Treatment of allergies using osteopathic methods. Make an appointment with doctors with extensive experience in this field

IN Lately You can increasingly hear that new treatment methods have emerged that are an alternative to official medicine. One of these areas is osteopathy, which includes treatment with manual therapy, massage internal organs, acupuncture and other methods of influence. What is this concept? How does it affect the body? Is there any effect from such influences? real help? Such questions arise for those who have decided to see an osteopathic doctor, but still have certain doubts. Indeed, before you trust someone with your health, you need to carefully understand these methods of medical practice.

What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy - methods for diagnosing and treating disorders that arise in the structural and anatomical relationships of body parts and individual organs, which are determined by a specialist using sensitivity of your hands.

These methods do not have a common scientific basis and are not recognized everywhere official medicine, although some techniques for working with patients are used in neurology in health care institutions in a number of countries. In Russia, osteopathy is allowed in certain medical institutions. institutions, and it is classified as manual therapy.

Many people include in this concept bioenergetics, homeopathy, reflexology and some techniques used in Chinese traditional medicine, but all these methods have no legal scientific basis and full evidence of their effectiveness. Experts who use osteopathy in their practice consider it a kind of complex art that they study for years. But you can begin to comprehend it only by knowing thoroughly the structure and all the subtleties human body. An osteopathic doctor must have a higher medical education, and if there is none, it is hardly worth trusting such a pseudo-specialist.

Speculation about osteopathy

This method of treatment has many supporters and opponents, and everyone has their own opinion on this matter.

  • Surprisingly, many argue that treatment is successful if the patient and the doctor match each other’s psychotype, i.e. if the patient feels comfortable during the osteopath’s sessions and trusts him.

This may be true, but not only an osteopath, but also any doctor must feel his patient - only then can positive results be achieved.

  • Many are disappointed by the fact that after attending a session with an osteopath, patients do not immediately feel medical action. Yes, skillful touches and light pressure are not a forceful massage, but you need to remember that pressing on the right points of the body is sometimes more effective than Strong arms massage therapist
  • Sometimes patients who have visited an osteopath begin to feel the effects from his hands only in the evening, and they are not always comfortable, although immediately after the session such discomfort did not arise. There is nothing surprising or terrible in such a reaction - this indicates that the treatment process has begun, and the doctor’s hands have a certain strength. A painful sensations - normal reaction adult organism to outside interference, but under such influence it will be rebuilt in a healthy way.

You can reassure such patients by the fact that with each subsequent session the pain will decrease, since between visits to the doctor the human body will undergo healing processes. Therefore, you cannot give up treatment halfway; you must complete it.

What is the difference between osteopathy and manual therapy?

The definition of “osteopathy” often includes manual therapy. Yes, they almost always accompany and complement each other, but, nevertheless, these are different techniques.

Manual therapy is a combination of the doctor’s actions using his hands on musculoskeletal system body. Osteopathy has a broader focus on treatment, which includes the impact on various organs, management of human health, bringing the body to the “right wave”. The goals of manual therapy include relieving symptoms internal medicine, i.e. eliminating pain, while osteopathy is designed to find and treat the root of pain - the disease itself.

The advantages of osteopathy include its relative painlessness during treatment and the possibility of its use for any age categories patients ranging from babies to people old age. Using this technique, the entire body is diagnosed, which contributes to the effectiveness of treatment. The ability of osteopathy to reduce cases of relapse of the disease to a minimum is also its advantage over manual therapy.

It should be noted that there is a certain connection between the methods, since osteopathy relies in its knowledge on many years of research chiropractors. For an osteopathic doctor to be fluent in his profession, he must also be an excellent chiropractor.

What does an osteopathic doctor treat?

The list of diseases for which patients can contact an osteopathic specialist is very wide and multifaceted:

  • ENT diseases: sinusitis, chronic otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis.
  • Diseases of the joints and spine: scoliosis, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, osteoarthritis, arthritis and others.
  • Neurological diseases: intercostal neuralgia, pathological intracranial pressure, headaches, migraines and other pathologies.
  • Diseases respiratory system: bronchitis, bronchial asthma, inflammatory processes in the lungs and much more.
  • Pathologies of internal organs: stomach ulcer, cholecystitis, gastritis, liver disease, hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, hepatitis.
  • Women's diseases: infertility, pain during menstruation, cycle disorders.
  • Male diseases: adenoma prostate gland, prostatitis, impotence.
  • Injuries and surgeries: adhesions after surgery, head injury, contractures and other injuries musculoskeletal system
  • Pregnancy: back pain, preparation for childbirth, recovery after it.
  • Children's diseases: cerebral palsy, torticollis, hydrocephalic syndrome, brain dysfunction, encephalopathy, flat feet, developmental delay and much more.

In addition, every experienced osteopathic specialist can advise the patient on another problem that has arisen.

Types of osteopathy

Osteopathy can be divided into different directions, for example, children's, visceral, cranial, cranioxal and others.

  • Children's direction in osteopathy- the most important of all the others, since specialists can still infancy correct pathologies that, in older age, are no longer treatable and will have a negative impact on general development child. For example, intracranial pressure, or birth injuries, in which children experience disturbances in the placement of cranial bones or sutures, which is especially dangerous at the exit points of the nerve processes.
  • Visceral osteopathy has a primary focus on organs chest, abdominal cavity and small pelvis. Using a similar technique they treat:
    • organs of the respiratory system;
    • pre-infarction conditions, hypertension;
    • pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
    • enuresis;
    • gynecological diseases;
    • prostatitis and adenoma, as well as many other diseases of internal organs.
  • Structural osteopathy used to treat the musculoskeletal system. This is especially true for pathologies that limit the patient’s mobility: radiculitis, osteochondrosis, pain in muscles and joints, spinal hernia, scoliosis, spinal curvature. Joint diseases can also be treated: arthritis, arthrosis, structural defects of the foot and heel spurs. Structural osteopathy helps well in treating the consequences of various injuries.
  • Craniosacral osteopathy covers the entire brain structure of the human body - from the central nervous system and until the very end spinal cord V sacral region. Used in the prevention and treatment of strokes, TBI, intracranial pressure, pathologies of cerebral circulation, headaches, memory loss or dizziness, and numerous other disorders of the neurological and mental spheres.

There is also the so-called general osteopathy, which includes techniques for stretching and revitalizing tissue. Using circular smooth movements in the area of ​​the peripheral joints of the body, the doctor relaxes the fascial attachments of the muscles, which normalizes the reflex relationships of the muscles with the nerves.

Contraindications to osteopathic treatment

Do not think that osteopathy is a panacea for all health problems. She is just like other species medical procedures, has contraindications. These include a number of diseases, especially in the acute stage:

  • Intestinal infections: salmonellosis, dysentery, diphtheria, anthrax, cholera and other diseases that are treated medications in stationary conditions.
  • Acute bleeding that requires urgent stopping.
  • Malignant formations.
  • Heart attacks, strokes, hypertonic disease and other acute pathologies.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Mental disorders.

Contraindications include a number of other severe acute diseases that require intervention traditional medicine. When contacting an osteopath, you must inform him or her so as not to harm your body.

The use of osteopathy for certain diseases

Very often, patients ask questions about whether osteopathic treatment is possible during pregnancy, whether such a technique helps with pathologies spinal column, for epilepsy. Yes, these conditions or diseases are within the scope of practice of doctors of similar medicine.

Osteopathy during pregnancy can be used to relieve general condition women, relieving the symptoms that occur in this condition:

  • toxicosis;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • joint or back pain;
  • swelling;
  • threat of early birth.

Osteopathy is also used to prepare a woman for the most crucial moment, provoking the mobility of the pelvic bones, which will facilitate childbirth and relieve possible injuries newborn

  • During treatment herniated discs or osteochondrosis The osteopath must find out and eliminate the root cause of the disease. This may be a curvature of the spine or incorrect posture, postoperative scar or injury that affected pathological displacement vertebra, etc. A specialist can determine the cause of the hernia and eliminate it, relaxing the muscles and restoring their tone. As a result, nutrition improves intervertebral disc, and it partially normalizes the shape, reducing pressure on the nerve processes and relieving excruciating pain. Sometimes this method even helps to cancel the operation.
  • Epilepsy treated with cranial osteopathy, when the doctor uses his hands to various areas skull in order to normalize venous and arterial blood flow. This allows you to increase the time between attacks, relieves the patient from seizures and stops the development of epilepsy.

Basics of osteopathy on video

Vertical diagnostics

Lying on your stomach

How to find an osteopath and the price of an appointment

  1. You can find a good osteopathic doctor by asking your friends. If you don’t find any, you can look at clinics on the Internet, and it’s better to rely on the reviews of those who have already undergone treatment there. Doctors of this specialization work in private clinics or in physiotherapeutic hospitals.
  2. When choosing an osteopath, be sure to ask if he has higher diploma medical education , since training courses for osteopaths are not enough to provide qualified assistance. Don’t lose sight of his work experience in this profile. Remember that you trust him with your health or the health of loved ones. An osteopathic doctor may turn out to be an ordinary charlatan who will not only not cure you, but will also cause serious damage to the condition of the body.
  3. The price for a session with a doctor of this specialization varies from 300 to 2500 rubles. It all depends on the depth of the problem, and, of course, on the qualifications of the osteopath and his personal self-esteem.

Before contacting a specialist of this profile, It's best to consult a doctor, where you usually receive treatment. Find out if you have the above-described contraindications to the use of this technique. If you nevertheless decide to undergo treatment with this technique, be sure to tell your osteopathic specialist about all your problems - perhaps he himself will see the contraindications.

Manifestations of allergies are extremely diverse, despite the fact that there are two different people may react differently: one, for example, has a stuffy nose, and the other begins to have dermatitis. But general mechanism development of an allergic reaction consists in suppressing the immune system, reducing resistance to stress, and slowing recovery processes body. Allergies are often accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as frequent colds, rhinitis, urticaria, dermatitis, eczema, conjunctivitis, chronic fatigue.

So is it possible to cope with allergies without medications? Can! Considering the fact that any medicines They simply relieve symptoms and have no effect on the real reason diseases - the body’s inability to resist allergens due to weakened immunity or limited power of recovery processes.

Osteopathic treatment of allergies

If you have allergies, we recommend safe osteopathic treatment aimed at improving the health of the entire body. Osteopathy has proven effective in treating allergies in adults and children. Given that in children, given the pliability of their body, the results of therapy generally exceed all expectations.

The sensitive hands of an osteopath are able to find the root cause of weakened immunity and establish the body’s recovery processes. Millimeter by millimeter, he examines the patient’s body and eliminates tension and “clamps” of muscles and ligaments, displacements from bones, joints, tissues and even internal organs, various blocks” that impede the free movement of blood, lymph and others biological fluids. As a result, the imbalance in the body's systems disappears, the body begins to function normally, and defenses are restored.

There are several osteopathic techniques. In each of them, the impact is aimed at the cause of the lesion or illness. A holistic approach to treatment leads to a balance of all body systems.

In osteopathic sessions the following is used:

✓ tactile pressure;

✓ tissue stretching;

✓ deep massage;

✓ mobilization of joints.

The movements are very gentle, so they are safe even for newborns. Thanks to a special technique, the patient’s condition changes after the first session. The number of sessions is prescribed by the doctor individually.

It should be said that in the OSTMED center, osteopathic doctors are also assisted in the treatment of allergies by specialists from other fields - homeopaths, naturotherapists and reflexologists, who can quickly and safely relieve allergy symptoms and improve the patient’s condition in a matter of days.

Will osteopathy help with kissing allergies?!

“Yes,” answers the head of the Israeli Center for Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST) and Rehabilitation KANPAL, an osteopathic doctor, Dr. Alexander Kantsepolsky. But so far, in the doctor’s long and successful practice, such a rare case has not come across, although patients with a variety of allergic pathologies come to KANPAL clinics.

It is known from history that L. Beethoven, A. Vivaldi, and C. Dickens suffered from allergies. Historians argue whether Napoleon Bonaparte would have lost the decisive Battle of Waterloo if he had not had another brutal attack allergic rhinitis-runny nose. Allergy - this is a disease of civilization. Today, 20% of the world's population has allergic reactions, and in 15-20 years, half of the inhabitants on Earth will experience them. Common allergic diseases and their consequences include following states:

1. frequent colds;
2. violations pulmonary functions at bronchial asthma, pulmonary edema;
3. skin manifestations: urticaria, dermatitis, eczema;
4. inflammation of the nasopharynx: rhinitis, hay fever;
5.inflammation of the membranes of the eyes: conjunctivitis;
6. food and drug allergies ;
7. allergic reactions to light;
8. chronic fatigue.

Described rare cases allergies to water, bread and jewelry. Each patient has their own individual allergic reactions. But the general mechanism of allergic “breakdown” is the weakening and suppression of the body’s immunity, decreased resistance to stress, increased reaction (sensitization) to the allergen, and limited power of recovery processes. Therefore, when serious illnesses and in the first months and years of life, when they are depressed or have not yet formed defense mechanisms(like children) allergic disorders very common. It is generally accepted that only 10% of children are born completely healthy, 10% of newborns are born with visible pathology, and the majority, 80% of apparently healthy babies, will require certain corrections of the body to adapt to an existence without allergies. To rid the human body of allergic symptoms couldn't be more suitable osteopathic therapy, aimed at improving the health of the whole body, has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of adults and children. In children, given their plasticity, the results of therapy are better.

Osteopathy is based on three principles:
1. there is no life without movement;
2. the body is united and integral in anatomical, physiological and mechanical manifestations;
3. structures and systemic functions in the body are closely interrelated.

Osteopathic diagnosis and treatment are based on the doctor’s clear and extensive knowledge of many medical disciplines, his philosophy, thinking, intuition and professional skill. The osteopathic doctor’s working tool is his naturally sensitive and trained hands. In accordance with the medical canon, the doctor is left alone with the patient, but one should see these soft, confident and knowing movements of his hands. In Andersen's fairy tale, the Princess felt a pea through several mattresses, and the hands of an osteopathic specialist can feel a hair under 20 sheets of paper, are able to “see, hear” and feel deeply under skin tissue density, volume and configuration of structures, their changes, etc.

When examining and treating a patient, the osteopathic doctor finds and corrects:
A. altered bone rhythms;
b. tension and “clamps” of muscles, fascia, blood vessels, nerves;
V. displacement of tissues, organs, formations and systems from their places;
d. “blocks” that prevent the free movement of biological fluids
(blood, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, urine).
As a result, the imbalance of the above structures disappears, impaired movements are restored and the body returns to its previous state. normal functioning, and sometimes moves to a higher energy level.

Today there are 3 areas of osteopathy:
1. structural(impact on the musculoskeletal system);
2. visceral(effect on internal organs);
3. cranio-sacral(correction of a malfunction of the skull-spine-sacrum system).

All these areas are expressed in the multifunctional activities of the above Israeli Medical Center"KANPAL", headed by Dr. Kansepolsky.
Returning to the topic of assistance for allergic conditions, it should be noted that the Center adheres to A complex approach in therapy, but, most importantly, professionally examines and competently treats patients who seek help.

For example, the patient, a three-year-old girl, from the first days of her life easily developed diathesis after eating certain foods. The previous treatment (antihistamines) only alleviated her condition, but then allergic reactions arose again: redness of the skin in the form of irregular spots, swelling, difficulty breathing, combined with refusal to eat and sleep disturbances. For 5 years after the course of treatment using the CST method, the child was seen by a doctor once a year, and allergic attacks did not recur.

The following is indicative clinical case: an adult man every year in the spring, when certain plants bloomed, experienced nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, lacrimation, sneezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Procedures carried out prophylactically before the spring season prevented the appearance of allergic conditions. Practical recovery has occurred, although the patient does not refuse several annual preventive sessions.

P.S. In reality, there is no such thing as an allergy to kissing; allergic reaction can be caused by your partner's saliva.

“Please tell me whether osteopathy can solve the problem of allergies in 2 year old child. If so, how does this happen and approximately how many sessions will be required. Thank you".

They approached me with such an unusual question (I allowed myself to preserve the spelling and style of the author) the other day. Since the question is not interesting and raises quite serious problem, then I decided to answer it as fully and clearly as possible. So, what can an osteopath do in this situation?

Allergic diseases are now very common and pose a serious problem for the child and his family. Osteopathic correction will undoubtedly come to the rescue, but it should be remembered that the treatment of such diseases should be as comprehensive as possible. As a rule, the child is observed by an allergist and selected necessary diet And drug therapy, a hypoallergenic lifestyle is being formed. It would seem, where is the place for a doctor - an osteopath? That's right, an osteopath does not directly treat an allergic disease. His area of ​​interest and work is reversible dysfunctions in the body (spasms, fixations, blocks, etc.). Scientific language this is called somatic dysfunction. At your appointment, the doctor will carefully examine your medical history and conduct a diagnosis. Main tool osteopathic doctor - his hands. It is with his hands that the doctor can identify tension in certain muscles and ligaments, restriction of movement individual joints, impaired mobility of internal organs and many other problems. So what does allergy have to do with it? I'll explain now. For example, by removing the block of the thoracic vertebrae, it is possible to improve the innervation and blood supply to the liver, which will significantly improve its function. The liver is the main “cleaning station” of our body. This means that toxins and other “harmful” substances will be quickly neutralized and eliminated from the body. On the other hand, for example, by removing the tension in the intestinal mesentery (the structure that supports the intestine), you can restore its normal motility. This will lead to food being better digested, which means fewer potential allergens enter the bloodstream. These are just individual examples, and, as you understand, there are a great many of them. In other words, an osteopath helps to “tune” the body and better cope with a particular ailment.

The doctor also treats only with his hands and does not use technical means in his work. All techniques are gentle, painless and highly effective.

It is not difficult to guess that each person has his own somatic dysfunctions in the body. After all, it can’t be that everyone suffers only from the liver and that’s all? That is why there is no universal osteopathic treatment scheme. The approach to each is strictly individual, the work is carried out “here and now”. Hence, without seeing the child, it is difficult to predict exactly how many sessions will be required to achieve the desired result. No, as a rule, positive changes are visible even after the first dose, but to get maximum effect need a course. From experience I can say that in most cases we do it in 4-5 sessions. At the same time, I note that the interval between doses is from 7-10 days to 1 month. It all depends on the child and the characteristics of his body.

Osteopathic support, even if it does not completely eliminate the manifestations of the disease (by the way, this also happens), will significantly reduce their severity and will reduce the number and dosage of treatments used. medicines, will improve the quality of life. But I would like to emphasize once again that in this situation, the most comprehensive approach is important, because it turns out to be the most effective.

Health to you and your loved ones! Good luck!



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