Alcoholic dementia as a consequence of long-term alcohol abuse. What is alcoholic dementia: why it appears and can it be cured

Alcoholic dementia is a dementia that occurs as a result of long-term alcohol abuse. The mechanism of development of this disease is relatively simple. The body of an alcoholic is exposed to long-term toxic effects. Ethyl alcohol and its intermediate metabolites damage the nerve cells and blood vessels of the brain, as a result of which its functions suffer.

Alcoholic dementia develops gradually, which is why the alcoholic and his relatives do not pay attention to his first symptoms. Over time, mild dementia becomes more and more apparent, and its signs begin to attract attention. Soon the sick become unlike themselves and no medicine can help them. Unfortunately, this disease has an extremely disappointing prognosis.

At the very beginning, the patient has the following symptoms:

  • rigidity of thinking;
  • deterioration in intelligence;
  • narrowing the range of interests;
  • memory and attention disorders;
  • excessive conservatism and nostalgia;
  • inability to analyze information or events;
  • excessive selfishness, lack of sensitivity and understanding.

It becomes extremely difficult for a person to think - he can think for a long time and not solve the problem that he used to be able to do. He cannot switch quickly, becomes inattentive and distracted. An alcoholic is not able to fully use his knowledge, as his thought processes become slow. These symptoms become more and more visible to the naked eye.

Over time, a person ceases to be interested in anything other than food and drink. He stops communicating with friends and leaving the house, he has problems at work. An alcoholic becomes extremely selfish, ceases to pay attention to loved ones. He categorically refuses treatment and coding.

The alcoholic also exhibits characteristic symptoms of Korsakoff's syndrome, such as fixative amnesia and the appearance of false memories. A person may not remember what he did yesterday or a week ago, but he will name all former classmates without any problems. He can replace lost memories with fictitious or even fantastic ones (he was in orbit, acted in films, etc.).

Typical symptoms of alcoholic dementia

Over time, the following symptoms develop:

  • Personality changes. In addition to a decrease in intelligence, an alcoholic has memory lapses. He does not recognize his loved ones, does not remember the most important events of his life, begins to talk to himself. The further the disease goes, the more pronounced its manifestations become and the stronger the person refuses treatment;
  • Strong gluttony. An alcoholic begins to eat a huge amount of food. As a rule, it is always not enough for him, because of which he begins to quarrel with loved ones. A person may complain to neighbors or law enforcement about not being fed or being harassed;
  • Pathological accumulation. Alcoholic dementia sometimes leads to the fact that a person begins to take home useless things. Gradually, the apartment turns into a kind of dump;
  • Disorientation in space. An alcoholic can go out for a walk and not find the way back. It can be difficult for him to remember his own place of residence. A person does not recognize the streets and houses that he used to pass by daily;
  • Loss of household skills. The alcoholic loses the ability to serve himself. He cannot clean up, prepare meals, do laundry, wash dishes, and even go to the toilet. Relatives can notice these symptoms without any difficulty;
  • Sleep disturbance. An alcoholic cannot fall asleep for a long time, and sleeps only two to three hours a day. There are times when he falls asleep for a whole day or more. Sometimes periods of prolonged sleep and wakefulness may alternate;
  • The appearance of clinical symptoms of dementia. There is a small tremor of the arms and legs, the strength of the skeletal muscles decreases, the reaction of the pupils to light is disturbed. The person begins to speak incoherently, and his gait becomes shaky and uncertain. Usually, medications do not help relieve these symptoms.

Most common complications

In the end, alcohol dementia leads to cachexia - severe exhaustion. Alcoholics lose weight, become decrepit and unable to perform any activities. They simply lie in bed in a fetal position and do not want to move. The prognosis for a person in this case is completely disappointing.

At the last stage of dementia, any sense of treatment disappears. Brain functions are impaired to such an extent that a person is not able to perceive reality. He is unable to do anything and take care of himself. In fact, he can no longer live without outside help.

Is there a cure for alcoholic dementia?

Unfortunately, alcoholic dementia is not treatable. Of course, with the help of certain medications, you can slow down the course of the disease, but it will not be possible to completely get rid of it. As a rule, damaged nervous tissue and blood vessels are not restored, and the intellect does not return.

With the refusal of alcohol and the timely start of treatment, the prognosis for life and health is relatively favorable. Proper therapy helps to significantly slow down the course of the disease, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to restore impaired functions. If a person continues to drink, an extremely unfavorable prognosis awaits him.

