The healthiest vegetables. Calcium-rich foods for women

In this article about the 10 most harmful and beneficial foods, I tried to cover the topic I raised as much as possible. Variety of products, taste preferences and allergies do not allow us to create a universal TOP 10 of the healthiest food products that contain the entire periodic system. In addition, some representatives of the product line may contain only one valuable component, but in a fair amount. Therefore, to maximize the topic of the 10 healthiest products, the most optimal solution would be to consider them by category.

Additionally, there is another reason why the article is titled “10 Healthy/Unhealthy Foods.” I tried to shade the benefit from healthy food with visual demonstration negative effect harmful from consumption. Thus, “10 most useful and harmful products” represents comprehensive study on the indicated topic.

TOP 10 “The Healthiest Foods”: Berries

The most delicious way proper nutrition– dilute daily diet with the help of berries. So, let's take a closer look at the TOP 10 “Healthy Foods” among berries:

  1. Currant (black). The top ten useful products among berries are rightfully headed by it. Eating these berries:
    • Vitamin C helps maintain healthy bones, teeth and skin.
    • Due to a special pigment – ​​anthocyanin – it prevents the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, cancer diseases skin, as well as degenerative lesions of brain cells.
  2. Blueberry. Any section “The Ten Most Healthy Foods for Humans” could not do without this berry, which has a direct effect positive impact on 80% of the entire body, strengthening vision, removing excess cholesterol, preventing the formation of cancerous tumors.
  3. Cranberry. Cranberry juice has unique antibacterial properties, allowing you to stop the disease caused by the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body, localize it, and help medications eliminate it. Cranberry extract is also great for strengthening tooth enamel.
  4. Raspberries. This representative of the TOP 10 most useful products in the world among berries has truly amazing property- his glycemic index the lowest of all berries known to science. Thus, raspberries have the ability to instantly raise blood sugar without causing diabetes or excess weight what makes her a great alternative white processed sugar.
  5. Gooseberry. Although people who have bad teeth, this representative of the 10 healthiest foods in the world should not be consumed (the juice can harm weakened enamel), this berry provides a simply colossal amount of vitamin C, and also perfectly normalizes blood pressure.
  6. Blackberry. This representative of the 10 healthiest human foods contains vitamin E, but this berry will be especially useful for pregnant women, just as blackberries contain folic acid, strengthening the bones of mother and child, protecting them from possible damage during childbirth.
  7. Elder. The 10 most useful products among berries would not be so if this berry were not among them. Elderberry surpasses any representative of this category in the amount of anthocyanin. Thus, this berry prevents the occurrence of diabetes, skin cancer, as well as degenerative lesions of brain cells. The reason why elderberry doesn't top the list of the 10 healthiest berries is because it's quite difficult to get hold of. And only specialized medical preparations can be an adequate replacement for it in terms of the amount of anthocyanin.
  8. Sea ​​buckthorn. The top ten healthiest foods would not be complete without this keratin-rich berry. Extracts from sea buckthorn in folk medicine treat skin diseases and gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Cowberry. This representative of the 10 healthiest food products among berries has one very useful property - it normalizes digestion. Moreover, if you eat a little lingonberry shortly before your main meal, there will be no stomach problems.
  10. Cherry. The top ten healthiest food products cannot do without this berry, which has a very narrow, but extremely important property– normalization of appetite. It is indicated for use even by people suffering from anorexia, characteristic which is the absence of the urge to eat.

TOP 10 healthiest food products among fruits

I will refrain from giving examples of exotic fruits such as dragon fruit. It seems to me that when considering the 10 most useful products (I still classify avocados as exotic products), it is necessary first of all to touch upon those that are available to the wide mass of consumers, especially in the regions.

So, let's carefully study the TOP 10 "Most healthy foods nutrition" among fruits:

  1. Kiwi. This representative of 10 healthy food products has a colossal amount of vitamins (in half - as in a banana and pineapple combined), and also perfectly removes cholesterol and thins the blood, helping to eliminate plaques and blood clots in blood vessels.
  2. Persimmon. This fruit deservedly takes its place among 10 healthy foods, as it has two extremely useful features:
    • Low calorie. Persimmons (especially dried) are an excellent alternative to a sweet dessert for people with diabetes.
    • Laxative effect. Persimmon can be used as a safe diuretic and laxative.
  3. Apple. The top ten healthiest food products cannot do without this fruit, which is an essential source of vitamin C. In addition, apples are rich in quercetin. This is an antioxidant that protects the brain from neuro- and degenerative lesions, which makes this fruit indispensable in the prevention of:
    • heart diseases;
    • colds;
    • pulmonary diseases.

