The human immune system how to restore. Immune system disorders

When protective functions the body is weakened, a common cold can turn into big problem. To prevent this from happening, it is important to replenish lost strength in time. What provokes a weakening of the immune system and how to strengthen it - about this and much more with allergist-immunologist Viktor Gonchar.

Everything from stress

Natalya Kozhina: Viktor Nikolaevich, what affects the decrease in the body's protective functions?

Viktor Gonchar: I would single out two main factors: which are an integral part modern life, especially in the metropolis, and bad ecology. They come to my appointment different patients. When they go abroad or to ecologically clean areas, they begin to feel absolutely healthy, but when they return, all illnesses again make themselves felt.

What are the signs of weak immunity?

Frequent, chronic foci of infection, recurrent viral diseases, protracted course of a common cold, relapses of herpes, syndrome chronic fatigue etc. All that I have listed are indications for contacting an immunologist and thinking about the state of your body.

- What list of tests do you need to pass in order to understand the state of your immunity?

We need an immunogram: analyzes reflecting the state of certain links immune system, blood test and analysis for latent infections. It is important not to raise the immune system, which many do, but to restore, these are different things. Most of the pharmacies are full. good drugs, but they are stimulating and suitable for a healthy person, while a chronically ill person needs to be restored.

Any multivitamins, because they are all the same in composition. In this matter, the quality of the drug comes first, because today you can encounter counterfeit products on the market. Therefore, if you are a healthy person, then you do not need to go to the doctor to prescribe a specific drug for you, but if you are sick with something, then you definitely need to consult about which vitamins are best suited. In this matter, not only an immunologist, but also any therapist, pediatrician will help you.

Also, you don't have to take vitamins all the time. And if you do this, say, in the spring, then you should not consider such a technique as immunotherapy, it is maintenance of the body, general strengthening measures.

On your own

- How can you increase the protective functions of the body?

First, pay attention to nutrition. It should be rational and balanced, contain the optimal amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.

To increase immunity, you need foods rich in vitamins A, B5, C, D, F, PP, in particular fruits and vegetables (carrots, red peppers, melons, tomatoes, pumpkins), berries. Secondly, it is important not to stress the body, and here it is worth paying attention to all factors: prolonged sleep, outdoor walks, sports, hardening, etc. Fresh air beneficial effect on the body, reducing the risk of developing infectious diseases. Morning and evening walks are not only oxygen enrichment of the lungs, but also physical activity, stimulating metabolism and helping to strengthen the immune system. How adjuvant therapy at increased activity- the use of fortified preparations.

You can use traditional medicine,. But it is important to approach this issue competently, and not just go to the field and mow the grass somewhere near the highway.

- Does hardening have any contraindications?

Hardening is a training of the whole organism and, above all, of the thermoregulatory apparatus. Everyone can harden, the most important thing is to do it right. Exist different techniques hardening: water (in the form of rubdown, douche, shower), air and sun.

The main objective of this procedure is to strengthen the body, as a result of which blood circulation improves, the tone of the central nervous system, and most importantly - immunity is strengthened and the frequency of colds is reduced.

Now is the time of Great Lent, many people refuse meat and dairy products, how can you replenish the strength of your body?

Lent is the strictest of all fasts. Refusing meat and dairy products, fasting practically, which in turn affects the general condition of the body. To replenish the body with vitamins, it is necessary to take multivitamins (complexes), which will balance and replenish the missing substances in your body.

07 . 03.2017

A story about how to raise immunity after an illness. What does a child, teenager, adult need for this? What medicines and drugs can help? And what are folk remedies? Now you know everything. Go!

Three samurai were sitting on the mound: one after acute respiratory infections, the other with pneumonia, and the third himself did not know what he was ill with. All three were bad! And Vanya Tsarevich hurried past. Samurai say to him:

- Vania! How are you not afraid? The flu is everywhere!

- Flu? the prince asked. - No, I don't know that.

- Wait a minute! cried the second and third samurai in unison. - And what about us?

What to do with you sick people? Come in in the evening, I'll tell you how to strengthen yourself, - Vanya promised, shook his blond head and went on ...