When a person consumes alcohol, alcohol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and within a few minutes enters the brain with it, disrupting its work. The two main processes that take place in the brain are excitation and inhibition, and alcohol suppresses the process of inhibition, as a result of which a person loses control over himself and his behavior becomes unreasonable. Every fifth person who constantly abuses alcohol develops the so-called alcoholic dementia or dementia.

This disease contributes to the loss of skills and knowledge accumulated throughout life and significantly hinders the acquisition of new ones. The disease in question is associated primarily with the death of neurons in the cerebral cortex caused by the harmful effects of alcohol. Therefore, every drinker should know what dementia is, thereby protecting himself from possible complications.

Types of alcoholic dementia

There are three types of alcoholism, depending on the areas of damage to the nervous system.

Multifocal dementia

The most terrible type of degradation, during which necrosis of several sections of the “thinking” organ occurs. There are failures in the work of any functional of the central nervous system. More often than others, varying degrees of memory loss, violations of the vestibular apparatus are manifested, the ability to speak and write is lost. Often there is a many-hour looping on one thought.

Cortical dementia

It causes decomposition of certain areas of the cortex, leading to a gradual regression of the personality. In the course of the disease, the sufferer forgets all information about himself, about the use of various objects, begins not to recognize acquaintances, and subsequently close people.

The least dangerous type of dementia, which, nevertheless, causes insomnia, constant pain, stress and irritability. Most of all, the vessels of the brain suffer in this case. This type of disease responds well to treatment in the early stages.

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Did you have any relatives in your family who went into long-term "binge drinking"?

Do you "hangover" the day after drinking a large dose of alcohol?

Do you get "easier" if you "hangover" (drink) sutra after a stormy feast?

What is your usual blood pressure?

Do you have an "acute" desire to "drink" after taking a small dose of alcohol?

Do you have self-confidence, looseness after drinking alcohol?

It is worth noting that in the case of multifocal and cortical dementia, the consequences are irreversible, so timely intervention when the first symptoms appear can save a person as a person.

If alcohol dementia is not treated, it will develop into worse ailments, such as Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease or a brain tumor. Any of these deviations leads to inevitable death.

Causes of the disease

There are several dozen causes of dementia. Alcoholic drinks can be a direct cause of its appearance or contribute to it (traumatic brain injury resulting from a fall while intoxicated). As a rule, the disease develops in people of young and middle age (up to 50 years). What this is connected with is still an open question.

The most common causes of the disease are:

  • destruction of blood vessels and, as a result, cerebral circulation;
  • impaired metabolism due to regular intoxication of the body;
  • ischemic disease;
  • chronic lack of vitamins;
  • liver and kidney failure, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • alcohol abuse during the course of severe infectious diseases.

Symptoms of dementia

Alcoholic dementia manifests itself in three stages. The primary one is associated with emotional and behavioral changes, the secondary one is characterized by negative changes in memory, and the last one, which is no longer amenable to any treatment, causes disturbances in the functioning of the whole organism.

The main symptoms of the primary stage:

  • the circle of interesting things narrows;
  • weakening of volitional qualities;
  • difficulty receptivity to everything new;
  • isolation from society;
  • incipient sleep disturbances.

Signs of the secondary stage:

  • developing Korsakov's syndrome;
  • short-term amnesia;
  • disturbances in spatial orientation;
  • insomnia;
  • severe irritability;
  • loss of habits related to everyday life and hygiene.

Further development of the disease causes:

  • complete amnesia;
  • severe bodily exhaustion;
  • partial, and then complete destruction of speech and motor abilities;
  • hallucinations;
  • personality breakdown.

Starting from the secondary stage of the disease, the patient needs constant supervision and care, as he ceases to be independent and cannot perform all the functions of a healthy person.

Diagnostic methods

If the above symptoms occur, in order to determine alcoholic dementia and start a therapeutic course, it is necessary to undergo diagnostic procedures. In some cases, neurologists determine alcoholism on their own, but in most cases additional procedures are prescribed, there may be two of them:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (MRI). It clearly shows the activity shown by different parts of the organ, due to which it is possible to track the changes taking place in them.
  • DSBA - ultrasound scanning of blood vessels, with the help of which the places of their deformation are determined.
    The combination of planned medical supervision and hardware diagnostics allows you to quickly identify dementia and move on to its treatment.