    In addition, regular consumption of apples permanently improves memory.

  4. A pineapple. The TOP 10 healthy food products include this fruit, mainly due to the complex it contains nutrients, which help lose weight and promote early satiety. Thus, eating pineapple is perfect as a means of controlling overeating at the holiday table.
  5. Banana. Amazing fact: this product is the only fruit that is approved for consumption by people suffering from gastritis and acute form stomach ulcers. Banana restores the body's energy balance, and also helps overcome depression and drowsiness, and helps normalize menstruation and hypertension.
  6. Pear. This fruit helps stabilize the heart, and the potassium it contains strengthens bones and blood vessels. Few people know, but the element in pear seeds has an excellent effect against worms.
  7. Orange. This representative of the 10 most useful products for humans is, in fact, a natural energy accumulator. The excellent complex of vitamins contained in orange helps to recharge your batteries, tones you up and helps cope with seasonal mood swings.
  8. Grape. This fruit has a rejuvenating effect on the heart, stabilizing heart rhythms and arterial pressure. The juice obtained from grapes is an excellent remedy to restore and strengthen the immune system.
  9. Figs. This fruit is famous unusual properties from ancient times. Figs are a natural supplier of certain amino acids that take Active participation in the construction of important protein molecules, but are not synthesized in the body.
  10. Apricot. This fruit can support the strength of cancer patients, and also helps to cope with anemia and stabilize the cardiovascular system. Apricots are also rich in potassium and phosphorus, which normalize the performance of the brain and heart.

TOP 10 healthy foods among vegetables

I suggest you carefully study the healthiest foods. TOP 10 vegetables for your attention:

  1. Beans. The ten healthiest foods in this category start with these vegetables because they contain molybdenum, which neutralizes dangerous preservatives accumulated in the body. In addition, beans are a plant-based alternative to meat.
  2. Eggplant. These are extremely useful products. The TOP 10 includes them due to the fact that eggplants are a rich source of fiber and minerals.
  3. Carrot. This representative of the 10 healthiest foods in the world is characterized by the ability to accumulate antioxidants in the body, thus strengthening the immune system.
  4. Zucchini. This representative of the TOP “Ten Healthiest Food Products” controls salt balance body, promoting weight loss.
  5. Onion. Among the 10 healthy foods, this vegetable occupies a special position. Everyone knows its bactericidal properties. It is especially useful to use it during outbreaks of acute respiratory infections and influenza.
  6. Garlic. This vegetable included in ten healthy foods due to its creative effect on the digestive system. Garlic also inhibits Helicobacter, preventing the occurrence of ulcers and gastritis.
  7. Broccoli. Among the 10 healthiest products in this category, this vegetable is the leader in vitamin content. The antioxidants contained in broccoli are an excellent preventative against intestinal cancer. prostate gland, uterus and mammary glands.
  8. Pumpkin. Honorary member of the TOP - The most useful products for normalizing weight. In addition, these vegetables are indicated for people suffering from insomnia, irritability and fatigue.
  9. bell pepper. This representative of the TOP10 healthy products is an irreplaceable source of vitamins and minerals, being a herbal immunomodulator.
  10. Beet. This vegetable is included in ten healthy foods due to a fair amount of folic acid.

TOP 10 healthiest foods among varieties of meat and fish

Now let's take a look directly at the TOP 10 most healthy products among varieties of meat and fish:

  1. Salmon. This type of fish contains a lot of Omega-3 acids, which are very important for the smooth functioning of the heart. Salmon prevents the development of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, stroke, and diabetes.
  2. Beef. This type has meat huge potential For healthy eating. Beef contains a lot of microelements that help strengthen musculoskeletal tissue, and the whole complex vitamins such as:
    • Group A. These vitamins are especially useful for vision.
    • RR Group. It is an important component of enzymes.
    • Group C. These vitamins strengthen blood vessels.
    • Groups B6 and B12. These vitamins are directly involved in the process of iron absorption.