Hello friends! Let's talk today about how to boost immunity after an illness. The topic is not new, but outside the window is spring, then autumn, then rain, then slush - you need to give yourself a tone, and isolate yourself from diseases. So listen!

Tale about how Vanya taught three samurai to restore immunity

Lies in the mansions of Ivan a wonderful miracle - Sword-Immunity! Shines first-class steel, like a mirror, not a single flaw. And among the samurai, weapons are overgrown with rust and mold.

— How so? they ask. - And how to fix it?

- Protect your main treasure! Vanya answers. - Sit down, I will give you herbal tea with honey, and I will tell you all the golden rules in order.

How to raise immunity after an illness: the first rule is the balance of microflora

Boosting immunity is easy. First, quit the manner, having recovered a little, run around hospitals and clinics. You yourself are still weak, any infection will cling to you in an instant. This is especially important if taking antibiotics. By themselves, they kill microbes, and they help us. But our own microflora, useful, also suffers from them. Especially the one that lives in the intestines.

The doctor should prescribe probiotics, or prebiotics. The former carry the microorganisms we need in themselves, the latter help to multiply those that remain in us, despite all the drug attacks.

For the same purposes, it is useful to use kefir, and for kids - yogurt, only real, without dyes, preservatives and dead pieces of fruit.

How to boost immunity after an illness: the second rule is strength in quality food

You need to eat what is healthy and tasty. At first, it is important to give up heavy food, muffins, fried, spicy and fatty foods. And colds, and flu, and, and even pneumonia hit the whole body, and not just the respiratory organs.

Healthy foods:

  • lean meat, poultry, rabbit meat, liver and eggs as a source of vitamin A;
  • and vitamins - butter in moderation;
  • fish white, red, boiled or steamed;
  • fruits and greens great content vitamin C: citrus fruits, parsley, strawberries, apples, garlic, onions, raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries and cranberries;
  • delicious vegetables, carrots, sauerkraut;
  • freshly squeezed juices, especially useful for children;
  • germinated cereals;
  • healthy cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice.

How to boost immunity after an illness, a child infancy? There is only one remedy - mother's milk! It has everything to boost immunity. Adults - special supplements, which are below.

How to raise immunity after an illness: the third rule is pharmacy

You can help yourself regain strength with miraculous natural protein interferon. It is produced in us and fights viruses, and if it is not enough, the doctor will prescribe medicines with it in the composition. Drugs that support immunity have been tested for decades, only a competent doctor should select them.

You will also be supported by dietary supplements. And here - a direct path to trusted stores that specialize in them. There you can pick up honey and balms, sea buckthorn, juniper and rosehip syrups at a reasonable price, with pine nuts, golden root, resin, vitamins and other useful supplements.

There are dragees that are useful for children, and syrups that you can already drink at 2 years old. Altai - great country in part medicinal herbs, minerals and plants!

From folk remedies, ginseng, aloe, echinacea, eleutherococcus will help - they support and strengthen immunity.

How to raise immunity after illness: the fourth rule -

Was ancient country Sparta, they hardened, living in cold and hunger, only died out quickly. Enemies broke them, and hardening did not help. Because they were tempered incorrectly. You do so.

First. No cold douches after illness! Our defenses work better when we're warm. A bathhouse, if we can afford it, is for us. Russian, with a park! You can dive into the hole, and plunge into the cold water - and immediately back to the bathhouse! Pathogenic microbes are waiting for us to freeze, and then they attack. The cold doesn't bother them. And we are them - heat and steam!

A healthy person can cold and hot shower, and rubbing with a wet towel, it stimulates. But during and immediately after the illness - no, no!

One year old too. His body has not yet come into force to endure sudden changes in temperature.

But a teenager can. But keep in mind that, for which not all organs keep up. Therefore, hardening during this period should be softer and more careful. But from 16 or 17 you can already train your body almost like an adult.

