Water for the treatment of urolithiasis. Healing properties of mineral waters

For patients with urolithiasis, the diet plays an important preventive role that prevents the recurrence of the disease. Water is also very important, especially its chemical composition and quality. kidney stones and bad water How are these phenomena related? Water in urolithiasis - how important it is in the treatment and prevention of the disease. Find answers to these questions below. But it is worth remembering that no products can destroy existing stones, but only prevent their growth and the appearance of new ones.

Water in urolithiasis - how important is it

Water is very important as it dilutes concentration uric acid, thereby preventing the appearance of new stones, both in the kidneys and in other excretory organs. Try to consume more than 1.5 liters of water per day, and it is clean and without gas. If it is difficult for you to immediately divide this rate into a day, try drinking 1 glass of water every waking hour. In time it will come into good habit.

To choose the right diet, you need to diagnose which metabolic disorders led to urolithiasis. It can be determined in the following way: with uric acid diathesis, urate salts are found in the kidneys of patients, with phosphaturic - phosphate salts, and with oxaluritic - oxalate salts. Knowing the peculiarities of the reaction of urine to the formation of salts, for example, that urates prevail in an acidic environment, and phosphates in an alkaline one, it is possible to prescribe appropriate nutrition and water.

Water for urolithiasis should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription, since its composition also affects the formation of stones. The diet should also be selected in accordance with the patient's condition. Products that remove oxalic acid from the body should prevail. Useful dairy and lactic acid products, boiled meat, any fish, cereals and flour products, vegetables. Provided that they do not contain oxalic acid. These are quince, pears and apples, dogwood, blackcurrant. It is necessary to limit the intake table salt and increase your intake of vitamin A.

Although many diets for urolithiasis advise avoiding tea and coffee, in fact, moderate consumption of them cannot lead to the formation of kidney stones. And here negative impact grapefruit juice has been clinically proven, so you should refrain from this product. Huge benefit decoctions of herbs will be brought to the body, which, firstly, consist of water, which means they reduce the content of uric acid, and secondly, they have a diuretic effect, which is also important in the process of preventing the formation of kidney stones.

Kidney stones and bad water

The work of everything directly depends on how the kidneys feel. human body. After all, the kidneys are a natural filter. The excess is excreted from the blood through the kidneys. nutrients, toxic compounds and trace elements, substances alien to the body that are contained in tap water and protein metabolism products such as uric acid and much more.

A person has two kidneys and they look the same in the shape of a bean. And despite my small size, they are extremely active in pumping blood through themselves. The blood in the kidneys is cleared of more than 150 harmful and superfluous substances in the body. All this "garbage" is collected in renal pelvis in the form of urine and goes further into the bladder.

Are kidney stones linked to poor water and nutrition? Of course yes, in almost 70% of cases, kidney stones form due to the use tap water with a high salt content.

How to help your kidneys with water and nutrition?

Composition balanced diet, without excess proteins, carbohydrates or fats will allow the kidneys to work fully and without any stress. The timely intake of vitamins - especially such as vitamin A and vitamin D in the body, is also an excellent means of preventing urolithiasis and other diseases.

If you drink enough liquid every day, which will be saturated essential minerals, the body will increase the flow of blood circulating through the kidneys and this will be an excellent obstacle to the accumulation of salts in the kidneys.

The term "liquid" in this case does not mean strong coffee, tea or soda, but clean drinking water, natural juices from fruits and vegetables, fruit drinks without preservatives and a lot of sugar, prepared on the basis of pure water.

Oddly enough, but medicinal mineral water is contraindicated for the kidneys. Such water contains minerals in a high concentration, it is they that can create an extra burden on the kidneys, and if abused mineral water they can lead to the development of urolithiasis.

The kidneys also love movement. When sedentary sedentary manner life in the lumbar region, blood circulation is disturbed, and this can also affect the health of the kidneys. But moderate load with urolithiasis - swimming, dancing, outdoor games and cycling - help keep the spine flexible and improve blood flow to the kidneys.

With the majority renal pathologies part of the treatment is a change in diet. This is especially true for urolithiasis, since it is caused by the accumulation of excess substances in the kidneys. As a rule, these are salts that enter the body in excess along with food. If you stop or reduce consumption certain products, the amount of these substances will decrease, due to which improvements occur. An increase in the effectiveness of this effect can be achieved if you consume more liquid, since it will provide accelerated elimination salts, phosphorus and calcium.

What water is better?

It must be understood that the liquid used for ICD should not be any. For example, one mineral water for urolithiasis may be harmful, and the other - useful, because it may contain various elements. And if you choose such water incorrectly, you can provoke the further development of the disease.

In the same time, correct use such a remedy may prove useful against kidney stones. But for this it is necessary to know which substances are contained in the body in excess, and to carry out the selection of water according to the principle of counterbalance.

Important! It is best to give the choice to the doctor, since he can take into account all the features of the disease and conduct tests. Self-treatment can only hurt.

The best option is to drink plain water, without gas and minerals - it definitely won't hurt. Although, in cases where there are too many unnecessary elements in the drink (for example, chlorine used for cleaning), this is also not the best option. And a specialist should choose which water to drink with kidney stones for treatment. Before prescribing its use, the doctor must conduct tests and find out exactly which stones are formed in the kidneys.

In addition, certain rules must be taken into account when conducting such treatment. They are as follows:

  1. You should not assume that ordinary mineral water in plastic bottles from the store can help with kidney stones - this is an erroneous opinion. Water placed in such a container quickly loses its medicinal properties.
  2. It is best to use fresh water from a spring, or the one that is bottled in glass containers. But in this case, the period of its storage should not exceed a day.
  3. The easiest way to buy such a product is in a pharmacy where water is sold, bottled according to certain technologies with the preservation of nutrients.
  4. If you have kidney problems, you need to consult a doctor to find out what is worth using and what is not.
  5. Useful are types of water with a low content of minerals.
  6. It is very important that the selected water has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect - this will help in the treatment process.
  7. But the most important aspect is taking into account the composition of such a tool, because incorrect choice can increase the amount of excess substances in the body and contribute to the progression of the disease.

    Therefore, it is essential to be examined by a good specialist so as not to cause deterioration.

The choice of means depending on the type of stones

The beneficial properties of mineral water are very important to use during treatment with nephrolithiasis. If you choose it correctly, you can achieve more quick results treatment. But at the same time, don't forget to use medicines. They are the main part of the treatment.

The main advantages of treatment with mineral water are:

There are three types of kidney stones most commonly: phosphate, oxalate, and urate. Determining the type of stones is the main part when choosing a treatment. The choice of mineral water also depends on their type.

Important! It is necessary that mineral water contributes to the removal of excess substances from the body, and does not increase their amount. This is main principle such treatment.

So, the choice of water for ICD should be like this:

  1. With phosphaturia, a precipitate in the form of phosphates is formed in the kidneys.. In this case, it is worth choosing slightly acidic water, which does not contain phosphorus. The crushing of stones of this type is facilitated by elements contained in the drink, such as iron, silicon and tungsten.
  2. The same substances can affect the dissolution of oxalate stones, but in this case it is necessary that there is no calcium in the water, and the mineral water itself is slightly alkaline. The reason for this is the excessive content of calcium in the kidneys with this type of kidney stones.
  3. With urate type stones drink slightly alkaline mineral water.

It is also worth considering some other features of the disease, making a choice in favor of one or another variety. remedy. For example, if uric acid is found in the blood, an element such as radon may be useful. It should not be much, but if it is contained in water, it is good. Low-mineralized water has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, which makes it possible to overcome unpleasant symptoms kidney disease.

"Sand in the kidneys" - such a conclusion is often made by doctors ultrasound diagnostics. Indeed, during an ultrasound examination, a specialist can see a fine suspension in the pelvis and toes of the kidneys, resembling sand. But in essence, this suspension is not sand, but rather a sediment consisting of salts. The main reason for the formation of this sediment is a metabolic disorder, nutritional habits, chronic inflammatory processes in the urinary system, as well as anomalies in the urinary excretion organs, leading to its stagnation.

Urolithiasis: causes, features of the course, diagnosis and treatment of the disease Treatment of the kidneys at home

If the doctor detects, when examining the patient's kidneys, already formed microcalcifications (small grains) with a clear shadow, we can talk about the beginning of the development of urolithiasis.

Table of contents: Symptoms of sand in the kidneys Diagnosis Treatment Clinical nutrition Prevention

Symptoms of sand in the kidneys

In most cases, people do not feel that salts are deposited in their kidneys, but they learn about their condition by chance during a study of the urinary system, which is carried out for other reasons. For example, pregnant women receive such a conclusion after a planned ultrasound diagnosis.

IN rare cases people with sand can be bothered by chronic Blunt pain in the lower back, which periodically increases - apparently, when the grains of sand begin to come out of the kidneys. Sand does not cause symptoms characteristic of renal colic (an inevitable companion of urolithiasis).


Sand in the kidneys is detected using the following studies:

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys (but not always, since salt crystals can be very small).
  • Analysis for the "transport of salts". This comprehensive study blood and urine, which includes the definition in biological environments concentrations of urea, uric acid, calcium, phosphorus and other substances.

Treatment of sand in the kidneys

The main method of treating sand in the kidneys is a diet, which is selected depending on chemical composition sand (that is, on what salts tend to be deposited), and drinking regimen (a person must definitely drink his physiological norm fluids daily). In addition, it is extremely important to eliminate such causes of sand formation as chronic infectious processes urinary system. For this, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out.

There are a number of drugs that can improve urodynamics (the process of passing urine), reduce inflammation and thereby prevent the appearance of new and accelerate the disappearance of already formed sand in the kidneys. Such medicines include the following:

  • Kanefron;
  • cystone;
  • Urolesan;
  • Half-palu, etc.

All of these drugs are based on herbal ingredients, which are safe for the body even with prolonged use.

All sorts of folk remedies that can be prepared at home also have good efficiency with sand in the kidneys. First of all, these are fees that have a diuretic effect. If their reception is combined with increased consumption liquids, you can effectively “wash out” the sand from the kidneys.

It is necessary to select herbs for treatment based on urine tests.(namely, what salts are found in it). For example, with urates, lingonberry leaves are shown, with oxalates - horsetail and Birch buds, with phosphates - leaves of bearberry and madder dye, etc.

urate kidney stones oxalate kidney stones

To avoid misunderstandings with the correct choice herbal collection, it is better to entrust this mission to a doctor (therapist, urologist, nephrologist)! And in general, it is better to start any treatment only after consulting a specialist, since diuretics, even plant origin may not be accepted by everyone. For example, if small stones have already formed in the kidneys, such treatment can provoke the movement of stones into the urinary tract, as a result of which the strongest renal colic or full coverage urinary tract and a number of other serious complications.

Health food

The acidity of urine and the content of salts in it are mainly influenced by human nutrition. This must be taken into account when compiling a diet for people with sand in the kidneys. For example, eating large amounts of meat makes urine acidic and promotes the formation of urate and oxalate, respectively, in the subsequent formation of urate and oxalate stones. Dairy food, on the contrary, alkalizes urine, and phosphate sand, a precursor of phosphate stones, settles well in it. Neutral urine reaction is considered optimal. To achieve such a reaction, you should eat a variety of foods and limit alcohol, hot spices, pickles, smoked meats, etc.

If there are a lot of urate salts in the urine, it is necessary to exclude fatty foods, offal, spicy seasonings, alcohol from the diet, and also limit the consumption of meat, legumes, and chocolate. The basis of the nutrition of people with urate sand should be dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

With oxalate sand, you should reduce the amount of strong tea or coffee you drink per day and completely abandon sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, and radish. To alkalize urine, it is advisable to drink alkaline mineral waters. Well, among the products in such a situation, cereals and wholemeal bread are considered the most useful.

If a lot of phosphates are found in the urine, the basis of the diet should be different kinds meat and porridge. But dairy and flour foods must be limited. It is very useful to drink compotes and jelly from sour berries- they acidify the urine, preventing the formation of phosphate stones.

Treatment of kidney stones: features of surgical and conservative treatment of kidney stones


Since sand and stones in the urinary system are formed mainly due to metabolic disorders, malnutrition, anomalies and infectious and inflammatory processes in the urinary organs, all measures to prevent nephrolithiasis (the process of formation of sand and stones) are as follows:

  • Balanced nutrition.
  • Timely detection and treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • The annual passage of preventive medical examinations(in this situation, it is enough to pass general analysis urine and examine the kidneys with ultrasound).

In addition, in order for the urinary excretion organs to function fully, it is advisable to drink non-carbonated purified water every day (1-1.5 l), consume less salt, engage in some kind of active sports, or simply walk more often.

Zubkova Olga Sergeevna, medical commentator, epidemiologist

The main characteristic of urolithiasis is the occurrence in the kidneys and the deposition of sand or stones in them. To date, this phenomenon varying degrees occurs in a third of the population. Sand grains in the kidneys usually do not exceed 1 mm in diameter, this size does not cause discomfort and is not a pathology, since the sand is freely excreted by the urinary system. But multiple deposits of sand over time are formed into large - from 0.5 to 1.5 cm - stones.

Often it is difficult to remove them on their own, certain therapeutic measures are required. With the indicated sizes, stones can be eliminated with the help of a diet and an increase in the amount of fluid you drink. Even with the formation of large stones, surgery is not a mandatory solution to the problem, there are alternative therapeutic methods. And almost all experts, telling how to get rid of kidney stones, talk about the need to use mineral water as a medicine in case of kidney stone pathology.

"Mineralka" - use and contraindications

There is a list of kidney pathologies, in which the use of balneological therapy is recommended. These include:

  • urolithiasis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urinary diathesis.

Despite the effectiveness of the method, certain limitations should be remembered, mineral water is not used as a remedy for the following diseases:

    Acute course of the disease is a contraindication to treatment with mineral water

    acute pathologies of organs included in the genitourinary system;

  • kidney disease in chronic stage accompanied by renal failure;
  • urolithiasis, with the presence of stones requiring surgical removal;
  • tuberculosis of the organs included in the genitourinary system;
  • pathologies characterized by difficulty urinating - hyperplasia, neoplasms, urethral stricture;
  • macrohematuria;
  • hydronephrosis.

Given the extensive list of contraindications, the dissolution of kidney stones and their withdrawal with mineral water is carried out only after thorough examination, after which the doctor determines required dose and a specific brand of therapeutic fluid.

Benefits of Mineralized Fluid

In the treatment of urolithiasis, one should carefully approach the selection of medicinal water. It is preferable to use a low-mineralized liquid, which will allow you to correct the processes without saturating the body. additional elements. Mineral water properties should be:

  1. Diuretic, which allows for intoxication, freeing the kidneys and the entire genitourinary system from infectious agents. Cleaning facilitates the subsequent release of stones.
  2. Anti-inflammatory, for which bicarbonate-alkaline fluids are used to relieve colic.

During treatment with mineral water, you can use it without restrictions, it does not contain harmful elements added to ordinary water, but it contains useful minerals. Mineral water is an excellent diuretic that enhances the excretion of fluid through the urinary canals, providing mechanical cleaning of the kidneys.

Depending on the etiology of stone formation and its own composition, mineral water can provoke fragmentation of formations and their dissolution.

How should mineral water be used for treatment

When diagnosing urolithiasis, three types of calculi are observed - urate, phosphate and oxalate stones. In accordance with the type, medicinal water is selected, which contributes to the fragmentation and dissolution of formations:

  1. The formation of urate stones is opposed by alkaline mineral water, the use of Essentuki 17, Borjomi and others is recommended.
  2. Oxalate stones are dissolved by slightly carbonated calcium water of Essentuki 20, Sairme brands.
  3. When forming phosphate stones, it is necessary to use acidic mineral liquids, including Dolomite Narzan and Arzni.

Treatment of urolithiasis using mineral water occurs in two stages, at the first stage, dissolution and removal of excess formations from the body occurs, at the second, protective colloids are formed by the body. Extra formations include not only stones and sand, but also mucus, pus, hostile microorganisms that have accumulated in urinary system. Protective colloids are needed to better dissolve the salt in the urine. As a result, they do not precipitate, not forming kidney stones and bladder, respectively.

This process is quite long, the treatment of urolithiasis in this way takes from four to six weeks. It is not recommended to continue using mineral water in order to avoid disruption of water-salt metabolism. Symptoms affect the number of courses, they are carried out up to three times a year. The best option is to use water directly at resorts from sources, if similar treatment impossible, the healing liquid must be real, purchased in trustworthy stores and pharmacies.

Mineral water not for ingestion

Mineral water can be used not only as a means for oral administration, urolithiasis is treated with healing baths, which have anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effects. Baths improve the circulation of the kidneys while producing nervous regulation their functionality. Usually, sodium chloride procedures are prescribed, the bath temperature is 36–37 ºС, the mineralization is 20–30 g/l. One procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, every other day or two days in a row and a break for the third. The course of treatment consists of 10 or 12 procedures. At the same time, attention must be paid to individual tolerance temperature regime, the duration of the procedure.

With urolithiasis, ordinary hot water can also be used for baths, a certain improvement is achieved due to the thermal effect.

Mineral water is also used for intestinal lavage. When a warm therapeutic liquid is injected into the rectum, the intestinal receptors are not only thermal, but also chemical, mechanical irritant effect. At the same time, the total diuresis reflexively increases, the intestines are cleared of slag formations, the work of the kidneys is facilitated, the walls of the ureter are warmed up. The temperature of the liquid is 37–38 ºС, the salinity is 2–9 g/l, the volume of washing water as a whole during the starting procedure is about 6 liters dosed, during subsequent procedures the volume is up to 12 liters. The criterion for filling is the occurrence of the urge to empty the intestines. The break between washings is 2-3 days, each procedure lasts 20-30 minutes. The course consists of 5 or 6 procedures.