    Beef also leads among meat varieties in terms of zinc content.

  3. Saida. One measure of fillet of this type of fish covers 73% of the average daily norm minerals essential for health, and also reduces the risk of diabetes by almost 25%.
  4. Rainbow trout. 100 grams of this honorary participant in the 10 most beneficial foods for human health contain more than a thousand milligrams of Omega-3 fats. This is a huge amount, sufficient to meet the needs of the human body.
  5. Rabbit meat. This type of meat is a dietary product containing easily digestible protein, very useful for the functioning of musculoskeletal tissue.
  6. Sardine. This type of fish is best consumed with bones, since 85 grams of the product covers 30% of the average daily vitamin D requirement.
  7. Mutton. This type of meat contains virtually no cholesterol and also contains three times less animal fat than pork. Thus, lamb can be integral part diet of people with diabetes or cholesterol plaques.
  8. Som. This type of fish is a conductor of vitamin B12. Flaw of this element in the human body contributes to the development of dementia and may be due to age-related changes. Therefore, consumption of catfish is highly recommended for all people over 50 years of age.
  9. Turkey. This type of meat covers 28% of the average daily requirement of minerals. In addition, turkey is distinguished by extremely tender meat, which is perfectly absorbed by the human body.
  10. Mackerel. This product is a fatty fish due to its rich Omega-3 fat content, which helps strengthen vision and bones.

10 most unhealthy foods

The claim to objectivity requires that we consider both the 10 most useful and 10 most harmful products. As you will see for yourself, none of the latter are essential for everyday nutrition. In fact, all the products described below are an unnecessary waste of money, harmful health.

So, the most harmful products are:

  1. Carbonated drinks. Please note: one glass of the most popular soda, Coca Cola, contains up to three (!) average daily calories for an adult. For a child, this is a real and deadly poison, which has an immediate destructive effect on bones and nervous system. Other carbonated drinks are no better, since they are all created using the same technology (coloring + sugar + preservatives), and they all cause a deterioration in metabolism and allergies.
  2. Any industry representatives Fast food. This category includes an endless variety of relatively tasty products, such as:
    • all types of chips;
    • French fries;
    • hamburgers and their derivatives;
    • cholesterol-containing versions of chicken legs, wings, etc.

    Why "conditionally"? Because any taste qualities of these products are a consequence of flavoring additives. You definitely don't want to look at what most of these "products" are made from, not that is.

  3. Semi-finished products. This is also a very broad category of products, including:
    • instant soups/noodles/purees;
    • canned meat, vegetables and fish;
    • dumplings, chebupels, etc.

    Please note: it is unlikely that you are purchasing these products due to their bright colors. taste qualities. Most likely, by purchasing them you are trying to save time on cooking. This is in vain, because all these products are a lump of synthetics and flavoring additives in a jar. Eating preservatives and semi-finished products causes irreparable harm to the figure, worsens metabolism and causes allergies.

  4. Mayonnaise. This factory-made product contains 100% of cases. flavorings, sweetener and transgenic fat. There is a little less natural in such a product than nothing, but there is plenty of harm. If you do not want to give up mayonnaise, then prepare it yourself, use only fresh and natural products, use it strictly in doses.
  5. Cheap sausage. It's about specifically about cheap sausage, because low prices imply lower costs and cheaper production, which in almost 90% of cases means abandoning meat in favor of synthetics, soy and carcinogens, the result of the interaction of which is the formation of an extremely dangerous substance - benzopyrene.
  6. Salt. This is the so-called “white death”, which causes unnatural moisture retention in the body (which prevents natural processes weight loss), and if consumed regularly, harms the kidneys and liver.
  7. Sugar. Another version of the “white death”, which actually does not contain any useful elements. These are calories in pure form. In addition to many other destructive effects, sugar is a source of refractory fats in the human body.
  8. Margarine. Slightly less than entirely consists of transgenic fats, which guarantee fatal metabolic disorders if consumed regularly. Many of us know stories about people who simply physically cannot lose weight, no matter how hard they try. If you've heard these stories, then you're already familiar with how transgenic fats work.
  9. Modified sweets. Prominent representatives of this category are, for example, chupa-chup’s. Such sweets are genetically modified products coupled with flavorings.
  10. Chocolate. Although included of this product there is a certain amount useful components However, chocolate is full of calories.