Second. Two weeks after the illness - rest. No heavy loads, we work moderately, and we do the easiest gymnastics, feasible, so as not to get wet and not fall from fatigue. Walks in the fresh air, in the park and forest, by the river and lake. Good mood- half the battle. Get rid of stress and anxiety as much as possible.

Healthy sleep is essential. No rule violations! Eight hours - period.

On the third week, we begin to engage in more active. is our everything. In order to prevent a new ailment, we take walking, running, cycling, what kind of simulators we like, gymnastics and sport games- whatever you like, with the condition of regularity.

Third. . and drinking people not only suffer from specific diseases, but also catch the common cold more often.

Fourth. From now until the very old age build our lives simple rules observed during recovery from illness. And then your Swords will not rust, they will whip invisible enemies, and not a single one will be allowed.


That's all for today!

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Infection which is often difficult, there are others that can also cause inflammation of the nasopharynx and cough. They mutate less often and are called pneumotropic. The vast majority of people do not distinguish the flu from an acute respiratory viral infection - SARS. Immunity to its pathogens is formed, but usually short-lived - for the next 1-3 years.

How are diseases and the immune system related?

Unlike the flu, the course of the disease caused by pneumotropic viruses is not as severe: it rarely ends in complications, and there are almost no lethal ones. They are dangerous mainly for children under 7 years of age, persons and patients with HIV / AIDS.

The body's resistance system tries to block them immediately after they enter the respiratory system (that's why they are respiratory, in order to be transmitted by airborne droplets). This effect is achieved with the help of interferons - proteins with the "option" to block the division of DNA or RNA of the pathogen, which are saturated with cells, saliva and the secret of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

The immune system has only one problem with SARS. This disease can provoke:

  • respiratory syncytial virus - so called for its ability to cause the membranes of infected cells to “combine” with the formation of syncytium (poorly differentiated tissue). Immunity to it is developed, but lasts for several weeks;
  • rhinovirus - having many varieties, resistance to which occurs for only a couple of years;
  • adenovirus - also representing a whole family of pathogens. Immunity to each of them is developed for life and is transmitted from mother to child with breast milk. But taking into account their total number (more than fifty), infections with the remaining species can be observed in the patient throughout his life.

On the general state immune protection frequent SARS do not affect. But the very fact of their presence in an adult indicates resistance, especially local (tonsils, sinuses, bronchi, lungs).

Is there a vaccination?

  1. Garlic, honey and lemon. 5 get rid of seeds and stalks, pass along with the skin through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Clean and grind in a similar way into the gruel the cloves of 5 garlic heads. Mixed with 0.5 l of honey and infused in the dark and warm for 10 days. Then take 1-2 months, 1 tsp. three times a day, before meals.
  2. Sour berries with honey. Unlike citrus fruits, they are rich in a whole "range" food acids. This series of substances has an immunostimulating and antipyretic effect. A tablespoon of fresh or frozen rowan berries, lingonberries, currants and raspberries are ground (or beat for several seconds in a food processor), then add 3 tbsp. l. honey and stir. Eat the resulting paste, 1 tsp, morning and evening, after meals, 30 days.
  3. Berry with pine buds. For him, take 5 fresh / dry berries, blackcurrant, mountain ash and raspberries, add 2 dry pine buds and pour 350 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse in a thermos for 1 hour, then filter, divide in half, dilute each portion with water to the previous volume. Drink the infusion for 2 doses per day, warm, with honey to taste, instead of the drink that ends the meal. Repeat daily for 2 weeks.


It is believed that any and contribute to the strengthening of immunity. And meat, fish, and, they say, have nothing to do with this topic or even harm it. In fact, potatoes do nothing to increase resistance, and they contain as much sugar as any chocolate.

Similarly, with half of the root crops, especially unsuitable for consumption in fresh. At the same time, "bad" animal products contain complete proteins. Without them, not a single cell, protective body or own protein can be born, and they are not represented in any plant species. Man is an omnivore, and previous attempts to change this have not yet made anyone healthier.

