Erythema annulare in dogs. Dog Skin Diseases: Symptoms and Treatment

Now the time has come to figure out what skin diseases do dogs exist, what are their symptoms and how to treat them!

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In addition, there is some tendency to fungal diseases in yorkshire terriers. Dermatophytosis is a contagious disease, it is transmitted from dog to dog, as well as through contact with fungal spores. Which, by the way, even you and I can bring into the house, without knowing it ourselves.


The main symptom of fungal infections is spontaneous alopecia (baldness). Moreover, on bare skin areas, concomitant lesions are almost never observed and itching is rarely present. Sometimes with trichophytosis, onychomycosis can be observed - damage to the claw and periungual bed. In this case, the claw turns yellow and exfoliates.

Quite rarely, dermatophytosis occurs in the form of a kerion - a nodular skin lesion. At the same time, purulent exudate. In severe fungal infections in animals, microsporial lesions of the paw pads can be observed.


Treatment of fungal infections involves external treatment and bathing in special antifungal shampoos such as Nizoral or Dermazole. You can also apply veterinary drug Imaverol. In addition, dermatophytosis is treated with systemic antifungal drugs Ketoconazole, Itraconazole and Terbinafine.

Please note that the treatment of fungal infections is not complete without measures aimed at cleaning the habitat of dogs. Be sure to treat their bedding or couch to destroy all fungal spores.


Symptoms of otodectosis and sarcoptic mange are often severe itching. At the same time, with otodectosis, ear lesions and a symptom of excessive accumulation of sulfur in them can be observed. Sarcoptic mange is characterized by severe itching on the paws, head and neck. Due to scratching, wounds and inflammation of the skin can occur. As well as the so-called self-induced baldness, when the dog combs the hair on its own.

allergic reactions

Allergy is the most difficult to diagnose, because it is always very difficult to isolate a certain irritating component - an allergen. The very nature of the origin of allergies is not fully understood.

Allergies in dogs are usually divided into:

  • food;
  • allergy to components environment(dust, plant pollen, down, feather).

Diagnosis of allergic reactions has the following standard algorithm:

However, the diagnosis of allergy by blood is carried out in only a few European laboratories. At the same time, it is advisable to carry it out if it is possible to carry out exclusive expensive treatment - allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT).


Allergy is always manifested by severe itching. Since they decrease with allergies protective properties skin, it creates favorable conditions for the development of various bacterial processes on the skin. Therefore, redness, pustules or rashes are almost always integral symptoms of allergies. Due to strong combing, bald patches naturally appear.


If your dog has a food allergy, he will be treated with specific diet, which will have to exclude allergen products. However, veterinarians say that it is food allergy occurs infrequently, allergies to environmental components are much more common.

Skin cancer

Many owners mistakenly believe that any neoplasm in their pet is cancer. While cancer is just one type tumor process. And as such, skin cancer is rare in dogs, unlike other skin cancers. Cancer is a tumor epithelial cells and can only be malignant. Much more often than cancer, veterinarians observe in their patients a type of tumor such as a mastocytoma or a mast cell tumor.


Cancer often manifests itself skin lesions on fingers or head. These lesions look like non-healing extensive ulcerative lesions skin. These lesions are quite painful and in order to make a disappointing diagnosis - cancer, you need to conduct a smear-imprint followed by microscopy. More common than cancer, mastocytoma manifests itself in the form of cutaneous and subcutaneous swelling, often of a malignant nature.

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Cancer treatment is always only surgical surgical intervention. After surgical removal The veterinarian decides further treatment: It could be radiation or chemotherapy.

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To learn more about what skin diseases in dogs exist, the video below will help you!

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Allergic dermatitis

Dogs can have allergic reactions to shampoos and hair products, food and environmental products, substances such as pollen or insect bites. An allergic dog may scratch the skin until it becomes sore, and the dog's skin also develops a rash. Corticosteroids may help relieve itching, but most effective method treatment is to identify and avoid contact with allergens.

Yeast dermatitis

If your dog constantly scratches his ears, cleans his paws, especially the area between his toes, then he needs to be shown to the veterinarian, this may be fungal disease. Symptoms include itching, irritation, discoloration of the skin. The infection affects the ears, the space between the fingers, the chin, the neck, the abdomen, the armpits and around anus. In some cases, the veterinarian prescribes oral medications, ointments, drops, shampoos will also help.


