How to rinse lenses if there is no solution. Mixture of water and salt

How can you replace lens solution if you run out of saline solution?

All contact lens wearers know that at night, these products need to be removed from the eye cavity and placed in a special solution. You can purchase the necessary composition at your nearest pharmacy. But, different situations happen in life. And it may happen that the required solution has run out, and the lenses have to be placed in other compounds. What liquids can replace saline? And is it even possible to replace the special solution with other compounds? What do contact lens manufacturers recommend about this?

Don't believe the misconception that lenses need to be stored in a dark, cool place. This is absolutely not true. Contact lens manufacturers recommend storing ophthalmic products under the following conditions:

  • For storage, only special solutions that disinfect the surface should be used.
  • The storage container must not be washed with plain water, as this can lead to dangerous infections.
  • You cannot use containers that are not intended for this purpose to store ophthalmic products. Only special boxes will ensure the safety of the lenses.
  • Do not use the same solution twice.
  • Replacement options

  • Distilled salted water.
  • Saline solution.
  • Eye drops.
  • Salty water

    How to replace lens solution at night at home? You can use purified water and salt. To do this, the lens storage container must be thoroughly disinfected by boiling. The solution is simple to prepare: you need to take 100 ml of purified water, bring to a boil and add 9 grams of salt. It is very important to add salt in small portions, thoroughly stirring each previous portion before adding the next. After the salt has completely dissolved, cool the composition and pour it into the prepared container.

    You can remove the lenses and immerse them in prepared salt water. To prevent germs and dust from getting into the container, you need to cover it with a clean lid on top.

    Saline solution

    The easiest way to replace contact lens solution is to use regular saline solution. You can buy it at any pharmacy. To preserve lenses using saline solution, you must first disinfect the container. Then, pour a small amount of solution, lower the lenses into it and close the container with a clean lid. Of course, this storage option will not disinfect the polymers, but will preserve their flexibility and structure.

    Eye drops

    At home, you can replace your contact lens solution with moisturizing eye drops. Considering that this product is sterile, it will help avoid contamination and infection of contact products during storage. Be sure to boil the container before immersing the lenses. Then, you can pour drops into it and immerse the lenses in them overnight. Of course, drops will not remove bacteria from the surface, but if the special solution has run out, using moisturizing ophthalmic products can be a way out of the situation.

    What to do next

    After storing lenses in other formulations that are not intended for this purpose, it is recommended to place the products in a special solution. This will remove pathogenic bacteria and make the surface sterile. If this is not done, during wearing, a burning sensation and discomfort may occur. If any unusual symptoms occur, contact lenses should be removed and discarded. Due to improper storage, products may lose their properties. And on the surface, infections can actively develop.

    Summing up

    Can I replace my lens solution? At home, of course, you can use improvised means for storing ophthalmic products. But it is impossible to predict how this will affect the quality of the lenses. Experts do not recommend using other liquids for storage. All possible compositions that can be used for contact lenses should be used only as a last resort. For daily storage, you must use a special solution.

  • Basic rules for how to wear lenses
  • Is it possible to wear daily lenses for several days?
  • Is it possible to go to the bathhouse wearing lenses: an explanation from a specialist
  • We asked - we answer: is it possible for children to wear lenses?
  • What can I use as a substitute for contact lens solution in a pinch?

    Well, water is the worst and dirtiest thing, yeah) And what about the fact that if anything gets into the eye, what do we wash it with? Well, yes - tap water. There is no need to worry so much about microorganisms IMHO) Of course, you should boil the water (well, if you are going to spend the night at a party and are not going to look at anything at night)) and the next day do not try to put on lenses without first soaking them in the solution. The question here is rather where to get the container and how to properly process it. The simplest option for something glass is an ordinary glass. You can sterilize it to the point of insanity, even over an open fire) and, of course, cover it from dust. As for salt - only if there is an emergency, put these lenses on immediately the next day. Yes, a little bit is possible, and it’s better to heat the salt.

    After all these tricks, the next day I usually immediately buy albucid at the pharmacy, just in case I take a drop.

    I found myself without a solution in the village. I re-read a bunch of comments, everyone confused me! At my own peril and risk, I left them overnight in saline solution - the feeling in the morning is better than from special solutions! Cool!

    As a last resort, you can put the lenses in boiled water with a drop of salt added. This water should taste as salty as a tear. This is the closest thing that will come to resembling saline, similar to natural eye fluid.

    My sister has been wearing contacts since they came out. At first, they wore hard lenses and stored them in saline solution, and saline solution is nothing more than an aqueous solution of sodium chloride, that is, just salt water. In the absence of saline solution, my sister always diluted salt water.

    By the way, when putting on lenses after spending the night in salt water, I personally did not experience any unpleasant sensations. But if you don’t add salt and simply put the lenses in clean water, then immediately after putting them on your eyes begin to sting, and the lens sticks tightly to the eye! Then by the time you take it off, the whole eye is red!

