Omega 3 for a 5 year old. Fatty acid deficiency can be dangerous

Vitamins, combined in group B, are very important for maintaining children's health and active development. child's body. Among them, one of the most valuable for nervous system called vitamin B4, another name for which is "choline". Why is such a vitamin substance useful for children, what food can it be obtained from, and is it possible to give choline in the form vitamin supplements?

For active growth and the development of the child's body is important sufficient intake of vitamin B4

Benefits of Choline

The main function of vitamin B4 is to participate in fat metabolism and maintenance of cell membranes. Such a substance is important for the functioning of the liver and was first isolated from bile, which is why its name "choline" is due.

Not less than valuable impact vitamin B4 is to support the functioning of the nervous system. Due to participation in the production of acetylcholine, this vitamin contributes to the rapid conduction nerve impulses. Sufficient quantity choline has a positive effect on such mental processes like memory and attention.

In addition, choline:

  • Improves absorption fat soluble vitamins.
  • Lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Prevents excess bile production and the appearance of gallstones.
  • Accelerates the recovery of liver cells after their toxic damage.
  • Increases resistance to stress and improves mood, preventing depression.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes helping to maintain body weight.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle and vascular walls.
  • Participates in the synthesis of insulin and hormonal compounds.
  • Supports the work of lecithin and the action of other B vitamins.

An increased need for choline is noted with significant physical activity and frequent stressful situations.

Exercising increases your baby's need for choline.

Foods with choline

Every day, a child should receive approximately 100-350 milligrams of choline, and the main source of this substance is food.

Vitamin B4 is found in significant amount V:

  • eggs.
  • Liver.
  • meat.
  • Sour cream and cream.
  • bran.
  • sunflower oil.
  • Nuts.
  • Green tea.
  • Trout, herring and mackerel.
  • Yeast.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Cabbage, carrots, spinach and tomatoes.
  • Green peas.
  • Dairy products.

Drug Overview

If a mother wants to supplement the children's diet with vitamin B4 from pharmacy supplements, then the child can receive choline from such polys. vitamin complexes:

  • Univit Kids with Omega-3 and Choline. The additive is prescribed for children over 3 years old and is a chewing cherry marmalade "dolphins". From one tablet, the child will receive 35 mg of choline. The product also contains ascorbic acid, other B vitamins and Omega-3 fats.

  • Supradin Kids. Such marmalade "fish" and "stars" are given to children over 3 years old. From one lozenge of this complex, the child will receive 30 mg of vitamin B4. The preparation also contains other important vitamins and omega-3 fats for children.

  • Supradin Kids Junior. The complex is designed for children over 5 years old and contains essential vitamins and valuable minerals. It is produced in the form of chewable tablets with a tangerine-orange flavor. One tablet of this supplement contains 25 mg of choline.

  • VitaMishki Bio+. This supplement is allowed from the age of three. It is represented by chewing "bears", which contain not only vitamins, but also prebiotics. Choline content per lozenge this drug is 20 mg.

  • Solgar Kangavites Multivitamins and Minerals. The supplement is prescribed for children over 2 years old and is represented by fruit or berry chewable tablets. They include important vitamin compounds, mineral salts, citrus bioflavonoids, rose hips and others natural ingredients. Choline in one tablet of such a drug is contained in an amount of 0.5 mg.

A question about omega for children appeared in the comments: what dosages are recommended in childhood. The dosages are so different that I decided to devote a separate post and discussion to this topic! =)

I will not touch on the usefulness and necessity of omega for children (this is a topic for a separate post), today only about the dosage of omega acids for the growth and development of our children.

Omega-3 for children have EXTRA importance: they are involved in the development of the brain and a healthy nervous system, vision. Research has shown that most children receive less than a quarter the omega acids they need! And such a deficit is considered the number 1 problem in modern world, along with .

The main omega-acid that plays a key role in development in children is DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is why most children's supplements target it. In 2013, the consumption of DHA + EPA was studied, which turned out to be extremely small compared to the minimum required dosage:

The situation is complicated by the fact that young children are restricted from eating fish due to the risk of contamination with mercury and other harmful substances.

