How to relieve swelling after ear surgery. What are the features of the recovery period after otoplasty: photos before and after surgery and other recommendations

It is very difficult to find people who are satisfied and even happy with their own appearance in all its aspects. Almost every person is dissatisfied with one or another flaw in his own appearance. Many people even think about seeking the services of a plastic surgeon to correct or change an annoying element of their appearance, and soon visit the surgeon.

Prominent ears

Otoplasty, or plastic surgery in the ear area - a surgical intervention that can reconstruct, adjust and improve form And size human auricles. The operation lasts about an hour and is performed under local anesthesia. The success of an intervention is influenced by everything that is done before, during, and after the intervention.

After the otoplasty is completed, the patient is usually placed in a ward where he will spend some time before going home. If the patient so desires, he can be placed in a hospital overnight. This may be necessary to monitor the patient and analyze his condition in order to avoid complications and give him further recommendations.

What to do immediately after surgery

    Immediately after the intervention, the plastic surgeon applies a special bandages, which presses the ears and protects them from mechanical damage. Among other things, this bandage holds cotton wool soaked in mineral oil - this helps to avoid swelling after surgery;

    After otoplasty, a variety of medications are used facilities, accelerating wound process healing. The ears are sealed over the sutures with a plaster that prevents various contaminants from entering the area of ​​the operation. To protect your ears from mechanical damage and injury, you can wear a comfortable scarf;

    During the first three days after the intervention, the patient may be disturbed uncomfortable sensations in the area of ​​surgery. Will help relieve pain and discomfort analgesics And antibiotics, which need to be taken for about a week;

    The first postoperative dressing is prescribed the next day after otoplasty. The second dressing is prescribed for 3-4 days after surgery. A week after the operation, you should visit your doctor to remove the stitches.

As after any surgical intervention, after otoplasty there are postoperative swelling And bruises. They are not too noticeable, but will take about 7 days to disappear. The duration of swelling depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. To reduce swelling, limit your consumption salty And acute food, as well as hot drinks. It is this type of nutrition that provokes the appearance of swelling.

Ear bandage

Further rehabilitation after otoplasty

The effectiveness of the operation can be assessed almost immediately upon completion. The final results of otoplasty are assessed after a couple of months, subject to mandatory compliance with all the necessary conditions for the postoperative rehabilitation period.

    The bandage that protects the ears from any injury can be removed after three days, but the optimal period of wearing it is a week. The decision about the possibility of quickly removing the dressing should be made based on the complexity of the surgical intervention;

    Until the wound heals completely, you must completely stop washing your hair;

    For the first time after surgery, it is necessary to sleep only on your back - this will protect the patient from the danger of damage to the sutures and from pain in the area of ​​the operation;

    For 30 days after surgery, you must wear a special bandage or a comfortable scarf at night, if your doctor is okay with such a change. This will prevent the patient from damaging the surgical area with awkward movements of the head and hands;

    In general, rehabilitation after otoplasty itself proceeds easily and without any problems, provided there are no complications. Be that as it may, you should limit your own physical activity and active life. Beware of increased blood pressure, protect your ears from any injury;

    Stop using glasses for a month and a half; they can be replaced with lenses;

Important points of rehabilitation after otoplasty

After plastic surgery to correct the ears, they are used for rehabilitation purposes. physiotherapeutic procedures inherent in the recovery period after any operation. This includes hardware room cosmetology and all medical procedures and therapies that help speed up wound healing and avoid any complications.

There are some points awaiting the patient after otoplasty:

    The patient's ear skin may lose sensitivity. Her return may be accompanied by strange sensations similar to goosebumps, but you should not be afraid of this. Soon the sensitivity will return to normal, and you will feel as before;

    Some patients are convinced that by deciding to undergo otoplasty, they may lose their hearing or severely deteriorate it. This is not true, because the operation does not affect the inner parts of the ear;

    Be prepared for the fact that at first your ears will be bothered by sensations that are normal after surgery. However, everything uncomfortable the sensations will soon disappear, and your ears will delight you for the rest of your life. And this despite the fact that all traces after the operation will be invisible to others.

