Cigarettes made from wormwood. Longevity point

Warming with wormwood cigars is one of the most famous and effective treatment methods in traditional Chinese medicine. The technique is based on the deep knowledge of Chinese doctors about biologically active points and methods of influencing them with high temperature. The special medicinal properties of wormwood have been known since ancient times, but it is in traditional Chinese medicine that warming with wormwood cigars is used to restore blood circulation, normalize metabolic processes, enhance energy exchange, and treat diseases of internal and external “cold.” In China, the method of warming up with wormwood cigars is called ju therapy.

What are wormwood cigars?

It was not by chance that wormwood was chosen for the production of special medicinal cigars. Ancient Chinese doctors, studying the properties of various plants, came to the conclusion that dry wormwood leaves during the smoldering process create the optimal temperature to achieve an effective effect on biologically active points located on the surface of the human body. Additionally, the treatment process uses the special property of the smoke of smoldering wormwood leaves to have an inhibitory effect on bacteria. In Chinese medicine, wormwood cigars and cones are used for certain indications.

What is the treatment procedure?

Currently, specialists in the field of Chinese medicine use two main methods of influencing active points with wormwood cigars: non-contact and contact heating. Non-contact heating with wormwood cigars consists of bringing the tip of a smoldering wormwood cigar to a certain biologically active point at a distance of approximately 1.5 - 2 cm. The impact on each point when using this method is carried out for 2-3 minutes. Since there is no direct skin contact with the wormwood cigar, after using non-contact heating, slight and short-lived redness of the skin is observed. Contact heating with wormwood cigars, as is clear from the name of the technique, consists of direct exposure to a biologically active point with the smoldering tip of a cigar (or cone) through a special ginger or garlic plate applied directly to the skin. The duration and method of warming up, the number of procedures is selected by the doctor individually for each patient. Sometimes our patients have a question about how the points at which the warming effect is determined are determined. First of all, our specialists evaluate signals coming from the body itself. In particular, palpation of the patient's body provides information about points of pain as a result of digital pressure. Next, the points of pain in the vessels are assessed, on the surface of which the pulse wave is felt with the fingers. Finally, Chinese medicine uses points that correspond to hollow and solid organs. Such points are located in the vertebrae, the front surface of the body, head, arms and legs. The deep philosophy of Chinese medicine considers each condition of the human body as a chain of interconnected events, and therefore the principle of influencing the causes of the disease is applied in treatment, all functions of the body are restored, and natural protective reactions are stimulated.

Distant heating with wormwood cigars is effective for eliminating pain, increased muscle tone, vascular spasm (effectively eliminated by prolonged heat exposure to the points), diseases of internal organs caused by a decrease in their functions, paralysis, neurological diseases (a method with variable approximation and removal of smoldering wormwood is used cigars to the point), for skin diseases, neurodermatitis, eczema (prolonged heating of a large area of ​​skin). Contact heating with wormwood cigars is used to eliminate acute and chronic pain, diseases of the joints and spine, neuralgia and chronic diseases of internal organs. In the medical treatises of Ancient China, warming with wormwood cigars is recommended as a unique remedy for all “cold” diseases, in particular colds, fever, cough, nasal congestion, and decreased liver function.
There are many indications for the use of warming with wormwood cigars in Chinese medicine; our clinic specialists use every opportunity for your recovery.

Distant heating with wormwood cigars is effective for eliminating pain, increased muscle tone, vascular spasm (effectively eliminated by prolonged heat exposure to the points), diseases of internal organs caused by a decrease in their functions, paralysis, neurological diseases (a method with variable approximation and removal of smoldering wormwood is used cigars to the point), for skin diseases, neurodermatitis, eczema (prolonged heating of a large area of ​​skin), for allergies and other cases to improve health and well-being.