The result of consuming the products described above is a whole series of diseases. Metabolic disorders and allergies are the most harmless of them. I hope that my article on the topic “The 10 Most Harmful and Healthiest Foods” has satisfied your curiosity. I would like to add the following on my own behalf.

Value yourself, eat only the healthiest foods (the TOP 10, the options of which are described above, will reveal to you in detail the benefits of a healthy diet), and be healthy!

Orthodox Christians are called to take care not only of their souls, but also of their bodies. After all, they will have to enter the future life after the general resurrection and the Last Judgment, so to speak, “comprehensively” - in the fullness of a transformed nature.

In addition, our longevity and the implementation of the good deeds we have conceived, which we wish to dedicate to the Lord, also depend on the strength and health of our body.

Finally, we should not forget that the body is God’s gift to man. And it, like all the gifts of the Creator, should be treated with care and precision.

Human health to a large extent depends on the food they consume. We present to your attention ten products that are considered the most beneficial for the human body (the TOP includes those products that are widely represented in Russia and are available to the majority of our fellow citizens):

1. Olive oil

Perhaps the most popular among vegetable oils, as it contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are very good for the heart and fight cholesterol plaques. It can be added to salads, soups, porridges, many main courses and even taken on an empty stomach. The oil will save your heart and normalize blood pressure, and, thanks to the vitamins A, D, E and K it contains, help strengthen bones.

Olive oil is especially beneficial for children, as it stimulates growth bone tissue. Olive oil is indicated for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, liver diseases and diseases gallbladder. Oleic acids contained in olive oil help strengthen memory and have a beneficial effect on mental processes.

In addition, it is worth remembering that oils are high-calorie foods, which replenish energy well during intense physical labor or playing sports.

2. Honey

“The best gift, in my opinion, is honey! Even the donkey will immediately understand this.”- Winnie the Pooh bear used to say and he was right a thousand times!

This is extremely useful and necessary in the diet. natural product, which increases the body’s resistance to many infections, strengthens the immune system and is best source energy.

Honey contains many vitamins, enzymes, microelements, organic acids and proteins. It is recommended to take it in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, and simply for general strengthening body.

Honey contains kaempferol and quercetin. These substances help prevent depression (and keep your brain healthy) by reducing inflammation in the brain. Add honey to tea, porridge, drink boiled water adding honey before bed will help you fall asleep faster and regain strength.

3. Fish in general and red fish in particular

Just imagine - 30 grams of fish products per day or three “fish” lunches during the week and the likelihood of developing a heart attack is reduced by 50%!

In its nutritional and culinary qualities, fish is in no way inferior to meat, since it contains proteins, fats, extractive and mineral substances, and in terms of ease of digestion of proteins it even surpasses the latter, it is not for nothing that the Lord and his disciples often ate fish...

Among all types of fish, sea fish is considered especially useful, since it contains a high content of what our body needs. dietary iodine And fatty acids. But also among sea ​​fish there is the most useful one - this red fish!

For example, let's take salmon holding the record for Omega-3 fat content, which lowers cholesterol levels and prevents individual species oncological diseases and vascular thrombosis, as well as Omega-6 and iron. Red fish lovers can more easily overcome depression, prevent memory loss and improve hair condition. Make it a rule to replace meat with fish more often, especially since this is prescribed for fasting.

4. Apples

An apple is not some exotic mango, lychee or durean! Apples also grow in Russia. Moreover, even in Siberia, famous for its cold climate. This means that this fruit is most accessible to us.

Eating apples slows growth cancer cells, relieves inflammation, normalizes stomach function. And besides, apples are a real storehouse of vitamins such as C, B1, B2, P, E, and minerals (for example, manganese and potassium and dietary iron), beneficial for the immune system and circulatory system person.

Apples are used to prevent colds, as well as to treat serious ailments, such as malignant formations.

5. Nuts

The Babylonians also noticed one of the main beneficial effects Eating nuts helps strengthen memory and sharpen attention.

On Russian markets Now almost all nut varieties are represented - cashews, peanuts. hazelnut, pistachio, Walnut, almonds, etc., so we won’t single out any particular nut - they are all extremely healthy.