    I repeat once again - this measure is a last resort! Under no circumstances should you abuse the storage of lenses in improvised solutions!

    more than a year ago

    My 14 year old son currently uses Biomedics xc vision contact lenses. The lenses are cool, thin, for day use, can be used for up to 2 months, it can be longer if you don’t wear them every day, use them carefully and take proper care of them. Now it is not possible to buy liquid for lenses and we replaced it with salted boiled water, the lenses have been fine for the third day now, the eyes do not feel discomfort, so you can replace the solution with salted boiled water for a short time, the main thing is that your hands must be very clean when touching the lenses. To do this, you need to prepare a 9% saline solution from boiled water. To prepare it you need half a liter of boiled water and add a sterilized teaspoon of salt into it without a slide. Pour the required amount of liquid into a container for storing lenses, and pour out the rest.

    In general, this special composition of solutions contains a lot of everything necessary for storing lenses and for the eyes:

    OK. crawled through the forums. sleep - excuse me. water is not serious. saline solution or steam with salt - no.

    Stopped on eye drops

    These are the ones that drip onto the lenses you are wearing or, in my case, onto your eyes.

    I think if it’s good for the eyes, then one shouldn’t harm the other. The pH is more similar and the water quality is the same (no precipitation)

    as a last resort, if you have a form, leave it without the solution, buy the solution the next day and soak for a couple of hours until it returns to normal (tested on mild periods)

    And if there is no form and solution.

    a small cellophane bag without holes (preferably a cleaner one, and just not the one that contained onions, garlic, pepper - you won’t be able to put it on afterwards) - breathe deeply into it, then place the lenses with the edge facing up. Tie it with a bubble.

    Alas, I am not a supporter of water. salt. mini-crayfish - otherwise all the deposits will be on the lenses and then on the eyes

    In such cases, it is better to have drops for lenses, they always save the day, or use regular eye drops like Visine pure tear. I can’t imagine how you can wash, let alone store, lenses in water - imagine how many microorganisms will move to live in your eye. When you boil water (even mineral water), do you notice any sediment? In extreme cases, when there are no drops, no solution, or new lenses, I can remove the lens from one eye, for example, if something has gotten into it and I can’t stand it. The feeling, of course, is not the most comfortable, but, unfortunately, with my myopia, I cannot afford not to see with both eyes.

    Unfortunately, nothing can replace the special solution for contact lenses. If contact lenses could be stored simply in mineral water or distilled water, then no one would bother with these very solutions. It is not recommended to even simply rinse contact lenses under regular water. The fact is that in ordinary water, contact lenses quickly become cloudy and deteriorate. If they just spent the night in water, then of course you can dress them. But it's not very good for the eyes. More or less significant discomfort will be felt. Well, basically, if you are willing to put up with it, then.

    A friend once forgot her lens solution, and she really didn’t want to throw away her lenses (because they were new and her mother would have killed her, figuratively). So she put them in a container with guess what? With her own natural tears ((She sat and tried to bring up tears, remembering how her boyfriend left her. And she collected them)) True, she didn’t put them on later - she took them home to disinfect them.

    And so, the most popular method is purified water with salt, thoroughly disinfect all objects (spoon, container), take clean salt from a bag (not from a salt shaker). Take just a little salt.

    You know, I found the best option for myself - to switch to daily lenses. Such situations began to arise more and more often and I decided that daily lenses were the best solution. Moreover, sometimes I really don’t have time to take care of long-wear lenses. That’s why I really like the biotrue I chose - they’re thin, you can’t feel it on your eyes, and they can moisturize your eyes throughout the day (they have a moisture content of 78%). I'm very pleased with them.

    You can buy saline solution at the pharmacy (a huge bottle costs about 20-30 rubles), it is salty and has the same composition as a solution for lenses - only it does not contain various components that care for the eyes and lenses. Or buy water for injection - the lenses will definitely survive the night in it without much loss. But, on the good side, there is no need to do this; solutions for lenses are the best option for storing them.

    Lenses can be stored in any clean water. You can put it in mineral water, but just let the gas escape. Then just wash it under the tap and you can put it on. But it cannot be stored in such water for a long time - only a few times. Otherwise, such solutions do not destroy the protein deposits on the lenses and can ultimately lead to infection of the eye with some kind of nasty thing.

    I have never replaced the solution with anything, as it is dangerous for both the lenses and the eyes. I have only one solution, because I chose the best one for lenses. But I changed the lenses and now I wear Pure Vision 2 HD. Which I started wearing on the advice of an ophthalmologist when I started driving. There are no glares or halos in them. They fit well on the eyes and do not cause discomfort. Oxygen passes well. Now, to be honest, driving is a joy for me))) And by the way, when I was studying at a driving school, I saw a poster about these lenses there, but I didn’t pay much attention to it, now I understand that it was in vain (((

    10 months ago

    As a last resort, you can use hydrogen peroxide. That's what I did. when I wasted the purchase of the solution. In general, choose a good solution - this is advice to those who decide to save on an ongoing basis. The stingy pays twice, the lenses need to be cleaned, disinfected, and conditioned. Only a special tool can cope. Now there are a bunch of them on the market, but it is better to choose ones with hyaluronic acid. After this solution it will be comfortable to wear lenses. And significantly extend the life of the lenses. A good solution with Biotrue hyaluronan, I buy it all the time.