Export quality; free from stems, dust and mold; uniform texture; pleasant aroma. Golden moxa is made from extremely pure wormwood, which produces very little smoke.
In Chinese medicine, moxa products are generally divided according to purity - 1:1, 3:1, 8:1, 15:1, 20:1, 25:1, 50:1. What do these proportions mean? At a purity of 1:1, 1 kg of finished product is made from one kilogram of dry wormwood; with a purity of 3:1, 1 kg of product is made from 3 kg of dry wormwood, and so on. The higher the purity of moxa, the more yellow it is in color and the higher its potency.
Golden Smoky Moxa 50:1 was made from real five-year-old wormwood through a high-tech process that extracts one kilogram of product from 50 kg of pure wormwood, without adding other ingredients. The product contains more essential oil of better quality than other similar products. The smoke generated during combustion is harmless to humans and animals and can disinfect indoor air.


The wormwood treatment method is used for chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, allergies, diseases of the genitourinary system, skin, blood vessels, spine, joints, and osteochondrosis. Moxibustion therapy is used when nervous regulation is disturbed, headaches, depression, and sleep disturbances are observed. Moxas treat any colds and inflammatory, chronic and neurological diseases, mental disorders, depression, epilepsy, vegetative-vascular dystonia, radiculitis, chills, cold syndrome, dysmenorrhea, metabolic disorders of the body.

Gentle warming effect. This is often called overhanging heating. After one end of the wormwood cigar is lit, it should be brought closer to a distance of 3-4 cm to the selected point or area of ​​skin for the procedure. In this way, you can influence both a local point and a large area of ​​the body surface.

The leading rule of this warming is that during the procedure the patient should feel only pleasant warmth, but in no case pain. Each area should be heated for about 5-7 minutes, until hyperemia of the skin of the area where the effect is carried out appears. For children, as well as patients with impaired sensitivity, the doctor should use his index and middle fingers, between which there should be an area of ​​influence, in order to avoid burns to the patient. The main indications for this method are chronic diseases. In this case, the movements of the cigar can have different directions, which will change the name of the impact technique: Translational-rotational heating. The method of exposure to a wormwood cigar, when the doctor directs its lit end with circular or linear translational movements, most often in a certain area of ​​the body surface.

Pecking warming up. One end of the cigar is set on fire. With this end, the cigar is quickly brought up, and then just as quickly moves away from the chosen point, like a sparrow pecking at a grain of rice. By the way, in Chinese the combination que zhuo can be translated as a sparrow pecking (rice grain). An important condition of the method is the constantly changing distance between the surface of the body and the lit cigar. In this case, the degree of tissue heating depends on the purpose of the chosen treatment.

Direct pressure from a burning cigar. The impact on the point is made with a lit cigar by direct pressure on it through several layers of cotton fabric or paper. Simply put out the cigar on a cloth applied to the skin. The method involves repeated repetition for each point during the procedure, i.e., each time after the cigar is extinguished, it should be re-lit and the extinguishing should be repeated on the fabric covering the area of ​​the body, etc. The purpose of this method is to receive body tissues, directly skin and muscles from fire. It is used in the treatment of arthralgia that has developed as a result of the pathogenic effects of wind and moisture.

Contraindications: Severe alcohol intoxication, a state of strong anger, fright, fear, physical fatigue, overeating, in case of infectious diseases with provocations of fever, in case of poisoning.

Do not use if you have allergic reactions on the skin or at the locations of the lymph nodes.

Please note that moxa does not have Russian certification, although it has international ISO certification.

Mode of application: Light the cigar and direct the smoldering part to the heated acupuncture point. Exposure time is 5-20 minutes at a short distance from the patient’s body. After use, the cigar is extinguished.

Package: 6 items

Compound: wormwood leaves

Thickness: 1.8 cm.

Length: 20 cm.

Time for complete combustion of the cigar: about 2 hours.

Moxa purity: 25:1, 50:1

Excerpt: 5 years

Moxa is tightly packed in paper cylinders. Place of Origin: Nanyang, Henan Province.