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External changes are visible immediately after surgery, Complete healing and recovery require 3 to 6 months. During this period, cartilage is formed and tissue shrinks.

If the operation was successful and the result satisfies the patient, re-correction is not required during life.


The photo shows the result of ear plastic surgery before and immediately after surgery.


How long does it take for ears to heal? The full rehabilitation course lasts six months. The final option depends on many factors, including how conscientiously the patient followed the recommendations.

What kind of operation is this? Otoplasty is a simple procedure. It is performed in 1.5-2 hours and does not require a long stay in the hospital. After surgery, a tight bandage is applied. The patient remains in the department for 2 hours and is given a cold compress. This time is enough for the anesthesia to wear off.

There is no pain immediately after the operation. The first signs of discomfort appear after a few hours. Severe pain syndrome can be observed within 3 days from the moment of surgery.

Painful sensations to varying degrees are observed for several months:

  • when pressed;
  • by cold;
  • wind;
  • from lying on your side.

How long should the bandage be worn?

Discomfort may be felt from the bandage. It is removed only with dressings, then put on again. The doctor allows it to be removed for 6-7 days. For a month, be sure to wear a bandage at night so as not to accidentally injure your ears. The main functions of the bandage are fixation, protection from damage, and reduction of swelling.

There are 2 types of compression bandages:

  • open compression bandage on the ears;
  • mask.

How long to walk in a sling? The first option is suitable for wearing immediately after surgery. The material is impregnated with an antibacterial solution and does not press too hard. The mask is a closed type bandage. Attaches with Velcro around the neck. The product is made of hypoallergenic material.

3 days after the operation, the patient is recommended to wear a bandage on his ears., it should fix well, but not squeeze the head. The fabric is treated with a silver solution, which speeds up healing.

The first week the bandage is worn around the clock. It holds gauze soaked in an antiseptic solution. After 7-8 days, when the stitches are removed, another elastic bandage is put on. You should wear a bandage while sleeping for a month.

If she rubbed her ears

Immediately after the operation, the bandage fits tightly to the head. This is important for fixation and proper formation of cartilage.

Patients feel discomfort and headache. This period must be endured. Later, you don’t have to tighten the clasp too much, as long as your ears are pressed down.

When and how are sutures removed?

Depending on the complexity of the operation, absorbable sutures may be used. If the doctor forms an antihelix for congenital protruding ears, mattress sutures are placed on the back surface of the ear. There are seamless techniques when a specialist corrects a defect using modeling. If the sutures do not dissolve, they are removed after a week. The scars are not visible because they are behind the ears.

Sleep Features

How is it recommended to sleep? Be sure to wear a fixing bandage during sleep for the first month. You can't sleep on your side. The head should be slightly higher than the body. You can use a bolster or a large pillow. The ideal sleeping position is on your back.

When can you wash your hair?

You are allowed to wash your hair 5-6 days after surgery only with water.

You can use baby shampoo for the next month. He is less aggressive. It is better to wash your hair in a standing position, carefully going around the seams. After removing the bandage, there will be some dried blood behind the ears. It can be removed with a cotton pad.

What not to do?

After surgery, it is important to observe a number of restrictions so that rehabilitation goes smoothly. The patient must limit himself from physical activity for the first month, avoid possible injury. If otoplasty was done in the summer, it is recommended to wear a hat to avoid exposure to sunlight.

The patient must:

  • stop wearing glasses for the first month and a half;
  • Do not peel off the crusts yourself;
  • limit water treatments, swimming in open water, swimming pools;
  • stick to a diet;
  • quit smoking and alcohol.

The operation can be performed on children. The well-being of the rehabilitation period depends on the parents: they must protect the child from injury and activity as much as possible for 21 days (3 weeks).

Side effects

Pain and swelling are normal after surgery.