Treatment for alcoholic dementia

The elimination of this disease, depending on the severity, can be dealt with by several specialized specialists: neurologists, psychiatrists, narcologists and endocrinologists. Taking into account the stage of the disease, age, physical condition of the patient and the individual characteristics of his body, doctors prescribe complex therapy, which includes:

Medical treatment

Unfortunately, without such intervention, it is unlikely that it will be possible to help the weak-minded, despite the fact that pharmaceuticals used to treat dementia can harm an already withering body.

Psychological help

A specialist in the field of psychiatry will support the patient in the issue of quitting alcoholism, will immediately begin to deal with neurological and psychiatric symptoms until they are completely eliminated.

Measures aimed at prevention

To cure the patient is one question, but to prevent a relapse is the second, no less important. Of course, preventive methods are carried out with the sufferer, contributing to the complete rejection of alcohol.
As already mentioned, the adoption of comprehensive measures for the treatment of dementia is effective in the early stages. The greater the neglect of the alcoholic, the more likely the occurrence of irreversible consequences for the body.

Medical treatment

Almost all human organs, but especially the brain, suffer from excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages. Based on these considerations, as a rule, treatment with pharmaceutical drugs includes:

  • nootropic drugs (Pyritinol or Piracetam);
  • neuroprotectors that save brain cells from death;
  • antioxidants (Tocopherol);
  • neurotrophic and metabolic agents that enhance the nutrition of brain cells (Cerebrolysin);
  • vasoactive drugs (Ginkgo biloba, Vinpocetine);
  • medicines that lower blood pressure;
  • drugs that contribute to the normal functioning of the vascular system and good blood flow (Nicergoline).

All medicines are prescribed according to the instructions of the doctor, strict adherence to the course prescribed by him is mandatory.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes should not replace traditional treatment, and for their use it is necessary to consult with your doctor. If he approved the combination of drug and folk effects, you can take advantage of this, enhancing the effect of the prescribed course. Folk remedies will perfectly complement pharmaceutical ones and will allow you to quickly get rid of dementia.

Medicinal prescriptions will improve the patient's condition and reduce the negative side effects on the organs of medicines. At the same time, we must not forget that many drugs are similar in composition to folk ones, and their combined use can cause an overdose.

Recipe #1

Alcoholic dementia is a very serious disease, but tincture of rowan bark will help to cope with it. It is very affordable and easy to prepare. 100 grams of rowan bark is poured with half a liter of ordinary drinking water, brought to a boil and boiled for another 15 minutes, after which it is infused for 5-6 hours at room temperature and filtered. You should drink a glass of infusion three times a day before meals.

Recipe number 2

Berry and vegetable juice will help restore lost strength to the body and help restore memory. To make it, you need to mix carrot and beetroot juice 1 to 1, and then add blueberry to the resulting mixture, at the rate of 400 ml of blueberry per 100 ml of vegetable. Drink it should be half a liter a day.

Recipe #3

Very effective in the fight against the disease, oddly enough, alcohol tinctures. It can be infusions from Lemongrass, Ginseng or Eleutherococcus. These tools improve concentration and memory. Mint will cope with insomnia, and Valerian root will help with irritability and hyperexcitability.

For a body weakened by dementia, vitamins E, Omega-3 fatty acids and Coenzyme Q10 are additionally prescribed. They will stop the progression of the disease and reduce mental disorders.

Treatment at home

Since the consequences of alcoholic dementia are very serious, it is highly discouraged to treat it on your own, but sometimes there are situations in which it is impossible to seek help from medical institutions. For such cases, there is a technique suitable for self-treatment, but it will require great willpower, both for the patient and for the person trying to cure him.

The first step is to completely deprive the patient of taking alcoholic beverages and convince him that it is necessary to abandon them once and for all. Any work should begin with him after the final sobering up, when sanity returns.

  • the established mode of rest and a minimum of 8 hours of sleep;
  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • constant exposure to fresh air and ventilation of premises;
  • maintaining vitamin balance by eating fruits, vegetables and juices from them;
  • gradual resumption of mental activity: reading, memorization, solving logical problems;
  • planned increase in physical activity: long walks, exercises, running in the morning.

