassium, magnesium and others from the body. important microelements. You need to drink not only water; fresh juices (these are freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits) are considered very healthy. Doctors recommend drinking 500 ml of vegetable juices daily, such as carrot, cabbage, and beetroot. This will be helpful and absolutely healthy people, because such juices contain a maximum of vitamins and nutrients.

Salt. Many people believe that spinal osteochondrosis is associated with salt deposits directly on the bones - this is a mistaken opinion. In fact, salt does not play any role in the development of osteochondrosis, but you still need to monitor its intake into the body:

  • Firstly, it promotes fluid retention in the body.
  • Secondly, salt negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • On an empty stomach in the morning, eat 2 tablespoons of rice, soaked for 5 hours and boiled for 10 minutes. The duration of the procedure is 40 days.
  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of bran in a glass warm water and drink this in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of the procedure is 40-60 days.

What should you exclude from your diet?

First of all, you need to try to eliminate sugar from your diet and limit your salt intake. If you sharply limit your salt intake, it will take some time to get used to the natural taste of food, so try to gradually increase the level of under-salt in your food. With sugar, everything is much simpler - it can be successfully replaced with honey, but only if the patient does not have hypersensitivity or individual intolerance this product.

The next step is to limit and then completely eliminate smoked, pickled and fried foods. This is due to the fact that such food:

  • Increases appetite, which can cause weight gain.
  • In itself it is very high in calories.
  • Increases the body's need for fluid.

It is imperative to exclude coffee from your diet and reduce the consumption of strong tea - these drinks actively wash calcium from the body, which is important for strengthening bones and articular cartilage. Instead of coffee, you can use chicory, but if you cannot refuse a strong drink, then you should drink it with milk or cream. Of course, you should completely eliminate alcohol, limit the consumption of spicy foods and various spices - this can be done gradually, giving the body time to “get used” to new taste sensations.

Diet for osteochondrosis is an important component of complex treatment. When diagnosing such a disease, you cannot rely solely on adjustments in your diet. You need to undergo a course of physiotherapeutic procedures and exercise regularly physical therapy, periodically use the services of a massage therapist and chiropractor, if necessary, take medications. Only A complex approach in solving the problem will give lasting, expected results. True, even after relief of the condition, you will need to adhere to the chosen diet throughout your life, but by this time the body has already adapted to your new menu.

This is a disease of the spine that affects the intervertebral discs, vertebral bodies, their articular surfaces and the fixing apparatus (ligaments).

Osteochondrosis refers to dystrophic-degenerative diseases, and in modern society widely spread. Compliance with the correct therapeutic nutrition allows you to slow down the progression of this disease.

Basic rules of diet for osteochondrosis

The objectives of the diet for osteochondrosis include:

  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • prevention of salt deposition in the spine;
  • restoration of damaged cartilage structure;
  • strengthening the ligaments of intervertebral discs;
  • decline overweight and obesity prevention. It is known that excess weight increases the load on the spine and provokes the development of osteochondrosis, so patients with this disease are often diagnosed with obesity.

Dietary nutrition should be selected by the attending physician depending on the presence/absence of concomitant diseases. Single diet with osteochondrosis no.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 330, in medical institutions for spinal pathologies, the main version of the diet (OVD) is recommended, and for obesity - low calorie diet(NKD).

The diet is physiologically complete, with an optimal content of proteins and fats and a slightly reduced amount of carbohydrates (due to simple ones) and table salt.

Daily nutrient requirements:

  • proteins - 85-90g, of which 45-50g are animal proteins;
  • fats - 70-80g, of which 25-30g vegetable fats;
  • carbohydrates - 300-330g, of which 30-40g simple carbohydrates.

The energy value of the diet is 2170-2400 kilocalories per day.

Basic principles:

  • diet;
    For osteochondrosis, a split diet is suggested, especially in the presence of excess body weight: 5-6 times a day. If the patient has normal weight, you should eat 4-5 times a day. Frequent use eating in small portions allows you not to overload gastrointestinal tract, which means the process of absorption of all nutrients, vitamins and minerals improves. In addition, in case of obesity, fractional meals prevent overeating and fat deposition. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • culinary processing;
    All types of culinary processing of products are allowed (boiling, steaming, stewing, baking without crust), except for frying. Listed methods processing of products makes it possible to preserve virtually unchanged minerals and vitamins, which are necessary not only for the spine and its articular surfaces, but also for the entire body as a whole. Meat products It is not recommended to chop them; it is better to serve them in one piece, since in this form their nutritional, vitamin and mineral value is maximum.
  • food temperature;
    Food temperature should be standard: 15-65 degrees Celsius. Excessively hot and cold dishes are excluded, which have a negative effect on the digestive tract, disrupting the absorption of nutrients.
  • liquid and salt;
    Consumption free liquid in the absence of contraindications, it should reach 2-2.5 liters per day. Excessive drinking causes the leaching of minerals necessary for the musculoskeletal system, and poor fluid intake aggravates degenerative processes in the spine. Limited salt(up to 4-6g). Excess sodium chloride in food draws water from tissues, including intervertebral discs, which worsens their degeneration.
  • alcohol and smoking;
    Smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided altogether. Ethanol disrupts metabolic and recovery processes in the body, interferes with the absorption of nutrients and microelements, and washes calcium, magnesium and phosphorus from the bones.
  • vegetable fiber;
    It is necessary to expand the diet with a large amount raw vegetables and fruits. Firstly, they are irreplaceable sources natural vitamins, which are necessary for the body in general and for the spine in particular, and, secondly, vegetables and fruits help normalize digestion and reduce weight.
  • nutritional balance;
    For osteochondrosis, it is important that the diet is balanced and contains required amount nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Various mono-diets (rice and others), which have become fashionable to use for this disease, will not be able to replenish physiological needs body in useful substances.
  • physical exercise;
    In case of osteochondrosis, one should fight in a sedentary manner life, it doesn’t matter whether you are overweight or not. Permanent physical exercise(For example, special gymnastics for osteochondrosis) allow the spine to become flexible, promote the elasticity of the intervertebral ligaments and normalize muscle tone.

