A mild degree of alcoholic coma lasts 6 hours. Alcoholic coma and other options for the final

Severe poisoning with ethyl alcohol, accompanied by a loss of the body's response to any external stimuli called an alcoholic coma. There is oppression respiratory centers, nervous system, impaired thermoregulation of the body, vomiting and other symptoms. The condition must be stabilized by providing first aid and then calling a doctor. The development of symptoms does not depend on whether a drunken alcoholic or a person who has drunk alcohol - it is enough to drink about 400 grams. vodka to get loading dose and fall into a coma.

Causes and consequences of alcohol coma

Alcoholic coma occurs when the concentration of alcohol in the blood is more than 3 g / l, if the value is exceeded to 5 g / l, a fatal outcome is likely. This has the effect of:

  1. On the brain. Neurotoxic effects characterized by a decrease in excitation and a transition to a state of inhibition of the respiratory system, autonomic nervous system, and thermoregulation of the body.
  2. Convulsions, weakness, swelling, decrease in blood volume and decrease in blood pressure, pain syndromes in the region of the heart, chest, abdomen - this is hypovolemia caused by ethyl alcohol. The next stage is loss of consciousness, when the patient can no longer independently control his body.
  3. Blood sugar drops incredibly, as it takes a lot of energy to break down ethyl, and the easiest way for the body to “take” raw materials from blood sugar. Such a decrease in the level causes a coma, and the phenomenon is observed not only in those who drink vodka, but also in beer, wine, and others. low alcohol drinks. Hypoglycemia is a frequent companion of the cold, which is why the alcoholism of teenagers drinking beer in the cold is so terrible. By starting to increase insulin activity, ethanol lowers blood sugar levels, increasing the risk of coma by at least 15%.

Coma stages

A coma can overtake a patient with a blood alcohol concentration ranging from 3 ppm. Alcoholic coma has several degrees of development:

  1. The first stage is characterized by such signs as:
  • Constriction of the pupils;
  • Violation of facial expressions, convulsions of facial muscles.

But at the same time, all the body's reactions to irritation with ammonia are preserved. To prevent deterioration, the patient needs to wash the stomach, give a drink and monitor the reaction of the body. Light alcohol The coma goes away in about 6-7 hours. Absorbed into the blood, ethanol begins its destructive action, so calling the doctor would come in handy.

Important! The first stage is characterized by the concentration of alcohol in the blood up to 5 ppm. An improvement in the patient's condition occurs when the level drops by 3.5-4 ppm, sometimes first aid is enough to bring the patient out of the state of the disease without additional treatment.

  1. Signs of an alcoholic coma of the 2nd degree are:
  • Muscle relaxation to the point that a person is like a "bag of flour";
  • Lack of reaction to ammonia;
  • Gastric lavage does not improve.

The condition is possible with a concentration of alcohol in the blood in the amount of 6.5 ppm. The coma lasts approximately 10-12 hours, but at the same time there is a gradual breakdown of alcohol, as a result of which an improvement in the condition is possible.

  1. To distinguish the third stage of coma, which is called deep, it is enough to pay attention to the following signs:
  • Absence of all muscle reflexes, relaxation of the sphincter, bladder;
  • Lack of pain, tactile reactions, as well as reactions to ammonia, light;
  • Pupil constriction;
  • Respiratory failure;
  • Convulsive syndromes of the whole body.

Important! If symptoms of an alcoholic coma of the second degree are visible, then the disease is not always amenable to self-treatment. Will only help emergency hospitalization. The third stage requires the intervention of a toxicologist, professional equipment and special knowledge.

First aid for a coma

In any case, you must call ambulance! But in parallel with this, conduct auxiliary actions:

  1. Put on the stomach, slightly turning to one side, so that the patient does not suffocate when the vomit comes out.
  2. Provide constant warmth, as the patient will be cold due to impaired thermoregulatory function.
  3. Give ammonia a sniff, offer a drink (if the patient can drink): weakly brewed tea, milk, sweet non-carbonated water.
  4. Constantly check the accumulation of vomit, if necessary, clean the mouth and throat with a finger wrapped in a cloth.
  5. To prevent mucus from accumulating in the nasal passages, use a syringe.
  6. Make sure that the tongue does not sink, for which push the lower jaw forward. The easiest way to do this is to press on the lower corner of the jaw and chin with your fingers, and then slightly pull the jaw towards you.
  7. Move away objects that the patient can hit if he falls into a convulsive state.