Wormwood cigar, or moxa, has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time. It is used to treat a variety of diseases. The moxibustion procedure is one of the most effective in China and is called ju therapy. This treatment method is based on the knowledge of oriental doctors about biologically active points and the unique properties of wormwood.

What are wormwood cigars?

The wormwood cigar is made from wormwood. This herb for ju-therapy was not chosen by chance, because the leaves of the plant, during the combustion process, create the temperature regime necessary to influence biologically active points of a person. It does not create a spark, which eliminates the possibility of burns. In addition to heat, moxa produces smoke, which has antibacterial properties and has a beneficial effect on the body. This procedure is carried out strictly according to indications, and it can be done by contacting any Chinese medicine center.

More about Ju-therapy

In Eastern medicine, there are several types of thermal effects on acupuncture points, including distant thermopuncture, which is carried out with a wormwood cigar. Here, the heat emitted by moxa is aimed at stimulating the bioactive points of the body. With this effect, the skin area heats up to 43-45 ° C, without causing a burn. Today, any Chinese medicine center is able to offer several types of moxotherapy.

Cauterization with a cigar is divided into contact and non-contact. In the first case, the smoldering end of the cigar interacts with the patient's skin. The procedure here is carried out both with and without scar formation. In the scarless method, smoldering moxa is placed on the surface of the dermis. If there is a slight burning sensation, the burning cigar is replaced with a new one. If cauterization is performed with the formation of a scar, then the moxa on the body burns completely, and after it local hyperemia remains. Upon completion of the procedure, the remaining ash is removed from the body, and the epidermis is lubricated with butter mixed with salt.

With the non-contact cauterization method, a slice of garlic or ginger is placed on the patient’s skin (in some cases, salt is added), and a smoldering cigar is placed on it. The gasket material is selected depending on the disease.

Moxibustion with moxa can also be carried out at a certain distance (3-5 cm) from the human body. Here, the active points are affected not only by pleasant heat, but also by combustion products. This treatment has a positive effect on the skin and muscle tissue.

Using the above methods, not only the “longevity point”, which can be found under the kneecap of both legs, is cauterized, but also other biologically active areas of the body. Acupuncture points are determined by a doctor using palpation. They feel the most intense pulsation and pain. They are located on the surface of the entire body (on the head, limbs, torso) and are responsible for the functioning of one or another organ.

Ancient Chinese medicine assumes that every disease is caused by a series of events, therefore, with this method of treatment, the cause of the disease is affected. First of all, immunity increases and the full functioning of all organs is restored.

Indications for the procedure

Wormwood cigar is used for diseases of “cold” and “deficiency”. Moxa is used for colds and to relieve pain in the abdomen, stomach and joints. They also treat ailments in the back and lower back. Thermopuncture helps relieve pain during menstruation, and is also useful in cases of inadequate functioning of the “qi” of the spleen and blood.

Cauterization with moxa is indicated for skin diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Wormwood cigar is prescribed by Chinese doctors for the gag reflex, diarrhea and arthritis. Ju therapy helps with tuberculosis and the presence of pulmonary nodes. Sometimes cauterization is also performed after sunstroke, especially if it is accompanied by loss of consciousness.

There are many indications for performing this measure, and only a specialist can decide whether the procedure should be performed, based on the condition of the body, the degree of development of the disease and the presence of contraindications.

Burning with wormwood cigars: contraindications

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to resort to distant thermopuncture. Thus, the patient’s fever and fever are contraindications to the procedure. In this situation, the urine turns a deep yellow color and the stool becomes excessively dry. There is a rapid pulse, and the tongue becomes bright red with a yellow coating. The procedure is not performed in the presence of acute inflammation and poisoning.

