Why is vitamin A in oil? Oil vitamins a and e for hair

Dull skin, the appearance of small wrinkles and age spots, diffuse hair loss, reduced rate of regeneration of the epidermis - all these nuances are often symptoms of hypovitaminosis A. They cannot always be eliminated only by correcting nutrition: pharmaceutical drugs may also be required, and one of these is oil solution with vitamin A. In pharmacies it is presented in several varieties. Which one to choose and how to use it correctly?

What is vitamin A in oil

Retinol comes in several synthetic forms - gelatin-coated capsules, hard tablets and an oil solution, which can be sold in ampoules or a large bottle. A solution of retinol acetate in oil is a transparent liquid with a yellow tint, devoid of pronounced taste and odor. This drug is highly concentrated and therefore requires caution when used. The composition is as follows:

  • The active substance is retinol acetate, the amount of which is 34.4 mg (equivalent to 100,000 IU).
  • Excipient– vegetable oil (sunflower), refined, deodorized, frozen.

Due to this composition, retinol in oil can be used not only externally, like all oil solutions available in the pharmacy, but also internally, as a food additive. In addition to the already mentioned retinol acetate, some manufacturers offer palmitate - this is the same vitamin A, only in a different form and is absorbed differently. It is impossible to predict which option will have a better effect on the body - it is individual, although pharmacists are inclined towards palmitate. If we compare between 2 varieties of oil vitamin A, the picture will be as follows:

  • Retinol acetate in oil – salt base acetic acid, which is easily obtained and therefore inexpensive. It is not physiological (not present in the body), it is formed during the breakdown of nutrients, therefore it is not completely absorbed by the body, to obtain desired effect required high dosage. The activity of 1 mg of retinol acetate is 2907 IU of vitamin A.
  • Retinol palmitate in oil - the basis is a salt of palmitic acid (saturated, upon breakdown it forms unsaturated acids), which is physiological, so it is quickly and completely absorbed by the body. The activity of 1 mg of retinol palmitate is 1817 IU of vitamin A.

Beneficial features

Retinol belongs to the class of fat-soluble vitamins that are responsible for a large number of biological functions in the human body: if a person does not suffer from its deficiency, he has smooth, radiant skin, strong hair, quickly tightens skin lesions. Synthetic drugs(both acetate and palmitate) are complete analogues natural element and are used to restore its normal concentration in the body. Pharmacological actions of vitamin A in oil:

  • Providing vision processes (photoreception), stimulating the synthesis of rhodopsin located in the retinal rods is one of the specific functions.
  • Regulation of mineral balance, control of the production of mucopolysaccharides, lipids and proteins.
  • Modulation of the process of differentiation of epithelial cells, stimulation of the process of restoration of mucous membranes and skin.
  • Normalization of work endocrine glands and control of body growth through active participation in the synergy of somatomedins.
  • Beneficial effects on the immune system: stimulation of the division of immunocompetent cells and myelopoiesis, influence on the synthesis of interferon, lysozyme and immunoglobulin - factors that protect the body from infections and viruses.
  • Control of the conduction and transmission of nerve impulses, the inclusion of sulfates in cartilage and bone tissue.
  • Antitumor effect on the body, not affecting neoplasms of non-epithelial localization.

Retinol hypovitaminosis is manifested by decreased vision (mainly “ night blindness"- decreased visual acuity at dusk), atrophy of the epithelium of the cornea and conjunctiva, degenerative-dystrophic processes in genitourinary organs, respiratory system, digestive. Externally, a lack of this vitamin can be noticed by deterioration of the condition of nails, skin, hair, problems at work sebaceous glands, weight loss. Using vitamin A oil in either form (acetate/palmitate) helps:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • stimulate sexual functions (influence the production of hormones and sperm);
  • improve the regenerative properties of the upper layer of skin (epidermis);
  • increase superficial blood circulation;
  • even out complexion, eliminate dark spots;
  • increase skin tone;
  • stabilize the central nervous system;
  • normalize liver function (by increasing glycogen levels).

The use of vitamin A in liquid form

All versions of retinol solution with oil are prescribed for conditions of hypovitaminosis diagnosed by a doctor, especially if oral administration is planned. The drug can also be used externally for prophylactic purposes, but for a short course. Official medicine and cosmetology have found a large number of applications for vitamin A - the oil solution is present in anti-aging creams that slow down the aging process of the skin, or is added to homemade masks, lotions and other mixtures. WITH therapeutic purpose it is used when:

  • disorders of the liver and other gastrointestinal organs;
  • skin lesions and damage;
  • problems of the urinary system;
  • lesions of the bronchopulmonary system.

In medicine

Oral and topical vitamin A supplementation therapeutic purpose helps improve metabolic processes, strengthen the skeleton and immunity, help cope with increased irritability and other problems of the nervous system. Doctors also recommend this remedy for the treatment of certain diseases of the liver (discuss with a gastroenterologist!) and lungs. Ophthalmologists consider it appropriate to use it for conjunctivitis, superficial keratitis, and dermatologists - for neurodermatitis, eczema, and hyperkeratosis.

In cosmetology

Restoring the skin, increasing tone, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands are the main properties of vitamin A that cosmetologists use. Externally, for the beauty of skin and hair, this product is recommended for use in case of the appearance of pimples and blackheads, the formation of the first small wrinkles, problems with the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Some cosmetologists advise using it to eliminate age spots, regulate blood circulation top layer dermis.

Application for face

As a product that helps rejuvenate, moisturize, tone and cleanse the skin of the face, vitamin A in oil is very popular, therefore it is added to factory-made creams and acts as a component of natural homemade masks. You can mix it with vitamin E (also an oil form), if you do not suffer from oily facial skin, with herbal decoctions, and clay. Some cosmetologists even advise simply adding an oil solution to any face cream (1-2 drops per serving).

Instructions for use of vitamin A oil solution

The use of this product is practiced topically (local application or over large area) and orally, as a food supplement, but always after meals. The therapeutic course, if it is not preventive home masks on the face or hair, should be agreed with the doctor in view of high concentration active substance. With long-term use of the drug orally, monitoring is required. biochemical parameters blood and its coagulation rate. A few more nuances from the official instructions that ensure safe and effective treatment:

  • Do not take vitamin A in drops, capsules or other dosage form if you are being treated with tetracycline drugs.
  • If treatment with cholestyramine is carried out, retinol can be taken 4 hours after it or an hour before.
  • If you have problems with twilight vision It is recommended to use retinol with riboflavin.
  • It is important to give up alcohol and nicotine during treatment, and supplement your diet with fats - they contribute to the correct and complete absorption of vitamin A.
  • If oral administration was carried out in large doses, withdrawal is carried out gradually, starting to reduce the amount of vitamin taken and the frequency of doses.

How to drink

Therapeutic doses and course of taking retinol acetate or palmitate should be determined by the doctor who has diagnosed hypo- or vitamin deficiency in the patient. The calculation of the dosage of acetate (as a form more accessible in pharmacies) is carried out based on the following data: 1 drop released from an eye pipette contains 3000 IU of the vitamin, and 1 ml – 100,000 IU. It is important to remember the following about single dosages:

  • adults should not drink more than 50,000 IU per dose;
  • Children over 7 years old are not given more than 5000 IU.

For children under 7 years of age, retinol acetate in oil is not prescribed, and if the pediatrician prescribes such a drug, he monitors the treatment process and independently forms a dosage regimen. There are also maximum daily doses: for adults this is 100,000 IU of vitamin (1 ml of solution), and for children school age– 20,000 IU (4 drops). Approximate therapeutic doses of retinol acetate for adults by disease:

  • Mild and moderate vitamin deficiencies – 33,000 IU per day.
  • Skin diseases - from 50,000 to 100,000 IU per day (in children 5,000-20,000 IU);
  • Hemeralopia, xerophthalmia, retinitis pigmentosa - from 50,000 to 100,000 IU per day together with taking riboflavin.