Nuts normalize acidity levels gastric juice, normalize intestinal functions, as mentioned above, have a positive effect on brain activity, relieve stress and very effectively saturate the body with vitamins - just a small handful a day is enough.

Nuts are also necessary for people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, joint diseases, mastopathy and fibroids.

6. Eggs

All eggs are also healthy - turkey, goose, quail... But we will talk about chicken eggs, as the most common.

One egg contains 15% of the daily protein requirement, which is easily digestible and includes a full set of essential amino acids. Eggs contain large amounts of zinc, iodine, omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid, biotin, choline, vitamins A, E, D, B12, B3, selenium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium.

The most in a useful way Eating eggs for food is considered to be cooking them “soft”, when the vitamins have not yet been destroyed, and the pathogenic bacteria have already died.

7. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are another storehouse of a large amount of vitamins, minerals and useful to the body substances. These substances include, in particular, wine, apple and citric acid. Vitamins you can find in tomatoes: A, B2, B6, PP, E, rare vitamin K and others.

In addition to vitamins, tomatoes contain useful: fructose, glucose, mineral salts and iodine, as well as magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, sodium.

But perhaps the most obvious benefit of tomatoes is that they contain a powerful antioxidant - lycopene. The peculiarity of lycopene is that it increases its beneficial properties in finished form, and not in raw fruits. Powerful natural remedy has anti-cancer effects, preventing DNA mutations and cancer cell growth, and also fights brain inflammation and generally protects the brain. For achievement best results, tomatoes are best eaten with olive oil, because in this case, lycopene is better absorbed.

8. Beans

Beans belong to the legume family and are its most useful member. Bean eaters live longer and look younger than others.

In addition, beans are very unpretentious and can be easily grown at a city dweller’s dacha or in the garden of a private household.

Beans contain a high amount vegetable protein and potassium, necessary for good functioning of the heart and other vital important organs, fiber - for better functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. It is also extremely low in calories and high in antioxidants. The amount of bean protein is superior to lamb, chicken and cottage cheese, and is on par in protein with grainy caviar and cheese products - good news for fasting people!

Bean relatives: peas, beans and soybeans are also full pleasant surprises and are recommended for food.

9. Seaweed (Kelp)

The Japanese who regularly eat seaweed get sick much less often and also have a very high life expectancy.

It’s understandable, because seaweed- this is an almost ideal product containing about 40 micro and macro elements, which are in combination with organic substances. Compared to regular cabbage, sea cabbage has twice as much phosphorus, 11 times more magnesium, 16 times more iron, and 40 times more sodium.

Cabbage also contains other rare beneficial substances: alginic acid, sodium alginate, potassium alginate, ammonium alginate, calcium alginate, agar and mannitol. Laminaria helps with diseases thyroid gland, tuberculosis and other diseases, quickly restores strength.

10. Onions and garlic

Onions and garlic became famous primarily for their antibacterial effect. But not everyone knows that the vitamin C content in them is higher than in oranges, which means that a person’s own immunity will be strengthened. They contain vitamins: B1, B2, C, A, PP, potassium, allicin, flavonoids, calcium, magnesium, nickel and cobalt.

Russian sailors have long used onions and garlic on long voyages as a remedy for scurvy and vitamin deficiency. They will also lower blood cholesterol levels and help with liver diseases.

It is healthier to eat onions and garlic raw, and to get rid of the smell, it is better to brush your teeth once again.

Andrey Szegeda

In contact with

The German magazine Focus published the top 10 healthiest food products, which, according to scientists, are the most beneficial for the body. The top ten included apples, fish, garlic, strawberries and other equally healthy products. Below are the results of their research.

Anyone who eats an apple a day has virtually no chance of developing Alzheimer's disease. Substances contained in apple pulp, in particular quercetin, inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and minimize damage from free radicals. Apples also contain many vitamins and microelements that stimulate the immune system and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

2. Fish

Take care of your heart by eating more fish than meat. By eating 30 grams of fish daily, you will significantly reduce the risk of heart attack. Fish contains a large amount of fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on cell membranes. Turning to statistics, we can observe that residents of the north are much less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

3. Garlic

Garlic is effective in combating colds, helps improve digestion. In addition, when consuming it, there is less likelihood of stomach and intestinal cancer, and the risk of vascular diseases, since it contains a number of substances that cleanse blood vessels and prevent them from clogging.