Superficial bacterial folliculitis is an infection that causes sores, bumps, and scabs on the skin. Appears as inflammation hair follicle, with the formation of pus. These skin disorders are easier to detect in short-haired dogs. In a long-haired dog, the signs of folliculitis are dull coat, reddening of the skin on the muzzle and ears can be observed. Folliculitis often occurs in association with other skin problems such as scabies, allergies. Treatment may include oral antibiotics and antibacterial ointments and shampoos.


This type bacterial infection is most common in puppies (puppy pyoderma). With this disease, a rash forms in the inguinal and axillary regions. Sometimes the disease may be accompanied by slight itching. Most often, impetigo occurs with other viral diseases.


Seborrhea - peeling of the skin, can be caused by the fact that the skin of the dog began to secrete too much sebum or vice versa is not enough. Some dog breeds are prone to seborrhea, such as the Cocker Spaniel, irish setter, doberman. Seborrhea can be a sign of hormonal disorders, allergies.


Ringworm (trichophytosis) is a disease that affects the skin of both animals and humans. The disease is caused by pathogenic fungi. Ringworm starts with small rash, then a reddish crust forms on the skin, the hair on the affected area falls out. puppies aged less than a year are the most susceptible to infection. For treatment, various anti-fungal drugs are used.

Hair loss (alopecia)

Any dog ​​sheds, and the amount of hair that falls out during a shedding depends on the breed of the dog and the time of year. Hair loss can be affected by stress, poor nutrition, disease. But if your dog suddenly began to lose a large number of wool, then this is an alarm signal, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Scabies (Ticks)

Change in color and appearance of skin, coat

Changes in dog skin color and coat texture may indicate metabolic and hormonal disorders. If you notice this in your pet, contact your veterinarian.

Dry and rough skin

Dry and rough skin can indicate a number of problems. This is common symptom for allergies, scabies and other skin diseases. It can also be a signal of a vitamin deficiency, but if your dog is constantly itchy and uncomfortable, see your veterinarian.

Wet dermatitis

Acute moist dermatitis is the appearance of small, inflamed areas on the body of the animal that cause severe itching and discomfort in the dog. They most commonly occur on the dog's head, chest, thighs, and are very hot to the touch. These spots can be caused by a number of disorders, such as allergies, infections, insect bites, etc.

Among all diseases of dogs, the most common are skin diseases that occur most often due to allergic reactions, inflammations, infections, and genetic predispositions. Unlike other ailments, skin diseases in a pet can be seen with the naked eye and promptly consult a doctor who will determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Types of skin diseases in dogs - photo

Depending on the cause, skin diseases in dogs are divided into several types:

Having found skin lesions, the owner should immediately show the dog to the doctor. At the same time, despite obvious symptoms and manifestations of the disease, put accurate diagnosis it can be quite difficult, and treatment can be delayed for a long time.

As soon as there is suspicion that the pet has a skin disease, it is urgently necessary to take the following actions:

  1. Stop petting your pet.
  2. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  3. Do not allow the dog to sleep on the owner's bed.
  4. Avoid pet contact with children.
  5. To avoid spreading infection, stop combing the dog's coat.

Do not lubricate the affected areas with any ointments, brilliant green or iodine before visiting a doctor. You can cut the hair and process the skin salicylic alcohol.

With the help of fungal spores, dermatophytosis is easily transmitted from animal to animal. Yorkshire terriers are most prone to it.

Symptoms of fungal skin diseases:

  1. Alopecia, in which itching is rarely present, and there are never associated lesions.
  2. The defeat of the near-elbow bed and the claw, which exfoliates and turns yellow.
  3. Rarely - nodular lesions skin that may ooze pus.
  4. At severe forms microspore diseases can affect the paw pads.

With fungal infections, the veterinarian most often prescribes treatment of the pet with special shampoos, which include Dermazole and Nizoral. Also used special drug for animals Imaverol. A course of treatment with special antifungal drugs Terbinafine, Itraconazole, Ketonazole is prescribed.

