Wait for your period after curettage. Reasons for heavy periods after curettage

Things happen in a woman's life unpleasant situations, in which they have to undergo surgery in intimate area. Curettage of the uterine cavity is prescribed according to various indications, but most often gynecologists perform the procedure to eliminate an unplanned pregnancy.

Such an invasion of the female body cannot pass without a trace, and therefore complications often develop after cleansing. The most common is after curettage and a change in the nature of the discharge.

What is curettage?

The uterus is hollow organ, consisting of muscles and covered inside with endometrium. The path to it leads through the cervix, located in the vagina.

During ovulation, the mucous membrane thickens so that the fertilized egg can attach.

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If conception does not occur, during menstruation the upper layers of the endometrium are shed and come out along with vaginal discharge.

Curettage involves instrumental separation of the endometrium of the uterine cavity, required for various indications.

During the procedure, the gynecologist dilates the cervix to provide access to the hollow organ.

The woman can be anesthetized beforehand local anesthesia. And only after that he cleans and collects biological material for histological examination. Its results will show the presence or absence of oncological changes in the uterus.

Reasons for using this method

There is a type of curettage in which the gynecologist finds out the source of disorders in the woman’s body.

Diagnostic curettage is performed in the following cases:

  • irregular periods;
  • bloody discharge between periods;
  • long periods with heavy discharge;
  • bleeding during menopause;
  • suspicion of oncology;
  • inability to conceive a child.

The purpose of cleaning is to take tissue samples to make a correct diagnosis.

This method is used for the main or auxiliary treatment for such diseases:

  1. – availability in muscle layer benign neoplasm of the uterus. With this pathology, women often experience heavy bleeding.
  2. and cervix are formed due to pathological proliferation of mucous membranes. Cleaning is necessary to remove them, because some types can degenerate into cancerous tumors.
  3. occurs due to active cell division. The growth and thickening of the mucous membrane is benign, but still requires surgical intervention due to an increased risk of cancer.
  4. inflammatory disease, covering upper layer endometrium. In some cases, curettage is prescribed along with antibiotics.
  5. After childbirth. Cleaning is carried out in order to remove the remains of the placenta and blood clots from the muscular organ if it is impossible for them to pass on their own.
  6. Frozen pregnancy. Over time, the dead embryo begins to decompose in the uterine cavity, thereby poisoning the woman’s body with rotting products. Therefore, immediately after diagnosing a frozen pregnancy, cleaning the uterine strip is necessary.
  7. Miscarriage. In spontaneous abortion, fragments of fetal tissue often remain in the uterus. They can provoke infection and cause severe bleeding.
  8. . Artificial termination of pregnancy is carried out using curettage. On early stages A more gentle method is used - vacuum cleaning. Termination of pregnancy is carried out at the request of the woman or due to indications that threaten her life. And also an abnormally developing fetus must be removed.

If a woman is diagnosed ectopic pregnancy and at the same time the embryo is fixed in the cervix, then only this organ is cleansed. Curettage of the uterus itself is also required if the fetus develops in other organs.

How does curettage affect the female body?

Naturally, curettage of the uterine cavity is a common surgical procedure.

But still, it is an invasion of a woman’s body and often leads to serious disorders:

  1. Cleaning negatively affects hormonal levels and the functioning of the ovaries, which is manifested by a delay in menstruation, and in some cases, the absence of ovulation for several cycles.
  2. Instrumental cleansing of the uterus leaves damage to its walls. An infection may develop in the organ and an inflammatory process may begin, without effective treatment a woman is at risk of becoming infertile. Curettage is the hardest to endure nulliparous women, their body has not yet encountered an increased hormonal load.
  3. In addition, cleaning may negatively affect nervous system women. Emotional instability is especially noticeable after an abortion and a frozen pregnancy. The woman stays for some time in a lost state, does not know what to do next and how to survive what happened.
  4. On psychological condition imbalance of hormones also affects. Therefore, a woman experiences irritability, nervousness and tearfulness.