Do not burn with wormwood cigarettes on the head, in the area of ​​the nose and eyes, in places where fresh wounds, scars and other injuries appear. Do not use moxa in the area of ​​lymph nodes and on sunmiga points. The procedure is prohibited for people with high blood pressure and pregnant women in the abdominal area. Cauterization is contraindicated for persons with blood and vascular diseases, or with hot bile. This technique cannot be used if the functioning of the sensory organs is impaired.

If the event is carried out using a wick, then it is positioned in such a way that it does not roll off and burn the patient. When using ginger or garlic, the wick should not burn for long to avoid causing a blister on the body.

When performing juju therapy, specialists look at the weather. Moxibustion with moxa is not done in wind, snow or rain. The ban on this event also applies to the 1st, 15th, 18th and 18th calendars. In addition, active points located on the right ribs are not cauterized in the fall, while on the left - in the spring. In summer, acupuncture points in the navel area should not be touched, and in winter, the lumbar region should not be treated.

If the cause of a person’s illness has not been established, then a trial session of juju therapy is performed. If your health worsens, no further procedures are performed.

Biologically active points

Moxibustion with wormwood cigars is carried out on two types of acupuncture points:

  • Areas that directly affect the disease. Painful sensations when pressed are observed in this area. They are located in the area of ​​arthritic lymph swirls on the bone tissue. This includes areas near wounds, malignant formations, swelling and various types of growths.
  • Biologically active points, the location of which only a doctor knows. As a rule, they are located in areas of circulation of the bile ducts, lymph, wind, blood and mucus.

A positive result directly depends on the point chosen for the procedure. A correctly chosen place has a beneficial effect on the movement of blood and wind, helps eliminate and relieve tension, pain, helps strengthen memory, and improves mental functioning. Saturates the stomach, kidneys and the entire body with warmth. A positive effect is also observed in dead tissue.

According to Eastern science, the first vertebra, if you look at the European scheme, it will be the seventh, is the point of the wind. If the wind is in the channel of life, then the patient may be bothered by headaches, rapid heartbeat, and arrhythmia. Confusion of thoughts, hysteria, trembling in the body, tinnitus, deafness, muteness and sleep disturbance are observed. The most beneficial effect is observed when this point is stimulated in old age.

The second vertebra, also called the bile point, is used in the treatment of jaundice. This area helps stabilize blood pressure, reduce the formation of bile and blood. Cauterizing this area is useful in the presence of a goiter.

The third vertebra is considered the mucus point. Its work is stimulated to treat diseases of the pulmonary system and heart. Cauterization of this area is indicated in case of poor mucus production, if nausea occurs and there is a malfunction of the stomach. Stimulate this point during nasal congestion and swelling.

Affects the functioning of the anterior lobes of the pulmonary apparatus. Activation of the point has a beneficial effect on “heavy” breathing, wet cough, and asthma. Stimulation of the point eliminates swelling that occurs due to unstable functioning of the pulmonary system.

The fifth vertebra affects the pathology of the posterior lobes of the pulmonary system, and the sixth is called the “vessel of life.” Stimulation of the seventh vertebra improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Next, in a certain sequence, are the points of the diaphragm, liver organ and spleen, as well as the active stomach, renal system, intestines, organs, both dense and hollow, bladder, menstruation and sperm.

Cauterization technique

Moxibustion therapy has been curing many diseases for many centuries. Wormwood cigars do not always consist of 100% wormwood; sometimes other medicinal plants are added to their composition. The basis of wormwood cigar therapy is the infrared rays emitted by the smoking end of moxa. Their wavelength ranges from 1-5.5 microns, and the burning temperature of wormwood cigars fluctuates around 825 °C.

The first step is to prepare the wick or wormwood cigars for moxotherapy. Wormwood leaves are thoroughly dried and dust is removed from them. The remaining parts of the plant are rolled into the shape of cigars with a diameter of 2 cm and a length of 20 cm. If the treatment is carried out with a wormwood wick, then the dry grass is rolled into a small ball. What to choose for treatment - a wick or a cigar - is decided by the doctor, based on the patient’s health condition.