Therefore, you need to eat everything, including offal - a source of digestible (unlike apples) iron for blood formation. But the emphasis really should be on fresh vegetables and fruits, starting with citrus fruits. The greatest saturation with vitamins and minerals among the edible representatives of the plant kingdom are leafy vegetables- spinach, lettuce, celery, parsley, cilantro, dill. Cabbage also conditionally belongs to them.

Immunity after SARS suffers seriously only in children and the elderly. Adults of childbearing age usually do not special measures to get rid of the infection are not needed - only general strengthening organism, so as not to be "stimulated" to an allergy. For this, it is enough:

  • walks in the evenings at least half an hour long;
  • a two-week course of inhalations with sea ​​salt or visits salt room every other day - to accelerate the regeneration of tissues of the nasopharynx and bronchi;
  • nightly hot baths with sea salt and pine needles (or essential oil thuja, spruce, eucalyptus) for a week.

Preventive measures after treatment

From infection airborne infections it is impossible to take root, or to insure, or to defend oneself. But in the season of colds, it is advisable to avoid large and cramped, as in public transport, crowds of people. Do not forget to dress for the weather, even if it is constantly changing (typical of the off-season).

“I often get colds, especially in the off-season. And recently I ended up in the hospital and now I can’t restore my strength in any way. Tell me how to strengthen the immune system after an illness?
Anastasia Fedorova, Tula

The doctor answers the reader's question medical sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Allergology and Immunology of the FPDO of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry Natalya Ivanovna Ilyina.

If a person has endured acute illness, but it ended successfully and did not give any complications, then nothing special needs to be done. The body will slowly recover on its own. Help him good nutrition include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet. Forget about diets for a while. And live in the usual rhythm.
You can even actively play sports, go to the pool. But, of course, you do not need to immediately lift the bar or play with dumbbells. After illness, physical activity should be small, and they need to be increased gradually. And outdoor walks are especially recommended.
But if after past illness a person quickly gets tired, feels weak, his temperature periodically rises, then this infection makes itself felt. In this case good food and the regimen must be supplemented with multivitamins, immunomodulators or drugs that improve metabolic processes.
Which method of drug administration to choose - pills or injections - the attending physician will advise. It is also worth abandoning very active modulators. They are prescribed for serious malfunctions of the immune system, and for unreasonable admission they can cause harm.

- And what drugs would you recommend?
– In pharmacies today you can find a lot of effective drugs aimed at strengthening human immunity. You can call "Polyoxidonium", "Immunofan", "Lekopit", "Galavit". Natural Helpers immunity - chinese lemongrass and tincture of ginseng.
But I especially want to highlight a plant called Echinacea purpurea. It is included in many medical preparations to strengthen the immune system, such as immunal.
It happens that during the off-season a person literally does not get out of colds. In this case, it is simply necessary to take a course of any drug based on echinacea, even without consulting a doctor. Yes, practically healthy person such a preventive measure will not hurt.
But in the summer it is better not to take additional drugs to strengthen the immune system. As long as there are fresh vegetables, fruits, berries on the market, you need to use the gifts of nature.

- Should I periodically donate blood for preventive purposes to check the state of the immune system?
- Doctors still prescribe treatment based on the results of all clinical indications, not only analyses.
In addition, they are quite expensive, and it does not always make sense to study the full spectrum. Most often, the doctor needs indicators of only one part of it. For preventive purposes, donate blood to immune status no need.

- Antibiotics are often prescribed for treatment. It is no secret that even the most modern of them, in addition to the undoubted benefits, also give some complications. Maybe you should use a blood purification procedure to renew it?
- Let's start with the fact that antibiotics are not prescribed for any colds. Cold - viral infection And antibiotics don't work on viruses. But if a person has pneumonia, Chronical bronchitis, sinusitis or furunculosis, then one cannot do without such drugs.
The procedure for purifying blood plasma is called plasmapheresis and refers to extracorporeal methods of treatment. And for all these special methods there are very limited indications. Their unreasonable use may lead to serious complications.
Moreover, sometimes during blood purification, a part of the plasma is taken without compensation, for example, with immunoglobulins. As a result, the body may become weak. Trust nature, because the blood itself is updated quite successfully.

- Will it help? speedy recovery strength vacation at sea under the bright sun?
- Now, weekly trips to Thailand, Cyprus, Turkey are really very popular. But rest is different. Few people understand that such short-term trips with a sharp change in climate can bring not an improvement, but a new shake-up of the immune system.
It is much better and more effective for health after an illness to rest in middle lane.

– Many consider the sessions artificial sunbathing in the solarium a good remedy strengthening immunity. Is it so?
- In our country today, solariums are used mainly to achieve cosmetic effect. From such procedures, I, as a doctor, do not see any benefit. In addition to gaining psychological comfort from one's own appearance. Although phototherapy as a physiotherapy can be very effective, the system of this treatment should be determined by the doctor.

- Do I need to lean in nutrition on some special products if you want to recover faster?
– Better to just stick to a balanced natural nutrition. You need to include meat, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables. Foods enriched with vitamin C are very helpful in boosting immunity. For example, sauerkraut. Also, you can not refuse the natural protein found in meat. Broiler chicken is best. The main thing is as fresh as possible, not frozen and not canned food. Fresh vegetables are good - beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, carrots.

- Are there any features to strengthen the immune system in women?
– No, in this case everyone is equal before nature. Not only nutrition should be balanced, but also the mode of work and rest. It's time to be a little selfish: sleep more, rest and eat better.
The only thing is that after an illness, women need to pay attention not only to immunity, but also to hormones, especially thyroid gland.
In general, the immune system requires training. If a person rarely takes walks in the fresh air, dresses warmly all the time, adheres to a sparing regimen, his body begins to fail.
You do not need to create greenhouse living conditions to maintain your health. Anyone who tries to limit himself as much as possible from external contacts, from active life, often gets the opposite result - it starts to hurt.


Restoring immunity after illness involves a number of activities aimed at strengthening the immune system. The human immune system is quite complex structure, which protects the body from the attacks of various infections.

Some have strong immunity from birth. Such people rarely get sick and feel good most of the time. Those who are not so lucky have to deal with many ailments quite often. After the transfer of any disease, very often the immune system needs support. If immunity is reduced, how to strengthen it after diseases? We will figure out how you can help yourself and how to speed up the recovery of the body.

For those who are interested in how to restore immunity after an illness, experts advise adhering to several important rules.

In the first week after the transfer of the disease, you should protect yourself from communicating with sick people. The body is still too weak and will not be able to resist pathogenic viruses and microbes.

AT winter period It is very important to dress warmly. Special attention should be given to the neck, arms, legs and head. Do not forget to wear warm socks, gloves and a hat.

It is very important to get enough sleep. Good dream will help to give strength to the body. A weakened body should rest at least 9 hours a day.

Fresh air has a beneficial effect on human health. That is why experts advise spending as much time as possible on the street. It is advisable to take walks in parks or near water bodies.

It is important to eat right. Dairy products should be consumed daily. Any foods containing vitamin C are very useful. This vitamin in in large numbers found in citrus fruits, berries and vegetables. Also in your daily diet you need to include natural protein of animal origin. Lots of good protein in chicken. Avoid canned foods.

Do not forget about daily exercise and an active lifestyle. How more people moves, the healthier his body. Loads after illness should be small. Their intensity should be increased gradually.

A Russian bath with steam and brooms will help to raise immunity. High content moisture in the air helps to remove toxins from the body.

Hardening is another very effective method support health and boost immunity.

Doctors advise doing a contrast shower every day. This procedure activates all internal organs and incredibly invigorating.

Currently, pharmacies can buy a huge number of medicines that can help boost immunity. Such means as Likopid, Galavit and Imunofan have proven themselves well.

Recovery after illness and use alcoholic beverages are two incompatible things.

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Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cope with many serious diseases without antibiotics. Data medicines different high efficiency in the fight against bacteria, but at the same time, their long-term use can have a very negative effect on the state of the body. Very often, after taking antibiotics, the immune system is greatly weakened. Sometimes it takes from several weeks to several months for it to normalize.

To cope with reduced immunity will help various medications. They should only be taken after consulting a doctor. Products containing nucleic acids, bacteria (Imudon) and herbal ingredients(echinacea, ginseng). Also useful biogenic stimulants(Phoebes).

If the patient cannot recover from a prolonged and serious infectious disease, then doctors prescribe immunomodulators. Experts distinguish several types of such drugs:

  1. Immunoglobulins. They are proteins-antibodies that remove viruses and bacteria from the body. They can also be used to treat children.
  2. Proteins are immunoregulatory. They are obtained from bone marrow and thymus animals.
  3. Cytokines - affect the interaction of immune cells.
  4. Interferons - are also able to strengthen the immune system after illness.
  5. Leukinferon is a natural interferon derived from human blood leukocytes.
  6. Polyoxidonium is a synthetic immunomodulator that removes toxins from the body.
  7. Imunoriks - is used, as a rule, for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

After the transfer serious illnesses It is important not only to take medicines to raise immunity, but also to eat right. You can restore the body's defenses with the help of 3-4 glasses of kefir per day. The fermented milk product It is useful to drink before going to bed and in the morning (on an empty stomach). Children can be given yogurt with chopped fruits and berries.

For a while it's better to give up white bread, sweet, fatty, fried and flour dishes. They should be replaced fresh vegetables and fruits. Carrots, tomatoes and pumpkin are very useful. They contain a lot of vitamin A. Blueberries, viburnum and sauerkraut are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin B can be obtained from buckwheat, cheese, mushrooms and bread coarse grinding. Great amount minerals found in nuts and seeds. Garlic, onions and apples will help restore intestinal microflora.

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And if immunity is underestimated, how to strengthen a weakened body after diseases folk remedies?

Deal with the consequences various ailments possible with the help folk recipes. You can cook at home healthy juices, tinctures, decoctions and mixtures. For their preparation, only natural and fresh ingredients should be used.

  1. 3 large apples must be cut into slices (together with the peel), pour 1 liter hot water, leave for half an hour and mix with a few tablespoons of honey. Such vitamin drink help for short term restore the strength of a weakened body.
  2. No less popular is a drink consisting of 50 g orange peels, 50 g lemon peels and 70 g black tea. The resulting mixture should be poured into 2 liters of hot water, wait 5 minutes, add a little orange syrup and drink in small sips.
  3. To raise immunity at home, you can prepare a decoction of wild rose. To prepare it, 100 g of rose hips should be poured into a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water and wait 20 minutes. The resulting liquid should be filtered, mixed with honey and drunk instead of tea.
  4. 100 g of herb succession should be brewed in 300 ml of boiling water, leave for about 60 minutes and strain.
  5. Well proven next collection. 1 spoon of chamomile flowers should be mixed with the same number of sheets of dugout and herb succession. 1 spoon of the collection must be poured with 400 ml of boiling water and wait until the liquid reaches a comfortable temperature.
  6. 1 spoon of crushed raspberry branches should be poured with 1 glass of hot water, boiled over medium heat for about 10 minutes, wrapped in a warm towel and left for 2 hours. This tincture should be drunk 2-3 sips every hour.
  7. You can restore your immune system with effective tincture from field ivy: 1 teaspoon of grass should be brewed in 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes and drink instead of tea. Positive results usually appear within a few days.
  8. 150 ml of black tea must be mixed with 50 ml apple juice. Such a remedy should be drunk warm twice a day.
  9. 100 ml of strong black tea must be mixed with 100 ml of blackcurrant juice and 2 tablespoons mineral water. If desired, a little sugar can be added to such a drug.

Strengthening immunity with folk remedies should be carried out after consultation with a specialist. Often, homemade ingredients cause complications and an allergic reaction.

Recovery of the body should begin with the fact that during disease and after it it is necessary to pay attention to sleep and rest. Instead of watching TV, reading, or spending time in front of a computer screen, dedicate these hours to healthy sleep. In general, the longer you rest, the faster body restore their strength. It's good if you take a nap for a couple of hours and during the day.

After the body temperature has returned to normal, do not burden yourself and do not overwork. Don't try to redo all your housework as soon as you feel better. Try not to go outside for a couple more days. Instead, ventilate the room as often as possible.

If during or after disease appetite has decreased significantly, no need to force yourself to eat. It should only be required plentiful drink in the form of juices, tea, compotes or plain water. Food should be light, easily digestible. It is good if fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, dairy products are present in the diet. Great for helping you recover strength apples, lemons, dried fruits, honey, nuts.

Return to your old life gradually. Increase your walking time daily motor activity, starting from 15-20 minutes and ending with 1.5-2 hours. At the same time, avoid drafts, walks in wet weather, places large cluster of people.

To restore the body's strength, you can do inhalations with chamomile, mint, lemon balm, eucalyptus. To do this, 1 tablespoon of dry grass should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. In a separate pan, you need to boil water and pour in the resulting infusion, and then, using a special nozzle for inhalation or wrapping yourself in a blanket, inhale the vapors of the mixture.

Promotes recuperation and aromatherapy. Peppermint, coniferous, citrus oil helps to cheer up and create good mood for all day.

Recovery after disease sometimes takes longer than the illness itself. Weakness, drowsiness, apathy can bother you for a long time, making adjustments to your usual rhythm of life. And this is not surprising. The body is weakened active struggle, and to strengthen it defensive forces help is needed. Of course, someday the immune system will restore itself, but it can take a long time, and you want to feel good right now.

Drink as much as possible, this will help the body quickly get rid of accumulated during disease toxins. Drinks containing vitamin C, for example, tea with a slice of lemon, will be especially useful. Orange juice or a rosehip decoction.

Follow the daily routine. Go to bed on time and do not neglect the opportunity to lie down during the day.

Try to walk more. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the body, in particular on the immune system. You need to start walking gradually, increasing their duration every day. You also need to ventilate the room in which you are most of the day.

Eat fully. Food must be enriched by all essential vitamins and micronutrients. But food containing preservatives and dyes is not desirable, and not only after disease. but in general.

Don't exhaust yourself physical activity. The body needs at least a week to recover. Therefore, it is better to postpone sports activities.

Spread citrus peels or ground coffee beans around the apartment. It's great for toning. Aromatherapy is generally very beneficial for the body. The smell of lemon balm, lavender and mint will improve your well-being and cheer you up. A charge positive emotions will give strength to a weakened body.

If you suffer from a lack of appetite and all the dishes that you cook do not make you have the slightest desire to taste them, then it's time to seek help from traditional medicine. So, to improve your appetite, use any of the following methods.

  • - herbs that stimulate appetite;
  • - spices;
  • - aroma candles or oils;

Prepare a decoction of herbs that improve digestion, appetite and increase intestinal motility, as well as stimulating bile secretion. These include: gentian, peppermint, barberry, wild chicory, cornflower, thyme. Make a collection of equal parts of herbs, brew in proportion to 0.5 liters of boiling water 2 tablespoons of the collection. Infuse this decoction for 5 hours, take 100 grams 30 minutes before meals before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Use spices to improve your appetite when cooking. Suitable spices: chives, dill, leek, basil, mustard, horseradish, red pepper and bay leaf.

Apply aromatherapy: lemon wormwood, fennel, bergamot and dill stimulate the appetite. Aroma oils on the basis of these plants not only disinfect the room, but have a positive effect on all vital processes of the body and emotional state person.

Eat something salty before your main meal. This simple technique stimulates the production of gastric juice.

The succession grass is used not only for bathing babies, but also as an appetite stimulant. Prepare a decoction and take ½ cup half an hour before meals before each meal.

Any bitterness improves appetite. Take a tincture of wormwood ( pharmacy tincture), it will save you from possible helminths, and return your appetite. Doses of the drug and the recommended course of treatment are indicated in the annotation to the drug.

Prepare a decoction of dandelion roots (usually dug up in autumn or early spring). Pour two tablespoons of dandelion roots 0.5 l in a thermos. boiling water, insist night. Usually a single dose is 100 grams. During the day, before each meal, drink a decoction, and you will definitely feel an improvement in appetite.



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