If these symptoms persist for more than two weeks, you should consult a doctor.

Causes for concern are:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • hallucinations;
  • severe pain;
  • bleeding;
  • temperature rise above 38 degrees;
  • infection;
  • asymmetrical ears.

Unpleasant complications include scarring. Normally, the seams are light and almost invisible. A change in the sensitivity of the ears, a feeling that fluid is collecting inside, is a reason to consult a specialist.


How long do your ears hurt after surgery? Moderate pain during the first few days is normal and is easily tolerated by patients. If the discomfort cannot be tolerated, the patient is prescribed painkillers. Some act locally, others reduce overall sensitivity. For ear pain, drugs of the second group are suitable - analgin, diclofenac, tramadol, ketanov. If the pain intensifies and is accompanied by swelling and high fever, you should consult a surgeon.

Painkillers should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account contraindications.

Ketanov is the most effective drug. It should be taken for moderate to severe pain, 1 tablet (10 mg) per day. The maximum permissible dose is 40 mg.


When will the swelling go down and what can I apply to it? Swelling appears immediately after surgery and lasts up to 14 days. To reduce its severity, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs. When the bandages are removed, you can use the ointments “Indovazin”, “Bruise-Off”, “Badyaga”, “Allantoin”. A compression bandage helps reduce swelling. It is recommended to limit your consumption of spicy and salty foods during this period.


Hematomas appear due to the accumulation of blood. Normally they go away within a week or two. Sometimes the doctor suggests opening them to avoid spreading the infection. Only a specialist can determine whether a bruise will resolve or not. Hematomas are dangerous because the blood under the skin presses on the ear cartilage, which can lead to necrosis. The patient feels bursting pain and pulsation in the area of ​​injury. The wound is opened by a doctor, treated with antiseptics, and then a bandage is applied.

Ears itch

Itching can be caused by medications or prolonged wearing of a tight bandage. To stop the ears from itching, the bandage is removed, a fresh one is applied, and the patient is prescribed antihistamines (if there are allergies).

Complications and problems

Complications account for 1% of all postoperative cases. Unpleasant consequences can make themselves felt immediately or after some time. Why do the ears stick out again or do they end up looking different? These and other common problems are discussed below:

  1. Ears become swollen. The swelling of the ears itself should not be alarming. This is a normal reaction to trauma. If swelling lasts more than 2 weeks and other unpleasant signs are present (blood accumulation, high temperature, poor general health), you should consult a doctor. To reduce the tumor, it is recommended to make compresses with Dimexide. You need to dilute the solution with water to avoid getting burned. Before starting use, you should consult your surgeon.
  2. Ears stick out. Ear separation is a complication that occurs after reconstructive plastic surgery in case of poor work by the surgeon. The defect can only be eliminated through repeated intervention.
  3. One ear sticks out more than the other. Asymmetry worries patients in the postoperative period. You should worry if the angle of the ears is more than 3 mm. This defect occurs if during the operation the doctor is not convinced of the presence of exact proportions. Another cause of the defect may be the failure of the seams. You can fix the problem by coming back for surgery.
  4. Allergic reaction. Allergies can be caused by the action of iodoform, xeroform, ointments containing antibiotics. They are used for treating postoperative wounds and applying bandages. The allergic reaction can be controlled with antihistamines.
  5. Inflammation. The inflammatory process, coupled with swelling, redness of the skin, pain, indicates the development of infection. Inflammation is fraught with complications, including cartilage necrosis. In this case, the patient is admitted to the hospital.
  6. Perichondritis. Perichondritis is a consequence of the development of inflammation in the tissues of the auricle. It is dangerous due to the formation of cartilage necrosis. In case of bad circumstances, the surgeon removes dead tissue and covers the defects with local tissues or grafts.
  7. Ears fester. The infectious process is often accompanied by suppuration of damaged areas of the skin. Discharge appears as a result of improper treatment of wounds and sutures. Mild inflammation can be treated with medication at home. In more severe cases, with purulent melting of the cartilage, the patient is hospitalized and prescribed a course of antibiotics.