    No need to replace, just a normal solution. If you suddenly go somewhere and there is no solution, it is better to put on glasses. It’s just that even with a not very good solution, terrible dry eyes usually occur, but with a homemade solution there will be trouble. I use Biotrue solution, it takes excellent care of lenses. It provides excellent cleansing and hydration to the lenses. I work in an office where the air is terribly dry, and when I started using this solution, it’s generally very comfortable for my eyes, no dryness at all.

    anastavya, you know, I just went to learn driving and immediately noticed a poster about PureVision 2 HD lenses. Apparently these posters hang in many driving schools. But it’s not for nothing that they hang there; the information about the lenses turned out to be useful for me. We are just moving from theory to practice; we need to drive. I feel comfortable doing this with these lenses and there is nothing distracting, the visibility is good.

    Contact lens solution substitutes

    Store-bought contact lens solution is nothing more than a saline solution prepared under sterile conditions and in certain proportions. But, sometimes there are cases when it suddenly ends or a person on a trip forgets it at home. But there is no way to buy: either there is no pharmacy nearby, or they are already closed. So what can you use as a temporary replacement for contact lens solution?

    Distilled water

    Make sure you do not use tap water to store or clean your lenses. Distilled water is obtained by purifying ordinary water through boiling and condensation. It does not contain any impurities or bacteria. Distilled water can be used to rinse lenses, but it is not able to thoroughly clean them. It can also be used to store contact lenses overnight to prevent them from drying out.

    Boiled water:

    One common bacterial infection that you may suffer from is Acanthamoeba keratitis. There is a high chance that tap water may contain Acanthamoeba bacteria. If it gets into the eye, this bacterium can lead to inflammation of the cornea and ultimately blindness. Some studies have proven that boiling alone is not enough to get rid of all microorganisms in water, which means that Acanthamoeba can be found in boiled water. For greater effectiveness, you need to add a little salt to the water. It will help get rid of any microorganisms present in it, which may be the cause of some infectious diseases.

    Hydrogen peroxide:

    Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent choice for storing, disinfecting and cleaning lenses. It is hypoallergenic and a good option for people who suffer from allergies and are highly sensitive to bacterial eye infections. However, direct contact of peroxide with the eyes can cause corneal damage and eye burning, so it is necessary to neutralize the hydrogen peroxide before putting on contact lenses. What does it mean? It is necessary to allow the oxygen to escape from it and it will be converted into harmless water. Such neutralization is an important step towards overcoming the possibility of allergic reactions or increased eye sensitivity.

    Precautionary measures:

    Before you begin making or using eye solution, make sure that all items and your hands are completely sterile. This caution will prevent unwanted bacterial infections from occurring. Also, keep in mind not to use homemade eye solution substitutes for long periods of time. A substitute is only an alternative in case of an emergency. In any other situation, use only a special certified purchased product prescribed to you by an ophthalmologist.


    This article is written for informational purposes only. Be sure to consult your ophthalmologist before using any contact lens solution replacement.

    People who use contact lenses are well aware that it is necessary to use a special solution to treat them. Thanks to it, correction products do not dry out (and they are 80% water!), are cleaned of protein and fat contamination and are disinfected.

    However, unforeseen situations happen when people simply forget that they need to take the solution with them, or they were delayed and could not return home on time. What to do? In this case, what should you use and replace the solution for contact lenses?

    Home alternative

    If suddenly it is not possible to use factory-made liquid to care for contact lenses, there are several recipes for preparing a suitable solution at home. However, the use of such means should be resorted to in case of extreme necessity.

    Alternatively you can use:

    Application of saline solution

    If there is a pharmacy nearby, but it does not have a special liquid for lenses, you need to purchase a 0.9% sodium chloride solution. This product was used for storage before special solutions appeared, but then the lenses had a more rigid structure.

    If there are also no containers for lenses. they can be replaced with improvised containers. This could be a glass glass, plastic cups, and, in extreme cases, plastic drink caps.

    Before using such items, they must be disinfected - washed well and then boiled. Then pour saline solution into the cooled container and place the lenses in it, cover them. You can use paper as a cover. You also need to make a mark on top where the left and right lenses are.

    It is worth remembering that in case of allergies, manifestations of hypersensitivity of the eyes or their suppuration, saline solution cannot be used!

    A solution of distilled water and table salt

    The first thing to remember is simple rules:

  • Never use tap water
  • pour a strictly defined amount of salt
  • Recipe proportions must be followed
  • The length of time contact lenses remain in such liquid should be limited.
  • So, to prepare a saline solution you will need:

  • lens storage container
  • 100 ml distilled water
  • salt in the amount of 0.9 g.
  • The saline solution must be prepared only in sterilized containers!

    In fact, the liquid that needs to be prepared will be saline solution. It is worth immediately noting that lenses may swell from its influence, in particular, this applies to silicone hydrogel means of aesthetic vision correction.

    The first thing to do is to disinfect the container in which the solution will be made, as well as the spoon with which the salt will be poured (wash thoroughly and boil for 10 minutes).

    Pour 100 ml of distilled water into the prepared container. It’s good if it is possible to further filter it, bring it to a boil and add table salt (not iodized) in parts. It is important that before adding a portion of salt, the previous one is completely dissolved in water.