4. Strawberry

No need to eat sour lemons to restore vitamin C in the body. Strawberries contain more of this vitamin. Besides, high content Iron in the berry strengthens the immune system. Some essential oils, contained in strawberries, inhibit the production of enzymes that stimulate the development of cancer.

5. Carrots

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which neutralizes free radicals, which destroy the structure of genes and provoke cancer. In addition, beta-carotene has a beneficial effect on the condition skin and organs of vision. It is recommended to add butter or sour cream to carrot salad, since beta-carotene is highly soluble in fat.

6. Pepper

Hot pepper improves metabolism, helping to normalize weight. Capsacin stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, thereby preventing the proliferation of harmful bacteria in digestive tract. Bell pepper in addition to vitamin C, it contains the dye luteolin, which prevents the proliferation of cancer cells and the development age problems and diseases of the circulatory system.

7. Bananas

This is perhaps the most satisfying and carbohydrate-rich fruit. Contained in it ballast substances prevent the rapid absorption of sugar. The amount of magnesium in one banana is one sixth of the body’s daily requirement for this microelement.

8. Green tea

Contains biologically active substance– catechin, which prevents the development of prostate cancer, atherosclerosis, and promotes fat burning. It is enough to drink at least four cups of this drink daily. In black tea, the catechin is destroyed during the manufacturing process.

9. Soy

Includes a lot of lecithin and B vitamins, which strengthen the nervous system and improve memory. It is also an essential source of proteins. Soybean sprouts are especially useful.

10. Milk

Milk is a staple food containing valuable proteins, easily digestible fats and carbohydrates - lactose. Milk is also rich in calcium, which is necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis, the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular systems body.

Of course, this list of useful products is very controversial. Scientists are constantly trying to determine what is healthier. The Daily Mirror published its list, which included spinach, brown rice, chicken, salmon, bananas, chicken eggs, milk, blueberries, herbs and garlic.

Various delicious fruits– fruits, berries, vegetables – have beneficial properties for humans. In this top 10 healthiest fruits, I will tell you about ten fruits that are incredibly beneficial for the human body.

10 Garnet

Pomegranate improves immunity. If you regularly enjoy this fruit, radiation and toxins are gradually eliminated from the body. In terms of antioxidant levels, pomegranate is more beneficial than red wine. Pomegranate is especially important for the sexual health of men. The digestive system will also thank you for eating pomegranate. Also, this fruit will be very useful for people suffering from heart disease and high blood pressure. Pomegranate also fights cancer cells, slowing down their development. Regular consumption of fruit helps prevent anemia, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

9 Orange

Do you want to rejuvenate, gain energy and tone? Then this fruit is for you. Orange also cleanses the blood, strengthens the immune system, speeds up metabolism and activates metabolic processes in the body. This citrus is useful for both women and men. For women, he offers folic acid, which he calls "the main women's vitamin", and is also very useful during pregnancy. And orange helps men maintain sexual health and pass on healthy genes to children.

8 Lemon

The fruit is contraindicated for those who have increased acidity of gastric juice, and those who suffer from peptic ulcer. For the rest, lemons are very useful. Almost everyone knows that this fruit strengthens the immune system and helps protect against colds. Indeed, the vitamin C content in lemon is very high. In addition, this citrus is useful because it slows down the aging of the body. Just the aroma of lemon allows you to relax and forget about fatigue, nervousness and anxiety.

7 Kiwi

Kiwi helps get rid of digestive problems and cleanses the body of toxins. The fruit also contains beneficial substances that give facial skin elasticity and firmness. Kiwi contains even more vitamin C than orange or lemon. This fruit cleanses the body of toxins and helps strengthen the immune system. Kiwi helps get rid of fats and, by thinning the blood, protects blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and blood clots. The fruit is also useful for those who suffer from diseases of cardio-vascular system.

6 Persimmon

Persimmon can boast big amount vitamins and iron, antioxidants and amino acids. To people suffering endocrine diseases or disorders in the urinary system, it is worth including this fruit in your menu. Persimmon cleanses the body and helps the digestive and urinary systems. The beta-carotene that this fruit contains is valuable for vision and skin.