The specialist must necessarily tell the owner of a sick dog that in order to destroy fungal spores, it is necessary to treat the pet's bedding and wash all its habitats.

Allergy in dogs

It is not very easy to identify an allergen, therefore, in the diagnosis allergic diseases skins are quite complex. The most common dog allergens are:

  • food products;
  • house dust;
  • insect bites;
  • plant pollen;
  • mold;
  • household chemicals;
  • medications.

A fairly common allergen is the frequently used flea remover. Even the most harmless, they belong to the group of pyrethroids, and therefore quite often cause allergic reactions.

To the main allergy symptoms in dogs include:

  • severe itching;
  • salivation;
  • runny nose;
  • sudden cough;
  • nettle fever;
  • edema.

Due to the fact that the protective properties of the skin during allergies are reduced, it eventually appears various rashes, redness, pustules. Since the pet begins to itch a lot, he develops bald patches.

An allergic reaction that occurs quickly is the easiest to identify. With a thorough investigation, the cause of the allergy can be quickly identified and eliminated. Most often, these reactions are characterized sudden appearance runny nose, cough and urticaria, which manifests itself itchy blisters on the face, under the armpits and in the groin. Urticaria disappears quite quickly, but so that the pet does not have time to comb the blisters and infect, the inflamed skin is rubbed with vodka or salicylic alcohol. In addition, the dog should drink suprastin, tavegil or diphenhydramine 3 times a day.

The causes and sources of delayed allergic reactions are identified in stages:

Food allergies are not common in dogs, but if your pet develops allergic reaction they should be excluded from the diet.

  1. The defeat of the ears and the accumulation of sulfur in them during otodectosis.
  2. Violent itching in the neck, head and paws with sarcoptic mange. The dog combs the wounds to such an extent that even the skin becomes inflamed and the hair is combed out.

Scabies or aranchnosis

  1. Zheleznica.
  2. Ear scabies.
  3. Itchy scabies.

Some forms of these diseases are contagious to humans, but are quickly cured without the use of any drugs.

The symptom of scabies is localized itching, which occurs most often in the ears, hocks, and elbows. Since over time, mites affect not only the surface of the skin, but also begin to irritate nerve endings the itching becomes unbearable. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of scabies, it must be treated immediately. Otherwise, the pet's metabolism may be disturbed, and exhaustion may begin. In severe cases, if scabies is not treated, animal may die.

Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive. First of all, itching calms down, and mites are destroyed. In parallel, it is necessary to improve the processes of skin regeneration and increase immunity. Some dogs full recovery does not occur, and as soon as immunity decreases, changes hormonal state the animal or pet becomes stressed, the disease recurs.


If the dog is healthy, then there is no dandruff on her skin or it is almost invisible. Seborrhea can develop as a result of a violation endocrine system, or become a consequence of sarcoptic mange. With seborrhea, work is disrupted sebaceous glands, the skin becomes oily and many scales appear on it.

The first outbreaks of disease appear at the bottom of the belly and on the paws. The dandruff then spreads to the ears and tail, hocks and elbow joints, muzzle and chest.

Seborrhea is of two types:

  1. Dry. This species is characterized by dry skin, on which scaly, dry, crumbling dandruff forms.
  2. Oily. The disease is characterized by excess sebum, greasy scales sticking to the coat, brown plaques on the skin and a rancid odor.

Dry seborrhea most often affects small children. sofa dogs, which are often bathed using various detergents. As a result, their skin becomes dehydrated and dry dandruff appears.

In some cases, the cause of dry seborrhea may be a lack of fat in the diet of the animal. To get rid of dandruff, you can try to include a teaspoon or dessert spoon in your dog's diet. vegetable oil which she must eat daily. If after a while the dandruff does not disappear, and the itching intensifies, then you need to contact a specialist.

Since in some cases seborrhea is the result of a disease, the doctor prescribes drugs to treat the underlying disease.

Dermatitis in dogs

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin. The causes of this disease can be very diverse. According to them, all dermatitis in dogs have the following qualifications:

In some cases, the disease is associated with the age of the dogs. In pets of the first years of life, dermatitis is manifested by purulent and purple vesicles and pustules on the lips, chin, groin and hairless abdomen. In older dogs, the disease manifests itself in the area knee joints and along the back, where papules, pustules, or acne are found.