According to urologists at the University of British Columbia in the Canadian city of Vancouver, coffee is highly undesirable for urolithiasis, since frequent use can provoke a rapid increase in the content of calcium, magnesium and citrates in the urine, which affects the development and growth of the main types of stones in the urinary system.

Drinks that promote the formation of stones

To date, there is an opinion that the abuse of these drinks leads to stone formation in the kidneys:

  1. The caffeine in coffee is a diuretic with a mild diuretic effect, which contributes to dehydration.
  2. Some types of tea contain high level caffeine and oxalates.
  1. People who have symptoms of kidney stones or sand or are at risk for any kidney disease
  2. It is forbidden to give coffee to children, as this can cause significant harm to a fragile children's body.

How does sand appear in the kidneys

Urolithiasis is a disease with the presence of sand in the organs of the urinary system, which occurs when malnutrition and environmental problems. A fairly significant risk factor is the use of too little liquid during the day. Before you know what to drink with urolithiasis, it is necessary to determine the chemical composition of stone formations.

  • Completely change your lifestyle - avoid stress, exercise and eat a balanced, fractional diet.
  • Drink a large number of liquids, based on the formula - for one kg of weight there are 40 ml of liquid, while the first 70% must be drunk before lunch, and the remaining 30% in the afternoon, in order not to overload the lungs and heart.
  • At overweight should lose weight - most often urolithiasis affects people with overweight body. The diet, as a rule, is prescribed depending on the chemical composition of the stones, which is determined by the analysis of the patient's urine, while canned food, tea, coffee and chocolate are strictly contraindicated.
  • In order to find out what to drink with sand in the kidneys, it is best to consult a urologist and only after that start taking infusions and decoctions from medicinal herbs which have a diuretic effect.

Diet in the presence of urate stones

It is important to prevent excessive formation of uric acid, for this it is necessary to completely eliminate fatty meat broths and smoked meats from the diet, as well as fasting days based on fruits, vegetables and dairy products once a week, remembering to drink at least three liters of fluid throughout the day. What to drink with urate kidney stones? If there is no personal intolerance, diluted freshly squeezed lemon juice will be useful, as it contains a large amount of citrates.

Useful products for urate stones:

  1. Dairy - cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products and milk
  2. Non-oily fish and meat - no more than 3 times a week
  3. Chicken egg - one per day
  4. Any grains in moderation
  5. Vegetarian Soups
  6. Rye and wheat bread
  7. Vegetable, ghee and butter
  8. Vegetables
  9. Dried fruits, fruits and berries
  10. Weak green tea, fruit drinks, kissels and compotes
  11. From spices - vanillin and cinnamon.

Strictly limit the use of:

  1. Cheeses high in salt
  2. Fats - chicken, pork and mutton
  3. Beans, peas and beans
  4. Sweet and salt dough
  5. Coffee and cocoa
  6. Spinach, sorrel, rhubarb and mushrooms
  7. Fatty fish and meat
  8. Smoked products, caviar and canned food.

Diet for oxalate stones

You should minimize the use of foods that contribute to the intensive excretion of oxalates in the urine, due to the fact that they are rich in oxalic acid and calcium. It is important to regularly drink alkaline mineral waters and take 2 g of magnesium carbonate daily, as this substance effectively binds oxalic acid salts in the intestines.

  • Diet milk sausages and sausages
  • Boiled meat, poultry and fish
  • Pasta and cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley and wheat
  • Dairy products - cottage cheese, milk, sour cream and kefir
  • Vegetables and fruits - apricot, bananas, turnips, cabbage, pumpkin and cucumbers
  • Mousses, kissels and compotes
  • Decoctions of their wild rose, dried fruits.

Prohibited foods:

  • Salty and fatty cheeses
  • Dishes based on gelatin
  • Rhubarb, sorrel, spinach
  • From fruits - pears, strawberries, gooseberries
  • From vegetables - beets
  • Mushrooms
  • Meat, mushroom and fish broths
  • Figs and chocolate
  • Limit consumption of blueberries, black currants, sweets and jams
  • Cocoa and coffee.

Phosphate stones and diet

The main purpose of the diet is to acidify the urine. That is why protein products are the basis of the menu. Also, patients are concerned about the question: what can you drink with kidney stones of a phosphate nature? For this, acidic mineral waters - Narzan, Mirgorodskaya and Smirnovskaya - are ideal, while drinking liquids will be much less than with urate and oxalate stones.

  1. Absolutely all cereals
  2. Eggs - no more than one per day
  3. Fish, meat and poultry
  4. Pork fat, butter and vegetable oils
  5. Pumpkin, green pea and mushrooms
  6. Rosehip decoction
  7. Berries and fruits - lingonberries, cranberries and sour apples.

Contraindicated in the presence of phosphate stones:

  1. Meat and chicken fats
  2. Dairy
  3. Pickles and smoked meats
  4. Potato
  5. Fruit and vegetable juices
  6. Spices.

Benefits of mineral water

Mineral water for urolithiasis is an effective and indispensable tool For quick recovery metabolism and pain relief. But it is important to know that it is impossible to use medicinal mineral water in unlimited quantities, in this case it will not only not have the desired effect, but can also harm the body.

Basically, the course of treatment with healing waters is included in the main complex. medical procedures, which are used after the removal or crushing of stones in the kidneys. The main goal of any course is to correct the metabolism in the human body.

For maximum effect most often, the doctor prescribes full complex procedures:

  1. Reception mineral waters
  2. Balanced Diet
  3. Antibacterial therapy
  4. Physiotherapy
  5. Phytotherapy
  6. Sanitary-resort treatment
  7. Physiotherapy procedures.

How to choose the right mineral water

Before determining what water to drink with urolithiasis, you should consult a doctor. Water is selected based on the results of analyzes and general examination organism. But the most common are - slightly acidic low-mineralized and low-mineralized alkaline water. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, they usually drink within half a liter of warm medicinal water per day.

Variety of mineral waters

Today you can meet huge variety bottled water, but when purchasing it, you need to know exactly which one belongs to the medicinal one, and which one is the usual soft drink. You should know that uncontrolled drinking of any mineral water can greatly harm general health organism.

Mineral water is divided into several types:

  1. Therapeutic - is intended for the treatment of diseases such as: colitis, chronic constipation, gastritis, gastrointestinal diseases, ICD and anemia
  2. Therapeutic-dining room - from springs or artificial mineralized water, which helps to normalize digestion and cleanse the body, but if used improperly can lead to a violation of the water-salt balance and the deposition of salts in the urinary system
  3. The dining room is ordinary drinking water.

Benefits of Alkaline Mineral Water

Therapeutic alkaline mineral water is water containing carbonic and sulfate lime and magnesia, where pH=7.

It should be noted that hydrocarbons of this type have a number of advantages:

  • Render positive effect for protein and carbohydrate metabolism
  • Have anti-inflammatory properties
  • Helps reduce stomach acidity
  • Normalize bowel function
  • Remove toxins from the body
  • Affect the maximum absorption of micro- and macroelements
  • Increase the body's alkaline reserves.

But you should know that hydrocarbonate waters are not recommended in certain cases:

  1. In the presence of urolithiasis with calculi more than 0.8 ml in diameter
  2. If you have serious urinary tract disease
  3. With bilateral chronic pyelonephritis
  4. Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
  5. Renal failure.

The most common alkaline medicinal waters- Smirnovskaya, Borjomi, Slavyanskaya and Essentuki No. 4, 17.

Spa treatment. Mineral waters in the treatment of urolithiasis

You and I are well aware of the benefits of spa treatment, and anyone who has the opportunity to go to a sanatorium should definitely use it. Rhythm modern life very high, and no matter how you feel that you are indispensable at work, try to choose the time for rest. Believe me, then you will solve all the problems, and the work will be argued, and your health will improve.

Resorts with the use of mineral waters are called balneological. Mentions of medical and preventive use mineral waters ( sea ​​baths and bathing sulfur baths) are already found in the writings of Hippocrates (5th century BC). The origin of the resort business in Russia is associated with the name of Peter I. Currently, there is a science - balneology, and the influence of mineral waters has been thoroughly studied. Some waters act on metabolic processes, others - on the functions of the endocrine and nervous system, stimulating protective and recovery mechanisms. Indeed, with any disease, not only one or several organs suffer, the disease affects the entire body. After a stay and treatment at the resort, the functions of many organs and body systems are normalized. Naturally, in initial stage disease effect will be better. In such cases, drinking mineral waters and other types of treatment can completely replace medicines. If the disease is advanced, taking mineral waters will make taking medications more effective. Treatment with mineral waters at the resort is prescribed depending on the disease, its stage, concomitant diseases And individual characteristics sick. At the same time, normalize metabolic processes subside inflammatory phenomena normalize the functions of digestion, urination, etc.

Indications for referral to the resort of patients with nephrolithiasis and uric acid diathesis: operations to remove stones from the kidneys or crush them (after 1–1.5 months, in the absence of inflammation); small stones in the kidneys and ureters, which can move away on their own (maximum size 8 mm); all types of uric acid diathesis (large excretion of salts in the urine).

Treatment in a sanatorium helps to remove small kidney stones, normalize the outflow of urine and mineral metabolism in organism. Hence, the main objective spa therapy - primary and secondary prevention urolithiasis (so that existing stones come out and new ones do not form).

Contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment, several doctors are determined, they fill out health resort card. Patients with diseases in the acute stage or exacerbation are not subject to treatment in the sanatorium chronic processes, patients with large stones that can only be removed operational way patients with epilepsy, drug addiction, malignant neoplasms etc.


These include hydrotherapy (drinking water, baths, underwater massage), laser therapy, magnetotherapy, massage, inhalation and mud therapy. Here are held manual therapy, psychotherapy, acupuncture, herbal treatment, sauna, rational and dietary nutrition.

Mineral water - natural waters, the composition and properties of which allow them to be used for medicinal purposes. Chemical properties water are determined by the content in them of certain minerals. They contain sulfates, bicarbonates, chlorides, magnesium, calcium, bromine. This composition (mineralization of water) is usually indicated on the bottle label. The water contains various gas composition. Mineral waters are used for outdoor (baths, showers) and internal use. Waters for external use have a higher mineralization and are often enriched with some components. Drinking mineral waters usually have a small mineralization. Depending on the degree of mineralization drinking water divided into medical-table and medical. The waters used in medicinal purposes, must have good sanitary and hygienic indicators, i.e. do not contain harmful microorganisms, nitrates, nitrites, etc. This is controlled by sanitary doctors using instructions and established rules. Of course, drinking water at the source is more effective, and whoever has such an opportunity, be sure to use it. But bottled waters are also used (there are more than 100 types). When pouring water saturate carbon dioxide. This improves the taste of water and contributes to a better preservation of the chemical composition. And this is very important. It is advisable to buy water in a pharmacy and in glass bottles (guarantee against forgery). More effective for urolithiasis internal use mineral water. At the same time, the disturbed metabolism improves, extra salt dissolve in water and are excreted in the urine, and do not precipitate in the form of stones. Waters have a diuretic effect, wash the kidneys and urinary tract, wash out bacteria and mucus. Those who were at the resort and drank mineral waters from the source, certainly felt their effectiveness. I repeat once again that only small stones are excreted, and large ones can move and get stuck in the ureter, causing renal colic. Therefore, before traveling to the resort, be sure to consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination.

Mineral water also relieves spasms urinary tract, changes the acidity of urine. Water affects the entire body as a whole, improving disturbed metabolic processes, the acid-base balance of the body. As a result, the cells and tissues of all organs benefit. The choice of water when applying it, of course, plays important role. Hydrocarbonate waters(the composition of the water is always indicated on the label) contribute to the alkalization of blood and urine. These waters contribute to the liquefaction pathological mucus from the mucous membrane of the urinary tract, reduce inflammation. The presence of calcium in such waters contributes to the anti-inflammatory effect, and magnesium helps to relieve spasms. These waters include Borjomi, Sairme, Utsera, etc.

Many mineral waters are characterized complex composition, different content biologically active substances and indications for their use are expanding. The gases contained in drinking water also have useful action on the body. For example, carbon dioxide stimulates the secretion and motor activity of the stomach and intestines, increases appetite. Some waters contain substances of organic nature (humins, bitumen), these are Naftusya, Berezovskaya. After taking these waters increases excretory function kidneys, metabolism improves, urine excretion increases, which contributes to the discharge of stones. These waters also reduce the content of cholesterol in the blood, so they are also used for atherosclerosis. Waters containing calcium strengthen vascular wall, dissolve uric acid salts in the urine, often used for urate stones. Water helps to change urine pH (acidic or alkaline urine) faster than dieting.


If present in urine urate and oxalate it is necessary to take weakly alkaline mineral drinking water, these are Essentuki, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya, Naftusya. They reduce the acidity of urine. Useful for urate and oxalate stones fruit juices citrus fruits. In the presence of phosphate stones(or phosphates in the urine), it is necessary to recommend acidic mineral drinking waters: Narzan, Arzni, Naftusya, etc. The presence of magnesium ions in mineral waters is useful for patients with oxalate stones due to their inhibitory effect on the formation of urinary stones. With oxalate stones, an excess of oxalic salts in the urine acids, low-mineralized waters are recommended ("Essentuki No. 29", "Naftusya", "Sairme"). Some trace elements in mineral waters (copper, iron, tungsten) contribute to the dissolution of oxalate and phosphate salts. For acid stones, uric acid diathesis, alkaline mineral waters are used - Essentuki No. 4 or Essentuki No. 17, Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi, Jermuk. The diuretic property of mineral waters means not only the removal of water from the body, but also removal along with water. unnecessary to the body minerals and products of nitrogen metabolism. Hot springs increase the excretion of urine from the body with great content salt in it. Medicinal mineral waters are not a simple solution of various salts: salts are in a state electrolytic dissociation. Therefore, it is recommended to drink mineral water directly at the source, where special pump rooms are arranged.

The temperature of the received mineral water can vary from 24 to 45 °C, depending on the desired effect. If it is necessary to sharply increase diuresis, mineral water with a temperature of 20–35 ° C is taken. With concomitant chronic pyelonephritis, as well as, if necessary, to relieve spasm of the urinary tract and pain, it is recommended to take mineral water with a temperature of 38-40 ° C. Medicinal mineral water is usually drunk slowly, in small sips. Usually, when drinking water, it is recommended to walk or walk, as this contributes to its better absorption. We have already talked about this, but I repeat once again - movement, activity are mandatory for patients with urolithiasis. In view of the fact that when drinking water slowly, its temperature may decrease, then in cases where drinking is prescribed hot water, you should, after drinking part of the contents of the glass, replace the rest with a new portion of hot water and continue drinking without exceeding the prescribed single dose.

At home, they drink water for no longer than 30 days, if necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 2-3 months. If the treatment with mineral waters was carried out at the resort for 3 weeks, then the course of treatment at home is repeated after 4-6 months (course 2-3 weeks). Thus, the drinking of medicinal mineral waters is an important specific natural factor that has great importance in the prevention and treatment of patients with uric acid diathesis and urolithiasis.

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The fact that mineral water helps with kidney stones has long been known. Not every, however, water is used for urolithiasis. And for each type of stone there is its own natural mineral water. Before you start cleansing the kidneys from stones, you should consult a doctor who will tell you the optimal treatment of stones with mineral water.

The effect of mineral water on kidney stones

Modern balneology has already determined how kidney stones are destroyed by mineral water. The process takes place in two stages:

  1. First, under the influence mineral composition water, dissolves and flushes out pus, mucus from the urinary tract. By increasing diuresis, pathogenic bacteria are also removed.
  2. At the second stage, protective colloids are produced that contribute to the dissolution of salts in the urine, thereby stopping the formation of stones.

Under the influence of therapeutic mineral water, specific gravity urine, which leads to the elimination of factors contributing to stone formation. Thus, mineral water heals the kidneys, bringing urine into a normal physiological state. Optimally selected by a doctor, mineral water for removing stones from the kidneys reduces the concentration of uric acid, which leads to the cleansing of the urinary canals.

Indications for drinking mineral water

Depending on the type of stones, mineral water from stones is also selected:

  1. Alkaline mineral waters are best for urates:

    • Russian - "Slavyanovskaya", "Smirnovskaya" (Zheleznovodsk), Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17 (Essentuki);
    • Transcaucasian - "Borjomi" (Georgia), "Jermuk" (Armenia).
  2. With phosphates, mineral water is recommended, when taken, urine is acidified:
    • Russian - "Dolomite Narzan" (Kislovodsk);
    • Foreign - "Arzni" (Armenia), "Naftusya" (Truskavets, Ukraine).
  3. Oxalate kidney stones from mineral water "Essentuki" No. 20 pass, Irkutsk "Sarma", as well as from "Naftusya" (Truskavets). These medicinal waters have a slightly mineralized composition.

Naturally, when wrong reception healing mineral water, instead of the healing effect of a balneological resort, the patient can only worsen his condition. Therefore, despite the large number of offers posted by hotels and resorts on the Internet, it is recommended to consult a doctor to find out which stones are causing problems. Otherwise, half of the time allocated for treatment will have to be spent in the laboratories of local clinics, trying to determine the optimal healing water.



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