Important! If laryngospasm is observed and the patient cannot breathe, then a tracheotomy is needed. It is impossible for a non-specialist to perform the operation, therefore, the more thoroughly the oral and nasal passages are cleaned from vomiting, saliva, the less the risk of the patient suffocating.

In the case when a severe alcoholic coma occurs, all auxiliary processes come down to making a person breathe: artificial respiration, heart massage (indirect), monitoring his condition and the obligatory urgent call of the doctor.

Treatment and consequences

Healing from disease means cleansing the body of ethyl alcohol. This is done by washing drip injection vitamins, nutrients. To restore ventilation of the lungs, an injection of atropine is given, an oxygen mask is applied. In addition, drugs are prescribed: glucose, a group of vitamins B, drugs to restore the functionality of the heart muscle, vascular tone.

The recovery process lasts from 6 to 12 hours. The prognosis depends on the complexity of the coma stage, while it is not a fact that the consequences will be reversible: disruption of the liver, brain and other organs is not always amenable to complete cure.

The most terrible consequences of the third degree of alcoholic coma, which are expressed in the defeat of the striated muscles. Squeezing leads to destruction muscle tissue, so the patient begins to suffer from renal failure, anemia, uremia. After coming out of the coma, the patient experiences unbearable pain in affected muscles, transferred by weight own body. At the same time, one should not forget about changes in nervous system, the brain - these consequences are the most terrible. A return to the previous life is no longer possible, brain functions are not restored, and the personality, one way or another, degrades.

Alcoholism will never lead to positive results, but negative consequences quite a lot from him. One of these consequences is an alcoholic coma, which is a life-threatening condition.

A coma is one of the most dangerous and difficult. The difficulty lies in the fact that little is known about the coma. One thing is for sure, that alcohol abuse a person can fall into a coma, provoked by severe alcohol intoxication.

A dosage of 300-500 ml of ethanol in the blood is already a toxic dose, and if this figure rises to 1600 ml, then severe toxic syndrome. Alcoholic coma occurs when the ethanol content in the blood rises above 1800 ml.

Signs and causes of coma


Experts consider coma as a specific organic reaction to excess content ethanol in the blood. The more a drinker drank alcohol, the higher the likelihood of getting severe poisoning and an alcoholic coma. Alcohol is a toxic substance, but it is rather difficult to determine its lethal dose, because some people experience noticeable intoxication after a small dose of alcohol, while others need to drink several times more for a similar state.

Getting out of a coma requires integrated action among which great importance is given to first aid. Right Action can save the life of a patient who, in a coma, can suffocate from a sunken tongue or choke on vomit. That is why the primary task is to free the respiratory passages from emetic, mucous and salivary accumulations.

Treatment of alcoholic coma

The main help in alcoholic coma comes down to blocking the absorption of ethanol in organic tissue. To do this, the patient undergoes a probed gastric lavage, and intravenously, to prevent comatose complications, insulin with glucose is administered. Additionally, drugs are used:

  • cordiamine, caffeine - eliminate hypotension, accelerate the heart rate;
  • B-group vitamins;
  • atropine - fights with abundant sputum and salivation.

At severe violations the patient's breathing is supported by artificial pulmonary ventilation, in severe cases, Prednisolone is additionally administered.

Complications and consequences of alcoholic coma

The average duration of an alcoholic coma is about 1-3 weeks, although in isolated cases patients were in coma up to several years. During unconsciousness, many changes occur in the body. The consequences of an alcoholic coma are determined by how severe its degree is and how the body was able to cope with such a condition.

  • during a coma, brain damage occurs, which subsequently leads to a violation or even to the disappearance of the most important organic functions such as coordinated movements, walking, or the ability to talk;
  • sometimes there are complications such as memory impairment, behavioral changes (lethargy or aggression), weakening of attention, etc.