With any dermatitis, painful places treated with antibacterial soap and 3% hydrogen peroxide. If this does not help, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

To heal a pet, it must be given correct diagnosis which can only be done in a clinic. Specialists will inspect necessary tests and on their basis, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. It must be remembered that it is almost impossible to cure skin diseases in dogs on your own. You should not put off a visit to the veterinarian, as the missed time can lead to the suffering of the animal, and in some cases, to its death.

Skin diseases in dogs

Trophic ulcers in dogs - often diagnosed in traditional veterinary medicine dermatological pathology purulent-necrotic nature, which occurs due to impaired blood and lymph circulation, tissue trophism, due to damage to large blood vessels, nerves, spinal cord. Skin lesions are not prone to self-healing and may recur periodically. If the treatment of trophic ulcers is not started in a timely manner, destructive-degenerative processes occur in the structures of damaged tissues. This pathology requires long-term medical therapy.

The formation of trophic ulcers in dogs contributes to whole line causes, unfavorable exo-endogenous factors. Usually, this pathology can occur in animals after suffering severe injuries, bruises, prolonged mechanical damage, which leads to violation venous circulation. Integrity damage skin leads to disruption of tissue trophism, provokes acute inflammation in the structures of the damaged epidermis.

Important! In dogs, weeping, long-healing sores are most often noted on the limbs (leg), mucous membranes, less often on the back, sides, and neck.

Causes of trophic ulcers:

Trophic ulcers in animals are not an independent pathology and are most often formed against the background of systemic, functional disorders in the work of internal organs, systems, with deterioration of the venous, arterial circulation. Infections contribute to their development inflammatory nature, which reduce the immune potential of animals.

Dogs experience severe itching, pain. The limbs swell. Animals become inactive, inadequately respond to external stimuli. Appetite is reduced or absent altogether. Dogs eagerly drink water, lie motionless in their place. An increase in overall body temperature by one to two degrees is possible.

Read also: Dry keratoconjunctivitis in dogs: causes and treatment options

Treatment of trophic ulcers in animals

Considering that trophic ulcers are difficult to treat, they provoke serious complications, medical therapy you need to start immediately, as soon as the owner notices uncharacteristic expressions on the body of his beloved pet.

Important! Treatment trophic ulcer the dog should be prescribed by a veterinarian after a comprehensive diagnosis.

Choice medical techniques depends on the underlying cause, degree of progression pathological processes in tissues, general physiological state, the age of the dog, the presence of secondary, concomitant diseases. The prognosis largely depends on the underlying cause.

Dogs are assigned comprehensive symptomatic treatment. For trophic ulcers in animals, apply:

  • drug treatment;
  • surgical intervention;
  • infusion therapy;
  • means of alternative medicine.

On the initial stages pathologies very well help complex wound healing agents(gels, ointments, creams, liniments, talkers) intended for local treatment. The drugs have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-edema effect, accelerate the processes of epithelialization, regeneration of damaged tissues.

Veterinarians use the following drugs: Argosulfan, 0.01% Genatmycin, methyluracil ointment, Vishnevsky liniment, Solcoseryl, Levomikol, streptocid, gels, creams containing antibiotics, sulfanilamide, which has a complex antibacterial action. Well helps with trophic ulcers Miramistin, chloramphenicol, heparin ointment, Sulfargin, silver nitrate. Drugs improve metabolic processes in tissues, trophism of the damaged dermis.

Apart from general therapy used in the treatment of trophic ulcers in dogs special dressings. For example, VosKapran, which is a unique dressing material impregnated with medicines. Has a prolonged effect. It has a wound-healing, wound-protective, analgesic effect. Promotes more rapid healing ulcers, purulent infected wounds.

With long-term non-healing trophic ulcers, dogs are prescribed corticosteroids in minimal dosages (10-20 mg per day).

Local treatment

Local treatment of trophic ulcers gives very nice results in combination with other methods. Includes several stages:

  • Elimination of infection.
  • Removal of purulent contents, necrotic tissues.
  • Healing process, defect closure.

Before applying healing ointment, carry out the toilet of the ulcerative surface, using sterile wipes, gauze swabs dipped in antiseptic solutions. The wound can be treated with furatsilin, iodopyrone, which is used in veterinary medicine to treat purulent infected wounds. Disinfection of nearby wound surface fabrics. You can use a highly concentrated soapy solution to wash the wound.

Skin diseases in dogs - a collective category that combines diseases different type. Both stray dogs deprived of proper care and pets under the care of the owner are not insured from them. Symptoms and causes for each type of disease are different, as well as methods of treatment.

The main factors provoking skin pathologies, include:

  • Poor quality food. The diet should be complete, a deficiency of certain substances in the body should not be allowed;
  • Conditions of detention. Walking a pet in a contaminated area and systematic non-compliance with sanitary standards;
  • Heredity. There are a number of breeds that are distinguished by the delicacy of the skin, this should be taken into account when getting a dog.

As a result, skin diseases in dogs appear: the animal suffers from itching, baldness is observed.

Veterinarians are aware of many skin diseases that can affect a pet, regardless of breed or age. This is almost always accompanied by hair loss. Diseases are of several types, depending on what caused the deterioration of health. A correct diagnosis will affect the effectiveness of treatment and speed up recovery.

Groups of skin diseases in dogs

Exist following groups diseases:

At the first signs of inflammatory processes on the skin, a conscientious owner must contact veterinary clinic. It may seem that the characteristics are obvious and it is not difficult to cure the animal by one's own efforts, but this is often mistaken. Even an experienced dog breeder does not have the competence required for accurate diagnosis and treatment. As soon as they were discovered anxiety symptoms, you must adhere to certain settings:

  • Avoid tactile contact;
  • Maintain cleanliness and hygiene practices;
  • Do not allow the pet to be on the bed;
  • Children should not touch the animal.

So that the situation does not worsen, you need to ensure that the dog does not comb the sore spot. For her own good, you should scold at such moments and make it clear that this is forbidden. In no case do not undertake to treat the dog yourself, it is risky and can threaten lethal outcome. Even a primitive application of a green that is universal for people will complicate the inspection procedure by a veterinarian. To isolate the focus of inflammation, it is permissible to cut the fur around the wounds and soak them with salicylic alcohol.

Types of Skin Diseases in Dogs

Sarcoptosis. The carriers of this infection, ticks, and their offspring, feed on the epidermis and move under the skin through a kind of "undermining". They are not easy to spot, and each individual lives for approximately twenty-one days. Sarcoptic mites, once in an unnatural environment for them, die within one to two days.

They get rid of sarcoptic mange by bathing the animal in special decoctions, using injections and oral intake medicines. Infection of hosts is not excluded, which can manifest itself in itching of parts of the body in contact with a sick pet.

Demodicosis. It is also called red scabies. This form is much easier to detect, but it is also more painful. alarm signal small blotches with a rough surface dispersed over the head, paws and torso will serve. If you do not monitor the behavior of the dog, he can scratch the skin from itchy spots.

It is not difficult to find a clinic that is ready to help in the fight against this difficult problem. But the difficulty lies in the fact that red scabies can spread to internal organs. The result is also difficult to achieve if the mite has settled in the root system of the coat.

To get rid of ticks, the animal is sheared - this allows the preparations to penetrate into the inner layers of the skin. At timely provision medical care and following the treatment procedures, recovery will occur within a couple of weeks.

Harmful fungal diseases

Microscopy in our smaller brothers is the most common misfortune. In the people, microsporia is known as "ringworm". It is caused by fungi known to science as trichophyton and microsporum.

The microsporum is more common, with complaints about which the vast majority of visitors to zoo clinics turn. When examined with ultraviolet rays, Microsporum can be found by the specific green radiation emitted by the fungus.

Other notable fungal infections leather, although more rare, is no less dangerous, including for the owner. Infected patients are prescribed medications combined with therapeutic baths and local application of ointments. Long haired dogs cut right away.

It should be noted that fungal spores exist quietly in a neutral environment and can fill the house in which the dog lives. To avoid recurrence, cleaning and disinfection of the living quarters is mandatory.

Infection with bacteria

Pyoderma is bacterial inflammation skin, which is the most common. Microorganisms penetrate into the inner layers of the skin. The main causative agent is the bacterium Staphylococcus intermedius. AT moderate amount it is present on the skin everywhere, but when the animal enters unfavorable conditions, staphylococcus progresses and causes inflammation. In this case, the symptoms are noticeable on the thighs or around the anus.

When bacteria multiply, their foci are on the head and muzzle, near the mouth and even in oral cavity. Puppies are also susceptible to skin diseases of this type: in this case, small dark spots. In the absence of proper treatment, the infection deepens, affecting the hair follicles as well.

The skin is treated with antiseptics, baths and antibiotics are prescribed. Ignoring the disease is fraught with the occurrence of abscesses that adversely affect the state of the blood and hemoglobin levels.

Current medicine is testing antibiotics in an attempt to improve the outcome of pyoderma treatment. reduce pain can, preventing them from injuring irritated skin.

Allergic diseases of dogs, skin allergies

Allergic reaction is the resistance of the dog's body to the influence of allergens on it. Accompanied by the activation of histamine particles, the interaction of which with the blood provokes inflammatory process. The reasons may be:

Allergies are quite unpredictable. Its appearance can be expected both immediately and within a couple of days after interaction with the irritant.

Summer dermatitis in dogs

Eczema or summer dermatitis, as the name implies, mainly makes itself felt in certain time of the year. But if a dog once encounters this misfortune, its return next spring cannot be avoided, and the animal will suffer from dermatitis until the onset of autumn. When the disease progresses to chronic form pauses in the cold season stop.

This disease occurs spontaneously, while affecting the body in 2-3 days. First of all, the back and tail of the dog suffer: inflammations form aching wounds. The dog itches and bites into the damaged areas with its teeth, increasing the degree of threat to health, because if they are injured, there is a risk of bacteria getting inside, leading to secondary skin diseases in dogs.

Veterinarians do not advise treating the dog on their own, since the owner cannot be known for certain what exactly caused the dermatitis, and therefore, which method of treatment is rational to use.

Weeping eczema

The disease is characterized by spread in a minimum time. Often the disease is accompanied by bacterial infection. A dog with eczema tends to aggressively bite and tear the skin at the affected area. Symptoms include - fever, enlarged lymph nodes, vomiting. On the body of the pet, a wet red bald patch becomes noticeable. Any touch to it gives the animal unbearable pain.

In no case should treatment be postponed, since this disease is painfully tolerated by the dog. The cause of the disease is eliminated, a course of antibiotics, pain medication and a special diet are prescribed.

Acrodermatitis ("lick granuloma")

A licking dog experiences a rush of endorphins. And if the dog is deficient in this hormone, it can systematically lick the same place on the body, which leads to thickening of the skin. When the dog continues to constantly lick the skin in this area, it turns red, abscesses appear, tumors appear. These side effects accompanied by itching, which again provokes licking. Also, as in the case of eczema, a bacterial infection may develop with a licked granuloma.

To achieve a result in treatment, you should find out what caused the unusual behavior of the pet. Often the problem is psychological trauma, such as loneliness or resentment towards the owner.


A common pathology is seborrhea. This is a disease that is expressed in failures of keratinization of the skin. It is clearly manifested on the muzzle, ears, neck and tail of the dog. Under the influence of the disease, too many scales form, the body begins to itch, emit bad smell, the regulation of the sebaceous glands is disturbed.

You can get rid of seborrhea by using a complex of vitamins, corticosteroid drugs and amino acids, steroid hormones. A special soap will help to cope with the smell and reduce peeling.

To quench the pain, save the pet from unbearable itching and burning, aloe juice is applied to the inflamed areas. You can cook it yourself or buy it at a pharmacy. It operates on a similar principle medicinal chamomile. Baths with a decoction of chamomile will have a beneficial effect on the condition of a sick animal and relieve inflammation. Also suitable are calendula and echinacea.

If the once cheerful and active pet has become lethargic and sickly, refuses to eat and play, constantly itches and licks, it should be immediately shown to the doctor. And it is better to do everything possible to prevent treatment: proper care, love and care will provide the dog with a long life.



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