The “zu san li” point and other active zones are usually cauterized with moxa at a distance of 3-5 cm. At this time, the patient feels warmth. If the procedure is performed with a wick, then it is placed directly on the skin and wait until the patient does not feel pain. One point is affected by only one wick or cigar. A layer of ginger (garlic or salt) is placed under them.

Cauterization with a wick has a greater therapeutic effect than the procedure performed with cigars.

Methods of remote moxibustion with moxa

Wormwood cigars have found their application in the treatment of many diseases. This procedure is aimed at stimulating thermoreceptors, which are located in a particularly sensitive area of ​​the skin.

Moxibustion is carried out using three methods. These are heat, pecking and ironing.

In turn, thermal cauterization can be carried out in several ways, these are:

  1. The wormwood cigar is located at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the skin, where it is aged for 5 to 30 minutes. In this way, neuralgia, diseases of the dermis and pathologies of the digestive system are treated.
  2. A small hole is made in a piece of ginger 0.5 cm thick, the diameter of which is 0.5 cm. This plate is placed on the active point. The cigar is set on fire and removed at a distance of 1.5 cm from the ginger slice. If a burning sensation occurs, the moxa is removed from the body for about thirty seconds, and then the therapy continues. The signal for the end of the session is red and moist skin. This therapy treats diarrhea, arthritis, and vomiting.
  3. Cut a plate from a clove of garlic and place the smoldering cigar at a distance of 1.5 cm from it. The session is carried out until the skin becomes slightly red. This is how tuberculosis is treated.
  4. Fill the navel with table salt to the surface of the abdomen. Place a slice of ginger root on top. Perform a cauterization ritual over it at a distance of 1.5 cm. It is recommended for coma, diarrhea, strong gag reflex, sunstroke.

Ironing cauterization with a wormwood cigar is carried out directly above the diseased area of ​​the skin, at a distance of one centimeter from it. Session duration is up to 15 minutes. This method is safe and does not injure the skin. Prescribed for paralysis and diseases of the dermis.

Before performing pecking ju therapy, the patient must give a sign if they feel a tingling or burning sensation. When such symptoms appear, lift the cigar upward with the burning end for a couple of seconds, and then continue the procedure. The pug moves up and down during the session. The duration of the procedure is 2-5 minutes. With this method of cauterization, you can act on two points alternately, transferring the wormwood cigar from one active area to another.

About the benefits of using wormwood cigars

Moxibustion therapy has the most beneficial effects on the human body. During the session, the patient feels a slight pleasant warmth. As a result, blood circulation improves and lymph flow increases.

During the procedure, each bioactive point (including the longevity point) is purposefully stimulated, which has a positive effect on the vital channels. Energy and strength are activated. The functioning of internal organs is restored.

In addition, wormwood, when exposed to the body, emits not only heat, but also smoke, which has antiseptic properties, which is very useful for diseases of the skin and diseases of muscle tissue.

This procedure helps cure many diseases. These are pathologies of the nervous system, mental disorders, tumors, epilepsy, various wounds, as well as spinal impingement. Moxa is also effective in the treatment of gynecological diseases, as well as in cases of reproductive dysfunction.


Moscow has become widespread. Cost of cauterization with wormwood cigarette in clinics:

  • "TAO" - 1200 rubles.
  • “Yellow Emperor” - 1600 rubles.
  • "ABC-medicine" - 540 rubles.
  • “Stolichnaya” - 1200 rubles.
  • “Amrita” - 500 rubles.
  • "BISS" -1200 rubles.
  • "Euromedservice" -1150 rubles.

Chinese medicine in Moscow is the cheapest in the clinical hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; here one cauterization procedure will cost the patient 330 rubles.