    After preparation, the solution must be cooled. Next, pour it into a container prepared for storing lenses, place the lenses themselves there and close the container tightly.

    After storing contact lenses in homemade or pharmacy saline solution, you need to place them in a special solution for three hours. If it is not possible to carry out such treatment, you should carefully monitor your eyes after putting on soft lenses.

    If discomfort, redness or dryness occurs in the eyes, remove them immediately!

    Eye drops

    Eye drops labeled “clean tears” can be considered a relatively safe means for storing lenses. This product has a moisturizing effect, which will prevent the lenses from drying out, but it does not disinfect them.

    Risky Alternative

    In addition to the above remedies, there are several more, but the risk of using them is high:

    1. Distilled water. Bacteria may remain even after boiling liquid for a long time. Water will help the lenses retain their structure, but after such storage they should be treated with a special solution purchased at a pharmacy or optical store.
    2. Hydrogen peroxide. This product is included in many solutions for aesthetic correction products. After placing the lenses in such a liquid, they must be rinsed thoroughly, because the eyes can get a chemical burn, so you will need products that neutralize hydrogen peroxide.

    As a conclusion, it is worth noting that solutions intended for contact lenses are simply necessary; you cannot do without them. If you could limit yourself to water or saline solution, the problem of purchasing a special solution would disappear by itself.

    To avoid such situations, you should buy a small bottle of solution and put it in your bag so that it is always nearby, or use disposable lenses, which you can simply throw away after use without worrying about where to store them.

    Every lens wearer is familiar with the situation when you spend the night away from home, but there is no multi-purpose liquid at hand. And this can happen not only after a stormy party, when you have to spend the night with friends, but also on the road, for example, or during vacation. Why, sometimes you even have to do it at home (I absolutely do not recommend doing this). So, what can replace lens solution? in such situations? Are lenses without solution doomed to be thrown away? Or will you still have to sleep in them, suffering painful consequences in the morning? We’ll try to find out, but first let’s see what the manufacturers themselves say about storage.

    Let’s make a reservation right away: do not believe the misconception that lenses need to be stored in the refrigerator or some dark place. Many speakers think so, but it is not true.

    1. Do not store devices in ordinary tap water or saline, as this will not provide any disinfecting effect. Use only multi-purpose solutions.
    2. Do not rinse the container with plain water - it contains a lot of bacteria.
    3. Do not store lenses in glasses, shot glasses or other containers not intended for this purpose - only special containers prevent sticking and drying out.
    4. Do not use the liquid twice.

    As you can see, the rules are extremely simple. But what if you don’t have contact lens solution on hand? There are several options, but each involves a violation of at least one of the listed rules. And if there is no other way out, and you don’t want to remove and throw away the devices, then here are several options for getting out of this difficult situation. But remember: it’s better not to do this!

    The rules for storing lenses are extremely simple.

    What can replace lens solution?

    Multi-purpose disinfectant liquid can be replaced:

    • distilled water with salt;
    • saline;
    • eye drops (for example, “Pure Tear”);
    • saliva (undesirable);
    • plain water (generally undesirable);
    • nothing - put the devices in a dry container (I absolutely do not recommend it).

    To be fair, let’s take a look at each of the options. Of course, we won’t make a complete solution for lenses at home in any case, but these methods are quite acceptable as a temporary measure.

    We use water and salt

    First, a few tips:

    • do not use tap water;
    • tightly close the container replacing the container to prevent the lenses from drying out without solution;
    • do not overdo it with salt;
    • observe the proportions indicated below;
    • Do not keep devices in this solution for too long.

    It seems that's it. To prepare this mixture with your own hands, prepare the following:

    • a container that can be tightly closed (or two, if the diopters are different);
    • 9 g salt;
    • 1 liter of water;
    • stove.

    Making liquid for storage at home

    What we are about to prepare will actually be a saline solution (for the poor, so to speak). This solution (as well as ordinary water) can cause lenses to swell, especially modern silicone hydrogel lenses.

    Step 1. Disinfect the prepared container - wash thoroughly, then boil for 10 minutes.

    Step 2. Then start preparing the solution at home. Pour 100 ml of water (preferably filtered) into a saucepan, boil and add salt in small portions (without iodine or other additives). It is important that each subsequent portion is added only after the previous one has completely dissolved.

    Add salt in small portions

    Step 3. Cool the solution and pour it into a disinfected container. Remove the lenses, rinse them with prepared salt water and place them in a container. Close the last one tightly (if you use, say, a glass for this, then cover it with a paper sheet).

    Note! All items that come into contact with the solution must also be disinfected! Therefore, boil the spoon that will be used to add salt to eliminate germs. Also remember that for hard models you need to use cold tap water, but for soft ones this is unacceptable, as it can lead to damage or, worse, infection.
    Step 4. The next morning, it is advisable to place the devices in this solution and keep it there for at least 2-3 hours. If this is not possible, then carefully monitor your eyes when putting them on: if the slightest signs of dryness or discomfort appear, immediately remove the devices.

    The next morning, it is advisable to place the devices in this solution.