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Discharge after brushing

Removal of the mucous membrane provokes bleeding in the uterus, which lasts for some time after the operation. Normally, it should not differ from the discharge when normal menstruation when natural endometrial shedding occurs.

Types of discharge:

After 5-6 days in case of normal course postoperative period The woman's discharge stops. During this period, lingering pain in the abdomen and lower back is possible. They point to normal contraction uterus.

First menstruation after curettage

How long it will take for the first period to arrive after cleaning depends on the quality and type of operation, individual characteristics female body and the occurrence or absence of complications.

Normally, the day when the manipulation in the uterus was performed is considered the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. It turns out that your period should start in 28-35 days. Their structure and duration do not change.

Nature of the discharge

After curettage, carried out to eliminate hyperplasia or watering, menstruation comes scanty. There is no discharge for some time after an abortion, frozen pregnancy or miscarriage. This period is necessary for a woman’s body to return to normal. reproductive function.

When should your period start?

My personal story

With premenstrual pain and unpleasant discharge, it's over!

Our reader Egorova M.A. shared her experience:

It's scary when women don't know the real reason their diseases, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state gynecological health our women are simply catastrophic, every second woman has some kind of problem.

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Delayed menstruation after curettage

The absence of menstruation after the deadline should force the woman to consult a gynecologist to identify the reasons. Most often, after an abortion, the patient experiences hormonal disbalance, because her body has already adjusted to bearing a baby, that’s why there are no periods.

After cleansing, the hormone progesterone continues to influence the lining of the uterus, preventing it from shedding normally. Precisely because hormonal disorders gynecologists prescribe to the patient after curettage oral contraceptives. Otherwise, ignorance about the onset of ovulation can lead to a new unplanned pregnancy.


After curettage, a woman is prescribed antibiotics for 5-7 days. This is necessary to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

The most serious complication after curettage, infertility is considered. After surgery, a woman’s body cannot restore reproductive function.

How to distinguish pathological bleeding from normal?

Regardless of the reason for curettage, women begin to bleed after surgery. Normally, it lasts no more than 5-10 days; scanty brown discharge may be observed for up to 2 weeks.

It is important for a woman to monitor her condition and changes that indicate negative consequences.

So, oh abnormal bleeding They say:

  • heavy discharge lasting more than 1 month;
  • bad smell discharge;
  • uncharacteristic color of discharge;
  • exit large quantity blood clots;
  • a sharp increase in the intensity of discharge.

Immediate health care required by a woman upon appearance general weakness, severe dizziness, sharp pain in the lower abdomen and an increase in body temperature above 38°C. After the examination, the gynecologist may decide to repeat curettage.

Painful periods after curettage

For 3-4 months after cleansing, a woman’s menstruation may be accompanied by severe pain.

This phenomenon is typical when the menstrual cycle is disrupted and hormonal levels after injury to the endometrium of the uterus.

The body needs time to restore all functions and systems.

On the day of the start of menstruation or a few hours before it appear painful sensations lower abdomen. They can be aching, spasmodic or stabbing in nature.

Sometimes discomfort cover the rectal area, Bladder And lumbar region. For elimination pain syndrome a woman is recommended to take antispasmodics, for example, Drotaverine.


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How to restore and maintain the menstrual cycle?

If a woman does not experience any complications after curettage of the uterine cavity, then the restoration of the menstrual cycle will occur on its own.

In after rehabilitation period restoration of the menstrual cycle should be given increased attention.

Thus, gynecologists prescribe oral contraceptives to women not only to exclude unplanned pregnancy, but also to stabilize reproductive function and hormonal levels.

The type of drug, regimen and duration of administration are selected by the doctor and are based on the reason for the curettage and the result of the hormone test. Most often, a woman will have to take Logest, Janine or other effective oral contraceptives for six months.

Resumption of sexual activity is possible only after the completion of the first menstruation, and then only if the woman’s condition is satisfactory. Early sexual intercourse can provoke inflammation in the uterus and infection. Moreover, this muscular organ after cleaning it is extremely vulnerable and a woman may begin to bleed profusely after sex.

To restore the menstrual cycle, it is important to exclude the development of complications after surgery.

For this purpose, the woman is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures:

2 months after curettage, endometrial tissue is collected at an appointment with a gynecologist. A biopsy is necessary to study and evaluate the condition of biological material at the cellular level.

After satisfactory results, the woman can begin planning a pregnancy. But gynecologists still recommend giving the body time to rest and recover. Therefore, it is better to postpone conception for at least six months.

It is important for a woman to avoid situations in which she will have to use the method of curettage of the uterine cavity.

After all, scars subsequently form on this organ, preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg. in this case, it will take a lot of time and the likelihood of never knowing the joy of motherhood is incredibly high.

Required certain time so that a woman who has undergone curettage can restore her reproductive system. Most optimal indicator complete normalization of ovarian function and hormonal levels is the regularity of renewed menstruation. True, there is one condition here: the first menstruation after curettage should not differ from the usual ones - neither in its intensity, nor soreness, nor body temperature.

Date of onset of the first menstruation after curettage depends on many reasons: the method of termination of pregnancy, the duration of pregnancy, the age of the patient and, in general, her previous medical history.

As a rule, menstruation should normally occur approximately 28-35 days after curettage. That is, curettage in this case is, as it were, the time of the onset of menstruation, from which the usual countdown of its cycle begins.

But, unfortunately, after curettage of the uterus a common occurrence menstrual irregularities occur.

What are the causes of menstrual irregularities after curettage?

First of all, you need to look at motives for scraping itself .

For example, after diagnostic curettage, hormonal levels are not disturbed. But after abortive curettage for the purpose of termination of pregnancy is justified.

In any case, interference with the body is potentially dangerous. At least because during the procedure some kind of infection may be introduced, due to which the inflammatory process begins. That is why it is important to follow the simplest rules after curettage: avoid physical exertion, overwork, stress, and hypothermia.

Heavy bleeding during menstruation after curettage

There are, and quite often, cases when the first menstruation after curettage is extremely heavy. In this case, you will have to contact your treating gynecologist. Usually, in order to find out, the doctor asks how often you change your pads. If you change them more often than once every three hours, then the bleeding can be called heavy. In addition, if you get up in the middle of the night to change the pad, this is also a sign of some kind of disorder. Since at night physical activity decreases and bleeding usually becomes less severe.

Usually in such cases the doctor prescribes hemostatic drugs. You can, of course, use collected in the summer nettle, brewing it like tea. But nettle will give too weak an effect; it is better to take special medications.

Bleeding a few days after curettage

If bleeding begins a few days after cleaning, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is necessary to pay attention to associated symptoms: bad feeling, elevated temperature body, pain in the lower abdomen. If all of the above symptoms are present, there is reason to believe that during cleaning, particles of membranes were left in the uterus. This happens when pregnancy is terminated. An ultrasound should be done immediately. Get tested for hCG. Most likely, you will have to carry out.

Scanty periods after curettage .

If the first menstruation after curettage is scanty, with an unpleasant odor, dark Brown, this could mean that either started infectious inflammation, or endometriosis. Without visiting a doctor and passing everything necessary tests and this is not enough.

Remember one more thing: a woman can become pregnant within two weeks after curettage. Therefore, it is important to immediately select reliable contraceptive, which again the doctor will do for you.


The recovery period after uterine curettage is several weeks. It is considered normal if menstruation begins after as many days as the patient’s cycle lasts. But there are violations due to the fact that the body needs to recover after an interrupted pregnancy or an infection was introduced during the procedure. Heavy periods after curettage should be the first call to see a doctor. Contraindicated in the postoperative period physical exercise, and personal hygiene should come first.