The thermal effect on the points is similar to acupuncture - it activates the flow of blood and Qi energy along the meridian, improves blood supply to organs and joints, and fills the entire body with warmth. This method eliminates moisture and wind accumulations from the body. The smoke from a cigar has a beneficial effect, as wormwood has a disinfectant, soothing and relaxing effect. There is no need to be afraid of painful sensations; the skin is reliably protected from smoldering particles. This is a non-contact method of treatment, although the Chinese themselves prefer to be treated by burning points on the body with the tip of a cigar. For Muscovites this is unacceptable due to their mentality, so we choose a protected, painless method.

Why does warming with a wormwood cigar cure diseases?

Moxibustion therapy is an auxiliary method and is used in combination with acupuncture, Tuina massage and cupping massage. This does not negate the high effectiveness of this type of treatment when used separately. Therapy is indispensable for some conditions associated with excess cold and moisture, since only warming can saturate the body with heat, give the organs fire energy, and warm up sore joints and vertebrae. Thermal effects on the navel area, where the Longevity Point is located, can significantly increase the body's defenses in several sessions, while placing needles on the same point will have a greater therapeutic effect on the internal organs.

The effect of heat on joints during exacerbation of rheumatic diseases, arthritis, arthrosis at the internal deep level revitalizes tissue, cartilage and bones. The heat penetrates deep into the joint, bringing relief. And again, this effect can only be achieved with the help of moxotherapy. Therefore, doctors at the TAO clinic prescribe this therapy to enhance acupuncture in order to significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment, solving several clinical problems per course.

The principle of moxotherapy is the following: We expel cold, moisture, and with them the disease. We return fire, warmth, and with them health.

Moxibustion therapy to prevent flu and improve immunity

With a weakened immune system, a person is susceptible to external infections and catches a cold three to four times a year. Taking medications, even immunomodulators, only weakens the immune system, as they are a gross invasion of fine hormonal settings. Increasing protective forces through hardening requires a long time and great willpower, as well as knowledge so as not to harm yourself. Therefore, the TAO clinic offers an ideal solution for a city dweller - increasing immunity by warming up with wormwood cigars. This method affects several factors at once: it eliminates congestion in organs, blood and lymph, imbues it with warmth, giving organs and cells a reserve of heat to protect from external influences in cold conditions, activates the production of interferons - a natural antibiotic, regulates the hormonal and endocrine system. Salvation for those who constantly freeze in the cold season and suffer from cold in the extremities. It has been proven that after one course of ten procedures, the patient begins to feel internal warmth at any time of the year.

For diseases of the musculoskeletal system

As we said above, this method is indispensable for achieving certain goals in the treatment of joints and the spine. Clinical practice shows that heating the sore spot triggers the process of tissue regeneration. This cannot be achieved with external medications - ointments, tinctures, rubbings, since they do not penetrate to a sufficient depth, producing a temporary external effect. Warming up, especially long enough, awakens cold and frozen, so-called “ossified” areas of the spine or joints. Flexibility increases, pain goes away, inflammation decreases. It has a beneficial effect not only locally, but also in general, as blood supply improves and this has a positive effect even on blood pressure.

Treatment of ENT diseases

Warming the face area with a wormwood cigar can significantly alleviate the condition of diseases such as rhinitis, including allergic and chronic, sinusitis, sinusitis, and otitis. A gentle thermal effect on biological active points in combination with inhalation of cigar smoke has a calming, warming effect. Relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, cleanses the sinuses, improves breathing and lung function. It is known that points on the face are associated with all organs. For example, around the nose there are points responsible for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, warming this area improves the functioning of the stomach, as well as the small and large intestines, which are responsible for immunity. There is a complex effect on the entire body, which significantly speeds up recovery.

Diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive system

Diseases associated with the accumulation and excess of cold and moisture in the genitourinary system - dysmenorrhea, cystitis, prostatitis, infertility can be treated with moxotherapy. The modern lifestyle of both men and women negatively impacts the reproductive system: inappropriate clothing that does not protect against the cold, poor nutrition during the cold season, and a sedentary lifestyle lead to stagnation of energy and dysfunction.