Authorized Products

First of all, the diet for osteochondrosis should contain foods rich in chondroprotectors - mucopolysaccharides. This consists of cartilage tissue joints, including intervertebral ones. Natural chondroprotectors, unchanged, are absorbed in the digestive tract and are integrated into cartilage tissue.

Patients with osteochondrosis need collagen, which is part of connective tissue.

In addition, the diet should be rich in micro- and macroelements that are involved in the metabolism of osteocytes (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese). With a lack of magnesium, calcium, which is an essential mineral bone tissue, is washed out of the bones and deposited in the kidneys. Phosphorus is indispensable for the growth and development of bone tissue and is involved in hematopoiesis. Manganese is necessary for the nutrition of intervertebral discs that do not have blood vessels.

Don't forget about essential vitamins, which should be contained in large quantities in therapeutic nutrition for osteochondrosis. Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium, and together with vitamin A it regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is a natural antioxidant, improves the regeneration of all tissues, including bone and connective tissue, and slows down aging. B vitamins are involved in bone metabolism, ascorbic acid indispensable for collagen metabolism, restoration processes In addition, it stimulates the immune system and lowers cholesterol.

The list of permitted products includes:

  • black and bran bread, dried or yesterday (sources of fiber and B vitamins);
  • jellied meat, jellied fish, jelly (sources of mucopolysaccharides and collagen);
  • lean meat: veal, beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken (source of animal protein);
  • milk and fermented milk products, cottage cheese, cheeses (rich in calcium);
  • buckwheat, corn, wheat cereal, millet, legumes, nuts (sources of vegetable protein);
  • eggs, butter, sea fish (sources of vitamin D);
  • sea ​​fish and seafood (contain polyunsaturated fatty acid, vitamin D, phosphorus, B vitamins);
  • fresh fruits, berries and vegetables (rich in almost all vitamins);
  • vegetable oils, unrefined cereals, such as brown rice (sources of tocopherol);
  • manganese is found in potatoes, bananas, nuts, seeds, seaweed, cereals;
  • jam, honey, jelly from fruits and berries;
  • green tea, mineral still water, rosehip decoction (vitamins and minerals).

Prohibited Products

It is necessary to exclude the consumption of extractives and purines, which contribute to the deposition of salts and increase the permeability of mucous membranes digestive tract and absorption of toxic substances.

The diet should also limit oxalic acid - plant purines. In addition, it is recommended to remove strong brewed drinks and sweet carbonated waters from your diet: they help remove calcium and zinc from the bones.

The amount of animal fats and simple carbohydrates, which provoke weight gain, is reduced. Spices and spicy foods, in addition to stimulating the appetite, also aggravate degenerative processes in cartilage.

You should also reduce the consumption of food additives E, which adversely affect not only the musculoskeletal system, but also the digestive tract.

The list of prohibited products includes:

  • white bread, all baked goods, especially baked goods;
  • cakes, pastries, ice cream, marmalade;
  • rich broths and soups made from them;
  • canned meat and fish;
  • homemade and store-bought pickles, smoked meats, lard;
  • sausages;
  • dried fish, marinades;
  • pepper, mustard, horseradish, spices;
  • strong tea and coffee, sweet carbonated waters;
  • margarine, cooking oil, lamb and beef fats.

The need to follow a diet

If you follow a therapeutic diet, the progression of osteochondrosis is stopped, intervertebral cartilage and discs are regenerated. Optimal intake of vitamins and minerals has a beneficial effect on general state and the well-being of patients, as well as their appearance.

Principles healthy eating, characteristic of a diet for osteochondrosis, allow you to normalize weight and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and diseases of the digestive tract.

Consequences of not following the diet

If the diet is not followed, osteochondrosis quickly progresses, resulting in complications of the disease. With cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis, headaches, dizziness, and fainting occur. Possible development of cardiovascular diseases and respiratory systems. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region leads to lesions of the pelvic and knee joints, and is also dangerous for reproductive diseases.



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