5 Avocado

If you start eating avocado regularly, your liver and heart will thank you first of all, and the level of cholesterol in your blood will also decrease, your tissues will be enriched with oxygen, and your digestion will become more correct. Avocado contains glutathione - this substance blocks 40 different carcinogens, making it much easier for the liver to work.

4 Grapefruit

When enjoying grapefruit, you need to remember that it is incompatible with taking medications - even those sold without a prescription. Grapefruit speeds up metabolic processes. The fruit helps in digestion, making food absorbed better.

3 Mango

One medium-sized mango fruit contains the daily requirement of vitamin C. The fruit is excellent in preventing arthritis. Mango helps heal wounds and improves immunity (it is even called a kind of immunostimulant).

2 Bananas

Banana is very rich in potassium. The fruit lowers blood pressure, helps get rid of stomach problems and is good for the heart. Another benefit of bananas is reducing the risk of stroke. Fruit fills human body energy and improves metabolism. Bananas contain tryptophan - this protein is processed in the body into serotonin, which is the hormone of joy and happiness. Banana helps cope with heartburn. The fruit should be consumed as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Also, eating bananas makes it easier to quit smoking.

1 Apples

Pectin, fiber, vitamins, copper, potassium, manganese, iron - all this is found in a regular apple. Among the merits of this seemingly ordinary fruit: normalization of the digestive system; binding of wastes and toxins; improved appetite; stimulation of gastric juice production; lowering blood cholesterol levels; increasing immunity; filling the body with energy. Apples also destroy the causative agents of some dangerous diseases.

Thus, you can strengthen your health with vitamins not from tablets, but from tasty and healthy fruits.


Zucchini opens the top ten healthiest vegetables. Zucchini is an annual herbaceous plant pumpkin family. Zucchini has an oblong shape and can be yellow, white or green. The homeland of zucchini is America, but initially only its seeds were eaten.

Zucchini is a very healthy vegetable, which is easily digestible and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and skin health. And the seeds of the fruit are used in cosmetology as a component of creams that can regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


Tomato is in ninth place. The fruits of this vegetable contain a huge amount useful substances- B vitamins - B1, B2, B5, B6, as well as others - A, E, C. By consuming tomato fruits regularly, you can strengthen the immune system, improve heart function, improve digestion, and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Eating tomatoes will help you become more beautiful. Women especially appreciate this. And this is not surprising, since they contain substances that can give the skin elasticity, make it soft and smooth.


Eighth place goes to peas. Its undeniable benefit lies in the complex of useful substances with which each pea is filled. First of all, these are microelements, such useful mineral salts as calcium, potassium, magnesium. In addition, peas contain phosphorus and iron, iodine, proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins. As peas ripen, the amount of sugar decreases and the amount of starch increases.

Peas are useful as an auxiliary natural remedy for the prevention of anemia, has proven positive influence on the functioning of such important filters as the kidneys and liver, improves the condition of the cardiovascular system. When consumed regularly, peas affect weight loss by regulating digestion processes.


Red bell pepper takes seventh place in our ranking. You may have a question: why red? The fact is that yellow, green and red bell peppers are three completely different varieties. They differ not only in color, but also in mineral and vitamin composition, and very strongly.

The biggest advantage of red bell pepper compared to its relatives - the presence huge amount vitamins A and C. Constant use red bell pepper will help reduce the likelihood of cancer. Those on whose table this amazing vegetable appears regularly remain young, beautiful and healthy much longer.


Sixth place is Brussels sprouts, which are unlike any other type of cabbage. Brussels sprouts are one of those vegetable crops that contain many substances beneficial to the human body. Its small bundles contain fiber, sugars, starch and raw protein. However, Brussels sprouts are considered especially valuable due to unique set vitamins, it contains B vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B9; carotene, vitamin PP and, of course, vitamin C, the content of which in this type of cabbage is many times higher than in any other.

Cabbage is a dietary product. It is especially useful for older people and children. Brussels sprouts are recommended as dietary product those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Here we come to the equator of our rating. In fifth place is broccoli. Broccoli is one of the worthy representatives of the cabbage tribe. The benefits of broccoli have made it the uncrowned queen of the healthy table. And the number of admirers is growing year by year. And there is a reason! Broccoli contains the following minerals: copper, chromium, selenium, sodium, iron, boron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, manganese, sulfur. Nutritional composition This type of cabbage is also healthy, it contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and is a source of fiber.