Causes of heavy discharge

The first period after the procedure should begin after as many days as the woman’s cycle lasts. But if they are very abundant, then this is already a sign of complications that have begun and you should immediately consult your doctor.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • Most often this happens if particles of the fertilized egg remain in the uterine area. A few days after the procedure, they begin to decompose. The patient experiences pain in the lower abdomen and a fever.
  • Severe bleeding can begin when the mucous membrane of the uterus or its cervix is ​​injured. Damage to the mucosa is very dangerous injury and can lead to incurable infertility. Bleeding may be so profuse that the patient may die from blood loss. Cervical rupture can occur in nulliparous patients, and the blame for this falls on the doctor who performed the cleansing.
  • The infectious background after surgery also depends on the doctor’s conscientiousness. Often during these procedures an infection occurs and inflammation in the uterus begins, which also leads to heavy discharge having an unpleasant odor and consistency.

IN best case scenario In the patient, due to cervical spasm, blood stagnates in the uterus, and after relaxation, blood flows out violently with clots.

How to normalize menstruation after curettage?

Curettage is a procedure after which it takes time and correct behavior to restore the body. Physical activity and hypothermia are contraindicated for women. You cannot be sexually active at this time.

The nature and time of the onset of menstruation depends on the reasons for which the uterus was cleaned:

  • Usually, after diagnostic curettage, menstruation quickly returns to normal, within one cycle.
  • If curettage is performed after a long-term miscarriage or after an abortion, the balance of hormones must be restored in the body, and menstruation may occur within a few months.
  • Heavy periods after a missed pregnancy indicate complications that need to be treated. The reasons must be determined by a doctor. This could be a hormonal imbalance, an inflammatory process, or remnants of pieces of tissue in the uterus.

Hormonal imbalances can occur as a result of stress. They are treated with hormonal and sedatives. Inflammatory process requires antibiotic therapy, and if remains of an amniotic egg are detected in the uterus, another cleaning is prescribed. After treatment, menstruation returns to normal and the cycle is restored.

How long does it take for periods to completely return to normal?

There are no clear limits on the time when menstruation will fully recover after cleansing. They are individual for each woman. If the cleaning was carried out efficiently, and the woman followed all the doctor’s instructions, and there are no deviations, then menstruation will begin on time as usual before the cleaning (cycle from 21 to 35 days).

If the pregnancy is terminated, there may be a seven-day delay. But if complications arise, then menstruation will be restored only after therapy. When the effects of cleansing are completely cured, then everything will return to normal. In severe cases, this may take many months.

Sometimes your period may not come long time. The reason for this may be the accumulation of blood in the uterus as a result of a spasm that does not go away. The same can happen as a result new pregnancy(fertilization can occur 10-15 days after cleaning).

After curettage, a lot of bloody vaginal discharge can be considered normal if it is painless and lasts no more than ten days. But if there is pain in the uterine area and fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. Prolonged periods should also be a cause for concern. You should not try to self-medicate. Advanced pathologies can lead to infertility, and even to removal of the uterus.

An important role in a woman’s well-being is played by strict compliance with all doctor’s instructions. Physical activity should be avoided bad habits and hypothermia. Need to pay attention Special attention nutrition, take more vitamins, exclude fried, smoked, fatty foods. Personal hygiene must be thorough and mandatory. For any deviations from the norm, contact a specialist.

When will my period come after cleaning? approximate dates? Yes, after 25-30 days, on average. That is, the day the procedure was performed can be considered the first day of the menstrual cycle. Many doctors prescribe with the same or with next day take oral contraceptives. It is not recommended to plan pregnancy after cleansing during the same menstrual cycle; tablets are also prescribed for this reason. And for a woman, this is also convenient from the point of view that her menstruation will begin approximately 3 days after the last pill taken from the package. And menstruation after cleansing a frozen pregnancy is so convenient to predict. After this event in life, a woman is also often recommended to first be examined. Don't rush into getting pregnant again. By the way, sex life After curettage of the uterus it is not recommended at all for 1 month. But if it’s really unbearable, then only after the complete cessation of vaginal discharge and using a condom.

If a woman cannot wait for her first period to start after cleaning, more than a month has already passed, she is prescribed an ultrasound of the uterus. And depending on its results (they look at the thickness of the endometrium), they decide whether to prescribe drug therapy to speed up the onset of critical days or you can wait a little. Under drug therapy understand taking the drug with progesterone. Duphaston tablets are usually prescribed. After finishing taking the drug, menstruation begins soon.

What kind of periods are there after curettage? Are they any different from those before the procedure? Much depends on the quality of the procedure performed. Sometimes doctors damage the inner layer of the uterus, which causes the endometrium to grow poorly, and then scanty periods occur after cleaning. By the way, light discharge will be at the reception oral contraceptives. But then this is rather a plus. Thus, women who have undergone a “cleaning” due to endometrial hyperplasia or polyp should expect light discharge. After all, they are the cause of heavy bleeding. Scanty discharge is an indication that the procedure has achieved the main goal of treatment.

It’s much worse when you have heavy periods after cleansing, especially if it was performed specifically to prevent bleeding. This may mean that there was hyperplasia, but not all of the endometrium was removed. Diagnosed when ultrasound examination. But in this case, a repeat procedure is not prescribed, but rather they are explained how to reduce blood loss. Usually used modern drug Tranexam or ibuprofen at a dosage of 400 mg every 4-5 hours. This helps to significantly reduce blood loss.

Resumption of the menstrual cycle after gynecological cleansingmain feature restoration of health. After curettage, menstruation should begin as usual after the due date. Any deviation is a reason to consult a doctor to prevent further complications.

– this is the removal of the surface layer of the mucous membrane (the functional layer of the endometrium) from the uterine cavity. This procedure negatively affects general state health of a woman, traumatizes the uterus, therefore it is carried out only in forced situations.

– endometrium. It in turn consists of a deep basal and outer functional layer.

Basal is the basis for successful external growth. Each cycle given functional layer grows, matures, becomes thicker (at this moment a fertilized egg is attached to it).

If conception does not happen, then the overripe functional layer is torn away from the walls of the uterus and brought out - menstruation begins, and then the cycle of endometrial maturation is repeated again.

When menstruation resumes after curettage depends on the reason for which it was performed:

  • after diagnostic curettage, menstruation will be restored quickly - according to the usual cycle of 3-5 weeks (the procedure is carried out on the eve of critical days, which coincides with natural process– physiological restoration of the endometrium);
  • therapeutic curettage is carried out after the end of menstruation, when the functional layer itself has moved away, and the cavity can be cleaned more efficiently and deeper;
  • , abortion or frozen pregnancy can last up to 5–7 weeks (recovery requires not only the genitals, but also hormonal cycle).

Doctors use two methods of performing the procedure: vacuum (more painful, but less traumatic) and curettage ( surgical cleaning a tool in the form of a spoon with an elongated handle). The second method often leads to damage during cleansing of the uterus, especially with atony or looseness of the organ.

Menstruation after a miscarriage without cleansing occurs at the scheduled time (3-5 weeks).

Curettage is not done if the gestational age does not exceed 4–9 weeks. fertilized egg, as a rule, comes out entirely, and the doctor simply prescribes a control ultrasound. In this case (unlike abortive cleansing, which damages the uterus and cervix), recovery is easier.

When menstrual bleeding occurs after other endometrial diseases depends on the depth of the cleaning performed. If the procedure was completed without disturbances or complications, the cycle will resume within the prescribed 3–5 weeks. If the basal layer is severely injured, recovery will take longer.

ABOUT full recovery You can tell when your period starts and your monthly cycle is completely restored.

After the procedure, the woman observes bloody issues, which last about a week: 2-3 days of a red tint, then change color to brown. Their scarcity speaks of normal course the healing process, when menstruation should begin after curettage in due time - in 3-5 weeks.

What will the first menstruation be like?

When menstruation resumes after curettage depends on several factors:

  • reasons for cleaning the uterus;
  • characteristics of the body;
  • method of performing curettage;
  • presence of complications.

The first menstruation should be expected 28–35 days after the operation. You can focus on your usual cycle - the second and subsequent menstruation will fully correspond to it.

If a procedure was carried out to eliminate a frozen pregnancy or an abortion, the waiting period will extend to 35–45 days (recovery of hormonal levels and organs is required).

In the normal course of the postoperative period diagnostic curettage will not lead to delays, since the hormonal cycle is not disrupted. Menstruation after cleansing will begin no later than 35 days later. Deviations from the norm in this case can be attributed to the characteristics of the body.

If the indications for cleaning were gynecological diseases, which caused irregularities in the menstrual cycle (polyps, adhesions, uterine bleeding), menstruation will come earlier - 1 month after curettage. And after this, the woman’s usual cycle will be restored.

The first menstruation is the main indicator of how successful the operation was. Of course, it will be different from normal. Normal periods are more scanty and not as painful as after cleansing.

It is important not to confuse menstruation with new bleeding. The uterus is a large open wound, light discharge lasts for a week, it becomes less every day, then spotting begins. The maximum duration is 10 days.

After cleaning, your period comes no earlier than 3 weeks later. Bleeding most often begins after a few days or 1–2 weeks.

Only when normal periods begin can a woman be sure that the operation was successful.

Violations that are most common

Menstruation after cleansing is an indicator of recovery. The process does not always go smoothly, and the following violations often occur:

  • menstruation after curettage is very heavy;
  • no period after 60 days;
  • scanty discharge with an unnatural color and unpleasant odor;
  • bleeding 2 weeks or earlier after curettage;
  • deviations from the norm (lost cycle, too prolonged bleeding, scanty or heavy periods).

Often disturbances are accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, sharp pains lower abdomen.

If there is no menstruation for 2 months or other listed symptoms are observed, the woman should immediately consult a doctor in order to avoid complications.

Complications after curettage

Serious concerns arise when periods after cleansing have not started after 7 weeks. This indicates the presence of complications that can lead to bad consequences.

To find out the reasons why there is no period for a long time after the curettage procedure, you need to consult a gynecologist.

  1. Cervical spasm. Blood accumulates inside the cavity, which begins to rot, causing infections of the woman’s organs and genital tract, endometriosis.
  2. Hormone failure. If curettage was performed after a failed pregnancy (abortion, miscarriage), then restoration of the cycle is prevented high level progesterone. Therefore, after an abortion, doctors often prescribe oral contraceptives to women - they help rebuild hormonal levels.
  3. New pregnancy. It is possible after 2 weeks.
  4. Scraping in medicinal purposes. Requires more recovery time.

If your period comes earlier than 14 days after curettage, this indicates bleeding. The uterus is probably loose after the operation and the blood vessels contract poorly.

The first menstruation after surgery often differs from the usual, but the second and subsequent times the cycle returns to normal (this applies to timing and volume). Failure speaks of serious violation hormonal background.

Changes in usual volume menstrual bleeding may be caused by pathologies:

  1. Excessively heavy, with clots, too long periods indicate uterine bleeding. If the gasket has to be changed more often than once every three hours, this indicates insufficient quality of scraping, and heavy bleeding will lead to uterine atony. Endometrial polyposis is also possible (polyps - benign neoplasms in the uterine cavity), especially after termination of pregnancy.
  2. Scanty discharge with an unpleasant odor and unnatural color, severe pain may indicate endometriosis.

The first period to start is after diagnostic cleaning. If they come 3 weeks after the procedure, then this is normal, especially when a woman has a short menstrual cycle.



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