For example, in the language of Chinese medicine, the cause of dysmenorrhea is the solidification of energy as a result of cold and humidity. The doctor’s task is to warm the organ, expel moisture and cold, and dispel stagnation using heating, acupuncture, and cupping massage. Activation of meridians that increase the movement of Qi helps to revitalize the organ. Even chronic erectile dysfunction can be eliminated using moxibustion therapy in combination with other methods. Of course, subject to careful and precisely planned treatment, drawn up by the doctor after taking into account all related factors.

Neurological diseases

Neuralgia, facial paresis and other diseases of neurological origin are effectively treated with moxotherapy. The main cause of pain, which is very difficult to respond to drug therapy, and is often only anesthetic in nature, is a violation of the circulation of Qi energy along the meridians and channels. Treatment of neurological diseases requires high professionalism and extensive experience from the doctor, knowledge of the specific course of these diseases. Sometimes neurological pain is a consequence of other diseases that are not yet sufficiently manifested. And the doctor’s task is to identify the entire spectrum and provide assistance to the entire body. This brings tangible results. This is a great benefit for the patient - to give up analgesics, be able to sleep and not suffer from pain.

Other diseases that can be treated with moxotherapy

Digestive problems, weakening of the gastrointestinal tract

High swelling, lymph congestion

Dermatological diseases

Asthma, bronchitis and all diseases of the respiratory system

Diseases of the cardiovascular system


Infectious diseases


Poisoning of various origins



Severe mental disorders

I would like to talk about one of the methods of Chinese medicine, based on influencing a person’s active points by warming them with wormwood cigars, which is used to relieve pain and restore the normal functioning of internal organs. The method is called moxotherapy because... it uses moxa, a special cigar rolled from medicinal herbs. To carry out the therapeutic procedure, it is lit and brought to various active points, depending on what problems have been diagnosed.

Neuralgia of various origins (trigeminal, sciatic nerve), osteochondrosis, radiculitis, spinal diseases, joint diseases, gout - the effect of warming with wormwood cigars on pain points allows you to speed up the healing process, relieve pain, activate all metabolic processes and eliminate energy blocks.

Nervous disorders (insomnia, depression, decreased performance, impaired mental processes, stress) - the healing effect of this procedure is due to the fact that the heat and healing properties of cigars have a relaxing effect on the body, calming the nervous system, relieving muscle tone and increasing the therapeutic effect.

Colds (ARVI, flu) - treatment with wormwood improves the immune system, protects against viral diseases, has a bactericidal effect, and strengthens the body's protective functions.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract - this method allows you to relieve swelling, restore the functioning of the lymphatic system, normalize breathing, and get rid of a prolonged cough.

Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema) - a quick and deep effect on the skin with heat allows you to preserve youth for a long time, stimulate the internal forces of the body, stop the course of the disease and restore good health.

Also, warming up with wormwood cigars has a positive effect on all internal organs and systems of the body:

Promotes relaxation, reduces irritability, improves performance;

Improves immunity by stimulating the internal forces of the body and killing bacteria (the body is less susceptible to colds, viral diseases occur in a much milder form);

Relieves sharp pain and swelling;

Normalizes metabolism in the body;

Improves the functioning of the digestive, respiratory, genitourinary and cardiovascular systems;

Slows down the aging process;

Regulates the circulation of vital energy;

Strengthens the effect of other medical procedures.

To create such cigars, I use wormwood, the dry leaves of which, when burned, create the most suitable temperature for an effective thermal effect on active points. Wormwood generally has a lot of healing properties, relieves fatigue and, as a rule, is used to improve blood circulation, normalize metabolism, treat various “cold” diseases (in particular Raynaud’s disease), and stimulate internal energy. To warm up the back, I usually use cigars about 2 cm thick. For the rest of the body, thinner ones (1.5 cm).