For children for the treatment of rickets (in combination with other drugs), bronchopulmonary diseases in acute and chronic forms, collagenosis, acute respiratory diseases 1 drop of solution is prescribed. In all cases, administration is carried out after meals, after 15 minutes. It is advisable to take the drug in the morning. If you bought a vitamin in oil, enclosed in a capsule, the dosage and principle of administration should be studied according to the instructions (often 1 capsule is prescribed in the morning and evening, after meals). The duration of the course of treatment is discussed with the doctor.

External use

Has the least number of purely contraindications local use oil solution of retinol, prescribed by cosmetologists and dermatologists. The drug can be used alone or as a component of a complex composition, but if it is mixed with something, the resulting result is used immediately - not stored. Before starting the therapeutic course, it is necessary to establish the absence of allergic reactions by dropping the solution on the elbow or wrist. If urticaria symptoms do not appear within 24 hours, you can begin treatment. Be sure to read the following rules:

  • If the composition requires heating, do this before introducing the retinol solution there, be sure to wait until the mixture cools to room temperature, otherwise the vitamin will lose most of its useful qualities. It never mixes with boiling water - only with warm liquid.
  • Before applying a composition containing an oil solution of vitamin A, the skin of the face should be steamed by taking hot shower(stand for 8-10 minutes), or take a steam bath (lean over boiling water for 5-7 minutes). Afterwards, it is advisable to do a light peeling: this way all the active substances will penetrate completely and to the maximum depth.
  • The mask should be distributed in a thin, even layer along the massage lines, without affecting the area around the eyes and lips. If you are using retinol in oil alone, you can rub a couple of drops onto these areas, but only for 10 minutes.
  • Frequency cosmetic procedures determined by the nature of the problem, but mainly masks or creams are used 2 times a week, preferably in the evening, replacing the main care with them ( store products). The course consists of 10 procedures.
  • The exposure time of the care composition does not exceed half an hour: if a woman has oily or combination skin, reduce it to 15 minutes. – half an hour only for dry type.
  • It is advisable to wash off the mask with warm herbal decoction(insist on chamomile, calendula). Remove any remaining liquid with a napkin, applying it to your face rather than rubbing it.
  • If your skin is very dry, you can do night nourishing masks, but the recommended dosages and frequency of procedures do not change: only the exposure time.

It is not the cosmetic use of retinol in oil that requires special mention, but the therapeutic use: for skin lesions and injuries. Gauze soaked in a solution is applied to a clean area (wash, remove moisture), or the skin is lubricated with a couple of drops. Be sure to make a standard one on top gauze bandage. The frequency of procedures is up to 6 per day, the application period is 2-3 hours. This treatment is mainly prescribed for burns and frostbite.

Pregnancy and lactation

Only your doctor can tell you for sure whether women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should take this drug, since a surplus of retinol is no less dangerous for the baby than a deficiency. On initial stage it is prohibited during pregnancy, later - according to indications, not exceeding daily dose in 1 drop. Doctors even recommend starting to plan a pregnancy no earlier than six months or a year after long-term treatment with retinol, since the provitamin accumulates in the body and is consumed slowly. Its surplus may cause abnormal development child in the mother's womb.

How retinol interacts with other substances

Main recommendation from doctors - do not use liquid vitamin A with other sources of retinol to prevent overdose and hypervitaminosis. It combines well with other vitamins, especially with tocopherol, thanks to which it preserves longer active form, is well absorbed, exhibits an anabolic effect. A few more points of drug interaction:

  • When taking estrogens and retinol simultaneously, the risk of hypervitaminosis A increases.
  • Oral administration together with anticoagulants increases the likelihood of bleeding.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids is weakened when taking retinol.
  • Isotretinoin provokes increased toxic effects on the body.
  • Vaseline oil, nitrates, cholestyramide interfere with the absorption of vitamin A in the intestine.

Side effects

Locally, the drug is well tolerated, but if applied to affected areas skin inflammation, with long-term treatment ( longer than a week) exacerbations of the inflammatory process may be observed against the background of an immunostimulating effect. Symptoms weaken and disappear on their own and do not require additional treatment. Long-term oral administration leads to hypervitaminosis and provokes the following adverse reactions:

  • drowsiness, weakness, irritability, loss of concentration, increased fatigue;
  • visual disturbances, convulsions, insomnia, increased intraocular pressure;
  • photosensitivity;
  • pain in epigastric region, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea;
  • polyuria;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • temperature increase;
  • menstrual irregularities due to fluctuations in hormonal levels;
  • formation of orange spots on the feet, palms, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, subcutaneous swelling, itching, rash, dry skin;
  • joint pain in the lower extremities.


External use can be practiced even in children; doctors call the only serious contraindication to it: skin diseases With active inflammation in the area planned to be affected. In the presence of hypervitaminosis A, it is also undesirable to use the drug topically and orally; other contraindications are relevant only for oral administration:

  • hypersensitivity to any of the components medicine;
  • nephritis in acute and chronic form;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • childhood up to 7 years;
  • obesity;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • lesions of the hepatobiliary system.

It is recommended to use oil with vitamin A with caution in people suffering from liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis (any stage), and having an excess of retinoids in the body. Long-term treatment for nephritis is not recommended, renal failure, blood clotting disorders. In elderly people, the use of the drug should be done under the supervision of a physician.


The cost of all oil retinol options does not exceed 150 rubles, but the bottles are small and the volume varies. Palmitate sells for 80-100 rubles. for 10 ml, and acetate can be bought for 70 rubles, but it will already be 50 ml. If you decide to order the drug from a cosmetic company catalog, it may cost significantly more. An approximate picture of prices for pharmacies in Moscow:


Skin renewal: vitamin A oil solution in facial care recipes

Vitamin A is a real concentrate of youth and beauty. Today, retinol is actively used not only in the medical field, but also in cosmetology. This amazing substance can improve general health, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. But in order to get positive result from using liquid vitamin A, you should be patient - for this you will need at least 2-3 months.

Vitamin A in medicine

The use of retinol has become widespread in the medical field. As you know, vitamins, including retinol, are available in several forms - in the form of drops for oral administration, tablets, dragees, capsules or liquid concentrate, which is also called oil. This substance is extremely necessary for every person to maintain excellent visual acuity, improve the body’s immune qualities, and also as a solution to many common cosmetic problems.

  • It has long been known about positive impact retinol for vision. Vitamin A helps restore its sharpness, and also perfectly protects the mucous membrane of the eyes from increased dryness. Retinol helps the eyes adapt more easily and quickly to sudden changes in light brightness.
  • This vitamin is often recommended for various diseases eyes - for example, with conjunctivitis or keratitis.
  • Vitamin A oil solution is used to restore and strengthen protective functions body weakened by various infectious diseases, which include acute respiratory infections, sore throat, bronchitis.
  • Vitamin A is directly involved in the process of growth and development of the human body, the formation of bone tissue, and therefore is extremely important in childhood and adolescence.
  • Also, the use of vitamin A in oil shows quite good results for a variety of skin diseases - allergic reactions, herpes, shingles, acne, psoriasis, eczema. Retinol promotes faster wound healing and skin restoration after thermal burns.

An excess of vitamin in the body is just as bad as its deficiency. That's why to internal reception Vitamin A should be taken with extreme caution and in no case should you indulge in self-medication.

What effect does the drug have on the skin?

Vitamin A oil solution is known for its favorable influence on facial skin condition:

  • It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin with visible signs aging. This unique substance promotes the restoration of skin cells, accelerates the synthesis of natural collagen and elastin, strengthens capillaries and smoothes out fine wrinkles.
  • Vitamin A in oil is recommended to be used to strengthen aging facial skin - as a result of external use of this product, firmness and elasticity are restored, as well as its overall tone.
  • An oil solution of vitamin A is often used to treat abrasions, bruises and burns. It quickly restores the normal state of the skin and promotes faster renewal of epidermal cells.
  • Also, an oil solution of vitamin A is often used to treat various problems facial skin – this could be acne, age spots or allergic rashes. For getting positive effect from using the drug, it must be applied externally at least 3-4 times a day.
  • Do you have frostbite or a thermal burn? Excellent results can be obtained by regularly applying vitamin A in oil to the skin. This one is simple and available method contributes more fast healing affected tissues. For the best effect, the drug should be applied to the skin at least 6 times a day, and the affected area should be covered with a bandage or gauze.
  • In addition, the use of an oil solution of vitamin A can significantly improve the condition of hair and nails.

The benefits and amazing effect of using retinol make it possible to use it for treatment wide range cosmetic problems. Problematic skin with acne and enlarged pores, age spots, unpleasant wrinkles - all these problems can be dealt with by regularly using masks with vitamin A.

Positive reviews from tens of thousands of women are clear confirmation that the results of such cosmetic procedures will really please you. To do this, it is not at all necessary to visit expensive beauty salons - effective masks for skin with vitamin A can be prepared at home.

Effective masks with vitamin A for facial skin

The simplest and most accessible way is to directly apply an oil solution of vitamin A in its pure form to the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. But this technique is also fraught with some pitfalls in the form of possible allergic rashes. The oil is a source of concentrated vitamin, so it is best to test it on your wrist before applying to your face.

You can also add 10-15 drops of an oil solution of vitamin A and E to your regular day or night cream - this will not only significantly enrich its composition, but also speed up the process of renewal of facial skin cells.

In masks, retinol combines well with vitamin E, so they can be used together in home beauty recipes.

Other uses:

  • Mix 1 ampoule of liquid vitamin A with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, mix thoroughly and apply to cleansed facial skin.
  • To prepare the next mask, you will need a teaspoon of freshly squeezed aloe juice, 10 drops of vitamin A in oil, as well as your regular cream - about 1 tablespoon. Mix all components well and apply to previously cleansed facial skin for 20-30 minutes.
  • Take a tablespoon of almond and coconut oil, add a teaspoon of vitamin A and E oil solution to the mixture and a little natural honey. Mix everything carefully and apply to the skin of the face and neck.

Please note that the effectiveness of masks with vitamin A increases significantly if you add a little vitamin E to the composition.

More information

For a long time, the best minds of mankind have studied the ability of food products to heal certain human diseases. From ancient Egyptian medical treatises it is known that the priests of the greatest civilization in the world possessed the secret of treating night blindness (deterioration of vision at dusk) with the help of the liver of animals and fish, without knowing A.

This unique substance will be found in butter, sour cream, egg yolk and other products much later.

A little history...

At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, active work began on the study of special, vital important elements and compounds that help maintain health and prolong human life. Among the researchers were the Russian biochemist N.I. Lunin, the Dutch bacteriologist Christian Eijkman, the English biochemist Frederick Hopkins and many other Russian and foreign scientists. In 1911, for the first time, the Polish researcher Casimir Funk found a cure for severe nervous disease beriberi arising against the background of deficiency Crystals isolated from rice bran, he called "Vitamin" or Vitamine. Translated from Lat. vita - means “life”, and from English. mine - “amine”, which made it possible to classify this drug as a nitrogen-containing compound. The scientist also suggested that many ailments arise due to a lack of certain substances in the body. This marked the beginning of an entire era of discoveries, the first of which was the production of vitamin A or retinol.

In 1913, two independent groups of scientists (the first included Elmer Werner McCollum and Marguerite Davis, and the second - Thomas Osborne and colleagues) extracted from butter and chicken yolk a substance that is insoluble in water, but behaves well in lipids. It was called "fat-soluble factor A", renaming Funk's famous "vitamin" to "water-soluble factor B". Thus, the basis of the science of vitamins was created - vitaminology, the “pioneer” of which was retinol.

The Unique Benefits of Vitamin A

"Retinol acetate", or "Vitamin A in oil", is a drug that is easy to find in every pharmacy. It has a truly miraculous effect on the human body.

This vital component, being an antioxidant, participates in all redox reactions, reliably protecting our body from negative influence free radicals. It also plays an important role in the processes of protein synthesis, normalizes metabolism, and helps strengthen the barrier and other functions of cellular and intracellular membranes.

For the musculoskeletal system, skin and hair

Vitamin A is necessary during the formation bone tissue, including teeth, while renewing skin cells, hair, nails, it also significantly slows down the process of withering of the skin and aging of the body as a whole.

Retinol is excellent in treating acne, improves the condition of patients with psoriasis, and stimulates the production of substances that accelerate the healing of wounds and other injuries to the dermis. Vitamin A is prescribed for diseases of the skin, nails and hair: chronic dermatoses, xeroderma (dry skin), seborrheic eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria, various types of lichen, hyperpigmentation of the skin, dry and brittle nail plates, alopecia, other growth disorders keratin fibers, as well as graying hair.

For eye health

On the beneficial effects of vitamin A on visual acuity, photoreception, and normalization of activity visual analyzer, as well as the perception of light by our eyes has been known for a long time. The pigments contained in beta-carotene easily penetrate the retina of the eye, protecting it from the risk of cataracts and dystrophic changes yellow spot.

To protect against infections

Vitamin A in oil, the use of which is necessary to normalize the functioning of the immune system, is prescribed by a doctor in complex therapy infectious diseases. Retinol not only maintains and restores the structure of epithelial tissues and mucous membranes, but also increases their barrier function. Thus, it has a beneficial effect on lung function and complements treatment for peptic ulcers well. gastrointestinal tract and colitis.

Vitamin A can protect against infection or significantly alleviate the condition of colds, flu, respiratory diseases or urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, as well as viral diseases: measles, smallpox and even AIDS.

What else is retinol famous for?

Vitamin A in oil is widely used during pregnancy in combination with vitamin E to reduce the risk of complications and prevent abnormalities in the development of the embryo.

Retinol stimulates synthesis steroid hormones, normalizes spermatogenesis and regulates thyroid function. Beta-carotene or provitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that promotes prevention and complex treatment oncological diseases, prevents relapse of the disease after surgery. Fragments of vitamin A molecules (citral, cichol) are known for their antihistamine effect in humans.

In addition, retinol, accumulating in the liver, increases the level of glycogen in this organ, in the heart and in the muscles, increasing vitality person. Vitamin A increases the concentration of essential cholesterol in the blood and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine system and endocrine glands.

Products - sources of vitamin A

The leaders in vitamin A content are products of animal origin, from where the human body receives them in the form of retinoids. The main favorites on this list are cod liver and fish oil.

A lot of this useful substance is also found in the yolk of chicken and quail eggs, in cream, whole milk, cheese, offal, animal and fish liver, sturgeon caviar, fermented milk products. in butter, A, D, E and K are perfectly absorbed by the human body, as they are in an ideal environment. Only 50 g (although nutritionists recommend no more than 30 g) of this unique product cover a third of a person’s daily requirement for retinol. But butter too much high-calorie product, therefore, by limiting its intake to a reasonable limit, it is possible to compensate for the deficiency of vitamin A from carotenoids. From a molecule of beta-carotene, or provitamin A, the human body is able to synthesize two molecules of retinol. Vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries of bright, “traffic light” colors are rich in carotenoids: carrots, pumpkin, apricots, spinach, peaches, broccoli, grapes, celery and parsley, sage, oats, nettles, burdock root, mint and others.

What is the cost of this miracle vitamin?

Today, in the assortment of any pharmacy you can find the “elixir of youth” - vitamin A in oil, the price for which is mere pennies. The drug from Russian manufacturers costs 10 capsules. - 7 rubles, for 30 pcs. - 25-40 rubles, and in 50 ml bottles of retinol acetate costs 70-100 rubles. Foreign cosmetic preparations with the addition of this unique component differ more at a high price- from 1500 to 2000 rubles.

How to use vitamin A in oil?

The most common form of retinol taken is retinol acetate, either in oil or capsules. The convenience of the capsules is due to the dosed amount of vitamin A, as well as the fact that the active substance does not come into contact with air due to the shell.

As you know, retinol is subject to rapid oxidation when in contact with oxygen, which significantly reduces its effect. Often in pharmacies you can find the vitamin preparation “Aevit” - a “duet” of vitamins A and E, in which tocopherol, along with nourishing the body, protects retinol from oxidation. For people suffering from various ailments, vitamin A in oil or “Aevit” is prescribed by a doctor. And for preventive purposes, doctors recommend: children take 0.5-1 mg, adults - 1.5 mg, and pregnant women or nursing mothers - 2.0-2.5 mg. This amount can be influenced by both the level physical activity, as well as the use of certain foods and medications. Therefore, consulting a doctor before taking vitamin A orally is mandatory!

Vitamin A in cosmetology

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of retinol for the beauty and health of the skin, condition of nails and hair. Adding a few drops of an oil solution of retinol acetate or the drug "Aevit" to a mask for the face, body or keratin fibers turns it into a real panacea, stopping the process of skin aging and returning it radiant healthy looking, and hair - elasticity, elasticity and natural shine.

Vitamin A in skin oil is a precious gift of Nature, which nourishes and moisturizes it. Cosmetology widely uses retinol in anti-aging procedures: to smooth out fine wrinkles, strengthen skin turgor, for hyperpigmentation and other aesthetic imperfections.

At home, just a few drops of vitamin A in oil or the drug “Aevit” in your usual mask (at the rate of 2-3 drops per 50 g of mixture) will give your skin a well-groomed and healthy look.

Vitamin A can be added to any mixture that does not contain acidic foods: lemon or lime juice, fermented milk drinks, sour fruits or berries. In addition, a mask with retinol should not be heated too much, but it is better to add it to a warm mass. A remarkable rejuvenating effect of masks with vitamin A can be obtained if you apply them in the evening, before bed, as the process of regeneration of skin cells is activated at night.

Vitamin A in hair oil helps make hair soft and silky.

If in 20-40 ml (depending on the length of the keratin rods) of burdock, olive, almond or add 7-15 ml of vitamins A and E, respectively, or 5-10 capsules of the drug "Aevit", mix the ingredients, apply them to the hair, and then wrap your head with a compress and hold it for an hour, then after just a few procedures even weakened hair will delight you with its strength, healthy natural shine and amazing beauty.

Vitamin A in oil is a unique “elixir” that is ideal for treating, strengthening and rejuvenating the body. In combination with E and D, zinc, fluorine, calcium and iron, it is much better absorbed and brings maximum benefit to a person.

Dull skin, the appearance of small wrinkles and age spots, diffuse hair loss, reduced rate of regeneration of the epidermis - all these nuances are often symptoms of hypovitaminosis A. They cannot always be eliminated only by correcting the diet: pharmaceutical preparations may also be required, and one of these is an oil solution with vitamin A. In pharmacies it is presented in several varieties. Which one to choose and how to use it correctly?

Retinol comes in several synthetic forms - gelatin-coated capsules, hard tablets and an oil solution, which can be sold in ampoules or a large bottle. A solution of retinol acetate in oil is a transparent liquid with a yellow tint, devoid of pronounced taste and odor. This drug is highly concentrated and therefore requires caution when used. The composition is as follows:

  • The active substance is retinol acetate, the amount of which is 34.4 mg (equivalent to 100,000 IU).
  • Excipient – ​​refined deodorized frozen vegetable oil (sunflower).

Due to this composition, retinol in oil can be used not only externally, like all oil solutions available in the pharmacy, but also internally, as a food additive. In addition to the already mentioned retinol acetate, some manufacturers offer palmitate - this is the same vitamin A, only in a different form and is absorbed differently. It is impossible to predict which option will have a better effect on the body - it is individual, although pharmacists are inclined towards palmitate. If we compare between 2 varieties of oil vitamin A, the picture will be as follows:

  • Retinol acetate in oil - the base is a salt of acetic acid, which is easily obtained and therefore inexpensive. It is not physiological (not present in the body), it is formed during the breakdown of nutrients, therefore it is not completely absorbed by the body; a high dosage is required to obtain the desired effect. The activity of 1 mg of retinol acetate is 2907 IU of vitamin A.
  • Retinol palmitate in oil - the basis is a salt of palmitic acid (saturated, upon breakdown it forms unsaturated acids), which is physiological, so it is quickly and completely absorbed by the body. The activity of 1 mg of retinol palmitate is 1817 IU of vitamin A.

Retinol belongs to the class of fat-soluble vitamins that are responsible for a large number of biological functions in the human body: if a person does not suffer from its deficiency, he has smooth, radiant skin, strong hair, and skin lesions quickly heal. Synthetic preparations (both acetate and palmitate) are complete analogues of the natural element and are used to restore its normal concentration in the body. Pharmacological actions of vitamin A in oil:

  • Providing vision processes (photoreception), stimulating the synthesis of rhodopsin located in the retinal rods is one of the specific functions.
  • Regulation of mineral balance, control of the production of mucopolysaccharides, lipids and proteins.
  • Modulation of the process of differentiation of epithelial cells, stimulation of the process of restoration of mucous membranes and skin.
  • Normalization of the functioning of the endocrine glands and control of body growth through active participation in the synergy of somatomedins.
  • Beneficial effects on the immune system: stimulation of the division of immunocompetent cells and myelopoiesis, influence on the synthesis of interferon, lysozyme and immunoglobulin - factors that protect the body from infections and viruses.
  • Control of the conduction and transmission of nerve impulses, the inclusion of sulfates in cartilage and bone tissue.
  • Antitumor effect on the body, not affecting neoplasms of non-epithelial localization.

Retinol hypovitaminosis is manifested by decreased vision (mainly “night blindness” - decreased visual acuity at dusk), atrophy of the corneal and conjunctival epithelium, degenerative-dystrophic processes in the genitourinary organs, respiratory system, and digestive system. Externally, a lack of this vitamin can be noticed by deterioration of the condition of nails, skin, hair, problems in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and loss of body weight. Using vitamin A oil in either form (acetate/palmitate) helps:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • stimulate sexual functions (influence the production of hormones and sperm);
  • improve the regenerative properties of the upper layer of skin (epidermis);
  • increase superficial blood circulation;
  • even out complexion, eliminate age spots;
  • increase skin tone;
  • stabilize the central nervous system;
  • normalize liver function (by increasing glycogen levels).

All versions of retinol solution with oil are prescribed for conditions of hypovitaminosis diagnosed by a doctor, especially if oral administration is planned. The drug can also be used externally for prophylactic purposes, but for a short course. Official medicine and cosmetology have found a large number of applications for vitamin A - the oil solution is present in anti-aging creams that slow down the aging process of the skin, or is introduced into homemade masks, lotions and other mixtures. For medicinal purposes it is used for:

  • disorders of the liver and other gastrointestinal organs;
  • skin lesions and injuries;
  • problems of the urinary system;
  • lesions of the bronchopulmonary system.

Oral and local intake of vitamin A for therapeutic purposes helps improve metabolic processes, strengthen the skeleton and immune system, and help cope with increased irritability and other problems of the nervous system. Doctors also recommend this remedy for the treatment of certain diseases of the liver (discuss with a gastroenterologist!) and lungs. Ophthalmologists consider it appropriate to use it for conjunctivitis, superficial keratitis, and dermatologists - for neurodermatitis, eczema, and hyperkeratosis.

Restoring the skin, increasing tone, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands are the main properties of vitamin A that cosmetologists use. Externally, for the beauty of skin and hair, this product is recommended for use in case of the appearance of pimples and blackheads, the formation of the first small wrinkles, problems with the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Some cosmetologists advise using it to eliminate age spots and regulate blood circulation in the upper layer of the dermis.

As a product that helps rejuvenate, moisturize, tone and cleanse the skin of the face, vitamin A in oil is very popular, therefore it is added to factory-made creams and acts as a component of natural homemade masks. You can mix it with vitamin E (also an oil form), if you do not suffer from oily facial skin, with herbal decoctions, and clay. Some cosmetologists even advise simply adding an oil solution to any face cream (1-2 drops per serving).

Instructions for use of vitamin A oil solution

The use of this product is practiced topically (local application or over a large area) and orally, as a food supplement, but always after meals. The therapeutic course, if it is not preventive home masks for the face or hair, should be agreed with a doctor due to the high concentration of the active substance. With long-term use of the drug orally, monitoring of blood biochemical parameters and the rate of blood clotting is mandatory. A few more nuances from the official instructions that ensure safe and effective treatment:

  • Do not take vitamin A drops, capsules or other dosage form if you are being treated with tetracycline drugs.
  • If treatment with cholestyramine is carried out, retinol can be taken 4 hours after it or an hour before.
  • For problems with twilight vision, it is recommended to use retinol with riboflavin.
  • It is important to give up alcohol and nicotine during treatment, and supplement your diet with fats - they contribute to the correct and complete absorption of vitamin A.
  • If oral administration was carried out in large doses, withdrawal is carried out gradually, starting to reduce the amount of vitamin taken and the frequency of doses.

Therapeutic doses and course of taking retinol acetate or palmitate should be determined by the doctor who has diagnosed hypo- or vitamin deficiency in the patient. The calculation of the dosage of acetate (as a form more accessible in pharmacies) is carried out based on the following data: 1 drop released from an eye pipette contains 3000 IU of the vitamin, and 1 ml – 100,000 IU. It is important to remember the following about single dosages:

  • adults should not drink more than 50,000 IU per dose;
  • Children over 7 years old are not given more than 5000 IU.

For children under 7 years of age, retinol acetate in oil is not prescribed, and if the pediatrician prescribes such a drug, he monitors the treatment process and independently forms a dosage regimen. There are also maximum daily doses: for adults this is 100,000 IU of the vitamin (1 ml of solution), and for school-age children - 20,000 IU (4 drops). Approximate therapeutic doses of retinol acetate for adults by disease:

  • Mild and moderate vitamin deficiencies – 33,000 IU per day.
  • Skin diseases - from 50,000 to 100,000 IU per day (in children 5,000-20,000 IU);
  • Hemeralopia, xerophthalmia, retinitis pigmentosa - from 50,000 to 100,000 IU per day together with taking riboflavin.

For children, for the treatment of rickets (in combination with other drugs), bronchopulmonary diseases in acute and chronic forms, collagenosis, acute respiratory diseases, 1 drop of solution is prescribed. In all cases, administration is carried out after meals, after 15 minutes. It is advisable to take the drug in the morning. If you bought a vitamin in oil, enclosed in a capsule, the dosage and principle of administration should be studied according to the instructions (often 1 capsule is prescribed in the morning and evening, after meals). The duration of the course of treatment is discussed with the doctor.

The least number of purely contraindications has the local use of an oil solution of retinol, prescribed by cosmetologists and dermatologists. The drug can be used alone or as a component of a complex composition, but if it is mixed with something, the resulting result is used immediately - not stored. Before starting the therapeutic course, it is necessary to establish the absence of allergic reactions by dropping the solution on the elbow or wrist. If urticaria symptoms do not appear within 24 hours, you can begin treatment. Be sure to read the following rules:

  • If the composition requires heating, do this before introducing the retinol solution there, be sure to wait until the mixture cools to room temperature, otherwise the vitamin will lose most of its beneficial qualities. It never mixes with boiling water - only with warm liquid.
  • Before applying a composition containing an oil solution of vitamin A, the skin of the face should be steamed by taking a hot shower (stand for 8-10 minutes) or taking a steam bath (lean over boiling water for 5-7 minutes). Afterwards, it is advisable to do a light peeling: this way all the active substances will penetrate completely and to the maximum depth.
  • The mask should be distributed in a thin, even layer along the massage lines, without affecting the area around the eyes and lips. If you are using retinol in oil alone, you can rub a couple of drops onto these areas, but only for 10 minutes.
  • The frequency of cosmetic procedures is determined by the nature of the problem, but masks or creams are mainly used 2 times a week, preferably in the evening, replacing the main care (store-bought products). The course consists of 10 procedures.
  • The exposure time of the care composition does not exceed half an hour: if a woman has oily or combination skin, reduce it to 15 minutes. – half an hour only for dry type.
  • It is advisable to wash off the mask with a warm herbal decoction (infusion of chamomile, calendula). Remove any remaining liquid with a napkin, applying it to your face rather than rubbing it.
  • For severely dry skin, you can make night nourishing masks, but the recommended dosage and frequency of procedures do not change: only the exposure time.

It is not the cosmetic use of retinol in oil that requires special mention, but the therapeutic use: for skin lesions and injuries. Gauze soaked in a solution is applied to a clean area (wash, remove moisture), or the skin is lubricated with a couple of drops. Be sure to make a standard gauze bandage on top. The frequency of procedures is up to 6 per day, the application period is 2-3 hours. This treatment is mainly prescribed for burns and frostbite.

Only your doctor can tell you for sure whether women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should take this drug, since a surplus of retinol is no less dangerous for the baby than a deficiency. At the initial stage of pregnancy it is prohibited, later - according to indications, not exceeding the daily dose of 1 drop. Doctors even recommend starting to plan a pregnancy no earlier than six months or a year after long-term treatment with retinol, since the provitamin accumulates in the body and is consumed slowly. Its surplus can cause improper development of the child in the womb.

The main recommendation from doctors is not to use liquid vitamin A with other sources of retinol to prevent overdose and hypervitaminosis. It combines well with other vitamins, especially with tocopherol, thanks to which it retains its active form longer, is well absorbed, and exhibits an anabolic effect. A few more points of drug interaction:

  • When taking estrogens and retinol simultaneously, the risk of hypervitaminosis A increases.
  • Oral administration together with anticoagulants increases the likelihood of bleeding.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids is weakened when taking retinol.
  • Isotretinoin provokes increased toxic effects on the body.
  • Vaseline oil, nitrates, cholestyramide interfere with the absorption of vitamin A in the intestines.

Locally, the drug is well tolerated, but if applied to areas affected by skin inflammation, with long-term treatment (longer than a week), exacerbation of the inflammatory process may be observed against the background of an immunostimulating effect. Symptoms weaken and disappear on their own and do not require additional treatment. Long-term oral administration leads to hypervitaminosis and provokes the following adverse reactions:

  • drowsiness, weakness, irritability, loss of concentration, increased fatigue;
  • visual disturbances, convulsions, insomnia, increased intraocular pressure;
  • photosensitivity;
  • pain in the epigastric region, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea;
  • polyuria;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • temperature increase;
  • menstrual irregularities due to fluctuations in hormonal levels;
  • formation of orange spots on the feet, palms, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, subcutaneous swelling, itching, rash, dry skin;
  • joint pain in the lower extremities.

External use can be practiced even in children; doctors call the only serious contraindication to it the presence of skin diseases with active inflammation in the area that is planned to be affected. In the presence of hypervitaminosis A, it is also undesirable to use the drug topically and orally; other contraindications are relevant only for oral administration:

  • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • nephritis in acute and chronic form;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • children under 7 years of age;
  • obesity;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • lesions of the hepatobiliary system.

It is recommended to use oil with vitamin A with caution in people suffering from liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis (any stage), and having an excess of retinoids in the body. Long-term treatment is not recommended for nephritis, renal failure, and bleeding disorders. In elderly people, the use of the drug should be done under the supervision of a physician.

The cost of all oil retinol options does not exceed 150 rubles, but the bottles are small and the volume varies. Palmitate sells for 80-100 rubles. for 10 ml, and acetate can be bought for 70 rubles, but it will already be 50 ml. If you decide to order the drug from a cosmetic company catalog, it may cost significantly more. An approximate picture of prices for pharmacies in Moscow:

Vitamin A oil capsules

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Hello again!
Today is finally my post about natural care behind my hair.
Please under the cut

At the end of last year, having found one group on one of the social networks, I radically revised my hair care rules. After reading for a long time what was what, I made several main conclusions for myself: products with silicones and SLS are in the trash for me, some of the best (and already obligatory) masks are not purchased, but made with my own hands (for me they are based on oils) .
That’s exactly what I’ll tell you about oils and what goes with them.

My goal was to bring my hair into good view, maintenance as well as hair growth.
First things first.

1. Vitamins.

1.1 Thiamine chloride (Vitamin B1).
1.2 Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
1.3 Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B!2)

I combined these vitamins together because... In principle, their effect is similar, they strengthen the hair follicles, stimulate growth, and improve the general condition of the hair. They cannot be mixed together, they are incompatible. BUT! I made vitamin shampoo with them (all of them), I was very pleased with the result, my hair grew much faster.
My verdict: magical vitamins for pennies.
Price: (in principle, price stickers are in the photo, but I’ll write it separately)
B1 - 21.1 ruble for 10 ampoules,
B6 - 18.1 rubles for 10 ampoules,
B12 - 8.50 rubles for 10 ampoules.

1.4 Retinol acetate solution in oil (Vitamin A in oil)
1.5 Alpha tocopherol acetate (Vitamin E in oil)

Description: In pharmacies, vitamin E is sold under the name Tocopherol acetate, and vitamin A is sold under the name Retinol acetate.
First of all, I would like to note that when asking the pharmacist for them, you should emphasize that you need vitamins in oil for external use. Many people use the same vitamins in capsules (created for oral administration), but this is inconvenient and also more expensive.

Vitamins A and E are recognized means for youth and beauty.
Vitamin A makes curls elastic, bouncy, protecting against harmful effects sun rays, affects active growth. It is the lack of vitamin A that leads to dry and brittle hair.
Vitamin E helps restore hair, fights hair loss, and promotes growth.
Vitamins A and E are especially good in interaction, this is how their synergistic effect is manifested.

Also combined, because The effect is also the same: restores, nourishes hair, moisturizes. Everyone knows that these are the vitamins that are responsible in the body for the beauty of hair, nails, and skin.
I add it either to homemade masks or also to vitamin shampoo.
My verdict: absolutely irreplaceable.
Price: about 30-50 rubles depending on the pharmacy.

Oils are divided into 2 types:
-cosmetic (they are basic, they are just fatty) - they can be used in their pure form, mixed with each other;
- essential, concentrated oils are highly not recommended to be used in their pure form, they can be dangerous, cause burns and other troubles, but they are great to add to masks.

Application: heated in a water bath (several oils can be mixed), applied to the hair (at the length or roots, depending on the function of the oils), under a cap and towel, and this is worn for several hours. Wash off with shampoo. You can add essential oils.

2. Base oils

2.1 Castor oil
Description: Castor oil is obtained from castor bean fruits. It is recommended for use in the care of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows.
Castor oil is well absorbed and easy to apply, softens the scalp, accelerates hair growth, and eliminates dandruff. This oil is the basis of many ointments and creams, hair masks.

My verdict: I don’t really like it, it’s heavy, it’s really hard on the roots, and it’s difficult to wash the ends, and there’s a chance you’ll end up with the effect of “dirty, greasy hair.”
In addition, I tried it on eyelashes and eyebrows, the result: my eyes were swollen, acne appeared on my eyebrows.
Stands idle
Price: 120 rub/250 ml.

2.2 Avocado oil.
Description: benefits of using avocado oil for hair:
- improves the structure of weakened hair,
- suitable for colored hair,
- strengthens hair roots,
- nourishes hair from the inside,
- rich in vitamins,
- easily absorbed by skin and hair,
- penetrates deeply into the hair structure,
- makes hair smooth and shiny,
- gives hair a healthy look.

My verdict: simple good oil. Nourishes, moisturizes, but without strong delights.
Price: (I don’t remember the exact one) about 100 rubles per 10 ml.

2.3 Shea butter.
Description: Hair. How everyone wants to have beautiful, healthy, well-groomed hair. Cosmetics, pharmaceutical companies and ethnoscience They offer all kinds of tools that help you achieve your goal - to have beautiful hair. And in all this proposed diversity, one should not forget about one thing: effective means- Shea butter for hair is 100% helpful.

Shea butter (karite) is used in many lines of luxury cosmetics as a softening, moisturizing and protective agent, slowing down the aging process. Shea butter can be used as a day cream; it has a UV filter. It is used to relieve swelling and inflammation for pain and sprains in the joints, and for skin diseases.

Shea butter for hair is simple an indispensable tool, it nourishes and moisturizes hair, and also strengthens dry, damaged and weakened hair, protects it from the influence of negative factors environment.

My verdict: OOO! Well, this is just a mega thing for everyone who is familiar with oils. The oil nourishes the hair very much, restores it quite quickly, and is more effective than most other oils!
It is heated in a water bath and then applied.
Price: 100-300 rubles per 100 g.

2.4 Coconut oil.
Description: Coconut oil strengthens, nourishes hair and gives it shine. It adds volume and shine to hair that is dry and depleted by exposure to wind, sun, sea, frequent coloring and perms. Strengthens, gives them beauty and softness. Coconut oil washes off easily and works great as a means to improve the quality of tanning, to prevent burns and to preserve and fix the tan for a long time. It is an ideal hair protection product during the holiday season, applied before sun exposure. sea ​​baths. Coconut oil is an excellent means of fixing color and giving radiant beauty to hair after dyeing with henna and basma. Used as a mask - from 20 minutes to 3 hours, then washed off with shampoo. After rinsing, it leaves no traces.

Coconut oil consists of triglycerides and medium-chain saturated fatty acids, due to which it is absorbed very quickly, remarkably moisturizes and gives the skin a velvety feel. In particular, lauric acid has a negative effect on a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses. also in coconut oil contains capric acid (7% of the fatty acid composition), which stimulates antimicrobial activity.

Coconut oil reduces hair protein loss during washing. A layer of oil on the hair protects the fibers from swelling and damage during toweling and combing.

My verdict: just like shea butter, this butter is a favorite of oil maniacs. Mega-moisturizes, mega-nourishes, mega-regenerates. (Use is the same as shea).
Price: 80 rub./400 g. (unfortunately, when I bought it, it was only refined, it is much cheaper than unrefined, and the effect is worse..)

2.5 Cocoa butter.
Description: A useful cosmetic properties This oil has a lot. For example, with its help you can achieve certain results in the fight against stretch marks. In addition, you can also try to remove other skin imperfections, such as scars, small scars and skin injuries, by using cocoa butter during a massage, the properties of which are precisely aimed at eliminating cosmetic defects.

Both in winter and in summer, cocoa butter finds its use. In cold weather, it perfectly protects the skin from chapping and exposure to low temperatures, removes peeling of the lips, and in hot weather it can help avoid skin contamination, which is very important during the summer season. Just apply cocoa butter to your feet and hands, the properties of which help literally repel dirt and dust from the skin.

Dry, damaged, aging facial skin is a real field for cocoa butter. Using cocoa butter to care for such skin will significantly improve its condition. The skin becomes firm and elastic. Fine wrinkles disappear and deep wrinkles become less noticeable. And oil compresses based on cocoa butter remove the so-called “ crow's feet" and "bags" around the eyes.

Cocoa butter gives its properties not only to the skin, but also to the hair. It retains moisture in the hair, making hair smooth, manageable and shiny. A mixture of cocoa butter and rosemary infusion is pure bliss for hair.

My verdict: Well, this is the 3rd (and last) consensus favorite, along with shea and coconut. I absolutely share the opinion, the oil is great. (The application is still the same).
Price: 750 rub/kg.

2.6 Oil grape seeds.
Description: This fatty vegetable oil holds the record for vitamin E content, one tablespoon covers daily requirement body in this vitamin. In its composition and properties, grape seed oil is close to sunflower oil. Grape seed contains more than 100 active components, micro- and macroelements, protein, vitamins A, B, C and PP. The powerful antioxidant and regenerating properties of the oil are used in cosmetology to create nourishing, moisturizing creams and masks for dehydrated, sensitive and aging skin, especially in the area around the eyes. The oil helps exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis, improves the structure of the skin, making it noticeably smoother. It regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, prevents excessive oily skin and tightens pores. If you have a cut or wound, cracks in the skin of your hands or feet, grape seed oil will provide quick and effective assistance. Its big advantage is that it is well absorbed by the skin and quickly begins to act. With the help of products containing grape oil, you can improve appearance brittle hair with split ends, give it shine and silkiness.

My verdict: it can dry out the length, I use it exclusively on the roots in order to prolong the cleanliness of my hair. Prolongs it a little. I bought it primarily for the face (considered a magical remedy for moisturizing and eliminating irritation), but it didn’t work for my skin...
Price: 120 rub/100 ml.

The following are my absolute favorites! (I love them all with all my heart)
For them my overall verdict: I will buy more and more!

2.7 Jojoba oil.
Description: Jojoba oil is unique in the entire plant world! It's actually liquid wax. Consists mainly of higher fatty acids associated with higher alcohols. Almost no bitter taste. It is well absorbed by all skin types, including oily ones. Applying jojoba oil to the skin creates a thin, invisible to the eye, stable and elastic layer that nourishes it and protects it from adverse environmental influences without disturbing it. normal life. The surface and deep oiling it creates regulates the sebum secretion of the skin. Jojoba oil does not cause any irritation or allergic reactions, therefore it is often used in the manufacture of cleansing emulsions for the skin (especially around the eyes), and added oil to finished cosmetic products significantly extends their shelf life. Provides softness, freshness and delicacy to chapped and chapped lips. Adds shine, volume and flexibility to hair - it is often used in cosmetic hair products. A few drops on the comb when combing wet hair prevents it from sticking, causes an antistatic effect, and helps shape the hairstyle.

Price: 150 rub/100 ml.

2.8 Sweet almond oil.
Description: Almond oil for hair
Almond oil can rightfully be called one of the strongest natural remedies, strengthening hair and stimulating its growth. It perfectly nourishes hair, increases its elasticity, flexibility and shine.
To care for your hair, you need to apply almond oil to your comb. You can use pure almond oil or add other essential oils to it (5 drops per 10 ml of essential oil). You need to comb your hair with this comb 2 – 3 times a day.
If you have greasy hair, you can use almond oil in its pure form. Before washing your hair, rub a few drops of almond oil from the roots of your hair to the ends. To enhance the effect, you can add two drops of cypress or cedar essential oil to a tablespoon of almond oil. This mixture can also be applied without a comb and combed through your hair 2 - 3 times a day.
If you have dry hair, almond oil should be rubbed into it in the same way, but after washing your hair, when the hair is still warm and damp. To enhance the effect, you can add essential oils of santhal and mandarin or ylang-ylang and orange to it in the same proportions as in the previous recipe.

Price: 130 rub/100 ml.

2.9 Macadamia oil.
Description: Macadamia oil eliminates the phenomena of photodermatitis. Used to care for the skin of the face and neck, for the care of dry and aging skin. Antioxidant, rejuvenating agent. Nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin, making it healthy and beautiful. Macadamia oil is often used for damaged, dry hair. For massage, add the essential oils of your choice to macadamia oil and prepare a custom massage or cosmetic oil blend for face and body skin care. To care for your hair, take nut oil and macadamia extract, distribute well over the surface of your hair and this will make it healthier. At the same time, the structural differences between the root part and ends of the hair are equalized. Macadamia is an excellent remedy for a therapeutic bath. Macadamia oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, especially during the winter months.

Price: 160 rub/100 ml.

2.10 Wheat germ oil.
Description: A unique natural concentrate of vitamins and other biologically active substances, laid by nature in grain for the renewal of life. Record holder for the content of vitamin E (190 mg/100 g) - a natural antioxidant that helps cleanse the blood of harmful peroxide compounds and promotes the formation and growth of new ones, healthy cells. Contains vitamins A, B, octacosanol, triglycerides, glycolipids and phospholipids; polyunsaturated fatty acid(vitamin F); trace elements: iron, selenium, zinc. Allantoin, which is part of wheat sprouts, soothes, softens, refreshes the skin, evening out its color and texture. As an antioxidant that helps preserve other carrier oils, slows down cell aging, eliminates inflammatory processes on the skin. Has great penetrating power and promotes removal harmful substances from the body and skin. Used as food additives during treatment cardiovascular diseases. The oil supports peripheral blood circulation, strengthens capillary walls, and also has an anti-rosacea and anti-cellulite effect. Eliminates irritation, itching, peeling, swelling of the skin, acne. Maintains skin elasticity and softness, making it ideal for daily care of fading, aging and rough skin of the face and hands. An excellent stimulator for hair growth.

Improves dry and oily skin, helps improve complexion. It has rejuvenating properties and helps keep the skin elastic and fresh, eliminates irritation and improves skin tone.

Has anti-cellulite properties. Gives hair shine and silkiness, restores it.

Price: 180 rub/100 ml. (I don’t remember the price of the small one, about 70-100 rubles for 10 ml.)

Next I have burdock oils, I will separate them into a separate group.

3. Burdock oil.
Description (general): Burdock oil is obtained from burdock roots; it is a powerful phytoactivator. It contains a lot of protein, essential and fatty oils, tannins, mineral salts and vitamins. Thanks to this, burdock oil nourishes and strengthens hair roots, accelerates their growth and stops hair loss, and also restores hair structure after perm and coloring, protects against dandruff and itchy scalp.

I use them as masks for the roots, because the length can be dried out. Accelerate hair growth and strengthen hair follicles.

3.1 Burdock oil Beiersdorf AG.
Started as an outsider. I bought it without reading the ingredients. And it’s something like this: liquid paraffin, corn oil, fragrance.
Well, in general, I haven’t opened it and don’t intend to. I'll leave it for lubricating the doors.

Price: about 60 rub. for 75 ml.

3.2 Burdock. Active burdock-pepper oil.
Description: Burdock-pepper oil is a powerful, time-tested remedy against baldness for various causes of hair loss. Active components burdock and pepper oils penetrate into the skin structure, strengthening and nourishing the hair roots. Suitable for moderate to severe hair loss, as well as prophylactic. It is especially effective in combination with shampoo and other products from the Burdock series.

My verdict: ok. But it’s much better to just mix pepper and burdock oil.
Price: 100-120 rub. for 100 ml.

Well, and my favorites.
3.3 Plain burdock oil, with ginkgo biloba, with propolis, with nettle. (Evalar and Mirolla).
Their descriptions are slightly different, that is, ginkgo biloba and nettle strengthen, stimulate growth, propolis moisturizes more, but I did not see a difference in the effect, so I combine them.
My verdict: excellent!
Price: 50-70 rub. for 100 ml.

4. Capsicum tincture.
Description: Pepper powder can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared at home. It is not recommended to rub the tincture into your head in its pure form. For sensitive skin, it may cause strong burning sensation, or allergies. There is also a danger of drying out your skin and hair, which can cause dandruff. Therefore, pepper tincture is included in various masks. The effect of such masks is simply magical!
It is best to mix pepper tincture with a fatty base - oil or kefir. This way you combine the stimulating properties of pepper with nutrients oils, lay the foundation for the growth of healthy, strong hair. You can also mix pepper powder with hair balm.
Mask recipe with pepper tincture Everyone can make up their own individual plan, depending on the condition of their hair and scalp. It is very useful to add honey, yolk, dry yeast, a few drops to the mask aromatic oil. The main thing is not to abuse big amount pepper so as not to dry out the skin. We offer several effective mask recipes.

My verdict: oh, how I love her. Hair is growing.
Price on the box

And then how I use it.
I pour burdock oil into a small bottle with a spout (sometimes I add others: grape seeds, almonds), put it in very hot water, when it warms up - I add about the same amount or less of pepper, and a couple of drops of essential oils. (more on them a little later). I apply moisturizing (one of the base) oils from the nose along the partings, along the length, under a cap, a towel and walk for 2-3 hours (in principle, more is possible), then wash it off with shampoo as usual.

5. Essential oils.

5.1 Peppermint essential oil.
Description: Oil peppermint can be used to prevent hair loss and improve hair quality, and according to many trichologists (hair care specialists), it can be combined with other essential oils. Peppermint oil works best when combined with various types of almond and/or vegetable oils. It can also be used in combination with rosemary essential oil, with lemon oil and jojoba oil. The mixture must be rubbed with smooth massaging movements into the scalp each time before washing your hair. You can also add a few drops of peppermint oil directly to your shampoo or hair conditioner.

My verdict: I use it either with shampoo or in masks on the hair roots - it allows my hair to stay clean a little longer and also strengthens it.
And as a bonus:
- EM of mint repels mosquitoes;
-Mint EM can be used as an additive in face masks - gets rid of blackheads.
Price: about 70 rub. for 10 ml.

5.2 Sweet orange essential oil.
Description: Orange oil cleanses the skin well, lightens age spots, promotes cell renewal, and is used in the fight against cellulite.
Orange essential oil is a good remedy for dandruff, especially effective for dry hair.
Impact on human bioenergy: increases optimism, self-confidence and charm. Restores the aura after a serious illness and emotional stress. Recommended if you need sympathy and warmth.
Orange essential oil, along with its antiseptic effect, has a strong calming effect. Helps with depression, anxiety and nervous tension. Aroma lamps with oil reduce blood pressure and have a beneficial effect on nervous system children, increase concentration. Aromatic baths effective against insomnia (especially in combination with lavender oil).
Combines with oils of jasmine, cypress, coriander, cinnamon, lavender, frankincense, juniper, nutmeg, geraniums, roses, rosewood, as well as with neroli and petitgrain oils.

My verdict: oh, I love it very much, I use it to comb aromatherapy, my hair is silky.
Price: (I don’t have much good companies, so cheap) about 100 rubles. for 10 ml.

5.3 Grapefruit essential oil.
Description: Normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, brightens and whitens the skin, tightens pores. Prevents the formation of comedones. Strengthens nails.
Has an anti-cellulite effect. Has a lifting effect. It is successfully used in the care of oily hair types. Promotes hair growth.
The effect of this oil on emotional condition expressed in its ability to give a person self-confidence. Grapefruit helps to cope with depression and depression. Its aroma enlightens the soul, restores a feeling of freshness, and awakens inspiration.
Combines with oils of basil, jasmine, ylang-ylang, cedar, cypress, lavender, sage, frankincense, geranium, rose, rosewood, palmarosa, chamomile, citronella, nutmeg, cinnamon, all citrus and spicy oils.

My verdict: I add it to shampoo when washing my hair, it allows my hair to stay clean longer.
Price: 100 rub. for 10 ml.

5.4 Essential oil of Chinese cinnamon.
Description: Helps with scabies and fungal skin infections.
Helps with pediculosis.
Helps with dizziness and nausea.
Neutralizes poisons from wasp and snake bites.
Increases the efficiency of blood supply to various organs and tissues.
Enhances metabolism and prevents weight gain.
Optimizes digestion processes, reduces gas formation in the intestines.
Eliminates spasmodic colitis, manifested in the form of constipation or diarrhea.
Eliminates intoxication syndrome.
Reduces symptoms of fever during flu and colds.
For men: enhances potency and sexuality, prevents the occurrence of stagnation in the genitals.
For women: harmonizes monthly cycle, enhances sexuality, receptivity of erogenous zones.
Anti-cellulite agent.
Good for laryngitis, loss of voice.
Increases blood pressure.
Impact on the emotional sphere:
Cheers, warms, eliminates astheno-depressive conditions.
The aroma of Mars is courage, boldness, strength, sexual energy.
Regenerates aura.
Helps overcome failures.
Increases optimism and self-confidence.
Helps increase self-esteem.
Helps get rid of self-pity and fixation on past mistakes.
Makes nature lighter, brighter and more humane.
Helps to establish harmonious relationships between a man and a woman.
Cosmetic effect:
Reduces hair loss

My verdict: I use it as a mask on the hair roots, because... strengthens. I like. But the smell is suitable for those who love cinnamon.
Price: about 150 rub. for 10 ml.

5.5 Ylang-ylang essential oil.
Description: Strong aphrodisiac (erotic oil). Today, ylang-ylang aromatic essential oil belongs to the class of aromatic adaptogens and is an aphrodisiac, that is, it actively affects the increase in libido. It is not for nothing that in Indonesia for a very long time there has been a custom of strewing the newlyweds’ bed with petals of this wonderful tree. Today, the oil is also widely used for the production of high-quality perfume products. Rejuvenates, moisturizes, and preserves sensitive skin; An excellent product for the care of combination skin; restores the health of brittle, thinning hair prone to hair loss; intimate cosmetic product.
In the cosmetic industry, ylang-ylang essential oil is best known for its beneficial effect on the condition of nails; with its help, it not only strengthens, but also polishes nails. IN cosmetical tools For the skin, ylang-ylang essential oil is added to prevent premature aging of the skin, as well as to get rid of acne. Ylang-ylang essential oil acts deeply in the layers of the skin, activating the growth of new cells and giving the skin elasticity, tenderness and velvety. With the help of such cosmetics, irritation and redness of problem skin are relieved, the oil is used to treat dermatoses and eczema, it also helps restore thin and brittle hair prone to loss.

My verdict: this is a must-have broadcast. Absolutely universal. I add it to masks, shampoo, and aromatherapy. In general, a mega thing. BUT, the smell is not for everyone, many people need to get used to it)
Price: 250 rub./10 ml.

Well, and finally, a homemade spray, according to the recipe of the girls in that very group.
Leave-in spray, moisturizes, eliminates electrification, removes frizz, hair is very soft after it. BUT, the main thing is not to overdo it) Otherwise, the effect of dirty hair is instantly guaranteed.
Ingredients: 200 ml coffee, a tablespoon of jojoba oil, half a tablespoon of almond oil, 5-7 drops of cinnamon essential oil.

Well, that seems to be all. I’ll add one thing, I’ve been using all this since the beginning of January for sure, some before.

I'm adding a photo of the hair (since they asked)
Don't judge too harshly.
On the left is what was in November, it remained in January. On the right is February 21, that is, a month and a half of oils.
In my opinion, the difference is obvious.
And I’m very ashamed of November.

Many thanks to those who mastered it and reached the end.
I hope I will be useful to someone.
I am Alyonka, you can contact me on a first name basis



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