It should be noted that these measures will have an effect only at the initial stages of the development of the disease, later they will not have a tangible impact, here you can’t do without the help of doctors. The final consequences of the disease in question are disability, complete maladaptation and subsequent death.

Dementia in Latin means loss of mind. This is a disease in which the higher nervous activity is disturbed. The reason for this is organic brain damage. With dementia, the level of intelligence is sharply reduced.
The cause of alcoholic dementia is long-term, regular consumption of alcoholic beverages. Most often it occurs in the third stage of alcohol dependence. With such a disease, mental abilities are globally deteriorating. The disease is treated for a long time, and whether a person will be cured after that depends on how severe the form of the disease is.

Why dementia occurs

Alcoholic dementia affects the cerebral cortex. The disease begins slowly. First, Korsakov's syndrome appears, then the extinction of the patient's mental abilities will join this. First, he loses short-term memory, begins to think slowly, he is not able to concentrate his attention on something specific. The patient becomes irritable, anxious. Apathy starts to show. A person ceases to perceive new information. He cannot use his own knowledge (if, of course, he can remember it) in certain matters, as he lacks intelligence, the ability to analyze. With the development of the disease, long-term memory is also impaired. A person begins to poorly navigate in space. Then the patient begins not to recognize people close to him, accuses them of being mistreated. With the development of the disease, the patient may begin to move poorly. Therefore, at the first suspicion of a disease, an urgent need to consult a doctor. The consequences of dementia are irreversible, it can only be “frozen” at the stage at which therapy was started. That is why the sooner it is started, the less complications there will be.

If a person continues to get involved in alcohol, nerve cells in the limbs are affected, which can lead, for example, to weakness in the legs.
As we have already said, alcoholic dementia appears as a result of long, regular use of alcohol, which is why nutrients, and most of all thiamine, enter the brain in insufficient quantities.

The symptoms of alcoholic dementia are very similar to those of Alzheimer's, which is why they are often confused. Dementia, with rare exceptions, affects older people between the ages of sixty and seventy. The person changes completely.

To make a diagnosis, special tests are carried out that confirm or refute the presence of a regression process. Of great importance is the attentiveness of the people around the patient, who may suspect the disease, due to changes in the behavior and condition of the patient. If you turn to a specialist at the initial stage, then the rate of development of dementia will be suspended. This will be facilitated by the intake of vitamins, regular mental stress.

After a presumptive diagnosis is established, a clinical examination will be carried out. The patient will undergo computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. The goal of the treating specialist is not so much to change the patient's condition as to prevent further complication of the disease. Medicines for treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist. Based on clinical analyzes and examination of the patient, he will prescribe an individual treatment for a particular patient.

How the disease is treated

Treatment of such a disease aims to stabilize the disease and reduce the severity of the symptoms. Treatment needs to be comprehensive.

At the same time, diseases that aggravate the condition, such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, and others, should be cured. E If the disease is at the very beginning of its development, then the following may be effective:

  • homeopathic preparation gingko biloba;
  • nootropic drugs (eg nootropil);
  • medicines that improve blood circulation in the brain (for example, cinnarizine).

To improve metabolism in the body, patients with dementia are often prescribed cerebrolysin, after which glucose is better transported from the blood to the brain. In most cases, nootropic drugs are prescribed for alcohol dependence. In the mechanism of the origin and development of the disease, great importance is attributed to the process of cell damage as a result of oxidation. The preparation of ginkgo biloba helps to protect and maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body, by preserving cell membranes.

A person suffering from alcoholic dementia suffers from insomnia, becomes restless, irritable, loses orientation in space. If the disease is not cured at an early stage, then cerebral apoplexy is possible, which can cause severe complications. The patient must observe hygiene in order to prevent the appearance of defects in the mucous membrane or skin, which are formed due to the decomposition of surface tissues. Hypertension and other diseases that accompany alcoholic dementia should be treated without delay. To avoid irreparable consequences.
If the disease is not stopped at the initial stage, then it will move to the final phase, when the patient's body is completely exhausted, and he himself is unable to get out of bed, lies in the fetal position and mumbles incomprehensible words. Treatment of dementia is best started when Korsakoff's syndrome has not yet appeared.

It must be remembered that dementia does not develop back. It can only be “frozen” at the phase from which treatment began. The main condition in this case, the patient must categorically stop drinking alcohol.