Thanks to a whole complex of useful substances, broccoli is famous for its beneficial properties and has a powerful positive effect on all body systems. When consuming cabbage inflorescences, immunity is significantly increased, the body's resistance to pathogens is enhanced various kinds diseases. Since the strength of the immune system directly depends on lymphatic system, and about two-thirds of the lymphatic tissue is located in the intestines, the fiber that is part of broccoli cleanses the intestines of accumulations, toxins, and waste, thereby strengthening the body from the inside. Beneficial influence has broccoli and skeletal system, calcium content (47 mg per 100 g) and others not less important microelements prevents the destruction of bones and teeth, and is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis.


Fourth place - carrots. Carrots contain sugars, carotene (provitamin A), vitamins E, C, D and B vitamins. Carotene in carrots is almost 80%, which is why this root vegetable is orange. Important feature carotene in carrots is believed to be that during heat treatment it is not destroyed, but in the body as a result chemical reaction turns into retinol, but only when carrots are consumed with fats (for example, butter or sour cream). When buying carrots, choose those that have a bright orange color, which means they are rich in vitamins. A common manifestation of vitamin A deficiency in the body is night blindness when vision is impaired at dusk and at night. Carrots contain higher carotene content than any other vegetables and fruits.

Carrots are useful for the most various diseases such as bronchitis, anemia, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, for wound healing and for vision problems. To satisfy daily requirement For the body to contain carotene, it is enough to eat only 100-200 g of carrots per day. It is important to know that the synthesis of the vitamin, as well as its absorption by the body, is possible with normal operation liver.


The pumpkin won the bronze medal. Its fruits contain 5-6% sugars (in the best varieties up to 20%), carotene, starch, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, C, PP, E, pectin, fiber, organic acids, calcium, iron, magnesium salts, as well as rare vitamin T, which is involved in acceleration metabolic processes, blood clotting and platelet formation. Pumpkin is especially rich in potassium salts.

Eating pumpkin will be a good preventive measure acute and chronic nephritis, as well as pyelonephritis. With the help of potassium salts, pumpkin has an excellent diuretic effect. Pumpkin dishes will be useful for people suffering from hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. In diabetes, pumpkin components regenerate damaged pancreatic cells and increase the level of beta cells that produce insulin.


Spinach took second place. It appeared here relatively recently, about 200 years ago. Spinach is considered the birthplace of Ancient Persia. He was familiar there many centuries ago. It can still be found in the wild in Afghanistan and the Caucasus.

According to some studies, such a combination of vitamins and other elements beneficial for humans as in spinach is not found in any other vegetable. For example, vitamin A in the plant is 469 mcg. And this is 52% of the daily norm established for an adult. Among the macro and microelements that spinach contains, manganese is the record holder - 0.9 mg per 100 g. This is 45% of the norm. Another potassium – 558 mg (22%), magnesium – 79 mg (20%).

Spinach is also considered one of the best products, which help us strengthen our immunity, fight heart and vascular diseases. Both anemia and asthma recede before spinach. It lowers blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is recommended for diabetic patients.


The king of vegetables is kale or kale. It is believed that the homeland of curly cabbage is the Mediterranean. Like cabbage and Brussels sprouts, this member of the Cruciferous family shares with these vegetables the beneficial ability to store large amounts of moisture and nutrients in its leaves that make it so healthy!

Kale is rich in beneficial glucosinolates- natural plant compounds that have useful property- they block the production of substances that cause the formation of cancer cells, stimulate cleansing of the body, restore enzymes and suppress the division of cancer cells. It also contains flavonoids necessary for vascular health and stimulation immune system, and plant sterol is an important compound for maintaining low level cholesterol in the blood.

Additionally, kale is high in B vitamins, which increase energy levels and strengthen the immune system's ability to destroy foreign cells. It's very high level of antioxidants- vitamin C and beta-carotene. It also contains vitamin K, which is involved in blood clotting and wound healing, as well as high level minerals such as zinc and iron, essential for good immunity.

Kale can be eaten raw, steamed, fried, or in a salad. Curly cabbage is especially useful in winter.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs