How to live in order to live long. Indulge bad habits

Now there are more studies confirming that the signs of old age are caused by lifestyle. We can agree, heredity and luck play important role, but how long a person lives is affected by himself.

The most curious, following the advice there is no need, "live in dark room and eat only rice," following the advice will help you get up every day with more energy and feel less sick or depressed.

  1. How healthy is fish?

Fish is a good source of high quality proteins, best source fatty acids, omega 3, important component to maintain the proper functioning of the brain and heart, the use of river or sea fish several times a week, long-term maintains mental alertness and helps to live long.

Delicious fish tuna or salmon is the most useful.

You can take an extract capsule fish oil everyday.

  1. Choose Whole Foods

Eat bread to live long coarse grinding, 100 times better than a bun and 100 times healthier. Eat whole grains instead of refined grains, maintains normal blood glucose levels, reduces the risk of obesity and increases the content dietary fiber in food.

Whole grains will make you feel fuller, so eat less other foods.

Make sure the labels for cereals, breads and baked goods are labeled "unrefined" or "whole".

  1. To live long, eat well, but do not indulge in "gluttony"

Large meals increase risk heart attack one hour after a meal, therefore it is preferable that meals be lighter and more frequent.

To live long, you should eat several times a day, easily, instead of three traditional meals, maintain a stable blood glucose level and give more energy.

Choose salads as a first course, fruits for dessert, try to cook second courses without sauces and fried foods.

  1. Move!

Numerous studies prove that a person who is physically active throughout life, and therefore more resilient, has a reduced mortality rate from various diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

Does exercise make you feel better, more relaxed and happier, reason enough to live long and active? There will be a beautiful and athletic body.

There is no time for training, it does not matter if you train daily and regularly.

  1. Don't "oxidize"

Eat foods rich in antioxidants low content fats, will prevent an increase in the body's oxidation, which directly affects longevity. This is due to a decrease in the process of metabolism, the oxidation of food.

No need to eat less products to consume fewer calories, just choose low-fat foods, fruits and vegetables

Eat more products containing antioxidants: vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc, selenium and gluten.

  1. Be happy!

Happy people live longer than depressed people. There are many studies proving that happiness allows you to live long.

Psychologists believe that happiness does not depend on what kind of life you have, on a positive or negative attitude towards life.

Try to smile more often, you will see, it will make you look at things in the most positive way, it will stimulate your mind, you will feel happier.

  1. sleep enough

Sleep deprivation can cause physical, mental and hormonal changes(changes the secretion of hormones released during sleep). It negatively affects the body, aging the skin and increasing the risk of diabetes. Most adults sleep less than they should.

Sleep more - the best solution to live long.

Lie down and get up at the same time. Keep the bedroom dark, and the temperature no more than 20 ºС.

  1. You don't like broccoli?

The substance that gives a bitter taste to cauliflower, broccoli, or Brussels sprouts is what makes broccoli healthy - sulfurofan. Sulfurofan, a chemical compound with sulfur, has been shown to protect against certain types of cancer. Learn to eat these foods several times a week and you will live much longer.

Broccoli - contains large quantity sulfurofan. For the first time, sulforaphane (isothiocyanate) was isolated in 1959 from cress (Carddria draba), which contains it in large quantities].

Fortunately, broccoli extracts are available in capsules.

One of the reasons why Mediterranean Spanish cuisine is healing, widely used olive oil. Olive oil is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin and blood vessels. Reduces cholesterol and blood pressure. People who consume olive oil throughout their lives have been confirmed to have lower rates of cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer and arthritis. Unrefined olive oil - the most useful, will help to live long.

Olive oil has a delicious taste that enhances food.

  1. Watch your weight, drop a few kilos

According to the WHO, the top 10 causes of death are due to diseases associated with overweight. Many studies show that most adults are, albeit slightly, overweight.

Reset extra pounds improve life and health in general.

By exercising, you will lose calories and prolong life.

  1. Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter releases endogenous chemical substances relaxing blood vessels. Laughter stimulates the immune system, helps to recover from illness and live longer.

Laughter is contagious. Surround yourself with happy people!

Try watching a comedy movie or series every night.

  1. Control yourself

A study conducted on 800 subjects showed who controls himself in life, has a longer life expectancy. For example, keeping work life under control reduces stress, especially if the work is responsible.

Your boss wants to lower your stressful condition, if good condition allows you to work better.

Start exercising to help maintain your physical and mental balance.

  1. Choose red

Red foods - tomatoes, peppers, rich in a carotenoid, the so-called lycopene, reduces the risk of prostate cancer by at least 50% and improves the heart system

Tomato cooked with a little olive oil (forming a delicious tomato sauce) is effective in extending life.

There is lycopene in capsules: choose your preferred carotenoid complex.

  1. Essential fatty acids

Fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) vital for the human body. Fatty acid - important means anti-aging, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve blood circulation, stimulate the immune system, increase the level of HDL cholesterol or "good" cholesterol.

Linoleic and linolenic acid, effective for athletes.

oily sea ​​fish and seafood, delicious foods rich in fatty acids.

  1. Salt, the hidden enemy

Salt (sodium chloride) is in sufficient form in food, therefore there is no need to use a salt shaker, excess salt is harmful to the body, salt accumulates in the arteries forming atherosclerosis, leading to hypertension, thrombosis and cardiovascular disease.

Get used to doing without salt. You will stop noticing that food is tasteless.

Replace salt with some spices, they will add flavor to food, you will improve your health.

Yoga is ideal for all athletes and for sedentary people especially. Improves flexibility, promotes communication of the neuromuscular system, improves concentration, increases strength. Yoga helps to relax and relieve stress. A more balanced life means more long life.

Yoga coordinates the body, develops mental concentration through awareness of breathing, strengthens muscles and bones, relieves tension, and expands the range of motion.

For 20 minutes a day, sit in a dark room and focus on your breathing. Relax your muscles and clear your mind.

  1. Avoid smog

Not news, pollution is associated with a decrease in life expectancy. Particles of pollution increase the risk of heart attack or lung disease.

If you live in a highly polluted city, try spending hot days in air-conditioned buildings. If you exercise outdoors, do your exercises preferably in the morning or at night, avoiding crowded streets. You can go to live in the country.

  1. Choose your favorite animal

A pet reduces stress. More specifically, having a dog means that someone is waiting for you with joy when you come home. Having a dog to walk with increases time for fresh air You can do outdoor exercise.

The pet will not leave you, a girlfriend / or friend can do this.

  1. Get Married

Married men live longer, according to research. Two possible reasons: first, support happy relationship good for body and mind. The second, marriage, helps men put their lives in order, healthy food and withdrawal from bad habits... drinking too much, going out late, etc.

Don't look at the marriage failures of your friends.

  1. enjoy your sex life

sex increases average duration life, an argument to multiply sex life.

An interesting thing is life. People are born, grow up, grow up, learn, realize their potential, marry, give birth to children, grow old, die. Is this the meaning of our existence? What is correct sequence life chain? I would like to solve the mystery of a long and cloudless life.

The secret formula for longevity has been of interest to scientists since the 19th century.

They conducted research by grouping people into different categories:

  • on international grounds;
  • by properties and character traits;
  • by occupation;
  • by gender;
  • by involvement in marriage ties;
  • by place of residence;
  • in physique and height.

Thus, the population of Monaco, East Asian Macau and Japan live the longest. Average age in these countries is 89, 84 and 83 years.

According to English gerontologists, people with a high IQ index are less likely to die than those with little education.

An irrefutable statement is that ladies live longer than men. Single men outlive those who are divorced but not married. Marriage ties do not affect the female life span.

University researchers in the Hawaiian Islands have uncovered an interesting detail about longevity. According to them, tall people live less than short ones. Bound this nuance primarily with the presence of a specific longevity gene.

Live long test

The life path consists of different moments. It is studied by scientists, geneticists, demographers, nutritionists. Many studies provide startling results and conclusions. However, not everyone agrees with certain arguments of experts.

Apart from scientific knowledge in the field of longevity, there are a lot of tests, sometimes even comic ones, allowing you to establish a biological age period and date of death.

As you can see, there are a lot of online tests for life expectancy. And to believe them or not is a prosaic matter. Although some conclusions about the way of its existence can be done.

Why is it said that smart people live long?

English researchers claim that the prudent live longer than the stupid and uneducated. They explain such a statement by the ability of the first to restrain themselves in stressful situations, keep your emotions under control, adequately respond to any negative situations. Poorly educated people do not differ in self-control, they get irritated over trifles, worry and get nervous. Ultimately, this has a negative impact on psycho-emotional state and general well-being.

In addition, according to genetic scientists, high intelligence is directly related to the genetic predisposition to longevity. In other words, the duration of the life path is laid down in the womb. And the higher mental capacity the longer the life cycle.

Why do married men live longer?

An interesting assertion that married men live longer than the inveterate single and divorced, based on the study of demographers, geneticists around the world. So, researchers from the Czech Republic made certain conclusions in this regard.

  • Firstly, married people, because of conflicts with their wives, more often get rid of bad habits that have a detrimental effect on their health and, accordingly, their longevity.
  • Second, married men eat healthier, home-cooked foods. Bachelors have to make do with convenience foods and fast foods.
  • Thirdly, ringed men feel the care and love of their halves. In case of illness, their wives treat them, or they insist on going to the doctor. Unmarried suffer pain to the last. The hospital is treated only in extreme situations.

Therefore, we can safely say that the creation of a family for men is vital necessary condition. If you want to live long - get married!

Who lives longer, thin or fat?

Strange as it may seem, but on this subject, the opinions of experts from different countries come to one conclusion. Overweight people live longer. Conducting a series of studies, scientists noticed that too thin people died 8 years earlier than overweight ones. Although completeness is inferior in life expectancy to normal weight. Men in normal form live 5 years longer than full.

Those who are underweight are more prone to various diseases. They often die of cancer and heart attacks, fall into depression and acquire nervous disorders.

Fullness, of course, also does not paint. Fat people suffer from diabetes, have cardiovascular ailments, disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

It is best not to have any extra pounds or excessive thinness. normal weight- pledge of longevity.

Eat less - live longer, is this true and why?

Specialists - nutritionists from the Netherlands unequivocally argue that the immense food intake shortens life expectancy. Conducting experiments on monkeys, rats, fish, reducing the intake of carbohydrates and proteins in their diet, they noticed a tendency to increase the lifespan.

In the same way, nutritionists studied people. Those who consumed mainly fruits, lean foods, vitamins, minerals, felt much better than gluttons. Reducing the calorie content of the consumed food set helps to slow down the aging process.

Genetic nutritionists are sure that by reducing the number of calories and volume of food by 20%, you can increase life expectancy by the same 20%. This idea is substantiated by research in the field of gerontology more than 60 years ago.

Thus, the expression "Eat less - live longer" is absolutely accurate. Nutrition should be moderate, balanced and low-calorie.

Why do the Japanese live the longest?

The life cycle of the Japanese is 83 years on average. They are helped to live to such advanced years by their own culture, which they idolize. In Japan, ancestors are revered, who believed that you need to take care of your health and body. That is why, among the population of the state of the rising sun, the morning jog and walk are so famous. In Japan, even the elderly run and walk.

The second true postulate Japanese longevity can be called food. Japanese food not so high in calories, but varied and nutritious. By reducing consumption high-calorie foods, they continued to themselves life path. The Japanese diet consists of rice, meat, fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits. Fatty pork, dairy products they eat 3 times less than residents of other countries.

So, on the Japanese island of Okinawa, the population traditionally consumes few calories, but quite a lot of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. As a result, the island is 40 times more likely than the rest of Japan, there are centenarians aged a hundred years or more. Surveys conducted in different countries have shown that people who reduce the number of calories in their diet are less likely than average to have some types of cancer.

In Japan, doctors and medicine in general are valued and revered. Listen and follow all the instructions of the doctors. Perhaps such a scrupulous attitude to their health prolongs their years of life.

What products shorten life?

Opinions of experts in the field right nutrition agreed on certain products that shorten life.

These include:

  • unconditionally alcohol - it is better to use it on holidays in small quantities;
  • carbonated sweet drinks due to the significant content of sugar and chemical additives;
  • green tea with improper brewing and immense consumption;
  • chips, french fries, noodles fast food- all this is solid chemistry;
  • fatty meat, sausages, sausages;
  • oddly enough, garlic - a harmless amount of consumption per day - 1 head;
  • salt, sugar;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces;
  • chocolate bars, cakes, pastries;
  • prunes - poorly washed;
  • ice cream and yogurt long storage- due to high content vegetable fats and chemical additives.

Of course, you should not completely abandon the usual, many favorite products. It is important to process them correctly, prepare them and use them sparingly.

What products lengthen life?

Doctors have identified foods whose consumption will help prolong life.

Among them:

  • tomatoes - as antioxidants and protectors against cancer;
  • bananas - defenders of the cardiovascular system;
  • citrus fruits, pomegranate, kiwi - sources of vitamin C;
  • raspberry - has a beneficial effect on cell division;
  • blueberries - strengthens memory and vision;
  • black chocolate;
  • red onions, cucumbers, cabbage;
  • bran bread and various types of cereals.

The aging process is also slowed down by living enzymes contained in sauerkraut, legumes, soybeans, draft beer, sprouted seeds and kvass.

And of course, ordinary water in pure form up to two liters per day important source longevity.

Where do they live longer, in cities or villages?

Oddly enough, there are no centenarians in villages and villages. According to the statistics of many countries, the standard of living is longer in large industrial cities. So, for example, in Russia, Moscow is considered the longest-lived city. Absurd, but it's a fact.

What is the reason for such an incomprehensible statement? The fact, environmental factor plays an important role in longevity. The cycle of life is more influenced by:

  • the level of health care - in cities, medicine is of better quality than in villages;
  • high salaries and, as a consequence, good food;
  • level of education - people who are educated live longer;
  • comfortable conditions residence - do not cause stress and tension;
  • the opportunity to realize themselves - the successful and rich live 5-9 years more.

Is it true that vegetarians live longer than meat eaters?

Complete rejection of meat dishes in favor of vegetables and fruits, it also suggested premature death due to the lack of the right amount protein for the body. However, not so long ago, California scientists examined 70,000 people. An amazing phenomenon was revealed - vegetarians live longer than meat lovers by 8 years.

Related this phenomenon with a number of features:

  • adherents plant food have less weight, which reduces the appearance of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus;
  • the absence of meat as a source of cholesterol and the resulting consequences in the form of cancer, heart and kidney disease;
  • vegetarians are psychologically and emotionally more resilient, which prevents suicide.

However, it is worth remembering that the rejection of meat must be replaced with other products containing proteins and fats in order to make up for the missing substances for the body.

What does a healthy lifestyle mean?

Definition healthy lifestyle life (HLS) arose at the end of the last century.

It covers several components:

  • proper nutrition;
  • physical activity;
  • daily routine and good sleep;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • hardening;
  • emotional condition;
  • optimism;
  • creative self-realization;
  • the ability to build relationships;
  • mental activity.

Man builds his own happiness. If you teach yourself to move more, laugh, think, think, dream, eat right, you can easily live a long, exciting and cloudless life.

Healthy eating, what kind of food can be considered healthy?

Proper healthy nutrition is a rational balanced food set. This concept covers exactly food, and not genetically modified substitutes in beautiful packaging. Simply put, everything that nature has given, we attribute to a healthy diet that a person has created - we pass by.

In addition, the body needs healthy carbohydrates found in foods such as honey, vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, milk, potatoes, legumes. Sugar is best eliminated if possible, or significantly reduce its consumption.

Fiber is found in raw vegetables, greens, fruits, cereals, beans, peas, brown rice, bran and cereals. Vegetable and fruit salads, cereals are very useful.

Essential vegetable and animal fats are found in meat, fish, seafood, milk, butter, poultry meat. The main thing is not to abuse these products. By eating right, you can prevent the appearance of extra pounds.

Five principles of healthy eating

Russian nutritionists identify five principles healthy eating which should be adhered to.

  1. Separate food - it is undesirable to mix incompatible products, proteins with carbohydrates, proteins with proteins, fats with carbohydrates. Especially do not be upset if there is no desire to eat separately. Nature took care of required quantity different useful substances in one product. So, potatoes contain both proteins and carbohydrates; Legumes are made up of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
  2. Plentiful drink - you need to drink up to 2 liters of clean water per day.
  3. The correct mode of eating - you need to eat every 4-5 hours, without increasing the breaks between meals.
  4. Rejection harmful products- completely exclude chips, soda, sweets, pastries.
  5. Natural naturalness - we purchase only natural and high-quality products. We try to cook them correctly - steam, stew, but do not fry.

That, perhaps, is all, as we see, nothing complicated and not feasible. The rules are quite simple and useful.

Basic principles of healthy eating

In addition to the main five principles of healthy eating, there are additional ones:

  • To maintain good shape, you need to move as much as possible: walk, go to the pool, go to fitness.
  • visit massage parlors will help the body to better digest the incoming substances.
  • You need to eat food at the table, fully concentrating on lunch. In no case should you dine in front of the TV, at the computer or behind the newspaper.
  • Learn to replace high-calorie foods for low calorie.
  • Give up alcohol, or drink strictly on holidays.
  • Go grocery shopping only on a full stomach.
  • Remove large, voluminous plates. Buy small ones. This will reduce portions, which is also important.
  • Do not eat stress and do not overeat.
  • Get in the habit of counting calories and writing down what you eat.

These simple principles will also help to avoid problems with excess weight and extend life expectancy by a number of years.

Where in Russia do people live the longest?

It has long been known that the largest number centenarians in Russia are in mountainous regions: the Caucasus, Chechnya, Abkhazia, Dagestan. Thanks to clean air and good ecology, people live up to 100 years in these places.

AT last years, surprisingly, they consider Moscow to be long-lived. Here, it is rather not the atmosphere that affects the duration of years, but good level life: quality medicine, a good education, profitable work, comfortable living conditions.

What to do to live long?

AT recent times The topic of longevity is quite relevant. Well, how else? We are born, we live and do not want to die early. How to prolong your years?

And you need quite a bit.

  • First, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition.
  • Secondly, be happy, smile more often, learn to enjoy the little things.
  • Third, move more. No wonder they say: "Movement is life."
  • The fourth rule calls for being prudent, able to restrain emotions and think through your actions.
  • And finally, start a family. It is in marriage that people live best years own life.

Phrase meaning: ordered to live long

The phrase "Ordered to live long" has a long history. With these words, the dying man blessed his loved ones and relatives for a long life. In ancient times, they tried not to pronounce the word "death", not to attract it to their abode. Therefore, they were replaced by phraseological units and quotations.

Now the phrase often takes on a different meaning. Currently, similar words are spoken about a person who, during his lifetime, caused a lot of trouble and trouble.

We all imagine a happy old age: beautiful house, environment of relatives, comfort and tranquility. But whether this will be the case depends on how you live today. And there are many habits that prevent you from building that desired future from your fantasies. How to live long and what should you stop doing if you want to live a long, fulfilling life?

1. Rest sitting

Watching a movie with friends, getting enough sleep, sitting in the park - all these activities are pleasant and good, you should not refuse them at all. But stop limiting yourself to just sitting. Especially if your work also does not require physical activity.

Find something to keep you moving regularly - running, yoga, just walking long walks, tennis or hiking.

2. Eat wrong

Many begin to monitor their diet with the goals of losing weight, getting rid of the sides, being slimmer and more beautiful. But even if your appearance suits you, this does not mean that you can eat everything. It is necessary to take care that the body receives enough water and vitamins, to regulate the amount of fatty and junk food. All this affects not only appearance but first and foremost, health.

4. Fear of age

"I'm too old" to learn English / make a new friend / change jobs / get married again / play sports. Fear makes a person give up his desires, based on age. From such moments, you yourself begin to consider yourself old and useless, and this is the exact opposite of the desire for a long life.

7. Indulge bad habits

There is something to be said about bad habits. These are smoking, drinking alcohol, not getting enough sleep and staying in constant stress, overeating and much more.

Yes, no one can be perfect throughout life. But you always need to know the measure, and especially in such things. If a bad habit is malnutrition, then you need to remember to control your diet after a breakdown. If you drink alcohol, then you need to understand the measure and not turn it into a problem, because all these things affect your future life.

What you do now determines your future, so remember to take care of yourself and take the time to rethink your habits and aspirations. Then everything will be as planned - "happily ever after."

Victoria Demidyuk

Hello dear readers of my blog! You probably know that "Hello! - this is not just a word, but a wish to be healthy, not to get sick. Each of us wondered: "How long to live and stay healthy?". And did you think that hundreds of tips about this are built on myths? We will talk about some of them today.

Do Vegetarians Love Animals or Hate Plants?

When asked about his well-being, 70-year-old Bernard Shaw answered:

What is true about the claim that vegetarians live longer, and what is a myth?

It is believed that by eating only "live" products, you can prolong youth and not grow old. All foods that need additional processing should be excluded from the diet, as they "contaminate" our body, and because of them we get sick. “Live” products include: germinated cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts and others.

In the early 90s. American Russell Smith analyzed comparative characteristic years of life of vegetarians and meat-eaters and came to the conclusion that the former have a slightly lower level of cholesterol in the blood, but this does not significantly add additional years of life. Later in the early 2000s. another similar comparative analysis, which was based on two global works of American scientists in the 1970s-1980s. But he did not publish any sensations. Scientists from different countries continue to study statistics, but the result is the same: whether you are a vegetarian or not, but when maintaining a healthy and active image life, you will live equally long.

It has been proven that vegetarians are slightly less likely to get sick ischemic disease, but barbecue lovers have more low level triglycerides, less risk of liver cirrhosis and stronger nerves.

The latter is confirmed in one of her quotes by my beloved Faina Ranevskaya:

“I noticed that if you don’t eat bread, sweets and meat, the face becomes smaller, but sadder.”

So before you give up pork chop, think carefully, because sadness is a bad companion for a long life.

If you go to the left, how long will you live?

The ancient Roman word "left" meant "evil", and for a long time everything that had anything to do with him was perceived accordingly. Hence the belief that behind the left shoulder of a person stands devilry, therefore, it is customary to spit over the left shoulder in order to avert trouble from oneself, from here adultery It's called "go to the left". The 10% of the world's population who are left-handed used to be considered almost outcasts, and they were often retrained to be right-handed. How would you, my reader, get out in such a situation? That's right, they would spread the excuse: "but we live longer."

There is no scientific evidence for those who live longer: left-handed or right-handed. The truth is that in the world that surrounds us, everything is “sharpened” for right-handed people, because they make up the absolute majority.

The war of centenarians: donuts against thin people

Fashion ruthlessly supplanted the donuts of the 50s and 60s. of the last century, thin people, reminiscent of a soup set, and included in the sad male saying: "there is nothing to grab onto." The circulation of publications immediately increased, printing new diet recipes for thousands of women seeking to lose a few extra pounds. And women's World immediately divided into two camps: some claim that thinness is dangerous to health, others that it will kill them excess weight. Where is the truth: thin people live longer or vice versa? What do you think?
Someone said that " good man there must be a lot."

Have you noticed that donuts always have a cheerful disposition, and thin people, on the contrary, are angry? Imagine for a moment that you are sitting on strict diet and everyone around you is eating cakes. Will you have fun with it? In addition, with such food prices, a couple of extra pounds may well help to survive the crisis with minimal losses. Doctors often associate thinness with harmful addictions (smoking, alcohol, drug addiction) and hidden diseases and are advised to maintain weight within the normal range, not bringing oneself to either a state of exhaustion or obesity.

How marriage contributes to longevity

Have you thought about how the institution of marriage affects a person? Indeed, not only personal success, but even the number of years lived often depends on relationships with those who are dear to your heart! With the support of the second half, you yourself will begin to believe in yourself and your strengths. But what about those who have family life failed? Is it really possible to immediately put an end to your well-being or not to marry at all, believing that unmarried people live longer?

Everything is a little easier!

The number of years lived, whether married or not, is influenced by several factors: sex, childbirth and household.

Researchers in this field have noticed that women who give birth to a child after 40 live longer than those who have grandchildren at 40.

With the advent of a family, the burden of household chores increases significantly, and most (if not all) of household chores usually lie on the shoulders of the weaker sex. Fatigue, lack of sleep and, as a result, irritability take away health and shorten life. There is only one thing left for women: to restrain economic impulses or to die earlier, but in purity.

Sex is more difficult: if the influence female hormones on the man's health is highly valued, then women do not gain extra years of life, giving their partner a life-giving substance that provides them with the harmonious functioning of the whole organism. But it's a matter of personal choice whether to maintain a sex life or live longer. In addition, in our time, this pleasure does not imply marriage at all.

"Five-year plan for 3 years"? Only after a good rest

Let's be honest: we're all a little lazy. We are looking for a job where we don’t have to carry bags and move a lot, we start doing abs 30 minutes before going to the sea and we watch movies more often lying on the couch than we run in the park. A little more and a man from a mammal will turn into a reptile: he will lie in the sun for days on end and digest food. Or is it not so bad?

It has been noted that people who are lazy by nature are less likely to get into stressful and traumatic situations.

You can, of course, break your leg by falling off the couch, but falling off the mountain into the abyss is much more real.

clinical psychologist Ernst Rossi noticed that our brain, similar to a computer, also needs to be rebooted, and every 1.5 hours.

Lounging for a few minutes at regular intervals will only benefit, otherwise the person will “overspend” energy and return home from work “squeezed out”.

nervous system no matter where exactly we are in a hurry: for training or towards our happiness. For her, this is not a vacation, but a continuation of energy-consuming everyday life.
Have you heard of the Three T's? How many people suffer from it! decrypt? Please! Slippers, ottoman, TV. Neither doctors nor psychologists advise lying on the couch all the time, so as not to suffer from brain disorders in old age.

It turns out that lazy people live longer only if they are lazy after a period of active life.

Let's go to old age

The complete opposite of couch potatoes are activists, they are not afraid of getting up at 5 in the morning, jogging and living at the pace of a waltz.

But scientists from Denmark came to the conclusion that intense sports are also harmful to the body, as well as long absence physical activity.

According to the results of their study, it turned out that those who do not rush "ahead of the rest of the planet" live to deep wrinkles, but jogging or walking. To walk on foot - to live long.

Who goes to church in the morning, he acts wisely

The most difficult is the myth associated with the life expectancy of people of believers and atheists. In the United States, they have already managed to declare that people who attend church, on average, live longer than those who are not obsessed with religion. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether a person is actually kept Higher power, but the fact that pious people treat their health with great trepidation is a fact.

It is not for nothing that there is a saying: “God saves the safe.” It is possible that believers live longer.

Anger management

It would be logical to assume that calm people live longer, but this is not always the case. There are two types of "calm" - external and internal.

If you live in harmony with yourself, you can live to 100.

If behind a smile there is a rebel or a person screaming at the top of his lungs from unresolved problems, then such a chance will not come.
British experts assure that peace is the key to longevity, German experts say that it is forcibly suppressing emotional background just as bad for the heart muscles as the overt display of emotion. At the same time, people who “turn on half a turn” are more likely to suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and may even end up in an oncology clinic.

Do not worry be happy

Whether to believe in tips and myths that promote longevity or not is up to each of you.

The main rule of healthy aging is strong nerves and good mood.

"Calm, gentlemen, only calm"! Live long, laugh often.

Usually everyone wants to live longer. There are, of course, cases when life becomes so unbearable that one no longer wants to live. But this is already extreme, and we will not take this option into account. And let's talk about how to live long and what you need to do for this.
It is clear that life expectancy depends on the will of God or fate (who believes in what). But besides this, only 2 things affect the time of death of a person: health and old age. If there is an opportunity to influence the state of health and the speed of approaching old age, then there is also the opportunity to live long.
Fortunately, it is quite possible to both improve human health and slow down the onset of old age. Let's figure out how to do it.

We are dying of old age. We are dying from disease. We die for all other reasons.
Among diseases, 95-96% of us die due to only 3 diseases: atherosclerosis (more than 50% of deaths), cancer (about 25% of deaths), diabetes(17-18% of deaths).
Old age is inextricably linked with all of the above diseases. With each year of life, the risk of developing atherosclerosis increases. With each passing year, the risk of developing cancerous tumors. Type II diabetes mainly affects people aged 30 and over.
So, you can combine old age and 3 major diseases into one group.
All other accidents and various diseases leading to death account for only 4-5%.
However, if we can rarely do anything with these last 4-5%, then we are quite capable of maximizing our chances of life by sorting out atherosclerosis, diabetes, and even, to some extent, cancer.


Diabetes mellitus, which claims almost 20% of lives, is directly related to the human diet. Yes, type 1 diabetes occurs when pancreatic beta cells fail to produce insulin. But type II diabetes is almost always associated with poor nutrition.
Imagine a situation where a person eats carbohydrates that quickly raise blood sugar levels (sugar, soda, sweets, flour products, White bread and many other things).
The pancreas releases insulin quickly to lower blood glucose levels to normal. In this case, sugar from the blood fills the liver cells, forming a reserve type of glucose - glycogen. Over time, glycogen must be released into the blood, and the level of sugar should rise when it falls below normal.
But what happens if the liver cells are full of unused glycogen, and a new portion of fast energy comes from food?
In this case, the pancreas will release insulin again. But what to do with glucose if the liver is full to capacity? The body begins to process sugar into fat. We're getting fat.
Over time, with such nutrition and sedentary manner Our bodies don't have time to lower our blood sugar levels. The pancreas is working at its limit, but the glucose level remains elevated, because there is simply nowhere to put sugar. This person is diagnosed with diabetes.
A person can be prescribed insulin injections, which will inevitably lead to atrophy of beta cells. A person becomes disabled, every year approaching the inevitable end.

How to solve the problem of diabetes

The problem is solved in an elementary way. It is necessary to lose weight and change the mode and diet. To do this, reduce the calorie content of food during weight loss, completely removed from the diet fast carbohydrates, minimize the amount of fat and increase meals to 5-6 small portions.


Atherosclerosis of the vessels can be completely removed in a few months exercise.
The fact is that properly performed physical exercises lead to the release of hormones from endocrine system human and to their circulation with the blood stream. Hormones are able to penetrate into atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, break down the cholesterol contained there into fatty acid and release them into the bloodstream.
Per a short time such hormonal secretions, all cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels will be destroyed.
In addition, the regular release of hormones will help maintain elasticity. inner walls vessels, which will make the appearance of atherosclerosis impossible.

How to solve the problem of atherosclerosis

It is enough to periodically and regularly perform physical exercises that lead to the release of hormones from endocrine glands primarily testosterone and growth hormone.
Suitable for young people different kinds strength exercises performed before the moment of mental stress - the moment of overcoming. Exactly this mental stress stimulates the release of hormones.
Older people should not immediately move on to regular strength exercises due to the fact that they increase blood circulation. This can rupture already present atherosclerotic plaques.
Therefore, in middle and old age, you need to pay attention to such types of exercises as callanetics, isotone or statodynamic strength exercises. When performed correctly, there is no increase blood pressure and, as a result, blood circulation remains within the normal range. Over time, you can go to conventional forms power movements.


Cancer is the second leading cause of death and, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to predict which of every four people will get sick and die from cancer.
However, there is also good news. According to studies, if a person exercises at least 30-60 minutes a couple of times a week, he reduces the likelihood of cancer by 60%.
It would seem that what is the connection between cancer and exercise? But it turned out that strength exercises, which contribute to the release of hormones into the blood, have a positive effect on the condition. immune system. And the immune system is responsible for recognizing and destroying foreign and defective body cells.
In addition, with the right physical activities there is an acceleration of metabolism, and hence the acceleration of the renewal of body cells. This directly affects the rate of recognition and removal of cells with damaged DNA.
Those. performing physical strength exercises both directly (through the immune system) and indirectly (through stimulation of the metabolism and renewal of body cells) affects the possibility of formation of cancer cells in the body.

How to minimize your chances of developing cancer

The correct implementation of the already mentioned strength exercises, which stimulate the release of hormones into the blood, will positively affect the state of the immune system and speed up metabolism.

Old age

In a nutshell, old age is an almost complete cessation of the production of one's own hormones (we are interested in growth hormone, testosterone and estrogen - in women) and an extreme slowdown in body cell renewal. If these problems are dealt with, then the time of approaching old age and death will be greatly postponed.
Fortunately, the already mentioned exercises aimed at stimulating the release of growth hormone and testosterone can solve the problem of old age.
Regular release of hormones into the blood will have an extremely beneficial effect on the state of both the endocrine and immune systems.
As a result, cell renewal will increase, which means that the state of the whole organism will be excellent. Indeed, in fact, old age is not a date in the passport, but the state of the cells of our body.
It remains only to learn how to properly perform static-dynamic exercises, get acquainted with such systems of physical exercises as callanetics and isotone, as well as learn how to eat right and get rid of fat.
Information about all this is already on the pages of the Health Blog. And then it will become more and more. Therefore, do not miss the chance to receive interesting, simple, but extremely necessary information in order to maintain health and, if possible, live a long and happy life.



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