Who is at risk

The risk group for alcoholic dementia includes people of the following categories:

  • people who drink alcohol in old age;
  • people with diseases of the endocrine system (for example, diabetes mellitus);
  • people with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • smokers;
  • genetically predisposed people.

They can also include people with a low level of education, who lack any interests.

is a disease that affects not only the human body, but also its brain. Drinking alcohol in large quantities or in moderate, but constantly, dramatically increases the risk of developing a disease such as dementia.

What kind of disease is dementia?

Dementia (dementia) is the loss of intellectual and memory capabilities, the loss of the ability to think and remember. This is a complete personal breakdown. Alcoholic dementia differs from ordinary (senile or senile) dementia in that the causative factor is known.

Alcoholic dementia should not be confused with alcoholic encephalopathy. With the latter, the ability to think and perceive oneself critically is also impaired. But encephalopathy is treatable, while alcoholic dementia will progress even if you stop drinking completely. Untreated encephalopathy can become a trigger factor for alcoholic dementia.

Why does alcohol cause dementia?

The mechanism of action of alcohol on the human body is quite complex. The main directions can be distinguished:

  • - a direct toxic effect on the brain tissue, in which their complete destruction occurs. Further restoration of the nervous tissue is impossible - therefore, certain intellectual functions will fall out.
  • - mediated effect on the brain through the vessels. Alcohol changes the tone of blood vessels, causing a violation of blood flow. It becomes especially dangerous in the brain area. Areas that are constantly deprived of oxygen and nutrients are destroyed over time.
    The toxic effect of alcohol can also destroy the walls of blood vessels.
  • - destruction of nerves by the products of alcohol metabolism. The disease "alcoholic polyneuropathy" is well known. It leads to loss of sensation in the arms and legs, paralysis, loss of control of the pelvic organs.

How to recognize alcoholic dementia?

The symptoms of this disease are varied, but equally unpleasant for others. The following changes can be seen in human behavior:

  • - self-criticism is violated;
  • - forgetfulness grows;
  • - there is a viscosity of thinking - the so-called rigidity;
  • - unpleasant character traits are sharpened - captiousness, aggression, a tendency to preach;
  • - intensification of untidiness.

With the progression of alcoholic dementia, a person completely ceases to navigate in time and space, loses self-service skills and basic hygiene skills. Such people are dangerous to others, because in the absence of supervision they may not turn off the gas, cause a flood or set fire to the apartment.

Over time, a person falls into the state of an embryo. Complete indifference sets in, control over all functions is lost, except for the vital ones.

Can alcohol dementia be cured?

No treatment will lead to recovery from dementia. Massive therapy in the early stages of this disease, subject to the complete rejection of alcohol, can slow down the process. But don't bring it back. Psychiatrists-narcologists are engaged in the treatment of alcoholic dementia.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon

It is terrible when craving for alcohol destroys the health of a person, his family, brings grief to relatives and friends. Alcoholic dementia is clearly rejuvenated today. Very young guys get drunk, destroying their destiny and life.

Alcoholic Dementia: What is it?

Each of us has seen drunk people many times in his life. A person who has drunk a lot of strong alcohol looks very stupid, sways, falls, barely moves his tongue, says nonsense, and in the morning he may not remember what happened the day before. They say about this that he drank his mind away.

The poison, ethanol, dissolved in strong drinks, acts so terribly on the human brain. If a person drank once, the next day he can restore the normal functioning of the brain, especially if he makes up for the lack of useful elements washed with alcohol.

But, if you poison yourself with ethanol every day for many years, it will become difficult for the body to recover, alcohol dementia will begin.

Stages of development

During the course of the disease, three different degrees are noted:

  • Light;
  • moderate;
  • Heavy.

Mild alcoholic dementia does not yet cause a lot of problems for a person. After another drinking bout, he hardly, but copes with household chores. The head just bursts with pain, but the intellect suffers very little. Some memories are lost forever. Especially about what the unsub was doing when he was drunk as hell. Could commit murder, rape and forget about it.

Moderate dementia in alcoholism creates difficulties in social relationships. Forgetfulness visits the individual more and more often. It becomes indifferent to a person: what he is wearing, where he slept, what he ate, whether he washed or not.

Severe dementia, which has come on the basis of endless drunkenness, is diagnosed as a complete degradation of the personality, the collapse of the intellect.

Life expectancy forecast

A person to whom drunkenness is dearer than all relatives in the world, and life itself, can live a very short time. The prognosis is sad.