Despite this, there is no universal guideline daily use omega acids. Recommended daily dosage depends on the age (weight) and health status of the child. I will write a few different opinions so that you can choose the dosage for your child.

  • 6-24 months: 10-12 mg DHA per kg of weight
  • 2-4 years: 100-150 mg DHA + EPA
  • 4-6 years: 150-200 mg DHA + EPA
  • 6-10 years: 200-250 mg DHA + EPA
  • 10-18 years: 250 mg DHA + EPA

According to American Association pregnancy, the International Society of Fatty Acids and Lipids suggests that children ages 1.5 to 15 receive 15 milligrams of DHA + EPA for every pound of body weight per day.

For my 40kg (40:0.453 = 88 lb) child, this equates to 1320mg of DHA + EPA per day. And although the dosages for children in Japan are even higher, I consider it high!

Sandy Newmark, MD, Director, Pediatric Neurological Development Program childhood, recommends that children 4-6 years of age take 500 mg of DHA+EPA daily, and children 7 years of age and older, 1000 mg.

This is the golden mean!

I have already thought about the dosages for my child and I will revise them upwards to 1000 mg DHA + EPA.

You also need to know the maximum allowable norms. The Institute of Medicine does not have a safe upper limit for omega acids. However FDA does not recommend taking 3000 mg or more per day without consulting a doctor (for children and adults), since such dosages increase the risk of bleeding.

Omega 3 for children

Of all the kids' omegas we've tried, i liked everything, so I'll just list them and write a couple of explanations:

Nordic Naturals, Daily Omega Kids, Natural Fruit Flavor, 500 mg. 275 mg DHA + EPA per serving. Chewable capsules for children 3 years and older. Optimal for the price, we sat on these omegas for a long time, but took a double dosage.

Garden of Life, Oceans Kids, DHA Chewables, Age 3 And Older. 200 mg DHA + EPA per serving. Capsules in the form of chewable balls, without fishy smell, for children 3 years and older.

Nordic Naturals, Children's DHA, Strawberry, 250 mg. 175 mg DHA + EPA per serving. Small capsules are easy to swallow or chew. For children 3 years and older.

Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Junior 500 mg. 550 mg DHA + EPA per serving. Chewable capsules for children and adolescents 5 years and older. But here is a minus - in this supplement, by the end of use, a characteristic fishy smell appeared (in the only one of all).

Nordic Naturals, Children's DHA, Strawberry. Liquid cod fish oil, per serving 420 mg DHA + EPA, convenient to dose, after opening store in the refrigerator, the taste is absolutely normal. Children from 12 months, if earlier then after consultation with a pediatrician.

The next purchases of omega for children for the fall will be these, with an increased dosage of EPA + DHA

Carlson Labs, Kid's, The Very Finest Fish Oil, Natural Lemon Flavor. Liquid fish oil, 650 DHA + EPA per serving, for children 4 years and older.

Barlean's, Omega Kid's Swirl, Fish Oil, Lemonade. 360 mg DHA + EPA per serving. These are unusual omega acids in the shape and texture of a fruity smoothie! Fish oil is in the form of an emulsion, and according to the manufacturer, this form is absorbed 9 times better than regular oil.

Nordic Naturals, DHA, Strawberry, 500 mg. Per serving, 685 mg DHA + EPA, strawberry flavored softgels are easy to swallow.

Who asked for an omega for kids without the addition of strawberry and lemon flavors, here is such a great option for pure arctic fish oil:

Nordic Naturals, Arctic Cod Liver Oil, per serving 835 DHA + EPA, unflavored and flavor additives. For children, you can give half of one serving.

What dosages of omega-3 do you give your children, or are you going to give during the school season?

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In this article:

It happens that parents are faced with such unpleasant problems your child, like poor school performance, insufficient acute vision, difficulties with memorization and, in general, some lag in the development of the child.

Apart from individual characteristics mental development children, pediatricians do not exclude the possibility that in some cases children simply do not have enough omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Remembering their childhood, many adults mention how their parents forced them to drink fish oil, which had a specific bad taste. The intake of fish oil perfectly replenished the body of children with healthy omega-3 fatty acid.

Nowadays, semi-finished products, all kinds of sweets and drinks with high content sugar, children are often completely deprived of the opportunity to get essential vitamins along with food. This is how modern children develop behavioral problems, learning difficulties and general insufficiency vitamins and minerals in the body.

Health Benefits of Omega-3s for Growing Children

The omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid is essential for the growth and development of a child's body. It consists exclusively important elements: alpha-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic acids. They remarkably strengthen the immune system, improve the body's resistance to infections and help it recover from various diseases.

In addition, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the fact that vitamins A, D and E enter the child's body with Omega-3. render beneficial effect on vision, skin, bone formation and growth, normalize the work of the heart, and also improve muscle recovery, reaction speed and attention.

With the current state of affairs in the food market, when manufacturers use all kinds of means to reduce the cost of the product and get more profit and at the most last turn think about its vitamin saturation and benefits, cases of allergic reactions in children have become more frequent different ages. Omega-3 significantly reduces the risk of allergies in a child.

It should be noted that omega-3 deficiency negatively affects the work of cardio-vascular system and construction of brain cells. Fatty acid also affects the formation of the embryos of the teeth, and subsequently their growth. Depression, unexplained irritability or apathy, excitability and sleep disturbances, mood swings - all this may indicate a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the child's body.

Replenishment of the body with healthy fats

Let's start with the fact that the child should receive the necessary vitamins at the stage prenatal development. Therefore, pregnant women should definitely take preparations containing omega-3, as well as eat
foods rich in healthy fats. These include fish and vegetable oils: rapeseed, linseed, soybean, pumpkin, wheat germ oil. Of course, the oil should not be refined. It is not recommended to cook hot dishes with such oils, but it is very useful to season salads with them and simply add them to food.

It is especially useful to regularly use fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, and tuna for cooking.

A small amount of polyunsaturated fats can be obtained by eating egg yolks, nuts, vegetables, fruits, poultry, spinach, and beans.

Ideally, children should eat fish dishes three times a week, and vegetables and fruits - at least 400 grams per day.
Correct and varied diet This is definitely the key to health. But in the modern world, when not every family can afford to allocate money from the family budget for the purchase of expensive varieties of fish, pharmacy bioadditives and vitamin complexes containing daily omega-3 norms come to the rescue. Manufacturers have made enough efforts to ensure that the intake of fish oil by a child does not lead to stress, so the form of production of omega-3 preparations is the most diverse: syrups, marmalade, chewable capsules, and so on.


The release form of the drug is syrup.

One teaspoon of syrup contains:

  • vitamin A - 200 mcg;
  • folic acid (a water-soluble vitamin necessary for the growth and development of the circulatory and immune systems) - 50 mcg;
  • ascorbic acid - 40 mg;
  • vitamin B6 - 0.5 mg;
  • fish fat;
  • vitamin B1 - 0.7 mg;
  • dexpanthenol (tissue regeneration stimulant);
  • vitamin B2 - 0.8 mg;
  • vitamin B12 - 0.35 mcg.

The syrup has a peach flavor and a viscous consistency. Designed for children over 3 years of age.

The release form of the drug is the same - a syrup with a slight lemon flavor. Experts recommend taking vitamins in pure form or add to ready-made meals, such as salad or soup. The amount of the drug per dose depends on the age of the child: for children from 3 years old - 1 ml, from 12 years old - 2 ml.

The well-known German pharmaceutical company QueisserPharma offers the DOPPELHERZ OMEGA-3 complex for children. Dosage form release - chewable capsules with lemon flavor. One capsule of the drug contains:

  • fish oil from the body of arctic salmon with omega-3 - 323 g,
  • tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) - 2.5 mg
  • vitamin C - 30 mg
  • vitamin A - 200 mcg
  • vitamin D - 1.25 mcg.

Capsules must be chewed thoroughly. Appointed to children from 7 years.

You can also note such drugs as OMEGA-3 TUTTI FRUTTI from the Dutch company Biooriginal Europe/Asia B.V., OMEGA-3 UNIK Russian company"Polaris", UNIVIT KIDS OMEGA-3 WITH CHOLINE of the German company "Pharmastandard", MULTI-TABS PERINATAL OMEGA-3 of the Romanian company "Pfizer".

Accept vitamin preparations follows after consulting a doctor and strictly according to the attached instructions.

Replenishing the body of children with healthy fats, one can observe a decrease in the recurrence of allergic reactions, in particular, diathesis sometimes disappears completely. And also among the effects of improvement intellectual activity child, increased attention and interest in learning, resistance to stress.

Many mothers notice that after a course of taking omega-3 preparations, children get sick less and feel great.

Nutrients, minerals, trace elements are necessary for the full growth and development of the child's body. An important role is played by and - substances that fulfill the set important functions. The need of the child's body for vitamins is increased, and therefore the question of finding their optimal source is relevant. Great option is Supradin Kids with Omega 3 and Choline.

Description and composition

The drug Supradin kids with omega 3 is available in the form of chewable lozenges (fish). The composition is based on a combination of the main groups of vitamins necessary for the child's body. In addition, children's Supradin contains Omega-3. This substance has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, improves vision, and supports the cardiovascular system.

The composition of the drug includes:

Read also:

Typical symptoms of an overabundance of vitamins in the body - tips for their proper intake

Also, the drug contains a set of minerals: zinc, copper, magnesium, calcium, which the child's body needs to strengthen musculoskeletal system, improving bone growth, increasing their strength.

Some minerals enhance the effect of the vitamins that make up Supradin.

Thus, Supradin Kids is a multivitamin nutritional supplement designed specifically for children, taking into account the needs of the body during the period of active growth.

When to take the drug

It should be noted that Supradin Kids with omega 3 and choline is used as a dietary supplement. It cannot be used as a primary vitamin source, since the largest amount of biologically active substances the child must receive with the food he eats.

The main indications for admission are:

  • Increased physical activity
  • Eating Disorders
  • Diseases associated with malabsorption nutrients
  • low immunity
  • Seasonal vitamin deficiency
  • The period of adaptation to the school regime

In general, the presented drug can be taken by any child in the absence of contraindications. As a secondary source useful substances Supradin kids significantly improves growth processes, promotes intellectual development child.

Contraindications for admission:

  • Individual hypersensitivity
  • The presence of diabetes
  • Age limit (up to 3 years)
  • Hypervitaminosis
  • Conditions associated with

If there are contraindications, taking vitamins is not recommended due to increased risk side effects.

Vitamins Supradin kids should be taken in accordance with the described clinical indications.

Admission rules

Vitamins Supradin are intended for oral intake. Release in the form of jelly sweets can greatly simplify the process of consumption. Before taking a vitamin complex for children, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician, and also make sure that there are no contraindications.

To improve absorption active components the drug should be taken with or after meals. varies depending on the age of the child. Children aged 3 years are allowed to take 1 tablet per day. At the age of 4 to 14 years, the dosage is increased to 2 pieces per day, preferably with equal intervals of time between each dose.

Read also:

What are the vitamins in white cabbage, as well as other chemicals

Supradin kids preparations are available in packs of 30 and 60 tablets. The number of lozenges in packages is calculated for a monthly course of admission. Thus, for a child aged 3 years, it is advisable to take a package of 30 tablets, and for older children - 60.

In general, the reception of the described drug is carried out in accordance with the age of the child, and therefore it is not recommended to exceed the indicated dosages and not observe the terms of use.

Side effects

The vitamin complex is tolerated by patients without negative consequences, does not cause any adverse reactions. Development risk negative phenomena exists only when taken in increased doses or if the child has an individual sensitivity to any constituent component.

Against the background of such disorders, the development of allergic reactions is possible, the severity of which will depend on the duration of taking vitamins and other factors.

The disorder is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pruritus
  • rashes
  • edema
  • skin redness
  • skin burning sensation

If these symptoms occur, you should stop taking it and seek the help of a pediatrician. In most cases allergic manifestations disappear on their own after the child stops drinking the drug.

In general, Supradin kids - safe drug for children, which can cause side effects only in case of overdose.

Omega-3s are no less important for children than vitamins, macro- and microelements. The deficiency of these most important bioactive compounds in the baby's body will cause a lag in mental and physical development. Children whose diets are deficient in omega-3s are susceptible to frequent relapses respiratory infections- angina, trachitis, bronchitis. Pediatricians recommend that parents of constantly ill babies include in their daily menu oily salted fish, legumes, olive oil. These foods contain maximum amount beneficial omega-3 acids.

Beneficial features

In the process of growth and development of the child, his cells are intensively divided. To do this, not only lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, but also Omega-3 fatty acids must be constantly supplied to the body along with food. These biologically active substances are the structural units of almost all cell membranes. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are directly involved in the synthesis of hormone-like organic compounds of prostaglandins. They regulate blood pressure transmission of nerve impulses contractile function heart muscle.

A sedentary lifestyle and adherence to fast food become the main causes of slagging of the body at a very young age. The benefit of Omega 3 for children lies in the ability of bioactive substances to normalize metabolic processes, especially fat metabolism. Polyunsaturated acids participate in transportation good cholesterol as part of low density lipoprotein complexes. They are quickly out of blood vessels, which has a positive effect on the condition of the veins, arteries and capillaries.

Strengthening immunity

Omega-3s belong to organic compounds showing anti-inflammatory activity. With their constant and complete intake with food, it increases functional activity immune system. If viruses, pathogenic fungi or allergic agents enter the baby's body, antibodies, white blood cells, T-lymphocytes begin to be produced. A powerful immune response does not give microbes a single chance to fast growth and reproduction.

This is interesting: Omega-3 acids should make up about 1% of all the nutrients a child receives daily. Only in this case is it possible to fully form the immune, cardiovascular and digestive systems of the baby.

Memory improvement

Studies have established why Omega-3 is useful for children - eating fatty fish, olive oil avoids learning problems. Kids remember and assimilate the material better, are distinguished by perseverance and diligence. They are in better contact with their peers, they are not characterized by aggressiveness, impulsiveness, irritability, anxiety.

Thanks to polyunsaturated acids in young children, falling asleep is stabilized, sleep phases are normalized. Regular consumption of omega-3 foods helps teens avoid depressive states characteristic of this period of life. Not typical for these children. increased anxiety, nervous excitability, excessive suspiciousness.

Daily Value of Omega-3

Until now, there is no consensus among pediatricians at what age children can take Omega-3 additionally. Fish oil is used as the main source of bioactive compounds. This natural product in the form of a thick liquid with bright pronounced taste and smell can be used from the age of two. And when acute shortage polyunsaturated acids and fat-soluble vitamins are allowed to be taken in children from 12 months.

Tip: When buying fish oil capsules, you should give preference to those dietary supplements, the packaging of which indicates the concentration of Omega-3 at least 30%. This value guarantees the high quality of the drug.

The norm of Omega-3 for children varies depending not only on their age and weight, but also on the state of health. In order for a baby to fully grow and develop up to three years old, he needs to receive about 0.8-0.9 g of polyunsaturated fatty acids daily with food. This amount gradually increases and by the age of four, the child's need for Omega-3 acids increases to 1.2 g. active image involved in heavy sports need more bioactive compounds than their peers who spend free time at computer.

If the doctor has prescribed an additional intake of dietary supplements or vitamin complexes, then when buying, it should be borne in mind that capsules and dragees may contain different quantity Omega 3. detailed information about daily and single dosages is indicated in the annotation attached to the package. There is also a recommendation on the duration of the therapeutic course. In some cases, for example, with a total deficiency of Omega-3, the doctor may increase the duration of the medication.

How to choose the best Omega-3 product

It is very good if the pediatrician, when drawing up a therapeutic regimen, includes a specific drug for babies with polyunsaturated fatty acids. Because the doctor's recommendation to get "something with Omega-3" will put parents in front of a difficult choice. On the shelves of pharmacies there is a wide range of various syrups, capsules, chewing marmalade. Their cost varies significantly depending on the form of release of Omega-3 and the manufacturer.

Tip: When choosing a drug or dietary supplement for children for treatment and prevention, you should focus on their price. Means with Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be cheap, as high-quality raw materials and modern technological equipment are used in their production.

Despite the fact that taking capsules with polyunsaturated fatty acids is allowed for children from 7 years old, many babies cannot swallow the remedy even with big amount water. Such suitable for the child gummies or thick syrup containing purified fish oil. When choosing a drug, preference should be given to one that contains daily dose Omega-3 for children. Here is a list of the most popular and effective drugs with polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • Pikovit Omega-3. The medicine is produced in the form of a syrup, which includes not only Omega-3, but also ergocalciferol, retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid and essential vitamins group B. Designed to strengthen defensive forces kids from three years old;
  • Multi-tabs Omega-3. The drug is available in the form of chewable capsules and syrup, can be used for treatment and prevention in children from the age of three. Multi-tabs Omega-3 contains Omega-3, fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. Packaging with syrup is equipped with a special measuring spoon;
  • Supradin KIDS with Omega-3. Fish oil gummies are produced in various dosages depending on the age of the children. The composition of the drug includes essential polyunsaturated fatty acids - eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic.

Almost all Omega-3 preparations intended for children contain flavorings and dyes. In this way, manufacturers try to mask the very specific taste and smell of fish oil. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Many parents have to purchase more than one type medicines before the child agrees to drink syrup or chew gummies.

Main Sources of Omega-3

For physical and mental development a child needs polyunsaturated fatty acids daily. Their highest concentration is found in the liver and muscle fibers. sea ​​fish such types:

  • sardine;
  • mackerel;
  • salmon;
  • halibut;
  • herring.

Lots of Omega-3s vegetable oils- sesame, olive and linen. Useful biologically active compounds are destroyed during prolonged heat treatment. Nutritionists recommend baking fish or stewing it in a small amount of water. To replenish the supply of Omega-3 in the baby's body will allow the introduction into his diet bell pepper, Brussels sprouts, avocado, beans, chickpeas, lentils. They are best used for fresh. Children love to eat nuts and seeds, so you can enrich their daily menu with peanuts, cashews, almonds - vegetable sources polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Recommendation: Not all kids like fatty fish, but they rarely refuse delicious shrimp and squid. These seafood contain not only a lot of Omega-3, but also easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements.

The danger of omega-3 deficiency

Irrational and unbalanced diet provokes a lack of Omega-3 in the baby's body. Parents find out about this only when they visit the pediatrician, when they bring the child because frequent colds, stunting or learning disabilities. In the process of making a preliminary diagnosis, the doctor may suspect a deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. After making the necessary adjustments to the daily menu and additional intake of Omega-3 for children in capsules or syrup, the child catches up in the growth and development of their peers.

But often an omega-3 deficiency goes unnoticed. Poor school performance or inability to play sports moms and dads are attributed to illness or heredity. In these cases, parents in vain do not turn to pediatricians. It is possible that the problem lies precisely in the lack of Omega-3. What may indicate a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the child's body:

  • Frequent allergic reactions. With an omega-3 deficiency, the baby is diagnosed not only with urticaria and atopic dermatitis, but there are difficulties in their treatment. Skin pathologies persist for a long time even when using creams and ointments with glucocorticosteroids;
  • Hyperactivity. Polyunsaturated acids are directly involved in innervation, so their deficiency causes excessive motor activity, problems with concentration;
  • Poor memory of the material read or listened to. Omega 3 are building blocks cells of the central nervous system, including the brain. Their deficiency leads to a deterioration in the memory of the child.
All of the above pathologies, as well as respiratory, gastrointestinal and kidney disease can be prevented by introducing foods high in Omega-3 into the child's diet. With a total deficiency of bioactive compounds, pediatricians prescribe drugs or dietary supplements with fish oil.

Warning: A lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids can cause a decrease in visual acuity in a child, especially at twilight. In this case, it is very important to quickly replenish Omega-3 reserves to prevent irreversible damage.


Many mothers and fathers ask pediatricians the question of whether Omega-3 can be given to children in the form of pharmacological preparations or biologically active additives. As a rule, such an additional intake is very useful if the diet of babies does not contain enough foods with polyunsaturated fatty acids. But the choice of drugs should be approached with caution. Some children have individual intolerance not only to active ingredients, but also to auxiliary components syrups, capsules and gummies.


All parents want to strengthen the immunity of their children, prevent viral and bacterial infections with beneficial omega-3s. But when diagnosing certain diseases, the use of these biologically active substances can harm the health of the baby. To there sharp and chronic pathologies relate.



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