How should you protect yourself from an unsuccessful operation?

It is impossible to predict the outcome of the operation, the healing process and how well the ears will take root.

Repeated correction in some cases is the only option to correct the situation.

The causes of postoperative complications may be:

  • individual characteristics of the patient;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • low qualification of a specialist;
  • allergy;
  • poor treatment of sutures and wounds;
  • non-compliance by the patient with the doctor’s recommendations after surgery.

The surgeon must take into account the characteristics of the tissues and pay attention to the thickness and flexibility of the cartilage. Before the operation begins, he informs the patient about possible complications and talks about the rules of the postoperative regimen.

The patient must inform the doctor about the presence of chronic diseases, inflammations, and infections. You should stop taking blood thinning medications several weeks before surgery.. Poor clotting affects stopping bleeding during surgery.

Rehabilitation after otoplasty directly affects the result. Six months is the period when you can see the final result, because during this period cartilage is formed, new neural connections are formed, and sensitivity is restored. Negligence in observing the rules of asepsis affects the healing process and discharge of the ears.

The final result of ear surgery often depends on how successful the rehabilitation period after otoplasty will be. Strict adherence to the surgeon’s instructions after a professionally performed intervention guarantees a 99.9% successful outcome of the “battle for beauty.”

The rehabilitation period after otoplasty takes on average one month. In most cases, the operation is performed under local anesthesia. Upon completion of the surgical procedure, the patient is in the hospital hospital under observation for 1-2 hours. At this time, cold is applied to the operated area, after which you can go home for a quiet rehabilitation period after otoplasty.

Features of the rehabilitation period after otoplasty:

  • During the first two weeks, swelling is possible at the site of the surgical procedure, which gradually subsides.
  • Painkillers prescribed by the surgeon should be taken according to the recommended regimen. Thanks to this, the rehabilitation period after otoplasty will be painless.
  • The result obtained after aesthetic ear surgery becomes noticeable almost immediately, at the initial stage of recovery of the body, and lasts for life.

During the rehabilitation period after otoplasty, the patient must wear a fixing bandage: the bandage is worn continuously for two weeks, after which it can be removed for another two weeks during the daytime, but must be worn during sleep.

Upon completion of the operation, self-absorbing or regular sutures are placed at the surgical site. In the latter case, they are removed after 7-10 days.

Care of postoperative sutures

  • For the first three days of the rehabilitation period after otoplasty, a napkin soaked in a chlorhexidine solution is applied to the surgical area. This helps to disinfect and maintain sterility at the surgical site.
  • After these three days, it is enough to simply treat the seam with chlorhexidine and apply a fixing bandage.
  • Over the course of a week, dressings need to be done once every two days.

With proper and regular care, the sutures heal well without leaving scars. A month later, a second appointment with an aesthetic specialist is scheduled for examination and summing up the results of the rehabilitation period after otoplasty. All this time, the patient can sleep peacefully in any position convenient for him. You can swim the very next day after visiting the plastic surgery clinic. Please note that after contact with water, the seams must also be treated with chlorhexidine and the ear should be secured with a bandage.

The key to a successful rehabilitation period after otoplasty is also abstinence from physical activity for at least a month, after which you can gradually return to your usual activities. You can find out about the indications for ear plastic surgery, the features of its implementation at the Vidnova Clinic and the cost of this procedure,

A bandage after otoplasty is an indispensable attribute of the rehabilitation period after ear surgery. Thanks to a special bandage, stitches heal faster, swelling and bruising subsides. There are different types of fixation bandages. How to choose? How much is it?

Read in this article

Why do you need a bandage after otoplasty?

The main function of the bandage is to securely fix the ears after surgery and protect them from damage. It is important to keep the new one the shape of the shells, to prevent the appearance of scars or scars in the seam area. It is necessary to wear a bandage for the following purposes:

  • preventing the inflammatory process;
  • maintaining the result of plastic surgery;
  • relieving postoperative swelling;
  • accelerating tissue regeneration;
  • protect ears from damage and infection;
  • eliminating bruises.