There are many cases when young people, victims of alcoholism, were buried at the age of 29, 30, 45. At any age, you can die from poison that destroys the liver, kidneys, heart, and brain.

If you managed to live longer, you drank moderately, then dementia will come at 60, 65 years. But, if you decide not to get involved in alcohol anymore, then you will live happily ever after.

What to do with relatives

To help your beloved spouse get rid of alcoholism, you should not bring strong drinks into the house. It is bewildering when a wife complains about her husband's drunkenness and sets a festive table, where there is less food than vodka.

Try having a fun party with soft drinks on the table. You can speak kind, respectful words to each other even when sober.

Remember how often drunk men ask each other: "Do you respect me?" Tell your son, father about your love and respect, without waiting for a special occasion.

Try to convince the person of the need for healing from alcoholism. After that, start treatment for dementia.

If you miss the moment, the patient has developed a complete loss of personality, the prognosis worsens, he needs constant care and supervision. You can hire a nurse or put a person in a specialized medical facility.

Causes of alcoholic dementia

Alcohol abuse has long been recognized as the main cause of alcoholic dementia.

Alcohol suppresses the processes of inhibition, exerting a toxic effect on brain cells. Therefore, the actions of a drunkard are unpredictable and uncontrollable. Gray matter cells cannot cope with the damaging effects of toxins and die. From daily drinking, neurons continue to atrophy, their number decreases.

Ethanol, the elements of its decay, destroy the central nervous system and human organs, blood vessels. The supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain is disrupted, neurons die even more.

Symptoms of dementia due to alcohol

The mass death of neurons leads to transient disorders of the patient's psyche, his mental activity. Personal degradation begins.

Symptoms of alcoholic dementia include:

  • the subject forgets everything;
  • gets confused in time;
  • often changes mood;
  • becomes closed, sloppy, rude;
  • loses intelligence;
  • completely degrades.

Diagnosis of the disease

Treatment is prescribed by a narcologist, based on examinations. He begins with a conversation with relatives of an alcoholic. Because it seems to every bitter drunkard that he is completely sober.

How much the brain has suffered is determined by the lines of the electroencephalogram. Urine and blood tests, ECG, will tell you how the whole body is destroyed.

If desired, you can undergo an MRI examination. But is it worth spending money on something that is already clear.

Treatment of dementia in alcoholics

Treatment begins with cleaning the blood of toxins. A glucose drip and normal saline will help the patient sober up. Memory and general well-being will immediately improve a little.


If dementia has reached the stage of development of alcoholic epilepsy, a person is prescribed anticonvulsant drugs.

Nootropics restore memory. Young patients quickly begin to recall their "exploits" in a drunken state.

The rest of the drugs are prescribed according to the results of the examination. Strengthen the liver, heart, cleanse the kidneys. Injections of B vitamins restore the neurons of the head and the nerve circuits of the whole organism.

Folk methods

Vitamin teas, pickles restore the lack of salts and trace elements that alcohol washes out of the blood.

In order not to interfere with the treatment prescribed by the attending physician, you should coordinate your actions. The doctor will tell you the optimal ratio of decoctions from strengthening ginseng roots, soothing mint tea and tablets.

Nutrition, diet

The patient's diet should be rich in trace elements, vitamins. Because ethanol leaches all nutrients and useful substances from the blood, which harms all organs.

Products are more useful to cook, stew, bake, for easier digestion. After all, the inner walls of the stomach also managed to suffer for many years of hard drinking.

It is necessary to drink a lot of clean water, mineral, non-carbonated. Fluids flush out toxins that have accumulated over time.


Strong exercise accelerates the recovery of muscles and neurons. When a person gets stronger, exercises can be done longer and with a load.

A patient who has lost himself needs to train his memory. Learn children's poems, remember the multiplication table, solve crossword puzzles.

Charging should be done outdoors. Oxygen saturates neurons, accelerates the formation of new gray and white matter cells.


The main prevention in this case is to give up drinking forever. A person needs to find an opportunity to live interestingly, with love, with the care of relatives and friends. And without vodka, you can find many fun moments in life. If a person does not have enough entertainment, you can visit the circus more often, watch comedies. A life full of interesting events is the best way to save a person from dementia.

Important! Everyone chooses on their own whether to drink and not live, or not to drink and live happily ever after!



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