    We use saline solution

    If there is a pharmacy nearby, then you are in luck because you won't have to prepare anything. Firstly, a multi-purpose liquid may be sold there. Secondly, if you can’t find one, then take a regular saline solution (NaCl 9%), which you can certainly find in any pharmacy. About 15 years ago, when lenses were already actively used, and special solutions had not yet been imported, many used saline solution for storage (of course, then the lenses were different, more rigid).

    The procedure in this case is similar to that described above:

    • disinfect the container;
    • pour in saline solution;
    • place instruments;
    • close;

    I remind you once again that all these “recipes” can be resorted to only as a last resort, when there is no way to find a store-bought solution. In addition, sometimes - with allergies, increased sensitivity of the eyes, suppuration, etc. – such liquids cannot be used.

    Saline solution (NaCI 0.9%) is another possible option

    Using eye drops

    Another relatively safe (relatively!) method that many unlucky “lens wearers” resort to. It consists of using special drops (there are some moisturizing ones) or something like “Visine of pure tears”. Of course, this does not disinfect the devices, but it can save them from drying out.

    VIZIN Pure tear

    We use saliva

    If you don’t have suitable drops on hand and it’s impossible to prepare a saline solution yourself, you can put contact lenses in your own saliva. It contains exclusively natural substances for the body, which will certainly not cause a burning sensation in the eyes the next morning. But, I repeat, it is categorically not recommended to resort to this method - microbes.

    What else can you store lenses in if there is no solution?

    You can place them in distilled water. The option is risky, since even after boiling there may be bacteria in the water. Therefore, the next morning I advise you to place the lenses in a purchased solution. If you put them on right away, the sensations will be the most unpleasant (believe me, I’ve been through this myself).

    You can also resort to hydrogen peroxide, which is used to produce special cleaning liquids. But after placing the devices in hydrogen peroxide, they should be thoroughly rinsed, otherwise burning or other, more serious consequences will occur. For neutralization, special tablets are used (which are unlikely to be at hand if there is not even a solution with a container).

    Video - Lens cleaning solution

    Note! Some modern lens models have built-in peroxide neutralizers that convert it into ordinary water to avoid burning your eyes.

    In any case, without disinfection, devices that have “spent the night” in hydrogen peroxide should not be inserted into the eyes, as this may cause chemical injury.

    Finally, I read on one forum that one of the “lens carriers” in an emergency simply removed the devices and placed them in a dry, sealed container. They, of course, dried out, so upon arriving home this man filled them with a real multi-purpose solution and left them for 12 hours. Very plausible, because I also revived dried lenses in a similar way several times.

    As a conclusion

    As a result, I note that no product can replace disinfectant liquid. If lenses could be stored in salt water or saliva, then no one would bother with solutions so much. But still, there are several relatively safe options, and I hope now you know the answer to the question “What to do if there is no solution for lenses?” And one last tip: if you often find yourself in a situation where you don’t have a special liquid or container at hand, maybe it’s time to think about one-day products that can be removed and thrown away immediately?

    Rules for storing contact lenses. Alternative liquids for short-term storage.

    Sense organs help us interact with the world around us. The more clearly we perceive information, the more correctly we understand and react to it.

    Thanks to the eyes and vision, we see the color and shape, the emotions of the world.

    More recently, vision problems were treated with glasses. But with the development of technology, contact lenses have become worthy successors in many cases.

    True, along with the physical comfort of wearing them, the habits of caring for them and purchasing a special solution were added.

    And if the latter runs out or a person finds himself in conditions where it is not possible to get liquid for lenses, experience and common sense will come to the rescue.

    Let's talk in more detail about alternative liquids that can temporarily replace contact lens solution.

    What does lens solution consist of: composition

    contact lenses with drops of liquid inside lie on the table

    There are a lot of offers from manufacturers of solutions for contact lenses. However, there are general points that the first ones take into account when creating each:

    • Saline solution. In terms of its chemical parameters, it is as close as possible to human eye fluid. This ensures the integrity of the lenses and the preservation of their original characteristics.
    • The pH level is an important factor in preserving and extending the life of lenses. Its optimal indicator is 7.4.
    • Preservatives are also disinfectants. Their task is to eliminate bacteria and fungi and prevent their reproduction.
      On the other hand, preservatives help preserve the lens material. Please note that excessive amounts of preservatives have a detrimental effect on the storage and use of lenses.
    • Soap ingredients.
    • Surfactants help remove contaminants from lenses caused by eye secretions and accumulated dirt. They are also involved in the process of moistening the lens material while they are in a container with liquid.
    • Air conditioner.
      It is responsible for moisturizing the lenses. A number of liquids contain hyaluronic acid, which has not the most rosy reviews. The fact is that it provides high comfort for a short period of time and significantly impairs the disinfecting properties of the liquid.

    I forgot lens liquid: what can replace contact lens solution and how to make it at home?

    girl in lenses looks through a drop hanging from an aloe leaf

    In general, special liquid for contact lenses cannot be completely replaced. However, in emergency cases, when you have forgotten it, the means at hand will help:

    • distilled water with table salt
    • saline solution
    • saliva
    • eye drops

    Also take into account the lens storage container. If you don't have a special container on hand, disinfect glass containers, such as glasses.

    One way to make a solution for short-term lens storage is water and salt.