In severe cases, there is a high risk lethal outcome.

How to recover from a coma

Recovery after a coma is rather slow, at first the patient comes to his senses for several hours, but gradually the time spent in consciousness increases. After a superficial coma, the body recovers faster than after a deep degree of damage, which leads to disappointing consequences associated with complete destruction structures of the brain. Timely medical assistance will help to avoid this.

There is no doubt that alcoholism is a disease. The treatment of alcoholism is long and complicated. Alcoholics die from diseases that this addiction leads to or from accidents, through negligence. One of the complications that causes the use of alcohol is an alcoholic coma.

The worst thing is that an alcoholic coma can occur not only against the background of alcoholism, because toxic effect alcohol can cause a coma to develop in a light drinker or in a person who drinks only on holidays. Let's look at why an alcoholic coma occurs, what is it?

Causes of an alcoholic coma

Ethanol or alcohol, acting on the human body, causes alcohol poisoning. Despite the fact that many people believe that alcohol can improve mood, relaxation is only the first phase of the action of alcohol. Then comes drowsiness, indifference, and later those brain functions that provide vital important processes in the body.

An alcoholic coma can occur if the blood alcohol content is 3%, which corresponds to severe alcohol poisoning. In some cases, even 300-500 ml drunk for alcohol can lead to an alcoholic coma. short span time. Alcohol is easily absorbed by the mucous membranes, a fifth of the dose drunk enters the blood from the stomach, the rest is gradually absorbed in the intestines.

Severe alcohol poisoning contribute to:

  • lack of food in the stomach (you can not drink alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach);
  • the amount of alcohol drunk (small doses of alcohol are excreted with sweat, urine, breathing, 90% of them decompose in the liver);
  • the strength of the alcoholic beverage (in strong drinks, the alcohol content is higher, but drinks with a strength of up to 30% are absorbed into the blood faster).

An alcoholic coma develops if the amount of alcohol in the blood is 0.3–0.7 ‰ (ppm), which is less than 0.5 liters of 96% alcohol drunk in a short period of time by a person of normal build. Death from alcohol occurs if the blood contains 5-8 g / l of ethanol.

Of course, the reaction to the reception alcoholic beverages everyone is different, and these are the most common indicators. There are people who go into an alcoholic coma even with smaller amounts of ethanol in their blood, while others need a higher dose. In addition, dense fatty food slows down absorption into the blood and alcohol is excreted before its concentration reaches a lethal one.

Stages of development of alcoholic coma

What is an alcoholic coma? How can you tell if a person is in a coma? An alcoholic coma is a condition when, against the background of taking alcoholic beverages, a person loses consciousness, he does not come to his senses even with a strong sound (scream), slaps, or the smell of ammonia.

With an alcoholic coma, the symptoms change as they deepen. There are 3 stages of coma.

If you find a person with signs of an alcoholic coma on the street, then you need to immediately call an ambulance! Signs of an alcoholic coma: lack of consciousness, no reaction to sound, slaps, constricted pupils and the smell of alcohol from the mouth.

The first symptoms of the onset of an alcoholic coma

When an alcoholic coma develops before your eyes, you can notice that after taking a certain dose of alcohol, a person begins to feel dizzy, he is disoriented, does not always understand where he is, confuses the location of rooms in a familiar place, cannot find the necessary items. A pale face, weakness, constricted pupils, muscle twitching or convulsions are the first signs of an alcohol coma.

If at this time to help him empty his stomach, causing vomiting, give 5-6 tablets activated carbon and lay it on its side, then there may not be a coma. The person will sleep. In the morning, of course, will suffer greatly from a hangover. He will have a headache, diarrhea and other dyspeptic symptoms (vomiting, nausea, heartburn) may occur. If there are no respiratory and cardiac disorders, then this condition can be treated at home. It is necessary to provide the patient with rest, as strong sounds, light can cause irritation and headache. Need to fix drinking regimen- drink plenty of water, juices, mineral water to quickly remove alcohol metabolic products from the body. You can drink pain medication.

First aid

When the patient has lost consciousness and does not respond to others, then urgently call an ambulance! Of course, initial stage alcohol coma often goes away on its own, but it's not worth the risk. How long does an alcoholic coma last if there are no heart and respiratory problems? - it is not difficult to answer - no more than 6 hours. If during this time the patient's reaction to the environment has not changed, then the coma has already passed into the second stage, and it is required intensive therapy. it dangerous state, so you should not wait for a spontaneous exit from a coma, you need to call an ambulance at the first sign.

What should you do before the ambulance arrives? The main danger in the development of an alcoholic coma is a violation of breathing due to aspiration (the entry of mucus or vomit into the respiratory tract) or due to the retraction of the tongue, which blocks the entrance to the larynx and interferes with the flow of air into the lungs. Therefore, if there are signs of an alcoholic coma, urgent first aid includes the following steps.

lay the patient on the left side

  1. It is necessary to lay the patient on the left side. In order for its position to be stable, it is necessary to stretch left hand forward and bend his leg at the knee.
  2. Clear mouth from vomit. It can be done index finger, wrapped with a piece of cloth, if there is no clip and gauze swabs at hand.
  3. Excess mucus or vomit in the nasal passages is removed by emergency doctors with suction, but at home an ordinary douche will help.
  4. In order not to sink the tongue, you can tilt your head back and push the lower jaw forward. To do this, press thumbs hands on corners mandible, and with the index they press on the chin, slightly opening the mouth. Emergency doctors can use a tongue holder or special air ducts for this.
  5. When the patient has convulsions, you need to hold him so that he does not hit on nearby pieces of furniture.

First aid for alcoholic coma helps to avoid complications such as aspiration pneumonia. This is a dangerous condition caused by the ingestion of the contents of the stomach during vomiting into the lungs.

There is also another complication - laryngospasm, when, against the background of irritation with vomiting, vocal cords sharply compressed, and the patient can not inhale. In such a situation, urgent tracheal intubation may be necessary - a tracheotomy (a skin incision is made, subcutaneous tissue and trachea to form an opening with external environment through which air will flow). Only a specialist can do this.

Principles of treatment

Alcoholic coma has an ICD code 10 - T51, which means that it is considered a separate disease according to international classification diseases.

In order to bring a person out of an alcoholic coma, the following therapeutic measures are necessary.

Consequences of an alcoholic coma

With timely adequate treatment, the patient comes out of an alcoholic coma within 2-4 hours. But even when favorable course alcoholic coma causes consequences in the form of bruises and injuries when falling, headache, memory impairment. Some of the consequences of an alcoholic coma can lead to deterioration of the patient's condition and death.

Alcoholic coma is a dangerous condition that can lead to death. At the first sign of a coma, call an ambulance, only timely medical care can save a person's life.

Currently, an alcoholic coma in medicine carries a far from such a harmless meaning. What is an alcoholic coma?

What is an alcoholic coma

If a person falls into an alcoholic coma, then the functioning of the muscles responsible for swallowing, coughing, and the work of the tongue declines. This creates serious reasons for fear, because then the victim will not be able to cope with the secret being developed salivary glands he might suffocate.

Coma from alcohol poisoning leads to breathing problems, which appear due to a lack of oxygen in the lungs.

What is very remarkable is that signs of an alcoholic coma can be traced not only among avid drinkers, but also among people who have tasted alcohol for the first time.

The first symptoms of an alcoholic coma may appear after 400 grams of vodka are taken orally. But this is not a fixed number, since the ability to resist the influence of alcohol is individual for everyone. Everything depends on age, metabolism and health strength.

Causes of an alcoholic coma

Experienced physicians describe an alcoholic coma as a reaction of the body to an excessive amount of ethanol in blood vessels. The severity of alcoholic coma is directly proportional to grams taken alcohol inside. Alcohol is rightly considered a toxic liquid, but it is difficult to figure out the exact dose that leads to a severe state of alcohol coma. It all comes down to the body's ability to resist alcohol intoxication, because some get drunk after a few grams, while others need to use an order of magnitude more for a similar state.

Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach should not be taken lightly, because this factor can become a trigger for an alcoholic coma. This condition may go unnoticed by a person for some time. Of greater concern are strong drinks, in the case of which the degree of risk increases. Alcohol contributes to brain dysfunction, which leads to oxygen starvation, which later turns into hypoxia. All this translates into a decrease in temperature and blood pressure. The victim faints, which in symbiosis with hypoxia becomes the basis for a coma.

The first symptoms of the onset of an alcoholic coma

If a person who has taken a certain dose of alcohol has the following symptoms, then we can safely say that a person develops an alcoholic coma:

  • dizziness;
  • disorientation;
  • inability to distinguish familiar objects;
  • blanching of complexion;
  • muscle cramps;
  • narrow pupils.

In this case, it is important to provide timely assistance and, most importantly, appropriate and correct. It is worth starting with cleaning the stomach by inducing vomiting, give the victim to drink about seven tablets of activated charcoal and put it on its side. These manipulations will reduce the risk of alcohol coma. Don't wake him up healthy sleep- another important step to recovery. A hangover, of course, cannot be avoided, as well as a severe headache.

Diarrhea, vomiting, and heartburn may occur. If nothing alarming happens, then there are no reasons for alarm, and the victim can recover at home. For accelerated recovery it is recommended to take care of silence and subdued light around the patient. Drink more water or other liquid foods. If the victim is in pain, then it is not forbidden to take painkillers.

Stages of development of alcoholic coma

In an alcoholic coma, a person loses consciousness, without further reaction to stimuli, even to ammonia. Given the specific individuality of each organism and the amount of alcohol taken, there are three degrees of alcoholic coma.

Superficial alcoholic coma 1 degree

The first degree of alcoholic coma is the easiest. In this state, the victim faints, but can still make some body movements. The body tries to fight through convulsive muscle contractions, which leads to severe vomiting and uncontrolled urination. A lot of blood rushes to the face of the victim, because of which he turns very red, may turn blue. Characterized by constriction of the pupils, with a weak reaction to light. Breathing is greatly accelerated. In spite of severe tachycardia, the blood pressure of the victim remains at the same level or there are minor changes. The patient will remain in a coma for 7 hours, if timely measures are not taken, the condition can take dangerous turns.

Superficial alcoholic coma 2 degrees

Stage 2 of an alcoholic coma is commonly called the “relaxation stage”, because all the functioning organs of the victim begin to lose ground. The blood pressure drops, the heartbeat also weakens, the pupils are no longer able to respond to a light stimulus, and respiratory system is also in decline. The duration of this stage is estimated at 13 hours.

Deep alcoholic coma

The third stage of an alcoholic coma is the most difficult. the main problem faced by victims weak breathing. Not only does the work of the lungs worsen, but the pause between inhalations and exhalations is too long. The temperature drops to 34 degrees, the pulse is also barely felt, which leads to a dangerous decrease in blood pressure. There are major problems with blood circulation, which causes kidney failure. This leads to blueness of the entire body. Maximum time spent in similar condition- a day, no more.

First aid for alcohol coma

At the slightest suspicion of an alcoholic coma, it is recommended to contact emergency care to avoid the patient's transition from a state of the first degree of alcoholic coma to the second. Of course, the first degree of an alcoholic coma sometimes passes without dangerous consequences but it's not worth the risk. If the victim does not respond to stimuli for more than 7 hours, an ambulance is required. The slightest delay can cost the patient his life.

If a urgent care with an alcoholic coma already caused, you should not relax, because first aid can save a life. You can independently begin the procedure for cleansing the patient's body. The most great danger, waiting for the drunk - stopping breathing, which is why it is worth following the following algorithm of actions:

  1. To begin with, it is worth putting the victim on his left side, adjusting his left upper limb by pulling it out, and lower limb bend at the knee.
  2. The next action is to clean the mouth from vomiting with a finger, on which you can first wrap a piece of cloth.
  3. If there is a syringe in the house, then it can be used to suck out secretions that have accumulated in oral cavity. If not, then leave it to the doctors.
  4. The danger of a coma is that the victim's tongue can fall into the throat, which will block breathing. Due to the fact that the muscles of the jaws are cramped, it is extremely difficult to open them, but by pressing on the base, you can open your mouth and push your jaw.
  5. If the drinker is convulsing, then for the sake of his safety, it is recommended to hold his limbs and body.

Principles of treatment of alcoholic coma

For alcoholic coma, the code is assigned separately - ICD 10-T51. These figures indicate that this type of alcoholic coma is considered separate view diseases.

The main thing that doctors should achieve and prevent is the penetration of ethanol into the body of the drinker, that is, into internal tissues. As a result, probing of the stomach is carried out, this organ is cleansed. To stop the progression of coma, insulin with glucose content is injected into the vein.

Medical therapy

  • Diuretic drugs injected into the patient's body help to clean his insides. But before that, it is recommended to install a catheter, carefully monitor the amount of fluid released from the body. This point should not be ignored, since the hypoxia of the brain that the patient faces threatens with a serious disorder.
  • To regulate the work of the patient's blood pressure, it is recommended to use vascular preparations or in a separate case - hormonal.
  • Due to excessive excretion a large number fluid from the body, doctors begin to inject the patient with solutions of physiological and five percent glucose solution, the volume of which is from one to two liters. To heighten the effect, you can enter a four percent solution of sodium bicarbonate, which will help reduce the amount of acid in the victim's blood. The increase in the percentage of acid is due to the excessive amount of alcohol consumed.
  • When taking a large amount of alcohol-containing liquids, body cells suffer, doctors inject solutions of vitamins of groups B, C and nicotinic acid intravenously.
  • As discussed earlier, the patient cannot avoid breathing problems, which forces the medical ministers to intubate in order to clear all respiratory tract from vomit or mucus. Taking antibiotics will facilitate the recovery process or protect against the pathogenesis of lung problems.

Folk methods of treatment of alcoholic coma

Alcoholic coma - serious problem, which is very difficult to cope with at home, as a result of which you should not neglect medical help. Despite this, some people manage to avoid serious condition. Most of all, they are suitable for restoring the body after a severe illness. For first aid, medicinal herbs are used:

  • rosehip, which helps cleanse liver cells and blood vessels;
  • cabbage leaf juice will help reduce pain in the area of ​​​​the liver, and the vitamins contained inside will replenish those lost by the victim's body;
  • lingonberries and currants are used by healers in all cases associated with intoxication, because great amount vitamins inside will start the liver and restore lost cells;
  • cranberry, in equally having a healing effect, helps liver cells recover, for which you should grind one teaspoon of cranberries with honey and consume before meals;
  • black radish, helps cleanse liver cells, like the previous ones herbal products, for which you should mix it with honey and take two tablespoons twice a day;
  • usefulness of citrus. Their benefits in the restoration of liver cells are invaluable, harmful substances.

Consequences after an alcoholic coma

Alcoholic coma lasts from a week to three. But sometimes there are cases when the duration exceeds three years. The body cannot continue to function in the same way, it needs time to recover, because the consequences of an alcoholic coma do not pass without a trace.

It is logical that if the patient suffered only the first stage, he will recover much faster, which cannot be said about the third - the most dangerous.

Most frequent consequences alcoholic coma experienced by victims is:

  • temporary or complete amnesia;
  • weakened attention;
  • overly aggressive or vice versa - passive behavior.

The recovery period will last a long time, which will be helped by gymnastics, healthy and timely sleep, proper and good nutrition, regular presence on fresh air. Do not neglect the constant visit to the clinic for treatment and health checks. Do not forget to eat those drugs that the doctor prescribed to restore health.

Due to the transferred alcohol coma, there may be problems with the work of all limbs, which will lead to problems with their recovery and sensitivity.

When a person is in an alcoholic coma, bladder harmful substances accumulate, which leads to kidney problems. This increases the risk of death by several times. Due to ethanol poisoning, urea and nitrogen accumulate in the blood fluid. In addition, potassium accumulates and atrophy of all the muscles of the body is characteristic.


For the prevention of the body, you should stop drinking alcohol for empty stomach. If there are problems with the body, it is also worth abandoning it. Do not drink alcohol with medicines. Also, avoid mixing. different types alcohol.

The best way to avoid an alcoholic coma is to stop drinking alcohol altogether.

Alcoholic coma is associated with excessive drinking. But it's not just alcoholics that can be affected. What is an alcoholic coma? This is a condition that occurs as a result of intoxication of the body. It calls overuse alcoholic beverages. But the one who drank vodka for the first time in his life, if there was an overdose of ethyl alcohol, can also fall into a coma. With an alcoholic coma, the likelihood of death is high. Without medical care saving a person's life is often unrealistic. Coma goes through three stages, the last is the most severe, and the likelihood of a favorable prognosis with it is minimal. Light form coma lasts about 6 hours. get out of it human body able on his own. But the state of coma can be unpredictable. It may begin with symptoms slight disturbance activity of the body, and develop into a severe one.

Two state phases

The response to pain at this degree of coma is manifested in the form of mild hypertonicity of the muscles of the arms and legs. A moderate increase in blood pressure and involuntary urination accompany poisoning. Stage III is deeper, during which neurological symptoms dominate, manifested during severe poisoning. The patient is in a deep coma. His pupils do not react to external stimuli. Corneal, pharyngeal, tendon reflexes are no longer observed in this coma. If ammonia is brought to the patient's nose, there will be no reaction. Symptom given state is pallor skin with signs of acrocyanosis. In case of poisoning, human skin will be cold, wet, sticky, body temperature will be low. Breathing will become shallow and rare. Symptoms Stage III are tachycardia and hypotension. low frequency heart rate is also an easily identifiable symptom.

Possible Complications

The condition entails a list of complications that can progress as certain diseases and violations. Swelling in case of poisoning is not uncommon, as are squeezed limbs, whose functioning is impaired. Limitation of sensitivity and impaired coordination of movements caused by poisoning do not go away long time. Urine changes composition, it becomes brown-black, bloody. In the urine, while a person is in a coma, protein, myoglobin, and toxins accumulate. At the same time, the syndrome of renal failure is being formed. An increase in blood levels is closely associated with poisoning. residual nitrogen, urea. AKI caused by poisoning is accompanied by a list pathological conditions, among which are:

  • amyotrophy;
  • trophic changes;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome.

If someone is accompanied by uremia, the likelihood of death is high.

It is generally accepted that the less alcoholic substances in the blood become, the more effective treatment in progress. This statement is partially true. An indicator of the level of alcohol-containing substances in the blood is necessary to determine the severity of the consequences, the depth of the lesion. For accurate diagnosis doctors need to analyze clinical picture the phase in which the coma is located, the degree of intoxication of the body.

If alcoholic substances were mixed with drugs, medicines who are diagnosed using a differential approach. When the condition is accompanied by a violation cerebral circulation, coma is even more difficult to diagnose. In such cases, doctors compare changing neurological data and, based on them, choose a strategy for how to treat a person. Saving the patient's life in such cases is very difficult.

Can anyone stop?

Who can be stopped if the absorption of alcoholic substances into the tissues stops. To interrupt the coma, gastric lavage is performed using a probe that is inserted through the trachea. In parallel with such treatment intravenously administered hypertonic solution glucose with insulin. The composition is necessary to prevent the complications that a coma entails. To solve this problem, sodium bicarbonate solution is also used. In order for body tissues to regenerate, treatment includes injection vitamins and nicotinic acid. If the therapy is carried out effectively, the treatment will bring its first results in a few hours.

But at the same time, the use of a number of classical drugs for intoxication of the body does not make the treatment effective. For example, the usual strychnine is unable to help a person. It makes no sense to use corazol and bemegrid. Treat the conditions inherent in them alcohol intoxication turns out to be impossible.

Poisoned people often develop aspiration pneumonia, which is treated with antibiotic therapy. When there is dysfunction respiratory organs, required artificial ventilation lungs. Hormonal and cardiovascular agents also used in procedures related to the treatment of coma. For the prevention of renal failure, novocaine blockade. However, with all of the above treatments, there is another important problem: these measures may be in vain.

It is impossible to guarantee 100% that it will be possible to save a person who is in a coma.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for treatment alcohol addiction really not implemented through pharmacy chain and Retail Stores to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    What only folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law both drank and drinks



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