Cigars made from wormwood provide deep heat and relieve pain very quickly. During treatment, there is only one inconvenience - the smoke that comes from these cigars. But if you have space in your house or apartment (in the bathroom, for example), you can safely smoke and undergo successful treatment. At the same time, the smoke from a burning wormwood cigar also has a healing effect on the body through the respiratory system and skin, and the smoldering leaves create an antioxidant effect. In terms of its healing properties, wormwood cigars have no price - this is a very powerful method of treatment, which I have been using for thirty years.

Making wormwood cigars is not difficult. In August, when wormwood blooms, you need to collect its flowering tops 20-25 cm long, dry them in the shade and grind them into flour in a meat grinder. As I already mentioned, the cigar should be up to 2 cm in diameter. According to this size, you need to prepare a stick and select paper. The best paper is made from table napkins, because other paper burns slower than wormwood, and then little heat is released, and the napkin burns along with the wormwood. Before preparing a cigar, cut the napkin into four parts, take a stick, wrap paper on it and seal it. The paper should not turn out to be a tube, but a cylinder. You bend one end of it, insert a watering can into the other, add well-crushed dry wormwood, seal it with a pencil and wrap the other end. Now the cigar is ready. You can light it from any side.

When warming up, the cigar must be constantly moved along the problem area, because it emits a strong temperature.

By the way, there are quite a few ways to apply heat to a cigar: approaching and removing moxa, moving it in a circle, in a straight line, parallel to the surface of the skin.

When treating a small child, I place his hand, spread the fingers and warm between them, and with my hand I try to feel the temperature so that the child does not burn too much. One or two such warm-ups are enough for a child to get rid of any cold.

In general, for a targeted effect of moxa, it is set on fire and brought to the desired point on the body, holding it vertically at a distance of about 1 cm from the skin. When a cigar burns, infrared radiation is generated, causing the patient to feel a feeling of warmth. Warming up one bioactive point can take from 3 to 5 minutes, one session lasts from half an hour to 1 hour.

Also, from my own practice, I will tell you about warming up with a wormwood cigar for bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis. To treat these diseases, there are a number of energy points distributed throughout the body.

The first point - he-gu, is located in the middle of the triangle between the thumb and index fingers of both hands. I cauterize them one by one - first on the left hand, then on the right.

The second point is the “gate of the lungs”, located 1 cm below the middle of the collarbone, the point is also symmetrical. Warming it up provokes the removal of sputum.

The third point is the peak of the jugular notch (the transition of the neck to the chest).

The last point lies on the 7th cervical vertebra.

At the beginning of the session, for greater effectiveness, I treat the heated area with the notorious Vietnamese star balm or eucalyptus oil and massage it lightly. I light the moxa and direct the smoldering tip to the desired place at a distance of 1.5-2 cm, so that my patient feels a pleasant warmth spreading throughout the body. If it’s too hot, I move the cigar slightly away. I do all this with circular rotations, and complement the 7th cervical vertebra with a longitudinal movement of the moxa to the border with the shoulder blades.

I work on each zone for 3 to 5 minutes. Such warming increases the flow of blood to the selected places, and from them to the respiratory organs. The smoke of smoldering wormwood promotes mucus secretion. I complete the moxibustion ceremony on the longevity points “tzu-san-li”. To find them, sit on a chair and place your palms on your knees, fingers down, and then feel the dimple under the pad of your ring finger.

At the end of the session, I extinguish the cigar not in water, but lower it into a narrow vessel, limiting the access of oxygen.

For preventive purposes, I conduct 3-5 sessions every other day; in the treatment of respiratory pathologies, 7 to 9 daily procedures are required.

When treating bronchitis and asthma remissions, I repeat a shortened course after 2–3 weeks.

Vladimir Romanovich Shashok, Dnepropetrovsk region, Pavlograd



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs