Leeches benefits and contraindications. Everything about leech treatment: benefits, harms, indications and contraindications

The literal translation of the word “hirudotherapy” from Latin means treatment with leeches. In the method of treatment with leeches, not all types of leeches are used, but only medical ones. They can be distinguished by several characteristics:

  1. the color of the dorsal part is olive-black, olive-green, reddish or brown;
  2. on the upper part of the body there are 2 parallel narrow stripes that are yellow-orange and intermittent in color;
  3. the body is elongated, and at the head end there is a sucking circle of suction cups.

The salivary glands of the leech contain a specific substance called hirudin. It is this that, when penetrating the victim’s blood, stops its coagulation.

The procedure for hirudotherapy

Treatment with hirudotherapy is carried out with the help of middle-aged leeches (not very young, but not yet old). The weight of a medicinal leech should be 1-5 grams. They are kept in containers filled with water at room temperature. Immediately before use, leeches must be healthy, not pumped with blood, and when light pressure is applied to them, they should shrink.

Leeches are not placed directly on the face, on areas where there are areas with thick skin, or on areas of the skin that are close to blood vessels ( carotid artery, visible veins). You can’t place leeches randomly wherever you have to. To place them, there are special areas of the body in the affected areas, or they are placed biologically active points, specifically designed for this purpose.

Often, the doctor installs the leech directly from the test tube. It is first placed in a test tube and then brought to the required location. As soon as the leech adheres to the skin in its head part of the body, wave-like movements of the skin can be noted. Place a leech that has already attached itself under thin layer sterile cotton wool. The procedure itself lasts 5-40 minutes. Such a large interval depends on the location of the leech and the indications for its use. During one procedure you can place from 1 to 10 leeches.

After the leech sucks blood, it disappears. Where the leech has bitten the skin remains small wound. It bleeds weakly, for quite a long time - up to a day, since the substance hirudin acts. It is necessary to apply to the wound aseptic dressing to prevent infection. Over time, when the bandage becomes saturated with blood, additional balls of the bandage should be applied, but do not remove the old ones.

Indications for hirudotherapy

1. Modern method treatment with leeches successfully used for diseases such as pathologies of the cardiovascular system:

  1. ischemic disease;
  2. atherosclerosis;
  3. insufficient general and coronary circulation;
  4. hypertensive heart disease;
  5. myocardial infarction;
  6. consequences of stroke;
  7. varicose veins in the lower extremities and other diseases.

2. The composition of the secretion secreted salivary glands, includes enzymes that can eliminate thrombophlebitis and other diseases that are accompanied by the formation of blood clots.

4. It is also used for various violations from the outside nervous system: radiculitis, neuritis, neuroses, neuralgia, sleep disorders, migraines, headache, dizziness, autonomic disorders. It is also used for epilepsy.

5. In ophthalmology: eye injuries, glaucoma, keratitis, increased intraocular pressure and others.

6. In dermatology: treatment of eczema, furunculosis, acne, neurodermatitis, psoriasis.

7. In cosmetology: after plastic surgery, which require resorption of hematomas to eliminate various scars on the skin. Leeches help overcome swelling and cellulite. Hirudotherapy can be found among the services of some skin rejuvenation programs.

8. For illnesses digestive system: gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, hepatosis, cholecystitis, colitis, constipation.

9. Hirudotherapy in gynecology is prescribed to cure inflammation of the uterus and ovaries chronic form, colpitis, endometriosis, fibroids, adhesions, with various diseases ovaries and so on. You can also use treatment with leeches for mastitis and many disorders in the body associated with the onset of menopause. Leeches are highly recommended in the treatment of infertility and miscarriage. Hirudotherapy is also used as prophylaxis possible complications after undergoing surgery, abortion or inflammatory disease.

10. In men, leeches can cure prostatitis, urolithiasis, prostate adenoma and secondary infertility.

Hirudotherapy is also used in cases of treatment of lipid metabolism disorders in the body, hypothyroidism, lymphostasis, hemorrhoids, and trophic disorders.

Contraindications to hirudotherapy

However, not all diseases can be cured with hirudotherapy. In addition, there are a number of diseases, the presence of which in a person automatically makes it impossible to use this treatment method. Such conditions and diseases include:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. individual intolerance;
  3. severe anemia;
  4. hemophilia;
  5. hemorrhagic diathesis;
  6. persistent hypotension;
  7. acute period of stroke;
  8. acute myocardial infarction;
  9. malignant neoplasms;
  10. leukemia

Hirudotherapy is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, women during menstruation, and people with an installed pacemaker.

Hirudotherapy at home

Home hirudotherapy only seems at first glance business as usual, which does not require special knowledge. However, this process also has its pitfalls, which we will tell you about. So, first of all, treatment with leeches at home requires an assistant. The person who will be leeched should sit comfortably on a sofa or couch. Certain areas of the skin where leeches will be placed are treated with a cleanser. It must be odorless. If there is hair in these areas, they must be removed, and the skin area should be treated generously with sweet syrup. Next, the leech is taken with tweezers by back bodies and placed in a test tube. The open side of the test tube is applied to the selected location and wait until it sticks. After the procedure is completed, the leech is placed in a container with salt water.

Immediately apply a sterile voluminous bandage to the wound area. Under no circumstances should a leech be pulled off by force, otherwise it may start heavy bleeding. If there is a need to remove it earlier, then you just need to water it head part leeches salt water to make it fall off. Procedures at home should be carried out with a 5-day break.

It should also be noted that not many people know in which places leeches should not be placed, and they immediately put them on the neck, legs, and abdomen. For the first procedures, such places are unacceptable, as severe swelling, itching and redness may develop. Also, you should not place several leeches at once, supposedly to obtain maximum effect. This can impair the flow of blood through the vessels, which will lead to headaches, sudden attack weakness, pressure surges and even fainting.

Therefore, you should start with one leech and place it on the tailbone area. And it wouldn’t hurt to consult a specialist before experimenting with your health.

Holistic medicine. Tradition and modernity

Starchenko Olga Alexandrovna

Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches

From ancient times to the present day, as medicinal drugs thousands have been tried various substances and creatures. The memory of many of them has been erased by inexorable time. However, there are many that not only continue to be used in traditional medicine, but are also actively studied by modern science.

Today we will talk about very ancient method treatment of many diseases - hirudotherapy (from the Latin words “leech” and “treatment”). It is mentioned in ancient Egyptian and ancient Indian treatises, the works of Hippocrates, Galen, and Avicenna. Paintings depicting leech treatment have been discovered on the walls of Egyptian tombs.

What is the secret of the effectiveness of hirudotherapy? Why are synthetic analogues not as effective as using leeches? In what cases should you contact a hirudotherapist? These and other questions are answered by Olga Aleksandrovna, a specialist in hirudotherapy and abdominal correction at the clinic of Dr. Zager.

Olga Alexandrovna, due to what it arises healing effect hirudotherapy?

O.A.: I noticed that in articles in online communities dedicated to hirudotherapy, the effect of the leech is associated with only one biologically active substance - hirudin. I believe this is rather outdated information. The anticoagulant substance hirudin was isolated from leeches in 1903 by F. Franz. To date, dozens of unique biologically active substances with a powerful healing effect have been discovered in leech saliva, many of which have not yet been recreated synthetically.

In answer to the question of what mechanisms are responsible for the therapeutic effect of a leech, two of the most studied ones can be identified.

The first is microcirculatory, i.e. outflow regulation venous blood, lymph and influx arterial blood, during which the intercellular space is unloaded. It is very important! After all, a leech does not suck blood as such, it bites 1-1.5 mm into the skin and feeds on intercellular fluid and blood from a damaged capillary. But “a holy place is never empty,” and as a result, due to diffusion, liquid from the intercellular space enters the capillary bed, and therefore blood viscosity decreases.

The second mechanism is the action of biologically active substances. During its feeding, the leech secretes a secretion of different composition, i.e. on different stages food saliva has different composition. This is functionally justified and allows you to solve various problems. First, destruction of the tissues and microvessels of the “victim,” then blockade of hemostasis mechanisms, and finally, counteraction to the protective reactions that develop in tissues in response to damage.

Scientific research into the mechanisms of action of leech on humans began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with the work of John Haycraft, who discovered the anticoagulant effect of leech extract. In 1884, he discovered an enzyme from leech saliva - hirudin.

In Kamenev-Baranovsky’s textbook on hirudotherapy, currently known biologically active substances are divided into 4 groups: The first group is enzymes with lytic properties (from the Greek “lysis” - “separation”, “dissolution”): hyaluronidase destroys hyaluronic acid, collagenase - collagen (components of connective and other tissues), peptidase - proteins, etc. These substances are found in the first or second portion of leech secretion.