The bandage secures cotton swabs soaked in special oil. It is important to choose the right size so that the material does not squeeze your head. To achieve the desired result, you must strictly follow all recommendations during the rehabilitation period. It is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • You can't wash your hair. The product may get into an open wound; you need to wait for the doctor's permission. If necessary, use dry shampoo.
  • You should sleep on your back. Incorrect position during rest involuntarily distorts the shape. To do this, it is recommended to slightly raise the head of the bed.
  • Wear the bandage at night. This measure prevents your hands from accidentally touching the damaged areas.
  • Limit physical activity. Excessive pressure should not be allowed for six months.
  • Put the glasses aside. The arches can cause infections when they get into an open wound.

Types of compression bandages for ears

There are several types of dressings that are used at different stages of the recovery process. The following types are distinguished:

  • open compression bandage on the ears;
  • mask.


The standard elastic version is recommended to be worn immediately after surgery. During this period, it is important to take care of the hygiene and condition of wounds in the ear area. A special fabric is impregnated with an antibacterial solution and protects wounds from infection. Elastic material does not put excessive pressure on the head and protects against mechanical damage. The advantages of this type are the following:

  • head mobility is maintained;
  • not hot;
  • The fabric allows air to pass through well.
Compression bandage for ears after otoplasty


The closed headband secures the new shape of the ears tightly thanks to the Velcro around the neck. During sleep, the mask protects against accidental head movements. The hypoallergenic material does not cause irritation, the light structure of the fibers has a deodorizing effect. However, there is one drawback - in the summer, wearing a mask is very hot. This may negatively affect the regeneration process.

Bandage-mask for ears after otoplasty

When to put on the device

Can I use an elastic bandage?

Quite often the question arises about the possibility of replacing a bandage with a simple elastic bandage, which is found in every home. This is highly discouraged for several reasons:

  • No fasteners. The special bandage has Velcro for fixing it on the head. Often the bandage is not wrapped tightly enough or too loosely. The stable position of the ears is not maintained.
  • The skin doesn't breathe. It will take a significant amount of material to wrap your head. As a result, the closed surface will be poorly ventilated, which may affect the regeneration process.
  • Not entirely practical. A special bandage will look much better on your head than a regular bandage.
  • Not very convenient. It is quite difficult to guess the required tension and size of the material to provide sufficient comfort.

To learn how to properly apply a gauze bandage to your ears after otoplasty, watch this video:

Bandage after otoplasty on the head

On the 3rd - 4th day after removing the bandage, you can put on a special bandage. The material is treated with a silver solution, which promotes active healing. The structure of the fabric allows the skin to breathe freely. It is recommended to purchase two pieces, as you will have to change them regularly. The bandage should be loose so as not to feel pain. The size is adjustable to suit individual needs.

How long to wear the ear bandage

For the first six days after surgery, it is mandatory to wear a compression bandage. It is fixed around special patches or soaked in solution

Sutures after otoplasty

gauze. Within two weeks, examination and dressing are carried out. The stages are as follows:

  • The first one is put on a day after otoplasty. Analysis of the results obtained allows us to foresee possible complications.
  • The second dressing is after 8 days. The special suture material dissolves or is removed by the surgeon.

It is forbidden to carry out such manipulations yourself. After just a week, you are allowed to wear the bandage only before bed. This must be done within one month to avoid damaging the seams. After six months, complete restoration of cartilage occurs. During this period, you should limit physical activity and wear a bandage to avoid any damage.

Where to buy a bandage and bandage

You can purchase this product at any pharmacy. The average price for a bandage is 1000 - 1500 rubles. Various colors allow you to choose the appropriate option for daily wear. It is recommended to pay attention to the size before purchasing. The fabric should fit loosely on your head. Excessive pressure causes pain and bleeding in the suture area.

Possible complications

Swelling after surgery

In such situations, the following complications are possible:

  • asymmetrical ear shape;
  • suppuration of damaged tissue;
  • inflammation, redness and infection;
  • scars and scars.

Minor bruising is considered normal in the area of ​​surgery.

Such symptoms disappear on their own within one month.

The correct choice of elastic bandage guarantees the achievement of the desired result. You can purchase different types at a low price at a pharmacy or any sports store. Thanks to the fixation of the ears, a beautiful shape is maintained, the healing process is accelerated, and the risk of complications is reduced. Within a year, the positive results of otoplasty will be noticeable with the help of a bandage.

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If you have congenital protruding ears, surgery will help correct everything. Many stars have been able to use plastic surgery to eliminate protruding ears, and an example of the work is a photo of them before and after.

Otoplasty literally means “ear reshaping” and in most cases this procedure is used to correct excessively protruding ears.

Abnormally protruding ears occur in approximately 5% of the population.

Protruding or protruding ears can cause psychological trauma to the patient due to unpleasant comments. The ideal age for correcting this defect is between five and seven years old, because at this age the ears are already fully formed and have an adult size, and also to prevent stressful situations for children who often face ridicule.

Otoplasty can help men, women and children of all ages overcome the embarrassment and frustration caused by irregularly shaped or protruding ears.

Otoplasty is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures for children. The surgeon's ultimate goal is to create a natural, proportional and symmetrical appearance of the ears.

Ears may appear enlarged due to the following factors:

  • the ear cartilage is formed without bending close to the upper edge,
  • an excessive amount of cartilage forms in the middle of the ear,
  • the angle between the ear is greater than normal.

Progress of the operation

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and is usually performed on both ears, but sometimes people have only one protruding ear that undergoes correction. Surgery on both ears can take approximately 120 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia, with additional intravenous sedation. For children, general anesthesia is used.

Otoplasty is performed by refining or thinning the cartilage structure of the ear. Surgical incisions are usually placed behind the ear in the natural crease (where the ear meets the head) and therefore scars from this procedure are usually not visible.

The technique varies depending on the problem that needs correction, and is usually a combination of cartilage resection and removal of excess soft tissue behind the ear. In most cases, surgery involves placing permanent stitches to position the ear closer to the head. After surgical cartilage correction, the skin at the back of the ear is secured in place using surgical sutures and then maintained in its new position using carefully applied pressure (bandage, compression bandage). If non-absorbable materials are used, sutures are usually removed 5-7 days after surgery.

Postoperative stage

During the postoperative phase of otoplasty, it is important to follow all instructions from the surgeon. Otoplasty is often performed on young children, so parents and caregivers play an important role in providing postoperative care. In general, the postoperative period for ear surgery is 7-10 days and includes normal recovery. Complications are rare.


Postoperative dressing is a very important part of surgery. After the procedure, the bandage compresses the surgical area and should remain in place for 48 hours. It will help maintain the new position of the ear in the immediate postoperative period, but mainly helps prevent the accumulation of blood (hematoma). You cannot manipulate the bandage yourself, even if there is slight bleeding (which is normal and should not frighten the patient).

It is important to monitor children after ear surgery to ensure that the bandage remains in place for the first 24 hours. The dressing is changed on the second and fourth days after surgery.

The dressing remains on the treated areas for the first five to seven days of the postoperative period. It is important not to move the bandage as this may increase the risk of infection and other complications. After removing the bandage, it is recommended to wear a compression bandage (elastic bandage) at night for 30 days. This will provide protection for your ears while you sleep to prevent them from shifting when moving. A compression bandage is needed to complete the healing of the cartilage.


In the postoperative period, the patient may experience mild pain. The pain is usually very minor. However, if the patient is hypersensitive to pain, the use of analgesics is recommended.

Ear sensitivity is a normal post-operative symptom that subsides quickly.

Patients typically describe feeling "pain and discomfort" rather than experiencing specific pain. These symptoms usually improve quickly after the surgical dressing is removed.

Swelling and bruising

During the first 2-3 weeks, noticeable swelling is observed. Bruises (bruises on the skin) may resolve spontaneously or require surgical drainage. It is important to remember that the body needs time to recover from surgical trauma. Your surgeon may recommend arnica ointments and medications to help relieve swelling and bruising post-oplasty. In some cases, the temperature may rise slightly over the course of two to three days.

Bleeding and bruising are rare. Sometimes slight bleeding may occur and, as a result, a hematoma forms between the cartilage and the skin, which quickly resolves on its own.

Patients are advised to stand as upright as possible during the early stages of recovery to allow residual swelling and bruising to resolve more quickly. After surgery, you should not take aspirin or medications containing aspirin or ibuprofen, as they have an anticoagulant effect.


It is important for patients to pay close attention to personal hygiene during the early postoperative period. You can take a bath 48 hours after the procedure, but you should not get the bandage wet.

After suture removal (7-14 days after surgery), patients are advised to gently shower and wash their hair daily to keep the wound healing area as clean as possible. It is recommended to wash your hair with warm water and mild shampoo (for example, baby shampoo). To dry your hair, use a soft towel, blotting it with gentle movements.

After the procedure, patients may be prescribed a week's course of antibiotics to minimize infections.

Chemical hair treatment (coloring, perm) is not recommended for several weeks after surgery, and only after consultation with a doctor. The earrings can be worn two weeks after surgery.

Sleep and rest

In the early postoperative period, the patient needs to sleep and rest as much as possible.

Young children should be kept at a low level of activity for the first few weeks after surgery.

During sleep, the patient's head should be supported by two or three pillows to keep the head elevated at 45 degrees relative to the horizontal position. It is also advisable to use two pillows on each side to avoid turning on your side during the night, which can cause harm to the operated area. The ideal position is on your back, with your head and body slightly elevated to reduce swelling.

Physical activity

The behavior of cartilage after remodeling is difficult to predict in the early postoperative period.

In the first 7 days, it is necessary to exclude any activity, exercise, or sport that can raise blood pressure and cause swelling.

To minimize injury, contact sports should be avoided. After two weeks, you can resume sports activities, but with caution so as not to subject your ears to excessive stress and possible injury.

Contact sports may be permitted after six weeks postoperatively. After a month, the patient can return to his normal physical activities, including gymnastics, swimming, etc.

Sun and warmth

The operated areas are sensitive to light for the first few weeks after surgery. Exposure to the sun is allowed only after 30 days. Until then, short walks in the sun are allowed, with the mandatory use of sunscreen. It is recommended to wear sunglasses for a month. Avoid extreme heat (eg, sauna, solarium). The skin is still sensitive and such exposure can cause 3rd degree burns.


Otoplasty scars are usually not noticeable because they are hidden in the groove behind the ear. In case of development of pathological scars (keloids), doctors practice local corticosteroid therapy and the use of silicone patches.

Possible risks and complications

Complications can occur with any operation. Cosmetic surgery is usually performed voluntarily on healthy patients. Complications after otoplasty are rare.

Complications that occur in the postoperative period may include wound dehiscence, infections, partial or complete necrosis of the skin of the ears, and large hematomas requiring drainage.

Due to the nature of otoplasty, some of the nerves that provide sensation to the ear will be shortened, and the ear may lose some sensation. Most sensation will return, but some parts of the ear may remain numb. Changes in sensation and numbness in the ears are a common side effect up to 12 months after surgery.

Ear cartilage has “memory,” which means that the cartilage tends to return to its original shape.

After any otoplasty, it is possible for the ears to return to a protruding or protruding state.

Rare infections can be successfully treated with antibiotics.


One week after surgery, initial aesthetic improvements in the shape and position of the ear can be assessed. After removing the bandage, patients immediately notice an improvement. Results will continue to improve over the next six weeks as residual swelling subsides, although the healing process is not yet complete.



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