    • You should bring half a glass of distilled water to a boil and add salt at the end of a knife in small doses several times.
    • An important point is that it must dissolve completely in water, otherwise scratches and damage to the lenses are inevitable.
    • Remove the solution from the heat and let cool completely.

    Remember that homemade liquid does not have antimicrobial properties. Be sure to disinfect all surfaces and objects with which it comes into contact.

    If, before putting on your lenses, you find the opportunity to immerse them in a special solution for a couple of hours, then all the disadvantages of a homemade liquid for storing them will be leveled out.

    Is it possible to put lenses in water with salt or saline overnight for storage?

    lenses in a container are filled with saline solution from a bottle

    In the previous section, we looked at the possibility of short-term storage of lenses in water with salt.

    Let us add that you can use saline solution as a liquid for a similar purpose. It will help you solve the problem of storing lenses overnight. However, it is not recommended for long-term or regular use. Since modern silicone hydrogel lenses will swell from such treatment and quickly deteriorate.

    Is it possible to put lenses in eye drops overnight for storage?

    an open container with lenses that have been left overnight in eye drops

    The answer is yes, only in the most urgent cases. At the same time, be sure to disinfect the container in which you plan to put the lenses. Since such a liquid does not have antibacterial components.

    Is it possible to put lenses in saliva overnight for storage?

    a lens on a person's finger before putting it on, removed from the container

    Yes, you can. But this method is not suitable for frequent repetition, especially for long-term storage of lenses.

    Saliva is dangerous because of the abundance of bacteria.

    Is it possible to put lenses in chlorhexidine overnight for storage?

    contact lenses on the table surrounded by drops of liquid

    Is it possible to put lenses in distilled, boiled, or ordinary water overnight for storage?

    Liquid is dripping into the lens storage container

    Avoid this idea if you plan to put on lenses in the morning. They absorb ordinary water well and swell. This is fraught with changes in their thickness, diopters, focus shift and, as a result, damage.

    For one emergency use, you can put the lenses in water. Only on the condition that in the morning you transfer them to a special liquid and leave them in it for half a day. And only then put on the lenses.

    How to clean contact lenses if there is no lens solution?

    a man rinses a contact lens storage container with saline solution

    Perhaps the safest liquids for washing contact lenses, besides special ones, are:

    • saline solution
    • salted distilled water
    • emollient eye drops

    Rules for caring for contact lenses

    girl puts on a contact lens
    • Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap before putting on and removing lenses. Dry them with a lint-free towel.
    • Carefully remove the lenses from your eyes one at a time.
    • Rinse each with a couple of drops of a special solution.
    • Place in a clean, dry container. Always store the right and left lenses in the same compartment.
    • Fill each halfway with lens fluid and screw on the caps.
    • Leave it on the table/stand/shelf in the bathroom.
    • After putting on the lenses, dispense the liquid from the container and rinse its cells with a fresh special solution.
    • Turn the container upside down and leave to dry on a paper towel.
    • Follow the recommendations for how long you should wear your pair of lenses and replace them with new ones regularly.

    So, we have reviewed the list and features of using improvised liquids for short-term storage of contact lenses if a special liquid is not at hand. We also once again remembered the rules for storing lenses.

    Stay healthy and keep a minimum supply of special liquid for your contact lenses on hand!

    Video: solution for contact lenses at home

    Universal means for vision correction include contact lenses. They are not intended for constant wear; for storage, you need to select special containers and storage solutions.

    It happens when a lens solution needs to be replaced with another liquid, but what to do and what to do in this case will be fully discussed in the article.

    What is lens solution?

    For the careful care of contact lenses whose wear period does not exceed 1 year, there are special solutions.

    They are a disinfectant compound that is hermetically sealed to prevent the entry of dirt and germs.

    Under no circumstances should bottles of liquid intended for contact lenses be left open.

    The solution for aesthetic correction products has a warranty period, after which it must be poured out and not used in the future.

    Lens storage solutions have multiple functions, similar to a liquid that has one or more directions.

    Solutions for lenses are divided into:

    • Cleansing;
    • Disinfectants;
    • Thermal and chemical;
    • There are compositions intended for washing ophthalmic devices;
    • Some products have a pronounced moisturizing effect.

    Functions of the solution

    The two main purposes of lens solution are:

    1. The liquid has cleansing properties, it can remove dirt and deposits, remove dust and disinfect the visual device.
    2. Keeping the lenses in the container maintains their elasticity.

    The optical composition contains 35% water; when exposed to air, it gradually evaporates.

    Plain or boiled water is not suitable for storing lenses, as it is saturated with microorganisms that provoke the development of infectious diseases of the organ of vision. Tap water has nothing in common in relation to tear fluid.

    Important information! Many patients do not purchase special solutions for lenses, but store them in plain water. This is considered a dangerous option, since the patient faces an insidious disease - amoebic bacterial keratitis. To avoid this, it is necessary to use solutions with which the lenses can be cleaned, disinfected and washed.

    Not only older people, but also many young people turn to me. For some, problems are congenital, while others acquire them throughout life. In any case, it is important to take adequate measures to restore vision.

    Rules for storing contact lenses

    After opening, the lenses must be stored following several important rules:

    What can replace lens solution?

    • use distilled water with added salt;
    • keep lenses in saline solution;
    • apply eye drops.

    Water and salt

    An excellent remedy is water and salt. Before storing lenses, you must disinfect the container in boiled water.

    To prepare the solution you will need 100 ml of purified water, as well as 9 g of salt, which is diluted in boiling liquid.

    You cannot add all the salt at one time; adding separate portions, you must stir thoroughly until completely dissolved.

    After the salt has dissolved, remove the container with the composition from the heat and cool, then pour it into a container for storing lenses.

    Saline solution

    One of the simplest ways to replace lens solution is to use regular saline solution (sodium chloride).

    The liquid is sold at any pharmacy kiosk.

    Before storing the ophthalmic device, the container must be disinfected.

    Dip the lenses in a small amount of solution. The container must be covered with a clean lid. This will keep the polymers flexible as well as durable.

    Eye drops

    Eye moisturizing drops are an excellent replacement for lens solution.

    Due to the sterility of the product, contact products during storage will not be affected by contamination or infection.

    Before immersing the lenses in the container, it must be disinfected in boiled water and only then pour in the drops, and then lower the lenses.

    Drops are not able to destroy bacteria, but they will be a good alternative to the main solution for a certain time. This is the best option to get out of a difficult situation.

    Important point! Bacteria multiply in low-quality solutions, which leads to the development of infectious diseases that affect the organs of vision.


    Some patients use saliva when traveling, but the product cannot be stored in this liquid for a long time.

    Saliva acts as a homogeneous substance that does not cause harm to products, but also does not negatively affect their composition.

    The composition of the liquid is slightly similar to human tears, so it will not allow the product to dry out.

    Saliva has one drawback: it contains microbes and is not a high-quality replacement for the solution.

    What else can you use?

    In addition to the listed products, there are other components, these include distilled water, as well as hydrogen peroxide. All listed ingredients can be viewed in detailed description.

    Distilled water

    Prolonged boiling of liquid does not have a detrimental effect on the destruction of bacteria.

    Lenses in distilled water retain their structure, but if you need to store them for a long time, then be sure to treat them with a special solution, which is sold at a pharmacy kiosk or an optical equipment store.

    Distilled water has a detrimental effect on the structure of polymers and does not protect them from the penetration of pathogens. When using accessories, a person may experience a burning sensation, as well as redness and itching of the organs of vision.

    The liquid is not suitable for long-term storage of lenses; it can protect them from environmental influences only for a certain time.

    Why is it not suitable for these purposes?

    Distilled water can prevent ophthalmic products from drying out. The liquid has its drawbacks, which make it unsuitable as a base solution. After the polymers are in water, slight deformation is possible, as well as a change in actual dimensions.

    In this condition, the lenses will cause discomfort to the patient. In addition to the listed factors, the diopter of the product will appear, which has a detrimental effect on a person’s vision; the patient cannot see well in such products. Changing focus causes an unpleasant condition that is better to get rid of.
    “I had chronic conjunctivitis, I suffered from it for many years. And then vision problems began because I worked at the computer. On the advice of a friend, I ordered drops for myself.

    I started using them as written in the instructions. Maybe because my vision was not too bad, they helped me within two weeks! The redness disappeared, the pain went away, my vision began to improve!”


    It should be emphasized that none of the listed options is suitable for storing an ophthalmic product, but there are extreme situations that temporarily help to replace the solution.

    Contact lenses must be stored in stock solutions specifically intended for them.

    Saline solution is not suitable as a replacement for the main component, so you should not risk using them.

    According to doctors, you should not use saliva or water to preserve your lenses. These two liquids contain a lot of germs and are not hygienic.

    A bottle of lens solution purchased in advance will provide for an unforeseen situation, for example, if you are not sleeping at home, or the solution begins to run out. It should be in your bag and, if necessary, useful for processing disposable lenses.

    It is necessary to store polymers in high-quality compositions to avoid not only the penetration of bacteria, but also a negative effect on the organs of vision.

    Lenses help a person's vision by giving it greater sharpness and the ability to get rid of blurry images.

    At the same time, they need proper care, since the hydrogel (the material of the device) has a water layer that tends to dry out.

    Lenses should be stored at night in a special container containing a multi-purpose solution.

    But those people who live an active life do not always carry with them special boxes for lenses, as well as liquid for them.

    The question arises, what to do in this case, how not to spoil the lenses? In this article we will reveal the secrets of what can replace the solution for preserving lenses in “field conditions”.

    About the solution

    The solution performs an extremely important function of preserving lenses - it returns them to their original state, that is, it recharges them. Additionally, the solution is tasked with disinfecting and cleaning the lenses from foreign bacteria. Solutions that combine several functions at the same time are called multi-purpose.

    It is strictly forbidden to store lenses without solution, since within a matter of hours the hydrogel will lose its elasticity and the water layer will be depleted. Then the material will become hard and it will no longer be possible to restore it; you will have to buy new lenses.

    To understand what can replace the solution, you should know its composition; some components are available at home:

    Composition of salt and acid

    Key components for the preservation and restoration of soft lenses. Thanks to the elements, it is possible to maintain the proper size of the device and the amount of moisture in the hydrogel.

    Each solution attempts to mimic tear fluid, which includes the ideal proportions of the necessary components


    Due to the active effect of the substance, they perform a cleaning function for lenses.

    Immediately after using the lenses, dust, tear fluid, protein deposits and other foreign components get on them.

    Surfactants will help cleanse the device of unnecessary material and moisturize contact lenses (CLs).

    Even considering the effectiveness of the component, manufacturers recommend manually cleaning the device


    Therefore, the solution cannot be used twice, since it has already absorbed organic residues

    Conditioning element Designed to lubricate lenses and moisturize them. The last, mandatory element, which maintains the correct state of the CL, so they are maintained in a suitable condition. Hyaluronic acid is often used

    All of the listed properties are extremely important for lenses, otherwise you will have to face undesirable consequences.

    What can be replaced?

    If a multi-purpose solution is not available, you should choose another one that can be obtained at home.

    The selected composition cannot be called a worthy alternative, rather temporary, used as a last resort.

    It is necessary to consider compositions that are most suitable for the components with the solution. More or less suitable substitutes include:

    • salt water;
    • saline;
    • eye drops;
    • saliva;
    • distilled water.

    Important! In the absence of a solution, many people prefer not to remove the lenses, even given the discomfort. This action is extremely undesirable, as it irritates the eyes and sleep can become difficult. It is still recommended to remove the lenses and put them in an alternative solution.

    The list is presented in order of decreasing effectiveness of the method; it is better to use the first 3 options. Let's look at each of the proposed options.

    Salty water

    Here we use an analogue of saline solution, only prepared at home. First, you need to make a reservation that such a replacement is somewhat dangerous due to a possible change in the size of the lens. First of all, this applies to silicone hydrogel options; they can swell somewhat from water.

    To obtain it you need:

    1. 9 g of salt, you need to measure it as accurately as possible, it must be clean, without impurities.
    2. 1 liter of water.
    3. Tightly closing container.
    4. Plate.

    The basic ingredients can be found in almost any home, which makes the method popular. However, there are several nuances that will help make the composition as effective as possible:

    • You should not use tap water, you need filtered water in the case of soft models, while hard ones require cold tap water;
    • the salt content should not be excessive;
    • this solution is used only as a temporary remedy;
    • The container must be tightly closed so that air ventilation is minimal.

    So, to prepare the liquid you should:

    1. It is necessary to sterilize the container not only with detergent, but also boil it over a fire. The same applies to all devices that come into contact with the lenses, for example a stirring spoon;
    2. Add 100 ml of filtered water to the container.
    3. Gradually, in small volumes, add salt. Each subsequent portion is applied only after the previous one has been absorbed.
    4. Pour the cooled liquid into the prepared container. Clean the lenses mechanically and place them in the solution. Close the tank tightly enough.
    5. If possible, the lenses should be placed in the solution at least briefly. You should also be especially careful when putting on the device; if there are deviations or discomfort to the eyes, you should immediately remove the device.

    Saline solution

    If there is an opportunity to purchase saline solution, then this will be a much better solution than preparing an alternative. Previously, this solution was used very often; now it is quite suitable as an alternative option.

    1. Sterilize containers and related equipment; regular heating will do.
    2. Place the solution in a container.
    3. Clean the lenses and place them in a container.
    4. Seal the container tightly.

    The advantage of the method is a fairly high level of safety for devices and a low price. The disadvantage is that if you managed to find a pharmacy that sells saline solution, then most likely they will also have a multi-purpose solution, that is, there will be little point in using saline solution.

    Eye drops

    Typically, such preparations have moisturizing properties on the eye, so the composition interacts well with the mucous membrane of the eye.

    Such a liquid can hardly be called multi-purpose, but at least the drops will help preserve the lenses.

    For storage, you can use almost any drops, for example Vizin Chista Tear, OKVision Aqua or Sauflon Comfort, etc.

    Anything that has a moisturizing and lubricating effect is better if the drops are intended for wearing lenses.


    Saliva acts as a fairly homogeneous substance for the body, which does not cause side effects on the eye when wearing lenses. Also, the composition of saliva is somewhat reminiscent of tear fluid, which will help keep the device from drying out. The key disadvantage is that saliva contains microbes.

    Distilled water

    If none of the above methods for preparing the liquid is feasible, you can simply put the lenses in distilled water.

    This option is used as a last resort, but will allow you to save the lenses from inevitable death due to drying out.

    The devices cannot be used after such storage; in the future, they must be placed in a multi-purpose solution.

    Why is it not advisable to use such storage options for a long time?

    Despite the fact that it is possible to preserve the lenses, they are still susceptible to unwanted influences. CLs can change in size, which causes discomfort; moreover, the diopter of the lens is transformed, and vision is scattered. When the focus changes, the device becomes virtually useless.

    Long-term use of substitutes negatively affects the condition of the lenses, and there is an accumulation of pathogenic bacteria. Often the eyes begin to water heavily when putting on contact lenses, and redness may appear

    Conducts diagnosis and treatment of astigmatism, myopia, farsightedness, conjunctivitis (viral, bacterial, allergic), strabismus, stye. Performs vision examinations, as well as fitting glasses and contact lenses. The portal describes in detail the instructions for use of eye medications.



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