The second group consists of anticoagulants and antihemostatics. This group includes a large number of substances. Of these, the most popular is hirudin. All substances work differently. Thus, hirudin blocks the thrombin pathway (it is a direct inhibitor of thrombin), other substances prevent aggregation and adhesion (sticking and sticking together) of platelets, etc. The third group is represented by blockers defensive reactions body. They are produced by the leech so that in the body, which serves as food for the leech, there is no swelling, pain, or vasospasm. These include: painkillers, decongestants, anti-inflammatory and even those involved in maintaining normal blood pressure substances (for example, hirustazin).

The fourth group is Excipients, helping everyone else perform their functions and enhancing their effect. For example, lipids shield proteins introduced with leech secretions from macrophages, thereby saving them from destruction in the human body. This allows biological active substances from leech saliva found in the body long time and exert its effect gradually.

The Russian word “leech” comes from “piti” - “to drink”. This word is used to describe animals belonging to the subclass of annelids from the class of corded worms, which live mostly in fresh water bodies.

What problem should be addressed with hirudotherapy? After all, leeches are often not taken very seriously.

O.A.: It happens that men about 40 years old come to the clinic without obvious health complaints, with a purely preventive purpose - to improve the quality of their blood. According to the test results, they have high blood viscosity. When first applied, the leeches are removed after an hour (there is no point in waiting longer). On the fourth or fifth time of application, the leeches fall off on their own, and from the wound left behind we can conclude that quality condition blood improved noticeably.

I have repeatedly received information from vascular surgeons O negative reviews about leeches. About what they have to treat trophic ulcers, formed after hirudotherapy sessions. But it is not the method that is to blame, but the incorrect practice of its application. Apparently these people had problems with their lower extremities ( varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis, etc.), the outflow of blood was impaired, tissue nutrition was impaired lower limbs. And they (the patients) were immediately given leeches on these areas (of the lower extremities). In such situations, under no circumstances should you start from such zones. First, the body must be prepared.

When I studied with the candidate medical sciences Sukhov Konstantin Vasilyevich, who is a member of the College of Hirudotherapists and Leech Healers of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, was drawn to the above problems great attention. Until the central settings have been completed - the navel and sacrum have not been worked out (since in this area there are vessels through which blood returns from the lower part of the body), you should not work on the lower extremities. At the same time, it is necessary to work with such a patient and improve his condition without using the specified zone.

What does it mean to “work out this zone”? Is this also done with the help of hirudotherapy?

O.A.: This means that a set of measures has been performed, including repeated placement of leeches and, possibly, abdominal massage. At the same time, thanks to leeches and abdominal massage, both blood flow and venous drainage, and lymphatic drainage of tissues. For a patient with diseased vessels of the lower extremities, leeches are not immediately placed on the legs. They are repeatedly placed on the stomach, sacrum, and on certain points of the body, and only after that, in some cases, can they be placed on their feet.

Do you use biologically active points?

O.A.: Yes, I use it. At the same time, I take into account the recommendations of the acupuncturists at our clinic when we treat the same patient together. However, I prefer to start working with the abdomen and sacrum. I think this is important. If you have rhinitis, sinusitis, periodontitis, I put leeches on the mucous surface of the mouth and nose.

That is, no matter what the patient comes to you with, you start with the abdomen and sacrum?

O.A.: Not always. For example, if a person comes in with a recent injury, I often work locally at the site of the injury. In case of injuries, the method of placing leeches works very well! For example, a woman fell from a horse, injured her knee, and then severe swelling. Literally after the first installation, the swelling decreased significantly. Another woman’s leg got caught between the platform and the train, and a giant bruise formed on her thigh. She came for an appointment the same day the injury occurred. Leeches were placed, and the hematoma immediately began to regress.

It is believed that hirudotherapy is indicated in case of problems with blood vessels. This is very wide range problems. Since in case of illness internal organs, for example, the liver, gall bladder, in the periorgan space the functioning of blood vessels deteriorates. And as a result of restoration of blood and lymph flow, the functioning of these organs improves.

Are there any contraindications?

O.A.: Contraindications are all blood diseases that cause increased bleeding, oncology, febrile conditions(there is a risk of bleeding, because when elevated temperature bleeding is also increased).

Is high blood pressure also a contraindication?

O.A.: No, high blood pressure is often treated. During the session, the pressure may not decrease. But during the course there comes relief. In any case, it is better to undergo a course of hirudotherapy rather than one session.

Of course, there are reasons high blood pressure maybe a lot. And we need to understand the reasons.

How do you diagnose patients? After all, hirudotherapy is not a diagnostic method.

How many sessions does one course include?

O.A.: Each patient can have their own individual number of sessions.

If the leech gets saturated quickly and falls off after about 30 minutes, then that’s great! This suggests that she has already prepared her “victim” well; she quickly gets enough.

The effect of leech saliva lasts three months. Chronic illness It's always harder to treat. If possible, a good treatment rhythm is: two weeks, twice a week, then once a week, then once every two weeks, etc. This results in a prolonged action. Some people go for it, others find it difficult.

How did hirudotherapy become your method of choice?

O.A.: I came to leeches through my illness. Thanks to complex treatment, including visceral massage, leeches, herbal medicine, two surgical operations were avoided.

An alternative surgical intervention what type of hirudotherapy can be?

O.A.: For example, hemorrhoids. Here you can work, compete. Endometriosis is going very well. And the remission is very stable. Baker's cyst (pathological fluid formation in the popliteal fossa) also goes away well when treated with leeches.

This is very important. Many people grasp at any straw to avoid surgery.

O.A.: Not all. Many people do not realize the consequences of the operation. They don’t understand what powerful adhesive processes are triggered. But all the same, if there is an opportunity and time to do without surgical intervention, this should be used.

If you approach the patient’s treatment in a comprehensive manner, for example: use leeches, needles or homeopathy, abdominal massage. If at the same time the person himself has the desire to work in order to be healthy, then everything taken together will definitely bring a positive result.

To be healthy, you need to put things in order first of all in your head. Form positive mental images and do not blame your ill health on age, lack of time, etc., as this is a trick to avoid working on yourself. At any age, a person needs to work in order to feel in good condition. Do what you can physical activity, continue to develop, train your brain, because new neural connections can also be formed in old age; Do not torment your body with alcohol and smoking. And smile.

From the time of Ancient Egypt leeches were used to treat abnormalities of the nervous system, inflammation, dental diseases, skin diseases, and infections. Today they are used in plastic surgery and other branches of microsurgery.

The therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy lies in the peptides and proteins secreted by leeches. They prevent the formation of blood clots. These secretions are also known as anticoagulants.

Currently, hirudotherapy is again gaining popularity as a simple and affordable way treatment of various diseases.

Medicinal leeches have three jaws with tiny rows of teeth. They pierce human skin with their teeth and inject anticoagulants through saliva. They are then allowed to bleed out. The session lasts from 20 to 45 minutes according to the patient’s course of treatment.

The total amount of blood is little - up to 15 ml from one leech.

As already mentioned, leeches release a number of active compounds into the blood:

  • Local anesthetic. With its help, you can endure a leech bite with almost no pain.
  • Elements that cause local vasodilation. This increases blood flow to the bite site.
  • Anticoagulant (hirudin). It prevents blood clots from forming.
  • Platelet aggregation inhibitors. They interfere with the formation of platelets.

Leech saliva contains many chemicals, including about 60 known proteins. It is this chemical cocktail that is supposed to heal the body when it enters the bloodstream.

Despite the skepticism of the scientific community, the topic of treatment with leeches is still worth further research.

Experts have been able to prove that leeches can improve blood flow in older people and relieve symptoms of eczema. The enzymes contained in leech saliva can prevent the formation cancer metastases and relieve pain.

Scientists are also busy researching hirudin and its role in the treatment of arthritis.

Before hirudotherapy, blood tests are taken from the patient for anemia and the presence of HIV. The area of ​​skin where the leeches will be placed is checked for vein blockage and arterial insufficiency.

You should not take medications that inhibit the activity of the blood coagulation system and prevent the formation of blood clots, as well as medications that reduce the reaction immune system. To avoid vasoconstriction, the patient is not recommended to consume caffeine until the end of therapy.

Smoking and nicotine replacement products are contraindicated due to vasoconstrictor effect carbon monoxide and nicotine.

Carrying out hirudotherapy

  1. The leech attaches itself to clean, washed skin with soap and water.
  2. The specialist then removes the leech from the container using long tweezers. The easiest way to do this is immediately after removing the container from the refrigerator: the leeches in this state are docile and inactive.
  3. Next, the leech is placed in a syringe, the bottom of which is directed towards the site of its insertion. The syringe can be removed as soon as the leech attaches itself. To avoid displacement, you can place damp gauze on the leech.
  4. If the leech does not want to stick, the skin is pierced to let out a drop of blood.
  5. Once attached, the leech will feed on blood for about 45 minutes.

After the procedure is completed, the bite site will bleed for about 10 hours. During this time, the skin must be washed regularly to remove any blood clots that form.

Drink plenty of water. Don't drink alcohol. Maintain a healthy, full-fledged regimen.

In the afternoon after therapy, you can take a shower and disinfect the bite site with hydrogen peroxide. Do not use rubbing alcohol. Cover the bite with a small bandage.

You may have slight swelling, itching, hematomas. Cold, damp towels or lemon juice. Mix lemon juice with three cups of water, dip a towel in it and apply to the sore spot.

Temporary enlargement of the lymph nodes is also possible. It will go away on its own - it's part of the detoxification process.

You may feel either sleepy and tired or energized and active. Both reactions are normal and occur everywhere.

Hirudotherapy for arthrosis

Rheumatologists with great experience Workers know that treatment with leeches helps well with trochanteritis (inflammation of the hip tendons), psoriatic arthritis and in the initial stages of arthrosis.

The effect of the enzymes that the leech injects is similar to the effect of drugs when a periarticular injection is performed. TO beneficial effects A leech bite also includes restoring blood circulation in the area of ​​the sore joint. The influence of a complex of these factors gives good results in the treatment of the first and second stages of arthrosis.

A different picture with arthrosis of the third stage. Here, hirudotherapy relieves night pain, “rest pain,” and also helps during the preoperative preparation period. After surgical intervention When treating joints, the use of leeches will speed up the recovery of muscles and periarticular tissues damaged by surgery: cartilage, skin, ligaments.

The usual course of treatment with leeches includes 6 to 8 procedures with an interval of 2-6 days. During one session, from 4 to 8 leeches are used. After 3-4 sessions, an improvement usually occurs, but the patient returns to his normal state approximately two weeks after the full course.

However, it is necessary to caution against independent use leeches. You should not skimp on the services of specialists and apply leeches to yourself or other people yourself. There are contraindications that you may not be aware of. There are also special points on the body where leeches should be placed. Ignorance of all the intricacies of the procedure will lead to a lack of the expected effect. A specialist hirudotherapist who works with leeches constantly will provide you with truly effective and efficient assistance.

Leech treatment technique for arthrosis

For gonarthrosis, arthrosis shoulder joints and coxarthrosis, leeches are placed in the projection area of ​​the diseased joints, around them. By palpating the joint by a specialist, pain points, on which leeches land. Among the variety of ways to use these blood-sucking worms for arthrosis knee joints The following are distinguished:

  • Placing 4 leeches on the so-called. "knee eyes"
  • If there is pain in the places of muscle attachment at such points, up to 6 leeches are placed.
  • If the patient has patellofemal syndrome (pain in the kneecap), leeches are placed in areas around the joint, along the edges of the projection kneecap on the skin.

The principle of choosing landing points for leeches is the same for coxarthrosis. hip joint, except that leeches are used in more. They are placed on pain points of the sacrum, lower back, lower abdomen, and thighs.

For arthrosis of the shoulder joint, 8-10 specimens are placed in front and behind on the most painful trigger points. And at the third stage of osteoarthritis, when bone outgrowths begin to appear through the muscles and skin, leeches are placed on the hips, knees, elbows and shoulders directly on top of the protruding formations. Arthrosis complicated by synovitis, cysts in the joint area, as well as bursitis are also well treated with hirudotherapy.

After half an hour - an hour, the leeches, when they are satiated, detach from their “donor”. Relief of the condition in patients is usually observed after the first procedure, but in order to consolidate the effect, it is recommended to conduct 6 to 8 sessions, and sometimes up to 12, with an interval of 2 to 7 days. However, if after the third session there is no improvement, treatment should be stopped, and a second attempt should be made no earlier than after two months.

You need to know anatomy and reflexology well in order to high accuracy install leeches on biologically active points. A person’s natural disgust at the touch of a cold, living and wet creature can be mitigated by placing sterile cotton wool between the body and the worm.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with leeches

This treatment can be done:

  • By aspiration method, the main purpose of which is bloodletting. With this method, the leech sucks out inflammatory proteins and toxins from the site of the inflammatory process along with the blood. The leech feeds on blood until it is satiated and detaches itself.
  • According to Dr. Abuladze's method. The leech is removed from the body immediately after biting the skin and injecting anesthetic saliva into the wound. With this method, up to 20 leeches are used per session.

Indications and contraindications

Treatment with leeches can be effective if there is a risk of limb amputation. The latter occurs due to the side effects of diabetes and heart disease. Leeches can also be used to treat if the patient is to cosmetic surgery or, for example, treatment varicose veins veins and blood clots.

Contraindications for use are hemophilia, leukemia, anemia, arterial insufficiency. In addition, leeches should not be used to treat children under 18 years of age.

In addition to the natural disdain for many for such specific method treatment, people also have individual intolerance to the components of leech saliva.

Practice shows that it is quite safe to use leeches in the case of diseases such as arthrosis of the hip and shoulder joints, as well as gonarthrosis. If a person is intolerant to NSAIDs and has serious contraindications to glucocorticoids, treatment with leeches may be an acceptable substitute.

However, certain rules must be followed:

  • Before treatment, the patient is examined and possible contraindications are identified.
  • Do not agree to treatment outside certified centers and without using high-quality biomaterial.
  • The hirudotherapist must be licensed: developing the correct treatment program with the choice of points of influence is impossible for self-taught people, even the most talented.
  • One of the main requirements for the method is sterility.
  • In case of local allergic manifestations it is necessary to increase the intervals between sessions. If the manifestations of intolerance are systemic, affecting many functions of the body, then sessions can be resumed no earlier than after 9 months, and sometimes this method of treatment should be abandoned altogether.

Leeches caught in a pond are not suitable for treating diseases; they can be infected with all sorts of pathogenic microorganisms. Medical leeches are grown in laboratories, and specimens that have been starved for at least 4 months are taken for treatment. After the sessions, the leeches are destroyed; this is a disposable “tool”.

Rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis are not treated with hirudotherapy in the following cases:

  • blood diseases such as anemia and hemolysis;
  • poor blood clotting, increased bleeding;
  • low blood pressure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • exhaustion after surgery or malaise after a serious illness;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergy to components of leech saliva;

Also, treatment with leeches is not suitable for children and the elderly.

Hirudotherapy at home

Is it possible to treat with leeches at home? Yes, but only under the supervision of a qualified therapist. You can call him at home.

The first step is to make an appointment. When the specialist arrives at your place, take him to the bathroom, as he will need to change the water for the leeches. The water in which they were delivered is not suitable for the procedure. During transportation, leeches are in a state of stress and release their secretions into the water. It is for this reason that the water must be changed immediately. The specialist will also need to wash their hands.

Hirudotherapy is called treatment with leeches. This procedure has been used for more than a millennium, and it has firmly earned recognition official medicine. Most often it was used in the 18th-19th centuries. During the Soviet period, the technique was undeservedly forgotten, and only now it has begun to gain popularity again. What is unique about this therapy?

What is it and how is it useful?

For are used only medical leeches , which prevents infection from entering the body. Their saliva has incredible healing properties and contains many useful substances: hormones, hirudin, vitamins, aeglins and enzymes.

The method of hirudotherapy is the use of leeches for the purpose of complex treatment many diseases.

Leeches are used according to the principle of acupuncture, that is placed at certain reflex points for hirudotherapy, depending on the disease.

They are placed in a certain place on the patient's body, after which they suck and drink blood.

At the moment of a bite, not only their healing secret, but also anesthetic substances that make the procedure is absolutely painless.

Leeches should not be placed in close proximity to veins and blood vessels, as well as on the face and areas of the body with thick skin.

The duration of the session can last from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the doctor’s prescription. Up to 10 individuals can be placed at one time.

At the end of the procedure, the leeches themselves fall away from the body, leaving small, slightly bleeding wounds. They can bleed for quite a long time. This is due to a special substance – hirudin, which prevents blood clotting.

After use, leeches are destroyed, and are not reused. Sterile dressings are applied to bite wounds. And to avoid infection, blood-soaked tampons are not removed, but new ones are placed on top until the bleeding stops completely.

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Recovery period

After the operation, the bite site is wiped with hydrogen peroxide and applied sterile bandage. If a large number of individuals (4 or more) were used, it is recommended to observe bed rest within 2 days.

For several days it is impossible take a bath, use cosmetics and perfumes, cauterize the wound with iodine or alcohol. If necessary, your doctor may additionally prescribe medications containing iron.

Sometimes there may be passing local reactions, in the form of slight swelling, itching and enlarged lymph nodes. This reaction indicates restoration of immunity, activation protective forces body. In this case can be taken antihistamines (Loratadine, Cetrin, Suprastin).

Description of the results, how many sessions are needed and average prices

A few hours after the end of the session, a person may experience weakness, dizziness and apathy. But the very next day the malaise goes away, and health improves significantly. As a rule, the results of hirudotherapy can be felt after the first procedure.

The number of leeches and the duration of the operation is determined by a specialist based on general condition the patient’s health, his age, concomitant diseases.

The maximum number of simultaneously installed individuals should not be more than 10, and sessions – about 12-15.

Prices for hirudotherapy vary significantly. How much a hirudotherapy session will cost may depend on the qualifications of the doctor conducting the treatment.

Thus, an initial consultation with an experienced hirudotherapist will cost an average of 600-800 rubles. The cost of one hirudotherapy session in the clinic is approximately 1200-1800 rubles. Moreover, the price of one individual is 100-250 rubles.

Side effects

Unpleasant consequences after treatment with leeches occur quite rarely. TO side effects Hirudotherapy includes:

  • infection and suppuration of the wound;
  • allergic reactions;
  • prolonged and heavy bleeding.

To avoid the development of complications after hirudotherapy, treatment must be carried out only in a clinic, under the supervision of a specialist, follow the doctor’s instructions and do not touch the bite sites with your hands, so as not to cause an infection.

We recommend watching a video that talks in detail about treatment with leeches and directly shows the points and the technique for placing them, and you will also learn detailed information from an expert on indications for use and contraindications for hirudotherapy:

Frequently asked questions and answers

Is it possible to cure infertility with hirudotherapy?

As practice shows, hirudotherapy in combination with traditional drug treatment allows you to get rid of infertility caused by adhesive process V fallopian tubes. To achieve the effect, several courses of procedures are carried out.

Does this method help you lose weight?

Yes, this method is increasingly used in dietetics.

Enzymes in the saliva of leeches speed up metabolism, saturate the blood with oxygen, activate the brain and provide vigor and good mood.

All this contributes to fairly rapid and painless weight loss.

How effective is the technique in the treatment of varicose veins?

This method of treating varicose veins is considered one of the safest and most effective. Thanks to the enzyme hirudin, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, varicose nodules are reduced, blood clotting is normalized and blood clots are resolved. If the disease is advanced, surgical intervention may be required.

Hirudotherapy is one of the most effective unconventional methods treatment. But to avoid possible complications and unpleasant consequences, it is better to treat qualified specialist and only after a thorough examination.

Much has been written about the dangers and benefits of treatment with leeches. How true are the reviews, and what actually are the contraindications? For what diseases can this treatment be used? Let's try to figure all this out now.

Despite the rapid development of high technology in medicine, some old proven methods of treatment remain indispensable. One of these methods is hirudotherapy.

This method is referred to as a therapeutic and prophylactic method. classical medicine. A large number of fans of hirudotherapy speaks about the effectiveness of such a procedure. Many patients who have tried it on themselves leave positive reviews.

Which ones are medicinal?

It is important to note that “bloodsuckers” are bred exclusively in special laboratories in perfect cleanliness, which is the main condition for their use in medicinal purposes. Such leeches are able to sense disease. “Bloodsucker” only works with a diseased organ.

Important! In therapy, the same leech is not used several times to avoid blood infection and transmission of microbes from one patient to another.

What problems are being addressed?

Huge benefit and the minimal harm of leeches is noted in the reviews of many patients. Small bloodsuckers are used in almost all areas of medicine. These beneficial annelids improve the functioning of the heart, stomach, and intestines. Hirudotherapy is prescribed for the following diseases:

  1. Varicose veins
  2. Arterial hypertension.
  3. Heart diseases.
  4. Acne.
  5. Visible problems with skin, psoriasis, eczema, warts, varicose veins.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Prostatitis.
  8. Diseases genitourinary system.
  9. Change menstrual cycle: improve blood supply to the ovaries, uterine fibroids.
  10. Neuralgia.
  11. Problems musculoskeletal system.
  12. Disorders of the thyroid system: cystitis, urolithiasis disease, pyelonephritis.
  13. Respiratory problems: bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary candidiasis.

Can it be used at home for medicinal purposes?

Hirudotherapy – non-standard and difficult process, which is categorically not recommended to do on your own.

The procedure is entrusted to those who have been specially trained for this: professional doctors, hirudotherapists. Such work must be carried out by a specialist, otherwise it can lead to a disastrous outcome.

Benefits of leeches

The secret of the benefits of “little vampires” is the structure of saliva, which contains useful material, especially:

  • hirudin;
  • hyaluronidase;
  • trypsin;
  • cathepsin;
  • microbes that can protect against infection.

The beneficial effects of leeches on the human body are as follows:

  1. They improve blood flow and improve blood clotting.
  2. Relieves fever and inflammatory processes.
  3. Eliminate swelling.
  4. Improve psychological condition.
  5. Strengthen the immune system.

This method has proven itself to be a sedative for various diseases Central nervous system, depression, insomnia. Hirudotherapy is used to speed up recovery after serious illnesses, as well as for prevention. What is treated with hirudotherapy?

  • Varicose veins – dangerous disease, slowly developing and having a certain dynamics with therapeutic effects. The use of leeches is considered the most common method of therapy and has good results in the fight against this disease. To get rid of the disease forever, you need to carry out full course hirudotherapy. Typically, treatment of varicose veins takes about 5 sessions, which are done once a week. After completing the course, you need to take a break for a couple of months, and then again seek the help of specialists. During the treatment process, the doctor installs 2 worms in the most problematic areas. In addition, “blood-sucking” ones are located along the entire length of the vein.
  • Wide Application in gynecology - used to restore the menstrual cycle, as well as for more complex diseases. Some doctors claim that treatment with leeches helps with infertility, after an abortion, eliminating pain during premenstrual syndrome.
  • For osteochondrosis, treatment with leeches is the best way to help get rid of this disease. It should be noted that “bloodsuckers” not only help reduce pain, but also contribute to full recovery. Hirudotherapy is considered a secondary method that enhances useful action from main drug treatment and gymnastics.
  • Hirudotherapy is one of the effective methods fight prostatitis, reduce inflammation in prostate gland. The healing result will be maximally achieved if the disease is still in its infancy. early stages. If the problem turns into chronic illness, then such therapy will not be enough. In all other situations, the use of leeches protects against blood stagnation and relieves pain.
  • For hemorrhoids - therapy of this disease a complex procedure that requires instant response. Treatment with leeches is considered in a known way influence on the hemorrhoid. In the process of hirudotherapy, the doctor places several leeches on the tailbone, as well as on the site of the disease itself. The procedure requires some training, including psychological training, since this action causes discomfort in people. However, there are standards that should be followed before therapy. These are physical and hygienic activities that are mandatory.
  • Used for acne and other skin problems. In this case, leeches are a modern and efficient solution in cosmetology. Annelids are used to rejuvenate the skin, restore tissue, and improve metabolism. During hirudotherapy, leeches are placed in the neck, around the eyes, and lips. The doctor places the “bloodsuckers” on special nerve endings, especially in the thyroid gland area. In this case, not only a cosmetic result is achieved, but also a healing one, preventing, among other things, the aging process.


It should be noted that the harm from leeches is minimal, special problems annelids do not bring, which makes it possible to make the hirudotherapy procedure absolutely safe and fruitful in the treatment of various diseases in humans. But there are also assumptions, by definition, during the period of procedures, unexpected results for the patient may occur.

Some opponents of hirudotherapy believe that leeches are harmful, since the stomach of the worms contains microorganisms that cleanse blood contaminated with microbes. And if such a bacterium accidentally gets inside a person, then manifestations of botulism are possible, and in rare situations, damage to the inner lining of the esophagus.

When bitten, a leech releases about 200 different biocatalysts into the blood, which have healing effect per patient. At the same time, certain enzymes make the blood more watery, which allows lymph to be absorbed without complications. As a result, the wound continues to bleed for another day.


Are there any contraindications to the use of hirudotherapy? In one session, the leech sucks up to 150 milliliters of blood, which is quite a large volume. In this regard, if a person has poor blood clotting, it is not recommended to use it. this method treatment.

Leech therapy has a number of contraindications, making the procedure impossible. Therefore, people who suffer from the following diseases The use of this therapy for medicinal purposes is contraindicated:

  1. Little weight.
  2. Allergy.
  3. Oncology.
  4. Anemia.
  5. Low pressure.
  6. Poor clotting blood.
  7. Taking certain medications.

It is prohibited to use hirudotherapy for pregnant girls, during lactation, as well as for children under 10 years old.

Previously, it was believed that the procedure was risky due to the manifestation of hirudinosis - the invasion of an “animal” inside a person. When using the session under sterile conditions, the possibility of hirudinosis completely disappears.

Important! Before the procedure, the client undergoes certain tests.

Video: hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches.



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